February 2016 - Bethlehem Lutheran Church


February 2016 - Bethlehem Lutheran Church
February 2016
Inside this issue
Vicar’s Page
Christmas Store Wrap-Up,
Offering Envelopes, New
Theatre Restaurant, Game
Baptismal Milestones,
Council Update, Lenten
Crucifix Art Installation 4
Vicar’s Page continued,
Youth Family Activity 5
“Souper Bowl”/Youth Day
Out/PNGMS/Pastor on
Fellowship Ops.
Ash Wednesday Soup Supper, Stewards of Life, Congregational Open Forum
Building Discussion
2015 Breakdown of Offerings, Lenten Midweek, Senior Youth Activity
February Birthdays, Anniversaries, Serving Him 10
Thank You notices
The Tidings
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
607 N. Maguire Street, Warrensburg, Missouri 64093
MMG Update
by: Darlene Rohner
Mary Martha Guild will meet Monday, February 8th for a Valentine’s Party, hosted
by Lana Vanderburgh. Please bring a finger food/dessert to share. There will also
be a devotion and a short meeting. ALL LADIES OF THE CONGREGATION
To Pastor Joel and Vicar Eamonn, please accept our sincere appreciation for the
outstanding presentation you made to the Mary Martha Guild in January regarding
the care of the altar, vessels, linens and paraments. Thank you so much for sharing
your time, it was most interesting and informative to us all.
At the business meeting, the Mary Martha Guild voted to donate $100 to medical
missions, $200 to the Schache's mission to Papua New Guinea and $200 to the
South Africa Trip to support Bryon Freeman. We know all the money will be put
toward Gods people in need.
Mary Martha Guild will be collecting personal care items during February. Items
collected will be used locally in the area of most need. Gifts can be placed in the bin
in the north entrance.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength...Habakkuk 3:19
Contact Numbers:
Pastor 441-5710
Vicar 441-7767
(hours 7:30—4:30)
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Quarterlife Fellowship Group
Many have expressed interest in starting a Quarterlife fellowship group here
at Bethlehem. This program is a ministry geared towards those in their mid-twenties
to mid-thirties, single or married, who desire time for fellowship, service, and Bible
studies on a monthly basis. If you are interested in participating in this group, please
contact Vicar Eamonn or Pastor Joel to let them know.
Additionally, Vicar is looking for one to two individuals who would be interested in volunteering themselves as leaders of this group to ensure its longevity.
There will be a district planning meeting in Columbia on February 27th at noon for
those interested in being leaders. Please contact Vicar if you would be interested in
joining him at this meeting.
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 2
Vicar’s Page (and a quarter)
It’s the Little Things:
Why the Word “Amen” is Essential to the Christian Faith
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask for what you desire and it shall be done unto you.”
~ John 15:7~
The word “Amen” is a little word whose position in prayer is as a conclusion, and whose significance
within the worship setting is often overlooked as simply a Pavlovian response—a reflexive action drilled into
our heads from repetitive years of attending services. However, though Christendom seems to have fallen into
a rut, Amen still carries with it an enormous weight of theological significance. The paradox in this regard is
that the word itself seemingly has been overused, but in its overuse this word is completely and utterly underutilized according to the purpose for which it has been given us as Christians. It is more than just a word, it
is the word—the word of faith, trust, and love, and a one-word summary of what it means to be a Christian.
On the surface, Amen appears to be a meager word of little importance. It first occurs in the Hebrew
language ( ,‫“אָ ֵ֥מן‬ameen”) and is later echoed in the Greek of the New Testament as an obvious carryover from
the Old Testament Church (ἀμήν, “amein”). What this word means is simply “truth.” Even without knowing
the original Biblical languages, one may find many instances of this word in the English translations, most
commonly rendered as “truly,” or “verily,” as the beloved King James would say, and in some cases simply left
as-is: “Amen.” Therefore, on the surface level to say Amen is to declare all that has been said previously is right
and true.
But this word is far more than a fancy way of saying, “Yes, I agree with what has been said and think it
is true.” Rather, this is a word which stems from faith, and which confesses truth despite contradictions in human opinion and reason. The faith of a Christian claims the gifts of God in prayer—those gifts being all that
God’s Word has promised. Therefore, when a Christian asks their Dear Father in Heaven in faith for that
which He has already promised, there is assurance that God’s answer will always be, “Yes! It shall be so!”
As with all words of faith, the word Amen then functions actively, and objectively, pointing outside of
the Christian to the concrete realities of God and His Word. In saying this word, all of Christendom joins with
the Virgin Mary when she says “may it be done to me according to your word. (Lk. 1:28)” As He has promised,
so we shall receive. Thus in his Large Catechism Luther writes:
“[T]he efficacy of prayer consists in our learning also to say Amen to it—that is, not to
doubt that our prayer is surely heard and will be answered. This word is nothing else than the
unquestioning word of faith on the part of the one who does not pray as a matter of luck, but
knows that God does not lie because he has promised to grant it. (456:119-120)”
This little word bears much power. In two syllables, the Christian may confess the entirety of the Christian doctrine—every Creed, prayer, and article of faith. Every Christian should, therefore, be bold in their use
of this word. At every opportunity to speak Amen, the Christian should proclaim it with as much boldness and
confidence as they would the Creed or the Lord’s Prayer themselves. As the famous line in “A Mighty Fortress” goes,
This world’s prince may still
Scowl fierce as he will,
He can harm us none.
He’s judged; the deed is done;
One little word can fell him.
continued on page 5
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 3
Christmas Store Wrap-Up
First Christian Church
2015 Christmas Store host
January 8, 2016
Thank you so much for your support of the 2015 Christmas Store. What a great experience; what an outpouring of love
and support by our Johnson County community.
So many grocery bags were decorated by local children that all participants got their meals packaged in beautiful bags.
That is quite a feat considering that there were 500 bags of holiday food prepared. One of my favorite parts of the event
was looking at all the different pictures and marveling at the imagination.
At the end of December the numbers show 473 families and 1305 individuals came to the event and picked up holiday
food and vouchers for perishable items for the meal. Bi-Lo Country Mart and Woods grocery stores did so much work
for this event with the ordering, delivering, and accepting the vouchers. This was a huge commitment on their parts. I
am so grateful for their participation, and for having such great members of our community.
Schools and their staff were the main contributors of non-perishable foods. So many vegetables were collected that we
did not purchase any, and in fact had cases to donate to the Food Pantry. Donations of food and money came from all
over our area, and we received over $20,000.00 to pay for this wonderful Christmas Store.
Volunteers just kept showing up. Some were there for the bagging of the food, and for the food delivery days. Volunteers of all ages cheerfully helped each client with the groceries. Volunteers helped with delivering our beautiful excess
food to the food pantry. Mrs. Santa Claus (Sarah Bailey) handed out candy canes and hugs. As happens each year, Jennifer Yost gave books for each child and New Vision gave each child a toy. These are people who just want to make the
event better for clients and take it upon themselves to provide these gifts. Mr. Rest played terrific piano for all.
Thank you for your help of time and money and support. What a great event; what a great place to live.
Sincerely, Pat Cook, 2015 Christmas Store Chair
Offering Envelopes
by: Alice Mistler
Offering envelopes for 2016 have been placed in your mail boxes. Please use these envelopes starting January 1,
2016. Do not use envelopes from 2015. Each year we renumber according to our new membership roles and your
number will change each year. We cannot track your number from previous years. Thank you!
New Theatre Restaurant
by: Diana Hoemann
The next outing to the New Theatre Restaurant will be Friday, June 3, 2016. The show that evening is “Beau Jest”
which is a comedy, starring Cindy Williams and Eddie Mekka. The cost per person is $48.00. Your reservation is needed by the first of March with a $5 deposit per person. The remaining balance will be due the first of May. We will again
carpool to the theatre. Check your calendars and give Diana Hoemann a call at 747-9436 or e-mail her at [email protected]
February Game Night
by: Penny Humphrey
Fellowship opportunity - Game night will be held on Friday, February 26, in the church's Fellowship Hall. All ages are
invited to attend. Please bring a snack to share as well as any games you would like to play.
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 4
Baptismal Milestones
Cindy Clendenin
59 years
Mary Beth Harper
25 years
Johnny Nichol
58 years
Bob Ohrenberg
73 years
Roberta Kohler
81 years
Karen Haase
59 years
Debbie Hagle
45 years
Ken Hoemann
57 years
Brittany Rohner
20 years
Each month we will recognize the first and every five year anniversaries until the 50th, we will list all of those over 50.
Council Update
by: Darlene Laubenstein
The Church Council held the first meeting for 2016 with an excellent turnout of all committees being represented. The chairs of the committees gave updates on their plans for the upcoming year. A few of the committees are still looking for one or two additional members. If you think you may be interested, please let them
know – or if you have questions about what a committee membership would mean, just ask them for further
details. Youth members are especially needed for the committees.
Or, if not a committee, perhaps there is a group that you have been thinking about joining but are just not quite
sure yet. Tell them you would like a little more information and go to one of their meetings. There is no obligation and they would be happy to have you participate as you have time to do so.
There are also short-term projects throughout the year. Periodic work-days, helping in the garden or trail upkeep as you have time, attending/participating in dinners for various fund-raising projects, visiting members
who are ill or homebound, praying for our congregation and individuals, attending one or more of the many
Bible studies offered, etc.
As 2016 progresses please continue to be observant of the ways in which you can participate in the work of our
congregation. This helps in growing our own faith which, in turn, will help us to share that faith with others.
& this
The CouncilWednesday
also voted to use an automatedMeal
phone call system
year to notify all members of out-of-the-
ordinary things, such as cancelling church services due to a snowstorm. A test phone call was made in December to invite members to Christmas services. If you did not receive this message, you probably should contact
the church office to be sure we have entered the correct phone number for you.
The Ad Hoc Building Expansion committee will have an information meeting on February 14 for the congregation. Please see their information in this Tidings regarding the meeting.
As always, please let us hear from you if you have any suggestions or concerns which we can address.
Lenten Crucifix Art-Installation for Lent
Nathan Kurz (Pr. Joel’s brother) unveiled this striking work at his 2011 Munich exhibit called “On the Road to
Nineveh.” On his visit here this past fall, he began thinking about donating it for liturgical use here at Bethlehem. He and Pr. Joel have covered the shipping, so look for it this month and next as a pensive, interactive,
and prayerful focal point in our spiritual preparation for Lent and Easter. Nathan’s “The Colors of the Son”
hangs above the north stairway going down to the lower level.
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 5
Vicar’s page continued from page 2
The single most powerful word at the disposal of the Christian is Amen. This little word, and the confession which it makes through the deeply rooted faith of the believer, is that word which the devil fears. God
is faithful, Christ is victorious, and Christians are redeemed in the sight of the Lord, bearing the privilege of
calling upon His name in every time of trouble, and knowing that every petition will be heard and answered.
This essential word should always be spoken firmly, with the remembrance that all of Christendom is
united in this confession, standing together and speaking this Amen in unison. It is a word of power, and of
faith—a word which must never be taken for granted in God’s blessed institution of the Church. Amen!
Youth Family Activity!
By: Sheree Moody
On January 18th, a group of children (and some parents) got together and took an art class! The trip was
sponsored by the 6-8th grade Sunday School Teachers. The group had a blast at Rebecca Holland’s store,
then returned to Bethlehem for lunch. You will have to ask Sheree what she learned about “Star Wars”!
L-R: Brady, Gracyn, Anna, Sara, Abby, Justine, Ethan, Ben,
Phoebe, Joshua, Kristin, & Phillip
Youth enjoying painting! Assisted by Chanel Johnson.
Abby Humphrey (with her cool self!)
Kirsten Hillsman and her finished product.
Phillip Freeman, our burgeoning resident artist!
Dillon, Sara and Abby aren’t afraid of no dishes!
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 6
Souper Bowl Sunday
Dear Johnson County Churches,
1 Corinthians
Love is patient
and kind; love
does not envy or
boast; it is not
arrogant or
rude. It does not
insist on its own
way; it is not
irritable or
resentful; it does
not rejoice at
but rejoices with
the truth. Love
bears all things,
believes all
things, hopes all
things, endures
all things.
Thank you so much for all your support during the Christmas season.
The food and cash donations sustained Johnson county participants
during a special time of the year.
However, our needs continue year
round and we look forward to this
time of year when the Souper Bowl
activities will support the Food Center
with soup for the next eight to twelve
months. This marks the 21st year for
the “Souper Bowl” campaign.
The help of your congregation is desperately needed so the Johnson County Food Center can serve the needs of
our community. Jesus said, “You will
always have the poor among you.”
He also said, “I was hungry and you
fed me.” By donating cans of soup
(or money) to the Food Center, you
are not only helping to feed someone
who is hungry, but it gives us the opportunity to share with others.
Please bring your donations to the Food
Center on February 7th, 12:00 to 2:00
p.m. or call Kevin for alternate delivery
or pickup times.
If you have any questions concerning
this event, call Kevin Mannering at 660909-1936.
May God continue to bless each one of
you. Thank you for being part of a caring congregation.
Kevin Mannering
Food Center Board Member
Souper Bowl Chairman
The Singing Saints
at Bethlehem on
February 28
Last year we collected over 35,000
cans of soup. The soup was donated
by churches, schools, Country Mart,
and other organizations and friends of
the Food Center.
The choir from St. Paul’s Lutheran High
School in Concordia will lend their voices during our morning service that Sunday, and you’ll recognize a couple of faces from our congregation! A time for
visiting will follow the service in the fellowship hall. A free-will donation will be
accepted to defray their expenses and
help support their upcoming spring tour.
This is the largest community wide
food drive that supports our Food
There will be a potluck following the
service in Fellowship Hall with Mary
Martha Guild providing the desserts.)
We encourage you to get involved and
start collecting soup or money. Don’t
forget there is a friendly competition
for those who collect the most soup
or money. There is a trophy that will
go to the school with the most donations. For every dollar donated, you
will be credited with 1.5 cans of soup.
This allows the Food Center to manage their stock without storing excessive cans.
Thank You!
Thank you to those of you serving as
greeters at our services during 2015.
Your smiles & welcoming words help
put our visitors at ease and open the circle of Christian love.
SueAnn Carter
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 7
Fellowship Opportunities
Thursday Morning
Join us Thursday mornings at
9:30 for Morning Prayer. This
simple service of about 15
minutes is a wonderful way to
start the day. We will be using one
of the prayer offices from LSB
and meet at the altar rail.
Saturday Bible Study
Join us from 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. in
the conference room following
the evening service for a very informative DVD-based study
called “Reformation Roots.”
You’ll learn a lot from leading
scholars about Luther’s reforms
and the others which took root
elsewhere in Europe and in the
Roman Catholic Church.
Sunday Bible Study
On February 14, two adult studies
will begin for the season of Lent.
Vicar Eamonn will lead one on
the Stations of the Cross and how
they help us prepare for Holy
Week. Jeremy VanWey will be
leading a DVD-based study called
“Love’s Lasting Call” which will
explore “the cross” within marriage and making it through times
of great struggle.
Wednesday Bible
Join us at 10:30 a.m. in the conference room as we continue the
DVD-based study on the
Apostles’ Creed and its relevance
to our daily life. We just started
the Second Article (on Jesus
Christ), so there’s plenty of
ground yet to cover. .
Psalter at the Altar
All are welcome to gather by the
altar (from 12:15 to 12:30) as we
discuss and pray one new psalm
a week. We’re praying our way
through the last section of the
psalms—Book 5.
Thursday Bible
Our 2nd and 4th Thursday Bible
study (Beloved Heroes of the Faith)
will be looking at Jacob and Rachel on February 11, then Jacob
and Esau on the 25. Join us in
the conference room from 6:30
to about 7:45 p.m.
Braille Workers
Braille Workers meet on February 2nd. If you would like more
information on Braille please
contact Barbara Compton at
The Quilting Group meets the
second and fourth Tuesday of
the month during the fall, winter
and spring months. We get together at 9:30 a.m. and work
until 2 p.m. Sewing and quilting
skills are not needed to help
with this project! Bring a sack
lunch and join in the fun and
fellowship while we put together
quilts that will be distributed
wherever there is the greatest
need. With God’s Little Ones
has done the distribution for the
last few years. It is a great group
with a very worthwhile project. If
anyone has a sewing machine and
is unable to attend our twice
monthly quilting sessions but
would like to participate, we
would furnish fabric if you would
like to cut it or to assemble
squares already cut and ready to
be stitched. We'll also furnish
thread and instructions. If you
have questions or need a ride,
contact Esther Keseman (7478754).
Merry Widows
The Merry Widows will meet at
The American Legion on February 17th, at 12:30. The hostess
for the event is Cody Droege.
For more information about the
February luncheon give her a call
at 747-6270.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir meets each
Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.
under the direction of Cathy
Welsh. All are welcome to participate. During Lent we will meet at
Faith Night
Join us on Wednesday the 3rd of
February at 5:30 p.m. for a simple potluck dinner, followed by a
faith discussion at 6:00 p.m. on
the upcoming season of Lent
(Ash Wednesday is February 10)
a report on the recent TEC retreat. Faith Night happens on the
first Wednesday of the month.
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 8
Ash Wednesday Soup Supper
Thrivent will host a Soup Supper from 5:30-6:30 p.m. before our Ash Wednesday service on February 10th.
Come and enjoy one or more of our eight homemade soups as well as a selection of desserts, breads, and veggies. Nothing can start the Lenten Season better then wonderful fellowship while eating the meal provided. A
free will offering will go towards Manna Harvest in Warrensburg. Our church service will follow at 7 p.m.
Stewards of Life
submitted by: Alan Miller
In the January LCMS Stewardship letter the subject of Stewards of life caught my attention.
“So if reality makes it clear that the days of the year to come will be very much like the days of the year past,
what are stewards of God to do? The answer is simple. We are called to be stewards of life. This Stewardship
of Life is a daily event.”
How can I be a Steward of Life? Perhaps by spending some time reading the bible with your kids or contributing to a project at church or making a dedicated effort to participate in prayer. Maybe driving someone to
church that needs a ride or giving a gift of time or money to your church. Whatever your talents are you can
make a difference in the lives of others. God asks us to be daily stewards with the gifts he gives to us. Share
those gifts and help bring Christ to others as Stewards of Life.
This Lent, and throughout this year, think of all you decide to do (and not!) through the lens of
“stewardship of self.
Congregation Open Forum
Building Discussion
Congregation Open Forum, Building Discussion: The Ad Hoc Building Expansion Committee will host a forum immediately after services on February 13 and 14, to provide members an opportunity to make suggestions regarding changes or additions to our building. The response form included below may be returned at
these meetings or placed in the church mailbox of Larry Haase. Additional forms are located on the table near
the church member mailboxes.
TO: Building Expansion Committee
I wish to make the following recommendations regarding changes or additions to our building:
(Your signature is optional)
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 9
2015 Breakdown of Offerings Year‐to Date
Securing Our
Strong Found.
Securing Our Strong Foundation Balance as of December 31, 2015: $14,985.17 ($19,500 spent on masonry work)
75th Anniversary Total Gifts as of December 31, 2015: $36,403.97
Cash on Hand December 31, 2015: $64,756.82
Year‐to‐Date Operating Income: $271,086.67
Year‐to‐Date operating expenses: $230,319.09
Piano Fund Loan Balance as of December 31, 2015: $6,351.95, Original Loan $8,216.95
Lenten Midweek—“Give Up/Take Up: The
Calling of Being A Christian”
While many think of Lent simply as a time to give up a thing or two, it’s really about giving up all of the sins
which distort our lives from day to day because we’ve died and risen in Christ who took them upon himself on
his cross and called us to take up our crosses in following him. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing
through the Wednesday of Holy Week, we’ll explore a new area of emphasis as laid out by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
in his book Life Together. Join us in the sanctuary at 7 p.m. each night as we meditate upon: Authority, Proclaiming,
Bearing, Hoping, Listening, Meekness, & Holding One’s Tongue.
Senior Youth Activity & Planning
On February 7 (Transfiguration Sunday), when we recall Jesus atop a mountain shining like the sun, the senior
youth will aim to tackle the UCM climbing wall and reflect on challenges, the cross, and resurrection in Christ.
Plans are also to have a meal and discuss the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer, as
well getting together more regularly again. The time is being discussed, but contact Pr. Joel if you haven’t already been told about this and are interested.
T h e T i d i n gs
V olume 43, Issue 2
Pa ge 1 0
February Birthdays!
Jeff Harper
Delaney Clemons
Ryeley Hillsman
Creek Johnson
Austin Lowe
Matthew Rode
Justin Lowe
Mike McMinn
Jessica Dye
Katie Kurz
Ken Hoemann
Aline Snodgrass
Rebecca Meads
Dylan Wittmaier
Stephanie Brown
Valerie Hartwig
Cain Millam
Ryan Mueller
Ethan Parten
Richard Carroll
Beryleen Dodson
Jeffrey Markworth
Daniel Bessel
Janet Mudd
Killian Pederson
Tricia Peterson
Thomas Kemple
Ryan Orr
Rory Shaw
Sarah Wood
Gerald Carroll
Magali Bessel
Ashlyn Meads
Kitty Rudy
Bob Etters
Chase Hagle
Cody Brior
Genieve Miller
James Schumaker
A blessed birthday to all!
Anniversaries in February
Bret & Valerie Hartwig
Zachary & Marissa Bralick
Brian & Robin Poese
Robert & Barbara Compton
Robert & Carolyn Ohrenberg 26th
James & Stephanie Schumaker 29th
A blessed Anniversary to all!
Serving Him in February
Altar Guild:
Darlene Laubenstein (Chair), Barbara
Compton, Karon Harding, Esther
Keseman, Darlene Rohner
Jack Easterwood
Phil Frerking &
Jeremy VanWey
Phil Frerking &
Jeremy VanWey
Jack Easterwood
Willie Crespo
Ken Hoemann
Ken Hoemann
Michael Miller
Ken Hoemann
Jack Easterwood
Phil Frerking
Mason Chapman and
Logan Shaw
The GaryKelly Band
Todd McClure
Paula Easterwood
Todd McClure
Todd McClure
Paula Easterwood
Cody Clemons
Carol Dreier
Paula Easterwood
Paula Easterwood &
Lorraine Miller
Paula Easterwood &
Lorraine Miller
Flower Committee:
Sue Cottrill (Chair) and Penny
Offering Counters:
Bob & Lynn Johansen
Sound Technician:
Jerry Harding, Scott Humphrey (alt.)
Choir Director:
Cathy Welsh
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
607 N. Maguire Street,
Warrensburg, Missouri 64093
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Non-Profit Organization
Permit #29
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Return Service Requested
Worship Schedule:
Ash Wednesday: 7 p.m.
Lenten Services: Wednesday 7 p.m.
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.
Bible Study: 6:45 p.m.
Sunday: Bible Study & Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Worship 10:30 a.m.
Thank You
Thank you to the congregation, elders, Millers,
Moeges, Johansens and many others for their generous gifts to me and my family this Christmas. It's an
honor to serve you as together we glorify Him.
Paula Easterwood
Thank You
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and kind
words of support during the illness and loss of our
husband, father, and grandfather. Thanks to Pastor
Joel, Vicar Eamonn, Paula Easterwood and Cindy
Conen for their part in providing the comforting
services, to Jerry Harding for his assistance and the
Mary-Martha Guild for providing and serving lunch.
Each of you helped us in your own special way. God
SueAnn Carter
Matt, Sharri, Ty & Jana Carter
Marc, Andrea, Addison & Brady Carter
February Dates
to Remember
2nd—Braille Workers in Concordia
3rd—Faith Night & Potluck
8th—Mary-Martha Guild Meeting
9th—Council Meeting
10th—Ash Wednesday Soup Supper
10th—Ash Wednesday Service 7 p.m.
13th & 14th—Congregational Open Forum
14th—St. Valentines Day
15th—Washington’s Birthday
17th—Merry Widow’s Luncheon
18th—Elder’s Meeting
20th—Men’s Club Breakfast & Meeting
26th—Game Night
28th—Saint Paul Lutheran High School Choir