June 7. 2015 - St. Paul RC Church
June 7. 2015 - St. Paul RC Church
St. Paul Church 200 Wyckoff Avenue | Ramsey, NJ 07446 www.StPaulRCChurch.org June 7, 2015 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Schedule of Masses Saturday: 9 am Saturday Eve: 5 pm (Sunday Obligation) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am, & 12 pm Weekdays: Monday-Friday 7:30 am & 12 pm Holy Days: 7:30 am, Noon & 7:30 pm National Holidays: 9:00 am Served by Rev. John McCrone, Pastor Rev. Raul Gaviola, Parochial Vicar Rev. Stefano Hong, Parochial Vicar Mr. Jeremiah K. Rehse, Deacon Gail Ritchie, School Principal Sr. Maureen Corcoran, Pastoral Associate John Nunziata, Pastoral Associate Colleen Jagde, Director of Faith Formation Kristin Dabaghian, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy Donna Schifano, Director of Outreach Genny Latour Huss, Director of Senior Ministry Eric Erler, Director of Youth Ministry John Weiss, Business Manager Mission Statement Parish Center: 193 Wyckoff Avenue // Ramsey, NJ 07446 Phone: 201.327.0976 // Fax: 201.327.6197 www.stpaulrcchurch.org https://www.facebook.com/stpaulrcchurch.org Faith Formation Grades K-8 201.327.8010 // [email protected] School: 201.327.1108 // www.stpaulips.org We are Catholic Christians who embrace the plan of God for our salvation. We come together in faith to worship in a loving community. We are moved by the Holy Spirit to witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We wish to live out the vision of Jesus expressed in the Beatitudes as it unfolds in our daily life, through time, talent and treasure. Youth Office: 201.825.9199 Baptism: Parents, please contact the Parish Center during the pregnancy, or prior to adoption, to begin preparing for your child’s baptism. Penance: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment. Marriage: Arrangements must be made one year in advance. Anointing of the Sick: At two special Eucharistic Liturgies in Church during the year. Visitation of the sick at home any time. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): For those interested in becoming a Catholic. Call the Parish Center for information. June 7, 2015 Mass Intentions for the Week of June 7 MONDAY, June 8 2 Cor 1:1-7; Mt 5:1-12 (359) 7:30 Catherine Gmuer; Req by Addie Caputi 12:00 Lillian Ferone; Req by Judy & Frank Grembowiec TUESDAY, June 9 2 Cor 1:18-22; Mt 5:13-16 (360) 7:30 Jim MacDonald; Req by Garry & Janet Gyss 12:00 Mary Hugo; Req by Beiner Family WEDNESDAY, June 10 2 Cor 3:4-11; Mt 5:17-19 (361) 7:30 Msgr. Lester A. Quinn 12:00 Novena of Masses THURSDAY, June 11 Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3 (580); Mt 5:20-26 (362) 7:30 Barbara Oratio; Req by Hank & Rose Enbergh and Family 12:00 Carmella & Edward Bilotti FRIDAY, June 12 Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Eph 3:8-12, 14-19; Jn 19:31-37 (171) 7:30 Msgr. Larry Cull; Req by Grace, Fran, & Joanne 12:00 Novena of Masses SATURDAY, June 13 2 Cor 5:14-21; Mt 5:33-37 (364) or Is 61:9-11; Lk 2:41-51 (573) 9:00 Paul Raiz; Req by Fran Mahon 5:00 People of the Parish 7:00 Spanish Mass SUNDAY, June 14 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 17:22-24/2; Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34 (92) 7:30 Msgr. Lawrence Cull - First Anniversary 9:00 DMOHNS; Req by Holy Name Society 10:30 Bernad Leung; Req by Diane & Jeff Campbell 12:00 John R. Scanlon; Req by Elizabeth Scanlon This week’s ALTAR BREADS are donated in memory of Michael P. Sancilio requested by Featherstone family. IN YOUR PRAYERS PLEASE REMEMBER all the women & men who serve in our armed forces; THE SICK, ESPECIALLY: Linda Josephine Raucci, David King, Bob Tommaney, Lois James, Grace Ladocsi, and Jim Kinney; FOR THOSE NAMES THAT ARE LISTED HERE ON THE ALTAR; and THE DECEASED: Antonietta Granato and Art Welsh. Memorial Mass A Memorial Mass for Fr. Raul’s mother, Victorianna Gaviola will be held on Saturday, June 13th at 11:00 a.m. in the Church of St. Paul. All parishioners are invited to attend. Page 2 Today we celebrate the great gift Jesus gave us, when he said that he would not leave us, by giving himself as food for the journey. Eucharist means thanksgiving and all the while we celebrate liturgy we bring all that we have to be thankful for and all our needs before him. We also call Eucharist Communion. Communion in the dictionary is defined as “an intimate relationship with deep understanding.” Someone else has defined communion as “an intimate relationship with deep mystery.” How will we ever understand the mystery of this sacrament? I do not know the how of Christ’s presence in Eucharist, I only know the why. Jesus wants to remain with us and to continue his work of worship of the Father and love of his people through us. In the Second Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, Paul writes: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion, and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God”. (2 Cor 1:33-5). In other words, all that we have received from God—love, compassion and comfort— ought to work through us to others. In this Communion we become Christ bearers into the world. When we love we give God’s love, when we show compassion we share God’s compassion. In another part of Scripture it states that whatever we do we ought to do it in the name of Jesus. I might add that we do it in the power of Christ and his Spirit. “They will know we are Christians (Christ bearers—life sharers) by our love” as one of our 'old time favorite' songs attests. Someone shared a story with me about a young child who came up to communion with her mother. The little girl was holding her snack, a somewhat soggy, half eaten cracker. The priest placed communion on the hand of the mother and said, “The Body of Christ.” The little girl looked at the half eaten saltine cracker, and offered it to the priest, saying, “The Body of Christ”. Then he took her saltine cracker, took a bite and said, “Amen.” To that little girl, this is communion... her expression of “an intimate relationship with deep mystery”. STEWARDSHIP TREASURE for the WEEKENDS of : May 23/24 is $16,255.00 which includes $5,292.00 from Faith Direct. May 30/31 is $18,624.00 which includes $5,292.00 from Faith Direct. 10% of the weekly stewardship treasure is set aside to help others in need. We are grateful for your ongoing generosity. 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ ALL Men of Saint Paul Parish Are Invited To The Annual Father’s Evening of Reflection Thursday, June 18th @ 7:30PM Saint Paul Church Come gather with men in the parish and learn from the stories of Catholic fathers who are committed to fulfilling their responsibilities to their families! These are real life experiences in a world that challenges sincere Christian parenting at every turn. Bring your sons and fathers and grandfathers! For information contact John Nunziata at (201-327-0976) or [email protected] One night a father overheard his son pray: “Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is”. Later that night, the Father prayed, “Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.” Faith Formation Registration for New Families Enrollment in our Faith Formation Program is offered to all registered parishioners who participate in the sacramental life of the church and most especially Sunday Eucharist. The Program is open to all Parish children in Kindergarten through Grade 8, who are not in Catholic School. To find out more about our programs and to obtain Faith Formation registration information, please call 201-327-8010 or email [email protected]. Our goal is to give the children the opportunity to build their faith which is grounded in God’s love, family experience, the witness of others and is brought to fruition as we celebrate as a parish family of faith, especially when we celebrate the Eucharist. Church of St. Paul Monthly Newsletter Church of St. Paul has recently began to e-mail a monthly newsletter to all parishioners with events that are happening in the parish. If you haven't received one, it may mean we do not have your current e-mail address. Please e-mail [email protected] with your information. Parish Center Summer Hours Summer hours for the parish center will begin Monday, June 22: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. We will return to regular hours as of Tuesday, September 8. 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ Social Concern Baby Bottle Campaign – Beginning Mother’s Day, May 10 through Father’s Day, June 21 our parish will be supporting the Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center through its annual Baby Bottle Campaign. We encourage you to take an empty baby bottle home, fill it with coins, cash or a check (made payable to Lighthouse PRC), and return it to church on or before Father’s Day. This year’s Baby Bottle funds will help Lighthouse to further expand its services for those facing or at -risk for unplanned pregnancy. Food Pantry - The St Paul Food Pantry is supported through generous donations from St Paul parishioners. The pantry is located in the front vestibule of the church and is available for all in the community in need. The Food Pantry is open on Tuesday’s from 12:15pm – 12:45pm. Please contact the Parish Center at 201-327-0976 if you need to make special arranges to access the Food Pantry. Place all food donations in the wooden boxes located at the side entrances of the church. Food Pantry Needs - Juice, Snacks/Cookies/Crackers, Spaghetti Sauce, White Rice, Mac and Cheese, Canned Fruit (Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail) and Bath Products. Due to your overwhelming generosity we do not need Cereal or Canned Soup. Harrison House - Twice monthly the committee provides a home cooked meal for eight people with the AIDS virus, who live in a home on the grounds of Bergen Regional Medical Center. Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver a meal for the following summer dates: Sat., July 4th, and Fri., July 24th, and Fri., August 28th..If you are able to help, call Debbie at 201-825-7856. WOMEN'S CURSILLO - June 11th-14th (postponed from March) Candidates - Joyce Mason, Corey Egan, & Tina Ribauto Team - Janet Gyss - Music Minister Service Team - Roz Hughes Palanca - drop off by 4:30 Thursday June11th Sponsors' Mass - 8PM Thursday - Kearny Closing 4:30 Sunday, June14th - Kearny Archdiocesan Youth Center 499 Belgrove Drive Kearny, NJ *for directions - www.mycursillo.com Homecoming Party - Sunday, 7:30, June 14th, at the home of Joe and Therese Lynch, 136 N. Spruce St., Ramsey (Kindly bring appetizer or dessert) Questions - call Roz 201- 825-0655 The Senior Citizen Gala Dinner and Dance Saturday, June 20 12:00pm - 3:00pm Ramsey High School 256 E Main St., Ramsey, NJ Open to all area seniors. Sign up at Borough Hall. $5.00 per person. Please make checks payable to the Borough of Ramsey. All attendees need to sign up by June 10th. Page 3 June 7, 2015 Youth Group News End of the Year Picnic: Tuesday, June 9 We'll kick back and celebrate all the fun we've had and memories we share. Activities such as a softball game, home run derby, ultimate Frisbee, water balloon throwing, and "state fair" games can be expected along with hot dogs, hamburgers, and ice cream. Then we'll cap the night off with the Hand Print Ceremony and a "Year in Review" Slideshow! Senior Night: Tuesday, June 16 To celebrate the contribution that our graduating seniors make to the youth group and their years of dedication, we'll start the evening with a short prayer service where Groupies will be given a graduation gift. Then we'll head off to a special restaurant for an awesome meal together. This is the only youth group meeting with a dress code! There is no charge for this event; it’s our graduation gift to you! Seniors who will be attending dinner must RSVP no later than June 9. Camping Retreat: Sat./Sun., July 25-26 This is a retreat that takes us out of our comfort zones and into God's creation. We'll hike, canoe, learn about camping and survival skills, as well as, God, faith, leadership, and life. Groupies will learn to cook their own food over a campfire (supervised of course!), pitch their own tent, and as always, leave their surrounds better than they found them. Cost is $150 per “groupie” to be submitted with the appropriate forms by June 9. For more information attend youth group meetings. 187 Wyckoff Avenue, Ramsey // Phone: 201-3271108 // Fax: 201-236-1318 Email: [email protected] // Website:www.stpaulips.org Academy of St Paul is our parish school! Make a Catholic education a priority for your family. Academy of St Paul provides academic excellence in an atmosphere of love and Catholic Christian values through scholarship, spirituality and service. Our rigorous curriculum and exemplary teachers prepare our students to take their place as faith-filled stewards in the Church and the world. Let us partner with you in your child’s school success. Call 201327-1108 to arrange a tour. For more information, visit www.stpaulips.org. =================================== Super 50/50 Raffle Tickets for the Academy of Saint Paul Super 50/50 Raffle will be sold after Mass on June 6th and 7th. The raffle will offer the opportunity for three lucky people to win 25%, 15% or 10% of raffle ticket sales while fundraising on behalf of the Academy of Saint Paul. Our winners last year shared a prize of over $9,000! Tickets are $20 each, and the winner will be drawn on June 22nd at the annual golf outing. Winners need not be present. If you are unable to purchase after Mass, you can contact the school at 201-327-1108. Thank you for your support of our parish school. Pastoral Colloquium at Christian Health Care Center Board room 700 Mountain Ave., Wyckoff, NJ “Oh, if only...Dealing with Regret” Sunday June 14th 10:00am – 3:00pm Academy of St. Paul Parking Lot Help support the St Paul Youth Group for this year’s trip to the National Catholic Youth Con fer ence in Indianapolis. We need your help and your cars! Donations will be gladly accepted!! Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for sponsoring the annual Altar Server Dinner. It was a great evening recognizing the good work you all do. Page 4 Presented by Rev. Tom Bartha, 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Thursday, June 18, 2015. This colloquium will explore the vast arena of regret. Attendees will have ample opportunities to share how they have dealt with regrets in the past - things we might have done differently, and both healthy and painful lessons learned. Why does “Oh, just forget it” not work well? We’ll learn from one another’s stories, explore the damage regrets can do, identify several troublesome words and statements, and consider some of scripture’s teachings and new ways of letting go and moving on. About the speaker: Rev. Thomas Bartha has served as pastor of Pompton Reformed Church in Pompton Lakes since 2002. Please RSVP by Monday, June 12, 2015, to Diane Cioffi at 201-848-5839 or via email to [email protected]. Do you have a few hours to spare? Volunteers needed to help with Fr. Brennan's 50th Anniversary Party, please call Donna at (201)327-0976 or e-mail [email protected]. 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Rev. Robert M. Brennan Golden Jubilee You are Invited to Join with The Family and Friends of Father Bob Brennan Celebrating his 50 Years of Service As a Priest Sunday, June 14, 2015 3:00pm Church of St. Paul 200 Wyckoff Avenue, Ramsey Join us for a light reception following the Mass Academy of St. Paul Gym Please respond before Tuesday, June 9 [email protected] or 201-327-0976 If you would like to write a note to Fr. Brennan sharing your memories, you may do so by either e-mailing them to [email protected] or drop them off to the parish center attention Donna Schifano. Page 6 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ June 7, 2015 3rd Annual Golf Outing On Monday, June 22, 2015 the Parent Faculty Guild of the Academy of Saint Paul will be hosting its annual golf outing. This will mark the third year that the school families, parish members and business men and women from the local community come together for an afternoon of fun and competition. Once again, the beautiful Ramsey Country Club will be the site of this year’s outing. No matter what shape your game is in, you are always welcome. Come alone or bring as many friends or clients as you like. Registration will begin at 11:00 am. Lunch will start at 11:30 am and will follow with a shotgun start at 1:00 pm. The format is scramble and is followed by cocktail hour and dinner. A copy of the registration form is attached. Unable to attend? You can still help. We are in need of corporate sponsors, hole sponsors and donations that can be utilized as gifts and prizes. Sporting event tickets, golf apparel or equipment and gift certificates are just some suggested items that add to the excitement of the event. After the last putt has been sunk and the scores have been posted, the true winners are the boys and girls of the Academy of Saint Paul. Please support the PFG in its fundraising efforts in support of a quality education. I hope to see you at the outing. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Paul Ursich [email protected] Golf Committee—Chair ************************************************** Fees per person Golf: (includes cart, meals and tee gifts) $175 Dinner Only: (open bar and buffet) $ 50 ************************************************** Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities Premier Sponsor $1,200 Four Golfers, Dinner Sponsor, Full page ad in Dinner Booklet & Special Signage at Cocktail Hour Platinum Sponsor $1,000 Four Golfers, Lunch or Beverage Cart Sponsor & 1/2 page ad in Dinner Booklet Gold Sponsor $900 Four Golfers, Hole Sponsor & 1/2 page ad in Dinner Booklet Silver Sponsor $800 Four Golfers and Hole Sponsor ************************************************** Individual Sponsorship Opportunities Dinner Sponsor $500 Lunch Sponsor $250 Beverage Cart Sponsor $250 Golf Carts Sponsor $250 Hole Sponsor $150 645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ Registration Form Golfer 1: Name:_______________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________ Golfer 2: Name:_______________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Golfer 3: Name:_______________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Golfer 4: Name: ______________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________ **************************************************** Dinner Only Guest: Name(s): ____________________________ **************************************************** _____ I wish to be an outing sponsor Sponsorship Type: ____________________________________ Sign should read: _____________________________________ **************************************************** ____ I cannot attend but would like to make a monetary donation Amount enclosed:_____________________ **************************************************** PAYMENT INFORMATION Total # Golfers: ____________________________ Total # for Dinner Only: _____________________ $ Amount enclosed: _________________________ Make Checks Payable to: Academy of Saint Paul Credit Cards Accepted: Visa, MC, AMEX Cardholder Name:_______________________________________________ CC #: _______________________________________________ Exp: __________________ Security Code: ________________ Billing Address:_______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Zip Code: _________Signature: __________________________ Please return registration form and payment information to: Academy of Saint Paul 187 Wyckoff Ave Ramsey, NJ 07446 Attn: Golf Outing Page 5
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Weekdays: Monday-Friday 7:30 am & 12 pm
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