X(ipv3p Suiteaioui n -iwpS JO] poind strip pep st^ NVOlOJkJ


X(ipv3p Suiteaioui n -iwpS JO] poind strip pep st^ NVOlOJkJ
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lord said,
“ H uto I to oiler yo«;
I'd each of eight « mngle bed
Bat the ninth mart eerve for two
A din arose.
The troubled host
Could o n ly scratch his head,
F o r o f those tired men no tw o
W ou ld occupy one bed.
w in d o w
w o n d e rfu l
: in
asso rt
t o f shirts a n d ties w<
Little Conundrum
T h e trouble*! host was soon at eas
H e was a clever m an,
A n d so to please his guests deviw
T h is m ost ingeuioos plan
In room roarke-1 A
W hy Are these burglar* like our 1 of homes.
Because they always go into the
for the beet home* all
y .lo we sell the majority of lnmb
n<». ^ranArirt
for all
: hut we get most Of the hills or
h ere good, sound, dry material i*
ferenre in tlie qu^ity of
h ave learned that there i* s lot of
’ particular buyers take
1 as we make quality our
but buy what they need from ™:
id our prices
tw o men were
o f the public is
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! term. It turned sharply to the left.
, osar Westminster Bridge On the Bur
■vey side It stopped: the pursuers
came up ns Ms occupant stepped out
quickly and reached tbs broad Bight of
stairs which led down to the river.
"W e've got hint.’* said Holder.
He ran down the steps after the lit­
tle figure, reached the broad wide
landtag, and halted. For at the bot­
tom o f the steps, clear to be anew la
the bright light o f a bridge lamp. « m
' ’i p jj* »
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On Jan. It. i( U , an attempt was
mads to solve the problem of London
traffic by restricting the number of
hackney coaches. Charles I. issued a
proclamation setting out that “ hack­
ney conches are not only n great dis­
turbance to hie majesty, bis dearest
consort, the queen, the nobility and
When you open a tin of Red Rose
Coffee, you will surely be pleased
with its unusual fragrances and
you will note particularly the
•mall, even grains, free of the
A Women's W ey
Bachelor Caller—My dear fellow. I
thought your wife had forgiven yon
and promised to (Orget it?
Husband— So she has. my boy. Bat
the didn’t promise to let me forget
she’s forgiven *se.—Exchange.
“Didn’t yon te d It rather cold as the
thieves were making off with yonr
"Oh, no. They kept me well cover­
ed with their revolvers.”—Princeton
t -
i- i.
HHMB, N. B.—
Is did not n uts, do: he :u >
k at he- with the quiet aaowei
BeOevflle, Nora Scotia,C an.-'Three
fears ego 1 wee suffering badly frith
I M I — , whet the d o c t o r s
called C h a n g e of
E M M ^ W L i f e . Iw k s s o b s d
f t lt h a t 1 had to stay in
MBbed. Some friends
|Pj toldjne to take Lydia
i t Ton don’t know how thankful and
grateful I am. I give poo pi rniissisa
Is publish what yoar good medkiae has
-,o i»
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Local N ew s
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imjHannuIi Gm Iuud, of Kiml'
« y , O u t., is visiting her m other
und brothers iii town.
The Spindler Prest*orium is re­
ceiving a fresh coat of paint.
— F o r Sale— G ood clean tiax seed.
A p p ly P . G ilbert.
B O R N — A t Herachel, Sa*k., on
M onday, July 20,,.to M r. and Mrs.
Leslie C argill, a daughter.
-■• ■■
Miss Ethel B. Hove, who resides
C. L . Burt*telle woe a Saskatoon north of tpwit( .^fa»t successful in
visitor ou Tuesday.
winning s diploma and medal at
—For a good pries on ileetiii Whitby College, Out., commence­
irons and washing machine*; see ment exercises held recently.
King of Fanners Watches
T o the Farmer, a Watch that he can trust at aU times in
a necessity. W e mggrat that you give yourself the pkswrc
And comfort of a W alth am it w il aid your standard as a
Wakham Watdma ara Famomatha Worid
L. F. HeertweUACo.
I-. F Heart well and Jack Smith
in tlie trap sitooting tourna­
Mr. Campbell, one of the pro­
p rietor, of the Stranraer Hotel, ment at Saskatoon last week and
the latter wae successful in petting
iu the roonev on two oemaiooe.
naentof electric light bulbs. Couliu
suffering. That sown on the good
summer fallow in .not ao liadly in
need of ft, but a mod rain Aookl
help to fill out the feed* batter.
“ C” Squadron pifle Association
Pill about every Wednesday even­
ing, weather permitting, until
further nqiioe. The club eboot
half a mile vest on the C. N. R.
Everyliody welcome. The cheapest
shooting in town. One dollar to
join the elub—Ires ammunition and
rifles. 8m Lieut. Wilson or Oorp.
? f'
‘- f e t i t h ' k y -l
—Are your eves week? Hr.
Morris, Professional Optometrist of
Ragtta will be at the Boeetown
Hotel on Wednesday. S9th July
after 8 pm . I f yon have any
tumble with vision and need glasset
this is an opportunity to consult, an
aatliority on ths subject. * Hr.
Morris is the oldsst and moat ex­
for the Ex perienced By* Bight Specialist in
the Province.
any six men in town within an
hour ^ forfeit 1100. *
—Wanted, a Bee salesman with
team or motor 'cycle.4 Will guar­
antee beet paying job about Bosstown to live wire. Apply Engle
Ck> f*
# -
■ ■ "
is not a game ot
suits vaMfh into
value for money,
and we aim to g
L- F. Hasrtwall St Co. ham
reoeivad the exclusive
of tiie
famous Prinosee Electric Iron.
Ppur of .these irons am now being
tested by the Commonwealth Edisorr Laboratory, have been on curmint, over 5000 boon each (5000 ,
boon U equivalent to 500. working
days of too hours each, oi ton years
of weakly ironinp days in a big 1
Household) and' a n * ttill going.
Tlie shove irons are sold at Basetown at 84.50. \ ■
| The Bex theatre was wall fillad
an Friday and Ssturdav nights, an
exceptionally good fl reel film bein* shown, sutitled “ The lion ami
the Monas." It wae taken from
the play of the ^m e name and was
In connection with the Saskatoon
Exhibition which, is being bald on
August 4 ,4 , t ,
7 the C.N.R
■del train aa
Thursday, August 6th, lsaving supply them being tire General
Boeetown at 6,80 e.m. and return­ Vlim Co., who have a very good
ing leave Saskatoon at night at line of pictoiae.
10.45 p. m.
Seven automobile loads of mem->
-The Town Council is calling for bars and their wives sod families of
applications for auditor far the tlie local lodge of the Knights of
town books for the balance ol the Pythias journeyed to the lake near
year. There will be three audita Harris on Tuesday for their annual
ef the town books to be made, vis;
in ly 30, Oct. 31. end Dec. 31,
also the annual audit of the school
books. Applications received up number from going in swinning.
to Monday noon, July 87th, ad­ Boating was also indulged in and i
dressed to Andrew Wil-sun.
Services in the Methodist Choreli
p ill be conducted on Sunday next
at 11 mm. and 7 p. m. by Rev.
Smith-Windsor. Morning subject
“ Love’s Supreme Disclosure.”
Evening subject, “ Old too Sooo,”
with some observations on flirting
and other things. Union Sunday
School at 2:30p.m . Service at
Bidpath at 3 p. m. Everybody
and Life Insurance
two teams picked op. The ladies
had prepared a lunch and ample
justice was done to the good things
provided by them at both dinner
and sapper. Shortly after six n
start was made for home and every­
one voted it a very enjoyable eat­
Mr. end Mis. Andrew Wilson
visited friends in Kindstsfoy Mon­
day test, when Mr. Wilson visited
St. Andrew's English Church Kindenfoy I.O.O.F. Lodge in the
capacity of District Deputy, and
services next Sunday July 86, Holy
Communion'll a. m. Evensong 7 p.
m. After evening eervioe a meet
ing of men will be held in the Vicarage to discuss ways and means of
term. The District Deputy,
forming e chapter of St. Andrews com panted by S. B. Maybe, also
Brotherhood. AM mate members visited Goose Lake Lodge at Brock
of the congregations ere asked to on the 14th inst, and installed the
make an effort to attend. Services ilEtesTw there, also reporting favorat Muiriand School next Sunday at
12 noon. Saturday, July 85th
being St. James Day, there will
be holy communion at 7.30 a. m.
Evensong at S p. a .
Pleasure if you use the rigjKt
kind 6 f OB iron.
Comc^iB and
,. v
let us
give you a few hosts.
Pu »
J l-fl * » ‘q*juy pajaiBu ofqe^.,,----, . . „
~m~ —
f* naX joj atqj pa op pui jnqi epnpoid atnvifpm -niAjaqa ptpeda aqj sj* aiag
-Xiwjrmo pm opsijm apeui aq nu ‘aniraoafB^ Xqqsqs pm X^«aj)f jo jaded pa«
9mv»UO>qanp ‘papej q ji* pajaAOa 8ntaq jo paajsm apaiA aq) pm—map pm jqSuq
<Sioop pm qjOAtpoon pnp—AreIrma pm map apatn saA[aqa pm apjaoqdnj—M»a M
poof m apaai ajtijiuanj ASutp—qsajj pm )q*uq qoo[ o) apam aq mo uoog moM
---- > . .
Piuqsoi s,»q |f> tuuw ' s)U9 i^b|dui| m re j uo*
Aq tsiwdp Aui ‘ qVnnp jo sjoj ut Sot <
-^w aq tqttai ain!itt ««q x ,«"V °» J - j a p u y sd p i^ p n j^ u r e ij
uoA Asp Ajjaa joj Aunad * noA ]
And p,I PU« JqJtqs ItOA ‘ p»{ Xw j
‘aioqo « Xuiitu s.sjeqx,, *«Aw laqitq «
13 ip O 9|p(IBl| o s p ]
pmC ai|j ui suAwoq HunoA
OZ a^n q.ioit pinoM aq ji ‘ pnq os
*)uum aq stttiiq) aq) X|us(d at OAsq
)qj;ai aq puy a[oq faimuiTMa aqi
Xq uMop Uiuqsg suias op p(noa aq
•u o w n d w *
ns.‘»|Od piaiwf w pnq aq PiuqiUM-ti
*M*W »q u*qi puy „ n o j jo «pnn|
H* a iiq pan •X|||#«M H U ) »ooqi
-3uqireig - uosjdur^
p u n o xe
Y u o a is A O jd a ii j o &e/A o q j in o p [JIM *j i S in X id d e u i a m p o p j g
Xoaoui ow n b JBqM pyjopuoM 8| ||
*MOjd, aq>„ | jj*
:un* * p h i ' l l * i . . ‘• mum
-woil uo
1 There a u be«a a great development
of late r « n In the Canadian poultry
Industry. Tb<» development baa been
brought about by many factor*, chief
among which, ,ara the ilutiring and
;hly succesiful efforts o f breedeis;
i experimental work carried on a t
i various poultry plant* o f the Do-
a f* )* m t
rj "
4. J
This Letter Tells the Story
toi nail
M n J. D. falser. St Park Street. Amsterdam. N .Y , writes >
of age s y boy began ttrbheeflt*. They case on la tfee might
HTM|i m m m sunen out, rrotn tt M v t i, net wouit rwitcn
Children Strenf and Robust
dhappean whoa the y jgsr e f the eereoea tyaOaa h
ae s ' a a m
aaah |
d a g a g ie A n can , Irritshility o f t a p e r end g e h
M m the eyee gtwe w e d n g e f dangar d m i It
■ o p ho patnlyda. ^ g i| iy s r w t jt S t f l S
d 1
ItiUbidrtVd lisA d biiC s Da* CHUarib^b
b soaamary tsrm ritoKs* the teeMe, v w M n r r o
a h , *a B the ly itim w hh viper ta d wood o ff
. ^ ‘• W M i a W ^ ' s ' w s
3 5 S S h w iW
D r. Chase's W o w Dead b a a l t sad p t A
In sod as ead at A e home Arne dd psw artal A ha
te U g t<piace>aad v h m M
a H ^ h ta d a M
very unusual EnaJmo at that— who
M U, *IW l k t cat. sat It. (our pouada
of boiled meat pe, day. When an Es
klino can get ail he wants to eat he
make*, a business of it. He doesn't
■tore it In the refrigerator, but In hia
points, aw a s t o In d ie s 's Ik a M sn n ln g
o f aentenses and aaaiat the reader to a
proper eounc’ation, is ascribed originally to Aristophanes, a grammarian
of Alexandria Egypt, who lived in the
third century B.C. Whatever his syetem may nave been, it was eabeequentiy neglected and forgotten, bat van re-
'lT •BitTfli
r yBNH:WHP^(WBS- - " i i i * e-e«•
ty :
-- The spade is a t o t useful tooL
It delves a * way tor summer flower
It’s not expensive, as a rule—
Why do the neighbors borrow oar
Mrs Hawed (to door M ood )
What’s the secret of getting a n«
frock trass hobby after he soton
1- ■gfgaay..,iPEa
i w n p u H
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ism tn itHMi miHim -Hi ‘epwj,
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<H P « *
r Mr. Campbell, one of the proprietors of the Stranraer Hotel,
the latter wee eoooeeeful in getting
spent Monday io town.
In the monev on two ooceeion*.
Ladies, Misses and Childrens Coats,
HiMnwaag. SKirU. Waists. White
« u ip
— We have just received a -hipThe Saskatoon papers of Friday
men t of electric light bulbe. Conliu
last contained a report that Mrs.
& Evuus.
I f w iabw were but hoieae, t
b i f f i folk would ride, and th ere’d
be free divorces fo r people badlv
tied. W e ’d all be packing monies
till spavined in tb e knees, if wishes
were but ponies, and roubles grew
trees. " I wiali.” sevs little
Willie, " I wish I bad a gun; I ’d
shoot till 1 was silly, end have all
kinds of fun.” And then he starts
fit, will do in thowsjM
it- :a>
vt *t'
5' \
. I % 4 • * 5X •
iFloor Psiat for a i
I fjltkh
|U An
with a coat of &-W Vs
and a durable varnish,
precious that
Hand tsars.
W alt
lvs bSsn exceed• week. The beet
their retreat is to
tssmsar the
thick coating of coal
oUaklna, sleep in the
st nights, and seal up all
by day, and then it la most a
‘ Piu t the Insects will 1st
anises you exclaim,
” , and then at that note of
the little dears would break
i eons. Wrought
lift our hate to the m
weie the architect
the ants have only
i masons. They
I the situation —
L. F. H EA R T W E L L & CO.
fcrjJSt \
• v i. :
* .fl
g m w fg i* ;
L A n . ^ . a »
Eutorn C.muU™nd U M
Stoto. ^
Through PORT ARTHUR or DULUTH, In connection wldt
HURONIC, HAMONIC,----------Leave Wlnnlasg • p. m., and from Dolath, Tuesday, Th
AW pan
Leave Winnipeg 6p.
and from Furl Arthur, Ww
8TKAMKK8, Iran POM AWnSfuit liudsy,
Tbumlay, Friday, fletffuaj ~ -j<{|
ween Winnipeg-Pert
Winnipeg-P«rt Arthur Is
is Ute
fy —A i«" Northern IJner between
ilia Scania
Scenic LI
Line to*ihs
___ _ j via Port Arthur lor Northern Navigation Steamen may obtain keys io
us avoid inconvsnisncs sad
and checksi for
_ dining-room sittings st Winnipeg before departure and thu
delays. Heals and berth on steamers included in
, , the _price
_ SofBticket
i . ■ wo*..m i*
Get full particulars from tbe nearest Canadian Northern Agent, or write.
„ ‘a i*
, General Phsmnge r Agent, C.H.B/,
i n n U T f ii
G ivin g H im aelf A w a y
An Irish soldier serving in India
the eo disliked tbe dim ele that ha deeided to make an effort to get si
boom. With this object he com­
plained to the doctor that his eyeeight was bed.
unblinf and to this rale u attrii ted more than to anything tlw
io remarkable incraaae in exhibits
id attendance. The people want
eoty of amusements but modern
mditions demand decent attracone suitable tor ladies and childk i entirely ftea from offenuveneae
nd under rigid limitation the
seociation has had a steady growth
| their aridWay, featnrin
ttractions each year of the right
kit along proper and educational
L a
»t ' t
• M tftr
"H ow can you prove that to met”
■aid the doctor.
A t a lorn, Pat looked around be­
fore answering.
® Co., Exporters and Commission
Merchants, Winnipeg, Man.
P«r shipping instrgctioM and HWnl adviacM m
car kR, is*
J. B. W IL S O N ,,
"W ell doctor, do you see that
nail in the w allt” .
‘Yes,” replied the doctor. ^
‘ W ell,*’ mid Pat, " I can’t.”
A college student was hauled be­
fore the Dean fur exceeding bis
Send at once for a prim Hat and
"W e ll,” said the professor.
take up your mind to ba an exhib- ' " I ’m sorry,” said the under­
or aa wall as a visitor.
graduate. '*1 really couldn’t get
back before. I was detained by im­
portant boatnear” 4 *
The Doan looked at him sternly.
' ‘8o you wanted twe more days
of grass' did yea,” he asked.
"H e, sir/’ answered A * young
man, off his guard for a moment,
p A T EE T N T S
M u i i a j i VI
a--- ,_i
a» * m F W | e e .
Fir»t-Cla». Work
Joint and navel disease kills onefourth of the foals born, symp­
toms am: Swelling and leaking
of Urine at tbe navel, also swell­
ing of any of the joints.
Aoy of the eveHinge may
op«i in edjanmd cam. k and
•a G u a r a n t e e d
w qoaj
^ v 7
E s t i m a t e fe lh e
Dr. 9. Moyer, D .D .9., L. D .8.
Honor Qredeate of Toronto
and Chicaao Colleses
mt Cary.
i iw rw j
£ > u »a w «u u 3
jfu jffid u JO « M f
■|Uf UO iWtjbUOQ
— m s uo a « o | M o y * n »H u m o j , em
)» 1M01 (||m tio*JM|i #np ■ vioiUifnd
jo unf)M|,no tiR
au«j »((1 j0
pun Aieafqouat umvi
®*n Sajawoiino nojteenb
■Nfl jo j0«tm Ji m
R M .of
o)0| M|nbu|
-urns ino uo 6u(i|oui
*JB *AlS3Dllld *41
* i p g jo u r a m g
N o. S 17
A m eeting o f th e Council held on
July 4th, 1914, the Reeve and all
Councillors being present.
Coun. Card—That minutes
previous meeting be adopted
O f In terest to Farm ers.
Oaring to the variety of work
th at m a t be undertaken a system
Coun. Card— That the- Secretary of book-keeping is just as necessary
to the farmer as to *n| other bwdneea man. In order to encourage
owner within
. B ar-That Mr. Carnegie
tinted to eee Geo. Hamblin
18. W. 3rd and if ha finds
>need, to get provisions fur
beginning has been made, and it is
hoped that it will eontinue to ex­
tend until every farmer in the provinos baa adopted some method of
recording the result, of hie labors
daring the year. The placing of
the contestants was not an easy
matter but the following were, in
the order given, the beet acts aant
in and the awards have bee* made
It’s the Ford agedependable and
F. BurtwtaUe * Spaa. Jfrnfotd.
2nd prise.............
Jas. Almond A Son, Lloydminstar. Sad prise...
H.<1. Potter. Langbank, 3rd
G o o d . McNa**hton— That *20
be allowed Mr. Klnt tor use of land
for mad across 8.W. 80-88-18 8 for
yaar 1914 and that 110 be allowed
W. A. Perry fur us* of land for
road aerom N. W. 28-83-18-3 for
year 1914.
Coup. McNaughton—That the
Council approve of the following
lands being formed into a school
district: W. $ of See. 18 and all
of sections 19, 20, 29, 80, 81 and
82 in Tp. 88, Rge. 14. 8octioiw 5
and 4, Tp. 84, Rge. 14, Sec. 13,
14. » . >4, to. to, 35. to. in Tp. » , Bge
to, Sec. 1 and 2, Tp. S4, Rge. to.
Coun. Costello—That the Council
approve of the following lands be­
ing formed into a school district:
W. * Sac. 80. W. i Sec. 31. Tp. 32
Rge. 14. all sections 25, 26, 27,28.
29. 82. 88, 84. 86 and 86. In Tp.
88, Rge. 16, W. 3rd. AU sections
1. 2. 8. 4. 6, 8, 9.10, 11 in Tp. 33
Rge. 15, W. 3rd. W * Sec. 6, and
W. * Sec. 7 in Tp. 83, Rge. 14. W.
naoaaity of having
C. W. Oakes, Wood Mountain,
4th priaa. •••*•••••••••....••••
v While there was no abaolntoly
correct aooounte sent into the de­
partment, the majority of entrants
for the competition had a vary fair
idea of what was required, and
made a creditable showing.
AJCach fanner should know how ha
stands at the end of the year.
Careful aooounte kept la one of tin
beat methods of dialing with the
formats problems. It is by this
moans only that the former will he
able to learn exactly what branches
of his businaas are profitable or
otherwise, and having this know­
ledge be can arrange hie methods
SMosdinglv. The economic value
of a system of book-keeping is of
extreme importance and there is
little doubt that the time baa come
when farmers must be business men
in every seoae of the word and must
adopt the most up-to-date business
Eventually this subject will form
an important part of the young
formers’ education in our Agricultural Colleges. It is just as impor­
tant as any other technical part of
hie training, beoauee it is one that
ie going to take him out of the old
haphasard methods and induce him
by logic of figures to adopt measures
which will be more likely to lead
him to success. It will also cause
hinp to study marketing and other
conditions and make him iu every
sense of the word a trained businew
Fords inworld-wide servic
changed distance from a
of minutes. Buy your Fc
(Xk hundred dollar* is the price of the Ford ranabout; the touring oar is six fifty; the town ear
nine hundred—f. o.-b. Ford. Ont., oomoleto with
Rosetown Machine& Auto Co.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
AUGUST—4, 5, 6, 7,-1914
Big entriua for races; big puraaa aad a big thno for
C s Y e r jD o a j
Special train leaves Rosetown Thursday, August M l at
&30 a. m , returning leaves Saskatoon
at 104S p m.
Imperial Lump
Try our Imperial Lump
Coal at $8.00 per ton.
We have on hand a
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The Albion