Wire Fencing Tools and Fasteners


Wire Fencing Tools and Fasteners
Wire Fencing Tools and Fasteners
Stretcher Bar Pullers –
Designed to be used with the
Stretcher bars, this product
features an extra leverage one
piece handle, heavy duty rivets
and 20’ of chain.
Wire Dogs – Grips smooth wire or
barbed wire so it can be stretched
- used with a come a long, puljak,
or stretcher bar puller
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Steel Fence Stretcher Bar c/w
Wedges – Galvanized steel
stretcher bar makes for fast
splicing and stretching of game
and livestock wire
96” length with 9 wedges or 72”
length with 7 wedges
Wire Fencing Tools and Fasteners
Permanent Wire Strainers –
Drop pin style strainer makes
erection and maintaining a fence
easy. Can be tightened (or
loosened) using a wrench or the
universal handle.
Universal Handle for Strainers
– Spring loaded ratchet pin and is
universal so it will fit most
common brands of permanent wire
strainers. Self-ratcheting for ease
of use, steel pin stays in contact
with teeth at all times.
Ezepull Pliers (Crimping tool) –
Lightweight high quality fencing
tool designed to make life easier.
 Cuts wire
 Splices wire with use of crimp
 Pulls staples
 Strip electric fence wire
 Two sizes: 12.5-15 ga. And 910 ga.
Crimping Sleeves (Wire
clamps) – join fence in a fraction
of the time, will not slip under
heavy loads, will not rust.
 Two sizes: 12.5-15 ga. (100
pcs.) and 9-10 ga. (50 pcs.)
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Wire Fencing Tools and Fasteners
Gripples – Splice/tighten wire up
to 10 ga. with medium gripple.
Splice/tighten barbed wire or wire
sizes .110” to .170” with large
Gripple Tensioning Tool –
Tensioning of gripples where not
accessible by regular way of
tightening – longer handles for
more leverage
10” Channel Lock Pliers –
Fence pliers for tying, cutting and
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Wire Fencing Tools and Fasteners
Hog Ring Pliers – Pliers for hog
Puljak – For stretching chain link
wire, barbed wire or smooth wire –
also lifts and aligns. 2’ and 4’
lengths available.
Maasdam Come Alongs – Top
quality tightening and stretching
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