7~" might - iFPHC.org | Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center


7~" might - iFPHC.org | Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center
~A. Y
20. 1950
u :nls
Air View o f Bet hel Gospel Park . Brooks. Orego n,
where the Oregon Distr icT Ca mp Meeting will be hl'lel
Jun e 26 to .lui)' 9.
Flem Van Meter
tiJ.'I'Wi.fl' the Spirit al.w ""Ipelk Our illfirmities; for 7('C kl101(' /101 what 1{'l' s'lOlIld
"ray Jar as
ought; Iml thr Spirit l1illl-
;df lIIakrth jll/crcrssiOIl for liS '<f.'il'l fvon ll 1119S
which emiliO! be IIl1crrd. NOIII.
8 :26.
• TIIOll,,11 TilE SUBJECT of In-
tcrce.,~nr" Prayer has heen iJeforc us for
Inany ye;p., we fecI hurdened to hring it
hefore ~'Oll again hecause of the pres'iing
th('~(' last days.
hear a great den1 ahout salvation
and rcdclllptiflll lwing free. \Ve also Iwar
much of tIl(' huilding of Christian character. God 1l1('a"lIfCS thing:; am1 places a
value upon them. Chara(tcr h\lilding' has
a price; it ros t ~ sOll1cthill g' to 1111ild it.
'Some seenl to have lost the :-0('11 . . (· (lr vahl('s
III relation to the thill g'~ of God: and in
;,,0 many ca'>es they havc stopped ~ho rt of
the maturc Chri~tiall cbaradcr that G0r1
Intcnded should 1)(' dC\'dopcd in those ILl!
hear] li s name. Thev arc so conte!1l '0
play ahout with rclig'ion, living ,all ~he !'ur
face of a life Ihal cou ld he ~o nch 111 C0111111l1nion and fello wship with God. that
\"CHIld he filled with I1i~ \me <111(\ g-r:Jcc.
Now thrre is g-rcat need (Jf an arlllV of
·lItcrccssor..; who know how to talk with
1"";0(\ and to grt hold of Him for the11l',c\\'rs and for othr rs who necd to become
f'st ahli.·.!lC<! ill God. that they might grow
l11 t O the mcasure of the stature of the
fulness of Christ. Eph. 4 :13.
Someone may a~k, "\Vhat is an intcr\'cssor?" An inte rccssor is one who appeals for another. The intercessor is he
who has an audience, a hearing, a comllIu nion, al1~1 who can get. a petition
through. It IS a wonderful thlllg to get a
petition through.
Jn the ea rly days, while I wa'S 011 the
church board of the fo.lethodist Church,
one of the things that Illo\'ed my heart
was the fact that the people emphasized
twO importa nt matters-prayer and the
teaching of the Word of God. It met the
cry of Illy hea rt which was so hungry.
\'ears have gone by and the prnyel life
of' Christians has decreased. BlIt, thank
need ill
Brother V~n Meter waS ordained to the mini stry
over 38 ,.carl ago.. AltH entering ~he Assec:nbliu 01
(004 fello",·,II'11 he Krvcd II pas tor", J<IIolw ,l1e, ind.,
Philadelphia, I'a .. ~nd Akron, O. For many years .he
Di'trkt Superintendent and an ExecutIve
Pruby te.r o f t he Genera! Couneil. He and hi, ... ile ;are
now ;n ehnle 01 Our Retirement Home for Minist ers
~nd Miuionariu , at I' inellu Park. Fla.
..a. "
P age Two
God, the. hearts of many are being stirred \\ilt take the left hand, then r wir! go to
anew, praying that God will restore to the the ri~ht; or if thou depart 10 the right
church intercessory prayer. We see the hand, then J will go to the left." If Lot
need of it. We have infirmities, "but the had cho<;en the left Gild· the right, AbraSpirit himself helpeth our infirmities." ham would have taken what \\·as behind
God bas made us a privileged people, giv- him. The surrender of the will, the suring us the third Person of the Trinity render of the thing that seems of value
who brings us into touch with God as to you and 111e, enables us to he brought
none other can. He brings tiS clear in- to the place where we can pray for others.
into the very presence of the Father and Oftcn intercessors have to pray for tho~c
the Son, Jesus Christ . The Holy Ghost who ha\"e taken ad\'anta~c of them. It is
will rio two things for us if we are true to easy to pray for our loved ones , for our
lfim; lI e will lead us to our Bibles. and fricnd~, for ou r church, for our missionI Ie will lead us into ou r closets for secret .. ries. for our movement. hut it is hard
prayer. Let us look at some character~ in to pray for someone who has taken ad\'antage of m. Only thc Spirit llirnself
the nible who were intercessors.
enable liS to pray the prayer of inAURAflA'\! was an outstanding interC(~c.­
sor. After his sojourn in Egypt, he met tercession for that one.
You know the storv of Lot. 1 Ie hecame
God at Bethel and there erected an altar.
I believe God led Abraham to do this, a popular man in 5'odo111, occupying an
f r he knew of the relationship hetween important position. Rllt the time came
Lot and Abraham. Abraham made one when someone I,ad to tonch God for Lot
in Sodolll. That someone was in vital
~epa ration when he left his country, bill
another separation was coming-the sep- touch with God. separated entirely to Him.
aration from the nephew whom he loved: . He had the con:-;cc ratiol1 th;)t macle God
and it was necessary for someone to pray ";;:\\'. "Sh .. ll J hide from Ahraham that
for that man the man who had chos('n thing which I do?" 1 believe there is a
place for rou and me to live in God where
what was best in hi s own eyes.
lie will not touch the thing that concerns
In recent years we have seen men
liS tlntil fir st He has spoken to 115 about
g-athered into large industrial centers
it. Abraham's approach, his dealings, his
which have many characterist ics of a modmethod of prayer wcre all so marvelouS.
ern Sodom. As we think of the coming
He was an intercessor . lle realized the
tribulation days, and of the suffering,
heartache and remorse of the people who vallie of intercession. 1 I e paid the price.
will have to live in those days. our hearts \Ve I11I1St pay the pril'c (or someth ing
should be moved and we should cry out to that is of value.
Before wc can enter into the life of inGod to raise up intercessors who ,viII be
able to pray down another old-fashiolleu te rcession that God has for \IS, we 111Ust
measure the value of it. Being- able to
enter into the place of cOIl1!lllll1ion has a
A braham was blessed with the fir st wonderful value . A representative is sent
qualification of an intercessor. \Vhen the to interview the president of a large i11:-;tlseparation came, he said to Lot, "Let tution in behalf of a need in his 0 \\'11 COI11there be no strife, 1 pray thee .. . ' Tf thou pany. Fe\\' arc admitted to the private
office of the president. T he representati ve Illu st present his credential s at lhe
ou ter office, make known the stlbje("{ matter for the interview, and :l\\";Jit the decision o f the president as to whcther or
not he will be received. Gre;Jt is his joy
to come into the presence of
OllEY ifthepermitted
p resident to present his petition. Even
then he has mally misgivings concerning
"The .<"Cut of th e L",.d. i. w, th
the answer. But not so the intercessor at
th em that I •• , Him."
the throne of grace ! No longer is there
need of a human intermediary in the outer
office, Throu~h the office work of the
Holy Spirit. h(ocause of the pro\'ision
made in JeSlis Christ. whosQe\'er will may
"Seeing then that we ha\'e a great high
priest. that i~ pa~<:ed into the he:l\'en.~.
Jesus th(' ~on of God., , ,let us therefore
corne holdk unto the throne of grace, that
we mav oiltain mercy. and find grace to
help in' time of need." Hebrews 4 :14. }().
This i., our authority for coming. And
"the Spirit himself beareth witn{'~" with
our spirit that wc are thc childr{'1l of God."
Romans R:16, That i~ our credential~,
The petition we wish to pre~{'nt is the
worldwide need of other~_ So we are
asstlTed of an audience with ,h(' lhad of
the universe if we approach Him in the
p roper wav. God has mack provj",ion
through the 110ly Gho"t for 11" to intercede in the secret place, 10 pllt our petitions through for oth('r~ who net'd hrlp
from Hilll, ;Inri we n('ed have no mi ...givings concerning the amwer
Next we are much impre ......(·d with
MOSES' approach to the iJL1rning hush,
Note his wonderful t raining and eqlllpment: forty years in the highe.'it cdurational centers in Egypt, and then forty
years at the back side of the desert. bci"'tg
trained for approach to the great I /\:'11.
Today God is calling a great grOllp of
precious young people, raising thell1 up
and training them for the responsibilities of Christian life and minislT\·. God
called this wonderful young man, -~Io~es.
The young man set Out to do fhe thing
that God had put on his heart. but was
unable to do it because he used only the
natural equipmcnt he had, But after 'forty
years, God heard the voice of the people
and called the man who for fo rty years
had been at the hack side of the de~ert
having the experiences that enabled him
to be a mig-hty intercessor and strong
leader, though he was also Ih(' IllCeke"l
man in all the world,
In the great o·ial of his life, when he
was cOl11munmg with God ami hi.:; heart
was going Ollt for the people who \\·(·re
being deli\·ered . the people wc re worshiping the golden cali. God was stirred and
was going to pass judgment. Hut ~Jo"es
interceded, lIe said, ·· Oh, this people have
sinned a great sin, and have made them
gods of gold. Yet now. if thou \\ilt forgi\'e
their sin-; and if 110t. blot me, J pray
thee Out of thv book which tholl ha ... t written:" Here
exhibited othn characteristics of the intercessor-being willing to
bear the burdel~, to become the ...acrifice;
beil~g willing to suffer for thosl.: who ha\"e
t urned again st God and a rc wor"hiping
the thi ng Illade by their hand~. 11 is heart
cried Ou t to make atonement. e\"(:1\ thuugh
that meant suffenng-yea . e\'ell though
it meant being blotted alit of the book.
S uch intercession belongs to the Chr i"t
nature that will be developed in you and
M ay 20, 1950
me as we vicld til the Lord. lie will J.:ive
u~ a p.lS~ioll th:'II will help us to inter('rdf'
f')r other .. umo (\tath.
)[am' of our dear p-,,,tors are carn·in~
hea\,\' bnrdrns becau ..e thev <:f'e nlf'mh('ro;
of "their flocks lIlakin~ g' ,1 den calves fall·
in~ into spiritual lrthar~.... , ami aCC}\Iirin~
appetites for worldl~' thin!:"". Thev neeci
interce"-"orc: to pra~' fnr thell! until Ihn
ha\'e grace enough tf) pre\-ail with Cnd
for th(l~e carnal beF(·\·ers who sap the
liie out of their pastors.
:-\ little later lhe pcoplc beg-an to murmur and complain against ).(o,;e ... ami
again~t Aaron. It j,.. a hard thing ior :l
person to pray for jolk who are Illurm\lr
iug and complaining' ag-ain ... ! him. HI1t.
'\1.rnin, the I,onl knnws tlur infirmities;
I Ie makes iJlterc{,s~;()Il, amI the Spirit
htlps tiS. The qualiiicatioll for prayer for
others is a life Sllrrell{\l'H'(1. consccrat('(1.
yielded. filled with God. den-loped to the
point where there i ... compas ... ion going: Ol1t
for those who are Illlirmuring and COIl1plaining. 1Il"tl'ac\ oi being nervou'i and
;tfraid of what will happen to the church,
we get in cOllllllunion with the living- Gcxl
and lift IIp the we:lk olles wilh a holy p.,s·
sian for them until lIe sets things in order.
%%%% \% \%% \ S%\S\\\ \ \ \ \ %\\% \% S%%
A n Evong e l , eoder t estifies t o
During the late w:lr m)" ~on wa~ pil( ting a
I'lane--one of 'l"\~'ra! in formation over Germany. EI·ery ( lll(' oi th~' planes except the Olle
m)' son was piloting lIa~ ~h()t down. At about
I!-iS time a (\l:iH. praying correspondent and
friend in BC:lIl11101ll. ']",.,,(., had a vision. Ycar~
h,'forc this \\,01U;\n had !>cell mt~a\"('d and W;"lS
il' society, \\'hu' she lIas ~:\\'cd, God spoke
\(l her hear! awl ~he tUrIl('d OHf $16.000 to Itcr
("hurch. God /0::11 I' her the ministry of inttTccs~i(ln, aud nCT\' m()rTlill~ from 8:30 till ]].JO
~he prayed and int('rceded for others, ~s;de5
many other sen· ices God called her 10, for Hi~
At about tlte till1(' these plane~ \I('TC shot
down. my friend had a \·ision. and wrote me
th,lt she llad ~('cn :I yotmg man in a plane surrounded by an.~,'I~. She (k~uibed the young
man and asked if my Rob looked like that. It
was a perfect description of him. and when Bob
rame back from o\"t'r~eas and told me of the
marvelous W3)'S God had protected him. he told
me amon~ olher thin!!~ 01 the way God pre,en'ed his life when all the other planes in the
formation had heen ~hot down.
Suddenly I said, "Rob. d ~·ou know approximatl'1y what date Ihat I\a~?" lie told me,
and I looked up my fric11(r~ letler. I fOlll1rl that
the time she had the l'i~ioTl \\'a~ exaclly the
time God had SP:1TCd tIly hoy's life, Oh. \Iba\
a wonderful Sal'jour III' hal'e. and what :I Illerciful God we are strl"inA t Our finite minds C:lI1110t bc~ill to eOll1tneh('nd what He is doing
for Hi, children all the timc. a~ they wait up<"ll1
Him in ]lrayer.- :\la\1(lc Rotstan.
SS\ \ \S%%\\%%%%%%\%%%S\%%%%%%%S
.'" TilE LUlU)
Years ago. while in a IllCt·tilll:: where
Ihere wa~ ('"onitbiofl and slriit', we Ilad a
"'l·a~on of pran·r. and (~,'l(1 tau~ht a le~~on
('" ol1cernint:" interee ... "j, 'n. \ \\ "Illan who
was offended htg:an to {jallt'{· alKll1t and
('nnt'a\"or to C:l~t c\('I11Ptl<; nil' nf the man
whom ~he was offtll(kc\. Ilr W:l~ lost
III prayer and unaware of thl' unsceml"
;lctions of the woman, hili w!1('n tole! of
it he felt real comp.,s ... ion f"r hl'r and purl,osed in hi~ heart th"t he \\ nuld nnt kt
1 11(' tl13tter lllar hi ... Chri,tl-tn low' for. nr
!111r-reSI in. !he woman. but wiluld trt.,t
ht'r the ",ame a~ al\\"a~·"Later. when <:ickl1("'" and death t'a111('
;ll1long the relatives. thi.. wom3n oilen
rallrci upon the J1I31l inr provcr for lIlt'
sick or minic:trv in the fl1neral service"
fnr Ihe dead. 1'11('11 nne day the wOlllan
her<:eif became \"t'rv "i~·k. and wa~ ni~h
IInto (\r:lth. ller hmhancl cam(' tn this
hrOlher to get mOlH'\" 10 take his wif{' to
the hospital. The mone\" \\'a<: !-:ladlv
10al1ed. Again and acain ht' came for Iwlp,
Ag:lin and again till' hTfltiter mini"tl'recl
in compassion, and filially W:l~ called to
what ~eemed to he thr woman' .. (\i.:ath
he(\. T he woman \\"a .. wri thing under the
powers of darknes ... ; i{lUr l11('n were trying
to hold her upon the bed, It \\as a pitiful scelle, } Ie looked to the l,onl and laid
hands upon her, acrordmg: In :'II ark 16
If:. God delivered her, iml1lcdiatel\' restored her to her rit.:-ht mind, and "he
looked up and smiled. From thell 011 she
manifested kindness toward the brother
and his fami"'. She Iln{'r did make the
incident of th.e prayer meeting rig-hI. however.
\Vhen she needed praH'r :tnd help she
had to can on one whom sh(' had wronged.
1fe went, not with a grll(h.;(· again'il her
for the wrong she had done him. hut with
his heart yearning for ht'r cklivt'rance,
Such a prayer li fe, such IIlt('rcc,,~i(>II. such
consecration is needl.:d III tht' dmrch today.
"The Spi rit h imself!" The IIoly Spirit
desires to develop this nlllli~tr)' in your
heart and mine. When !\'EIII.;\IIi\![ heard
of the su f fering and T('pro;Jrh I ,on Ihe
remnant left, he wept and mourned, and
fasted and prayed for C(,rlain days. The
exalted position he occllpied did not hinder
him from feeling the I"l·proal"h. He got
in tonrh with God, amI sta\"l'd I1mil God
was mo\'ed hy praycr to ... uilply the Ileed .
(Continued 011 page twelve)
Page Th ree
D id Poul Buffet His Bo dy?
numher of readers have written
letters concerning the mcs!'agc by H oward
C. Osgood, which was published in the
ENII.'!el of Apri1 I under the title. "The
Chri~lian \ Va" of l.ire." Som e commend
the artic1r for its faithful presentation of
the 11('(-11 of denying olltsc!n'" and taking
lip ollr noss to follow ehri,;!. Others
13k" ('xception 10 the following sta tement
which appeared in the article;
"Paul. when he coulc! not find an\' other
to drllv him<;clf, IISCc\ to have ";1 daily
practic(', cvident1\', of huffeting himself.
li e had to dcnv hi1ll~elf. rr(' figured that
was part and principk of his living. But
how Illan~' of llS go around with black and
him' markc; that we havc inflicted upon
ourselves beca use we felt too comfortable ?"
Ul1fortllnatc1v "ome readers associ<lted
thi s sta tement ~vith the pagan idea o f do·
ing' pl'nam"c for sins.
ll ()w('ver, there
w" s no suggestion of thi<; in Brother
Osgood '" articlc. Palll's t('"ching in the
Epi~t1l's mak('s il crystal clear th:l.I we C:lll·
not be savcd by our own works. \\'e have
nothing in whi("h to hoa ... t ~a\' e the Cross
by which Ch r ist paid the full p rice to
redecrll lIS alld makc Ih recipients of
d ivine favo r. \Ve callnot claim anything
from God on any ba sis OIher than Christ's
fini shed work at Calvary.
Paul wrote, in Titus 3;S; "Not II\" works
of rig-htl"oll!'>ness which we have done. hl1t
according to his 111ercy he saved us, by
the washing' of regene ration. and l"el1('\\··
in!! of the llnly (;h()~!. · ' Aot by penance;
not by good <lced s: not hy afflicting Ol1r·
selves or sacrificing in any way ca n wc
ohtain G od '" hkssinc:. hut onlv h\" he·
lievi ng 11 is \\'on l "nd tru st ing 1'l is grace.
One reader, referring to the "ta tcment
t hat "aul bllffe trc\ hi111'">elf. quoted 2
Corinthians 12:7 and poinkd out that it
wa s "the messcllg-er of Sa tan" who buffet·
cd hilll. We regre t that we did 110t give
the Scripture reference or qnote the V<':rse
which -"upport s Brothe r Osg-ood's stale·
men!. It is found ill I Corinthi a ns 9:27,
and read s as follows in the Re\·iscd Vcr·
sian: " I. buffet (or , bruise) my hody, aud
bring it into bondage : lc.';t by ally means .
after that I have preached to others, I
myself should be rejected. "
]f you will read from verse 24 to the
end of the chapter you will notice that
Paul is using the illu stration of an athlet e
who is training himself for a foot·race. He
is t e\ling the Corinthian believers tha t t hey
Page FOt4r
are in a 5pi r itual race, and that they must
ru n well if they would win. li e writes;
"Ever\' man that stri\·eth in the gamcs
exerci~eth self·control in all things. :\ow
the\' do it to re"{'i\'c a corruptible c rown,
but- we an incorruptible. T therefore.' so
run , as not ullcert3inly: so fig-ht r, as not
beating the air: but T huffet (or. hruise)
my body, and hring it into hond:lge."
?"II anv today are in hondage to their
bodies.' They are cOntrolled hy hodily
appetite, when they ought to he hringing
cvery physical. menta\. and spiritual power
into suhjection to the ohedience of Ch rist .
Paul did not want 10 he disqualified in the
r"rc. He determined not to indul!!e in
that wh ich would weaken hi>.; spiritl1allife,
Ife rrfu>.;ed to he 50ft and flabh\'. He deliberatelv denied himself. ju~ t a>.; an "thlete
does wl{en in training; and at the end of
the long- COllt('~ t he was able to exclaim in
t riumph; "1 have fought a good fight, I
ha\"e finished nw cour~e, T have kent the
faith; henccfortil there is laid up for' me a
crown of righteotlSlles~, which the Lord,
the righteous judge. sha ll give me at t hat
day: and not to me only, but unto all them
also that lo\'c his appearing."
J)() vou Im'C Hi s appcaring? Are you
willing to deny ,"ourself . in order that you
might run a good race and wi n :m eternal
Naile d to the Cross
F . n. 1\1 eyer says that he once hecame
so ahsorhed in writing a sermon about
the C ross of Chri st that. whi le he was
drcssil1g hefore the mirror. he exclaimed ,
" J Jave T ever been on the cross? Yes, T
wa s potentially there with Christ. nut
ill my OWll experience, have T felt the nails
in my hands, the spea r in Illy side, the
C1"OWl1 of thorns on my brow?"
T hen he prayed , as he stretched h is
nrms out. "0 God. nail t hese hamls with
Jeslls to the c ross 1" It was as though he
saw himself ;lcwa11y hanging with Jesus
011 t he cross, until the peace of God so
fitled hi s soul that hi s ministrv was wi th
greater power after that exper·ience.
Have we crucified the affections a nd the
lu st s? Arc we dead with Him and risen
in to newness of li fe? D ead bodies arc not
s uscepti ble to sensat ioll s ; being dead to
si n, one does not yield to t emptation.
Being alive unto God, good impu lses throb
the sou l. If we have suffered wi th Him,
we will live wholly for the g lory o f His
-----let our Lord's sweet hand square liS
and hammer liS. a nd strike off the knots
of pride, self·lovc, \\"orkl·wor ship . and in·
fidelity, that He may make li S !;tones and
pillars in the F ather's hOllse.-Huthe rford,
"If you are a child of God, your life
in the home should reveal it."
Love Fulfils th e Law
An int imate friend of Tellnyson set
himself to find out all the rules of his
versification, and collected from his poems
an immense number of laws and examples.
"Look herc," S<'lid the friend, " what
wonderful laws vou observed 1"
"It 's all true," replied the poet. "1 do
obsen'e them, but T never knew it."
A feebler poet would have known a
great deal more ahout metrical rule and
how painfully he managed to comply with
it, but in the fllllne!;s of hi5 gellius Tenny·
son observed all the wonderful hws, be.ing unconsciOlls of them .
It is much like this with helieving souls
filled with the power and lo\"{~ of Christalmost unconsciollsly they observe the
highest law in its manifold obligat ions .
Thr noblest impulses of the sou l freely
fulfil themselves, and in fulfilling them·
"cl\"(~s fulfil the Jaw. The law gendereth
to bondage, hut ill transcending love to
God and man the law becomes the very
poetry and Illusic of life,
Reaso n for Alarm
1£ you find yourself lov ing allY pleasure
better than your prayers, any book better
than the Bible, any house better than th~
house of God, and any table bette r than
t he Lord's table, any per SOll S better than
Christ, or a llY indulgence better than the
hope of heaven take alarm.- Thomas
Guthrie .
Offk i.. l
of the A ue mhliu of God in U . S . A .
Act;n4 Editor
of t he A ssembl ies of G od in U.S.A.
W. R. ST EE>l. B ERG
General Super;ntend«)t
General Secret~
Gener ..1 Trea.urer
Miuions Secretary
A ssistant General Supcr;n/endenU
E"ocul;ve Presby/en
Puhli<h ed wnkly by the G"5pd l' ubl;~hin g HOU l e.
43 4 \\'ut Pacific Stree t. S-pringf;e1d 1. ~ !o. , U.S. A.
J . Z. KAM ER ER. General Manall"e,
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Om,id,. C.S.A .. 1'2.00 per ye.".
CI1. \XGE OF "D/)J~ESS : T\\"o weeks' not ice il ~e·
<I"ired. H. ,me 1<) .,,"e )'o"r old addrc,s, as ",dl ..
y"ur li e'" Oll~, "hen "rit",g i,, : "t'hen,ise the ella""C
cannnt he made.
An addreH ;mpr;1I1 I"," from II
recent i~,ue i; prderted. Put the "" '"e "Pentecoaul
E,·~!\gel'· on ;>'our letter $0 thu the Gospel I'ubl;shio ll"
H ouse will knnw ,,);j eh mal'(azine Y01l a re getrin ll".
Entered as second ·da", matler June 25 , 1911 at.
POSt ofiice in ~prin.':;;cld. ~! o .. under ..\ct of March 3,
1~7'i. Acc~pt<'d f'lr ma;l;nll at <pecial rat~ proYIded In
Sec. 1l0.!. of Oct . J. 1917. aut ho rized July 3, 1918..
I'R1XTEJ) lX T11E U.S.A.
Tl'(·ci\·ed inln the glorinll~ lrC'a\·C'nly hnl1lC'
,,-here ,in can Irt'\'{'r «'nur' I wOTukr r f
\"011 ,,"'lIIlri. \\'r carlllOt tel\ V('II thC' actual
datc_ \\'c call1wt tt'll Vj'lI th(" hour wll('n
Je~us will ('"0111('. nut \~.(" dn know accordlr:g ~o the :,igns of tire tiltH'S tll:'lt J(""m i'i
('(llllrng- soon .
would nIt exi,t \·en· long ii \\-r could not
The ke\' tn thi:, ~niptlrre i... Ihm dan~r
food. 1:,; th('"re an~·thillg wrong 111 the 39th n'r~(', "::lIlfl knew 1'<11." Hrrt
XOl if wr drink the "ul'eh- they did knr,\\, ~ur('h' Ill('v h:HI
proper thing:,. \\'c need food f!>r Ollr liq("!;('o to' XO:l.h :t" IH· I'n·:ll'h(·,1 the· /.:, l1;body's hraWl. \\'c !Ieed \\"a\("( t., qllellrh pd. I Ie was out there 1.lIil,Jiul! th~t ~r("al
(lUI' thir,t. There is 110 wrong 1Il thC'~e
hoat. nailing- on III{' phnk~ :l11,1 ,,·t1in'Y it
thing:,. b there any wron~ in gettiru! lIlar- r('ad\": The\' bel hranl him \\-:'Irn th:1I
ried? Xo: Gnd ha" ordained Ihal htauti- there was gning" tn hc :l flond. :\n:th had
ftll and holy ordinance. (~nd created Illen prophe"itd. Xnah had pr(,:lclwd :\"n:lh
and women that they lI1ight han' fdlo\\"- wouM I:\y elm\1\ hi~ h:lnlllr"r :In<i "aw :lm\
ship with each other, that they lIli~ht he- would exhort his rH'ighhnrs and <;':1\",
long \0 ('ach other in a sacred lil' or mar- "Friends, there is g-oiul.!" to h('" :l flw·)(\
riage. There i~ nothing wrong" in Illarr~·­ There is gninl! to hr a I!r('at cal:\..;ll'opl1{'
ing, But the dang-er is that IIlt·1I and God is going tn judgr th(' "infu\ I'r:'lrtke~
wOlllen becollle ~o absorbed in tho:,(' t\ring~ (1f men_" nllt tlw\" woulll thrnw hark thrir
that helong 10 the ordinary routine of life, heans and l:lug-h, and ".1\". "\\'hat a ,illy
tale tlt:!'t nld ftliow !('1\~' \\'\I:lt dn yO\l
A Radio Address on
"uppnse po<;<e,;~('..; hiTl1' \\'h("\"(, did 11(' J!C't
111O"e queer idca,;? lie h('lit"\"('~ in it wilh
all his heart. hut then" i, no "it:n flf al1\·
rain. \Vhy e;hollici WI" fear) \'·e ha\·c
11l'\'('r hC'ard of snch :t thin~ :\" rain" Up
until that lillie God h:'1(1 waterC'd th(' ('arth
hv the dew that came lip nn th(' \"('!;::t,t:lti.,n
There was no rain that d('",en!\t"d frolll
Iwavcn. and they had nC'\"('r !-('Cl\ an ;lrtesian foun tain. The\' did !lot knn\\' ;111\••
STEElBERG thing about these thirr~" ,,0 th('\" la\lg:he<\
Rut the flood came, and thry wcrt:'
)'It''n and wOlllcn laugh toda\" wlrt'll
in the events that seelTl so natural, that
the)' fo rget God. The thing Jesus want s preachers -in all ('"arnestnt'sS :lI1d ..;illc(,Tl t \"
us to remcmber is that in the TIlidst of warn them that Jesus is ('nllling. TIlt'\'
these thi ngs He is going to corne, and Irn- "a\·. " \Vhat makes you think that I it' \\'ill
e\.'er corne bark? \\'hn kl\n\\'~ that lie
lc~s we :l rc awake to the hOllr, and reali"e
how rapidly the Scriptures are being fll[- exi;;ts still ? Oh, ye<;. t\rere is a 1l'1!nl(i. ~,
fil!ed, that day will Q\"crtake liS una.wares . fahle that H e r o<:e frolll t he dead, ali( I
that some of His fo\lo\\'('rs w ent (111\ \\"lIh
Sometirnes as we look on the wickedness
Ilim one day 10 a 1I10lrntain TI(,,:'Ir Icnr
of mankind, w e say, ';\Vh" is it that God
;;alel11. and 'that 1 Ie <;uddcnly Il'ft the
docs not put an e r;d to all- this by ("oming
ground-that J1e asrt'll(kd lip and wa" reand judging the earth?" Gocl i" a God
cei\'e<i out of their "ight h\· a great hilln\\
of compassion , Be is a God of mercv. Ite
ing cloud-but that i~ all a fable." Xn.
is a God of infinit<· 1000e. and Hr do~s Tlot
it ie; tht" truth. Illy friC'nd. Jesll~ rlid go
want to <;ee rnen puni ... hed for their "ins.
hack to heaven. and J lei" coming h:lt:k
He want,; th('1lI to be "a\'('c!. But li e warns
again. Everywhere, on c\·en' ham\. 1IIt"I"c
them thaI there is a certain period called
are warnings that J lis return j" inrmilwnl.
the Di"p(-TJsatinn of G race in which men
that we mll<;t be ready. that w(' nHl"t !av
and wOlllen may h(' ~a\'e(1, and ,here is
a..;ide sin, th:lt ,,-e 11111,,·t :l(·crpl II im a" ou'r
definitely a tim(' wht'n thi.-; ])i"p{'n~:'Ition
~a"ioll r lest we he Idt hehind
will C<'Ill(' to :1.Il ('nd, and whell there wi11
There is going to he sOllie \\·('cping
b(' nn fmther opportllnity 10 1)(' "a\'e(\. I
among tho:;e who are Idt hehind. :\l:In.\'
\\'onder whether \'nu who are lIot saved,
will remember the warnings they had
if YO II were com·iiKed that there would be
hea rd . They will reali"e then tha t what
no' 111()re oppo rt uni ty to he "a\'cd a ft e r a
j am tdling you is truc; but .1 (.. 1<; will
certain date, would make it \'0111' husiness
already baye corne. a nd all the Christia ns
tn get to the church, t o gci hold of the
who were rcady will have di sappeared .
B ible that perhaps YOII received from your
Can yOIl imagine how the peoplc of
mother or in Su nday School when you
were a chi ld. and read it? W ould you do Noah's clav, when the rain f ell on the
that? \\'<mld yOIl heed the warnings that earth and the fl ood wa le rs hf'gan to ri se,
are given the re in t he B ible. t elling you must have knocked frantically upon the
(Continued on page thirteen)
that you must be saved o r you cannot be
• THE BELLS R..-\;\'G, the SIrens
shrieked, and yet there wac; a fearful accident. What wac; the m:llttr")
failed to heerl the warning. F ricnrls, there
are those who arc failing- to heed God's
warnings of imp<'ndinl! jud~nl('lIt. J Ie is
warning Ol{'n that there is a {J;IS when the\"
shall stand in 11i" pr(,~cll(,c and give
aCCOllnt for the deeds done in the flesh.
When ]r<;us wno:; here among men lJe
spoke on one occasion.
is recorded in
Matthew 24 :3fi-39. c;aying', "nut of that
day and hour knoweth no man, no. not
the angf'lc; of he<l\'cn. 11111 111\' Fathrr onl\".
But as the days of :--Joe werc <:'0 shall al~o
the coming of the Son of man be. For as
in the il:ivc; that were hrfore the nnnrl Ih('y
were c:tlin,!!' ;'Iud drinkin!!. marn'in!! and
giving in marriage. I1nlil the d"v 'th;!! :\'0('
entered illlo the ark. and knew not IIntil
the fl ood call1e, and tonk ,Iwin al1 awa\':
so shall a!~o the coming' of Ih" ~nn "of
man be."
The <I('"p. 't1l1(!erh·inl! 110le of warning in
our Sa\·iour's paralleling the times of
Noah aIHI of torlav ma\' be lost in the
egoti sm of our mfxl(,rTl' ci\·ili"atinll, hut
those who arc wis" will paue;c to think and
pray and ask. " \Vha ! was it that Je sus
was trying to say? \Va" He onl y reminding them tha t there wou ld bc an occasion
when Jestls wOl1ld come again. and t hat
the e\'ent would come upon men so suddenly thai they would be una ware of its
imminence ?" T helie"e that was one of
the trut hs that Jesus \\·as seeking to con"cy . H rre w e <1l"r living in the class immediatel .\' preceding t hr retUf11 of the T,ord
J esu s. All the prophe("i<'<;, of ~('fil1ture are
being fu lfilled so rapidly: the daih' 11/:\\'5papers actl1a\l~' record..; the fulfilment of
prophcc\' tha t we ha\·e h('"cll :ulIicipat ing
and preaching for lIlan~' years . .l eslie; is
coming a.t!ain. lie i" c01llin1! hack to receive those who ha\"e prepared to go wi th
To the unprepared. ;t will come as a
tragic surprise. The\" will say. "\\'c didn't
have any wa rni ng. Xobod"\' told us ahout
it. We w ere not e\'en :lware that such a
thing was going to occur." I f yon ha\"e
been a stndent o f the Scr iptnres. if yon
have heard se rmons on Dible prophecy, if
you have watched the signs of the times
and not ed what is going on in th is pre ~c nt
day, you must be aware that the time of
the return of th e Lord J CSll S is near at
Jesus me ntioned that in thc days of the
Flood they w ere eating and drinking,
marrying a nd g iving in marriage. 1s there
anything wrong 1Il eating? Certa inly we
Ma y 20, 1950
Page Fi'll/!
The Lu M""C En e nd the Fnmk K uo lamili" in Central China. &th men ate nerionel minlueu. wo rk inc with Alice F . Stewart and H enrietta T ielema n in Communin telTitory. M any
faithful netional mini.teu are at ""ork today in China.
Jame. E. Baker, Sou l h China
• EVER SINCE SOUlhwtst China and the
Yunnan Prm';uce btcame Communist territory
[;/ost November mally friend s in tlie homeland
have been a~king, "Whal about Ling Kuang
Aib[e Institute?" \\le wish to answer that (juestion, and also to [et you know how tht r.()rd has
kd us during this past difficult year.
For many months prior to Iht ch3nl;t in
gover11lnents it seemed 1)lain 10 all of 115 in
Yunnan that the existing govermnem was
doollwd; IIcverthc!e~5, we never ceased to hope
that somehow the tide of events lIould change,
and in spite of the unceftainty we tritd to conti nue our WOrk as mua1.
\\'hen Ling Kllang closed at the end of the
tcrm laq JIIIIl' it \\as by faith that we told
the ~tudt:I1IS to rtturn for classes in Sept~1l1ber.
\Vc m\.l\'cd fmm our rented (jllarters to the unfinished buildings on our Own property. \\le
had bt:cll badng difficulty with our contractor
for mOnths. It se~med Illat the bui1dillg_~ wOli ld
lIevtr be completed. By then we had decided that
..... e would not stay behind to work among
the Communists. (:\1)' parents and several
others were staying.) We did walll to get th~
buildings for the school finished and the kga l
mattcrs regarding them stilled before we made
OU f move. Each momh brought the Red :mny
closer alld by the first of September mo~t of
the mis~ionar ies had left the province.
\\'e organized an all-Chinese committ(,e to
manage the affairs of the Bible School ill our
ab~ence. Ku H\\ai Kung. who had already
proved invaluable as our dean, became the new
principal. \Ve were than kful that we had such
a fin e, responsible man to leave in charge.
Page Six
By the first of October the buildings we re
finally finished. Legal matters which had been
so unsettled were successfully handled to completion. \Ve nee:led teachers for the new school
year and just at that time God sent thelll. Our
students came back afte r a summer of acti\'e
gospel work and many new ones entered.
It was very hard to think of leaving, but \\e
knew that we cou ld no t stay and on October
lJ we said goodbye to th~ s~hool and to my
moth~r, and took a plane for Hong Kong. My
fath~r was away in trib;il cOlllitry at the time.
\\le had planned that should we ever have
to lea\'e China we \\"o\lld go to Indonesia. but
two things changed our plans: one was that our
visas for Indonesia had nOt COl11t; and the
other was that we received all imitation to help
ill Ecclesia Bible Institute in Iiong Kong. an
Assembliu of God school of 60 studeTlls which
had e,·acuated from Canton. \\'c accepted the
opport unity to teach in the Ecclesia Bible Institute, and to continue working among Chin~se
students, using th~ langtl3ge we had already
learned, as from the Lord. \ \le have found milch
profitable work to do in conncction with the
\Vhat news have we had from Kunll1ing? ,\ ir
transportation was cut off when tIle go\'efllillellt
changed, but mail has started to com(' o\·erland.
\V hen the YUllnan pro\'incial government descried to the Communists. the Nationali~ts
bombed Kunming, the capital. Letters confirmed
the newspaper accounts of the air raids. The
Ling Kuang Bible Ins tit ute was in the \'icinity
of the airport, and it was feared that the
school would be hit. Between 200 and JOO COIll-
mumst soldier) took (·ver the Bibl~ School at
one lime and Ihe elltire student body and staU,
numbering mOre than SO persom. had to leave.
My mother opened her home to them. The
entire student body and staff wue in her home
for more than two weeks. Som~ sta)'ed longer.
Hundreds of penons were killed in Kunm inc
during the air :aids. The heaviest bombini ,
it seemed, took place on Xew Ytar's Day.
All but JO soldiers ~oon left the Bible School
premises, so the students and faculty members
.... ere able to mOve back and to ftSUme classes.
No particular dall1a~c had been done to the
buildings. Except for trenches ..... hich had been
dug in th~ gardens. there was little evidence that
so many soldiers had been around. This ceftainly was an ans"er to prayer.
For a time it was difficult to send moocy
l{Jr the su pport of Ling Kuall!l'. and food WilS
so short the students and teaChefs alike fasttd
311d prayed for sev~ral days. We have not ~d
any difficulty getting money through sinc~. We
want to continue support and arc thankful for
those who are st ill sending gHu for this Bible
School that is carrying on behind the lines.
We are told that there has been a continuous
spirit of revival in the school this y~a r . Thu5
far the government has not hindered the acthities of the school. nor the church wor k.
For those who arc acquainted with my parents'
work I would like to add that my fathe r ~J
just completed seven months' succes,ful itinerary
in tribal areas and is probably balk in K Unming
now. H e and my mother plan to cont inue in
Yunnan. T he period of freedom to preach the
Word is not likely to last 101lg. When it is
o'·er lhere is no good prospect for transportation
out of the country. Right now God is gIVJng
them (and others, too, who staytd in Yunnan)
a very rich harvest of souls.
The worst famine in more than iO years is
now creeping across North and Central China,
according to informa.tion from reliable sourc~s.
Fifty million Chinese arc facing starvation. The
people are eating grass mixed with mud, bark,
leaves, and roots to prolong their lives. The
death rate already is quite high. Among those
starving and facillg ~ taT\'a ti o n are many Christians of ollr Assemblies of God churches of
W e canllot at this time send iood and clothing
into China, but we do have means of gettilll'
money into the country for our Christians, and of
contro1Jing its distri bution .
In the past we ha\'e gi\'en of ollr resources
to bring the Christians to a knO\\ledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ. \Ve lIeed now to I)reserve
their lives as witnesses for Him to their fdlo wmen.
\Ve are certain that thcre are those who will
want to come to the help of the Chinese Chri.·
tians with their offerings. ~ Iay there be
generous giving that li\'es may be sa\'ed and
the gospel extended. Scnd you r oifering to the
Fo r e ig n Million, D epartme nt, 434 W e lt Pacific, S pri nr fi e ld I, M illou r i, delirnate.i
"C hina F lUni ne F u n d ."
SOU'f)..t tNDt;.\ REPOfff
C~r l
O . H o lle man, S o u t h I ndill
(Editl'r's .\'oll": Carl D. IIn/l<m<H1 if '/,eroj till' SOllth Iud", . /.Ium /I"s of
Gt'd. H,' s~nrt s... 'tral ..."tk.f I IIliu I I f' lJ Jirld
corly this y,·or. The [oI/O;:'lII fl IS " r'f' r/ 011
sUllie I.Ij Ollr works tisi/rd.
j 'l/endl'n/
• JA:-.I"UAR\" February and ),(;m.:l ar C' (·.n·
lcntion 1ll0nths in Tra\"allCl H" ;Hld \labh.1r
in the south and we,! oi India. Our hr-, r'l1vCllIion, Jan. 25-29, wa" at :-'1a\dikar,L ill
Central Tra\'ancorc. The ath'lldilnrl' ~r('\\ In 1II
300 to 1,500 in the night kn"in·,. It i. rU-!\1Il1ary in our COIW(l1lioIlS for al Io::ht \W" mini_ters
to speak during each service. caeh mir'i~lt'Ting
for around an hour. The scrvicl:s wen: (Illite \.onS,
cl>ptcially since the Illcs~aR"e~ \H're inh'rl'rt"lcd
ill\o Malayalam. There wa~ hea\'y C"Il\'iCli"1l at
Mavelikara. ~ 1 3ny soughl the 1.onl for -al\"alion alld for healing.
The Sunday afternoon service wa_ an 111\pressive one. ~ Ir. and Mrs. John II BlIr~ess
were getting ready to leave the field ior furlough. Tile Bmgesscs ha ve spem clO~I' I" 25
years in India and have contribUlrd 11Il1ch j(marJ
the de \·e\opmclll of the field. Reco~llit i (ln wa,
g iven them in the service.
Our ne"t cO!l\'entiOIl wa~ held ill PU'lalur
where one of Ollr Bible Schools is located. ~lallY
were saved, and bodies healed.
From Punalllr we wellt to Tri\:\ndrulll to cllnd uct conventions in the Trivandr um area and
also in South Tra \·ancore. \ Ve had a sen-ice
in each of t he t<'n chu rches ulldcr Ma1"th:L ~1.
K ucera in the Tri\'alldr ullI area. It \\3S :\ Ilea\"y
sc11edu1c, a nd mea nt much tra vel by car and 011
of I'te chllr("b~" were ol\ly Il;llllb<lo
.. \11 cd til ;1\·,lil,lhlc ~]lace in Illl·ln W3.5
taken for the- ~en·ins. The peo\,Ie- ~it (n the
iloor. tilt nlt"n o n one ,ide and the- women on
thC' {>Ih,·r. \lu.:h ( i tiM! part uf the country
is ,ea kn'l \1 hith. t· ,l:l"ther with rite lidd~,
and coconut p"llms ~" thick One can hardly ~tt
the ~ky, make~ it oPl'rc"il"(:ly hl·t. Link change
in tl'lIlfJtrature ;, 11< lin'able da) or night. ~lt:et­
ing~ were lung .111(\ liring. but h\c"ed.
Seyeral oi u, Wl:nt to l'aralldod, 25 mile~
from Triyandrmll. for a sen·icC'. \\"e drove a.i far
a~ we could an.l \\alked the rest oi the way
through thC' ricC' iield~ to the 1011·roofC'd. little
chapel. TIll' p(:ol'le were singing whl:n we arrin:d. .\t the clo~e of the ~en·ice there wa5
thC' customary altar call, and then we had luayC'r
fo r thC' sick. ,\mong tho~e for whom II e \lra~'ed
was a woman who had been ill fo r two months.
She had been in two hospitals. ThC' h(1~llitaI5
had sent hcr home to die. :\ bed had been made
for hcr on the floor of the eh.apC'!. Since our
return he.me from the tOur we havC' had a letter
from Pastor Samuel. This is what he wrote.Io<'t
~hed~ .
"The hopC'!cssly sick wOlllan for whom we
prayed ill the day sen·ice at Parandod is completely h(;aled. After a few days shC' began to
\\·alk. Now she can work. The peoplC' have b«n
made to believe 011 Christ as a result of the
miracle. A rC'l·h·al has broken out at Parandod.
The peopk Ilant to build a more suitable church.
Local pe(lple offered I{s. 500/ (about $105). Is
it na t an ~·ncouraRelllen t to liS? Bll t you know
t ha t l he Rs. 500; is not enough. Plca~e lIray
fO r \hal stat iOll:' Thus God is working.
J ohn F. H il li with the portable phonOCrapbl civen by the Welt Te><u Dil trict for Well Africa.
(See story at ri Cht.)
Ma y 20, 1950
We alo;o n~it("tl ~'.u'ura 311d ha,1 thC' pririlegt'
of m11li~terinl!" tlJ the 'tudcnls IIf (ur Tamil
Rible Institute
\\'C' a.!!~i~ttd "·illiam I·:' Dan' ill C<lI1vC'nuon,
at Palih<l.t, Shllranur. al1~1 Co.L.lt"al In Pall!:h.. t
Ih~'rc WC:TC' ddiniu rhuh~. Tbe mttting hall
c(,dd not accommodate thC' cro\\d. If t!lt' work
therC' is to dC'vC'lop norma.lly a 'uitah1c hlliitling
\1 ill have to be I'rovid('d.
ilw\ll(·r Davis hr,i>«'s
to takC' o\·C'r ~ome F.llRli,h dlllf<h \,rOIll'rty. hilt
at present clot~ 11< t ha\l' \uHifiUt\ iuml,
.-\tt('ndance \\a, ROo.l at Shoranur .lUd
Cvdacal. It \\L' a time I'! ,eed-<owin~. but
tht're was no alpan·nt InOY(,. The exi ...!ill': nlllditions in thC' CC'lllmUtutlC'S makC' Ihe pC'orlC'
quite hard to rea.,;h .
The work I~ 1,f{1jl.rc, ... inj!" in jllnllar \\hC're
('ur noys' Orphanal!:{' i~ locatt"<! ~Ir. alld ~Ir~.
T. R. \'a~~ar arc in charR(' (.f Ihe ('Tjl11a.llag('.
In Rang:llon· God It;h hles'ed the mini,try nf
IhC' Cecil ~I Good, aud h'~("phinl' Spilla. Th('\"
rC'ceTltly havC' had a rC\;\"<l1 alll(ln~ their ptQplt.
ThC're is mu.:h tI> h.; lh>ll{' for God ;11 ~ollth
India. \\'e tru,t th.1t re\"i\·al \\ill ~\,r(',lll throughout thC' whole of India ~Iillion~ arc ,tIll without
Christ. Communists arC' bC'ginnilig to work.
TherC' are financial lICCtI. amOllll: thC' \"ariuu~
\\orks. The burdt1l5 are: ner upon 11_ Pka~C'
hold us UJI in prayer allli l"l..(k us II ith you r
Illl!allS a~ God place~ 1I~ 111)(11\ YI'ur h{"art.
A Unique Method
• JOH~ r. II :\L L has found a uniqll~
melhod of spreading the KO~pd in the French,
Moss;, Hallsa. and Comma lanRuagr~, C'ven
\\ hen absent from the field IhrulIl:h phOnOl:ra llh
recordin gs.
In a picture 011 t hi~ p;lge Brother 11.111 io
sho"]] with 22 phanograph~ which wert' gi\·1'n
by the \V e~t 1'e"as Distrin for u'e in ~Io~~ i ­
land, \Vest f\frica.
"Isn't it .grand." ~ l r. lIall wriH·~, "lh;1\ a
I)honogr<lph is ready at ally lillie. day (,r lliJ,lhl,
to spread tht '::1"1"'<"1 ~ [t d<)('~ 110t Ret the: Nun.
It docs not lo,e faith. nor Itt dow]] in in
C'fforts. It c10es 1'111 requirC' a wal·e \(-11.-th. 1101
stored \lower, ;l11d it will ~[I(·ak any lallJ,:llagr
without trailliuR·"
Brother I l a!! has madc n·cordil1g, thr'Hlgh
GO~JI(' I Hecord~. Inr., 1111i("h arc fllfn;,I'nl \\itll
t he portahles. S\·ri\ltl1r('~. ~(onR". and g<"pd 1111."·
sages can he heard. ~ I ()rc than LU1() ullhreak
ablC' rccord~ have heen Illade. One oi tltc rt'eOnl~
was put on an ele-ctric \ll:1.)·t·r Ilith:1. ("oulltn, and
after heing \)lay.:d 2.000 times it W.I~ \\i\l auolible:.
Na tionals arC' ablC' to t;lke the g" .. pt! to their
0\\ II people with a \)hOI1(ll:rallh alld a ~{"I of
record.. It is reported that on~ n.lli('lIal (11ristian l1~ed the lip of his finger to opcrat(' hi,
pOTtable machine whell Ihe: broktn ,prin.c:: m:ulr
1111'rhanical acti01l impossible. New 11li~siQl1ar i ('~
who cannOt speak t he nat ion:ll langll;"'.e~ : ,] ~o
wi ll find the portables a nd recordings usd ul.
One ~ I ossi Chr b tian yOllng man. drafted in
the French army alld sent to A lge ria. has wril
tell for a cflmpJtte outfit 50 he can play tite:
records as a g(lSpel \\ it]\ess in his rt·gime11l.
Trillity T emple Chri,t's Aml).ls,adors, ComptOil. Calif.. packed the phonographs for shipment
to A frica and fU1"11i.shed necd lc5 fOr them.
Page S even
Comments on Next W eek's
a grc:at out"ard
but it i •.
po ~ esse<! of powl'!r sufficlel1t to O'·ercome all
Sunday School Lesson
b y Ern est S. W ill iam s
Lesson for Ma y 28
1 Somuel 17 :3 9 -4 9
\\.~ ar~ greatly depcudl'llt on dr("'lJTlIstancl".s.
\\,hile \\c are III}! to I.....·omt' Iln~"IIS without
will, dri,·ell hy t ,·tTY \\ indo we mll~t recogn ize
God's vrovi~i()l1 in the cirl·tlUht;Ulf("~ of lift:, look
to lIim to k('j·p tiS ill /lis \\ill. tht'll step into
doors of OP1K'rtUlUly that arc hllllUrable, unlcss
God Ftuitks U~ othcrwis('.
David h;ul lx-cn anointHI for kingship and
at hi~ anointing til(" Spiri t of the Lord had
come 1I1l<Hi him 10 ~uidt· Iml1, y(·t ~(·t the Me~ in
his life Ih'\I ~ho\V the prop('r m(" of circumstatK"e~. ]);I\id'~ thrl·(" nldtr hroth('fS had joined
t he army Hf Saul. lIi~ father wi~lu.·I\ to know
how hi, ~on~ wer(" gdting along. I)a\·id was
chosen by hi~ father to \i~it hi, brothers. \Vhen
Da,id ar rh ed at the camp he saw the two
armir~ and thl'! challenging Io:iam Goliath These
were all circumstances tlla t (";0(\ wa~ in. \Ver("
it not for tlle~e circums t ance~ it ,eem~ probable
Ihal I)itvid never wOIIIII have J..<ained the: renown ",,·hich he rttei"ed hy ddeatiu8 Goliath.
Doyid '. Arri yol o t th e Comp
When Oavid arril·ed al the canl]) he expected
to see thl'! armies of Israel in triumph. As he
lookrd at the two caml)~ . the Philistinl'!S and
the isr;!'elit('s, he shoutl'!<l for the battle. H is
whole suul tingled in admiration for hrad, What
a d i~al)l){)intme11l it was when he saw consternation and cflnfll~io tl ill thr C;!'U1l1 of Isracl.
Oldrr Christians. let us apply thi~ 10 liS. Young
a1ri~ti;m~ ;!'r(" ful1 of enthu~iasm amI confidrnce.
\ VIMt a \('I-1>.1ck if the olckr Christi;!,ns show
no agl!re'~ivrnr~~, 110 coniidrnce Ih:lt cau~rs thcm
t o I1rr~~ fnrward against the forct's of sin.
I n~tr;ul of having his zeal encoural:e-d as he
calliI.' to thr caml), David met ~corn and abuse
from hi" nldcr hrother, who ~aid. "\Vh y eamest
Ihou do,11t hither? and with whom Mast Ihollleh
t hose ft'w ~h{'l'1' in the \li ldernCH?" v.28. Venom
driI1l ...·d fnom I']iah's (,,"cry word. "I know
tl ty prick :lUll thr Ilaughtincss of thine hea r t." Is
it l',w.ih1c that env)' Ila, the chid reason for
Eliah'~ '1)t'akiul:" as he did?
Did he not
reml·!I1h.:r how II(' was rt.'jrcte(] by $itmuel and
hOI\ ])a,·id "'IS anoilltrd to he killS instt.'ad?
ch. 16, \\'hat hittern~,,~ em'y can provoke agitinst
e\·en Ihe elt< ice'l of people.
Do yid's Ri le Aboy e Di$couroge ment
MallY a youlh, had he been ad d re~sed by Eliab
as was David, would ha ve gi"en up. NOI so with
David. David was a man of faith. lie knew
the pl'Ople of Israel were the co\"cnanl lJ.l.'Ople of
God and "if God be for U<, who cau be agains t
U5 ?" Il l' had been Quielly putting God to the
tes t aud learning that God d oes not fail failh,
With courage of fait h he had slain the liOn itnd
the bear. If faith could make this JlO~~ihle. il
could gi ,'e victory over Ihe enemies o f the Lord.
If Ihe armies of Israe:l were fearflll, hI'! would
Page Eig/II
volunteer 10 mlet t!i(' dlallengili~ (;"Ii.lth. It
trcllJ.::lh ot h"th faith and ,harMtl"r to
ri~e aIK,,·e di
Ira~l·tl1CIlt ani mi,rCl)r< ,cmation. and to d
shows an cxcdlent I.irit.
Differences of Viewpoin t
\\·/tOl the );:i;l11t "f (;alh fame Ollt I') dIal" n,::e
hrael, Iho e 111 hrOlel's army ~ai<l, '·Sun·l)" \'J
defy hrad i, lu.· COIII~ up." v. 25. Tlll·y hall
I()~t tht·ir ~llirttual ~en~e. They ~a\\" them~rh'cs
";lfter IIi(' fk~h," hr;ltl. Recall~e (.of this their
hearh wcre fil!c·d with fears and Iioubi. Ilow
differenl wa, J)a,·id. \\'hcn they sJX,ke of Ihemselves merdy a, Isratl. he' said, '·\Vho i~ thi,
uncireutllci,t<\ I'hili,tine. that he ~houlrl dd)'
till' IIrmi.>.f 1'1 tltl' lit·mil Cud,·" v. :!/i. Sau]"s arlllY
!-ad I, ~t sight. f ih <:11\·e11al1l relatil'll tn Gncl.
Sin ~It·als faith ffllm the \Jearts of 1111.'11. J);I\·j,1
sail the armit5 of Israel as the rcpre~entati\l"5
of the I.l1rd. To him hrael was G(J(L covenant
1}('<)I)Ie'. If thi, wue ~o, Goo was in their lllid~t
and God would give them viclory in battle.
Too many ~Ce thcm~c1vl'!s as Chrislian~, but
they Ilcv('r Io:ct vtry far bccall~e they look to
themseh·l'!s jn~tead of looking to the I)romi~l·s
of the 1.ord. Do Y(IU r(·alize in experience thaI,
whel1 j eSIIS gathered I\is di~ciples aiJout Him
and ilhtituted the Lord's SUPJlC'r. lie said.
"'This i~ the n('w covenant in my blood"'? Do
yuu count Oil )Ollr covenant relation to God,
or do yOIl look merely to yoursclf and your
human inabilit y? Ilumanly speaking, the gi;Hlt
o f Galh was tOO much for
any in Israel ; Divine-Iy endued. he Ila~ no ma tch for the
least among Cnd's children.
Satan and hi~ temptations arc
too great for yM1 alone, but
arc no mateh for you if )'011
meet the challenge wilh faith
in Chri~t.
(Ie flower of the enell1Y.
Spirituol Applicatian
David, the man after God'~ own heart, is
a tYIlc: of Ollr I.ord je~us Christ, the son of
David. who II ill reil!n on Dal'id'§ throllC. ha.
9 A 7. Horn ;11 n~thldltm plie. 5 :2), David's
h, me tOlin, I Ie n'(,1 and o,·ercame by lowline<;s
and tn('tkm:ss. Jt~u~ IIC\·er re~orted to carnal
rtl('ans either fur defense of lIim<elf or for
,ictory o,'er opposition. lIi~ W<lS a liie \\ljOl1y
III the Spirit. Iii, enemit·~ Wl·re forceiul: thty
inciudrd priest~, Phari~('t~, and scribc~. The,e
I.'larnorcd in their oPI>tl,iti',n. Ill' mC"t m"re than
11lese. H e met the ~(liril that in'l)ired thcm,
the great enemy of mankind.
His life was a life of cntir(' trll~t in God.
Ill' did always Ihl"(' thitl~~ thaI pleased thl'!
Fatller. This life of trllqiul (Jhedience made
lIim to be '·the ~I;ltl aftt"r (;0(1"> own heart."
At His consecration at jordan the Father said.
"This i, m~' belon-d Sf>!1. ill wh('111 I am wen
(llea~ed." On the ~Iount of Trandiguration the
Father spokl'! again in ~imilar wClrcis. It i~ Christ
\\ ho has conC]uere(1 tile ~re;lt Goliath. the devil,
the champi( n of wallol,ing and wandering in the
bc,ndage of sin. ~Iay In., wilh Chri~t. advance
in faith and attack in th(' n.1me of Ihe Lord.
1£ we do so we ~hal1 nc,·cr be defeated; rather,
we shall Io:ain surpri~ing l'iClories. "Thanks ~
unto God, which al\\"ay~ causeth us to t riumph
i11 Chri,t." 2 Cor. 2:1-1. "Therefore, my beIOI·cd brethren, be yl'! steadfast, IImnoveable,
alway~ abounding i11 the work of the Lord. foraSllll!(:h a ~ ye know Ihat yOur labor is not in
,·aill in th~ Lord." I Cor. IS :58.
David Anointed King (Lesson for
Lesson Text: I Samuel 16.1-3,6-13.
The T wo Champians
consid(-ring the
let us consider the
meaning o f the names /srod
and Plli/isll,u'. I.rml'/ means
" prince with God." P/ri/isli'lt
means '\,attdcrer Or "allower.'· How well they represell t
life in the Spi rit and life in
t he fle~h. OlJtJid is said to
mean '·beloved" whill'! Goliath
means "ex ile." David was a
lad of ordinary height, while
Goliath is said to h,I\'e been
abo\lt cleven fee t tall. \\'hat
docs this mean to 1l~? It
means that to follow Ihe flesh
means walldering from God
alld wallowing in sin. It
means Iha l thOse who love:
the Lord are bclo\· ... d. while
Ihe ehaml)ion of the flesh life
is an exile from God and
irom P<'itce. It means also
that Ihe flesh is form idabll'!,
of mighty appear3l1Ce. The
spiritual life may not make
Meet God at Camp This Summer
I ak('I,In! Fb
Ju ne 2&-July 7
F. D. Da\ is oj <:,
i .. fll t"r Te:\ •.,
DistriCi SUI'\·rint. n, om
,n· T J. j(onts.
Principal of :\.l
( uut
'1(' '1")11,,
Y' U \H'ary with daily duties? Are you
worn out phy,ically, tired mentally, and perhap~ ill need of lIew spiritual strength as
wdP Ii ~O. go to Camp Meeting. There you
will lilld a cOlllplete change, a respite from
the cares of life. There you can meet with
God, ~pl"Il(.ling hours in His presence III an
aUllo:.phcre conducive 10 prayer and Bible
Cam]) ~ l celillg days will soon be hcre.
\Vorke rs already 3rc busy lllakinF: arrang('menls for t he Illceting~ and providing the
accommodations you will need for slcciling
and ea ting. ~ I ake your plans now 10 attend
t he Ass emblies of God Camp ~ l ectil1g that
is neares t ),011. Start praying now and pre-1'3T(' your heart fM the tinH'~ of rcfrcshin~
that shall surely cOllle from the !)rcscncc of
the Lord.
lIurlc}, ~liss. (District Camp Gromils)
J une 12- 23
W. C. Shac ketf(lrd of :\ Iiami, Okla., Camp
SIl("nd your \"acatioll 18 miles from the
beau tii ul ~ I is~i~,il)pi Gul f Coast. Some rooms
:\\'a ilahle nearby. Plenty of camping spacc:
tent~ al'ailahle for rent.
Bring your linens
and toilet articl<.-~. :\leah ~ef\'e d at reasonablc
For furthe r i nforma tion write Jcff Gibbs,
Distric t Supcri ntc ndent, 130 Arbor H ill Drilc,
};lebon, Miss.
S tantoll, Ky. ( Peni el Bible Institute Ca mp us)
June 13- 22
t\. N. TrOller, Ca mp Spea ker. C. A. Day,
S <l l llfday, Ju ne 17. :\Iissio nar y Rally, S un da y
aft ernoon, J unc 18; ~I r. and ~[r s. Kenne t h
Shorl , 1Il issionary Speakers.
T he 16th Ann na l Dis t ric t Council will meet
du r ing t he la st th ree days of the Camp, June
Xew audilorillll ;111<1 11<:\\ c;tfctcria.. Cabins
iur rtlH efjuipped with be,!,. Flectric li~hts
and "ater ,II ,",r~'und .. , also a "1I,rc. Parking
space fur trailcrs.
The \nnual Diqri, t CNtncil \\ ill meet the
iir~t two day" of Call 1', J UIlC 20·21.
For (aoin re,\·rl".llIl'n \\Tite earl~' to G. L.
Riffc, I)i~tri(t ~l',·n·t;!r\"·Tre;l~urcr, l:,k~'I\'ood
Park, DCl"ib Like, X Il:lk" F(lf iurthn infe'rmation write II. l •. J"11I1~,,n, l)i~tri\1 ~Ul'l·r·
intClld('llt, i2J hI .\v X., Janlcqp\ln, X ]l.\k
One milc north and one mile we, t of (;rand
J unction, Colo.
June 2l-July 4
Wilbur R. Ogih-ie, Gllest Speaker
For rOOI11 inforl11atll'll write IIx-al pa~tor,
Ralph ~f. 1Il1tchimoll. 41.g (;rand hc., l;rand
J unction, Colo.
Alexandria, :-'Iinll.
June 22-Juiy 4
Gayle F. Lewis and L C. Burnett, Camp
For information write II R. Snyder, 9 10
Elliot .\\·c., ~ l illnt':Il'nli~. " linn.
~[ olitgolllery, Ala. (S!h miles ~ollthea~t of city
011 lIig:lmay 2J I)
June 2&-July 4
Bcnson, Petersburg, Va., Ca lIl p
For rese r vatio ns, write Carl E. P erry, 24
Pol k St.. Montgomery, Ala. For further ill'
fo rmation, wri le District Slll)Cri ntcnden t. T.
H. Spence , P. O. Box 2171, ~Ioll t golliery, Ala.
Firq ~en'iee :\1~'Tl:.l.IY !lIght. Junc ,YI rall~
alld icll,'\\ship m(,("ling
For re_enati,lh
r UI ('. inf('rm tlon
\\ rit(' J. \\". l ollim. ~,
I' O. H ':\ 42X.
I.:Ikclalld, Fla.
Brno\';-. (Irn: lllin
n th of ~allil
and 41 I!lik~ ~'>lIth of T\ t ,1111 ('" lIi!.:h' I)
t)'J F
Sce covcr Ilh .. II'
June 2&-July 9
\. :; Trotter alltl Rullut Flt'TrII, Canll'
Ra<.>ms and dorlllitor~' ~1';ln' :I\";,ilable ·\1'11
amplc ~pa((' for 1·;lInJlill~. :\!lals ~ef\ecl 111
lar!-!;e din ing rOl.>111.
FL,r iurthcr informatil'Il, Ilrit(' l.('~ter (."
Y~llIllg, Bethcl Go~ptl l';lrl.:. BrOt,ks, Oreg.
Big Pr<liri('. Ohi()
June 27- July 9
Rob('rt Cllnunill~s, ~1"rl1inll" Hihlc Teacher
George lla~'cs, l·~\·enin,· :--pt'a]..tr
F,'r fu:-thtr infoflll;lti"n, "ritc \ \\. Ilall11,
118-1 F. Tllinl St., ~aklll, Ohi,l.
June 27- July 7
\\'chb and \rthur (;ra\C~,
FlIr iunhn infprmation. write R C. lOlle.l,
I()CJI Sprin).:d,tie I..:""t! :\
Boi,e, Idaho (18 Illil('~ w(',1 of tily 0 11 Ili~h
Il a) 10, and I mile sou t h on Franklin I<oad)
J une 27-J ul y 6
E. J. Rohi~on oi Phoenix, A ri ~., Morning
For reservat iolls, wr ite E. F. Da na, Ro ute
I, \Vinc heSler, Ky. Fo r furth cr informatio n,
write S. \V. Brewe r, Distric t Superi ntcnde nt ,
Box 210, S ta nton, Ky.
Fla. ( t wo miles cas t o n Highwa y 90)
June 13-23
r . D. Davis, \ \'ilmi ng ton, Ca lif., Camp
S peaker.
For in forma tion wri te G. H. Bla ir, Dis trict
Sccret<lry, P. O. Box 465, Marianna, Fla.
~l ar i a Tl n a ,
Five miles south of Devils Lake, N. Oak.
June 2G-July 2
Kcnn cth Shor t, Ca mp Evangelis t a nd C. A.
Spea ker. \10.1. A. Brown , Biblc Teachc r. Jack
H olcomb, Singing E vangeli st, will be giving
special num be rs a nd also ministering the
\Vo rd.
Ea sily accessible, hy bus, rail, or pla ne.
May 20, 1950
Page Nine
and EveninR Sp('ak('r, \1 ini~ler~ In~lilu1(: and
\fternoon Speaker In 1,(, ann(lunn'd later.
For furthn IIIfOrl1l;lIion, \\ri\ (' () C. :\rnenn, Oislriu Superinl('ndcnt, ~.!4 F JcfferSC'n, Iloi\e, Id .lho.
Lake of the Ol.;Hkl (l3l/,: lI1iln Olllh\le~t
of Eldon, M n.)
June Z&-Jul y 6
W. I. Evall1, I/t';U\ of l.R./.. SprindiC'ld,
Morning Bible TC':lchcr. :o.lilftin LUlhe':r Davi<lIon of If ou~tpn, 'I"('x:", Clmp Evangelist.
For iniormati"n, l..rlte': lJblrict SC'cretaryTrC'a ~uf('r, T. F Zimmcrman, 414 Woodruff
Bldg., S I> rinRiicld, ~I (I.
lIungry li e,rM', :-'10111. (twO mi[es from tbe
south c ntr;lIl ~e to {,[a~ier I' ark on Highway
1\0. 2)
Jul y 1- 9
1.;. S. C rant. Kan~a~ li ly, "ans .. and
Arne \irk, :"\l1rth Hollywood, Calif., Camp
.\Iexandl ia, La, (aH(l,~ r(lld from :-'lunil.:i,)al
July 13-20
T J .1011'"
!'rinl-ival (.01 :"\.C.B,I., ~Iinlleapolis, Caml) ~11('akC'r
Camp 'f'·eling will be pre,'eued by Diotri((
CounCil. July 10- 12. Ovening rally on \\(,nday nil{'hl, Jul), 10. Au,in(ss TuC'SG.,v and
\\'edne~da\". F. L, Tanner, A~,i~tant i)i-tricl
Superintt'ndent. will ~"eak \fonday and Tuuda~ ni!,,;hu,
Cabin~ and (\"rmitory rooll1S al'a;lable.
),1 eal~ 011 fn'c will oifC'rill~ plan,
FIJr room re~eTlation, "rite F. C. Chamherlain. Route I, !lox 3'12, .\Iexandria, La.
Hot Springs, ,\rk. (5l'J mj[('~ nflrth of city
limits on State H iRhway 7, which win be 1)'11'ed
hyJullc J)
Jul y 12-2 1
C. C. Burnett of Springfield. ~I o., Specia l
For lurthtf information, write Curtis A. PricC',
Ob tric! Secretary, Ikx 4.36, Hot Spring s, Ark.
This is o ne of Ihe cJlOil'c recrca tio nal and
v::l ca liOIl arns o f the U.S.I\ It ha ~ an abundance of lakes, riveTS, and olher beau t y s pots.
Touri ~ts cordially invited 10 attend and combine': a ~I>irilual feast 111Ih a delightful va c;llion.
Fur further info rmalion, wrile Currell Muirhead, Di~trict Supcrintendcnt, Box 1549, Grea t
Fa l1~, :-'Iont.
I'ver\·I\. \\'ash. (s ix miles south of city,
011 wcq ('TId of Silver Lakc)
Jul y 1- 16
E. S. \\,illiarm, former Celleral Superinlendent, allfl Willialll E. Kirschke, Camp
S I>caken.
por further information, \\rile No r thwest
District Secrctary-TrcasuI'e r. J. A. Bogue.
435 E. 71nd S t .. ~('attle S, Wash.
Fairficld. Tex. (on grounds of Daniel :-'felIIorial Oq)hanagc, 0 11 U.:>. Highway 84 half
way bclwe':en Fairfield, ('ast and weSI from
PalcstinC', Tex.)
Belinnin,. July 13
Speakers to be 5C'lttted by pulpit committee
from brethren attending. Scn ices morning and
el'eninl{ in the big tellt.
Tents, fOts, and lIleals available, but campers
should bring linC'll5, Ilillows, and bed eOI'C'rs.
ror information write J. B. Daniel, Chairman
of the Board, Fairficld, Tt'x.
Santa Ani!, Calif. (011 NelljKJrt Ave. between
Santa Ana and Costa ~'I csa)
Jul y 14- 23
\Vesley R. Steelberg, Gencral Superintendent,
Speaker, Bihle ColkpC' Da)'. Tuc_. July
J8; I. J. lIarri<on, President. in charge. SunIlay Sch'~)1 Day. \\'t(\. July 19. J R:I~mol\,1 T,'n,
Oi_triCI Sunday School Rt-prt_('lltati\"('. 111
clarge, \\·"men·~ ~Iis~ion;lr)' Coullcil Oa\,
Thur~. Jul}, 20: ~Ii~s ~Iartha \Irl.can, Prc-ident, in ch:lrge. Chri~t'5 Amha_,.al")r~ Day,
Fri, July 11: \\"arrC'T1 L. HIlI. Prt,j,lt-Ilt. jn
c1:anu'. \'e~l'('r ~t·r\"icC'5 daily
Th S(' allelldilll' luu~t hril'g their (>1\11 beddinj::'
and lin('n~. :-'Ical~ «"fled in IICW cail'tcria at
reit~onablC' rates, Rooms al'ai];lhlc in dormitory
<In.\ ~pace inr trailC'r~ providC{\,
For information write \\" J n'llIarrl, lk",
1164, Santa Ana. Calii.
Green Lane, Pa.
July 14- A ug. 13
for information write Adolphus T Smit h,
Fa.;,tern District Secretary, Box 7.). Dunmore, Pol,
Augusta, Kans. (thrC'e miles we,t on lIighllay
Sot, and I ~ miles north )
July 18-27
Harold H orton and R. ~1. Rigg~, Camp
Speat"C rs .
For information wri te Pa ul C. Samuelson,
District Secre':tary, 1009 South Broadway,
Wichita 11 , Kans.
Greenbrier, Tenn, (21 miles from Naslll'il1e
on Louisville Highway)
Jul y 18-27
Berl Webb, Camp Speaker.
Bo)'~' and girls' cam!) (ages 7 to 13) Ilill be
held July 3-7. Youth Camp (ages 13-25)
will be held July 10-14. \y, C. Lankford, District C. t\. President, will be Camp DircrtOT.
Don Mallough, National C. A. Secretary. will
be guest speaker.
For information write H. E. Darnell, T('n nessee District Secreta ry, Box 385, M :ldi~oll,
Los Gatos, Calif. (on Sanla Crut Highway)
July 1- 16
Torn Johns tone of Canada, and C. E. Buttnfie ld of SC'attle, Wash., Camp Speakers.
For information, wrile Northern Cali forniaNevada District office, 1475 Ellis St., San
Fran cisco 15, Cal if.
Salt I.ake City, Utah
July 7- 16
Wilbur R, OJ:;ilvie. Special Speaker.
r or room rnervation, l\Tile the local Pastor,
Guy ~L lI eath, 328 W. Lucy Ihe, Salt Lake
Oklahoma Ci ty, Okla, (4YJ miles nort h of
Capi tol o n H ighway (6)
July 11_20
\V. L Evans, Morning Bi!)le TeaCher, and
Wa tson Argue, Kigh l Speaker.
For further information, writ e District-Secreta ry, Robert E. Goggin, Box 134 1. O klahoma City, Okla,
Page Tell
and Dinint H all, Bethany Park Camp, Northom California
Fur 1111Urlll;,11· I \I fltt' P"ui C
Di,trict ~l~ r~I"(~, ]( ~j s. ]'.
ll, Kans.
W .. lOllake Camp GmUlaj f IIi
tlleen !A:"i. ,11 ... nd ::;f· '111,111
W hitJ.
Au,. 4--13
E .. S. \\'il1iam,;, former (, 11
:-uptrl 'lell1·
ent. Cam\) :-pcaker. \'isili I.! nli: -I'
in afternoom,
"\cc"mmodali(j':~ for 1000 (111 fl mas Dornuwrie~ i. r mt'n and women. I ... r~c moJo
rt'~cn';Hi( I~
n, Te'C.
write E A \Iall!.-y,
I.ocation undecided
July 18-28
Dwight ).]cLauglllin ()I Tacoma. \\'a~h, Camp
For informatil)n write II . It K('TJlll'fly Distri ct Secntary-Treasurcr, Ji5i W. "C" :'t·-eet.
Torringlon, \\'yo.
Ncar Cher ry Tree, Pa.
July 21-A u g. 6
F or information II rile ..\do l phu~ T ~Illith,
Eastern DistriCI Secru ary. Rox 73, Dw;more.
P Cllllsylvania.
Falling \\"aters, \\'. \ 'a.
July 21- Aug. I 3
W. I. EI'ans, Bible Teacher. John j :'::uJlivan"
Camp EvangelbL
For information II'rite E. O. Dickerson,
Potomac District Secretary. p, O. Bo' il66,
W . Va.
Petersburg, UI. (Old Sa](,1ll Ota\ltauqua
Ju ly 21-30
T. J. jones, Caml) Tcacher; Tom JO]1I1-.tol](',
Caml) EI·angclisl.
For inform ation write Camp )'Ianagcr. :'II. :'II.
Brew('r, 76 E. Jennings, W ood River. i11.
Fa-Ho-Lo Park, Gras~ Lake, :'Ilirh.
J uly 22- Aug. 6
Robert \ V. Cummin~~ of Central Bible In'tilute. :-'Ionting Bible Teaeh(,r. Arthur S. Arnold
01 Los Angeles. Calii., Evening Speaker,
Hoolll~. t cnt~, illld do rmitory cots for n'nt,
Re~eTl-ations to he made in adv ance.
Bo)'s' Camll, July 8- 14. Girl~' Camp. July
15-21. Youth C<'lIlerence, Atlg. 7-18. :'I!inist('rs' S('minar. A ug. 7-11 and 14-18.
For reservations amI further informatiol1 \\rite
Michig an District Council. 209 N. \\'allace
Blvd .. Ypsilanti, :--lich.
Distrit;!, For illi~ rlllation
\Vaupaca. \\ i,.
F rami1\gilam l~"t'e. ).I'l~' ~,,: R"l1k 9) in
Ihe heart uf :'\n\ I-:ll;:lanli lIith 11Iall~ pi 1\"('> of
hi~toric illlne.t no 3rhy
July 29-Aug. 13
A. L. H oy oi HattIe Ln:'k ).[id,. Bible
Teacher. \\'. E. Lonl{ oi I>,~ )'lmllp, luwa ,
Camp E l angeli'l. Thr\'e \eT\nn IJaily
The Bo,tull .. I,d \\orcott'r bu~ II ill di~­
charge p:l",enger, at (innll l'nt:anct'. Fr;uningham, )'Ia's .. i~ al~o a railr":ld «:I1\1;r. haling
the best train ("{lIlI1l'(tiol', )'Ieal .. are I'rtvided
on grou nds at l11inm\l111 e,·,1 li vu-.ing prol'ided
in a I'ariel\" oi W:L)'S . .-\ Iwmhl:r oi roo1l\~ are
gr0Im(h. P ri\";,itl' home~ near the
camp open tlll'ir d(lOrs to ra111IK·r~. TfluriSI
,abins available within drili11lO: IIi,lance (If camp.
Tyvical l\~1I' England inll'; pifer ;ICCf'!Il11100ati OIl to Ihose dc~irim; tIl is oUlldard o f c,lmfort.
PrOl'ision is madt: for a trailer ramp :lnl! :l tent
R oy Smuland. Di~lri et S\1p<'rimflHkn!. is
servi ng <IS Camp Pa~ t or a nd \\ ill lIrf'vi'\(' \Iise
counsel 10 Ihose who eX I)re,s Iheir ~ksin·.
Paul R. nuchwaitcr. (amp :'I ['l!lagcr. For
informalion or reseT\'aliolls write Camp Commillee, 7 Auburn St., Framil1]::hanl, ).]a-.s,
\" ood-Ion,
way 2-4)
( three
mil.~ ~;)~ t
Au g. 1- 10
Dwight H. :'Ill'l.aulo:hlil', {',1Il111
,,11 Iligh-
1 u\JIII.)o k. Te'l:.
Aug . 8-17
Camp ~]l( :,1.;,. ,I' Ill' "nn'''I1Kl'd bt("T
For informal I"!! writl' S, F Fhlri']I('. ]ll~tri(t
Secretary. Treasurer, Box 5.5,\. IIII'd· 'rd. Tl'l;
Route Ii)
Aug. 10-27
John \\'righl Fl>lklle, Bible Tt,u;-h.'r, Th ,ma,
B Don Carlo~, F\am.:cli'l_
For iniormation 11'1 itl (;[en l.awn'lIee. HI ute
2, Colerain. :\ C.
Lc'Cingtol1, :\cbr.
Aug. 11 - 20
I~. C. Jone~ and Edgar W h iu', (3111]'1 :-;p..-akef!,
F or information II rile).1 F i1ran<il. Di,tricl
Supcrinlmdent, li04 \\t. Di\'i~iul1. C;ratlll hi and,
N ~ br.
Lake Placid (two miles e,hl ()f 1I,lrtiord Cily,
A u g, 18-27
Martin 1.uthu Dalid_on and Ld~C;lr Iluhany,
Camp SpeaklTs_
Beautiful Lake P lacid with 40 acre, of
ground was purchased by Ihe Di~trill Ihre\' yt'ars
.go. ImprOl'ements include IW u large d.>.-milorie~, dining hall, eoltag(', cOIllI>lc\c ,.lI1ilallon
s}"~tem \1 ith modern wa~hroom~ ali<I Jh<)\\'er~,
lunch 'Iand~. book Slore, tent5 a11(1 id'Ml IrOlikr
parking \OIS.
Youlh Cam]), July 3---8; Howard 0'1: .1 and
P"ul Painn, noys' Caml), July W-15: Cir15'
Spcnc('r Lake (five miles soulh of \\'aUl ,aca,
July 26--Aug, 6
Harold Horton and Hobert Fierro. Camp
Speake rs.
S]}olIsored by Wisconsin-Nort hern :-"Iichigan
/Ita\' 20. 1950
BOII/;nl a,o,md the point on Lake Plac.;d, Indiana D,', trier Camp
Page Elrven
C:Utlp. July 17- -22;
Paul Evans and
L. B.
Ri chard~on.
For further information write
P. O. Rox 1020, Terre Haute, Ind.
Dcnver, Colo. (5700 S. Broad\\ay)
Aug. I _ II
\Vesky It Stcelherg, Gentral SUl'erintl"lldent,
Guest ~\,e;J..;er.
For Tflom informatinn write Ro(.ky :\f{Juntain
District Secretary, It (; FuHord, 5iOO S.
Broadway. I.iukwn, Culn.
Watch future Evangel. for announcen..ml.
concerning o lh e r CIUllP Meeting. not Ii. tee:!
in thi, inufl.
(Continued from page three)
There is need of • breaking that will cause
us to IllOuru and wee]) and fast. ,\]any peOple we
talk with SOly, "BrOther. we haven't the t ender~
lIeSli, tile SI\·(·ttneH, the brokenness, the fulness,
the joy, lIor the passion for souls that we had
when we r~,-ei\"ed the B:lptislU wilh Ille lIoly
Ghost." And the thing thaI IIlU~t greatly grieve
the Lord is Ihat we reSQrt to natural forces
to try to rcmedy the situation when God desires
that it be :lecomplished through prayer. llow
'Creat is the need for intercessors in Ihis day.
A el.'T!ain I\oman, who has been considered
a ~uc("rs~ful evangelist because she is a Sl)1endid
preacher, i~ also great in prayer. In a morning
prayer meeting, year~ ago, she became J)rostrale
\HIder the S]lirit of ill\t'rcession at about
10:30 o'clock and stayt'd there until J:OO p.m.
Sometimes she ullered not a sound, sometimes
there \\a5 a. 11100ln, sometimes a few words,
but during a gre.il.t part of the time she was
si!l.'nt hdore God. Laler, in speaking of it, she
said, "Oruther, when I felt myself c<ll11ing back,
J said. '0 Jesus. must I look out upon the
world :tj:;:ain?'" It caused her much grief. Oh,
the suffering of intercession! But also Ihl.'
wonder of it 1 , am thinking of Him as He,
The Iioly Spiri t, is directing our prayers and
moving the heart of Father God 10 hear Ihl.'lnl
I have been Ihinking about the missionariesthose who are guing through hard things.
There are oth{TS who need prayer. Souls need
TO tJ.e saved. Many of your loved ones need
to be s;",<,d. Many young l~ople have not consecrated their lives to God :1I1d net'd help in praying through IIntil all is on the altar. God wants
our dear young people for His ~ervice. \Ve 111l1st
stand with them in prayer.
Then there is need of .. great redval, both
at home and abroad. \Ve thank God for a lIew
moving of the I loll' Spirit in reyiva l power in
these days. It is WOnderful to heat of souls
i>ting savt:c..I and hal)tized with the 110ly Ghost,
~ick hodies being heakd. and the saints having
• gl.'lIcral quickening. l3ut in the midst of it we
arc eonseioliS that Satan is enc..leavoring 10 PUI
forth a spurious work-something that looks
real hu t is not genuil1e-an imitation of Ihal
which God purposes fOr the last days. There
is a nerd for united prayer among the J)eople
of God Ix-eause of this onslaughl of the enemy.
God is looking for those who are willing to be
subjectl.'d to His Spirit. willing to be weighted
with intercession until He accomplishes His purpose in Ihe world. \Ve are in the closing hours
of this age, a time whell God expects us 10 do
Pag e Twelve
Rocky Mountain DistriC( Helldquttrteu find Camp Gr"'IJnd" nenr Denver, C%rad ....
SOllll.'thiug quick ly. This call s ·.ould Ix- burning
in our souls.
1t is not easy 10 intercede for others. It
rtquires a real purpose of heart and determination to press one's way through thc opposing
forces of Satan \\ ho wvuld ke<:p t\'ery one of
God's saints from the place of prayer ii possible. One. must come with a hear t open for the
burden God would lay upon him. for only as
God placcs the blHdl.'n a re lI"e abll.' to assume it.
A young man once informed his mother t hat
she was not to call him for meals or disturb him
in any way, for he ])Ianned to spend the day in
prayer. lIe wen t to his room. carefully arranged
his trOU5ers so they would 1I0t get wrinkled.
and went to prayer. He prayed for his faill er
and mother, for the entire family, for his
chuTch, the emirl.' communit)". the nation. for
the missionaries, and though t thaI he had been
praying all day. but when lie took Ollt his
watch he f/)und Illat he had been praying only
fifteen minutts!
How long 11al'e you prayed today?
heart goes 0\\1 for our pn:ciO\lS minist<:rs, staggering so undtr the burdens of the church that
many do not find time 10 pray. Some have
shelves loaded with books frOIl1 which they have
made notes which they can grab UI), and so rush
.to church with a borro\\td message. Some arc
going ouly on 1l101ll(:!I!UUl. The actil'iti<:s of life
keep people from intercessory prayer and hinder
God's work.
The young man we were speaking of went
again to his knees. He said, "0 God, ] Hill
pray all day." Then God btgan to work. Soon
the Spirit began to pray. and as he yielded the
Spirit prayed thlough him. Tllel1 he had no
trouble to pray all dar, for the Spirit llTared.
"Likewise tile Spiril also helpeth Ollf in.
firmi ties." He wants to bring liS into a life of
intercessory praye r that shall bear fnlit both
now and throughout <:tl.'rnity . ./I!a)' we heed t his
c<l1l and yidd ourselves to God for this im]lOrta nt ministry!
(Continued irom page live)
door of the ark. and desperately asked fOT admittance? But it was the n tOO late. The door was
sealed shut; the opportun ity 10 be 5.1vcd had
passed. Don't tak e ally chances, friend. I)on'\
gam hie with your ~ouJ. Drop on your knees today and 3\k God. for Chri~t ' s qke. to forgi "e
yOUT sins and to gin' you the as~uran(c thaI yO\!
have been born ag-ain. and that your namt i, in
the Boo k of Life.
(All correspondence and oiferings toward the
support of "Rc\ i',lltim c" should be addressed
to the Radi o Department, P. O. Box iO, :'.l'ring-
field. ),[issouri.)
The Lord's Healing
eurich('d, I nOlI know at least somethil'g of what
it n:illI)' ll1can~ \l \\()r~lllV God in Spirit and
in truth The lo\'e oi (;u.;] fllr a I, _I w(,rld is
being made (('al to lIle Ihe't· \\O!Hkrful days
of heaven Ul}(1n ~arth, -(\Ir~,) .\lic,· I)"lmar,
322 :\!JII~O I'rometlOldc, \\\~t 1':1.1111 Rcach,
(Past'Jf D. J lIaidt I\ritl"
"1 (;)1. ("ndirm
tl;i~ tcstim"1l1
:'i~tcr ,\Ike J)"It1l~r \\\'nhips
\\ ith u, and i~ iaithiul in ,lIIel1l\al\(C, 11er glowing Ic~tilllony I" healin.1t al1'1 the PClltt,(:I"lal bapti,m i~ alway, a ~"ur(:c 01 ill'piratiol1 to us all.")
Due to thc fact tllat the Sunday School Con\ cntion Report will be a mllch I:lf(~er 1)(Ioik than
\IC a nticipatcd, it win not be ready beiore June
fir-\. It will include the conl'enti"n 1I1cs"ages
and notes of all thc c()nf('rt'IlCC grotlp~, These
arc hci ng printed in book form which ;s available
at co,t price, $1.0(1. Send your order to t he
Sunday School Department. Gospel Publi,hing
House, Springfictd 1. :\11" lOlIri.
\Ve have had a " crr remarkable healing in
om church. [n Augu~t. 19..9, :'l r5. Eliricda
Sohl of SJ2 l,t'l~e S treet, Scran ton, P:t, was
exami1lt~d by Dr. J, B. J ordan 01 Scranton. I Ie
diagn osed her C:l>e as a fibroid tumor and advi ~cd an operation . Mrs. Soh1 was prayed for
on se\'cr al (X"(:I,-ions. nlld both she and her
Illlsb."lnd fa~t cd and prayed for her h..:,ding.
On April IS, \ 950, th e tum or. of il s Own accord, detac hed ih(;]1 a11(1 \\as di_chargcd from
hcr body, She ~howed the mass of grO\\Ih which
was slightly smaller than a ba~l"ball t o her
doctor who said it was the tum or. li e examinell
it carefully an d ,h(n <<lid th<lt only God had
done this , and added fu rt he r Ih,lt if we ha d 1110re
faith in God more thin gs like that would hapP(,I1.
Mrs. Solll has been dcfinitcly healed by the
Iland o f God a lone, and is in the best of
health eller since. The tumor preser ved in a
glass jar has been seen by hundreds of people.
-Frederick F. Re idenbach, Pastor, Pentecost al
Assembly of God, 825 Grecn Ridge St.,
Scranlon, P ennsylvania.
had been a sufkrcr from chrollic sinusitis
for over IWO year s, having se\"e re headaclles
and Illlich discomfort in breatlling, I found it
most difficult to breatllc through my nOse in
rai n\" and wind\' w('a ther: t he re was a COlhtant
di scilarge f r(;tn'my 'nasal tuhes, and sore throat.
Uy healillg" wa s com plete and almOSt installtaneou s. Just a~ ~0011 as o ur prceioqs eval1gcli"t,
HaTl'cy M cA li ~ t e r. prayed for me, January J.
1950, dllTing his \\"estgate revinl, my throa t fdt
norma!. A ud, a~ I \\ alked off the platform
after being prayed lor . mv heada<::hes instantly
ceased and al1 di scomfort frolll myoid complaint
was no more. X c('dless for 1IIe to say. I h a\"(~
expcrieneed a wonderful increase in my physical
Sitt ing und er the prcachiug of the full gospel.
I soon realized t ha t somethi ng' was lacking' ill Ill}'
experience a.> a hclicI·er. Brother ~!cAli ~ter's
teach ing of God's \Y ore! opened my unde r standing as regards the TC:J I lllealling of a Spiritfilled life. I am truly appreciati\'e of the healing
o f my bod\". bu t el'ell 1Ilore so for the gloriOUS
hapti ~ m of tbe I kly SJlirit. which I expcrienced
in th;lt r evil·a!. :\fy \\'Ilole life has becu changed,
May 20, 1950
M c KINNEY , TEX , -We have jult c\0se4 a
gloriou. r ev iva l With Evangelis t R obo.rt RoC .. n
of Wuahoch ie, Tell . The Lard blened. .n e • ...,.
. ervice. There were 15 "ved or reclaimed, and
t w o w ere ba pt ize<! in the H oly Ghol1. A. a r ..
, ult of our Sund.y School attendance drive ...
had 375 pre ... nt o n E ulU Sunday. God i. bl_
in, h .. re for whi ch we are c:rateful.-Ell rt J .
ROlen , Pa l tor .
FLINT, MI CH ,~W e recently co nclud ed ele .... o
weeb of one o f the f.rthest rllachme revivab .. .
have ever had , T he W .ldron-Holb rook Ev ....
ielittic Party of F10rida .... at ""it h u' for four weelt:.
""r1y ;n january. T hi. wa. followed by leVeD
week. with E"angelish W illard and Vernll Cant ..
Ion o f Winn ipee, Canada , A lso au"tina: thi. IIIIta.
party for a few niehl. ",.. re Evan~eliu and Mr. ,
J ack H olco mb lind P aul end L ucille Cant e lon.
From th .. very first II w Ol evident that God .... a .
movine in an unusual wil y. T he "l l au wer. filled
ni,ht after night . •Hu1tmg in hundred, IIccepti"e
Chrilt. Man y "'ere bllpli~ed in th e 1I0ly Spiril
and quite a hw rf'.markable heHling. "'e re ;n evi_
dence. Ou. tabernacle, lealine over 850. proved
t o be Ilir to(t small f or Ihe cr owds. It w as neeuSaty to mov e our w eek· .. nd ",rvice~ inlO Ih"
Central AuditOrium.
M ar .. th "n S 16.000 w,.. ni ~e<1 durin, the I••,
week for our new church build"" , W e .re happy
th a t we hDve been .ble to .hare in the ~re.,
reviv al tidet th.t liTe nowina throliKhoul Our
nati on.-by M . A . j o llay. Patt o r , Ri ver.ide Tabe r
nael ...
Among the Assemblies
CHOCTAW, OKl-A. -W e h ad a fine revivol
with E V9n,e!i.t 9nd Mrs. Delbert Price. Eleven
were s9 veu and eigh t filled with the H oly Ghost
~W. Lee Alwe!L Pasto~.
CARTH AGE. MO .~W e had • three-week
meeting wi t h E vangelist and Mrs. Phil Johnson
of Tu1$1I. Okl a . The meHing wQS a bl.... ing to
the c hurch . We set (I. new Sundoy School atten d ·
once record Ells t er with 332 pr ..s .. nl.~J. A.
Roger!! . P as lor.
PARMA. MO.~We hlld a l our .week revival
wi lh Evang .. lists H ele n Cox and Mabel Brown of
Vir~ini :1. [11 . Twe'''y or m ore were saved. and
17 r ece ived th .. Bllptism of Ih .. H oly Ghost. We
do praise G od l or thi. vi. iunion of the Spirit.
-Lewi, Littlepage, Pastor.
JACKSONVILLE, ARK.- W e h~d II re,';val
wi th ~: vangelis I 8 Fr",,,;es M oss and Mllrkarel Vllnn
of Sheridan. Ark. Th e Lord bles, .. d from ni ght 10
nigh!. T here were so me conversion. IlTld r .. fillin g>
of the Holy S piri t. Our church in ge" .. ral .... as
ble .. ed.~S. S. Dean. Pastor.
BE ARDEN . ARK .~W e have hlld a visitation
of G o<l's Spirit. Th .. church i, movin!;!" on for
G od. a nd showing an il1creaSl' in every dep .. Tlment.
In February Ev a ngeli st .. nd Mr • . W. V . Grant of
M olve,n. Ark. wHe with u, for two weeks. We
were u noh le t o k eep an accurate a ccount of those
who wer e saved. or h ..al ed. There were around 80
filled wllh the H oly Spirit. Our building w a.
filled to o verflowing m llny nights. Our SundAY
S chool h" $ increa sed 10 222 in a l1 en dance.~O. R .
Ball. P astor.
TUCUMCARI. N M.~We had II r .. vivol w ith
Evan gelists Oori . Fisher Ilnd Wunda Sandllr. of
Dum a . , T ex. W f'. had th ll largest crowds in the
hi.tory of our church . ' God mel uS in a wonde r ful way. rourtf'.('n were $lived. and five r ec eived
the H oly Ghosi. On Ell ster Sunday, II we .. k after
the m"elink ",a , over. we hod II reco rd Illlendance
in Sunday S chool. We are planning to build, Or
enlMge our church. Fred Carrington i, OUl" pastor.
~Ever .. tle \V isner, Church Secretary.
CO RPUS CHR I STI, TEX .~Th e First A '" embly of God has just conc lud .. d II very succeuful
"Sunday S chool Empho.; , " rev;v a l wilh Al Samford lind Party of Houston , Tex. On Ea ster Sun d oy we broke all previo u s SundllY S chool record s
with 437 in anendunce. Th " IIVerlli/:8 fo r the
Ihr"e "'eeks of the meeting wlls 378 . The rev;val
did a gr .. at d .. al to .. nlarge OUt visio n and encourUi/:e ou r faith. The . pi ritual tide o f th"
church i. high and we expect 1\ con tinued prOiress
for I he Lord.~W arren j. Pierson, Pa sto r .
JlICT URE mcnO~," RY
B y R uth B. T ubby
T he dci initi ons aud illu ~tra l iQlIs in
book mak e it valuabh' for tcacl\i ng
chi ldren up lo 1<: Cn-ag-c. :\'('arl~ fo ur
hundred words frequcntl y found In
Eng-li~h tr an~!atiun~ of t he nihil' a.re
.~ il1lpl y, clcarly dcf lli ed and made vivid
by th(' lise of picturcs. ln c\'l lably
t his book will make t he 13 ihlc ItlOr~
meanin gfl11 to boys and girls. Clot h.
3 EV 3003 ...... ................ ... $1.5'
Order by Numbe r and Title
Page Th irteett
To teach children better:
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sermun" nncr a wide range of
subject.... \1\ have the same Jeep
tllldt'p;tanrllllg' of children's cxpcricnccs and problems. Some "en'
!{re:ll ideas in teaching are easll}pn'"C'nted
Cloth hinding.
3 EV 1932
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$1.5 0
By John Henry Sargent
This very excellen t book co n ~
s; .. ts o f 105 t hr('e~!l1inllte object
talks, sim ple illustratiolls of many
or the t hillJZ~ that happen within
the area of it child'.., experience
and that will help him in seei ng
and understanding the larger spir~
itl\:l l truth of the Scripture thaI
accompanies eaeh parable.
3 EV 2184 .
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3 EV 1217 .
By Fran k G. Coleman
In the thirte en chap t ers (d this
splendid book, the reader learns
how best to prepare a story , how
10 gel t he mO!it out of Ibe song
_~t'r\"ice, how to org-:Inif.e for 1\lem~
oriz ation .
l i e learn:-; practirai
\\-ays to hold at t ent ion and to
ma intain d i!icipli ne, amI huw to
It·ad the child to eh,-i"t
3 EV 2393 .. ..
...... ... ...
F o r Special Occasion s
By Jacob J. Sessler
This new book is the third \'ol~
lime in a series of chilJrcn's ta lks
and .. cnnonc llC s. ])r. Sess ler in
this book introduces still another
idea which is q u itl! distinct from
the ot her s p resen ted in the pre~
\ io tl s books.
Tn his " objec t"
t alk s he uses for hi s purpose t he
~illlpiest th ings.
Ilere is a book of t hirty~one
o ri g-inal stories for J u nior and
I nte r mediate
ston' is o n e of modern {·hildrcll
a n d ·si tuation s, but c\'cry one also
points Oll t Bible truths. Childrcn
will be led to visualize t heir o\\"n
ambi t ions in the acts of t he he~
roes or he r oi nes , w ith Scriptures.
3 EV 1859 ................................ $1.50
3 EV 1964 ................................ $1.50
And Other Stories
By Ida Lee Wolf
Gospd JJublishing
1;1";"""·"""""·..·"·..·,, ....·,,,,·,,,,·..·,,,,......•..•.. ·,,",,·""·"·"8
I .~i~~:':~ ~=I
Hebrewl and the Ceneral Epislle.
Dispen$8.lional Studlel
rOT ;nfo""",l;on 'Write 10
~J. W . Pacifio; St.• Sprin,rield I. Mo.
8· ... "" ................ ,............... "".".. "" .................... ""''''''~
RYAN . OKLA.-We have just closed a revi ... al with E ... angelin M. H. Nolin. Thre<l were
b~ptized in Ihe Holy Ghol!. 22 Were uved. and
.... veral received defimte healin,l. B. M Mitchell
i. putor.-Cracie Spa,kl.
ST. HELENS, OREG.-Evantelist Eu,ena D.
\Veiu of St. Loui,. Mo. wal "'ith uS in a Ihreeweek meeting. Four were filled with Ihe Holy
Spirit, IWO Mormon. wue saved. and two back.
• liders were reclaimed. The church Win blened
and we are expectin g greater Ihings.-Carl A1iquist, Pastor
CHAMBERLAIN. S. OAK.-our revivIII "';th
EVan,e1ill and Mr •. C. E. Frederick cloH-d Eastet
Sunday nilif:ht. S(-"v.. n were ..... ed. Aboul 40 peopla
from other churchel knelt at the alilit durint thi'
m",elinC' Attendance WIlli ,ood in sp,t. of the
/llmOIl impe-.ibll' road and ""eath~r conduionl.
P....,pll' trav",led throu,h mud and flood. 10 get
to th,· meeling
Our Evanllehu·. audio-visual
miniury Wa' a ble"in,., L. P. BurlU, P.stOor.
MONROE. LA -The Doah ... Addi\i,.,n Assem.
bly had a "'onduful three·week r/-"""'al with
E"'an(l;elill Velma Snceo of Oakland. Calif. The
attendance was larse. A Coodl)' number .......
saved and several ....·ere filled ",.,th thl' Holy GhOtLt.
Cod moved in f'ach suvice and many ",.'re hf'aled.
The membt-" of our ,"hurch ..... er .. Ulfred and .ur·
rendered IhelT heartl to Cod in n....... ("(>n.""ra·
tion The revival ~pirit has remaIned .... ith uJ.C. W . R e~no1d •• Pastor.
LAMONT, CALIF. (nellr Bake.,field) We ate
pfllisllll Cod for the ,Ioriou. rev"'al we ha"e had
in Our church. In January the church ask..d u, to
begin II revival, and the firll night eilif:ht people
were saved, Th", panor preached for un,' wuk.
and Ihen called Evana,tlin J F McNinch of
8f,k ... r·f'eld to be w,th u. for four weeks. About
75 were IIIved. 25 received t he Baplilm of Ihe
Holy Spiril, and 30 followed Ihe Lord in waler
bapti~m. Our church il not yet lour yutl old
CORTEZ. COLO.-We recently had .. revival
meelin, with Evangelist W, M. Stevens of Den·
vcr, Colo. Several knelt at the al\9r for s .. lvation
and around 22 re<:eived the Holy Chost. The re·
vival fire is .til! burning, In our regular ~ervices
people are beinll sa,ved and fill"d with the Spirit.
- Kenneth Crou .., Pastor.
MOORHEAD, MINN.-We had a successful
revival in Mllrch with Eva ngelist Eugene Smith of
Cheyenne, Wyo . The meeting cont inued lor three
weeks. and Cod bleued in II wonderful woy. W,th
t he exception of two nights. IOmeone WaS lAved
or filled with the Holy Spirit each night. Sllverol
were soved and 26 were filled with the Holy Spmt.
Our Sunday School reached a new attendance record
of 177. Thi. was the greatest ou tpouring of the
Holy Spirit thai we ever had '" our church.Alex Karmnrkovic, Pallor.
For some time we have bC(!n prayini for a Holy
Chost revival in Wyoming. In many ways Cod
has been an.wering our praye rs. Over a month
~io Evangelist Wil bur R. Oiilvie began to min·
ister in our D b tr ict. God has bleued thele meet"'gs. Many IX'Ople h,n'e definitely been heal .. d of
mnny sicknesses. We have al.o seen many soul .
f aved .. 1 have just retur" ... d from the "orthwe,1
'e~ lion of our Di.trict where OUr brother labored
when he fint came to us. I found the churches
hud made definite gaius. M llny of the people
5II"ed and healed in the meetings are af{iliaUUG
WIth our churches in that sect ion. We appreciate
the way this evungclist hIlS helped UI promote
ou r new field •.-J. E. Neely. DIStrict Super;n.
tion a I "Christ f or Coalinga" Crusade with EVa".
&elist W. E. (Bill) Lon& " 'pS a Ir"'at succell. The
meeting hegan Mar. 12 in the Blair Building.
located in the center of to"'n. Thi, wa s the lint
I,me the building wal used. It .eau around 1.000
p .. ople lind WII' well filled every night. Some
nithts th ere were people slanding.
F rom Ihe first nighl God'. blessing was f elt.
People wenl 10 the pra)'er room to give Iheir
hearts to Ihe Lord each nillhl. O"er 125 wer e
...... ed, and mllny rededicated their live. 10
Ch ri st and Chri.lian se rvice.
Caylord Atwell wa$ the orga nist !'lnd mUlical
d ireclor. The music !'lnd congregalionAI ,inging
WU$ inspiring. The art work of Bob Willi{.m •
.added a ireat deal to the meeting. He i. workint wilh Brother Long and is from Clad Tid_
Bible I n.tilute.
There wal full cooperalion throughoul Ihe
.campaign. The meeting wnl planned f or two
..... eek., but the response WIlS SO good thAt the
""ntire committee vo ted to conlmue it the Ihi rd
week. Other citie. here in the WIlley are planning
limilar meetings in Ihe llI"ar fulure as a re .ull of
chi, meeting. The lawn and su rrounding area "'n
.. Iirred lIS never before. Ma ny sinnen told me
that this i. the greatest Ihing thaI ever Cllme 10
Coolingll. Cod hal blessed every church in town.
We have many new people attending our lerv ices,
and muny who we re lo ved in these meetinl" ure
muking our church their I)la ce of worship._ Paul
R. Ke elh. Pa.l or. Anembly of Cod .
.May 20, 1950
W. h.ve a n_ 30,,60 chun:h buildlll,. and our
t011l1 indebtedneu it S210. W. h.ve aboul 40
Chru'" Amba .... don. and in Ff'bru.ry our at
t(-"ntiance 'n Sunday S(hool wu 176, W. Il,ve Cod
all the glory for Ihe work that ha. b .... n '1'
compl .. hed.-W, J. Cheny. Paslor
BLYTHEVILLE. ARK .\\',. at,. ,n • r ,val
campail/n with EvanKf'lisl W. V. Grant. (If Mal·
vern. Ark Thf'ra already ha"e b ... n ~I"'",n 500
and 60g .aved. and ~IWef'n 400 Lind 500 ('ounted
who have rKeivw the Holy Gh('l,1 aceordin, to
Acta 2:4. Many othe.. have ~f'n r.. fillf'd and
r,.vi,·e<!. About 90'
of th" •• who ha". prayPd
Ihrou,h to IIIIlval100 are ,rown folk. About 300 of
them ar", m."o.
Paoplf' havf' eome for hundred. of mIl ... 10
attend th..e mfl'tin,s, We have ~n havinll th",
la'l1l'u crowd. in the history of thf' church Some
of our membe .. If'Ovl' the audI torium and Iif:Oo 10
Ihe pr .. yn room. when nocenary. \00 m~k(-" r('lOm
for ~ple from olher chun:hl" to .it. The fI" .. ..,n
for Ihe "''''''.1 it that Ihe ptoOple cot to prayi!"1
and Ihen Cod bf'aan 10 .how Ii .. h .. lint pc"'"''
Hundred. of i>f'"plf' ha"e I_n healed of alm""
every kind of ''''kn'!'" and dis'!'a-e; the ~ple ar,.
bringinK in r~Pf'rts of heinil ha.led of rheumati1m
appendiciti.. Rall ",anI'S, cancer, hurt d .. ",,,,'!' •
tu~rcu!o.". KO'I(-"n. lind many olher afflictlOonl
The re"ival (a. of April 18) lIill leem. 10 heo
KOlllt strong
H E. Simm•. Pallor.
WAIilS i~ NUlltlB$..
TO i£MIMdll
3 Color.!! INSIDE!
A 12-year calendar.
24 inspirational Poems and l'ro\'erbs-Ikautlfull) til-corated.
Birth Record Section. Space for date. child's ane! Parcnt . : names.
Memorial Scction. Dceorat('d in excellent taste for permannlt r('cord.
A valuable ~cction containing hint!; on correspondinj! etiquette.
A Gift and Card List sel'tion, with space for 624 records for Chl"l~tlllas
card .... East{"r cards, weddings. showers, graduations. annivl"rsartt"S, \':11
entincs, etc. t\ wondedul rCll1ll1der for keeping a record of l·anl,., rccel\ nl,
cards sent, \\ith ample room to Jist gifts received and sent.
• A Name and Address sect iOIl containing space for almost 4(X) Ilamc~. ad
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• A Date and Evcnt section, with space for listing O\'cr 350 important dall"'"
and cn~'nts for birthda)'~, anniYersaries, etc.
• "Importam :\umhers" section for recording soc ial security lllllllhl·r .... !ll
Sllran ce polity numbers. license numbers, bond numbers, etc.
• A Dictionary of.\lell·s and \Vomen's given name s and their lll(-"al1lng~.
17 EV 7336 ...... .
... $1.00
S.t .. ingf idd I,
~issou .. i
PnfJe Fifl(,(,11
CASSVI LLE, MO. -Allembly of Ood. May
7- 21 or lancer; Ev"nleliJt Nellie AI""ander,
Seattle, Walh. hy L. W. Willon , P"slor.
let's Ring the Bell!
F'rat Assembly of Ood, MIlY
7- ; EVan,elist a nd M ... R . Von Kemp , Russell·
ville, Ark. -by B. L. Greene, Panor.
21- June 4,
Clarance Kmdschy Evangelistic Party, Denver.
Colo.- by Herman and Velma Leblack, Pa.ton.
DALLAS, TEX.- La.t February we had a
meeting with O. A. Franklin Evang'!li.tic ~arty .
Ood eert"inly visit'ld our {'hurch with a mIghty
outpouring of Ihe lIoly Oho.t. We '!njoye<i th '!
m Ulic lInd the eh ildr'!n' • • inginlj:.
During the
m'!etmg wa broke our Sunday School attandance
record. There were \>"!'Ople sav""', filled with the
H oly Spirit, baptiJed in wate r, and aome. joined
the church. Thi. hu been the mott IRllLng reviv,,! I have ever wilne..ed. Since the meeting
clo. ed .omaon. hal been laved or filled with the
Spltit almo.t ev'!ty .ervice.
A week before our reviv,,1 we had a Secti<)nal
Minionary Convention al our c h urch. Our auditorium wa' not large enough to "ccommooattl the
crowd. Melvin Hodges of Central America and
Robert W. Cummine. !;If I ndia .Iirred !;IUr aoul.
~~ they presented the need. of the minion field s .
The mi •• ionary ofhrinl Wa' $1600. There Wil l
alao an offering of $300 liven to Itart II new Mex ican work in we.t Dall ...- Lonnia R. Mullen.
TULARE, CALI F .-We a re happy to report one
of the mo.t luccetdul revivall thi. church ha.
ever aJpe ri enced, with E"angel ilt and M ... Paul
S Boyer of La Crescent", Calif. The first Sun.day
night 11 people found Ihe Lord III the IIlar. Nllj:ht
after ni,ht the church wu filled with earnest
It hltd been p revlou.ly Announced that the meet ing would clole at Ihe end of the fourth wee~, due
10 the District Council meeting.
That night T
bapli"t'd a number i n water.
Our evangelist
preached wilh eltce pt ional fervor and power : the
"ltku were filled with hungry pe-ople; one
oemon_pone"ed I"tly w"s de livered, Dnd many
otheu were 'Il~ed. At 11: 30 some cllma to me
and asked if I would bapli2e mOre candidalM in
wlter. t ,ot into my wet baptismal &arment.
"ntl bnpliud eig ht <nore.
II w", then unnn/moudy "g reed t hat the revivlll
.hould continue. Word. f ail 10 desc ribe the im_
pact of this meednK. AboLlt 65 fou nd the Lortl
II. Iht'ir S~vior. lind a goodly numbe r wera f illed
with the Holy Oholt . Tha Illtcndance of our
Sund"y School h". been risi ng steadily for so melime. bul durint Ihil revival we went over the top
with 317 ill "Itl'ndllnce.-P"ul B. Franklin, P astor .
Coming Meetings
Duo 10 the fael Ih nl I h~ EV.n,el L. "",d.. up \6
da y. ~fore I h e dIL le ... h ieh ",,,,,,....1 " I'0n it. all nalku
oha u ld
..... eh
Ihl\t d a le
O RA NAD A. M I NN.- Oospel T llbern"cle, M ay
16- 28: EVlLnKel i.t Lloyd ChriUionsen. M inneapo_
lis. Minn. (M. E. Gerdes is p,,",or.)
W I LKES BA R Rio;, P A.-Ligbted Crou Auemb ly, Parri,h St., M ay 23-26 or lanKer; E vangelist j. Clif ford H"n, R cading, Pa.-by Byron
D. jone •. P"llor.
G LENN ROC K. WYO.-Assemhly of God.
youth rcvlv,,1 in p rogress: Evangelist AKon K irschmlln. Scottsbluff, N ebr. (S. A. H ammer is pastor.)
OK L AHOM A C ITY, OKL A .-South~ide Assemb ly of God. 415 S. E. 4 7th S t. , M ay 22-;
E vnngel i51 A N. Burns. O k lahoma City, Okla .
-by Robert E. Honk" P"s tor.
DALLAS. TEX.-Mount Auburn Assembly,
703 S. Beacon St., May 21: Nin th Anniversary
Service. Dinner on ground.. Service. 1 1 :00
a.m. lind 2:00 p.m. j . O . Savell. T exa, District
SUp"rintendent, Speaker.-by Lonn ie R . M ullen,
P Astor.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANS. -Auembly of Ood.
june 20: Christilln jewish EvangeliJl and Mr •.
Lee Krupnick.- by C. L. Barnes, Pastor.
TAMA, 10WA- Auembly of Ood Tabernacle,
meet,ng ,n pro,rel1: Evanl.,li.t john Ludden. by Sylvia Schoonover and lri, Wel!kley, Capastors.
NEWBURG, MO.- Sullivan Section Fellow. hip Meeting. A.aembly of God, Mol' 13. This i.
a new work.- by William E. Wallace, Pulor.
jOPI.IN, MO.- Faith AII<,mbly of Ood. Central "nd Cox. June 6--18; Evangelist and Mrs.
Lee Krupnick, Tul l ll, Okla.-by E. E. Hembree,
DALHART, TEX.- Assembly of God, 720
Pine, meeting in prog r .. ,,: Evang elist Willillm T.
Holcomh, Lom,ta. Calif.- by O. E . Eldridlte,
DARTLESVILLE, OKLA.- Assembly of God,
Well 3rd lind Virginia 5u., meeting in progre,,;
Evangeli st A. N. Trotter lind son. -by C. H.
A. her, PIIIIOr.
JENNI NGS, FLA.- Assembly of Ood. May
14- 28 or longer; Evongelist Lee Roy Westberry,
Burr Hill. Va.- by DAVid Speight and Charles
Oswalt, Pasion.
NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. - Christian
Tobern"cle, 195 Schenck St.. Mny 27- june 4 ,
Bible conference and rev;v!ll meeting. Evangelist
David H. McDowell.- by Willurd L. Deal, Pos tor.
SAN PEDRO, CAL I F.-F int A"emhly of G od ,
540 W. 6th SI., meeting in progreu: E VAngelist
W. T. MacMullan, Tulia, Okla.- by Ralph I.
Salzman, Pilitor.
C I NCINNAT I, OHIO-First ChriSllan Assembly, 122 4 Raoe St., mee t ing in prog reso; Evan _
Kelilu VOllme r and Wi l ma Gardner, Wenntche .. ,
W"lh. ( A. B. Crabb is p astor.)
PERU, I ND.- Full Gospel Tabe r nacle,
and jackson SIS .. j une 4 through july; tent
inlt on Sta te Rd. 19. going nor th oul of
Evangel ist and M.,. j. Ve rnon Card iff,
ing ton D. C.-by Calvin Slanis. Paillor.
Chil i
W ash.
T he 35th Annual Texa. District Council, M usic
H all, H ouston. Tex., june 6- 8. Fellowship Meeting M on. night, june 5. with Christ's Amb85satlon in charge. F or room re,ervatio ns write J. W .
M cC lellan, 4 811 Sherman St ., HOUSIOn I I, T ex.
For further i nfo r mal ion wrile D istrict off ice,
1200 Sycamo re, W .. ltahachie. T ex.
Sectional Sunday School conference. Itt the
foll owing ch u rc hes: Elk Poin t , May 15; ChamberlAin. M lly 16; R api d City. Be thel Te mp le,
M oy 17: H uron, M ay 18; Bl'i n on, M ay 19 .
Senioni at 2:30 a nd 8:00 p.m. with S. E.
j ohnson, State Sunday School Representot ive.
P lan now to sUend.-by S. E. j ohnson.
S ome thing. lire difficult to do . imply b e·
cau s e 10 lew a ll i. t. If e'Ye ry o n e look hia
p .. r! the work w o u ld r eloundingly l uc c e e d .
T .. k e , for e xamp le, t h e n ee d (or the Ag e d
Mini" e .. A n is tanc e Fund. Ohl igations o f
thi s fund require $30,000.00 during the nex t
six month • • Thi. a m o unt w ill he hard to rai.e
if Ie .. th a n one qu a rte r of o ur churc hea co ope rate. But just suppole th a t each of th e
6,000 coopera tin g A ue mb lies 01 God .gave a
min imum of $5.00 10 this benevolenc e . Th e
n eed wou ld b e met overwhelmingly! Let 'a
ALL pull together and go OVer Ih e top!
SUNDA Y, MAY 28, 1950, i , the d ay when
w e recei"e th is offer in g to ai d our aKa d ami
infirm mini s t ers of the gospel. Send all contr ihution. to Wilfred A. B r own, General
Treuurer, 434 West Pa.cific S t., Springfield
I, Mo.
CH ICAGO, T LL.~Lak .. View Gos p el Church,
31 4 2 N. Rncinc Ave .. M ay 16-: E va nge list
M aurice Lomb.~by D. H . W olterma n , P astor.
K IN O CITY. CAL I F.-M eet in K in progr eu:
Evangelist and M rs. Donald R. Meffil, La.
Angeles, Calif.-by L~ T rowbridge. P llstor.
Conve nt ion,
Assl! mbly of 000, 6 th and W ashinglon. H utchin son. K aliS .. june 5-7 . Ke n neth Short . Conven'
lion S p eake r. R eservation. made by R oom Com.
mittee, 408 W. 8th St., H utchinson. Kans. Fo r
addi tional in formation write P aul W i tt en, Dis trict
C. A. P residen t, 100 9 S. Broad way, W ichitA, Kans.
MI LWAU K E E, WIS.-Union campaig n now
in progress. M on" Tu es., W ed. nights at Be th e l
Ta bcrnnc1e. 18th and B rown S is . T hu ... , Fri.,
Sat. "ighls at Mi lwau k ee Gospel T abe rn acle,
720 W . M einec kl e Av e. Sunday afternoo n At City
Audi torium . H arvey M cAlis ter , gues t speaker .
R. S. Dunba r, H . A. Ul ri ch, R. L. Sha r nick, an d
oth.. r.. spon~o ring p auors.
The 7th annual Dis trict Council. Gl a d Tiding.
Tabernacle, 325 W . 33rd St., New Yor k C il y,
june 6--8. M ... M arie E . Brown a nd R . Stanley
Berlj:, host p astors. Opening C. A. R all:;- Mon.
night with Don M allough. Hom" M issio ns rally
Tues. ni,ht. Fo reign M iss ions rally W ed. nigh t.
Ordinlltion service T hurs. n ighl. Business seuion,
during OIIch d lly.-by T homll. R . Bru bllker,
D islr ic t Su perint enden t .
T he T hird Annual Convention of the Italian
Branch of the Assemblies of Ood. to be held
in the newly-constructed
Itnlian Pen teco. la
Church, 138 Henry St .. New York , N .Y ., Mil )
27-28. Thomas R. Bruba ker. Superin ten den t a
the New York_New J ersey Dis trict, guest spOllk Pr
Sa t . ev ening. F or fur ther in forma t ion wri te A,, _
thony Pira i no, SL"Cretary, 33 Bleeck er 5 , ., Broo kl yn, N . Y .-by An thony P ira i no.