St. Louise de Marillac Church


St. Louise de Marillac Church
St. Louise de Marillac Church
Serving God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San Dimas and surrounding communities.
“ Christ has raised you to new life, so seek now what is above”
(Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11)
Fr. Robert P. Fulton
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Joseph McShane
Associate Pastor
Peter Brause
Alan Holderness
Omar Uriarte
Al Valles
Mass Schedule
Monday –Friday
6:20 am & 8:00 am
8:00 am & 5:30 pm Vigil
6:30 am, 8:00 am,
9:30 am, 11:00 am,
12:30 pm, & 5:00 pm
Parish Office
Visit us:
1720 E. Covina Blvd.
Covina, CA 91724
St. Louise de Marillac is a Roman Catholic community called together as family to worship, to
minister, and to evangelize. As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to renew His love and
spirit by sharing our time, talent and treasure.
St. Louise de Marillac Mission Statement
Page 2
Sacrament of Anoin ng the Sick
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole. There is a balm in Gilead to heal
the sin-sick soul. This old African American Spiritual tells of faith in the healing power of
Christ. Our Sacrament of Anoin ng the Sick is that faith put into prac ce.
All sacraments are rooted in the ministry of Jesus Christ. We know from the Gospels Jesus’ public ministry
began with miracles; His second recorded miracle is the healing of the centurion’s son. Healing was a big part
of the public witness of Jesus as Christ, the Son of God.
St. James wrote, "Is there anyone sick among you? He should ask for the priests of the church. They in turn are
to pray over him, anoin ng him with oil in the Name of the Lord. This prayer u ered in faith will reclaim the
one who is ill, and the Lord will restore him to health. If he has commi ed any sins, forgiveness will be his" (Jas
5:14-15). Mark refers to the sacrament when he recounts how Jesus sent out the twelve disciples to preach,
and "they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them" (Mark 6:13).
Today we con nue the tradi on of anoin ng with oil in many of our Sacraments; Bap sm, Confirma on, Holy
Orders and the Sacrament of Anoin ng the Sick.
The grace received through the Sacrament of Anoin ng of Sick brings: the uni ng of the sick person to the
passion of Christ; strength, peace, and courage to endure the sufferings of illness or old age; the forgiveness of
sins, the restora on of health, prepara on for passing over to eternal life. These
graces flow from the atoning death of Jesus Christ, for "this was to fulfill what
was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, ‘He took our infirmi es and bore our
diseases’" (Ma . 8:17).
Does a person have to be dying to receive this sacrament? No. The Catechism
says, "The anoin ng of the sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the
point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of
death from sickness or old age, the fi ng me for him to receive this sacrament
has certainly already arrived."
So receive the Sacrament when you or a loved one is preparing to have a serious surgery or any dangerous
procedure or if a person has a grave illness, or while sick, takes a turn for the worse. If you know a person is
near death (hospital and hospice workers can usually tell you when a person is entering into an end life stage),
call the Parish Office right away. It’s best not to wait un l the last possible moment, because a priest may not
be available immediately. Once you have received the Sacrament, it is not necessary to receive again for the
same illness for at least six months.
Father Robert Fulton
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We encourage our en re parish community to visit with
Jesus for a few minutes during First Friday Eucharis c
Adora on this Friday, August 5th in the church between
8:30 AM to 7:00 PM. Join us at 7:00 PM for Mass with
the Sacrament of the Anoin ng of the Sick.
We are always blessed when we spend me with the
Lord in Eucharis c Adora on. It is a me for each of us to
fix our eyes on Him and listen to His voice as we adore
Him. As we spend me with Him, the Holy Spirit can use
this me to show us how we can overcome sin and
tempta on and to reach out to those in need.
The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed a er the 6:20
AM Mass un l just prior to evening Mass at 7:00 PM.
When visi ng please keep in your inten ons a prayer for
voca ons to religious life. At 12:00 noon the Angelus will
be recited and at 3:00 PM the Divine Mercy is prayed. At
5:15 PM to 6:00 PM, we have Children’s Eucharis c
Adora on (see ar cle on same page).
Let us strengthen our faith in Jesus’ real presence in the
Eucharist and rediscover the source of our hope that we
all desire. Eucharis c Adora on is held every First Friday
in the Church.
Children’s Eucharis c Adora on happens the First Friday of
each month. We get together at 5:15 PM to 6:00 PM for
contempla on, scripture, worship, praise and song. We
worship our Lord by singing and praying in ways that
gently introduce our youth to this special devo on.
“The Ɵme you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is
the best Ɵme you will spend on earth.” - Mother Teresa
Is your family thirsty for a way to be closer to one another?
Feeling the need for a spiritual boost? Children’s
Eucharis c Adora on can
help fulfill your desires
for family unity and
holiness. Join us this
Friday, August 5th, at
5:15 PM in the church, as
we spend
me with
Jesus in a devo on that
is in mate, powerful,
and kid-friendly.
For more informa on
contact Elizabeth Ebiner
at [email protected]
Boys and Girls… have you thought about becoming an Altar Server here at St. Louise de Marillac? You must be in the
5th grade or higher, have made your First Holy Communion, and have a desire to serve. Training sessions will be held
August 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
“Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for calling me to serve You at Your Holy Altar.”
Parents/Guardians, we hope you encourage and allow your child to join in this special ministry. This is a beau ful way
for your child to express their ac ve par cipa on in the life of the Church. The Altar Server has an important role at
liturgical celebra ons. In this ministry the Altar Servers must have proper instruc on, be sincere, and commi ed. This
is a very special and important ministry.
Day One
Monday, August 1st
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Day Two
Tuesday, August 2nd
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Day Three
Wednesday, August 3rd
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Trainings are held in the Church. All future Altar Servers must a end all three training
dates. If you have any ques ons or if your child is interested in becoming an Altar Server
please telephone the Parish Office at (626) 915-7873 to reserve their spot in the training.
Lunch will be served. Father Joseph McShane is the trainer for all three days.
There will be a social media night to teach parents how
social media can be used to safely and how to impress
colleges and future employers. This seminar will keep our
student body safe and give parents a proac ve way to
start a dialog with their kids about being smart on social
media. Damien, High School, Pomona Catholic, and St.
Lucy’s Priory are working together to bring parents
informa on regarding social media safety. On Thursday,
August 25th at 6:00 PM join us at Damien High School in
the Travers-Cronin Athle c Center, 2280 Damien Avenue
in La Verne. Josh Ochs will be the guest speaker touching
on topics such as:
• What apps are unsafe
• What apps are a waste of me for your teens
• How to analyze Google results to see what colleges
will find
• How to bury bad Google results from other users
with your similar name
• Good and bad posts that colleges will find
Jason Ochs has a marke ng background from Disney and
a love for all things technology. Josh travels the na on
sharing ps that teens can use to create a posi ve online
presence. Visit to see his videos.
Page 4
VIRTUS® Training Sessions
VIRTUS® “Protec ng God’s Children” is a three-hour
training session for adults which teaches the five basic
steps of child sexual abuse preven on. This program is
mandated for all adults who work with or around children
or youth on a regular basis. The cer ficate is VALID for four
years. St . Louise de Marillac will offer this training session
on Wednesday, August 10th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in
the Msgr. Pierce Hall.
VIRTUS® Keeping the Promise Alive Refresher Program
Four years from the date of comple on of the “Protec ng
God’s Children” you must a end “Keeping the Promise
Alive” which provides ongoing awareness for the
preven on of child sexual abuse. St. Louise de Marillac will
offer this refresher course on Thursday, August 11th from
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the Msgr. Pierce Hall.
Space is limited and pre-registra on is required. Please
plan on arriving 20 to 30 minutes before the course begins
for check -in. We will begin promptly at the top of the
hour. Late comers will be turned away. To register call the
Office of Faith Forma on at (626) 332-5822.
The Summer Bible Camp children par cipated in a
fundraiser for the Knights of Columbus Chris an
Refugee Relief Fund. This fund assists persecuted
Chris ans in the Holy Land. Many have been forced to
flee their homes, lose their jobs, and live in temporary
camps while hungry, frightened, and suffering, with an
unknown future.
The children were asked to bring recyclable cans and
bo les to the camp. The recyclables were then turned
in and the funds collected were sent to the Chris an
Refugee Relief Fund.
Shortly before Christmas 2014, Pope Francis wrote a
“Le er to the Chris ans in the Middle East,” expressing
the Church’s closeness with them and remembering
that their suffering “cries out to God and calls for our
commitment to prayer and concrete efforts to help in
any way possible.” In response to the humanitarian
crisis, more than $3 million has so far been distributed
through the Knight’s Chris an Refugee Relief Fund.
Church and Civic Achievement Proclama on
WHEREAS the Summer Camp children and their teachers serve as
OUTSTANDING examples for the parish of St. Louise de Marillac, and
WHEREAS these same young people donated their me and efforts to our
parish, Saint Louise de Marillac, as well as our community of CovinaGlendora, in the charitable act of raising funds for the Middle Eastern
Refugee Program, and
WHEREAS “The Summer Camp Kids” and their teachers exemplify the
meaning of Prac cal Catholic and what it is to be a daily performer in the
virtues of the Knights of Columbus Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and
Patrio sm,
of the Knights of Columbus in the Frank C. Meyers Council.
SO DIRECTED this day, July 21, 2016, by Grand Knight.
Mass on the Beach is an annual ge ng together of youth
and families in a casual beach se ng for fun, food, and
prayer. This year Mass on the Beach is Sunday, August
14th at Hun ngton Beach. Teens and their families are
welcome to meet the Youth Ministry Team at the beach,
or meet us at church and to leave from there. Any youth
under 18 years of age who is going with their family is
under the supervision of their own family for the en re
day. We will meet at the church at 7:45 AM (if you would
like to carpool). We will depart at 8:00 AM and return
approximately 11:00 PM.
$20.00 per person covers 2 meals, drinks, snacks, and
s’mores. Payments must be made before August 6, 2016.
To ensure that there is enough food for those who have
paid, we will not be able to accommodate payment the
day of the event. Families are welcome to bring their
own food and coolers.
There is a FREE limited-space carpool provided by the
Youth Ministry. The carpool is available to any youth
under the age of 18 who is not going with their family.
Youth going with the carpool will be under the
supervision of the St. Louise Youth Ministry Staff and
Adult Volunteers for the en re day.
Mass will be held by the shore at 4:30 PM. Fr. Joseph
McShane will be the presider. All are welcome to a end.
This will count as a Sunday Mass.
Page 5
Dennis Uniforms will be on campus on Monday, August
1st from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Msgr. Pierce Hall.
Come and select your school uniforms and have the ability
to try on the various sizes . There will be instruc ons there
on the uniform requirements for each grade level. This will
be the only me prior to school star ng that Dennis
Uniforms will be on campus. Get a head start on the
school year with a new uniform!
Complete calendar at
Aug 1
Faith Formation Registration begins
Aug 5-7
City of Saints Teen Conference
Aug 14
Mass on the Beach
Sept 11
Confirmation Program Begins
Sept 18
Pre-School & Elementary Begins
Sept 26
Middle School Ministry Begins
Toney Renteria comes to St. Louise de Marillac with over 10 years of experience
working with the youth! He started working in Youth Ministry at Visita on Church in
Los Angeles. He found a salaried posi on at St. Hilary’s Church in Pico Rivera for six
years where he was the Youth Ministry and Confirma on Director.
“Youth ministry has been my passion since I was a teen. I was a Freshman in high
school and had not been prac cing my faith, when someone told me I should
return to church. I made it my New Year’s resolu on that year to go back. I went to a
bonfire event that spring for the youth and I felt right at home. I have been hooked
ever since.”
Toney Renteria was the Youth Coordinator at Sacred Heart Parish in Palm Desert for
the last year and brings with him a vibrant outlook for our Confirma on/Youth Ministry Program. Toney said, “I
have heard that the youth program at St. Louise de Marillac has been very vibrant, I intend on bringing it to a whole
new level of energy and involvement. I hope to make teens feel welcomed and right at home with their faith! I look
forward to our 2016—2017 year in Confirma on/Youth Ministry!”
Page 6
The bulle n adver sing business highlighted this week is
Visi ng Angels. Since 1988, Visi ng Angels has been
providing elder care services to families across the United
States. The elder care services they provide incorporate
what are commonly known as ac vi es of daily living.
Their service coordinators are trained to create a
personalized care plan specifically for your loved one.
As the church’s ministry grows in scope, reach, and
complexity, each parish faces the challenge of
administering its resources effec vely and fairly, while at
the same me achieving compliance with both civil and
canon law. Increasingly, parishes look to lay professionals
trained in administra on to ensure that pastoral ministry
can take place in such a way that both enhances and
safeguards the mission of the church.
Visi ng Angels provides families with op ons such as:
respite care, friendly companionship, personal care,
hygiene assistance, meal planning and prepara on, light
housekeeping, laundry assistance, medica on reminders,
and assistance running errands. The exper se of their
medical care providers makes it possible for a wide range
of in-home care services, they offer both temporary and
long-term care. They are providers are also available to
provide hourly, overnight, or even 24-hour care. They
promise to provide top quality care that enables your
loved one to maintain their independence and dignity.
Remember, assisted living facili es and nursing homes
are not the only op ons for your loved one. Visi ng
Angels makes it possible for elderly individuals to enjoy
the comforts of s ll being able to live at home. Please see
our ad in this weeks bulle n.
Visi or call (800) 365-4189.
Save the date! St. Louise de Marillac will have Lector
Training on September 12th, 13th, 19th , 20th and 26th.
The commissioning of new lectors will be Sunday,
October 2nd at the 12:30 PM Mass. Deacon Omar Uriarte
will provide the training. Lector training is open to
everyone. More informa on to come.
The Social Club will meet on Sunday, July 31, 2016 at
2:00 PM instead of our usual mee ng on July 24th. The
July 31st event will be our Annual BBQ Social in the
Monsignor Pierce Hall. We will provide hot dogs and
hamburgers and the condiments. Please bring a side to
share such as potato salad, green salad, potato chips,
pickles and olives. We would also love it if someone
could bring iced tea in a large container. It is always fun
when we are able to get together over the summer and
partake in the BBQ as a family. Please contact Joanne
Smullin-Daley to let her know what you will bring at
(626) 201-2091. Hope to see you!
As part of a con nued long and frui ul rela onship with
the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the cer ficate program
in Parish Business Administra on offers specialized
training for those engaged or aspiring to engage in this
pastoral service. Guest speakers will come from
Archdiocesan offices and other ins tu ons. Par cipants
will be encouraged to present their own real-world
experiences for class discussion.
Center for Religion and Spirituality
Loyola Marymount University (310) 338-2799
h p://
There are special tui on discounts for early enrollment,
see website for more details.
If you’d like to request a Mass inten on for a loved one,
either living or deceased, you must request in person in
our Parish Office. There is a suggested dona on of $10.
Mass cards are available when scheduling your request
and are to be given to the family of the deceased person
or to the living person for whom a Mass is to be offered.
Thank you for your generous stewardship. St. Louise appreciates
your support of our many programs and ministries.
Offertory for Sunday, July 24, 2016
$ 19,977
$ 19,184
$ 793
$ 2,863
$ 2,220
$ 643
$ 22,840
$ 21,404
$ 1,436
Page 7
The Summer Music Camp that ran from June to July this summer was a
comprehensive introduc on into music. The students were shown how to
properly sing in a choir and were taught basic skills in learning how to play
guitar, the recorder and the piano. The class was taught by Carla Miller, the
St. Louise School Music Director and Sarah Alonzo, from the St. Louise Choir
and a student in the Graduate Music Program at Azusa Pacific University.
Please pray for those listed below who
are sick:
The Summer Music Camp was a five week program for 22 students of
St. Louise. Each student has their own strengths which we were able to tap into
and u lize in training and the teaching of the other students. It became a
collabora ve effort! The students met three mes a week and they were
broken into three groups. The groups each had an opportunity to play each of
the instruments and
to work on their
vocal skills. At the
end of the five week
program the students
put on a concert
tled “Around the
World,” in the Youth
Room. This year we
had 100 guests to
listen to the music of
the students. They
sang folk music from
different countries, some played instruments, and some played the djembe
(drum), which they learned how to use during the music program.
Yolanda Abrego; Florence Aguilar;
Ma Byers; Eppie Cabral, Jr.; Michael
Chacon; Sinatra Cornelius;
Corte; Edye Duggan; Joe Escalera Sr.
& Jr.; Pat Fallis; Rick Garre ; Pablo
Garza Jr.; Tony Greene; Jane Griep;
Carmen Gonzalez; David Gonzalez;
Pedro Gu errez; Suzanne Hanson;
Robert Hendrich; Mary Howard; Toni
Hunt; Dana Iniguez; Le cia Lingao;
Maria Macabagdal; Roger Magsino;
Damacio Marquez; Gloria Marquez;
Patricia Marquez; Carolyn Matone;
Rayna Morrison; Kathleen Mo er;
John Murphy; Stacey Myers; Tracie
Neria; Saundra Nila; Michael Anthony
Quizon; Ashley Reyes; Michael Reyes;
Louis Rivera; Bart Sayers; Jennifer
Senne ; Julia Sermeno; Frank Smith;
Ryan Soldridge; Margareta Steinmetz;
Rose Stewart; Bob Tessier; Iva Vasilj;
George Vela; Berna Vigil; Robbie
Villar; Joel Villasenor; Al Wurst;
Melinda Zamora.
Sarah and Carla are looking forward to next summer and plan to offer the
program again with registra ons occurring next April 2017.
Parishioners are asked to please
contact the Parish Center to have a
loved one placed on the list. For a
name to remain on the sick list,
please contact the Parish Office by
the 15th of every month. The names
of the sick and hur ng will be
published weekly in our bulle n.
Thank you for your assistance in
helping us maintain the list, as it will
ensure those in need of prayer will
receive it.
Mondays & Fridays
7:30 AM to 7:55 AM
7:30 PM
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Monday, August 1, 2016
6:20 AM Daily Mass
8:00 AM Daily Mass
9:00 AM Monday Morning Prayer
10:00 AM Altar Server Training
3:00 PM Dennis Uniform Sale
Rev. Robert Fulton, Pastor
(626) 915-7873 ext. 204
Fr. Joseph McShane, Associate Pastor
(626) 915-7873 ext. 203
Deacon Al Valles, Permanent Deacon
(626) 915-7873 ext. 225
Deacon Alan Holderness, Permanent Deacon
(626) 915-7873 ext. 206
Deacon Peter Brause, Permanent Deacon
(626) 915-7873 ext. 227
Deacon Omar Uriarte, Permanent Deacon
(626) 915-7873 ext. 228
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
6:20 AM Daily Mass
8:00 AM Daily Mass
10:00 AM Altar Server Training
6:30 PM Legion of Mary Mee ng
7:00 PM SVDP Monthly Mee ng
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
6:20 AM Daily Mass
8:00 AM Daily Mass
10:00 AM Altar Server Training
6:45 PM OLPH Novena
7:00 PM RCIA
Thursday, August 4, 2016
6:20 AM Daily Mass
8:00 AM Daily Mass
Friday, August 5, 2016
6:20 AM Daily Mass
8:00 AM Daily Mass
10:30 AM FATIMA Prayer Group
6:00 PM Bingo
7:00 PM First Friday Mass
Saturday, August6, 2016
8:00 AM Daily Mass
10:00 AM Group Bap sm
5:30 PM Evening Mass
Sunday, August 7, 2016
6:30 AM Mass
7:00 AM Breakfast in the Hall
8:00 AM Mass
9:30 AM Mass
11:00 AM Mass
12:30 PM Altar Serving Commissioning Mass
5:00 PM Mass
Page 8
MPHALL—Msgr. Pierce Hall
MPR—Mul Purpose Room
SLDMCR—St. Louise de Marillac Conference Room
PCBR—Parish Center Board Room
Sr. Nancy Uhl, SND de Namur, Marriage, Annulments,
Visitors to the Sick & Pastoral Counseling
(626) 915-7873 ext. 212
Robert Kochis, Director of Music
(626) 915-7873 ext. 207
Ray Elder, Business Manager
(626) 915-7873 ext. 205 l [email protected]
Susan Bugelli, Office Manager
(626) 915-7873 ext. 201 l [email protected]
Dr. Denise Valadez, Principal
(626) 966-2317 ext. 310
Sue Reyes, Secretary
(626) 966-2317 ext. 301 l [email protected]
Toney Renteria, Confirmation & Youth Ministry Coordinator
(626) 332-5822 ext. 422
Sheila Uriarte, Elementary Coordinator
(626) 332-5822 ext. 404
Cecilia Luna, Faith Formation Secretary
Kathy and Ben Prestia, RCIA l (626) 963-1463
Faith Formation Hours
Monday - Thursdays/ 9 am - 6 pm
& Fridays / 9 am - 5 pm
(626) 332-5822
St. Louise de Marillac Parish Center
1720 E. Covina Blvd., Covina, CA 91724
(626) 915-7873, Fax (626) 332-4431
Monday - Friday / 8 am - 8 pm
Saturday / 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday / 9 am - 2 pm
Page 9
First Reading — Do not spend your life toiling for
material gain (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23).
Psalm — If today you hear His voice, harden not your
hearts (Psalm 90).
Second Reading — Christ has raised you to new life, so
seek now what is above (Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11).
Gospel — Be on guard against all greed, for your life
does not consist of earthly possessions, but of the riches of
the reign of God (Luke 12:13-21).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102;
Mt 14:13-21
Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29,
22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14
Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13;
Mt 15:21-28
Thursday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19;
Mt 16:13-23
Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab,
39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28
Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9;
2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36
Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22;
Hb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12];
Lk 12:32-48 [35-40]
Keep your kids safe in parks this summer
The weather outside is beautiful, and one of the best
places to play is the park. However, parents should
start every visit to the park with a discussion with
their kids about safety plan. Kids should know what
to do if a stranger were to approach them, and who to
go to if they feel uncomfortable or threatened. Public
parks are a great place to play, but they are exposed
to the public. Having a safety plan in place can help
parents and kids feel secure and play safely this
summer. For a copy of the article,
email [email protected]
or call (213) 637-7227.
For more information on other ways to keep kids safe, contact Linda
Filkins, the Parish Safeguard Committee Chairperson at
(626) 214-7846 or the Archdiocesan Safeguard the Children Office at
(213) 637-7227. For particular help, call the Victims Assistance
Office at (213) 637-7650.
Sunday, July 31st
6:30 am:
Alejandro Mendoza (RIP); Anita Gil (SI)
8:00 am:
Leonardo Ko (RIP); Benjay Respicio (RIP)
9:30 am:
Tomas (RIP); Rebeca Marquez (RIP)
11:00 am:
George Krecak (RIP); Mara Dragicevic (RIP)
12:30 pm:
Martha Munoz (RIP); Mary Grace Lima (SI)
5:00 pm:
Joseph Diaz (SI); Fr. Pat McPolin (RIP)
Monday, August 1st
6:20 am:
Nani Mungcal (SI); Timothy Gleason (RIP)
8:00 am:
Clemente Cruzado (RIP); Toni Patterson (RIP)
Tuesday, August 2nd
6:20 am:
Brian Wilson and Robert Wilson (RIP)
8:00 am:
Blaz Rudela and the Rudela Family (SI)
Wednesday, August 3rd
6:20 am:
Sergio Cabibil, Sr. (RIP); Guillerma Cabibil (RIP)
8:00 am:
Victor Gil, Sr. (RIP); Sergio Cabibil, Sr. (RIP)
Thursday, August 4th
6:20 am:
All souls in need (SI)
8:00 am:
Iva Vasilj (SI); Lawrence LuJan (RIP)
Friday, August 5th
6:20 am:
Elizabeth Pacheco (SI); Kristina Keener Ivy (SI)
8:00 am:
Lionel Martel (RIP); Felimon Soria (RIP)
7:00 pm:
Benjay Respicio (RIP); Fr. Joseph McShane (SI)
Saturday, August 6th
8:00 am:
Aida Guerrero (RIP); David Guerrero (RIP)
5:30 pm:
Matthew Guerrero (SI); Henry Solis (SI)
Heavenly Brunch
Please join us for Breakfast in the
Msgr. Pierce Hall
7:00 AM to 12:30 PM
What better way to meet new people and enjoy some old
friends with good Christian fellowship and great food!
OPEN SUNDAYS! 7:00 AM to 12:30PM
Breakfast Plate
Huevos Rancheros
Triple Stack of Pancakes
Turkey Club
Cereal, Fruit and Yogurt
Coffee, Tea and Juice
Credit and Debit cards accepted.
Breakfast Burrito
Chicken N Waffles