memon brochure - Home - Natural Living Technologies


memon brochure - Home - Natural Living Technologies
Natural quality of life yes.
Negative environmental influences no.
Naturally. Better. Living.
Naturally. Better. Living.
Our opinion and belief.
The memon philosophie.
There is considerable debate at the moment
over whether and to what extent negative environmental influences, such as electrosmog,
geopathic fields of interference and contaminated water, are harmful and have a negative influence on our quality of life. People even argue
whether electrosmog or earth radiation even
exist, and indeed what the terms actually mean.
We are familiar with this type of debate from the
past, over issues such as asbestos, formaldehyde, acupuncture, homeopathy and tobacco.
Remember those days?
memon technology provides pathways and solutions that allow us to sustainably protect ourselves in the face of our own living environments.
We believe that these hazards that are only
to a small extend recognised by conventional
science are very likely to be harmful to our health.
And that subtle energetic influences such as
resonance, polarity and information play an
important role in our quality of life.
memonizers renaturalise tap water. You enjoy
natural water quality free of harmful energy
information. Water that cleanses, purifies and
provides vitality.
Just like quantum physics, we defend the view
that information is an essential building block for
our lives and that we are surrounded by a field of
information. In contrast to the way the majority
of modern conventional science still maintains,
we believe that artificial electromagnetic waves
carry information that change the quality of information our bodies experience, thereby giving
rise to information that can cause illness. This
has a negative effect on us.
Therefore from our point of view it is essential to
protect ourselves against these omnipresent influences in order to be able to use the wonders
of modern technology unharmed and to stay
psychologically and physically healthy.
memonizers neutralise the negative, weakening
effects produced by electrosmog, alleviate stress
and improve our quality of life.
memonizers shield against the negative impacts
of geopathic fields of interference, such as underground water veins, etc. For deep recuperation
and regeneration.
memonizers optimise the climate of the room.
Hazardous fine particulate dust in the air that
can penetrate deep into the lungs is reduced.
This means less contamination in the air. Breathe
deeply, freely and enjoy the fresh air.
memonizers have been developed and are
designed for use in the most important areas
of our lives: at home, at work, in the car and on
journeys, when telephoning or using modern
communications technology.
Our views are based on insights that we have
gained over the course of more than a decade
of experience and intensive research and development. The contents of this brochure are
based on those beliefs.
We would be delighted if our knowledge was
able to bring you benefits and advantages in
your quality of life.
The technologies presented here (for example homeopathy, bio-resonance etc.) are not yet recognized by the prevailing academic point of view and doctrine. memon®
products are non-healing products. The use of memon® products does not involve a therapy and does not replace the consultation with a medical or alternative practitioner. In
academic medicine and science, the existence and illness-causing effect of geopathic radiation are not approved of. Also, electro-smog, in particular electromagnetic fields,
are considered non harmful for organisms. Further, academic science denies the existence and possible illness-causing effects of information. The information technology
(memon products) presented within the entirety of this brochure, as well as all corresponding research studies, information and material, are not approved by academic
science or medicine but are the views and beliefs of memon, and nor is it intended or to be taken as scientific proof of harm (from electromagnetic fields, geopathic stress and
informations etc.) or remedy, in every instance.
Healthy living yes.
Health risks no.
“The problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking
we were at when we created them.”
Albert Einstein, Physicist and Nobel Prize Winner
Naturally. Better. Living.
Bavaria is our home, the world is
our oyster. memon - the company.
Founded on just reasons.
Erika and Hans Felder founded the company
memon in 2002. It was their complete conviction
that gave them the courage to take this decision.
Prior to this, the couple had run a successful real
estate and property development company for
thirty years that was one of the leading companies in the region. Their research for natural and
eco-friendly house construction components
and their own health-related experiences were
driving forces in the arrangement of the first
meeting between the couple and Winfried M.
Dochow, the inventor and developer of memon
The many thousands of people who use memonizers at home, at the office, in hotels and while
on the move are true testament to this. Just like
the numerous references in top hotels, the use
of memonizers in retail chains, concert halls, by
the Austrian ski team or even various awards.
Start changing your own environment and your
own quality of life today, and say “no more!” to
negative environmental influences. Today. Now.
With wholehearted conviction.
Developed from enthusiasm and
They were fascinated by these findings and by
the effects of this technology, which they experienced for themselves. Bringing this enthusiasm
and enrichment to many people in order to improve their quality of life is their raison d‘être, as
well as that of the employees, scientists, physicians and experts who are actively involved with
memon. memon products impress with their
effects, quality, design and ease of use.
Geared towards one authentic goal:
Naturally. Better. Living.
With wholehearted conviction yes.
With half-hearted compromise no.
“The aim of memon is to serve humanity with sustainable solutions of the very highest
quality in order to improve the quality of life of plants, animals and humans.”
Erika and Hans Felder, Managing Directors of memon
Naturally. Better. Living.
One advantage is good.
Seven advantages are better.
memonizers neutralise negative
environmental influences.
The effects of memonizers have been
confirmed through practical testing.
They neutralise the negative influences of the information from electromagnetic fields, geopathic
fields of interference and harmful substances in
water – all of which can exert negative influences
on our bodies. They reduce the amount of fine
dust in indoor environments.
Growing numbers of researchers are focusing
their attention on memon technology. They have
tested the memonizers in research investigations
and confirmed their positive effect on living organisms. Just like the many thousands of inspired
people who are already using memon products.
memonizers work completely naturally.
memonizers are exciting customers
They are based on natural principles, not electrical, chemical or magnetic processes that
could have negative effects.
memonizers work holistically.
They have been developed for a harmonised
living environment: at home, at the office, on
the move, in commercial premises and in public
spaces. The extensive memon portfolio covers
a wide range of uses. Comprehensive effects
mean a better quality of your life.
From Bavaria to the world. memonizers are
produced in Germany and have been used all
around the globe for more than ten years. They
inspire their users in many areas of their lives.
At home, on the move and in the workplace.
memonizers are user-friendly.
They are easy to install and can be integrated
without fuss into the existing electricity or water
supply system, or even attached to a mobile
phone. Easily and effectively.
memonizers are based on the latest
research findings.
The foundations are pioneering discoveries from
the worlds of quantum and bio-physics. memonizers restore a natural environment that is free
from pathogenic, i.e. illness-causing, influences.
Better living yes.
Accepting negativity no.
“On behalf of all of the satisfied memon users, I would like to thank its inventor
Winfried M. Dochow, who was the first to provide a reliable shield against modern
communication smog through energy-rich, quantum physics-based information energies.”
Johannes Holey, Best-selling Author
Naturally. Better. Living.
The natural light spectrum.
The bedrock of all life.
The dextro-rotatory spectrum begins in the
centre of the light spectrum, from the green
phase. Nature therefore ensures that dextrorotatory energy is dominant. It represents
movement, activity and regeneration.
The visible light spectrum is part of the entire
frequency spectrum. Life has only been able to
evolve and sustain itself on our planet in this part
of the spectrum. Frequencies outside the visible
spectrum have a negative influence on our lives
and all of our organic functions. This applies to
all technical forms of radiation, such as mobile
radio waves, microwaves, radar, as well as
nuclear rays and X-rays.
“Where there is illness, the laevo-rotatory, or
degenerative energy, prevails,” believes memon
developer Winfried M. Dochow. He realised that
his cancer was based on laevo-rotatory information that was out of harmony with his environment, and more importantly that non-material,
dextro-rotatory energy is crucial. He found
his cure.
memon technology encompasses the spectrum
of natural sunlight, with a focal energy of 750 nm
(dextro-polar range). This produces a natural
state in our everyday environment that explains
the vitalising and renaturalising effect of the
Nature shows us the way to a
natural quality of life.
Light spectrum
Graphical representation
Area of positive polarity
[clockwise energy]
Area of negaive polarity
[anticlockwise energy]
780 nm
390 nm
Can only used for short-term
medical-therapeutic treatments
Can only be used for short-term
medical-therapeutic treatments
Area of a healthy life for humans, animals and plants
Technical high frequeny
[radio, radar, etc.]
Microwive radiation
Technical heat radiation
750 nm
Focused effort
Infra-red radiation
Neutral area (green)
UV radiation
Radiation medicine
X-ray radiation
Gamma radiation
Nuclear radiation
Visible area for people
Regenerative yes.
Degenerative no.
“I focused on one question: what can we do to counteract the depletion of our life forces
caused by an excess of pathogenic radiation? The idea was as simple as it was brilliant:
the pathogenic information needs to be eliminated, or neutralised. Using destructive
interference and the understanding of regenerative dextro-polarity.”
Winfried M. Dochow, Developer of memon Technology
Naturally. Better. Living.
Risks become visible.
And with memon dispensable.
Dark-field live blood microscopy using
the example of telephone calls with a
mobile phone.
Sample pictures from a before/after test.
Before the mobile phone call:
The red blood cells flow freely and with agility.
They are able to effortlessly carry out their role of
transporting oxygen to the cells.
Blood picture after a 10-minute mobile phone call:
The blood has clumped together. Their ability
to flow is reduced. The transport of oxygen is
diminished. The blood shows a hugely negative
Blood picture after a 10-minute mobile phone
call with the memonizerMOBILE:
The blood flows freely and without restriction.
The official school of thought currently does not
yet recognise methods of measurement such as
this, which always produces the same, reproducible results. Recognition of their informative
nature is taking hold only slowly, as evidenced in
the fields of acupuncture and homoeopathy.
Agile blood yes.
Clumped cells no.
“memon technology, in my view, has an inestimable value in cardiology.
It has a positive effect on the blood‘s ability to flow.”
Dr. Johann Raab, Cardiologist, Chief Physician at Landau Hospital
Naturally. Better. Living.
How can negative influences
be positively changed?
Natural technology naturally
sets standards:
memon bionic instruments.
Over more than two decades of research,
memon‘s innovative technology has been developed by Winfried M. Dochow, an engineer and
developer who was even then way ahead of his
time. A serious illness made it patently clear to
him just how serious the issue was. He subsequently worked with the highly respected Boltzmann Institute and Joanneum Research on the
exploration of natural and artificial electromagnetic fields and their effects on humans.
In a healthy and vital body, every cell
performs its function and should not
be impaired.
Destructive interference.
A physical principle of nature.
memonizers are able to neutralise all pathogenic,
or illness-causing, influences from electromagnetic fields.
As indicated by the illustrative model, this is based
on the natural principle of destructive interference.
When two waves of the same wavelength, frequency, cycle or phase and same amplitude
collide, and these waves also oscillate by a 180°
phase shift relative to each other, they cancel
each other out. This principle is used in the
cockpit of a plane, for example, to neutralise
harmful sound waves so that the pilot is able
to make himself understood.
Graphical representation
If cells are disrupted by pathogenic information,
they send out the wrong signals. The cell‘s
function can be impaired or even destroyed
completely. If biological control systems are in
equilibrium, the cell is protected.
Pathogenic information
fundamental wave
memon information (interference)
The harmful information is neutralised, while the
technical fundamental wave remains unchanged.
fundamental wave
Positive yes.
Negative no.
“The DNA recognises electromagnetic fields and reacts to them with a biochemical stress
response. Scientific findings tell us that our safety limits are impractical and that we need
to protect ourselves against electromagnetic fields caused by high-voltage cables, mobile
phones and other such devices.”
Prof. Martin Blank, Electrobiologist, Columbia University
Naturally. Better. Living.
Fine dust.
The smaller the dust, the greater the risk.
Dust specifies all the particles in the air that
are so small that they float around for a while
and then settle on the floor. Fine dust remains
suspended in the air for a long time, and comprises ultra-fine floating particles that are just
micrometres across which can be breathed in
and transported to the lungs. Especially critical
are the ultra-fine particles that can penetrate the
blood, our organs and even the brain.
Healthy room air is essential
for our wellbeing.
According to studies, people in Central Europe
spend 80 to 90% of their time indoors. In an
‚actively breathing‘ room, negative ions prevail.
“Negative ion thieves”, alternating electrical fields
generated for example by modern electronics
and household appliances, office equipment,
electrostatic charge caused by plastic surfaces
and so on, can have many consequences:
from a vague feeling of being unwell to chronic
problems. This ‚thick‘ air prevents the dust from
settling to the floor quickly enough.
Publications on fine particulate dust
illustrate the tremendous risk it presents.
Fine particulate dust makes people ill (WHO air
quality guidelines for Europe 1996), shortens
life expectancy (Peters et al. 2002, MIRA Study
2012) and causes immense costs due to illness
and time off work due to sickness (Hänninen
and Knol 2011). Fine particulate dust also damages the memories and brains of children (Suglia
2008, Brain and Cognition 68 2008), to name
just a few examples.
Sample measurement with and without
memon at a pharmacy in Klagenfurt in 2012.
Fewer particles < 10 µm that can get into the
nose and throat
Fewer particles < 2.5 µm that can get into the
bronchi of the lungs
Fewer particles < 1 µm that can penetrate
deep into the lungs and the body
With memon, you can reduce the volume
of fine particulate dust in room air.
With every breath you take, you inhale fine
dust that is floating in the air. With memon, you
breathe less of it in, especially the dust particles
that penetrate deep into the lungs and the body.
This is because memon technology reduces
the number concentration of fine and ultra-fine
particles in room air by making them fall to the
floor more quickly. Other positive effects include
a reduction in air-borne germs, odours and allergens. At home, at work, in the car and in any
indoor environment.
With memon, 37% fewer PM10, PM2.5 and
PM1 fine particulate dust contamination in the air.
Further information at
Reducing fine dust yes.
Breathing in risks no.
“Just a short time after installation, the majority of the team reported more pleasant air
conditions, particularly ... in areas where there are larger or multiple IT devices such as
printers and photocopiers.”
Dr. Kristin Hanusch-Linser,
MANZ‘sche Publisher- and University Bookshop GmbH
Naturally. Better. Living.
Nature as our inspiration.
Thousands of references worldwide.
Impressed customers speak for themselves.
And for the positive use of memonizers in private
and business spheres. Out of the many references,
we have listed just a few here.
“The pressure on the ear and the associated
feeling of warmth during a telephone call were
distinctly less with the memon telephone chip.”
Dr. Uwe Rascher, sports physician and doctor.
“The use of the memonizerWATER has proven
to be a measurable success. The improved and
now first-class water quality has been confirmed
very impressively in the water analyses carried
out by independent laboratories in accordance
with the rules and regulations for care institutions.”
Sven Brüggemann, home manager, Protestant
Care Home for the Elderly, Neustadt
“One neighbour, a friend of ours, was previously
unable to visit us for long due to his cat allergy.
Now, he‘s happy to come over, and he feels
absolutely fine.” N. Folkhild
“The memonizerCAR now means I‘m also able to
travel even longer distances without stress and be
more relaxed when I‘m engaging with the traffic.”
W.F. Frank, Rainbow Vitalcenter
“Now, at last, my husband can sleep right
through – for the first time in 20 years.”
Youlan He
Member of
Awarded the
Golden Tuning Fork (F)
Official Supplier to
Alparella Vital Resort, Adnet near Salzburg (A)
St. Nicolaistift Care Home for the Elderly, Neustadt (D)
Consultatio office building, Vienna (A)
Country Lodge, Arnsberg (D)
MERKUR Flagship Store Hoher Markt, Vienna (A)
Fitness and Treatment Centre, Mühldorf (D)
Revital Health Centre, Aspach (A)
Hans Niessl, Governor of Burgenland (A)
Hotel Garden Terme, Montegrotto (I)
Hotel Interlaken, Interlaken (CH)
Hotel Stock 5*, Hintertux (A)
Dr. Stephan Lindner Practice, Grafing/Munich (D)
Restaurant & Café Drachenhaus, Potsdam (D)
Schönbrunn Castle, Vienna (A)
Silhouette Brillen International AG, Linz (A)
Stuck3-Team, racing driver team (D)
St. Martin pharmacy, Helmstadt (D)
Maglock wine estate, Strass (A) and many more
More references at
Suggested reading:
Die memon Revolution, Ferry Hirschmann
Achtung Wasser, Bernd Bruns
Fein[d]staub, Dr. F. Schneider, Dr. M. Steinhö fel
Publisher and shop:
Utilise memon certification
as a competitive advantage
and mark of quality for your
business and create a natural
living environment.
Improving quality of life yes.
Doing nothing no.
“Thanks to memon technology, we have an excellent, natural supply of water and virtually
zero fine particulate dust problems. We‘ve also reduced the harmful effects of electrosmog to
zero, and neutralised any geopathic contamination we had.”
Dr. Gerhard Beck, Doctor and Managing Director
Revital Health Centre and Villa Vitalis, Aspach (A)
Naturally. Better. Living.
Make mobile phone calls without worry.
Why expose yourself to a risk when
you can do something about it?
You can make telephone calls that are free from
pathogenic, i.e. illness-causing, subtle information.
The memonizerMOBILE neutralises negative information from electromagnetic fields. Biological
control systems are able to remain in equilibrium
when the field strength remains consistent.
Easy to use.
For clamshell types of mobile phone, the memonizerMOBILE can be simply placed inside the
phone on top of the battery. The memonizerMOBILE SmartPhone simply sticks onto your
smartphone and is available in black and white.
Your benefits:
Avoid the typical effects of telephoning,
such as tension and stress.
Your vitality and wellbeing are preserved.
Protection against negative information
from electromagnetic fields.
Relaxed telephone calls.
More information and shop:
No mobile without
Mobile telephoning yes.
Putting yourself in danger no.
“I don‘t use mobile phones. You might as well just stick
your head in a microwave oven.”
Keith Richards, Guitarist with the Rolling Stones
Naturally. Better. Living.
Wirelessly reachable. Risklessly connected.
Why expose yourself to a risk when
you can do something about it?
Being up to date, staying on the ball, keeping
in constant touch. These are the demands and
challenges we face nowadays.
The memonizerBLUETOOTH protects against
negative information from electromagnetic fields
that can develop from the use of wireless communications technology. Your wireless workstation is harmonised just as much as your mobile
Bluetooth device: wireless headsets, tablet PCs,
game pads and controllers, baby monitors,
keyboards, PC mice etc.
Your benefits:
Protection against negative information from
electromagnetic fields.
Maintains your ability to concentrate.
Stress-free communication.
More information and shop:
Easy to use.
The self-adhesive memonizerBLUETOOTH is
affixed easily to your mobile device.
No wireless devices without
Wireless communication yes.
Risks while you do it no.
“It‘s not in our human nature to spend all day being assaulted by countless
magnetic fields. It is obvious that this means we are being cavalier with our
health and the health of our employees.”
Dr. med. Michael Steinhöfel, medforschung
Naturally. Better. Living.
Experience more wellbeing.
A car or a radiation trap?
Your benefits:
An average mid-class car nowadays contains
4,000 to 8,000 metres of cable, up to 60 microprocessors and countless small engines and
transmitters. Your satnav works using GPS, while
your radio and telephone use wireless radio
waves. In this tiny space, you are exposed to
some tremendous electromagnetic fields and
risks. Precisely when you need to concentrate
the most.
Improve the quality of the air inside the
car by reducing the fine dust in the air.
Maintains your ability to concentrate.
Drive relaxed.
More information and shop:
An experiment carried out on behalf of the Federal Department of Health in Bern revealed that,
in a car travelling at 80 km/h, magnetic fields are
produced in the passenger‘s footwell and on the
back seat measuring between 1 and 6 microtesla.
By way of comparison, inside a house, electrical
equipment and power cables generate magnetic
fields that are in the order of between 0.005 and
0.1 microtesla.
Don‘t expose yourself to these negative effects
any longer. For the sake of your quality of life and
your wellbeing. Drive without the risk of negative
information from electromagnetic fields and also
reduce the fine dust in the car‘s interior that
passengers breathe in.
Easy to use.
Available in three standard sizes. For cars,
trucks, buses, ships, motorboats, motorbikes,
electric cars, aircraft and motorised vehicles
of all kinds. Easy to install without any physical
No car without
Focused at the wheel yes.
Driving while distracted no.
“memon impressed me right from the start. The amount of radiation humans
are being exposed to is increasing constantly, so we need to take the opportunity
to protect ourselves from it.”
Hans-Joachim Stuck, Representative of the
Volkswagen Group for Motorsports
Naturally. Better. Living.
Create space for wellbeing.
The basic device for indoors.
Your benefits:
Neutralises negative information from low and
high-frequency electromagnetic fields as well as
geopathic zones of interference and reduces fine
dust in the air.
Less stress for your body and mind.
With the memonizerCOMBI, you can ensure the
ideal indoor climate and wellbeing for inhabitants
of single and multiple-occupancy homes, apartments, offices, businesses and factories, shops,
hospitals, surgeries, care homes, hotels and
restaurants and properties of all kind.
Sleep better.
Improve the quality of the air indoors by
reducing the fine particulate dust in the air.
Work more productively.
More information:
The memonizerCOMBI is available in four standard designs: up to 100 m² (1,100 ft²), up to
200 m² (2,200 ft²), up to 350 m² (3,800 ft²) and
up to 500 m² (5,400 ft²). It can also be customised for all larger room sizes.
Easy to use.
Simple to operate, fantastic effect. Experience a
completely new room and feeling of wellbeing.
Let us advise you.
No rooms without
Feel great indoors yes.
Burden yourself no.
“In my studies, I have been able to clearly demonstrate the positive effects of memon technology.
These effects include an improved sleep quality, memory performance and concentration. memon
makes it possible to easily create a harmonious living environment in which natural living
processes are able to blossom and evolve again without interference.”
Dr. med. Michael Steinhöfel, medforschung
Naturally. Better. Living.
Modern offices without memonizers are old hat.
Offices are crammed with technical
devices, photocopiers and printers, all of
them churning out fine dust, while radio
and WLAN waves in particular intensively
surround you the whole day long.
Don‘t want your performance, or your colleagues‘
performance, to be affected by negative environmental influences? Do you want to work in a
focused and effective manner in a harmonious,
pleasant environment that promotes your creativity and performance?
Use the memonizerCOMBI, displayed on the
previous page, in your office or business space
for the entire room or alternatively use the memonizerWORKSTATION as a single-station solution into which devices can simply be plugged.
Both memonizer models neutralise negative
information indoors or at the workstation from
electrosmog and reduce fine dust in the air. For
a clean working environment and better quality
in the workplace.
Your benefits:
Less stress for your body and mind.
Improve the quality of the air in offices
by reducing the fine dust in the air.
Maintain concentration.
Work more productively.
More information:
Easy to use.
The memonizerWORKSTATION is used and
activated as a 5-way socket bar for connecting
your equipment. Let us advise you.
No office without
memonizerCOMBI or
Performance in the office yes.
Weakening influences no.
“My job means that I spend all day surrounded by lots of electronic equipment,
such as telephones, computers, mobile phones and so on. The benefit of memon technology,
in my experience, lies in its ability to create relaxation, reduce stress and improve the
climate of the room when there are lots of electronic devices everywhere.”
Hans Niessl, Governor of Burgenland (A)
Naturally. Better. Living.
Heating quality.
The memonizerHEATING neutralises
negative information in the heating
circuit water, improving the quality
of the air in your rooms.
With underfloor heating or large, heated surfaces of the type found in commercial premises,
for example, the memonizerHEATING is the
perfect functional complement to the memonizerCOMBI and has a stabilising effect on the
room‘s climate.
Your benefits:
Stabilisation of the air quality in the room.
Neutralisation of harmful information contained
in the water inside the heating circuit.
More information:
The memonizerHEATING can be used in any
heating system. In single and multiple-occupancy
homes of all kinds, in private premises and in businesses. Usually only one memonizerHEATING
is needed per heating circuit.
Easy to use.
Simply attach it to the return pipe on the heating
system. With district heating, the memonizerHEATING should be installed on the supply pipe
to the heating system. Let us advise you.
No heating without
Practical heating yes.
Endangering the room climate no.
“I‘ve got underfloor heating everywhere in my house. It was only after I installed
memonizerHEATING that I was able to sleep right through the night and breathe easily
again, despite many years of problems with my nasal lining. I feel like I‘ve been reborn.”
Ernst Mayerhofer, Master Painter
Naturally. Better. Living.
Natural energy harnessed the natural way.
Just the sun‘s radiant glow is enough.
Harnessing renewable, natural energy
without exposing yourself to additional
negative radiation.
Profiting from solar energy demands innovative
and intelligent technologies. The memonizerSOLAR allows you to harness this power without
any side effects. A symbiosis of modern technology and nature. For the harmonisation of all photovoltaic systems. Good for you and your family.
Your benefits:
Renewable energy without negative effects.
Sustainable protection for mankind and
the environment.
More information:
Easy to use.
Small instrument, big effect. You only need one
memonizerSOLAR for each inverter circuit. It
is simply attached to the first module on each
string to the inverter. Let us advise you.
No photovoltaic system
without memonizerSOLAR.
Energy from the roof yes.
E-smog under it no.
“Wherever electrical current flows, electromagnetic fields appear. These always have
a negative effect on biological processes. Many users who have large photovoltaic
systems on their roofs are not aware of this. Dairy farmers, for example,
complain about a drop in their milk production.”
Hans Schmid-Landgraf, Solar Specialist
Naturally. Better. Living.
Making your water more valuable.
Good, pure water is a wonderful elixir
of life. And an element that gives
rise to astonishing traits.
Your benefits:
The enjoyment of drinking water boosts energy
and produces vitality. With the memonizerWATER,
the water is structurally harmonised and its renaturalisation stimulated. The result is water whose
structure is similar to spring water.
Tangibly fresher, softer, more skin-friendly water.
Crystalline structure of water
More information:
Tap water without
Fresh spring
Renaturalised water quality.
The enjoyment of drinking water boosts energy
and produces vitality.
Tap water with
Photography of water crystals. Excerpts from
the book „Achtung Wasser“ by Bernd Bruns.
Enjoy delicious, silky-soft-tasting memon natural
water and stimulate your metabolism: to flush
away toxins and harmful substances, for a fresh,
healthy glow. With the memonizerWATER, water
becomes tangibly fresher and softer. At home,
in the office, in pubs, hotels, hospitals and many
other places. Experience the difference.
Easy to use.
No work needed to the supply system. Simply
attach and enjoy water in a renaturalised quality.
Let us advise you.
No water without
memonizerWATER or
Precious water yes.
Negative influences no.
“...our guests have noticed it too: we most often hear that they haven‘t slept so well in a
long time, and then they notice the excellent quality of the water, too. Meanwhile, we are
so impressed by the quality of memon natural water that we even offer it in our restaurant,
where guests delight in it with gratitude.”
Rainer Klöpper, Hotelier
Naturally. Better. Living.
For natural bathing enjoyment.
Pool. Wellness. Relaxation. Negative
influences are not welcome here.
With memon natural water quality, you or your
guests can experience a tangibly better quality
of pool water of a kind you have never experienced before. Customers report that their eyes
do not sting and their skin does not become
irritated as much, and often not at all. Dive
into silky-soft memon natural water. Free from
negative information from toxins. For swimming
pools, Jacuzzis, saunas and wellness zones.
Experience the completely new, vitalising force
of water. And unique bathing enjoyment.
Easy to use.
Your benefits:
Reduction or resolution of skin irritation
and burning eyes.
Reduction in the quantity of
pool chemicals used.
Change in chalk deposits,
limescale becomes more soluble.
Softer and more pleasant water.
More information:
The memonizerPOOL is simply secured to the
feed pipe of the circulating pump. Let us advise
No pool without
Better pool water quality yes.
Murky enjoyment no.
“After many years of searching, we came across the environmental products from
memon. Our regular guests in particular have noticed the difference. Even the
water quality of our pool has improved considerably, since we need to use less
chlorine and significantly fewer chemicals,”
Josef Stock, Sport- and Wellnesshotel Stock, Zillertal (A)
Naturally. Better. Living.
Makes food more palatable.
Healthy nutrition supports a healthy
lifestyle, supplies the body with strength
and energy and ensures a functioning
Your benefits:
Better palatability of food.
Improved taste of food and drinks.
Environmental toxins such as heavy metals and
dioxins damage our health, just as pollution in
the air, the water and from the soil does.
More information and shop:
A deliberate choice of and switch to organic products can reduce the consumption of harmful
substances, but cannot exclude it completely.
What you can influence, however, is the negative
effect of pathogenic information. The memonizerFOOD neutralises this information in just four
minutes and makes food and drink wonderfully
Easy to use.
The memonizerFOOD, just the size of a credit
card, is simply placed under the plate, the
basket, the container, the bottle, the glass or
under the food itself. It can be taken with you
No food without
Natural enjoyment yes.
Contaminated food no.
“The sweetener aspartame, E951, is one of the most argued-over additives there
are ... Aspartame stands accused of triggering symptoms such as headache, neck numbness,
joint pain and nausea, particularly in people who are especially sensitive to it.
The safety concerns over aspartame relate particularly to its effects on the brain...”
Translated extract from the book “Die Ernährungsfalle” by Hans-Ulrich Grimm
Naturally. Better. Living.
It is in our nature
to protect ourselves against danger.
We no longer want or are able to do without the
benefits of modern technology. It is becoming
increasingly widespread, and is bigger than ever
Our belief is that negative information from low
and high-frequency magnetic fields generated
by domestic appliances, computers and so on,
mobile phones or WLAN networks, endanger our
health just as much as toxins in water. Added to
this is the growing problem of omnipresent fine
dust in the air we breathe.
Physical complaints such as disturbed sleep
or concentration, nervousness, headache, a
weakened immune system and even cancer are
on the increase. They are not only favoured by
harmful substances, but also by the ubiquity of
technical electromagnetic fields that can disrupt
the natural biological processes of our cells.
Protect yourself from this danger. With bionic
products from memon, you can restore a natural
state around you, effectively protect yourself and
your loved ones and continue to use modern
technology in all the positive ways you want.
This brochure has told you a little more about
the latest findings in the field of biophysics
and the memon philosophy, on which memon
products are based. And about the benefits you
can gain from using them.
Contact your nearest memon partner or
memon direct.
You will find contact information on the reverse
of this brochure. We will be happy to advise you
in detail. Take this opportunity.
To say yes to a better quality of life. And to say
no to risks that put you in danger.
Modern technologies yes.
Risks no.
“At memon this concern has been taken up and a remarkable technology has been developed
that is able to neutralise the effects of electromagnetic fields.”
Dr. Andreas Falarzik, Olympic Base Doctor
Naturally. Better. Living.
“Technology and nature are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary: the solution lies in
using modern technology to create natural conditions. We need to learn to live in harmony
with nature without exploiting it. That also means applying the knowledge we have and
constantly increasing it. With memon technology, we have successfully been able to
correct the harmful effects of our environmental transgressions. For a developer,
there can be nothing more fulfilling.”
Winfried M. Dochow, Developer of memon Technology
For more information, please contact :
Telephone: 01691 611777
InHarmony with Nature is directed by Dr. David Clements (DPhil, MMath)