The Benefits of


The Benefits of
H e a l t h
N u t r i t i o n
F i t n e ss
Volume XXViii • Issue 6
New Dental Technology
Laser Gum Therapy
Nutrition, Part 3:
The Qi Quality of Food
& Animal Foods in the Diet
By Dr. Jonathan Bromboz
By Dawn Balusik, DOM
Weight Loss & Detox
By Dr. Anne Hermann
Seaweed: Vegetables
from the Sea
Creating a Change
to Prosperity
By Dr. Joette Giovinco
FOX 13
Medical Reporter
By Reverend
Marcella Zinner
Naturally Speaking
By Heather Van Nest
10 News Anchor
The Benefits of
By Jay Kordich (The Father of Juicing)
Tampa Bay Wellness • June 2011 1
The “Life-Force”of Health
By “The
Father of
Juicing” Jay
12 JUNE 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness
The more life-force you can
consume, the more energy, vitality
and longevity is assured.
resh, living (sun-baked) vegetable
and fruit juices are a veritable
liquid powerhouse rich in natural
plant enzymes, phytonutrients,
antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It
is the number one KEY to longevity and
vitality. We like to think fresh juicing is
like taking a bullet train to your destination
instead of walking.
Making fresh juices delicately extracts these
living nutrients which are literally bound
within the plant as the juicing process releases
them into juice form. For many years in our
health seminars we would pick up a carrot
and say hey, can anybody squeeze the juice
out of this carrot with their own hands? Of
course it’s impossible to do, but did you know
carrots have more juice in them than oranges
do? The mystery of juicing still baffles us,
even after over sixty years of teaching this
subject, every time we make fresh vegetable
juices, we continue to be enlightened.This is
the beauty of life. To be on an enlightened path everyday
discovering newer ways to become healthier,
wiser, more loving and tender sustains and
invites youth no matter what the age.
You see, juicing delivers 100% of the nutrients
through its pre-digested form. It’s pre-digested
because we don’t have to go through the
digestive processes in order to benefit from the
nutrients we are consuming.
That’s why we say: “It’s the juice of the
fiber that feeds you.” Juicing gives you the
highest density of nutrients per calorie. Fiber
is essential for proper bowel function, yes,
but we recommend eating a diet high in
all fibrous forms such as fruits, soaked nuts
and grains and seeds, vegetables and herbs.
Combine these food with a big dose of
vegetable juices on a daily basis, and now you
have the power of LIFE in your hands!
Can you tell we are excited about juicing?
Absolutely. Can juicing add vitality and
energy and especially longevity into your
life as well? Absolutely. Ultimately and
collectively we will become a superiorly
healthy Nation as we should be. We are the
richest Nation in the world, yet almost at the
bottom of the wrung in health. To us, this is
a travesty!
What we find interesting is that it never
ceases to amaze us when people taste fresh
vegetable juices for the first time, their eyes
widen and a surprised grin appears on their
face immediately. Then they completely
finish off the juice in the glass, asking for
more. We have never seen a person tell
us that freshly made vegetable juices taste
bad. The challenge is not really the taste, but
learning and integrating all of the techniques
and skills of making juicing a daily habit at
We want you to intimately know this
word: life-force! The life-force from foods
is what’s missing in our diets, in a huge way.
Most of our meals are completely devoid of
the life-force. Sometimes you will hear us say,
“dead food is devoid of the life-force”, and it’s
true. The more life-force you can consume,
the more energy, vitality and longevity is
One of the best reasons for juicing is
because of the immediate feeling of energy
you feel. At the same time you will feel a
natural calm, because your body is getting
the nourishment it craves. Over the long run,
your stamina will likely increase, and your
bowel habits will change dramatically for the
better. Everyone should be eliminating at
least twice a day. When you are juicing on a
regular basis, you are guaranteed to have no
troubles in that department. What’s more,
your skin will probably start to improve,
including losing a ton of excess weight.
Some people ask: why should we juice
fruit when we can purchase juices in the
store? You can buy orange juice, for instance,
right in the dairy case. Yet scientific research
Continued on page 14
Tampa Bay Wellness • June 2011 13
The “LifeForce”
of Health
The Father
of Juicing’s
(and his Wife’s)
Future Plans
Jay Kordich is 88 years old, going on
40. Linda, his wife of 25 years, is 54 going
on 25. What better time for these living
testaments to the power of healthy living
to embark on a three-year plan to teach
the world how to live longer, more vital
lives largely by consuming a combined
two daily quarts of fresh fruit and vegetable juices?
They hope to improve the world population’s health through sales of the Jay Kordich PowerGrindPro™ combined grinder
and extractor and their “Live Foods Live
Bodies” book and accompanying CDs and
DVDs which, in addition to information
about juicing, includes recipes, cleansing
programs and cooking techniques to help
readers design a “living kitchen.”
The PowerGrindPro’s slower-than-normal
grinding blade, the couple maintains,
preserves more fruit, vegetable and plant
nutrients, and enzymes, than other juicers
and extractors. The appliance’s six international patents are key components to their
three-year worldwide plan.
“Our vision is to build the number one
juicer company in the world through
PowerGrindPro, our book and supporting
infomercials,” Linda Kordich says. “Our
goal is to make juice and juicing part of
everyday life,” Linda says.
On his website, Jay Kordich states “(his)
mission is to motivate, teach and inspire
people on a global level to live a healthy
life by consuming more fresh juices on
a daily basis.” In conversation, he extols
human-nature interaction as the key to a
healthy longevity.
14 JUNE 2011 • Tampa Bay Wellness
shows 90 percent of fruit’s food value lies
not in the flesh, but in the peelings and just
below the surface. And that is the real juicing
advantage. Juicing releases nutrients that are
normally unavailable because of our inability
to eat food parts that are indigestible, like the
rind of a watermelon or the white fiber of an
orange. In addition to this fact, that orange
juice loses a huge percentage of the natural
vitamin C within just minutes of extraction.
Therefore, it’s almost as if you need to have
your mouth up on the spout of the juicer as
the orange juice is coming out!
One of the most important benefits of fruit
and vegetable juicing is the benefit of the
trace and major minerals heartily available.
The most amazing story of photosynthesis
can well explain the importance of these
magical minerals. The mystery begins with
soil, the sun and the seeds of plants. Plants
literally drink minerals up from the soil. If
you could grab a handful of rich earth, eat
it, and absorb the body’s full requirement
of iron, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, and
boron, you would never have to buy food.
But you can’t. Only plants, with their
roots down in the ground, can draw up
the minerals and store that vital power in
the plant’s cell walls—and in the form of
juice, the absorption level goes through
the roof. Instead of absorbing only twenty
or thirty percent of the nutrients, you are
absorbing 100% of the nutrients, into your
bloodstream, immediately. Do you see?
This is a very important statement, and I
want you to read and re-read this again, so
you understand the reasons why we need
plant-life and why it’s so imperative we
consume large quantities of plant-life daily
either through juicing or through our meals.
Live foods also are bursting with what we
call the ’sparkplugs of life’….. plant derived
enzymes. The difference between living foods
and cooked, devitalized foods is whether they
contain this essential ingredient. This is one
of the keys to longevity! Cooking foods, even
placing them in boiling water, virtually kills
all enzymes. Any food that is cooked over
118 degrees almost confirms all of the natural
‘life-force’ is gone, meaning the enzymes
have all gone up in smoke, literally. Why is
this important? Enzymes initiate, direct, or
accelerate virtually every chemical reaction
required for life. All natural foods consumed
in their living and/or raw state are bursting
with these life-giving natural plant enzymes,
helping digestion and better absorption of
our foods.
Most fruits and vegetables also contain
phytochemicals (phyto- means “plant”); they
are the pigments and compounds that give
plants their individual colors and flavors.
Back in the 1940’s throughout the entire
1980’s I used to say that these powerhouses
of nutrients were ‘yet unidentified’ nutrients
because science hadn’t defined yet what these
phytochemicals or antioxidants were. It
was only in the 1990’s where the medical
establishment and dedicated scientists finally
caught up with the exploding information
that was coming to the forefront about the
healing powers of plant-life.
Clinical trials now have established that plantlife has powerful antioxidant activity and
may lower the risk for certain types of cancer.
Some phytochemicals bind physically
to cell walls, thereby preventing
pathogens to lodge themselves inside.
Others, such as lycopene, can help
reduce heart disease, and lower
cholesterol levels. Lycopene is easily
found in tomatoes, and as you will
find out, we have some spectacular
tonics made out of fresh beefstake
tomatoes combined with lemons,
spinach, carrots and celery, making for
a powerhouse tonic rich in a rainbow
of coloured nutrients!
Most vegetarians and vegans are not
taking advantage of the Power of
Juicing. Once they start to incorporate
juicing into their diets, they too will
find that their vegetarian diets had
been missing this key ingredient, and
their energy will soar once they start
incorporating fresh fruit and vegetable
juicing into their daily diets. Granted,
vegans and vegetarians are way ahead
of the game, but they will be amazed
just how much farther along the path
to vitality they will find themselves in
once they start to incorporate some of
these vitally important juicing habits
into their daily lifestyle. Let’s also not
forget teenagers who recently have
become inspired to eat a vegetarian diet,
yet are eating the wrong kids of foods
such as Twinkies and crackers for some
of their meals. Granted let’s give them
credit for understanding the benefits of
vegetarianism and/or veganism, but if
they are the only vegetarian in the family,
it can lend itself to a bit of a disaster as far
as support is concerned.
“Plants yield life via oxygen and with
food created just for us,” he says. “In turn,
we expel carbon dioxide which feeds the
plants. This is the circle of healthy life that
my wife and I will continue to promote in
the years ahead.” ●
Tampa Bay Wellness • June 2011 15