Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! Costume Needs
Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! Costume Needs
Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! Costume List MUST BRING COSTUMES BY NOV 27th (TEST GRADE!!!) Character Narrator Scroogemak er Costume 1 ? Men’s trench coat & top hat & spectacles mrs scrooge Moshe Mr. Gerstein Rabbi past Costume 2 Men’s PJS w/ sleeping hat women’s nightgown Brown pants, white long sleeve shirt & suspenders, w/ newsboy hat with brown dress shoes denim shirt, black slacks, brown apron, and worn dress shoes (all should look worn and tattered 100 BC traditional Rabbi attire (Mrs. Johnson may be able to obtain this costume) add a brown pea coat white under shirt with black pants Costume 3 Notes PJs need to be under trench coat Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! Costume List MUST BRING COSTUMES BY NOV 27th (TEST GRADE!!!) Rabbi present Beard, black overcoat, white undershirt, black slack, black dress shoes, black socks, and a jewish prayer shaw & black derby hat Rabbi future Women in black wool coat with white scarf on head and black leather gloves, black knee high boots factory worker/ long sleeve blue jean shirt, brown apron black pants, black shoes male child Gerstein & young man border /& child border black tee, black pants, black shoes, newsboy hat if young boy Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! Costume List MUST BRING COSTUMES BY NOV 27th (TEST GRADE!!!) Antioch soldier Black tee, black pants, black shoes Modern Dad kiss the coolk apron Black tee, black pants, black shoes Macabee (jewish past people, man in tunic) female child Gerstein black tee, black pants, black shoes black tee, black pants, black shoes Husband white tee, black Boarder pants, black shoes Mrs. black tee, black Gerstein/ pants, black Modern Mom shoes /Modern black tee, black daughter pants, black shoes male child black tee, black Gerstein/ pants, black Modern son shoes Grandma black tee, black Boarder pants, black shoes Wife Boarder black tee, black pants, black shoes Narrrator Old man sweater, Trey brown slacks, button down shirt, tie and glasses, we will grey your hair roman cape, helmet and sword blue sash & white or blue yamakah (boy) white scarf on head (woman) apron & pig tail braids newsboy hat & suspenders apron & head scarf (babooshka) Woman’s suit jacket & bun in hair & glasses modern t-shirt & big high tops newsboy hat baseball cap & big bright tennis shoes babooshka & sweater & cain apron & head scarf (babooshka) Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! Costume List MUST BRING COSTUMES BY NOV 27th (TEST GRADE!!!) Narrator Cat Mrs Johnsons old lady wig, Old lady white embroidered shirt (think doiley), skirt pulled up to chest, stockings and loafers cardigan (Think Mrs. Doubtfire) Mensch modern littel kids (overhauls, pigtails, cartoon tees, think Brinly and Landry outside of school)