THE ONE Characters` Description


THE ONE Characters` Description
Characters’ Description
Andrés Bilbao (Pablo Echarri)
He is a lawyer; he is ambitious and capable of anything to
attain power. He represents arrogance and his character
will perform a journey from absolute darkness to the light
that is brought about by Love.
Mariana Estevez (Paola krum)
She is an idealistic lawyer, a fighter for justice and truth.
She represents anger and her journey is about
discovering her father’s mysterious death while he
recognizes Andrés as the man of her life.
Oscar Nevares Sosa (Lito Cruz)
He is a merciless lawyer; he wants to have everybody
under his thumb. He represents gluttony and he is so
evil he knows no boundaries.
Verónica San Martín (Leticia Brédice)
She is Andrés’s wife; she concentrates several sins
within her personality. She has an autistic daughter
and does not know how to cope. She keeps terrible
secrets from her childhood and is about to go insane.
Roberto Planes (Jorge Suárez)
He is a lawyer, he is the oldest in the staff and he feels
completely resentful for being ignored by Oscar. He
represents envy and he always wants what the others get.
He has impotence problems, and that brings him serious
difficulties in her marriage to Lucia.
Octavio Linares Calvo (Ludovico de Santo)
He is a lawyer, the youngest of the studio and has
addiction issues. He represents lust and has to fight his
own demons before he can fight with the demons
outside. He is married to Reica who is extremely
Greta Saenz Valiente (Mónica Antonopulos)
She is a lawyer, extremely talented, clever and
determined. She represents greed. She is a miser and
also hides her true sexual preferences. She is a lesbian
but nobody knows because she believes it could go
against her professional objectives. She is unreliable
and not to be trusted.
David Nevares Sosa (Luciano Cáceres)
He is a lawyer, Oscar’s son. He represents laziness. He
is the owner’s son and that carries advantages and
disadvantages. His father ignores him and that makes
him feel a lot of hatred. He competes with Andres; he
hates him and is obsessed with Mariana, whom he ends
up raping.
Santiago Mercado (Martín Seefeld)
He is a shrink, Mariana’s boyfriend. He does not
represent any capital sin, and he seems full of virtues.
He is designated by the Order of Lof, to which he
belongs, to take care of Mariana and ends up falling in
love with her. He is Andrés’s rival.
Arturo Logroñeses (Daniel Fanego)
He is the leader of the Order of Lof, his own goals and
the Order’s are positive but Oscar tries to make them
his own and follow his own project. He will help
Mariana take Andrés out of the thorny road he has
gotten into.
María de Bilbao (Leonor Manso)
Andrés’s mother. She is a nurse and a midwife. She
lives in the suburbs with her husband and the rest of
her children. She is a humble woman belonging to the
lower classes. She feels proud of her son despite the
distance she took from them. Andres’s desperation in
his worst moment will find her by his side, as a mother
Alfredo Bilbao (Emilio Bardi)
Andrés’s father, he is a former unionist and an accident
at work prevented him from ever work again. He is a
man who lives failure in a very dignified way. He loves
his children and is their emotional support.
Alejandro Bilbao (Emilio Bardi)
Andrés’s older brother. Life hit him very hard, and he
became very resentful. He will fight for the working
classes and will become a leader for the poor. He will
confront his brother many times until they finally join
in battle.
Mariela Bilbao (Paloma Contreras)
Andrés’s younger sister. She defends social causes,
she is idealistic and brave. She fights for those who
have little and is an important support when her
brother needs her strength. She is the only one who
keeps in touch with him, behind her family.
Silvia de Estevez (Lucrecia Capello)
Mariana’s mother. After her husband’s death, she
suffers from a deep neurosis with paranoid delusions.
Her situation is more and more complicated as
Mariana gets closer to the truth of her father’s death.
Erica de Linares Calvo (Calu Rivero)
Octavio’s wife. She suffers all the problems of young
dissatisfied women. She is a compulsive buyer,
anorexic, hysterical, extremely superficial and wants
her husband to be successful. Little by little she will
discover what life is all about.
Lucia de Planes (María Carambula)
Roberto’s wife, she is a very brave woman; she has a
dark past but managed to rise above it and marry the
man she loves. She wants to have a baby before she
turns 45 but Roberto’s impotence does not allow her
to fulfill her dreams. Almost nobody knows her real
story, except when it comes to light through one of
her husband’s powerful clients.
Gigi (Paula Kohan)
Greta’s couple. She lives under her shadow and is starting to get tired of being in
the dark. She wants to marry Greta and adopt a baby but she will soon realize her
couple does not think the same, which will be the great disappointment of her life.
Alma (Maite Lanata)
Andrés’s daughter. She is autistic and somehow represents the angelic and saving
light, not only for her father but for all the characters.
Marcos Mariani
He is Oscar’s partner. He dies under suspicious circumstances. His crime is what
triggers the story.
Jimena Estevez (María Duplaa)
Mariana’s sister. She is a student of Fine Arts. She is not suspicious like Mariana
but helps her as much as she can. She is a lesbian and does not know how to
reveal it. She unexpectedly meets Greta and falls desperately in love with her. She
will end up working with Verónica and then very close to Alma. Verónica “gets” her
to obtain information about Mariana.