Term 2 Week 9 2016 - Mary Mackillop Primary School


Term 2 Week 9 2016 - Mary Mackillop Primary School
Welcome to our School Newsletter
Thursday 9th June 2016
MMPS Dates & Events (Web Link)
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents and Children,
Important Dates &
Next Friday the 17th of June student reports for semester one will come home. In the past
we have also sent home instructions to book a time for Parent Teacher Interviews. This
letter will now come home next Tuesday, enabling more time to book an appointment.
Learning Awards
Deputy Principal
Religious Education
Student Wellbeing
Classroom News
Physical Education
The Arts
iLearning Centre
Grounds & Facilities
Wider Community
Click links to advance to
Articles of Interest
Whilst the reports are Semester 1 reports it is important to keep in mind that these are still
progress reports as the children are only half way through the year. When reading the
reports please read the written comments in light of the A-E scale which indicates if a child
is performing at, above or below the expected level.
Over the first half of the year staff have utilised a range of formal and informal
assessments, as well as learning observations and anecdotal evidence, to assess where
each child is at.
The Parent Teacher Interview is an opportunity for the student, parents and teacher to
depth the report and share additional information. We strongly encourage children to
attend these interviews. Ultimately the children are in control of their learning. Our staff
provide learning opportunities based on a child’s needs, however children choose how
they will respond to that challenge. We discuss a child’s strengths and opportunities at a
Parent Teacher Interview. When this is a conversation just between the teacher and the
parent, how is a child empowered to take on the advice, how can they make it better for
themselves? I’m sure, like me, you have all had the experience, as parents or as a
student, of getting or giving feedback after parent teacher interviews. “The teacher said
that ……….” Then the self-defence response could be “oh that teacher doesn’t like me” or
“that wasn’t me that was my friend”. The list of responses here really could be endless.
When a child is present it allows for a dialogue about learning and the child is present to
receive, interpret and act on the conversation. I was asked recently “but what if you have
an issue you have to address?” Parent Teacher Interviews are a time to celebrate and
reflect on good learning and future learning opportunities for your child. To do this in 10
minutes is difficult enough. If you have a specific issue relating to your child I encourage
you to make a separate time/day to discuss this.
Annual General Meeting School Board and Friends of Mary MacKillop (FOMM): We are currently seeking 4 nominations for the
School Board. This year the school’s Annual General Meeting of the School Board and Friends of Mary MacKillop will take place on
Tuesday 14TH June at 7:00pm in the staffroom.
The School Board is an advisory body which assists the Parish Priest and the Principal with the school’s educational and faith goals
for students and the school community.
FOMM (Parents and Friends of Mary MacKillop) provide an opportunity to build community at Mary MacKillop. FOMM co-ordinate
fund raising and social opportunities. The funds raised contribute to capital works and projects in our school.
Parents are encouraged to attend the AGM meeting and to consider nominating for one of the many positions on either committee.
Last year we welcomed many new parents to both our School Board and FOMM. If you are considering nominating yourself, please
stop by the office and collect a copy of the Board Constitution, and complete a nomination form. These must be completed by this
Friday 10th June. I am sure our existing parent committee members would be happy to talk with you regarding any of the roles and
what is involved.
Learning Awards: During semester 1, Learning Awards have been given out at Level assembly. Staff have been discussing the
value placed on learning awards and how we can ensure these are given higher priority than a certificate being handed out at
assembly. We have discussed that the children must be engaged in the story associated with the award and understand how the
award is a genuine reflection of their efforts and not just a token offering. As a staff we need to consciously and delibertaely engage
the children in that process, we need to place high importance not just on the award but on the process of receiving and sharing the
After much shared conversation I am pleased to let parents know that as of Week 2 Term 3 we will be sharing learning awards at
assembly again. These awards will be linked to the learning associated with our school values.
Each Level has established a process where all children’s attempts to earn a learning award will be celebrated and collated in class
over the week. At assembly and in class we will have a chance to acknowledge all children who have made an effort to show
improvement in their learning.
We have clarified and tightened the process to ensure the names of all children who receive a learning award will appear in the
school newsletter and we have changed where these awards appear in the newsletter.
Healthy Hearts and Minds – Ride and Walk to School Day: Start the day in a healthier way! We're looking for parent helpers
willing to give some time for a children's walk/ride to school initiative. We will be organising and running a fun filled walk/ride to
school event day later in the year and will appreciate as little or as much time as you can spare to get things off the ground. All
parents, friends, ideas and suggestions welcome. Contact Anthony on 0488 146 377.
2017 Prep Enrolments: Our Prep enrolments are well and truly coming in and this week many families have been given formal offers
of enrolment at Mary MacKillop in 2017. At Present we have two full classes of prep enrolments. If you are aware of anyone
considering enrolment at Mary MacKillop I would ask you to encourage these people to get their applications in as soon as possible
to ensure a place at Mary MacKillop for 2017.
2016 School Camps: Over the past year, the School Board and school staff have been considering changes to the School’s Camp
Program. In 2015 a proposal was endorsed by the School Board to develop a sequential camp program that is based on 7 years of
primary school.
Prior to 2015 the only children attending camps have been our year five and six children. The camp venues alternated between
Rumbug in Foster and Waratah Bay and our Grade 5 and 6 children attended for two nights each over the week. In 2016 our year 5
and 6 children will attend Camp Rumbug.
In 2016 a Subcommittee has been established to explore a sequential camp program for 2016 and begin the planning process for
2017 onwards. This subcommittee includes staff and both School Board and FOMM representation. The representatives on this
Subcommittee are Mrs Elaine Parker (School Board). Mrs Teresa Ciccia (FOMM). Mr Richard Wans (Principal), Mrs Jenny Gulavin P6 Mathematics Leader, Miss Reinette Joachim (Prep). Mrs Kimberley Lardner (Years 1-2). Mrs Connie Paola (Years 3-4). Mrs
Amanda Hill (Year 5). Mr Brian Reeves (Year 6).
A proposal for 2016 has been submitted to include some activities on the school premises towards the end of Term 3 and into Term 4
for all Year Prep to Grade 4 children. The proposal for 2016 is considered a transition year into 2017 and beyond.
Our proposal for 2016 for grades P to 4 is:
Year Level
Location and activity
Prep 2016
Grade Prep will participate in an activity in our school
hall. These activities will go for approximately 1 hour.
Date, times and activities to be provided at a later date.
However, it is envisaging that this activity will take place in
Term 4
Suggested 5 - 6 pm
Years 1-2
In 2016 Grade 1 and 2 children will participate in arrange of
activities in our school hall. These activities will include
dinner at school and a G rated movie. Again specific dates,
times and event will be provided at a later date. Again it is
envisage this will take place late Term 3 or early Term 4
Thursday night. 4.30
arrival, finishing about 8pm
Years 3-4
In 2016 children in Year 3 and 4 will participate in a staff
and parent supervised overnight stay at school. Thursday
night arrival at 5pm, followed by dinner and activities until
Thursday night
Wake up at 7am Friday, followed by breakfast, camp-type
Year 5 - 6
Camp Rumbug, Foster - as planned.
The subcommittee is preparing a camp schedule for 2017. Moving forward the broad proposal being discussed includes Prep to Year
2 children involved in after hours activities on site with Year 2 children involved in a sleep over at school. Children from Year 3 to 6
would be involved in either Adventure/Recreation Camps, for example Rumbug Foster & Waratah Bay, Mt Evelyn Recreation Camp,
The Briars, or specific learning camps, for example Canberra, Sovereign Hill or Urban Camp, that increase in duration and intensity
from Year 3 to Year 6. Issues being considered as part of this process include distance from school, intensity, duration and costs.
As we continue this conversation we will be sharing information and seeking feedback with a view to finalise our sequential camp
program and book 2017 camp venues by the end of Term 3, 2016. This will allow time to plan and to include camp cost into a 2017
fee and levy structure.
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Week 10
12th June –
19th June
Week 11
June –
26th June
School Board
AGM – 8pm
Gym and
Foyer 9am –
Year 5 Mass
@9:15am in
Allen Hall
being sent
Parent Room
Clinics In Pe
Clinics In Pe
Assembly –
Gym and
Foyer 9am –
7pm (OLHC)
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Last day of
term 2 for
Year 1 & 2
Ashley Breasley, Natalie Kokab, Ava Dierckx,
Natalie Peters & Connor Bernard
Leon Lantouris, Maddison West
Cooper Bell
Year 3 & 4
Year 5 & 6
Finn Doyle, Junhao Liao, Jasmine Magee & Summer Magee
Sebastian Cunningham, Dominic Duchenne, Eloise Brittain
Anjana Jayalath, Saroop Dhaliwal, Giyana Sahabandu,
Tristan Cowell
Aisling Browne, Oliver Hill,
Anna-Simone Abdelkodous
Addison Stevens, Miela Pascuzzi Jasmine
Walia, Raphaell Wagner
Adam Cypser, Andrew Kokab, Samantha Clinkard
Lily Burgermeister, Nicholas Breeden
Jamie Brain, Sami Lane
Abbey Masson, Laura Hancock, Calum Albarenque, Chloe
Dines, Chrissy Lantouris, Karla Ilovar, Dylan Aviles, Shenali
Angelique Duchenne, Holly Mattar, Cody Burgermeister,
Timothy Pham
Alexander Giampa, Leah D'Souza, Bianca Barbic, Cooper
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School Closure Day – Friday 24th June – No School for students, as staff will be participating in a Professional Learning day,
facilitated by Mrs Moira Cosgriff. Moira is one of the contributing writers to the resource site LiturgyRitualPrayer.com. The focus of the
day is Enhancing Liturgy, Prayer and Ritual in the classroom.
SAVE THE DATE Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Family Parish Mass to be held on Sunday 7th August 6pm at Our Lady
Help of Christians Church, Narre Warren and a Whole School Liturgy on Monday 8th August 2.30pm to be held in Allen Hall. There is
opportunity for parents, children and families to take on ministries during the Mass – readers, choir members, special ministers,
procession of gifts. Please consider your participation and involvement. Preparations begin Term 3.
Knitting Club will begin in Term 3 on a weekly basis. Children in Years 2-6 who are interested are asked to have their own knitting
needles or crochet hooks. Yes! We hope to extend our skills learning basic crochet stitch. Parents and friends are most welcome to
join our group during lunch time on Tuesdays in the Stage area of Allen Hall. Donations of wool, needles & knitted squares are
needed. Volunteers to sew the knitted squares are welcome to take this task home and complete at a convenient time.
Thank you to all who contributed to the Gold Coin Donation, raising $461.30 for Trinity Families which runs the Roman Catholic
Diocese of Sale Charitable Fund. This charitable fund provides funding for service providers who support families in the Gippsland
and outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Prayer for the Week:
Last Sunday, all people were invited to celebrate World Environment Day for 2016. Pope Francis has recently written a Prayer for our
Earth, in which he prays that all people will care for and protect our common home.
As a family pray together our Holy Father’s prayer.
All-powerful God,
you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures.
You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty.
Fill us with peace that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no
O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of
this earth,
so precious in your eyes.
Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey
on it,
that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction.
Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the
poor and the earth.
Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation,
to recognise that we are profoundly united with every creature
as we journey towards your infinite light.
We thank you for being with us each day.
Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace.
Mass celebration on Thursdays @ 9.15am in
Allen Hall
Reconciliation celebration on Thursdays @ 9.15am in
Allen Hall
(unless otherwise advised)
16th June - Year 5
No Reconciliation
23rd June - No Mass
No Reconciliation
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Home Reading – What’s your role as a parent?
As I have stated before, reading with your children at home is, in my opinion, the most important and beneficial thing parents can do
to support their child’s learning. Critical to this is to work on developing your child’s love for reading. This means sharing books
together, laughing, turn taking, praising, discussing, sharing thoughts, feelings and ideas, all the things that make reading for children
AND SO – If you find your child is struggling through books they bring home from school, pausing every few words to work out the
word (decode), please discuss this with the class teacher. Home readers should be easy for your child, a few errors every now and
then that you can discuss and correct together, as you focus on the characters and storyline and enjoy this time spent together.
Reading is about comprehension – that’s why we read – to understand.
Reading with comprehension means understanding what's been read. It takes practice, time, and patience to develop reading
comprehension skills. Families can play an important role in helping a child learn to read for understanding.
Reading comprehension skills can be developed at home using a before-during-after approach. Below are a few suggestions that
will help build comprehension skills.
Your goal is to help your child build an understanding of and purpose for what they're about to read. Look at the book's cover. Ask,
"What do you think this book might be about? Why? Can you make some predictions?" Guide your child through the pages, discuss
the pictures, and brainstorm what might happen in the story. Talk about any personal experiences your child may have that relate to
the story.
Your goal is to help your child be an active reader. Read together and talk about what's happening as they're reading. Stop and
discuss any interesting or tricky vocabulary words. Talk about any surprising or sad passages, and help them visualize parts of the
story. Ask your child, "Do you understand what's happening here? What do you think will happen next?" If your child seems unsure,
stop, go back and reread if necessary. Discuss any confusing parts.
Your goal is to help your child reflect on what they've read. Summarize and share your favourite part of the book. Have your child rate
the book on a scale from 1 to 10 and say why. Have your child reread their favourite part or act it out.
Take the extra time before and during reading to read with your child this way. You'll soon find yourself reading with a child who is
motivated to comprehend and learn from everything they read.
You may go through a period when your child favours one book and wants it read night after night, especially in the first few years of
schooling. It is not unusual for children to favour a particular story, and this can be boring for parents. Keep in mind, however, that a
favourite story may speak to your child's interests or emotional needs. Be patient. Younger children specially love to hear the same
story; it helps them to comprehend more easily as they can predict what’s going to happen (an essential reading strategy), as well as
helping them develop an affinity for characters and a great level of comfort in knowing the content of the story. Don’t worry too much
here. Continue to expose your children to a wealth of books and eventually they will be ready for more stories.
And once again – have fun with reading at home, it should be a special time where parents are helping their children to develop a
love for reading, that may well stay with them for ever.
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Thank you to those parents who provided positive feedback about the tips I recorded in the last newsletter. Here are some more
Maths tips to support your child’s understanding. Please refer to the websites listed at the end for further reference.
Talk positively about maths with your child – even if you struggled with it at school yourself. Staying positive about maths will
help your child. Saying "I was bad at maths" can lower a child’s own expectations of themselves at maths and can give your
child an excuse not to try.
Talk to your child about how you use maths in everyday life – while shopping, banking, budgeting, cooking, driving, and keeping
score in sports games, telling the time etc.
Help your child to see the real-life purpose for the maths they are learning at school e.g. when your child is learning fractions
you could ask them:
1. “How many slices will I need to cut the pizza into so that everyone has two slices?”
2. “What fraction of the glass is filled with water?”
3. “Can you cut up the apple to make six equal pieces?”
Play games with cards, dominoes or dice to help your child with maths. Try asking your child to tell you the number of dots on
the dice each time they are thrown during a board game. Eventually they will be able to do ‘see’ the number without having to
count the dots.
When you are helping your child with their maths homework and they get stuck, try to help your child solve the problem
themselves by asking:
1. "What is the problem asking you to do?"
2. "How do you think we can work this out?"
3. "Do you think you will need to use addition or subtraction, or do you need to use multiplication or division?"
Ask your child to explain how they work things out – e.g. “What is the question asking you to do?” and “How did you get that
With maths problems there is always more than one way to get the right answer. When your child thinks about how they figured
out a problem, it can help concepts make more sense to them and build their confidence.
Encourage your child to practise the times tables and ‘mental computation’ skills – working out answers to arithmetic questions
in their head. Give your child little problems to solve in their head. Try asking them to:
1. estimate the total cost of a small basket of groceries before reaching the checkout
2. work out the actual cost of discounted items (e.g. 25% off $20)
3. figure out when you will arrive at a destination (e.g. “It is 4:15 pm now. It will take us 30 minutes to get home – what time will we
Talk with your child about how they feel about maths. They may not always be willing to discuss problems they're having, but it
is important to show your support and that you are interested in what they are learning.
If your child is having difficulties with maths, speak to your child’s teacher or write them an email or short note. Once problems
are identified, learning patterns can be better understood and a solution can be developed.
If you are finding it difficult to explain how to solve a maths homework problem, ask your child’s teacher for advice and
examples. Teachers understand that maths problems are sometimes taught differently from when you were at school.
Encourage them to practise, practise, practise! Maths is a learned skill that improves with practise. Encourage your child to get
their hands on as much practise material as possible – and do it as part of a regular routine.
Adapted from:
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Our children have achieved some outstanding results in Interschool Sporting competitions this term. Our school Cross Country team
finished in 1st place for the 6th year in a row in The Berwick District Cross Country Competition.
The team was made up of the following children: Zac Postregna, Morgan Stevens, Riley Jabke, Adam Booker, Lucas Marinelli, Noah
Joyce, Nick Kain, Cejay Goren, Brady Neizgodka, Jeremy Clinkard, Romy Cairns, Holly Athanasopoulos, Isabelle Langevin, Brooke
Smith, Sabrina Cypser, Kianni Noronha, Abby Masson, Joslyn Arnheim, Angel Vena, Helena Majstorovic, Josh Davis, Nick Leach,
Nick Orford, Emmanuel Ishak, Will Merrick, James Khwali, Gar Yi Fong, Vince Minichiello, Amila Jayalath, Sami Lane, Paige Ede,
Elisa Morales, Taylah keen, Astrid Renny, Ajah Machar, Hayley Sammut, Isabella Nevin, Breanna Woods, William Dendroulakis,
Elijah Price, Cooper Bigham, Hayden Lang, Jack Stone, Adrain Giannone, Nathan Cockayne, Majd Abouzaki, Riley Cunningham,
Jessica Pacevski , Alannah Keen, Bianca Barbic, Francesca Cosentino, Brigette Camilleri, Anabella Montalto, Samantha Clinkard,
Paris Mandalas, Hannah Majstorovic, Shanay Usatov, Stefan Angulo, Thomas Lai, Miller Whiteside, Addison Stevens, Caitlyn Bell,
Porscha Tam.
The 13 children whose names are underlined, finished in the top 10 in their race and competed in the Casey North Division Cross
Country. From this, Zac Postregna, Riley Jabke, Josh Davis, William Dendroulakis, Jessica Pacevski, Alannah Keen and Caitlyn Bell
finished in the top ten again and have qualified for the Southern Metro Cross Country Carnival on June 23. This was the most number
from any school in the Divsion! We wish them all the best!
On Tuesday May 31st, all year 5 and 6 children participated in the Berwick District Lightning Premiership day for the following sports :
AFL footy, soccer, netball and softball.
All the children did an outstanding job. Our AFL football team finished runners up and both our boys A and B division soccer teams
finished premiers along with our Year 6 girls soccer team, also finishing premiers.
This means that year 6 girls and A division boys soccer teams will now progress to the Division playoffs next term. We wish them all
the very best!
Thank you to all parents who have assisted with these events; they couldn't happen without your generous support!
We are extremely proud of our children’s magnificent sporting achievements this term.
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Anna Hennett
10TH JUNE Julie Dines
Susie Leach
Teresa Ciccia
Christina Casse
17TH JUNE Sandra San Martin
24TH JUNE School Closure Day
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AGED CARE FACILITIES - Opportunities exist for
Communion Ministers to join the list of those who
are available to take communion to sick or frail
parishioners in their homes, or those who might wish
to lead or participate in a communion service at one
of our seven aged care facilities. The communion
visits to private homes occur once a week or at a
time agreed by the minister and the person
ministered. Communion to the aged care facilities
would mean an approximate hour of commitment on
either a Monday or Wednesday or Thursday
morning. Contact the parish office for further details.
RCIA INQUIRY NIGHT - Are you or anyone you
know wishing to become a Catholic? Or perhaps
you are an adult Catholic but have not completed
your Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation? Then we invite you to our Inquiry night on July 14th at 7.30 in the Keogh Room
where you can find out more about our Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults-or RCIA as we know it. Contact Conny James RCIA
coordinator to register your interest on 0431961679.
CHURCH FLOWERS - you may have noticed that there are now wonderful flower arrangements done by parishioners who have
volunteered their time. Your help is needed with providing these volunteers with fresh flowers and foliage from home gardens or
purchased. A container will be provided at the back of the church with buckets of water to hold the flowers and foliage. Please deliver
them on a Tuesday through to Thursdays.
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Entertainment Books: A reminder to pay for or return unwanted Entertainment Books ASAP.
Trivia Night: Tables are selling fast! Don’t forget to put your orders in as soon as possible. Cash or
Flexischools payments are available. Additional order forms available from the office.
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Mater Christi College – Family Trivia Night
Organised by the combined Year 11 and 12 Catholic Action class supporting CARITAS Australia – Project Compassion.
Friday 17 June
7.00pm – 9.00pm
BYO Nibbles
Light Refreshments Provided
Tickets $10 (Table of 10)
via http://bit.ly/MCCTrivia
Further details: [email protected]
Reunion Sunday
Former students and staff of Mater Christi are warmly invited to join our 10, 20, 30 and 40 year reunions.
Sunday 16 October
2.30pm – 4.30pm
Former students whose cohorts graduated in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006 are welcome to take a tour, reminisce, marvel at the
changes, enjoy refreshments and catch up with old friends during Reunion Sunday.
Refreshments will be available from 2:30pm. After some brief formalities, tours of the College will commence around 3.15pm. We ask
for a donation of $20 to support the ongoing work of the Good Sams in East Timor.
Please RSVP via TryBooking to assist with catering and extend this invitation to your friends.
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