7 Common Home Repairs You Can Easily Do By Yourself,21 Ways


7 Common Home Repairs You Can Easily Do By Yourself,21 Ways
plante care ofera protectie
chimicalelor, si a fumului
nociv de tigara
Un articol de Calin Petru Barbulescu
Oxigenul este indispensabil vietii.
Cu toate acestea, de multe ori uitam de importanta acestui
gaz, sau ajungem sa ii subestimam efectele si proprietatile.
Este esential sa ne asiguram ca aerul pe care il respiram este
curat si bogat in oxigen.
Dar cum sa respiri aer curat cand toate orasele sunt poluate?
Afara suntem expusi noxelor, dar putem macar sa transformam
locuinta intr-o mica oaza de aer proaspat si curat. Si nu e
nevoie neaparat de filtre de aer, pentru ca putem sa apelam la
Sursa: secretele.com
simpla si eficienta!
Un articol de Maya
Cand dai de grasimea greu de curatat din bucatarie, incepi o
lupta lunga si grea cu aceasta, care adeseori nu are
rezultatul dorit.
Partea care este cel mai greu de curatat din bucatarie este
aragazul. Acest lucru se intampla, pentru ca aragazul e ca un
magnet care atrage toata mizeria, praful, fumul, care in final
se transforma intr-o masa mare de grasime. Aceasta masa e
imposibil de curatat cu un burete normal!
Vezi mai jos solutia!
Oricum, exista o metoda eficienta de a rezolva CITESTE IN
Sursa: secretele.com
7 Common Home Repairs You Can
Easily Do By Yourself
Hey my friends when it was a last time you have called a
handyman for a small home fixes.Personally i was so stupid for
everything around the home and i need always assistants from
the handyman.
Until one day i have decided to look the best tips and advices
for small home repairings that could save me time and money.
I have came across Heiton Buckley and i found wonderful
infographic and cool video guide for 7 of the most common home
These are the right tips for every homeowner. Take a look
below and enjoy!
Here is the video tutorial
Sursa: youtube.com
Also do not forget to check the
infographic and learn all these easy home
Courtesy of: Heiton Buckley
Sursa: worldinsidepictures.com
21 Ways To
Grocery Bill
Feeding yourself and your family can be really expensive. A
tight budget shouldn’t mean that you can’t eat well though.
There are many things you can do that will help save some
money on food. The more you do these things, the more you will
reap the results. Some things cost more money upfront but save
over the long run and some are instant money savers.
1. Buy In Season
To save the most money, buy mostly produce that is in season
in your area. You’ll save money and enjoy better-tasting
foods. This handy guide not only tells you when it is in
season, but how to cook it too!
via Cook Smarts
2. Buy In Bulk
Buying things like grains and potatoes in bulk will save you
money in the long run.
via The Thrifty Couple
3. Know What To Look For
Sometimes buying fruits and vegetables is a guessing game. Is
this ripe? Too ripe? This helpful guide can show you what
optimal produce should look like. You’ll never buy an overripe
melon again.
via Life Hacker
4. Ripen Up Produce
It can be super frustrating to buy things that won’t be ready
to eat until next week. Learn how to store things to get them
to ripen up fast here.
via Lunds and Byerly’s
5. Cook It Right
Grains are a great addition to bulk up meals but they can be
tricky to cook properly. Nobody wants to eat overcooked rice
or beans so save yourself from throwing away food by using
this guide to cook it right the first time.
via Getty Images / Brett Stevens
6. Is It Safe?
„Best by” and „sell by” dates are just a suggestion and a best
guess. Don’t throw away perfectly good foods because the label
says so. Use a guide like this one, which can tell you what
foods last forever and which ones you should err on the side
of caution with.
via Still Tasty
7. Store Meats Properly
Keep your expensive meats from spoiling by storing them in the
proper places in the refrigerator or freezer.Here is a helpful
guide to keeping things safe.
via Getty Images / Brett Stevens
8. Give Produce The Same Consideration
Storing produce on the counter, in the crisper or in the
cupboard makes a difference. Find out which foods go where
with this guide.
via Design Mom
9. Use Sand
You’re probably thinking this is super weird, but by storing
root vegetables in sand, you can preserve them for a very,
very long time. If it is good enough for farmers then it
should be good enough for your kitchen.
via Gardenista
10. Put Paper Bags To Work
Not a fan of sand? You can store onions, garlic and shallots
in paper bags instead.
via The Yummy LIfe
11. Take To The Freezer
Buying in bulk also means freezing things to make them last
longer. Buy in-season fruits and freeze them using this guide
as reference.
via One Good Thing By Jillee
12. Freeze Meats
Portion out your meats before freezing so that you can take
out only what you need when you need it.
via Lunch in a Box
13. Make Your Own Baby Food
Baby food is crazy expensive. Puree your own and freeze it in
ice cube trays for a healthy, inexpensive alternative.
via How Sweet It Is
14. Freeze Smoothie Ingredients
Freeze things like spinach and greens for making smoothies.
Keep it whole or pre-puree it.
via Popsugar
15. Single-Serve Herbs
Freeze things like herbs or green onions flat then put them
into an empty water bottle for storage. You can pour out just
what you need and put the rest back in the freezer for next
via Lunch in a Box
16. Preserve Celery In The Refrigerator
Wrap celery in aluminum foil to keep your celery lasting
via Just A Little Nutty
17. Avocado Knowledge
Usually you want an avocado the day you buy it. Here’s how to
tell if it’s ripe enough.
via Illuzone
18. Store Food In Glass
Glass jars are reusable, don’t get smelly like plastic, and
won’t warp in the microwave.
via Big Red Kitchen
19. Grow Your Own
Use the ends of the produce you buy to regrow your own. Green
onion, lettuce and celery are great options that grow in only
via Don’t Waste the Crumbs
20. Double Your Butter
Whip butter with water to make it easier to spread and last
longer. Don’t use it for baking though—the moisture content
will make things turn out improperly.
via Call Her Blessed
21. Last-Minute Milk Use
Milk about to expire? Freeze it with some crushed Oreos for
amazing iced coffee.
via Facebook / Oreo
Main Photo Source: Gardenista
Collage Photo Source: 1. Don’t Waste The Crumbs 2. Getty
Images / Brett Stevens 3. Design Mom
Sursa: diply.com
Toarna sare si otet din vin
alb peste tigaia imbacsita si
Un articol de Maya
Cititorii nostri stiu foarte bine ca ne place sa prezentam tot
felul de ponturi utile in bucatarie.
Dar, desi ne place sa gatim si sa testam tot felul de retete,
la final ramane ce ne displace cel mai tare – spalatul si
curatatul vaselor.
Cu cat gatesti mai mult, cu atat vei avea de curatat mai multe
vase. Din fericire, exista un truc simplu si rapid prin care
sa cureti vasele, oricat de murdare ar fi.
Vezi despre ce este vorba!
Daca ai o tigaie lipicioasa si extrem de CITESTE IN CONTINUARE
Sursa: secretele.com
Bicarbonatul de sodiu ofera o
benefice. Iata-le si pe cele
mai putin cunoscute!
Un articol de Cristian Iacov
Intr-adevar, remediile casnice si leacurile babesti pot oferi
o alternativa sigura la produsele pline de chimicale de pe
rafturile farmaciilor.
Unul dintre cei mai folositi ingredienti casnici este
bicarbonatul de sodiu, care ofera multiple avantaje pentru
Iata cateva dintre intrebuintarile mai putin cunoscute ale
Leacuri babesti
•Bea un amestec de bicarbonat de sodiu si apa pentru a calma
durerile musculare instalate dupa efort fizic intens.
Sursa: secretele.com
Cum se aranjeaza corect masa?
Desi luam masa in familie adeseori, aranjarea corecta a mesei
pentru o cina formala poate crea anumite dificultati.
Vesela se aranjeaza dupa o ordine logica, in sensul ca
tacamurile sunt asezate pe masa din exterior spre interior, in
ordinea in care avem nevoie de ele.
Tacamuri si vesela
Aranjeaza tacamurile pe masa imediat ce ai pus farfuriile si
servetelele. In acest fel poti lasa o oarecare distanta intre
farfurie si tacamuri.
In fata fiecarui scaun pune o farfurie suport, indicand
fiecare loc cu un card de masa. Daca la masa se serveste
salata, aceasta poate fi asezata peste farfuria de baza ori in
locul farfuriei de paine.
Aseaza furculitele in partea stanga a farfuriei, cu furculita
de salata (furculita mai scurta) in partea stanga, urmata de
furculita pentru cina, in apropierea farfuriei. In partea
dreapta a farfuriei se aseaza cutitul, cu lama spre farfurie.
Langa cutit se aseaza o lingurita, urmata de lingura de supa,
La sfarsit se aliniaza manerele tacamurilor, astfel incat
acestea sa fie paralele si distantate uniform unele fata de
Vesela aditionala
Se aseaza pe masa o farfurie de paine in fata furculitelor cu
un cutit de unt deasupra. Urmeaza paharele de diferite
dimensiuni care vor fi asezate in ordinea inaltimii de la cel
mai mare la cel mai mic, incepand din dreptul cutitului. Cel
mai mare pahar este de apa, urmat de paharul de vin rosu si
paharul de vin alb sau alta bautura alcoolica. Servetelul se
aseaza la stanga furculitei de salata, impaturit.
Bine de stiut
Masa nu trebuie sa fie ocupata niciodata cu mai multe
ustensile decat este necesar la un moment dat. Pe masa nu se
aseaza in acelasi timp mai mult de trei cutite si trei
furculite de fiecare parte a farfuriei.
La ora desertului se pot aseza tacamurile in fata farfuriei
suport, pe orizontala. Furculita se aseaza corect cu zimtii
spre dreapta si lingurita cu varful spre stanga in fata
farfuriei principale, in timp ce farfurioarele pentru desert
se aseaza in partea dreapta a mesei atunci cand se trece la
Si in sfarsit, furculita pentru fructe de mare se pune in
partea dreapta a cutitului. La nevoie, se aduce pe masa si un
bol cu apa, in caz ca la cina se consuma peste.
Sursa: aflacum.ro
How To Make An All Night
Campfire With Just One Log
The next time you’re out camping, whether it’s outdoors in the
wilderness or right outside in your own backyard, try this
hack out for an effortless campfire all night long. While
there is definitely some prep work involved, it’s well worth
it if you don’t need a huge bonfire, and more so if you plan
on cooking meals over the flames.
In the video below, YouTube user Doogly demonstrates how to
make a Swedish torch, which is also known as Swedish candle,
Canadian candle, Swedish fire torch, Swedish log stove, or
similar name, using a chainsaw. Basically, instead of tossing
any firewood into your fire pit, grab one thick log and make
two cuts. These cuts should be deep, at least halfway through
the log, and should form an X on the top.
Sursa: youtube.com
Once your cuts are created,
newspaper, brush, or even wine
log and light them. Remember to
the flame rises from within the
dangerously toward the ground.
add fire
corks into
keep the X
log rather
kindling such as
the depths of the
facing upwards, so
than downwards and
If you don’t have a chainsaw, you can attempt to use many
thick cuts of wood together in the same shape, but you won’t
get the same exact effect.
age Via Silver Skyline
These Are Good for Campfires & Cookouts
Once you’ve lit your newly cut log, you have a long-lasting
fire that will keep burning until you’re ready to hit your
tent. Yet this fire building technique offers more options
than simply warmth and light—it also provides a ready-made
stovetop for your camp cooking.
age via Hessie Scout Group
Nick Weston, writing for Back Woods Home, considers this logcutting technique an excellent choice for outdoor chefs
roughing it. After about 30 minutes of burning, the log’s flat
top becomes the perfect place to set a skillet.
As the wood and its flame continue to burn, it reaches a high
enough temperature to cook on top of. And, the longer it
remains lit, the higher the temperature—meaning you could even
slow-roast your favorite meat directly inside of the log.
[1] After 30 minutes, use a skillet or kettle. [2] After 3
hours, you can slow roast meat inside!
Images via Back Woods Home
Another benefit to this easy-to-create camp stove is that it
requires no effort. The log will continue to burn through the
cuts, heating the wood from within its center and warming
whatever you place on top.
The Type of Wood You Use Matters
Nick Weston also suggest considering what type of log you’d
like to use before creating this long-burning fire. Different
types of logs create different effects as they burn, and your
choice may depend on the purpose of your campfire.
age via Badgells Wood Camping
He recommends selecting a “well-seasoned” wood, rather than
one that is stripped of its bark and natural growth. If you
simply want to relax around your campsite, seek woods like
pine, fir, and birch. Weston calls these soft woods, which
give off the scent and light of the traditional campfires we
all love.
However, this type of wood log isn’t the best for cooking
food. If you plan to make your fire your own outdoor stove,
Weston suggests avoiding any varieties of wood that give off
soot and smoky taste. Instead, try to use hardwoods like
beech, apple, cherry, and oak. These logs don’t hold much
moisture, which prevents excess smoke, and burn better,
according to Weston.
Cover images via Warren Hardy, dittidot/Reddit
Sursa: architecturendesign.net
Iata modul cel mai eficient
de a curata mobila tapitata
si covoarele!
Un articol de Cristian Iacov
Foloseste bicarbonat de sodiu la curatarea mobilei si a
covoarelor: Doua modalitati de indepartare a petelor care te
vor lasa fara cuvinte!
In urma uzurii si a murdariei, atat canapelele si fotoliile
tapitate de culoare alba, cat si cele viu-colorate se pateaza
sau isi pierd stralucirea culorilor de altadata. Tot ce-ti
trebuie pentru a „le scoate la lumina” este un amestec din
bicarbonat de sodiu si apa adaugat intr-o sticla cu
Prima metoda:
Adauga intr-un vas 5 linguri de CITESTE IN CONTINUARE
Sursa: secretele.com
Un articol de Calin Petru Barbulescu
Nu cred ca exista cineva care sa se impace cu prezenta
paianjenilor si a altor insecte in locuinta. Daca ai
descoperit de curand semne ale unei infestatii cu paianjeni,
gandaci, sau alte insecte, nu-i cazul, totusi, sa intri in
panica – exista o multime de moduri naturale de a le eradica.
Poti tine paianjenii la distanta utilizand doar produse de uz
Iata cateva modalitati complet naturale de a alunga insectele.
1. Foloseste cedru
Esenta lemnului de cedru alunga in mod natural CITESTE IN
Sursa: secretele.com