July.August.2015 - Illinois Prairie Painters


July.August.2015 - Illinois Prairie Painters
Illinois Prairie Painters
Tole ‘N Tell
Next Chapter Meeting
Saturday, 10/03/15
In This Issue:
President’s Message . . 1
Board of Officers . . . . .2
Sunshine .. . . . . . .. . . . .2
Minutes. . . . . . . . . . 3,4,5
Treasurer’s Report . . . 6
Education . . . . . . . . . 6
Philanthropic. . . . . . . . 7
Carmelite Wish List . . 8
Membership . . . . . . . . .9
Raffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2016 IPP Application 10
June Program . . . . . . .11
SSB Seminars . . . . . . . 12
Oct. Program . . . . . . . 13
Hi Y’All,
We had a great June meeting, including one guest,
Ellie Jones, grand-daughter of Barb Hoag. The programs were fantastic. Pat Berkhout taught an acrylic
class with stencils, and Judy McComb taught a colored pencil. All who did the projects really enjoyed
them. Thanks gals.
As we look forward to summer, I hope everyone
keeps their paint brushes busy. Would be a great
time to paint your ornament for the Christmas meeting, or something special for the art competition.
Hope your selling the raffle tickets for the beautiful
quilt Theresa Krohn made for us. This is a money
raiser for the chapter.
We will be taking signups for Cheri Rol seminar in
September all summer, please check your schedule
and sign up. The sign up is here in the newsletter, or
call me.
SSB Seminar . . . . . . . 14
Cheri Rol Class . . . . . 15
SDP Liaison . . 16, 17, 18
Hospitality . . . . . . . . .19
The nomination team headed by Lynnda Lamont is
meeting during the summer and will present the
slate of officers with the September newsletter.
Election will be at the October meeting.
Have a great summer and paint, paint, paint!!
Nancy Simpson
Volume 39 ~ Issue 4
July/August/September 2015
2015—Illinois Prairie Painters
Board Officers and Committee Chairs
Vice President
Nancy Simpson
Sunshine Report from Judy McComb
Bettie Slazyk
Jan Kuehne
Janet Schipma
July Birthdays
7/8 Ann Johnson
7/8 Alberta Overrocker
7/16 Willie Montalbano
7/21 Nancy Carley
7/25 Nadine Buck
7/26 Nancy Simpson
Sherry DeFillippo
7/27 Ruth Schweihs
Jan Baier
7/27 Mary Sterling
Lynnda Lamont
Chapter Display
Sharon Failor
Kathy Miller
Ways and Means
7/24 Denise Renault
Janice Baier
August Birthdays
8/3 Roberta Helsom
8/8 Barbara Marshall
Theresa Krohn
8/11 Karen Wood
Raffle Jan Anderson/Judy Selandowski
8/11 Gloria Bogs
Judy McComb
8/15 Janice Baier
Barbara Hoag
8/17 Kari Siebelt
Library/Vintage Books
Luella Rooney
8/19 Jeanne Koenig
Relief Crew
Nancy Swingle
SDP Liaison/Publicity
Church Liaison
8/28 Pamela Boesh
Lois Crist
Janet Schipma
Barb Loehman
I will continue to update!
General Meeting Minutes ~ June 6, 2015
A General Meeting of the IPP Chapter was held June 6, 2015 at the Lyonsville
United Congregational Church of Christ in Indian Head Park, IL.
President Nancy Simpson called the meeting to order at 10:04AM by welcoming everyone. We have one guest today, Allie Jones, granddaughter of Barb
Vice President, Bettie Slazyk announced that we have a good group of painters
today – almost everyone will be painting. Judy McComb will be teaching a colored pencil class, a pair of monarchs, and; Pat Berkhout will be teaching
“Echinicea” in the back room so that painters will not be disturbed by the pencil sharpeners from the colored pencil class. The class that Pat is teaching
will take some time so please go into the back room to start immediately after
the meeting. We have a total of 20 in one class and 9 in the other. At the October meeting, Theresa Krohn will be teaching a painted magnet.
Treasurer, Jan Kuehne reported that IPP now has a not-for-profit status from
the IRS and whoever is Treasurer from now on, please do not let that status
expire because it is quite a frustrating process to get reinstated. Below are the
current amounts of our accounts:
Checking Account Balance 1/01/15 $ 3,048.50
Ending Balance as of 6/06/15:$ 1,844.67
Wells Fargo Account:
Secretary, Janet Schipma asked if there were any additions or revisions to the
minutes from the April 11th meeting as published in the May/June 2015 newsletter. There being no additions or revisions, the April 11th minutes were approved as published.
Chapter Display, Sharon Failor thanked everyone who brought in their projects from convention -- everyone received a free raffle ticket. Sharon also
thanked Barb Hoag for the centerpieces, they are beautiful; you really captured the theme from convention. The theme for the October meeting is,
“Fall into Painting.”
Minutes, continued . . .
Education, Jan Baier reported that we have sign up for Cheri Rol’s seminar in
September and we need to have more participation than we are getting. The
three projects are extremely nice; Cheri does make it easy. President Nancy
also informed all that Cheri is $660/day + hotel + travel and we need participation if you want to continue to have seminars – please sign up. Vice President Bettie suggested changing the projects and Nancy said we could think
about doing that but please remember when reviewing Cheri’s projects that
many of them are two day projects and may be difficult to do. If anyone has
a better idea to increase member participation, please let Nancy know.
Hospitality, Lynnda Lamont reported that 32 people were in attendance today;
we are having Mostacciolli. Pres. Nancy pulled for the names for the centerpieces. Lucky winners were: Jan Kuehne, Jan Anderson, Theresa Krohn,
Yolanta Zubinas, Robin Richer, and Judy Selangowski.
Historian, Lois Crist requested more pictures – if anyone has any pictures that
you can share for the album, please give them to Lois. Thank you very much.
Library, Robin Manestar thanked all who brought in used books/magazines
and also asked members to look at the VHS tapes that are free to whoever
would like them; otherwise, they will be discarded since members do not
seem to be interested in them any longer.
Membership, Jan Baier mentioned that the 2016 applications for IPP are here
so please take one and fill it out along with your membership fee of $20.
Newsletter/Website, Sherry DeFillippo announced that the newsletter articles
are due Fri., June 12, 2015. If you are not getting your newsletter in a timely
manner, please let Sherry know.
Parliamentarian, Kathy Miller said IPP is doing O.K. Nancy mentioned that
Kathy will be moving and leaving the Parliamentarian position and that she
plans on asking Willie Montalbano to be the new Parliamentarian.
Philanthropic, Barbara Hoag thanked everyone for their donations and
thanked Bettie for taking the donations to the St. Joseph Carmelite home. All
who made contributions to the home were entered into a raffle for the last
centerpiece and Pres. Nancy drew the winning name.
Raffle, Jan Anderson thanked everyone for bringing raffle items and wished
everyone good luck.
Relief Crew, Nancy Swingle asked if we could get help for the raffle that would
be great
Minutes, continued . . .
SDP Liaison/Publicity, Janet Schipma reported that since Convention was over
there was not much news to report but asked members to check the SDP website for upcoming information on the 2016 Convention, and, to check out the
Members Only website that features projects from the Decorative Painters
Sunshine, Judy McComb announced that Arlene Miller’s daughter passed away
and Bettie Slayzk asked that everyone sign the sympathy card for Arlene before they leave. Judy asked that if anyone needs a card, to please let her
know and hoped everyone is getting their birthday cards.
Ways and Means, Theresa Krohn reported that we have made $83 so far and
thanked all for stopping by. The prize for the special raffle is the painting
snowman. Additionally, the quilt with stand and two pillows was on display.
Theresa asked all members to please sell their raffle tickets for the quilt –
don’t just buy them yourselves -- it will be refreshing to get new people involved in IPP.
As new business, Pres. Nancy informed all that the Facebook page “Illinois
Prairie Painters” currently has 19 members, and asked if anyone knew Melvin
Barns, who has requested to join. No members were familiar with him.
Nancy also mentioned that since many members are very sensitive to colognes, to please mist lightly or not at all prior to attending the meeting as it
makes those who are sensitive very uncomfortable.
Barb Hoag announced that she will be collecting scarfs and gloves for the kids
at the October meeting.
Nancy asked if there were any other announcements, she had none, other
than sign up for Cheri Rol’s seminar. Theresa Krohn showed the October projects for South Side Brushes on October 17-18, 2015 with Sandy Scales. Pres.
Nancy also announced that IPP received the Chapter Achievement Award for
this year -- good job everyone. Please be sure to buy more raffle tickets today.
Nancy announced that the Board Meeting will be held on Monday, June 8th.
Everyone is invited to come. We usually meet at Wolf’s Head Restaurant 55:15pm for dinner followed by the Board Meeting at the Church at 6:30PM.
The next General Meeting is scheduled for October 3, 2015. The next Board
meeting will be held August 3, 2015.
With no other business to discuss, motion to adjourn was made by Maxine
Wallish, seconded by Jan Baier and carried at 10:32AM.
We now are on Facebook! Search for “Illinois Prairie Painters”, send a
request to join and you’ll be in! Join us to share our chapter and activities.
Education ~ Nancy Simpson & Jan Baier
We are very lucky to have Cheri Rol coming to IPP September 25-26-27
(see the registration form in the newsletter).
The sign-up has been very slow and we need to step up.
The purpose of IPP is education, however, the Chapter can not continue to
run seminars at a loss of thousands of dollars.
If we must cancel Cheri, there is no doubt she will not return to
our Chapter in the future.
Our Chapter will gain a reputation of cancellation and we will
have difficulty getting teachers to come here.
Even if you don’t usually paint in oils, the projects are very good learning
experiences and Cheri is a wonderful teacher.
Try to take at least one class!!
Treasurers Report ~ Jan Kuehne
Following are the current figures as of June 8, 2015
Checking account starting balance
Ending balance 6/8/2015
Wells Fargo account
Philanthropic ~ Barbara Jones Hoag
As usual thanks to Betty Slazyk for delivering our contributions to
St. Joseph Carmelite Home.
Thank you to our members who made contributions of socks, flip
flops, toiletries, gently used clothes and cash donations for the children.
Thanks also for the soda tabs for the Ronald Mc Donald House.
Thank you goes out to: Betty Slazyk, Gai Moodie, Nancy Simpson, Barbara
Loehman, Kathy Miller, Marge Rios, Lynnda Lamont, Denise Key, Lois Crist,
Judy Mc Comb, Ian Anderson, Judy Selangowski. I know the nuns are
grateful for all the items our club sends to them.
Judy Mc Comb was the winner of our drawing which featured a steam
punk centerpiece.
For our October meeting we are thinking winter. I know, I hate the
thought at this time of year too, but come October it will be closer. We are
requesting gloves and scarves for the kids. Knit hats, gently used coats
and boots would also be welcome. And of course anything from the Nun’s
wish list which was published in the June newsletter would also be lovely.
We have no real way of knowing which sizes will be exact for the children
at the home but we are guessing those that fit children from toddler to
teens will be useful.
At this meeting we will once again have a box for monetary donations and one for donator’s name for a drawing for anyone who contributes anything.
See you in October. Have a great summer!
St. Joseph Carmelite Home for Girls Wish List
Please note that all products need to be perfume free, hypoallergenic and unscented as possible.
This is for the safety of the children. They prefer new clothing and items but will accept gently
Shampoo & Conditioner
Body Wash
Baby Wipes
Baby Blankets
Nursery Water
Crib Bed Sheets
Vaseline-Large Jars
Baby Crib Sheets
Baby Oil
A & D Ointment
Hand Sanitizer Wipes
Duffle Diaper Bags
Leak Proof Sippy Cups
Lotion for Baby and Children
Diapers & Pull Ups Size 4, 5 and 6 only
Over the Counter Medication for Infant and Children
Plastic Mattress Covers Toddler and Twin Sizes
Towels and washcloths:
Girls - Pink, Purple, Orange, Green
Boys - Blue, Teal, Green, Yellow
Multi-Color for Teens
Underwear, T-shirts, Thermal Wear, Tights, Pajamas, Slips and Socks all sizes
House Slippers Boys and Girls, all sizes
Girls Pajamas – all sizes Adult, Medium and under
Boys Pajamas Pants – All sizes Adult, Medium and under
Winter Hats, Gloves, and Scarves: for Boys and Girls all sizes
Healthy Snacks – Animal Crackers and Cheese Crackers
100% Juice Boxes
Small Water Boxes
Hair Supplies (including African American Hair Type) for Infants and Children:
*Hair Mouse, Rubber Bands, Grease, Oil, Barrettes, Combs, Brushes and Headbands
Gift Cards:
* Wal Mart, Target, Pizza Hut, Old Country Buffet, etc.
Movie Gift Cards to AMC
Duffle Bags
Sports equipment for use indoors/gym
*Basketballs, nerf stuff, footballs, soft bouncy balls, etc.
Wii Games – please no violent ones
Nerf Guns and ammo
18 Gallon Bins (to store any items received that are not immediately used)
For the October 3rd raffle we are planning on fill-a-bag (tote). Please feel
free to donate any unfinished wood items, tinware, etc. for the rummage
tables. A tote/bag will be provided. The cost of the tote/bag will be posted in the next newsletter. Gather up those well-intended painting projects
and give them a new home at the next raffle.
We are also planning a table with several fall/gift items for the regular
raffle. Tickets will be $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5 for a chance on some
very nice items.
There should be something for everyone to choose from.
Any questions or suggestions, please contact us.
Thank you, Jan Anderson, Judy Selangowski & Denise Kus
Renewal time is here again! Fill out the form included in this newsletter,
and mail it to:
Jan Baier -- 610 W. Judd St. -- Woodstock, IL 60098-3135
Nancy Simpson -- 23800 W. Sussex Road -- Channahon, IL 60410
If you want your directory mailed to you, include $2.00 mailing fee
along with your membership of $20.00.
Programs: Bettie Slazyk
It's been a tradition by IPP for our June meeting to provide a choice of
classes that were originally taught at the SDP Conference each year. This
year it was in St. Charles, IL.at Pheasant Run. We were fortunate to have
both our teachers attend the Conference as well as offer to teach a class
they were attending. Judy McComb has offered to teach a pencil class of
Sharon Carlson, CDA and Pat Berkhout will be teaching an acrylic class by
Maureen Baker.
Both classes were excellent and filled up fast.
What made it even nicer was the great discount we received as a
Chapter and a member of SDP from both teachers for their patterns and
surfaces. But even better than that – we were introduced to their style of
painting/using pencils, which also included new methods of media and a
chance to learn them. Thank you to both of our in-house teachers as well
teachers who
allowed us to teach their designs.
Our next Program will be at our October meeting, so of course, we had
to have Theresa Krohn our in-house Halloween enthusiast, teach a class for
us. She will be teaching a witch of course. Note all the info on the enclosed
sign-up form.
Everyone has a nice summer – see ya in October. If you have any questions my
E-mail address is: [email protected].
Education Chairs are:
Jan Baier
Nancy Simpson
708-846-5958 c
815-483-9675 c
[email protected]
[email protected]
South Side Brushes Seminars for 2015
Please contact: Carol Wiksten Seminar Chair at [email protected] for additional
Information and type in SSB Seminar so I know to open the e-mail.
Oct. 17-18- Sandy Scales
Feb 22 – Diane Masloroff – Zentangle
Windy Brushes Seminar Schedule 2015 & 2016
Janice Miller -
October 9th, 10th, 11th 2015
Carol Spohn -
June 10th
June 11th & 12th - 2016
Jamie Mills-Price - July 23rd & 24th - 2016
~12 ~
Acrylics and "Jan" Tangles
2 hour special class
Watercolor & Mixed Media
Illinois Prairie Painters – October 3, 2015
Bettie Slazyk, Vice President – Program Chair
Presenting: Witchie on a Broom taught by Theresa Krohn
Theresa is our in-house "Expert on Witches" who's favorite holiday is
HALLOWEEN & she will be teaching a FLYING WITCH on a large magnet.
Paints, pattern & surface will be supplied. Bring your brushes & normal supplies.
The cost will be $5.00.
Name _____________________________________________________
Cost is: $5.00 Cash__________
Amount/Check #_______________
Make check payable to:
MAIL TO: Bettie Slazyk
8140 Oakwood Ave.
Munster, Ind. 46321
Any questions please contact::
Bettie Slazyk at [email protected]
Or 219-972-9439
~13 ~
South Side Brushes Seminar
Evonne Einoris & Georgia Wanda
Location: Palos Heights Recreational Center
6601 W. 127th
Palos Heights, IL 60463
Halloween with Quikwood
Fabric Painting
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Class from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Must bring own quikwood
Must purchase $10. for pattern packet
Surfaces available or bring your own
You provide your surface
Classes are $35 for members and $40 for non-members. Lunch is $10 per day.
Saturday class________________ Lunch_____________ You need to bring your own quikwood
Sunday class______________________ Lunch_______________ $10. Packet fee________
Make checks payable to: South Side Brushes. Mail to: Carol Wiksten 18509 May St. Homewood, IL 60430 or Theresa Krohn 517 Belden Dr. Dyer, IN 46311
Accredited Decorative Painter – What You Need To Know
By Sue Pruett MDA, Certification Chair
During the 2014 Conference in San Diego, the Certification judges brainstormed the idea of a new entry level category to add to the Certification
program. The idea was sent to the Board of Directors to request a task committee to further explore this possibility. Seven MDAs were chosen to help
me with making this idea a reality.
Within two months, we outlined the new Accredited Decorative Painter
(ADP) category. We had to work quickly to get everything accomplished before this year’s Conference in St. Charles, where the new designs would be
introduced. That wasn’t all. At the Annual Business Meeting, an update to
the standing rules would need a two-thirds majority vote to pass the ADP
Guess what? We did it. We got a unanimous vote by you, the membership,
and a roar of applause. It is very rewarding to see the membership excited
about this new category. The Certification Committee and I look forward to
your participation in it.
Artists can choose to begin their journey with the Accredited Decorative
Painter (ADP) level or the Certified Decorative Artist (CDA) level. All entries
must complete the CDA level prior to moving onto the Master Decorative
Artist (MDA) level.
Both the ADP and CDA still life designs can be completed in oil, acrylic,
pastel, watercolor or colored pencil; the stroke designs must be painted in
either oil or acrylic.
I would like to thank the ADP task committee members for a job well done.
Without their generosity of time and talent, this new program would not exist for 2016. These members are: Sherry Nelson MDA/TDA, Kay Baranowski
MDA, Lisa Price MDA, Dianne Crowther MDA, Louise Jackson MDA/TDA, and
Cheri Rol MDA.
The 2016 Certification applications and designs for CDA, MDA and the new
entry-level ADP category are available online. Applications are available in
English, Japanese and Spanish.
~16 ~
Society Information, continued . . . .
Stay tuned for more information, tips, videos and painted examples in our
Certification eZine and Certification Corner articles in The Decorative Painter. I look forward to another year of chairing the Certification program.
We Heard You – 2016 SDP Conference & Expo Location
We heard your feedback about the Pheasant Run Resort. If it doesn’t accommodate you, it doesn’t accommodate us. We decided to explore a new venue
for next year’s SDP 44th Annual Conference & Expo. We are rapidly making
strides, and will announce the new location and dates as soon as we sign a
contract. We will revise the deadlines for registration and teacher projects
accordingly. Thank you for your patience. Look forward to another announcement soon.
Special Conference Recap Coming In August
The August eZine will be a special edition, dedicated to recapping the events
that occurred at the 2015 Conference & Expo and making announcements
about next year’s convention! Do you have a special Conference memory
you’d like to share with the SDP membership? Submit your story to Kristen
Lowenwirth via [email protected] and it could be featured in
the August eZine!
Volunteers At The Pheasant Run Resort
By Sue Bowers, Volunteer Committee Organizer
Thank you to everyone who volunteered at Conference! Without your help,
many areas would not have been set up and many events would not have occurred. You made Conference a success!
I will be managing this position again next year. Remember, we always need
volunteers! After you plan your 2016 Conference schedule, call me and my
team will find a time and a place where you can assist. Thanks again for all
the help.
~17 ~
Society Information, continued . . .
SDP Member Discount
As a member of SDP, you qualify for discounts* to many art suppliers and
decorative painting businesses. To view the full list of participating businesses and the discounts offered to you, please visit the Member Discount List.
Jo-Ann Fabric: Update your Jo-Ann VIP Discount Card annually.
The Decorative Painter Magazine
The current and previous issues of The Decorative Painter Magazine can be
found on the Member Login page at www.decorativepainters.org
International Decorative Painting Month?
Important Dates:
October 1- Your exhibition opens!
October 2- Post a Painting Day
October 19- Charity Event
October 26- SDP's International Learn to Paint day
We will be organizing national promotion for the events of the month, so
mark your calendars and start organizing your plans soon to be involved with
the beginning of SDP's biggest International Decorative Painting Month yet.
For more information on planning an exhibition, read the Planning an Exhibition post on the SDP blog.
Teacher Development Program
The SDP Teacher Development Program (TDP) for Excellence in Teaching was
established to provide an educational program for SDP members that offer
the opportunity to improve the standard of teaching decorative painting. The
program will improve the skills of experienced teachers and help painters
who want to become teachers. Please download the TDP brochure for more information.
SDP Liaison ~ Janet Schipma
~18 ~
Illinois Prairie Painters - October Meeting, Luncheon, Program
TO BE HELD AT: Lyonsville Congregational United Church of Christ
Indian Head Park, Ill.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Registration, Coffee & Tea Service, Light Refreshments – 9:00 A.M.
Business Meeting and Raffles – 10:00 A.M.
Lunch: 11:30 A.M.
Luncheon Menu:
To be determined! Information will be forthcoming
in the next newsletter!
~17 ~