Baader Planetarium Q-Turret Eyepiece Set
Baader Planetarium Q-Turret Eyepiece Set
Baader Planetarium Q-Turret Eyepiece Set An Affordable Kit That Delivers! By Erik N. Wilcox I generally view eyepiece kits with a certain degree of of skepticism. skepticism. After After all, all, who certain degree can forget forget the “all-in-one” “all-in-one” plastic plastic sets sets – can complete with with aa case! case! – and that mostly complete consisted of of a bunch of under-performing consisted eyepieces, aa cheap cheap 3x Barlow, Barlow, and colored eyepieces, filters of limited usefulness. Occasionally, filters there have been there been eyepiece eyepiecekits kitsthat thatcontaiconned a gem tained a gemorortwo, two,but butfor for the the most part, I’ve always always been been a firm believer believer in buying I’ve eyepieces individually individually and and in in only only the eyepieces needed focal lengths. needed focal lengths. However, the Q-Turret eyepiece eyepiece set Baader Planetarium Planetarium isis different. different. from Baader Rather than than include include aa bunch bunch of focal Rather lengths that that no no one needs needs – does anyone lengths 4-mm Huygens Huygens eyepiece eyepiece with a really use a 4-mm view (AFOV)? (AFOV)? 30-degree apparent field of view Planetarium Q-Turret Q-Turret set – the Baader Planetarium contains four four 1.25-inch 1.25-inch eyepieces eyepieces with contains f/lengths that are usable in just about any amateur telescope. Included is the 32-mm 32-mm Baader Classic Classic Plössl Plössl (the (the widest widest true true field Baader possible in aa 1.25-inch 1.25-inch barrel), barrel), and and of view possible Classic Orthos in focal focal Baader’s new Classic lengths ofof18-mm, 18-mm,10-mm, 10-mm, 6-mm. lengths andand 6-mm. All All reported are reported be “HT” fully “HT” multiare to beto fully multi-coated coated each features anofAFOV of 50 and eachand features an AFOV 50 degrees. degrees. Also isincluded the 2.25xwith QAlso included the 2.25xis Q-Barlow with alens, dual-factor which I’ll aBarlow dual-factor which lens, I’ll discuss in discuss detail in greater detail shortly. greater shortly. Initially, what whatwas wasmost most intriguing intriguing to tomeabout aboutthis thissetsetwas wasthe the Q-Turret Q-Turret eyeme piece revolver. revolver. As As soon soon as as I opened the piece casecase (which is very Astro-Box padded paddedmetal metal (which is colorful and stylish I might add; it has very colorful and stylish I might add; it hasa AndromedaGalaxy anice nicephoto photoofof the Andromeda Galaxy and a see-through see-through display displaywindow!), window!),I wondeI wonred why an an accessory suchsuch as this eyepiece dered why accessory as this eyerevolver wasn’twasn’t more more popular. It features piece revolver popular. It fea-a lightweight aluminum and heavyduty plastures a lightweight aluminum and heavytic design allows observer to have duty plasticand design andthe allows the observer all have four eyepieces installedinstalled at once. at once. to all four eyepieces To change eyepieces eyepieces(and (andthus thusmagnimagnification),the the user simply the the refication), simplyrotates rotates volver so that the desired eyepiece is over revolver so that the desired eyepiece the focuser. No more fumbling around in the dark with setscrews and trying to find the right eyepiece; it’s already at your fingertips! A nice firm “click-stop” at the end of each eyepiece position travel ensures that the eyepiece is exactly where it needs Best of ofall, all,the theeyepieces eyepiecesare areparfocal parfoto be. Best cal with each othersosolittle littleoror no no further with each other in focus focusisisneeded neededwhen whenchangchanadjustment in ging magnifications. Being that this ing magnifications. Being that this was such a simple solution, I was interested to see how it would work in the field. I was able to get my first light the very the Baader same day dayI received I received the PlanetaBaader rium Q-Turret eyepiece set. Shortly after Planetarium Q-Turret eyepiece set. Shortly dark,dark, I brought my my 80-mm f/7f/7 refractor after I brought 80-mm refracandand mymy 8-inch tor 8-inchf/5 f/5Newtonian Newtonian outside for some observing. I would also test the eyepieces in my 16-inch f/4.5 Dobsonian later that evening and on following nights. As is often often the thecase casefrom frommymybackyard backyard4500-feet at 4500-feet elevationononthe the southern at elevation slopes of Mauna Mauna Loa, Loa, conditions conditions were spectacular. It was a moonless moonless night and Orion stood high in the south with the Milky Way prominently prominently displayed displayed across across most ofofthe I first detheotherwise otherwiseblack black I first cided totoobserve decided observeJupiter, Jupiter,which which I’d I’d been spending aalotlotof of timetime withwith recently. Unrecently. fortunately, thethe firstfirst hurdle came Unfortunately, hurdle camewhen whenI realized I realizedthat thatthe theeyepieces eyepieceswouldn’t wouldn’t quite quite reach focus in my little refractor with the little refractor eyepiece revolver installed in the 2-inch 2-inch diagonal.Though theeyepiece eyepiece revolver diagonal. Though the revolver has Astronomy TECHNOLOGY TODAY 37 BAADER PLANETARIUM Q-TURRET EYEPIECE SET hasa low-profile design, the added height wouldn’t allow it to reach focus in that particular scope, though it was very close – probably within a millimeter or two. Renegade 20 Telescope with the As a workaround, I unthreaded Precision Waite Research Mirrors lens from the included Q-Barlow and threaded it onto the bottomof the eyepiece What YouisWant revolver, which conveniently threaded to accept filters and other 1.25-inch accessox Large aperture ultra-fast mirror ries. xUsing in this manner Very the wideQ-Barlow field: exceptional for open clusters, galaxies, and nebulae increases the magnification by the same 100%the feet-on-the-ground observing 2.25xx since distance from the Barlow lens set to the eyepiece field stop remains the same. This made the effective eyepiece focal lengths to become equivalent to 2.7mm, 4.5-mm, 8-mm and 14-mm, filing the gaps between the native focal lengths of the eyepieces nicely. But more importantly, it yielded a nice gain in back focus, allowing each of the four eyepieces to reach focus in the refractor. I was able to reach focus without the Barlow lens in the 8-inch scope by removing its draw-tube extension and in the inch scopedesign, withoutthe any added modifications a16-low-profile height whatsoever and suspect that if I’d wouldn’t allow it to reach focus in thathad par-a 1.25-inch diagonal, which would shorticular scope, though it was very be close – ter than the 2-inch diagonatl Iorwas using, I probably within a millimeter two. wouldn’t had any issue reaching focus As ahave workaround, I unthreaded the in thefrom refractor. lens the included Q-Barlow and It should bethe noted that of thetheQ-Barlow threaded it onto bottom eyepiece lens assembly also be threaded directly revolver, whichcan is conveniently threaded to onto any 1.25-inch eyepiece that accepts accept filters and other 1.25-inch accesfilters for an the effective magnification incresories. Using Q-Barlow in this manner ase of 1.3x.the magnification by the same increases With 2.25x sincethe the32-mm distancePlössl from and the Barlow up into the turret and ready to lens loaded set to the eyepiece field stop remains go, same. I excitedly pointed little refractor the This made thethe effective eyepiece at Jupiter. With this combination, gas focal lengths to become equivalent the to 2.7giant showed definedfiling disk mm, 4.5-mm,a crisp 8-mmand andwell 14-mm, andgaps two between bands were Jupiter’s the theclearly native visible. focal lengths of foureyepieces Galilean nicely. moons appeared as tiny pinthe points. moved Jupiter justitoutside the ButI more importantly, yielded of a nice field of see ifallowing there was anyofstray gain in view back to focus, each the light eyepieces or scatter,to and therefocus was none. four reach in the refracEye relief was comfortable, and the tor. I was able to reach focus without 32-mm,lens as inwell the scope 18-mm(8-mm), Barlow the as 8-inch by remov10- its mm (4.5-mm), and 6-mm(2.7-mm) ing draw-tube extension and in the 16snapped to focus perfectly the 80-mm inch scope without any in modifications refractor. I observed several deep-sky gems including M42, M35, M41, M36, M38, the Beehive Cluster, the Double Cluster, the Pleiades, and a few others. Though I normally spendmost ofmy observing time x Mirror, secondary and body all made using wide-fields (none of my mounts are by Waite Research driven, so I often find wide-fields to be x Beautiful, lightweight design most convenient), I found the 50-degree AFOV be comfortable expansive Enjoy to a fabulous observingand experience inwith the both 80-mm As a side note, I feet refractor. on the ground, or even seated! This 20" f/3.0 telescope is did notice slight vignetting through the 32shorter than f/4.5. the Leave your lens, mm Plössl duea 15" to using Barlow ladder at home. but this was leveled out by the excellent image quality. What We Deliver With scopes around f/7 and faster, a consideration with20" anyf/3.0 low-power x Extraordinary premiumeyepiemirror withI found DVD test ce isprimary edge correction. theresults 32-mm x Secondary mirror by Waite Research Plössl to be nearly flawless in that regard x Wide of view, about 1 degree with the field Q-Barlow lens installed in my with your 22mm eyepiece 80- mm refractor. In the 8-inch f/5 and x Eyepiece height under 60" 16inch f/4.5 (both with a Paracorr coma x Short truss tubes for a rigid structure corrector installed and without the Barx CNC precision fabrication low lens), I found the 32-mm to have very good edge correction. I did note a slight amount of astigmatism near the field stop BAADER PLANETARIUM Q-TURRET EYEPIECE SET (maybe the outer 10 to 15that percent) wella whatsoever and suspect if I’d ashad as a tinge of violet false color on bright stars 1.25-inch diagonal, which would be shortright at the the 2-inch field stop, whichI was I’ve using, noticedI er than diagonal through eyepieces. During daylight wouldn’t most have had any issue reaching focus hours, I could also see a slight green ring in the refractor. around the perimeter thethe field stop in It should be notedofthat Q-Barlow the well as be in threaded the 18-mm and lens32-mm, assemblyascan also directly 10-mm a lesser degree. These small onto anyto1.25-inch eyepiece thatareaccepts qualms, however. Overall, I would say that filters for an effective magnification the 32-mm Baader Classic Plössl has excelincrease of 1.3x. lent optics. With the 32-mm Plössl and Barlow Speaking excellent optics, same lens loaded upofinto the turret andthe ready to could be said for the 18-mm, and go, I excitedly pointed the little10-mm, refractor at 6-mm Orthos. The 10-mm Jupiter.Baader With Classic this combination, the gas in particular extremely comfortable to giant showed isa crisp and well defined disk use. The bands recessed “volcano allowedme and two were clearlytop” visible. Jupiter’s to my eye rightappeared up to the eyepiece fourplace Galilean moons as tiny pinwithout blackout whatsoever. The points. Iany moved Jupiter just outside of 18the mm 6-mm Classic Orthos also field and of view to Baader see if there was any stray feature volcano top lens design, and light or this scatter, and there was none. all three much larger Eye have reliefeye waslenses comfortable, andthan the what you might expect in a traditional or32-mm, as well as the 18-mm (8-mm), 10thoscopic design. and 6-mm(2.7-mm) mm (4.5-mm), Orthoscopic often have a snapped to focus eyepieces perfectly in the 80-mm narrow and given the Baader refractor.AFOV, I observed severalthat deep-sky gems Classic Orthos feature a wider 50-degree AFOV, I was concerned about the edge correction. However, the edge of the field of view in these Orthos was nearly perfect, even in my fast f/4.5 scope with the coma x Starlight Instruments corrector installed. Like the Baader ClasLightweight Feather sic Plössl, there was no scatter or ghosting Touch focuser WAITE RESEARCH 20µ F3 UNVEILED AT NEAF 38 Astronomy TECHNOLOGY TODAY x Next-generation observing experience Step up to a scope you don't have to step up to! For Renegade product details, please contact Gordon Waite: [email protected] 732-977-2744 or 732-740-0695 Visit us at NEAF! whatsoeverM42, in any of the Baader including M35, M41, M36,Classic M38, Orthos. Though the 6-mm was a bit too the Beehive Cluster, the Double Cluster, much magnification in the 16-inch (351x)I the Pleiades, and a few others. Though on the nights testedofit,my it performed well normally spendI most observing time in both the 80-mmand 8-inch scopes.The using wide-fields (none of my mounts are 10-mm soClassic Ortho out to be driven, I often find turned wide-fields my favorite eyepieceI in the set. provides most convenient), found the It50-degree a nice magnification in my Dob AFOV to be comfortable and16-inch expansive in (210x) and performed admirably. the 80-mm refractor. As a side note, I did I installed a couple through of other the eyepienotice slight vignetting 32ces ofPlössl similar lengths the eyepiemm duefocal to using theinBarlow lens, ce revolver (1) an out inexpensive 10-mm but this was– leveled by the excellent Plössl, quality. (2) a cheap 9-mm wide-field, and image (3) aWith high-quality 9-mm wide-field) – anda scopes around f/7 and faster, compared thewith viewsany of low-power Jupiter. Theeyepiece Baader consideration Classic Ortho showedthea brighter is10-mm edge correction. I found 32-mm image to than the 10-mm Plössl, Plössl besample nearly one, flawless in that regard and athe crisper imagelens than sampleintwo, the with Q-Barlow installed my 80low-end 9-mmInwide-field. mm refractor. the 8-inchThe f/5 view and was 16also much “whiter” the Classic Ortho inch f/4.5 (both within a Paracorr coma corthan it installed was in sample three, thethehigh-quarector and without Barlow lity 9-mm wide-field. Additionally, I could lens), I found the 32-mm to have very see slightly more detailI in good edge correction. didJupiter’s note a cloud slight bands inoftheastigmatism 10-mm Baader amount near Classic the fieldOrtho stop when compared the 10-mm (maybe the outerto10sample to 15 one, percent) as well Plössl. as a tinge of violet false color on bright stars didthesome the 32rightI at fieldcomparisons stop, whichwith I’ve noticed mm, 18-mm, 6-mm During as well. daylight Though through most and eyepieces. double-stars aren’t main arearing of hours, I could alsoreally see a my slight green interest,the I split a few for the field sake stop of com around perimeter of the in parison. Starting with I foundand the the 32-mm, as well as Castor, in the 18-mm 6-mm Baader Classic Ortho to be well up 10-mm to a lesser degree. These are small qualms, however. Overall, I would say that the 32-mm Baader Classic Plössl has excellent optics. Speaking of excellent optics, the same could be said for the 18-mm, 10-mm, and to the task, and whenOrthos. compared an in6-mm Baader Classic Theto10-mm expensive 6-mm wide-field, the difference in particular is extremely comfortable to was The quiterecessed apparent; at 210xtop” (with the Baruse. “volcano allowed me lowplace lens my through the up 80-mm to eye right to therefractor) eyepiece the 6-mm Classic Ortho showed without anyBaader blackout whatsoever. The 18-a crisper noticeably mm andand 6-mm Baaderbetter Classicdefined Orthossplit. also Thisthistrend repeated with feature volcano top lensitself design, andseall veral other doubles. thethan exthree have eye lensesAside muchfrom larger cellentyou optics, the expect other thing really what might in a that traditional impressed me was light transmission. It is orthoscopic design. very Orthoscopic difficult to detect a difference lighta eyepieces often in have transmission as the human eye requires narrow AFOV, and given that the Baadera varianceOrthos of about 10 percent order to Classic feature a widerin50-degree actually Iseewas a difference. in the a couple AFOV, concerned But about edge of cases (likeHowever, the comparisonmentioned in correction. the edge of the field the last in paragraph), I could notice perfect, a small of view these Orthos was nearly difference. With four-element even in my fast f/4.5simpler scope with the coma designs, as Orthoscopics, is corrector such installed. Like the Baaderthere Classic less light loss was (assuming equalorquality in Plössl, there no scatter ghosting coatings) fewer lens whatsoeverdue in to anytheof fact the that Baader Classic elements are usedthethan inmore Orthos. Though 6-mm was acomplex bit too designs. Some widefield designs can emmuch magnification in the 16-inch (351x) ploy ormore lensit, elements, eachwell of on theeight nights I tested it performed which lose up to percent ormore in bothmay the 80-mm andtwo 8-inch scopes. The of their light throughput. 10-mm Classic Ortho turned out to be my The eyepiece coatings inonthethese favorite set. eyepieces It providesarea absolutely superb. Viewed an angle,Dob the nice magnification in myat16-inch coatingsand appear slightly greenish to my (210x) performed admirably. admittedly somewhat color I installed a couple of otherchallenged eyepieces eyes.similar Looking straight intointhe the of focal lengths thebarrel, eyepiece glass almost disappears – one can only see revolver – (1) an inexpensive 10-mm flat black with no shiny surfaces. The BaaPlössl, (2) a cheap 9-mm wide-field, and der aClassic Plössl 9-mm and Classic Orthos are (3) high-quality wide-field) – and advertised the as being “fully HTThe multicoacompared views of Jupiter. Baader ted,” andClassic this means every air-toglass 10-mm Orthothat showed a brighter surfacethan is coated this two Plössl, diffeimage sample(in one, thecase, 10-mm rent aoxides ontosample the glass in the six and crispere-gunned image than two, layers) to reduce reflections and allowmore light to pass through. The “HT” means high-transmission, and these eyepieces definitely have nice high-transmission coatings. The 32-mm appears to feature a blackened baffle/field stop, and I admire the fact that the threads on this eyepiece seem to go all the way up the barrel past the field stop. This is nice because textured or rough surfaces (like these threads) tend to stop stray light better than smooth surfaces. It’s often de- tails like these can make a difference low-end 9-mmthat wide-field. The view was in alsoperformance. much “whiter” in the Classic Ortho I’m not a big of the thanAdmittedly, it was in sample three, the fan high-qualwinged eye-guards included on these (and ity 9-mm wide-field. Additionally, I could many other)more eyepieces. suppose they are see slightly detailI in Jupiter’s cloud useful outBaader ambient lightOrtho sourbands in blocking the 10-mm Classic ces, but as I mosttooften observe from dark when compared sample one, the 10-mm skies, Plössl.I find them to be a bit cumbersome. I justI flipped them down so they did some comparisons withwere the out 32of the way, but because of this I did notice mm, 18-mm, and 6-mm as well. Though adouble-stars touch of kidney beaning aren’t really my(blackouts) main area in of the 32-mm anda few 18-mm when the interest, I split for the sakeusing of comBarlow lens. A standard fold down eyeguard would alleviate this issue, and it would be great to see Baader Planetarium offer that as an option with this set in the future. After corresponding with Thomas Baader via email, I realized I’d completely overlooked the useful extension tube for the 32-mm Plössl, which is included in the Q-Turret eyepiece set. This handy little device attaches directly to the 32-mm Plössl and allows users who don’t wear eyeglasses to comfortably take in the enAstronomy TECHNOLOGY TODAY 39 BAADER PLANETARIUM Q-TURRET EYEPIECE SET FEATURES tire field Starting of view without any blackouts or sake surface of this isreview, found it to two be perparison. with Castor, I found the glass coatedI (in this case, difkidney beaning. Additionally, the winged fectly adjusted right out of the box. 6-mm Baader Classic Ortho to be well up ferent oxides e-gunned onto the glass in six eyeguard becompared attached to an theinexexI was initiallyreflections concerned themore eyeto the task,can andalso when layers) to reduce andthat allow tension tube if desired. In later piecestomay spaced too pensive 6-mm wide-field, the observing difference light passbethrough. Theclosely “HT”together means sessions, the extension be when installed in the and would was quiteI found apparent; at 210x tube (withtothe high-transmission, andQ-Turret these eyepieces defuseful enough that I the simply choserefractor) to leave interferehave withnice the observer during use,coatbut Barlow lens through 80-mm initely high-transmission it installed on the 32-mm Plössl. showed a that simply wasn’t an issue. Although that the 6-mm Baader Classic Ortho ings. I was impressed with the 2.25x couldThe be the case if appears bulkier eyepieces werea crisper andalso noticeably better defined split. 32-mm to feature Q-Barlow. It isrepeated threadeditself andwith appears to installed, I didn’t find that be a Iproblem This trend several blackened baffle/field stop,toand admire featuredoubles. a flockedAside bafflefrom inside barrel, withfact the that included Baader on eyepieces or any other thetheexcellent the the threads this eyepiece which the I thought was that a very touch. other to 1.25-inch size optics, other thing reallynice impressed seem go all theeyepieces way up of thesimilar barrel past The Q-Barlow performed very well with that I used to during my observing sessime was light transmission. It is very diffithe field stop. This is nice because textured no image qualions.rough surfaces (like these threads) tend cultnoticeable to detect adegradation difference ininlight transmisor ty versus using the eyepiece by itself. Using Onestray of my about surthe sion as the human eye requires a variance to stop lightfavorite better aspects than smooth the 2.25x10Q-Barlow observerseea Q-Turret set is like its convenience. It’s of about percent ingives orderthe to actually faces. It’s eyepiece often details these that can wide range ofBut effective focal of lengths: 32perfecta for “grab and go” use, and I often a difference. in a couple cases (like make difference in performance. mm, 18-mm, 14-mm, 10-mm, 6found myself justI’m leaving set the atthe comparison mentioned in the8-mm, last paraAdmittedly, not athebigentire fan of mm, 4.6-mm, 2.7-mm. tached toeye-guards the focuser on my little refractor. graph), I couldand notice a small difference. winged included on these (and “dualfour-element factor” Barlow lens such is also This allowed to be outside observing in WithThe simpler designs, as many other) me eyepieces. I suppose they are designed to be removed one trip;innoblocking eyepiece case Orthoscopics, there is easily less and lightthrealoss useful out necessary! ambient light ded onto equal the bottom of coatings) any 1.25-inch In many these are observe the ultimate (assuming quality in due to sources, but asways, I most often from eyepiece for an effective magnification in“sleeper” eyepieces. When I first opened the fact that fewer lens elements are used dark skies, I find them to be a bit cumbercrease 1.3x,complex which allows forSome even widemore the box, my flipped initial thought was so “starter than inofmore designs. some. I just them down they possible focal the set,” but this case, Baa-I field designs canlengths. employ For eightexample, or more lens were out itof appears the way,that butinbecause of this effective focal of 24-mm when der put a high the functional elements, eachlength of which may lose upthe to did notice a emphasis touch of on kidney beaning lens percent was paired directly withlight the through32- mm design and optical this set two or more of their (blackouts) in theperformance 32-mm andof 18-mm Plössl in this manner was especially useful and a bit less on cosmetics outward put. when using thethe Barlow lens.and A standard during observing Also, attaappearance. This is positively refreshingthis as Themycoatings on sessions. these eyepieces are fold down eye-guard would alleviate ching the Q-Barlow lens toatthe of it allows high-performance absolutely superb. Viewed an bottom angle, the issue, and this it would be great to seeeyepiece Baader the eyepiece revolver (for greenish a magnification set to be hadoffer for athat surprisingly low price coatings appear slightly to my Planetarium as an option with increase of 2.25x) allowscolor for an additiowithout admittedly somewhat challenged this set inany thesacrifice future. in optical quality. nal 25-mm to the accommodate Don’t get me wrong, with the anodized eyes. Lookingback-focus straight into barrel, the After corresponding Thomas scopesalmost with limited inward focus black barrels withI realized readableI’dwhite letters glass disappears – one can travel. only see Baader via email, completely revolverThe is are functionally practical and certainly flat The blackQ-Turret with no eyepiece shiny surfaces. overlooked the useful extension tube for itself a great inventive piece of gear. look32-mm nice enough. But there are no in fancy Baader Classicand Plössl and Classic Orthos the Plössl, which is included the It isadvertised lightweight, precise, andHT themultiassuknurled grips on the andlittle the are as being “fully Q-Turret eyepiece set.eyepieces, This handy ring “click-stop” system that works perfectly. eyepieceattaches revolverdirectly uses simple coated,” and this means every air-todevice to the setscrews 32-mm Though it is partly constructed of plastic, rather than the setscrews with brass reit feels rugged and durable. There is a Philtaining collars that are often common on MADE IN THE USA BY lips screw in the center of the unit (which, higher pricedASTRONOMERS accessories. Fancy knurled FOR by the way, threads into a brass nut, not grips don’t makeASTRONOMERS! stars look any better, so directly into the plastic body) that can be I’d rather have excellent views through the HOODED OBSERVING VESTwhen I look at the eyepiece! SEE US adjusted to modify the “feel” and torque eyepiece than • 4 oversized XL pockets to hold! AT NEAF! needed to move the eyepieces from poIf you’re looking for spectacular optics, the largest EP’s sitionNew to position. This is a nice• 4feature, a wide range of effective focal lengths and additional smaller EP pockets because should the unit “loosen •up” a bit "Monk" a convenient device (the Q-Turret eyepiece Oversized hood helps to Lightweight withVests! prolonged use, the user could theo- strayrevolver) to use them in, look no further eliminate light and improve contrast retically make adjustments to compensate than the Baader Planetarium Q-Turret • 2.5% of sales donated to the for this. Although I did try tightening and Eyepiece Set.IDA You will surely not be disaploosening the adjustment screw for the pointed. (773) 853-0416 • 40 Astronomy TECHNOLOGY TODAY Plössl and allows users who don’t wear eyeThetoBaader Classictake Orthos are entire of an glasses comfortably in the Abbe-orthoscopic design. They use the field of view without any blackouts or kidactual optical design of the famed Zeiss ney beaning. Additionally, the winged eyeJena Baader now owns rights guardorthos can also–be attached to the extension to that design. In Because the Abbe-ortho tube if desired. later observing sessions, design is maximized for an AFOV of 45 I found the extension tube to be useful degrees, these Baader Classic Orthos enough that I simply chose to leave it start to lose edge-offield sharpness past installed on the 32-mm Plössl. 45 degrees. Nevertheless, of I was also impressed withthe theAFOV 2.25x Qthese eyepieces was intentionally extenBarlow. It is threaded and appears to feaded thebaffle optimized ture beyond a flocked inside 45 thedegrees barrel, to provide users an extended true field which I thought was a very nice touch. The of view to performed aid in locating when Q-Barlow very objects well with no viewing high power.inThere few noticeableat degradation imageare quality things more the frustrating knowing versus using eyepiece than by itself. Using that your target is oh-so-close, but stilla the 2.25x Q-Barlow gives the observer finding yourself struggling “find 32it” wide range of effective focal to lengths: in the18-mm, field of14-mm, view.This more 8-mm, than 10mm, 10-mm, 6percent increase in true field of view can mm, 4.6-mm, and 2.7-mm. makeThe the“dual difference between factor” Barlow lensquickly is also locating an object … or continuing to designed to be removed easily and threadmumble to yourself in frustration. As ed onto the bottom of any 1.25-inch eyefor cosmetic aspects of the eyepipiecethefor an effective magnification eces, Thomas Baader explains, increase of 1.3x, which allows for“Well, even what can I say. Whoever saw a real Carl more possible focal lengths. For example, Zeiss 0.965 focal Ortho Eyepiece madewhen 50 the effective length of 24-mm years ago will see that these eyepieces the lens was paired directly with the 32really try toinresemble the original – not mm Plössl this manner was especially just inside, but also outside. What we useful during my observing sessions. Also, try to express is modesty/ conservativeattaching the Q-Barlow lens to the bottom ness every regard.” of theineyepiece revolver (for a magnification increase of 2.25x) allows for an additional 25-mm back-focus to accommodate scopes with limited inward focus travel. The Q-Turret eyepiece revolver is itself a great and inventive piece of gear. It is