Student`s copy - SOS


Student`s copy - SOS
Student’s copy
You have watched the movie. Now make a brain pattern, using the key words “What a child
needs” and “Mother”. What do you think of when you see these key words?
What a child needs
Can you find other key words? Make brain patterns with these words too. It might help you when you start
working with the next task.
Now it is time to write poems. Find a word in the text which is related to SOS Children’s Villages and
the four cornerstones. Every line in the poem begins with the letters in the word, for example:
So you think you can help
Oh yes, you can
So little makes a huge difference
Can you imagine
Help is needed all around the world
In Africa, Asia, every continent
Lonely children need a family
Day and night
Picture puzzle poem:
Use your imagination and make a picture puzzle poem.
For example:
There are 473
needs a
and should grow up with
in her own
within a
around the
Write a poem shaped as a house, sunflower, heart or whatever you associate with SOS Children’s
For example:
is so
to grow up in
a family
and live
in safety
my heart
and my soul
so lucky
so safe
Haiku poem
Haiku is one of the most important poem varieties in Japan. It consists of three lines with 5, 7 and 5
syllables. The haiku poem is often about every day life. Write one or several haiku poems with theme from
the text about SOS Children’s village. Count the syllables!
For example:
Grow up with siblings
And a mother too of course
Good life for children
Happy children run
playing in the warm sunshine
in their own school yard
Find words or part of sentences in the text. Use scissors and cut the words/sentences. Glue them
on a piece of paper when you have made the poem.
For example:
n’s Villa
SOS Childre
World-wide presence
Solidarity and support
Hope to generations of children
What is a synonym – and what is an antonym? You have probably learned it before. A synonym is
a word with the same meaning as an other word, for example sad - sorry -, house - building. An antonym is a
word with the opposite meaning, for example happy - sad, big - small.
Use the words: child, love, friend, peace. These words have both synonyms and antonyms. Find them. Be
aware that synonyms not always can be used in the same context!
This is the last poem exercise. Write one poem with the synonyms and one poem with the antonyms. Is there
any difference in atmosphere in the two poems?
Daily activities in an SOS Children’s Village
Work in pairs/groups. Put the pictures in a logical sequence. What is it like to live in a children’s village? Describe the children’s day. Write down the description. Choose a “speaker”. He/she will read your version to the
Make 6 questions/answers to the pictures – all about time. When do the children get up in the morning? Etc.
Story writing
Work in pairs/groups. You get a set of word cards. Leave the word cards
facing down, shuffle them and pick 10 cards. Create a story with at least
8 of the words. Write in simple past and include one of the sentences
on the board. The sentence could be at the beginning, in the middle or
in the end of the story – it’s your decision. Feel free to use any words
you know to make the story logical! Facts or fiction – that is up to you!
Sentence domino
Work in pairs. You get one set
of dominoes. Share them equally. One of you starts by
placing a domino in the middle of
the table. All the sentences on the dominoes are found in
the text. Make sure that the sentences
make sense and that they are grammatically correct. The
dominoes can be bent into a circle to match the two end dominoes. Take turns adding a domino in either end
of the one on the table. If you don’t have a suitable domino, you must wait for your next turn. If you complete
correctly, you will have a complete line of dominoes.
The order of the sentences can be checked on the original.
Grammar auction
Work in pairs. Now you are going to “buy” sentences. Some sentences are grammatically correct, some are
not. The point is to buy as many correct sentences as possible, so you have to decide together which sentences you think are correct. If you are the winning bidder, write down the amount of money you spent
on the sentence. It is important to know how much money you have left! No money, no bids!
When the auction is over, count how many sentences you have bought and how much
money you have spent. The pair with the most correct sentences and the most money
left wins.
What is happiness? What do you think makes a child in an SOS Children’s Village happy? What makes you
happy? Are there any similarities/differences? Why?
Make an illustration to your story. How can you paint happiness?