March 2008 - Fort Wayne Artist Guild


March 2008 - Fort Wayne Artist Guild
Just SomePresidentialThoughts
OK, I havc a GOOD NE!(/S / BAD NEVS jokc
for yt-ru.Hcre's the GOOD NEWS - The Guild is
grorving, dcveloping and more involvcd in a varie ry
of things more than ever (Bet you can guess!)the
BAD NEWS ... The Guild is grorving, devcloping
and needs involvcd helpful membcrs nclrv than cver!
Actually, thcre rcally isn't any bad ncws.
Getting involved means that you learn about that
arca. For mc, co-chairing thc Vcnturcs Show in '97
rvas a fantastic lcarning cxpcrience about how an art
shorv, judging, ctc. is donc (you can't cvcn acquirc
that info in art classes).Besides the education,
gctting to know other artists, bccclming familiar with
people clutsidc the Guild, perhaps profcssionals in
thc communiry, and bccoming active members in
thc larger art communiry of thcsc things arc
advantagcs t() you and vour art. And thcsc things
don't cvcn include how YOU will impact thc Guild!
All of thcsc arc positivc things.
So, plcase think of things that you can do -perhaps
on a very small scale (this ycar) and something
involving a littlc morc commitmcnr ncxr ycar, but in
s()mc walr to clffcr ygur skills and talcnts ttl us.
Thcrc arc many mcmbcrs rvhcl havc givcn and arc
prescndy gl-ing unsclfishly. \ff'c thank you. Thc
othcr night at thc board mcctins, it was brought up
to discussgiving cvcry()nc mrlrc details about what
jr>bsactually require rvhen thcl' comc up. This rvill
provide )'ou rvith morc infcrrmation so that you rvill
bc able to make a bcttcr dccisicin abclut hclw vou can
volunteer for a specific thing. \ic'll try to do this.
\\Ie'll try to do our part. Plcasc try to do your part.
March Meeting
\(lhen: Wed.,March 19,6:30p.m.
\l{4rerc:ConcordiaHigh School
Program: Paul from Crcativc Framing will be ow
Ron Brunger,PauleenHudey, and
Don't fcrrget- bring 1-3 pieccsof your artwork to
gcneralmectings- it's fun, and you may rcqucst
if you likc!
I f No t Y o u . Wh o ?
We have a saying in dog spons (my other "thing') - "Train,
don't complain." The same principle applies to FV'AG - if
yoLr wtnt-yzar Guild to support_tailr art,you have to support
the Guild with your time, effort, and skills. V'e seem to be
in a "participation crisis," as the same few people continue
to do most of the work. Elections are coming frrr President,
VP, and Treasurer (see page 2). The Publicist position is still
open. After theJune Fine Lineq the job of editor will be
open. FIELP! If you don't, who will? The gv<-rundworkfor
thcse jobs is done - they aren't difficult! For info about the
Publicist pcrsition, call Marybeth Montgomery (@ +31-ltSltl.
Fine lines Editor - Sheila Boneham @ 490-8529. For other
positions, MaryAnn Halsev @ 436-2497.
Artfully Yours,
Nfaryl\nn Flalsey
Prcsidcnt.Fort Wavnc Anists Guild
Paindngby Hooiser anist T.C. Steele.1917. See "Get tcr
Know an Arrist" on page 3.
Who's Who in FWAG
President:MaryAnn Halsey,436-2497,
[email protected]
Vice Fresident:Virginia Nance,483-5I 5I
Treasurer: PaulineHurley, 672-213|
Membership Chair: MarianneVon Rohr, 637-8694
BusinessBxhibits Chair: NancyLongmate,625-6788
Arts United Center Exhibits: Marilyn Umber,
ProgramChair: AndreaBojrab,485-5197
Newsletter: SheilaBoneharn,490-8529,
Publicity: Vacant
Historian: RoddyDammeyer,486-5136
Advisory: Ann Simmer,747 -5680
Specid Representative:Bar ara Blaclq 389-5609
Children's Shows.JaniceReifsnider,749-4991
Verfires in CreatMty: Judi Rcnkenbtger, 747 -O935,
and Marybeh Montgomery,43 6-3939
Sunshine Chair: Carol Arens. 4834122
March5, 6:30 p.m.- BoardMeeting,St. Francis,
RollandArt Center,conferenceroom
March l0 - Deadlinefor April Fine Lines
March 19,6:30 p.m.- GeneralMeeting,
ConcordiaHigh School(seep. l)
"Paint What You Love ln Pastelor Oil" Workshopwith
intemationattyhown artist BrendaMa$son
signaturememberof the
PastelSocietyof Arnerica.When:March 7,8,9 Fri,
Sat,Sun. 9:30to 4:00
Subjea matter : landscapes,portraiB, animals& florals
Where:New HavenParksDept.Rec. Center,1125
Hartzell Street
Cost:$160New HavenResidents/$l8O
Registerbeginningl2l18. Form availableon-lineat
'Artist." continuedfiom page3
paralleledthat of ClaudeMonet, and Steelelived
until 1926,remainingtrue to his impressionistic
slrle ofpainting.
St€€leplayeda pivotal role in the next querter
century of Indianaart by relocatingto Brown
Next rnonth: Brown County and Beyond
To learnmore....
Book: ThePassageby Martin Ktause,
IndianapolisMuseumof Art and Indiana
UniversityPress,I 990.
Exarples of work by the HoosierGroup painters
(Steele,Adams,Stark,Gruelle& Forsyth)canbe
found IndianapolisMuseumofArt websiteat
www.imarruseum.orq/Sfurplyenterthe nameof
the artist in the "search"field and click on
More aboutT. C Steele'sHome& Studioand
artwork canbe found at www.tcsteele.ors
Upcoming Events
ThreeRiversFestivalArt in the Park will be July l2-13 in
FreimannSquare.Apply by April l. Information is
availableat www.threeriversfestival.ors.
We need34 peopleto serveon the Nomingtring
Committee to select nomineesfor President,
Vice-Presidentand Treasurer. This requiresgetting
togetho with ideasfor choices,then calling membersand
asking if they would servein that capacity. Somemay even
volunteer! Ifyou can serveon the committee,please
contactMaryAnn Halseyat 436-2497or
mahalsev@^nlcomby March 8.
We also needsomeoneto coordinateand host the garage
sde in the spring, ideally during your subdivision's
communitygaragesalefor increasedtraffic. Peoplewill
help you set up and price iterrs. Ifyou can host the sale,or
help with iq pleasecontactMaryAnn Halsey at 436-2497
or [email protected] 22.
The Cocktalls and Culture FWAG eventat the FWMoA
for Nov. 21,2008. CherylBurke is
the Cbairperson,Virginia Nance is the co-chair.
Get to Know an Artist
by Doug Runyan
NOTE: Instead of the usual interviews with members of the
Guild, for this month and the next, this column will focus on
the art history oflndiana by taking a look at Hoosier artists
who have preceded us. A booklist and internet references
can befound at the end ofeach article.
Linda Binek was very surprisedto seeher painting
entitled"GoldenTrumpets"on the Allen County
library websiteaswell as the handoutfrom the
Jeffrey R. Krull Gallery at the downtownlibrary
branch.Sheparticipatedin the HoosierSalon
Exhibition of Outstandinglndiann Artists on January
14thto February4.
I haveoftenbeensurprisedat how little mostartists
know aboutthe rich traditionof art in this state.Did you
know that Brown County, in southcentral Indiana,has
beenan artist's colonyfor 100years- andthat it is
regardedby art historiansas the pre-eminantAmerican
Impressionistart colonyof the Midwest,oneof lessthan
a dozensuchimportant art coloniesin the nation?And
that's not all. Brown Countyisn't the only placewhere
art was createdin Indiana,it is just the bestknown.
SheilaBonehamsolda paintingat ArenaDinner
Theaterin February,and two connnissionedpet
portraits.Sheilaalsohasa showof animalpaintings,
"Fur, Feathers,andFins" at Firefly CoffeeHouse,
3523N. Anthony,March l-31. Therewill be a
simple"meetthe artist" receptionon Sun.,March 2,
from 6-8. Comesayhi!
Judi Renkenbergerwon "Bestof Show"at the Manatee
County(Florida)Fair. Congratulations,
The traditionof art in the Hoosierstatedatesto the
middleof the 1800s,beforethe foundingof the Brown
Countycolony,with wanderingportraitpaintersand
landscapepainters(mostnotablyWilliam McKendree
Snyder)who followedthe HudsonRiver Schoolstyle.
The richesthistorybegins,however,in the endof the
l9'h centurywith five paintersfrom Indianapoliswho
becameknown as the HoosierGroup:T. C. Steele,J.
Ottis Adams,Otto Starh RichardGruelleandWilliam
Forsyth.ln about 1880theywereall tiving in the
Indianapolisarea.Seekingto improvetheir skills, they
traveledto Europeto study. Four of them went together
to the Academyin Munich, a schoolwith traditional,
conservativeinstruction.Therewas no trainingin the
impressioniststylethat was beingpracticedat thetime
in France.
the artistsall eventuallywereexposedto
- somenot until returningto the US impressionism
and they all evartuallydevelopedlooser,more
impressionisticstyles.Somebecamewell regardedas
portrait painters(a goodway to pay the bills!), but most
becameknown for their work as landscape
artistsin the
traditionof impressionism.
The HoosierGroupbuilt a
reputationfor Indianaart throughparticipationin
nationalexhibitionssuchas the ColumbianExposition
in Chicagoin 1893andtheWorld's Fair in St. Louisin
T. C. Steelebecamethe mostwell knownof the group
and was generallyacknowledgedas the most important
artist in the Midwest.His l.ifespan,like his worlg
Continuedon page2
Doug Runyan soldhis painting"On the Way to
Harlan" at the HoosierSalonExhibitionat the
Marianne Von Rohr had severalpaintingson orhibit at
ArenaDinnerTheaterin January-February.
namewas omittedin the FebruarvFine Lines.
T.C. Steele'shouse,Brown County.
.., -, :::-*-*J.r.+.
T.C. SteeleStudio,Brown County.
PhotoscourtesyofDoug Runyan.
Fine Lines
March 2008
Fort WalmeArtists Guild, Inc.
PO Box 13437- Fort Wa1me,IN 46869-3437
l" n g in g
\ ro u n )
FWAG membershavework on exhibit in the following FWAG exhibits aroundthe area
in March and April.
* Aldersgate:PauleenH
* BotanicalGardens:Linda Binek
* The CameoSalonandSpa:Tina Zion
* Dr. Farber'soffrce: Mary Ann Von Rohr
* TownhouseRetirenrent Nancy Longmate
* RescareAdult Day Svsc -Doni Adam & Toni Murray
* Parkview Oncology:SandieBenedict
* LutheranRehabHospital:Doni & Toni (if someone
would like tlis spot, call Doni at 478-9666
* Will Jewelers- SheilaBoneham& Nancy Longmate
* Arena Dinner Theats (Jan l8-Feb 2) - MaryAnn
Non-FWAG Show- "Fur, Feathetrs,and Fins," Animal Paintingsby SheilaBoneharq Firefly Coffee House,3523
Anthony,March l-31. *MeettheArtist,'March2, 6-g p.m.
For information about FWAG hangingopportunities,contactNancy Longmate,BusinessExhibit Chair, at
Do you havework on erftibit in other locations?Let Sheilaknow - I will includethe information n Fine