November Issue for pdf - First United Methodist Church


November Issue for pdf - First United Methodist Church
November 2015
Coleen Seng
Treasure in Clay Jars
To Leave First Church Staff
The Saints Help us Accept God’s Grace and Hope
You’ve heard this Scripture verse:
“But we have this treasure in clay jars, so
that it may be made clear that this
extraordinary power belongs to God and
does not come from us…”
II Corinthians 4:7
Worship at both 8:30 and 10:45 a.m.
at First Church this month will help
us understand that Scripture image
better. We’ll look at the lives of
Saints, very human beings whose lives
became an inspiration to us (treasure),
even though they had real limitations
in their very human bodies (clay jars).
The Message translation of the Bible
helps put in plain language what Paul
is saying in II Corinthians 4:7. “We
carry God’s precious Message around in the
unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives.
That’s to prevent anyone from confusing
God’s incomparable Grace with us…we’ve
been surrounded by troubles but we are not
demoralized. We’re perplexed but not
despairing, struck down but not left
On Sunday, Nov. 1 – Peter. We’ll
see how much Jesus loved Peter and
hear how he grew through his frailties
to inspire us to focus more on Christ
than on our failures.
On Sunday, Nov. 8 – St. Francis of
Assisi. We love to pray his prayer,
“Lord, make me an instrument of thy
peace…” We’ll see how he put aside
the distractions of his life to help us
focus on what matters.
On Sunday, Nov. 15 – Mother
Teresa. You know part of her story.
While she helped many learn how to
help others she also struggled with a
spiritual emptiness. This Sunday will
be a word of hope to many of us who
struggle with similar feelings.
Coleen Seng has announced her
plan to leave First Church Staff as
Director of Community Ministries at
the end of November.
On Sun, Nov. 22, Thanksgiving
Sunday – Joseph, Jesus’ earthly
father. We’ll remember many who
helped us grow in faith and service
and give God thanks for them.
Prepare by reading about Joseph’s
dream, Matthew 1:18-23.
You are invited to a reception to
honor and thank Coleen for her
dedicated service at First Church by
serving as a member of the staff. The
reception will be held following both
8:30 and 10:45 a.m. worship services
on Sunday, November 22, the Sunday
before Thanksgiving. It will
culminate at 1 p.m.
On Sun., Nov. 29, the 1st Sunday of
Advent – Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Read Luke 1:46-55, Mary’s prayer:
“My soul magnifies the Lord and rejoices in
God my Savior, for he has Graced the
See you in Church.
We belong to each other.
We belong to God.
Together we can do great things!
In This Issue...
2015 Stewardship Drive
Hunger Committee
UMW Mission: Christmas
Youth Ministries
Upcoming First Church Events
Prayer Requests
Human Needs
Guidance to Success Tutoring
Upcoming Community Events
College Age Ministries
Worship Themes for October
p. 2
p. 2
p. 3
p. 4
p. 5
p. 5
p. 6
p. 6
p. 6
p. 7
p. 7
p. 8
Coleen was one of the first
persons to serve in the nation as a
Director of Community Ministries for
a congregation. She took training by
the Industrial Areas Foundation in
developing church-based community
organizing efforts. She served for 20
years as Director of Community
Ministries at First Church until
leaving to devote more time to her
work as a member of City Council
and then as Mayor of the City of
Lincoln. After leaving the Mayor’s
office in 2007 she returned to the
First Church Staff as Director of
Community Ministries and has served
eight additional years in that role.
She has helped organize events,
organizations, and member care, and
a host of initiatives which involve
First Church’s members in
community and neighborhood life.
Coleen has also maintained
leadership roles in many
Continued on page 5
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2015 Stewardship Drive Has Begun!
These photos capture a part of what our Church is doing, thanks to your generous gifts:
Giving is an opportunity. It is a blessing.
It is a gift to be able to give…to our church family, to our community, and to God's world.
We give because God first gives to us.
Through First Church’s programs and ministries each one of us can do more together
than we can individually. We become greater than ourselves. This is our witness.
We belong to each other. We belong to God. Together, we can do great things.
The Stewardship Drive for the coming year is October 25—Sunday, November 15.
More information and your pledge card will be coming in the mail.
Grace and Peace, Lynne Schroeder, Marty Eischeid, Larry Moffet—2015 Stewardship Team
We ask for your prayers as we all renew our commitment to God, to our church, and to each other.
Update: Annual Offering of Letters on Bread for the
World: We as a congregation sent over 200 letters to
our Nebraska Leaders. If you want to see how our
Nebraska Congressional Leaders vote, The Bread for
the World website has a scorecard. The link is the
congressional-scorecard-113th-congress. Thank you,
again, for your participation.
We were one of 15 churches to support the
FaithFULL Harvest Drive in partnership with the
Food Bank of Lincoln. I received a thank you from
the Food Bank and want to pass it on to you. We as a
congregation donated 469 pounds of food making 391
meals for the community. Thank you for your
enthusiasm, your action, your prayers and your service.
First Church continues to make and serve lunch at
Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach on the second
Saturday of the month. If you would like to assist in
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this ministry contact Liz Zeff at [email protected] or
through the Church office.
From Brenda Bland, Hunger Committee chair: A
prayer shared at the Hunger Committee: “Lord, you
entrusted to us the fruits of all creation so that we
might care for the earth and be nourished with its
bounty. Jesus showed great concern for those who
had no food—even transforming five loaves and two
fish into a banquet that served five thousand and many
more. Through your wisdom, inspire leaders of
government and of business, as well as all the world’s
citizens, to find just, and charitable solutions to end
hunger by assuring that all people enjoy the right to
food. AMEN.”
Please contact me for more information: Brenda
Bland: [email protected] or through the Church
office, 402.466.1906.
Happenings ~ November 2015
MISSION: Christmas!
Volunteers Needed—All Are Welcome!
Mission: Christmas!—the event formerly known as
Holiday Happenings—is December 5, and the newly
expanded event will require more volunteers and
donations than ever before. That’s why everyone in
the First UMC family is invited to make it a success.
United Methodist Women members all know that they
are expected, if able, to contribute cookies or funding
for cookie ingredients, assorted goodies for the bake
sale and lunch, items for the used book sale and
Grandma’s Attic, and at least two hours of their time.
They also know what a rewarding experience it is.
Other women, men, and youth are all encouraged to
share in the fun by providing greatly appreciated help.
Beginning November 1, online sign-up for
volunteer slots and donations will be available at (Please do not
use the site prior to November 1 as options may still be
changing.) UMW members and non-members alike
will sign up here to volunteer their time for Friday
night set up or Saturday shifts, to contribute cookies or
cookie funding, to provide pies and other food, to
donate goods, and perhaps to loan equipment like
tables. There are a variety of different volunteer jobs
so people of all ages and ability levels can find ways to
For those who are not able to sign up online, there
will be an opportunity to sign up on paper at the
November 4 UMW unit meeting or by contacting
Joyce Gettman. And donations of cookies, bake sale
items, used books, and gently used goods are welcome
whether you sign up to bring them or not.
Fabulous Finds
2702 N 49th Street, Lincoln
Fabulous Finds
Will be celebrating their 19th Anniversary
November 6th & 7th.
Come in and see all the specials we have to celebrate.
THANKS to all who have made our
years of service worthwhile.
Hours: Wed.—Fri. 12-5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fabulous Finds is First Church’s boutique with quality used clothing and
other items. Proceeds go toward Missions. Thank you for your support.
Happenings ~ November 2015
: Christmas!
(formerly Holiday Happenings)
Saturday, December 5, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
2723 N 50th Street, Lincoln
This is one of the largest
Homemade Christmas Cookie Walks.
Delicious Homemade Cookies
Baked Goods • Cra& Sale • Vendors
Used Books • Grandma’s A+c
Lunch—Sloppy Joes,
Soups, and Homemade Pies
Cookie Walk Pre-Order Forms…
Will be available in the A0endance Pads beginning
Sunday, November 15. Please make checks payable
to United Methodist Women.
Return payment and order form to
First UMC by Friday, December 4.
MISSION: Christmas! purchases help support United
Methodist Women mission projects around the world.
Welcome to First Church!
Have you found a Sunday School Class
or Small Group to be part of at First Church?
All are always welcome!—Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Open Table (upstairs in the church Library)—facilitated by
Jay Stewart This group is devotional in nature and talks
about the Scriptures for the day.
Corinthians Class (main level in Munden Parlor)—
facilitated by Donna and Jack Chapin Often uses Adam
Hamilton Studies to focus on various themes or
CrossTalk Class (downstairs in the small dining room)—
facilitated by Gordon Bair and Ed Schneider Topical
studies varying week to week from class member
presenters and occasional special guests.
Children's Classes are located upstairs in the education
building, except for Preschool, which is in the Nursery
and E103 (rooms are adjacent with small restroom
between them).
Other class offerings by season (Advent and Lent).
Weekday small groups, include UMW Circles that are
available for women of all ages and interests.
Please contact the Church office for more information at
Page 3
MATT BORLAND, Youth Ministry
Assistant—The kids are praying more and
more during prayer time. More and more
kids are hungry to learn about the faith in
my small group. It is great to see our youth
growing in faith
By Jay Stewart
Our amazing youth continue to serve at the Peoples’ City
Mission on the first Sunday of every month. The youth are
always extremely positive and friendly to every person they
encounter. They served over 250 residents at the Peoples’
City Mission during the month of October.
JAY STEWART, Minister with Youth, Children & Families—
There have been many great moments this past month
(October) for youth ministry. However, I would like to
reflect upon a recent Wednesday gathering. The youth were
on Fall Break and after the youth worship service I was
expecting them to simply have a desire to play games. But
the youth didn’t rush into the game time but truly prayed
with one another and with youth adult leaders for a good
thirty minutes or so. I kept thinking in my mind, “Don’t
you all want to play Capture the Flag?” However, it became
apparent that our youth have a desire to share what’s on
their hearts with others and with God. Several youth did
eventually go and play the planned game, but the majority
of youth on this night stayed in the Sanctuary to talk and
pray with one another. One of our youth leaders told me
that she did not want to leave, “I didn’t want to leave the
Sanctuary. God was truly moving. What an awesome
moment to see youth open their hearts to each other and to
God!” Several of them started to lead by faith as they
listened to their peers struggles with love and compassion.
To God Be the Glory!
At a recent youth gathering on
Wednesday, the youth and their youth
leaders spent about 30 minutes simply
praying with one another. A youth
recently told several youth adult leaders, “It was cool to see
several youth actually praying with one another. Really
TIM KUBERT, Youth and College Ministry
Intern—The biggest development in the
youth ministry the past month has been the
youth’s willingness to be open and
comfortable with prayer in general. It has
been remarkable to see such growth.
Ministry Intern—Our awesome youth are
coming for a reason; we have really grown
in friendship with them. They hunger to
learn about God and are asking really good
faith questions. I’ve seen several who
originally came for the fun and games and
are now not only engaged, but actively
leading other youth in faith.
RACHEL PETIK, Youth and College Ministry
Intern—It has been remarkable to see how
open the youth are with each other and how
they want to grow in faith together.
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Every Wednesday, 6:30—7:45 p.m.
Youth worship and Small Groups
1st & 3rd Sundays
Mission work at the Peoples’ City Mission
2nd & 4th Sundays
Game Changers (Sports) & Fellowship Moments.
To find out more about the times and plan for the Youth
Activities in November, please e-mail Jay Stewart at
[email protected].
2136 North 48th Street
Youth Fundraiser continues!
2:00-5:00 p.m.
2nd Sunday of Every Month
Come and enjoy anything on the DQ menu from
2-5 p.m. the 2nd Sunday of every month,
and a portion of the profits will be donated to
First Church Youth Ministry.
Happenings ~ November 2015
Coleen Seng
To Leave First Church Staff
organizations. A partial list includes Girl Scouts, Common
Cause, NAACP, Seniors Foundation, White Hall Board,
and the Interfaith Peacemaking coalition which was
founded by First Church.
Coleen is an active member of First Church, joining in
1961. She organized new member classes for many who are
currently a part of our church family.
During her years in city government, her usual route
home from City Hall was past the First Church building,
even though it was a couple of blocks out of the way.
“This place has always been home,” she said. “I
imagine my car will drive itself to the church even after I
leave the staff role.”
With Our Church Family In 2015…
Jaxson Tyler, son of James and
Jennifer Bangert, October 18
Alex & Rachael (Snell) Shaner,
September 19
Conley Hinrichs, October 31
First Saturday Nooners
Prayer Requests
The following people have given us
permission to share their prayer requests
with the family of First Church
The family and friends of Jan Tische who passed September
23; Memorial Service at First Church, Noon on Friday,
November 6
Barb Turner, Gateway Vista, Rm. #207
Andy Wuster, Eastmont, Springfield Rm. #516
Marge Thibault, Gateway Vista, Rm. #107
Emma Jane Crossley, Lancaster Rehabilitation Center
Dorothy Duey, Tabitha GracePointe
Althea Dietrich, Gateway Vista
Steve Speicher, home
Sylvia Hanner, Hospice at Tabitha’s Elizabeth House
Celia Faith
Dr. David Mickey, Masonic Home #270, Plattsmouth
Brock & Stephanie Buchli and their daughters in the
passing of Brock’s nephew, Charlie
Diane Walkowiak in the passing of her mother,
A Nebraska Brass Christmas
Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 3 p.m.,
First Church Sanctuary
Tickets at the door:
$15—Adults, $12—Seniors, FREE—Students
All-Church Conference
Sunday, November 29 at 4 p.m.
Our yearly All-Church Conference will be on Sunday,
November 29 at 4 p.m. in West Vestry.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
12:00 Noon
6028 Havelock Avenue
Please call either the Church office at 402-466-1906 or
Sharon Johnson at 402-304-8871 so we can know
who is going to be there.
Come and enjoy some good food and fellowship!
Statement of Inclusion (Adopted 1985):
First United Methodist Church membership is inclusive of all persons
regardless of education, ability, economic status, gender, race, ethnic
group, age, or sexual orientation [or immigration status].
Statement of Purpose (Rev. 1985)-With God’s grace, First
United Methodist Church strives to be a growing, inclusive community of faith, working together, sharing Jesus’ love, and using
our gifts to build and nurture a spiritual community.
Happenings ~ November 2015
Our District Superintendent, Bill Ritter, will preside.
He will share insights and information from the perspective
of his role as a leader in the Great Plains Conference of the
United Methodist Church. Information and reports on the
ministries of First Church will be shared. Official votes
required are the acceptance of Mission Shares
(Apportionments or contributions First Church is asked to
pay to support the mission and ministries of the United
Methodist denomination) and on setting the pastor’s salary
for 2016. The budget spending plan for 2016 will be
presented and then will be adopted at the first meeting of
the Church Council in 2016. All are welcome to attend the
All-Church Conference. All members of the congregation
have the right to vote.
Cooling Tower Preventative Maintenance
Among several preventive maintenance actions taken,
we have been able to have the cooling tower rebuilt and
bearings replaced for $2,600. We have been able to have
projects like this completed and paid for because of the
generosity of our members and friends who donate to the
Building Fund. Our Trustees set a list of preventative
maintenance priorities, in order to minimize unexpected
emergencies. Thank you for your gifts!
Page 5
The articles on this page were submitted by Coleen Seng
UPCO Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 10, 5:30 p.m.
First Church, Room E103
“Pursuing Liberty in the Face of Injustice”
Speaker Ed Wimes
Special Assistant to the President—UNL
Saturday, November 14, 2015
5:30 p.m. Social, 6:30 p.m. Dinner/Program
Holiday Inn, 141 N. 9th Street
Two tickets available: contact Coleen Seng (402-466-1906)
Human Needs Fund
Distribution of food cards to families with children
in the University Place neighborhood who are food
insecure resumed on Wednesday, September 16.
Those needing assistance are advised to call the
Church office at 402-466-1906 on Monday each week
before Noon.
Please help us by donating to this fund. You may
designate your gift to the Human Needs Fund on your
check or on a giving envelope. Your gifts are
gratefully accepted and lovingly given to those in need
with dignity.
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.
South Street Temple
2061 South 20th Street, Lincoln
Public Meeting
For 33rd & Cornhusker Planning
& Environmental Linkages Study
The Lincoln/Lancaster County
Railroad Transportation Safety
District (RTSD) would like to invite
you to attend a public meeting for
the 33rd & Cornhusker Planning and Environmental
Linkages (PEL) Study to learn about the study and
obtain input from you.
The study will identify and evaluate transportation
improvements in the study area with specific attention
along the rail corridor between N. 27th and N. 48th
Streets Thursday, November 5th from 5:30 to 7:30
p.m. for the 33rd & Cornhusker Planning &
Environmental Linkages Study to be held at the NET
Building, 1800 N. 33rd, Lincoln. There is parking
available on the South side of NET Building.
Go to for more
information. For special accommodations, call Kris at
402-326-1176 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Guidance to Success
Guidance to Success is again in session
on Tuesday evenings in the First Church
Gym. Once again, we are looking for
volunteers to make and serve a lite meal for
the students and tutors. The meals consist of:
sandwiches, veggies, fruit, cookies, chips and a
beverage. Please contact Coleen Seng for more
information on how you can help at 402-466-1906.
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Monday, November 2, 2015
Panel Discussion
“Historic Community Organizations and
Institutions—what they did for the African American
Community of Lincoln, Nebraska?”
Monday, November 15, 2015
Panel Discussion
“Lincoln’s Historic African American Women’s Circle
of Friendship, Networking and Activism.”
Malone Center
2032 U Street
Both Panel Discussions begin at 7:00 p.m.
Moderator—Ms. Abigail B. Anderson, MCRP,
and Community Historian
The generous donations of
food from First Church are a consistent blessing to those in our 16-county service area.
Thank you for lending a hand to the nearly 57,000
people who are dealing with food insecurity issues.
The Food Bank of Lincoln distributes nearly $5 of
food for every dollar that comes in and they are working hard to distribute more and more fresh produce.
Thank you, First Church, for your donations!
Happenings ~ November 2015
November Weekly Lectionary
Isa 25:6-9
Rev 21:1-6a
John 11:32-44
Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17
Heb 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44
1 Sam 1:4-20
1 Sam 2:1-10
Heb 10:11-14;
(15-18); 19-25
Lynne Schroeder
Paula Srb
Karen Westover
Lois Whitefoot
Daniel Floyd
Justin Baum
Glenn Johnson
Michael Blue
Sam Fisher
Gordon Bair
Ruth Knight
Erin Levering
Braelyn Edwards
Paxon Schneider
Emily Holland
Savannah Buchli
Alex Cushman
Doug Wilson
Troy Bergt
Oscar Blake
Kay Lutes
Aaron Schoenmaker
Addie Turner
Addison Fern
Owen Grenfell
Lola Yocum
Konnor Garrett
Peggy Loos
Sandy Frohn
Cairo Muiu
Leah Delaney
Marlys Williams
James Pfeiffer
Judy Showen
Margaret Dougherty
Hank Hartig
Jenna Helter
Terry Uland
Happenings ~ November 2015
2 Sam 23:1-7
Rev 1:4b-8
Joel 2:21-27
I Timothy 2:1-7
Jer 33:14-16
I Thes 3:9-13
Mark 13:1-8
John 18:33-37
Matthew 6:25-33
Luke 21:25-36
For the current sermon series, Scriptures will be different from the International
Revised Common Lectionary readings. During Advent we will return to the
Lectionary Scriptures for Sunday Worship.
You are invited to
Lead By Faith: College Ministry
Sundays, at 7 p.m.—Sanctuary at First Church
2723 North 50th Street
Lead By Faith college ministry seeks to provide a different
perspective on faith than you might find in a Bible study or a
church worship service.
Lead By Faith
Is a Sunday
evening Worship
and spiritual
growth time organized for and
led by college
By bringing in individuals from outside of the church, we hope
to gain different perspectives on what it means to not only
LIVE by faith, but to LEAD by faith.
We hope to provide a safe environment for all to either be
introduced to or to grow in their understanding of the love of
Jesus Christ.
Lead By Faith is a completely college-student-run ministry
that started Sunday, September 20th.
Our goal is to be created, developed, and run by college
students from both Nebraska Wesleyan University and the
University of Nebraska with the purpose of growing together
and learning to Lead by Faith in our schools, our
relationships, and our future adult lives.
Come meet with us at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary at First Church.
Bring your friends, check it out, and let's grow together in
faith. The last meeting of 2015 is Sunday, November 22nd.
Contact Tim Kubert
[email protected]
or Cassidy Besse
[email protected]
Page 7
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
An Open-Spirited Community of Faith & Action
Located just West of Nebraska Wesleyan University
2723 North 50th Street—Lincoln, Nebraska 68504-2765
Lincoln, NE
Permit No.
You’re Always Welcome!
Sunday Worship ~ 8:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m.
Sunday School ~ 9:30—10:30 a.m.
Office Hours ~ Monday—Friday, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Office phone—402-466-1906
Larry Moffet, Pastor
Cell/Text: 402-770-7355, [email protected]
Coleen Seng—Director Community Ministries
[email protected]
Brent Shaw—Minister of Music
[email protected]
Jay Stewart—Minister with Youth, Children, and Families
[email protected]
Carol Ann Clark—Office Manager
[email protected]
Laura Sheldon—Office Assistant
[email protected]
Tim Van Meveren—Sunday Custodian
Christina Smith, Interim Evening Building Closer
& Custodian (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday)
EARLY Deadline for the December 2015 Issue of the HAPPENINGS is Monday, November 16, 2015.
Worship in November—8:30 and 10:45 a.m.
Sunday, November 1
Peter—We’ll see how much Jesus loved Peter, and how he grew through his frailties. His story helps us
focus more on Christ than on our failures.
Sunday, November 8
St. Francis of Assisi—We’ll see how he put aside the distractions of his life to help us focus on what
Sunday, November 15
Mother Teresa—While she helped many learn how to help others she also struggled with a spiritual
emptiness. A word of hope to many of us who struggle with similar feelings.
Sunday, November 22
Joseph—Jesus’ earthly father. We’ll remember many who helped us grow in faith and service and give
God thanks for them. Prepare by reading about Joseph’s dream in Matthew 1:18-23.
Sunday, November 29 and First Sunday of Advent
Mary—The mother of Jesus. Read Luke 1:46-55, Mary’s prayer: “My soul magnifies the Lord and rejoices
in God my Savior, for he has Graced the lowly…”
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Happenings ~ November 2015