News From Swains Creek


News From Swains Creek
News From Swains Creek
Volume 15, Issue 1
January 2012
Highway 14 Update
Inside this issue:
Currently UDOT is conducting additional survey on S.R. 14
and drilling core samples while Environmental and Rightof-Way teams pursue appropriate legal clearance for the
project and design team members determine cost.
This is a major landslide with complex safety and
environmental issues on a route for which no immediate funding was programmed and costs will be significantly more than the 3.1 million dollars we've
been able to obtain to move forward on the project.
Printed here is an update from the Utah Department of
Transportation concerning the repair/replacement of
the portion of Highway 14 that was affected by a landslide in the fall of 2011.
Basic elements of this project include stabilizing slopes,
moving earth and debris, and constructing a new road.
Designers have been feverishly drawing roadway plans
with construction input from a contractor selected to
help identify risks to both cost and schedule.
Project Schedule
able on UDOT's Project Explorer Bid Letting page under
the "Alternative Delivery Projects" category.)
SR 14 update: UDOT anticipates beginning construction at
the beginning of April. The goal is to have paved access
through the slide by Independence Day, but not necessarily the permanent completion. There will be ongoing construction on the corridor through the year and it would be
safe to say that any construction will extend well into
To follow/subscribe to constriction updates from the UDOT,
check the project web page at:
UDOT has selected General Contractor Kiewit from proposals submitted by construction companies to bring private construction expertise to the design table. Their services include determining risks and costs associated with
this unique project as well as providing expedited construction solutions to the design team. (A copy of the Request for Proposals and accompanying documents is availAbove: Andy Osterhout receiving the “Torch” from
retiring Association Manager Bill Rodreick
Chairman’s Chat
I would like to thank the current board for having the trust and faith in me to once again nominate and
place me as the Swains Creek Pines Lot Owners Association’s Board Chairman. This is my 4th and final year on
the board and my third year as the Chairman.
We have a great cast of people on the board
this year and I look forward to a great year in Swains
Creek. I am excited to announce that Andy Osterhout
will be our new Manager because Bill Rodreick is retiring.
Bill will train Andy for at least 30 days, starting on the 1st
of May. Please be sure to stop and wish Bill well and
thank him for his many years of dedicated service to
Swains Creek. We will be throwing him a party during
the Pot Luck at the Pavilion on June 16th at 6 pm. Come
join us.
Bob Runkle has graciously agreed to continue
running Security Patrols this year. He will of course have
his trusty K-9 at his side. We have been fortunate he has
not had to use his dog in his daily patrols. In addition,
Andy and all the board members act as security too.
Please be a volunteer this year! Bill Rodreick
and Andy Osterhout will be needing quite a few adult
volunteers to help repair the cattle fence around Swains
Creek. It has been many years since we have had complete coverage and the winter of 2010 did a lot of damage to the fence.
Irene Briggs has resigned as the organizer for
Camp Golden Eagle this year. We need someone to step
up and be in charge of this event if it is to be offered on
Labor Day weekend. Irene said she will continue to oversee making the quilts and is available to assist with the
We are excited about this years fund-raisers.
The Chili cook-off on May 26th, the Annual Stop-Shop &
Swap on the weekend after the 4th , tables will be rented
for $10.00 each this year, and the Spaghetti Fun-Raiser
on the 11th of August. All these events will raise money
for the proposed playground. All additional donations
are appreciated. Please look for the calendar of events
in this newsletter, on our website or on the bulletin
board at the barn. I guarantee it will be a lot of fun.
This year, please consider coming to our fund
raisers, volunteering for an event, coming to the board
meetings, being a board member, or contributing to our
playground fund. We have a ways to go and would like to
see this happen sooner than later. We have the best
bunch of lot owners on the mountain. It is no wonder
other developments look to us for ideas and guidance. I
guess, when you have it good, others want to follow.
I hope to see you on the mountain, our little
piece of heaven. And don’t forget to wave as you pass
Chairman, Swains Creek Pines Lot Owners Association
Page 2
Recent Cabin Fire
in Swains Creek
A recent cabin fire in Swains Creek, which is believed to have
started as a chimney fire, resulted in the complete loss of the
cabin. An awareness of dangers associated with wood burning and
the buildup of "Creosote" in the flue, should be developed by all
cabin owners and users. For more information on "Wood Burning
Safety", please contact Andy Osterhout, the new Swains Creek
Pines Manager.
What Causes Creosote?
What most people think of as "smoke" is better termed "flue gas."
This "smoke", or flue gas is released by the initial fire: the "primary
combustion." Flue gas consists of steam, and vaporized but unburned carbon based by-products (vaporized creosote). As the flue
gas exits the fireplace or wood stove, it drafts upward into the
relatively cool flue where condensation occurs. Like hot breath on
a cold mirror, the cool surface temperature of the flue causes the
carbon particles in the warm vapor to solidify. The actual cause of
creosote condensation, is the surface temperature of the flue in
which the flue gas comes in contact. This resulting carbon based
condensation which materializes inside the flue is creosote. It's
usually black in appearance. It can be the fine black dust called
soot, (1st stage creosote); or porous and crunchy, (2nd stage); or it
can be tar-like: drippy and sticky, until it hardens into a shiny glaze,
(3rd stage). All forms of creosote can occur in one chimney system.
Whatever form it takes, creosote is highly combustible. If it builds
up in sufficient quantities - and ignites inside the chimney flue: the
result is a volcanic chimney fire.
Several conditions encourage the buildup of creosote:
 A flue too large for the wood burning appliance, (e.g.. unlined
 A restricted air supply;
 Unseasoned or rain-logged wood; Cooler-than-normal surface
flue temperatures, (e.g.. metal fireplace
Volume 15, Issue 1
Event Schedule for 2012 (clip and save this list for handy reference)
Board meetings are held at 10AM, Utah time, at the barn, unless otherwise noted.
Pot luck dinners are held at 6 PM, Utah time, at the Pavilion.
May 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCPLOA Board meeting & pot luck dinner
May 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCPLOA Chili Cook-off at noon
June 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . SCPLOA Board meeting & pot luck dinner
*Retirement party for Bill Rodreick at 6PM*
July 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SCPLOA Stop, Shop & Swap at 9AM Pavilion
July 20-21. . . . . . . . . . . Duck Creek Days – Duck Creek Village
July 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCPLOA Board meeting (Sunday!)
August 11. . . . . . . . . . . . SCPLOA Board meeting
Spaghetti Fun-raiser at 5PM at the pavilion
September 2. . . . . . . . . SCPLOA Annual meeting (Sunday) at 1:00 PM, Pavilion
October 6. . . . . . . . . . . SCPLOA Board meeting & pot luck dinner
January 12, 2013. . . . . SCPLOA Board meeting – in Las Vegas
Los Prados Country Club, 5150 Los Prados Circle,
CMFPD Update
The Regular Meeting of the Governing Board of the CMFPD took
place on Saturday, January 14. New Board members, Pat Kohley
and Jim Barbeau were sworn in and subsequently took their
seats on the Board.
The Board then voted to fill the Brian Romney board vacancy. Two applicants applied for the vacancy, Andre Oeland and
Mike Petullo. Andre Oeland received the most board votes and
he was subsequently sworn in and was seated.
The Board then selected Officers for the new year. They are as
follows: Chairman--Hernan Gerraud, Vice Chairman--Jeff Hoyt,
District Clerk--Pat Kohley, Treasurer--Andre Oeland.
Chuck Brechler was named Acting Volunteer Fire Chief until such
time that the Board names a permanent Fire Chief.
It was noted on more than one occasion that the CMFPD paid
staff had quit shortly before Christmas and that volunteers have
been keeping the District operational. Jim Barbeau was selected
to lead a data gathering committee for the purpose of surveying local fire departments to determine how they're organized, paid versus volunteers etc.. Jim Barbeau will report his
findings at the February meeting.
The Board would like to advertise for a Staff Clerk as soon as
practical. They asked the Board accountant to provide a list
of significant duties for this position. The path forward for
selecting someone for this position will be discussed at the
February meeting.
Chuck Brechler reported on the effort to enroll new volunteers. As of 12 January, 23 Fire Fighters have been enrolled
and one EMT I. Four of the volunteers want to take EMT
training. All volunteers except one are full time residents. Significant training for the volunteers will be required
and scheduled as soon as practical. Mr. Brechler also reported that funds will have to be set aside for additional
communications and Personal Protective Equipment.
News Tidbits and Board Notes
Architectural Requests
The Swains Creek Pines Conditions, Covenants, Reservations and
Restrictions (CC&R’s) require that all lots be used, built upon, improved and held in such a way as to preserve and enhance their
pastoral, scenic beauty as mountain cabin residential sites, free
from unsightly neglect or abuse. No improvement or structure
whatever, other than a first class private dwelling house, patio
walls, swimming pool, and customary outbuilding, garage, car-
port, servants’ quarters, or guest house may be erected,
placed, or maintained on any lot in such premises.
Lots should be maintained to preserve the scenic beauty of
the mountain. If you are planning to construct, build, assemble, erect or place any type of structure, shelter or exterior
improvements on your lot, you must first submit
an Architectural Request Form, along with a detailed
Continued on Page 4
Page 3
Swains Creek Pines Lot Owners Association
1. Dues, assessment payments and invoices to be paid should be sent to our Computer Service:
Briggs Business Services, Inc., Irene Briggs, 694 S Main Street, St. George, UT 84770
2. Matters concerning management of the development or facilities, may be addressed to the Association c/o Bill
Rodreick/Andy Osterhout at the Association address.
3. Barn Phone Number (435)-682-3127. Updated weather and road conditions are available by calling this number.
Check out the following web site for Swains Creek Pines Info and Association postings:
Most of you know who Irene Briggs is
but do you know what she does for our Association ?
Irene owns Briggs Business & Tax Services, LLC and does all the record keeping for our Association. This includes everything from providing information via phone and email for property owners and escrow companies, to maintaining all
financial and property related records.
Responsibilities include:
Providing new lot owner packets which include our CCRs, Bylaws, and Rules & Regulations.
Printing and mailing newsletters and annual election packets and ballots.
Billing property owners for their dues and receiving all payments.
Providing fishing permits to property owners after dues are received.
Filing liens against delinquent property owners
Filing the legal documents to release liens when all dues are paid
Payment of monthly bills, insurance premiums, various fees, and taxes.
Preparation of corporate registration forms and corporate tax returns.
Preparation and presentation of the budget to the Board.
Maintains and updates the camera equipment
Irene is also the liaison between the Association, legal counsel, and governmental entities. She maintains and negotiates contracts with our insurance companies, ensures our “not for profit” organization status is maintained, and maintains the history and records of all property owners
Irene bought her property in 1979, and her cabin was built in 1981. She fondly refers to her garage as the ‘quilting party
barn’, and somehow makes time to work on the quilts that are raffled off each Labor Day weekend.
She truly is committed to the betterment of Swains Creek !!!!
News Tidbits
cont’d from Pg 3
description and a copy of your plans, to the Swains Creek
Pines Manager. This would include cabins, remodels, add-ons,
decks, outbuildings, garages, sheds, storage containers, playhouses, guest houses etc., whether or not a building permit is
required. The Manager will forward your request to the
SCPLOA Architectural Committee for review. Written approval from the Architectural Committee is required prior to
the start of any construction or placement.
Rental Reminder
Lot owners who intend to offer their property for rent (for
profit or not) must first contact and register with the SCPLOA
Manager to obtain a copy of the specific policy pertaining to
rentals. Owners are responsible for ensuring their renters follow the Guidelines, Rules & Regulations, as well as the CC&Rs.
Rental Forms and Guidelines are available
at or from the SCPLOA Manager.
Page 4
Check the website (address above) for a weekly picture from
the webcam located at the barn!
Pavilion Improvement
The electrical system has been improved at the pavilion. THANK YOU to Mike and Cindy Dawes for providing the
materials and making these much needed improvements!