Newsletter May 2010 - God`s Littlest Angels


Newsletter May 2010 - God`s Littlest Angels
God’s Littlest Angels
Merry Christmas
Joyeux Noël
Jwaye Nwèl
...some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep.
Suddenly an angel appeared among them, and the landscape shone bright with the
glory of the Lord. They were badly frightened, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t
be afraid!, he said. “I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for
everyone! The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born tonight in Bethlehem! How will you recognize him? You will find a baby wrapped in a blanket, lying
in a manger!” Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of
heaven—praising God; “Glory to God in the highest heaven,” they sang, “and peace
on earth for all those pleasing him.”
Luke 2: 8-14 The Living Bible
“What a wonderful message this is! God had the power to send Jesus to Earth as
a powerful and rich King, however He chose to send Him as a simple man born
to be a carpenter for the first part of His life. His sacrifice gives those of us who
believe in Him the best gift of all --eternal life with Him in Heaven!
I think of our babies who were born in conditions much like Jesus was born in.
Many of them were born in a small tin or block house with only 1 room and no
running water.
We are so thankful to be here to help these children and their families.
We can help them because you, our donors, are faithful in sending funds
that allow us to take in these precious children.
Many of our children are not beautiful healthy babies
on admission. They come to us sick, malnourished, and
some are near death. We give them lots of love and good food and within a
short time, they become beautiful indeed!
We need funds to be able to take in all of the needy children.
We want to be able to continue taking in children, even those
with a sickness or handicap.”
I wrote this in a newsletter two years ago and as I was praying and thinking of
what to tell you, I read this again and knew that God’s hand was on top of my
hands the day I wrote this to you! I cannot say it any better than I did back then!
GLA is going through very difficult financial times. In 2009, our donations have been down over $500,000. Our adoption fees have never
covered all of the costs, but through donations, we were able to subsidize the fees that the parents had to pay. After looking at our financial
records, we are no longer able to do this. We are finding it very difficult to feed the children in the style that we would like them to eat! We
struggle paying our monthly bills for diapers, formula, medicine, and
We must make changes and are trying to make changes already on the amount of food we use
and baby supplies, but it is very difficult when you are dealing with 150 children!
I can tell you of our needs for funds to feed the children in Haiti, but only God can
touch your hearts to share what you have been blessed with financially. I truly
believe that whatever you give, God will give it back to you plus more!
We have one woman who has faithfully given $10 a month since 1992! It is not
the amount that you give, but the faithfulness of your gift!
Please give a special gift this holiday season. Your gift will help us
continue to take in children and see that their lives are improved because of your support for GLA.
And life in Haiti goes on…
Blessings to all this holiday season, dixie
It isn’t the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it.
~Quoted in The Angels’ Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994.
God's Littlest
Unit 2081—GLA
3170 Airmans Drive
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946
Ph: 011-509-2-511-6475
[email protected]
[email protected]
Web Page:
Prayer Requests
 For the children that are sick
and those waiting for adoptive
 For our finances and that we
will receive the funds needed
for food, medicine, vaccinations,
and childcare supplies
 For our staff and that God will
give them the rest they need
and tranquility as they work
 For Adoptions to move quicker
and that children will go home
within a 12 month period!
Send US funds to:
God’s Littlest Angels
% Mrs. Jean Bell
2085 Crystal River Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO
Send Canadian Funds to:
God’s Littlest Angels,
P.O. Box 984
Okotoks, Alberta
T1S 1B1
Please make US & Canadian
checks payable to:
God’s Littlest Angels
All gifts are tax deductible.
Sending Boxes of
If you have donations of
supplies and clothing to send
to the orphanage, please send
them to our Colorado address. The boxes will then
be put on a shipping container and sent to Haiti. Personal gifts for your adopted
child should be sent to our
Ft. Pierce address.
Life in Haiti can be CRAZY!
The months from August on have just been a blur to us! We have had many adoptive families coming to Haiti to appear in
front of the local judge. We have had teams coming to hold Vacation Bible School, to hold babies, and to hook up the electrical panels to the generators at Fort Jacques. We have had up to 38 people at the dinner table during this period!
John and I left Haiti at the end of October for 7 weeks of visiting churches and groups in Canada, Michigan, and Illinois.
The schedule was rather tough and exhausting, but it was fun too! I especially enjoyed seeing all of the families and
adopted children that went home and the children got to see a little of their history in seeing John and I again. The trip
through Ontario, Canada was a whirlwind, but again, we had a great time!
In Michigan, the Selah and Avalon concert was a huge success. Over 700 people came to hear them sing and also in support
of God’s Littlest Angels. Many adoptive parents in the process now and those who have already adopted attended. God
blessed many people through the groups’ music. On Saturday, there was a reunion of adoptive families that John and Dixie
attended. The kids loved seeing other brown kids and played all afternoon. We left at 2 PM to return to Ontario to attend
two church meetings! After the Sunday morning meeting, we made another dash across the Canadian border to return to
Michigan for a 5:30 PM church service!
We then returned to Colorado to attend a 3 day retreat for all GLA USA board members. The retreat was great and many
things were discussed. The board members all agreed that due to our present financial crisis, designated funds would no
longer be accepted until March 2010. We are unable to meet our daily expenses in Haiti right now and need your donations
to buy food, medicine, diapers, fuel for the generator, and baby care items. We will only be doing small building projects
until March. If you give monthly to the building fund, please consider giving your donation to the general fund which
covers food, medicine, diapers, fuel, and everyday expenses of running an orphanage.
We will be in Illinois for two weeks from November 24 through December 7 visiting churches and Sunday School classes.
We then return to Colorado for 2 days before flying back to Haiti! Makes me tired just writing about it all!
Almost every night we had been in a different bed and hotel while in Ontario. In Michigan, we stayed with an adoptive family. In Illinois, we will stay with my mother part of the time and with our daughter, Katie and her family the rest of the time.
No wonder I have had to see a chiropractor for my back every time I get back to Colorado! It has been very bad the last 2
Even though we enjoy our time out visiting, we will be glad to get home to Haiti! Our foreign and Haitian staff are keeping
things running smoothly, but it is still difficult for them when we are both gone. Cars have broken down. The battery power
went out and they had to get an electrician to come and it turned out the wiring was bad in the walls. Many visitors are coming and going. Life has been crazy!
But as I always say….And life in Haiti goes on…
GLA Goats!
Yes, it is true! GLA has 2 goats that live at Fort Jacques to eat all of the
grass and weeds. We wanted to get 2 goats and a cow, but did not have
enough money to buy the cow after we bought the 2 goats!
The grass was growing tall, and we had weeds everywhere! The farmer next
door has a small garden on the property and he has 2 cows that he puts on
there to help keep the grass down, but they could not eat fast enough! So we
got 2 female goats and we will have babies and eventually eat them. I know
you are probably thinking how can you eat them, they are really cute! It is
one way we can save on buying meat for the children. (One of our volunteers
went to take photos of the goats. As you can see, it was not easy!)
New Arrivals
Wilson & Mackenson
Forever Families
Garwood Family
Congdon Family
Lesieur Family
White Family
John Rigaud
Brown Family
Neville Family
Finley Family
Girania “Gigi”
Stuifbergen Family
Detter Family
Perron Family
Houwen Family
Carbonnet Family
Burg Family
Cobb Family
Wurfel Family
Caubo Family
Edelman Family
Galvalisi Family
Sign Up for our Email Newsletter and check out Dixie’s Blog on the Web Site
I have been writing short email newsletters that I send out between our large newsletter mailings. If you would like to
receive the email newsletter and you are not already receiving it, please go to our web site at http:\\ and
on the home page put your email address in the box in the right hand column. I will start sending this monthly in December with news of what is happening in the orphanage and with the children. Please sign up today so you do not miss
any of the news of what is happening at GLA in Haiti!
Frequently, I write on my blog, “And life in Haiti goes on…”. This blog is located on the GLA web site. Check it out
for news and reports about life’s daily struggles in Haiti! We will soon be adding a blog from adoptive parents, volunteers, and report about the children at the orphanage and what their daily life is like. Watch for it to be posted! It will
also give news about the sponsorship programs for education and GLA children. Videos will be posted with links to our
You Tube channel. We will try to post to this site daily once it is up and running. Watch for more details on our web
We enjoy telling you the stories of GLA, but so many times those of us in Haiti working are so busy with the daily details of caring for150 children that we just do not have time! Pray with us that God will send us a wonderful story
teller who will post daily and tell the stories that you want to hear!
Bethany Team
The Iowa Team
The Oath Team
Emily & Lauren
Christy & Shana
Lynn & Carla
Mary Joe
Michelle, Shannon, & Sheila
Jennifer, Frank, & Rachel
Hillcrest Church Team
Balint, Marti, & Peter
The Netherlands
Donna & Jake
A VERY SPECIAL thanks to
the North Carolina team led by
Geoff Watson for the long
hours and quick skilled electrical work they completed at the
new Fort Jacques GLA buildings!!!
People complain to Dixie that she tells you about children needing medical care and then
never updates you about what happens to them. Sabrina went to the States in July for
placement of a shunt to drain fluid off of her brain. She did well after surgery but the MRI
Xray showed that her brain was not fully developed. About four weeks after her surgery,
Sabrina died peacefully in the arms of her host mother. We were very sad, but we know
that she received the best care possible during her short life and was loved deeply.

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