Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker


Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker Installation Procedures
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement
Installation Instructions
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Markers are a new and exciting technology
specifically designed for road delineation or road hazard warning treatments.
Their application is not restricted however and many other areas such as delineation of
driveways; boat ramps; airports and swimming pools can be effectively treated.
These solar powered units contain 2 powerful LEDs per face and are visible from up to
1 kilometer away.
The units are manufactured from an extremely robust alloy aluminum housing combined
with toughened poly carbonate panels. Installed correctly, the units will enjoy a very long
and effective lifespan. Failure to strictly adhere to the following installation guidelines
however may result in the units becoming less secure and more susceptible to
unnecessary wear and tear or worse still vandalism or theft.
Therefore it is vital that all installations undertaken are carried out according to the
following step-by-step work instructions.
Juvana Pty. Ltd.
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker Installation Procedures
1. Marker Preparation
If the markers have been primed already please skip this step and move to
Section 2. Surface Preparation
Using a Wire Brush or mechanical
sander remove the thin poly coating from
the stud base along with any loose
material. Then thoroughly clean the base
with Acetone. This should ensure that
the marker base has the best surface for
bonding.with the epoxy resin.
Paint base with Wattyl ‘Super-Etch’ or
2. Surface Preparation
Clear the surface of any dust or debris by
If the installation surface is excessively
dirty i.e. caked with mud, grime or oil
take appropriate action by either
degreasing or wire brushing the surface
Juvana Pty. Ltd.
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker Installation Procedures
3. Installation
Using hammer action drill fitted with a
28mm diameter carbide or tungsten tip
drill or 28 mm diameter diamond tip
corer drill to a depth of approximately 60
To ensure that the markers remain tamper
proof it is critical that the base of the
marker sits flush with the road surface.
If the surface is cambered the angle of the
drill entering the installation surface must
compensate for the degree of camber.
TIP: Apply a spirit level across the
installation surface to gauge the extent of
any camber.
After drilling, place the marker in the
hole to check that the depth is
satisfactory. Remember it is crucial for
the marker to sit flush with the
installation surface leaving no corner
exposed or raised.
TIP: Once satisfied that the hole is at
sufficient depth, trace around the
perimeter of the marker to indicate the
epoxy resin application boundary.
Juvana Pty. Ltd.
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker Installation Procedures
3. Installation (cont...)
The 2 part epoxy resin requires a clean
debris free surface so either blow or brush
away any debris or dust from the installation
surface after completing drilling.
Tip: a small portable vacuum device such as
a Dust buster or similar can be used to
thoroughly clear the hole and surrounding
area of any debris.
As mentioned previously the marker has
2 LEDs per face designed to be seen
from a site distance of up to 1 Kilometre.
It is critical that all markers are pointed
along the line where approaching traffic
can first view the marker. This may not
be necessarily parallel to the existing
Tip: a small portable vacuum device
such as a Dust buster or similar can be
used to thoroughly clear the hole and
surrounding area of any debris.
Tip: Before installing the marker, mark
the direction of the line of sight with a
piece of chalk and ensure that when the
marker is placed that the face is aligned
with the mark.
Juvana Pty. Ltd.
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker Installation Procedures
3. Installation (cont...)
Extract two equal parts of epoxy resin from
both PART A and PART B pails.
Tip: Each marker requires around 60-70
millilitres (30-35 millilitres of both A & B) to
adequately cover both the marker base
and surface area. Megapoxy RMF epoxy
resin has a work time of 10 minutes in 25
degrees Celsius and even less in warmer
weather. Conversely the work time
increases in cooler weather conditions.
Tip: To avoid unnecessary wastage, mix
enough epoxy resin to install 4 studs only
at anyone time.
Ensure that two separate utensils are
used for each pail and that no resins are
cross-mixed in to the other’s pail. This
will render the epoxy useless.
Work both Parts of the epoxy resin
together on a clean, flat board until they
have been comprehensively mixed into a
consistent texture and even colour.
Tip: To ensure that the utensils can be
used repeatedly thoroughly clean them
with an appropriate solvent.
Juvana Pty. Ltd.
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker Installation Procedures
3. Installation (cont...)
Once satisfied that the epoxy is mixed
thoroughly, apply an even spread over the
road surface (2 millimetres) extending to a
couple of millimetres short of the marked
Please ensure that the drill hole itself has a
covering of at least 10 millimetres of epoxy
Now apply an even spread over the marker
base and peg (2 millimetres) extending to
the extremity of the primed area.
Place the marker and align the face directly
in line with the chalk arrow directing the
line of sight for approaching traffic.
A gentle push with the heel of a boot may
be required to fit the marker securely in the
drill hole.
Juvana Pty. Ltd.
Miracle Solar Powered Road Pavement Marker Installation Procedures
3. Installation (cont...)
Scrap any excess epoxy, using a clean implement,
from the perimeter of the marker.
Lightly smooth the edge of the marker with a damp
cloth. Ensure that all corners are covered with a
sufficient cover of epoxy resin.
Mark and protect the installation with traffic cones
until epoxy resin sets for approximately 2 hours.
Juvana Pty. Ltd.