
News From Swains Creek
February 2008
Volume 11, Issue 1
The Roads Are Open!!
Inside this issue:
Snow Plowing is happening in Swains Creek this Winter! Plows are out as soon as
the accumulations reaches 6” or more. Swains Creek resident Jeff Rybolt continues
to do a great job as the Cedar Mountain Snow Removal Manager.
Remember, DO NOT STOP THE PLOWS to ask questions!
Driveway plowing is separate and can be contracted by calling Rudy De La Paz at
(435) 682-2600 or Andy Osterhoudt at (435) 682-2143.
Board Officers Elected
At the January board meeting the following board
members were elected to leadership positions:
Alan Zellhoefer - Chairman
John Ewing - Vice-Chairman
Cathy Jones - Treasurer
Cheryl Case - Secretary
Please contact these wonderful volunteers with
your questions or concerns so that they may represent you!
See the Chairman’s Chat on page 2 for more information about current projects and concerns.
Board Meeting schedule for 2008:
May 17th, June 14th, July 19th, August 16th, August 31st (annual meeting), October 4th, and
January 10th , 2009.
Medical Clinic Opens in Duck Creek!!
Kane County Hospital
i s p l e a s e d t o a n n o u n c e t he o p e n i n g o f t h e
Cedar Mountain
Medical/Urgent Care Clinic!!
Your new medical providers:
Hernan Garreaud PA-C &
Tonya Garreaud LPN
4 Movie Ranch Rd. (formerly Jacobs
Construction Office)
Duck Creek Village, UT
Regular winter business hours will be:
Saturday, Sunday & Monday
8:30 to 5:00
for appointments please call
(435) 682-4161
beginning February 2, 2008
Cedar Mountain Home Furnishings
owned by Swains Residents
In an effort to spotlight Swains Creek residents business
efforts we continue this column spotlighting our very
own entrepreneurs! With that in mind we are highlighting a business that has been around a couple years, but
that we have never shown to our owners. That business
is Cedar Mountain Home Furnishings, located in Duck
Creek Village next to the True Value Hardware Store.
The business is owned by Cindy Allen and Rudy Delapaz, both Swains Creek full time residents.
After a few years as a realtor, Cindy Allen noticed a need
for unique furnishings near the location she was selling
mountain get-a-way cabins and homes. Rudy Delapaz, a
mountain home builder, also noticed this need. Many
customers traveled far or paid huge shipping costs to get
the wonderful pieces Cindy and Rudy now sell.
Continued on page 4
Chairman’s Chat
Hello all,
Well, first of all, Happy New Year 2008. This
year should be significantly less frantic than 2007 owing to the fact that we are now done (mostly) with the
water and road projects. I know that it was a very trying time for all of us and I sincerely appreciate the patience that you have all shown in getting these projects
behind us. Thank you all…
With the roads being plowed in Swains for the
first time that I am aware of and the availability of year
round water, I hope that many of you will be able to
use your cabins for a longer period every year. Teresa
and I have been up twice so far this winter in weather
that we never would have considered going up in before.
There has so far been about 7 – 8 feet of snow
delivered by Mother Nature and without the great work
that the road crews are doing in Swains in keeping the
roads open, we never would have made it, or even tried
(see picture below and on page 1). It really is a different mountain in the winter. The snow truly changes
the experience. We are off to a great start in fighting
the drought so lets keep hoping for a wet winter and
spring. Maybe we can get in four fish plants this year.
In your dues notice this year you will be getting a series of questions asking for your opinions
concerning the Labor Day activities and the application
of Magnesium Chloride to the roads as a way to combat our dust problems.
Please take the time to
answer these few questions as
your input is of great assistance
to the Board in determining
what is the will of the members
concerning these matters.
As always, looking forward to
seeing you on the mountain.
Page 2
Volume 11, Issue 1
Next Association Board Meeting – May 17th, 2008 at the Barn - 10am.
Schedule of Association Board meetings: May 17th, June 14th, July 19th, August 16th,
August 31st (annual meeting), October 4th, and January 10th , 2009.
Memorial Day Weekend - Saturday Night
Village Summer Kick-Off Party sponsored by The Duck Creek Village Merchants
Live Music Featuring Muddy Boots Band
6pm to 10pm @ Cedar Mountain Home Furnishings
June 14th - Open House BBQ - Cedar Mountain Fire Protection Dist. At the Fire Hall
July 5th, Saturday -Independence Day Celebration In the Village
Parade - Public Entries Welcome - Decorate your quads or enter a float
Live Band & Fireworks Following Parade
July 5th, Saturday - CMFPD Pancake Breakfast
July 18th & 19th - Duck Creek Days
August 16th - Fire 'n Ice -Cedar Mountain Fire Protection Dist. At the Fire Hall
Labor Day Weekend - Saturday Night
Village End of Summer Party sponsored by The Duck Creek Village Merchants
Live Music Featuring Muddy Boots Band
6pm to 10pm @ Cedar Mountain Home Furnishings
Saturday: Swains Creek— Camp Golden Eagle 8am (tentative)
Sunday: Swains Creek—Annual Meeting 1pm at the Pavilion
Sunday: Swains Creek—Annual BBQ 5pm
Manager’s Tidbits
***There is an estimated 7 feet of snow so far this year.
***Last year approximately 136 loads of water were delivered.
***The State of Utah Division of Drinking Water has been notified that we are now under Kane County Water Conservation District.
***The water tank at the barn and the two old gas water pumps
were sold.
***Forms to reserve the pavilion have been made and information will be on the website.
***The water delivery box will be a suggestion box and a “form
delivery box”.
***Thanks Mike Kempf and Butch Davis for the tree pruning
work they did on Harris Spring Road by camp golden Eagle.
***A new ATV ordinance went into affect at beginning of the
year which is more restrictive. We’ll try to get a copy soon!
Swain’s Creek Road being plowed!
Page 3
Swains Creek Pines Lot Owners Association
694 S Main Street
St. George, UT 84770
Swains Creek Pines Lot Owners Association uses two addresses:
1. Dues and assessment payments should be sent to our Computer Service:
Briggs Business Services, Inc.,
Irene Briggs
694 S Main Street
St. George, UT 84770.
2. Invoices to be paid should be sent to the Association Address:
Swains Creek Pines Lot Owners Association
P.O. Box 1164,
Duck Creek Village, UT 84762.
3. Matters concerning management of the development or facilities, may be addressed to the Association c/o Bill Rodreick at the Association address.
4. Barn Phone Number (435)-682-3127. Updated weather and road conditions
are available by calling this number.
5. E-mail Address: [email protected] This e-mail address is accessed by
Irene Briggs at her office in St. George. Sorry she’s not able to answer questions
about road conditions and weather.
Check out the following web site for Swains Creek Pines Info and Association
More Tidbits
***During road construction, contractors can use hydrants. Any other use is not allowed. Any unauthorized usage of fire hydrants should be reported
to the KCWCD or contact Jeff Hoyt at 435-6822228.
***Law to be in effect approximately November of
2007 which will allow non-residents property
owners a vote on issues related to Cedar Mountain.
***Mr. Dale Flannigan (of the Forestry Dept ) is encouraging people to take the wood from the piles
of wood cut last summer for their own personal
use, but a wood cutting permit is required prior to
taking the wood from the piles. Also, Swains
Creek is scheduled for burn pile burning this year
once 4-6” of snow is on the ground. Some of this
burning was accomplished in early December.
Page 4
Cedar Mountain Home Furnishing
Cont’d from page 2
Rudy has been living and building cabins on Cedar Mountain
for nearly 7 years and Cindy has been a full time Cedar
Mountain resident and realtor for 5 years now. Stop by and
see there beautiful line of home furnishings!