Exploring Great Commission Living


Exploring Great Commission Living
A 50 Day Journey
Love Your Neighbor: Share Christ
Fifty Days Forward Toward a Great Commission Church: Sermon Starters
A Cooperative Program Ministry of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware
“Exploring Great Commission Living” is a 50 day/seven-week/eight-Sunday Series centered around the expressions
of a Great Commandment/Great Commission church as described in LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR - SHARE CHRIST. The 50 days
include eight (8) Sermons matched with eight (8) Sunday School Lessons for an all-church focus over seven weeks.
Sunday #1 begins the first week. Sunday #8 ends the seventh week - 50 days.
There are many potential harvest efforts or events in which to apply the truths presented in “Exploring Great
Commission Living.” These “Fifty Days” are designed as a practical intro into a special Harvest Effort and/or Event as
part of the process of the Love Your Neighbor—Share Christ strategy for the local church. Here are some of the
ideas for “how-to’s.”
The Eight Sermons and Eight Sunday School/Small Group Lessons center around the Six Expressions of a Great
Commandment - Great Commission church.
The Core - The Foundation - Great Commandment - Love God - the Great Commission - Love People by Sharing
Pray for the Lost
Interact with, Enjoy, and Serve the Lost
Evangelism Training/how-to’s
Friendly-up the Church
Bridging and Harvesting Efforts and/or Events
Connecting and Deploying Disciples
A Wrap up challenge of applying the Great Commandment and
the Great Commission in all Six Expressions - Sunday eight.
A possible challenge/call for week eight is an immediate Harvest
effort/event already planned. It could include - prayer walks,
children’s events, youth events, Senior adult events, special
services, etc. It could be part of a seasonal event such as a Fall
Festival or an Easter Outreach.
There are Eight Sermon Outlines and Eight Sunday School Lessons available to help the pastor and the local church
walk through these fifty days of “Great Commission Living.” Here are some examples of possible Sermon/Sunday
School Lesson titles/ideas …
Week 1 - The Great Connections - (with God, with others, with prayer - Great Commandment, Great Commission,
Great Connection.
Week 2 - Let Us Pray - Ways to Pray for the Lost We Know
Week 3 - Let Me Help - Ways to Love and Serve those Lost around us
Week 4 - My Story - How to share the Gospel with others
Week 5 - How Friends Act - (and how that friendship looks in a church setting, church meetings, church life)
Week 6 - Building Bridges - Ways to Connect individually, as a church, within the community
Week 7 - Tell the World - The Baptism Connection, The Disciple on the Go
Week 8 - Staying on the Journey - Six Expressions that Never Grow Old
The issue is the central message within each expression of the Great Commandment/Great Commission. It is vital to
note that this is not a temporary, one time “program,” but a process that continues - until the end of the age since it
embodies New Testament Christianity.
Rick Shepherd - 2011
Table of Contents
Weekly Planning Guide
Sunday School Lessons
Sermon Starters
Worship Set Suggestions
Support Resources
Week 8
Week 7 Week 6 Week 5
given to
or Small
Week 4
Week 2
Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Preparation and Planning Time
Promotion Time
Proclamation Time
Preparation and promotion time may be
Adjustable time according to the needs Sermons and Sunday School Lessons
adjusted according to the needs of the individual and schedule of the church.
in Gear
Ongoing Prayer during the Eight Weeks
Prayer by individuals, classes, small groups, and ministry teams is needed as this for
Series progresses.
Week 3 Week 2 Week 1 Week 1
Prayer Preparation
How long should this be? That is the “X” Factor for each church. Prayer preparation may
be adjusted according to the needs and the burdens of the leadership and the people of
the church.
Pastor’s Leadership Team and Others praying
for “X’
days or
“X” Weeks Plus 8 Weeks Before, 8 Weeks of 50 Days, and “X” Weeks After
Suggested Time Line for “Exploring Great Commission Living: A 50 Day Journey”
Love Your Neighbor - Share Christ
Bible Study Lesson Five - Friendly Up the Church
Actions necessary prior to teaching
Proposed text to be spoken
Group or individual activity
Handout to be used during lesson
Concept to be communicated
Assignment to be completed
Training Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the learners will:
a. focus on the biblical call to demonstrate love and encouragement;
b. discuss ways to Friendly Up the Church;
c. actively model "Friendly Up the Church" actions prior to the next lesson.
Agenda (60-75 Minutes) :
Activity & Introduction {l0-l5 minutes}
Biblical Foundations {30-35 minutes}
Personal Application {20-25 minutes}
Prep: Collect the following items prior to teaching this lesson:
Copies of Handout 5A, Handout 5B, and Handout 5C
Enlist one person to share a two-minute testimony during the introduction of the lesson
One piece of individually wrapped candy per person
Copy of “If We Are the Body” by Casting Crowns (CD or uploaded on MP3 or IPod)
MP3 player, IPod speaker system or CD player
Prior to the arrival of the first participant, place the following on each table/chair:
One copy of Handout 5A per person
Once pencil/pen per person
One Bible per group of 3-4 individuals
Love Your Neighbor - Share Christ
Bible study Lesson Five: Friendly Up the Church
SAs you find your seat, please locate Handout 5A and begin answering the
questions. Please write your answers on the sheet and discuss your answers with
your neighbors.
(Allow no more than 10-15 minutes for this activity, including the time necessary for
open large-group dialogue.)
Today we will continue with our eight-week study "Love Your Neighbor - Share
Christ." In fact, at the end of last week's lesson you were challenged to share your
personal testimony with someone that had never heard your story before.
Would one or two of you be willing to share how this challenge touched your life this
"We Are His Hands" Illustration.
l. Give a piece of wrapped candy to each person.
2. Explain that they are welcome to eat it, but they are not allowed to use their
hands to unwrap or eat it.
3. After a minute or two, allow one person to use his/her hands.
4. Wait and see if that person will use their hands not only to eat their candy, but
to help others as well.
This illustration is called, "We Are His Hands." It demonstrates the truth that
as believers we are called to be Jesus' hands to the world. How did you feel when
you were told you could not use your hands? How did you feel when the one
"handed" person helped or chose not to help you?
This week's lesson has a very unique title: "Friendly Up the Church." We are called
to friendly up the church internally among members and externally to those without
Love Your Neighbor-Share Christ
Bible study Lesson Five: Friendly Up the Church
In order to "Friendly Up the Church" we must examine both our actions internally
among believers and externally to those not yet a part of church.
Are you a Barnabas or a barnacle?
When facing the storms of life, we all need encouragement. The word "encourage" means to
inspire, spur on, or give help. The life of Barnabas is a great example of what it truly means to
be an encourager.
Read Acts 4:36-37.
Barnabas demonstrates that an encourager is one who:
l. Sacrifices for others. [Acts 4:36-37]
a. He sold property and gave the proceeds to Kingdom work.
i. He put action to his encouragement.
ii. A genuine encourager gives even when it comes at great personal cost.
b. He is called "Son of Encouragement."
i. What was it about his life that earned him this nickname?
ii. He was no longer just plain old "Joe."
2. Seeks the best in others. [Acts 9:26-27]
a. Saul was being shunned by others.
i. Barnabas took Saul by the hand and testifies on his behalf.
ii. Tells them about Saul's radical transformation.
b. A true encourager sees the good in someone when others can not.
i. He essentially said, "I believe in you."
ii. How important was this in the life of Saul?
3. Is a positive spiritual influence on others. [Acts ll:22-24]
a. Revival in the church at Antioch.
i. "A large number who believed turned to the Lord." [Acts ll:2l]
ii. "They sent Barnabas" Why?
b. Barnabas' attributes revealed [verse 24]:
i. "he was a good man"
ii. "full of the Holy Spirit"
iii. "and of faith"
c. Barnabas did more than bring positive words.
i. "considerable numbers were brought to the Lord." [verse 24]
ii. His encouragement unashamedly moved into the spiritual realm.
iii. A spirit-led follower brings the spiritual aspect into daily life.
4. Works for the success of others. [Acts ll:25-26]
a. Barnabas reconnects with Saul. [verse 26]
i. Trains him to be a leader.
ii. Saul (Paul) becomes a true leader. [Acts l3:42,43,46,50)
b. An encourager is humble.
i. Even if they take a secondary role: "Paul and Barnabas" [Acts l3]
ii. Encouragers are overjoyed when others succeed.
5. Is slow to judge others. [Acts l5:36-39]
a. Barnabas gave John Mark a second chance.
i. He refused to label Mark as a quitter.
Remained faithful to John Mark in the midst of conflict: "there arose
a sharp disagreement" [verse 39]
b. John Mark becomes a faithful follower.
i. John Mark becomes the writer of the Gospel of Mark.
ii. Paul changes his attitude toward Mark: "Pick up Mark and bring him
with you, for he is useful to me for service." [2 Timothy 4:ll]
You can choose to be a Barnabas (as described above) or a barnacle.
l. A barnacle is a crustacean that lives affixed to rocks or boat hulls.
a. Are a detriment to a boat or ship: slow it down, harmful if not removed.
b. Water vessels must be "dry-docked" periodically to remove.
2. Ananias: A biblical example of a barnacle. [Acts 5:l-5]
a. As with Barnabas {Acts 4], Ananias sold some property and brought money to
the apostles.
b. He lied to church leaders; set out to make himself look good.
c. Like a barnacle, he was removed. [Acts 5:5]
Love Demonstrated. Read l John 3:l6-l8.
An example to model and reject.
l. Jesus modeled pure, perfect love.
a. His love was voluntary, "He laid down His life for us."
b. His love was vicarious (in place of), "His life for us."
c. His love was victorious, final victory over sin and hell.
2. An example to reject (verses l7-l8).
a. Love is a verb.
i. Love is an active word.
ii. Spirit-filled love leads to loving actions.
b. Failure to love reveals a problem.
i. A heart problem, "closes his heart."
ii. "How does the love of God abide in him?"
Read l John 4:l9-2l.
Love motivated, demonstrated, and inaugurated by God.
l. Love motivated by God.
a. "We love because He first loved us."
b. His love motivates us to love others.
2. Love demonstrated by God.
a. God demonstrated the greatest love the world has ever known
b. How can we not demonstrate this love to others? (Verses 20-2l)
3. Love inaugurated by God.
a. Inaugurate: "to bring about the beginning of."
b. Loving God and loving others was His idea from the beginning.
Love Your Neighbor-Share Christ
Bible Study Lesson Five: Friendly Up the Church
We have just studied from Scripture the importance of demonstrating love in our lives and
being an encourager rather than a barnacle. Loving and encouraging others will allow us to
"Friendly Up the Church."
But, it is not always easy. In 2003, the Christian musical group Casting Crowns released the hit
song "lf We Are the Body." Listen to the words of this song.
(Play "If We Are the Body" on your MP3, IPod, or CD player.)
The chorus of the song says:
"But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is way"
This is a very disturbing song. It paints a picture of the church that is not friendly, both to believers
and non-believers. Let's discuss ways we can "Friendly Up the Church."
Give each participant a copy of Handout 5B.
You have a copy of Handout 5B. Form groups of 3 or 4 individuals and allow
Handout 5B to guide your discussion. You only have 5 minutes for this activity, so please do not
linger on any one question.
(Allow 5 minutes for work on Handout 5B).
Let's take a few minutes to discuss what you discovered in your groups.
(Allow 3-5 minutes for the discussion of Handout 5B).
Give each participant a copy of Handout 5C.
Before we leave, I would like to challenge you to put "Friendly Up the Church" to work in
your personal life this week. Let's explore a few ways you can begin applying the principles
of today's lesson.
Prior to our next meeting, please attempt to complete one or more of the activities listed. As it says
at the bottom of the page, "Please make this a matter of high priority. Be prepared to share the
results of your efforts at our next session."
Love Your Neighbor-Share Christ
Bible study Lesson Five: Friendly Up the Church
Before we leave, please reform your small groups of 3-4 and pray. Pray for opportunities to share
your personal testimony this week. Pray for those in your group. Pray that each of you will accept
the challenge to "Friendly Up the Church" this week.
Love Your Neighbor-Share Christ
Bible Study Lesson Five: Friendly Up the Church
Love Your Neighbor - Share Christ
Bible Study Lesson Five - Friendly Up the Church
Handout 5A
l. Either during our last class or since our last class you probably
wrote your personal testimony. Was writing your testimony an
easy or difficult assignment? Why?
2. Since our last class, did you accept the challenge and share
your testimony with someone who had never heard your
personal testimony before?
If you did, describe the experience.
If you did not share your testimony this week, describe
Take a moment to pray for opportunities to share this week.
Love Your Neighbor-Share Christ
Bible Study Lesson Five: Friendly Up the Church
Love Your Neighbor - Share Christ
Bible Study Lesson Five - Friendly Up the Church
Handout 5B
In most homes, when guests are anticipated, certain things are
done to prepare for the visit. Discuss some things most folks do
when guests are expected.
If your class or church expects new people every week, what are
some things you need to do BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER
people visit?
What is required of our group or church to insure that each
person, member or guest, receives the care they need?
The people of our community will seldom listen to what we want
to share until we first show them that we care. How can we
individually and/or as a class demonstrate that we care?
Love Your Neighbor-Share Christ
Bible Study Lesson Five: Friendly Up the Church
Love Your Neighbor - Share Christ
Bible Study Lesson Five - Friendly Up the Church
Handout 5C
This week's challenge...
Prior to the next session, "Friendly Up the Church" (friendly up
your life) by participating in one or more of the following
activities (individually or in a small group):
Showing Mercy
[compassionate treatment of those in distress
(believers or non-believers)]
Relationship Building
[strengthening points of connection with others
(believers or non-believers)]
Loving Actions
[performing acts of kindness towards
believers or non-believers]
→ Please make this a matter of high priority. Be prepared to
share the results of your efforts at our next session.
Love Your Neighbor-Share Christ
Bible study Lesson Five: Friendly Up the Church
Table of Contents
Week One - The Great Connections
Week Two - Let Us Pray
Week Three - Let Me Help
Week Four - My Story
Week Five - How Friends Act
Week Six - Building Bridges
Week Seven - Tell the World
Week Eight - Staying Like We Started
Week 5 - How FriendsAct
Suggested Sermon
James 2: 14-24
Characteristics of a Friend of God
A Friend of God Trusts Jesus Alone for Salvation (v. 14)
True faith in Jesus shows in the "works"-the works of His heart at work in and
through me - and those works come out of that faith. l will treat Jesus and others
A Friend of God Cares for the Poor (vs 15 and 16)
Jesus cares for others and He will lead me to care in a variety of ways.
A Friend of God Honors the Lord with His Money (v. 16)
Because Jesus is Lord over me and all l possess (all comes from Him), He will guide
me in giving and showing genuine friendliness as l am willing to be guided.
A Friend of God Studies His Bible (vs. 18 and 19)
The Bible is God's Book. lt shows me Who God is and How God acts and leads me in
following Him in God-directed works. My belief in God and in His Word can lead me
to the faith-works God has planned for me to do. The more l know His Word, the
better l know His heart, and the clearer l can know and do His will.
A Friend of God has a Faith that is Visible as Well as Verbal (vs. 20-24)
Like Abraham, the Friend of God, l can show the kind of faith in God l have by the
kind of works l do. The works do not make me right with God, but show that l have
already connected to God by faith. The works come from that connection. Rahab
showed this to be true in her life. The way l treat God and others, shows the kind of
faith l have. Is it true faith or fake faith? Every local church body should show the
kind of friendship we have with God by how we treat one another and how we show
friendliness to those who come into our midst.
Worship Set Lists
How to access these music resources:
Go to www.lifewayworship.com
Register for free
Type title in the FIND MUSIC window
under SEARCH RESULTS exercise options to PLAY demo, PREVIEW music, or PURCHASE
To PURCHASE you will need your LifeWay account number and pin, or a credit card.
FYI - most HYMN titles are available in TRADITIONAL and CONTEMPORARY arrangements
All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus
At Calvary
I Love to Tell the Story
I Stand Amazed in the Presence
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Worship Songs
Because of Your Love
Love the Lord
Made to Worship
Who Can Satisfy My Soul?
Your Love, Oh Lord
Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Higher Ground
Here I Am, Send Me
If My People Will Pray
Worship Songs
Consuming Fire
Hear Our Praises
If We’ve Ever Needed You
Touching Heaven, Changing Earth
Until The Whole World Hears
He Lives
Rise Up, O Men of God
Serve the Lord with Gladness
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
Victory in Jesus
Worship Songs
I Will Follow
I Will Not Forget You
Love the Lord
Salt and Light
We Will Remember
Amazing Grace
Blessed Assurance
I Love to Tell the Story
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
Worship Songs
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)
Missions Flame
Salvation is Here
Shout to the North
Worship Set Lists
Come, Christians, Join to Sing
Higher Ground
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Trust and Obey
When We All Get to Heaven
Worship Songs
Children of God
Fields of Grace
Friend of God
Hear our Praises
Holy Is the Lord
God of Every Generation (Contemporary Hymn)
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Jesus Is All the World to Me
The Wonder Of it All
Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Worship Songs
A New Hallelujah
Days of Elijah
God of this City
If We’ve Ever Needed You
To Know You
Because He Lives
Footsteps of Jesus
I Have Decided
To God Be the Glory
Wherever he Leads I’ll Go
Worship Songs
Christ Is Able to Save
Leave Everything Behind
Let the Worshippers Arise
You Alone Can Rescue
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
Holy, Holy, Holy
Love Lifted Me
Revive us Again
Worthy of Worship
Worship Songs
God of Every Generation
Nothing but the Blood
Mighty to Save
Our God Saves
Your Grace Is Enough
Love Your Neighbor: Share Christ
Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware
10255 Old Columbia Rd.
Columbia, MD 21046