here - Fredericksburg United Methodist Church


here - Fredericksburg United Methodist Church
Vol. 3 June 2015
A Tim e of
Tra ns i tio n
God’s Story at
FUMC this
Fredericksburg United Methodist Church
1800 North Llano
Fredericksburg TX 78624-2917
Ministers-The Congregation
Amy O’Neil-Director of Child Development Center
Dr. J. Jason Fry—Senior Pastor
Judy Hickerson—Organist
Rev. J. Sidney Spiller—Associate Pastor
Linda Klein—Office Manager
Don Doss—Director of Music Ministries
Selena Hendrix-Financial Secretary
Joel Griffin-Director of Youth Ministries
Florie Hernandez-Custodian
Sharon Massey-Director of Children’s Ministries
Kenneth Vaughan-Director of Media Ministries Tammy Amerson-Wilson RN- Wesley Nurse
Tricia Small- Director of Communications
Mission and Vision
p. 1
Observations From Jason
p. 3-4
Sid’s Butterfly Flutterings
p. 5-6
Youth Ministries
p. 7-8
Health and Wellness
From the Trustees
p. 9
p. 10
Music Ministries
p. 11-12
Children’s Ministries
p. 13-14
United Methodist Women
p. 15-16
Letter From the Editor
p. 17-18
Notes From Missions
Special News &
Easing the Pastor Transition
p. 19-21
p. 22
p. 23-26
What’s Coming Up
p. 27-32
Celebrations and Concerns
p. 33-34
Twitter: @jjasonfry
y last set of “observations.”
Although I’ve known I was
moving since early March, it
seems hard to believe that the time has
now come. I have served here for six years,
one of my longer
But at the same time, there have been
changes to celebrate. Although we’ve had
some staff move on, we’ve had new folks
join our staff who are contributing in very
positive ways. We’ve inaugurated some
new ministries like
our Child
Development Center
and our Elementary
School outreach to
add to the Food for
Kids program led
for many years by
our Searchers Class.
We’ve greatly
expanded our
utilization of technology through our stateof-the-art video system with its capability
for recordings and live streaming our
worship services over the Internet. We’ve
focused on taking our ministry into the
community through Palmz in the Platz,
Trunk or Treat and our Christmas Musical
Celebration presentation at the
But change, although it
brings grief, also brings
opportunities for God to
do new things in our
A lot has happened in
those years, a lot of
transitions. As I write
this, I just received
word that Eleanor Durst
has passed away – one
of the eldest and longest
-standing members of
Fredericksburg UMC. There have been
other losses of folks like Eleanor, as well as
those who have moved on in other ways.
There have been many changes and
challenges, as well. On a personal note,
during our time here we went through the
last years of Joan’s mother’s life and her
Vol. 3 June 2015
Fredericksburg Theater Company, among
other things. We have received new folks
into our community of faith who have
added their gifts and passions to our
ministry. We entered into a Healthy
Church Initiative process and focused on
our mission and vision, sought to become
healthier in our relationships and to better
serve our community. We’ve continued
support for missions both locally and in
other countries.
them as your parsonage family, and I’m
confident you will be a blessing to them.
I ask that you continue to pray for me and
Joan as we move and begin to get to know
and serve the congregation at Grace UMC,
as well as for George and Brenda as they
come among you.
During these last six years, I have sought
to grow as a disciple of Jesus and as a
pastoral leader. I know I have made
mistakes along the way, and have
exhibited my own frailties and
brokenness. But I believe I have also
exhibited a passion to love and serve God,
to lead and serve his people, and to reach
out with the love and message of Jesus to
those who do not yet know him.
Jason Fry
There are many people whom I will miss
dearly. But change, although it brings
grief, also brings opportunity for God to
do new things in our lives. I am very glad
my good friend and colleague George
Lumpkin will succeed me. He has great
gifts for ministry. He is a different person
than me and will offer new things in a
Senior Pastor that I am not able to do as
well or maybe not at all. But I know
something we have in common is a desire
to lead the congregation to “make new
disciples of Jesus Christ for the
transformation of the world.” He and
Brenda have been our dear friends for
many years, and I know you will love and
appreciate them. You are blessed to have
I hope to see you in worship on my last
Sunday, June 7, and also at the farewell
event that afternoon.
Yours in Christ,
Jason’s last Sunday will be June
7th. We will host an ice cream
social at FUMC from 4-6 p.m. that
Sunday as a congregational and
community farewell to Jason and
Joan. George Lumpkin’s first
Sunday with us will be June 28th at
our Summer Celebration at Lady
Bird Johnson Park. More
opportunities to make this
transition go smoothly for both
Jason and George and their families
will be announced in the coming
weeks. We pray for the Frys as they
get ready for their move to Corpus
Christi, for the Lumpkins as they
leave Lampasas and arrive in
Fredericksburg, and the future of
FUMC under George’s leadership.
Dr. J. Jason Fry has
served as Senior Pastor of
Fredericksburg UMC since
June of 2009. He is a lifelong Methodist and grew
up in Burnet.
Vol. 3 June 2015
s I compose this epistle for the
newsletter, I have just finished
the funeral service for Eleanor
Durst—a lady that was young for her
99 years here on the earth. She would
ask me routinely “Now how old did
you say you were?” Each Sunday she
would ask if I could remember her
name and then would come the
question about my age. When I told
her my age she
had a come-back
response: “My,
aren’t you just a
young, jolly man!”
Thanks, Eleanor!
What tho I falter in my walk, What tho
my tongue to talk? I still can tread the
narrow way, I still can watch and praise
and pray.
My hearing may not be so keen, As in the
past it may have been, Still, I can hear my
Saviour say, In whispers soft, “This is the
This frail old shell in which
I dwell, Is growing old, I
know full well– But I am
not the shell.
-Charlotte Young
Here is the poem by
Charlotte Young that
I used in my funeral
homily in response to Eleanor’s age:
They say that I am growing old, I’ve
heard them tell it times untold, In
language plane and bold—But I’m not
growing old.
Ere long my soul shall
fly away, And leave
this tenement of clay,
‘Tis robe of flesh out
drop, and rise, To
seize the everlasting
prize, I’ll meet you on
the streets of gold,
And prove that I’m
not growing old.
Keep cool &
Be Blessed,
Pastor Sid
This frail old shell in which I dwell, Is
growing old, I know full well—But I am
not the shell.
What if my hairs turning grey? Grey
hairs are honorable, they say, What if my
eyesight is growing dim? I still can see to
follow Him, Who sacrificed His life for me,
Upon the cross of Calvary.
Rev. Sid Spiller has been
our associate Pastor at
FUMC since July of 2014.
He served as a pastor for
over 35 years, and focuses
primarily on pastoral care
and senior adult ministry
here in his retirement.
n Luke chapter 15, Jesus tells the
parable of the lost sheep. You know
the one about the man with 100
sheep, one goes astray and he leaves the
99 to find the one. In the parable the man
finds the one sheep returns home and
calls all his neighbors and friends
together and says, “Rejoice with me; I
have found my lost sheep.” Today I
want to call on you, neighbors and
friends. Rejoice as we welcome our
Next we have Will Cooke. Will is the son
newest brothers and sister in Christ!
of Ken Cooke and Christine Granados.
He loves playing basketball, practical
First let me introduce Sadie Eidson.
jokes and can solve a Rubik’s cube in
Sadie is the daughter of Todd and
under two minutes. Will also enjoys
Caroline Eidson. She loves to read,
Joel has served as director
write, hang out with friends and can
of Youth Ministries at FUMC
talk for hours about horses. She
since August of 2012, and
almost always has a smile on her face
has been in full-time youth
ministry for 15 years. Joel’s
and likes to ask a lot of questions.
passion is to see teenagers
connect with the love that
God has for them.
Vol. 3 June 2015
playing video games, and if he continues
to grow at the rate he has this year he will
be eight feet tall by the time he graduates
high school.
These three are very active in the Youth
ministry of our church already and have
been involved with other parts of the
church as well. They are very energetic
young people who are ready to grow in
their faith, share God’s love and serve
Lastly, let me introduce Andrew
Kendrick. Andrew is the son of Kevin and others. As a matter of fact, all three are
Mary Beth Kendrick. You will either find going on a mission trip this month!
him at school, church or on the soccer
field. Andrew also likes to dance, art and I am very proud of them for the decision
they have made to follow God and
did I mention soccer? He is always
become members of this wonderful body
laughing or making others laugh.
of Christ we call Fredericksburg United
Church. I know
that God is
rejoicing in
heaven over
these amazing
youth! Please
take some time
today to pray for
them, and when
you see them,
share your
rejoicing too!
Love in Christ!
Andrew, Sadie and Will after being officially confirmed as members of FUMC.
Joel Griffin
ear Church Family,
This month I am sharing information on
the benefits of flexibility exercises from
Harvard Health Publications.
Activities that lengthen and stretch
muscles can help you prevent injuries,
back pain, and balance problems.
A well-stretched muscle more easily
achieves its full range of motion. This
improves athletic performance — imagine
an easier, less restricted golf swing or
tennis serve — and functional abilities,
such as reaching, bending, or stooping
during daily tasks.
Stretching can also be a great way to get
you moving in the morning or a way to
relax after a long day. Activities such as
yoga combine stretching and relaxation
and also improve balance, a
wonderful combination.
Vol. 3 June 2015
However, note that experts no longer
recommend stretching before exercise.
Newer recommendations suggest that
you start your workout routine with a
warm-up, such as an easy walk or a sportspecific routine, such as serving some
tennis balls and practicing ground strokes
before a match.
This gets blood and oxygen flowing to
your muscles. After five to 10 minutes of
warm-up, your muscles are warm and
supple. This is a good time to stretch. You
can even do your flexibility exercises as a
post-workout cool-down.
Blessings of Health,
Tammy Amerson-Wilson, Wesley Nurse
Tammy joined the FUMC
family in 2005 after working
as a hospice case manager
for HCM for 1.5 years and at
Children’s Medical Center for
17 years before that.
from the trustees
he Board of Trustees have encountered several critical
financial needs and seek your assistance with the following
1.) The carpet in two rooms of the child development center is badly
worn and needs to be replaced. The cost of removing the carpet
and installing new laminate flooring is between $5,000 and $6,000.
2.) The new offices for our children’s ministry director, Sharon
Massey, and our Wesley Nurse, Tammy Amerson-Wilson, are
uncomfortably hot and need new air conditioning systems. The
cost for these systems is around $5000.
Although the church has budgeted $1,000 per month to deposit in the
Trustee Capital Repair Fund, these unexpected expenses totaling
$11,000 will substantially deplete the fund from its current balance of
$22,178.05. Therefore, the trustees are seeking your assistance with
some of these critically needed capital improvement costs.
Your prayerful consideration to make contributions toward these
needs is requested. Please do not redirect your giving from the budget
to this need, as that would be counterproductive. Rather, please
consider gifts over and above your regular giving to the budget. This
will be greatly appreciated. Any such contributions should be marked
“Trustee Capital Repair Fund.” If you have further questions, please
direct them to David Wieting, Chairman, Board of Trustees (830-9981840) or Selena Hendrix, our financial secretary.
more kids to be a part of both. Together, we had
over 50 children active every Wednesday afternoon,
which is the largest group we’ve ever had.
Of those 50 children, these are the ones that
participated in KMA:
1st Grade - Emme Alford, Henry Anderegg, Ivy
Cardiel, Ryan Griffin, Rilyn Grona, Thomas
Humphries, Dean Jones, David King, Autumn
Miller, Izzy Reeh, Bella Sione, Elijah Thomas, Issac
2nd Grade - Gage Collier, Chloe Flores, Maia Fuchs,
Maria Victoria Hinckley, Gary Humphries, Trinity
Robles, Brodie Smith, Ashlyn Thomas, Victoria
3rd Grade - Robbie Jane Griffin, Taylor Grona, Kate
Hallford, Carleigh Hutcherson, Nikolas Lindo,
t’s that time of year when we consider the great
Perez, Celine Romualdo, Alisha Wille
things God has given to us through music. I
- Gracie Alford, Sabra Gildersleeve,
hope you know how blessed this congregation is
Hinckley, Natalie Huff, Rachel King,
with some really great musical people! I know what
Xia Sly
other churches have in music and am continually
Correa, Leslie Correa, Christopher
amazed at how God blesses this church - but listen
Emily Hallford, Abigail
carefully - God blesses those who love him! To the
Pablo Hinckley, Chloe
degree that we give our hearts and commitment to
Palmer, Neveah
his work, it’s
returned shaken
together and
Several of these
students excelled in
the computer lab
We take a little
theory program called
time in this
Music Maestro:
season first of all
because it’s far
1st Grade Music
away from the
Maestro goes to Henry
hustle and bustle
Anderegg who almost
of Easter or
completed the 2nd
Christmas, but
grade level, Lesson 16.
more because it’s
2nd Grade was a tie
the end of the
between Maia Fuchs
school year and
and Trinity Robles
the beginning of a
completing 14 lessons.
3rd Grade Music
summer break for
lessons - Celine
some of our musical groups. Recently we celebrated
Grade Music
with the congregation in an after-church Music
completed lesson
Celebration lunch where we recognized some of our
is given to
incredible musicians. ALL of our musicians should
out all of
be honored and recognized by the congregation, but
for our brief time together we just mentioned a few.
paced for 1st through 5th grade!
It all begins with our children. Many of these
KMA had 6 ‘seniors’ who will be going into 6th
students that started out in the music classes of
grade next year: Christopher Davis, Abigail Sechrist,
KMA in the past 8 years are going on and enjoying
Lexi Sione, Juan Pablo Hinckley, Chloe Palmer, and
music probably more seriously because they were
given a strong foundation through the ministries of Neveah Washington.
FUMC by the Kid’s Music Academy. With the
The KMA classes would NOT be possible without
tremendous help from Sharon Massey and her
help from our teachers that give their sweat, and
desire to make Wednesday afternoons a quality
and patience to the task of training up children
time for children in Fredericksburg, we were able to time
music. Many thanks to Kathy Weaver, Pat
better merge the Pioneer Club and KMA to allow
Vol. 3 June 2015
Lee, Francis Baethge, Margaret Hallford, Rubye
Hallford, and Carol Barnhouse.
Top attendance recognitions in the Chancel Choir
went to Gwen Fullbrook and Francis Baethge in the
soprano section, Marge Bennack in the altos, E.W.
Hallford-tenor and Terry Hadsall-bass.
Four recognitions are given each year to one
individual from the 3 musical groups, and one
overall to a member of the congregation.
The Wesleyan Bells recognize one of their own
ringers with the “Eager Ringer” given this year to
Gwen Fullbrook. Gwen received it last year also, but
the bell choir decided that because Gwen still made
it to rehearsal and performances in the midst of
many surgeries and recuperation time, she deserved
it again!
The “Heart to Worship”
recognition is given to a
member of the Praise
Team who has been a
key to the groups
worship leadership this
past year. Our pastor,
Jason Fry, was given
this recognition because
he joins the group every
Sunday and enjoys
expressing his adoration
and praise to the Lord
through his energy and
enthusiasm…and he
doesn’t have to do that,
he’s the pastor!
The Chancel Choir gives
its “Servant”
recognition this year to
Hugh Reeves because
he shows his servant
heart by going way over
expectations in his
desire to serve and help
in any way he can. This is a high
honor because many of the choir have
incredible servant hearts and this
means that he is the servant of
servants! Thank you Hugh for
everything you do for the Chancel
The music ministry of our church
wouldn’t get very far in doing the
extra things we do if we didn’t have
help from the congregation. Every event the choir,
or KMA, or bells or any other group is involved in
demands a lot of lifting, rolling, packing, building,
tearing down, hauling, etc. We are blessed to have a
group out of the congregation that jump in and
show up to help but are not members of a musical
ministry. With the help from many from the
congregation that aren’t part of a musical group, we
are blessed to get things done quicker, faster, and
more organized. This year the music ministry
honors Jim Ryan for being there and getting dirty
when things have to happen.
J.S. Bach signed every piece of music that he wrote
at the bottom with these words: Soli Deo Gloria…To
God Alone Be the Glory! It’s with these words that
our music ministry survives and thrives because
everything happens not
because of us, but because of
God - and it’s only through
God’s blessings that it
continues. Our church is very
blessed to have people that
return thanks to God through
musicianship that came from
God in the first place.
The key to a thriving church is
its great musical worship and
praise, and our church is
blessed in a huge way. You,
too, can enjoy being a part of
this great group of musicians
by just coming and checking
us out. Don’t be afraid… just
come on and try us out!
If you have any questions
please email me at
[email protected], or call me
at 997-7679… To God Be the
Don Doss joined the FUMC staff in April
of 2007 having served in several other
Boerne and Kerrville churches. Don is
FUMC’s Director of Music Ministries, and
he oversees all of the musical groups
and music ministry work that happens
here. He personally directs the Chancel
Choir and the Praise Team as well as the
Kid’s Music Academy. 12
a Vacation
Bible School Experience
verest” Vacation Bible
School is all about
teaching our children to
overcome obstacles in their life
through the power of God. The
evenings of June 22 -26 will be filled
with fun activities to teach them
God’s word. There will be a child
Vol. 3 June 2015
friendly meal each night beginning
at 5:30 pm. Then the children will
rotate through multiple stations to
hear God’s word. There will be
storytelling, games, related science
activities, crafts, singing, etc. The
evening will end at 9:00 pm.
Adults are also invited to participate in
a Bible study called “Stick Like Glue”
to be taught by Gayle and Bud Harris.
This study unpacks six "bonding
agents" that can be used to create a
strong connection between people,
whether they are family members,
coworkers, friends, or neighbors.
Participants are invited to join the
children for the 5:30 p.m. meal.
However, they will have a special
dessert time beginning at 6:15 p.m. in
room 12.
We still need members of the church
family to step up and assist the leaders
of each of the children’s stations.
Additionally we need a few extra
people to help with registration and
, kitchen help and evening clean
up each evening. Call the church office
at 830-997-7679 or Sharon Massey at
830- 456-3697 if you are interested in
helping with the children or in
attending the adult Bible study.
Sharon serves as Children’s Director for FUMC.
She is also deeply involved in Wounded Warriors
at Nebo and Cards for Christ. She feels called to
share Christ’s great love for humanity through
her service.
respectfully submit
the following report
of all the many
interesting and fun
things Fredericksburg
United Methodist
Women did in the
month of May and how
we are getting excited
about many more
events unfolding in the
coming months.
It is my extreme
pleasure to report that
our Celebration
Weekend was a huge
success, thanks in most
part to our Rio Texas
Conference First Lady,
Mrs. Barbara Dorff,
Vol. 3 June 2015
who spent her entire
weekend in
Fredericksburg on
behalf of the
Fredericksburg United
Methodist Women. She
and Bishop Dorff
returned late on May
10th from an almost 2week trip to Germany,
but if she was
experiencing jet lag, it
was not evident. From
her arrival on Friday
afternoon for initial
setup and dinner at the
Golden Hub; to leading
a six-hour study on
Saturday; followed by
visiting her Great Great
Grandfather Hermann
Lungkwist’s old home
place location, and
seeing the grave of her
Great Great Great
Grandmother Fredricke
Lungkwist; to leading
our two worship
services on Sunday, she
was the epitome of
dignity and grace.
The UMW owes a
tremendous debt of
gratitude to our Pastor
Sid and Ms. Marge for
not just being available
all weekend on behalf
of the UMW, but for
being actual partners in
the activities. And to
Tricia Small for her
‘special design’ of the
bulletin inserts on
Sunday, as well as
fielding many questions
as to ‘how to’s’ for the
weekend. And to Mr.
Music Man, our Don
Doss, who once again
took personal time away
from his family to be at
the church Saturday
morning to ensure
Barbara had what she
needed in the way of
projectors, mics, etc. To
one and all, Thank you so
Our UMW activities for
May continued when
Friendship Circle served
as hostesses for
Fredericksburg Nursing
Home May Birthdays
Party on May 22nd,
supplying the cakes and
gifts for the celebrants.
Work of United
Methodist Women is
moving to an all-time
high. The brokenness in
our world runs so broad
and so deep; from
earthquakes in Nepal; the
Amtrak wreck in
Pennsylvania; tornados
ripping towns open,
homelessness rampant;
civil unrest in many
towns; a dear friend dies,
heartbreak. Suffering so
far reaching, touching us
so deeply, it can be
hands, but we, in our
smallest, or large, way
must make every effort to
contribute to the
betterment of the whole
world, and we must
never forget that.
Fredericksburg United
Methodist Women just
keeps doing those good
deeds Barbara Dorff
referenced May 17th
when she described how
the work and mission
outreach of United
Dear family, our societal Methodist Women all
condition is not hopeless started in Boston with just
and it is not permanent . . eight women on that
. it is one thing to pray for “dark and stormy night’
in 1869. The work is
individual healing, but
what about global issues expansive, but the
workers are few; please
with structural and
systemic violence? God is consider becoming a part
in control; He is faithful of our local unit.
and He will redeem. We Billie Rowell
must remember He has
President, Fredericksburg
the whole world in His
Saturday, June 13, 2015 – 12:15 p.m.
American Bank Center, 2nd Floor, Water
Garden A , 1901 Shoreline Dr., Corpus
Christi, Annual Conference Luncheon
Speaker: Yvette Richards, President,
United Methodist Women, Inc., New
participants. . . we need registration
information in BEFORE June 23rd.
August 2nd, Fredericksburg UMW will
host an area-wide ‘Domestic Violence
Training’ session, and our church family
invited; several area churches have
signed on to participate in this initial
July 10-12 will find several of us at Mount session. Awareness is sorely lacking and
Wesley, attending Rio Texas Mission U,
the session/training will offer
taking part in studies: 1) Latin American suggestions on how to spread the word
People and Faith; 2) Understanding Your and prayerfully stop this savageness on
Life in God; and 3) 2d-half one-day
lives of women, and children, here in
study, The Church and People With
Fredericksburg TX. Watch for details in
Disabilities. Our Unit can send three (3)
July newsletter. 16
The Not So Fun Stuff
Tricia Small is
one of the
member to the
FUMC family.
She graduated
from UT Austin
with a
journalism degree last year,
and joined the staff in
November. She is passionate
about transforming lives by
sharing the love of Christ.
Vol. 3 June 2015
ello Church! Your friendly neighborhood
communications director here. Many of
you already know that if you talk to me
for about five minutes, you’ll probably hear
something about Charis Hills Camp. This time last
year was the first time I was doing “grown up
stuff” all summer instead of going back to Charis
to spend eight weeks with a very special group of
kiddos. And friends, to say I was devastated
would be an understatement.
had just prayed more, or if I had just been better,
things wouldn’t have turned out this way.
I wish the me then could see the me now. Because
the me now understands that the me then was not
living in the freedom that we as Christians claim
in Jesus Christ. It was so easy to see God working
at camp. It was so easy to be aware of His
presence when you watch kids come to Christ,
and when you are getting encouragement from
your community and when an angry teenager
gives you a hug as he leaves with his parents to go
It didn’t help that almost everyone I knew was
back home and tells you he is a better man
either going back to camp, or taking an exciting
because of you. Not so easy when you are
internship or getting engaged. I was in an empty struggling through summer school and trying to
apartment trying to finish up an entire semester in save a failing business with your self-taught
less than twelve weeks (ask me how I feel about
marketing skills. Even though I never said it out
geology sometime if you want to know how fun
loud, I thought God had left me. I thought He said
okay well you figure this out and come back to Me
that was), and my heart was aching for my
campers. I didn’t feel like I could be part of God’s when you do.
kingdom where I was. I
My loneliness, and my heartache and
thought I had to get
my feelings of inadequacy, that was the
through this part, and
then I could do His work. my brothers, whenever enemy, friends. That was not my
Father’s voice in my head. I was distant
I wish I could tell you that
with Him, not the other way around.
I figured out at the time I
He was just as present, working in me
was wrong, but I never
just as diligently, and loving me just as
did. I spent a very
as He always has. I just chose to
know that the testing hard
miserable summer
listen to the other voices. I was praying
praying for something
Him to come back to me, instead of
of your faith produces for
more, but never
thanking Him for what He was doing
acknowledging what God
in my life RIGHT THEN. Because the
was doing in my life
me now sees that He taught me a
whole lot with that miserable summer.
–James 1:2-3
I wasn’t listening to Him.
I was listening to my friends, and my parents and
society telling me “you have to graduate and get a
job.” I took an internship that I thought would
turn into a full-time job making really good
money right out of college because that’s just what
you do. I didn’t hate it, but I sure didn’t love it. I
reconciled my doubts about it by telling myself
the money would be good enough to eventually
start a freelance business doing work for non
profits and Christian groups. My circumstances
weren’t bad by any means, but I was so deeply
unhappy. I felt disconnected. I felt alone. I felt a
lot of anxiety and fear about the future.
Even though I was never openly mad at God, and
I think on the surface I believed I trusted Him to
work things out, I was mad about some of the
things that were happening in my life. I was mad
about not being at camp. I was even mad when
things didn’t turn out the way I expected them to,
because at least I thought I had some sort of plan. I
never took that anger to God. I focused it
internally. Well if I had just worked harder, or if I
I was fortunate enough to get to spend
a weekend at camp last summer, and man can I
tell you that walking in and getting embraced by a
room full of socially challenged (seriously hugs
are a BIG deal) kids who were so excited to see
me, it was the single best moment of my life so far.
They didn’t care that I was broken. They didn’t
care that I wasn't there to love on them all
summer. They loved me right there where I was.
They taught me more about the love of Christ
with those hugs than I could have ever hoped to
teach them. I took that joy, and I carried it with me
as I applied for jobs. I carried it with me as I made
the decision to leave Austin and pursue
something more, because that moment showed
me there absolutely was more.
I wish I had the words to tell each of those kids
how great an impact they had on my life. So
church, if I can ask you to pray for my campers,
and for the lives of the campers and counselors
that are going to change this summer at Charis
Hills, because they are going to go out into the
world and continue to be the hands and feet of
Christ. God is so good.
The clothing you donated to the Lenten clothing drive was delivered to
the shelters in Van following an E-3 tornado. About a third of the town
was damaged or destroyed — 47 were injured and 2 killed. If there was
any question about why we do our drive early in the year, there’s the
answer. The two fatalities were both members of Van UMC. He was
chairman of the administrative council, and she was a former church
Vol. 3 June 2015
get your fix
Pick up a bag (or two, or ten) of
premium Nicaraguan coffee on JUNE
28th to help provide camp
scholarships to kiddos. One bag at a
suggested donation of $12 sends one
child to camp for one day. Visit for more details on this
June - Nepal Earthquake Relief
July - Habitat for Humanity
August– FBG Elementary 20
FUMC Mission Ministry Committee
Invites You
Come join us to hear two visiting missionaries at our
Church Wide Potluck Lunches
DATES: Sunday, July 12 and Sunday, July 26
TIME: Noonish right after the 11:10 am service
PLACE: Church fellowship hall
Sunday, July 12 visit with
Brian & Cynthia
Missionaries from the Balkan
They will share how they serve the Lord in the Balkan and are preparing to move to
Central Asia.
Sunday, July 26 visit with
Tim & Daina
Missionaries from Ecuador
They will share how they serve the Lord.
Show support with your presence, gifts and/or prayers.
Contact person: Zala Koym
Vol. 3 June 2015
Methodist Ladies,
The Petermann family
wants to thank you for
the dinner after the
funeral– it was so
appreciated and so very
Lou Petermann
It is with overwhelmingly joy that
the Belize Mission Team
announces to you that we have
reached our fundraising goal and
are preparing for our trip June
13th-19th. Thank you, thank you,
thank you for your support,
prayers and gifts over the last
year. Your incredible generosity is
so appreciated. We look forward to
coming back to you with stories
about how your contributions
changed lives in Belize!
Shout out to Don Doss
and our Kid’s Music
Academy for
representing FUMC at
the Pride of Texas Music
Festival at Sea World San
Antonio on May 23rd.
They scored a 1 (best
score possible) and
brought home this large
trophy. Visit in person at
the Welcome Desk! 20
Vol. 3 June 2015
Support Jason and Joan in
their preparation to move to
Avoid calling Jason to come
Corpus Christi. Express love,
back to do weddings,
regard, appreciation and
funerals, baptisms, etc. This
even grief as they get ready to
will allow him to fully engage
with his new congregation and
establish George as everyone’s
pastor and a part of the FUMC
Be intentional about
community from the beginning.
expressing appreciation for
Jason and Joan in the next
Attend the ice
week. Give specific
cream social
anecdotes. Share
here at FUMC
stories. Acknowledge
on Sunday,
how their ministry
June 7th from 4-6
has affected your life.
p.m. This will be a
event to say
Send notes and
goodbye to Jason
letters of
and Joan and
It can be very
acknowledge all
powerful to have a
they have done for
physical reminder
the future of our
that can be picked up
church and our
and reread.
Consider how you can help
with the move. Do you
Be in prayer for Jason and
have boxes to donate? Can
Joan, as well as for their
you spare some time and
new congregation in
manpower on moving day? Will
Corpus Christi. Pray for
you offer your prayers and grace their move, their conflicting
during this stressful time?
emotions as they leave their home
here and embark on a new
journey and their future.
Open your hearts to receive mechanic or carpenter or
George and Brenda in love
electrician? Offer to help with little
and with a spirit of welcome. projects in the parsonage. Do you
have some other skill to offer, or
have some recommendations
Invite George and Brenda to about where to go in town? Create
be part of your bible study a list. Donate a meal, or a gift card
or small group. Ask them to or just a kind note.
go out for dinner. Tell them
Come greet George on his
about community events and offer
first official Sunday as our
to accompany them.
Senior Pastor on July 28th at
10:30 a.m. at Lady Bird
Johnson Park. We will also hold a
Send notes and letters of
reception for the Lumpkins at
encouragement. The
Lumpkins are experiencing FUMC on Sunday, July 19th. Stay
tuned for more information about
grief leaving their home of
nine years, and this can help ease that event.
some of the anxiety over what is to
Be in daily prayer for
George and Brenda as they
Introduce yourself, more
prepare to move to
than once! We only have to
Fredericksburg to be with
learn two names, the
us. Remember that they are
Lumpkins have to learn
grieving as they leave their
many! Wearing your nametag for community in Lampasas and are
the first few weeks will help get
stepping into a new environment.
names matched up with faces.
Pray for their grief, for their
anxiety, for the stress of moving
and also that they are excited
Consider your role in
about this transition. Pray for their
welcoming the Lumpkins
future here, and that we would be
personally. Do you love to
excited and open to new things
bake? Bring over some
under George’s leadership as our
baked goods. Are you a great
Senior Pastor.
Vol. 3 June 2015
Of welcoming
Thou shall not compare the old Pastor
and the new pastor, for the Lord thy
God has made each person unique and
wishes you to appreciate each original
Thou shalt not expect everything to
stay the same when the new Pastor
arrives. Nor shalt thou resist change, nor
assume that change is bad, but thou shalt
trust that the Lord thy God isn’t finished
with your church yet and is bringing
change for your good and the good of
your mission.
Thou shalt not make graven
images of thine old grudges, nor
shalt thou keep stale disappointments in
the temple of thine heart, but thou shalt
forgive and move on in the grace of the
Lord thy God, for how can thou ask God
for mercy unless thou give mercy from
thine heart?
Thou shalt not commit gossip, nor
shalt thou fearfully complain, nor
shalt thou listen to those who do, but
instead thou shalt entreat them to adjust
their attitudes and lighten up, for
everything shall be alright, and in fact,
shall turn out very well indeed-better
than you can even imagine.
Thou shalt not commit nostalgia or
say that the old days were better, for
in so doing thou shalt make thy
judgments come true. Be assured that the
Lord thy God is not falling asleep at the
wheel, but will be with thee and surprise
thee with abundant blessings, more than
thou canst contain or count.
Thou shalt not factionalize nor
create “us-them” divisions, but
thou shalt unify with thy brothers and
sisters even when they annoy or confuse
Thou shalt not come to the new
Pastor with your demands,
pressure, complaints, bad reports,
manipulations, threats, agendas,
unsolicited advice or snide comments. But
thou shalt say, “Welcome! How can we
help you? We love you! We would like to
increase our giving significantly. We’re
praying for you and your family.
Welcome to our community! We baked
you some cookies!” And each week, thou
shalt do so again and again until the new
Pastor begs you to stop.
Thou shalt increase thy giving,
and not withhold thy tithe, but
invest thy money and thine heart in the
future of thy community of faith and
Thou shalt not come to thine old
and former Pastor with anything
but praise for the new Pastor, but thou
mayest bring thy concerns to God in
humble prayer, and if thou must, thy may
also share concerns with the duly
appointed leaders of the church.
Most important, thou shalt trust God,
and stay connected to God, and draw
strength from God, staying deeply rooted
in the message of God’s grace. For God is
good, and God will never leave or forsake
you. You can count on that for sure!
Source: Brian McLaren
Special Events
Fry Farewell Ice Cream Social
June 7th from 4-6 p.m.
FUMC Fellowship Hall
*sign up sheets for ice cream/toppings
will be available on Sunday, May 31st.
Summer Celebration Sunday
June 28th at 10:30 a.m.
Lady Bird Johnson State Park
*Potluck lunch to follow. This will be
George’s first Sunday as Senior Pastor.
Coffee for Camp Sales
June 28th beginning at 10:30 a.m.
Lady Bird Johnson Park
Middle School Lock In
June 4th-5th from 10 p.m.-7 a.m. ($5)
Begins at FUMC
High School Only Event
June 10th at 1 p.m.
Meet at FUMC
Belize Mission Trip
June 13th-19th
*Your prayers are appreciated!
at fumc
Girl’s Retreat for
4th-5th Grade
June 19th-20th at FUMC
*Contact Sharon Massey at
[email protected] for more details
Vacation Bible School
June 22nd-June 26th
From 5:30-9 p.m. at FUMC
*Register in the office or online
Annual Conference Luncheon
With guest speaker Yvette Richards,
President of UMW Inc, New York
June 13th at 12:15 p.m.
American Bank Center, Corpus Christi
Rio Texas Mission U Studies
Our unit can send 3 participants
July 10th-12th at Mount Wesley
*Registration information must be in by
June 23rd
“The REAL Proverbs 31
Woman” Bible Study
Mondays from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
July 13th-August 10th
Family Room
*Sign up with Selena at [email protected]
High School Mission Trip
June 28th-July 4th
Cathedral Oaks
*Your prayers are appreciated!
Children’s Sunday School
Sundays 10-11 a.m.
Vol. 3 June 2015
Opportunities To Serve
Fill-in Receptionist
The office occasionally needs a volunteer
to answer the phone, usually on Friday
mornings. If you'd like to help, leave your
name with Linda in the office at 997-7679.
Sunday Morning Greeters
Looking for an easy way to serve? We need
greeters to welcome people as they come
in for worship on Sunday mornings and
also to man to the Welcome Desk and
answer questions for guests (or members!).
Sign up in the Fellowship Hall.
Factory Workers
Want to connect with other church
members through service and hospitality?
Join the FUMC “factory.” Their next
meeting is scheduled for July 19th (subject
to change) For more info contact Caroline
Eidson ([email protected]) or
Rene Griffin (rrrgriffi[email protected])
CDC Volunteers
The CDC is looking for a few good
volunteers – people who would like to
answer the phone or straighten shelves,
deliver meals to classrooms or check in
on students each day – and that’s just
the beginning. You can tailor your
volunteer hours and tasks to fit your
schedule. One morning or afternoon a
week is all we’re asking. And getting to
see all those bright, enthusiastic faces is
just an added bonus! Call Director Amy
O’Neil at 990-2320 or Cathy Collier at
997-4837 for more details.
Live Stream Operator
We are looking for some help with our
live streaming for both services on
Sunday morning. The job is easy (and
fun!) For more information contact Don
Doss at [email protected]
Serve on Sundays
Need another way to get involved? Sign
up to be a lay reader or serve
communion on Sunday Mornings.
Contact Linda in the church office to
Our missions ministry
team had an emergency
meeting this week to
determine FUMC’s
response to the flooding
in our area. We will host a
flood bucket build THIS
Sunday, May 31st here in
the Family Life Center
from 2-5 p.m.
The missions team will
gather supplies, but will
accept donations to cover
the cost (estimated at
$2500-$3000) on Sunday
morning. Please consider
donating your time on
Sunday afternoon to help
prepare buckets as we
reach out to those
affected by flood waters! 28
THE month
9:00am Contemporary Worship
9:30am Agape Hour
10:00am Sunday School
11:10am Traditional Worship Service
9:00am Contemporary Worship
9:30am Agape Hour
10:00am Sunday School
11:10am Traditional Worship Service
7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe
7:30am Child Development Center
8:00am Wonder Workers
9:00am Living Well College
9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library
12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group
5:30pm Girls Basketball
6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH
7:30am Child Development Center
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2
2:00pm Hannah Circle-Rm 2
7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe
7:30am Child Development Center
8:00am Wonder Workers
9:00am Living Well College
9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library
12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group
5:30pm Girls Basketball
5:30pm Mission Committee Meeting
6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH
10:00am Cards for Christ
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2
5:30 Vacation Bible School
6:30pm Stephen Ministry Leadership
7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe
7:30am Child Development Center
8:00am Wonder Workers
9:00am Living Well College
9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library
12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
5:30 Vacation Bible School
5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group
5:30pm Girls Basketball
7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe
7:30am Child Development Center
8:00am Wonder Workers
9:00am Living Well College
9:30am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library
12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group
5:30pm Girls Basketball
6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH
7:30am Child Development Center
10:00am Cards for Christ
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2
4:30pm Child Development Board
5:00pm Columbarium Meeting
6:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership
7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting
10:30 am Worship at Lady Bird Johnson Park
6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH
7:30am Child Development Center
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2
5:00pm Trustees Meeting -Rm 12
6:30pm Women's Bible Study
7:00pmBoy Scout Meeting
9:00am Contemporary Worship
9:30am Agape Hour
10:00am Sunday School
11:10am Traditional Worship Service
4:00pm Fry Farewell Ice Cream Social
7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe
7:30am Child Development Center
8:00am Wonder Workers
9:00am Living Well College
9:30am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library
12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group
5:30pm Girls Basketball
5:30pm UMW/CDC Circle
5:30pm Living Well College Board
at a g
6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH
7:30am Child Development Center
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2
7:30am Child Developm
9:30am Knopp Retirem
10:00am Fredericksburg
12:00pm Alcoholics An
6:00pm Chancel Choir
7:30am Child Developm
9:00am Quilters
10:00am Fredericksburg
12:00pm Alcoholics An
1:00pm High School Y
6:00pm Chancel Choir
7:30am Child Developm
10:00am Fredericksburg
10:00am Knopp Retirem
10:30am Knopp Nursin
12:00pm Alcoholics An
12:00pm Diabetic Supp
6:00pm Chancel Choir
7:30am Child Developm
9:00pm Quilters
9:30am Windcrest Reti
10:00am Fredericksburg
12:00pm Alcoholics An
5:30 Vacation Bible Sch
6:00pm Chancel Choir
Vol. 3 June 2015
Audrey Kothmann
Norma Heard
Kurtis Karr
Clara Mae Knopp
Kent Weinheimer
Nick and Gayle Longley
Jamye Davies
Randy Thompson
John and Myrt McCallum
Richard Laughlin
Michelle Reson
Kenneth & Jana Sultemeier
Jim Lindley
Fred Rowell
Shelley Weaver
Bettie White
Paul and Dorothy Panaceck
Aaron Cox
Kristin Hagelstein
David Kneese
Bryson Lake
Jack Sanchez
Nettie Schuch
Lynn Shaw
June Wicker
Jim and Carol Barnhouse
Jim and Linda Graham
Ann Barsch
Sharon Brunner
Anne Houy
Travis Houy
James & Patsy Hejl
Meta Carroll
Wilbur Crenwelge
Connie McCracken
Galen Neitsch
Vol. 3 June 2015
10 Ronnie Williams
10 Elgin and Geneva Tatsch
10 Randy and Susie Thompson
10 Quentin and Beth Smith
11 Helen Bond
11 Bonnie Stanley
11 Judy Burgess
11 Troy and Ellen Wadzeck
11 John and Marcia Draper
11 April and James Cade
12 Melissa Craig
12 Michael McMahon
13 John Batterton
14 Doris Behrends
14 Ruth Kott
14 Don and Dianna Blount
14 Alix and Ryan Crunk
15 Loes Williams
15 John and Peggy Benson
16 Barbara Heinen
16 Stanley and Janet Rabke
16 Dale and Roberta Stackhouse
17 Mac Burnett
17 Gus Eberle
17 Cameran Whiting
17 Shannon and Tina Houy
18 Leanne Halford
19 Bill Gary
19 Brenda Miiller
19 Tom Walden
20 Dorothy Knauth
20 Priscilla Althaus
20 James and Joy Glazener
20 Skip and Pam Smith
21 Gene and Betty Scott
22 Lou Petermann
22 Margaret Duecker
22 Nickolas Frisbee
22 David and Connie Whiting
23 Paul Nixon
23 Judy Hickerson
23 Mardi vonNetzer
23 Dave and Clare Davenport
23 Patrick and Jayne Elliott
24 Linn Brady
24 Gage Correa
25 Heather Davis
25 Ray and Jane Tolson
25 Ronnie and Jan Williams
26 Karson Smith
26 A. J. and Suann Waight
27 Audrey Cope
27 Rick Hoerster
27 Patsy Hejl
27 Dick and Judy Hoopman
27 Ronald and Brenda Miiller
27 Danny and Jill Elliott
28 Ed and Sue Graham
29 Beth Watson
29 Andrew Cole
29 Kenneth and Gwen Kordzik
29 Linn and Beth Brady
29 Barry and Joyce Trautman
29 Ricky and Judy Moellering
30 Linda Urbanec
30 Roy Alspaugh
30 Patricia Davis
30 Danny & Mary Beth Richardson
· Dates and names in
bold are anniversaries.
Nursing Home & OUR
Retirement Center
Carolyn Allen
Ruth Braeutigam
Clarence Durst
Carol Dwyer
Imogene Friedrich
Mable Glasgow
Edwina Hall
Anne Houy
Fred Mesch
Desmond Sagebiel
Pat Scott
Mabel Teschner
Romilda Jaimson
Audrey Kothmann
Norma Peterson
Marvin Prochnow
Marvel Pospisil
Auralia Schmid
Melrose Sultemeier
Jimmie Tree
Olivia Wissemann
Bosnia: Brian & Cynthia
Eastern Asia: Misti
Ecuador: Tim & Daina
Madagascar: Adam & Suzie,
Phoebe, Emma, Baylee & River
Nicaragua: Sara & Joey, Risa,
Micah & Jace
Philippines: Marsha
Connect Online!
Scott Benfield
Khristy Brazell
Roland Cleveland
Adam Duecker
Gary L. Goin
Dylan Guess
Houston Haley
Chance Harling
Wacey Holladay
Mark Klaerner
Bryce Klein
Jason Loving
Alec Maples
Kari McAnally
James Muncy
Dennis Ray
Chris Pieper
Steven Ramsey
Tyler Remini
Jeffrey Schmidt
Cody Segner
Jason Smith
Bruce Stafford
Perry Waters
Charlie Watson
Ash Westerfield
Weston Williams
Dara Wydler
Steve York
Joshua Weaver
Here I am.
Send me.
-Isaiah 6:8
We also want to
acknowledge Jana and Leigh,
who are serving the Japanese
in Detroit .We support them
when possible, and hope to
ad them to our regular
support list in the future.