calendar - Peachtree Presbyterian Preschool


calendar - Peachtree Presbyterian Preschool
September 2013
September 6—Parents’ Council Meeting,
9:15 a.m., Studio Annex
September 12 & 13—Room Resource Parent
Meeting, 9:15 a.m., Studio Annex
September 16—Fall Splendid Day begins
and Five/Six classes begin staying late on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
September 16—Individual Pictures begin
September 17—Evening Parent Meeting 7:00 P.M. - T/Th, M-F classes
September 18—Evening parent meeting 7:00 P.M. - MWF, WF classes
September 20—Coffee Chat: Eugenia
Wattles - Encouragement for Parents: What
Really Matters at Home, 9:15 a.m., Studio
September 25—Mommy Talk: Dr. Karin
Smithson - Parenting Transitions, 9:15 a.m.,
Studio Annex
Dear Parents,
In the past few days, Peachtree parents have experienced a “life transition”. For some of you, that transition was taking your child to school
for the very first time. For others, it was dropping your child off for
their final year at the Preschool. Transitions can create anxiety in parents and children. Remember when you first went to college or when
you first visited a church? Did you experience some anxiety or uncertainness? Remember these feelings during your child’s first few weeks of school. Ease the transition by not over scheduling and providing plenty of
rest time. Avoid asking too many questions! Doing something for the
first time is a life skill that children will need many times, and they
need strategies to make these transitions easier, not anxiety ridden.
To make your transition as a “school parent” easier, join us on September 25 for Mommy Talk with Dr. Karin Smithson as she shares
wisdom and dialogue about the many transitions of parenting. Each
stage of motherhood brings joys, but also challenges. Mothers who
thrive see this as a process that includes patience and a good sense of
If you haven’t talked with me, please stop by the office any day. I
enjoy getting to know the Peachtree families who make this such a
strong community.
Miss Jane
September 26—Chapel Service, Sanctuary,
9:20 a.m., Five/Six and M-F Pre-K
September 27—Chapel Service, Sanctuary,
9:20 a.m., MWF Pre-K, M-F and MWF
Three-year-old classes
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Welcome to another great year at Peachtree Presbyterian Preschool!
The Parents’ Council is a group of parent volunteers who chair, manage, support or help with various
events and activities through out the school year. Parents are an integral part of a child’s experience at
the Preschool and there are many opportunities for parents to be involved. The Studio, carpool, Library,
the Outdoor Classroom are just a few of the areas where volunteer help will be appreciated. The Parents’
Council also sponsors events such as Peachtree Pride (T-shirt sales), Springtime in the City, Spring Fling
and Teacher Appreciation.
Everyone is welcome to join the monthly Parents’ Council meetings on the first Friday of each month in
the Studio Annex starting after drop-off. Our first meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 6, at 9:15
a.m. Please join us!
Most importantly, we encourage you to take the time to read this newsletter each month. You will learn a
lot about things happening at the Preschool, what is coming up (individual pictures, stories, Chapel dates,
and so much more) and maybe see your child in a picture!
Any questions or interested in volunteering? Please contact Elizabeth Castellaw, Parents’ Council President, at 415-637-7099 or [email protected]. I would love to hear from you!
Elizabeth Castellaw
peachtree pride
The Parents’ Council offers Peachtree Pride Wear. These adorable T-shirts are available in youth sizes XS-L
in either pink or blue for $10. Car magnets are also available for $5. Please contact Laura Green at lmgreen3@ to order your Peachtree Pride wear or magnet.
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The most convenient way to communicate with the Preschool
is through email: [email protected].
Additionally, each teacher has an email address that is their
first initial and last name @peachtreepresbyterianpreschool.
org. Communication regarding dismissal changes should
be in writing and pinned to the green Preschool bag.
The Preschool sends timely information by email via
Peachtree Presbyterian Preschool and MailChimp. Parents
should add this address to their email list of contacts to
ensure that the message does not become spam. Consult
the parent packet for website log-on information to access a
special parent section that contains information for enrolled
Information about the Preschool, such as contact information,
school calendar, upcoming events, newsletters and inclimate
weather announcements, is readily available at the Preschool
Students in the Three-year-old, Pre-K and Five/
Six classes attend a Chapel service in the Sanctuary each month. Katie Kirtland leads the service
that includes guest speakers, songs and Bible
stories. Chapel begins at 9:20 a.m. Five/Six and
M-F Pre-K participate on Thursdays; MWF PreK, M-F and MWF Three-year-old participate on
Fridays. Parents are invited to attend.
The September Chapel services will be in the
Sanctuary at 9:20 a.m. on Thursday, September
26, and Friday, September 27.
Each month, students are encouraged to participate in an outreach project by bringing toiletry
items for the City of Refuge. September’s item is
deodorant. Children will bring the donation to
Chapel and place in a wagon at the front of the
Links to Peachtree Presbyterian Church, The Gym at
Peachtree Presbyterian Church, The Lodge and Lifegate
Counseling Center can be found on the front page of the
Preschool website.
News from the Preschool can also be found on the
following sites.
september blessing
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Preschool would like to thank Zoe's Kitchen and Caroline Campbell, Dana Gillis, and Wendy Hahn for
providing the staff a delicious lunch during pre-planning. The Preschool is so fortunate to have such fabulous
teachers, and it was a great way to start the new school year!
The Parents’ Council Teacher Appreciation committee will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, September 10 at 9:15
in the Welcome Center. Please come to learn about volunteer opportunities to show our teachers just how much
we appreciate them! Thanks! Dana
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welcome back
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2013-2014 Individual Picture Schedule
Monday, September 16
Monday, September 23
Fiveash and Lindler Carroll and Johnson
Kower and Stephens Conron and Kirtland MWF
Holloway and Marinello
Phalen and Tucker
Tuesday, September 17
Tuesday, September 24
Malone and Wilfong Conron and Kirtland T/Th
Bohntinsky and Franklin
Irvine and Vailes T/Th
Gannon and Pope
Guzman and Tilgner T/Th
Wednesday, September 18
Bell and Sarajian
Boyd and Wilson
Irvine and Vailes MWF
Wednesday, September 25
Guzman and Tilgner MWF
Givens and Moss
Thursday, September 19
Polly and Sewell Wells and Yielding Jones and Justice
Thursday, September 26
Thompson and Wamsley T/Th
MacLane and Nichols T/Th
Friday, September 20
Klitenic and Lucas Beacham and Morel Smith and Underwood
Friday, September 27
Thompson and Wamsley W/F
MacLane and Nichols W/F
sunday worship services
Communion Worship
in Wilson Chapel
8:20 a.m.
This intimate 30-minute worship
service offers prayers, a meditation
and communion.
Traditional Worship
in the Sanctuary
8:45 a.m. — 10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Services in the Sanctuary are led
by the Chancel Choir and pastors.
Relevant sermons, hymns and
anthems, and reflective times of
prayer complete this engaging
worship experience.
Summit Worship
in the Lodge
8:45 a.m. — 11:15 a.m.
In the Lodge, you will experience
modern worship, dynamic preaching that connects to everyday life,
and compelling stories of mission,
all in a more relaxed environment.
Fall Splendid Day begins September 16, 2013
Come join the fun! Stay late and enjoy lunch, playing with friends
and exploring new activities.
Registration ends September 11
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school year pre-planning
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) is reaccreditating
Peachtree Presbyterian Preschool on September 24 & 25, 2013. The accreditation
process takes place every five years. The Preschool is proud to be one of the first
preschools in the state to be accreditated in 2009. What is accreditation and why
is it important?
Accreditation is a voluntary method of quality assurance developed more than 100 years ago and designed primarily to distinguish schools adhering to a set of educational standards. The accreditation process is also known
to effectively drive student performance and continuous improvement in education.
Accreditation is designed to help educational institutions boost their ongoing performance efforts to benefit their students. AdvancED, the accreditating agency for SACS, insists on a relentless pursuit of excellence – for
itself and for the institutions it accredits. This ethic of excellence ensures that institutions will find rich benefits
from accreditation and that parents can confidently make informed decisions about their children’s education,
knowing their child’s school is accredited. Accreditation matters because our students deserve the highest level
of educational excellence possible.
For the 2013-2014 school year, the Preschool is supporting our Project Infinity colleagues in Greenville, SC, as they
host the Wonder of Learning: The Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit from Reggio Emilia, Italy, from Jan.June 2014. Please plan to visit the exhibit or join us for one of the professional development initiatives during that
time. Check back soon for dates and details!
For more information on the exhibit visit www.
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Coffee Chat - Friday, September 20
Studio Annex - 9:15 a.m.
Encouragement for Parents: What Really Matters at Home
Eugenia Wattles: Counseling & Parent Coaching
Eugenia focuses on making the family unit a cohesive and safe environment for
all members. She works with parents on the challenges of raising children in the
21st century and ensuring that children are receiving the necessary emotional
support they need at home. She helps children gain confidence in themselves,
better communicate with their parents and teachers, and strengthen interpersonal and decision-making skills.
With over thirty years experience teaching and counseling students, Eugenia
has made it her life’s work to support children and their parents through their
educational journeys. A State Certified Counselor, Eugenia has worked in both
public and private school settings. Her career in education began in the classroom as a teacher. She then served as Lower School Counselor, Chaplain and
Leader of Character Education at the Westminster Schools from 2000 to 2013. Eugenia believes strongly in working with not only the child, but their families
as well, in order to build open communication and strong relationships at home.
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welcome coffees and treats
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