map for R1.indd


map for R1.indd
“Incisive Land”
video installation 5’23”
An art and ecology project in Fortress III Borsbeek forest, Belgium 2006
Platform for Urban Investigation
Shanghai 13 may - 20 june 2006
Contribution - Shanglie Zhou and Jan Van Woensel
Their contribution to the Platform for Urban Investigation-project
elaborates from their specific local orientation and aims to changing the environment through a direct intervention in the public space. Ten postcards representing monuments, historical buildings and famous touristy places in Antwerp will be appropriated by the artist and reprinted on poster size to be
displayed at ten different locations in Shanghai. The postcards are addressed
to specific persons that are significant for the cities’ cultural scene; Zhou Benyi (Professor at the Shanghai Theater Academy), Chunming Gao (Director
of Shanghai Arts Research Institute), Sheng Han (Vice-president of the Shanghai Theater Academy), Jianguo Zheng (Director of Shanghai Oriental Publicity and Education Service Center) a.o. As the handwritten messages on the
back side of the postcards will be presented alongside the colorful images
of this Northern Belgian city, they become public notes. Hereby the artist
introduces a personal reflection on the project by integrating her situation
of being disconnected from her original habitat to generate moments of concentration in the changing cityscape. These messages will include impressions
from both cities; their cultural scene and historical background; but will as
well reflect upon the rapidly changing and expanding city and the social conditions this irreversible evolution evokes. This contribution to the Platform for
Urban Investigation aims to reach the people of Shanghai and establishes a
public debate through a socially engaged intervention in the public space. The
concept for this project was designed by Shanglie Zhou and Jan Van Woensel.
Roads roamed
re-enact on post-breath
crowds hardended
to mingle the fields
strech the humble rains
cleansing never scanned
rhythms rotted
re-dawn in puzzled soot
judges displaced
to evacuate the vibration
encased the public wastes
power ever sketched
part one
Installation view (details)
Exhibition “Jour-fixe” Factor 44, Antwerp, Belgium 2006
Act 1: A World At Play
Nowhere to run
Walking through clouds and crossing fire
Moving shadows
Stations of crossing
Act 2: Dislocated And Lost
All rain was dust
Global suicide - How many babies are loaded?
Children who cannot cry
The blanket of experience
Walking on the wounds
Dancing with the missing
Act 3: Distance Runners - Outsiders are inside
Are we conncted and being together?
Cloud on cloud
The shadow of fears
The sun is theirs and the river of no return
She counts all her children as a shield
against pain
The ethical cement of collective life
The concept of re-silence
Act 4: Wind Talkers
What can be asked?
Humanism after the death of man
Bath public
Humiliated multitude
Between remembering and forgetting
Between the truth and reconciliation
Act 5: Crystal Hopes
The birth of new in the darkness
I am a child again
The forces of life
A zone of differentiation
A polished universal dream
“When The Moon Waxed Red
- Experiments with truth and reconciliation”
Performances, music and video 2003 - 2004
An art project in FEDASIL refugee centers, old police station and Kaaitheater, Belgium
Concept and video: Shanglie Zhou
Music: Eddy Gabriel
Performers: 12 under-aged-refugees staying at FEDASIL, Belgium
“Concealed Nature” 2001
Installation view
Mixed media
An international art project “Secret Gardens”
in Oud-rekem, Belgium
“If The Water Still Flows” 1999
Installation view (detail)
Mixed media on 100 m2 puzzles
Performance at the opening of exhibition “Overbruggen” in Boom
“If The Sun Still Rises” 1999
Installation view (detail)
Mixed media
Exhibition “De Wereld Volgens...” at Odapark in Venray, Holland
“What Do You Hope For Next Century?” 1999
Installation view (detail)
Mixed media
An art project “Geloof, Hoop en Liefde aan de Rand van een Nieuw Millenium”
at C.C. De Warande in Turnhout
“The Game Of Chaos - Children of the universe” 1999
Film DV. loop
“Information Days 1999 on Belgian Audiovisual Arts” (organized by Argos)
at Beursschouwburg theatre, Brussels.
An art project “Geloof, Hoop en Liefde aan de Rand van een Nieuwe Millenium”
at C.C. De Warande in Turnhout
“From Here To There” 1999
Installation view (detail)
Mixed media
An art project “Van Hier En Ginder” in Beursschouwburg theatre, Brussels.
“Echo” 1995-1996
Installation view (detail)
Mixed media with photos and wax on wood
Exhibition in C. de Vos gallery, Aalst
Published in “Third Text” No. 37
(winter 1996-1997) in London
“Untitled” 1999
Installation view (detail)
Mixed media
An art project “Berchem! Speelt thuis” at the theater in C.C. Berchem, Antwerp
“It Looks Like History” 1997
Installation view (detail)
Mixed media
Exhibition “De Ongezochte Vondst” at Odapark in Venray, Holland
“Oblivion” 1995-1996
Installation view (detail)
Mixed media
Exhibition in C. de Vos gallery , Aalst
Exhibition “Transgressing Borders” in C.C. Bornem
Published in “Third Text” No.35 (summer 1996) in London
“Turbulence - A Water Project”
Mixed media
Film, performances,
kinetic installation under water
An art project in the City’s Olympic
Swimming pool “Wezenberg”, Antwerp