Scientific Report


Scientific Report
Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
Medical Oncology Service
Radiation Oncology Service
Nuclear Medicine Service and PET/CT Center
Palliative Care Service
Haematology Service
Research Division
IOSI Nursing Service
Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland (NSI)
Neurology Service
Neurosurgery Service
Neuroradiology Service
Pain Management Center
EOC Multisite Departments and Services
EOC Department of Surgery
EOC Department of Internal Medicine
EOC Department of Intensive Care Medicine
EOC Department of Laboratory Medicine
Breast Cancer Center of Southern Switzerland (CSSI)
Emergency Services – Emergency Medicine
Radiology Services
EOC Geriatric Service
Services of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Paediatrics Services
Together for a better care
Swiss Clinical Trial Organization
EOC Clinical Trial Unit (CTU-EOC)
Scientific Research Advisory Board (ABREOC)
Panel of Experts on Professional Confidentiality
in Medical Research and General Authorisation granted to the EOC
Publications in 2012
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Publications in non-peer-reviewed journals
Medical conference abstracts
Publications in books
Appendix 1 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2008
Appendix 2 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2009
Appendix 3 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2010
Appendix 4 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2011
Appendix 5 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2012
Appendix 6 - EOC Projects 2012 subject to General Authorisation (AG)
It was Friday, 13th June 1997 – a date I shall
never forget, and not just out of superstition. That
was the day that the Board of Directors approved
the first "Strategic plan for scientific research in
EOC Hospitals", which I now consider to be a milestone for our organization as for the first time its
visions, aims and strategic goals were outlined in a
clear, structured way, together with the resulting
operational activities.
keeping up-to-date. It is, in fact, impossible to carry
out research without being completely up-to-date
or there would be no hope of receiving funding for
the research projects". We are all fully aware of
the fact that constantly keeping up-to-date in our
different fields and activities is an essential prerequisite to ensure that our patients receive the correct treatment in an efficient and effective manner. And this created a virtuous circle.
Following this decision scientific research finally
came out of the shadows and acquired the importance and relevance it deserved, resulting in an important change in paradigm, namely that the work
of a hospital is not just to care for patients, leaving
universities the task of carrying out research.
Therfore, research became a fundamental part of
a hospital’s activities in order to guarantee the quality and safety of the services provided to patients.
In the document mentioned it was stated that "the
mere fact of carrying out research is the best
(and frequently also the most cost-effective) way of
But this meant that everything had to be further
improved, and better structured and consolidated.
On 25th February 2005 the Board of Directors,
therefore, approved the "Concept of scientific research in EOC Hospitals" which, importantly and
for the first time, created a centralized organizational model that enabled this sector to be developed in a coordinated, structured way.
As a result the Scientific Research Advisory Board
of the EOC (ABREOC) was created, together with a
Scientific Report 2012
permanent secretariat, both of which were part of
and came under the Medical Area of the Head Office. Setting up and running this facility was made
possible also thanks to the indispensable support
provided by USI-SUPSI Research Service, run by Dr
Benedetto Lepori, on the basis of a specific agreement1.
This "joint-venture" enabled us to organize the activities of ABREOC and above all prepare ourselves
for the first open competition for the submission of
applications by EOC medical staff for the funding of
scientific research2,3.
Between 2008 – the year of the first annual open
competition promoted by ABREOC – and 2012,
ABREOC selected 62 out of more than 100 scientific projects submitted to it, for a total funding
of over 2.5 million Swiss francs. This funding was
awarded to projects that had been approved, but
were not supported, or only in part, by external
This was still not sufficient, however. It was also
necessary to offer researchers, "under one roof",
easily accessible high added-value services and
facilities that are nowadays so necessary for scientific research, above all in the clinical field, in order to be able to continuously develop and grow,
and compete with the best national and international centres. That is why in 2011 a project was
drawn up to create the Clinical Trial Unit of the
EOC (CTU-EOC), with its two separate branches
– one in the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI) and one in the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland (NSI) – although both branches
are integrated from an operational point of view.
On 17th February 2012 the Board of Directors
– showing great awareness and far-sightedness
– not only authorized the setting up of the CTUEOC but also decided to support it financially by
providing it with "start-up" credit, with the explicit
goal, however, of the Unit becoming self-financing
within three years. The CTU-EOC began operating
officially on 1st October 2012.
Collaboration agreement between the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale in Bellinzona and the University of Southern Switzerland in Lugano of 15th June 2005.
Directive concerning the creation of the Scientific Research Advisory Board of the EOC (ABREOC) of 8th October 2007.
Regulations concerning the awarding of funding for research in the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale of 26th May 2008.
It was with great satisfaction, therefore, that we
learned on 7th May 2012 – after complex and
demanding preparatory work – that we had been
granted general authorisation to disclose professional secrets for research studies carried out
at EOC institutes by the Berne Panel of Experts on
Professional Confidentiality in Medical Research4.
This authorisation allows our medical staff to access, under specific and binding conditions, nonanonymized personal data of patients to carry out
research in the field of medicine and public health
without violating medical confidentiality.
The best way of assessing the scientific research
– both clinical and basic-translational – is undoubtedly by looking at the number and quality of publications in peer-reviewed biomedical journals produced each year by our Services. There were 194
publications in 2012 (2011: 170 publications).
In order to highlight the clinical research activity
carried out in Southern Switzerland, every year
since 2011 the EOC – in collaboration with the
University of Southern Switzerland, the Canton’s
Institute of Pathology (Microbiology) and the Cardiocentro Ticino – has organized the "Clinical Research in Southern Switzerland Day". At San Giovanni Hospital in Bellinzona on 23rd March 2012
was held the second edition.
It was also decided, in order to attach the necessary importance to everything that has been done
and published in a year in the field of scientific research – not just in one sector, but globally – to
publish the 1st "EOC Scientific Report 2012"5, so
as to include in a single document, in a structured,
organized way, all of the most important work that
has been carried out. This significant effort enabled us to have, for the first time, an overall picture
of the research being carried out as well as the associated or collateral activities. Precisely because
this is the first such report, there may be slight
differences in the different parts of the report and
perhaps some omissions, shortcomings that we
The Panel of Experts on Professional Confidentiality in Medical Research was set up in 1993 when Article 321bis of the Swiss Criminal Code
(CPS) entered into force.
The English version is available in both hard copy and at the website, while the Italian version is only available at the EOC website.
Scientific Report 2012
shall endeavor to eliminate with experience in the
I should like to thank all those people who have contributed to the 1st Scientific Report by providing
us with all the necessary information and documentation. A special thanks goes to Dr Manuela
Sarti – ABREOC Secretary and collaborator from
the Medical Area of the Head Office – who has
worked tirelessly and with tremendous devotion to
produce the report and coordinate its publication,
with the quality of the English version guaranteed
by Paolo Jacomelli.
I should finally like to thank all those people, who
through their silent hard work and passion in their
different fields, contribute day after day to the progress made in this fundamental sector, thereby
enabling our Canton’s health services to provide
our patients with the highest quality treatment
and to compete at an ever higher level with our
national and international competitors, contributing towards the devolpment of a course leading to
a Master in Human Medicine, fully aware, however
– to quote Albert Einstein – that "the process of
scientific discovery is, in effect, a continual flight
from wonder".
Fabrizio Barazzoni MD MPH
FMH Prevention and Public Health
Head of the Medical Area of the EOC Head Office
Chairman of the Scientific Research Advisory Board
Director a.i. of the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland
Bellinzona, 23rd August 2013
Oncology Institute
of Southern Switzerland
Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
The IOSI unites in a single organizational structure
all the specializations within the EOC that deal with
oncology. The IOSI has been devised on the basis
of the North American model of "comprehensive
cancer centres", but has its own particular structure as it has a horizontal structure throughout
the EOC.
The IOSI is, therefore, intended to be an all-inclusive
structure, containing all the specializations that
deal with the diagnosis, treatment and research in
the field of tumour diseases.
oncology, haematology, nuclear medicine, palliative
care and research. Each service has its own research program coordinated by the IOSI’s Scientific Board, which meets once every two months
and decides on common research guidelines.
The research laboratories of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) are part of the Institute of Oncology Research (IOR) and are run by the
"Fondazione ticinese per la ricerca e la cura dei
linfomi" (Ticino Foundation for the research and
treatment of lymphomas), although functionally,
they are part of the IOSI’s research division.
The IOSI guarantees a holistic approach for all its
patients with the most recent developments in oncological research. As a result the IOSI has now become an important centre of reference far beyond
the borders of Switzerland.
The IOSI has six Services: medical oncology, radio-
Research is a strategic sector for the IOSI, which
dedicates more than 15% of its annual budget to
this sector. No modern oncological service can exist without an important research sector, not least
because many of the forms of treatment offered
to patients are constantly being improved thanks
to oncological research protocols.
Scientific Report 2012
The IOSI has from the very beginning focused on
three main areas of research:
• malignant lymphomas,
• new drugs,
• breast cancer.
In the last few years research has also been carried out in gastro-intestinal and prostate cancer.
For every research topic, the IOSI has a database
containing the records of all patients. In the case
of malignant lymphomas, the current database
includes more than 2,000 patients treated since
1980, for whom all the diseased tissue has been
re-examined by the same team of pathologists.
These databases are essential for the development of new research ideas and also for a quality
check of the results achieved.
Another specific feature of the research carried
out by the IOSI is to constantly try to link clinical
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
studies to laboratory research. Sometimes, as in
the case of gastrointestinal tumours, the laboratory research is carried out in the structures of
the Canton’s Institute of Pathology in Locarno, with
which the IOSI has very close ties. In all the other
areas of research, however, laboratory research
is carried out in the structures of the IOR. In the
field of clinical research the ties with international
research groups are of particular importance, either directly managed by the IOSI – as in the case
of lymphomas with the International Extranodal
Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG) whose "operational office" is in the IOSI at San Giovanni Hospital in
Bellinzona – or through studies carried out within
the IOSI, as in the case of the International Breast
Cancer Study Group.
The IOSI has always been one of the most active
centres in Switzerland for the assessment of new
oncological drugs. This requires laboratory research (pharmacogenomics, pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics) and structures for clinical coordination which can, where necessary, independently carry out Phase I and II trials. The Trial
Unit Sponsor of the IOSI has been integrated into
the CTU-EOC.
As far as new drugs are concerned, it should be
highlighted that, at present, the main focus is on
the so-called "targeted therapies", namely forms
of treatment based on "intelligent" drugs that are
gradually replacing standard chemotherapy.
At a national level most of the clinical studies are
carried out within the structures of the Swiss
Group for Clinical Cancer Research (Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für klinische Krebsforschung,
The IOSI spends around 6.5 million Swiss francs
each year on research (the last available budget).
Two thirds of this sum are spent on laboratory research, while one third is spent on clinical research.
1.1 Medical Oncology Service
Prof. Michele Ghielmini MD
Medical Director of the IOSI and Head Doctor
Main areas of research
The research activity carried out consists mainly in
the involvement in the studies of the Swiss Group
for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK), which includes every year around 50-60 patients, in particular in studies concerning the optimization of
treatment for breast, bowel and lung tumours in
lymphomas and leukaemias.
Collaboration is also underway with the Canton’s
Institute of Pathology and the Canton’s Cancer
Registry in Locarno for studies of an epidemiological and translational nature.
Together with the Canton’s Cancer Registry, four
assessment studies are being carried out on the
quality of the diagnosis and treatment of tumours
Scientific Report 2012
(lung tumours, gynaecological tumours, rectal cancer and prostate tumours).
Research projects are also underway in the field of
cancer rehabilitation and geriatric oncology. In the
latter field a pilot feasibility study was concluded involving 150 cases, the data of which are currently
being analysed, aimed at establishing a rapid assessment process for elderly patients in order to
define their frailty and to decide on the most suitable forms of treatment.
Another important study currently being carried
out is related to "preserving fertility in young women
exposed to chemotherapy" in collaboration with the
fertility service of the Regional Hospital of Locarno.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, SAKK, Oncosuisse and Lega Ticinese
Contro il Cancro.
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Ghielmini M, Vitolo U, Kimby E, Montoto S,
Walewski J, Pfreundschuh M, Federico M,
Hoskin P, McNamara C, Caligaris-Cappio F,
Stilgenbauer S, Marcus R, Trneny M, Dreger
P, Montserrat E, Dreyling M; On behalf of the
Panel Members of the 1st ESMO Consensus
Conference on Malignant Lymphoma. "ESMO
Guidelines consensus conference on malignant
lymphoma 2011 part 1: diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma (DLBCL), follicular lymphoma (FL)
and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)". Ann
Oncol 2012 Nov 21. [Epub ahead of print]
• Stathis A, Ghielmini M. "New agents for the
treatment of lymphoma". Ann Oncol 2012; 23
Suppl 10: x92-8.
• Renner C, Zinzani PL, Gressin R, Klingbiel D,
Dietrich PY, Hitz F, Bargetzi M, Mingrone W,
Martinelli G, Trojan A, Bouabdallah K, Lohri A,
Gyan E, Biaggi C, Cogliatti S, Bertoni F, Ghielmini M, Brauchli P, Ketterer N; Swiss SAKK and
French GOELAMS group from European Mantle Cell Lymphoma Network. "A multicenter
phase II trial (SAKK 36/06) of single-agent
everolimus (RAD001) in patients with relapsed
or refractory mantle cell lymphoma". Haematologica 2012; 97(7):1085-91. doi: 10.3324/
haematol.2011.053173. Epub 2012 Feb 7.
• Espeli V, Zucca E, Ghielmini M, Giannini O,
Salatino A, Martucci F, Richetti A. "Weekly and
3-weekly cisplatin concurrent with intensitymodulated radiotherapy in locally advanced
head and neck squamous cell cancer". Oral Oncol 2012, 48(3): 266-71. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2011.10.005. Epub 2011 Nov 11.
• Rosell R, Wannesson L. "A genetic snapshot of
small cell lung cancer". Cancer Discov. 2012;
2(9): 769-71.
• Zappa F, Droege C, Betticher D, von Moos R,
Bubendorf L, Ochsenbein A, Gautschi O, Oppliger
Leibundgut E, Froesch P, Stahel R, Hess T,
Rauch D, Schmid P, Mayer M, Crowe S, Brauchli
P, Ribi K, Pless M; Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK). "Bevacizumab and erlotinib (BE) first-line therapy in advanced nonsquamous non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
(stage IIIB/IV) followed by platinum-based
chemotherapy (CT) at disease progression: a
multicenter phase II trial (SAKK 19/05)". Lung
Cancer 2012; 78(3): 239-44.
• Colombo N, Peiretti M, Garbi A, Carinelli S,
Marini C & Sessa C on behalf of the ESMO
Guidelines Working Group. "Non-epithelial ovarian cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines
for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up†". Annals of Oncology 2012; 23 (Supplement 7):
• Colombo N, Carinelli S, Colombo A, Marini C,
Rollo D & Sessa C on behalf of the ESMO
Guidelines Working Group. "Cervical cancer:
ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up†". Annals of Oncology 2012; 23 (Supplement 7): vii27–vii32.
1.2 Radiation Oncology Service
Antonella Richetti MD
Head Doctor
Radiation oncology activities are carried out together with surgery, chemotherapy and other
forms of treatment (such as receptor therapy)
to improve the possibility of treating patients with
cancer. Clinical cases are discussed by multidisciplinary tumour boards, comprising different professionals involved in treating the patients.
The increasing use of conformal techniques –
high-precision techniques based on the three-dimensional volumetric definition of tumours and the
anatomy of critical organs – such as three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT), intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) or image-guided
radiation therapy (IGRT) – has made radiation
therapy much more accurate, making it possible
to increase its therapeutic value by modulating the
dose applied to tumours and at the same time reducing the dose applied to healthy tissue. This has
significantly improved chances of recovery and has
reduced the frequency of complications.
The Bellinzona hospital, which also includes an inpatient unit located at the IOSI, is equipped with a
Varian linear accelerator, a dedicated CT scanner
and an advanced system for the planning of treatments, allowing the use of the most sophisticated
forms of therapies, such as modulated radiation
therapy (IMRT), dynamic arc therapy (RapidArc)
and the on-line monitoring of treatment (CBCTIGRT). There is also a high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy unit with 3-D planning for endocavitary
The Regional Hosital of Lugano - Italiano has a True-
Scientific Report 2012
Beam linear accelerator (Varian), one of the first of
this type of accelerators to be installed in Switzerland. The machine was designed using completely
new concepts and represents an important step
forward in oncological treatment. This accelerator
is able to deliver in a much shorter space of time
four times as much radiation as the current standard with extremely high precision. This means that
treatment sessions are much shorter and in virtually every form of treatment lasts less than two
Main areas of research
1. Breast
Lead investigator: M.C. Valli.
Breast cancer with low risk of local recurrence:
partial and accelerated radiation using threedimensional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT) versus standard radiotherapy after conservative surgery (phase III trial).
The study is currently underway. The Radiation
Oncology Division of the IOSI is the reference
centre for Switzerland.
• IBCSG 38-10 / BIG 3-07 / TROG 07.01
Lead investigator: A. Richetti.
Randomized phase III study on radiation doses
and fractionated radiation treatment in ductal
carcinomas in situ (DCIS) of the breast for patients not at low risk.
Patients began to be recruited for the study
on 4 April 2011. The study was temporarily
closed while waiting for an amendment to increase the number of patients and to find new
funding. The study was reopened on 25th September 2012.
Lead investigator: A. Richetti.
Partial radiation of the breast in breast cancer
at an early stage: feasibility study on the use
of the "Mammosite" device in intracavitary
brachytherapy. Phase III study.
The study has been completed.
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
2. Neurooncology
• EORTC 22033-26033
Lead investigator: G.A. Pesce.
Primary chemotherapy with Temozolomide
versus radioterapy in patients with low-grade
gliomas after stratification following the loss of
chromosome arm 1p: phase III study.
The recruitment has been closed and the study
is continuing with the follow-up.
• EORTC 26082
Lead investigator: G.A. Pesce.
Randomized phase II trial with radiotherapy
combined with Temsirolimus versus radiotherapy combined with Temozolomide in the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma without the presence of hypermethylation
of the MGMT gene promoter.
The study has been completed.
• EORTC 26112-22115
Lead investigator: G.A. Pesce.
International randomized double-blind phase II
study to assess the use of Rindopepimut/GMCSF concurrent with adjuvant temozolomide
(TMZ) chemotherapy in patients with newly
diagnosed EGFRvIII-positive glioblastoma after
surgical resection. The study is just starting
after being submitted to the Canton’s Ethical
Committee in February 2013.
Lead investigator: G.A. Pesce.
Protocol for cerebral hypofractionated radiation therapy or radiosurgery (IGRT or stereotaxic) of the resection cavity in patients undergoing the surgical removal of brain metastases
from solid tumours.
The study is currently being developed together
with the CTU-EOC.
3. Urogenital system
• EORTC 22043-30041
Lead investigator: G.A. Pesce.
Phase III trial with post-operational radiotherapy
combined with adjuvant hormonal therapy versus adjuvant radiotherapy alone in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy in pathological
pT3a-b R0-1 N0M0 / pT2 R1 N0M0, Gleason
score 5-10. Phase III trial.
The study is currently underway.
• SAKK 01/10
Lead investigator: G.A. Pesce.
Chemotherapy based on carboplatin and radiotherapy of affected lymph nodes in patients
with seminoma IIA/B.
The study is currently underway.
• SAKK 09/10
Lead investigator: G.A. Pesce.
Dose-intensified salvage radiotherapy of the
pelvic region in treating patients with relapsed
prostatic adenocarcinoma without macroscopic
disease. Phase III study.
The study is currently underway.
4. Lung
• EORTC 22055-08053
Lead investigator: A. Richetti.
Phase III study comparing post-operational conformal radiotherapy to non post-operative radiotherapy in patients with completely resected
non-small-cell lung cancer and mediastinal N2
involvement ("Lung-ART").
Study sponsored by the Institut Gustave Roussy
in France. The study has just started after being submitted to the Canton’s Ethical Committee in January 2013.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, EORTC, SAKK, and the pharmaceutical
company "Celldex Therapeutics, Inc".
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Pesce GA, Klingbiel D, Ribi K, Zouhair A, von
Moos R, Schlaeppi M, Caspar CB, Fischer N,
Anchisi S, Peters S, Cathomas R, Bernhard
J, Kotrubczik NM, D'Addario G, Pilop C, Weber DC, Bodis S, Pless M, Mayer M, Stupp R.
"Outcome, quality of life and cognitive function of patients with brain metastases from
non-small cell lung cancer treated with whole
brain radiotherapy combined with gefitinib or
temozolomide. A randomised phase II trial of
the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research
(SAKK 70/03)". Eur J Cancer 2012; 48(3):
377-84. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2011.10.016.
Epub 2011 Nov 15.
• Espeli V, Zucca E, Ghielmini M, Giannini O, Salatino A, Martucci F, Richetti A. "Weekly and
3-weekly cisplatin concurrent with intensitymodulated radiotherapy in locally advanced
head and neck squamous cell cancer". Oral Oncol 2012, 48(3): 266-71. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2011.10.005. Epub 2011 Nov 11.
Conference communications in 2012
• Richetti A. Congresso Senoforum di Lugano.
Oral communication: "Radioterapia la rivoluzione di tempi, dosi e modalità".
• Pesce GA. Seconda Giornata della Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana di Bellinzona. Poster:
"Radioterapia ipofrazionata a modulazione di intensità volumetrica del letto tumorale, dopo resezione di metastasi cerebrali da tumori solidi".
• Azinwi NC, Fanti P, Martucci F, Pittoni P, Richetti A, Valli MC, Pesce GA. XVI SASRO Annual
Meeting. Poster: "Accuracy evaluation in IGRT/
RAPIDARC for brain metastases (BM)".
• Valli M, Pittoni P, Fanti P, Pesce GA, Azinwi C,
Martucci F, Ceriani L, Richetti A. XII Congresso
Nazionale Associazione Italiana Radioterapia
Oncologica. Oral communication: "La 18FDGPET/CT può modificare la strategia terapeutica nel trattamento delle neoplasie mammarie
localmente avanzate o ad alto rischio?"
• Valli M. Congresso Senoforum di Lugano. Oral
communication: "18FDG PET-CT nella pianificazione e nel trattamento radioterapico".
Scientific Report 2012
• Valli M, Martucci F, Azinwi NC, Pesce GA, Canziani L, Richetti A. VIII European Breast Cancer Conference. Poster: "3D-conformal Partial
Breast Irradiation (3D-CRT PBI): how to optimize its reproducibility".
• Martucci F, Pittoni P, Valli M, Pesce GA, Azinwi NC, Fanti P, Richetti A. XVI SASRO Annual
Meeting. Poster: "Image Guided radiotherapy
for set-up margin in lung cancer".
• Valli M, Fanti P, Leva S, Rottoli G, Martucci F,
Pittoni P, Azinwi NC, Pesce GA, Richetti A. XVI
SASRO Annual Meeting. Poster: "Respiratory
gating RT in breast cancer: light and shade".
1.3 Nuclear Medicine Service and PET/CT
Luca Giovanella MD PD
Head Doctor
Nuclear medicine employs substances emitting a
low level of radiation (radiopharmaceuticals) and
technologically very advanced equipment (gamma
cameras, PET machines) to carry out diagnostic
tests (scintigraphy, tomoscintigraphy, SPET/CT
and PET/CT) in every branch of medicine. Moreover, special radiopharmaceuticals are used in the
treatment of benign thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism and goitre), thyroid carcinomas, bone metastases, neuroendocrine tumours and certain types
of lymphomas.
The Service is located in the Regional Hospital of
Bellinzona and Valli (San Giovanni) and the Regional Hospital of Lugano - Civico. In both hospitals all
nuclear medicine diagnostic tests and treatment
are carried out using iodium-131. There is also a
day clinic for thyroid diseases (where both diagnostic medical ultrasound and diagnostic cytology are
The PET/CT Center is located in the Bellinzona
hospital and there are three rooms available for
treatment using iodium-131 (inpatients). Isotope
treatment is also available in the day clinic for
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
lymphomas, bone metastases and arthritis/synovitis (radiosynoviorthesis).
There are numerous forms of collaboration underway as regards both teaching and research,
above all in the fields of thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, radiometabolic therapy, PET/CT in oncology, the diagnosis/treatment of lymphomas and
nuclear cardiology (in collaboration with the SAKK,
the Canton’s Institute of Pathology in Locarno, the
Cardiocentro Ticino, the University of Zürich and
the University Hospital "Fondazione Macchi" in Varese).
Main areas of research
1. Thyroid disorders and radiometabolic therapy
• Development of highly sensitive methods for
Thyroglobulin assay
Lead investigators: L. Giovanella, M. Imperiali,
L. Ceriani.
Highly sensitive methods for Thyroglobulin (Tg)
assay could prevent the need to suspend thyroxine treatment or to administer ricombinant
human TSH in the follow-up of differentiated
thyroid cancer. On the basis of retrospective
studies international multicenter prospective
studies are now underway with the highly sensitive Tg assay carried out at EOLAB.
• Role of PET/CT and molecular markers in the
differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules
Lead investigators: L. Giovanella, G. Treglia, L.
Ceriani, G. Paone, M. Bongiovanni.
20% of thyroid nodules removed using fine-needle aspiration fall into the TIR 3 category (indeterminate) and need to be removed in order
to have a definite histological diagnosis (benign
in 80% of cases). These studies examine and
compare, adopting an international multicenter prospective approach, the role of PET/CT
with 18FDG molecular markers (e.g. BRAF) on
cytology and of circulating molecular markers
(e.g. TSHR-mRNA) in differentiating between
benign and malignant nodules without the need
for surgical removal.
• Prognosis predictors and radio sensitivity in advanced thyroid cancer
Lead investigators: L. Giovanella, M. Bongiovanni.
In the field of metastatic differentiated thyroid
cancer non-responsive to radioiodine there are
forms with a rapid progression, while in many
cases the development of the disease is very
slow and asymptomatic for many years. The
treatments available in these cases (e.g.TKIs)
can stabilize the disease for 1-2 years, but have
important side-effects. Using the findings of retrospective studies, the current studies are examining, adopting an international multicenter
prospective approach, the role of tissue markers (e.g. BRAF), circulating markers (e.g. Cyfra
21.1 – to measure the doubling-time of Thyroglobulin), and molecular imaging (e.g. uptake
18FDG and 99mTc-sestaMIBI) for patients at
risk requiring urgent treatment.
• Individual dosage in radiometabolic therapy
Lead investigator: L. Giovanella.
Comparative studies are currently underway
into the efficacy and cost effectiveness of radiometabolic therapy with clinical protocols (fixeddose; adapted-dose) versus standard dose protocols (hyperthyroidism) or precautionary dose
protocols (thyroid cancer).
Lead investigators:
L. Ceriani, G. Paone, G. Treglia, L. Giovanella.
The role of PET/CT in assessing patients with
lymphomas has increased greatly over the last
few years. IELSG studies 26 and 37 are aimed
at focusing on the clinical advantages of PET
in primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphomas,
investigating whether a complete metabolic
response after chemotherapy can prevent the
need for subsequent consolidation radiotherapy.
Other evidence highlights the potential role of
metabolic imaging in defining the prognosis for
the disease at its outset by helping to determine the most efficient form of treatment (e.g.
"risk adapted therapy"). Under this assumption,
the prognostic role of certain metabolic parameters, which can be calculated by means of a
basic PET, is being studied in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and its mediastinal
• Early diagnostic markers for medullary thyroid
Lead investigator: L. Giovanella.
MTC screening by measuring circulating calcitonin has been proposed by many authors,
but criticized by others as a result of the lack
of specificity of this marker. Using the findings
of previous retrospective studies, international
multicenter prospective studies have begun on
the use of complementary markers in the early
diagnosis of MTC (e.g. procalcitonin, calcitonin
in washout fluid).
3. SPECT/CT and PET/CT imaging
• Optimization of acquisition protocols in cardiology, neurology and oncology
Lead investigators:
L. Ceriani, T. Ruberto, G. Treglia, G. Paone.
The need to balance the criteria for the speed
of acquisition and reduction of the dose given
to patients can be efficiently addressed by the
introduction of iterative reconstruction algorithms. These algorithms are able to guarantee
a good resolution and contrast of the images
at average density acquisitions, thereby making
it possible to reduce the level of radiation administered and the image acquisition time. The
studies completed and those currently underway assess the impact of the development of
the procedures for the acquisition and elaboration of SPET/CT and PET/CT in terms of their
diagnostic efficacy and cost effectiveness, and
also the reduced exposure to radiation.
2. PET/CT and Lymphomas
• Role of interim-PET/CT in non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
Main funding obtained in 2012
and IELSG.
Scientific Report 2012
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Giovanella L, Ceriani L, De Palma D, Suriano
S, Castellani M, Verburg FA. "Relationship between serum thyroglobulin and (18)FDG-PET/
CT in (131)I-negative differentiated thyroid carcinomas". Head Neck 2012; 34: 626-631.
• Trimboli P, Nigri G, Romanelli F, Cicciarella Modica DD, Crescenzi A, Valabrega S, Giovanella
L. "Medullary thyroid nodules by measurement
of calcitonin (Ct) in aspiration needle washout
in patients with multinodular goiter and moderately elevated serum Ct". Exp Clin Endocrinol
Metab 2012; 120 (4): 234-237.
• Ceriani L, Suriano S, Ruberto T, Zucca E, Giovanella L. "18FDG uptake changes in liver and
mediastinum during chemotherapy in patients
with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma". Clin Nucl
Med 2012; 37: 949.952.
• Giovanella L, Treglia G, Verburg FA, Salvatori
M, Ceriani L. "Serum cytokeratin 19 fragments: a de-differentiation marker". Eur J Endocrinol 2012; 167: 793-797.
• Giovanella L, Verburg FA, Imperiali M, Valabrega S, Trimboli P, Ceriani L. "Comparison of
serum calcitonin and procalcitonin in detecting
medullary thyroid carcinoma among patients
with thyroid nodules". Clin Chem Lab Med
2012; 25: 1-5.
• Bongiovanni M, Suriano S, Bolli M, Cattaneo F,
Fasolini F, Giovanella L. "Ectopic substernal thyroid tissue: a challenging differential diagnosis".
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012; 97(3): 719-20.
Conference communications in 2012
• Giovanella L. European Association of Nuclear
Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2012 - Milan (I).
• Ceriani L. International Workshop of interimPET in Lymphomas 2012 - Menton (F).
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
• Giovanella L. International Diagnostic Course
2012 - Davos (CH).
• Giovanella L. European Thyroid Association
and Thyroid Cancer Network 2012 - Pisa (I).
• Giovanella L. German Society of Nuclear Medicine Thyroid Symposium 2012 - Wuerzburg (D).
1.4 Palliative Care Service
Hans Neuenschwander MD
Head Doctor
Palliative care involves looking after a patient and
his family adopting a more global approach aimed
at trying to maintain or re-establish the best possible quality of life through an interdisciplinary approach, involving doctors, nurses, psychologists
and social workers, all with highly specialized skills.
Palliative Care Service (SCP - Servizio di Cure Palliative), which is present in all EOC hospitals, has
the mission of promoting this philosophy and disseminating the specific know-how of palliative care
to hospital teams through specialist consultation
at the patient’s bedside and by developing the necessary training programs.
The Palliative Care Unit (UCP - Unità di Cure Palliative) is equipped with seven beds and a specialist
team as part of the IOSI’s inpatient units at San
Giovanni Hospital in Bellinzona. The unit admits
patients in need of palliative care in a specialized
To provide continuity in treatment SCP and UCP
collaborate closely with Hospice Ticino, an association providing assistance in palliative care at home.
The IOSI’s palliative care program is considered a
highly advanced pioneering model, both nationally
and internationally. In 2009 it was certified as a
centre of excellence by the European Society of
Medical Oncology (ESMO).
Main areas of research
1. Cross-sectional non interventional multicenter
clinical study for the evaluation of the prevalence of nausea in hospitalized patients admitted to a palliative care unit
Lead investigator: C. Gamondi.
This is a two-year observational study which
involves submitting questionnaires to patients
admitted to a palliative care unit suffering from
nausea when initially assessed. The aim of the
study is to evaluate the prevalence of nausea
and to examine the multifaceted aspect of this
symptom, assessing the different spheres it affects.
2. Participer à un suicide assisté: étude exploratoire sur l’expérience des proches et leurs
représentations de la fin de vie, de la mort et
du deuil
Lead investigator: C. Gamondi.
This is a three-year open multicenter qualitative
study (phase II) aimed at describing the characteristics of the mourning of relatives of patients
who die through assisted suicide.
3. Indications as to the procedures and outcomes of sedation: retrospective study in a
hospital setting specializing in palliative care
Lead investigator: C. Gamondi.
This is a one-year retrospective study aimed at
characterizing the sedation procedures in an
acute care setting in a hospital specializing in
palliative care. The data collected will make it
possible to check the traceability of the procedure and the clinical reasoning behind the procedures adopted.
4. FIT (Fine Vita Ticino) study. Epidemiology of
death in Ticino’s public hospitals
Lead investigator: C. Gamondi.
This is a one-year observational prospective
study aimed at describing how adult patients
die in public hospitals in Ticino and, in particular, how they are assisted as they approach
death; identifying any differences in the treat-
ment of patients whose death is expected compared to those whose death is not expected;
and assessing the perception of doctors and
nurses as regards the quality of the care provided before death.
5. Meaning of life, personal values and spirituality
at the end of life
Lead investigator: G. Borasio (CHUV).
This is an 18-month mixed prospective study
aimed at studying the connection between people’ s questioning themselves as to the meaning of life and spirituality at the end of their lives
in an end-of-life context.
6. Advanced directives in patients with advanced
oncological disease: patients' right or health
professionals’ duty
Lead investigator: S. Pautex (HUG).
This is an open multicenter observational quantitative study, the primary aim of which is to
understand which characteristics of a patient
(socio-cultural, physical, psychological and spiritual), expectations and attitudes towards being
informed about and included in decisions, which
therapeutic representatives have an impact on
the decision of whether or not to complete the
expected directives. The secondary aims of the
study are to understand the degree of authority that patients expect from their representatives and health professionals, and to identify
the needs and expectations of the representatives as regards their involvement in end-of-life
decisions. A further aim is to study the experience of health professionals regarding end-oflife decisions and issues relating to "Advanced
Health Care Directives (AHCDs)" with patients
and their relatives/representatives.
7. Supervising the administering of concomitant
medicines in Palliative Care Units
Lead investigator: C. Gamondi.
This is a one-year open, observational phase
IV study aimed at collecting data on miscibility,
safety and efficacy of mixtures of drugs admin-
Scientific Report 2012
istered in the same infusion to advanced cancer patients.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, Swiss National Science Foundation
(SNSF), SAMW and Helsinn.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012
Neuenschwander H, Gamondi C. "Palliative Care
Network - 20 years of experiences from Ticino,
Southern Switzerland". Ther Umsch. 2012 Feb;
Conference communications in 2012
Gamondi C. The 19th Annual International Palliative Care Conference on Teaching and Learning in
Palliative Care: Lessons for the Future. Oral communication: Developing competencies for specialists in palliative care in Switzerland: a national consensus. Dublin, March 2012.
1.5 Haematology Service
Georg Stüssi MD PD
Head Doctor
The work of the Haematology Service is divided
up into one part dealing principally with laboratory
diagnostics (morphological microscopic analyses
and flow cytometry) and a clinical part dealing
with patients. The Haematology Division is the only
centre in Ticino able to provide a global haematological diagnosis by integrating all the technologies
currently available in the most advanced centres.
The Haematology Service also treats, freezes and
stores peripheral stem cells for autologous transplants.
Main areas of research
1. Clinical research into acute leukaemia in elderly
Lead investigators: G. Ossenkoppele, B. Löwenberg, G. Stüssi.
This is an international multi-centres randomized Phase II study aimed at assessing the
efficacy and toxicity of new antileukaemia drugs
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
used in standard induction chemotherapy for
patients aged ≥ 66. The aim of the study is to
check whether the administration of different
experimental drugs has advantages compared
to standard chemotherapy based on cytarabine and daunorubicin.
2. The effect of cryopreservation on the function
of thrombocytes in patients
Lead investigators: B. Gerber, L. Alberio, G.
This is a study on the functionality of cryopreserved platelets. The main aim of the study is to
measure the clinical and laboratory functional
activity of cryopreserved platelets.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Ossenkoppele GJ, Stussi G, Maertens J, van
Montfort K, Biemond BJ et al. "Addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy in acute myeloid leukemia at older age: a randomized phase 2 trial
of the Dutch-Belgian Cooperative Trial Group
for Hemato-Oncology (HOVON) and the Swiss
Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK)".
Blood 2012; 120(24): 4706-11.
• Gerber B, Guggenberger R, Fasler D, Nair G,
Manz MG, Stussi G, Schanz U. "Reversible skeletal disease and high fluoride serum levels in
hematologic patients receiving voriconazole".
Blood 2012; 120(12): 2390-4.
• Berger MD, Gerber B, Arn K, Senn O, Schanz U,
Stussi G. "Significant reduction of red blood cell
transfusion requirements by changing from a
double-unit to a single-unit transfusion policy
in patients receiving intensive chemotherapy
or stem cell transplantation". Haematologica
2012; 97(1): 116-22.
• Bettens F, Passweg J, Schanz U, Chalandon Y,
Heim D, Güngör T, Stussi G, Nicoloso G, Baldomero H, Gratwohl A, Tiercy JM. "Impact of
HLA-DPB1 haplotypes on outcome of 10/10
matched unrelated hematopoietic stem cell do-
nor transplants depends on MHC-linked microsatellite polymorphisms". Biol Blood Marrow
Transplant. 2012; 18(4): 608-16.
• Wahrmann M, Schiemann M, Marinova L,
Körmöczi GF, Derfler K, Fehr T, Stussi G, Böhmig GA. "Anti-A/B antibody depletion by semiselective versus ABO blood group-specific
immunoadsorption". Nephrol Dial Transplant
2012; 27(5): 2122-9.
1.6 Research Division
Prof. Franco Cavalli MD
Scientific Director
The IOSI Research Division functionally unites two
closely linked units: the clinical research centre,
which is located at the IOSI in the Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli - San Giovanni and the Institute of Oncology Research (IOR), which is in the
IRB and IRBIS. The close intellectual and physical
proximity of the IOR and the IOSI clinical research
sectors is fundamental to guarantee the quality of
the work and the continuous flow of information
between the laboratory sector and the dedicated
research sector for patients. It is rare to find functional units like this in Switzerland, which is why the
IOR – the only oncological institute in Switzerland
– has been receiving Federal grants since 2013
in pursuance of Article 16 of Federal Law on the
promotion of research and innovation.
The IOR and main areas of research
This is the basic translational research unit at the
IOSI. Originally opened at the IRB in Bellinzona in
April 2003, this research department currently
employs around thirty-five researchers. Iinitially,
it was called the IOSI Experimental Cancer Laboratory and administratively was run by the EOC.
To become eligible for Confederation funds and
grants on 1 September 2011 it was turned into
the IOR, which is currently managed by the Fondazione Ticinese per la Ricerca e la Cura dei Linfomi, although from a functional point of view the
IOR is still part of the research division of the IOSI.
The IOR is an important training centre in the field
of biomedical and cancer research for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and students in Ticino
in collaboration with various Swiss and Italian universities. The laboratory range of competencies
currently available in the laboratory include cellular
and molecular biology, molecular pharmacology,
functional genomics, pharmacogenomics and bioinformatics.
From a structural point of view Professor Cavalli,
Director of the IOSI-IOR research division, coordinates scientific research for the whole of the IOSI.
For this reason he chairs the IOSI Scientific Board,
which sits every three months.
From an operational point of view, IOSI clinical research is divided principally into four units:
a. New Drug Development Unit, under the direction of Prof. Cristiana Sessa MD. This group offers patients the possibility of receiving therapy
with experimental drugs that are still being
tested. At present the Unit is coordinating nine
phase I studies (seven in solid tumours and two
in lymphomas) and six phase II studies. Sometimes, as in the case of one of the phase I studies in lymphomas, the new experimental drug
was previously assessed in the preclinic models available to the IOR and then subsequently
passed on to the evaluation phase with patients in the IOSI. Currently all of these studies
with new anti-cancer molecules are carried out
under very strict conditions and with rigorous
assessment, and they have all been previously
approved by both the Canton’s Ethics Committee and Swissmedic - the Swiss Agency for
Therapeutic Products.
b. The Lymphoma Unit, coordinated by Emanuele
Zucca MD PD. This Unit manages the lymphoma database, dating back to 1980, where information is stored about over 2,000 patients
and is updated continuously. The Unit also manages the scientific, logistic and IT divisions of
the International Extranodal Lymhoma Study
Group (IELSG), a cooperative group spanning
Scientific Report 2012
five continents with currently over 200 institutions (further information on IELSG can be
found at IELSG is also one of the
few institutions in Switzerland that can obtain
funding for clinical studies from the National
Research Fund (FNR), which usually only funds
laboratory research.
Kramer D, Laurent J, Speiser DE, Stupp R. "A
phase I dose-escalation study of the immunocytokine EMD 521873 (Selectikine) in patients
with advanced solid tumours". Eur J Cancer
Epub 2012 Aug 20.
c. Breast Cancer Unit, coordinated by Olivia Pagani MD. This Unit is particularly active in the
research being carried out by the International
Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) and manages a database on Ticino patients with breast
cancer. It is currently expanding and looking for
permanent headquarters.
• Bellei M, Chiattone CS, Luminari S, Pesce EA,
Cabrera ME, de Souza CA, Gabús R, Zoppegno L, Zoppegno L, Milone J, Pavlovsky A, Connors JM, Foss FM, Horwitz SM, Liang R, Montoto S, Pileri SA, Polliack A, Vose JM, Zinzani
PL, Zucca E, Federico M. "T-cell lymphomas
in South America and Europe". Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter. 2012; 34(1):42-7. PMID:
d. Gastrointestinal Cancer Group, coordinated by
Piercarlo Saletti MD. The group promotes clinical and translational research into tumours of
the gastrointestinal tract in close collaboration
with the Canton’s Institute of Pathology di Locarno (ICP).
• Ceriani L, Suriano S, Ruberto T, Zucca E, Giovanella L. "18F-FDG Uptake Changes in Liver
and Mediastinum During Chemotherapy in Patients With Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma".
Clin Nucl Med. 2012 Oct; 37(10): 949-52.
PMID: 22955068.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 of the Research Division (clinical sector – selection)
• Fasolo A, Sessa C. "Targeting mTOR pathways
in human malignancies". Curr Pharm Des
2012; 18: 2766-77.
• Ferreri AJ, Govi S, Pasini E, Mappa S, Bertoni F,
Zaja F, Montalbán C, Stelitano C, Cabrera ME,
Giordano Resti A, Politi LS, Doglioni C, Cavalli F,
Zucca E, Ponzoni M, Dolcetti R. "Chlamydophila
Psittaci Eradication With Doxycycline As FirstLine Targeted Therapy for Ocular Adnexae Lymphoma: Final Results of an International Phase
II Trial". J Clin Oncol. 2012 Aug 20; 30(24):
2988-94. PMID: 22802315.
• Fasolo A, Sessa C, Gianni L, Broggini M. "Seminars in clinical pharmacology: an introduction
to MET inhibitors for the medical oncologist".
Ann Oncol Epub 2012 Oct 30.
• Gallerani E, Zucchetti M, Brunelli D, Marangon
E, Noberasco C, Hess D, Delmonte A, Martinelli
G, Böhm S, Driessen C, De Braud F, Marsoni
S, Cereda R, Sala F, D’Incalci M, Sessa C. "A
first in human phase I study of the proteasome
inhibitor CEP-18770 in patients with advanced
solid tumours and multiple myeloma". Eur J
Cancer Epub 2012 Oct 8.
• Gillessen S, Gnad-Vogt U, Gallerani E, Beck J,
Sessa C, Omlin A, Mattiacci MR, LIedert B,
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
• Li ZM, Rinaldi A, Cavalli A, Mensah AA, Ponzoni
M, Gascoyne RD, Bhagat G, Zucca E, Bertoni F.
"MYD88 somatic mutations in MALT lymphomas". Br J Haematol. 2012 Sep;158(5): 6624. PMID: 22640364.
• Nicolosi Guidicelli S, Lopez-Guillermo A, Falcone
U, Conconi A, Christinat A, Rodriguez-Abreu D,
Grisanti S, Lobetti-Bodoni C, Piffaretti JC, Johnson PW, Mombelli G, Cerny A, Montserrat E,
Cavalli F and Zucca E. "Hepatitis C virus and
GBV-C virus prevalence among patients with B-
cell lymphoma in different European regions: a
case-control study of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group". Hematol Oncol.
2012 Sep; 30(3):137-42. PMID: 22105737.
• Boi M, Stathis A, Zucca E, Inghirami G, Bertoni
F. "Genetic alterations in systemic nodal and
extranodal non-cutaneous lymphomas derived
from mature T- and natural killer-cells". Cancer Sci. 2012 Aug;103(8):1397-404.PMID:
• Mensah AA, Rinaldi A, Ponzoni M, Canzonieri V,
Uccella S, Rossi D, Bhagat G, Gaidano G, Zucca
E, Bertoni F. "Absence of NOTCH1 gene mutations in MALT lymphomas". Br J Haematol.
2012 May;157(3): 382-4. PMID: 22171922.
• Espeli V, Zucca E, Ghielmini M, Giannini O,
Salatino A, Martucci F, Richetti A. "Weekly and
3-weekly cisplatin concurrent with intensitymodulated radiotherapy in locally advanced
head and neck squamous cell cancer". Oral
Oncol. 2012 Mar;48(3): 266-71. PMID:
• Joerger M, Ferreri AJ, Krähenbühl S, Schellens JH, Cerny T, Zucca E, Huitema AD. "Dosing algorithm to target a predefined AUC in
patients with primary central nervous system
lymphoma receiving high-dose methotrexate".
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Feb;73(2):240-7.
PMID: 21838788.
• Thieblemont C, Davi F, Noguera ME, Brière J,
Bertoni F, Zucca E, Traverse-Glehen A, Felman
P, Berger F, Salles G, Coiffier B. "Splenic marginal zone lymphoma: current knowledge and
future directions". Oncology (Williston Park).
2012 Feb; 26(2):194-202. PMID: 22489356.
• Conconi A, Ponzio C, Lobetti-Bodoni C, Motta
M, Rancoita PM, Stathis A, Moccia AA, Mazzucchelli L, Bertoni F, Ghielmini M, Cavalli F,
Zucca E. "Incidence, risk factors and outcome
of histological transformation in follicular lymphoma". Br J Haematol. 2012 Apr;157(2):
188-96. PMID: 22348437.
• Martinez A, Ponzoni M, Agostinelli C, Hebeda
KM, Matutes E, Peccatori J, Campidelli C, Espinet B, Perea G, Acevedo A, Mehrjardi AZ,
Martinez-Bernal M, Gelemur M, Zucca E,
Pileri S, Campo E, López-Guillermo A, Rozman
M. "International Extranodal Lymphoma Study
Group. Primary bone marrow lymphoma: an
uncommon extranodal presentation of aggressive Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas". Am J Surg
Pathol. 2012 Feb; 36(2): 296-304. PMID:
• Kwee I, Rinaldi A, Rancoita P, Rossi D, Capello
D, Forconi F, Giuliani N, Piva R, Inghirami G,
Gaidano G, Zucca E, Bertoni F. "Integrated
DNA copy number and methylation profiling of
lymphoid neoplasms using a single array". Br J
Haematol. 2012 Feb; 156(3): 354-357. PMID:
• Bulian P, Rossi D, Forconi F, Del Poeta G, Bertoni F, Zucca E, Montillo M, Pozzato G, D'Arena
G, Efremov DG, Marasca R, Lauria F, Gaidano
G, Gattei V, Laurenti L. "IGHV gene mutational
status and 17p deletion are independent molecular predictors in a comprehensive clinicalbiological prognostic model for overall survival
prediction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia".
J Transl Med. 2012 Jan 30;10:18. PMID:
• Kwee I, Capello D, Rinaldi A, Rancoita PM, Bhagat G, Greiner TC, Spina M, Gloghini A, Chan
WC, Paulli M, Zucca E, Tirelli U, Carbone A,
Gaidano G, Bertoni F. "Genomic aberrations
affecting the outcome of immunodeficiencyrelated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma". Leuk
Lymphoma. 2012 Jan; 53(1) :71-6. PMID:
• Stathis A, Ghielmini M. "New agents for the
Scientific Report 2012
treatment of lymphoma". Ann Oncol. 2012; 23
Suppl 10: x92-8.
1.6.1 New Drug Development Unit
Prof. Cristiana Sessa MD
Deputy Head Doctor at IOSI
In 2012 the main activity of the Unit for New
Drugs Development has been the definition of the
required operating standards and procedures
(SOP) to act as sponsor to perform clinical studies.
This has allowed the unit to pass inspection (Audit)
by Swissmedic (July 2012) which recognized the
role of Unit for the conduct of clinical trials (CTU)
with the necessary competences to sponsor Investigator Promoted Studies (IIT). This qualification allows performing trials according to "Good Clinical
Practice" (GCP), designed and carried out by investigators outside a direct control of pharmaceutical
In 2012 the CTU IOSI has been therefore established and two IIT Phase I trial, one in patients with
non-Hodgkin Lymphomas and one in patients with
solid tumours in collaboration with the University
of Utrecht, have been activated.
This structural work has been also the basis for
the set up the CTU-EOC, active in the two complementary sites, at the IOSI in Bellinzona and at Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland (NSI) in Lugano,
under the direction of Prof. Sessa at IOSI and Prof.
Möller at NSI. The activities are shared between
the two sites according to the requests and the
competences available.
The purpose of CTU-EOC is to provide structures
and competences to foster the development of qualified clinical research within the EOC. This activity is
part of a project with the Medical Master School
sponsored by the Swiss Italian University (USI).
In the Unit for New Drugs Development a major
commitment has been devoted to promote and
improve the performance of the New Drugs Group
of SAKK and of the Gynaecological Group of SAKK.
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
This allowed us to activate new studies in each of
the two groups, the IOSI actively participates in, and
to prepare four new proposals for phase I studies
in collaboration with SAKK tumour specific groups.
In 2012, 9 Phase I studies (7 in solid tumours
and 2 in lymphomas), with a total of 47 patients
treated and 6 Phase II studies (3 in solid tumours
and 3 in lymphomas) with a total of 13 patients
treated, were activated or were already underway
in the Unit.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Fasolo A, Sessa C. "Targeting mTOR pathways
in human malignancies". Curr Pharm Des
2012;18: 2766-77.
• Fasolo A, Sessa C, Gianni L, Broggini M. "Seminars in clinical pharmacology: an introduction
to MET inhibitors for the medical oncologist".
Ann Oncol Epub 2012 Oct 30.
• Gallerani E, Zucchetti M, Brunelli D, Marangon
E, Noberasco C, Hess D, Delmonte A, Martinelli
G, Böhm S, Driessen C, De Braud F, Marsoni
S, Cereda R, Sala F, D’Incalci M, Sessa C. "A
first in human phase I study of the proteasome
inhibitor CEP-18770 in patients with advanced
solid tumours and multiple myeloma". Eur J
Cancer Epub 2012 Oct 8.
• Gillessen S, Gnad-Vogt U, Gallerani E, Beck J,
Sessa C, Omlin A, Mattiacci MR, LIedert B,
Kramer D, Laurent J, Speiser DE, Stupp R. "A
phase I dose-escalation study of the immunocytokine EMD 521873 (Selectikine) in patients
with advanced solid tumours". Eur J Cancer
Epub 2012 Aug 20.
• Colombo N, Peiretti M, Garbi A, Carinelli S, Marini
C & Sessa C on behalf of the ESMO Guidelines
Working Group. "Non-epithelial ovarian cancer:
ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis,
treatment and follow-up†". Annals of Oncology
2012; 23 (Supplement 7): vii20–vii26.
• Colombo N, Carinelli S, Colombo A, Marini
C, Rollo D & Sessa C on behalf of the ESMO
Guidelines Working Group. "Cervical cancer:
ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up†". Annals of Oncology 2012; 23 (Supplement 7): vii27–vii32.
1.6.2 Lymphoma Unit – IELSG
Emanuele Zucca MD PD
Deputy Head Doctor at IOSI
The topics for research involve the clinical-pathological, biomolecular and epidemiological study of
lymphomas and new therapeutic strategies for
these tumours, as well as the clinical development
of new drugs.
Malignant lymphomas are tumours diseases
which originate from cells of the immune system.
The most common site is the lymph glands, but all
organs of the body can be affected.
Over the past thirty years the frequency of these
tumours has increased steadily in Western countries.
Ongoing research projects at a clinical level involve:
• participation in SAAK national clinical research
• collaboration with the New Drug Group;
• collaboration with SENDO (Southern Europe
New Drug Organization) to study new drugs to
combat lymphomas;
• coordination of the international research protocols group IELSG, primarily concerned with
the study of extranodal lymphomas or those
arising outside the immune system;
• a series of national and international collaborations to study the biological and molecular
characteristics of lymphomas together with
the IOR and, in particular, with the research
group of Dr Francesco Bertoni, internationally
famous for studies in the molecular biology of
Main areas of research
1. Clinical studies to identify new strategies in
therapy of malignant lymphomas
a. Assessing new anti-tumour agents in lymphomas:
• phase I and II clinical studies;
• pre-clinical assessment in collaboration with the IOR laboratory.
b. Program of phase I and II clinical studies of
the SAKK "Project Group" with translational
studies together with the IOR laboratory.
c. Management of the studies of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group
(phases II and III).
2. Management of the IOSI lymphoma database
(2000 patients)
a. Retrospective studies on individuals, also in
international collaboration.
b. Studies for the creation of prognostic models with optimal management of missing
data (in collaboration with IDSIA mathematicians and bioinformatics).
c. Using the database for internal audits and
quality control of clinical results.
3. Prognostic models in lymphomas
a. Integration of molecular and clinical parameters in the evaluation of patients with
b. The role of PET.
The following studies are currently underway:
1. OSI-LND-001 - Phase I study of Inotuzumab
Ozogamicin (CMC-544) in combination with
Temsirolimus (CCI-779) in patients with relapsed or refractory CD22-positive B-cell Non
Hodgkin’s Lymphomas.
Lead investigator: A. Stathis.
Phase I study for patients with lymphomas
promoted by the IOSI, with the participation of
three Swiss centres (IOSI, St Gallen and Berne).
2. IELSG – Prospective studies
• IELSG 30
Phase II study of R-CHOP with intensive CNS
prophylaxis and scrotal irradiation in patients
Scientific Report 2012
with primary testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Lead investigators: U. Vitolo, E. Zucca.
Randomized phase II trial on primary chemotherapy with high-dose methotrexate and highdose cytarabine with or without thiotepa, and
with or without rituximab, followed by brain irradiation vs high-dose chemotherapy supported
by autologous stem cell transplants for immunocompetent patients with newly diagnosed
primary CNS lymphoma
Lead investigators: A. Ferreri, G. Illerhaus, E.
Multicenter phase II study to assess the clinical activity and safety profile of everolimus
(RAD001) in marginal zone B-cell lymphomas
Lead investigators: E. Zucca, A. Conconi.
Bendamustine and Rituximab for the treatment of Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma - An
IELSG phase II prospective study
Lead investigators: E. Iannitto, C. Thieblemont,
C. Montalban.
Randomized open-label multicenter two-arm
phase III comparative study assessing the
role of involved mediastinal radiotherapy after
Rituximab containing chemotherapy regimens
to patients with newly diagnosed Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma (PMLBCL)
Lead investigators: M. Martelli, A.J. Davies, M.
Gospodarowicz, E. Zucca.
3. IELSG – Retrospective studies
• IELSG 17
Multi-institutional retrospective analysis of intravascular lymphomatosis
Lead investigators: A. Ferreri e M. Ponzoni.
• IELSG 31
Retrospective international study of primary extranodal follicular lymphoma
Lead investigators: E. Zucca, B. Pro, M. Federico.
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
A. Gullermo Lopez.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, SNSF, Lega svizzera contro il cancro, Oncosuisse, Mundipharma and Novartis.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Conconi A, Ponzio C, Lobetti-Bodoni C, Motta
M, Rancoita PM, Stathis A et al. "Incidence,
risk factors and outcome of histological transformation in follicular lymphoma". Br J Haematol 2012; 157(2): 188-96.
• Ribrag V, Caballero D, Ferme C, Zucca E, Arranz R, Briones J et al. "Multicenter phase II
study of plitidepsin in patients with relapsed/
refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma". Haematologica 2013; 98(3): 357-63 Epub 2012 Oct
• Ferreri AJ, Govi S, Pasini E, Mappa S, Bertoni
F, Zaja F et al. "Chlamydophila Psittaci Eradication With Doxycycline As First-Line Targeted
Therapy for Ocular Adnexae Lymphoma: Final
Results of an International Phase II Trial". J Clin
Oncol. 2012; 30(24): 2988-94.
• Nicolosi Guidicelli S, Lopez-Guillermo A, Falcone
U, Conconi A, Christinat A, Rodriguez-Abreu D,
et al. "Hepatitis C virus and GBV-C virus prevalence among patients with B-cell lymphoma
in different European regions: a case-control
study of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group". Hematol Oncol 2012; 30(3):
• Joerger M, Ferreri AJ, Krähenbühl S, Schellens
JH, Cerny T, Zucca E et al. "Dosing algorithm to
target a predefined AUC in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma receiving
high-dose methotrexate". Br J Clin Pharmacol.
2012; 73(2): 240-7.
Chapters of books in 2012
Ponzoni M, Glass J. Zucca E. Intravascular Lym-
phoma of the CNS. Chapter 14 in Batchelor
T, DeAngelis L.M. (eds). Lymphoma and Leukemia of the Nervous System. Second Edition.
Springer Science+Business Medi, LLC 2012 doi
Conference communications in 2012
• Ceriani L, Zucca E, Zinzani PL, Ferreri AJM,
Vitolo U, Stelitano C, et al. Poster (No.1566):
"Role of positron emission tomography (PET/
CT) in primary mediastinal large B cell lymphoma (PMLBCL): preliminary results of an
international phase II trial (IELSG-26 study)
conducted on behalf of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG), the
Fondazione Italiana Linfomi (FIL) and the UK
NCRI Lymphoma Group". ASH, Atlanta 8-11th
December 2012.
• Govi S, Pasini E, Mappa S, Bertoni F, Zaja F,
Montalbán C, et al. on behalf of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG).
17th Annual Congress European Haematology Association (EHA). Oral communication
(No.1116): "Chlamydophila psittaci eradication
with doxycycline is an active first-line targeted
therapy for ocular adnexae lymphoma: final
results of an international phase II prospective
study (IELSG-27)". EHA, Amsterdam 14-17th
June 2012.
1.6.3 Breast Cancer Unit
Olivia Pagani MD
Head Service at IOSI
The group promotes clinical research into breast
cancer, developing and participating in national
and international clinical studies for the prevention, treatment and precautionary post-operative
therapy at advanced stages of the disease.
The research is carried out within the SAKK and
the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG), where the doctor in charge of the Group (Dr
Pagani) is a member of the Scientific Committee.
This guarantees the most up-to-date and cuttingedge therapies in this important sector of oncology for patients referring to the IOSI. Moreover,
the Group has also developed research projects
to clarify fundamental aspects of the biology of this
tumour, with the collaboration of the Canton’s Institute of Pathology in Locarno and the IOSI’s experimental oncology laboratories.
Main areas of research
Lead investigators: O. Pagani, A. Christinat, S. Di
1. Three adjuvant clinical studies coordinated
by IBCSG (International Breast Cancer Study
Group) and one clinical study in collaboration
with Roche
a. IBCSG 22-00: Randomized phase III study
with low-dose maintainance chemotherapy
following precautionary chemotherapy for
breast cancer patients with estrogene and
progesterone receptors negative.
b. IBCSG 25-02 (TEXT Bone Substudy): substudy to assess the effect of the study
drugs (ovarian suppression + Tamoxifen or
Exemestane) on bone density.
c. IBCSG 35-07 (SOLE): randomized phase III
study with continuous or intermittent Letrozole, after 4-6 years of adjuvant therapy, in
post-menopausal women with breast cancer with hormone receptors positive.
d. SAFE-HER: Phase III non-randomized study
to assess the safety of administering subcutaneously adjuvant Herceptin® in patients with HER2 positive breast cancer.
2. Three clinical studies with the disease at an
advanced stage and two of prevention coordinated by SAKK
a. SAKK 22/99: Randomized phase III study
with Herceptin alone, followed by Herceptin
plus chemotherapy versus Herceptin and
chemotherapy in patients with metastatic
HER-2 positive breast cancer.
b. SAKK 24/09: Randomized Phase III study
Scientific Report 2012
comparing the tolerability and safety of bevacizumab and paclitaxel versus bevacizumab, capecitabine and cyclophosphamide in
patients with metastatic cancer.
c. SAKK 21/08: Double blind randomized
phase II study, with Fulvestrant with or without AZD6244 or placebo, in patients with
breast cancer in progression with an aromatase inhibitor.
d. IBIS II: International preventive study with
Anastrozolo vs placebo in postmenopausal
women with an increased risk of breast
e. IBIS II: International study with Anastrozolo
vs Tamoxifen in menopausal patients with
3. Observational study in young patients coordinated by FSE (Frontier Southern Europe)
Helping Ourselves, Helping Others: analyzing
and monitoring various aspects (medical, demographic, psychological and social) linked to
breast cancer at an early age.
4. Data Base CARMA
Collection of histopathological and clinical information from IOSI patients until 2007 to assess
the impact of prognostic and predictive factors
identified at diagnosis with the outcome.
5. International research program on pregnancy
after breast cancer
Collaboration between BIG (Breast International Group) and NABCG (North American Breast
Cancer Group).
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC and non-competitive external funding.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Regan MM, Leyland-Jones B, Bouzyk M, Pagani
O, et al. "CYP2D6 Genotype and Tamoxifen Response in Postmenopausal Women with Endocrine-Responsive Breast Cancer: The Breast
International Group 1-98 Trial". J Natl Cancer
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
Inst. 2012; 104(6): 441-51.
• Cardoso F, Costa A, Norton L, Cameron D,
Cufer T, Fallowfield L, Francis P, Gligorov J,
Kyriakides S, Lin N, Pagani O, et al. "1st International consensus guidelines for advanced
breast cancer (ABC 1)". The Breast 2012; 21:
• Cardoso F, Loibl S, Pagani O, et al. "The European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists recommendations for the management of young
women with breast cancer". Eur J Cancer
2012; 48: 3355–77.
• Ribi K, Aldridge J, Phillips KA, Thompson A,
Harvey V, Thürlimann B, Cardoso F, Pagani O,
et al. "Subjective cognitive complaints one year
after ceasing adjuvant endocrine treatment for
early-stage breast cancer". Br J Cancer 2012;
106(10): 1618-25.
• Pagani O, Azim HA Jr. "Pregnancy after breast
cancer: myths and facts". Breast Care 2012;
7: 210–4.
Conference communications in 2012
• Pagani O. Breast Cancer in Young Women
Conference. Oral communication: "Endocrine
therapy for early breast cancer: standards
and controversies". Dublin, 8-10th November
• Pagani O. Program for Oncology Leaders in Europe. Oral communication: "How to set-up and
run a multidisciplinary tumour board". Milan,
7-9th September 2012.
• Pagani O. 17th SIS World Congress on Breast
Diseases. Oral communication: "Managing
breast patients in the era of molecular medicine: adjuvant adjustment based on genetic
signatures". Salvador, Bahia, 10-13th October
• Pagani O. 8th European Breast Cancer
Conference (EBCC-8). Oral communication:
"Advanced BC Clinics: more questions than answers". 21st-23rd March 2012.
• Pagani O. Summer School in Public Health
Policy, Economics and Management. Oral communication: "Prevention strategies against
cancer". Lugano, 20-25th August 2012.
1.6.4 Gastrointestinal Cancer Group
Piercarlo Saletti MD
Deputy Head Doctor of Medical Oncology Service
The group promotes clinical and translational research into cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, thanks to the collaboration with the
Cantonal Institute of Pathology in Locarno (ICP),
the possible predictive role of specific molecular
markers are being assessed for this type of tumour.
Main areas of research
1. Molecular predictive factors in patients undergoing surgery for gastric cancer who underwent adjuvant chemotherapy based on cisplatin (in collaboration with ICP)
2. Molecular predictive factors in patients operated on for colon cancer receiving adjuvant
chemotherapy based on oxoplatino (in collaboration with ICP)
3. Molecular characterization (EGFR pathway) in
adenocarcinomas of the small intestine (in collaboration with ICP)
4. Overexpression of HER2 as a mechanism of resistance in patients with metastatic carcinoma
of the colon and treated with anti-EGFR (in collaboration with ICP)
5. Clinical phase II/III studies as part of the GI
SAKK group (hepatocellular, colorectal, esophageal), promoted by pharmaceutical com-
panies (pancreas)
6. Clinical studies of phase I with molecular targeted therapy, oriented towards tumours of
the gastrointestinal tract
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC and non-competitive external funding.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Crippa S, Saletti P, Barizzi J, Mazzucchelli L.
"The clinical management in familial adenomatous polyposis deserves continuous monitoring
for thyroid carcinoma". BMJ Case Rep. 2012
Nov 15; 2012. doi:pii: bcr2012007046.
• Helbling D, Bodoky G, Gautschi O, Sun H, Bosman F, Gloor B, Burkhard R, Winterhalder R,
Madlung A, Rauch D, Saletti P, Widmer L,
Borner M, Baertschi D, Yan P, Benhattar J,
Leibundgut EO, Bougel S, Koeberle D. "Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with or without panitumumab in patients with wild-type KRAS, locally
advanced rectal cancer (LARC): a randomized,
multicenter, phase II trial SAKK 41/07". Ann
Oncol. 2012 Nov 8. [Epub ahead of print].
• Christensen J, El-Gebali S, Natoli M, Sengstag T, Delorenzi M, Bentz S, Bouzourene H,
Rumbo M, Felsani A, Siissalo S, Hirvonen J,
Vila MR, Saletti P, Aguet M, Anderle P. "Defining new criteria for selection of cell-based
intestinal models using publicly available databases". BMC Genomics 2012; 13:274. doi:
• Miranda C, Nucifora M, Molinari F, Conca E,
Anania MC, Bordoni A, Saletti P, Mazzucchelli
L, Pilotti S, Pierotti MA, Tamborini E, Greco A,
Frattini M. "KRAS and BRAF mutations predict
primary resistance to imatinib in gastrointestinal stromal tumours". Clin Cancer Res 2012;
18(6): 1769-76. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.
CCR-11-2230. Epub 2012 Jan 26.
Scientific Report 2012
• Reni M, Balzano G, Aprile G, Cereda S, Passoni
P, Zerbi A, Tronconi MC, Milandri C, Saletti P,
Rognone A, Fugazza C, Magli A, Di Muzio N, Di
Carlo V, Villa E. "Adjuvant PEFG (cisplatin, epirubicin, 5-fluorouracil, gemcitabine) or gemcitabine followed by chemoradiation in pancreatic
cancer: a randomized phase II trial". Ann Surg
Oncol 2012; 19(7): 2256-63. doi: 10.1245/
s10434-011-2205-2. Epub 2012 Jan 12.
• Dienstmann R, De Dosso S, Felip E, Tabernero
J. "Drug development to overcome resistance to EGFR inhibitors in lung and colorectal
cancer". Mol Oncol. 2012; 6(1): 15-26. doi:
December 2011. The patients recruited were
invited to carry out a program of art therapy
during their time in hospital and the reasons
for their choices (positive or negative) were
collected using a questionnaire. The patients
who then took part in the program were given
another questionnaire with open questions in
order to analyze the benefits they felt they had
received. While there was a low level of adherence to the program (14%), those who took
part felt that the program was very useful. The
art-therapist went on to carry out a thematic
analysis of the drawings. The research has
been completed, but not yet published in full.
With this in mind, a Nursing Research and Development Office has been set up within the IOSI
Nursing Service, headed by Monica Bianchi MSc,
nursing and obstetrics, under the responsability of
Dario Valcarenghi MSc, nursing and obstetrics.
2. Pain monitoring at IOSI: what stage are we at?
Lead investigator: D. Valcarenghi.
The purpose of this study was to assess how
well the IOSI pain monitoring program was
working some years after it was first set up. Assessment was carried out on the prevalence of
this symptom among oncology inpatients, the
percentage of cases involving pain that was
difficult to control and as regards the role of
nurses, how the specific evaluation forms for
this problem were administered and filled in.
Than a retrospective analysis of the medical records of all patients admitted to the IOSI in the
last three months of 2010 (198 patients was
carried out). 57% of the patients suffered pain,
but this was successfully dealt with, especially
through the use of drugs, although there is still
room for improvement as regards the monitoring of the symptom by nurses. The research
has been completed, but not yet published in
Main areas of research
1. The inclusion of a program of art therapy for
cancer patients admitted to the IOSI: a pilot
Lead investigator: D. Valcarenghi.
The purpose of the study was to assess the
impact of a program of art therapy on cancer
patients admitted to the IOSI between May and
3. The use of central venous catheters for peripheral insertion (PICC) in IOSI: assessment of the
Lead investigator: M. Bianchi.
The purpose of this study, which began in May
2011, is to monitor the effects of the use of
PICC in patients, especially cancer patients,
who have had the vascular aid inserted.
1.7 IOSI Nursing Service
In recent years the EOC Nursing Service has
gradually been moving from a functional to a more
patient-centred system. The nursing situation is
continually evolving with the goal of creating a true
system of global treatment based on relationships.
In addition research into nursing is being developed to further improve the treatment of patients.
It is only possible to promote and fully support the
role, image and professionality of nurses as an
indispensible element in ensuring personalized,
competent treatment in the health sector through
multidisciplinary relations and the development of
the necessary expertise in dealing with patients.
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
The data were collected systematically in a
database and will be used periodically for the
assessment and correction of ongoing procedures. For each complication detected, indepth analysis will be performed to identify the
possible causes and the data obtained will be
compared with those in international literature.
By the end of 2012, 112 PICCs had been applied and the study is still ongoing.
4. Look Good – Feel Better workshops: an opportunity for cancer patients at IOSI?
Lead investigator: M. Bianchi.
The purpose of the study, which began in January 2012, is to assess the effects of voluntary
participation in the Look Good – Feel Better
workshops, where patients learn under the
advice of expert beauticians to enhance their
body image, offset in part by changes determined by the physical oncological pathology
and/or treatment received. The assessment
is carried out by twice administering the Body
Image Scale (BIS), an internationally validated
scale which has already been translated into
Italian. The scale is first applied to patients
prior to their participation in the workshops
and then approximately 8 weeks afterwards.
In 2012, six workshops were carried out and
30 women agreed to participate in the study,
which is still underway.
5. Educating patients regarding oral drug treatment for cancer
Lead investigator: D. Valcarenghi.
The aim of this study is to investigate how
well the IOSI has activated an educational program for new out-patients being treated with
oral anti-tumour drugs. In particular we will
be looking at the educational approach used
by nursing staff (content and methods, and
the significance they attribute to them) to see
whether it is considered effective and meets
the patients’ educational needs. Secondly, we
will be endeavouring to understand whether
other factors (organizational or cultural) could
condition this learning process. The study is
mixed, in terms of both quantity and quality,
and should take one year to complete. It will be
carried out in two IOSI day clinics (Lugano and
Bellinzona), and the data will be collected from
both patients (using questionnaires and semistructured interviews) and nursing staff (using
a focus group).
Main funding obtained in 2012
Peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed publications
in 2012 (selection)
• Pedrazzani C, Valcarenghi D, Bianchi M. 91
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA)
in the Elder Cancer Patient – Implications in
Nursing Decision-making Process. European
Journal of Oncology Nursing 2012; 16 (S1):
• Bianchi M, Valcarenghi D. Establishing a PICC
(Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters) Team
at the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland - an opportunity for patients, nurses and
health service. Schweizer Krebsbulletin 2012;
3: 226-228.
Conference communications in 2012
• Willems Cavalli Y. 2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC. Infermieri EOC: co-protagonisti nel
sistema sanitario che cambia. Oral communication: "Cure infermieristiche in movimento,
quale futuro?". Lugano, May 2012.
• Willems Cavalli Y. SVPL-Kongress 2012. Transformation in der Führung. Oral communication:
"Von Transformation in der Führung zur Transformation der Pflegepraxis: von Inspiration zu
Ergebnissen". Berne, October 2012.
• Bianchi M, Broggini L, Pedrazzoli-Hutz C, TosiCasado S, Valcarenghi D. 2a Giornata della
Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana 2012.
Abstract (abstract book, No. 46) and poster:
Scientific Report 2012
"L'inserimento di un programma di arte-terapia
per pazienti ricoverati allo the IOSI: uno studio
pilota". Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
• Valcarenghi D, Di Giulio P, Pedrazzani C, Bianchi M. 2a Giornata della Ricerca Clinica della
Svizzera Italiana 2012. Abstract (abstract
book, No. 16): "La sorveglianza del dolore allo
the IOSI: a che punto siamo?" Bellinzona, 23rd
March 2012.
• Bianchi M, Pedrazzani C, Valcarenghi D. 2a
Giornata della Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera
Italiana 2012. Abstract (abstract book, No.
18) e poster: "Le esigenze e le proposte degli
infermieri dell’Oncology Institute of Southern
Switzerland rispetto all'EBP: presentazione di
alcuni risultati". Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
• Zanon M, Foletti F, Bianchi M. 2° Congresso
Infermieristico EOC "Infermieri EOC:co-protagonisti nel sistema sanitario che cambia". Abstract e poster: "Progetto d'implementazione
del Primary Nursing presso l'ambulatorio the
IOSI di Bellinzona". Bellinzona, 9th May 2012.
Awards 2012
Förderpreis 2012 der Onkologiepflege Schweiz
- First prize for the project: "The development of
nursing care: the creation of a PICC Team at the
Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland"; published in: Bianchi M, Pedrazzani C, Pedrazzoli C,
Tosi S, Zanon M, Valcarenghi D, et al. "I cateteri
venosi centrali a impianto periferico: un'opportunità
per lo sviluppo delle cure infermieristiche?" Onkologieplege - Soins en oncologie 2012; 3:23-24.
• Pedrazzani C, Valcarenghi D, Bianchi M. 8
EONS Spring Convention 2012. Abstract e
poster: "Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
(CGA) in the elder cancer patient: implications
in nursing decision-making process". Geneva,
26-27th April 2012.
1. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
Neurocenter of
Southern Switzerland
Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland (NSI)
Fabrizio Barazzoni MD MPH
Head of Department, a.i.
The NSI is a functional-type organizational structure which operates transversally between hospitals, grouping together the services of neurology,
neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neuroanesthesia,
early neurorehabilitation and neurosciences (clinical and basic research), to promote and apply an
inter- and multi-disciplinary approach to diagnosis
and treatment, as well as carrying out teaching
and research in the field of diseases of the nervous system, while at the same time aiming to create highly-specialized centres (such as the stroke
Following planning which ended in 2008, the NSI
was officially set up and opened on 1 July 2009.
It offers patients a cutting-edge approach to neurological diseases and their treatment, and to patients' safety considering diagnosis, treatment and
rehabilation from the early stages of the disease
up to discharge.
With the creation of the NSI, it was decided to
fund clinical and basic research in the field of the
neurosciences. This resulted in the creation of an
experimental laboratory IRB and the setting up of
the CTU, which, under Prof J. C. Möller, Head of
Neurology, together with a similar structure, the
IOSI, under Prof. C. Sessa, make up the CTU-EOC.
The NSI also collaborates with the Hildebrand Rehabilitation Clinic in Brissago in the field of neurorehabilitation.
The research is financed by competitive funding
(such as the National Research Fund) and noncompetitive funding (pharmaceutical companies,
foundations etc).
The annual budget for basic research in the NSI is
around CHF 340,000, excluding the CTU's costs.
Main areas of research of the NSI
2.1 Neurology Service
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
National epidemiological registry (SMSC) – collec-
Scientific Report 2012
tion of personal, clinical and radiology data and labor/liquor parameters in MS patients: C. Gobbi, C.
Zecca, M. Adami, U. Candrian, E. Pravatà, F. Keller.
TY720D2406 (PASS), EMR200136-532 (SOLAR), 205MS301 (DECIDE), WA21092 (OPERA I), WA25046 (ORATORIO), PERSIST.
EOC.NSI.12.02: C. Gobbi, C. Zecca, E. Pravatà. Research on possible objective radiological correlations of fatigue in patients suffering from MS.
Sleep and epileptology
• Autonomic function and cardio-vascular risk in
patients with restless legs syndrome - the Auto-REST study. M. Manconi, S. Fulda, C. Cereda,
C. Bassetti, A. Salvadè, F. Baracchi, A. Auricchio, C. Carelli.
• EOC.NSI.11.01: C Gobbi, C Zecca. The study
tests the clinical and radiological effectiveness
of an immunomodulator following therapy with
• EOC.NC.10.04: C. Gobbi, C. Zecca. Examination
of the effectiveness and safety of an oral taper
after bolus steroids in MS.
• CORE: C Gobbi, C Zecca. The study tests the tollerance and acceptability of immunomodulators.
• Participation in the following multicenter studies: AC-058B202-MS, CBAF312A2201E1
2. Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland (NSI)
• Animal models of restless legs syndrome and
periodic movements of the lower limbs: the
role of an antidopaminergic drug. M. Manconi,
S. Fulda, A. Salvadè, in collaboration with S. Clemens, Greenville, USA.
• Animal models of restless legs syndrome and
periodic movements of the lower limbs: the
role of mirtazapine. M. Manconi, S. Fulda, A.
Salvadè, in collaboration with M. Esteves, San
Paulo, Brasil.
• Analysis of the correlation between periodic
movements of the lower limbs and respiratory
sleeping disorders. M. Manconi, S. Fulda, in collaboration with R. Ferri, Troina, Italy, and J. Winkelmann, Boston, USA.
• Effects of benzodiazepine abuse in insomniacs
on the structure of sleep and their cognitive
functions. M. Manconi, M. Maestri.
• Treatment of augmentation in patients with
restless legs syndrome after prolonged release dopamine agonists. M. Manconi, M.
Maestri, S. Fulda.
• High-density EEG in normal and pathological
(parasomnias) sleep. M. Manconi, I. Pisarenco,
in collaboration with F. Faraci, Manno, Switzerland (SUPSI).
• Evaluation of the polysomnographic and breathing variables following an ischemic stroke (SASCARE study). C. Bassetti.
Parkinson's disease
• The role of sleep homeostasis in the development of dyskinesia brought on by L-Dopa in
patients suffering from advanced stage Parkinson's disease. S. Galati, C. Möller, C. Städler.
• Fatigue, sleepiness and psychiatric symptoms
in multiple sclerosis. M. Caporro, M. Manconi,
C. Gobbi, S. Fulda, C. Zecca, A. Pratesi.
• EEG patterns and functional correlations in transitory global amnesia. P. Agazzi, I. Pisarenco, C.
Prosperetti, M. Manconi.
• The role of sleep homeostasis in the development of dyskinesia brought on by levodopa:
electrophysiological and molecular analysis in
the animal model of Parkinson's disease. S. Galati, C. Möller, M. Pace, C. Städler.
• Disperception in sleep and psychological variables of personality in primary insomnia. M.
Manconi, F. Drovandi, in collaboration with P.
Schulz, Lugano, Switzerland (USI).
• Electrophysiological effects of acute blocking
of the nigrostriatal pathways on cortex striate
interplay. C. Prosperetti, C. Möller, S. Galati, in
collaboration with A. Stefani, Rome, Italy.
Scientific Report 2012
• Time course of the development of the pathological beta band in the animal models for Parkinson's and its significance in the course of the
development of dyskinesia. Electrophysiological
study of the animal model of Parkinson's disease. S. Galati, C. Möller.
• Prevalence of movement disorders in the population of Ticino – biobank. C. Städler, S. Galati,
C. Möller.
• Prospective EOC Stroke Unit registry (RADIAL).
C. Cereda, C. Städler, L. Biancon Montaperto,
J. Andreotti.
• Multicenter study of sleep apnea syndrome in
acute SAS stroke and in the post-stroke phase
analysing the impact of CPAP therapy in secondary cerebral and cardiovascular prevention. C. Cereda, M. Pons, A. Azzola, M. Manconi,
L. Petrini, C. Städler, A. Gallino; in collaboration
with C. Bassetti, Berna, L. Nobili, Milano, Italy, P.
Young, Münster, Germany and P. Lavie, Haifa,
2. Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland (NSI)
• Rehabilitation combined with bihemispheric
transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with subacute stroke in order to recover
movement in the upper limbs - Study "Re.Com.
Bi.Ne (Rehabilitation Combined with Bihemispheric Neuromodulation) post-stroke study".
C. Cereda, G. Bianco, C. Möller, in collaboration
with F. Conti, Brissago, D. Zutter, Zihlschlacht
and R. Müri, Berne, Switzerland.
• Prospective registry of strokes affecting the
insula. C. Cereda, in collaboration with F. Lemieux, Montreal, Canada.
• Participation in the following multicenter studies: SWISS (NCT00811538), SYSS; 15-city
2.2 Neurosurgery Service
During 2012 no relevant research was carried
out. The new Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Prof. M. Reinert, began working at the NSI
in January 2013.
2.3 Neuroradiology Service
• fMRI and fatigue in patients with MS. A. Cianfoni, E. Pravatà, in collaboration with C. Gobbi,
Neurology Division.
• Other research protocols on MS. A. Cianfoni, E.
Pravatà, in collaboration with Dr C. Gobbi, Neurology Division.
• The role of tumour ablation and percutaneous
cementoplasty in neoplasms of the spinal cord
(a retrospective study). A. Cianfoni.
2.4 Pain Management Center
• Facilitating the rapport with the patient: five
questions to understand his point of view. P.
Maino, C. Möller, M. Raimondi, C. Gobbi, in collaboration with C. Zanini and S. Rubinelli, Nottwil.
• Pain for the doctor and the patient, how to communicate and how to understand it P. Maino,
in collaboration with C. Zanini and S. Rubinelli,
• Accidental injection into the soft tissue of medicines for filling intrathecal pumps: increased
risk without an x-ray. P. Maino, C. Möller.
• Stimulation of the dorsal root gangli in the
treatment of refractory neuropathic pains in
parts of the body that are difficult to cover. P.
Maino, C. Möller.
2.5 Neurosciences
Scientific activities, with particular reference to
basic research, are listed under their respective
clinical service. The CTU-EOC, which has a unit in
the NSI, is presented in a separate section.
Main funding obtained in 2012
SNSF, ABREOC, UCB, "Fondazione per lo studio
delle malattie neurodegenerative", "Fondazione
Svizzera di Cardiologia", private funds and pharmaceutical companies.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Zecca C, Cereda C, Wetzel S, Tschuor S, Staedler C, Santini F, Nadarajah N, Bassetti C,
Gobbi C. "Diffusion-weighted imaging in acute
demyelinating myelopathy". Neuroradiology
2012; 54:573-8.
• Zecca C, Yawalkar N, Gobbi C. "Improvement
of interferon-beta related skin reactions after
diluent halving: first experience of five patients".
Pat Pref Adher 2012;6:565-7.
• Manconi M, Ferri R, Zucconi M, Bassetti CL,
Fulda S, Aricò D, et al. "Dissociation of periodic
leg movements from arousals in restless legs
syndrome". Ann Neurol 2012; (6) 71:834-44.
• Ferri R, Manconi M, Plazzi G, Bruni O, Cosentino FI, Ferini-Strambi L, et al. "Leg movements
during wakefulness in restless legs syndrome:
time structure and relationships with periodic leg movements during sleep". Sleep Med
2012; 13: 529-35.
• Cereda CW, Petrini L, Azzola A, Ciccone A,
Fischer U, Gallino A, et al. "Sleep disordered
breathing in acute ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack: effects on short- and
long-term outcome and efficacy of treatment
with continuous positive airways pressure - rationale and design of the SAS CARE study". Int
J Stroke 2012; 7: 597-603.
Conference communications in 2012
• Zecca C, Meier DS, Tschuor S, Nadarajah N,
Cotto F, Sintzel M, et al. ECTRIMS. Poster: "Natalizumab de-escalation to interferon beta 1b
in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, controlled,
pilot trial." Lyon, October 2012.
• Zecca C, Yawalkar N, Gobbi C. Riunione della
Società Svizzera di Neurologia. Oral presentation: "Diluent halving: a new strategy to optimize
interferon beta-1b-related skin reactions?" Lugano, May 2012.
Scientific Report 2012
• Galati S, Möller JC, Ferrazzoli D. Riunione della
Società Svizzera di Neurologia. Poster: "Pathological synchronization of the rat basal ganglia
following the functional blockade of the nigrostriatal pathway." Lugano, May 2012.
• Cereda C, Tamisier R, Andreotti J, Bassetti
C. Annual Meeting of the American Society
of Neurology. Oral presentation: "Endothelial
Dysfunction and Arterial Stiffness in Ischemic
Stroke: the role of Sleep Disordered Breathing". New Orleans, April 2012.
• Massari F, Rumboldt Z, Bonaldi G, Vandergrift
AW, Cianfoni A. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology. Poster: "Imageguided cervical spine procedures". New York,
April 2012.
Awards 2012
• M. Manconi MD received the "SGKN" Preis
(prize of the Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology) for the best oral presentation at the
Swiss neurological Society Congress (Lugano
2012) on the topic "Dissociation of periodic
leg movements from arousals in restless legs
• M. Maestri MD in October 2012 received the
"Franco Ferrillo" prize from the Italian Association of Sleep Medicine for the best oral presentation entitled "Efficacy prolonged release
pramipexole in the management of augmentation in restless legs syndrome".
• S. Galati MD in May 2012 received the Déjérine-Dubois prize from the Swiss Neurology
Society for "Pathological synchronization of the
rat basal ganglia following the functional blockade of the nigro-striatal pathway".
2. Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland (NSI)
EOC Multisite Departments
and Services
EOC Multisite Departments and Services
The multisite Departments and Services are structures which are transversal to all institutes and are
an organizational mode of clinical management.
The Departments are, as a rule, the functional and
organizational integration of operational units that
are homogeneous, similar, or complementary to
and mutually dependent on one another, sharing
the same goals – goals which could not otherwise
be achieved. They are, however, clinically autonomous, with their own separate professional responsibility.
The Departments are made up of services, divisions and units of competency, grouped according
to nosology, function and size. The needs for clinical governance are also taken into account in the
organization of the Departments.
The EOC Department of Surgery guarantees highquality localized surgical assistance, either planned
or in emergency situations, making use of the specific specialized competencies of the Department,
and it aims to be the best solution to harmonize and
rationalize the facilities for surgery in the Canton.
Prof. Raffaele Rosso MD
Head of EOC Department of Surgery and Head
Surgeon of the Regional Hospital of Lugano
Main areas of research
The following studies are currently underway:
• Two techniques for the treatment of sacrococcygeal cysts: a randomized and controlled
study (Regional Hospital of Lugano)
The Department has a functional type of organizational structure, and is managed and coordinated
by the Department Board. The rules adopted for
• Feasibility of a program for abdominal aortic
aneurysm ultrasound screening in the population served by the Regional Hospital of Lugano
3.1 EOC Department of Surgery
its functioning are based on the fundamental principles of shared clinical governance (accountability, participation, transparency and management).
The Department is organized using a multisite approach, providing a gateway to general surgical
services for each region, and can advise and direct
patients who need to undergo highly complex surgery to the appropriate reference centres.
Scientific Report 2012
(Regional Hospital of Lugano)
• Isolation and characterization of cancer stem
cells from colorectal carcinoma (Regional Hospital of Lugano and Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli). This study was carried out in
collaboration with the University of Basel it is a
retrospective study on HAL/RAR (ultrasoundguided haemorrhoid artery ligatation and rectoanal repair) in the treatment of haemorroids
(Regional Hospital of Mendrisio)
• Retrospective study on the conservative treatment of proximal humeral fractures (Regional
Hospital of Mendrisio)
• SAKK Study 40/04 on the type of reconstruction following low anterior resection of the
rectum with total mesorectal excision in the
treatment of low rectal carcinoma (Regional
Hospital of Mendrisio)
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, University of Basel, SIAK.
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Van den Berg JC, Pedrotti M, Canevascini R,
Chimchila Chevili S, Giovannacci L, Rosso R.
"Endovascular treatment of in-stent restenosis
using excimer laser angioplasty and drug eluting
balloons". J cardiovasc surg 2012; 53: 215-22.
• Christoforidis D, Clerc D, Demartines N. "Transrectal specimen extraction after laparoscopic
left colectomy: a case-matched study". Colorectal Diseases. Epub 2012 Oct 3. doi: 10.1111/
codi.12006, in press 2013.
• Lübbeke A, Garavaglia G, Rothman KJ, Bonvin
A, Roussos C, Miozzari H, Hoffmeyer P. "Statins
may reduce femoral osteolysis in patients with
total Hip arthroplasty". J Orthop Res. 2012
Nov 8. doi: 10.1002/jor.22262.
• Bianchi V, Spitale A, Mazzucchelli L, Bordoni A
and the QC Working Group. Quality Indicators
of Clinical Cancer Care (QC) in the territory of
Canton Ticino: a population-based study. Bulletin Suisse du Cancer 2012; 3: 205-208.
Thoracic Surgery Unit –
Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
André Dutly MD PD
Head Surgeon
The Thoracic Surgery Unit is situated in the Bellinzona branch of the Regional Hospital of Bellinzona
and Valli.
The Unit guarantees complete, immediate and
high-quality all-round care for patients suffering
from lung cancer, chest wall tumours, mediastinal
disorders, secondary chest neoplasms, as well as
non-neoplastic lung diseases, such as pneumothorax, pleurisy and empyema deposits.
The high standard of treatment is guaranteed not
only by the use of mini-invasive surgical techniques
(VATS –Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery) and
state-of-the-art equipment (digital detection of air
loss following lung surgery; microsutures, robotic
thoracic surgery), but also by the multidisciplinary
approach used in thoracic surgery when managing oncology patients.
Main areas of research
• André Dutly MD PD coordinated a "Systematic
international multicenter review" focused on
understanding the current role of personalized
therapies in non-small-cell lung cancers. This
important attention to the onco-genome applied
to lung cancer has enabled collaboration between the thoracic surgery unit of the EOC with
the University of Milan, the Università Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore of Rome, the "Centro Oncologico Fiorentino (Florence Cancer Centre)" and
various Italian Scientific Institutes for Research
Hospitalization and Health Care (IRCCS).
• Review of pulmonary adenocarcinoma classification
• New surgical and peri-operative management
techniques of patients undergoing pulmonary
• Role of major surgical treatment in elderly patients
It is believed that a careful assessment of elderly patients in the decisional phase, performance status, general clinical conditions, the
possibility of carrying out an operation for therapeutic purposes and the wishes of the patient
are determining factors in the decisional workup and that age alone cannot be considered an
excluding factor.
To this end, a multicenter scientific collaboration is currently underway with the thoracic
surgery unit of the University Hospital of Zürich
(Prof. Weder) aimed at the surgical and oncological assessment of outcome in patients
over-80 undergoing thoracic surgery.
Conference communications in 2012
• Giuliani M, Matarrelli E, Carboni G, Karoubi G,
Dutly AE. Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss
Society of Pneumology, Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Swiss Society for Thoracic
Surgery, Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric
Medical Society. Crans-Montana, 25-27 April
2012. "Feasibility study of ePTFE suture in
sleeve lobectomy".
Published in: Internationa Journal of Thoracic
Medicine – Respiration 2012; 84: 49.
• Matarrelli E, Giuliani M, Dutly AE. on behalf of
pneumoclub Ticino. Joint Annual Meeting of
the Swiss Society of Pneumology, Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Swiss Society for
Thoracic Surgery, Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Society. Crans-Montana, 2527 April 2012. "Suitability of Thoracoscopic
wedge resection for day surgery".
Published in: International Journal of Thoracic
Medicine – Respiration 2012; 84: 50.
• Cafarotti S, Giuliani M, Matarelli E, Karoubi G,
Carboni G, Dutly AE.
Congresso Nazionale Italiano della FONICAP Forza operativa nazionale contro il cancro del
polmone. Poster: "E’ fattibile la resezione cunei-
Scientific Report 2012
forme toracoscopica ambulatoriale?". Verona,
November 2012.
• Cafarotti S, Matarelli E, Giuliani M, Karoubi
G, Carboni G, Dutly AE. Congresso Nazionale
Italiano della FONICAP - Forza operativa nazionale contro il cancro del polmone.
Poster: "Studio di fattibilità nell’utilizzo della
sutura ePTFE nella sleeve lobectomy". Verona,
November 2012.
Hand Surgery Unit
Daniele De Spirito MD,
Regional Hospital of Lugano
Cesare Fusetti MD,
Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
Stefano Lucchina MD,
Regional Hospital of Locarno
Alain Thebaud MD,
Regional Hospital of Mendrisio
The Hand Surgery Unit, together with hospital and
health service partners, provides diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation services for upper limb diseases and injuries.
Its activities include the treatment of arthrosis and
rheumatic diseases, lesions of tendons or nerves,
tendinitis and nerve inflammation, fractures of the
hand and the upper limb, accidents at work, sports
injuries, musician and artist pathologies, occupational diseases, functional overload syndromes
and aesthetic microsurgery. As regards the hand,
in particular, the Unit deals with reconstruction after amputation or complex lesions, reconstructive
microsurgery, paralysis of the peripheral nerves,
microsurgery of the skin and blood vessels, trigger
finger, Dupuytren disease, carpal tunnel syndrome,
reconstruction of congenital malformations, funtional surgery for patients affected by congenital/
acquired spasticities or cerebral paralyses, and
surgical treatment of the paediatric hand.
Main areas of research
• Sonographic follow-up of patients with cubital
tunnel syndrome (CTS) undergong open neurolysis in situ or endoscopic: a prospective study
Sonographic examination is a useful technique
in the assessment of the follow-up of patients
undergoing surgical treatment for cubital tunnel syndrome (CTS).
There is, moreover, a direct correlation between the values of the cross section area
(CSA) of the ulnar nerve determined by sonographic examination and the clinical pre- and
post-operative state in patients undergoing ulnar nerve decompression at the elbow. The aim
of the study is to compare the clinical results of
open release and endoscopically assisted cubital tunnel release who encounter decompression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow using the
differences found by sonographic examination
of the cross section area (CSA) of the ulnar
nerve, seeking an association between the clinical results and the CSA.
• Prospective study comparing the treatment of
fractures of the fifth metacarpal neck by reduction and casting or mobilization and soft wrap/
buddy-taping (in collaboration with HUG Geneva
– Naval Hospital of San Diego and Mayo Clinic,
• Study of the correlation between pain in the
shoulder and hand in patients with neuropathy
of the median nerve in the wrist
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Lucchina S, Fusetti C. "Revision surgery for
failed carpal tunnel release". Plast Reconstr
Surg 2012; 130 (6): 898-899.
• Lucchina S, Fusetti C, Nistor A. "Arterial grafts
are also available locally for hand reconstruction". J Hand Surg Am 2012; 37(7) : 1510-1511.
• Ferrero A, Garavaglia G, Gehri R, Maenza F, Fusetti C. "Analysis of the inter- and intraobserver
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
agreement in radiographic evaluation of wrist
fractures using the multimedia messaging service (MMS)". Hand 2011; 6(4): 384-389.
Conference communications in 2012
• Brunetti S, Fusetti C. Congrès SFCM-GEM.
"L'information médicale sur internet: patients
et tunnel carpien". Paris, December 2012.
rect patients to the appropriate reference centres.
The EOC Department of Internal Medicine was set
up to ensure high-quality localized internal medicine assistance, either planned or in emergency
situations, making full use of its specific specialized
competencies, as the best way of harmonizing and
rationalizing the facilities for this sector in the Canton.
Cardiology Service – Regional Hospital of Lugano
• Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Jahreskongress SGHSSCM 46. "Are health insurances and bureaucracy pulling back surgeons from patient care?
A fight against time". Thun, November 2012.
• Brunetti S, Fusetti C. 2012 Combined Meeting
of the ASSH and AHSS. "Inter- and intraobserver agreement in wrist fracture classification
using MMS. A prospective study". Koloa Kanai
Hawai USA, 2012.
• Brunetti S, Fusetti C. 13th European congress
of Trauma & Emergency Surgery. "MMS and
wrist fracture classification. Analysis of interand intraobserver agreement". Basel, 12-15th
May 2012.
• Lucchina S. ISSHPORT congress. "Bony mallet
options in atheletes". Miami (USA), 7th February 2012.
3.2 EOC Department of Internal Medicine
Prof. Augusto Gallino MD
Head of EOC Department of Internal Medicine and
Head Doctor of Internal Medicine of Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
The EOC Department of Internal Medicine is a functional type of organizational structure, and is managed and coordinated by the Department Board.
The rules adopted for its functioning are based on
the fundamental principles of shared clinical governance (accountability, participation, transparency and management) and it is organized using
a multisite approach, offering a gateway to general
internal medicine services, and can advise and di-
Giorgio Moschovitis MD
Head of Service
The Cardiology Service of the Regional Hospital of
Lugano assists inpatients or patients at the Emergency Department. It also provides diagnoses and
advice for outpatients referred to the Service by
both internal and external doctors.
Main areas of research:
• ACTELION study - ACT-128800 Relapsingremitting Multiple Sclerosis, Protocol AC058B202: Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group extension to study
AC-058B201 to investigate the long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy of 10, 20, and 40
md/day ACT-128800, an oral S1P1 receptor
agonist, in patients with relapsing-remetting
multiple sclerosis (in collaboration with C. Gobbi
of the NSI):
• SAS-CARE study - Sleep disordered breathing
in TIA/ischemic Stroke: effects on short- and
long-term outcome and CPAP treatment Efficacy: an open, observational, clinical, multicenter
trial with a randomized arm Clinical Phase IV.
(in collaboration with C. Cereda of the NSI and
M. Pons, Internal Medicine Head Doctor of Regional Hospital of Lugano).
• INPUT study - CTEPH after PE. Multicenter observational screening survey for the detection of
chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) following pulmonary embolism (in
collaboration with A. Azzola from the Pneumology Service of the Regional Hospital of Lugano
Scientific Report 2012
and the Swiss Society of Pulmonary Hypertension).
• Impact of cardiovascular screening with ECG
in young athletes aged 14-35, in collaboration
with A. Gallino and A. Menafoglio of the Cardiovascular Research Centre of the Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
• Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Limoni C, Siragusa P, Moschovitis G, Gallino A. American Heart
Association meeting (AHA), Los Angeles, 3-7
November, 2012. Abstract: "Comparison of
European Society of Cardiology and Circulation
criteria for interpretation of the electrocardiogram in young athletes". Published in: Circulation 2012; 126: A9479.
Collaborations are also underway with the following Swiss Hospitals:
• BEAT-AF: Basel Atrial Fibrillation Registry, with
David Conen of the University Hospital of Basel,
in collaboration with the Cardiology Service of
the Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli (M.
Di Valentino)
• Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Moschovitis G,
Gallino A, Menafoglio A. American Heart Association meeting (AHA), Los Angeles, 3-7
November, 2012. Abstract: "Malignant" early
repolarisation is relatively frequent in young
athletes". Published in: Circulation 2012; 126:
• Swiss Heart: Swiss Registry in Acute Heart Failure with Paul Mohacsi of the Berne University
Infectious Diseases Service – Regional Hospital
Peer reviewed publications in 2012
Pfister O, Evéquoz D, Mach F, Moschovitis G, Samii
K, Waeber G. "Should anemia and Iron deficiency
be treated in patients with chronic heart failure?"
Cardiovascular Medicine 2012;15(4):109-115.
Conference communications in 2012
• Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano
GA, Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A, Menafoglio A. European Society Cardiology meeting
(ESC), Munich, 25-29 August, 2012. Abstract:
"Electrocardiograms in young athletes: characteristics and prevalence of abnormalities".
Published in: Eur Heart J 2012; 33(suppl1):
• Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano
GA, Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A, Menafoglio A. European Society Cardiology meeting
(ESC), Munich, 25-29 August, 2012. Abstract:
"Early repolarisation in young athletes: electrocardiographic characteristics and prevalence
of risky phenotype". Published in: Eur Heart J
2012; 33(suppl1): P1759.
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
of Lugano
Prof. Enos Bernasconi MD
Deputy-Head of Internal Medicine
The Infectious Diseases Service (SMI) is a specialized day clinic that deals with patients with infectious diseases. The Service works in close collaboration with local GPs.
The SMI is one of the seven reference centres
for the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS), one of the
world’s largest epidemiological and clinical studies
in the HIV field with approximately 15,000 participants.
The intense scientific activity is reflected in the large
number of publications found at
Main areas of research
1. MRSA in the community and virulence of the
Candid sp (in collaboration with the EOC Microbiology Service)
2. Th 17 cell migration and differentiation in HIV
infection (in collaboration with the IRB) (MDTHIV)
Lead investigators: E. Bernasconi, R. Speck, M.
Thirty years after the discovery of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1, the mechanisms that regulate the pathogeneses of AIDS
and the progression of the disease are still not
completely clear. A progressive immunodeficiency characterizes HIV infection. In the current paradigm, the extended activation of the
immune system is considered one of the greatest causes of loss of T CD4+ cells and alterations to the immune response that lead to the
progression of the disease.
The loss of T CD4+CCR5+ cells in Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) has been very
well documented in both the natural host and
pathogenesis models of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) infection.
Moreover, a reduction in the frequency of Th17
cells in the mucosa of SIV infected macaques
has been described. This is a recently discovered subgroup of T effector cells and is involved
in the immune response to extracellular bacteria.
The migration capacity of this subpopulazion of
T cells has not been studied up to now in either
human beings or macaques.
Chemokines are important mediators of the
traffic and function of leucocytes and the deregulation of their expression could contribute
to the pathogenesis of the infection HIV-1/SIV.
Recently, chemokines that induce synergy and
can deeply modulate cellular traffic have been
The question is, therefore, whether a decrease
in the Th17 cells in the GALT is because of
their reduced formation/differentiation or the
reduced traffic in the GALT.
The aim of this project is to study the mechanisms that mediate the traffic and differentiation of the Th7 cells during HIV infection in order to better understand the pathogenesis of
3. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas and HIV (in collaboration with the IOSI). More precisely:
A survey of treatment modalities and outcome
analysis of HIV-related B-cell lymphomas from
the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Lead investigators: F. Bertoni, K. Darling, M.
Battegay, B. Hasse, A. Calmy, C. Staehelin, P.
Vernazza, F. Schöni-Affolter, S. Dirnhofer, E.
Zucca, E. Bernasconi.
Despite the introduction of Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy (HAART), Non-Hodgkin’s
Lymphomas (NHL) are still a major complication of HIV infection, occurring more frequently
than in immunocompetent subjects and causing morbidity and mortality. Diffuse Large B-cell
Lymphomas (DLBCL) are the most common
type of NHL associated with HIV infection and
are clinically and biologically very aggressive.
The outcome of lymphoma HIV-DLBCL is even
worse than the form developed in immunocompetent subjects (IC-DLBCL). Moreover,
the gene alterations that are the basis of the
pathogenesis of the HIV-DLBCL cannot be
completely superimposed on those observed
in immunocompetent patients. The standard
therapy for IC-DLBCL is a polychemotherapy
combined with the monoclonal antibody Rituximab, but there are still open issues in the management of HIV-DLBCL, above all regarding the
necessity of HAART and Rituximab.
The main aims of the study are to:
• monitor current treatment of HIV-DLBCL within the "Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS)";
• compare outcomes of HIV-DLBCL with the ICDLBCL population;
• collect data on the availability of histological
material for future studies.
The secondary aims are to:
• compare outcomes of HIV-DLBCL chemotherapy with or without the addition of Rituximab;
• compare HIV-DLBCL outcomes based on the
type of anti-retro viral used in conjunction;
• compare the incidence of metastasis in the
central nervous system of HIV-DLBCL with the
IC-DLBCL population.
From a methodological point of view, the study in-
Scientific Report 2012
volves the collection of the basic data and HIV-NHL
outcomes within the SHCS from 01.01.2004 to
31.12.2011; the analysis of the clinical outcomes
of HIV-DLBCL will then be compared with non-selected cases of IC-DLBCL.
This will be a one-year observational study of two
groups, more specifically: group 1 – approximately 100 patients (both male and female) with HIV
and DLBCL (SHCS participants); group 2 – approximately 140 immunocompetent patients with
DLBCL (IOSI cohort).
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, SHCS (through SNSF) and Infectious Disease Research Fund.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Young J, Schäfer J, Fux C.A, Furrer H, Bernasconi E, Vernazza P, Calmy A, Cavassini M, Weber R, Battegay M, Bucher HC, the Swiss HIV
Cohort Study. "Renal function in patients with
HIV starting therapy with tenofovir and either
efavirenz, lopinavir or atazanavir". AIDS 2012;
26: 567-575.
• Pillai SK, Abdel-Mohsen M, Guatelli J, Skasko M,
Monto A, Fujimoto K, Yukl S, Green WC, Kovari
H, Rauch A, Fellay J, Battegay M, Hirschel B,
Witteck A, Bernasconi E, Ledergerber B, Günthard HF, Wong JK and the Swiss HIV Cohort
Study. "Role of retroviral restricion factors in
the inferon-α-mediated suppression of HIV-1 in
vitro". Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012; 109(8):
• Scherrer AU, Ledergerber B, von Wyll V, Böni
J, Yerly S, Klimkait T, Cellerai C, Furrer H, Calmy
A, Cavassini M, Elzi L, Vernazza PL, Bernasconi
E, Günthard HF; Swiss HIV Cohort Study. "Minor protease inhibitor mutations at baseline do
not increase the risk for a virological failure in
HIV-1 subtype B infected patients". PloS One
2012; 7(6): e37983.
• Glass TR, Rotger M, Telenti A, Decosterd L,
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
Csajka C, Bucher HC, Günthard HF, Rickenbach
M, Nicca D, Hirschel B, Bernasconi E, Wandeler G, Battegay M, Marzolini C; Swiss HIV Cohort
Stuy. "Determinants of sustained viral suppression in HIV-infected patients with self-reported
poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy". PloS
One 2012; 7(1): e29186.
• Bucher HC, Richter W, Glass TR, Magenta L,
Cavassini M, Vernazza P, Hirschel B, Weber
R, Furrer H, Battegay M, Bernasconi E. "Small
dense lipoproteins, apolipoprotein B and risk
of coronary events in HIV-infected patients on
antiretroviral therapy: the Swiss HIV Cohort
Study". J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2012;
60(2): 135-42.
Nephrology and Haemodialysis Service –
Regional Hospital of Lugano
Carlo Schönholzer MD
Head Doctor
The Nephrology and Haemodialysis Service offers
specialist assistance for patients suffering from
renal disease, providing consultancy, tests required for further diagnostic investigation and both
pharmacological and instrumental treatments for
renal diseases and their complications.
Main areas of research
Prospective assessment of vascular ageing
through analysis of the wrist pulse wave in a cohort of chronic haemodialysis patients
This is a 3-year study in collaboration with the EOC's
co-ordinated Nephrology and Dialysis Service.
Gastroenterology Service – Regional Hospital
of Lugano
Vera Kessler Brondolo MD
Head of Service
Gastroenterology is the specialization in internal
medicine that studies the functions and pathologies of the thoracic and abdominal organs involved
in digestive processes (fore, mid and hind gut) and the
pancreas. It also provides, through endoscopic procedures, diagnosis and treatment of these pathologies.
Main areas of research
ALIGN study
This is an international cross-sectional epidemiological study of the perception of patients affected
by chronic inflammatory disease in relation to systemic therapies and their compliance.
The senior researcher for Switzerland is P. Michetti, while V. Kessler Brondolo is the senior researcher for the Regional Hospital of Lugano.
Main funding obtained in 2012
Abbvie Company.
Cardiovascular Research Centre – Regional
Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
Prof. Augusto Gallino MD
Head of EOC Department of Internal Medicine and
Head Doctor of Internal Medecine of Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
Main areas of research
• "In vivo" assessment of the evolution of the
atherosclerosis plaque using high-resolution
Magnetic Resonance (hr-MRI) and DuplexUltrasound: prospective comparative study at
the level of the femoral and carotid arteries
Lead investigator: A. Gallino.
Understanding the progression of atherosclerosis is mainly based on autoptical or invasive
studies. This recently completed study (European Heart Journal 2012; Eur; 33: 2307), financed by the National Research Fund
(NCT00918541) and the Swiss Cardiology
Foundation, which began in 2008, has made it
possible, thanks to a non-invasive assessment
with hr-MRI, to determine distinct degrees of
progression of atherosclerosis at the level of
two territories despite the absence of intraindividual variables. The sub-studies resulting
from this initial research, currently the object
of a comparative assessment of the informa-
tion obtained from hr-MRI (the remodelling of
the artery) in collaboration with the group led
by Prof. Yuan of Seattle, and that obtained from
a specific assessment using Duplex-Ultrasound
(Gray-scales) in collaboration with Prof. Froio,
Bocconi University, could enable a better understanding of the "in vivo" characteristics that
render the plaque more vulnerable and/or
prone to progression.
• Vulnerability of carotid plaque: role of information and intraplaque neoangiogenesis
Lead investigator: A. Gallino.
The pathophysiological elements that lead to
acute thrombotic occlusion responsible for
cerebrovascular or coronary events are still incompletely explained. Inflammatory factors inside or adjacent to the plaque, as well as haemorrhaging inside the atherosclerotic plaque,
can constitute important triggering elements.
In order to study this phenomenon "in vivo" special sophisticated magnetic resonance techniques, created by Prof. M. Stuber of CVBM
of CHUV of Lausanne, will be used to establish
the degree of vascularization of the x plaque/s.
At the same time, lesions at the carotid level
will be investigated using a special technology
associated with Duplex carotid examinations
employing a contrast medium (Contrast enhanced Ultrasound) in collaboration with Dr
Staub of Basel. There will be a parallel study on
the role of certain structures inside the plaque
frequently associated with inflammatory phenomena, which are also potentially responsible
for more serious cardio- or cerebrovascular
• Orphan cardiac diseases: Cardiac X and Takotsubo syndrome
Lead investigator: A. Porretta.
Cardiac syndrome X (angina pectoris and
myocardial ischaemia) and Takotsubo syndrome (transitory acute dyskinesia) constitute
two rare signs of coronaropathy (chronic and
acute respectively) occurring predominantly
Scientific Report 2012
in women with normal epicardial coronary arteries. The pathophysiological mechanisms
remain speculative. For some years now data
have been collected by a network of cardiologists in Ticino on chronic manifestations, which
have been included anonymously with the
consent of the Ethics Committee in the Italian
Registry on cardiac syndrome X (Prof. G. Ambrosio – the Italian Registry is also expected
to be incorporated with the British Registry on
cardiac Syndrome X: Prof. J.C. Kaski). In order
to assess two of the major physiopathological
mechanisms two series of 15 patients from
Ticino, one with cardiac syndrome X and the
other with Takotsubo syndrome, were studied
prospectively (with the external expertise of Dr
I. Sudano PD of the University of Zurich) by testing the degree of endothelial dysfunction (EndoPAT) and the dysfunction of the involuntary
nervous system (BRS) against a control group
of healthy volunteers. The expected results
should add to our understanding of the role
of the independent nervous system and the
endothelial dysfunction, and their interdependence, if any.
• Impact of cardiovascular screening among
senior sports people aged 35-65
Lead investigator: A. Menafoglio.
Sports reduces morbidity and cardiovascular mortality. However, in subjects affected
by cardiopathy, sports can be dangerous and
occasionally lead to cardiac arrest. In adults
the main cause of cardiac arrest is coronary
disease. The European Society of Cardiology
recently issued recommendations for cardiovascular screening of adults actively participating in sport. There are no studies analyzing the
impact of these recommendations. The main
aim of the present study is to estimate the sustainability of this policy applied on a wide scale,
in particular in terms of total costs (including
screening and the additional examinations that
then become necessary). A secondary aim is
to determine the prevalence of undiscovered
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
cardiovascular diseases in a population of adult
athletes and their ECG characteristics.
• Incidence of acute coronary syndrome in Canton Ticino following the banning of smoking in
public places. No Smoke Pub Study
Lead investigator: M. Di Valentino.
The aim of the study was to assess the impact
of the banning by law of smoking in all public
places in Canton Ticino (from 13.04.2007) on
the incidence of hospitalization for secondary
acute coronary syndrome (SCA). It was an observational retrospective study. The incidence
of hospitalization for SCA was analyzed from
13.04.2004 to 12.04.2010 in both Canton Ticino and the City Canton of Basel (April
2005-April 2010), when the smoking ban was
not yet effective in this Canton. All the data
were collected from the admission records of
EOC public hospitals, the Ticino Cardiocenter
and the University Hospital of Basel. The results show that in Canton Ticino after the application of the provision, the STEMI diagnosis
had a statistically significant reduction, by approximately 20% within three years since the
ban entered into force. On the other hand, a
minimal reduction that was not statistically
significant was observed in the City Canton of
Basel during the trial period.
• Triggers of acute infarct of the myocardium
two months before the event. Study of cardiac
prevention. TAMI Study
Lead investigator: M. Di Valentino.
Many cases of myocardium infarction are
caused by an occlusion of a coronary branch,
often preceded by a period of instability of the
atherosclerotic plaque. The endothelial dysfunction (cells that cover the inner wall of blood
vessels) plays a particular role immediately
before, during and after the acute myocardial
event. Rehabilitation is a non-pharmacological
approach aimed at improving the endothelial
function. The aim of this study is to analyze,
through questionnaires completed by patients
with infarction who will carry out a cardiac rehabilitation cycle, what the possible "triggers"
were that preceded the event. Moreover, the
study proposes to assess the endothelial function at the beginning and end of the cardiac
rehabilitation cycle. The aim is to include 100
patients in the study group and another 100
in the comparative group. Currently, about 80
patients have been recruited for the questionnaire group and about 25 patients for the endothelial function group.
• Basel Atrial Fibrillation Registry (BEAT-AF)
Lead investigator: M. Di Valentino.
This study, directed by Prof. Dr David Conen,
is being carried out in collaboration with the
University Hospital of Basel. Atrial fibrillation
is the most frequent arrhythmy present in the
general population and the evolution of the disease is not completely clear. The study of the
evolution of this arrhythmy requires a simple
examination and the filling in of a specific questionnaire. The aim is to build up a registry of all
patients with documented atrial fibrillation and
also to prospectively establish a follow-up for all
patients in the registry. This is an epidemiological prospective multicenter study. In Canton Ticino there are 50-100 probable participants,
with ca. 50 patients currently included in this
Moreover, the Cardiovascular Research Centre is
also participating in the following international multicenter pharmacological studies:
• HOKUSAI study (a randomized, double-blind,
double-dummy, parallel-group, multi-center,
multi-national phase III study for the assessment of the efficacy and safety of (LMW) heparin/edoxaban versus (LMW) heparin/warfarin
in subjects with symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism): inclusion
and follow-up.
• SIGNIFY study (Study assessing the morbi-mortality benefits of the If inhibitor ivabradine in pa-
tients with coronary artery disease): inclusion
and follow-up.
• IMPROVE-IT study (Multicenter, double blind,
randomized study to etablish the clinical benefit and safety of Vytorin (Ezetimbie/Simvastatin) vs Simvastatin monotherapy in high risk
subjects presenting acute coronary syndrome
(Improved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial): follow-up.
• RELY-ABLE study (long-term multi-center extension of dabigatran treatement in patients with
atrial fibrillation who completed the RE-LY trial
and a randomized cluster trial to assess the effect of a knowledge translation intervention on
patient outcomes): follow-up.
• TRILOGY study (A Comparision of Prasugrel
and Clopidogrel in Acute Coronary Syndrome –
ACS – Subjects with Unstable Angina/Non-StElevation Myocardial Infarction – UA/NSTEMI
– Who are medically Managed): follow-up.
• TAMARIS study (A randomized double-blind
placebo controlled parallel group study of the
efficacy and safety of 4 administrations of
XRP0038/NV1FGF 4mg at 2-week intervals
on amputation or any death in critical limb ischemia patients with skin lesions): follow-up.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, SNSF, Swiss Cardiology Foundation,
Medtronic Switzerland and Biotronik Switzerland.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Bianda N, Di Valentino M, Périat D, Segatto
JM, Oberson M, Moccetti M, Sudano I, Santini
P, Limoni C, Froio A, Stuber M, Corti R, Gallino
A, Wyttenbach R. "Progression of human carotid and femoral atherosclerosis: a prospective follow-up study by magnetic resonance vessel wall imaging". EHJ 2012; 33: 230-7.
• Gallino A, Stuber M, Crea F, Falk E, Corti R,
Scientific Report 2012
Lekakis J, Schwitter J, Camici P, Gaemperli
O, Di Valentino M, Prior J, Garcia-Garcia HM,
Vlachopoulos Ch, Cosentino F, Windecker St.,
Pedrazzini G, Conti R, Mach F, De Caterina R,
Libby P. ""In vivo" Imaging of Atherosclerosis".
Atherosclerosis 2012; 224: 25-36.
• Gallino A. "The utility of Emerging Biomarkers
and Imaging for Assessment of Cardiovascular
Risk". Courrent Vascular Pharmacology 2012;
10: 712-4.
• Gallino A, Alerci M. "Commentary: reducing
errors in the interventional suite: a structured
mental rehearsal is a step in the right direction." J Endovasc Ther 2012;19(3):390-1.
• Cereda CW, Petrini L, Azzola A, Ciccone A,
Fischer U, Gallino A, et al. "Sleep-disordered
breathing in acute ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack: effects on short- and
long-term outcome and efficacy of treatment
with continuous positive airways pressure -- rationale and design of the SAS CARE study". Int
J Stroke. 2012; 7: 597-603.
• Guessous I, Dudler V, Glatz N, Theler JM, Zoller
O, Paccaud F, Burnier M, Bochud M, Conen D,
Hayoz D, Péchère-Bertschi A, Erne P, Binet I,
Greminger P, Muggli F, Gabutti L, Gallino A,
Meier P, Suter PM. Swiss Survey on Salt Group
"Vitamin D levels and associated factors: a
population-based study in Switzerland." Swiss
Med Wkly. 2012; 26: 142:0. doi: 10.4414/
Conference communications in 2012
• Porretta AP, Di Valentino M, Menafoglio A,
Guggiari U, Györik S, Gallino A, Quadri F. SGIM
Basel. Poster: "Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome associated to a patient foramen ovale: a
rare coincidence". Basel, May 2012.
• Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano
GA, Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A, Mena-
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
foglio A. EuroPRevent. Abstract: "Infero-lateral
early repolarisation in young athletes: prevalence and electrocardiographic phenotypes".
Dublin, May 2012.
• Porretta AP, Alerci M, Di Valentino M, Wyttenbach R, von Segesser L, Gallino A. AHA. Oral
communication: "Excellent in corporation of endovascular aneruysm repair after telementoring program in a secondary care center". Los
Angeles, November 2012.
• Menafoglio A, Porretta AP, Di Valentino M,
Gallino A. SGK. Poster: "The response of the
QT interval and the T-wave morphology to sudden tachicardia provoked by standing in young
athletes". Lausanne, June 2012.
• Porretta AP, Di Valentino M, Segatto JM, Wyttenbach R, Bianda N, Klimusina J, Corti R, Froio
A, Oberson M, Gallino A. ESC. Poster: "Plaque
burden and vulnerability: a prospective study
using both ultrasonography and high-resolution
magnetic resonance". Munich, August 2012.
• Porretta AP. American Heart Association
meeting. Poster: "EVAR: single center long
term follow-up". Los Angeles, November 2012.
• Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Gallino A. American Heart Association meeting. Abstract: "The
response of the QT interval and the T-wave
morphology to sudden tachycardia provoked by
standing in young athletes". Los Angeles, November 2012.
• Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Limoni C, Siragusa P, Moschovitis G, Gallino A. American
Heart Asociation meeting. Abstract: "Comparison of "European Society of Cardiology" and
"Circulation" criteria for interpretation of the
electrocardiogram in young athletes". Los Angeles, November 2012.
• Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Moschovitis G,
Gallino A, Menafoglio A. American Geart Association meeting. Abstract: ""Malignant early
repolarisation is relatively frequent in young
athletes". Los Angeles, November 2012.
• Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Siragusa P,
Maggi M, Romano GA, Pezzoli R, et al. European Society Cardiology meeting. Abstract:
"Costs of cardiovascular screening with ECG in
young athletes in Switzerland". Munich, August
• Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Siragusa P,
Moschovitis G, Gallino A. European Society
Cardiology meeting. Abstract: "Prevalence of
Brugada ECG-pattern recorded with V1 and V2
in the third intercostal space in young athletes".
Munich, August 2012.
• Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano
GA, Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A, Menafoglio A. European Society Cardiology meeting.
Abstract: "Electrocardiograms in young athletes: characteristics and prevalence of abnormalities.". Munich, August 2012.
Internal Medicine Service – Regional Hospital
about to receive dialysis at the Haemodialysis and
Nephrology Service’s day centers or private dialysis centers in Ticino.
The aims of the study are to: quantify the changes
in the overall level of mobility and the postural and
walking strategies that accompany entry into dialysis, highlight factors linked to the fragility of the patient’s and/or dialysis likely to condition the degree
of mobility and independence in everyday life, the
balance and walking control of the patients, as well
as affecting the danger of a fall.
Main funding obtained in 2012
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Espeli V, Zucca Z, Ghielmini M, Giannini O,
Salatino A, Martucci F, Richetti A. "Weekly and
3-weekly cisplatin concurrent with intensitymodulated radiotherapy in locally advanced
head and neck squamous cell cancer". Oral Oncol 2012; 48(3): 266-71.
• Peruzzo M, Giannini O, Bianchetti MG. "Measles in a mother and her newborn baby". Arch
Dis Child 2012; 97: 660.
of Mendrisio
Brenno Balestra MD
Head Doctor
The Internal Medicine Service of the Regional Hospital of Mendrisio is one of the many Services that
make up EOC’s multisite Department of Internal
Main areas of research
Influence of hemodialysis on physical activity and
motory skills in patients with stage V chronic renal
insufficiency (K/DOQI)
Lead investigators: O. Giannini, C. Cereghetti, P.
This is a prospective multicenter observational
study carried out among an outpatient population
of at least 30-50 patients with chronic renal insufficiency (CKD 5, in line with K/DOQI) who were
• Pereira-Mestre R, Giannini O, Manzocchi V,
Bianchetti MG. "Masked hypertension delaying
diagnosis in Gordon's syndrome". Journal of Hypertension 2012, 30: 2240–2243.
Nefrology and Haemodialysis Service –
Regional Hospital of Locarno
Prof. Luca Gabutti MD
Head Doctor of Internal Medicine Service, Nefrology and Haemodialysis Service of Regional Hospital
of Locarno and Coordinator of the EOC's Nephrology and Haemodialysis Service
The Nephrology and Haemodialysis Service of the
Regional Hospital of Locarno is the Coordination
Center for the functional type of organizational
structure that groups the nephrology services of
the EOC’s four regional hospitals and is aimed at
Scientific Report 2012
ensuring that medical and nursing care is of the
highest quality, and also that these exact complex
pathologies are recorded online.
Main areas of research
• An estimation of renal function using Cystatin
C in a population study (from the data of the
Swiss Salt Study)
Lead investigator: L. Gabutti
The determination of Cystatin C serum on
blood samples during the Swiss Salt Study is
underway. The results will allow a comparison
for the Swiss population of the estimated renal function, obtained using creatinine, 24-hour
urine collection and Cystatin C.
• Swiss Salt Study: secondary analyses of the
Member of the working group: L. Gabutti
Numerous secondary analyses of the data of
the "Swiss Salt Study" are currently underway.
• Vascular aging in hemodialysis patients: a prospective study
Lead investigator: L. Gabutti
In a cohort study involving 4 EOC dialysis units,
the pulse wave velocity and the main risk factors for cardio-vascular diseases were monitored prospectively for 2 years.
• Membranes for hemodialysis and hemodynamic impact
Lead investigator: L. Gabutti
In a cross-over, the haemodynamic consequences of the use of 4 different hemodialysis
membranes were analysed.
• Citrate pre-and post-filter: a randomized controlled trial in a population in chronic hemodialysis
Lead investigator: L. Gabutti
In a randomized controlled cross-over, the
consequences on the quality of dialysis following the use of citric acid in the dialysate were
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
• Temperature of the dialysate and haemodynamics: a randomized study
Lead investigator: L. Gabutti
In a randomized controlled cross-over, the
haemodynamic consequences of the change
in temperature of the dialysate were analyzed.
• Lock on indwelling catheters and permeability:
a prospective study
Lead investigator: L. Gabutti
The study aims to prospectively assess the effect on the permeability of indwelling catheters
for haemodialysis and the effect of using different filling solutions.
• Hypokalaemia in the internal medicine services: retrospective assessment and acceptance
Lead investigator: L. Gabutti
This study will analyze the incidence and risk
factors of Hypokalemia in ECO hospital inpatients. There will also be an interventional
phase to deal more effectively with cases.
• Magnesium in the dialysate and haemodynamics
Lead investigator: L. Gabutti
The study aims to analyze the haemodynamic
consequences of changes in the concentration
of magnesium in the dialysate.
Main funding obtained in 2012
Fondazione Balli, Fondazione Gianella.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Gabutti L, Montagna C, Mombelli G. "Early surgery for infective endocarditis". N Engl J Med
2012; 367: 1366-7 (letter).
• Guessous I, Dudler V, Glatz N, Theler JM, Zoller
O, Paccaud F, et al. "Vitamin D levels and associated factors: a population-based study in Switzerland". Swiss Med Wkly 2012; 142: w13719.
• Frank M, Guarino-Gubler S, Burnier M, Maillard
M, Keller F, Gabutti L. "Estimation of glomeru-
lar filtration rate in hospitalised patients: are
we overestimating renal function?" Swiss Med
Wkly 2012; 142: w13708.
• Burnier M, Bock A, Halabi G, Gaser UE, Pechère Bertschi A, et al. "Usefulness of telemetric blood pressure monitoring in hypertensive
patients with chronic kidney diseases". J Nephrol Therapeut 2012; 2: 5.
pation, transparency and management) and it is
organized using a multisite approach. Here, too,
the creation of the EOC Department of Intensive
Care Medicine was aimed at providing the most
suitable response to the need to harmonize and
rationalize the services offered in this sector in our
Intensive Care Medicine Service –
Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
Conference communications in 2012
• Schieppati A, Daina E, Gamba S, Noris M, Gabutti L, Remuzzi G, et al. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drug Registries - International Workshop.
Poster: "Italian registry of MPGN: contribution
to advancement in the pathogenesis of the disease and patient care". Rome, October 2012.
Main areas of research
• Clinical consequences of physical versus pharmacological restraint in critically ill patients: an
observational study
Lead investigators: A. Perren, E. Iapichino, D.
Corbella, V. Di Bernardo, I. Sperandio, C. Sommacal, F. Barazzoni, R. Malacrida.
• Chappuis A, Glatz N, Suter P, Conen D, Erne P,
Binet I, et al. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Poster: "Sex differences in
dietary patterns associated with salt intake at
the population level". Zurich, December 2012.
Analgosedative therapy is used in intensive
care medicine mainly to increase patient comfort, and to carry out invasive procedures or
for mechanical ventilation. However, this also
lengthens the time patients spend in hospital
with increased mortality and morbidity, both
physical and psychological. The reduction in
sedative therapy increases the risk of patients
not in a perfectly lucid state of accidentally
harming themselves, as, for example, during
states of psychomotor agitation, a pathology
frequently seen in such units. In both situations – for the protection of both the patient
and health-care staff – pharmacological and/
or physical restraint may be necessary.
The aim of this study is to describe whether
physical/pharmacological restraint can prevent adverse events, whatever the clinical setting in which it is employed.
All the data have been collected and the first
draft has been written. The final statistical analyses are currently being carried out before the
article is sent to a "peer reviewed" journal.
• Gabutti L, Meier P, Schwarzkopf AK, Zaruba J,
Ambühl P. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Poster: "Comparison of Hb
events (decreases >1g/dl) in a hemodialysis
patient population - Final analysis of the Swiss
MOTION Survey". Zurich, December 2012.
3.3 EOC Department of Intensive Care Medicine
Andreas Perren MD PD
Head of the EOC Department of Intensive Care
Medicine and Head Doctor in the Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
The EOC Department of Intensive Care Medicine
comprises the relevant services in the Hospitals
of Bellinzona, Lugano, Mendrisio and Locarno. The
Department has a functional type of organizational
structure, and is managed and coordinated by the
Department Board. The rules adopted for its functioning are based on the fundamental principles of
shared clinical governance (accountability, partici-
• Survey of scoring practices and accuracy in assessing SAPS II and NEMS in Swiss ICUs
Lead investigators: A. Perren, M. Previsdomini,
Scientific Report 2012
M. Kaufmann, P. Massarotto, I. Perren, P. Merlani, H.U. Rothen H.
The calculation of the SAPS II (index of the
severity of disease for a patient) and NEMS
scores (index of the nursing workload) are important in calculating the payment to be made
to hospitals by the SwissDRG. However, recent
studies carried out in Ticino show that there
are problems doing this. Above all in seriously
ill patients these scores are often underestimated, which may lead to inadequate payment
being received for the services provided.
The aim of this study is to analyze the situation at a national level, involving all the intensive
care units in Switzerland.
The survey has been completed and the data
obtained are currently being analyzed. Two
original articles will be published on the findings
of the study.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, Società Svizzera Medicina Intensiva
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Perren A, Previsdomini M, Perren I, Merlani
P. "Critical care nurses inadequately assess
SAPS II scores of very ill patients in real life".
Crit Care Res Pract 2012; 2012: 919106.
• Previsdomini M, Gini M, Cerutti B, Dolina M,
Perren A. "Predictors of positive blood cultures
in critically ill patients: a retrospective evaluation". Croat Med J 2012; 53(1): 30-9.
• Perren A, Previsdomini M, Perren I, Merlani P.
"High accuracy of the Nine Equivalents of Nursing
Manpower Use Score assessed by critical care
nurses". Swiss Med Wkly 2012; 142: w13555.
• Moretti D, Heidegger CP, Eckert P, Malacrida
R, Pascual M, Perren A, Revelly JP. The Latin
Organ Donation Programme: an effective Regional initiative to increase organ donation in
Switzerland. Organs Tissues & Cells 2012; 15:
Conference communications in 2012
• Perren A, Corbella D, Iapichino E, Di Bernardo
V, Leonardi A, Di Nicolantonio R, Buschbeck
C, Boegli L, Pagnamenta A, Malacrida R. Oral
communication: "Relation between physical /
pharmacological restraint in the ICU and adverse events". Basel, November 2012.
• Perren A, Corbella D, Iapichino E, Di Bernardo
V, Leonardi A, Di Nicolantonio R, Buschbeck C,
Boegli L, Pagnamenta A, Malacrida R. Poster:
"Relation between physical / pharmacological
restraint in the ICU - clinical settings". Basel,
November 2012.
• Perren A, Previsdomini M, Perren I, Cerutti
B, Massarrotto P, Kaufmann M, Merlani P,
Rothen HU. Poster: "SwissScoring - Survey of
SAPS II assessing practices". Basel, November
• Perren A, Previsdomini M, Perren I, Cerutti
B, Massarrotto P, Kaufmann M, Merlani P,
Rothen HU. Poster: "Swiss Scoring - Survey of
NEMS assessing practices". Basel, November
Prizes awarded in 2012
Best Poster: annual Conference of Intensive Care
Medicine, Basel, November 2012 (article forthcoming).
Intensive Care Medicine Service – Regional
Hospital of Mendrisio
• Perren A, Previsdomini M, Bendjelid K. "Comment on Serum Potassium Levels and Mortality in Acute Myocardial Infarction". JAMA 2012;
307(15): 1578.
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
Alberto Pagnamenta MD
Head of Service
Main areas of research
Impact of a communications strategy on family
members’ satisfaction in intensive care medicine
Lead investigator: A. Pagnamenta
Main funding obtained in 2012
Peer reviewed publications in 2012
• Pagnamenta A, Rabito G, Arosio A, Perren A,
Malacrida R, Barazzoni F, Domenighetti G. "Adverse events reporting in adult intensive care
unit and the impact of a multifaceted intervention on drug-related adverse events". Ann Intensive Care 2002; 2(1): 47.
Conference communications in 2012
• Perren A, Corbella D, Iapichino E, Di Bernardo
V, Leonardi A, Di Nicolantonio R, Buschbeck
C, Boegli L, Pagnamenta A, Malacrida R. Oral
communication: "Relation between physical /
pharmacological restraint in the ICU and adverse events". Basel, November 2012.
• Perren A, Corbella D, Iapichino E, Di Bernardo
V, Leonardi A, Di Nicolantonio R, Buschbeck C,
Boegli L, Pagnamenta A, Malacrida R. Poster:
"Relation between physical / pharmacological
restraint in the ICU - clinical settings". Basel,
November 2012.
3.4 EOC Department of Laboratory Medicine
Dr Franco Keller FAMH
Head of Department
The EOC Department of Laboratory Medicine
(EOLAB) was set up to meet the needs of modern
medicine as regards laboratory services, and also
because of the need to contain costs and make a
more rational use of resources, including increasingly sophisticated and expensive equipment.
Although EOLAB is present in several EOC hospital
sites, it is centralized from a technical, scientific
and administrative point of view, giving the Department its unified image. This form of organization
also offers greater potential for a rational development. The Department is the result of an innovative project, which has also aroused interest outside Canton Ticino, and it can be considered one
of the major public institutions of medical analysis
in Switzerland.
Main areas of research
• Thyroid disease diagnostics
In collaboration with the Nuclear Medicine Division, EOLAB has committed to carry out research in this sector, analyzing the reference
values of certain biological markers associated
with thyroid disease and developing new analytical methods.
• New point-of-care (POCT) equipment for blood
gas analysis
EOLAB is actively involved in assessing this
equipment, which could be of use in hospital
emergency services. This collaboration is the
result of the work being carried out together
with the Regional Hospital of Lugano and the
Green Cross of Lugano.
The following study, in particular, has been carried out:
Assessment of the introduction of POCT equipment for blood gas analysis in hospital emergency departments and pre-hospital emergency care
Lead investigator: M. Imperiali.
The introduction of POCT (point-of-care testing)
for blood gas analysis in emergency services
could improve the care offered to critically-ill
patients by making it easier for hospital emergency departments to deal with these patients.
Moreover, the use of POCT for blood gas analysis could be used in departments that require
results immediately (emergency departments,
intensive care units, etc), without having to
send a sample to the laboratory.
New technologies have made it possible to develop POCT that are extremely easy to use and
do not require the support of laboratory staff.
Scientific Report 2012
However, so far very little is known about their
technical performance.
The main aim of this research project is to
compare the POCT equipment currently available on the market for blood gas analysis with
the "gold standard": laboratory equipment for
blood gas analysis.
This comparison will show which is the best
tool from a technical point of view, taking into
consideration its possible use by the emergency services.
• New method to measure thyroglobulin
Lead investigator: F. Keller.
This is a multicenter study aimed at assessing
the analytical and clinical characteristics of thyroglobulin using a method designed by Roche
Company. During the study EOLAB will carry
out experiments following the CLSI criteria to
prove the effectiveness of the Roche method
so that it can obtain "FDA approval" for marketing the product.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, Roche.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Giovanella L, Verburg FA, Imperiali M, Valabrega S, Trimboli P, Ceriani L. "Comparison of
serum calcitonin and procalcitonin in detecting
medullary thyroid carcinoma among patients
with thyroid nodules". Clin Chem Lab Med. 2012
Dec 25: 1-5. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2012-0610.
50(5): 895-900.
• Giovanella L, Imperiali M, Ferrari A, Palumbo A,
Furlani L, Graziani MS, Castello R. "Serum thyroglobulin reference values according to NACB
criteria in healthy subjects with normal thyroid
ultrasound". Clin Chem Lab Med. 2012; 50(5):
Conference communications in 2012
• Imperiali M, Giovanella L, Ferrari A, Palumbo
A, Lippa L, Peretti A, Graziani MS, Ceriani L,
Verburb FA, Castello R. Poster: Swiss medLab
"Redefining calcitonin reference values in different immunoassays by integrating thyroid
ultrasonography to select the reference population", Bern, June 2012.
• Gaffuri T, Castelli C., Keller F, Della Bruna R,
Imperiali M. Poster: Swiss medLab. " Evaluation of two Point-of-care (POC) instruments for
the blood gas analysis", Bern, June 2012.
3.5 Breast Cancer Centre of Southern
Switzerland (CSSI)
Olivia Pagani MD
Clinical Director
• Giovanella L, Imperiali M, Verburg FA, Ceriani
L. "Evaluation of the BRAHMS Kryptor® Thyroglobulin Minirecovery Test in patients with
differentiated thyroid carcinoma". Clin Chem
Lab Med. 2012 Aug 19.
The Breast Cancer Centre of Southern Switzerland (CSSI) is a dedicated structure for breast
problems, whose task is the early detection of
breast cancer and its treatment using a multidisciplinary approach. The Centre offers patients
the great advantage of providing all the necessary
care under one roof. This is made possible thanks
to the close collaboration between the members
of a team of specialists operating together in the
field of women’s breast health and the availability
of modern diagnostic equipment.
• Giovanella L, Imperiali M, Ferrari A, Palumbo
A, Lippa L, Peretti A et al. "Thyroid volume influences serum calcitonin levels in a thyroidhealthy population: results of a 3-assay, 519
subjects study". Clin Chem Lab Med. 2012;
The Breast Cancer Centre of Southern Switzerland
was the first centre to be certified by the European
Society of Breast Cancer Specialists EUSOMA as
a Breast Cancer Care Unit.
This is an important recognition, which allows the
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
Centrer to take full advantage of all the medical
and scientific knowledge made available in Europe
in the fight against breast cancer. It is, above all, a
guarantee for patients, as they can be sure that
the Centre operates following well-defined methodologies using recognized specialists.
The Centre is also about to obtain certification
from the Swiss Society of Breast Cancer Specialists and the Swiss Cancer League.
Main areas of research
Involvement in clinical studies
• Radiotherapy
Studies are currently underway in women with
intraductal neoplasia (coordinated by the International Breast Cancer Study Group - IBCSG)
and women with the disease at an early stage
(an Italian multicenter study).
• Medical oncology
Four clinical studies are also underway in
women with advanced-stage breast cancer,
coordinated by the IBCSG (International Breast
Cancer Study Group), the SAKK (Swiss Group
for Clinical Cancer Research) and Novartis, a
clinical study in women with early-stage breast
cancer together with Roche (SAFE-HER study),
and an observational study on the medical and
psychosocial aspects in young patients coordinated by the IBCSG.
• Feasibility study for the development of a diagnostic tool based on microwaves for the early
detection and monitoring of breast cancer together with the SUPSI
Main funding obtained in 2012
Roche, SAKK and other competitive and non-competitive external funding.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Cardoso F, Costa A, Norton L, Cameron D,
Cufer T, Fallowfield L, Francis P, Gligorov J, Kyriakides S, Lin N, Pagani O, Senkus E, Thomssen
C, Aapro M, Bergh J, Di Leo A, El Saghir N,
Ganz PA, Gelmon K, Goldhirsch A, Harbeck N,
Houssami N, Hudis C, Kaufman B, Leadbeater
M, Mayer M, Rodger A, Rugo H, Sacchini V,
Sledge G, Van't Veer L, Viale G, Krop I, Winer E.
"1st International consensus guidelines for
advanced breast cancer (ABC 1)". The Breast
2012; 21: 242-252.
• Cardoso F, Loibl S, Pagani O, Graziottin A,
Panizza P, Martincich L, Gentilini O, Peccatori
F, Fourquet A, Delaloge S, Marotti L, PenaultLlorca F, Kotti- Kitromilidou A, Rodger A and
Harbeck N. "The European Society of Breast
Cancer Specialists recommendations for the
management of young women with breast cancer". Eur J Cancer. 2012; 48: 3355–3377.
• Pagani O, Azim HA Jr. "Pregnancy after breast
cancer: myths and facts". Breast Care 2012;
7: 210–214.
• Christinat A, Pagani O. "Fertility after breast
cancer". Maturitas 2012; 73(3): 191-6.
• Costa A. "Surgery has become more and more
conservative". Breast 2012; 21(2): 111.
• Cardoso F, Harbeck N, Fallowfield L, et al.
ESMO Guidelines Working Group. "Locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: ESMO
Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up." Ann Oncol. 2012; 23 (Suppl 7): vi11-9.
• Valli MC, Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology of the Mediterranean arEa (AROME).
"Controversies in loco-regional treatment: postmastectomy radiation for pT2-pT3N0 breast
cancer arguments in favour". Crit Rev Oncol
Hematol 2012; 84 Suppl 1: e70-4.
• Martin V, Botta F, Zanellato E, Molinari F, Crippa
S, Mazzucchelli L, Frattini M. "Molecular characterization of EGFR and EGFR-downstream
pathways in triple negative breast cancers with
Scientific Report 2012
basal like features". Histol Histopathol. 2012;
27(6): 785-92.
of a specific CMU to deal with less urgent cases had a positive effect.
• Martin V, Camponovo A, Ghisletta M, Bongiovanni M, Mazzucchelli L. "Internal Quality
Assurance Program for ERBB2 (HER2) Testing Improves the Selection of Breast Cancer
Patients for Treatment with Trastuzumab".
Patholog Res Int. 2012; 2012:261857.
• Cardiovascular physiology (CHUV)
The aim of the study is to assess the interactions between the neurovegetative nervous
system and the endothelial synthesis of nitrogen monoxide (NOT endothelial) in the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension and resistance
to insulin.
3.6 Emergency Services – Emergency Medicine
Mattia Lepori MD PD
The EOC’s Emergency Services provide 24/7
assistance for every type of medical urgency, irrespective of the type or seriousness of the pathology or the patient’s background or financial
situation. The Emergency Services, which are coordinated by the EOC’s Emergency Board, work in
close collaboration with the pre-hospital emergency services – the Canton’s emergency phone number service "Centrale 144" run by Ticino Soccorso,
REGA (the emergency air service) and all the other
services providing emergency assistance.
Emergency Service – Emergency Medicine at
San Giovanni Hospital
Mattia Lepori MD PD
Head of Service
Main areas of research
• Quality management
The Regional Hospital of Bellinzona recently
carried out a study entitled "Leaving the Emergency Department too soon: the role of reception nurses, triage and a fast track approach
The aim of the study is to assess the efficacy
of introducing a triage nurse (IT) and an emergency medical clinic (CMU) to deal specifically
with less urgent cases.
An analysis of the data reveals that IT did not
help to prevent people from leaving the Emergency Department too soon, while the opening
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
Peer reviewed publications in 2012
Trueb L, Lepori M, Duplain H, Scherrer U, Sartori
C. "Nitric oxide mediates the blood pressure
response to mental stress in humans". Swiss
Med Wkly. 2012; 142: 13627. Doi: 10.4414/
Conference communications 2012
Lepori M, Trobia M. Patients who "leave without
being seen" the Emergency Department: the role
of a fastrack way (Notfallpraxis). Swiss Medical Forum 2012; 42(suppl 59): 47S.
3.7 Radiology Services
Massive developments have been made during the
last 50 years in the field of radiology as regards
its use in diagnosis and treatment, and now has a
fundamental role in the diagnosis and treatment of
virtually every human pathology.
Radiology Service – Regional Hospital of Lugano
Filippo Del Grande MD
Head Doctor
In 2011 and 2012 (13 months) Filippo Del
Grande MD was a research fellow at the Johns
Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, USA, in the MSK
radiology department (musculoskeletal radiology),
where he was mainly engaged in research involving 3 Tesla osteoarticular MRI.
Main areas of research
Several clinical research projects are currently
underway in the field of imaging in sport, rheuma-
tology and oncology together with Dr Carrino, Dr
Fayad, Dr Chhabra and Dr Stine, Johns Hopkins
Hospital, Baltimore, USA.
Here they are in brief:
• 3 Tesla MRI in imaging in sport and rheumatology
Certificate of Merit selected for publication in
• Del Grande F, Carrino JA, Chaabra A. Spectrum of Elbow Injuries in Baseball Pitchers: 3
Tesla MRI imaging. RSNA, Chicago 2012.
• MR imaging of bone tumours
• Role of chemical shift sequences in the detection of injuries to the narrow using 3 Tesla MRI
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Chhabra A, Thawait GK, Soldatos T, Thakkar
RS, Del Grande F, Chalian M,
Carrino JA. "High-Resolution 3T MR Neurography of the Brachial Plexus and Its Branches,
with Emphasis on 3D Imaging". AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol 2012 Dec 6.
• Thakkar RS, Del Grande F, Thawait GK, Andreisek G, Carrino JA, Chhabra A. "Spectrum
of high-resolution MRI findings in diabetic neuropathy". AJR Am J Roentgenol 2012; 199(2):
• Del Grande F, Chhabra A, Chalian M, eng J,
Carrino JA. Diagnostic Performance and Inter
observer Reliability of Pelvic MR Neurography
for Femoral Neuropathy. RSNA, Chicago 2012.
• Del Grande F, Carrino JA.3 Tesla MRI imaging of the elbow in asymptomatic professional
baseball pitchers. RSNA, Chicago 2012.
The article by Del Grande F, Santini F, Herzka D,
Carrino JA. Fat suppression techniques on 3 Tesla MRI in musculoskeletal system. RSNA 2012,
Chicago, was awarded a Certificate of Merit and
was selected for publication in the journal Radiographics.
Service of Interventional Radiology – Regional
• Del Grande F, Maus TP, Carrino JA. "Imaging
the intervertebral disk: age-related changes,
herniations, and radicular pain". Radiol Clin
North Am. 2012; 50(4): 629-49.
• Chhabra A, Soldatos T, Thawait GK, Del Grande
F, Thakkar RS, Means KR Jr, Carrino JA. "Current perspectives on the advantages of 3-T MR
imaging of the wrist". Radiographics. 2012;
32(3): 879-96.
Conference communications in 2012
• Del Grande F, Tatizawa-Shiga N , Chalian M,
Fayad LM. Is contrast-enhanced MRI required
to evaluate the extent of a bone tumour? SSR,
Miami 2012.
• Del Grande F, Santini F, Herzka D, Carrino JA.
Fat suppression techniques on 3 Tesla MRI in
musculoskeletal system. RSNA, Chicago 2012.
Hospital of Lugano
Josua C. Van Den Berg MD
Head of Service
Interventional Radiology includes all the invasive or
mini-invasive diagnostic or treatment procedures
that make use of radiological methods for their
guidance and control, such as fluoroscopy, computerized tomography and diagnostic medical Ultrasound.
Most of the interventional activities include vascular interventional radiology (including, for example,
carotid arterial stenting and the positioning of endoprotesis for abdominal aortic aneurism).
Main areas of research
• Treating in-stent restenosis, PHOTOPAC randomized study
Scientific Report 2012
• AFS treatment with balloons releasing LEVANT
PAD intervention". TSVIR 14th Annual meeting,
Kanchanaburi 2012.
• Treatment of critical ischaemia with stem cells
Main funding obtained in 2012
University of Bad-Krozingen (Germany), Lutonix
(BARD) and co-financing with Cardiocentro Ticino.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Van den Berg JC, Waser JS, Trelle S, Diehm
N, Baumgartner I. "Lesion characteristics of
patients with chronic critical limb ischemia
that determine choice of treatment modality".
J Cardiovasc Surg (Turin). 2012; 53(1): 45-52.
• Van den Berg JC, Pedrotti M, Canevascini R,
Chimchila Chevili S, Giovannacci L, Rosso R.
"Endovascular treatment of in-stent restenosis
using excimer laser angioplasty and drug eluting balloons". J Cardiovasc Surg (Turin). 2012;
53(2): 215-222.
• Van den Berg JC. "Type II endoleaks: still the
crux of EVAR?". J Endovasc Ther. 2012; 19(2):
Chapters of books in 2012
• Van den Berg JC. Tips and tricks for successful EVAR In: J-P. P. M de Vries, editor. Latest
insights into abdominal aortic aneurysms and
endovascular repair. Turin, Edizioni Minerva
Medica, 2012: 59-72.
• Van den Berg JC. Acute deep venous thrombosis in the lower limb is best managed by: Trellis
In: R.M. Greenhalgh, editor. Vascular and endovascular consensus update. London, BIBA Publishing, 2012: 653-658.
• Van den Berg JC. "Advanced imaging techniques for navigation during endovascular procedures: current status and future perspectives". iCON, Scottsdale 2012.
• Van den Berg JC. "Fusion imaging: further reducing contrast and radiation exposure to the
patient (a system to import existing CT and MR
images to the angiosuite)"; "Treatment of AV
fistula in the lower leg after Fogarty embolectomy using covered stent"; "Treatment of iatrogenic false aneurysm of aberrant right hepatic
artery after cholecystectomy"; "Fenestration
of common iliac artery and entire abdominal
aorta in patient with a type A dissection"; "Tips
and tricks for safe renal artery stenting using
the V12 RX"; "Bare metal stents vs. covered
V12 stents for renal artery stenosis"; "Is acute
deep venous thrombosis in the lower limb best
managed by: Trellis?". 34th International Symposium Charing Cross, London 2012.
• Van den Berg JC. "PHOTOPAC Trial for In-Stent
Restenosis". 13th NCVH, New Orleans 2012.
• Van den Berg JC. "Does debulking before DEB
make sense?". CIRSE, Lisbon 2012.
• Van den Berg JC. "Endovascular conversion of
open surgical failures and complications: tips
and tricks; Bringing atherectomy to the next
level: what is its future; Laser debulking and
DEB for in-stent restenosis". 39th VEITH symposium, New York 2012.
Radiology Service – Regional Hospital of Bellin-
Conference communications
• Van den Berg JC. "Coated balloons: how does it
work, what are the results?". CACVS, Paris 2012.
zona and Valli
• Van den Berg JC. "Interventional room of the
future; closure devices and access routes in
Main areas of research
• Multi-parametric evaluation of liver perfusion
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
Prof. Rolf Wyttenbach MD
Head Doctor
by MR-Dwl under fasting and postprandial conditions in healthy volunteers: correlation with
quantitative phase-contrast portal venous flow
Lead investigators: R Wyttenbach and F Regini,
S Colagrande, University Hospital Careggi, Florence.
The aim of this study is to assess in vivo the correlation between the variation in portal venous
flow measurements under fasting and postprandial conditions, and the following measurable parameters in DWI: apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC), slow diffusion coefficient (D),
fast diffusion coefficient (D*) and perfusion
fraction (PF).
• Differences in plaque phenotypes in the carotid
and femoral arteries: an in vivo study using MRI
plaque imaging
Lead investigators: R. Wyttenbach together
with A. Helck, T. Saam, University of Grosshadern in Munich (D) and C. Yuan, University of Seattle (USA).
The aim of the study is to carry out an intraindividual assessment of the differences in the
composition and morphology of atherosclerotic plaques in different vascular areas using
high-resolution Magnetic Resonance.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC and "Fondazione Svizzera di Cardiologia".
Conference communications in 2012
• Médioni N, Puligheddu C, Santini P, Vock P,
Szucs-Farkas Z, Wyttenbach R. Seconda Giornata della Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana.
Abstract: "Reperti extracardiaci in risonanza
magnetica cardiaca". Bellinzona, March 2012.
• Cartolari R. LII Congresso Nazionale SNO. Oral
communication: "Sessione spinale: Diagnostica
per immagini – Quale e perché". Rome, May
• Puligheddu C. Le Pneumopatie Interstiziali
Diffuse (P.I.D.). Oral communication: "Pattern
nodulare: presentazione radiologica". Gubbio,
May 2012.
• Wyttenbach R. Annual meeting West Midlands Association of Radiologists. Oral communication: "Cardiac MRI 2012: Indications and
clinical applications". Birmingham, May 2012.
• Santini P. Journée Française de Radiologie
(JFR). Oral communication: "Imagerie de diffusion (DWI) mammaire". Paris, October 2012.
• Wyttenbach R. Annual meeting European Society of Cardiac Radiology (ESCR). Oral communication: "Coronary arteries and perfusion
territories". Barcelona, October 2012.
3.8 EOC Geriatric Service
Peer reviewed publications 2012 (selection)
• Bianda N, Di Valentino M, Périat D, Segatto JM,
Oberson M, Moccetti M, et al. "Progression of
human carotid and femoral atherosclerosis: a
prospective follow-up study by magnetic resonance vessel wall imaging". Eur Heart J. 2012;
33(2): 230-7.
• Wyttenbach R, Médioni N, Santini P, Vock P,
Szucs-Farkas Z. "Extracardiac findings detected by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging".
Eur Radiol. 2012; 22(6): 1295-302.
Pierluigi Quadri MD
Coordinator of the EOC Geriatric Service
Geriatrics is a medical discipline studying the diseases that occur in the elderly and their disabling
consequences, with the main aim of delaying functional and mental decline, while maintaining selfsufficiency and the best possible quality of life.
From a modern viewpoint, where prevention is the
cornerstone of health protection, geriatrics has
much in common with the fields of sociology and
social psychology.
In a world in which the average age of the popu-
Scientific Report 2012
lation and life expectancy is increasing, the treatment of pathologies relating to the natural process
of aging is of extreme importance to the economic
and social policies of a country.
Geriatrics is, therefore, generally concerned with
the treatment and prevention of disability and
frailty in the elderly, placing particular emphasis on
typical geriatric syndromes, such as memory disorders, ambulatory instability and falling, depression, malnutrition, etc.
The EOC Geriatrics Service, present in the Regional Hospitals of Lugano, Bellinzona and Valli,
Mendrisio and Locarno, offers a multidisciplinary
approach with specialist day clinics and wards to
assess and intervene at an early stage, or prevent
these geriatric problems.
The Service also operates in a network together
with other local dedicated geriatric structures.
otherapy in elderly patients who have a fear
of falling (with or without previous falls without
serious consequences).
• The influence of haemodyalisis on physical activity and motor skills of patients with chronic
renal impairment stage 5 (K/DOQI)
Lead investigators: Olivier Giannini, Damiano
Zemp, Claudio Cereghetti, Mauro Tettamanti,
Pierluigi Quadri.
The aim of this study is to assess the changes
in the degree of autonomy and overall mobility
that accompany the entry into dialysis and highlight any risk factors associated with altered
strategies of postural control and walking, frailty in patients and/or dialysis treatment, which
are likely to influence the degree of mobility and
autonomy in everyday life, control of balance
and gait, as well as affecting the risk of falling.
Sottocenerino Geriatric Service, Regional Hospital of Lugano and Mendrisio
Pierluigi Quadri MD
Head of Service
Main areas of research
The following studies are currently underway, the
first two of which are in collaboration with the
Mario Negri Pharmacological Research Institute
in Milan, Department of Neurosciences, geriatric
• The feasibility of physiotherapy associated with
the cognitive approach (Imagery) for elderly patients with a fear of falling: observational pilot
Lead investigators: Fabiano Meroni, Pierluigi
Quadri, Rita Pezzati, Carola Celeste, Lorena
Curia, Francesca Gallina, Simona Chiari, Silvia
Ambrogio, Elena Biglia, Fulvio Bianchi, Damiano
Zemp, Mauro Tettamanti, Sara Avesani, Nicola
The aim of the study is to break the vicious circle brought on by the fear of falling and to improve mobility (and consequently the functional
capacity of elderly patients), considering cognitive interventions (imagery) alongside physi-
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
• A longitudinal and observational registry of patients with memory disorders (Canton Ticino
Study) in the Sottocenerino Geriatriacs Service
day clinics
This is a database of patients with balance
disorders and gait abnormalities and/or with
a history of falls assessed anamestically, functionally and using quantitative instruments.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, Geriatric Research Fund of the Regional
Hospital of Mendrisio.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Polito L, Kehoe P G, Davin A, Benussi L, Ghidoni
R, Binetti G, Quadri P, Lucca U, Tettamanti M
et al. "The SIRT2 polymorphism rs 10410544
and risk of Alzheimer’s disease in two Caucasian case-control cohorts". Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 2012; 1-8.
• Merlo A, Zemp D, Zanda E, Rocchi S, Meroni
F, Tettamanti M, Recchia A, Lucca U, Quadri
P. "Postural stability and history of falls in cognitively able older adults: The Canton Ticino
study". Gait & Posture 2012; 36(4): 662-666.
Conference communications in 2012
• Quadri P, Zemp D, Zanda E, Rocchi S, Meroni
F, Tettamanti M, Recchia A, Lucca U, Merlo A.
Stabilità posturale ed antecedenti di caduta in
soggetti anziani senza demenza. Seconda Giornata della Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana,
Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
• Mora O, Marelli L, Quadri P, Tettamanti M, C.
Pedrazzini C, Ghielmini M. 37th ESMO Congress, Vienna, 28 September – 2 October
2012. Abstract: "Abbreviated comprenhensive
geriatric assessment (CGA) in elderly cancer
patients: preliminary results of an observational pilot study". Published in: Annals of Oncology 2012; 23 (suppl. 9): ix447-ix461. doi:
3.9 Services of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
The Services of Gynaecology and Obstetrics are a
reference point for women's health and guarantees a service for women during pregnancy and
childbirth. It also deals with urogenital dysfunctions
and breast pathologies. The Breast Cancer Centre
of Southern Switzerland (CSSI), which is present in
the Regional Hospitals of Bellinzona and Valli and
Lugano, was specifically set up in 2004 to deal
with breast pathologies.
Gynaecology and Obstetrics Service – Regional
breast cancer through the repeated measurement of values of permittivity and electrical
conductivity of individual samples taken in the
operating theatre during normal surgery.
Conference communications in 2012
• Gyr Th. International Breast Ultrasound School
(IBUS) Meeting. Oral communication: "Margin
assessment with MarginProbe". Zurich, Switzerland, January 2012.
• Gyr Th. Basiskurs endoskopische Chirurgie
AGE. Oral communication: "Adnexeingriffe,
wann laparoskopie, wann laparotomie?". Davos, March 2012.
• Gyr Th. International advanced course in laparoscopic gynecologic surgery on embalmed
cadavers. Oral communication: "Indications for
pelvic and/or paraaortal lymphadenectomy
and their pitfalls". Fribourg, October 2012.
• Gyr Th. SwissEndos. Oral communication: "laparoskopische Hysterektomie: der schwierige
Uterus". Fribourg, November 2013.
• Polli C, Lauria F, Gyr Th, Rosso R, Jermini F.
Congresso annuale Società Svizzera di Ginecologia ed Ostetricia – 2012 Poster: "Endometriose pelvienne et prise en charge chirurgicale
multidisciplinaire. L’expérience de L’Hôpital
Civico Lugano". Interlaken, June 2012.
Hospital of Lugano
Thomas Gyr MD
Head Doctor
Main areas of research
• A feasibility study for the construction of a diagnostic tool based on microwaves for the early
diagnosis and monitoring of breast cancer.
Analysis of the dielectric properties of breast
Lead investigators: Gyr Th, Maffongelli M.
The aim of this feasibility study is to assess the
potential of microwave tomography applied to
• Gyr Th, Polli C, Taddei E, Jermini F. Congresso annuale Società Svizzera di Ginecologia ed
Ostetricia – 2012 Video presentation: "Laparoskopische Naht einer Ureterläsion". Interlaken, June 2012.
• Polli C, Gyr Th, Hagmann PD. 18. Praktischer
Kurs in Gynäkologisher Endoscopie - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gynäkologishe Endoscopie
(SGGG) – 2012 Course/Oral communication:
"Technisches Vorgehen bei der Laparoskopie
von Adnextumoren". Davos, March 2012.
Scientific Report 2012
Gynaecology and Obstetrics Service –
Regional Hospital of Mendrisio
Giorgio Caccia MD
Head Doctor
Main areas of research
Collaboration with the NSI in the field of neuro-urological disorders, in specialist and therapeutic diagnostics (video urodynamic balance), particularly
with PTNS.
Conference communications 2012
Digesu A, Puccini P, Hendricken C,Bhide A, Khullar V, Tubaro A, Caccia G, Zecca C, Gobbi C. IUGA
37th annual meeting in Brisbane 2012. Abstract:
Motor and/or sensory response during PTNS –
do they predict treatement outcome? Published in:
Int Urogynecol J. 2012; 23 (Suppl 2): S84.
3.10 Paediatrics Services
Pediatrics is a branch of medicine that deals with
the physical and mental development of children,
and the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases.
Neonatology is the branch of pediatrics that deals
with newborn children during their first month of
life. Cooperation between pediatrics and obstetrics helps prevent malformations of the fetus and
treat diseases from birth.
Integrated Paediatric Services in Bellinzona,
Locarno and Mendrisio
Prof. Mario G. Bianchetti MD
Head Doctor and in charge of the Integrated Paediatric Services of the Regional Hospitals of Bellinzona and Valli, Locarno and Mendrisio together
with Gian Paolo Ramelli MD PD.
Main areas of research
• Management of hereditary hypokalemic tubulopathies (in collaboration with the University
Pediatric Clinic of Milan and the Merate-Lecco
Lead investigator: MG. Bianchetti.
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
Projects currently underway:
a. phosphorus metabolism;
b. interaction between dyselectrolytemia and
• Treatment of secondary arterial hypertension
at a developmental age (in collaboration with
the University Pediatric Clinics of Milan and the
University Pediatric Clinic of Berne).
Lead investigator: MG. Bianchetti.
Projects currently underway: palatability of antihypertensives.
• Systematic reviews of rare clinical conditions in
childhood (in collaboration with the University
Pediatric Clinics of Berne and Basel).
Lead investigator: MG. Bianchetti.
Projects currently underway
a. transient benign hyperphosphatemia;
b. dermatitis vernalis aurium;
c. dyselectrolytemia in cystic fibrosis.
• Symptomatic management of fever in Switzerland (Swiss national survey coordinated by the
hospitals of Bellinzona, Locarno and Mendrisio).
Lead investigator: MG. Bianchetti.
• Psychomotor development of children with severe encephalopathy – longitudinal study
Lead investigator: GP. Ramelli.
• The diagnostic impact of new genetic tests in
mentally retarded children
Lead investigator: GP. Ramelli.
• The correlation between functional MRI, EEG
and cognitive development of children with rolandic epilepsy (in collaboration with the University Pediatric Clinic of Basel)
Lead investigator: GP. Ramelli.
• Epidemiology of myalgia cruris in children
Lead investigator: MG. Bianchetti.
The main research topics include the introduc-
tion and use of antihypertensive drugs for adults
in children, the problem of the oral palatability of
medicines for their correct administration, the assessment of rare tubulopathies with hypokalemia
and the validation of blood pressure measurement
in children.
Important collaboration is also underway with the
University Pediatric Clinic of Milan and the LeccoMerate paediatric clinic to collect data on hypopotassemic tubulopathies in the field of biomolecular
research. The cardiovascular research is coordinated together with the University of Berne’s Paediatric Nephrology Unit.
Main funding obtained in 2012
ABREOC, Funding from the University of Milan, the
Universities of Basel and Berne and Private funds.
Peer reviewed publications in 2012 (selection)
• Bullo M, Tschumi S, Bucher BS, Bianchetti
MG, Simonetti GD. "Pregnancy outcome following exposure to angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors or angiotensin receptor antagonists:
a systematic review". Hypertension 60: 444450, 2012.
• Caiata-Zufferey M, Zanini CA, Schulz PJ, Syrén
ML, Bianchetti MG, Bettinelli A. "Living with
Gitelman disease: an insight into patients' daily
experiences". Nephrol Dial Transplant 27(8):
3196-3201, 2012.
• Lava SAG, Simonetti GD, Ramelli GP, Tschumi
S, Bianchetti MG. "Symptomatic management of fever among Swiss board-certified
pediatricians: the results of a cross-sectional
Web-based survey". Clin Ther 34(1): 250-256,
• Salmina C, Taddeo I, Falesi M, Weber P, Bianchetti MG, Ramelli GP. "Paroxysmal tonic upgaze in normal children: a case series and a
review of the literature". Eur J Paediatr Neurol
16(6): 683-687, 2012.
• Simonetti GD, Mohaupt MG, Bianchetti MG.
"Monogenic forms of hypertension". Eur J Pediatr 171(10): 1433-1439, 2012.
Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Service –
Regional Hospital of Bellinzona and Valli
Pierluigi Brazzola MD
Head of Service
Main areas of research
1. International multicenter studies for phase III
clinical studies in the field of paediatric oncology, and more specifically:
• Study on acute lymphoblastic leukaemias
This is a multicenter international clinical
study using polychemotherapy for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemias in
young children and adolescents. Using an
optimal stratification in three risk groups
the aim is to optimize therapy, while minimizing acute and late occurring side-effects.
Currently the treatment of young children
and adolescents with low-grade brain tumours occurs in a non-standardized way
with a variety of study protocols. The rationalization and standardization of treatment
should lead to better diagnostics, the identification of acute and long-term side effects
and consequently a better long-term prognosis.
• Study on Hodgkin’s lymphomas EuroNetPHL-C1
Based on experience gained since 1978
with the GPOH-HD study group, the first
and second line treatment for pediatric
Hodgkin's lymphoma needs to be improved
to reduce overtreatment and reduce longterm side effects.
FDG-PET is routinely used in many centres.
The results of FDG-PET are now formally
integrated for staging and evaluating the
response to treatment.
Radiotherapy is not used in any of the treat-
Scientific Report 2012
ment groups after chemotherapy in patients with an adequate response (CR or PR
with negative PET) after two cycles of OEPA.
In the intermediate and advanced stages
(TG-2 and TG-3) COPDAC chemotherapy
(Procarbazine is replaced by dacarbazine to
reduce the risk of infertility) is randomized
with respect to standard COPP treatment.
The treatment of relapses is standardized
for the three groups according to the time
of relapse and initial group treatment.
The main objectives of the study are as follows:
a. event-free survival at 5 years (EFS) in
patients with good response after two
OEPA cycles treated without radiotherapy coinciding with an EFS target of 90%
in all treatment groups;
b. dacarbazine can safely replace procarbazine in the treatment groups (TG) 2
and 3 without worsening the EFS randomization COPDAC vs COPP;
c. description of the result in relapses
according to a standardized approach
based on risk.
• Study on high-risk sarcomas CWS-2007HR
Soft tissue sarcomas can arise in practically any part of the body, with the risk that
at the time of diagnosis the disease is already present and has metastasized. The
metastases may be so small that they cannot be detected even with the most modern
radiological techniques (micrometastases).
If the tumour and metastases can be completely eliminated, or reduced to a minimum
through a combination of surgery, intensive
chemotherapy and possibly radiotherapy,
then patients with soft tissue sarcomas
with an unfavorable constellation have a
good chance of recovering despite the risk
of a relapse. The current study is based on
the SoTiSaR study, a registry of all patients
with newly diagnosed sarcomas and soft
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
tissue tumours. This study proposes standard treatment following the guidelines of
the CWS study group (CWS guidance) or of
the European study group for pediatric soft
tissue sarcomas.
• Study on brain tumour HIT 2000
The main aims of the study are to:
a. improve survival compared to previous
studies by intensifying chemotherapy
and/or radiotherapy compared to protocols HIT-91 and HIT-SKK 92, using a
risk-adapted treatment with the treatment assigned to groups of patients
defined according to risk by means of
a centralized assessment (neuropathology, neuroradiology and liquor); and
through a quality control of surgery,
chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
b. reduce and limit long-term side effects
and improve the quality of life by eliminating or reducing craniospinal radiotherapy in younger patients diagnosed
with medulloblastoma; by hyperfractionating conventional craniospinal radiotherapy or reducing the dose of radiation therapy in patients over the age of
four with medulloblastoma or PNET; by
eliminating craniospinal adjuvant radiotherapy in patients with ependymoma.
• Kraniopharyngeom 2007 study
This is a prospective international multicenter clinical study to assess the results
of using radiotherapy in craniofaringiomas
that have not been completely removed, depending on when it was used.
• SIOP-LGG 2004 study
This is an international multicenter clinical
study using surgical approaches, radiotherapy and known drugs in the field of pediatric oncology. The study is aimed at young
children and adolescents with brain tumours such as low-grade gliomas.
• SIOP 2001/GPOH study
This is a multicenter clinical study using international surgical approaches, radiotherapy and known drugs in the field of pediatric
oncology. The study is aimed at young children and adolescents with renal tumours.
The study is based on previous European
• SIOPEL 6 study
This international multicenter clinical study
uses chemotherapy combined with surgery
for the treatment of standard-risk hepatoblastomas in young children and adolescents. By randomizing as regards the use of
sodium Thiosulphate it is hoped to reduce
the risk of damage to the patients' hearing.
2. International registries for different oncological
pathologies, more specifically:
• NHL – BFM Registry 2012
The aim of this registry is to ensure the optimal treatment of young children and adolescents with NHL even at a stage where
there are no clinical studies. All young
children and adolescents from Germany,
Austria, Czech Republic and Switzerland diagnosed with NHL are registered. The registry is not used to introduce new therapies,
but those therapies currently considered
the most effective and based on the experience of previous studies and literature are
suggested. The registry also functions as a
means of checking quality by providing second opinions from key institutions and an
assessment of case files by the NHL-BFM
study centre. The study centre can also use
its experience to enable doctors to receive
individual advice as regards second opinions.
• SoTiSar Registry
Soft tissue tumours, which include sarcomas, gastrointestinal stromal tumours,
very aggressive juvenile fibromatosis and
hamartomas, are a very heterogeneous,
rare category of tumours with an annual
incidence in Europe of around 2-4 cases
per 100,000 inhabitants. Within a single
institution or regional network the number
of recruited patients is, therefore, too small
to enable the study of the molecular characteristics, diagnostics and treatment. Only
with a comprehensive non-selective collection of all patients can there be a thorough
understanding of the epidemiology and biology of this group of tumours, which can
then lead to a quicker and easier identification of new forms of treatment and prognostic parameters. The CWS is a leading
world study group in research in the field
of pediatric soft tissue tumours, and since
1981 has held consecutive clinical trials.
The SoTiSaR concept is based on the use of
the experience acquired over many years.
The main purpose of the project is to obtain
a prospective collection of epidemiological,
diagnostics and treatment data for young
children, adolescents and young adults <21
years with soft tissue tumours, and create
a database for clinical and basic epidemiological research.
Paediatric Surgery Service – Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli
Mario Mendoza Sagaon MD
Head Doctor
The Pediatric Surgery Service cares for children
up to 16 years of age who require surgery or are
suffering from diseases that frequently require
surgery. It is a full service, including all the main
surgical specializations, in particular mini-invasive,
orthopedic surgery.
Main areas of research
Distal Tibia Fractures - Treatment with Métaizeau
Lead investigator: De Rosa V.
Scientific Report 2012
The aim of this study is to assess this treatment
in a part of the anatomy for which it is not usually
Conference communications 2012
Longhino V, De Rosa V, Regazzoni P, Candrian C.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie. Pediatric navicular fractures, to operate?
20th-22nd June 2012.
3. EOC Multisite Departments and Services
Swiss Clinical
Trial Organization
Swiss Clinical Trial Organization
The Swiss Clinical Trial Organization (Organizzazione svizzera di ricerca clinica - SCTO) is the
central platform for cooperation in patient-oriented clinical research in Switzerland. Its main objective is to make Swiss clinical research more competitive as regards innovation and quality.
The SCTO intends to achieve this through:
• promoting a culture of study and high quality at
a national level;
• supporting the creation of a national network;
• promoting the integration of national clinical research in international networks;
• building bridges between academia, industry
and the public authorities.
The SCTO generally promotes favorable conditions
in the field of clinical research, as well as coordinatng multicenter studies and acting as an intermediary between different studies.
The SCTO is a joint initiative of the SNSF and the
Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (ASSM).
4.1 EOC Clinical Trial Unit (CTU-EOC)
General introduction
In February 2012, the EOC Board of Directors
approved the setting up of the CTU-EOC to offer
qualified support to researchers, both within and
outside the EOC, carrying out clinical trials and
support them in all activities related to clinical research. The CTU-EOC provides services to carry
out observational and interventional studies.
The CTU-EOC is in line with the other CTUs in Switzerland and collaborates with the Clinical Trial
Center of the University Hospital of Zürich.
Functional Units
The CTU-EOC is a two-centre structure led by a
Steering Committee. One centre is located in the
IOSI (CTU-IOSI), San Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona
(Director: Prof. Sessa); the other is based in the
NSI (CTU-NIS), Regional Hospital of Lugano (Director Prof. Möller). In specific cases, the CTU-EOC
requests the opinion of the Scientific Committee.
The Members of the Steering Committee of the
CTU-EOC are as follows:
• Fabrizio Barazzoni MD, MPH, Head Officer of
Scientific Report 2012
the EOC Medical Area, Chairman;
Prof. Claudio Bassetti MD, Head of the Neurological Clinic, Inselspital, Berne;
Dino Cauzza, CFO of the EOC;
Prof. Franco Cavalli MD, Scientific Director of
the IOSI, Bellinzona;
Prof. Carsten Möller MD, Director of the CTUEOC at the NSI, Lugano;
Prof. Cristiana Sessa MD, Director of the CTUEOC at the IOSI, Bellinzona;
Yvonne Willems Cavalli RM MSc., Head of the
EOC’s Nursing Sector;
Prof. Gregor Zünd, Director of Research and
Training, University Hospital of Zurich.
The Members of the Scientific Committee of the
CTU-EOC are as follows:
• Dimitri Christoforidis MD, Head of General Surgery Section, Regional Hospital of Lugano;
• Prof. Augusto Gallino MD, Head of the EOC’s Internal Medicine Department, Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli;
• Prof. Carsten Möller MD, Director of the CTUEOC at the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Lugano;
4. Swiss Clinical Trial Organization
• Alberto Pagnamenta MD, Head of the Intensive
Care Medicine Service, Regional Hospital of
• Prof. Cristiana Sessa MD, Director of the CTUEOC at the IOSI, Bellinzona;
• Dario Valcarenghi MSc, IOSI Nursing Area, Bellinzona.
In 2012 Mrs Tatiana Terrot was hired as Project
Manager, Mrs Jane Frangi as Clinical Studies Coordinator, Mr Yves Franzosi as Monitor and Dr Liliane Petrini as Medical Writer. It was also decided
to use external experts for the biostatistics service
and to manage the quality system.
The CTU-EOC began offering its services to users
on 1st October 2012.
Before that the CTU was set up within the EOC, in
particular by carrying out the following activities:
• description of the structure and finalizing of the
organization chart;
• description of the functions;
• drafting of the budget and price list;
• organizing of the collaboration with the EOC administration;
• hiring of staff;
• setting up of the steering and scientific committees;
• presentation of the CTU-EOC on the EOC’s intra- and internet platform:
• discussions regarding external collaborators
and the management of the quality system;
• purchasing of Secutrial software.
The Project Manager is responsible for all requests for the supply of services.
Offers were prepared for various requests for
monitoring and coordinating clinical studies, for
a statistical evaluation using the "Secutrial" software.
Three projects were concluded in the field of statistical analysis, medical writing and the preparation
of documentation to be submitted to the Canton’s
Ethics Committee.
Coordination of clinical studies
In 2012 various clinical studies, which were already underway in the NSI were coordinated and
followed (Dr Agazzi, Dr Cereda, Dr Gobbi and Prof.
Four contracts were concluded.
Medical Writing
The Medical Writer revised one manuscript and
provided advice on the drafting of a protocol for a
clinical study.
Other activities
Internal documentation
The year 2012 was dedicated to the development
and creation of part of the internal documentation concerning the directives, main procedures
(Standard Operation Procedures – SOP), instructions and modules. The Central Service of EOC
Quality was hired to handle the documentation and
also provide consultancy in this area.
Scientific Report 2012
The contents of a course in Good Clinical Practice, module 1, were drawn up and submitted to
Swissmedic for approval (obtained on 4th January
2013), and the first course will begin on 2nd May
Clinical Research Day
The CTU-EOC appeared at the second Clinical Research Day held at San Giovanni Hospital, Bellinzona, on 23rd March 2012.
The two Directors and the staff met every month
to discuss matters and resolve any problems concerning the CTU-EOC, while the Steering Committee met on 2nd August 2012.
4. Swiss Clinical Trial Organization
The two Directors, the Project Manager and the
other staff of the CTU-EOC had a number of meetings with the Head Office and Administrative Services to discuss and resolve individual problems.
Intra/internet website
The CTU-EOC is present on the EOC’s intra- and internet, where the aims of the unit and the services
it offers are described.
The beginning of the CTU-EOC’s operations was
announced in a press release on 29th October
2012, which was given coverage by the Canton’s
main media.
Scientific Research
Advisory Board
Scientific Research Advisory Board (ABREOC)
The Scientific Research Advisory Board (ABREOC)
was set up in October 2007 as an advisory body
and to coordinate the research in EOC hospitals.
ABREOC is aimed at improving knowledge in the
medical and nursing fields by:
• favouring research within the EOC;
• promoting collaboration with both national and
international research institutions;
• encouraging the creation of research centres
in specific sectors;
• creating the right conditions for the greatest
possible integration between research and its
clinical applications;
• encouraging interdisciplinary research.
ABREOC operates in accordance with the current
legislation, taking into account the recommendations of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences
and the Canton’s Ethics Committee. The medical
staff may submit research projects requiring funding to ABREOC to be carried out in EOC hospitals.
ABREOC has the following specific tasks:
a. propose general guidelines for the research to
be carried out in the hospitals, taking into account local interests, competencies, initiatives
and activities;
b. identify the sectors or new areas in which to
promote or continue research;
c. create the necessary general conditions to foster research;
d. provide an assessment of the scientific value of
research projects for which funding is requested, paying special attention to how the project
fits in with the EOC’s vision and mission;
e. inform, in line with the available budget, the
awarding of funding for research projects not
covered by external funding;
f. assess, when consulted by the EOC head office
or local management, the scientific value of
studies or scientific research not funded by the
EOC and their consistency with the EOC’s vision
and mission;
g. regularly collect from the Canton’s Ethics Committee all necessary information regarding the
research authorized by and carried out within
the EOC.
Scientific Report 2012
The Members of ABREOC are as follows:
• Fabrizio Barazzoni MD, MPH, Head Officer of
the EOC Medical Area, Chairman;
• Prof. Franco Cavalli MD, Scientific Director of
the IOSI;
• Prof. Augusto Gallino MD, Head of the EOC’s
Internal Medicine Department;
• Piergiorgio Mombelli MD, Medical Officer in Internal Medicine of Regional Hospital of Locarno;
• Alberto Pagnamenta MD, Head of Intensive
Care Medicine Service of Regional Hospital of
• Paola Di Giulio, nurse member of the professional skills teaching staff (SUPSI) at the Department of Health (DSAN);
• Prof. Raffaele Rosso MD, Head of the EOC’s
Surgery Department;
• Maria Luisa Aimi Hohl, specialist nurse from
the Pneumology Division of Regional Hospital of
Bellinzona and Valli;
• Manuela Sarti MD, ABREOC Secretary, EOC
Medical Area.
5. Scientific Research Advisory Board (ABREOC)
Between 2008 and 2012, 62 of the 101 clinical
and translational studies submitted to the Scientific Research Advisory Board were funded by the
Scientific Fund (including some studies that were
resubmitted and received financing at the start of
The projects that received funding are listed in the
table attached to the "Report" (Appendices 1, 2, 3,
4 and 5) with the state of progress indicated for
each project: either concluded (with a publication
or final report) or still underway.
The funds allocated by ABREOC since 2008, when
the first funding was awarded, are shown below:
ABREOC notices of competition
2008 – 2012
No. projects submitted
No. projects approved
No. projects rejected
Total sum requested by
CHF 8,060,045
Sum awarded
CHF 2,781,147
Panel of Experts on Professional
Confidentiality in Medical Research and
General Authorisation granted to the EOC
Panel of Experts on Professional Confidentiality in Medical
Research and General Authorisation granted to the EOC
The Panel of Experts on Professional Confidentiality in Medical Research was set up in 1993 when
article 321bis of the Swiss Criminal Code (CPS)
was issued.
Article 321bis of the CPS states the following:
1. Any person who unlawfully discloses a professional secret that has come to his knowledge
in the course of his research activities in the
fields of medicine or health care is liable to a
penalty in accordance with Article 321.
2. Professional secrets may be disclosed for the
purpose of research in the fields of medicine
or health care provided a Panel of experts so
authorizes it and the person to whom the information relates, having had his rights explained
to him, does not expressly prohibit it.
3. The Panel grants authorisation provided:
a. the research cannot be carried out with anonymized data;
b. it is impossible or unreasonably difficult to
obtain the consent of the person to whom
the information relates; and
c. the interests of research outweigh the interest of preserving confidentiality.
4. The Panel makes authorisation subject to the
conditions in compliance with data protection
requirements. The Panel publishes its authorisation decision.
5. If the interests of the person to whom the information relates and that are worthy of protection are not endangered and if personal
data are anonymized from the beginning of the
research, the Panel may grant a general authorisation or may relax procedures by other
6. The Panel is not bound by any directives.
7. The Federal Council appoints the president and
the members of the Panel and issues regulations
concerning its organization and procedures.
Scientific Report 2012
The relevant Federal Order of enforcement provides for two types of authorisation:
a. a special authorisation that covers only the
specific research project for which the application is made (article 2);
b. a general authorisation that the Panel of experts may grant to private or teaching hospitals. General authorisations allow personnel
conducting internal research as well as PhD
students to access personal data, provided
that the legitimate interests of the concerned
persons are not compromized and that data
are made anonymous from the beginning of
the research (article 3).
The Panel thus grants authorisation for research
studies, hospitals and medical registries within the
scope of clinical research. As data protection is
the main concern, it is necessary to decide which
patients’ data may be used and sent.
As a result of this Authorisation, non-anonymized
data can be accessed without being in breach of
professional confidentiality. This is possible only
within EOC structures as the EOC is the holder of
the Authorisation.
Following the granting of the Authorisation, "Regulations on access to patients’ data by staff of the
Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale conducting research
studies" were drawn up. This is compulsory in order to start clinical studies that cannot be carried
out with the patient’s informed consent.
Moreover, before a research project begins, every researcher involved in the project must sign a
"Declaration concerning the obligation to respect
confidentiality in medical research".
A detailed description of the studies carried out in
2012 following the General Authorisation can be
found in Appendix 6.
An important decision for research projects at
the EOC.
On 7th May 2012 we proudly welcomed the news
that, after complex and demanding preparatory
work, the Berne Panel of Experts on Professional
Confidentiality in Medical Research granted us
general authorisation to disclose professional secrets for research studies carried out at EOC institutes (
Fabrizio Barazzoni, MD, MPH, Head of the Medical
Area of the Head Office, is in charge of EOC General Authorisation (No. 035.0003-43).
This Authorisation grants medical staff permission
to access, under specific and binding conditions,
non-anonymized patients’ personal data to carry
out research in the fields of medicine or health
6. Panel of Experts on Professional Confidentiality in Medical Research and General Authorisation granted to the EOC
in 2012
Publications in 2012
The scientific activity carried out within the EOC
Services in 2012 resulted in 385 scientific publications or communications.
More in detail there were:
• 194 original articles published in peer reviewed
• 17 books or chapters in books;
• 15 original articles published in non peer reviewed journals;
• 159 communications at national and international conferences.
The Table below shows the number of peer-reviewed articles published in 2012 for each Hospital:
Hospital sites
Number of
in 2012
The Regional Hospital of Lugano
The Regional Hospital of Bellinzona
and Valli
The Regional Hospital of Mendrisio
The Regional Hospital of Locarno
Oncology Institute of Southern
Switzerland (IOSI)
Neurocenter of Southern
Switzerland (NSI)
Total publications
Scientific Report 2012
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Albino D, Longoni N, Curti L, Mello-Grand M,
Pinton S, Civenni G, Thalmann G, D'Ambrosio
G, Sarti M, Sessa F, Chiorino G, Catapano CV,
Carbone GM.
ESE3/EHF controls epithelial cell differentiation
and its loss leads to prostate tumours with
mesenchymal and stem-like features.
Cancer Res. 2012 Jun;72(11):2889-900.
doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-0212.
IF 7.856
Alvarez-Fischer D, Grundmann M, Lu L, Samans
B, Fritsch B, Möller JC, Schäfer MK, Hartmann A,
Oertel WH, Bandmann O.
Prolonged generalized dystonia after chronic
cerebellar application of kainic acid.
Brain Res. 2012 Jun;1464:82-8.
doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2012.05.007.
IF 2.7
7. Publications in 2012
Babbio F, Pistore C, Curti L, Castiglioni I,
Kunderfranco P, Brino L, Oudet P, Seiler R,
Thalman GN, Roggero E, Sarti M, Pinton S, MelloGrand M, Chiorino G, Catapano CV, Carbone GM,
Bonapace IM.
The SRA protein UHRF1 promotes epigenetic
crosstalks and is involved in prostate cancer
Oncogene. 2012 Nov;31(46):4878-87.
doi: 10.1038/onc.2011.641.
IF 6.373
Beitinger PA, Fulda S, Dalal MA, Wehrle R,
Keckeis M, Wetter TC, Han F, Pollmächer T,
Schuld A.
Glucose tolerance in patients with narcolepsy.
Sleep. 2012 Feb;35(2):231-6.
doi: 10.5665/sleep.1628.
IF 5.1
Bellei M, Chiattone CS, Luminari S, Pesce EA,
Cabrera ME, de Souza CA, Gabús R, Zoppegno L,
Zoppegno L, Milone J, Pavlovsky A, Connors JM,
Foss FM, Horwitz SM, Liang R, Montoto S, Pileri
SA, Polliack A, Vose JM, Zinzani PL, Zucca E,
Federico M.
T-Cell Lymphomas In South America And Europe.
Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter. 2012 ;34(1):42-7.
doi: 10.5581/1516-8484.20120013. IF 4.941
Berger MD, Gerber B, Arn K, Senn O, Schanz U,
Stussi G.
Significant reduction of red blood cell transfusion
requirements by changing from a double-unit
to a single-unit transfusion policy in patients
receiving intensive chemotherapy or stem cell
Haematologica. 2012 Jan;97(1):116-22.
doi: 10.3324/haematol.2011.047035. IF 6.424
Bettens F, Passweg J, Schanz U, Chalandon
Y, Heim D, Güngör T, Stüssi G, Nicoloso G,
Baldomero H, Gratwohl A, Tiercy JM.
Impact Of HLA-DPB1 Haplotypes On Outcome Of
10/10 Matched Unrelated Hematopoietic Stem
Cell Donor Transplants Depends On MHC-Linked
Microsatellite Polymorphisms.
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant.
2012 Apr;18(4):608-616. IF 3.873
Bettinelli A, Longoni L, Tammaro F, Faré PB,
Garzoni L, Bianchetti MG.
Renal salt-wasting syndrome in children with
intracranial disorders.
Pediatr Nephrol. 2012 May;27:733-739.
doi: 10.1007/s00467-011-2093-5. IF 2.518
Bianco G, Feurra M, Fadiga L, Rossi A, Rossi S.
Bi-hemispheric effects on corticospinal excitability
induced by repeated sessions of imagery versus
observation of actions.
Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2012;30(6):481-9.
doi: 10.3233/RNN-2012-120241. IF 3.3
Bianco G, Vuolo G, Ulivelli M, Bartalini S, Chieca R,
Scientific Report 2012
Rossi A, Rossi S.
A clinically silent, but severe, duodenal
complication of duodopa infusion.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
2012 Jun;83(6):668-70.
doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2011-301984. IF 4.8
Bianda N, Di Valentino M, Périat D, Segatto JM,
Oberson M, Moccetti M, Sudano I, Santini P,
Limoni C, Froio A, Stuber M, Corti R, Gallino A,
Wyttenbach R.
Progression of human carotid and femoral
atherosclerosis: a prospective forrow-up study by
magnetic resonance vessel wall imaging.
Eur Heart J. 2012 Jan;33(2):230-237.
doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehr332. IF 10.478
Boi M, Stathis A, Zucca E, Inghirami G, Bertoni F.
Genetic Alterations In Systemic Nodal And
Extranodal Non-Cutaneous Lymphomas Derived
From Mature T- And Natural Killer-Cells.
Cancer Sci. 2012 Aug;103(8):1397-404.
doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2012.02321.x.
7. Publications in 2012
IF 3.325
Bonaldi G, Bertolini G, Marrocu A, Cianfoni A.
Posterior vertebral arch cement augmentation
(spinoplasty) to prevent fracture of spinous
processes after interspinous spacer implant.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.
2012 Mar;33(3):522-8.
doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A2792. IF 2.928
Bonaldi G, Cianfoni A.
Percutaneous treatment of lumbar compression
fracture with canal stenosis and neurogenic
intermittent claudication: combining kyphoplasty
and interspinous spacer.
J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2012 Nov;23(11):1437-41.
doi: 10.1016/j.jvir.2012.06.023. IF 2.1
Bonanni E, Di Coscio E, Maestri M, Carnicelli L,
Tsekou H, Economou NT, Paparrigopoulos T,
Bonakis A, Papageorgiou SG, Vassilopoulos D,
Soldatos CR, Murri L, Ktonas PY.
Differences in EEG delta frequency characteristics
and patterns in slow-wave sleep between
dementia patients and controls: a pilot study.
J Clin Neurophysiol. 2012 2012 Feb;29(1):50-4.
doi: 10.1097/WNP.0b013e318246b56d.
IF 1.5
Bonanni E, Maestri M, Fabbrini M, Cirignotta F,
Ferini-Strambi L, Gigli GL, Parrino L, Murri L.
Sleep education in Italy.
Sleep Med. 2012 Apr;13(4):450. doi: 10.1016/
j.sleep.2011.12.002. IF 3.4
Bongiovanni M, Mazzucchelli L, Martin V, Crippa
S, Bolli M, Suriano S, Giovanella L.
Images In Endocrine Pathology: A Starry-Sky In
The Thyroid.
Endocr Pathol. 2012 Mar;23(1):79-81.
doi: 10.1007/s12022-011-9191-6. IF 1.358
Nuclear Medicine
Bongiovanni M, Suriano S, Bolli M, Cattaneo F,
Fasolini F, Giovanella L.
Ectopic Substernal Thyroid Tissue: A Challenging
Differential Diagnosis.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Mar;97(3):71920. doi: 10.1210/jc.2011-2543. IF 5.967
Nuclear Medicine
Boulter DJ, Luigetti M, Rumboldt Z, Chalela JA,
Cianfoni A.
Multimodal CT imaging of a posterior fossa
Neurol Sci. 2012 Feb;33(1):215-6.
doi: 10.1007/s10072-011-0652-y. IF 1.22
Bucher HC, Richter W, Glass TR, Magenta L,
Cavassini M, Vernazza P, Hirschel B, Weber R,
Furrer H, Battegay M, Bernasconi E.
Small dense lipoproteins, apolipoprotein B and
risk of coronary events in HIV-infected patients
on antiretroviral therapy: The Swiss HIV Cohort
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
2012 Jun 1;60(2):135-42.
doi: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e31824476e1.
IF 4.425
Infectious Diseases
Bulian P, Rossi D, Forconi F, Del Poeta G, Bertoni
F, Zucca E, Montillo M, Pozzato G, D'Arena G,
Efremov DG, Marasca R, Lauria F, Gaidano G,
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IGHV Gene Mutational Status And 17p Deletion
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Comprehensive Clinical-Biological Prognostic
Model For Overall Survival Prediction In Chronic
Lymphocytic Leukemia.
J Transl Med. 2012 Jan;10:18.
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Bullo M, Tschumi S, Bucher BS, Bianchetti MG,
Simonetti GD.
Pregnancy outcome following exposure to
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or
angiotensin receptor antagonists: a systematic
Hypertension. 2012 Aug;60:444-450.
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Burnier M, Bock A, Halabi G, Gasser UE, Pechère
Bertschi A, Ambühl P, Forster C, Gabutti L,
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Usefulness of telemetric blood pressure
monitoring in hypertensive patients with chronic
kidney diseases.
J Nephrol Therapeut. 2012 May;2: 122
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IF 1.654
Caiata-Zufferey M, Zanini CA, Schulz PJ, Syrén
Scientific Report 2012
ML, Bianchetti MG, Bettinelli A.
Living with Gitelman disease: an insight into
patients' daily experiences.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Aug;27:31963201. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfs017. IF 3.396
Canafoglia L, Gennaro E, Capovilla G, Gobbi G,
Boni A, Beccaria F, Viri M, Michelucci R, Agazzi
P, Assereto S, Coviello DA, Di Stefano M, Rossi
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Electroclinical presentation and genotypephenotype relationships in patients with
Unverricht-Lundborg disease carrying compound
heterozygous CSTB point and indel mutations.
Epilepsia. 2012 Dec; 53(12):2120-7.
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Capone F, Pravatà E, Novello M, Moncelsi S,
Pirronti T, Meglio M, Servidei S.
A rare case of life-threatening giant plexiform
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Caporro M, Haneef Z, Yeh HJ, Lenartowicz A,
Buttinelli C, Parvizi J, Stern JM.
Functional MRI of sleep spindles and K-complexes.
Clin Neurophysiol. 2012 Feb;123(2):303-9.
doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2011.06.018. IF 3.8
Cardoso F, Costa A, Norton L, Cameron D, Cufer
T, Fallowfield L, Francis P, Gligorov J, Kyriakides S,
Lin N, Pagani O, et al.
1st International consensus guidelines for
advanced breast cancer (ABC 1).
Breast 2012 Jun; 21: 242-252. IF 2.491
Cardoso F, Harbeck N, Fallowfield L, Kyriakides S,
Senkus E; ESMO Guidelines Working Group.
Locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer:
7. Publications in 2012
ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis,
treatment and follow-up.
Ann Oncol. 2012; 23 (Suppl 7): vi11-9.
IF 6.425
Cardoso F, Loibl S, Pagani O, et al.
The European Society of Breast Cancer
Specialists recommendations for the
management of young women with breast
Eur J Cancer 2012 Dec; 48: 3355–77. IF 5.536
Carota A, Düron N, Cereda C, Bassetti CL.
Vertical pendular nystagmus and hypertrophic
inferior olivary nuclei degeneration: an "odd
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10.1007/s00415-011-6170-2. IF 3.853
Cereda CW, Carrera E.
Posterior cerebral artery territory infarctions.
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doi: 10.1159/000333610.
Cereda CW, Petrini L, Azzola A, Ciccone A,
Fischer U, Gallino A, Györik S, Gugger M, Mattis J,
Lavie L, Limoni C, Nobili L, Manconi M, Ott S, Pons
M, Bassetti CL.
Sleep-disordered breathing in acute ischemic
stroke and transient ischemic attack: effects
on short- and long-term outcome and efficacy
of treatment with continuous positive airways
pressure--rationale and design of the SAS CARE
Int J Stroke. 2012 Oct;7(7):597-603.
doi: 10.1111/j.1747-4949.2012.00836.x.
IF 2.382
Ceriani L, Suriano S, Ruberto T, Zucca E,
Giovanella L.
18fdg uptake changes in liver and mediastinum
during chemotherapy in patients with diffuse large
b-cell lymphoma.
Clin Nucl Med. 2012 Oct;37(10):949-52.
doi: 10.1097/RLU.0b013e318263831d.
IF 3.674
Nuclear Medicine
Chhabra A, Soldatos T, Thawait GK, Del Grande F,
Thakkar RS, Means KR Jr, Carrino JA.
Current perspectives on the advantages of 3-T
MR imaging of the wrist.
Radiographics 2012 May-Jun; 32(3): 879-96.
IF 2.854
Chhabra A, Thawait GK, Soldatos T, Thakkar RS,
Del Grande F, Chalian M, Carrino JA.
High-Resolution 3T MR Neurography of the
Brachial Plexus and Its Branches, with Emphasis
on 3D Imaging.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2012 Dec 6
IF 2.928
Christensen J, El-Gebali S, Natoli M, Sengstag T,
Delorenzi M, Bentz S, Bouzourene H, Rumbo M,
Felsani A, Siissalo S, Hirvonen J, Vila MR, Saletti P,
Aguet M, Anderle P.
Defining new criteria for selection of cellbased intestinal models using publicly available
BMC Genomics. 2012 Jun;13:274.
doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-274. IF 4.073
Christinat A, Pagani O.
Fertility after breast cancer.
Maturitas 2012 Nov; 73(3): 191-6.
IF 2.767
Christoforidis D, Clerc D, Demartines N.
Transrectal specimen extraction after
laparoscopic left colectomy: a case-matched
Colorectal Diseases. 2012 Oct 3.
doi: 10.1111/codi.12006. IF 2.385
Cianfoni A, Distefano D, Chin SH, Varma AK,
Rumboldt Z, Bonaldi G.
Percutaneous cement augmentation of a lytic
lesion of C1 via posterolateral approach under CT
Spine J. 2012 Jun;12(6):500-6.
doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2012.05.012. IF 3.3
Clifford GM, Lise M, Franceschi S, Egger M,
Bouchardy C, Korol D, Levi F, Ess S, Jundt G,
Wandeler G, Fehr J, Schmid P, Battegay M,
Bernasconi E, Cavassini M, Calmy A, Keiser O,
Schöni-Affolter F and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study.
Lung cancer in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: role
of smoking, immunodeficiency and pulmonary
Br J Cancer. 2012 Jan;106(3):447-52.
doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.558. IF 5.042
Infectious Diseases
Colombo N, Carinelli S, Colombo A, Marini C, Rollo
D, Sessa C.
Cervical cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines
for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.
Ann Oncol. 2012 Oct;23(7):vii27-vii32. IF 6.425
Colombo N, Peiretti M, Garbi A, Carinelli S, Marini
C, Sessa C.
Non-epithelial ovarian cancer: ESMO Clinical
Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and
Ann Oncol. 2012 Oct;23(7):vii20-vii26. IF 6.425
Conconi A, Ponzio C, Lobetti-Bodoni C, Motta M,
Rancoita PM, Stathis A, Moccia AA, Mazzucchelli
L, Bertoni F, Ghielmini M, Cavalli F, Zucca E.
Incidence, Risk Factors And Outcome Of
Scientific Report 2012
Histological Transformation In Follicular
Br J Haematol. 2012 Apr;157(2):188-96.
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2012.09054.x.
IF 4.941
Costa A.
Surgery has become more and more
Breast 2012 Apr; 21(2): 111. IF 2.491
Crippa S, Saletti P, Barizzi J, Mazzucchelli L.
The clinical management in familial adenomatous
polyposis deserves continuous monitoring for
thyroid carcinoma.
BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Nov. doi: 10.1136/bcr2012-007046. IF 4.328
Curlo M, Popovic J, Pignatti R, Sacco L.
Palinopsia in a patient with a left pericalcarine
cavernous haemangioma.
Swiss Arch Neurol Psychiatry. 2012;163(7): 2.
Czerny M, Eggebrecht H, Sodeck G, Verzini F,
Cao P, Maritati G, Riambau V, Beyersdorf F,
Rylski B, Funovics M, Loewe C, Schmidli J, Tozzi
P, Weigang E, Kuratani T, Livi U, Esposito G,
Trimarchi S, Van Den Berg JC, Fu W, Chiesa
R, Melissano G, Bertoglio L, Lonn L, Schuster I,
Grimm M.
Mechanisms of Symptomatic Spinal Cord Ischemia
After TEVAR: Insights From the European Registry
of Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications
J Endovasc Ther. 2012 Feb;19(1):37-43.
doi: 10.1583/11-3578.1. IF 2.856
Interventional Radiology
Del Grande F, Maus TP, Carrino JA.
Imaging the intervertebral disk: age-related
changes, herniations, and radicular pain.
7. Publications in 2012
Radiol Clin North Am. 2012 Jul; 50(4): 629-49.
IF 2.59
De Simone M, Muccio CF, Pagnotta SM, Esposito
G, Cianfoni A.
Comparison between CT and MR in perfusion
imaging assessment of high-grade gliomas.
Radiol Med. Epub 2012 Mar.
doi: 10.1007/s11547-012-0801-5. IF 1.4
Dienstmann R, De Dosso S, Felip E, Tabernero J.
Drug development to overcome resistance to
EGFR inhibitors in lung and colorectal cancer.
Mol Oncol 2012 Feb;6(1):15-26.
doi: 10.1016/j.molonc.2011.11.009.
IF 0.658
Di Lazzaro V, Profice P, Dileone M, Della Marca
G, Colosimo C, Pravatà E, Pavone A, Pennisi M,
Maviglia R, Pilato F.
Delayed hypothermia in malignant ischaemic
Neurol Sci. 2012 Jun;33(3):661-4. doi:
10.1007/s10072-011-0824-9. IF 1.3
Di Lazzaro V, Profice P, Pilato F, Capone F, Ranieri
F, Florio L, Colosimo C, Pravatà E, Pasqualetti P,
Dileone M.
The Level of Cortical Afferent Inhibition in Acute
Stroke Correlates With Long-Term Functional
Recovery in Humans.
Stroke. 2012 Jan;43(1):250-2.
doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.631085.
IF 5.7
Dratva J, Keidel D, Gaspoz JM, Liu S, Künzli N,
Phuleria H, Pons M, Foraster M, Zemp E, Gerbase
M, Schindler C.
Transportation Noise and Blood Pressure in a
Population-Based Sample of Adults.
Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Jan;120(1):50-5.
doi: 10.1289/ehp.1103448. IF 6.09
Internal Medicine
Economou NT, Manconi M, Ghika J, Raimondi M,
Bassetti CL.
Development of Parkinson and Alzheimer
diseases in two cases of narcolepsy-cataplexy.
Eur Neurol. 2012;67(1):48-50.
doi: 10.1159/000334733. IF 1.811
Espeli V, Zucca E, Ghielmini M, Giannini O, Salatino
A, Martucci F, Richetti A.
Weekly And 3-Weekly Cisplatin Concurrent With
Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy In Locally
Advanced Head And Neck Squamous Cell Cancer.
Oral Oncol. 2012 Mar;48(3):266-71.
doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2011.10.005.
IF 2.857
Fasolo A, Sessa C, Gianni L, Broggini M.
Seminars in clinical pharmacology: an introduction
to MET inhibitors for the medical oncologist.
Ann Oncol. 2012 Jan;24(1):14-20.
doi: 10.1093/annonc/mds520.
IF 6.425
Fasolo A, Sessa C.
Targeting mTOR pathways in human
Curr Phar, Des. 2012;18:2766-77.
IF 3.87
Cavassini M, Hoffmann M, Bernasconi E,
Schrenzel J, Bodmer T, Böttger E, Helbling P,
Egger M for the Swiss HIV Cohort and Molecular
Epidemiology of TB Study Groups.
Tuberculosis in HIV-negative and HIV-infected
patients in a low-incidence country: clinical
characteristics and treatment outcomes.
PloS One. 2012;7(3):e34186.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0034186. IF 4.092
Infective Diseases
Fernandez P, Solenthaler M, Spertini O, Quarroz
S, Rovo A, Lovey PY, Leoncini L, Ruault-Jungblut S,
D'Asaro M, Schaad O, Docquier M, Descombes P,
Matthes T; Swiss Cytometry Society.
Using digital RNA counting and flow cytometry to
compare mRNA with protein expression in acute
Plos One. 2012;7(11):e49010.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049010. IF 4.092
Ferreri AJ, Govi S, Pasini E, Mappa S, Bertoni F,
Zaja F, Montalbán C, Stelitano C, Cabrera ME,
Giordano Resti A, Politi LS, Doglioni C, Cavalli F,
Zucca E, Ponzoni M, Dolcetti R.
Chlamydophila Psittaci Eradication With
Doxycycline As First-Line Targeted Therapy For
Ocular Adnexae Lymphoma: Final Results Of An
International Phase II Trial.
J Clin Oncol. 2012 Aug;30(24):2988-94.
doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.41.4466.
IF 18.372
Fehr T, Stussi G.
ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation.
Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2012
Ago;17(4):376-85. doi: 10.1097/
MOT.0b013e328355f013. IF 2.967
Ferri R, Fulda S, Cosentino FII, Pizza F, Plazzi G.
A preliminary quantitative analysis of REM sleep
chin EMG in Parkinson´s disease with or without
REM sleep behaviour disorder.
Sleep Med. 2012 Jun:13(6):707-13.
doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2012.01.003
IF 3.4
Fenner L, Gagneux S, Janssens JP, Fehr J,
Ferri R, Manconi M, Plazzi G, Bruni O, Cosentino
Scientific Report 2012
FI, Ferini-Strambi L, Zucconi M.
Leg movements during wakefulness in restless
legs syndrome: time structure and relationships
with periodic leg movements during sleep.
Sleep Med. 2012 May; ;13(5):529-35.
doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2011.08.007. IF 3.4
G, Böhm S, Driessen C, De Braud F, Marsoni S,
Cereda R, Sala F, D’Incalci M, Sessa C.
A first in human phase I study of the proteasome
inhibitor CEP-18770 in patients with advanced
solid tumours and multiple myeloma.
Eur J Cancer Epub. 2012 Oct. IF 5.536
Fischer J, Dogas Z, Bassetti CL, Berg S, Grote L,
Jennum P, Levy P, Mihaicuta S, Nobili L, Riemann
D, Puertas Cuesta FJ, Raschke F, Skene DJ,
Stanley N, Pevernagie D.
Standard procedures for adults in accredited
sleep medicine centres in Europe.
J Sleep Res. 2012 Aug;21(4):357-68.
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2011.00987.x.
IF 3.361
Gallino A, Alerci M.
Commentary: reducing errors in the
interventional suite: a structured mental
rehearsal is a step in the right direction
J. Endovasc Ther. 2012; Jun; 19(3); 390-1.
doi: 10.1583/11-3785R.1.
IF 2.856
Interventional Radiology
Frank M, Guarino-Gubler S, Burnier M, Maillard M,
Keller F, Gabutti L.
Estimation of glomerular filtration rate in
hospitalised patients: are we overestimating renal
Swiss Med Wkly. 2012 Dec 19;142:w13708.
doi: 10.4414/smw.2012.13708. IF 1.895
Gabutti L, Montagna C, Mombelli G.
Early surgery for infective endocarditis.
N Engl J Med. 2012 Oct;367(14):1366;
author reply 1366-7. doi: 10.1056/
NEJMc1209897#SA2. IF 53.298
Internal Medicine
Gallerani E, Von Moos R, Bartosek A, Sessa C.
A phase I study of the oral platinum agent
satraplatin in combination with oral vinorelbine in
patients with advanced solid malignancies.
Onkologie. 2012;36(1-2):40-5.
doi: 10.1159/000346671. IF 0.868
Gallerani E, Zucchetti M, Brunelli D, Marangon
E, Noberasco C, Hess D, Delmonte A, Martinelli
7. Publications in 2012
Gerber B, Guggenberger R, Fasler D, Nair G,
Manz MG, Stussi G, Schanz U.
Reversible skeletal disease and high fluoride
serum levels in hematologic patients receiving
Blood. 2012 Sep;120(12):2390-4.
IF 9.898
Gerber B, Stussi G, Rosemann T, Senn O.
The health care setting rather than medical
speciality impacts on physicians adherence to
guideline-conform anticoagulation in outpatients
with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: a cross
sectional survey.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2012 Feb 29;12:12.
doi: 10.1186/1471-2261-12-12. IF 1.517
Gerull S, Stern M, Ben Aissa A, Manz MG, Schanz
U, Stussi G, Chalandon Y, Passweg J, Mohty B.
Allo-SCT for multiple myeloma in the era of novel
agents: a retrospective study on behalf of Swiss
Blood SCT.
Bone marrow transplant. 2012 Sep. IF 3.746
Ghielmini M, Vitolo U, Kimby E, Montoto S,
Walewski J, Pfreundschuh M, Federico M, Hoskin
P, McNamara C, Caligaris-Cappio F, Stilgenbauer
S, Marcus R, Trneny M, Dreger P, Montserrat E,
Dreyling M.
On behalf of the Panel Members of the 1st ESMO
Consensus Conference on Malignant Lymphoma.
ESMO Guidelines consensus conference on
malignant lymphoma 2011 part 1: diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), follicular lymphoma (FL)
and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
Ann Oncol. 2012 Nov. IF 6.425
Gillessen S, Gnad-Vogt U, Gallerani E, Beck J,
Sessa C, Omlin A, Mattiacci MR, LIedert B,
Kramer D, Laurent J, Speiser DE, Stupp R.
A phase I dose-escalation study of the
immunocytokine EMD 521873 (Selectikine) in
patients with advanced solid tumours.
Eur J Cancer Epub. 2012 Aug. IF 5.536
Giovanella L, Imperiali M, Ferrari A, Palumbo A,
Furlani L, Graziani MS, Castello R.
Serum thyroglobulin reference values according
to NACB criteria in healthy subjects with normal
thyroid ultrasound.
Clin Chem Lab Med. 2012 Jan;50(5):891-3.
doi: 10.1515/cclm.2011.756. IF 2.15
Laboratory Medicine–Nuclear Medicine
Giovanella L, Imperiali M, Ferrari A, Palumbo
A, Lippa L, Peretti A, Graziani MS, Castello R,
Verburg FA.
Thyroid volume influences serum calcitonin
levels in a thyroid-healthy population: results of a
3-assay, 519 subjects study.
Clin Chem Lab Med. 2012 Apr 4;50(5):895-900.
doi: 10.1515/cclm-2011-0920. IF 2.15
Laboratory Medicine–Nuclear Medicine
Giovanella L, Imperiali M, Verburg FA, Ceriani L.
Evaluation of the BRAHMS Kryptor®
Thyroglobulin Minirecovery Test in patients with
differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
Clin Chem Lab Med. 2012 Aug. pii: /j/cclm.
ahead-of-print/cclm-2012-0378/cclm-20120378.xml. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2012-0378.
IF 2.15
Laboratory Medicine–Nuclear Medicine
Giovanella L, Ceriani L, De Palma D, Suriano S,
Castellani M, Verburg FA.
Relationship Between Serum Thyroglobulin And
(18)Fdg-Pet/Ct In (131) I-Negative Differentiated
Thyroid Carcinomas.
Head Neck. 2012 May;34(5):626-31.
doi: 10.1002/hed.21791. IF 3.135
Nuclear Medicine
Giovanella L, Toffalori E, Tozzoli R, Caputo M,
Ceriani L, Verburg FA.
Multiplexed immunoassay of thyroglobulin
autoantibodies in patients with differentiated
thyroid carcinoma.
Head Neck. 2012 Oct;34(10):1369-71.
doi: 10.1002/hed.21933. IF 3.135
Nuclear Medicine
Giovanella L, Treglia G, Verburg FA, Salvatori M,
Ceriani L.
Serum cytokeratin 19 fragments: a
dedifferentiation marker in advanced thyroid
Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Dec;167(6):793-7.
doi: 10.1530/EJE-12-0660. IF 3.423
Nuclear Medicine
Giovanella L, Verburg FA, Imperiali M, Valabrega
S, Trimboli P, Ceriani L.
Comparison of serum calcitonin and procalcitonin
in detecting medullary thyroid carcinoma among
patients with thyroid nodules.
Clin Chem Lab Med. 2012 Dec 25:1-5.
doi: 10.1515/cclm-2012-0610. IF 2.15
Laboratory Medicine–Nuclear Medicine
Giovanella L.
Positron emission tomography/computed
tomography in patients terated for differentiated
Scientific Report 2012
thyroid carcinomas.
Exp Rev Endocrinol Metab. 2012;7:35-43
Nuclear Medicine
Swiss Med Wkly. 2012 Nov 26;142:0.
doi: 10.4414/smw.2012.13719. IF 1.895
Internal Medicine
Giovanella L.
Serum procalcitonin and calcitonin normal values
before and after calcium gluconate infusion.
Exp Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012
Mar;120(3):169-70. doi: 10.1055/s-00311301290.
Nuclear Medicine
Helbling D, Bodoky G, Gautschi O, Sun H, Bosman
F, Gloor B, Burkhard R, Winterhalder R, Madlung
A, Rauch D, Saletti P, Widmer L, Borner M,
Baertschi D, Yan P, Benhattar J, Leibundgut EO,
Bougel S, Koeberle D.
Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with or
without panitumumab in patients with wild-type
KRAS, locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC):
a randomized, multicenter, phase II trial SAKK
Ann Oncol. 2012 Nov.
doi: 10.1093/annonc/mds519. IF 6.425
Glass TR, Rotger M, Telenti A, Decosterd L,
Csajka C, Bucher HC, Günthard HF, Rickenbach
M, Nicca D, Hirschel B, Bernasconi E, Wandeler
G, Battegay M, Marzolini C; Swiss HIV Cohort
Determinants of sustained viral suppression
in HIV-infected patients with self-reported poor
adherence to antiretroviral therapy.
PloS One. 2012;7(1):e29186.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029186. IF 4.092
Infectious Diseases
Gori S, Lucchesi C, Maluccio MR, Morelli N,
Maestri M, Bonanni E, Murri L.
Inter-critical and critical excessive daily sleepiness
in episodic migraine patients.
Neurol Sci. 2012 Oct;33(5):1133-6.
doi: 10.1007/s10072-011-0924-6. IF 1.3
Gori S, Lucchesi C, Morelli N, Maestri M, Bonanni
E, Murri L.
Sleep-related migraine occurrence increases with
Acta Neurol Belg. 2012 Jun;112(2):183-7.
doi: 10.1007/s13760-012-0049-6. IF 0.5
Guessous I, Dudler V, Glatz N, Theler JM, Zoller O,
Paccaud F, Burnier M, Bochud M; Swiss Survey
on Salt Group.
Vitamin D levels and associated factors: a
population-based study in Switzerland.
7. Publications in 2012
Hennings JM, Schaaf L, Fulda S.
Glucose metabolism and antidepressant medication.
Curr Pharm Design. 2012; 18: 5900-19. IF 3.9
Huber M, Ledergerber B, Sauter R, Young J, Fehr
J, Cusini A, Battegay M, Calmy A, Orasch C, Nicca
D, Bernasconi E, Jaccard R, Held L, Weber R.
Outcome of smoking cessation counselling of HIVpositive persons by HIV care physicians.
HIV Med. 2012 Aug;13(7):387-97.
doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2011.00984.x.
IF 3.006
Infectious Diseases
Joerger M, Ferreri AJ, Krähenbühl S, Schellens
JH, Cerny T, Zucca E, Huitema AD.
Dosing Algorithm To Target A Predefined AUC In
Patients With Primary Central Nervous System
Lymphoma Receiving High-Dose Methotrexate.
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Feb;73(2):240-7.
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2011.04084.x.
IF 2.958
Kallweit U, Hidalgo H, Engel A, Baumann CR,
Bassetti CL, Dahmen N.
Post H1N1 vaccination narcolepsy-cataplexy with
decreased CSF beta-amyloid.
Sleep Med. 2012 Mar;13(3):323.
doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2011.10.023. IF 3.43
Klimusina J, Di Valentino M, Menafoglio A,
Pedrazzini G, Faletra F, von Segesser L, Gallino A.
Unexplained aneurysm involving both ventricles.
Cardiovascular Medicine. 2012; 15(12); 368370. IF 0.582
Klimusina J, Menafoglio A.
A dangerous "notch"
Cardiovascular Medicine. 2012; 15(6); 208-210.
IF 0.582
Klimusina J, Menafoglio A.
A dangerous "spike". Cause or coincidence?
Cardiovascular Medicine. 2012; 15(11); 331332. IF 0.582
Kwee I, Capello D, Rinaldi A, Rancoita PM, Bhagat
G, Greiner TC, Spina M, Gloghini A, Chan WC,
Paulli M, Zucca E, Tirelli U, Carbone A, Gaidano G,
Bertoni F.
Genomic Aberrations Affecting The Outcome Of
Immunodeficiency-Related Diffuse Large B-Cell
Leuk Lymphoma. 2012 Jan;53(1):71-6.
doi: 10.3109/10428194.2011.607729.
IF 2.58
Kwee I, Rinaldi A, Rancoita P, Rossi D, Capello D,
Forconi F, Giuliani N, Piva R, Inghirami G, Gaidano
G, Zucca E, Bertoni F.
Integrated DNA Copy Number And Methylation
Profiling Of Lymphoid Neoplasms Using A Single
Br J Haematol. 2012 Feb;156(3):354-357.
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2011.08946.x.
IF 4.941
Lava SAG, Simonetti GD, Ramelli GP, Tschumi S,
Bianchetti MG.
Symptomatic management of fever among Swiss
board-certified pediatricians: the results of a
cross-sectional Web-based survey.
Clin Ther. 2012 Jan; 34; 250-256. doi:
10.1016/j.clinthera.2011.12.002. IF 2.321
Lee JM, Ramos EM, Lee JH, Gillis T, Mysore
JS, Hayden MR, Warby SC, Morrison P, Nance
M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Squitieri F, Orobello
S, di Donato S, Gomez-Tortosa E, Ayuso C,
Suchowersky O, Trent RJ, McCusker E, Novelletto
A, Frontali M, Jones R, Ashizawa T, Frank S,
Saint-Hilaire MH, Hersch SM, Rosas HD, Lucente
D, Harrison MB, Zanko A, Abramson RK, Marder
K, Sequeiros J, Paulsen JS, Predict-HD study of
the Huntington Study Group, Landwehrmeyer GB,
REGISTRY study of the European Huntington`s
Disease Network, Myers RH, HD-MAPS study
group, MacDonald ME, Gusella JF, COHORT study
of the HSG.
CAG repeat expansion in Huntington disease
determines age at onset in a fully dominant
Neurology. 2012 Aug; 28;79(9):952; author reply
doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182697986. IF 8.3
Lemieux F, Lanthier S, Chevrier MC, Gioia L,
Rouleau I, Cereda C*, Nguyen DK* *last coauthorship.
Insular Ischemic Stroke: Clinical Presentation and
Cerebrovascular Dis. 2012 Jan;2(1):80-7.
doi: 10.1159/000343177. IF 2.7
Li ZM, Rinaldi A, Cavalli A, Mensah AA, Ponzoni M,
Gascoyne RD, Bhagat G, Zucca E, Bertoni F.
Scientific Report 2012
MYD88 Somatic Mutations In MALT Lymphomas.
Br J Haematol. 2012 Sep;158(5):662-4.
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2012.09176.x.
IF 4.941
Longoni N, Kunderfranco P, Pellini S, Albino D,
Mello-Grand M, Pinton S, D’Ambrosio G, Sarti M,
Sessa F, Chiorino G, Catapano CV and Carbone
Aberrant expression of the neuronal-specific
protein DCDC2 promotes malignant phenotypes
and is associated with prostate cancer
Oncogene. 2012 Jun;25.
doi:10.1038/onc.2012.245. IF 6.373
Lübbeke A, Garavaglia G, Rothman KJ, Bonvin A,
Roussos C, Miozzari H, Hoffmeyer P.
Statins may reduce femoral osteolysis in patients
with total Hip arthroplasty.
J Orthop Res. 2012 Nov 8.
doi: 10.1002/jor.22262. IF 2.811
Lucchesi C, Bonanni E, Maestri M, Siciliano G,
Murri L, Gori S.
Evidence of increased restless legs syndrome
occurrence in chronic and highly disabling
Funct Neurol. 2012 Apr-Jun;27(2):91-4. IF 1.5
Lucchina S, Fusetti C, Nistor A.
Arterial grafts are also available locally for hand
J Hand Surg Am. 2012 Jul;37(7):1510; author
reply 1510-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2012.04.031.
IF 1.354
Hand Surgery
Lucchina S, Fusetti C.
Revision surgery for failed carpal tunnel release.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Dec;130(6):898e-
7. Publications in 2012
899e; author reply 899e.
doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31826d9e42.
IF 3.382
Hand Surgery
Luigetti M, Bartalena T, Pravatà E, Cianfoni A.
Spontaneous Bilateral Internal Carotid Artery
Dissection Presenting With Right Hemifacial Pain.
Headache. 2012 Jul.
doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4610.2012.02225.x.
IF 2.5
Luigetti M, Goldsberry GT, Cianfoni A.
Brain MRI in global hypoxia-ischemia: a map of
selective vulnerability.
Acta Neurol Belg. 2012; 112 (1): 105-7. IF 0.5
Luigetti M, Sabatelli M, Montano N, Cianfoni A,
Fernandez E, Lo Monaco M.
Teaching neuroimages: Peroneal intraneural
ganglion cyst: a rare cause of drop foot in a child.
Neurology. 2012 Feb 14;78(7):e46-7.
doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e318246d6e9.
IF 8.3
Manconi M, Ferri R, Zucconi M, Bassetti CL, Fulda
S, Aricó D, Ferini-Strambi L.
Dissociation of periodic leg movements from
arousals in restless legs syndrome.
Ann Neurol. 2012 Jun;71(6):834-44.
doi: 10.1002/ana.23565. IF 11.1
Manconi M, Ulfberg J, Berger K, Ghorayeb I,
Wesström J, Fulda S, Allen RP, Pollmächer T.
When gender matters: Restless legs syndrome.
Report of the "RLS and woman" workshop
endorsed by the European RLS Study Group.
Sleep Med Rev. 2012 Aug;16(4):297-307.
doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2011.08.006. IF 6.931
Mancuso M, Bonanni E, LoGerfo A, Orsucci
D, Maestri M, Chico L, DiCoscio E, Fabbrini M,
Siciliano G, Murri L.
Oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with
untreated obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Sleep Med. 2012 Jun;13(6):632-6.
doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2011.10.030. IF 3.4
Mariotti P, Nociti V, Stefanini MC, Cianfoni A,
Veltri S, Ferrantini G, Batocchi AP.
Chronic migraine-like headache caused by a
demyelinating lesion in the brain stem.
Pain Med. 2012 Apr;13(4):610-2.
doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2012.01344.x.
IF 2.4
Martinez A, Ponzoni M, Agostinelli C, Hebeda
KM, Matutes E, Peccatori J, Campidelli C, Espinet
B, Perea G, Acevedo A, Mehrjardi AZ, MartinezBernal M, Gelemur M, Zucca E, Pileri S, Campo
E, López-Guillermo A, Rozman M; International
Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group.
Primary Bone Marrow Lymphoma: An Uncommon
Extranodal Presentation Of Aggressive NonHodgkin’s Lymphomas.
Am J Surg Pathol. 2012 Feb;36(2):296-304.
doi: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e31823ea106.
IF 4.352
Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Segatto J.M,
Siragusa P, Pezzoli R, Maggi M, Romano GA,
Moschovitis G, Gallino A.
Cardiovascular screening in young athletes.
Controversies and feasibility.
Cardiovascular Medicine 2013;16(1):11–19.
IF 1.51
Mensah AA, Rinaldi A, Ponzoni M, Canzonieri V,
Uccella S, Rossi D, Bhagat G, Gaidano G, Zucca E,
Bertoni F.
Absence Of NOTCH1 Gene Mutations In MALT
Br J Haematol. 2012 May;157(3):382-4.
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2011.08980.x.
IF 4.941
Menzler K, Belke M, Unger MM, Ohletz T, Keil B,
Heverhagen JT, Rosenow F, Mayer G, Oertel WH,
Möller JC, Knake S.
DTI reveals hypothalamic and brainstem white
matter lesions in patients with idiopathic
Sleep Med. 2012 Jun;13(6):736-42.
doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2012.02.013. IF 3.4
Merlo A, Zemp D, Zanda E, Rocchi S, Meroni F,
Tettamanti M, Recchia A, Lucca U, Quadri P.
Postural stability and history of falls in cognitively
able older adults: The Canton Ticino study
Gait & Posture. 2012 Sep;36(4):662-6.
doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2012.06.016.
IF 2.123
Miranda C, Nucifora M, Molinari F, Conca E,
Anania MC, Bordoni A, Saletti P, Mazzucchelli
L, Pilotti S, Pierotti MA, Tamborini E, Greco A,
Frattini M.
KRAS and BRAF mutations predict primary
resistance to imatinib in gastrointestinal stromal
Clin cancer res. 2012 Mar;18(6):1769-76.
doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-2230.
IF 7.742
Colombo N, Peiretti M, Garbi A, Carinelli S, Marini
C, Sessa C. On behalf of the ESMO Guidelines
Working Group.
Non-epithelial ovarian cancer: ESMO Clinical
Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and
Ann Oncol. 2012; 23(7). IF 6.425
Scientific Report 2012
Neuenschwander H, Gamondi C.
20 Years Of Experiences From Ticino, Southern
Ther Umsch. 2012 Feb;69(2):1:6.
doi: 10.1024/0040-5930/a000264.
IF 0.273
Palliative Care
Nicolosi Guidicelli S, Lopez-Guillermo A, Falcone
U, Conconi A, Christinat A, Rodriguez-Abreu D,
Grisanti S, Lobetti-Bodoni C, Piffaretti JC, Johnson
PW, Mombelli G, Cerny A, Montserrat E, Cavalli F,
Zucca E..
Hepatitis C Virus And GBV-C Virus Prevalence
Among Patients With B-Cell Lymphoma In
Different European Regions: A Case-Control Study
Of The International Extranodal Lymphoma Study
Hematol Oncol. 2012 Sep;30(3):137-42.
doi: 10.1002/hon.1015. IF 2.475
Nowak M, Möller C, Tackenberg B.
European Huntington’s Disease Network
Swiss Arch Neurol Psychiatry. 2012;163: 41-2
Ossenkoppele GJ, Stussi G, Maertens J, van
Montfort K, Biemond BJ, Breems D, Ferrant A,
Graux C, de Greef GE, Halkes CJ, Hoogendoorn
M, Hollestein RM, Jongen-Lavrencic M, Levin
MD, van de Loosdrecht AA, van Marwijk Kooij M,
van Norden Y, Pabst T, Schouten HC, Vellenga E,
Verhoef GE, de Weerdt O, Wijermans P, Passweg
JR, Löwenberg B.
Addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy
in acute myeloid leukemia at older age: a
randomized phase 2 trial of the Dutch-Belgian
Cooperative Trial Group for Hemato-Oncology
(HOVON) and the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer
Research (SAKK).
Blood. 2012 Dec;120(24):4706-11.
doi: 10.1182/blood-2012-04-420596.
IF 9.898
7. Publications in 2012
Pagani O, Azim HA Jr.
Pregnancy after breast cancer: myths and facts.
Breast Care 2012 Jun; 7: 210–4. IF 0.446
Pagnamenta A, Rabito G, Arosio A, Perren A,
Malacrida R, Barazzoni F, Domenighetti G.
Adverse events reporting in adult intensive
care units and the impact of a multifaceted
intervention on drug-related adverse events.
Ann Intensive Care. 2012;2:10.
Intensive Care Medicine
Peirano P, Algarin C, Chamorro R, Manconi M,
Lozoff B, Ferri R.
Iron deficiency anemia in infancy exerts longterm
effects on the tibialis anterior motor activity
during sleep in childhood.
Sleep Med. 2012 Sep; 13: 1006-12.
doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2012.05.011. IF 3.4
Pereira-Mestre R, Giannini O, Manzocchi V,
Bianchetti MG.
Masked hypertension delaying diagnosis in
Gordon’s syndrome.
J Hypertens. 2012 Nov;30:2240.
doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3283580069.
IF 4.021
Perren A, Previsdomini M, Bendjelid K.
Serum Potassium Levels and Mortality in Acute
Myocardial Infarction.
JAMA. 2012 Jan; 307(2):157-64. doi:
10.1001/jama.2011.1967. IF 30.026
Intensive Care Medicine
Perren A, Previsdomini M, Perren I, Merlani P.
Critical care nurses inadequately assess SAPS II
scores of very ill patients in real life.
Crit Care Res Pract. 2012 Apr;919106.
doi: 10.1155/2012/919106. IF 1.671
Intensive Care Medicine
Perren A, Previsdomini M, Perren I, Merlani P.
High accuracy of the Nine Equivalents of Nursing
Manpower Use Score assessed by critical care
Swiss Med Wkly. 2012 Apr;142:w13555.
doi: 10.4414/smw.2012.13555. IF 1.895
Intensive Care Medicine
Peruzzo M, Giannini O, Bianchetti MG.
Measles in a mother and her newborn baby.
Arch Dis Child. 2012 Jul;97(7):660.
doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2011-301561.
IF 2.881
Pesce GA, Klingbiel D, Ribi K, Zouhair A, von Moos
R, Schlaeppi M, Caspar CB, Fischer N, Anchisi S,
Peters S, Cathomas R, Bernhard J, Kotrubczik
NM, D'Addario G, Pilop C, Weber DC, Bodis S,
Pless M, Mayer M, Stupp R.
Outcome, quality of life and cognitive function
of patients with brain metastases from nonsmall cell lung cancer treated with whole
brain radiotherapy combined with gefitinib or
temozolomide. A randomised phase II trial of the
Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK
Eur J Cancer 2012; 48(3): 377-84.
doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2011.10.016. Epub 2011
Nov 15. IF 5.536
Radiation Oncology
Petrausch U, Frauenfelder T, Mueller NJ, Arn K,
Stussi G, Schanz U.
Optimised radiological diagnosis of hepatic fungal
infection during the treatment of leukemia.
Mycoses. 2012 Sep;55(5):447-53.
doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2012.02172.x.
IF 2.247
Pfister O, Evéquoz D, Mach F, Moschovitis G,
Samii K, Waeber G.
Should anemia and Iron deficiency be treated in
patients with chronic heart failure?
Cardiovascular Medicine. 2012;15(4):109-115.
IF 1.51
Philip I, Leblanc I, Berroëta C, Mouren S, Chterev
V, Clerici N, Bourel P.
Prise en charge de la fibrillation atriale lors de la
période périopératoire.
Le Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation. 2012
Anaesthesiology-Intensive Care Medicine
Pignatti R.
Il marcatore somatico è meglio dei neuroni
Riv Ital Ipnosi Clin Sper. 2012;32: 22-5.
Pillai SK, Abdel-Mohsen M, Guatelli J, Skasko M,
Monto A, Fujimoto K, Yukl S, Green WC, Kovari H,
Rauch A, Fellay J, Battegay M, Hirschel B, Witteck
A, Bernasconi E, Ledergerber B, Günthard HF,
Wong JK and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study.
Role of retroviral restricion factors in the inferonα-mediated suppression of HIV-1 in vistro.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2012 Feb
21;109(8):3035-40. doi: 10.1073/
pnas.1111573109. IF 9.681
Infectious Diseases
Polito L, Kehoe PG, Davin A, Benussi L, Ghidoni R,
Binetti G, Quadri P, Lucca U, Tettamanti M, Clerici
F, Bagnoli S, Galimberti D, Nacmias B, Sorbi S,
Guaita A, Scarpini E, Mariani C, Forloni G, Albani D.
The SIRT2 polymorphism rs 10410544 and risk
of Alzheimer's disease in two Caucasian casecontrol cohorts.
Alzheimers Dement. 2012 May. [Epub ahead of
IF 6.373
Scientific Report 2012
Potocnik P, Puig L, Candrian C.
Periprosthetic fractures of the proximal femur Vancouver A type fracture.
European Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Epub
2012 Dec. doi: 10.1007/s12570-012-0148-0
IF 0.097
Previsdomini M, Gini M, Cerutti B, Dolina M,
Perren A.
Predictors of positive blood cultures in critically ill
patients: a retrospective evaluation.
Croat Med J. 2012 Feb;53:30-39 IF 1.7960
Intensive Care Medicine
Provenzano C, Ricciardi R, Scuderi F, Maiuri MT,
Maestri M, La Carpia F, Sferrazza A, Marino M,
Leone L, Lucchi M, Mussi A, Zollino M, Evoli A,
Bartoccioni E.
PTPN22 and myasthenia gravis: replication in an
Italian population and meta-analysis of literature
Neuromusc Disord. 2012 Feb;22(2):131-8.
doi: 10.1016/j.nmd.2011.09.003. IF 2.8
Putaala J, Yesilot N, Waje-Andreasson U,
Vassilopoulou S, Odier C, Hofgart G, Engelter S,
Burow A, Mihalka L, Kloss M, Ferrari J, Lemmens
R, Coban O, Haapaniemi E, Maaijwee NAAM,
Rutten-Jacobs LCA, Bersano A, Cereda C, Baron
P, Borellini L, Valcarenghi C, Grau AJ, Palm F,
Urbanek C, Tuncay R, Durukan A, van Dijk EJ, de
Leeuw FE, Thijs V, Greisenegger S, Vemmos K,
Lichy C, Bereczki D, Csiba L, Michel P, Spengos K,
Naess H, Bahar SZ, Tatlisumak T.
Comparison of risk factors and etiology of
first-ever ischemic stroke in the young between
geographic regions in Europe: the 15-cities young
stroke study.
Stroke. 2012 Oct;43(10):2624-30. IF 5.7
Quarrell OW, Handley O, O’Donovan K, Dumoulin
K, Ramos-Arroyo M, Biunno I, Bauer P, Kline M,
7. Publications in 2012
Landwehrmeyer GB.
Discrepancies in reporting the CAG repeat
lengths for Huntington’s disease.
Eur J Hum Genet. 2012 Jan;20(1):20-6.
doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2011.136. IF 4.4
Regan MM, Leyland-Jones B, Bouzyk M, Pagani O,
et al.
CYP2D6 Genotype and Tamoxifen Response
in Postmenopausal Women with EndocrineResponsive Breast Cancer: The Breast
International Group 1-98 Trial.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012 Mar; 104(6): 441-51
IF 13.757
Reni M, Balzano G, Aprile G, Cereda S, Passoni
P, Zerbi A, Tronconi MC, Milandri C, Saletti P,
Rognone A, Fugazza C, Magli A, Di Muzio N, Di
Carlo V, Villa E.
Adjuvant PEFG (cisplatin, epirubicin, 5-fluorouracil,
gemcitabine) or gemcitabine followed by
chemoradiation in pancreatic cancer: a
randomized phase II trial.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Jul;19(7):2256-63.
doi: 10.1245/s10434-011-2205-2. IF 4.166
Renner C, Zinzani PL, Gressin R, Klingbiel D,
Dietrich PY, Hitz F, Bargetzi M, Mingrone W,
Martinelli G, Trojan A, Bouabdallah K, Lohri A,
Gyan E, Biaggi C, Cogliatti S, Bertoni F, Ghielmini
M, Brauchli P, Ketterer N. Swiss SAKK and
French GOELAMS group from European Mantle
Cell Lymphoma Network.
A multicenter phase II trial (SAKK 36/06) of
single-agent everolimus (RAD001) in patients
with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma.
Haematologica. 2012 Jul;97(7):1085-91.
doi: 10.3324/haematol.2011.053173. IF 4.941
Ribi K, Aldridge J, Phillips KA, Thompson A, Harvey
V, Thürlimann B, Cardoso F, Pagani O, et al.
Subjective cognitive complaints one year after
ceasing adjuvant endocrine treatment for earlystage breast cancer.
Br J Cancer 2012 May; 106(10): 1618-25.
IF 5.042
Ribrag V, Caballero D, Fermé C, Zucca E, Arranz
R, Briones J, Gisselbrecht C, Salles G, Gianni AM,
Gomez H, Kahatt C, Corrado C, Szyldergemajn S,
Extremera S, de Miguel B, Cullell-Young M, Cavalli F.
Multicenter Phase II Study Of Plitidepsin In
Patients With Relapsed/Refractory NonHodgkin's Lymphoma
Haematologica. 2013 Mar;98(3):357-63.
doi: 10.3324/haematol.2012.069757.
IF 6.424
Rocchi A, Mazzoni M, Bertolozzi G, Milani G,
Napolitano L, Colli A, Rizzuti T, Bianchetti MG,
Plebani A, Laicini E, Fossali E.
Atypical onset and course in a child with fulminant
Minerva Pediatr. 2012 Aug;64(4):447-450.
Rosell R, Wannesson L.
A genetic snapshot of small cell lung cancer.
Cancer Discov. 2012 Sep;2(9):769-71.
doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-12-0346.
Rossi A, Rossi T, Bertini M, Caccia G.
The use of Lactobacillus rhamnosus in therapy of
bacterial vaginosi. Evaluation of clinical efficacy in
a population of 40 women treated for 24 months.
Arch Gnecol Obstet. 2010;281(6):1065-9.
IF 1.277
Salmina C, Taddeo I, Falesi M, Weber P,
Bianchetti MG, Ramelli GP.
Paroxysmal tonic upgaze in normal children: a
case series and a review of the literature.
Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2012 Nov;16:683-687.
IF 2.123
Salvadè I, Domenighetti G, Maggiorini M, Rothen
HU, Jolliet PH.
Perception of non-invasive ventilation in adult
Swiss intensive Care Units.
Swiss Med Wkly. 2012 Apr;142:w13551.
doi: 10.4414/smw.2012.13551. IF 1.895
Intensive Care Medicine
Salvaterra E, Giorda R, Bassi MT, Borgatti R,
Knudsen LE, Martinuzzi A, Nobile M, Pozzoli U,
Ramelli GP, Reni GL, Rivolta D, Stazi MA, Strazzer
S, Thijs C, Toccaceli V, Trabacca A, Turconi AC,
Zanini S, Zucca C, Bresolin N, Lenzi L, on behalf of
the Pediatric Biobank ELSI Working Group.
Pediatric biobanking: a pilot qualitative survey of
practices, rules, and researcher opinions in ten
European countries.
Biopreservation and Biobank. 2012 Feb;10(1);2936. IF 1.294
Saporito A, Sturini E, Petri GJ, Borgeat A, Aguirre J.
Case report: unusual complication during
outpatient continuous regional popliteal analgesia.
Can J Anesth. 2012 Oct;59(10):958-62.
IF 2.346
Scherrer AU, Ledergerber B, von Wyll V, Böni J,
Yerly S, Klimkait T, Cellerai C, Furrer H, Calmy A,
Cavassini M, Elzi L, Vernazza PL, Bernasconi E,
Günthard HF; Swiss HIV Cohort Study.
Minor protease inhibitor mutations at baseline do
not increase the risk for a virological failure in HIV1 subtype B infected patients.
PloS One. 2012;7(6):e37983.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037983. IF 4.092
Infective Diseases
Schmidhauser T, Azzola A.
Images in clinical medicine. Lichtenberg figures.
Scientific Report 2012
N Engl J Med. 2011 Dec 29;365(26):e49.
IF 53.298
Schumacher A, Jacomella V, Stüssi G, AmannVesti B, Corti N, Marc Husmann A.
Castleman's disease and arterial thrombosis:
result of excessively elevated interleukin-6 plasma
Vasa. 2012 Mar;41(2):145-8.
doi: 10.1024/0301-1526/a000178. IF 1.308
Sidler JA, Filges I, Boesch N, Ramelli GP,
Röthlisberger B, Huber AR, Tercanli S, Bronz L,
Miny P, Heinimann K.
TRPS1 codon 952 constitutes a mutational hot
spot in trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type I and
could be associated with intellectual disability.
Clin Dysmorphol. 2012 Apr;21:87-90. IF 0.543
the Swiss HIV Cohort Study.
Longer term clinical and virological outcome of
Sub-Saharan African participants on antiretroviral
treatment in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012
Jan;59(1):79-85. doi: 10.1097/
QAI.0b013e318236be70. IF 4.425
Infectious Diseases
Stamelou M, Dohmann H, Brebbermann J, Boura
E, Oertel WH, Höglinger G, Möller JC, Mylius V.
Clinical pain and experimental pain sensitivity in
progressive supranuclear palsy.
Parkinsonism Rel Disord. 2012 Jun;18(5):606-8.
doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2011.11.010. IF 3.8
Stathis, Ghielmini M.
New Agents For The Treatment Of Lymphoma.
Ann Oncol. 2012 Sep;23(10):92-8. IF 6.425
Simonetti GD, Bucher BS, Tschumi S, Lava SAG,
Bianchetti MG.
Arterial hypertension and proteinuria in pediatric
chronic kidney disease.
Minerva Pediatr. 2012 Apr;64:171-182.
Stussi G, Tsakiris DA.
Late effects on haemostasis after haematopoietic
stem cell transplantation.
Haemostasiologie. 2012;32(1):63-6.
doi: 10.5482/ha-1184. IF 1.19
Simonetti GD, Mohaupt MG, Bianchetti MG.
Monogenic forms of hypertension.
Eur J Pediatr. 2012; 171; 1433-1439. IF 1.879
Subramanian S, Srinivas C, Ramalingam K,
Babaiah M, Swamy ST, Arun G, Kathirvel M, Ashok
S, Clivio A, Fogliata A, Nicolini G, Rao KS, Reddy
TP, Amit J, Vanetti E, Cozzi L.
Volumetric Modulated Arc-Based
Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy
For The Treatment Of Selected Intracranial
Arteriovenous Malformations: Dosimetric Report
And Early Clinical Experience.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012; Mar 1; 82(3);
1278-1284. IF 4.503
Radiation Oncology
Stacchiotti S, Longhi A, Ferraresi V, Grignani G,
Comandone A, Stupp R, Bertuzzi A, Tamborini
E, Pilotti S, Messina A, Spreafico C, Gronchi A,
Amore P, Vinaccia V, Casali PG.
Phase II study of imatinib in advanced chordoma.
J Clin Oncol. 2012 Mar;30(9):914-20.
doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.35.3656. IF 18.372
Staehelin C, Keiser O, Calmy A, Weber R, Elzi L,
Cavassini M, Schmid P, Bernasconi E, Furrer H;
7. Publications in 2012
Synofzik M, Ronchi D, Keskin I, Basak AN, Wilhelm
C, Gobbi C, Birve A, Biskup S, Zecca C, FernándezSantiago R, Kaugesaar T, Schöls L, Marklund SL,
Andersen PM.
Mutant superoxide dismutase-1 indistinguishable
from wild type causes ALS.
Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Aug 15;21(16):3568-74.
doi: 10.1093/hmg/dds188. IF 7.6
Thakkar RS, Del Grande F, Thawait GK, Andreisek
G, Carrino JA, Chhabra A.
Spectrum of high-resolution MRI findings in
diabetic neuropathy.
AJR Am J Roentgenol 2012 Aug; 199(2): 40712. IF 2.775
Thieblemont C, Davi F, Noguera ME, Brière J,
Bertoni F, Zucca E, Traverse-Glehen A, Felman P,
Berger F, Salles G, Coiffier B.
Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma: Current
Knowledge And Future Directions.
Oncology (Williston Park). 2012 Feb;26(2):194202.
Thierfelder C, Weber R, Elzi L, Furrer H,
Cavassini M. Calmy A, Bernasconi E, Gutmann C,
Ledergerber B, Swiss HIV Cohort Study Group.
Partecipation, characteristics and retention
rates of HIV-positive immigrants in the Swiss HIV
Cohort Study.
HIV Med. 2012 Feb;13(2):118-26.
doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2011.00949.x.
IF 3.006
Infectious Diseases
Treglia G, Rufini V, Salvatori M, Giordano A,
Giovanella L.
Pet imaging in recurrent medullary thyroid
Int J Mol Imaging . 2012 Dic;53(12):1863-71.
doi: 10.2967/jnumed.112.105940.
IF 1.573
Nuclear Medicine
Trimboli P, Nigri G, Romanelli F, Cicciarella Modica
DD, Crescenzi A, Valabrega S, Giovanella L.
Medullary thyroid nodules by measurement of
calcitonin (ct) in aspiration needle washout in
patients with multinodular goiter and moderately
elevated serum ct.
Exp Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Apr;120(4):2347. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1291344.
Nuclear Medicine
Trueb L, Lepori M, Duplain H, Scherrer U, Sartori C.
Nitric oxide mediates the blood pressure
response to mental stress in humans.
Swiss Med Wkly. 2012 Jul;142:13627.
doi: 10.4414/smw.2012.13627. IF 1.895
Emergency Medicine
Tubaro A, Puccini F, De Nunzio C, Digesu GA,
Elneil S, Gobbi C, Khullar V.
The treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms
in patients with multiple sclerosis: a systematic
Curr Urol Rep. 2012 Oct;13(5):335-42.
doi: 10.1007/s11934-012-0266-9.
Van Den Berg J, Waser S, Trelle S, Diehm N,
Baumgartner I.
Lesion characteristics of patients with chronic
critical limb ischemia that determine choice of
treatment modality.
J Cardiovasc Surg. 2012 Feb;53(1):45-52.
IF 1.559
Interventional Radiology
Van Den Berg JC, Pedrotti M, Canevascini R,
Chimchila Chevili S, Giovannacci L, Rosso R.
Endovascular treatment of in-stent restenosis
using excimer laser angioplasty and drug eluting
J Cardiovasc surg. 2012 Apr;53(2):215-22.
IF 1.559
Interventional Radiology
Van Den Berg JC.
Type II endoleaks: still the crux of EVAR?
Scientific Report 2012
Journal of Endovascular Therapy.
doi: 10.1583/11-3653C.1. IF 2.856
Interventional Radiology
Verburg FA, Grelle I, Giovanella L, Reiners C.
Evaluation of the brahms kryptor thyroglobulin
"mini-recovery" test in thyroid healthy subjects.
Horm Metab Res. 2012 Jun;44(7):555-7.
doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1314804. IF 2.188
Nuclear Medicine
Vinai P, Ferri R, Ferini-Strambi L, Cardetti S, Anelli
M, Vallauri P, Ferrato N, Zucconi M, Carpegna G,
Manconi M.
Defining the borders between Sleep-Related
Eating Disorder and Night Eating Syndrome.
Sleep Med. 2012 Jun;13(6):686-90.
doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2011.11.017. IF 3.4
Wahrmann M, Schiemann M, Marinova L,
Körmöczi GF, Derfler K, Fehr T, Stussi G, Böhmig
Anti-A/B antibody depletion by semiselective
versus ABO blood group-specific
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 May;27(5):21229. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfr610. IF 3.396
Weibel M, Ossola N.
To start eating again could be dangerous.
Praxis. 2012 Jan;101(1):55-8.
doi: 10.1024/1661-8157/a000810
Internal Medicine
Wyl V, Yerly S, Böni J, Shah C, Cellerai C, Klimkait
T, Battegay M, Bernasconi E, Cavassini M,
Furrer H, Hirschel B, Vernazza P, Ledergerber B,
Günthard HF; and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study.
Incidence of HIV-1 drug resistance among
antiretroviral treatment-naïve individuals starting
modern therapy combinations.
Clin Infect Dis.2012 Jan;54(1):131-40.
7. Publications in 2012
doi: 10.1093/cid/cir728. IF 9.154
Infectious Diseases
Wyttenbach R, Médioni N, Santini P, Vock P,
Szucs-Farkas Z.
Extracardiac findings detected by cardiac
magnetic resonance imaging.
Eur Radiol. 2012 Jun;22(6);1295-302.
doi: 10.1007/s00330-011-2369-y. IF 3.222
Young J, Schäfer J, Fux C.A, Furrer H, Bernasconi
E, Vernazza P, Calmy A, Cavassini M, Weber R,
Battegay M, Bucher HC, the Swiss HIV Cohort
Renal function in patients with HIV starting
therapy with tenofovir and either efavirenz,
lopinavir or atazanavir.
AIDS. 2012 Mar;26(5):567-75.
doi: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e32834f337c.
IF 6.245
Infectious Diseases
Zaman K, Thürlimann B, Huober J,
Schönenberger A, Pagani O, Lüthi J, Simcock M,
Giobbie-Hurder A, Berthod G, Genton C, Brauchli
P, Aebi S, Swiss Group For Clinical Cancer
Research (SAKK).
Bone Mineral Density In Breast Cancer Patients
Treated With Adjuvant Letrozole, Tamoxifen, Or
Sequences Of Letrozole And Tamoxifen In The BIG
1-98 Study (SAKK 21/07).
Ann Oncol. 2012 Jun;23(6):1474-81.
doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdr448. IF 6.452
Zappa F, Droege C, Betticher D, von Moos
R, Bubendorf L, Ochsenbein A, Gautschi O,
OppligerLeibundgut E, Froesch P, Stahel R,
Hess T, Rauch D, Schmid P, Mayer M, Crowe
S, Brauchli P, Ribi K, Pless M. Swiss Group for
Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK).
Bevacizumab and erlotinib (BE) first-line therapy
in advanced non-squamous non-small-cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) (stage IIIB/IV) followed by
platinum-based chemotherapy (CT) at disease
progression: a multicenter phase II trial (SAKK
Lung Cancer. 2012 Dec;78(3):239-44.
doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2012.08.017.
IF 3.434
Zavalko I, Bassetti CL, Cianfoni A, Carugati J,
Fulda S, Manconi M.
Hypersomnia due to bilateral thalamic lesions:
unexpected response to modafinil.
Eur J Neurol. 2012 Nov;19(11):e125-6.
doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1331.2012.03835.x. IF 3.7
Zecca C, Cereda C, Wetzel S, Tschuor S, Staedler
C, Santini F, Nadarajah N, Bassetti CL, Gobbi C.
Diffusion-weighted imaging in acute demyelinating
Neuroradiology. 2012 Jun;54(6):573-8.
doi: 10.1007/s00234-011-0907-6. IF 2.8
Zecca C, Cereda C, Wetzel S, Tschuor S, Staedler
C, Santini F, Nadarajah N, Bassetti CL, Gobbi C.
Diffusion-weighted imaging in acute demyelinating
Neuroradiology. 2012 Jun;54(6):573-8.
doi: 10.1007/s00234-011-0907-6. IF 2.824
Zecca C, Yawalkar N, Gobbi C.
Improvement of interferon-beta related skin
reactions after diluent halving: first experience of
five patients.
Pat Pref Adher. 2012;6:565-7.
doi: 10.2147/PPA.S33727. IF 1.1
Zgraggen L, Faré PB, Lava SAG, Simonetti GD,
Fossali EF, Amoruso C, Bianchetti MG.
Palatability of crushed ß-blockers, converting
enzyme inhibitors and thiazides
J Clin Pharm Ther. 2012 Oct;37:544-546. IF 1.57
Publications in non-peer-reviewed journals
Balestra B.
Gamba Gonfia: l'occhio clinico e quello
Tribuna Medica Ticinese, Sezione scientifica,
Il caso clinico in 1000 parole. 2012.
Internal Medicine
Bianchi M, Columpsi P, Davitti V, Prandi R,
Trupiano I, Pedrazzoli-Hutz C, Tosi-Casado S,
Zanon M, Pedrazzani C, Valcarenghi D.
I cateteri venosi centrali ad impianto periferico:
un'opportunità per lo sviluppo delle cure
Onkologiepflege Soins en oncologie. 2012;3:23-24.
Nursing Medicine
Bianchi M, Valcarenghi D.
Establishing a PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central
Catheters) Team at the Oncology Institute
of Southern Switzerland - an opportunity for
patients, nurses and health service.
Schweizer Krebsbulletin. 2012;3:226-228.
Nursing Medicine
Bianchi V, Spitale A, Mazzucchelli L, Bordoni A and
the QC Working Group.
Quality Indicators of Clinical Cancer Care (QC) in
the territory of Canton Ticino: a population-based
Bulletin Suisse du Cancer. 2012; 205 – 208.
Nursing Medicine
Carzo A, Manelli A, Oliveira M, Schiavone N,
Prigione G, Cipolli A, et al.
Analisi dell'equilibrio con pedana di forza dopo
trattamento propriocettivo della colonna
La Riabilitazione, Rivista di Medicina Fisica e
Riabilitazione, Organo Ufficiale dell'unione Europea
di Medicina Manuale: UEMMA, 2012.
Scientific Report 2012
Fratila C, Moschovitis G
Aktuelles aus der Kardiologie: herzinsuffizienz.
Neuigekeiten zur Herzinsuffizienz.
VSAO Journal ASMAC No.6, December 2012.
Froesch P, Peters S, Gautschi O.
Multimodale und individualisierteTherapie. ThoraxOnkologie.
Schweiz Medizin Forum. 2012 May.
Giannini O, Balestra B, Selmoni G.
Die Kultur der Organisationsverbesserung in
einer Abteilung für Innere Medizin.
Schweiz Aerztezeitung. 2012;93:36-40.
Lepori M, Tobia M.
Patients who "leave without being seen" the
Emergency Department: the role of a fastrack
way (Notfallpraxis).
Notfallpraxis (Swiss Medical Forum). 2012;
Emergency Medicine
Schönholzer C, Violetti E, Pianca S, Van Den Berg
Angioplastica e posizionamento di uno stent
possono tuttora essere la migliore terapia di una
stenosi aterosclerotica dell'arteria renale.
Tribuna Medica Ticinese. 2012;77(2):63-65.
Zecca C, Gobbi C.
Studi comparativi randomizzati tra le terapie di
primo livello della sclerosi multipla.
Tribuna Medica Ticinese. 2012;4:437.
Zecca C, Gobbi C.
Trattamento analgesico dell’emicrania.
Tribuna Medica Ticinese. 2012;4:431.
Medical conference abstracts
Arigoni M. Annual Congress of the Dutch Society
of Traumatology. November 1-2, 2012.
Trauma Care in Switzerland.
Melchiorre-Mayer P., Moschovitis G.
Cuore e batticuore e…poetica dell’extrasistole.
Farmacie, SpazioSalute, attualità e benessere.
La rivista delle 24 farmacie Spazio Salute.
March 2012
Azinwi NC, Fanti P, Martucci F, Pittoni P, Richetti
A, Valli MC, Pesce G.
XVI SASRO Annual Meeting 2012
Accuracy evaluation in IGRT/RAPIDARC for brain
metastases (BM).
Radiation Oncology
Regusci L, Ossola N, Castelnuovo M, Fasolini F.
Constipation? Non tuberculose rénale.
Schweiz Med Forum. 2012;12(16):338-339.
Internal Medicine
Bedard P, Tabernero J, Kurzrock R, Britten
C, Stathis A, Perez-Garcia JM, Zubel A, Le
NT, Carter K, Bellew KM, Gallarati C, Niazi F,
Demanse D, De Buck S, Sessa C. ASCO Annual
Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, June 1-5, 2012.
A phase lb, open-label, multi-center, doseescalation study of the oral pan-PI3K inhibitor
BKM120 in combination with the oral MEK1/2
inhibitor GSK1120212 in patients (pts) with
selected advanced solid tumours.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012 ASCO Annual
Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition).
Saporito A, Sturini E, Petri GJ, Borgeat A, Aguirre J.
Outpatient continuous Regional l l l analgesia
after orthopaedic foot surgery: economical
Schweiz Med Forum. 2012; 12(59)
7. Publications in 2012
Vol 30, No 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement),
2012: 3003
Bender-Rizzuti N, Ghisletta-Facchin N.
Congress de l'ASI 2012 - "L'univers des soins
infermiers". Interlaken, May 9-11, 2012.
L'infermière coordinatrice en rèadaptation
Nursing Medicine
Bianchi M, Broggini L, Pedrazzoli-Hutz C, TosiCasado S, Valcarenghi D.
1) 2a Giornata Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera
Italiana, abstract No. 46, Bellinzona , 23rd
March 2012;
2) 2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC - "Infermieri
EOC: co-protagonisti nel sistema sanitario che
cambia". Lugano, 9th May 2012.
L'inserimento di un programma di arte-terapia
per pazienti ricoverati allo IOSI: uno studio pilota.
Nursing Medicine
Bianchi M, Valcarenghi D.
7a Conferenza Nazionale GIMBE. Bologna
(abstract No. 23), 17th February 2012.
La costituzione di una rete di referenti per la
ricerca infermieristica e l’evidence-based practise
all'Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (the
Nursing Medicine
Bianchi M; Pedrazzani C, Valcarenghi D.
1) 2a Giornata Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera
Italiana, abstract No. 18, Bellinzona, 23rd
March 2012;
2) 2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC - "Infermieri
EOC: co-protagonisti nel sistema sanitario che
cambia". Lugano, 9th May 2012.
Le esigenze e le proposte degli infermieri
dell'Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland
rispetto all’EBP: presentazione di alcuni risultati.
Nursing Medicine
Bonaldi G, Cianfoni A.
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Spine
Radiology. Miami, February 2012.
Percutaneous treatment of vertebral
compression fracture and lumbar stenosis.
Britten CD, Wainberg ZA, Tabernero J, Maqueda
MA, Leong S, Sessa C, Millham R, Gallo J, Siu L,
Brana I.
The 24th EORTIC-NCI-AACR Symposium on
Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. 6th
November 2012.
A three-arm phase I dose-escalation study of the
safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics
of the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors PF-04691502
(oral) and PF-05212384 (IV) in combination with
the MEK inhibitor PD-0325901 or irinotecan in
patients with advanced cancer.
Brunetti S, Fusetti C.
13th European congress of Trauma & Emergency
Surgery. Basel, May 12-15, 2012.
MMS and wrist fracture classification. Analysis of
inter and intraobserver agreement.
Hand Surgery
Brunetti S, Fusetti C.
Combined Meeting of the ASSH and AHSS. Koloa
Kanai, Hawaii, March 22-25, 2012.
Inter-and intraobserver agreement in wrist
fracture classification using MMS. A prospective
Hand Surgery
Brunetti S, Fusetti C.
Congrès SFCM-GEM. Paris, December 2012.
L'information médicale sur internet: patients et
tunnel carpien.
Hand Surgery
Cafarotti S, Giuliani M, Matarelli E, Karoubi G,
Carboni G, Dutly AE.
Congresso Nazionale Italiano della FONICAP Forza operativa nazionale contro il cancro del
Scientific Report 2012
polmone. Verona, November 2012.
È fattibile la resezione cuneiforme toracoscopica
Roma, May 2012.
Sessione spinale: Diagnostica per immagini –
Quale e perché.
Cafarotti S, Matarelli E, Giuliani M, Karoubi G,
Carboni G, Dutly AE. Congresso Nazionale Italiano
della FONICAP - Forza operativa nazionale contro
il cancro del polmone. Verona, November 2012.
Verona, November 2012.
Studio di fattibilità nell’utilizzo della sutura ePTFE
nella sleeve lobectomy.
Cereda C, Tamisier R, Andreotti J, Bassetti C.
Annual Meeting of the American Accademy of
Neurology. New Orleans, April 2012.
Endothelial Dysfunction and Arterial Stiffness in
Ischemic Stroke: the role of Sleep Disordered
Candrian C.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Moderazione: Pharmacological blocking of
osteoclastic biocorrosion of surgical stainless
steel in vitro Infection / Immunity.
Canevascini L, Radiation Oncology Unit, Palliative
Care Unit, Pedrazzoli C, Bianchi M.
2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC - "Infermieri
EOC: cooprotagonisti nel sistema sanitario che
cambia". Lugano, 9 May 2012.
L'autodeterminazione nella cura: la creazione di
una visione condivisa attraverso la conoscenza
delle direttive anticipate.
Nursing Medicine
Carbone GM, Longoni N, Mello-Grand G, Sarti M,
Pinton S, Dellavalle C, Chiorino G, Catapano CV.
An American Association for Cancer Research
(AACR) Special Conference - Advances in prostate
cancer research. Orlando (FL, USA), February 6-9,
The ETS transcription factor ESE1 promotes
activation of the NFKB pathway in prostate
Cartolari R.
II Congresso Nazionale SNO.
7. Publications in 2012
Ceriani L, Zucca E, Zinzani PL, Ferreri AJM, Vitolo
U, Stelitano C, et al.
ASH. Atlanta, December 8-11, 2012.
Role of positron emission tomography (PET/
CT) in primary mediastinal large B cell lymphoma
(PMLBCL): preliminary results of an international
phase II trial (IELSG-26 study) conducted on behalf
of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study
Group (IELSG), the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi
(FIL) and the UK NCRI Lymphoma Group.
Nuclear Medicine/Oncology
Chappuis A, Glatz N, Suter P, Conen D, Erne P,
Binet I, et al. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society
of Nephrology.
Zurich, December 2012.
Sex differences in dietary patterns associated
with salt intake at the population level.
Internal Medicine
Christoforidis D, Rosso R.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Séance de vidéos Invitation I. Single incision
sigmoidectomy from the right iliac fossa.
Christoforidis D.
13th International Colorectal Forum. Verbier,
January 29-31, 2012.
Moderazione: Organizer and Chairman
of the video session "Rectal prolapse and
Christoforidis D.
13th International Colorectal Forum. Verbier, January 29-31, 2012.
(Bio) LIFT technique: indications, tips and tricks.
Christoforidis D.
7th annual meeting of the European Society of
Coloproctology (ESCP). Wien, September 27-28,
Novel approaches for the treatment of anal
Christoforidis D.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Moderazione: Chirurgie viscérale Communications libres. Colo-Proctology.
Christoforidis D.
Simposio primaverile di Chirurgia. The Regional
Hospital of Lugano, 21st May 2012.
L’incontinenza fecale.
Christoforidis D.
7th annual meeting of the European Society of
Coloproctology (ESCP). Wien, September 27-28,
Ileocecal Crohn’s disease.
Christoforidis D.
The DreiländertagungfürminiinvasiveChirugie.
2012 September 27-28.
Is laparoscopy the new standard for colon cancer
Christoforidis D.
7th Mendrisio Medical Meeting. 10th May 2012.
Moderazione: Chairman for the session
Cianfoni A, Weininger M, Mills JC, Rumboldt Z,
Bonaldi G, Huda W.
European Congress of Radiology. Wien, March
Accuracy of CT-guidance for Lumbar Facet
Christoforidis D.
7° Simposio Ticinese di Nutrizione Clinica, The
Regional Hospital of Lugano, 16th October 2012.
Progetto ERAS - The Regional Hospital of Lugano.
Christoforidis D.
9° Symposium César Roux. CHUV, Lausanne,
23rd November 2012.
Quoi de neuf en chirurgie des stomies.
Christoforidis D.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Moderazione: Visite de l’exposition de posters.
Chirurgie viscérale.
Colla M, Del Torso M, Pesenti C, Walther Veri S.
2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC - "Infermieri
EOC: co-protagonisti nel sistema sanitario che
cambia". Lugano, 9th May 2012.
La consulenza infermieristica in Cure Palliative:
cosa possiamo fare per voi?
Nursing Medicine –Palliative Care
Cristaudi A, Matthey-Gié ML, Demartines N,
Christoforidis D.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. 2012 June 20-22.
Is it really worth the effort to renounce to 5mm
Scientific Report 2012
selected for publication in Radiographics.
De Spirito D.
SGH-/SGHR-Kongress. November 8-9, 2012.
Muscle-in-vein tubulization for a 3.5 cm nerve
reconstruction in the palm. A case report.
Del Grande F, Tatizawa-Shiga N , Chalian M, Fayad
LM. SSR. Miami, 2012.
Is contrast-enhanced MRI required to evaluate
the extent of a bone tumour?
Del Conte G, Bahleda R, Moreno V, Damian S,
Perotti A, Lassau N, Farace F, Ong M, Stimpson
SJ, Tunariu N, Micallef S, Demers B, Oprea C,
Capri G, Soria JC, Sessa C, Molife R. ASCO Annual
Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, June 1-5, 2012.
A phase I study of ombrabulin (O) combined with
bevacizumab (B) in patients with advanced solid
tumours (NCT01193595).
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012 ASCO Annual
Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol
30, Nr. 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement), 2012:
Dessi K, Engelberger S, Rosso R, Van Den Berg
JC, Giovannacci L.
13° Congrès de l’union des sociétés suisse des
maladies vasculaires. November 21-23, 2012.
Endoleak type II after open abdominal aortic
aneurysm repair.
Del Grande F, Carrino JA, Chaabra A. RSNA.
Chicago, 2012
Spectrum of Elbow Injuries in Baseball Pitchers: 3
Tesla MRI imaging.
Del Grande F, Carrino JA. RSNA. Chicago, 2012.
3 Tesla MRI imaging of the elbow in
asymptomatic professional baseball pitchers.
Del Grande F, Chhabra A, Chalian M, eng J,
Carrino JA. RSNA. Chicago, 2012.
Diagnostic Performance and Interobserver
Reliability of Pelvic MR Neurography for Femoral
Del Grande F, Santini F, Herzka D, Carrino JA.
RSNA. Chicago, 2012.
Fat suppression techniques on 3 Tesla MRI in
musculoskeletal system. Certificate of Merit
7. Publications in 2012
Dessi K, Engelberger S, Van Den Berg JC, Rosso
R, Giovannacci L.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Endoleak type II after open abdominal aortic
aneurysm repair.
Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano GA,
Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A, Menafoglio A.
European Congress of Preventive Cardiology
EuroPRevent. Dublin, May 3-5, 2012.
Infero-lateral early repolarisation in young
athletes: prevalence and electrocardiographic
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano GA,
Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, et al.
SGK annual conference. Lausanne, June 13-15,
Prevalence and characteristics of early
repolarisation in young female athletes.
Cardiovascular Medicine.
Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano GA,
Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A, Menafoglio A.
European Society Cardiology meeting. Munich,
August 25-29, 2012.
Early repolarisation in young athletes:
electrocardiographic characteristics and
prevalence of "risky" phenotype.
Eur Heart J. 2012;33(suppl1):P1759.
Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano GA,
Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A, Menafoglio A.
European Society Cardiology meeting. Munich,
August 25-29, 2012.
Electrocardiograms in young athletes:
characteristics and prevalence of abnormalities.
Eur Heart J. 2012; 33(suppl1):1755.
Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi M, Romano GA,
Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A, Menafoglio A.
SGK annual conference. Lausanne, June 13-15,
Electrocardiograms in young athletes:
characteristics and prevalence of abnormalities.
Cardiovascular Medicine
Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Moschovitis G, Gallino
A, Menafoglio A.
American Heart Association meeting. Los
Angeles, November 2012.
"Malignant" early repolarisation is relatively
frequent in young athletes.
Circulation. 2012;126:A9478.
Digesu A,Puccini P, Hendricken C,Bhide A, Khullar
V, Tubaro A, Caccia G, Zecca C, Gobbi C. IUGA
37th annual meeting in Brisbane 2012.
Motor and/or sensory response during PTNS-do
they predict treatement outcome?
Int Urogynecol J. 2012;23(Suppl 2):S84
Droeser R.D, Hirt C, Eppenberger-Castori S,
Zlobec I, Viehl C.T, Zuber M.
International Falk Symposium. February 10-11,
High myeloperoxidase positive cell density in
colorectal cancer is an independent favorable
prognostic factor - Carcinogenesis, prevention
and treatment of colorectal cancer - State of the
art 2012.
Gabutti L, Meier P, Schwarzkopf AK, Zaruba J,
Ambühl P. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of
Zurich, December 2012.
Comparison of Hb events (decreases >1g/dl) in a
hemodialysis patient population - Final analysis of
the Swiss MOTION Survey.
Internal Medicine
Gaffuri T, Castelli C., Keller F, Della Bruna R,
Imperiali M.
Swiss medLab. Bern, June 2012.
Evaluation of two Point-of-care (POC) for the blood
gas analysis.
Laboratory Medicine
Galati S, Möller JC, Ferrazzoli D.
187° Riunione della Società Svizzera di
Neurologia. Lugano, May 2012.
Pathological synchronization of the rat basal
ganglia following the functional blockade of the
nigro-striatal pathway.
Gamondi C.
The 19th Annual International Palliative Care
Conference on Teaching and Learning in Palliative
Care: Lessons for the Future. Dublin, March
Developing competencies for specialists
in palliative care in Switzerland: a national
Palliative Care
Scientific Report 2012
Giovannacci L.
13° Congrès de l’union des sociétés suisse des
maladies vasculaires. November 21-23, 2012.
What the surgeon wants to know. Séance
4 SSCVIR - Imagerie moderne non-invasive
des patients avec des maladies artérielles
périphériques occlusives.
Giovannacci L.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Moderazione: Chirurgie vasculaire Communications libres. Divers II.
Giovannacci L.
Assemblée annuelle commune 2012 «Femme et
cœur». Lausanne, June 13-15, 2012.
Moderazione: Presentazione su chirurgia
nell’arteriopatia periferica obliterante.
Giovannacci L.
Simposio Associazione Svizzera per la cura delle
ferite SAfW. 19th April 2012.
Ulcus cruris visto dal chirurgo vascolare.
Giovannacci L.
Simposio primaverile di Chirurgia.The Regional
Hospital of Lugano, 31st May 2012.
Cura invasiva dell’arteriopatia periferica
Giovannacci L.
Simposio primaverile di Chirurgia. The Regional
Hospital of Lugano, 31st May 2012.
Progetto di Screening dell’AAA.
Giuliani M, Matarrelli Em, Carboni GC, Karoubi GK,
Dutly AE.
Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society
7. Publications in 2012
of Pneumology, Swiss Society of Pediatric
Pneumology, Swiss Society for Thoracic Surgery,
Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical
Society. Crans-Montana, April 25-27, 2012.
Feasibility study of ePTFE suture in sleeve
Respiration: International Journal of Thoracic
Medicine. 2012 May;83(5):469-470.
Thoracic Surgery
Govi S, Pasini E, Mappa S, Bertoni F, Zaja F,
Montalbán C, et al. on behalf of the International
Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG).
17th Annual Congress European Haematology
Association (EHA). Amsterdam June 14-17,
Chlamydophila psittaci eradication with
doxycycline is an active first-line targeted therapy
for ocular adnexae lymphoma: final results
of an international phase II prospective study
Gyr Th, Polli C, Taddei E, Jermini F.
SGGG annual conference. Interlaken, 2012.
Laparoskopische Naht einer Ureterläsion.
Imperiali M, Giovanella L, Ferrari A, Palumbo A,
Lippa L, Peretti A, Graziani MS, Ceriani L, Verburb
FA, Castello R..
Swiss medLab. Bern, June 2012.
Redefining calcitonin reference values in
different immunoassays by integrating thyroid
ultrasonography to select the reference
Laboratory Medicine–Nuclear Medicine
Jermini F.
II° Workshop di Andrologia della Società Urologica
Insubrica. 24th November 2012.
Il trattamento del varicocele: quali orientamenti
per l'andrologo oggi.
Kraus R, Candrian C, Rosso R, M. Arigoni M.
13th European Congress of Trauma &
Emergency Surgery. Basel, May 12-15, 2012.
Fixation of syndesmosis rupture: why wait after
surgery for a 3-D position control?
Longhino V, De Rosa V, Regazzoni P, Candrian C.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Pediatric navicular fractures, to operate?
Lucchina S, Fusetti C.
Jahreskongress SGH-SSCM. Thun, November
Are health insurances and bureaucracy pulling
back surgeons from patient care? A fight against
Hand surgery
Lucchina S.
ISSHPORT congress. Miami, 7th February 2012.
Bony mallet options in atheletes.
Hand surgery
Martucci F, Pittoni P, Valli M, Pesce G, Azinwi NC,
Fanti P, Richetti A.
XVI SASRO Annual Meeting 2012.
Image Guided radiotherapy for set-up margin in
lung cancer.
Radiation Oncology
Massari F, Rumboldt Z, Bonaldi G, Tsai N, Cianfoni A.
1) Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Neuroradiology, New York, April 2012;
2) Annual Meeting of the Society of
Neurointerventional Surgery, San Diego,July
Image-guided sympathetic blocks.
Massari F, Rumboldt Z, Bonaldi G, Vandergrift
AW, Cianfoni A.
1) Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Neuroradiology, New York, April 2012;
2) Annual Meeting of the Society of
Neurointerventional Surgery, San Diego, July
3) Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of
North America, Chicago, November 2012.
Image-guided cervical spine procedures.
Matarrelli E.M, Giuliani M, Dutly A.E on behalf of
pneumoclub Ticino.
Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society
of Pneumology, Swiss Society of Pediatric
Pneumology, Swiss Society for Thoracic Surgery,
Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical
Society. Crans-Montana, April 25-27, 2012.
Suitability of Thoracoscopic wedge resection for
day surgery?: P50
Respiration: International Journal of Thoracic
Medicine. 2012 May;83(5);470.
Thoracic Surgery
Médioni N, Puligheddu C, Santini P, Vock P, SzucsFarkas Z, Wyttenbach R. 2a Giornata Ricerca
Clinica della Svizzera Italiana. Bellinzona, 23
March 2012.
Reperti extracardiaci in risonanza magnetica
Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Gallino A.
American Heart Association meeting. Los
Angeles, November 2012.
The response of the QT interval and the T-wave
morphology to sudden tachycardia provoked by
standing in young athletes.
Circulation. 2012;126:A9481.
Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Limoni C, Siragusa
P, Moschovitis G, Gallino A.
American Heart Association meeting. Los
Angeles, November 2012.
Comparison of "European Society of Cardiology"
and "Circulation" criteria for interpretation of the
Scientific Report 2012
electrocardiogram in young athletes.
Circulation. 2012;126:A9479.
Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Sartori F,
Moschovitis G, Gallino A. European Congress of
Preventive Cardiology EuroPRevent. Dublin, May
3-5, 2012.
Brugada ECG- pattern type 2 and 3 recorded
with V1 and V2 in the third intercostal space is
relatively common in young athletes.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Siragusa P,
Moschovitis G, Gallino A.
European Society Cardiology meeting. Munich,
August 25-29, 2012.
Prevalence of Brugada ECG-pattern recorded with
V1 and V2 in the third intercostals space in young
Eur Heart J. 2012;33(suppl1):3981.
Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi
M, Romano GA, Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino A.
European Society Cardiology meeting. Munich,
August 25-29, 2012.
Costs of cardiovascular screening with ECG in
young athletes in Switzerland.
Eur Heart J 2012;33(Suppl1):3978.
Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi
M, Romano GA, Pezzoli R, Moschovitis G, Gallino
A. European Congress of Preventive Cardiology
EuroPRevent. Dublin, May 3-5, 2012.
Cardiovascular screening with ECG in young
athletes is feasible at low cost. Intermediate
results of a prospective study.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2012
May 19:135.
7. Publications in 2012
Menafoglio A, Di Valentino M, Siragusa P, Maggi
M, Romano GA, Pezzoli R, et al.
European Society Cardiology meeting. Munich,
August 25-29, 2012.
Cardiovascular screening with ECG in young
athletes is feasible at low cost. Intermediate
results of a prospective study.
Eur Heart J 2012;33(Suppl1):3978.
Moccetti S, Pedrazzini A.
Annual conference MTE. 28th June 2012.
State of the Art: the Elderly Patients with ACS.
Molife R, Mateo J, McGoldrick T, Krebs M, Drew
Y, Banerjee SN, Nicum S, Ranson M, J. Rustin
GJS., Sessa C, Plummer R, Leunen K, Friedlander
M, Swaisland H, Burke W, McCormack P,
Pemberton K, Tchakov I, Kaye SB, Gourley C.
ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, June 1-5,
Safety and efficacy results from two randomized
expansions of a phase I study of a tablet
formulation of the PARP inhibitor, olaparib,
in ovarian and breast cancer patients with
BRCA1/2 mutations.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012 ASCO Annual
Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition).
Vol 30, No 15_suppl (May. 20 Supplement),
2012: 3048
Mora O, Marelli L, Pedrazzani C, Quadri P,
Tettamanti M, Bianchi M, Ghielmini M.
2a Giornata Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana,
abstract No. 44, Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
Valutazione geriatrica multidisciplinare rapida
(VGMr) nel paziente oncologico anziano: risultati
preliminari di uno studio pilota preliminare.
Oncology-Nursing Medicine
Mora O, Marelli L, Quadri P, Tettamanti M,
Pedrazzini C, Ghielmini M.
Abbreviated comprenhensive geriatric
assessment (CGA) in elderly cancer patients:
preliminary results of an observational pilot study.
ESMO 2012. 28th September-2nd October
Annals of Oncology 2012;23.
Geriatrics -Oncology
Moschovitis G, Menafoglio A, Pons M. Congresso
annuale Medicina interna, SGIM. Basel, 25th May
2012 .
Impact of ECG monitoring (telemetry) in the
decision-making process of patients admitted for
cardiovascular reasons to an internal medicine
Eur Heart J. 2012 May 25;33(1):1755.
Pagani O. Breast Cancer in Young Women
Conference. Dublin, November 8-10, 2012.
Endocrine therapy for early breast cancer:
standards and controversies.
Pagani O. Program for Oncology Leaders in
Europe. Milan, September 7-9, 2012.
How to set-up and run a multidisciplinary tumour
Pagani O. 17th SIS World Congress on Breast
Diseases. Salvador, Bahia, October 10-13, 2012.
Managing breast patients in the era of molecular
medicine: adjuvant adjustment based on genetic
Pagani O. 8th European Breast Cancer
Conference (EBCC-8). March 21-23, 2012.
Advanced BC Clinics: more questions than
Pagani O. Summer School in Public Health Policy,
Economics and Management. Lugano, August
20-25, 2012.
Prevention strategies against cancer.
Pedrazzani C, Manganiello-Danesi L, Anelli S.
2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC - "Infermieri
EOC: co-protagonisti nel sistema sanitario che
cambia". Lugano, 9th May 2012.
Rilevamento delle problematiche delle donne
con tumore al seno dopo la fine dei trattamenti,
per l'impostazione di un programma di follow-up
infermieristico presso il Southern Italian Breast
Cancer Centre.
Nursing Medicine
Pedrazzani C, Valcarenghi D, Bianchi M.
8a EONS Spring Convention. Abstract Book, No.
91, Geneva, April 26-27, 2012.
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) in
the elder cancer patient: implications in nursing
decision-making process.
Nursing Medicine
Pedrazzani C, Valcarenghi D, Bianchi M.
8th EONS Spring Convention, April 26-27, 2012.
91 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA)
In The Elder Cancer Patient: Implications In
Nursing Decision-Making Process.
European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2012
Nursing Medicine
Perren A, Corbella D, Iapichino E, Di Bernardo
V, Leonardi A, Di Nicolantonio R, Buschbeck C,
Boegli L, Pagnamenta A, Malacrida R. ". Basel,
November 2012.
Relation between physical/pharmacological
restraint in the ICU and adverse events.
Intensive Care Medicine
Perren A, Corbella D, Iapichino E, Di Bernardo
V, Leonardi A, Di Nicolantonio R, Buschbeck C,
Boegli L, Pagnamenta A, Malacrida R. Basel,
November 2012.
Relation between physical/pharmacological
restraint in the ICU - clinical settings.
Scientific Report 2012
Intensive Care Medicine
Perren A, Previsdomini M, Perren I, Cerutti B,
Massarrotto P, Kaufmann M, Merlani P, Rothen
HU. Basel, November 2012.
SwissScoring - Survey of SAPS II assessing
Intensive Care Medicine
Perren A, Previsdomini M, Perren I, Cerutti B,
Massarrotto P, Kaufmann M, Merlani P, Rothen
Basel, November 2012.
Swiss Scoring - Survey of NEMS assessing
Intensive Care Medicine
Pesce GA.
2a Giornata della Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera
Italiana. Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
Radioterapia ipofrazionata a modulazione di
intensità volumetrica del letto tumorale, dopo
resezione di metastasi cerebrali da tumori solidi.
Radiation Oncology
Polli C, Lauria F, Gyr Th, Rosso R, Jermini F.
L’expérience de L’Hôpital Civico Lugano SGGG
annual conference. Interlaken, 2012.
Endometriose pelvienne et prise en charge
chirurgicale multidisciplinaire.
Polli C, Gyr Th. Hagmann P.D.
18th Praktischer Kurs in Gynäkologisher
Endoscopie - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für
Gynäkologishe Endoscopie (SGGG) 2012. Davos,
March 2012.
Technisches Vorgehen bei der Laparoskopie von
Posabella A, Biraima A, Hotz T, Gross T, Arigoni T.
Combined 33rd SICOT & 17th PAOA Orthopaedic
World Conference. 25th November-1st
December 2012.
7. Publications in 2012
Preoperative Planning for Hemiarthroplasty for
Femoral Neck Fractures – is it necessary?
Posabella A, Valente P, Rosso R, Arigoni M.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Diagnostic value of radiologic examination in
appendicitis: a retrospective study.
Pujade-Lauraine EB, Vergote I, Allard A, Rey
A, Sessa C, Birrer MJ. ASCO Annual Meeting.
Chicago, Illinois, June 1-5, 2012.
OPSALIN: A phase II placebo-controlled
randomized study of ombrabulin in patients with
platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer
treated with carboplatin (Cb) and paclitaxel (P).
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012 ASCO Annual
Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition).
Vol 30, No 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement),
2012: TPS5112
Puligheddu C.
III corso: Le Pneumopatie Interstiziali Diffuse
(P.I.D.). Gubbio, May 3-5, 2012.
Pattern nodulare: presentazione radiologica.
Quadri P, Zemp D, Zanda E, Rocchi S, Meroni
F, Tettamanti M, Recchia A, Lucca U, Merlo A.
2a Giornata della Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera
Italiana, Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
Stabilità posturale ed antecedenti di caduta in
soggetti anziani senza demenza.
Richetti A. Congresso Senoforum di Lugano
Radioterapia la rivoluzione di tempi, dosi e
Radiation Oncology
Roggero E, Sarti M, Pesce G, Stoffel F, Lladò A,
Barbazza R, Stanta G, Cavalli F, Catapano CV,
Carbone GM, Alimonti A.
2a Giornata Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana,
abstract No.56, Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
Espressione degli onco-soppressori PTEN e P53
in pazienti con carcinoma della prostata.
Roggero E, Sarti M, Pinton S, Mello-Grand M,
Chiorino G, George N. Thalman GN, Bonapace IM,
Carlo V. Catapano CV, Carbone GM.
2a Giornata Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana,
abstract No. 57, Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
Nuovi biomarcatori nel carcinoma prostatico:
ruolo del fattore epigenetico UHRF1 nel definire il
rischio di progressione della malattia.
Roggero E, Sarti M, Pinton S, Thalmann G,
Catapano CV, Bonapace IM, Carbone GM.
ASCO Annual Meeting; abstract No. 98014.
Chicago, Illinois, June 1-5, 2012.
Correlation of UHRF1 expression in primary
prostate cancer patients with adverse prognosis.
Rosso R. Seminare zur Chirurgischen
Facharztvorbereitung. 2012 April 19-20.
Tractus gastrointestinal II - Pathologie des voies
Rosso R.
13th European Congress of Trauma &
Emercency Surgery. Basel, May 12-15, 2012.
Moderazione: Video session - Visceral Trauma.
29th International Gastrointestinal Surgery
Workshop. Davos, 25th February-2nd March
Open abdomen - therapeutic options for closure
of laparostomy.
Rosso R.
29th International Gastrointestinal Surgery
Workshop. Davos, 25th February-2nd March
Moderazione: Interactive session I - Acute
situations in abdominal surgery: Clinical scenarios I.
Rosso R.
29th International Gastrointestinal Surgery
Workshop. Davos, 25th February-2nd March
Moderazione: Session IV.
Rosso R.
2a Giornata Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana.
Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
Moderazione: Ricerca clinica nel EOC Department
of Surgery.
Rosso R.
Seminar organized by FCTSA. January 13-14,
Il politraumatizzato tra hub e spoke: quali
competenze. Registro Trauma Ticino: strumento
per sviluppare la qualità della presa a carico.
Rosso R.
13th European Congress of Trauma &
Emercency Surgery. Basel, May 12-15, 2012.
Moderazione: Visceral Trauma II.
Rosso R.
Union Européenne des Médecins spécialistes.
September 21-22, 2012.
High specialized medicine in Switzerland UEMS
Section of Surgery, Meeting.
Rosso R.
Sacco L, Calabrese P, Marta S, Chitò E, Greco A,
Scientific Report 2012
Tiraboschi P, Defanti CA.
187° Riunione della Società Svizzera di
Neurologia, Lugano, May 2012.
Unawareness of deficits in Alzheimer's disease
Santini P. Journée Française de Radiologie (JFR).
Paris, October 2012.
Imagerie de diffusion (DWI) mammaire.
Saporito A. 31st Annual European Society of
Regional Anaesthesia (ESRA) Congress 2012.
Bordeaux, September 5-8, 2012.
Outpatient continuous Regional l l l analgesia
after ambulatory orthopaedic surgery: a costeffectiveness analysis.
RAPM. 2012; 37(7):184.
Sarti M, Pinton S, Limoni C, Carbone GM, Pagani
O, Cavalli F, Catapano CV.
2a Giornata Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera Italiana,
abstract No. 40. Bellinzona, 23rd March 2012.
Alterata espressione di Survivina e Testin in
sottotipi di Breast cancer.
Schieppati A, Daina E, Gamba S, Noris M, Gabutti
L, Remuzzi G, et al.
Rare Diseases and Orphan Drug Registries International Workshop.
Rome, October 2012.
Italian registry of MPGN: contribution to
advancement in the pathogenesis of the disease
and patient care.
Internal Medicine
Valcarenghi D, Bianchi M, Di Giulio P, Pedrazzani C.
1) 2a Giornata Ricerca Clinica della Svizzera
Italiana, abstract No. 16. Bellinzona, 23rd
March 2012; 2)
2) 2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC - "Infermieri
EOC: co-protagonisti nel sistema sanitario che
7. Publications in 2012
cambia". Lugano, 9th May 2012.
La sorveglianza del dolore allo the IOSI: a che
punto siamo?
Nursing Medicine
Valente P, Maffei M, Miazza B, Rosso R,
Christoforidis D.
99e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de
Chirurgie. June 20-22, 2012.
Management of persistent post-operative
bleeding from double-stapled colorectal
Valli M. Congresso Senoforum di Lugano 2012.
18FDG PET-CT nella pianificazione e nel
trattamento radioterapico.
Radiation Oncology
Valli M, Fanti P, Leva S, Rottoli G, Martucci F,
Pittoni P, Azinwi NC, Pesce G, Richetti A.
XVI SASRO Annual Meeting 2012. Respiratory
gating RT in breast cancer: light and shade.
Radiation Oncology
Valli M, Martucci F, Azinwi NC, Pesce G, Canziani
L, Richetti A.
VIII European Breast Cancer Conference 2012.
3D-conformal Partial Breast Irradiation (3D-CRT
PBI): how to optimize its reproducibility.
Radiation Oncology
Valli M, Pittoni P, Fanti P, Pesce G, Azinwi C,
Martucci F, Ceriani L, Richetti A. XII Congresso
Nazionale Associazione Italiana Radioterapia
Oncologica 2012.
La 18FDG-PET/CT può modificare la strategia
terapeutica nel trattamento delle neoplasie
mammarie localmente avanzate o ad alto rischio?
Radiation Oncology
Van Den Berg JC.
39th VEITH symposium. New York, 15 November
Bringing atherectomy to the next level: what is its
Van Den Berg JC.
39th VEITH symposium. New York, 18 November
Endovascular conversion of open surgical failures
and complications: tips and tricks.
Van Den Berg JC.
13° Congrès de l’union des sociétés suisse des
maladies vasculaires. November 21-23, 2012.
Interventional Round Table SSA, SSCV, SSCVIR.
Van Den Berg JC.
34th International Symposium Charing Cross.
London, 16th April 2012.
Tips and tricks for safe renal artery stenting using
the V12 RX.
Van Den Berg JC.
13th NCVH , New Orleans, 7th July 2012.
PHOTOPAC Trial for In-Stent Restenosis.
Van Den Berg JC.
34th International Symposium Charing Cross.
London, 16th April 2012.
Bare metal stents vs. covered V12 stents for
renal artery stenosis.
Van Den Berg JC.
34th International Symposium Charing Cross.
London, 16th April 2012.
Fusion imaging: Further reducing contrast and
radiation exposure to the patient (a system
to import existing CT and MR images to the
Van Den Berg JC.
34th International Symposium Charing Cross.
London, 16th April 2012.
Is acute deep venous thrombosis in the lower limb
best managed by: Trellis?
Van Den Berg JC.
34th International Symposium Charing Cross.
London, 16th April 2012.
Treatment of AV fistula in the lower leg after
Fogarty embolectomy using covered stent.
Van Den Berg JC.
34th International Symposium Charing Cross.
London, 16th April 2012.
Treatment of iatrogenic false aneurysm
of aberrant right hepatic artery after
Van Den Berg JC.
34th International Symposium Charing Cross.
London, 16th April 2012.
Fenestration of common iliac artery and
entire abdominal aorta in patient with a type A
Van Den Berg JC.
39th VEITH symposium. New York, 15th
November 2012.
Laser debulking and DEB for in-stent restenosis.
Van Den Berg JC.
CACVS. Paris, 21st January 2012.
Coated balloons: how does it work, what are the
Van Den Berg JC.
CIRSE. Lisbon, 18th September 2012.
Does debulking before DEB make sense?
Scientific Report 2012
Van Den Berg JC.
EVC 2012. Maastricht, 11th March 2012.
Advanced imaging techniques for navigation
during endovascular procedures: current status
and future perspectives.
Van Den Berg JC.
iCON2012. Scottsdale, 13th February 2012.
Advanced imaging techniques for navigation
during endovascular procedures: current status
and future perspectives.
Van Den Berg JC.
LINC. Leipzig, 25th January 2012.
Imaging protocol after EVAR: what can be left
Van Den Berg JC.
LINC. Leipzig, 26th January 2012.
Study update: bringing laser atherectomy to the
next level.
Van Den Berg JC.
LINC. Leipzig, 26th January 2012.
Recorded case presentation.
Van Den Berg JC.
TSVIR, 14th Annual meeting. Kanchanaburi, 9th
February 2012.
Interventional room of the future.
2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC. Infermieri EOC:
co-protagonisti nel sistema sanitario che cambia.
Lugano, 9th May 2012
Cure infermieristiche in movimento, quale futuro?
Nursing Medicine
Willems Cavalli Y.
SVPL-Kongress. Transformation in der Führung.
October 2012.
Von Transformation in der Führung zur
Transformation der Pflegepraxis: von Inspiration zu
Nursing Medicine
Wyttenbach R.
Annual meeting European Society of Cardiac
Radiology (ESCR).
Barcelona, October 2012.
Coronary arteries and perfusion territories.
Wyttenbach R.
Annual meeting West Midlands Association of
Radiologists. Birmingham, May 2012.
Cardiac MRI 2012: Indications and clinical
Zanon M, F Foletti, M Bianchi.
2° Congresso Infermieristico EOC - "Infermieri
EOC: co-protagonisti nel sistema sanitario che
cambia". Lugano, 9th May 2012.
Progetto di implementazione del Primary Nursing
presso l'ambulatorio the IOSI di Bellinzona.
Nursing Medicine
Publications in books
Van Den Berg JC.
TSVIR, 14th Annual meeting. Kanchanaburi, 9th
February 2012.
Closure devices and access routes in PAD
Willems Cavalli Y.
7. Publications in 2012
Bonanni E, Maestri M, Di Coscio E, Murri L.
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Neurological
Sleep disorders in neurology. Silvestri L. (ed.).
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
Braczkowska M, Aguirre J, Del Moral Olmo A, de
Andrés J, Borgeat A, Saporito A.
Continuous popliteal analgesia after foot surgery
at home: cost-effectiveness and safety.
Book of act ESRA Spain. 2012.
Cereda CW, Bassetti CL.
Syndrome des Apnée obstructives du Sommeil
(SAOS) et accident vasculaire cérébral aigu (AVC).
Les troubles du sommeil. Billiards M, Devaulliers
Y (eds.). Masson, Paris. 2012;297-309.
Cereda CW, Lavie L, Bassetti CL.
Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and stroke.
Sleep disorders in neurology. Silvestri L (ed.). Nova
Science Publishers, Inc. New York. 2012;301324.
Cereda CW, Manconi M, Bassetti CL.
Sleep and wake disturbances in stroke.
Stroke syndromes, 3rd edition. Caplan LR, van Gijn J
(eds.). Cambridge University Press. 2012;166-78.
Depboylu C, Möller JC, Oertel WH.
Rare degenerative syndromes associated with
Movement Disorders, 3rd edition. Watts RL,
Standaert D, Obeso JA (eds). McGraw-Hill, New
York. 2012;481-97.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
Martignoni G, Grignoli N, Di Bernardo V,
Malacrida M, Bernegger G, Barazzoni F,
Malacrida R.
A question of style; Critical Review of Oncology/
Medical Humanities. 2012;84:101-104.
Möller JC, Oertel WH.
Therapie des fortgeschrittenen ParkinsonSyndroms.
Jost W (ed.). Uni-Med Verlag, Bremen. 2012;68-73.
Ponzoni M, Glass J. Zucca E.
Intravascular Lymphoma Of The CNS.
Chapter 14 In Batchelor T, Deangelis L.M. (Eds).
Lymphoma And Leukemia Of The Nervous
System. Second Edition.
Springer Science+Business Media. 2012;978-14.
Rubinelli S. & Malacrida R. (eds.)
What they are, why they matter in oncology;
Critical Reviews of Oncology/Haematology.
Medical Humanities. 2012;84.
Galati S, Di Giovanni G.
Intracerebral human microdialysis in Parkinson's
Neuromethods. 2012;209-23.
Schulz H, Fulda S.
Geschlechtsunterschiede im Schlaf [Sex
differences in sleep].
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und
Schlafforschung. Schulz H, Geisler P, Rodenbeck
A (eds.). Kompendium Schlafmedizin. EcomedVerlag, Heidelberg. 2012;XVI-2.1.
Manconi M, Pisarenco I.
Sleep disorders in multiple sclerosis and in
amyothrophic lateral sclerosis.
Sleep disorders in neurology. Silvestri L (ed.).
Sessa C, Gianni L, Garassino M, Van Halteren H.
ESMO Handbook of Clinical Pharmacology of AntiCancer Agents.
Scientific Report 2012
Van Den Berg JC.
Acute deep venous thrombosis in the lower limb
is best managed by: Trellis
In: R.M. Greenhalgh, editor. Vascular and
endovascular consensus update.
London, BIBA Publishing. 2012;653-658.
IF 0.891
Van Den Berg JC.
Drug eluting balloon: how does it work, what are
the results?
In: J-P. Becquemin, editor.
Controversies and updates in vascular surgery.
2012;415-420. IF 0.864
Van Den Berg JC.
Tips and tricks for successful EVAR.
In: J-P. P. M de Vries, editor. Latest insights into
abdominal aortic aneurysms and endovascular
Editions Minerva Medica. 2012:59-72.
7. Publications in 2012
Appendix 1 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2008
Principal Investigator
Other researchers
Andreas Perren
Roberto Malacrida / Elena Iapichino/
Davide Corbella / Fabrizio Barazzoni /
Valentina di Bernardo / Ines Sperandino /
Cristina Sommacal
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Intensive Care Medicine
Gianfranco John Petri
Fabio Garofalo / Robin Chanda / M. Lazzaro / Luca
Deabate / F. Strano /Paola Genini / Ivana Roguljic
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Orthopaedics
Piercarlo Saletti
Sara De Dosso / Milo Frattini / Luca Mazzucchelli /
Emanuele Zucca
IOSI - Oncology
Olivia Pagani
Monica Taborelli / Gabriella Bianchi-Micheli /
Manuela Sarti
IOSI - Oncology
Luca Giovanella
Luca Ceriani / Franco Keller
IOSI - Nuclear Medicine
Luca Giovanella /
Emanuele Zucca
Luca Mazzucchelli / Luca Ceriani / Sergio Suriano
IOSI - Nuclear
Mario Bianchetti
P.J. Schulz / M. Caiata Zufferey
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Paediatrics
Michele Ghielmini
Jürg Stamm / Alden Moccia / Alessandra Fusconi
IOSI - Oncology
Scientific Report 2012
Study title
Status report (December 2012)
Physical vs. drug restraint in the intubated patient: clinical consequences
in progress
Diabetes in orthopedics: perioperative management of the diabetic patient - a continuous intravenous infusion of rapid insulin
(IEC) versus corrections with subcutaneous insulin (standard
in progress
Analysis of molecular markers ERCC-1, TS, p53 and PTEN in
patients affected by gastric or esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma, who are radically operated and have undergone a
preventive chemotherapy
closed (presented final report)
Analysis of the quality of information in genetic counseling for
predisposition to cancer diseases
in progress
Calcium metabolism in Basedow disease
closed and published in Eur J Clin Invest,
41(1):93-7, 2011: "Evaluation of serum parathyroid hormone-related peptide in hyperthyroid patients"
Prognostic significance of 18fdg-PET/CT
in progress
Living with a chronic and genetic disease: the Gitelman syndrome
closed and published in Nephrol Dial Transplant, 27(8): 3196-3201, 2012: "Living with
Gitelman disease: an insight into patients'
daily experiences"
Fertility preservation through cryopreservation of ovarian tissue
in progress
8. Appendices
Appendix 2 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2009
Principal Investigator
other researchers
Olivia Pagani
Aron Goldhirsch / Franco Cavalli / Laura Richetti
IOSI - Oncology
Luca Giovanella
Franco Keller / Sergio Suriano
IOSI - Nuclear Medicine
Gian Paolo Ramelli
Alessandra Ferrarini
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Paediatrics
Martin Bolli
Riccardo Vandoni / Luca Mazzucchelli /
Milo Frattini
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Surgery
Carlo Cereda
Claudio Bassetti / Claudio Staedler /
Laura Zampieri / Antonio Carota
Pierluigi Quadri
Fabiano Meroni /Rita Pezzati / Damiano Zemp /
Lorena Curia/ Carola Celeste / Silvia Ambrogio /
Simona Chiari / Francesca Gallina /
Nicola Schiavone / Gianluca Guffanti
Regional Hospital
of Mendrisio - Geriatrics
Claudia Gamondi
M. Caiata Zufferey / Joyce Pellandini
IOSI - Oncology
(Palliative Care Unit)
Emanuele Zucca
Francesco Bertoni / Marco Zaffalon /
Cassio Polpo de Campos
IOSI - Oncology
Marcello Di Valentino
Augusto Gallino / Stefano Muzzarelli
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Cardiology
Michele Ghielmini
Oreste Mora / Lucia Marelli / Carla Pedrazzani /
Monica Bianchi / Mauro Tettamanti / Pierluigi Quadri
IOSI - Oncology
Scientific Report 2012
Status report (December 2012)
CARMA database: collection of retrospective and prospective
clinical data in breast cancer patients to assess the impact on
outcome of prognostic and predictive factors identified at the
in progress
Procalcitonin and medullary thyroid carcinoma
in progress
Database creation of pediatric patients with mental retardation
assisted by neuropaediatrics Service of San Giovanni Hospital
of Bellinzona
in progress
Expression and prognostic role of molecular, biological and clinical markers in hepatocarcinoma
closed (presented final report)
Health impact of a structure of continuous neurological treatment (stroke unit) within the Neurocenter (EOC) of Southern
Switzerland- observational community-based study of acute cerebrovascular diseases in Ticino
in progress
Fear of falling in the elderly: physiotherapy intervention and cognitive approach (imagery)
in progress
Assisted Suicide: attitudes and experiences of bereaved families
and beloved ones. An exploratory study
in progress
Development of new algorithms for the identification of prognostic models in patients with lymphomas by optimizing the management of missing data
in progress
No Smoke Pub Study
in progress (the preliminary results were
presented as scientific communications at international conferences and the manuscript
for publication in a scientific journal is being
Feasibility and acceptability of a quick multidimensional assessment for the elderly cancer patient: an observational pilot study
in progress
8. Appendices
Appendix 3 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2010
Principal Investigator
Other researchers
Rolf Wyttenbach
Zsolt Szücs-Farkas / Nathalie Médioni
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Radiology
Luca Giovanella
Franco Keller / Sergio Suriano / Luca Ceriani
IOSI - Nuclear Medicine
Luca Giovanella
Luca Ceriani / Sergio Suriano / Riccardo Ricci
IOSI - Nuclear Medicine
Luca Giovannacci
Raffaele Rosso / Filippo Del Grande /
Reto Canevascini / Stephane Schlunke /
Josua van den Berg / Hans Stricker
Regional Hospital
of Lugano - Vascular Surgery
Gian Paolo Ramelli
Tamara Gonzalez / Nadia Zanda / Emanuelle
Regional Hospital of
Bellinzona and Valli Paediatrics
Michele Ghielmini
Andrea Bordoni / Luca Mazzucchelli /
Alessandra Spitale
IOSI - Oncology
Augusto Gallino
Marcello Di Valentino / Julija Klimusina /
Regional Group of Ticino cardiologists
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Cardiology
Andrea Menafoglio
Marcello Di Valentino / Reto Pezzoli /
Julija Klimusina / Augusto Gallino
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Cardiology
Dario Valcarenghi
Paola Di Giulio / Monica Bianchi / Carla Pedrazzani /
Sonia Tosi Casado / Christa Pedrazzoli Hutz
IOSI - Nursing Service
Claudio Gobbi
Chiara Zecca / Ursula Candrian / Marta Garcia
Calle / Mara Gola / Costanzo Limoni /
Liliane Petrini
Piercarlo Saletti
Milo Frattini / Luca Mazzucchelli / Sara De Dosso
IOSI - Oncology
Roberto Malacrida
Valentina Di Bernardo / Nicola Grignoni / Chantal
Marazia / Andreas Perren / Michael Llamas /
Alberto Pagnamenta / Ines Sperandio / Rosanna
Di Nocolantonio / Attilio Sicilia / Barbara Schulte
Regional Hospital of Lugano Intensive Care
Alberto Pagnamenta
Moreno Doninelli / Michael Llamas / Andreas
Perren / Roberto Malacrida / Kurt Schmidlin /
Hans Ulrich Rothen
Regional Hospital of Mendrisio Intensive Care
Manuela Sarti
Sandra Pinton / Pina Carbone / Carlo Catapano /
Enrico Roggero / Franco Cavalli
IOSI - Oncology
Dario Valcarenghi
Monica Bianchi / Claudia Gamondi Palmesino /
Sonia Tosi Casado / Christa Pedrazzoli Hutz /
Carla Pedrazzani
IOSI - Nursing Service /
Enrico Roggero
Barbara Marongiu / Mariarosa Pascale /
Andrea Alimonti / Flavio Stoffel / Franco Cavalli
IOSI - Oncology
Scientific Report 2012
Study title
Status report (December 2012)
Extracardiac Findings on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
closed and published in Eur Radiol,
22(6):1295-302, 2012:"Extracardiac
findings detected by cardiac magnetic
resonance imaging"
Dosage of calcitonin in thyroid fine-needle aspiration
in progress
Differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules with non-diagnostic cytology by 18FDG-PET/CT
in progress
Feasibility of a abdominal aortic aneurysm ultrasound screening program in the population served by Regional Hospital of
in progress
Database creation of pediatric patients with autism spectrum
disorder assisted by neuropaediatrics Service of San Giovanni
Hospital of Bellinzona
closed (presented final report)
Indicators of Quality of Cancer Care in Southern Switzerland
in progress
Cardiac X Syndrome: role of endothelial function: a substudy of
the swiss-italian cohort of the italian Registry on X Syndrome
in progress
Impact of cardiovascular screening with ECG in young (12-35
years) competitive athletes
closed (the preliminary results were presented at "Congresso europeo di cardiologia preventiva, EuroPRevent 2012" May 3-5, 2012,
Pain monitoring at IOSI: where are we?
closed (presented final report)
A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
parallel-group, phase IV study of oral prednisone taper vs. placebo following intravenous steroids for the treatment of acute
relapses in multiple sclerosis within the Ticino cohort
in progress
Predictive role of EGFR, PIK3CA and PTEN in the response to
preoperative radio-chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal carcinoma
in progress
Intimacy in the intensive care unit of the Canton Ticino
in progress
Impact of a communication strategy on the relatives satisfaction in intensive care medicine
in progress
Expression analysis of putative stem cell markers in human malignant prostate tumour and prognostic implications
in progress
Introduction of art therapy program for cancer patients admitted to the IOSI: a pilot study
closed (presented final report)
Pilot study comparing genomic and metabolomic profiling of patients with prostate cancer at diagnosis and during disease progression to find specific intra-individual genetic and metabolic
in progress
8. Appendices
Appendix 4 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2011
Principal Investigator
other researchers
Luca Giovanella
Massimo Bongiovanni / Sergio Suriano
IOSI Nuclear Medicine
Claudia Gamondi
Chantal Corti Polti / Murielle Pott
IOSI - Oncology
(Palliative Care Unit)
Claudia Gamondi
Paola Di Giulio / Michele Egloff
IOSI - Oncology
(Palliative Care Unit)
Dimitri Christoforidis
Mike Schmalzbauer / Alberto Posabella /
Raffaele Rosso
Regional Hospital
of Lugano - Surgery
Florian Bihl
Antonio Lanzavecchia
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Gastroenterology
Christina Caporale
Claudio Bassetti / Fabio Conti / Claudio Petrillo /
René Müri / Thomas Nyffeler / Antonino Uncini /
Daniel Zutter
Piercarlo Saletti
Milo Frattini / Luca Mazzucchelli / Sara De Dosso
IOSI - Oncology
Franco Keller
Mauro Imperiali / Roberto Della Bruna/
Luca Martinolli
EOLAB Department
Marco Pons
Andrea Azzola / Alessia Riglietti / Claudio Bassetti /
Mauro Manconi / Carlo Cereda / Liliane Petrini /
Guido Ferretti / Massimo Pagani / Fabio Esposito /
Costanzo Limoni
Regional Hospital
of Lugano - Internal Medicine
Rolf Wyttenbach
Stefano Colagrande / Francesco Regini /
Elisa Ardemagni
Regional Hospital
of Bellinzona and Valli Radiology
Salvatore Galati
Carsten Möller / Claudio Städler/
Chiara Prosperetti / Mauro Manconi /
Simone Sarasso / Marcello Massimini
Gianfranco Pesce
Azinwi Ngwa Che / Antonella Richetti /
Jolanda De Jong
IOSI - Radio-Oncology
Scientific Report 2012
Study title
Status report (December 2012)
Thyroid nodules with indeterminate cytology: diagnostic role of
elastography and immunocytochemical markers
in progress
Parteciper à un suicide assisté: étude exploratoire sur
l'expérience des proches et leurs représentations de la fin de
vie, de la mort et du deuil. (The experience of the family in assisted suicide)
in progress
Epidemiology of dying in Southern Switzerland: circumstances
of death.
in progress
Two surgical techniques for the treatment of sacro-coccygeal
cysts: a randomized and controlled study
in progress
Evaluation of the cellular immune response against the hepatitis B virus in various stages of infection: characterization of
responses of T and B lymphocytes and analysis of new viral
in progress
Rehabilitation combined with bihemispheric transcranial direct
current stimulation in subacute ischemic stroke to increase upper limb motor recovery
in progress
Treatment with Herceptin in gastric carcinomas: best selection
of patients through molecular markers analysis
in progress
Evaluation of the introduction of POCT devices for blood gas
analysis in the hospital and pre-hospital emergency
closed (presented at "congresso svizzero di
medicina di laboratorio (Swiss medLab)")
The central apneas during the TIA / ischemic stroke: clinical,
prognostic and physiopathological elements
in progress
Multi-parametric evaluation of liver perfusion by MR-Dwl under
fasting and postprandial conditions in healthly volunteers: correlation with quantitative phase-contrast portal venous flow measurements
in progress
Role of sleep homeostasis in the development of dyskinesias induced by L-dopa in patients with advanced stage of Parkinson's
in progress
Hypofractionated cerebral irradiation protocol or radiosurgery
(IGRT or stereotaxic mode) of the resection cavity in patients
undergoing surgical removal of single cerebral metastasis from
solid tumours
in progress
8. Appendices
Appendix 5 - Research projects funded by ABREOC in 2012
Principal Investigator
Other researchers
Study title
study duration
Andrea Menafoglio
Marcello Di Valentino
Patrick Siragusa
Gian-Antonio Romano
Reto Pezzoli
Giorgio Moschovitis
Hospital of
and Valli Cardiology
Preparticipation Screening
and Assessment of Cardiovascular diseases in
Masters Athletes (PSAMasters Study)
24 months
Leonardo Sacco
Leonardo Sacco
Guido Ongaro
Fabiano Meroni
Riccardo Pignatti
Claudio Staedler
Franco Keller
The alteration of A-BETA
42, TAU and PHOSPHOTAU in the cerebrospinal
fluid of patients with mild
(CDR 0.5) are an indirect
sign of amyloid accumulation and neuronal damage. Are semantic memory, ecological memory
and dual task tests consistent with the neurodegenerative process?
12 months
Enos Bernasconi
Francesco Bertoni
Emanuele Zucca
Stephan Dirnhofer
of Lugano Infectious
A survey of treatment
modalities and outcome
analysis of HIV-related Bcell lymphomas from the
Swiss HIV Cohort Study
12 months
Dario Valcarenghi
Monica Bianchi
Carla Pedrazzani
Agostino Chiriatti
Massimiliano Zanon
IOSI - Nursing
Patient education to oral
cancer therapy
18 months
Luciano Wannesson
Milo Frattini
Luca Mazzucchelli
Francesca Molinari
IOSI Oncology
Gene expression analysis
of ROR1 in lung carcinomas: a new marker in
view of new target-specific therapies
12 months
Manuela Sarti
Gianluca Civenni
Flavio Stoffel
Carlo Catapano
Giuseppina Carbone
IOSI Oncology
Isolation and characterization of epithelial stem
cells from human prostate biopsies
24 months
Cristiana Sessa
Sara De Dosso
Anastasios Stathis
IOSI Oncology
Phase I study evaluating
indomethacin in combination with platinum-based
18 months
Scientific Report 2012
Appendix 6 - EOC Projects 2012 subject to General Authorisation (AG)
Study title
Other researchers
that have
to nonanonymized
data (besides
the PI)
by Ethics
of Canton
Epidemiology of dying
in Southern
of death
Paola Di Giulio,
Ilaria Bernardi
Michele Egloff
Balice Colette,
Peter Moeller,
Ref. EC
Clinical and
biological characterization of
male breast
cancer: an
Silvia Longhi Butti,
Cinzia Cafaro
Silvia Longhi
Cinzia Cafaro
Ref. EC
Pilot study
genomic and
profiling of
patients with
cancer at
diagnosis and
during disease
to find specific
genetic and
Barbara Marongiu,
Mariarosa Pascale,
Andrea Alimonti,
Flavio Stoffel,
Franco Cavalli
Flavio Stoffel,
Stefano Crippa
Ref. EC
8. Appendices
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