wrap sunglasses
wrap sunglasses
GET THE SECURE FIT FOR WRAP SUNGLASSES Drill Mount Free-Form Advanced Bevel Advanced Bevel Free-Form Advanced Bevel Free-Form Advanced Bevel T-Bevel Step Bevel GET THE PERFECT FIT WITH THE ADVANCED BEVEL Step Bevel FIT WRAP SUNGLASSES WITH THE STEP BEVEL FIT THIN EYEWIRES WITH T-Bevel THE T-BEVEL EVER WONDER WHY LENSES ARE NOT FITTING PROPERLY IN WRAP FRAMES? The reason is that standard edgers can only provide a V or hide-a-bevel. Neither of these fit today’s wrap frames. This makes it necessary to hand bevel the edge of the lens and steepen the back bevel angle to clear the edge on the back of the eyewear. Not only is this usually ugly, but unless the lens is left big to begin with the lens will end up being small or poor fitting. By using the technology of MonoSpheraRX computerized, robotic edging machine from Italy you can solve this problem by precisely producing many types of specialty bevels. www.csclabs.com • 800.288.2721 Now you have the solution to fit the most difficult situations.