3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.


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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
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3D Realms Topics >> Duke Nukem Forever
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03/19/04 04:30 AM
What kinds of things do you see Duke interacting with? It could be electronic, mechanical, or any type
of item, really.
3DR Staff
The best things are items that can affect gameplay in some way. But some things are just flat out for
fun and amusement.
Some examples to give you an idea what's possible:
Microwave (fun/barely gameplay): Open it, turn it on. Put food in. Cook it for more health. Put a rat in
it and nuke it.
Wall valve (simple/gameplay): grab it and turn it left or right to alter steam, or open a hatch, or
NOTE: The above are just examples. No comments one way another as to if those are in the game or
What kinds of things do you hope to see, both in terms of "fun", and also for "gameplay". In practical
terms, there is basically no limit to what you can suggest, but everything has to be balanced with how
long it takes to implement vs how useful it is in game.
I'll check this thread from time to time to see what you guys have to say. There have been threads
like this in the past, but I figured it was time for a fresh thread.
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Edited by George Broussard (03/19/04 04:31 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 04:39 AM
- I would love to be able to turn off lights and put on night vision and be able to get an advantage
over enemies.
- Shoot a pipe and have steam affect the enemies.
- Blow up a shelf full of items (books, glasses etc.. etc..) and have them fall on enemies affecting
them, like knocking them over or something at least.
- Shoot an enemy and have him fall over and knock over items or perhaps land in water and have the
ability to shoot wires down and electrocute him.
- Open taps and have the floor fill up over time and so it affects gameplay in away I guess (this'll be
abit too hard to do I guess :P)
- Turn on a computer, surf the net (mock up sites or something.. would be cool to have these forums
on there and have some regular poster names in topics :P), play games etc..
- Play pool (have to include this.. homage to Duke 3D)
- Play pinball in the arcades (if you have them
- Use pay phones.
That's all I can think of right now
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: ADM]
03/19/04 04:43 AM
Oh one more thing.. you have to have TV's showing TV shows like Max Payne 1 and 2 did
-------------------Max Payne Dev (.com) - Max Payne Modding Tutorials, Prefabs, Journals and Support.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 05:42 AM
Some of these are silly, but I figure anything is worth mentioning. I'll post more after I've had time to
think about it.
I'd like to be able to pick up any item (within reason) and examine it closely. I'd like to be able to
bring it very close to Duke's face if possible and turn my hand to change my viewing angle of that
I'd like the option to grab an octabrain by the tentacle if he's close enough and spin him around (Like
the Hulk did the tank.) with full karma effect and slam him into anything. Even other enemies
knocking them to the ground.
If I get in a serious fight and it gets rough, knock Duke's shades off. When the fight is over let us pick
them up and put them back on as Duke makes a witty comment.
Use matinee with the render to texture feature to have actual 3D shows on TV's or theatre screens.
Interactivity with physics. Meaning if you bump a table and a glass falls off of it, you can catch it if
your fast enough and put it back, or if someone pushes something at you, you can put your hand out
to stop it.
Be able to take toilet paper from the bathroom and toss it up in trees.
Playable video games where you can see Duke's hands on the controls.
I want to ride the roller coaster on top of that casino.
I want to go to a diner and be able to play a song on the jukebox, order some pancakes and decide
how much I want to tip the waitress.
I want to see my hands on the wheel when I'm driving a car, I'd also like to adjust the radio and open
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the glovebox.
I'd like a place to keep all the stuff I buy, and I'd also like to be able to pawn that stuff in a pawnshop.
I want to be able to check Duke's Email and it would be very nice if Duke could surf the real web from
inside the game.
I want to order a burger and fries through a drive-thru window.
I want to get pulled over by a cop for speeding and try to talk my way out of it.
I want to be able to use my fist and legs in melee combat. I'd also like the option to kick someone in
the groin (if they have one) or give them a backhanded bitchslap.
I'd like to break a bottle and fight somebody with it.
I'd like to pick up a fire extinguisher and either throw it at an enemy or spray them in the face with it
maybey even hit them in the head repeatedly with it.
I'd like to be able to control Duke's finger for pressing particular buttons, say on an elevator or
If a valve is stuck, I want to be able to take a crowbar and force it to open.
On the microwave, I want to be able to put aluminum foil in it and burn the thing up. If I overcook
something, I want it to explode.
Say I buy a bag of marbles at the pawnshop, it would kick ass if I could throw them on the ground if
enemies we're chasing me and trip them up.
If I get a flat, I'd like to change it if there is a spare tire and a jack.
The ability to drive a forklift and possibly use it to get somewhere I couldn't get otherwise.
The ability to leak gas out of an 18 wheeler and throw my cigar on the gas stream to blow up aliens.
other stuff:
Poping Duke's Knuckles/neck
working hand dryer/soap dispensors/sinks ect. in the bathroom.
working remote control for TV's.
Lights on a dimmer switch
Ability to light and extinguish a cigar, by stepping on it or using an ashtray.
Play a guitar or drums.
Drink from a water fountain.
Realistically climb a rope.
Step in dog crap and whipe it off your feet.
Fly a UFO
Chew bubblegum
Open doors, kick in doors, knock on doors, open in partially to see who's outside.
The ability to open/close the roof of the dome stadium.
Go to a theatre to watch a movie and tell people to shut up.
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I also want to be able to work at Gideon's desk at 3DR and throw Duke Nukem poker chips at George!
Thanks for asking George!
-------------------Hire me already!
Edited by Gideon (03/19/04 05:54 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: ADM]
03/19/04 05:47 AM
yeah, the tv's were very cool indeed, always kept watching them even though they were merely
was a nice add to the enviroment.
but what games have been lacking , and I've always wanted, is a moviestyle foam extinguisher , that
you could pick up, and use to blind the opponents, or just merely create big thick fog/foam on some
ofcourse using spraycans and/or pens on walls, blackboards and paper would be cool considering
multiplayer deathmatch, taunting not only by voice but writing
cellphones, we definetly need some cellphones, working ones
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 05:55 AM
Ahhh jeez, DoomedMarine basically already said my idea, but I'd like to add the following:
You might just have blown up Hoover dam and then there'd be the headline on GNN "Hoover Dam
NUKED!" and the article snippet would say: "Duke Nukem, controversial CIA agent and the presidents
personal security manager has been implicated as the man responsible for yet another massive
explosion. No civilians were hurt, but the carcasses of many extraterrestrial creatures were discovered
washed up on the shore, downriver amongst the wreckage. Senator Beeblebrox, longtime critic of
Nukem and his policies had this to say about the incident: 'This is yet another example of Nukem's
complete disregard for...'" bla bla bla so on and so forth. And of course by extension of that you might
have tv news and NPC's talking about it maybe or somesuch, but basically what I wanted to put
forward here was a combination of these two 'cool things' that I like to see in games - playerrefference and interactive computers.
Oh and there's one other thing that I really want. I wanna see enemies die in COOL ways. There
should be enemies in the game that really aren't a challenge and are just there for the player to be
able to blow them away in a nifty manner. So you mght have the generic stormtrooper type, and
shoot him in the head - so have him fly back and fall to the ground, like the bullet was a
sledgehammer that hit him going 200 mph. Or shooting him in the throat and having a really
exaggarated animation where he's clutching at his neck in a most comical way, a bit of sadism, if you
. But really just take a cue from all those nifty John Woo movies with alll their style
. I just
feel enemy deaths aren't so cool anymore. They just fall over, the damned beasts!
Hope you like the ideas.
Explosions need to be BIG! I find explosions are wimpier and wimpier these days - like in UT2k3's
rocket launcher, my word that's a wimpy explosion!
/promises to stop re-editing his post from now on
-------------------Cake, ladies and gentlemen, cake is the savory saviour of us all...
Please... put the cake in my darkside...
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 05:59 AM
- I'd like to be able to shoot down large outdoor overhead signs & have them deal damage if they
fall on enimies.
- Kick enemies into moving traffic.
- How about having change spill out of slot machines, payphones, vending machiens when they're
- Have some 'gag weapons' here and there that make enemies bend over laughing when they see
Duke firing them (water pistol, slingshot, spit-wad shooter)
- Working sprikler systems.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: ADM]
03/19/04 06:01 AM
Situational idle animations. This one im still thinking on how it could be applied.
Most games have a couple idle animations, occasionally one for each gun. I would like to see it taken
one step further.For their to be more interations with the guns than point and click. Such as
dissassembling and reassembling of the various guns as idle animations and if you interupt the
animation it could cause one more more humerous screwups.
If the interuption was "firing" of the gun say a monster surprises you Duke could drop the weapon and
draw his pistol, to be picked up again post combat.
Imagine accidentally shrinking your own head with the shrink gun. Dropping the barrel of your
machine gun on your foot, examining and the tossing out a shotgun shell with the comment of "i only
use magnums", fiddling with the detonator of the pipebombs and the lights go out, a nearby car
starts, or its alarm turns on.
If left alone near a motorcycle come back to duke revving the engine, writting weird things on
whiteboards. These could also be done with the use key, but maybe a bored duke automatically using
things in the area if left unattended.
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Mixing drinks. If i "use" a beer have duke open it by banging it on the edge of a nearby table or
counter. If nothing is nearby use a bottle opener. If i use a bottle of whiskey and there are glasses
nearby have duke pour himself a glass.
Make alcohol flammable, if i throw a pipebomb into a liquer cabinet make it turn the room into an
interno, also allow me to pour whiskey on the ground for later ignition.
When interacting with the womenmake their reactions based on what area of the body the crosshair is
pointed at when you press the use key. Certain areas might earn you a slap (which should cause your
view to snap to a different direction) but other gestures such as using their face (brushing the hair out
of their eyes) might go over better and earn you a nicer reply.
Ill post more once i get home from work, have slept and can think clearly.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: zakath]
03/19/04 06:05 AM
* Explosions should break wooden/plastic chairs and flip over or knock over metal ones, although not
too exaggerated.
* Some things like drawers and cupboards should (obviously not everyone) be open-able and give out
secret items or interesting information tidbits.
* Impact speed is a nice detail. If I run full pelt into a shelf of items, it should wobble back or forth
and maybe even fall over. However, it shouldn't be overdone: I hate it in games where you brush past
an item andd it goes flying for 50m.
*Multiple interaction points (can't think of an appropriate word) on objects, although very heavy on
systems would be awesome.
Imagine being able to pick the antenna off an old TV and beat somebody with it, but with the
consequence of not being able to watch TV!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Ninja]
03/19/04 06:23 AM
I hope to explore new areas of interactivity that have previously been inaccessible.
I hold a more interactive game in higher esteem than a less interactive one and i honor a designer
who boldy goes where no designer has gone before.
I would like to play the game, go to a forum and read how much of all interactivity in the game i still
If you know what i mean
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Detharin]
03/19/04 06:25 AM
Situational idle animations. This one im still thinking on how it could be applied.
Most games have a couple idle animations, occasionally one for each gun. I would like to see it taken
one step further.For their to be more interations with the guns than point and click. Such as
dissassembling and reassembling of the various guns as idle animations and if you interupt the
animation it could cause one more more humerous screwups.
If the interuption was "firing" of the gun say a monster surprises you Duke could drop the weapon and
draw his pistol, to be picked up again post combat.
I like this idea, it's cool and inventive. But it interferes with the gameplay too much and would serve
as nothing more than a "Cool the first time, irritating thereafter" mechanic.
What this COULD be mutated to, however, would be having the enemies doing weapon checks and the
like. This way, stalking and waiting on an enemy could serve a strategic purpose. I'd love to look
around a corner with a piece of mirror or fibre-optics, wait for an enemy to 'twirl' their gun and drop
it, and then jump out while they're unarmed.
My list:
- Playable games are a MUST. Preferably something more complex than Pac-man or Space Invaders.
- Kicking an enemy through a glass window and watch them plummet to the ground. I've always
wanted to do this.
- Ability to disarm enemies in an inventive manner. Throwing a rock at their head, tripping them up,
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suprising them, etc.
- Enemies/NPCs that utilise and react to their enviroment that can be used to the players advantage.
Enemies having a drinking game that run out of alcohol so you can jump them in the wine cellar,
breaking a computer so a maintainance guy comes around to fix it, creating distractions with
explosives drawing idle enemies to an area, etc.
- Locking doors, giving you some time if enemies are tailing you.
- News reports (Or radio reports) that reflect actions you have caused within the world.
- The ability to pre-plan an escape. Put some empty boxes or a matress near a building, then make a
daring escape by jumping off the roof onto them, taking little or no damage.
I realise most of these aren't exactly 'Dukes Style', but hey, this is my wishlist.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 06:39 AM
- Shooting of limbs without the victim dying. So they keep crawling after you.
- Aliens "communicating" with each other.
- Using dead bodies as a shield.
- More tilting if you get hit. Explosions blow you over and make you fall. In other words, more realistic.
- Talking to NPC's, making them do stuff.
- Being able to pick up/throw any object in the neightbourhood that's not too heavy. Using object as
"weapons" or distraction.
- Aliens/enemies communicating, sometimes pissing eachother off or having laughs.
- Playing videogames/pinball, showing Duke's hands, to make it more realistic.
- More interaction with strippers than "Wanna dance?". No porn, just being able to make them show
some "special moves".
- Descructable objects. Every object that can be blown up in the real world should be destructable.
(especially lights)
- Drinks having effect on Duke. Duke is able to drink coffe or beer, but you will suffer the
consequences of drinking too much. (becoming shaky or drunk, or both)
I could write some more, but that's allready covered by others. Also I expect at least the same
gameplay as DN3D had.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: PlayfulPuppy]
03/19/04 06:39 AM
When I kick an enemy in the stomach I want to be able to walk around him and kick him in the ass.
(duke can then say: "Sorry but I am outta gum.")
I think this would be fun. Think the rest will be covered by the others.
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 06:50 AM
This thread is goona be huuuge
(hope it doesn't slow down the DNF process, just keep the coders
buissy now when the engine is done)
(gamplay & fun are mixed)
*Shoot a aquarium/fish tank = os the wather get on the floor (maybe to casue a blackout or get the
*water electric from a loose cable or something, so enemies can't get to you.
*Rolling barrel, shoot down signs
*Shoot leak of oil barrels so enemies slipp
*Pure out concrete from a mixer (the hughe once), nad when enemies get in it, they slow down.
*Gambling (throw dice)
*Play poker (see the hand and the card, maybe a cigar in the left hand)
*Work out in a gym with weighs
*Shake a champange bottle (like racing drivers does)
*Dial phone number (numbers that are hard to find)
*Use a speaker system (turn it up so loud that the nemies get deaf or paralysed
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*Put the gas on at a gas stove, and then boom.
*Use the "gas hose" at gas stations and then pure everyhting u want i gasoline and then light it.
*Be able to sit at a bar/ strip-stage and just sit and watch/drink
*Have an alt key on the mighty foot or the fist. It could be a nice fondle or something similar (like fist
on mouse b1, nice hand on mouse b2). that could be useful for talking with girls or to shake hands
with nice people (good NPC;s)
*Throu dart at a dart board (ands other things, like people, balones)
*ligth liqour (Sambubca) and drink it
I like the qoute of Steve-O from Jackass.
-"If there's one right way to do a thing, there's allways two bad things also to do it."
Think like this and everything will have a new meaning
Well I'm away to the gym. I'll be back. With more ....
-------------------"Take Two needs to STFU IMO."
Edited by Yenz (03/19/04 10:49 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Yenz]
03/19/04 07:10 AM
I think a good way of doing poker would be to have video poker, if you interact with the cabinet you
get zoomed in to the screen much like the cctv from duke 3d.
Then have the game cursor driven a bit like how doom 3 will do things when using key pads just in
doom 3's case they dont do a full screen zoom.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DLT]
03/19/04 07:21 AM
i`d like to,
*be able to open windows, not just doors but windows too
i find
and cupboards boxes crates to see what
*push enemy`s. like pushing em of a cliff or a roof when i snuk op on them
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DLT]
03/19/04 07:28 AM
Alien poop.
Have an alien take a shit, and Duke smells it and says "Poowee-I hate alien shit". Then he might
accidently step in some and slip on it. You get the idea...
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: hell-angel]
03/19/04 07:29 AM
in before what will become a truely massive thread.
on to the suggestions:
-gameplay-i like the valve idea. perhaps a huge pipe of water is running down a corridor. you see
enemies running towards you. you also see hanging lights above. hmmm. duke throws the valve open
and water comes flowing out. he then takes aim at the lights above and just as the enemies reach the
water on the ground, he blasts the lights and they fall to the ground, electrocuting the enemies.
-gameplay-fun-perhaps have an arcade/casino with playable games. darts, pool, poker machines,
heck-buy lottery tickets from the npc and watch the tv as it broadcasts the winning numbers. if you
win, you go collect the money from the casino payout area.
-gameplay-fun-mix drinks at a bar. have a choice of liquor and mix up some mean drinks. i suggested
this in another thread. something like mixing absolute vodka with some crown royal over ice with a
slice of lemon. if some pig cops want to have a drink, mix them up some
bacardi 151
, mad dog 20/20 and put some tabasco sauce in and shake well. then serve it to them.
they'll slam it down, look at each other then faint.
-gameplay-fun-those alien bastards have invaded an amusement park! poor kids are being terrorized!
duke chases them to the theme park. have it where he gets on the park intercom and maybe give him
a few choice lines like "all non-alien beings, please leave the park, it's gonna get messy!" "the park is
now being shut down for some much overdo cleaning-get out!" "ohhh, this is gonna be fun!" get on
some rides like rollercoasters, tilt a whirls, etc. stop on the midway and play some more games.
-gameplay-make explosions cool. i mean, they're cool already but have them impact the gameplay.
duke MUST use nukes. we have to find out when he's called duke nukem. if a pipe bomb is thrown
into a room full of ammo, i want it to get set off, ammo firing off, explosions, etc. c4 takes out
concrete and leaves craters in the ground and throws chunks of debris in the air that can harm
enemies and npcs-flies through windows.
-gameplay-pick up a mirror and deflect sunlight into enemies eyes and temporarily blind them to pick
them off. this is where you could improve on the "lens flare"-make the lens flare interactive.
-gameplay fun-duke finds a dog pound with some pooches and they aint in a good mood. a bunch of
pig cops have you cornered. open up the cages to the dogs and let them loose. they go and attack the
pig cops and rip em' apart. duke-"fido want a snack?"
-gameplay-fun-video cameras/cameras. duke 3d had em. you guys know what to do. take it up a
notch. maybe have a few "in jokes" with movies here. there's been alot of movies with guys looking
out their apartment windows with video cameras or cameras. heck, the movie "mimic 3" with killer
human sized cockroaches has this storyline. it'd be funny for duke to use a video camera and see a
giant roach/alien attacking a npc in his/her apartment.
-gameplay-fun-credit cards and atms. have duke use a credit card and atms for various purchases.
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-gameplay-fun-open up refrigerators and look at the contents or pick them up. "jimmy hoffa's frozen
-gameplay-kick objects like chairs into enemies to mess up their aim. mighty kick em in the nuts.
-gameplay-fun-you must have a gothic shemale cop stripper.
i'd die laughing if you guys put this
in. that would be hilarious and so would duke's one liner. maybe have duke puke when he sees it.
"damn, i don't feel so good!"
-gameplay-have enemies talk trash to duke. far cry is doing this a bit with enemies talking trash.
-gameplay-fun-have duke's sunglasses do stuff. "they live" for example. he can read some sublimanal
signs when he puts them on. "kill duke nukem!" "we did duke's momma" "1-800-alien-invasion"
"eioujfk" seeing eye chart.
thermal vision, x ray vision, etc.
that's all for now.
oh and one last thing.
at the very ending as duke is about ready to nuke the last huge alien boss, it cuts to a close up of the
boss and he says "SOMEONE SET US UP THE BOMB!"
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Edited by KaiserSoze (03/19/04 07:31 AM)
Atum Ra
Re: Interactivity. [Re: jimbob]
03/19/04 07:48 AM
~Being able to pick any object up and use it as a weapon
~Play older 3DR games on an official duke console
~Look in the mirror and beable to do some self grooming
~after particulary bloody fight beable to remove shades and clean them
~Filling up the Jetpack, bike etc manually at a petrol station
~Being able to open Dukes wallet and looking at his drivers licence and various other cards
~Sign autographs for addoring fans
Ill add more as i think of them
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 07:50 AM
-Allow non-activated grenades/pipebombs to explode if you shoot them. (Enemy dies, he drops a
grenade. I can pick it up to use it or shoot it.)
-Knocking over slot machines onto an enemy does damage. In general, physics is nice, but if it
doesn't impact gameplay, it is a waste.
-Blow up Hoover Dam and watch the flood!
Thanks for listening GB!
-------------------"Mountain Man was right about activation!"
"I prefer the company of nitwits!" - Seinfeld
"Anyone that gives Doom 3 an 8.5 is a poo head!" - GB
"I actually like this Drazula guy. He's like a little pixie that runs past people slapping them and then claims it was a joke...
then slaps them again " - Tang Lung
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Drazula]
03/19/04 07:52 AM
-Blow up Hoover Dam and watch the flood!
i agree with this.
this is like one of the "musts" for dnf. hoover damn must get destroyed!
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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Orochi Avlis
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/19/04 08:30 AM
I want to shotgun at close range to snap the alien's neck but leave a bit of skin attached to his head
to make his head dangle.
I want to shoot a Fire Extingusher and make the foam blind the enemies (and cause a little explsion).
Shooting at pressured can makes them react like there real life counter-parts.
If a fire breaks out inside during a fire fight the sprinklers turn on and any fire based weapons become
useless and makes the floor a tad slippery.
Shooting through doors (wheter it's Duke or the aliens).
And breaking through doors.
Popping car tires ala GTA:VC thus making the car unstable and slower while using it.
Kicking Pipe Bombs and shooting them in mid air.
Kicking enemies makes them fall back (it would be cool if it was through a glass window or incoming
Using the cenario against the aliens. Shooting certain stuff would make them fall on them, killing them.
Make the aliens react to each shot. Like a shot gun blast would make them fall back. Or the freeze
thrower (if it's still in there) could slow down their movement until freezing them completly.
Boot imprints (On both enemies and walls, doors etc etc)
Like if we walk for an enemy cover in blood then kick a wall we would see the imprint in red. Speaking
of which there better be bloody footprints like in DN3D.)
Water trickling down the screen while it's raining.
Craters. (Can't stand it in Call of Duty when the mortars hit the floor and there is not even a scratch.)
Breaking fragile things.
Throwig a bottle of booze then using a flamethrower (making him catch flames faster) or the
freezethrower (making him freeze faster).
-------------------"Yes, Valve truly is the antichrist for doing business with such backwards people." - Warmaster129
"And I thought fallacies have something to do with oral sex." - Klaus Kinski
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Joe, the King Of Fighters
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 08:38 AM
I would like:
* Interaction with ordinary girls, who says Duke doesn't get his face slapped from time to time.
* Interesting computers, be able to hack ingame computers to browse my harddrive and perhaps
even surf the internet.
* Interactive ammo, perhaps stick a pipebomb to some dropped ammo and the explosion gets bigger,
and the more ammoclips you put together, the bigger explosion.
* Interactive tvs, multiple "real" channels, perhaps even "interesting" channels.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 08:39 AM
Turn this concept on it's head. Besides Duke interacting with the world, I would like to see the
world interacting with Duke.
I'd like to see different genders/ages/opinions of Duke react accordingly. A female could swoon/
check him out, a male could ask for an autograph, a kid could point and stare, etc. A waitress could
ask if Duke wants a drink, a cheap suit could pitch a timeshare, a "working girl" could "solicit", etc.
Vegas has lounge singers. It would be cool and funny if Duke could step to the mic and warble "Fly
Me to the Moon" while shooting baddies (as long as he stayed in close proximity to the mic. Of
course, it would eminate from the sound system as well.
*Duke could find a cigar, and when needed, take it out of his inventory, put it in his mouth, find an
NPC (or a match) to light it, and use the cigar to light sticks of dynamite to throw. Eventually, the
cigar would burn up, and Duke would spit out the butt. It might be cool if Duke HAD to have a cigar,
and HAD to have an NPC (or book of matches) to light the cigar, to even be able to use dynamite. I
guess he could buy a lighter, but even those run out of fluid.
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Newpaper dispensers that dispense newspapers, with funny headlines.
If there is a level on an huge alien ship, it would be cool to be able to find the bridge, and actually
"steer" the ship (according to the main screen). What if you had to steer the ship into the moon/sun,
and then hurry to an escape pod?
Some people may recoil at this, but what if could actually make your own molotov coctails, using
bottles, rags/sheets, and fuel? It would simply be a matter of finding these elements, and when you
had all three, having the coctails appear in your inventory.
-------------------Free Babe Gallery!!!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 08:49 AM
Remembered another important!! thing.
In the options, have a setting which allow how long stuff should be laying around before they vanishes
- BUT the highest setting should be that things NEVER dissapper!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Lazaroth]
03/19/04 09:04 AM
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Using a hose to put out a fire.
Ride a roller coaster, maybe even shoot enemies trying to snipe you while on it.
Play pool.
Play blackjack with NPC's
Be able to change a channel on a TV.
Use a computer realistically.
-------------------"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Lazaroth]
03/19/04 09:07 AM
Probably more of a multiplayer idea, in terms of usefulness, but allow Duke to set up security cameras
rather than be forced to use them where they are initially placed.
Having bullets richochet off some surfaces would be nice, as well as being able to shoot through
-------------------"IT'S HUGE!!!!" -chimera
I think it's a 17"... or maybe it's a 19"..... it's huge... and bulky! but it has served me quite well -Mariamus
3DR UBB Album
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 09:08 AM
-Definitely a lamp that you can pick up and use as a weapon. Imagine the light & shadowing effects as
you swing it around before finally connecting with an enemy and leaving the immediate area lightless.
-How about some of those electricity balls that you touch and the electricity collects where your hand
& fingers are touching. Imagine the possibilties with throwing this item at an enemy (Duke:
-------------------freeIPods.com - After seeing my friend get one from these guys, I decided it was time...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Nessus]
03/19/04 09:28 AM
vibrating bed - (Flips it on. It gets out of control and explodes perhaps?)
Garage door opener
Any kind of vehicle
Phone - I always thought it would be cool to have a "useable" phone. Perhaps Duke finds various
phone numbers in little places here and there and when he calls them he gets different Easter Egg
type messages.
Reading folks e-mail is always fun
Hmmmmm...a playable Atari 2600 game! Or a fictional console from that era with a game like that.
-------------------Movies I'd Like to See
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Combat Chuck
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Detharin]
03/19/04 09:33 AM
Most games have a couple idle animations, occasionally one for each gun. I would like to see it taken
one step further.For their to be more interations with the guns than point and click. Such as
dissassembling and reassembling of the various guns as idle animations and if you interupt the
animation it could cause one more more humerous screwups.
I think it'd be cool to see Duke turn his pistol sideways, rack the slide, and catch the live round it spits
out. The only problem would be whether the round should be taken into account with the total number
of bullets in the clip at the time, as some people wouldn't want to be losing random bullets from their
clip. The bullet wouldn't be lost, though, as it could go back into the total ammo count for the weapon.
-gameplay-i like the valve idea. perhaps a huge pipe of water is running down a corridor. you see
enemies running towards you. you also see hanging lights above. hmmm. duke throws the valve open
and water comes flowing out. he then takes aim at the lights above and just as the enemies reach the
water on the ground, he blasts the lights and they fall to the ground, electrocuting the enemies.
In one level, Sin had a massive pipe with a valve on it that would cause a pretty big explosion. On a
sign above it, it said, "Do not play with valvE."
On further interactivity, I'd love to see some computer puzzles, where you had to actually use
computers regularly rather than simply flipping switches.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: ADM]
03/19/04 10:03 AM
- Turn on a computer, surf the net (mock up sites or something..
Heres an idea .. when in the duke nukem forever game you run up on a computer and from that
computer you can play the a few levels of duke nukem 3d .. could be where if you beat the level in
that game it will make a door open in the real game or something like that ... or you could play the
old duke or some other game in multiplayer from within the new duke game ..
it would be a war within a war .. ( like to get to a big gun you have to make a door open but to do
that you have to challange someone to a " small game of duke 3d then both sides go into a locked
room (this way they can't get shot in the back by other players )... a fight it out and the winner get to
leave the roon out the front and get the big weapon and the losser just respawns somewhere in the
level ...
or It could be like capture the flag in that you have 2 teams and each team protect the player that is
playing on the small computer while he plays the other teams player .. and with each kill in the small
game "d3d" the winning teams gets an item that they would need to win the main game that is being
played .. so then a member has to leave with that item and get it to the other side .. at this point you
has a chioce on wheater to send that person alone with the item or send other player to gaurd him but
in doing so you have less players to gaurd the small computer game .....while other item are won
I say all this because it would be a way for the old timmers to use the skill with D3D in the new duke
nukem forever ...... there is alot more way to use this idea .. I just listed a few.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Combat Chuck]
03/19/04 10:17 AM
I think it'd be cool to see Duke turn his pistol sideways, rack the slide, and catch the live round it spits
out. The only problem would be whether the round should be taken into account with the total number
of bullets in the clip at the time, as some people wouldn't want to be losing random bullets from their
clip. The bullet wouldn't be lost, though, as it could go back into the total ammo count for the weapon.
I dont think the animations should affect the ammo levels. That way when they happen you dont have
to reload to get that bullet back. Racking the slide on the Desert Eagle would be good. Taking the clip
out and checking to see how many rounds remain (possibly have little nukem symbols on the tips of
the bullets).
Fun: I would also like to see the ability to put personalized patches on pipebombs for multiplayer. Kind
of like armbands in rainbow 6. Imagine pipebombs with little smiley faces, or pick me up written on
Gameplay: Shooting a ceiling of appropraite material can cause dust and debris to rain down on an
opponent. Say for instance theirs a soldier behind a desk taking potshots at you, shoot the ceiling
above him to temporarily blind and disorient him due to the dust.
More after i sleep.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 10:23 AM
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few ideas, some might have already been said.
Zip cords - Those wires that you always see some action star 'zip' across from one building to another.
Radios - Lets you select from a directory of MP3s to play a song. Maybe attracts nearby enemies.
Slot Machines - It's Vegas!!!
Working Elevator's (can select which floor to go to)
Working Doors - Especially for multiplayer.
Mounted Weapons - Oh Ya!
Road block that says "Road Open: When it's done!" :P
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Combat Chuck]
03/19/04 10:30 AM
I wanna see blood / guts on my weapons after an insane close encounter with some enemies (Shadow
Warrior) or if an explosion goes off near an enemy and Duke is close, ya should get covered in blood /
guts, etc. the blood / guts should stay on the weapons until ya jump into some water, go into a
bathroom - turn on the shower, etc. er hey, if you wait long enough it would dry on. I hate always
seeing "clean" weapons, I mean gimme a ****** break.. I just killed 100 alien bastards, atleast make
it look like i've been in a battle, y'know?
If i throw a grenade / pipebomb er some sort of explosive into water, sand, grass.. i wanna see water,
sand, mud, grass.. ****** debris! fly up after the explosion.
Water, blood, er any liquid for that matter get's splashed onto the screen (Dukes glasses).. Imagine
acid of some sort from an alien splashing onto Dukes glasses, and watching them corrode / melt right
infront of yer eyes, stuff like that would rock! I think we've already seen some of this in the E3 2001
video, but more so.. Metroid Prime / Wave Race 2 comes to mind, different effects on Dukes glasses,
condensation (steamy situations
) ect. This adds alot of immersion.
Particle effects gallore, I wanna see sparks, smoke, debris fly off shit if i'm shooting things.
If i'm shooting alot, smoke / heat distortion should come from the barrel(s) of the weapon.
I guess that didn't have much to do with interactivity. But alot of these things would make gameplay
more interesting..
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-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Kronx]
03/19/04 10:33 AM
Phone - I always thought it would be cool to have a "useable" phone. Perhaps Duke finds various phone
numbers in little places here and there and when he calls them he gets different Easter Egg type
What about a cell-phone that he can call up other players in multi-player and taunt them directly...
Re: Interactivity. *DELETED* [Re: Bluntaxe]
03/19/04 10:36 AM
Post deleted by maxskill
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 10:47 AM
Damn, it took like 10 minutes to read this thread!
Duke's hands should be a part of interacting, so to speak. Whenever Duke does any interacting-opening doors, unscrewing bottle caps, climbing ladders, pushing a button etc.---you should see his
hands making the appropriate motions. It would immerse you into the game's world immensely, IMO.
Enemies interacting with everything. In the casinos you'd get to see Pig Cops attempting to use the
slot machines then busting them up whe they fail,
playing pool, and so on.
I really like the already mentioned idea of computers so much I'm mentioning it again.
have fairly simplistic computers, with a few games that are mocking standard things--MS-Solitaire
with a deck that has pig cop images on back, Pacman with a a little Duke head with sharp teeth eating
the pellets
...and then also have a small internet with a few spoofs of popular sites, and mini
version of the 3dr forums making fun of all the cliche's around, such as a new poster with the name
"n00B" posting and whining... "It's taking too long, man! My life revolves aroudn the game! I'm gonna
commit suicide!!"And then George and Joe both posting GIANT "
" and locking the thread.
Shotgun power. No FPS shotgun has ever felt more kickass than the Doom super-shotgun, because
of it's..power. So follow from there, and don't go with a realistic shotgun: make it fling enemies back
about 10 feet and very quickly as the crash into whatever's behind them.
And finally, I'll just say the Shrinker. Use it well and make it interact with other objects, IMO.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 10:50 AM
*A revolutionary MacGuyver system - If you can lift it, you can smash crap with it.
*A computer console system where you can browse a simulated (Real?) internet (Porn!) and play old
games that are rendered to a texture (Dukes 1, 2, 3D. The full versions in some kinda module format.
Emulated if need be for the first two.)
*An electronics system - You know that crap you learned in Physics 2? Let us screw around with that
stuff. Roll your own railgun
*If the previous one, then a digital logic system. Just because it'd be cool to make a computer from
transistors and the like inside a computer game.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Soilwork]
03/19/04 10:50 AM
If i'm driving vehicals you should be able to play with some of the buttons inside, example..
windshield wipers (especially after some Carmageddon action
), radio (volume, different stations,
CD's, etc.), e-brake, horn, clock that works?..
Listen to yer own custom soundtrack while you play? Say you find an MP3 player in the game, you
could pick it up, use it - have the songs that you chose be played on the MP3 player. Maybe not very
Duke-ish, but it would be cool none the less.
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: maxskill]
03/19/04 10:52 AM
Perhaps a theme park level with interactive games and rides?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: JackMeaph]
03/19/04 10:57 AM
Perhaps a theme park level with interactive games and rides?
i mentioned it somewhere above:
"-gameplay-fun-those alien bastards have invaded an amusement park! poor kids are being
terrorized! duke chases them to the theme park. have it where he gets on the park intercom and
maybe give him a few choice lines like "all non-alien beings, please leave the park, it's gonna get
messy!" "the park is now being shut down for some much overdo cleaning-get out!" "ohhh, this is
gonna be fun!" get on some rides like rollercoasters, tilt a whirls, etc. stop on the midway and play
some more games. "
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 11:06 AM
Oh! I know! NPCs that don't act like idiots!
You know, people who run and hide when they're being shot at instead of just standing there and
taking it, or trying to return fire from out in the open.
AI needs to seek cover, period. Unarmed AI needs to run away as fast as it can, period.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Krid]
03/19/04 11:28 AM
I don't want to be stuck and not able to get over a four foot wall without the aid of a jetpack.
Basically, I want to feel more powerful than I do in real life, not handicapped. It's annoying to play
something and go, "Shit, I could do that. Why can't the bad-ass hero?"
-------------------"Luke. Luke, the force is strong with you."
"Is it?"
"...Yeah!"- Eddie Izzard
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 11:34 AM
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Here's some ideas(no particulary order), I think would make Duke cooler than ever ;-)
1. It would be cool to finally see an UFO. if you could make an invasion of LA like in "Independence
Day"it would be ultra cool. The giant mothership would of course have to be destroyed, with the
biggest and most advanced explosion ever seen in a video game.
2. Weapon stores, with LOTS of weapons would be cool to have. Alien spaceships could also have
these and be an good excuse to have alien weapons :-)
3. Flameable liquids. It would be fun to take these to a further level than done before in other games.
4. A cool game moment could be created by letting a comet crash down on earth and let all kinds of
weird aliens rise from this.
5. Interact with strippers. Some examples: Pay a stripper to distract 2 badguys away from a security
door. Save a stripper from an assult and let her help you by givin her a weapon. They could also be
used to open/lock doors for you.
6. Many people is complaining about dead bodies dissapering, so it would maybe an idea to let this be
an performance option, you could enable/disable.
7. When duke is almost dead you could blur his vision a little and make the crosshair lesser steady.
8. Earthquakes which opens a big crack on the ground or makes buildnings coming crashing down
would be cool.
9. Other nature disasters like tornados, vulkanos would also add to cool gaming moments, if done
ingame and in realtime :-)
10. Deformable terrain would be cool.
11. An underground train subsystem would be cool. Duke could use it for transport or to solve other
gameplay problems. Example Duke has to get inside a highly secured building. It so happens that the
subway is running under the building. And....... I'm sure you can come up with an idea of what could
happen next ;-)
12. Now we are at it, an airport would also be cool. Especially if Duke is able to control a plane. You
could have 2 airports in the city. And this way have air traffic and maybe be able to shot those
airplanes down with passengers ;-)
That's it from now. I'll maybe post some more ideas later :-)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Syph]
03/19/04 11:34 AM
I don't want to be stuck and not able to get over a four foot wall without the aid of a jetpack. Basically,
I want to feel more powerful than I do in real life, not handicapped. It's annoying to play something
and go, "Shit, I could do that. Why can't the bad-ass hero?"
I remember George saying something awhile back that alittle 4' table ain't gonna stop Duke from
jumping onto it, so i wouldn't worry.
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 11:54 AM
All of these are for gameplay and many of them are for fun.
Using the Shrinker to interact with the environment:
Using the Shrinker to shrink large objects, pick them up, throw it at your enemy and timing the throw
so that it regains its size just before hitting your target. Imagine shrinking a big boulder and throwing
it at an enemy. In the right moment the boulder becomes large once again and transforms your
enemy into a baggy sack of meat.
Shrinking yourself to walk through narrow spaces (already done in DN3D I believe).
Shrinking boobytraps that might be in the game so other players won't notice them (laser trip mines,
other mines, trip wire bombs, pipe bombs, etc).
Using the Freezer to freeze most interactive objects for various purposes:
You could freeze a lever, button, switch, etc, to make sure no one will be able to push it for some time.
You could also freeze the top layer of water in a pool to lock someone inside it.
You could barricade corridors or entrances/exits with blocks of ice.
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You could create big blocks of ice on top of a building and pushing them down on unsuspecting
If someone jumps from a high building, planning to land safely in water below (a pool or something),
you could estimate where in the water he's going to land and freeze that spot... in that way you can
help him with breaking some bones.
You could freeze machinery so that it stops.
... I'll post more if I come up with something...
-------------------"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman... I will see you up ahead." -- G-man (Half-Life 1)
"In the meantime... this is where I get off." -- G-man (Half-Life 2)
"Will I ever actually reveal anything?" -- G-man (Half-Life 3)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 12:18 PM
What kinds of things do you hope to see, both in terms of "fun", and also for "gameplay". In practical
terms, there is basically no limit to what you can suggest, but everything has to be balanced with how
long it takes to implement vs how useful it is in game.
If 3DR has a policy of keeping the controls and key bindings to a minimum, then I think a game must
maximize the use key and the effects of a gun shot.
The gun shot destroys targets. Enemies, but also the environement. So I think "interaction with a
gun" should be maximized as well. So you should many different things happenning when you shoot
Basic gunshots :
Cutting the rope/chain that supports a container? The container falls and crushes the enemies
underneath. (Works with the chainsaw, too).
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Shooting crates or barrels so they tumble down and crush incoming enemies?
Puncturing holes in liquid containers? The liquid (lava, water, etc) comes pouring out and kills
Activating "pressable" switches from a distance, like in Duke 3D?
Shrinker :
Possible to shrink something else than enemies? Shrinking something that blocks your path, like a
tree or a living alien artifact?
(It has to be organic otherwise you’d have to flag every damn thing like desks and pencils as
"shrinkable". And then it’s the same nightmare as deciding what’s destructable and what’s not.)
Freezer :
Possible to freeze something else than enemies? Lava, rushing water or any other form of liquid
hazard that blocks your path.
So you whip out the freezer and shoot the liquid. It becomes solid and this solves the "puzzle" created
by the liquid. If it’s lava that blocked your path, you can now walk upon it (but be quick as it will melt
Ex: let's say the Freezer's primary fire shoots ice shards, but secondary fire shoots a straight beam of
frost. And you have to run through a lava pool. So you keep the Freezer aimed down and you shoot a
constant beam with the secondary fire, always aiming at where you're going. A bit like that Ice Gliding
dude in X-Men.
Or if a rushing stream of water was powering gears below, you freeze the water. It stops the gears
and turns off the machine since the water no longer moves.
Flamethrower :
Used for something else than burning enemies?
Burning trees and foliage that block your path?
Cutting through a wall of ice/alien slime that blocks your path?
Heating the water of a steam machine so it has power?
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Operating the obvious. Switches, buttons, elevators, keypads.
Picking up useful stuff. Pick up a fire extinguisher, throw it and shoot it. Boom! Last resort when
you’re out of pipebombs.
Activating stuff for fun : pool tables, phones, toilets, TVs, slot machines, vending machines,
strippers, etc.
Grabbing onto ropes, legdes and stuff. This could be hell to implement though.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 12:22 PM
1) If enemies can throw grenades, Duke should be able to return them.
2) Being able to pick up e.g. chair and smash it of enemy's head
3) seeing max payne running very slowly and being killed by very fast alien (similar could happen to
every famous action hero
4) being able to kick doors
5) being able to rollover a table for cover
6) being able to get drunk (but better done than in deus ex)
7) witty jokes about some posters or pictures of famous people
8) I really think DNF should contain some real informations (UFO accident in Roosevelt)
9) smoking man, mulder and scully (they investigate, duke shoots...) or some similar characters
Not much, but it is something:)
-------------------I want to believe...
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Beelze]
03/19/04 12:23 PM
You could also freeze the top layer of water in a pool to lock someone inside it.
If someone jumps from a high building, planning to land safely in water below (a pool or something),
you could estimate where in the water he's going to land and freeze that spot... in that way you can
help him with breaking some bones.
It would also be cool if there was a setting on the shrink-ray of some sort that allows things to be
shruken permently!
Imagine shrinking a car, then yourself.. driving around a level micromachines style.
Haha, endless possibilities, endless fun!
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Soilwork]
03/19/04 12:31 PM
Imagine shrinking a car, then yourself.. driving around a level micromachines style.
Great idea!
I'm against permanently shrinking things, but I would like it if you could charge up the weapon so
things could stay shrinked for longer times. Also... you must shrink the car first and then yourself.
Otherwise you'll grow big before the car and get squished in it... or something.
-------------------"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman... I will see you up ahead." -- G-man (Half-Life 1)
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"In the meantime... this is where I get off." -- G-man (Half-Life 2)
"Will I ever actually reveal anything?" -- G-man (Half-Life 3)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Beelze]
03/19/04 12:50 PM
I'd like to see a realistic health system... As duke gets porgressively injured, he becomes slower, his
aim is reduced and he sweats... causing his glasses to condence and him have to keep wiping them
dry. When he takes them off, you could blur everything showing how poorly sighted Duke really is.
I'd also like to see reactions from enemies relating to where you shoot them. A well placed shotgun
shot in the groin would prevent all enemies from fighting back... cos I'd certainly not be thinking
about that if my crotch had just been filled with shot. A few shots to a knee would cause an enemy to
fall over, and shooting their hand could cause them to drop their gun... Obviously this should also be
applied to Duke, too.
Duke should be able to kick dead bodies on the floor.
I agree with alot of people on here already who've said that environment should be able to be used to
Shooting a fire extinguisher would squirt foam at enemies and cause them to be ubnable to see, or if
it's a CO2 extinguisher then it should just explode. I'd like to be able to club people with the
extinguisher before I throw it and shoot it, too.
It would be cool if I could but napalm or ethanol and throw it at enemies, and then shoot at the floor
beneath them (where it's dripping) and set them alight...
I'll be back with more ideas later
-------------------God gave man imagination to compensate him for what he is not;
and a sense of humor to console him for what he is.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 01:36 PM
When you look down, you actually see something there.
Come on, is it just me or is it getting really boring floating around as a head with a gun making odd
walking noices?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Agulf]
03/19/04 01:39 PM
^ I agree with you, 100%.
-------------------"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman... I will see you up ahead." -- G-man (Half-Life 1)
"In the meantime... this is where I get off." -- G-man (Half-Life 2)
"Will I ever actually reveal anything?" -- G-man (Half-Life 3)
Carbon Rod
George [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 01:57 PM
I would like to see the roof tops accessible. It always kind of bugs me when you can see the roof top
but the boundries of the level block you from doing so.
Funny idle animations would be cool, but not taking apart a weapon.. that would get gay really
Boobie physics... nuff said
Doors that stay open.
Since there is most likely going to be a casino level, I would like to see many of the games playable.
-------------------"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
-Albert Einstein
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Re: George [Re: Inanimate Carbon Rod]
03/19/04 02:00 PM
NPC interaction - NPC's should react differently depending on the situation and their innate
personality. So women might run away screaming if you try to attack them, but men would stand
their ground, maybe teaming up with other bystanders to take you on.
Also, every NPC should have a role, and a purpose within the gameplay world, so you should be able
follow every character around and watch them go about their day to day business. For instance, you
might follow a scientist into some secret laboratory and pick up the latest experimental weapon. Even
better, if it really was experimental and ended up going wrong or blowing up the scientist!
Hopefully, we'll see plenty of macabre humour in this regard
Environmental interaction - This should be consistent, so if you can blow up a TV you should be
able to destroy some light shelving.
Furthermore, the effects should realistic.
I want to see the plastic casing of the TV break apart sending circuitry flying, not some generic
billboarded explosion effect. Progressive destruction would be awesome, if it can be implemented.
The microwave example GB gave was impressive, but why stop at rats? What about microwaving body
parts, weapons, ammunition, electrical devices, money. Or maybe you could shrink a sofa and watch
it toast!
In this vein, how about being able to flush things down the toilet, freeze them using a fridge or melt
them with corrosive chemicals.
-------------------"I think the push for people to innovate in gameplay - i'm not sure that I particularly agree with it"
John Carmack
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Re: George [Re: FireFly]
03/19/04 02:09 PM
I'd like to be able to lay down pipe bombs, put a garbage can cover on top of them, jump on top of it,
and detonate to make extra-high jumps.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Beelze]
03/19/04 02:23 PM
Still, I think that should be a feature and not a must.
For low-end systems you could turn off high-detailed Dukebody or something.
Wonder if Gordon will has a body in HL2...
Guess not. Wonder if you have a body in Doom 3...
Nope, guess not. Just that same old floatin head we have seen for 10 years... In the mirror you seem
to have a body, but as soon as you look down.. Nope. Either you are invincible from neck down and
make a circle shadow on the ground (floating head, somebody?
), or you are some kind of
inverted vampire who can only be seen in mirrors...
Exept from in maybe two fps games, that is what you got. Come on; Duke is not a head. Duke is a
body, with feet to kick ass, hands to hold a RPG and head to think, aim and speak witty one-liners!
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Agulf]
03/19/04 02:40 PM
I would like something along the lines of "Devastation" (i.e. many, many interactive items in the
environment) however tweaking to reduce the "clutter" effect that occurs in Devastation (i.e. wading
through piles and tons of bullshit in your way) however anyone who has played the game must admit,
its fxcking cool to open fire inside a room and knock just about EVERYTHING off the shelves and
tables with your hail of gunfire
-------------------"Life is just a fatal sexually transmitted disease" - Logic BomB
"I cast my vote for Hudson as President of the Internet" - RollingBrass
When all this is over.. Heaven knows i'm going nowhere..
I was only dreaming.. Censored for a deeper meaning..
Decay TC - Lead Designer
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Agulf]
03/19/04 02:43 PM
Still, I think that should be a feature and not a must.
For low-end systems you could turn off high-detailed Dukebody or something.
Wonder if Gordon will has a body in HL2...
Guess not. Wonder if you have a body in Doom 3...
Nope, guess not. Just that same old floatin head we have seen for 10 years... In the mirror you seem
to have a body, but as soon as you look down.. Nope. Either you are invincible from neck down and
make a circle shadow on the ground (floating head, somebody?
), or you are some kind of
inverted vampire who can only be seen in mirrors...
Exept from in maybe two fps games, that is what you got. Come on; Duke is not a head. Duke is a
body, with feet to kick ass, hands to hold a RPG and head to think, aim and speak witty one-liners!
This is always been on of my biggest peaves in gaming, Iron Storm was one of the first games that I
have ever seen to let the player have a body
Im hoping that DNF may include this
-------------------"Life is just a fatal sexually transmitted disease" - Logic BomB
"I cast my vote for Hudson as President of the Internet" - RollingBrass
When all this is over.. Heaven knows i'm going nowhere..
I was only dreaming.. Censored for a deeper meaning..
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Decay TC - Lead Designer
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Hudson]
03/19/04 03:08 PM
Everything I use in the real world I'd love to have some kind of reaction with in the game.
For the microwave example you should be able to put anything in there and it have some kind of
EVERYTHING should be either used, picked up, or both.
You could freeze the floor and cause enemies to slip (same thing with shooting foodstuffs.)
A working sprinkler system would rock.
EVERY light should be able to be shot out (except weird alien lights or whatnot.)
Edited by Mr.Blud (03/19/04 03:09 PM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: brabee]
03/19/04 03:12 PM
Thank you George for allowing me the opportunity to repeat just about everything I’ve said on these
boards since 1999. I have some solid wisdom to provide I think. Before I proceed, I want to pimp the
body agenda a bit.
First off, I liked Breakdown’s overall approach to interactivity from the vids I’ve seen. You couldn’t
harm DNF by building on that.
When Trespasser introduced the concept of first person with body perspective, it was found to be too
radical. I hope it can work today though. And I think Duke should be the guy to reintroduce it. What
better way to “up” the characterization revolution begun by Duke3D, than by evolving the voice into a
persona who is every bit within the gameworld. The ego-trip could reach a new level. *I* could finally
have muscles to be proud of!
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Or atleast have hands interacting with objects. That is very important, George. You can’t believe how
lame it looks in the HL2 Dune buggy video where the steering wheel and mounted gun seem to move
about by themselves.
Object Interactivity:Imaging devices(mostly fun):
Stuff like TVs should show some kind of small video footage if you can hack them into the game
engine. Explain the intermittent static and blackouts as the aliens messing around with our television.
Ditto with Videophones. And the futuristic gameworld has to have a lot of these. Oh, do the wrong
number deal with the naked girl on the other end who gets embarrassed and covers up. It’ll be a nice
homage to quite a few films.
Computers: Software hacking is something I leave up to you. If you think it fits in the game as an
interesting thing the player can do, go for it. Have a puzzle element to it. But it could slow the game
down for players who don’t seem to be able to pass on the optional challenge. Duke should be able to
use these to glean some info. If not, he should find some safe porn on there.
Cameras and Security Monitors(gameplay): You don’t have to go too deep with these things just
because you want to build on this aspect of Duke3D. A limited panning and zooming feature in the
security monitors should be enough. Enough to get an idea as to what you’re going to be facing soon
Now all imaging devices should be destroyable. When shot up, they could get smashed or electrically
explode if they were running at the time. Security cameras should be destroyable too. Of course, an
enemy on the monitor that was watching through it should get static on his screen and either signal
reinforcements to your position or get down to you personally, gathering any enemies it finds along
the way. This falls in NPC AI territory a bit and while I’m not a fan of stealth-based gameplay,
avoiding the camera should have rewards by not having the player be detected. Of course, if the
player chooses to ‘use’ a wall mounted security camera, Duke could wave and say, “Cheese, now
come and get me a**hole!”, an invitation for some simple rushing enemy tactics(which would
otherwise be duck and cover), for some plain old ass kicking fun.
I suggest you watch Minority Report for ‘futuristic’ ideas. Unless some fresher movie comes along
when you’re implementing all of this.
Drink stuff and fluid dynamics(gameplay *is* fun):
The ‘99 Damguide screenshot featured this nice coffee pot. That should be usable. You could drink it,
giving Duke a slight speed boost as well (since you’re probably implementing steroids…) as some
health points or you could smash it, particularly if it’s hot, on some poor schmuck’s head to watch the
sizzle and steam. The paint bucket splatter in the ‘01 vid was a good effect, the way it got all over the
walls and stuff.
The old adage works fine. If you can’t use it, you can grab/throw it. If you can’t grab/throw
it, you can destroy it. Every small item should be usable and inevitably breakable. If it is
broken, it should also have a smaller broken down state or single leftover component that
should also be useable, perhaps to greater effect. eg: sharp splinter from baseball bat, etc. Or
break the glass from a swiveling window to have a debris of glass fall on the floor. Out of that debris,
have one shard of glass that you can pick up, the rest can eventually disappear but the player will
focus on the shard in hand.
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So I can down a coke bottle for health. Once I’m done, I can smash it on somebody’s head for small
damage. Once smashed, I can use the broken half as a stabbing weapon for a kill. Simple design
philosophy and a complete one for any game’s interactivity for ages to come. Every item also has a 23 step wear and tear progression down to nothing except the particles ’n’ decals that disappear. That
still keeps it real.
Soda cans should be in as well. Take a look at your pantry for ideas on what foods should be in. Joe’s
shown us a good selection of stuff.
I think food for health points is a good system in games, even if it’s not too realistic. Don’t make your
health system any more complex than it has to be. People have enough trouble simply getting used to
the ego system, forget being able to heal a visible player model on a per-pixel basis(which would have
been good and realistic…err, realistically good).
Flammable/dangerous liquids. Gamers have been wanting this for ages now. Tip over a drum of oil
and it should spread across the floor and we should be able to set fire to it. Similarly a spilt vat of acid
or toxic chemicals could be dangerous if you step in, wearing down your boots. Work on this, it will
prove well worth the time taken when it causes people to splooge all over themselves.
Freezing stuff: Water areas are where the Freezer could really shine, you know. Freezing the surface
of the pool below your feet should let you walk on it. I’d call that move alone the next rocket-jump.
You could also prevent someone underwater from coming up by freezing the surface. Using the
freezer underwater could form a chunk of ice right in front of you that hurts you a bit with the cold,
but also shields you from deadlier incoming projectiles, even rockets.
Btw, I think the shrinker could merely bounce off of vehicles. Would save you a lot of effort. Then
again, it wouldn't be as much fun.
There is no good excuse not to have them in anymore. Jetpack usage in certain areas and some kind
of aircraft for aerial battles are also a must now, sorry about the expectations.
Have Duke be the man wrapping his hands around turret controls and steering wheels, that’s all I can
say. Don’t allow third-person vehicle views if you’re willing to spend time on the in-vehicle HUD.
Humvee, motorcycle, dune buggy, jet ski, mech, jet fighter etc. would be good bets. Animal vehicles
should be unruly and dimly responsive to controls.
Car radios are cool.
Again, I’d like the visual “hands-on” approach. Draw weapons (for smaller ones) would be automatic
in mid-climb should you turn, no need for a weapon when you’re only looking at the ladder though.
Wooden ones can be broken down with kicks, tougher ones with pipebombs. Again, hacking door
electronics for the more open-ended map is your call but I’ll give it a shot if there’s a nice puzzle
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And hurling the octabrain by the tentacles is a good idea. Very hulk-like. In fact, that’s the approach
you should take with all throwable stuff. It gets a lot more engaging than a gravity gun that way.
Grabbing onto chains and ledges while tedious to implement would make navigating through puzzles/
hazards more cinematic. Being able to hoist a helpless female on your shoulders while you're doing it
is even more cinematic, especially if there's a nice payoff at the end.
In-game games:
Don’t go overboard on this. People keep fantasizing about playing video games within a game so do 1
or 2 arcade games that get over quickly. Maybe as a joke you simply have the viewpoint switch to
third person when you use the video game. In this mode, there is no way to leave the immediate area
and you screw around with the other machines only making beeping and ringing noises. That’s all.
When you hit use again, you switch back and find yourself in front of the arcade machine again. It’s
the future, they’ll have games that look as good as RL.
Since it is Vegas, your focus should be slot machines, roulette wheels, etc. Gameplay impact on
Duke’s economy? Depends on how you fare.
Don’t do:
Assembled weapons. That could get boring. I don’t want to have to pour oil down and empty bottle to
build a molotov’s cocktail. It wouldn’t be worth it. Heck, I don’t think you could get the average gamer
to hold a lighter in their left hand, a can of hair spray on their right and use them together as a flame
A damage system that impedes vision, movement too badly.
Elevators, valves, ATMs (hackable? Sure, if Duke’s credit card gets rejected when the economy takes
a dive), info kiosks(telling you not to panic and to cooperate with your alien overlords), newspapers
(lying everywhere. Digital? See Minority Report), browsable magazines (refer to UBB babe thread),
any of the interactive Las Vegas sights, etc.
Household appliances:
Ceiling fans, lamps, lights, refrigerators, drawers, cupboards, microwaves, toasters, gas ovens (turn
them on without lighting them and put a aerosol can in the microwave and set it on a timer- burn the
whole kitchen!), answering machines, plasma televisions(or 3D holo displays), kitchen knives, music
systems, safe vault, etc.
Stripper. The hooker with the heart of gold who takes you in. The intelligent female doctor who while
healing you slowly is annoyed yet flattered by Duke’s lewdness. The pretty young thang who tears off
a part of her itsy bitsy t-shirt, to bandage it around your arm/Duke autographing said t-shirt. Elvis
impersonator. Stripper. Lesbians in porno shoot. Clown. Showgirl. Stripper. etc.
See mysteryperfecta’s post on npc interactivity. If you haven’t been paying attention to what we’ve
been saying all these years, I’ll remind you of them when expressing my opinions about this game.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Kalki]
03/19/04 03:46 PM
at this point, i wouldn't mind if they just push back dnf to 2006 and release it on duke's 10th
anniversary from duke 3d.
these ideas rock for the most part and they should look at implementing alot of this stuff. that will
take time.
at this point, what's the harm?
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/19/04 04:07 PM
Being able to drive multiple paths in the vehicles would be nice. Not to the GTA extent, but just
something that would change the levels up a bit during replays, with an easier path and a "Damn I'm
Good" path possibly as options.
If it's a door, we should be able to open it, like Bioware did in KOTOR, or just like you did (come to
think of it) in Duke 3D. More fun not seeing locked doors all over the place.
For non-story critical areas, destructable walls would be cool. If the point is to blow stuff up, then
that's what we wanna do.
Dunno if Bombshell is still in the game, but good interactivity there in terms of story, facial
expressions and the like as in BG&E would be cool. BG&E's companions were relatively smart in
healing themselves and in holding their own against enemies.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/19/04 06:05 PM
at this point, i wouldn't mind if they just push back dnf to 2006 and release it on duke's 10th
anniversary from duke 3d.
these ideas rock for the most part and they should look at implementing alot of this stuff. that will take
at this point, what's the harm?
Well, why not? That's what id Software's been doing with most of their titles, making their releases 10
years after the originals. Of course, Duke Nukem goes about 5 years before Duke 3D with the original
side scroller, different topic, though.
As for what I like to see as far as interactivity, well, like in Deus Ex, I like to pick up explosive crates
or barrels, and toss them through windows, or toss them into aliens and splatter them on contact.
Also, like in Max Payne, I'd like to be able to play the slot machines and spin the roulette wheel, that
was awesome... Also with the beer fountains, that was cool, too. Duke could drink the beer to get
himself healthier, but the Dukeweiser (tm) would also include some steroid ingerdients in there, that'll
be awesome.
I liked those phone jokes that you had in DNMP, and the calls that made me roll outta my seat. I think
those deserve to come back in DNF, I liked those jokes in Shadow Warrior with the phones, too,
something like that. Having a pool table was a must, like someone mentioned before, and how does
using the cue stick as a weapon sound? That would be awesome!
Yeah, I could keep going on and on, but I understand that this thread is limited, so I'll just keep what
I got now, and say some more suggestions come tomorrow. That sounds great, though.
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Edited by 8IronBob (03/19/04 06:07 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: QuiGonJ]
03/19/04 06:18 PM
Let us play as bombshell!
Maybe with an alternate set of levels or something, or even just alternate text and speech, but you
gotta let us play her!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 06:31 PM
One thing I really love to be able to do is pick up most anything, and be able to throw it at something.
I probably spent a half our in DX2 throwing a pillow at people. Id lik to see new reactions to this type
of thing from NPCs. Instead of a generic "hey, dont do that!" maybe they could have a threshold
before they could freak out and maybe attack. And not just throwing too, being able to swing things
like chairs, lamps, baseball bats, the leg of a stripper, and cause damage would be all too cool... then
the alt-fire of the item could be to throw it. Beating a half-way dead enemy with his own leg would be
Different kinds of mines/bombs are a must, imo. I'm assuming laser-trip mines and pipe-bombs are
in.. so Id like to see a 'sticky' remote-driven mine/bomb added as well as a proximity mine.
Causing damage to things is always cool. I dont care for destructive levels ala RedFaction, but
something better than the face of a vending machine just switching to a 'broken' texture. Doing
something simple as having it fall over would make it a lot cooler. Having it fall over if an exposion is
near by would add a neat gameplay element. I could throw a pipe-bomb behind a vending machine,
wait for someone to walk close to it, then cause an explosion having the vending machine fall on the
unsuspecting enemy.
Vehicles are fun, even if they dont add much to the story line of the game.
Turning lights on and off, and having it cause reactions from enemies and NPCs. If the light is off, and
NPC would try and turn it on. If the light is broken, they'll flip it a few times then make a comment
about it.
Conversations between NPCs and between enemys are always great.
Lude comments between Duke and the strippers would be great.
A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/19/04 06:46 PM
How having a large explosion (C4, detonators on a building going off, dynamite) make Duke drop his
clip while he's reloading? That'd be pretty sweet.
behind a THIN WALL, a WOODEN BOX, or ALUMINUM SIDING, and none of bullets are going thru that.
It's annoying. Don't make it CS style where you can shoot thru 5 feet of concrete if the right layers
are used, but please, boxes/doors/thin walls should be penetrable.
Oh yea, make deaths more realistic. Instead of instant deaths, make them cough up blood, crawl, beg
etc etc. It's kind of annoying when you shoot the shit outta someone, but it's like the legs, and they
just fall over. They should die realistic. That one scene from Kill Bill near the end is what I'm
imagining after you're done with a room
Also, grenades should be fragmentation as that's what most grenades are. Unless you really want HE
grenades in the game.
-------------------Adolf Hitler
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
"A man is his own easiest dupe, as what he wishes to be true he generally will believe to be true."
Kenneth Boulding
"Anybody who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."
Edited by 0mar (03/19/04 06:53 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 0marTheZealot]
03/19/04 06:55 PM
Well I haven't read this entire thread so my apologies if this has already been mentioned. Interactivity
you say? Seeing as how the game takes place in and around Las Vegas, I have but one word:
The possibilities are endless!
-------------------http://www.edgesofseven.com The new sound of Industrial Rock.
Edges of Seven forums
Re: Interactivity. [Re: SpamViking]
03/19/04 07:36 PM
I'd like to freeze a pipe bomb to a wall.
-------------------All your fighting makes me want to cry - Mariamus
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: ExcessiveForce]
03/19/04 07:49 PM
Yeah, a pipe bomb and a freezethorwer would do it, I tried that in Duke 3D, and it didn't work.
I feel that with the shrinker, I would like to be able to shrink objects as well as monsters/strippers, or
myself even. To see a shrunk bottle of beer or a shrunk crate in the middle of the street, well, if you
squish those, when the objects enlarge themselves, you can, well, shrinking objects like rubber tires
or explosives would do it, at least when you squish an explosive tank, you'll only take minimal
damage. That's probably the only good thing about shrinking an object other than a living being in the
Outside of that, being able to break a beer bottle or wine bottle after drinking it for health, just use
the bottle as a weapon, and to make it better, have Duke whack it against a wall to make it even
more dangerous, which'll expose the sharp edges. He would use the neck of the bottle as a handle,
then use the bottle to slash or jab a monster, and gush blood all over, and eventually kill him. That
would be awesome.
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: SpamViking]
03/19/04 08:04 PM
This thread rocks,
I want to set up a mock game of cricket/baseball in multiplayer. You could have someone swinging a
wooden bat and a thrower throwing a round object at him with a catcher behind him or maybe some
object that makes a noise if the ball hits it so you know their out. Perhaps, there could be a
multiplayer environment that’s based on an abandoned basketball court, (hmm maybe not
abandoned, it’d be fun to watch the NPC’s getting caught up in crossfire at the beginning
) and
there is a bunch of stuff lying around, like balls and bats, that can be picked up and used effectively.
Doorbells, if you ring them enough, someone will come and answer the door. (inside dukes hotel is a
good place for this idea)
Shake a can of soda, toss it to a NPC watch as they spill soda all over themselves.
Use a knife to let the air out of a car’s tyres
Kill a guy so he falls on a spinning roullett wheel
Eat food – gain health, eat a mouldy sandwich out of a rubbish bin and your health stays the same
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Throw things at fans, you know the rotating blade fans that spin around in circles on the roof. You
could toss things at the fan and and watch as they fly off at random angles, or pick up a small alien
and push his head into it. (ull have to clean ur sunglassses after that)
Chopping down a tree, with a chainsaw, or some other method
Re: Interactivity. [Re: dutch]
03/19/04 08:45 PM
- I like the idea of using computers in the game, but not for bullshit things, that have nothing to do
with the game itself, like surfing the internet. Make it a part of the game like they did in SIN. Finding
passwords for unlocking doors or disabling security systems via a dos prompt, or even operating
things via the computer.
- Tripmines where pretty useless in a duke3d singeplayer game. I would like to see it more woven into
the game, since it's a very cool weapon.
- I don't think the game needs everything to be playable/usable, but I think things need to react more
to eachother, in such way the player can combine certain effects. With this I mean using the
environment a little more to kill enemy's. Things falling down on NMY's applying damage like
mentioned before, explosives in a hot environment exploding automaticly etc.
Edited by prezioso (03/19/04 08:47 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: prezioso]
03/19/04 09:29 PM
- I like the idea of using computers in the game, but not for bullshit things, that have nothing to do
with the game itself, like surfing the internet. Make it a part of the game like they did in SIN. Finding
passwords for unlocking doors or disabling security systems via a dos prompt, or even operating things
via the computer.
No way.
Duke isn't a thinking game, it's a *fast* game. You can't beat *any* part of SIN in 22 seconds.
If computers are in the game, then they should be either optional, or fun and easy. DOS is neither
intuitive nor fun, and putting passwords in hidden files is just mean. At worst the password should be
in a file called "PASSWORD.TXT" on the GUI desktop, and be something campy, easy to remember,
and not random.
- Tripmines where pretty useless in a duke3d singeplayer game. I would like to see it more woven into
the game, since it's a very cool weapon.
I loved tripmines. They're better than the Mighty Foot when out of other ammo, especially when
setting-off C9.
- I don't think the game needs everything to be playable/usable, but I think things need to react more
to eachother, in such way the player can combine certain effects. With this I mean using the
environment a little more to kill enemy's. Things falling down on NMY's applying damage like mentioned
before, explosives in a hot environment exploding automaticly etc.
Incidentals shouldn't be overused, but theyr'e nice to have. The crates in the very first level of Max
Payne 2 were fun to play with, for example, but little more than fun eyecandy.
Which reminds me, I've got an itching to beat MP2 again now that I've got a way to hear it.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Beelze]
03/19/04 09:51 PM
Most stuff has already been posted, but here goes:
Show more things on a TV screen. Infact, picking up a TV remote and changing channels would add a
nice touch to the game. I've always wanted to do this. Always.
Analog\digital clocks: Instead of having a picture of a analog clock slapped on the wall, why not make
it a fully functional clock? Minute, hour and second hands all working. Same goes for the digital clocks.
As for NPC interaction, It would be rather nice for a NPC to say more than five things! Also, if it's cold
I'd like to see the NPCs breath.
Ability to shoot vehicle tires out.
Kick any "normal" door open.
On a side note, 3D Realms - PLEASE have more than one way to finish a level. I want to explore and
go anywhere I want to. Going to point A to point B is old and way too average for a game. That's
what made Duke3D so great back in the day. You had more than one way to do something. Same
goes for Deus Ex: 1.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Steve]
03/19/04 11:22 PM
- Make and pake a pizza
- Swim with the dopefish at a zoo!
- Keen space ship.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Sharpo]
03/19/04 11:40 PM
Ooohhh! Spacefighter minigame!
Have it be a section of the game that you have to go through, but once you finish the section you
unlock it as a multi-level (An hour or two of gameplay) minigame.
Let people include the spacefighter enemies and crafts and such in levels and it'll lead to some very
cool designs; a map where you have to take-on hordes of aliens and aircraft on the way to a fighter,
and then you use the fighter to rip 'em a new one.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Krid]
03/20/04 01:27 AM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
- KARAOKE ! (with babes cheering duke...)
- More elaborate "Talk with", "Follow me", "Stay here" or "Give Money" interaction with friendly NPCs.
- Can use ennemy as human shield, or in this case "alien shield". I think this could be pretty cool
unless it's overdone (Duke shouldn't be able to do this all the time, it should be a rare event...).
- Minigames such as a pool table or darts...
- If Las Vegas is still in DNF, Being able to play Casino games is a must.
- Duke should be able to poke Weird Looking Alien Goo™ covering a victim or resulting from an
alien being shot with an RPG (this "elastic goo" should stay stuck on Duke's finger and extend while
he tries to pull his finger out).
Duke should also be able to poke "People with interesting features"
Hmmm. A lot has already been said, I'm seriously lacking imagination right now. I'll get back on this
after I've had some sleep.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: AlienAssKicker]
03/20/04 02:09 AM
Lots of interacting with other people NPC's and such have heaps of diff lines of speech you can say to
Also include a adult mode where we get to see a peep show or something
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Acid]
03/20/04 05:21 AM
I agree about the use of computers... I don't wanna surf the real internet, I'd close Duke and load up
Mozilla if I wanted to do that. It would be cool to have a 'mock' DNF forum seeing a thread where
some of the forum Vets are saying what they always say:
AAK: DNF Needs striipers and good Boobie-Physics
Drazula: Shut up AAK, they're late enough as it is, DNF will suck.
Dr. Dude: As long as the stipper is a GPCS I don't care how long it takes.
George: Shut Up Draz
Joe: This thread is getting off topic, I'm locking it.
That would be funny.
I'd like to see weapons interacting with eachother. for example, if someone runs at me with a
flamethrower, I want to be albe to shoot the freezethrower and not get damaged until it runs out. I
want to be able to throw something through a tripbomb so I don't have to shhot it. The ability to
throw peoples grenades and bombs back at them. Freezing a pipebomb to a wall would be cool.
It would be gfreat if you could fist-fight with a pig cop and stuff a pipebomb down nis throat then run
away and detonate
-------------------God gave man imagination to compensate him for what he is not;
and a sense of humor to console him for what he is.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: prezioso]
03/20/04 07:32 AM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
- I like the idea of using computers in the game, but not for bullshit things, that have nothing to do
with the game itself, like surfing the internet. Make it a part of the game like they did in SIN. Finding
passwords for unlocking doors or disabling security systems via a dos prompt, or even operating things
via the computer.
- Tripmines where pretty useless in a duke3d singeplayer game. I would like to see it more woven into
the game, since it's a very cool weapon.
- I don't think the game needs everything to be playable/usable, but I think things need to react more
to eachother, in such way the player can combine certain effects. With this I mean using the
environment a little more to kill enemy's. Things falling down on NMY's applying damage like mentioned
before, explosives in a hot environment exploding automaticly etc.
Yeah, Half-Life had it where you could use the computers in the Black Mesa lobby area, I remember.
As for doing this in DNF, well, using these in there, yo would be able to control and hack into video
poker machines, maybe some slots, and turn them against the aliens and NPCs, that would rule!
Naw, outside of that, the single best thing to have in Duke despite all I've said before was the fact
that there shold be some fire alarms in the casino that you could sound to evacuate the patrons of the
casino, so that it would be just down to you and the aliens, preferably as a cinematic, as opposed to
in-game. As far as the in-game is concerned, I think that a good use of being able to use an explosive
and tearing the machines out of their foundation would be nice, not just short-circuit the machines like
you would expect. You can even pick up and throw dead machines at monsters, something like that,
knowing Duke's strength. Something like this would do, IMHO.
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 8IronBob]
03/20/04 10:22 AM
Drivable Vehicles!
I think Epic did a terrific job with the vehicles in the UT2K4 demo. I've played the demo for the last 34 weeks now, and it's the most fun I've had with my pants on. I'm planning to buy the game just for
Onslaught Mode, if nothing else.
(I'd love to see something in the game like a wall clock that actually shows what time it is in the real
-------------------"We've climbed the mighty mountain. I see the valley below, and it's a valley of peace." - Pres. Bush
"I've seen the top of the mountain, and it is good." - Butthead
Re: Interactivity. [Re: NutWrench]
03/20/04 11:19 AM
I'd like a jukebox in a bar that plays your own MP3s you copied in a special duke folder; a bit like GTA
Vice City. Come on, this HAS to be in!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: The Cartographer]
03/20/04 11:39 AM
george, here's some cool ideas implemented in a game for interactivity. i like the shotgun blast
through the doors:
right click as save as:
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/20/04 12:59 PM
I just hope they have the same level (or more) interactivity that was present in Duke 3D, and
hopefully things stay on schedule.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gilgamesh]
03/20/04 04:38 PM
"I just hope they have the same level (or more) interactivity that was present in Duke 3D"
3DR Staff
Well I can tell you this. We are way, way, way past the interactivity levels in Duke 3D. Both in volume
of stuff you can do, and also in the detail of stuff you can do.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/20/04 04:40 PM
"I just hope they have the same level (or more) interactivity that was present in Duke 3D"
Well I can tell you this. We are way, way, way past the interactivity levels in Duke 3D. Both in volume
of stuff you can do, and also in the detail of stuff you can do.
\o/ wheeey, good news
verry good news indeed
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/20/04 04:45 PM
Well I can tell you this. We are way, way, way past the interactivity levels in Duke 3D. Both in volume
of stuff you can do, and also in the detail of stuff you can do.
Warm and fuzzy feeling...
And to think I'd gladly settle for an *equal* level of interactivity as in
Keep up the good work guys, I'm sure DNF will rock.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/20/04 04:54 PM
"I just hope they have the same level (or more) interactivity that was present in Duke 3D"
Well I can tell you this. We are way, way, way past the interactivity levels in Duke 3D. Both in volume
of stuff you can do, and also in the detail of stuff you can do.
if the 2001 video was any indication, we're gonna have some great stuff to look forward too. the small
attention to detail is what really impressed me with that video.
there's just so many cool ideas and such, i'm afraid it's gonna be awhile for all this stuff or most of it
to get put in game.
you want some really deep interactivity? how about using a magnifying glass to look at a gun's
hardgrip for fingerprints, once you see the prints, take them to the laser scanner that reads the prints
and then go to the computer and turn it on to get a paper read out of the suspect. but this is a duke
game, i suspect he'd just grab the gun and shoot someone with it.
the *finer* points of interactivity could be used for easter eggs in the game.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
maybe have duke do things in the game that at the time he does them(maybe hit a switch) it does
nothing too deep but further in the game, we found out what the action was. perhaps he flooded a
room of aliens?
btw-keep the idea with the 30ft pig cop with laser beam eyes george. i want a godzilla sized pig cop
stomping on people and smashing down buildings.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Edited by KaiserSoze (03/20/04 05:01 PM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/20/04 06:30 PM
I can tell you that you saw what the level of interactivity was like in Deus Ex, and also in the UT
series, especially in UT 2k3 and UT 2k4, so taking the other games that were made on the Unreal
engine like these, it's safe to say that these would be standard in DNF as far as the minimum for the
interactivity you could see in DNF, I wouldn't be a bit surprised about that one.
Especially Deus Ex, that was awesome interactivity in both that and its sequel, DXIW. Seeing how you
could pick up and throw everything you had the crosshairs on, which was a lot of stuff, and be able to
use everything, like TVs and sinks, toilets, showers, etc... You'd expect at least this in DNF, if not
more so.
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/20/04 07:04 PM
"I just hope they have the same level (or more) interactivity that was present in Duke 3D"
Well I can tell you this. We are way, way, way past the interactivity levels in Duke 3D. Both in volume
of stuff you can do, and also in the detail of stuff you can do.
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/20/04 08:46 PM
George, my Dad is a great fan of the Duke games (got me into the games). He suggested why not
have X-ray sunglasses? It would be rather amusing, if they X-ray glasses are rare to find that is.
Can you search dead bodies for items, etc? Like Deus Ex.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Steve]
03/20/04 08:53 PM
George, my Dad is a great fan of the Duke games (got me into the games). He suggested why not have
X-ray sunglasses? It would be rather amusing, if they X-ray glasses are rare to find that is.
Can you search dead bodies for items, etc? Like Deus Ex.
Uhh, that sort of duplicated my question, I remember bringing up Deus Ex comparisons, and stated
that this would possibly be the minimum for DNF's interactivity, that's just my hunch for right now,
doesn't mean that willl happen. At least by Max Payne standards, that'll probably be a good start.
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 8IronBob]
03/20/04 09:06 PM
George, my Dad is a great fan of the Duke games (got me into the games). He suggested why
not have X-ray sunglasses? It would be rather amusing, if they X-ray glasses are rare to find that
Can you search dead bodies for items, etc? Like Deus Ex.
Uhh, that sort of duplicated my question, I remember bringing up Deus Ex comparisons, and
stated that this would possibly be the minimum for DNF's interactivity, that's just my hunch for
right now, doesn't mean that willl happen. At least by Max Payne standards, that'll probably be a
good start.
Sorry, I can't be bothered reading eveything
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Steve]
03/21/04 01:57 AM
Wow... I had alot to read there, I skimmed over quite a bit (didn't skip any messages, just skimmed
It's tough to come up with something that hasn't already been suggested...
I like the shrink ray ideas, something similar could be done with the expander. Oh, seeing as how the
expander is microwave based, use it on food to cook it and increase it's health value
Duke never had alternate uses for most of it's weapons, implementing alternate uses would be
interesting. If the default no weapon is still the kick, an alternate for it could be the punch. Maybe add
in a head bunt, Duke's a pretty strong character.
Stamina would be nice to see in game, you can run, but you get worn out after a while and slow
down. If you ever played World War II Online, something like their system would be good, you can
sprint a short distance, run even farther... while you walk you regain stamina slowly, if you stop or
even lay down (or sit?) you gain it even faster. I like to see some sort of realism in this regard or
people set him to run constantly.... heavy breathing when he gets tired from running too much
(possibly giving away his position?)
Of course all the Duke3D classics have to be in there like taking a leak at the toilet (or, seeing as how
he is a man, anywhere he pleases, heheheh).
Perhaps health kits could be used in much the same way as in BF1942, you hear bandages being
applied while health is slowly regained, perhaps even a usable hospital, ambulance etc... (use that cell
phone someone mentioned to call 911? Perhaps that is too much, but I am brainstorming here
Interactive women/strippers...
(nothing says they won't slap your face, or even call the cops,
People mentioned TVs with changable channels.. .maybe radio as well.
A computer with a usable forum, perhaps even linked online somehow, that may be a bit much, but....
I like the idea of having an option to leave objects laying around, I also thought leaving bodies laying
around would be interesting, especially in a multiplayer game. Or maybe have ambulances or other
vehicals come buy and kart them off or whatever.
Something I always thought should have been in Duke3D was the nuke launcher from Shadow
Warrior, it just fits Duke3D more for obvious reasons.
A homing beacon you stick to somebody/something? (can be discovered and stuck to a rat
Perhaps levels where Duke actually gets to go to a motel room and get some sleep (with or without a
partner, heheh)... but mainly for REST, you never see character rest in games... could be a good way
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to end a level, he goes to a room, gets some much needed sleep, awakes the next morning or is
jolted awake by some event, or maybe police arrest him and cart him off to another level... but
SLEEP! heheh... I don't know how doable this is, but it would be unique.
A baseball bat (ala: ROTT).
And to end this lengthy post, I like the idea of seeing your body, look down, see your body, feet etc...
see your hand push the button blah blah...
(EDIT: oh, if you can see your body, and you allow duke to take a leak, perhaps have a large
black "CENSORED" box where his genitals would be if you look down while he takes a leak, heheheh)
(EDIT#2: One more thing, in news reports about violent games they loved to show Duke3D shooting a
stripper, in this game, if he shoots an innocent woman like a stripper, have the cops come along and
cart him off to jail, end of game. Or have futuristic police transport in out of nowhere and shoot him
dead. Some severe penalty.)
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
Edited by Neil Roy (03/21/04 02:02 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/21/04 02:35 AM
Heh I just want the mail man to bring my wellfare check while I'm sitting on a couch drinkin' beers
smoking cigarettes grabbing my crotch and watching the world being devastate on TV ok thank you
damn I miss my coma key but what hell just take a breath when you feel like it bye.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DrafT]
03/21/04 02:47 AM
I think having shows on random tv's playing would allow many classic new Duke one-liners =)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: StixnStonz]
03/21/04 03:27 AM
I hope the way to interact with suff is easy, like in duke3d: pressing spacebar to view the different
security monitors.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/21/04 04:00 AM
Stamina is a good idea, but the normal running mode should'nt burn stamina, sprinting would use the
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/21/04 05:58 AM
"I just hope they have the same level (or more) interactivity that was present in Duke 3D"
Well I can tell you this. We are way, way, way past the interactivity levels in Duke 3D. Both in volume
of stuff you can do, and also in the detail of stuff you can do.
I hope this means what I think it means! Meaning electric sockets and lightswitches are in and that
there are even more things to be interacted with in this category.
I wonder tho how you can get way way way past the interactivity levels and detail of DN3D and still
have it be a fast paced action shooter game, or maybe they cut the speed down a few notches but i
doubt that...
I didn't read all the posts in this thread so I'm prolly repeating stuff.
Anyway here's my take,
General gameplay:
I want a "arm weapon". If you select it it brings out duke's arm. Left click punches, right click initiates
interaction. You'll pick something up or flip a switch (not sure about this, its prolly best to be able to
interact with switches whenever you please without getting the hand out first). Anyway once you've
picked something up left click drops it and right click throws it, the longer you hold down right click
the further you attempt to throw it. Or maybe left click activates the object you picked up in a way,
for example if you picked up a can of soda you'll drink it.
Would be cool if you could flip over stuff like tables and other large objects.
Now that i think about it, most of this hand stuff is in Devastation right?
I hope DNF implements it
I think it's safe to say that their "every character can pick up every pickupable object and hold it in his
hands" idea from the quake2 version (i think thats what it was) is still in, judging by the guy waving a
flashlight around in the DNF e2001 video.
Objects interact with objects. Very cpu intensive prolly. Stuff can knock over or push away other stuff
when they come in contact.
No invincible objects! if it's not bolted down it should be destructable in a way. Like in the DNF e3
2001 vid, the paint cans and bottles or whatever.
Mighty foot! but more detailed. It would be cool to determine the force you kick with. Hold down
longer and you'll kick stuff harder and also further! And kick em through/against stuff. Like
playfullpuppy already mentioned, kicking someone through a glass window.
I'm pretty sure something like this is present in DNF, since in the DNF e3 2001 you can see some guy
falling onto a glass roof or something and breaking the glass and also getting blood all over the glass
which is a neat detail i think.
Another weapon I would like to see improved is the Freeze ray (if it's in that is).
Secondary fire charges the freeze ray, you'll see a little ice ball form infront of it with little ice particles
getting attracted to it while the ice ball grows bigger and bigger. If you let go it well repell the ice ball
forward knocking into a enemy, either shattering to pieces on impact or following through untill the
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enemy gets knocked into something and gets squished between the ice ball and the other object
Those last bits might be a bit too much.
Oh it would be cool if the freezegun could freeze stuf besides enemies.
Realistic weight/speed/force interactions. Duke jumping on a cheap ass table could break it.
An original health system ( i hope the ego health is still in) Gain health not only from standard health
pick ups but from your actions aswell.
Enviromental/object interactivity
- turn every light on / off
- shoot lights
- drink from water fountaints
- ceiling fans turn on/off
- computers (turn em on and off, see a DNF screensaver?)
- interactive TVs
- Turning valves for various effects
- flower pots that can be shot
- being able to control a camera when viewing from it and having the option to zoom in and out ,
maybe have nightvision for the camera.
- If its not bolted down being able to pick it up and throw it/use it as a shield if its not too heavy of
- Be able to enter a keycode manually by controlling duke's finger.
- Interactive vending machines, being able to choose what you want. The item you got will be stored
in your inventory for later use and will effect your ego health.
- Interactive toilets, will increase your ego health when used. Just like how it increased your health in
- Interactive machines, like pinball machines and slotmachines. These could effect your ego health,
same principle as the toilet.
- Pool table with interactive sticks and balls! :P
- interactive desk or pay phone would be cool, since its kinda in the future you could make it a video
phone. That way you don't have to make Duke pick up a horn or whatever. If you dial a number you
conveniantly found written on the bathroomwall you'll see a little movie played of some weird S&M
guy answering the phone. Or maybe just a 3DR employee.
- if furniture has a door or drawer, i wanna be able to open it. This could make the enviroment way
too detailed however, since people will be expecting to find crap inside. Tho the crap can just be static
textures or something (dunno how that would look).
- be able to shove the barrel of your gun up a cat's... no wait, wrong game :P
- being able to kick open doors
- Drivable vehicles
- Interactive magic markers!
- Remote controlled robots
- Different food items have different effects on duke's ego health and on duke. Some will temporarilly
make you reload faster? or increase your maximum health.
Hmmm thats all i can think of for now :\
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/21/04 07:08 AM
I like the shrink ray ideas, something similar could be done with the expander. Oh, seeing as how the
expander is microwave based, use it on food to cook it and increase it's health value
Like Duke Nukem 2, with the goose
Orochi Avlis
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/21/04 08:56 AM
"I just hope they have the same level (or more) interactivity that was present in Duke 3D"
Well I can tell you this. We are way, way, way past the interactivity levels in Duke 3D. Both in volume
of stuff you can do, and also in the detail of stuff you can do.
*a big grin growing on my face
-------------------"Yes, Valve truly is the antichrist for doing business with such backwards people." - Warmaster129
"And I thought fallacies have something to do with oral sex." - Klaus Kinski
Joe, the King Of Fighters
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Orochi Avlis]
03/21/04 12:05 PM
Also I hope there's a lot of general interactivity.
Although a pinball machine would be fun, it's something small that doesn't provide a lot of
possibilities. You can play it, probably destroy is, and that's it. I hope you will be able to drag and
throw stuff around, experimenting with different combinations of objects. This is something that can
be fun through the entire game.
The game should invite you to try all kinds of things to achieve your goal. People should be able to
talk about stuff they did and come up with all kinds of stories.
Every object should have it's own posibilities. In combination with physics you should be able to do
some crazy stuff 3DR didn't even think about.
I hope you get my point.
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: IHerman]
03/21/04 12:31 PM
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Nice ideas IHerman.
We should be able to kill live animals and eat 'em raw or microwaved too. lol
vegetarians while we're at it)
(maybe shoot a few
I think giving various objects in the game a wieght and assigning a weight limit that duke can lift
(combined with his stamina for how long he can hold it up perhaps) would be kewl. Or just flagging
certain objects as liftable, throwable, stackable, destroyable etc... could lead to some interesting
stories as IHerman put it, and "kewl stories" lead to more sales.
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/21/04 01:09 PM
You know in the Enter The Matrix game, apart from all the crappiness it had one really cool feature.
You could go on this hacking type mission dealy. It would be really cool if that sort of thing was in
DNF, except on a greater scale. Like various consoles spread throughout the game, and by haxoring
them you can get to new secret areas, weapons and items. Sometimes you will have to haxor to get
past certain puzzles in the game. That would be really cool, and you could extend the haxoring idea to
multplayer with a certain game type that you can haxor your own character and the other character to
change their stats. Sorta like a ligit way to use aimbots, except that they are loaded in game from predefined bots via haxoring though a special console. Then again I suppose that really isn't Duke's style,
but it still would be cool.
On a similar note, I really really would like there to be puzzles in DNF as well as mad FPS slaughter.
Like in the good old days of the Seirra platform games like Space Quest. Of course, DNF would have
sick graphics. Anyways, I want to see some of those old, find the items, manipulate the items and
other objects in the level correctly style puzzles, if you know what I mean. Those kind of puzzles allow
for, if not require, great level interactivity and I feel would be really really cool.
As for actual inteactive items, push buttons. I want lots of pushy clicky buttons and big arrays of
blinking lights and randomly placed blinking lights. Trampolines are cool too, and places where you
can do really high dives into water. Like an olympic pool with the high diving platform. And when
there are exposions in sewers then the manholes should shoot up into the sky.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DudeMiester]
03/21/04 01:36 PM
I don't think Duke should become a hacker. He solves his problems by shooting them and blowing
them up.
But I would like to see some nice tricks to get to secret area's, instead of all the find the hidden door
and blow up the crack in the wall thingies.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: IHerman]
03/21/04 02:36 PM
Duke should be able to pinch strippers nippples and make fun of the FCC...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: william2461]
03/21/04 02:39 PM
Naw, I wouldn't go that far with it.
However, I think that the stripper would make a great NPC, that and the EDF staff. Make like DXIW, if
you rub them the wrong way, then they'll take a gun and start siding with the aliens against you. If
you're friendly enough with them, though, then that would be awesome to see what happens. Duke
Nukem vs. everyone else, man, I think that would be awesome!
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
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Bobby B
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 8IronBob]
03/21/04 03:19 PM
I have to say that one of the most annoying things in most FPS shooters is the 'automatic door open'
feature. Personaly im sick of movin too close to a door and it opens to a whole room of baddies i
wasnt even ready for yet! Please let us open door by ourselves with the 'use'key!
Oh and one more thing...the ability to actually be able to pick up most objects ala dXIW, and also not
to have to swap to 'no weapon' to be able to do it! (picking up bodies was cool also i thought)
Oh oh, and one final thing...I think i suggested this ages ago,but i think i will bring it up agin as it
would be so nice! As duke is in Vegas, i would love to see an old arcade somewhere, you know, one of
those smokey dark places where we used to play games such as double dragon or pacman! Obviously
these machines could not be available, but maybe sneak in Duke1+2 on them or something!
Edited by Bobby B (03/21/04 03:31 PM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Bobby B]
03/21/04 03:29 PM
Yeah, you're right about that auto door open, that got annoying in the Max Payne series, as well. If
those games would've been like Duke 3D where you could just "use" the doors and open them,
instead of standing right by them and having them open for you. Of course, the Quake engine and
technology had the auto open, and that's maybe what started the whole thing. Now Half-Life used
some manual open-door features, but most were automatic, but at least the ones that were manually
opened were the locked doors that a security guard or a scientist would only open, so that was good
that you could prepare yourself when he opened it for you.
I see this happening in DNF, you could use a stripper or EDF guard to open a door or two for you, so
you could be prepared for what could happen on the other side, rather than the auto open, and have
all those popcorn surprises around every corner. I'd have a heart attack if I had a doorr open on me,
and didn't expect the worst. That's one thing that I'm hoping can be changed in DNF, the only doors
that should automatically open, are ike elevator doors, or doors to a grocery or convenience type
store, etc... Those are doors that would open automatically in real life, so would be the case in DNF...
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-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Bobby B]
03/21/04 03:29 PM
You should be able to pick up ceratin materials and be able to make ammunition, kinda like in
Resident Evil.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: HarroSIN]
03/21/04 04:12 PM
Finally! I have the time and patience to reply to this marvelous thread
- Interactive interactivity! By this I mean double interactivity for objects, an example: You have a
pinball machine, and you can play it, but you can also smash the glass and put a coke can in the
center (where your ball isn't supposed to go) and thus cheating with the game.
- Real-life water effects! I'm not talking about sweet graphics, but about the way water BEHAVES. It
would be neat to open up a sink in a random place and have water realistically pour in and flood
where the holes are big enough (and squirt if there's enough pressure)
- "unlimited" levels! Sometimes it's a bitch to not be able to go past a certain point simply because the
level ends there! I'd love to take a jetpack (fair or cheating) and fly past the actual level. Like over a
random generated landscape or something. Or a continuesly repeating piece of city (highway?)
- Location specific gibs! Say you have a weapon wich deals a lot of damage on a specific spot, and
you'd fire on the head, I want the head to go splush (or just punch a hole through it) and create gibs
that could be in the head (i.e. no liver when I shoot the head, no eyeballs when I shoot someguys
- Cheaters reward! Usually when you into an area that you're not supposed to go to with cheating you
get weird effects. An example:
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In Half-life there's a scientist is talking to the guy in the suit, but you can't hear them well through the
glass, but if you clip through the glass they still talk rubbish
I want to be able to figure out stuff I'm not supposed to know (some jokes would be fun) if I'd play
That's about it. Oh! And ofcourse a big amount of interactivity in MP too so you can go trash a world
with multiple players
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/21/04 05:14 PM
Here's a(imo) great idea for a new weapon/tool for Duke to use:
How about making a weapon for duke that shoots out a rob and have an attachment device fixed at
the end of the rob!
Duke could use this for rapelling down from a building or other platforms located on higher grounds. It
could also be used the other way around.
Example: Duke have to get inside a 15 floor building and it's only possible to get inside via a open
window located on the 10th floor
It could also features 2 robs(an here the inspiration comes from Batman 1) which would shoot in each
opposite direction and make duke able to glide from one platform to the next(that would look cool).
The weapon would have to feature a small internal engine to pull the rob back in of course. The robs
length would set it's limits and you could program it so, that the attachment device would only attach
to specific materials.
And lastly Duke can of course use it to shoot enemy foes.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
03/21/04 05:17 PM
I think it'd be cool to have a few instant-death events.. .. to expand on the idea of scientists/etc
opening doors FOR you..
Let's say a stripper is opening a door
if you stand perpendicular to the door (so you can shoot through the newly opened passage instantly)
a creature would lunge at your face, and knocks you down.. (like your screen literally goes insane, it
looks up, and the screen moves back some, like you would if you actually got attacked... then your
screen basically goes bloody and such, and you die instantly.
BUT.. if you were to stand at the side of the door... or somewhere out of the immediate range of the
door.. the creature will either
1) Wait for you to enter the new room (and attack you, without instantly killing you).. (it'll wait off to
the side or something)
2) it jumps through the door, and lands on the ground (where it would have killed you, if yo uwere
standing).. then it'll look around (head moves) and when it finds you, it runs at you to attack you
This would really make the game exciting.. and if you didn't save, before opening the door, your heart
would probably explode
- You should also be able to mess with VIDEO CAMERAS, too. Such as you could should them, and if
you tried using the view screen, they simply wouldn't work, or would have blood, or broken glass
designs on the screen... you should be able to make them not destructable, or auto-fix them after
some time, for multiplayer levels, and such.
since George said he'll read some posts here.... i'd like to suggest that the next doom video should
mock the HL2 video..
IE: have the original duke.. then the new duke.. and have him do any face changes, etc. that the
engine supports... coolness.
Edited by MasterEvilAce (03/21/04 05:28 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/21/04 05:26 PM
What kinds of things do you see Duke interacting with?
Babes and boobies.
The best things are items that can affect gameplay in some way. But some things are just flat out for
fun and amusement.
Same here: babes and boobies!
(don't forget: 99% of us Duke fans are guys!)
Some examples to give you an idea what's possible:
Microwave (fun/barely gameplay): Open it, turn it on. Put food in. Cook it for more health. Put a rat in
it and nuke it.
Wall valve (simple/gameplay): grab it and turn it left or right to alter steam, or open a hatch, or
If I can turn on babes with that microwave or valve then I'll be happy.
What kinds of things do you hope to see, both in terms of "fun", and also for "gameplay". In practical
terms, there is basically no limit to what you can suggest, but everything has to be balanced with how
long it takes to implement vs how useful it is in game.
Sorry, but if you say that everything has to be balanced with how long it takes to implement then
there IS a limit!
I suggest you stick with those microwaves, valves, computers, keypads, pinball machines and stuff
like that, but make them as complex as possible.
Oh and don't forget to make us mappers and modders be able to tweak with those interactive objects
in UnrealEd (Duke Enormous Tool, or however the DNF level editor will be called)!
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-------------------"You know the old saying that the rich man will sell you the rope to hang yourself with if he can make a dollar off it?" Michael Moore
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Daedalus]
03/21/04 05:31 PM
can we expect the ability to rip off peoples heads and throw them at light switches to turn them on???
expect more stupid questions from me
-------------------"Oh, and Marty, I may be a gnat, but I'm hung like a horesfly." - London_Midge
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Marty]
03/21/04 07:12 PM
How about putting some things in DNF that you had planned on putting in the original Duke3D but
couldn't make work at that time. Like the spacesuit you wore so you could go outside a ship or bounce
around the lunar surface.
It would also be nice to be able to blow up an RIAA building (maybe with lots of money and broken
CDs flying out of the debris).
Perhaps the ability to take a missile launcher (or two) and mount them to the sides of a Donkey.
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/21/04 07:34 PM
you know the space suit and jumping around on low gravity surfaces would really rock the gameplay.
Imagine jumping over the top of an enemy while blasting the crap out of their head.... nice
-------------------"Oh, and Marty, I may be a gnat, but I'm hung like a horesfly." - London_Midge
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Marty]
03/21/04 07:56 PM
Interactivity has gotten better nowadays.
The vibrating control for consoles (PS2/Xbox) is a good example how interactivity evolves. Take for
example, Splinter Cell for Xbox. It's really cool how the control vibrates as you try to pick locks.
Interacting is not just pressing buttons, but also getting feedback. That is the next step! Oh yeah, not
forgetting Sony's I-toy.
Perhaps DNF can do this once its ported to console?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/21/04 08:17 PM
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How about putting some things in DNF that you had planned on putting in the original Duke3D but
couldn't make work at that time.
Ooh! Ooh! I wanna see this whole cut sequence from Duke 3d get into DNF:
...where fter you get killed, the Pig Cop butts you with it's shotgun, to make sure you're dead or
That would be awesome if pulled off right.
On that line, it would be pretty cool if the enviroment interacted with your dead body after you were
killed. Y'know, for instance, enemies might stomp on you making blood pouring from your head cover
the screen...an alien might fire a rocket up your dead ass and you could see Duke's body parts fly
around. Fun stuff.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/21/04 08:30 PM
or he fades away and starts to see himself up in the clouds surrounded by several virgin women
-------------------"Oh, and Marty, I may be a gnat, but I'm hung like a horesfly." - London_Midge
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Marty]
03/21/04 08:50 PM
Then you'll have people complaining about the sudden "Game Over" as a sound-byte of all the 3dr
guys snickering is played.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/21/04 10:07 PM
few more things(sorry if already mentioned).
turn on a firehose and aim it at an enemy and soak it. then use a weapon to freeze it.
throw a bottle of honey at a pig cop and bees come out and sting the hell out of him.
those tree limb grinders you see in the street when the neighbor gets a tree cut down or trimmed?
kick an enemy into that and it gets shredded.
pick up a tissue to blow your nose.
pick up a girly mag and look through it, flipping pages.
have working gas lines and mains. shoot the gas line-boom!
go to a massage parlor and get a massage.
have material do stuff also. if a curtain is behind a window, when you shoot the window, i want to see
the curtain react naturally from the glass and gunshot blast.
or if clothes are hanging outside on a clothes line, have them wave and flap around in the wind.
have some trash blow down the street.
have puddles of water in the street and if vehicles are driving by, it can splash the puddle.
go to a fully interactive grocery store and play around with all the different products. you can even
push around a shopping car to fill it up.
go to a fully interactive gun shop and look at/pick up any of the weapons you see.
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more later...
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/21/04 10:36 PM
have material do stuff also. if a curtain is behind a window, when you shoot the window, i want to see
the curtain react naturally from the glass and gunshot blast.
This can already be seen in the E3 2001 video.
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Soilwork]
03/21/04 10:39 PM
have material do stuff also. if a curtain is behind a window, when you shoot the window, i want to
see the curtain react naturally from the glass and gunshot blast.
This can already be seen in the E3 2001 video.
really? didn't catch that!
another excuse to go watch the video again!
/off to click on video
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/21/04 11:22 PM
It's tough to decide which ideas are obvious, and not worth saying, and which are worth mentioning,
but here goes...
-Lockers are always fun to explore, like the ones in the beginning of half-life.
-If there are usable telephones in the game then it might be neat to find a phone number in grafitti, or
on a billboard, and be able to call it for a nice audio treat.
<pirate> yarr.... I'm not creative </pirate>
Edit: If there is not a working urinal in the game, I'll be very disappointed. Even outraged
-------------------Funk not only moves, it can re-move, dig?
Join my holy army of funk...
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Edited by tsingtao (03/21/04 11:30 PM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/22/04 04:28 AM
How about something like the gas can from postal 2 ?
-------------------You smell that? Do you smell that? ... Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in
the morning...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Beelze]
03/22/04 07:01 AM
Cool thread !
What I'd like to see (sorry if this has been said) :
- driving cars for real (no "box with wheels" crap)
- surfing the web within the game
- a Duke walkman where he can listen to mp3 from the hard drive
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Prodigy]
03/22/04 07:12 AM
This really isn't interactivity, but Duke should start the game weak and out of shape (fat). He should
react slowly and not be able to run for too long. After all, he has been out of action for seven years.
Then as the game goes on, he gets faster, slimmer and stronger. By the end becoming the toughest
Duke we've ever seen.
-------------------"Mountain Man was right about activation!"
"I prefer the company of nitwits!" - Seinfeld
"Anyone that gives Doom 3 an 8.5 is a poo head!" - GB
"I actually like this Drazula guy. He's like a little pixie that runs past people slapping them and then claims it was a joke...
then slaps them again " - Tang Lung
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Drazula]
03/22/04 07:28 AM
This really isn't interactivity, but Duke should start the game weak and out of shape (fat). He should
react slowly and not be able to run for too long. After all, he has been out of action for seven years.
Then as the game goes on, he gets faster, slimmer and stronger. By the end becoming the toughest
Duke we've ever seen.
that's a pretty cool idea actually.
i like that thinking, "out of the box" if you will.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Klaus Kinski
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Marty]
03/22/04 07:48 AM
or he fades away and starts to see himself up in the clouds surrounded by several virgin women
How can you know they're still virgins?
-------------------Violence is stupid because an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. - jimbob
"OMG WTF BOO!!" - Aegeri
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/22/04 09:23 AM
So can you tell us if you've gotten a good list of what you wanted George?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Bluntaxe]
03/22/04 10:17 AM
Duke needs to have a flamethrower for no other reason than he could use it to set a bunch of PigCops
on fire and say "makin BACON!"
P.S. n/m, Manhatten Project already did this. I thought I heard that before somewhere
-------------------"We've climbed the mighty mountain. I see the valley below, and it's a valley of peace." - Pres. Bush
"I've seen the top of the mountain, and it is good." - Butthead
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Klaus Kinski
Re: Interactivity. [Re: NutWrench]
03/22/04 10:59 AM
"Make it bacon" wasn't that a Burger King slogan?
-------------------Violence is stupid because an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. - jimbob
"OMG WTF BOO!!" - Aegeri
Re: Interactivity. [Re: NutWrench]
03/22/04 10:59 AM
dn lotb had a flamethrower and a"bacon" remark, and i think ttk also had that
btw, kingping : life of crime had working ( wel, sort of ) pinball machines
only interactivity in that game
but that was about the
just one more thing, i just want to be able to copy my bum on a copy machine, just like in duke3d
\o/ would be awesome in multiplayer
and maybe duke could say something like "eat sh*t and die"
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: jimbob]
03/22/04 11:05 AM
just one more thing, i just want to be able to copy my bum on a copy machine, just like in duke3d
\o/ would be awesome in multiplayer
I...don't remember that.
Regardless...ass-scannin' and copyin' would kick mega ass in DNF.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/22/04 11:06 AM
3DR Staff
How about putting some things in DNF that you had planned on putting in the original Duke3D but
couldn't make work at that time.
Ooh! Ooh! I wanna see this whole cut sequence from Duke 3d get into DNF:
...where fter you get killed, the Pig Cop butts you with it's shotgun, to make sure you're dead or
That would be awesome if pulled off right.
For the record, it was cut from Duke3D because it looked stupid. Not to say it can't be made to work
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in DNF (or that we'd even try), just clarifying why it was cut. If I remember right, the pov when this
was happeing looked dumb/bad/stupid, so it was removed.
What's my point? Not every idea that one thinks will be great "on paper" or "in your mind" ends up
looking good in the game.
-------------------Joe Siegler
Webmaster - 3D Realms
"There's no place on God's Green Earth quite like Texas!" -- JR Ewing
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/22/04 11:08 AM
just one more thing, i just want to be able to copy my bum on a copy machine, just like in duke3d
\o/ would be awesome in multiplayer
I...don't remember that.
Regardless...ass-scannin' and copyin' would kick mega ass in DNF.
its in the police station map in the fourth episode of duke nukem 3d. in the same office as mclane
just hop on the copy side of the machine and watch your ass on paper
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Joe3DR]
03/22/04 11:10 AM
Another thing I really would like to see is:
In bodies that is. I want to see where I hit an enemy, and I want to be able to "fill someone with
lead". There are a lot of modern game that still don't have anything like this.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: IHerman]
03/22/04 11:12 AM
Didnt they say you could write your name in a guys chest with bullet holes if you were accurate
enough a long long time ago?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Joe3DR]
03/22/04 11:12 AM
For the fun's sake add some power wires to an in-game computer once cut out DNF will self-terminate
back to Windows /w a witty 120x68 remark upon it.
Best tricks old tricks.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Unicorn]
03/22/04 11:14 AM
For the fun's sake add some power wires to an in-game computer once cut out DNF will self-terminate
back to Windows /w a witty 120x68 remark upon it.
Best tricks old tricks.
would be pretty irritating, and it had better save the game if it shuts it down.
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/22/04 11:16 AM
I...don't remember that.
It was in the Episode 4: "PigSty" level in Duke Nukem 3D.
-------------------"We've climbed the mighty mountain. I see the valley below, and it's a valley of peace." - Pres. Bush
"I've seen the top of the mountain, and it is good." - Butthead
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: jimbob]
03/22/04 11:19 AM
For the fun's sake add some power wires to an in-game computer once cut out DNF will selfterminate back to Windows /w a witty 120x68 remark upon it.
Best tricks old tricks.
would be pretty irritating, and it had better save the game if it shuts it down.
that sounds better suited to the "eternal darkness" game from silicon knights they did for the nintendo
gamecube. it messed with your head like that.
however, i agree-that would just be irritating in dnf. no one will like a "crash" to windows.
now, they could joke around like that when duke finds a computer in the game he has to use-it
crashes on him and gives him the blue screen of death. maybe it could give him this too:
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: jimbob]
03/22/04 11:20 AM
For the fun's sake add some power wires to an in-game computer once cut out DNF will selfterminate back to Windows /w a witty 120x68 remark upon it.
Best tricks old tricks.
would be pretty irritating, and it had better save the game if it shuts it down.
It should be in a super secret area, mainly for replay value. Maybe it could auto-save the game. They
sure got UPS.
It sure as hell would be a nice fun-in.
oh and I don't see any irritation. The guys are sure to work it out.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Joe3DR]
03/22/04 11:21 AM
For the record, it was cut from Duke3D because it looked stupid. Not to say it can't be made to work in
DNF (or that we'd even try), just clarifying why it was cut. If I remember right, the pov when this was
happeing looked dumb/bad/stupid, so it was removed.
What's my point? Not every idea that one thinks will be great "on paper" or "in your mind" ends up
looking good in the game.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
You mentioned in some other thread about Duke's "flip-jump" or
whatever from the first two games being cut because it looked bad, and I can definitely imagine why
when I actually think about it.
I still hope the shotgun butting(
) could be pulled off well
in DNF, but I'm just throwing ideas out to the wind.
its in the police station map in the fourth episode of duke nukem 3d. in the same office as mclane just
hop on the copy side of the machine and watch your ass on paper
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It was in the Episode 4: "PigSty" level in Duke Nukem 3D.
Okay, awesome!
( /Quickly starts up Duke 3d
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/22/04 03:20 PM
Hmm, turning a stereo, listen to some tunes.
Hit the action button on a magazine shelf, and browse some porn mags
Shoot some hoops (Dues Ex anyone
Head soccer (Blood anyone?
Find a shaver, shave off the 5 o clock shadow (gotta look good for the babes)
Hit the action button on a bartender, he passes you a beer
-------------------Visit the Final Fantasy 10 Compendium!
"I know! You gotta beat a fatso with a fatso!"
-Yamcha DBZ
"None of us are virgins...life screws us all in the long run.. "
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Lengis]
03/22/04 03:23 PM
Find a shaver, shave off the 5 o clock shadow (gotta look good for the babes)
Hit the action button on a bartender, he passes you a beer
shaving sucks, i want to be able not to shave and end up looking like gus
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
Re: Interactivity. [Re: jimbob]
03/22/04 03:27 PM
Or better yet, shave off Gus's beard.
-------------------"I think the push for people to innovate in gameplay - i'm not sure that I particularly agree with it"
John Carmack
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: FireFly]
03/22/04 03:29 PM
Or better yet, shave off Gus's beard.
or shave the beard of the bearded woman \o/ or shave duke`s legs. now that would be interactive
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
Klaus Kinski
Re: Interactivity. [Re: jimbob]
03/22/04 03:32 PM
I'd rather shave other parts of women than their facial growth.
-------------------Violence is stupid because an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. - jimbob
"OMG WTF BOO!!" - Aegeri
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Lengis]
03/22/04 05:54 PM
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Hmm, turning a stereo, listen to some tunes.
Hit the action button on a magazine shelf, and browse some porn mags
Shoot some hoops (Dues Ex anyone
Head soccer (Blood anyone?
Find a shaver, shave off the 5 o clock shadow (gotta look good for the babes)
Hit the action button on a bartender, he passes you a beer
Being able to drink out of a beer fountain to regain health, and some other benefits, and being able to
shoot cash registers, then money starts coming out and flying all over the place... (Max Payne
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 8IronBob]
03/22/04 06:45 PM
I want to be able to drink cola to regain health, stuff from the origina Duke 1 & 2 (and lameduke).
It did look as though you would have something like this from what I seen in the 2001 video with the
sandwich machine.
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/22/04 07:01 PM
I want to be able to drink cola to regain health, stuff from the origina Duke 1 & 2 (and lameduke).
It did look as though you would have something like this from what I seen in the 2001 video with the
sandwich machine.
Yeah, cola should be done in something else other than a vending machine like the games in the past,
Max Payne and Half-Life being two great examples. However, to see Duke getting drunk in Vegas like
everyone else, that would be cool to see Duke be able to do ANYTHING to regain health around the
casino, or nightclub, or whatever the case may be.
Yeah, there's a lot of things in Vegas that'll encourage interaction with anything Duke touches, and I'd
like to see him do quite a lot, that's for sure!
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/22/04 08:42 PM
Duke's main health system, along with the teh medkits, could be food.
You'd have cola, BEER,
candy-bars, ect. and turkey that becomes double breasted if you shoot it...maybe.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/22/04 08:44 PM
And Duke has to do the all american male thing... burp and fart! lol
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/22/04 09:04 PM
It would be cool to see papers on the streets with phone numbers, dial it and hear a pig cop in the
other line torturing some chicks, also being able to dial into joe's house and hearing something like
your going to locksville,
and also hear something like wid if you dial the release date.
-------------------Frag=Superczar kissing my shotgun..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/23/04 12:53 AM
And Duke has to do the all american male thing... burp and fart! lol
I think thats a Canadian male thing...at least in public anyway....i remember when i lived in Hartford i
met a guy that farted in toilets (not even kidding)
we Canadian guys clued him into the real world
-------------------Doom 3 has the greatest lighting system ever designed for a video game. ID just forgot to pay the electric bill.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Airtraffic]
03/23/04 04:35 AM
My input on interactivity that I'm hopin for is if you see it and it's supposed to do something IRL, than
it better do it in the game to some extend
----------------------------------You're an angel with your wings, broken. - queensryche
Re: Interactivity. [Re: ryche]
03/23/04 04:41 AM
It would be nice if objects could actually break. A lot of game-engine's just remove the object and
spawn some particles of debris.
I'd like to see the pieces of an object flying all over the place bouncing against walls instead of some
standard particles that disappear after a second.
Of course this would affect performance, because 1 object with physics is split into many other
objects. But I think they did it with Half-life so it's not impossible.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: IHerman]
03/23/04 06:43 AM
I'd sure like to be SURPRISED by what interactive stuff is in DNF. If I see a lot of features that were
suggested in this thread I'll really wonder where the creativity in 3DR went.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Lucky]
03/23/04 06:50 AM
I'd sure like to be SURPRISED by what interactive stuff is in DNF. If I see a lot of features that were
suggested in this thread I'll really wonder where the creativity in 3DR went.
gotta remember lucky, they've had the game under dev time for quite awhile. i'm pretty sure they've
had alot of these ideas too. don't be surprised if you see alot of this stuff in game because it's actually
pretty easy to think this stuff up. alot of posts in this thread actually repeat other ideas, so you would
think 3dr has already thought up some of this too.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Airtraffic]
03/23/04 01:47 PM
And Duke has to do the all american male thing... burp and fart! lol
I think thats a Canadian male thing...at least in public anyway....i remember when i lived in
Hartford i met a guy that farted in toilets (not even kidding)
we Canadian guys clued him into
the real world BIGTIME
/me wipes tear from eye...
You make me so proud.. (high five)
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/23/04 04:23 PM
However, if Duke was to do the all American thing, he would burp, fart, drink beer, then crush it with
his huge gut. Moreover, he would be very very fat, with rolls and rolls of fat, and sweaty too, wearing
a torn ratty old stained shirt. He would complain that he hasn't seen his willy in 5 years, and would
have to hire someone to wipe his ass. Actually, he just wouldn't bother to. Also, he'd very hairy, thick
black curly hair all over his body. And he would smell really really bad too. Like a cross between body
oder and mouldy cheese. Lastly, he would have an interesting attack, in which he hypnotises his
enemies by jiggling his stomach.
Perhaps, I'm being too critical. Nevertheless, my family recenetly went on a trip to florida and
dinsyland, and there were a LOT of VERY fat people there.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Orochi Avlis
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DudeMiester]
03/23/04 04:32 PM
Don't forget the stupid asshat lawsuits!
-------------------"Yes, Valve truly is the antichrist for doing business with such backwards people." - Warmaster129
"And I thought fallacies have something to do with oral sex." - Klaus Kinski
Joe, the King Of Fighters
Tyler Durden
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Orochi Avlis]
03/23/04 05:04 PM
We need one of these, working. That would rock!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Tyler Durden]
03/23/04 05:12 PM
We need one of these, working. That would rock!
/kaisersoze just wants to say hi to tyler durden.
i like that idea too!
more ideas-working fish aquariums and you have to feed the fish!
working pencil sharpeners, fax machines, copy machines.
globes that you can spin around.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/23/04 05:24 PM
I'd like to be able drive a motorcycle or golf cart around inside a casino and shoot people/creatures.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Arkhangel]
03/24/04 03:24 AM
Lots of interactivity with the environment.
- In the main hall of a grand casino in Las Vegas, Duke fires an RPG at the colossal chandelier
suspended over a hord of unsuspecting Pig Cops.
- Some pig cops managed to escape to "chandelier catastrophy" and are now following Duke up the
grand staircase. Switfly, duke sticks a grenade mixed with alien goo (for the "sticking") on one of the
massive roman style pillars. BOUM! The pillar's base rips a part and tilts towards the second pilar.
Both come tumbling down the stairs as the roof collapses. No more pig cops.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: AlienAssKicker]
03/24/04 08:15 AM
Hijack vehicles like in gta vc, kick them off their motorcycle.
Or even better, fly with the jetpack and kick the pigcop's ass out of the aircraft with your mighty boot.
Then maneuver it into an horde of aliens and parachute before it chrashes.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: fritzchen1]
03/24/04 03:20 PM
In houses and stuff, where you have weak drywall and wood studs for the walls, there should be lots
of places to break holes in the walls.
Also, when you're crawling through air vents, they should break if you go through a weak section.
Where there are books and libraries, there should be a large collection of actual books you can read.
Like war and peace, or feng shui. lol
Fruit that you can eat, and it gives you health, or at least a suger buzz (some kind of speed boost).
And if you leave fruit out too long it'll go rotten and bugs and flies will appear around it.
lol, every once in a while Duke will have to go to the bathroom. If you wait too long then you start to
loose health, until you soil yourself. If that happens then you get a major speed slowdown, cause no
one wants to move a lot in that mess. In order to get back your speed, you need to find a shower/
bath and either washer/dryer or new clothes. Also, when Duke relieves himself, he can do it anywere,
but if it's in a toilet then you get a health boost, rather then no boost at all.
On a similar note, if you find a shower, Duke can actually have a shower. Of course, he would either
wear a bathing suit or have censoring. Also, the shower gives a substantial health boost, and boosting
ablities for a short time after. Although, Duke can't shower if there are enimies in the area, cause then
he might get into a firefight in the nude, which would be unacceptable. Related to this, maybe at one
point Duke is attacked in the shower, and has to do an entire level nude, where the objective is to get
some clothes. Another thing you could do, is allow him to get attacked nude, then he has to defeat the
enemy, and get dressed or find new clothes if the old ones get ruined. Of course, when he's naked
there will be an armour penalty, dexterity boost, and Duke can't go in certain areas, cause he's nude
and doesn't want to be embarrased.
There should be various cameras in the game (Polaroid, digital, film) and you can take pictures of
stuff, and save them too. Maybe it could be incorperated into a level/mission/puzzle.
You know those fireplaces and bookshelfs that spin around to a secret passage when you hit a lever.
There should be some of those.
In castles and passages, there should be torches that you can actually pick up, use, put out, light, etc
to help you find your way through dark areas.
You should be able to get an item that's a police badge for the "p-ussy inspector". It gives you
discounts with the strippers.
One last thing, the electical systems in levels/buildings should acutally be laid out, so at times you can
cut wires/flip breakers to disrupt power supply. You should also be able to hook together two wires, so
you can recofigure the electrical system somewhat. Other things are extension cords, jumper cables,
etc. You can use them to hook electrical devices up. Of course, there can also be portable and nonportible generators, and of course electrical outlet adaptors in case you're in a forign country.
-------------------Forums are the opiate of the masses
Edited by DudeMiester (03/24/04 03:21 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DudeMiester]
03/24/04 03:48 PM
Related to this, maybe at one point Duke is attacked in the shower, and has to do an entire level nude,
where the objective is to get some clothes. Another thing you could do, is allow him to get attacked
nude, then he has to defeat the enemy, and get dressed or find new clothes if the old ones get ruined.
Of course, when he's naked there will be an armour penalty, dexterity boost, and Duke can't go in
certain areas, cause he's nude and doesn't want to be embarrased.
That would be hilarious.
But he should be able to go anywhere, seeing as Duke's comment of "I go
where I please, and I please where I go" would be a lie if he was small enough to get "embarassed".
But the cops should try to stop him for public exposure of "The Duke".
Here's an idea: would it be possible for Duke to automatically grab onto ledges if he falls off or if he
jumps onto one that would normally be to high but his hands can reach, like in most sidescrollers
(Commander Keen, DNMP)?
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/24/04 03:55 PM
Related to this, maybe at one point Duke is attacked in the shower, and has to do an entire level
nude, where the objective is to get some clothes. Another thing you could do, is allow him to get
attacked nude, then he has to defeat the enemy, and get dressed or find new clothes if the old
ones get ruined. Of course, when he's naked there will be an armour penalty, dexterity boost, and
Duke can't go in certain areas, cause he's nude and doesn't want to be embarrased.
That would be hilarious.
But he should be able to go anywhere, seeing as Duke's comment of
"I go where I please, and I please where I go" would be a lie if he was small enough to get
But the cops should try to stop him for public exposure of "The Duke".
Here's an idea: would it be possible for Duke to automatically grab onto ledges if he falls off or if
he jumps onto one that would normally be to high but his hands can reach, like in most
sidescrollers(Commander Keen, DNMP)?
hehe, cool. but i hope the enemy`s dont use the shrink rifle or duke is screwed
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
Re: Interactivity. [Re: jimbob]
03/24/04 04:16 PM
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"The Chiropracter" said something on that in a thread, about Duke Nukem: The Movie being
a porno:
Well if script is the problem they could change the whole outlook and make a low end porn production
or something
*Alien points shrinker at Dukes crotch
Duke: No... anything but that....
And that could be the level where you scan and copy your butt on the printer!
strippers or something run away with the copied pages...
While some
Though seriously, that could make for a great and hilarious level. Ya gotta have some shorter, funny,
"break" levels in-between all the more serious, and darker stuff.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/24/04 04:37 PM
yeah, i remember that
-------------------"Check out the polygons on jimbob's girlfriend!" killerbyte
"Jimbob, you're a god-damned genius" rollingbrass
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Forrest Gump
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/24/04 07:05 PM
What kinds of things do you see Duke interacting with?
-------------------Mommy says stupid is as stupid does.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Forrest Gump]
Attachment (18 downloads) 03/24/04 07:52 PM
Probably one of the best first posts EVAR, I must say.
Forrest Gump---------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Forrest Gump]
03/24/04 08:30 PM
Gump. This Forum here ain't big enough for the both of us:
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: AlienAssKicker]
03/24/04 08:48 PM
Two things
1) I want to be able to hit things with a bat, play some "fizzball" with pop cans mostly.
2) Please have some sort of bullet "wounds" it doesn't have to be SOF levels, but I hate that 85% of
all FPS games play like 1950's TV westerns where there's nary a drop of blood, and people just fall
down dead.
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/24/04 09:04 PM
"The Chiropracter" said something on that in a thread, about Duke Nukem: The Movie being a
Well if script is the problem they could change the whole outlook and make a low end porn
production or something
*Alien points shrinker at Dukes crotch
Duke: No... anything but that....
Though seriously, that could make for a great and hilarious level. Ya gotta have some shorter,
funny, "break" levels in-between all the more serious, and darker stuff.
The object of that level... find the EXPANDER!
With the standard "Ahhhh... much better." at the end.
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
Edited by Neil Roy (03/24/04 09:06 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Mr.Blud]
03/24/04 09:25 PM
Two things
1) I want to be able to hit things with a bat, play some "fizzball" with pop cans mostly.
2) Please have some sort of bullet "wounds" it doesn't have to be SOF levels, but I hate that 85% of all
FPS games play like 1950's TV westerns where there's nary a drop of blood, and people just fall down
Ooh I like that bat idea. Maybe we can also have it cause real-time deformation to objects too?
Swinging the bat to the left would make a dent on the left, swinging it on the right-dent on the right.
I wouldn't worry about blood though. Like other areas GB mentioned, this is probably also considered
a pretty much standard thing.
-------------------Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names
I speak for the common man
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Specialist]
03/24/04 09:48 PM
I would like some kind of Super-Gore powerup, or Super-Gore weapon. Basically in either case, when
you kill a guy with the weapon he explodes with about 10 times as much gore as his body mass. The
explosion is so powerful that it causes secondary damage to surrounding enemies, and there's a
chance that the surrounding dude can get impaled on a piece of bone causing extra damage and a
cool visual effect of bones sticking out. Or perhaps the bone fragments could form a sorta flak bomb
like in UT.
Oh and TVs should be able to turn on, and acutally show video clips of something meaningful. Mainly
satirical snippits that make a mockery of other TV shows. Like a CNN run by computer geeks who
watch too much fake britney pr0n. In other word, 3DRNN.
-------------------Forums are the opiate of the masses
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/24/04 09:49 PM
Gump. This Forum here ain't big enough for the both of us:
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The object of that level... find the EXPANDER!
With the standard "Ahhhh... much better." at the end.
If that's or something like that level is in the game, I swear I'll be laughing my f00kin' guddamn ass off.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Monkey TGM
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/24/04 09:51 PM
Oooo, wouldn't this be fun, realistic water, turn on a sink, let it run and overflow then the room fills
up. Not just a scripted sequence of simply raising the water level but water with realistic physics, that
would be awsome, nearly impossible to pull off but still damn cool. Wouldnt you like to flood stuff or
even, yes, slam someone into a wall with a firehose? yes of course, but thats not something that can
be done yet, well 3drealms does have alot of time on their hands... who knows.
-------------------"maybe you haven't been keeping up on current event be we just got our asses kicked pal!" -Hudson
Edited by Monkey TGM (03/24/04 09:54 PM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Forrest Gump]
03/25/04 06:35 AM
What kinds of things do you see Duke interacting with?
To simple but oh so true.
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: hell-angel]
03/25/04 07:41 AM
welcome to forrest gump from kaisersoze!
tyler durden hangs out around here too!
anyways-this may lean towards a.i. routines but i'd like duke to come across some friendly grey aliens
in the game who are pissed off about being operated on.
it'd be cool to see duke let them free of their operating tables and they decide to help out duke.
maybe if pig cops bust into the room the greys will mutate into huge creatures and go munch on
them. when they're done, they'll turn back into the little innocent grey aliens and come back to duke
to watch his back.
yeah, duke doesn't need sidekicks but for a level or 2, it would be kinda cool.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/25/04 09:27 AM
welcome to forrest gump from kaisersoze!
tyler durden hangs out around here too!
Yeah, this is starting to get really weird and funny with the movie characters on here.
waiting for Darth Vader to pop up.
I'm just
I like the grey's idea, but I'm not sure if I'd want them following you around too much. But one ET-like
alien mutating into some giant slobbering, vaguely shark-like beast and munching on a sqealing pig
cop violently would be pretty awesome.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/25/04 12:59 PM
another idea(may have already been posted)
how about when duke walks into a bathroom, he can turn on the shower and take one? when the
steam heats up the bathroom, it fogs up the mirror and duke can write with his fingers on it.
a bowling alley-duke can bowl.
animal shelter-duke can walk a dog on a leash.
pet animals-have rooms with aquariums, bird cages, hamsters, cats, etc.
drive through window-duke can order food through the drive up window.
putt putt golf course-he can play golf.
go karts.
batting cages.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Edited by KaiserSoze (03/25/04 12:59 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/25/04 01:54 PM
I have a good useless idea. A working polaroid camera that would take a photo of whatever you
pointed it at and then you could stick it on a wall.
And for a useful idea how about flying something like the predator drone so you can scope out an
area. Or you could have a little remote control robotic mosquito that you could release and he would
fly out and you could see through his eyes. Or course he would also be equipped with a poison stinger.
-------------------"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
Edited by Nessus (03/25/04 02:17 PM)
Evol Edd
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Nessus]
03/26/04 06:43 AM
my needs of interactivity are something like the things offered in Postal 2. throw gasoline at your
enemies and throw a matchstick at them, and later unzipping your trouser and cooling their burnt
skeleton down. not very politically correct, but neither is duke nukem as far as i can remember.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/26/04 07:19 AM
The whole level should be destroyable...e.g. nuke the whole city...
many civilians to interact...but please not too much scripting...better ai makes the thing...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Viciarg]
03/26/04 08:26 AM
microwave popcorn
exercise equipment
bring the fire hydrants back!
keycard access but i want to see duke's hand actually wave the card in front of the scanner.
tools and power tools
that pesky pig cop knock your gun out of your hand? no problem, pick up a
hammer and brain him.
plug in the band saw and cut a few pork chops.
then pick up the chunks
of pig cop, pop it in the microwave and presto: food!
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/26/04 09:51 AM
Here is my ideas!
I would like to have a whole area, where Duke can interact with things, I would like him to talk with
hot ladies, maybe some rpg dialog, with different options and consequences. And I would want him to
be able to get in a fight, for some primitive male dominancy reason. And he should make a dance on
the stage in front of everybody.. And there should to be ladies admiring him!
I would like to see some guys throwing darts, and Duke enters the game, misses and picks up a huge
shotgun and blows a big hole in the target then he shall say “right on”. Or just “bullseye”.
Then I want to hear rock music slowly growing, and spotlights target duke, he starts silently to sing,
and cruises towards the stage, grabs the microphone! “ I’m Duke let’s rock” then the singing will
increase in volume and he will starts to wave his hands, and the audiences will follow, and there we
have Duke totally owning the place! Man that would be awesome! Can you imagine!
I want to see duke in a pair of tiny bathing shorts on a beach, with several women automatically
follow him.
I want duke be able to make holes in weak walls, with his foot, elbow or fists, “saying “damn it” “piece
of crap”
When duke does something involving both of his hands, a thing that always requires two hands, with
babes watching, I would like to be able to -just for fun, switch to one hand, and having him say “ one
hand “.
I want duke to find a cool jacket! Which he then can wear for the rest if the game, if one wants to!
I want to make card houses with duke! And every time he fails he says “crap” “shit” “those are to
small for my big hands” “my chest is in the way “or the like.
When he is about to press a button, I would want him to have the option to use a extender from his
hand to press it, like a measuring stick or something,, (ohh remember my former boss now ! LOL
Then I would want many different ways, occasionally, to kill a enemy, or a group of enemies. Electro
lutes are cool, and squishings are always appreciated!
I Would want him to change a directional sign, so it points to a small house, that has a big gas truck
outside, which then Duke can fire at and blow them all up! With a single shot!
Edited by NewbieDragon (03/26/04 12:39 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: NewbieDragon]
03/26/04 11:01 AM
welcome newbie dragon! some great ideas there for sure.
another thing that wouldn't be the first time it's been seen but it'd be cool is to have duke fish at a
lake or river, kinda like "the legend of zelda: the ocarina of time" did for the n64.
i spent hours just sitting there with link fishing and it was fun!
perhaps have choices of lures and you can bring your tackle box?
other cool little things:
those annoying electronic "bug zappers". have flies buzzing around them and getting electrocuted
build camp fires! get some logs, put em in a pile and light it and watch the fire.
i wanna mow the lawn-we need lawnmowers in dnf and you can actually see it cutting down the
height of the grass or weeds.
monkeys-there must be gorillas or monkeys in dnf. they're just cool.
i want a radiation detector to use to find creepy aliens hiding in the area that give off the radiation.
metal detector-use it to scan the ground for hidden metal items like coins or knives. when you find
something, duke uses a small shovel to dig it up.
a working drive through car wash. if duke has a car he can drive in dnf, perhaps he stops and goes
through the carwash?
gas station-he has to stop and gas up his car. working fuel pump. if an enemy attacks, turn the pump
on it and spray him with gas, then throw a match-BOOM!
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/26/04 11:33 AM
another thing that wouldn't be the first time it's been seen but it'd be cool is to have duke fish at a lake
or river, kinda like "the legend of zelda: the ocarina of time" did for the n64.
i spent hours just sitting there with link fishing and it was fun!
On a more sadistic note...
If Duke tosses a pipe-bomb or shoots his RPG into a lake/pond/lagoon/river/etc., it would be cool if
you suddenly see a ton of small fish go belly up and float to to the surface dead.
It would also be
an oppurtunity for some kickass, Duke3d-style inside jokes, like for instance the Creature from the
Black Lagoon also floating to the top "belly up".
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/26/04 11:47 AM
another thing that wouldn't be the first time it's been seen but it'd be cool is to have duke fish at
a lake or river, kinda like "the legend of zelda: the ocarina of time" did for the n64.
i spent hours just sitting there with link fishing and it was fun!
On a more sadistic note...
If Duke tosses a pipe-bomb or shoots his RPG into a lake/pond/lagoon/river/etc., it would be cool
if you suddenly see a ton of small fish go belly up and float to to the surface dead.
It would
also be an oppurtunity for some kickass, Duke3d-style inside jokes, like for instance the Creature
from the Black Lagoon also floating to the top "belly up".
or he's fishing and a huge wake comes towards him ala "iquanazilla" and he catches GINO(and
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promptly gibs that piece of trash lizard with a rpg!
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/26/04 11:52 AM
You what that would be?
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/26/04 12:50 PM
Thanks kaiserSoze!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/26/04 05:24 PM
In my humble opinion i think making most of walls destructible will be a great fun.
For example, i can choose of use a key to open a door, or to destroy it.
A bit of this was seen in Red Faction, but in that game this thing wasn't implemented well, it was so
-------------------I'm a true FPS boy!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Olpus]
Attachment (20 downloads) 03/26/04 05:26 PM
Howdy Olpus!
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. *DELETED* [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/26/04 05:32 PM
Post deleted by Joe3DR
-------------------I'm a true FPS boy!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Olpus]
03/26/04 06:22 PM
with all these comments and ideas... will anyone be disapointed if you're wishes didnt come true?
-------------------"Oh, and Marty, I may be a gnat, but I'm hung like a horesfly." - London_Midge
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Marty]
03/26/04 08:00 PM
with all these comments and ideas... will anyone be disapointed if you're wishes didnt come true?
Of course not. I just want to have fun. The things I mentioned in this thread are just examples.
I'm sure 3DR will come up with a lot of cool stuff.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: IHerman]
03/26/04 09:51 PM
I watched the 2001 video over again and notice some interesting interactivity, first off there is two
bottle being shot and broken and it appears that pieces of the bottle that fly away still have parts of
the bottle texture, although you can't see it in these tiny gifs I created...
...also note duke ripping the leg off what appears to be an alien "insect" of some sort...
I don't know if anyone noticed this before but it did seem to match some of the wishes people had in
this thread.
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/26/04 09:53 PM
^ I swear. I just cringe everytime I see Duke ripping that alien's penix off.
I wonder if those are 2 scenarios are still in it.
-------------------"IT'S HUGE!!!!" -chimera
I think it's a 17"... or maybe it's a 19"..... it's huge... and bulky! but it has served me quite well -Mariamus
3DR UBB Album
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Wamplet]
03/26/04 10:13 PM
^ I swear. I just cringe everytime I see Duke ripping that alien's penix off.
Only you could have thought of that scene that way...
scene above ever again without thinking penixy-thoughts.
Now I can never look at that little
I hope we get some badass insectoid-esque enemies like the the tiny ones in the '01 trailer and the
red man-sized one's in the '98 trailer, that you can rip off or shoot apart the legs and antenna of.
Especially the awesome '98 trailer's Insectoids...
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/26/04 10:30 PM
I still think that video kicks the shit outta everything out today. I mean look how much is going on!
It's ****** insane, the detail.. the interactivity, it's absolutely ****** awesome! ****** FarCry man,
i don't give a shit how good the graphics are, it dosen't hold a candle to this.
*Fires up the E3 2001 video again..*
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
03/27/04 12:22 AM
I don't see how anybody could look at that knowing what we know now and still doubt 3DR.
Stuff like that will be happening with higher detail environments, per-pixel lighting, bump mapping,
and God only knows what else. On top of that, it will be a Duke game.
DNF=Do Not Fear!
-------------------Hire me already!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/27/04 12:30 AM
I know people already commented on this, but blowing up hover dam MUST be in the game. I will be
very disappointed if you leave that out. You could even have blowing it up as a secret that changes
the gameplay a bit.
Another thing I would like to see is people who react to you shooting in crouded places. If you walk
into the mall with no guns revealed and suddenly take out a shot gun, I want people to run away
screaming! If you start shooting, have them start to run away even quicker. Mabye have people
trampling each other or something like that. Muhahaha!!! <Calming down>
And about the microwave thing, do like they did in Batman Returns and put something that will
explode into it and use it as a timebomb.
Mainly I just want it to feel real. I hate how older games didn't have innocent bystanders. I hate
feeling like I'm the last person in existance all the time. Even if they just run away real quick, it would
at least make the game feel more real.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/27/04 12:50 AM
-------------------Adolf Hitler
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
"A man is his own easiest dupe, as what he wishes to be true he generally will believe to be true."
Kenneth Boulding
"Anybody who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/27/04 01:51 AM
Some morning ideas...
I want duke to have different ingredients and a way to mix these, into several different things, several different bombs perhaps.
I want to be unarmed in a barn with three different fertilizers, that when mixed can make 6 different
bombs, (I guess nine is to many
, but not only that i would want to chose if i want to make 12 small
8 medium or 4 big, and perhaps one HUGE and i want there to be tactical room to use each one of
these, and complete the task with each of those choices, some easier and some harder. Like I made x
level with the incendiary huge bomb! "ohh how did you do that " I lured them all in the barn, closed
and blocked the door, and then I threw in my Molotov cocktail, in that ventilation hole, located on the
east wall a quarter down, you should have seen the graphic effect when it burned down", almost
immediately three of the walls gave in, leaving one holding up a part of the roof, and the middle level
of the barn, there i saw a pig cop, he was dark from the flames, i think it was some kind of elite cop,
he was the only one surviving, but eventually i saw him choke to death, from my viewing position
threw my binoculars.
Thinking about tactics, i want Duke to preplan a fight and move objects according to it. Gas barrels,
I want to have the option in bar episode, to disguise myself as a bartender, and serve pig cops and
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talking to them, in the dialog options, i would want to have one "three" that will make me lure the
cops, into a trap, that i have to hurry to manpower, before the cops arrives!
I want Duke, to call his grandma and saying everything is okay.
I want duke to have the ability to kick open doors, even and especially when it can be opened
normally, I want him to say "crap door" “piece of crap” when he do this!
I want duke to find a huge hammer drill, that he can test and try, I want him to give it a female
name, and even use as a tool in the game, to take unconventional paths, perhaps he can find a map,
where you can see where to drill, to make a short cut, or perhaps where you can drill for a secret!
This could be cool in multiplayer, allowing players to change the map during game play. Maybe you
drill a shortcut between the armor and the health, or perhaps you drill one to be able to intercept your
foe at an unexpected spot!
And he should be able to kill enemies with it! mm thinking about it perhaps you can hold this tool with
one hand and having him say "one hand"
Buck Rogers
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/27/04 05:47 AM
Hmm. What kinds of things do I see Duke interacting with?
Light switches, television sets (ala Max Payne 2), vehicles, any objects on a table, etc. Basically, I
thought Max Payne 2 did a great job of balancing interactivity vs. time needed to create it. There was
enough interactivity to keep the levels from being stale, etc.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Buck Rogers]
03/27/04 07:24 AM
OK, I was just over at the foliage thread which go tme thinking about George's comment about DNF
being set in the Las Vegas desert...
I'd like to see realistic sand, like duke could kick sand with the mighty boot into the eyes of his
enemies, or he could stop and chat up some bird and make sandcastles with her, or something...
-------------------God gave man imagination to compensate him for what he is not;
and a sense of humor to console him for what he is.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/27/04 01:11 PM
I don't really think that this is interactivity, but I'll just go ahead and say it becaue it'll get lost in this
thread anyway.
I get absolutely annoyed when I have an automatic weapon in a game, and I just start spraying a
room with bullets and there is practically no bullet hit effects whatsoever. A small hole in the wall and
a little smoke don't do it for me. I need lots of debris, lots of smoke. If I shoot slot machines there has
to be coins and electric sparks, etc. Make it fun to watch crap get shot.
-------------------"They don't go to school to be taught what balls not to touch." - Moises Alou, Cubs
"Unfortunately I have calculated that I probably won't be able to eat all life before I die. But I intend do to as
much damage as possible." - IHerman
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/27/04 02:39 PM
Been a while since I came to check up on this game. Nice to see a developer letting their future
customers provide feedback like this.
I think it would be nice if:
1. Turn radio on/off in vehicles
2. being able to use remote controls (hold them like if you were using a gun) to operate things. TVs,
Radios, maybe even remote control cars/planes/helicopters (mini game style) and maybe use these R/
C vehicles to acess a switch/button that duke can't get to...
3. Go out on a date with one of the strippers (build dukes health/confidence at the end of that :P).
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/27/04 02:45 PM
There should be a camera on a stand somewhere aiming at a particular spot. That camera would be
set with a delay.
So you could activate the camera, and have 5 secondes to go do some stuff in front of it before it
takes a picture (that would be a screenshot saved to disk). There could be a flash in the game telling
u when it takes the picture. Would be awesome to move the camera wherever you want also.
Imagine how cool it would be to have pictures of yourself kicking aliens butts! 3DRealms could then
host a contest of the funniest pictures taken by that camera.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Tang Lung
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Shakuan]
03/27/04 04:04 PM
Just a few ideas..
-Object Interactivity- A radio in certain areas that can play music from a selected folder in which you put your own mp3's
- A TV which not only plays certain clips, but you can flick channels and turn the volume up and down
- An empty bottle can be filled with water at a sink and taken with you to replenish some health later
(does anyone else hate it that alot of games dont have health replenishing inventory items!)
-General interactivity features- Scenery can be deformed to a certain degree, like you can shoot bullets through walls (It would be
cool to be able to see light through the hole, or even see through teh hole itself, but I imagine thats
not possible with current systems)
- I think most of us here definatly wnat to be able to see you actually 'interacting' with the
enviroment, being able to see your hands pushing buttons on the exact place etc (if you move the
view point it just carrys on with the anim)
Ill try and think of more later if I get the chance
-------------------the fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Tang Lung]
03/27/04 05:23 PM
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Ok havent seen anything on the most important Interactivity/gameplay feature COOP.
OK, I know you arent including it in the retail release, BUT the most imporant thing 3DRealms can do
is NOT to complicate the creation of a COOP mod.
Possibly putting things in to make it EASIER to create a COOP mod.
Like something simular to a Serious Sam or Will Rock, in a sence of ammo stay placements being
visable to multipule people.
Or PLEASE add Multipule Spawn Points at the start of each map, so complete maps WONT have to be
REDONE and Avoiding everyone having to redownload TWEAKED maps.
Small things like this would be a HUGE BOON to your fans and the Kick*ss Nature of DUKE.
As a matter of Fact due to Brandon's Supreme Skillz, Consideration and Compassion for the Unreal
Coop Community he alone came forward to help the Mod community bring Unreal COOP to the UT
Tech level.
After 5 years, easily a couple hundred people still play it, in one version or another. Thats with little or
no support for the COOP community.
With the thousands of people begging for COOP games now days you could easily increase sales by
15% with Minimum Effort and deal
a Migthy Kick to the Crouch of your Competitors.
I can see the headlines now "Duke Secretly Ships with COOP and Kicks the *hit out of the
Anyone else ?
Edit : I swear. I just cringe everytime I see Duke ripping that alien's penix off.
Maybe that is how Duke get Alien Goo for his GooGun, you can see the huge supply of Goo available
once the penix is RIPPED off
Edit Edit : Hello
Edited by Acleacius (03/27/04 05:35 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Acleacius]
03/27/04 05:28 PM
Rise of the Triad [Re: wolf678]
03/27/04 05:34 PM
Will anything ROTT related be created ever again?
It would be great to see a' Rise of The Triad 2' as good as Duke Nukem Forever.
Edited by wolf678 (03/27/04 05:38 PM)
jet jaguar 2.0
Re: Interactivity. [Re: wolf678]
03/28/04 02:13 AM
How about for the multiplayer game you have DN3D arcade games setup around the level and you
and other players play mp deathmatches on those machines! And then on the DN3D arcade machines
you and the other players can go play with Wolfenstein 3D arcade games so it'd be a multi-player
game within the multi-player game within the multi-player game!
It'd be a game coder's nightmare come true!
-------------------"The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the
power of generating plants." —George W. Bush, Jan. 14, 2001
Edited by jet jaguar 2.0 (03/28/04 02:16 AM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: jet jaguar 2.0]
03/28/04 02:53 AM
How about cloth effects so that if I throw an object on say a bed cover, the cloth sags and stretches,
and if that object is removed, you can see the outline of that object pressed into the cover that
remains until I move the cover around!
Okay, that's probably a bit too extreme but still.
Edited by Ninja (03/28/04 02:54 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Ninja]
03/28/04 08:37 AM
Hi everyone...Those are some awesome ideas, I definately can't wait to grab some aliens head and
jetpack him into the ceiling.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Squiddy]
03/28/04 09:43 AM
Hi everyone...Those are some awesome ideas, I definately can't wait to grab some aliens head and
jetpack him into the ceiling.
That'd be great!
Or.. grab an enemy, fire up the jet pack, fly super high then drop him to his death. SPLAT!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Soilwork]
03/28/04 12:52 PM
After seeing iCeT's wallpaper.. make sure there's blood 'n guts on the Mighty Foot!
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Soilwork]
03/29/04 11:18 AM
just got inspiration from the "vegetation in dnf" thread.
how about using a machete to cut vines and then being able to drink the water running out of the
plant a garden. later in the game, come back and throw tomatoes at the enemies.
spray paint-tag everything. perhaps even have a multiplayer area where there's a big wall everyone
can paint on.
newspaper holders where you have to deposit coins to get a paper. duke buys a paper and can
examine/read the front page for example: "horny aliens stealing our chicks!"
when duke gets shot, look down to see blood on his shirt or a wound on his arm. maybe he becomes
dizzy or lightheaded and the screen obscures your vision a bit with duke having a hard time aiming at
enemies until you find health?
post it notes you can write on and put anywhere. (put "kick me" on one and slap it on the back of a
pig cop).
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/30/04 03:52 AM
I want to see myself in shiny surfaces. Not only in mirrors.
I would prefer to see my feet when I look down. I want to know I'm actually a person in the game and
not a gun floating in mid-air.
Spray painting on walls would be cool.
And I want to blow stuff up!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Soilwork]
03/30/04 07:32 AM
After seeing iCeT's wallpaper.. make sure there's blood 'n guts on the Mighty Foot!
Green blood which you can interact with!
Fill a vial/bottle/container with some liquid
Pour it out somewhere (so that whatever item/area you pour it on reacts accordingly to
whatever liquid it was)
Drink the liquid for various effects
Splash the liquid on someone
and other stuff!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
-------------------"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman... I will see you up ahead." -- G-man (Half-Life 1)
"In the meantime... this is where I get off." -- G-man (Half-Life 2)
"Will I ever actually reveal anything?" -- G-man (Half-Life 3)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Beelze]
03/30/04 07:40 AM
The one piece of useless interactivity I expect 100% in DNF is a cell phone! You know Dr. Proton,
wrong numbers, and women will be calling Duke. The one liner replies should be hysterical. And it
might turn out to be useful as well (phoning in an airstrike...).
Yes, Duke must be armed with a cell phone.
-------------------"Mountain Man was right about activation!"
"I prefer the company of nitwits!" - Seinfeld
"Anyone that gives Doom 3 an 8.5 is a poo head!" - GB
"I actually like this Drazula guy. He's like a little pixie that runs past people slapping them and then claims it was a joke...
then slaps them again " - Tang Lung
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Drazula]
03/30/04 08:09 AM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
The one piece of useless interactivity I expect 100% in DNF is a cell phone! You know Dr. Proton,
wrong numbers, and women will be calling Duke. The one liner replies should be hysterical. And it
might turn out to be useful as well (phoning in an airstrike...).
Yes, Duke must be armed with a cell phone.
or when duke is in a huge fire fight with a pig cop, his cell phone will ring and it's a telemarketer.
duke answers and says "hold on" and then yells over to the pig cop "it's for you!". the pig cop puts it's
gun down and comes over to duke and grabs the cell phone and makes a few grunts.
duke turns around and says "2 birds with one stone" and pulls out his rpg gun and gibs the pig cop
and the phone.
"no body tries to sell viagra to duke!" and he walks away....
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
03/30/04 08:37 AM
If / When there's a payphone, Duke should be able to actually make a realtime call to anybody in the
world. If you have a mic, you could talk to them and the other person would hear you in a "Duke"
Is that too much to ask?
Oh, and btw, 3drealms would be responsible to pay for all the long distances.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Scylibs]
03/30/04 10:13 AM
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but what about using bodies as human shields?
-------------------Free Babe Gallery!!!
Combat Chuck
Re: Interactivity. [Re: mysteryperfecta]
03/30/04 04:30 PM
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but what about using bodies as human shields?
I think that'd be really cool, but I'd also like it to be a little more useful, such as grabbing NPC's by the
arm and either dragging them from danger or placing them in danger, depending on what you want. I
noticed that in Half-Life, there was no way to save certain NPC's from death. It'd be cool if DNF would
allow you to do it.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Combat Chuck]
03/30/04 05:35 PM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Hmm, I wonder how using a stripper as a human shield would be like? Well, it should be Duke to
shield the stripper!
Moving right along, it would be cool if Duke would be able to play "Russian Roulette" as an interactive
game in DNF, since Duke IS in Vegas, just play a game of roulette with a Pig Cop, if you win, the pig
cop gets splattered into itty-bitty pieces, if you lose, then you have to fight a big squad of pig cops
that he has radioed for backup! Hehe...
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 8IronBob]
03/30/04 05:45 PM
Moving right along, it would be cool if Duke would be able to play "Russian Roulette" as an interactive
game in DNF, since Duke IS in Vegas, just play a game of roulette with a Pig Cop, if you win, the pig
cop gets splattered into itty-bitty pieces, if you lose, then you have to fight a big squad of pig cops that
he has radioed for backup! Hehe...
Great idea!
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
03/30/04 05:50 PM
Why thank you, I wonder what other Vegas games would earn Duke some awesome stuff. Hmm, a
game of craps, maybe? What would Duke win or lose on here? I have to think for a minute...
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 8IronBob]
03/30/04 06:48 PM
Hi.. first post here, I think it would be a great idea if they hid like a hoverboard somewhere in the
level or maybe a pigcop jet..this would be so cool. Just think that when you've gone through the level
enough and your just about to finish it you can go cruising around interacting with all the cool stuff
before you get bored of the level then you just go to the next. Maybe they could also have a really
hard puzzle for you to solve to get these special items.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Drazula]
03/31/04 12:31 AM
To me, Duke doesn't seem like the type that would be into technology the way we all are. He seems
like the type that would make fun of stuff like Cellphones, laptops, PDA's and the like.
But I can see where he might want a cellphone for keeping in touch with babes.
-------------------Hire me already!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gideon]
03/31/04 12:39 AM
Nope, Cell/PDA
Duke-"Duke has gone Digital"
That way his black book is in the PDA...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: theRobot]
03/31/04 07:01 AM
i have a nice idea for a mp modus
do you know capture the hill?
a team must try to hold a restricted area free of enemys in maybe 4 min . and then the area is
captured and you
must defend the sex-bar ( for example ) and the looser team must try to get this bar under control
Re: Interactivity. [Re: thanatar]
03/31/04 11:33 AM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
G'day guys.
(Gameplay/Fun) - Personally i woould like to see an expanded use for the mighty foot. Besides
squishing Aliens i would like to see it kick open/closed doors, kick out windows, kick over barrels, be
used as the: Donkey (Mule) Acceleration Tool.
(Gameplay) Perhaps a pistol whip function could be incorporated into Dukes repetoire so if an alien is
close a button will whip one up side his head.
(Gameplay) "Active" environments - monitors with displays/readouts etc... working machinery etc..
juse those things that add to immersion
(Gameplayfun) Perhaps an alien translation tool, where Duke can either gather information on
enemies/events or at least hear them talking smack about him.
(Fun) Little things such as posters for Lo Wang etc.. hung up in places, little homages to Duke 3D
which i should imagine is probably already in the game.
(Fun) An expanded Duke Karaoke section - akin to his Born To Be Wild rendition in D3D.
(Fun) A 3drealms office multiplayer level/arena
(Fun) Donkey Duels - MP maps where donkeys are ridden into combat. Perhaps even a mode where
you joust with things left around teh Nevada landscape - Fence pailings, street signs, dessicated thin
Aliens etc..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Brodieman]
03/31/04 11:49 AM
G'day guys.
(Gameplayfun) Perhaps an alien translation tool, where Duke can either gather information on enemies/
events or at least hear them talking smack about him.
(Fun) A 3drealms office multiplayer level/arena
(Fun) Donkey Duels - MP maps where donkeys are ridden into combat. Perhaps even a mode where
you joust with things left around teh Nevada landscape - Fence pailings, street signs, dessicated thin
Aliens etc..
hey ya brodie!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
those above^ are great suggestions!
i like the alien translation tool idea. seems that could be very funny. excellent suggestion.
3drealms office-if they don't do it for mp, i'm sure the modders will.
donkey/mule duels-your winnar!
dr dude will love that idea.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
03/31/04 05:49 PM
Damn right!
Anything involving Mules and interacting with them + DNF = GOLD!
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: JackMeaph]
03/31/04 10:19 PM
I think being able to piss on dead bodies "In Game" would be damn cool.
-------------------Rattle Your God Damn Head - Dave Mustaine
Life can only be understood in reverse
But must be lived forward… - Dave Mustaine
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: MegaMustaine]
03/31/04 10:35 PM
I think being able to piss on dead bodies "In Game" would be damn cool.
It's DNF, not Postal. I don't think it's appropriate or necessary.
-------------------Forums are the opiate of the masses
Re: Interactivity. [Re: thanatar]
04/01/04 04:21 AM
i have a nice idea for a mp modus
do you know capture the hill?
a team must try to hold a restricted area free of enemys in maybe 4 min . and then the area is
captured and you
must defend the sex-bar ( for example ) and the looser team must try to get this bar under control
good idea thanatar... sounds like a variation of UT's domination... it's quite different actually, but i
think the way i have it invisioned is different than what you're talking about... i pictured this with
several "capture points" around the map where you have to be "king of the hill" to win... maybe
capturing several points is the only way to unlock the door to the big 'hill' a'la onslaught in UT2K4 but
more involved and i think more fun... games would last a while because each point would be a
massive battle for control... it can't be easy or it ruins the fun... IMHO
anyways, good idea... i'm sure the mod community will come up with something similar... if not, it
wouldn't be that hard to make (provided you know UnrealED... i've never opened the program...
possibly now with UT2K4 i will give it a try... so you can be expecting roughly the same timeframe as
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
-------------------Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
04/01/04 05:24 AM
The one piece of useless interactivity I expect 100% in DNF is a cell phone! You know Dr. Proton,
wrong numbers, and women will be calling Duke. The one liner replies should be hysterical. And it
might turn out to be useful as well (phoning in an airstrike...).
Yes, Duke must be armed with a cell phone.
or when duke is in a huge fire fight with a pig cop, his cell phone will ring and it's a telemarketer.
duke answers and says "hold on" and then yells over to the pig cop "it's for you!". the pig cop
puts it's gun down and comes over to duke and grabs the cell phone and makes a few grunts.
duke turns around and says "2 birds with one stone" and pulls out his rpg gun and gibs the pig
cop and the phone.
"no body tries to sell viagra to duke!" and he walks away....
this level of interactivity, while hilarious, is a little over the top... i think the cell phone itself is a great
idea, and could add a lot of good, simple to impliment gameplay, as long as its function is kept useful,
and not silly... i think the scene you give above is more suited for a beginning of the level cutscene or
something like that... still clever...
Painting a mural on a wall with the soggy end of your enemy's severed arm sounds cool, but imagine
programming it... FPS's aren't meant to get THAT detailed, and i'm sure it would piss off a bunch of
FPS purists (the people that hated deus ex because it was too RPG-y, for example)... trying to put
that level of detail into a game that's very action oriented just kills the pace and takes away from the
experience... not to mention, the whole cell phone/pig cop thing would be amusing once or twice, but
as a weapon??? NO... Keep in mind, i am definately an advocate of attention to detail, and pushing
the envelope in new games... it makes the game... judging by the way things have gone in the past 6
years, with the huge advancements in tech, if i don't get to slap an enemy with his own limbs by
2010, i'll be dissapointed... but i'm sure by that time you could slingshot an olive across a bar into
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some sluts cleavage (good minigame)... but for the meantime, i'm just anticipating a really good FPS
with the tech we have now...
-------------------Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
River City Ransom-ish [Re: George Broussard]
04/02/04 01:12 AM
Think River City Ransom + Streets of Rage + X-Com
1) Tossing/pushing enemies into traffic.
2) 100X the number of bullet holes present before they start to disappear, or even make it so they
never disappear.
3) I want walls to be destroyed dynamically, as well as many objects.
4) If I shoot something with a bullet, it should take the momentum of the bullet. If someone tosses
me a baseball, and I shoot it, or hit it, it should fly away in the opposite direction, even if it's in pieces.
I wish I had seen this post 3 weeks ago, but I find the less I look at the DNF website, the easier it is
waiting for the release.
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Re: River City Ransom-ish [Re: ]
04/03/04 04:25 AM
Maybe you could collect money.
with the money you could buy stuff and services like
pizza, beer, go to the gym, hairstylist.
Maybe if dukes need some egopoints!
Yeah, one level at the beach with duke (with a trunk) would be cool, or by the pool. There should be
also many girls and so on.
Dash 9
Re: River City Ransom-ish [Re: killerduke]
04/03/04 10:53 AM
Haven't had the time to read every post before me so there might be a repeat. For once, Duke 3D had
an excellent interactivity level; wall switches, exploding fire extinguishers, radio microphones, pool
table and such.
What I'd like as interactivity;
Shoot out lights and thrown the place in the dark, like in AvP.
Destroy wooden doors with the weaponry
TV sets and/or radios that could play custom MPEG/MP3 files.
The ability to make holes in walls/floors like Red Faction.
-------------------- You're a bastard for creeping me out like that, but very well done. - SpamViking
- That was very well done, great job, [you] scared me nearly to death. - NetNessie
- ***** YOU. ***** YOU. ***** YOU. ***** YOU. Pardon my french, but I'm trying to sleep here and that scared the
living bejesus outta me. - Zwille
Holy F***ing Shit that scared the living HELL out of me! Wow... -Maximan
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Re: River City Ransom-ish [Re: Dash 9]
04/04/04 12:44 PM
One more thing: Duke should be able to go up to a computer in a casino and be able to use a
interface similar to windows. But you can also click on the interface an icon that will let you
play the full version of Duke Nukem 3D!! And Duke could say "Dont have time to play with
myself, but ill give it a go!"
-------------------"Apogee guys drive bad-ass cars while we drive ass cars---John Romero, during development of Wolf 3-D at id.
Big Man
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/04/04 01:37 PM
I'm bored, so I'll input a little.
-First of all, I want to look down and see feet. Is this sooo hard?!
-Large appliances create a lot of noise - they can be turned off by walking over or shooting the power
cable running to the wall.
-TVs with an antenna on top - knock over the antenna and TV goes snowy.
-Step on keyboard of computer/hit computer (but not shoot) and it bluescreens.
-Car alarms - some ways to set them off...
-Duke should comment on amount/lack of obligatory crates in an area.
-button panels with more than one option - not just a lever or one button. You'd have to place the
cursor over the correct button on the panel to make something happen (ie, more than one function
per panel). - elevators that go to more than one floor, light switch that turns on two lights
independantly, etc...
-Jump and pull yourself up onto a ledge
-I'm tired of invincible wood (enough said there)
-Toilets should break when shot or blown up
-There should be some drawback to having wet clothing after jumping in water (albeit nothing big)
-After you break a car (either by crashing it or shooting it) the warning light should go on on the
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-shoot matresses and pillows and they become visibly damaged (and the result is a puff of feathers/
-open/close drawers
-change TV channels - is 10 little animation clips too many, doesn't seem so to me?
-turn on and off water in ALL faucets
-if there is an electronic device, it should go on and off - it hardly has to do anything - just light up at
-when you blow up a roulette table, the wheel should roll across the floor.
-I wouldn't mind seeing a special "edge" bullet mark - too often, even in new games, a bullet decal
will stick halfway off the edge of a wall - pretty crappy if you ask me.
-Imagine shooting through a door, and light shines through the bullet holes.
-cool bullet into water effects (from underwater perspective)
-knock/shoot guns out of enemies' hands
-I want to see a decal on unbreakable glass claiming it's bulletproof (like company logo) - ie "Plexicor
Duraglass(tm)" or something in the lower right corner.
-Shoot the legs out of gambling table and it tips on its side realistically
That's enough for now..
-------------------Nah-Nah, my member number is lower than yours!!.... (probably)
That means I'm better than you.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Big Man]
04/04/04 04:32 PM
Some form of GEOModding! I just got me Red Faction and I think this is really one of the better parts
of the game! Though in Red Faction it's a bit too limited, for example, after a good amount of holes
you can't blow more holes in it because you reached something like the Maximum amount of holes.
Besides Geomodding (or a variation to it) really seems like Duke! And it gives you more the feel that
you're not in some kind of Hollywood set where only the stuff that is supposed to break can break and
nothing else.
For example setting the properties for any brush/mesh to "Allow Geomodding ON" or something.
Would also be very good for the community. People could actually build "nukeable levels" for once.
Just a thought I've been having for about the last 48 hours or so...
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
Re: Interactivity. [Re: crunchysuperman]
04/05/04 06:08 AM
I'll second what crunchysuperman said:
- I'd like to be able to shoot down large outdoor overhead signs & have them deal damage if they fall
on enimies.
- Kick enemies into moving traffic.
- How about having change spill out of slot machines, payphones, vending machiens when they're
- Working sprikler systems.
And add my own:
-Cans of whipped cream. Can be used to "spray" on anything, including strippers. Also use with
microwave oven to make a time bomb.
-Drivable forklift that Duke can skewer aliens with
-"Kick" key. Helps the game tell when user is bumping in to an object and when the user wants to kick
it hard. Keep "use" key for picking up/activating objects.
-As Kalki said, TV and radio. Random ads and news with alien interference and messages.
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-Drivable bicycle. (hey, a trike worked for NOLF 2)
-motorbike that can be used to bash down doors, and drive inside buildings
-kicking open a door when an alien is on the other side knocks the door into the alien's face, dealing
damage and pushing it back.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Suteki]
04/06/04 05:09 AM
Doorlock + Bullet = NO MORE LOCK ON DOOR.
I cannot open a cabnet door with a double barrel?? or RPG??
-------------------"Life is just a fatal sexually transmitted disease" - Logic BomB
"I cast my vote for Hudson as President of the Internet" - RollingBrass
When all this is over.. Heaven knows i'm going nowhere..
I was only dreaming.. Censored for a deeper meaning..
Decay TC - Lead Designer
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Hudson]
04/06/04 06:59 AM
/shameless ripoff of the "good" ending of Army of Darkness
Duke should be able to ride a shopping trolley through a supermarket blowing bad guys away!
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Hudson]
04/06/04 05:32 PM
Doorlock + Bullet = NO MORE LOCK ON DOOR.
I cannot open a cabnet door with a double barrel?? or RPG??
Hehe, great idea, Hudson, that happened in Max Payne, where if you saw a padlock, you could shoot
it away and gain access to the room. Who needs a skeleton key if a bullet is your REAL answer to
opening a door, huh?
On MY note now, another thing I'd like to see, I've seen this in other recent games, maybe you have
too... Being able to lean around a door and toss a pipebomb into the room to blast away some aliens.
RtCW is a prime example of this, using grenades to lob into the next room without anyone seeing you,
then letting 'em have it! That was soooo sweet! Of course, it's moves like that which makes FPS
games so realistic. Of course, for Duke, I'd say that this wouldn't be used for sneaking purposes, but it
would be just as cool to please both those who play sneakily, and for those who barge into a room
with open blazing guns. Just a suggestion, don't flame the messenger! Hehe...
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/06/04 07:11 PM
duke needs to operate a drill press or a band saw, and cut things.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/07/04 01:09 AM
I'd like to be able to punch through thinner walls and attack the enemy with my pistol through holes-and I want them to know I'm there on the other side of the wall!
Also it would be cool if you could use pig cops as meat shields (or pork vests you could could call'em)
in certain (but not all) situations.
"My lad, you do know that there are people who are allergic to fluids inside the vagina, don't you?" - Yossa
"LOL, according to pr0n conventions then, the key to absolute safety would appear to be "whipping it out for a facial." ShakeItBaby
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Yatta]
04/07/04 01:26 AM
He should have a scene where he gets a one time dose of a super-stimulant, and for that entire level
he is in bullet time, can run on walls, punch and thus explode baddies, run through walls, jump
madness high, and run really fast.
Then at the end he says, "Damn, that Z fighting is annoying" (read: reference to crappy graphics in
Enter the Matrix)
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: 8IronBob]
04/07/04 04:07 AM
Doorlock + Bullet = NO MORE LOCK ON DOOR.
I cannot open a cabnet door with a double barrel?? or RPG??
Hehe, great idea, Hudson, that happened in Max Payne, where if you saw a padlock, you could
shoot it away and gain access to the room. Who needs a skeleton key if a bullet is your REAL
answer to opening a door, huh?
On MY note now, another thing I'd like to see, I've seen this in other recent games, maybe you
have too... Being able to lean around a door and toss a pipebomb into the room to blast away
some aliens. RtCW is a prime example of this, using grenades to lob into the next room without
anyone seeing you, then letting 'em have it! That was soooo sweet! Of course, it's moves like
that which makes FPS games so realistic. Of course, for Duke, I'd say that this wouldn't be used
for sneaking purposes, but it would be just as cool to please both those who play sneakily, and
for those who barge into a room with open blazing guns. Just a suggestion, don't flame the
messenger! Hehe...
As far as I remember this could allready be done with the pipebomb in D3D. So it's notting new and
most likely allready in. (I guess
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: hell-angel]
04/07/04 05:45 PM
Well, I don't think that D3D had a true lean mode like you did in RtCW, though, you could look half-in,
half-out of a room, but you couldn't lean over while still invisible to the enemy. That was the problem
that I saw there. Same was true with Max Payne and MP2, I didn't see anything that made Max lean
around to toss a grenade or Molotov at anyone.
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DudeMiester]
04/07/04 09:35 PM
He should have a scene where he gets a one time dose of a super-stimulant, and for that entire level
he is in bullet time, can run on walls, punch and thus explode baddies...
The part about punching through and exploding baddies would have people thinking it's a rip-off of
DooM's Berserk Packs.
"My lad, you do know that there are people who are allergic to fluids inside the vagina, don't you?" - Yossa
"LOL, according to pr0n conventions then, the key to absolute safety would appear to be "whipping it out for a facial." ShakeItBaby
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/22/04 01:25 AM
Making ur own guns with nitro glicerine and gun powder combined with the shrink ray
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/22/04 01:25 AM
Making ur own guns with nitro glicerine and gun powder combined with the shrink ray
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Michelangelo]
04/22/04 01:29 AM
Making a multi barrelled multi purpose gun with an underbarrelled harpoon and a double barrelled
shotgun with a silencer
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Michelangelo]
04/22/04 01:32 AM
This thread breaths life again.
Of course DNF will be interactive! Haven't you heard of Duke's mighty thumb and the anal stimulation
-------------------Forums are the opiate of the masses
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Michelangelo]
04/22/04 06:37 PM
Making ur own guns with nitro glicerine and gun powder combined with the shrink ray
Uh, Mike, why'd you post this one twice?
BTW, I see that making your own weapons would be great, but how about if Duke finds a box of
matches and some gas cans lying around? That would be awesome as hell to see Duke splash a little
gasoline over a room full of baddies, and lighting a match, and dashing into another room, that would
be just...plain...AWESOME!
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: 8IronBob]
04/23/04 09:37 AM
some more random ideas(which may have already been mentioned)
-cook a meal! open the fridge, take out some meat, put it in a frying pan, put on the stove and cook it.
-when you leave duke idle, he flips coins or you see his hands put a cigar up to the screen like he's
smoking it.
-when duke touches himself to check for wounds, you can see blood on his hands
-3drealms headquarters. it just needs to be in-game.
-sabotage enemy equipment like pulling wires out of a car engine or loosening bolts on an enemy
airplane wing.
-put vcr tapes in a player and watch them
-invade a news studio to take out the alien scum. the cameras are rolling when duke does this. later in
the game, duke watches tv and sees the footage!
-if mailboxes or newspapers bins are destroyed, we must see papers and mail blowing down the
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
04/23/04 09:46 AM
Kaiser, you're nuts.
These can't be done.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/23/04 02:40 PM
Damn this thread is realy big and im realy lazy so I dont read the whole thing and just post my
gibberish. I hope at least not everything is already said before
> Put metal in microwave, turn it on and it explodes after a few seconds hurting enemies. Put a bottle
of booze or more in the wave too --> bigger explosion.
> Shoot (or better open somehow) fuel-barrels and they flood the floor with fuel. Then lighten it up,
perhaps by shooting at it.
> Playermodel is affected by the game. E.g. Duke walks through fire and his shoes+pants become
black. Then he leaves black footsteps for a while. Or he is too close to an explosion --> black face,
lose some hair, shirt is ripped.
> Change clothes, e.g. he finds a stylish suit and can wear it. Perhaps with the right clothes he can
walk around unchallenged in some areas.
> Duke-is-bored-animations: If Duke stands too long idle near
- a potted plant he pees in it
- a bathroom wall he paints or writes something on it
- a whiskey bottle he takes a sip and start singing
- some darts he throws them on a nearby dartboard. Perhaps he misses the board, breaks something
and says "Oopsydaisy!"
> RC-Cars (like in Shadow Warrior) but this time you can drive through the whole map + put
pipebombs or so in it.
> Parachutes so you can jump from big buildings.
> If an enemy is flying around with a jetpack and he turns you his back it is possible to hit the jetpack
causing it to malfunction. Then he flys around uncontrolled and fast like a ballon, hitting walls and
stuff (witch hurts him) and after the JP is burned out he falls down. With luck he can survíve this. This
is espacially fun in Multiplayer.
> Blowtube with poisened darts causing an enemy to lurch + he cant aim properly for a while.
> Strafejumps, rocket-, pipebombjumps.
> Duke can Dance (like the charakters in World of Warcraft)
Edited by Worm (04/23/04 02:43 PM)
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Worm]
04/23/04 04:00 PM
Real time 3D fluid simulation using the Navier-Stokes equations, for when Duke breaks the dam. The
grid used for the simulation should be decently high-res, and after certain threasholds, spray and
foam effects are added to the water surface. Of course the water is refracts lights and splits up the
colours into the rainbow, like fresnel refraction but smoother and more accutate (i.e. not just RGB
channels, but the whole raindow smoothly interpolated). When in the water, it is translucent in a
volumetic fog kinda way, has particles floating around, and so-called god rays (those rays you see as
light filters through the surface). All this must be rendered with HDR with light blooms, spherical
harmonic lighting (I think that's the name), virtual and real displacement mapping, soft stencil
shadows (two shadow volumes, in inner being totally black, fading to full light as you reach the outer
volume), and depth of field blurring.
Of course the water is fully phsically integrated into the world. bouyent object will float in it, it will
knock stuff around, etc.
Now that's something impossible. lol
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: DudeMiester]
04/24/04 03:39 PM
It's not impossible! It's a challenge
(and very cool btw, I really want to see that!)
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
04/24/04 03:43 PM
-3drealms headquarters. it just needs to be in-game.
Did you know that in DN3D, there was a 3D Realms Demolition Company or Construction Company or
something like that? It was so cool, and then you go in the room, shoot a pig cop, and hit a button,
and in front of you a building blows up via dinomite!
Now THAT is interactivity. Though, you NEED to do that to get a yellow key card that you need to
-------------------Time isn't on your side. Luck isn't on your side. Fate isn't on your side. But I am standing by your side. And that's all
that really matters.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Generator Gamer]
04/26/04 10:18 AM
Dude that was the second level entitled "The Red Light District", any Duke fan who got past the first
level knows about that one
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Tang Lung
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Haravikk]
04/26/04 03:56 PM
Just had a couple of insane idea's while eating a Kit Kat.
Hoping that you can actually see your own hands interacting with objects...you could pick up a mirrow
of piece of glass or some other reflective object and see yourself in it....however the twist is, the game
could have some sort of Doom style damage effect, where you can see the cuts and scars on dukes
face as he takes damage.
Second one is if you could pick up almost anything and throw it, but the twist (again!) is that different
objects that clash with other objects can produce different effects.
e.g. throw a tv thats plugged into a socket in to a pool or waterdispenser and it electrocutes.........
unscrew a gas canister, wait for the enemy to get near, then shoot or throw a match at it.........or
shoot a petrol canister, pick it up and throw it, then shoot the ground where the petrol has leaked
sending a trail of really really cool DX9 fire effects down the line until it blows up etc etc.
-------------------the fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Tang Lung]
04/26/04 04:10 PM
What's neat to think about is where games will be in 25-50 years. After photorealism is mastered,
incredible interactivity is what's needed, and the very things said here might make it in. Like, one
level you might have to blow up some ship down in the harbor. Being on a tropical island with no
guns, you hack down a couple of trees, lash them together into a raft, wait till night, sail over there
and pour gas all over the place, set it alight and steal the speedboat with mounted machine gun ala
Far Cry. Or you could sneak into the compound on the island, steal some dual miniguns ala Wolf3D,
and fight your way to the Apache, and blow the hell out of the ship. Or, after you raft over (from the
first method) kill everybody on the ship quietly and crash the tanker into the compound on the island.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Warmaster129]
04/26/04 05:39 PM
With games like that, story drivin games will be near impossible. Too much interactivity, and openness
will break the structure of the story. In the style you mention, you would be given a set of objectives,
and who cares how you do them, but you must do them to advance, sorta like 007 for N64.
With story driven games, like RPGs and adventrure games, you need the limited interactivity and
flexibility to keep the story on track. Of course, you can have branching aspects of it. Or I suppose, a
set of story pieces that are brought together by the user's choices to create the game experiance. Of
course, by then I supose we could go the whole way, and make a life simulator, where the sims
remember you and react to you depending on your choices in a true lifelike manner. That would allow
for infinate complexity and differentiation between each play of the game. However, now you just
have a life sim, which is silly considering you can always just go outside for more of the same, except
better quality.
Overall, you need to either have the previously mentioned objecive based game, with story thrown in
between, or you have some sort of decision tree system to control the story direction.
Outside of that, it's just a life sim, and who needs another one of those.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/26/04 07:35 PM
The only thing I can think of is:
I'd like to see Duke being able to pick up a cigar and smoke it , then flip the stub into a puddle of fuel
or such and torch some baddies. He could watch them run around in flames or be nice and blast em.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DudeMiester]
04/26/04 09:27 PM
With games like that, story drivin games will be near impossible. Too much interactivity, and openness
will break the structure of the story. In the style you mention, you would be given a set of objectives,
and who cares how you do them, but you must do them to advance, sorta like 007 for N64.
Ever played Far Cry? It basically usually gives you a tropical island full of mercenaries and tells you to
get to the other side. That's what I was thinking with my 25-years model... give you an amazing
enviorment and a goal for each level. For games like GTA though...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Warmaster129]
04/26/04 09:52 PM
Yah, but they've never made a FPS life-sim
that lame or boring.
. Anyways, I doubt any 3drealms game would ever get
Oh: interactivity/humor: you try to use a couple objects from some random adventure game and the
screen says: Thou seeth a flask. What art thou to do? (I don't really know this dialect, so forgive me)
and you can type or maybe just choose between: get ye flask, or drink ye flask, or use ye flask as
eyewash :P anyways, they'd have various comedic effects... I was just thinking about this type of
thing as there hasn't really been any good text and visual style adventure games lately.... wishlist: 1.
A good, 3d, halloween harry style adventure
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Reaper]
04/27/04 03:23 AM
Yah, but they've never made a FPS life-sim . Anyways, I doubt any 3drealms game would ever get that
lame or boring.
I'ld buy it... if done right it could be interesting. They made the SIMs, a 2D life sim. (only with NO
days off at all which sux, hmmm, maybe it is real)
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
04/27/04 03:20 PM
omg... Isn't one life enough trouble for you guys?!
You're crazy, lol!
Or maybe you want to replace your real life with a virtual one, like those Everquest freaks do.
-------------------Forums are the opiate of the masses
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DudeMiester]
04/27/04 04:01 PM
omg... Isn't one life enough trouble for you guys?!
You're crazy, lol!
Or maybe you want to replace your real life with a virtual one, like those Everquest freaks do.
He, that's not a bad idea.. At least it can't be worse than it is now.
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: hell-angel]
04/27/04 05:55 PM
Let's see, I don't think that D3D ever had this, but I'm hoping to see that when something drops in
the water, and goes ker-plunk, including Duke, I want to hear a big splash and see ripples going
through the water, even when Duke swims above the water surface, I'd like to see a water trail being
made like when you swim, or little splashes. That would be a lot more realistic to see that happen.
Unlike in Duke 3D, where you fall, or something falls into the water, well, you didn't see the splash,
and the sound of something in the water didn't quite sound like a splash, either. The first game that
was successful at this was probably something off the Quake engine, I forget the game that started
with the realistic splash in the water bit. An Octabrain coming out of the water after Duke would be a
bonus, too, which never happened in Duke 3D, either.
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/28/04 11:19 AM
"I just hope they have the same level (or more) interactivity that was present in Duke 3D"
Well I can tell you this. We are way, way, way past the interactivity levels in Duke 3D. Both in volume
of stuff you can do, and also in the detail of stuff you can do.
oh god yes! im still amazed at the interactivity in duke3d , most games still lack stuff you could do in
duke 3d
i mean how many games even has mirrors?
i can think of postal 2 at the moment it had mirrors
-------------------Video games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching
pills and listening to repetitive music. - Kristian Wilson, CEO at Nintendo Inc.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/28/04 09:29 PM
I've been coming to this forum for years but only signed up recently.
I'd like the game to feel as real as possible as probably most of the people here. The first thing I
would like to see has nothing to do with Duke interacting with something. During the daytime having
clouds move across the sky and cast shadows as they move would be nice. Additionally, having the
wind blow, be able to hear it and see it interact with palm trees, flags, and other things.
Insects such as flies on pig cops buzzing around would also add to that level realism. What would
pigs be without flies. Duke should be able to swat or squish them.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
04/30/04 01:56 PM
Personally, I think being able to interact with your weapons is one of the more important things.
After becoming a fan of America's Army, another Unreal engine game, I see things like being able to
switch fire modes on weapons, being able to time/cook off grenades and other explosive devices very
Seems to add a bit more of a skill requirement to the game, rather than just firing off in a direction.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KyeMan]
04/30/04 05:57 PM
There needs to be multiple reload animations.
Adding two or three more is maybe a weeks worth but it adds so much, IMO at least.
Also, having the player be a part of the world is great as well. For example, if you were near an
explosion while reloading, you could drop your clip or something cool like that. Keep it single player
only though. Things like that kind of ruin MP.
-------------------Adolf Hitler
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
"A man is his own easiest dupe, as what he wishes to be true he generally will believe to be true."
Kenneth Boulding
"Anybody who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 0marTheZealot]
04/30/04 08:07 PM
Multiple idle animations for each weapon.
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/03/04 11:00 AM
1. Shower faucet (cold, "damn, I really am that cool!").
2. Classics, mirror, comment on appearance of self.
Toilet, taking a whiz. Strippers, "wanna dance?".
3. One-armed bandit, "cash in and check out".
4. Pool table, "I still got the balls right".
5. Nuclear hazard sign, "where've I seen that before?".
6. Jukebox/mike, "booorn to be wiiild...the comeback!"
7. Beer/liquor, "five of these and my...wits/problems...go/es down. Maybe next time".
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Emultra]
05/03/04 12:18 PM
speaking of toilets, i wanna see huge logs in them.
and when you flush the toilet, they're modeled correctly using the physics engine. some of them will
fold up, some will break off and some will skid mark the sides on the way down.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
05/03/04 12:34 PM
speaking of toilets, i wanna see huge logs in them.
and when you flush the toilet, they're modeled correctly using the physics engine. some of them will
fold up, some will break off and some will skid mark the sides on the way down.
Geez, c'mon! I'm eating here!
-------------------Wake up Mr. Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/06/04 11:19 AM
if your online it could update sound and video samples to play on the radios tv's or even surf the web
could even have a big slot machine or a group of them that keeps totaling up with every1 that does't
win with a big payout "net interactive". lots of stuff like that would be cool. beat people up for money
keycards sunglasses ect...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/09/04 10:04 PM
Wow, been a long time since I've posted here. This thread caught my attention.
I don't know if this has been mentioned or not...
- specific guns that shoot thru certain walls/doors ala Half-Life/Counter-Strike. Adds alot to gameplay!
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
05/10/04 12:31 PM
speaking of toilets, i wanna see huge logs in them.
and when you flush the toilet, they're modeled correctly using the physics engine. some of them will
fold up, some will break off and some will skid mark the sides on the way down.
How about the log gets jammed in the toilet, it overflows filling the bathroom with water and Duke
drowns? (like in Liesure Suit Larry, I loved that part, everyone's worst nightmare come true)
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
05/10/04 03:11 PM
It was my all-time ultimate childhood nightmare!
how'd you know?
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
05/10/04 04:18 PM
Jesus Christ... If this ALL is gonna be in DNF.. Then I am so gonna put that in my 'Most Wanted to
Play' list. o_O
-------------------Somebody make an Unlimited Ammo/Item trainer for Shadow Warrior or/and Duke Nukem 3d!...... Pretty please? ;_;
I seriously mean it, could someone please do this request? I'll reward them in any way!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Areith Quadrant]
05/10/04 07:33 PM
Hi, this is my first post.
Ive been reading this forum for longer than i can remember and have read some great stuff.
i'd like to be able to go to one of those old fortune teller arcade machines and have my future read
(like tom hanks at the beginning of BIG)
i'd like to draw be able to draw mustaches on people on posters/dead people
i'd like to be able to collect rats, and release them all at once...
i'd like to try and smoke a cigarette and find out its a joke cigarrete and have it blow up in my face
with a witty comment on how smoking IS harmful to your health
I'd like to step on an ants nest near an enemy and run back and watch while they pile onto the enemy
while he dances around getting eaten to the bone
I'd like a passing bird to crap on me followed by a witty comment
I'd like that have one faulty bullet that goes really slow, that i could walk alongside and watch with a
I'd like to see a karate movie on a tv and have the camera pan out and see duke doing some stylish
moves with the classic kung fu whip and scream sounds
I'd like to be able to pull out a electrical cord and if I do it right electrocute someone or if i do it wrong
fry myself
I'd like to see duke bend to pick something up and split his pants with a big ripping/with a comment &
red face
I'd like to walk into a room and see a siloette of someone doing something dirty with a witty comment
only on further inpection to be doing something completely innocent with another witty comment
While im running I'd like to see a snail/turtle outrun me followed by a witty comment
I'd like to see a cameo duke from the original game walk past with a comment like "damn that guy is
lookin good"
I'd like to use wid cd's as weapons (thrown like ninja stars)
I'd like to shoot a kangaroo that appears out of nowhere in the middle of a city and bounce down the
road (who's never once thoght about shooting skippy?)
I'd like to see an analog clock ticking away
I'd like to see a version of "mother nukem"
I'd like to see one of the strippers that is actually a man in drag that looks like a woman but has a
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
mans voice
if i eat and eat and eat, i want to get fat & delevop a wind problem + excuse/comment whenever one
gets ripped + alerts nearby people with the smell/noise (would be funny in a crowded elevator)
I'd like to ask people meaningless questions and get responses (ie chicken and egg stuff)
I'd like to be able to shoot letters out of a neon sign to make it say something else or a billboard with
a computer control i can change
if i keep shooting someone i want to see arms/legs come off and holes appear where i repeatedly shoot
if i cheat to get all the weapons I want to actually see them all stuck to me (even if this means i cant
see myself under the pile)
I want to wear a batman suit and hear people laugh at a guy running in stockings and cape with
maybe a batman tune
I'd like to kill somebody at a drive through window after waiting too long for my food
I'd like to be able to push someones head into the oven for a few seconds until the bell rings and pull
them out to see a super tanned face
If ive mentioned something that someone else already has, sorry.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: bytraper]
05/10/04 08:20 PM
I'd like to see one of the strippers that is actually a man in drag that looks like a woman but has a
mans voice
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Mr.Tyro]
05/11/04 01:15 AM
Wow, been a long time since I've posted here. This thread caught my attention.
I don't know if this has been mentioned or not...
- specific guns that shoot thru certain walls/doors ala Half-Life/Counter-Strike. Adds alot to gameplay!
That someone could shoot you through a brick wall with a friggin pistol in Counter-Strike just
pissed me off to no end.
Blow te wall away and then blow the guy away. You can't shoot through walls unless they're those
thin dry walls you get in offices or made of wood.
-------------------The Nice Streak is next to the Nasty Streak
Re: Interactivity. [Re: The Phenomenon]
Attachment (8 downloads) 05/11/04 10:52 AM
That someone could shoot you through a brick wall with a friggin pistol in Counter-Strike just
pissed me off to no end. .
Not to mention leaving no "mark" or hole at all.
person on the planet who was annoyed by that.
...I was beginning to think that I was the only
Ooooh yeah, BTW, The Phenomenon...
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
C. M. Dratz
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fragger00]
05/13/04 01:25 PM
Duke discovers an alien plan to destroy the dam in order to kill humans down stream as a tertiary
distraction for their primary attack force. (The other two are small forces in Las Vegas, and Las
Angeles.) Duke enters the alien control ship after having sent an evacuation message to the lower
town on a mule. He then changes the in flight alien invasion force's landing coordinates from their
spearhead lockdown in area 51 to just below the dam. Watch 'em flounder like the Egyptian chariots
caught in the closing parted sea. Be able to drop depth charges to bust open forcibly submerged
enemy ships, allowing their elite invasion force to be crushed by the rushing water. Scum and entrails
floating to shore downstream as Duke descends to see if his mule bound message was received and
C. M. Dratz
C. M. Dratz
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Brodieman]
05/13/04 01:35 PM
Be able to use the Translation tool to insult and taunt the aliens, hearing its instant translation to alien
language as you talk.
C. M. Dratz
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: C. M. Dratz]
05/14/04 12:04 PM
-shrink a pig cop then throw him on a spider web and watch the spider eat him.
-sabotage gas lines and when someone walks in the room, throw a match in there.
-working washers and dryers
-fly swatters
-if a radio is playing, turn the knob for different stations
-pop popcorn
-throw a rope around an enemy's neck and then lasso it around a ceiling fan. put the ceiling fan on
and watch it strangle the enemy. "need a breath of fresh air?"
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
05/14/04 01:36 PM
speaking of toilets, i wanna see huge logs in them.
and when you flush the toilet, they're modeled correctly using the physics engine. some of them
will fold up, some will break off and some will skid mark the sides on the way down.
How about the log gets jammed in the toilet, it overflows filling the bathroom with water and
Duke drowns? (like in Liesure Suit Larry, I loved that part, everyone's worst nightmare come
This isn't Poop Simulator 2004. lol
-------------------Adolf Hitler
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
"A man is his own easiest dupe, as what he wishes to be true he generally will believe to be true."
Kenneth Boulding
"Anybody who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/14/04 03:32 PM
Microwave (fun/barely gameplay): Open it, turn it on. Put food in. Cook it for more health. Put a rat in
it and nuke it.
Or instead of a rat maybe put some contraption in there and make a bomb out of the thing.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/15/04 07:36 PM
Well, since I'm not sure if some parts of it will take place in space, alien worlds or what the story is,
I'll just give my ideas for city levels.
If the aliens/enemy are in the process of taking over an area:
Have the city look a little more like a city by having parked cars. There should be more NPC's walking
around the world in the streets(or running/cowering in fear), this includes stray dogs. So when Duke
is wandering around taking in the sites, NPC's may dart out of some building alerting Duke of an
enemy's presence. You can also find out some info from them if you find them hiding as to where the
enemy is. You can also see comical situations where the enemy is chasing after some poor sap and
you can either take the opportunity to take the enemy out or sneak in to some area. As for the stray
dogs, same thing, except you hear them whimpering or barking as some alien kicks it alerting you the
enemy’s whereabouts. The dog can also follow Duke around and each time you press the 'use' key, he
says something comical to shake him off. In some cases the dog can be used like a weapon where the
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
dog bites the ankle of the enemy temporarily making him unable to retaliate. You can also play fetch
with enemy body parts and the dog can once in a while take a dump on the dead corpses or take a
piss, you can call the dog Max.
If enemy's have some sort of communication device have Duke be able to use it and listen to tactical
info, when the enemy tries to contact the owner of the device and does not get a proper response, the
frequency is changed and the device is rendered useless.
Should be able to take out lights, or just turn them on and off.
Should be able to shoot out power lines (near metallic objects, water) and use them like a weapon.
Working fire alarms or sprinkler systems to throw guards off
-Strippers baby, and more of 'em!
-You should be able to find an mp3 player somewhere and be able to play/upload your own music
-There should be a computer where you can play the old school side scrolling duke nukem, or just a
new "lost" level that when you finish playing it, a secret item is revealed
-There should be a non-verbal taunt where duke gives the finger
-should be able to use parked cars and joyride(can be used as a temporary weapon a la
Carmageddon), at gas stations, when he's at the pump and sees the price, Duke say's "screw this, I'm
-should be able to use payphones and have fun chats with Caleb or Lo Wang, maybe make crank calls
to enemy building taunting them to come out, when they do, you blast them.
-Should be a memorial you can visit, with the names of every forum member as a token to our
loyalty, or at least the names of the members you use ideas from. (Or have the names appear on a
ticker, like those that display stock news, maybe the names should appear as graffiti on the walls
throughout the city)
-find E.T. in a space level and blast him
-In Vegas sit in on a magic show and be a heckler
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"please god....let them use my ideas and put in some
-------------------Anyone seen my Gun?
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: C. M. Dratz]
05/16/04 09:34 AM
Be able to use the Translation tool to insult and taunt the aliens, hearing its instant translation to alien
language as you talk.
C. M. Dratz
That's actually a better use for it then i suggested - kudos to you sir
I hope it is implemented - not
for bragging rights but because i genuinely think it would be a rather cool thing to use.
Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: 0marTheZealot]
05/16/04 06:57 PM
This isn't Poop Simulator 2004. lol
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Zerologix]
05/16/04 07:11 PM
-should be able to use payphones and have fun chats with Caleb or Lo Wang
Haha, I can just imagine Wang "talking" on the phone the same way he makes prank calls.
"Is your refrigerator running? WELL YOU BETTER GO AND CATCH IT HAHAHAHA!!!
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
05/16/04 09:46 PM
I did a quick search and didn't find anything on this. Something I really miss in games for the last few
years are lights you can shoot out! Right now I dont have a single game installed where you can shoot
out lights. I really miss the satisfying explosion of glass and the subsequent darkness of shooting
lights. I really hope this is in DNF.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: BillyD]
05/17/04 02:14 AM
-------------------The Nice Streak is next to the Nasty Streak
Re: Interactivity. [Re: BillyD]
05/17/04 05:56 AM
I did a quick search and didn't find anything on this. Something I really miss in games for the last few
years are lights you can shoot out! Right now I dont have a single game installed where you can shoot
out lights. I really miss the satisfying explosion of glass and the subsequent darkness of shooting lights.
I really hope this is in DNF.
did you actually miss Splinter Cell ?
-------------------"You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are."
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Neo]
05/17/04 06:39 AM
I did a quick search and didn't find anything on this. Something I really miss in games for the last
few years are lights you can shoot out! Right now I dont have a single game installed where you
can shoot out lights. I really miss the satisfying explosion of glass and the subsequent darkness of
shooting lights. I really hope this is in DNF.
did you actually miss Splinter Cell ?
And Hitman 2?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Warmaster129]
05/17/04 09:09 AM
did you actually miss Splinter Cell ?
And Hitman 2?
And Angry Man vs the Light People of Elecky 5?
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Brodieman]
05/17/04 06:47 PM
if u shoot a rpg into a wall it should make a hole in it like on red faction
Re: Interactivity. [Re: foos]
05/18/04 02:36 AM
You know guys, don't build all your hype up over this thread.. things are kinda getting out of hand
Just dont use this to weigh the game or anything 3DR releases will dissapoint you
-------------------"Life is just a fatal sexually transmitted disease" - Logic BomB
"I cast my vote for Hudson as President of the Internet" - RollingBrass
When all this is over.. Heaven knows i'm going nowhere..
I was only dreaming.. Censored for a deeper meaning..
Decay TC - Lead Designer
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Hudson]
05/18/04 04:10 AM
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I did a quick search and didn't find anything on this. Something I really miss in games for the last few
years are lights you can shoot out! Right now I dont have a single game installed where you can shoot
out lights. I really miss the satisfying explosion of glass and the subsequent darkness of shooting lights.
I really hope this is in DNF.
did you actually miss Splinter Cell ?
even Descent 2 had this, and that game is sooooo old (but fun
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
05/18/04 09:15 AM
some more ideas:
-fly a model airplane via remote control
-have a working draw bridge
-if you fire a rpg at a manhole cover, it will fly/come off.
-while walking down the hall of a hotel, flip the "do not disturb" signs over on the door knobs. then
watch as an octobrain knocks on the door and attacks the person.
-if duke takes damage on his gun hand, you can see blood trickle out of the wound as you're playing.
-working gym equipment. let's see how much duke can bench press!
-swimming pool with high dive board! duke can go for a swim with the ladies and also show off his
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impressive diving skills!
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Hudson]
05/19/04 03:12 AM
Just dont use this to weigh the game or anything 3DR releases will dissapoint you
It becomes ridiculous! It's enough interactivity here to fill 10 next Duke games!
mallow man
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Woolf]
05/19/04 04:41 AM
Ok I am a newbie, just forum wise though. I had to stop playing the first duke nukem - side scroller when I was having nightmares with nothing but the bleep bleep bleep zhrcnnrrrr of zig zag green lazer
(I was 5)
my list:
1. Barrels with a variety of contents in levels, not just oh the red ones have TNT in them. Maybe ones
with oil to make enemies slide on. if they were running towards you you could stylishly blow the side
of the barrel fill the tiled floor with oil and headshot them only to see them all slide past you and
create a pile against the wall
(this would look cool with ragdolls
maybe one could have salt (kills slimy stuff like octabrains) or sodium hydroxide (turns skin to soap)
or something in it just for a different effect than BOOM!
2. Being able to shrink yourself - shoot against a mirror? then you could do cool stuff like explore the
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inside of the pool table to get the money out, or go into a dolls house and explode out
the effect wore off
3. Lots more quips, I nearly died when Duke said his kickass/bubblegum one.
4. Kicking people (bad people) downstairs, I just think that would be cool (probably too much time
playing stair dismount (if you dont now what that is, google it))
5. being able to slide down banisters to get somewhere quickly
6. A nice familliar shotgun, not really interactivity, but if you get the shotgun right the rest of the
game will follow IMO
people need a gun they can get comfortable with before they move on to the
weird stuff
7. Cameras that follow you, not just pan from side to side
8. An xray gun/utility - would be cool for seeing what someone had eaten that day (little pointless I
9. shooting neon signs to make sparks/ fall on guy's heads
10. molotovs, nail bombs and napalm
11. Computerised female voice instructor for a vehicle plenty of opportunity for humor/quips. "you are
going too fast, apply the brake pedal NOW"
12. a good melee weapon like a pitchfork or hammer, that you really feel is damaging the person you
use it on. and has a predictable effect on inanimate objects
13. Being able to use the shield (from the video) to deflect stuff like popcorn, steam, water spray (and
14. put a smoke grenade in the ventilation system of a building to make the place all misty.
15. A SETI screensaver on a computer with something that actually looks like alien signals like a smily
face or "kill Duke Nukem" message
16. Put some normal looking women/men in, they cant all look like strippers
especially if you could post them through letterboxes with enemies on the other side
17. fireworks
- just an alien scream and many flashes of bright light coming from the windows
18. a tazer gun
thats me done, some of these are quite impractical/stupid so don't take them too seriously
-------------------If necessity is the mother of invention who came up with aerosol butter
Eagles may soar high but weasels dont get sucked into jet engines
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/19/04 06:46 AM
Well, this is not much, but its something I would really like to see.
Security cameras:
* You should be able to move the view around with the mouse.
* Maybe even move the actuall camera around along the walls of a corridor or something, if its
attached to some kind of pipe.
But most important:
* You should be able to place your own security cameras ! Its probably mentioned somewhere before,
but it would be amazing as an item next to the holoduke and such for dukematches.
Imagine those 20 pipebombs and 10 trippmines you allways placed as a "nice suprise" to your fellow
duker. Only this time you can be at the other side of the map, and still se the action!
Btw, one more item:
Some kind of device to locate the other player. Maybe something that can get stuck on a players feet
when he walks over it. Take out your "locator" and you get these Aliens-like "beep"´s depending on
how close your enemy is.
Of course, if someone finds the thing before they step on it, they should be able to reverse it with a
simple click on the "use" button and instead locate the other player. If you take it further, you might
even let the player mess around with their find and make their enemies "locator" go crazy.
^ Maybe items a bit of topic, but the possibilities are endless.
-------------------"I GOT PLASTERED!" - Drazula
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Tang Lung
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Thriller]
05/19/04 06:06 PM
If you put food in the microwave or oven to heat it up and give you more health like mentioned...
obviously you dont want it to take a realistic amount of time, so it should be 10 or so seconds.
When it goes ping duke says ''Least I didnt have to wait too long for that!''
-------------------the fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Thriller]
05/19/04 06:57 PM
Well, this is not much, but its something I would really like to see.
Some kind of device to locate the other player. Maybe something that can get stuck on a players feet
when he walks over it. Take out your "locator" and you get these Aliens-like "beep"´s depending on
how close your enemy is.
Of course, if someone finds the thing before they step on it, they should be able to reverse it with a
simple click on the "use" button and instead locate the other player. If you take it further, you might
even let the player mess around with their find and make their enemies "locator" go crazy.
^ Maybe items a bit of topic, but the possibilities are endless.
i like the idea alot espeshally if the MP maps are large plus if you turn it against them and use it to
lure people into a trap
some things id liek to see happen is fully destrucable areas like blowing holes in walls with exsplosives
or just with a very big gun (it poribbly allready been posted
so dont smite me) somehtign else id
like to see which i dunno if its been stated yet (i cant be botherd to read the whoel thread cause im
lazy) is the ability to use stuff like microwaves and ovens as weapons liek smash the glass frunt of the
microwave thow it on and watch it mess with stuff like inturnally frying people e.c.t and for the oven
stuff if there gas ones throw it on and leave it and once a spark goes off near it boom the whoel place
should go or have some kind of flame trail come off it
BTW this is my first post hear
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Tang Lung]
05/19/04 07:55 PM
If you put food in the microwave or oven to heat it up and give you more health like mentioned...
obviously you dont want it to take a realistic amount of time, so it should be 10 or so seconds.
When it goes ping duke says ''Least I didnt have to wait too long for that!''
Yeah, either that or have Duke put a bottle of vodka or a Dukeweiser in the microwave, and when he
pulls it out, it becomes a Molotov Cocktail, which he can lob right into a melee of alien @$$! HAHA,
now THAT's interactivity! That's more realistic than MP/MP2, which had a Molotov, but how does he
light it when you don't see Max Payne using a lighter at least? Here, if Duke microwaves a bottle of
liquor, then you will have a more realistic fire set to the bottle, then KA-BOOM as Duke tosses it to the
aliens. That would be sooo cool!
-------------------What is there left in the world that would make one happy throughout his whole life, yet satisfaction only comes once in a
blue moon, when you realize that not everything in life is free? I don't get it, but it is very true!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Tang Lung]
05/19/04 08:11 PM
If you put food in the microwave or oven to heat it up and give you more health like mentioned...
obviously you dont want it to take a realistic amount of time, so it should be 10 or so seconds.
When it goes ping duke says ''Least I didnt have to wait too long for that!''
If Duke heats up a pizza, after it finishes and he pops open the microwave, he should immediately
proclaim "It's done!"
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
The Doctor
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
05/21/04 04:37 AM
When Duke turns on the microwave, the timer should say "WID"
-------------------In the Realms of the Third,
a lost Hero be.
One day He will return,
and Babes again be free.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: The Doctor]
05/21/04 07:09 AM
When Duke turns on the microwave, the timer should say "WID"
Best. Idea. Ever.
-------------------"Our Octabrains are scary looking and do stuff." - George3DR
"The stripper AI really sucks
" - Joe Siegler
"I am not CyTex" - MTS
Re: Interactivity. [Re: The Doctor]
05/21/04 07:16 AM
-------------------The Nice Streak is next to the Nasty Streak
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: The Doctor]
05/21/04 07:59 AM
When Duke turns on the microwave, the timer should say "WID"
Hopefully it won't take 7+ years to get the food done.
-------------------"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman... I will see you up ahead." -- G-man (Half-Life 1)
"In the meantime... this is where I get off." -- G-man (Half-Life 2)
"Will I ever actually reveal anything?" -- G-man (Half-Life 3)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Beelze]
05/21/04 08:15 PM
That could be the basis of the story. Duke puts in a microwavable dinner, and it says WID. 7 years
later it's done, but while Duke was gone waiting for his food, the world has gone to chaos and Pig cops
are everywhere.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: DudeMiester]
05/21/04 10:15 PM
That could be the basis of the story. Duke puts in a microwavable dinner, and it says WID. 7 years later
it's done, but while Duke was gone waiting for his food, the world has gone to chaos and Pig cops are
Oooh ooh ooh! And right 2 seconds before the food is about to finally be done, a pig cop shoots the
microwave, blowing it up! Duke will now never get the food, after waiting for it for 7 whole years!
"Damn, those #$%@ING alien bastards are GONNA GODDAMN PAY for shooting up my
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
05/23/04 01:39 PM
The ability to use any machinery you want. Example: you see a bulldozer, you can ride it.
-------------------Wiping the mess on his dirty sleeve he said, “That wasn’t half bad, schoolboy. Is that what the academy teaches you?”
Arken replied with a grin. “I didn’t need the academy to throw that move.”
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/24/04 01:01 AM
I wanna Pee in the coffee machine!!
~and have NPCs react & be affected.
(same thing goes for poisons and such)
Seriously, being able to taint the guard house water cooler, or slip 'mickeys' would add to gameplay.
If it affects Duke let it affect NPCs'
(even the beneficial effects). It would be interesting to find a way to allow NPC's to use some of the
power-ups in combat and still leave some for Duke.
For instance (not that you would) putting Steroids in NPC's drinks would affect them same as it would
with Duke.
OH.. and about the phone numbers, Ya got ta be able ta call Jenny (867-5309) as it was written in
"We shall say "Neet!" again to you, if you do not appease us!"
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
05/24/04 01:15 AM
That could be the basis of the story. Duke puts in a microwavable dinner, and it says WID. 7
years later it's done, but while Duke was gone waiting for his food, the world has gone to chaos
and Pig cops are everywhere.
Oooh ooh ooh! And right 2 seconds before the food is about to finally be done, a pig cop shoots
the microwave, blowing it up! Duke will now never get the food, after waiting for it for 7 whole
"Damn, those #$%@ING alien bastards are GONNA GODDAMN PAY for shooting up my
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Bastard Alien microwave haters!!!
-------------------The Nice Streak is next to the Nasty Streak
Forrest Gump
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Glop_dweller]
05/24/04 07:05 AM
I wanna Pee in the coffee machine!!
Bad idea.
DNF is NOT Postal 2 and I think 3DRealms wants "Teen" rating for Duke, not "Mature".
-------------------Mommy says stupid is as stupid does.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Forrest Gump]
05/24/04 07:14 AM
Actually, I seem to recall GB saying that they were going for mature, and that they didn't think it
would affect their sales considering Half-Life was rated the same. Anyway, I don't think a teen rated
game could quite capture the spirit of Duke.
-------------------"I think the push for people to innovate in gameplay - i'm not sure that I particularly agree with it"
John Carmack
Re: Interactivity. [Re: CyTex]
05/24/04 07:28 AM
When Duke turns on the microwave, the timer should say "WID"
Best. Idea. Ever.
true, would be nice to see that idea make it
-------------------"Oh, and Marty, I may be a gnat, but I'm hung like a horesfly." - London_Midge
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: mallow man]
05/24/04 07:37 AM
Being able to shrink yourself - shoot against a mirror? then you could do cool stuff like explore the
inside of the pool table to get the money out, or go into a dolls house and explode out when the
effect wore off
You do know that was possible in Duke3d, right?
I want to be able to pick up barrels and throw them through windows.
I want to be able to drive every car I see.
I want every door I see to have something behind it. Locked? No problem, I'll just kick it down!
Firing rockets and pipebombs should blow up everything. Craters should appear in walls and floors.
I want to be able to shoot off enemy body parts like in SOF2.
30+ different reload/idle animations for EVERY weapon.
Anything that can be used as a weapon, WILL be used as a weapon. I'm talking steel chairs,
brooms, doors, bits of glass, bins, car tyres, the lot.
I want swords.
I want ragdoll physics that allow me to throw enemies through doors and windows, and they don't
die. I want a beatem up weapon selection, where I can kick the crap out of the aliens.
I want to kill and enemy and NOT see their head/arm/leg go through a wall.
I want blood that's NOT bright red.
I want to be able to massacre innocent bystanders and watch them run for cover or fight back.
I also want innocent bystanders to help fight, not just stand there and get eaten.
Random celebrities appearing halfway through, who then get eaten by aliens. (And I mean real
celebs, not some Big Brother rejects).
I want to be able to access a computer and log on to the net, read my emails, post inforums, and
maybe play a bit of CS while i'm at it. (Broadband required).
Millions of different weapons. I don't want 11 or so weapons in the enitre game, which every
enemy has, or is found in gunshops.
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Speaking of gunshops, I want a gunshop, where I can buy new guns.
And how come the bosses get those fat ass lasers and crap? If I kill them, I want their guns!
Bosses with realistic health. If I fire one rocket at an enemy, I don't expect a little bit of blood to
appear, I want to blow off major limbs! Rocket in the eye! Pow! Blow your leg away! Pow!
I want to fight God at the end.
I want to go to a restaraunt, sit down, order a meal, and some wine, have a conversation with my
friends, without the hassle of killing everything.
I want it to accurately represent real life. I want to see dogs trying to hump my leg. I want cows in
fields to crap everywhere. I want cars to backfire, I want a LADA! Yeah!
And I also want random shit to just blow up. See a phone booth? Boom!
I want it to rain cats and dogs. Real cats and dogs. All different. No two animals the same. With
ragdoll physics.
If I shoot an enemy off a tall building, I want to be able to shoot him on the way down, and watch
his body fly around.
I want a parachute.
I want to be able to riddle dead bodies with bullets from my M60, and not have the body
I want to be able to shoot bullets as they come towards me.
I want to see a gangster.
I want big ass shootouts, Matrix style.
That's me done for now. I'll be back later with more.
-------------------EVERYBODY hates pop-ups.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: thepineapplehead]
05/24/04 07:51 AM
I want it to rain cats and dogs. Real cats and dogs. All different. No two animals the same. With ragdoll
So when the rain stops you could blow all the little cats and dogs to pieces with pipebombs and
rockets.. And make an evil laughter..
-------------------After a year in therapy, my psychiatrist said to me, 'Maybe life isn't for everyone.'
Re: Interactivity. [Re: thepineapplehead]
05/24/04 07:53 AM
Being able to shrink yourself - shoot against a mirror? then you could do cool stuff like explore the
inside of the pool table to get the money out, or go into a dolls house and explode out when the
effect wore off
You do know that was possible in Duke3d, right?
I want to be able to pick up barrels and throw them through windows.
I want to be able to drive every car I see.
I want every door I see to have something behind it. Locked? No problem, I'll just kick it down!
Firing rockets and pipebombs should blow up everything. Craters should appear in walls and
I want to be able to shoot off enemy body parts like in SOF2.
30+ different reload/idle animations for EVERY weapon.
Anything that can be used as a weapon, WILL be used as a weapon. I'm talking steel chairs,
brooms, doors, bits of glass, bins, car tyres, the lot.
I want swords.
I want ragdoll physics that allow me to throw enemies through doors and windows, and they
don't die. I want a beatem up weapon selection, where I can kick the crap out of the aliens.
I want to kill and enemy and NOT see their head/arm/leg go through a wall.
I want blood that's NOT bright red.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
I want to be able to massacre innocent bystanders and watch them run for cover or fight back.
I also want innocent bystanders to help fight, not just stand there and get eaten.
Random celebrities appearing halfway through, who then get eaten by aliens. (And I mean real
celebs, not some Big Brother rejects).
I want to be able to access a computer and log on to the net, read my emails, post inforums, and
maybe play a bit of CS while i'm at it. (Broadband required).
Millions of different weapons. I don't want 11 or so weapons in the enitre game, which every
enemy has, or is found in gunshops.
Speaking of gunshops, I want a gunshop, where I can buy new guns.
And how come the bosses get those fat ass lasers and crap? If I kill them, I want their guns!
Bosses with realistic health. If I fire one rocket at an enemy, I don't expect a little bit of blood to
appear, I want to blow off major limbs! Rocket in the eye! Pow! Blow your leg away! Pow!
I want to fight God at the end.
I want to go to a restaraunt, sit down, order a meal, and some wine, have a conversation with
my friends, without the hassle of killing everything.
I want it to accurately represent real life. I want to see dogs trying to hump my leg. I want cows
in fields to crap everywhere. I want cars to backfire, I want a LADA! Yeah!
And I also want random shit to just blow up. See a phone booth? Boom!
I want it to rain cats and dogs. Real cats and dogs. All different. No two animals the same. With
ragdoll physics.
If I shoot an enemy off a tall building, I want to be able to shoot him on the way down, and
watch his body fly around.
I want a parachute.
I want to be able to riddle dead bodies with bullets from my M60, and not have the body
I want to be able to shoot bullets as they come towards me.
I want to see a gangster.
I want big ass shootouts, Matrix style.
That's me done for now. I'll be back later with more.
like i've said in the past, if duke fans ever developed dnf, it would never, ever get finished.
and people rip 3dr for taking "too long"? we'd have this sucker in development for 30 years plus!
seriously though pine-those are some really good ideas! i bet we see alot of what you just mentioned.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Forrest Gump]
05/24/04 09:15 AM
I wanna Pee in the coffee machine!!
Bad idea.
DNF is NOT Postal 2 and I think 3DRealms wants "Teen" rating for Duke, not "Mature".
If this game is not Mature then the ratings are completely useless. Is it even possible for a FPS to not
be Mature? Wanton violence and guts = mature rating, and who gives a damn? The point of a FPS is
to kill loads upon loads of baddies.
Do some poeple actually look at the ratings, I know I never have and never cared. In order for DNF to
be a Teen game they will have to turn it into some gay Flower Power shooter.
Now THAT would suck ass.
-------------------The Nice Streak is next to the Nasty Streak
Re: Interactivity. [Re: The Phenomenon]
05/24/04 09:38 AM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Bad idea.
DNF is NOT Postal 2 and I think 3DRealms wants "Teen" rating for Duke, not "Mature".
If this game is not Mature then the ratings are completely useless. Is it even possible for a FPS
to not be Mature? Wanton violence and guts = mature rating, and who gives a damn? The point
of a FPS is to kill loads upon loads of baddies.
Do some poeple actually look at the ratings, I know I never have and never cared. In order for
DNF to be a Teen game they will have to turn it into some gay Flower Power shooter.
Now THAT would suck ass.
while we don't know a whole lot about dnf, i think it's safe to say with strippers and duke's course
language from time to time, it'll get a "m" rating.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Forrest Gump
Re: Interactivity. [Re: The Phenomenon]
05/24/04 10:06 AM
Is it even possible for a FPS to not be Mature?
Yes. If you kill aliens, not people
P.S. I think this forum needs [offtopic] tag like some others
-------------------Mommy says stupid is as stupid does.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
05/24/04 10:08 AM
Alien guts for wallpaper is more than enough
-------------------The Nice Streak is next to the Nasty Streak
Combat Chuck
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Forrest Gump]
05/24/04 01:39 PM
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Jedi Knight I and II are rated Teen, and they're FPS's where
humans are killed. The main sticking point that would've made it mature is that there is no blood in
any of the mentioned games.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/24/04 09:50 PM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Drivable Harleys!
Drivable Monster trucks!
I always liked that you could pick up a severed Demon head in Shadow-warrior to shoot fire balls, so
how about the ability to use the natural weapons of some alien enemies? You could have Duke Shoot
off a cyborg's weapon arm and Use what's left of its blaster ammo 'til it runs out.
How about...
working parking meters
liftable sewer gratings / lids
have master keys in hotels / apt. buildings
If there is an airport, you must be able to steal 747s'
Daily casino shows/ concerts (Pirate swords /cannons)
Side note: Use one liners from Raw Deal and commando
~ Usable Cell-phone Mini-games { duke nukem 1 in LED}
~ Working Laundromats where Duke can hit on Chicks
or wash away blood stains.
! Normal people should react to a Blood soaked
Duke, same as they would anyone else carrying
automatic weapons.
~ Zed's Pawn shop (with all amenities!!!)
~ a Zoo and all that it entails
~ Lo Wang's Dojo (train for enhanced HTH moves)
Crazy stuff:
~ TVs' use real TV cards if in the host system! HA!
Not likely...
~ MP3 folder in game directory for random Radio tunes.
~ Working combination Padlocks that can be guessed.
~ Random NON-Plot criminals with their own agenda's
~ Ahh my head hurts,.. I'm done.
"We shall say "Neet!" again to you, if you do not appease us!"
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Glop_dweller]
05/25/04 06:10 PM
...steal a 747?! You're nuts...I'm sure the game isn't expansive enough to match Flight Simulator's
area...where on earth would you fly?!
I've always wanted a Radiation gun...you know, one that, when you shoot at somebody, would mutate
them and cause them to grow tentacles or blow up
Has that Duke feel to it, don't you think?
Oh yes, and Cosmo should have a cameo...only fair that he gets repaid for letting Duke into his
Re: Interactivity. [Re: archagon]
05/25/04 08:27 PM
I want to see some ass jiggling technology. Everyone expects vertex shaded boobs but if girls had
some ass jiggle that would be truely revolutionary.
-------------------"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: archagon]
05/26/04 02:24 PM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
...steal a 747?! You're nuts...I'm sure the game isn't expansive enough to match Flight Simulator's
area...where on earth would you fly?!
Are you kidding; That would be the best mini-game of all.
Of course if it was too tall an order, you could always have Duke reply ~" No way I'm stealing THIS
S##T "
"We shall say "Neet!" again to you, if you do not appease us!"
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Glop_dweller]
05/26/04 04:54 PM
How about if you can trade in a vibrator for a Cheezy Gordita Crunch at Taco Bell! Now THAT'S
-------------------Wiping the mess on his dirty sleeve he said, “That wasn’t half bad, schoolboy. Is that what the academy teaches you?”
Arken replied with a grin. “I didn’t need the academy to throw that move.”
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Imfamous]
05/26/04 05:05 PM
i would like to keep it simple instead of blowing up the vending machines i would like to use the
mighty foot on the front of them and steal all the chocolate and drinks to replenish my health
and a last but least a strip poker table, and if you loose on the table guns are taken away and win get
naked strippers or perhaps some better guns
Re: Interactivity. [Re: wadsy]
05/27/04 02:52 PM
hehe ... i realy like the idea of slapping an alien with a hot pizza from the microwave .... maybe also a
thing for MP??
go, hit your enemy with a pizza to score
Re: Interactivity. [Re: TheBoogieman]
05/27/04 03:55 PM
"Capture the Pizza"
"Prevent the Pizza delivery kid from getting to the other development teams HQ"
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
05/27/04 04:36 PM
not realy THAT way ...
more like a new kind of "last man standing" duke is caught in a burgerstore and must defeat the others with pizza
... you´re running out of ammo, only mightyfod left - and a mightypizza to fry these bastards
not only in MP ..... sure it would be fun to combine some stuff like mcguiver and his swiss knife. some
mudd , a little bit of octobrain, a 9mm bullit .... voila! a deadly funny mine ...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/28/04 12:16 AM
Roll up window blinds.
Pop the hood of a car.
Unplug devices like TV, phone, etc.
Mix drinks at a bar.
Smoke and use ashtray.
Dress up in a costume.
Take a piss or shit anywhere.
Write words in blood.
Do exercises(pushups, situps, weight lifting).
Throw a football.
Pitch a baseball.
Roll a bowling ball.
Kick a soccer ball.
Throw a frisbee.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
05/29/04 12:08 AM
Duke should be able to use the axe & hall fire-hose in hotels as a powerful, but restricted (tied to the
wall) weapon; and maybe use the hose itself to rappel to lower floors.
Also I kinda think Overchargable weapons are cool. Imagine seeing the plasma cannon from DNMP at
work from 1st person view!
And I still say Stealing a 747 wouldn't be too hard to portray; The gold would be to able to walk
around in the plane while it moves.
Nuts you say? I think n~... Well maybe.
How about a Ken Silverman cameo
(maybe in a theme-park labyrinth; heh heh)
"We shall say "Neet!" again to you, if you do not appease us!"
Tang Lung
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Glop_dweller]
05/29/04 02:29 PM
I would also like to see physics and interactity used for gameplay purposes rather than asthetics. Best
example of phyics use is the gravity gun from HL2....its giving a real purpose for physics in the game.
I want to use objects to my advantage in-game like I would in the real world.
Also, and this is something I would REALLY love to see, and I think it would make the game immensly
more fun than any other.
Okay we (just about) know the pinball machine is in it..if they add scores and things like that that
would be great. But what I'd love to see is something like a pool table, which has scorekeeping and
everything...but the twist is you can play it two player In single player, taking turns just like in the
real life version.
Basically I think the more *quality* minigames they have in there the better, Its an FPS, not a
japanese RPG..but im sick of devs fearing to cross genres...we WANT lots of fun replayable mini
games...games that are fun in real life.
thank you
-------------------the fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Tang Lung]
05/30/04 09:09 PM
I'd like to be able to dig holes in the ground so I can bury pipe bombs.
schmuch and BOOOOM!
Awww, didn't see that did he?
Along comes some poor
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
06/01/04 12:05 AM
What about operating a crane and destroy telephone lines, buildings and walls...
Loading a chipmunk with tnt and letting him loose for fun
-------------------If it doesn't fit... MAKE IT!!!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Michelangelo]
06/01/04 06:24 AM
I wanna Duke to be able to ride a donkey.
Yeah I know, like *that's* ever gonna happen.
When pigs fly with Jetpacks right?
Actually, what I'd realy like to see is just that: Pigs with Jetpacks.
And as long as I can feed Vitamin X to the donkey and see him go insane, i'm happy.
-------------------"Our Octabrains are scary looking and do stuff." - George3DR
"The stripper AI really sucks
" - Joe Siegler
"I am not CyTex" - MTS
C. M. Dratz
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
06/07/04 11:01 PM
George Broussard:
1) Real Rocket Propelled Grenade Backdraft. (Moderately burn a player behind you; set fire to
curtains; when one fires a rocket with one's back to a wall one loses a few health because of backdraft
C. M. Dratz
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
06/08/04 05:07 AM
Here's my 50 cent:
- SP/MP: When Duke is in idle mode he should check his current weapon and comment it. Like taking
up the Rocket Launcher and point at a misc. button and say: "Hmmm... I wonder what this freaking
button will do!"
- SP/MP: Be able to play dead to surprise enemies/players! (of course he would still breathe and thats
the get-away)
- SP: The strippers should do various things when used (poll-dance, get down on knee, you name it
- SP: Use dead enemies as shield! Duke could use one arm to grab the bastard and have his gun in
the other. Then of course the aim should be a little worse then normal taking the weight and balance
into mind.
- SP/MP: BOB should be an option (player-movement)
- MP: When a player press the Stats key (current frags, deaths etc.) Duke should put his watch/clock
up to the face and the interface should be put there. That way you can always see if someone is
looking at stats.
Will probally add more when it comes to mind
-------------------BlastZone.dk - My Gaming Site (Danish)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: PanikSpreder]
06/08/04 05:22 AM
- SP/MP: When Duke is in idle mode he should check his current weapon and comment it. Like taking
up the Rocket Launcher and point at a misc. button and say: "Hmmm... I wonder what this freaking
button will do!"
I like that. Funny idle animations are a must-have
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Needle]
06/10/04 01:00 AM
do you know what i would like to see do you know that simpsons episode where homer and mardge
goto the candy convention
i would like to see a soda bomb ala duke style 100x bigger and 100* better beign able to get the
candy from vending machines and soda from coke machines
Re: Interactivity. [Re: wadsy]
06/10/04 02:25 AM
I'm definately all for a slot machine mini game...
that'd be fun...
people have mentioned computers that have interactivity... I've always enjoyed "day of the tentacle"
where you hop down at the computer and play the game before that.. "maniac mansion"
that was fun too...
so, computers that have origional side scrollin' duke games on it
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: wadsy]
06/10/04 04:08 AM
I'd like to see a candy/flower/glitter cannon. Maybe some kind of general cannon that you can load
with various things and shoot them all over the place.
It shouldn't do much damage but add to gameplay somewhat. Maybe some NPCs start to collect candy
or the glitter will cause damage to some electrics when shot into ventilation shafts.
Or shoot a chicken with that which will fly like an arrow...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: AnimeG]
06/10/04 04:34 AM
In response to AnimeG...
'Write words in blood." - I'd see a psychiatrist
Thats what mods are for.
(Just kidding) but you know they'll never do it, pity.
Who knows. We'll find out whenever DNF is released. (in the next millenia)
honestly wait to play it.
- Just joking, but I can't
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: piano_man15]
06/10/04 09:26 AM
Reading--- if you press the use button on a book or magazine, Duke could pick it up and read a
sentence or so before tossing the book/magazine away with some funny comment.
For certain
magazines, Duke'll only look at the pictures as opposed to reading anything.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
06/10/04 09:33 AM
or instead of just pissing in the toilet, he can take a dump, read a mag filled with sexy babes and
guns... rip out a page and wipe his ass, flush.
-------------------"Oh, and Marty, I may be a gnat, but I'm hung like a horesfly." - London_Midge
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Marty]
06/10/04 09:44 AM
or instead of just pissing in the toilet, he can take a dump, read a mag filled with sexy babes and
guns... rip out a page and wipe his ass, flush.
Even better.
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Dr.Dude]
06/10/04 03:20 PM
I want a videocamera so that I can record things in-game, and then watch it IN-GAME on the camera
LED. I also want the camera to have a zoom, and a infrared camera - so that the camera also makes a
vital tool elsewhere in the game.
-------------------"Ballsy is when you look your boss in the eye and tell him you slept with his daughter
--when you know for a fact that he only has a son who's a transsexual." - Uncle Duke
Re: Interactivity. [Re: hfnl]
06/14/04 10:43 AM
* Be able to go on telephones, type in the number and call someone (Either going to the phone,
typing George's/Joe's number and start chatting with them.)
* Rip any body part of a enemy, friend and throw them or use them for something else. (Blocking
shutting doors.)
* Able to push a self destruct button. >> (I hate timers in those kind of missions though.)
* Character gags (Like the Doomed Space Marine).
* Able to use a monitor and spy on whatever George and Joe are doing.
* Rip off posters, draw something, program own game (Duke Nukem makin' his own game? Heh, I
can see DN5 (c) Duke Nukem, in my mind already. o_O)
* Brake objects such as ventilators and make some people mad.
* Pickup a trash can and use it to pound an enemy when out of ammo. (Think of Duke using a trash
can on a boss. O.o; )
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* Able to use slot machines and do 'stuff'
-------------------Somebody make an Unlimited Ammo/Item trainer for Shadow Warrior or/and Duke Nukem 3d!...... Pretty please? ;_;
I seriously mean it, could someone please do this request? I'll reward them in any way!
mr. moose
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Areith Quadrant]
06/18/04 11:43 AM
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but it'd be great if the multiplayer maps were interactive
Remember in Twisted Metal 2 how you could blow up the Eiffel Tower? I want stuff like that
-------------------Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes and we should just support that.
Britney Spears, CNN, 2003.09.03
Re: Interactivity. [Re: mr. moose]
06/19/04 06:33 AM
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but it'd be great if the multiplayer maps were interactive
Remember in Twisted Metal 2 how you could blow up the Eiffel Tower? I want stuff like that
I definitely want to blow up the eiffel tower. Even if it's a mini one in a casino. It's just for the idea
you know
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: hell-angel]
06/19/04 08:58 AM
I definitely want to blow up the eiffel tower. Even if it's a mini one in a casino. It's just for the idea you
Statue of Liberty, too. That one is also french.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: JackMeaph]
06/19/04 10:06 AM
Buttons! Lots of things with buttons!
I promise it will be popular ^_^
Like that coke vending machine
-------------------3DSMax 6 damnit!!
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Alive]
06/20/04 03:45 AM
I definitely want to blow up the eiffel tower. Even if it's a mini one in a casino. It's just for the
idea you know
Statue of Liberty, too. That one is also french.
Why don't we just shoot a nuke at french then.
oh no... that would mean holland can get in trouble with the fall out.. hmm.. let's stick with the eifel
tower and the statue of liberty than.
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
06/20/04 11:39 AM
may someone has post this idea before, but i'd like to have a reward for fragging-series (similar to ut)
- which gives duke some money for later use...
he can share it to the babes, then... the more money, the more he can reach here...
Edited by metalhos (06/20/04 11:40 AM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
06/21/04 10:57 AM
Hey... I Wanna blow up every wall that can be blowed up in real life ( that means stone walls and
ground or other stuff) just like in red faction... of course just MUCH MUCH better....(I like to blow
things up)
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
06/21/04 03:20 PM
I'm not sure if I've said this before, buuuuut
-------------------Adolf Hitler
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
"A man is his own easiest dupe, as what he wishes to be true he generally will believe to be true."
Kenneth Boulding
"Anybody who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
06/22/04 01:37 AM
DNF should have more action (and thats's promised ;-) we all know that U shall deliver the BEST
...coz after playing DNMP - it becomes kinda predictive shooting those stupid pig cops...they simply
just stand there and shoot aimlessly.
In DNF, Nukem should be in real tight situations facing some Intelligent cops/mutants (whatever) who
should chase Nukem (or vice versa) ..Ya that would be FUN
Re: Interactivity. [Re: crompton]
06/22/04 04:44 AM
In DNF, Nukem should be in real tight situations facing some Intelligent cops/mutants (whatever) who
should chase Nukem (or vice versa) ..Ya that would be FUN
Intelligen cops?? Are we living in the same world??
Than they must be mutants...
(joke of course.
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: hell-angel]
06/24/04 04:37 AM
Duke should take charge of a robot production facility and use it to create an army of killer Duke
obeying terminators
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Michelangelo]
06/30/04 09:55 AM
and gibs should remain)
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/01/04 06:03 PM
How about having some closets in the game with stuff in them that you can blow up and send flying.
It would feel more real if a house had closets, I cant think of a game that has had them.
-------------------"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
07/02/04 11:44 AM
Its important to have those nuke-like explosions like Duke Nukem3D.
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
07/02/04 01:03 PM
Will there be non linear weather effects in the game?
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Fat John
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/02/04 03:23 PM
Shit should blow up loads. But not like in DN3d. It was so annoying when you went to the women's
and it exploded and you took damage. What I mean is that you should kind of go into
self-parody sometimes, like milk trucks blowing up when they crash, etc. This is very funny when
done in the Simpsons.
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Glop_dweller]
07/03/04 02:15 AM
Don't know if I mentioned this, but I want to see hands manipulate the enviorment. Such as turning
door nobbs or putting his hands on objects when pushed. Pressing buttons or Use both hands to type.
None of that press use and stuff happens crap.
-------------------I would tell you, but no one takes advice anyways.
" Keep your opinions and ideas to yourself unless you feel like wasting your time arguing." I imagine it has been realized
and declared by several people throughout history.
I have no fear and nothing to lose. No one lives forever and every day is a good day to die.
Edited by Gatinater (07/03/04 02:56 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gatinater]
07/03/04 12:03 PM
I want that too!!
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gatinater]
07/03/04 12:14 PM
Don't they show that happening in the E3 2001 video? I doubt they would take it out.
-------------------1Emulation: The People's Emulation Site
Re: Interactivity. [Re: GryphonKlaw]
07/03/04 02:08 PM
Just on a vending machine. So are we to assume that his hands will manipulate everything?
-------------------I would tell you, but no one takes advice anyways.
" Keep your opinions and ideas to yourself unless you feel like wasting your time arguing." I imagine it has been realized
and declared by several people throughout history.
I have no fear and nothing to lose. No one lives forever and every day is a good day to die.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gatinater]
07/03/04 02:28 PM
No, it was also on a door keypad.
-------------------1Emulation: The People's Emulation Site
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gatinater]
07/03/04 02:28 PM
Maybe Duke will get his hands cut off if he interacts with some "BAD" Things
that would be
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/03/04 03:01 PM
Such as " Uhh what's this" Then sticking his hand underneath a running lawn mower.
-------------------I would tell you, but no one takes advice anyways.
" Keep your opinions and ideas to yourself unless you feel like wasting your time arguing." I imagine it has been realized
and declared by several people throughout history.
I have no fear and nothing to lose. No one lives forever and every day is a good day to die.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gatinater]
07/03/04 03:35 PM
Such as " Uhh what's this" Then sticking his hand underneath a running lawn mower.
Yeah! or in an explosion.
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/04/04 06:18 AM
How about the ability to mighty-kick stuff into enemies? Stuff like dirt(blinds), rocks(hurts), boxes
(varies with content of box), buckets of green paint(paints green) or cats(angry cat in the
face=*ouch*). This sure would be fun.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Needle]
07/04/04 07:02 AM
How about the ability to mighty-kick stuff into enemies? Stuff like dirt(blinds), rocks(hurts), boxes
(varies with content of box), buckets of green paint(paints green) or cats(angry cat in the
face=*ouch*). This sure would be fun.
I like the "angry-cat-on-face" idea, that one MUST be in the game!
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
07/04/04 01:18 PM
Will DNF's FAQ soon be updated to v.3.00?
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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Orochi Avlis
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/04/04 01:28 PM
Will DNF's FAQ soon be updated to v.3.00?
When they are closer to releasing DNF.
-------------------"Yes, Valve truly is the antichrist for doing business with such backwards people." - Warmaster129
"And I thought fallacies have something to do with oral sex." - Klaus Kinski
Joe, the King Of Fighters
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/04/04 01:45 PM
Will DNF's FAQ soon be updated to v.3.00?
-------------------Frag=Superczar kissing my shotgun..
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/05/04 02:18 PM
Maybe Duke will get his hands cut off if he interacts with some "BAD" Things
that would be terrible!!
I remember quite some time ago, George said it would be possible to shoot off appendages in DNF.
What if the same thing applied to Duke as well? For instance if Duke had one of his legs shot off, he
would have to hop around on his other foot making the screen "bounce" as well. It would slow down
his speed and make it more difficult to aim. Or if his shooting hand or arm gets shot off, he would
have to use his other hand which would respond/aim more slowly. I seriously doubt they would
implement this sort of thing, but it would come across as a more interactive environment.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Evil_C]
07/05/04 02:22 PM
I remember quite some time ago, George said it would be possible to shoot off appendages in DNF.
What if the same thing applied to Duke as well? For instance if Duke had one of his legs shot off, he
would have to hop around on his other foot making the screen "bounce" as well. It would slow down his
speed and make it more difficult to aim. Or if his shooting hand or arm gets shot off, he would have to
use his other hand which would respond/aim more slowly. I seriously doubt they would implement this
sort of thing, but it would come across as a more interactive environment.
if they do so, then it should only be in multiplayer! Right?
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/05/04 05:40 PM
I remember quite some time ago, George said it would be possible to shoot off appendages in
DNF. What if the same thing applied to Duke as well? For instance if Duke had one of his legs shot
off, he would have to hop around on his other foot making the screen "bounce" as well. It would
slow down his speed and make it more difficult to aim. Or if his shooting hand or arm gets shot
off, he would have to use his other hand which would respond/aim more slowly. I seriously doubt
they would implement this sort of thing, but it would come across as a more interactive
if they do so, then it should only be in multiplayer! Right?
That would be very interesting!
Eek! You shot my friggin leg off! Oh well, I might hop around...
make multiplayer game more fun!
This feature would sure as hell
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
Fat John
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Zaarin]
07/05/04 05:52 PM
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This feature would sure as hell make multiplayer game more fun!
If I had a leg shot off I would just find it irritating and pointless, going at a slower speed with less
accuracy. I would only accept it if death was imminent after a major decapitation. I would think "I'm
as good as dead, so I don't plan on going anywhere, I might as well go down fighting"
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fat John]
07/05/04 05:56 PM
might be cool in MP, but most definitly NOT in SP, I'd hate to finish DNF when I get my legs shot off in
the first level
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
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Major Lag
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
07/05/04 06:00 PM
Yeah I agree multiplayer would be less tedious then being at a final level and being to slow to avoid its
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
07/05/04 06:49 PM
Haha! Eventually Duke will be reduced to look like the Black Knight in "Monty Python and The Holy
-------------------1Emulation: The People's Emulation Site
St. Toxic
Re: Interactivity. [Re: GryphonKlaw]
07/05/04 07:01 PM
Haha! Eventually Duke will be reduced to look like the Black Knight in "Monty Python and The Holy
I can almost picture Duke screaming "I'm invincible!"
-------------------I always wanted to be a dancer, but I could never get the shit off my shoes.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: St. Toxic]
07/06/04 03:52 AM
allright, let's call it a draw!
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
Re: Interactivity. [Re: GryphonKlaw]
07/06/04 06:32 AM
Haha! Eventually Duke will be reduced to look like the Black Knight in "Monty Python and The Holy
Black knight: "hey where are you going?? come back, I'll bite you!!"
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
07/21/04 11:14 AM
Here are a few ideas ~ Duke sits on a toilet, takes a dump "Aaaahhhh! going down
!" and it takes him down on an elevator to a nuclear bunker where he can guide nuclear weapons to
their targets.
Similar to the "Redeemer" in Unreal Tournament.
~ More flesh should be shown, a lot of interactivity with the strippers and a password to access the
naughty stuff. In multiplayer mode Duke can date girls and take them to a hotel. The other player kills
his girlfriend and he can get his revenge. There should be a feeling that Duke is out in the world and
can blend in with a crowd like a hunt for osama.
~ In Multiplayer it would be good to have time out zones where you can play pool, go bowling , play
soccer or other ball games ,work out at the gym and look more pumped afterwards, dive off a diving
board play darts or a place where you can pick up almost harmless weapons like paintball guns which
take off 1 point of energy per hit.
~ being able to take a speedboat to an island(Tropical) or fly a helicopter there and then defending it
against the other player who is trying to get there by the same means. There needs to be a balance of
visually relaxing environments (beach , tropical island etc ) and scary hostile environments.
~ Put mind controlling devices on aliens and control them so they can do the dirty work for you.
~ Inject the other player with a microchip via sniper rifle then track him using a sattelite system.
~ To be able to visit world locations by jet, france, america, iraq, japan, australia etc. and interact
with people and clear out alien infestations.
~ Duke could walk into a shop and find clothes, hats to disguise himself.
~ A Jail setup would be humorous in a multiplayer game where you could shoot the other player or
inject him so that he falls asleep and then drag him off to a cell for interrogation. He would lose all his
weapons and you could torture him and insult him. Being able to "raise his middle finger" would be
~ walking into peoples houses uninvited or invited getting different reactions from them. Entering
shops, bars , restaurants receiving compliments or insults by people.
~ having a target practice area where you can scan the faces of people you dont like(boss, bastard,
bitch, retard) and upload them onto targets.
~ Leisure Suit Larry interactivity.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: dogbreath]
07/21/04 11:36 AM
~ A Jail setup would be humorous in a multiplayer game where you could shoot the other player or
inject him so that he falls asleep and then drag him off to a cell for interrogation. He would lose all his
weapons and you could torture him and insult him. Being able to "raise his middle finger" would be
This is disgusting.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: JackMeaph]
07/21/04 05:41 PM
What I would really like, is to have countless ways of killing and torturing enemies, something like PsiOps for xbox/ps2.
I'd like to shoot the ceiling and let debris fall ontop of a pigcop to knock him out then grabbing his leg
and crash him through a window just to hear a fun phrase from duke, lol...
I'd like to be able to kick dead corpses and be able to pile them up and use them as cover, or maybe
light them up, then put in a pipebomb and use them like a bio-frag-grenade-o-meat-on-fire.
I'd like to be able to grab a bench or something, light it on, and throw it down some stairs and kill the
baddies at the end.
Just imagine the endless fun this could mean, it's infinite joy.
oh, and don't forget beautiful dance routines for the hos, lol.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: ]
07/21/04 05:55 PM
There's only room for one Warmaster in these forums...
Just kidding. Welcome to 3DR!
As to your post, I'd like to be able to pick up 90% of everything and be able to whack things with
them, and be able to throw them.
Like missles (if you don't have a RPG, no problem!) or grenades that have been thrown at you, or
dumbells, or the heads of dead enemies.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: ]
07/22/04 07:53 PM
So the cool thing today is torture. I remember back in the day when blowing enemies or corpses up
was the cool thing. Time flys.
As for interactivty.. This aint no sim.. bitch. If you want to see somone press butons or manipulate
objects then go play with a calculator or turn a door knob.
I'm making fun of the interaction hypocrites. Animations that they don't care to see makes a sim
because button pressing is more important and acceptable. They rather take a few baby steps in stead
of giant leap.
-------------------I would tell you, but no one takes advice anyways.
" Keep your opinions and ideas to yourself unless you feel like wasting your time arguing." I imagine it has been realized
and declared by several people throughout history.
I have no fear and nothing to lose. No one lives forever and every day is a good day to die.
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Fat John
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gatinater]
07/31/04 06:29 PM
If you could get a can of Coke (coca cola) and open it, you could pour the liquid (or any liquid for that
matter) into the vent of a computer. The computer would crash, vent smoke, and catch on fire. This
could be useful for opening a door controlled by a computer, setting off sprinklers (with fire/smoke,
surely you guys could use that for something).
Also, as a piece of satire, pouring Coke into a plant pot could cause the plant to instantly shrivel and
Oh, and you have to have laughing gas. That would be so much fun to use.
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fat John]
07/31/04 06:36 PM
(coca cola)
Do you got paid for this?
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Fat John
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Needle]
07/31/04 06:45 PM
(coca cola)
Do you got paid for this?
Lol, no. I didn't know if Americans say 'Coke'.
However I must say that Pepsi Edge is easily the best cold beverage I have ever drunk. It's amazing
that they managed to have 50% less fat and still keep the amazing flavour!
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
Edited by Fat John (07/31/04 06:54 PM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fat John]
07/31/04 06:52 PM
However I must say that Pepsi Edge is easily the best cold beverage I have ever drunk. It's amazing
that they managed to have just 50% fat and still keep the flavour!
50% less FAT? I'd prefer molten fat-reduced butter.
Edited by Alive (07/31/04 07:06 PM)
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Fat John
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Alive]
07/31/04 06:53 PM
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fat John]
08/01/04 04:35 AM
I rather have Coca Cola then Pepsi Cola because Coca tastes better IMO..
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fat John]
08/01/04 04:45 AM
However I must say that Pepsi Edge is easily the best cold beverage I have ever drunk. It's amazing
that they managed to have 50% less fat and still keep the amazing flavour!
So this is pepsi's secret ingredient: fat instead of sugar!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Needle]
08/01/04 06:01 AM
Good interactivity suggestions, keep 'em coming!
-------------------"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman... I will see you up ahead." -- G-man (Half-Life 1)
"In the meantime... this is where I get off." -- G-man (Half-Life 2)
"Will I ever actually reveal anything?" -- G-man (Half-Life 3)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
08/01/04 08:02 AM
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Maybe Duke will get his hands cut off if he interacts with some "BAD" Things
that would be terrible!!
I think that you may have something here. But not limited to hands. I think more like "traps" that
cause various types of deaths or injuries. And maybe not exclusively "traps" in the classic sense but
more like [Duke voice]"How do I operate this thing" *Click* AAAAGHH! "Damn, not looking so good."[/
Duke voice] You know, like turning on some essential piece of equipment or fooling around with stuff
that's better left alone.
Although, classic "Indiana Jones" style traps are cool too. But too much of this stuff and it becomes
Tomb Raider-ish and begins to lose its FPS purity.
The more I think about it, too much interactivity in general could cause it to become some kind of FPS/
Adventure hybrid (which might be cool, but not for Duke).
-------------------Either you accept an lose and win or you don't accept and win and lose. -- The Stinger
From this day forward only posting 1 smiley will be known as a "Fat Johnny". -- The Stinger
They create the monster, they protect the monster, they die with the monster. The time to say "it's us or them" is now. -Draz
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Belgarrath]
08/01/04 01:25 PM
Maybe Duke will get his hands cut off if he interacts with some "BAD" Things
that would be terrible!!
Idea!!! Get in cover!!!
How about if Duke finds a mouse trap in somewhere and puts his finger on it asking "Hmm, I wonder
if the cheese is fresh...god damnit!" when the trap sets off on Dukes finger.
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Zaarin]
08/01/04 02:15 PM
I want to be able to play DNF on a computer in the game, and I want to be able to play DNF on a
computer in the DNF which I'm playing in the real DNF, and I want to be able to play DNF on a
computer in the DNF I'm playing in the DNF I'm playing in the real DNF, and I want to be able... (I
think you know where this is going).
Or not.
-------------------"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman... I will see you up ahead." -- G-man (Half-Life 1)
"In the meantime... this is where I get off." -- G-man (Half-Life 2)
"Will I ever actually reveal anything?" -- G-man (Half-Life 3)
Major Lag
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Beelze]
08/01/04 05:22 PM
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Traps! Traps! Traps!.. did I mention oogleschmabi? [Re: Major Lag]
08/01/04 07:38 PM
It would be cool if you had traps of some sort ala WoT.. man that game is old, but cool. In multiplayer
it would be fun. I guess tripbombs will fall into that category.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: ]
08/01/04 09:44 PM
I'd like to shoot the ceiling and let debris fall ontop of a pigcop to knock him out then grabbing his leg
and crash him through a window just to hear a fun phrase from duke, lol...
I'd like to be able to kick dead corpses and be able to pile them up and use them as cover, or maybe
light them up, then put in a pipebomb and use them like a bio-frag-grenade-o-meat-on-fire.
I'd like to be able to grab a bench or something, light it on, and throw it down some stairs and kill the
baddies at the end.
Those are some pretty neat ideas.
-------------------Hello Navi.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Belgarrath]
08/02/04 03:33 AM
Although, classic "Indiana Jones" style traps are cool too. But too much of this stuff and it becomes
Tomb Raider-ish and begins to lose its FPS purity.
So... you're telling me that: Duke is going through a room with BIG spikes and snakes in the bottom
, he's using his whip -(or whatever it's called)- to swing himself to the other side... He walks around
a corner, but there's a hallway with arrows shooting out of the walls!
He don't know what to do, because the keycard he's searching after is in the end of the hall..! BUT
SUDDENLY, The roof is blowing up... And an alien aircraft beams one of thier generals down to Duke!!
But Duke reacts fast, And and use's his smart Colt 45. to shoot him... The Evil Nazi Alien General feld
backwards, right into the hall with the arrows shooting out of the walls, the arrows kils him... But
because of his thick skin, Duke picked him up and uses him as a Human(Well ALIEN) shield... he gets
through the hallway with the arrows and stuff, and picked up the keycard... But suddenly (Again) the
No!! i don't think the game would be like that
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
08/02/04 08:11 AM
^ LOL, exactly. Tomb Raiderish point proven!
Thank you for the visualization. Good Job!
-------------------Either you accept an lose and win or you don't accept and win and lose. -- The Stinger
From this day forward only posting 1 smiley will be known as a "Fat Johnny". -- The Stinger
They create the monster, they protect the monster, they die with the monster. The time to say "it's us or them" is now. -Draz
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Belgarrath]
08/02/04 09:16 AM
Thanks... (i like to tell people how i'm thinking)
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Micki!]
08/02/04 06:38 PM
Will Duke climb over boxes and obstacles like in 3rd-person games or is he just going to jump over
them like in every other FPS?
I prefer that Duke climbs over boxes and obstacles
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Fat John
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Zaarin]
08/02/04 08:48 PM
Yeah, thingy said duke won't be stopped by obstacles you can't jump over, so I assume there's some
sort of climbing.
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Fat John]
08/03/04 04:16 AM
If I find a book in a library I would like to be able to read it. The whole book. I think Duke Nukem likes
to read. A lot.
Fat John
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: django]
08/03/04 06:46 AM
They could give him vision problems or dyslexia.
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
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Piece of Cake
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Fat John]
08/03/04 08:25 AM
I would like to be able to shoot rockets through telepoters like in D3D. (if there are still teleporters)
There was a funny mutli map in Duke3d where you were able to shoot in one teleporter and the rocket
was flying around the level, from teleporter to teleporter, until it hits something.
-------------------plotting the takeover of earth since 1983
C. M. Dratz
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Piece of Cake]
08/03/04 03:46 PM
P. O. C.:
My maps Catch.map and Surprise.map had this going on. I also modded one map that was heavily
decked out with secret bunkers with the ultimate bunker. I had a room that looked out into a larger
room while being inside the larger room but being invisible to the outer room that one could shoot out
of and hit people out of nowhere and enemy rockets would fly right through you. Players would run
right past you and not see you. Their rockets would fly through your bunker but would not occupy
space within it, only the outer room. I even managed to do that with out hall of mirror bugs. I have
sadly forgotten the name of that map.
C. M. Dratz
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Piece of Cake
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: C. M. Dratz]
08/03/04 03:55 PM
cool, yeah i did some similar maps, were i was sitting in my "controll-room" and pressing buttons and
doing stuff, while others tried to survive my traps
-------------------plotting the takeover of earth since 1983
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Zaarin]
08/03/04 05:42 PM
Will Duke climb over boxes and obstacles like in 3rd-person games or is he just going to jump over
them like in every other FPS?
I prefer that Duke climbs over boxes and obstacles
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Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Reaper]
08/03/04 09:29 PM
if the shrinker is in, i would like to shrink a pig cop and then pick him up and put him on a spider web
and watch the spider come out and eat him.
i'd also like to shrink a pig cop and put him on a mousetrap for bait and then have the mouse come
nibble his head off.
or we could shrink an octobrain and put him on a fishing hook and use him for bait to catch fish.
if duke picks up a hot cup of coffee, i'd like to be able to throw it at an enemy and burn it.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: KaiserSoze]
08/03/04 11:06 PM
Hows bout sneaking up behind an enemy while he's peeing in the pot and then slamming the lid down
to make him say " AAAAHHHH!! My peener"
-------------------I would tell you, but no one takes advice anyways.
" Keep your opinions and ideas to yourself unless you feel like wasting your time arguing." I imagine it has been realized
and declared by several people throughout history.
I have no fear and nothing to lose. No one lives forever and every day is a good day to die.
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Evil Angel
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Gatinater]
08/04/04 06:50 AM
I've not been following this thread from the start as I've only just registered so sorry if some if not
most of these have already been mentioned. Some of these might be quite frivalous or not technically
possible. Some might be a bit too RPG. But it's not often you get a chance to give input on a game
that's being made, especially something like DNF so I went a bit crazy.
-As many vehicles as possible, cars, bikes, trucks, horses, hovercraft, microlights, jetpacks, BMX's, a
train, a boat etc
-The ability to listen to MP3's while playing and give Duke a portable MP3 player that he can bring up
like a PDA and use it to browse your MP3's and select a track etc.
-Duke should be able to find, win, steal and spend money.
-Duke should leave blood trails on walls and floors when badly injured.
-Couches and sofas should tear open and expose foam and fluff when shot or stabbed and cushions
should fly off.
-TV's with video and not slideshows. Also multiple channels that you can change.
-In cutscenes Duke should gradually become more and more beat up, like showing a couple of manly
cuts, dirty clothes, ripped jeans, etc.
-There should be lots of machines to interact with like a garbage/car compactor, a crane, a furnace to
throw things in and watch them burn.
-The ability to pick up objects such as bottle, frying pans, dustbins, vases and sneak up behind
someone and smack them over the head with it or at least just to be able to pick objects up and throw
them to do damage.
-Interactive PC's that let you browse files to search for passwords and useful info, maybe access the
internet and copy files to a disc or PDA that could be used elsewhere.
-Camera terminal stations that allow you to select a camera, move it fully around and also zoom in
and out and take a picture or recording for possible later reference.
-Vending machines that work with coins but they should also slowly and realistically break up with
repeated kicking to get a few drinks or snacks to fall out out, but shooting them or using grenades will
destroy the contents. This is to prevent money becoming irrelevant but in the absence of cash patient
kicking will work and be fun in the process. (This is only if food will be used to replace energy)
-Crates, boxes, tables, chairs, cannisters in fact all items (but not always major structures) where
possible that move and break up realistically when shot or blown up and pieces that do not disappear.
-Vehicles that are realistically destructable with breaking windows, deflating tyres when shot, denting
panels and then enough damage through firepower should result in fire and a realistic explosion.
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-Toilets, sinks, hand-dryers, showers, cookers, fridges should be able to be used or either switched on/
off, opened/closed etc and also contents removed from them or things put in them. (Love the
microwave idea)
-ATM machines that are useable for instance with a lost credit card that you find or maybe hackable
through a PDA or some other device.
-Tiles, pictures, clocks, lamps etc should break and fall off walls when shot.
-Lights should shatter and go out when shot plunging an area into darkness so you may be able to
gain an advantage over on enemy by then say using nightvision.
-All glass and mirrors should break when hit or shot.
-In clubs strippers/dancers should talk to you, dance for you, strip for you (for money of course Shake
it baby!) and come back to a room with you for a private showing
-Grenades that blow holes in the floor to a certain extent and if environments are not going to be fully
destructable then walls, doors, fences should splinter/buckle/crumble/crack etc without giving access
-An interactive casino with the ability to play all the games as a way to earn money which you can use
in vending machines or use for weapons, bribes, strippers etc.
-Bottles that explode when shot and bottles of spirits should burst into flame when shot.
-All machines, monitors, TV's, should explode or stop working when shot.
-Phones (mobile and landline) to makes calls to numbers that can be found on PC's, adverts,
notepads, toilet walls (hehehe) etc and give duke an RPG style selection of verbal questions/
-Duke should be able to make a selection of insults and comments about people and get a response
from them.
-Doors should be able to be locked or bararcaded with objects in the room if need be.
-A fairly good playable pool game and someone to play with or hustle for cash.
-Playable arcade games and fruit machines.
-The ability to pick up bodies and move them about, cut up bodies with a knife. Arms and legs should
come off if shot at the joints with a powerful enough weapon. Heads should explode when shot with a
powerful enough weapon. Bodies or parts of bodies should not disappear.
-Bulletwounds that show flesh damage and not just a red mark.
-Enemies that explode into distinct pieces with lots of goo when naded or RPG'd and the bits should
not disappear.
-Bullet holes that don't disappear, except if it's really gunna effect the performance.
-Ropes, wires and cables should move and sway and break when shot.
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-Explodable items like barrels of flammable liquid, gas cylinders, fire extinguishers etc should be able
to be thrown or rolled into an enemy or crowd of enemies and then shot.
-Duke should be able to use a fire extinguiser or water on a fire instead of the usual turning off a gas
valve, pushing a switch etc in some remote location.
-Proximity and remote detonated mines.
-The ability to stun enemies for a short time so you can pick them up and move them to an area
where you could do something like lock them in a room full of remote detonated mines and wait for
them to wake up or put them on a traintrack, put them in a compactor, squash them in a big door.
Allowance for interesting and creative deaths is what I'm getting at.
-The ability to use TV's, radios, alarms, bottles, coins etc to make noise and distract enemies or lure
them to a particular spot.
-A really good grenade throwing mechanism so nades can be thrown and bounced off walls so they go
around corners and can be targeted really accurately into distant confined areas. So many games
mess up grenade throwing. Call of Duty does it perfectly.
-Shelves full of heavy items that can be naded or shot so they collapse onto enemies or a scrap car
dangling in the air by an electromagnet is dropped onto an enemy, or a shipping crate. That kind of
thing but in as many places as possible throughout the game.
-The ability to kick enemies off the top of buildings, over railings, through windows or down stairs.
To sum it up in a sentence or two, I just want the ability to explore and interact with as many "real
world" items as possible. To be able to create interesting deaths and use tactics involving the
environment instead of just run and gun, and to have some interesting sub missions and games to
extend the length of the game and for replay value.
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Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Evil Angel]
08/04/04 04:06 PM
Evil Angel, welcome and what a great post to sum it all up!
Two thums up!
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
Fat John
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Zaarin]
08/04/04 04:53 PM
Yeah I love the bit about putting an enemy in a spider web.
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Fat John]
08/05/04 02:11 AM
i have one idea as of now...when you punch in numbers on a keypad or whatnot, in addition to seeing
dukes hand punch in the numbers, it shouldnt be clicking the numbers, we should be able to actually
punch in the numbers on the keyboards numpad. of course you could turn this off in the options menu
for keyboards that dont have one (laptops) but it would greatly help the immersive feel.
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Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: maximan]
08/05/04 03:46 AM
^^this sounds like a very good idea and I think it's relatively easy to do.
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Zaarin]
08/05/04 06:26 PM
Yes, but no, not literally punching, as keypads often have keys that are too small to accurately hit
when taking into consideration the surface area of a fist.
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Reaper]
08/05/04 06:56 PM
well yeah...i wasnt proposing we all start punching out keyboards
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Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: maximan]
08/05/04 07:09 PM
Oh, okay. So you are proposing that we aim at a button on the keypad and press the use key and
then duke's mighty index finger pops out and unleashes swift justice to that button? That sounds like
a better system than some other games (ie HL and DN3D) where what you use is only determined by
where you are facing when you press the button. Actually this sounds ingenious, and in the vein of
Deus Ex, with the exception of those quirky "selection boxes" that surround everything you aim at
that is useable. I think it also works better for immersion than placing your view directly on the
keypad and not the environment you are in. I am also not too concerned about this feature being in,
as it seems to me it already is.
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Reaper]
08/05/04 07:16 PM
no no i was saying that you point the cursor at the keypad then you can either point and buttons and
press fire and he'll click them or you can punch the numbers in on your computers own keypad and
duke follows suit in the game.
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Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Reaper]
08/05/04 07:18 PM
fellas, fellas, fellas.
if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
the 2001 video showing duke's fingers punching the keypad was perfect. no need to change that.
i was just mowing the lawn today. i also used a weed whacker.
i'd like to see those in dnf.
i'd also like to see a water hose that duke can pick up and turn the faucet on and spray the enemies
with water.
or maybe go up to a gas station and pick up the pump and spray gasoline over an enemy and then
throw a match at it.
i want duke to be able to go through a drive through fast food line and have duke attempt to order a
nuke burger, toxic fries and a large radioactive cola. the person taking the order would grunt into the
microphone and duke would be like "wtf?" and he pulls around and it's a pig cop giving out orders.
duke pulls out his shotgun and blasts the pig cop and then takes his order.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: KaiserSoze]
08/05/04 08:05 PM
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blaa blaa...i also used a weed whacker...blaa blaa
WTF is a weed whacker?
Sounds like somekind drug-addict-punching-thingy...
I really should buy myself a new dictionary, this one sucks!
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Zaarin]
08/06/04 11:54 AM
Duke MUST BE ABLE TO SIT ON A CHAIR AND LIE ON A SOFA!!! Its irritating when there's a chair and
all you can do is kick it... He should be able to shoot while sitting/lying as well.
EDIT: Forgot the period at the end of the third sentence.
-------------------The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. -William Gibson
Slide! - Penguin
It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything. – Tyler Durden
Edited by phreak (08/06/04 11:56 AM)
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torso boy
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: phreak]
08/06/04 01:17 PM
dukes mighty index finger should be able to do things other than punch in numbers on keypads...like
poke enemies in the eye, smash shrunken enemies heads, annoy npcs, plug a hole with water coming
out (making the pressure build until water explodes out, and other random assorted things.
Also have special animations for doors duke cant go through, and if you try to kick it open, your foot
will go through and get stuck for a second (if its wood), and other stuff if its metal, stone, or
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Zaarin]
08/06/04 03:46 PM
blaa blaa...i also used a weed whacker...blaa blaa
WTF is a weed whacker?
Sounds like somekind drug-addict-punching-thingy...
I really should buy myself a new dictionary, this one sucks!
"weed whacker" is the slang form of rototiller.
fellas, fellas, fellas.
if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
That is ridiculous. By this ideology all your ideas are thrown out the window and we should just revert
. My idea isn't
back to the Quake days. Sometimes I doubt your cognitive capacity, KaiserSoze
broke, in fact it has been implemented in almost the exact same way in a little known game called
Deus Ex. Maybe DNF is "broke" if it doesn't include that more modernized and capable style of how
the "use button" works.
If you can't adapt, you'll get left in the dust.
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dukes mighty index finger should be able to do things other than punch in numbers on keypads...
like poke enemies in the eye, smash shrunken enemies heads, annoy npcs, plug a hole with
water coming out (making the pressure build until water explodes out, and other random
assorted things.
Haha that is a cool way of looking at how the "mighty index finger(tm)" could be implemented.
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Reaper]
08/06/04 03:57 PM
1) i aint gonna argue with somebody who doesn't know what a weed whacker is.
2) reaper-so what if deus ex has done it "your way".
doesn't mean 3dr did it wrong in 2001.
i hope the same exact system is in place in the current build of dnf to piss people like reaper off.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: KaiserSoze]
08/06/04 04:16 PM
Kaizer, correct me if I got it wrong.
Weed whacker = sickle
=the thing in USSRs flag along hammer
I asked this because I firts tought it was somekind marihuana-addict punching thingy.
//I think I'm going to go to my balcony and smoke we.. umm... tobacco
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
Let's all revert to playing FPSes with sprites! [Re: KaiserSoze]
08/06/04 04:22 PM
1) i aint gonna argue with somebody who doesn't know what a weed whacker is.
2) reaper-so what if deus ex has done it "your way".
doesn't mean 3dr did it wrong in 2001.
i hope the same exact system is in place in the current build of dnf to piss people like reaper off.
Wow, that is so intelligent.
I'm basically getting the vibe that you want them to do it the old way, because it "works". Not the new
way that is more intuitive.
I'd rather see greater depth in my games than just a shoot 'em up in the first person view, thank you,
but maybe you are one of those "simpleton" types?
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Re: Let's all revert to playing FPSes with sprites! [Re: Reaper]
08/06/04 08:08 PM
1) i aint gonna argue with somebody who doesn't know what a weed whacker is.
2) reaper-so what if deus ex has done it "your way".
doesn't mean 3dr did it wrong in 2001.
i hope the same exact system is in place in the current build of dnf to piss people like reaper off.
Wow, that is so intelligent.
I'm basically getting the vibe that you want them to do it the old way, because it "works". Not
the new way that is more intuitive.
I'd rather see greater depth in my games than just a shoot 'em up in the first person view, thank
you, but maybe you are one of those "simpleton" types?
what exactly is "the new way"?
again, just because *you* liked the way a certain interactive element was employed in another game,
3dr should rip it off? that's basically what you're saying.
3dr will do it "their way" and nobody else's.
but really, let's not get too worked up over this. it's a freaking video game and well, you know how
arguing over the internet goes..............
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
08/07/04 10:58 AM
I would like to see a machine that give out quotes from your erm wonderfully intelligent president like
George w bush
like" terrorist are trying to find new ways of hurting our country and
people ......and so are we....... "
well it could be in a collage or museum and not just with qoutes from George it could be Bill "I did not
have sexual relations with that woman" i wonder how many gigs you fill just with the last 5 presidents
or it could be a TV show presidents say the dumest things
-------------------So long and thanks for all the fish .Dougles Adams
Fat John
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Piece of Cake]
08/07/04 02:36 PM
There should be some sort of cigar smoking from duke since that is very him. It would be fun to light
a cigar and put it in your mouth and also burn people with the end.
-------------------All your base are belong to me - God
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Piece of Cake
Re: Getting over boxes? [Re: Fat John]
08/07/04 03:20 PM
There should be some sort of cigar smoking from duke since that is very him. It would be fun to light a
cigar and put it in your mouth and also burn people with the end.
at the end of every level duke could put out his "Victory-Cigar" and say something cool.
-------------------plotting the takeover of earth since 1983
Re: Let's all revert to playing FPSes with sprites [Re: KaiserSoze]
08/07/04 03:58 PM
That sounds like it could develop into a nice Independence Day spoof.
Wow, that is so intelligent.
I'm basically getting the vibe that you want them to do it the old way, because it "works".
Not the new way that is more intuitive.
I'd rather see greater depth in my games than just a shoot 'em up in the first person view,
thank you, but maybe you are one of those "simpleton" types?
what exactly is "the new way"?
again, just because *you* liked the way a certain interactive element was employed in another
3dr should rip it off? that's basically what you're saying.
3dr will do it "their way" and nobody else's.
but really, let's not get too worked up over this. it's a freaking video game and well, you know
how arguing over the internet goes..............
Development studios "rip eachother off" like all the time. I don't see the big deal about that. Actually
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this feature that I mentioned first appeared in System Schock 1, IIRC, so Ion Storm ripped off Looking
Glass Studios (I know, some of their members came from LGS, but w/e). My point is that it's not
"ripping off", it's adapting your game to the times, instead of leaving it in the Doom days like some oft
named FPSes of late (Doom 3, Painkiller, etc.).
I suppose you think that every game after Counter-Strike that features a buy system or movement
restrictions for certain weapons is just "ripping it off"?
Re: Let's all revert to playing FPSes with sprites [Re: Reaper]
08/08/04 04:58 AM
It's better to steal a good idea than to creat something terrible right..
--------------------Everything you say can and will be misinterpreted and used against you.
-As a finishing touch, GOD CREATED THE DUTCH.
-Satan is the churches best friend; He kept it in business for all these years.
C. M. Dratz
Re: Interactivity [Re: hell-angel]
08/09/04 04:34 PM
You know those canisters propelled through tubes by compressed air in and out of banks? I wonder if
a pipebomb could fit in one of those . . . . That or a laser trip mine. We've thought of a nice new way
to kill pig cops; yay!
C. M. Dratz
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Re: Interactivity [Re: C. M. Dratz]
08/09/04 07:48 PM
I don't know if this has been said/done or is original, and it's kind of a small thing, but it'd be great in
multiplayer if a player was sporting a jetpack, you could gib him by shooting it
-------------------Frankly its the games that make a system. Cuz no ones gonna by a system with the game called, Crappy shitacular
unplayable adventure of really boring stupid annoying dude. -- Angel Omega 11, FT
Re: Interactivity [Re: someguy2435]
08/09/04 07:52 PM
I don't know if this has been said/done or is original, and it's kind of a small thing, but it'd be great in
multiplayer if a player was sporting a jetpack, you could gib him by shooting it
i like that idea.
maybe you can shoot a hole in his jetpack and it leaves a trail of fuel you can ignite leading back to
the player and BOOM!
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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Klaus Kinski
Re: Interactivity [Re: KaiserSoze]
08/09/04 08:19 PM
Shooting the jetpack should result in an explosion or in setting the carrier on fire. Latter only if there's
alrady an effect for burning people (if the games has a flame weapon like a flamethrower or molotov
cocktails). Of course the jetpack shouldn't detonate on the first hit with a pistol. Make the explosion
big so that careless attackers get punished.
I also think that once you obtain a jetpack, you should wear it all the time in MP. As a balance. Easy
escape but ith a bomb tid on your back.
That would rock.
-------------------Violence is stupid because an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. - jimbob
"OMG WTF BOO!!" - Aegeri
Re: Interactivity [Re: Klaus Kinski]
08/09/04 08:26 PM
Shooting the jetpack should result in an explosion or in setting the carrier on fire. Latter only if there's
alrady an effect for burning people (if the games has a flame weapon like a flamethrower or molotov
cocktails). Of course the jetpack shouldn't detonate on the first hit with a pistol. Make the explosion big
so that careless attackers get punished.
I also think that once you obtain a jetpack, you should wear it all the time in MP. As a balance. Easy
escape but ith a bomb tid on your back.
That would rock.
these are all excellent suggestions klaus!
let's hope 3dr at least gives us jetpacks in multiplayer.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
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Klaus Kinski
Re: Interactivity [Re: KaiserSoze]
08/10/04 04:27 AM
Ooops, I think I missed a few lettrs there....
Kaiser, I bet my ass that there will be a jetpack in DNF. In MP and SP. There will be at least 1 level in
SP where you'll use it. I promise you that this will happen.
My guess is that they'll let you escape from a crumbling underground structure with that thing. Maybe
something similar to the Black Mesa labs or a missile silo. There are not unlimited choices to add a
meaningful jetpack sequence.
-------------------Violence is stupid because an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. - jimbob
"OMG WTF BOO!!" - Aegeri
torso boy
Re: Interactivity [Re: Klaus Kinski]
08/10/04 11:45 AM
if you die with a jetpack on, it should go full speed with the characters ragdoll attached to it so it flies
around crazily, and then it explodes
Klaus Kinski
Re: Interactivity [Re: torso boy]
08/10/04 12:30 PM
But only when shot dead when you're flying.
-------------------Violence is stupid because an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. - jimbob
"OMG WTF BOO!!" - Aegeri
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Re: Interactivity [Re: torso boy]
08/10/04 01:32 PM
if you die with a jetpack on, it should go full speed with the characters ragdoll attached to it so it flies
around crazily, and then it explodes
This is exactly what happens in BloodRayne (a highly underrated game). In one level you're attacked
by Nazi Stormtroopers flying around on jetpacks shooting at you. If you hit one of their fuel tanks,
smoking gas would shoot out of the bullet hole propelling the Stormtrooper in the opposite direction
until he crashes into something and blows up. Very nicely done.
Re: Interactivity [Re: Klaus Kinski]
08/10/04 05:50 PM
But only when shot dead when you're flying.
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Re: Interactivity [Re: Reaper]
08/22/04 03:56 AM
I want pipes that can be blown off and be used as clubs... and REAL water effects, Like: something
falls into a sea/swimming pool/whatever and makes the water "splashing" all over the place (and
make things wet of course) so there will be small pools and puddles everywhere.
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
08/24/04 06:12 PM
Hi everyone!
I'm here for the first time but I played Duke like HELL! Love this game, love this company
This thread is pritty massive so I didn't read everything, allthough I'm sure that my opinion or ideas
were written down somewhere here... But hey, I feel like I need to do this!
Interactivity is a big problem in most games out there today. No matter what game we can buy, the
main goal is a classic "shoot, shoot and shoot again"... or "make tactics, you go left and I'll go right,
buy gun and make headshots"
And what's with doom3? Story is crap, Multiplayer nearly dead and boring, nice admosphere but
where the hell is action??? OOOOoooohhh... yeah sure the grafics are cool. But if a game shows no
interesting elements nor interactivity, WHY THE HELL SHOULD I BUY THAT STUFF!!!!
I hate that so much... I'm shooting rockets at wals, but nothing happens, no shooting on corpses, cant
brake wooden dors, bodys don't fly arround when I shoot them with a pumpgun!
the only game that made some fun in solo and MP mode was Red Faction. You could at least blow the
whole place up!! make distroyable levels, buildings collapsing!
Well you get the picture...
Here my ideas...
The most important thing to me is interactivity WITHIN multiplayer. I don't care much about solo
games, I play them once, thats it... except the game has a lot of options and possibilities to change
the plot or what ever...
Everything should be usable in game. and I mean EVERY object. imagine how much fun and
entertaining it can be to throw a monitor, chair, lamp, cans, hammer, keyboards... what ever you find
on your apponants/friends.
take a contruction site for example (solo or MP), if you could just run over to those tools and pick up a
welding torch, drill etc... use it to damage your enemy or toss it on hes head!
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All vehicles should be driveable (GTA). Truck, bus, car, bike,
boat, jets or maybe even UFO's??
and when your done with driving and sick of the stupid Porsche, blow it UP!!! (explosion effecting the
NPC's, aliens and objects in area)
When driving, you should be able to harm NPC's or crash some stuff in the envirement. drive fast
enough and crash through walls! Duke might get a sratch here and there but he can take it, I'm sure!
Oh yeah, the NPC's!!!!!!!
as the hero duke, I want to be able to do with them what I desire. talk (get info), abuse them, kill
them, hit them, rob them, or probably best idea: PAY THEM to do things for you!! give them a gun
from your inventory and give them a n order from a list of possible actions like "attak, amok, hunt
other NPC's, shoot at aliens, follow me and save my ass, have sex with me
... come on people, that
would be fun! should be available in MP TOO!
imagine playing on a city type of map, deathmatch or what ever, some player or a friend is hunting
you and your building an armada with NPC's on your side! come get some!!! grandma with uzi wants
to talk to you!!
Or give him a belt with looooots of TNT. make him a suicide bomber! sooooo many possibilities!
game levels should be as much distroyable as the engine could take. blow up walls, objects anyway,
make holes in floors or ceilings to jump from one floor to another.
nothing is more dissapointing then shooting projectiles in a office complex and nothing gets beaten or
what about camouflage or costumes?it would be cool to change your outfit in multiplayer to fool
others. discuise as a police officer, postman, firefighter, contruction worker, gay fag, grandma, pizza
dude or what ever....
FOOD! open fridge or freezer, take cold food like a pizza, eat it and duke goes "juck!, taste like
crap..." but receives 1 healthpoint. take the cold pizza and stuff it in microwave, make it hot and eat it
again. duke likes it this time a lot better and receives 10 healtpoints.
take from fridge cheese, meat, salad and bread and make a sandwitch! receiving 5 healthpoints...
rolerskates! make duke wear this stuff and he runs/rolls a LOT faster and dogding, too! or just stick
with steroids, but skates last longer, could be an option !?
well so much for the gameplay stuff...
Toilets: use them for personal things, flush down cats, dogs, fish, food, or what ever you find, the
bigger the sooner it will get jammed.
throw food at npc's causing a foodfight in restaurants.
use animals for your own amusement. give them drugs or steroids and watch them going beserk on
the streets, harming npc's!
one of my favourite ideas: mind control device!
I'm not thinking too much about npc's but focusing more on animals. (usefull for gameplay )
could be a bonus tool you could find or buy somewhere...
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take control of any animal (one at a time) in your sight through aming and use of device.
then you see through the eyes of the creature like a mouse, giving you the possibility to reach small
areas to figure something out, get information or find secrets, bite npc's
controle a bird, fly across the area, pick otehr animals or npc's to death if you want to and drop a load
on anybody anywhere!
controle a dog, bite someone, urinate on your buddy in MultiPlayer.
cats could jump higher and scratch npc's faces bloody
and if no animal in sight, try flys that you could find humming around trash cans, or bees over flowers
and get on someones nerves, fly in there faces until you get platened.
God I always wanted to do that!!!
play video games of cource, or pool, bowling, darts (someone had that idea before, too)
use an ingame computer to surf the true WWW! now who had the idea in this thread? brilliant!
what I personanaly would love to do is while in MP game or on online servers, I don't want to be able
to just battle agains a few people, but also to use voice comunication and file transfer. of cource the
transfer should not take the whole bandwhith for itself and make the game impossible to play, but it
should automaticly scan the connection chosing the best speed possible for transfer without interfering
with the games performance.
It's very practical if you don't want to leave the game but still feel like sending a jpeg file to a friend
while dukematching.
okok... I think I better stop, got work to do
Have a nice day and take care!!!
P.S. sorry about my spelling, I'm german and I don't know what I'm doing
-------------------If looks could kill they probably will,
in games without frontiers,
war without tears... -- Peter Gabriel
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Alexander]
08/24/04 10:25 PM
Welcome to the 3DR UBB, Alexander!
Oh yeah, the NPC's!!!!!!!
as the hero duke, I want to be able to do with them what I desire. talk (get info), abuse them, kill
them, hit them, rob them, or probably best idea: PAY THEM to do things for you!! give them a gun from
your inventory and give them a n order from a list of possible actions like "attak, amok, hunt other
NPC's, shoot at aliens, follow me and save my ass, have sex with me
Sounds like you have too much time on your hands..
game levels should be as much distroyable as the engine could take. blow up walls, objects anyway,
make holes in floors or ceilings to jump from one floor to another.
nothing is more dissapointing then shooting projectiles in a office complex and nothing gets beaten or
Sounds cool! I am thinking about the cstrike level "office" right now and how you had to rush or nade
an enemy to flush them out. If you could "widen" the doorway a little bit you wouldn't need to do that
in some cases!
P.S. sorry about my spelling, I'm german and I don't know what I'm doing
German's are usually smart, so I don't know why you're "short-changing" them!? (They have some
good scientists) Also, I would advise you to work on your English spelling and grammar as I am about
as uptight as a Frenchie (
j/k) about my language, and I was about to ignore your beautiful post!
My thoughts on interactivity is that you should be able to pop the tires on certain vehicles and sink
others (through losing flotation or encroaching on an unstable area). Water seeping into a vehicle
could submerge it if in large quantities. Repair-packs would be needed to repair vehicles instead of
them respawning in multiplayer. Ejection seats built into some vehicles, (tanks, hovercars?) and
parachuting is possible out of airborne vehicles. Small amounts of mines available to certain vehicles
would be cool as a vehicle disabling weapon. Ride cruise missiles and torpedos!
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Reaper]
08/25/04 09:21 PM
more quick suggestions, some of which were probably already mentioned:
a miniature golf course, batting cages, go-karts, driving range, bumber boats.
fly kites, fly remote control airplanes, throw parachute men toys off rooftops.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Reaper]
08/26/04 02:22 AM
Hi Reaper!!
Thanks for the warm welcome
Sometimes I really like to play CS, but when this map (office) comes up I don't feel really interested
playing it. Nearly every level/map seems totally fake and cold.
I just don't get it why they did not change a few things for pure amusement, like the light switch!
Jesus, it IS possible to set these functions in the old HL engine! Why the hell didn't they do that? It's
not annoying to use a god damn light switch in CS is it?
Or boxes! You just can't blow them up... I mean HELLLLLOOOO I just threw a grenade at a wooden
I played a different game a few hours ago... Alien vs. Predator 1. Bought it a looooong time ago
but still is a cool game. I totally forgot that you could shoot all the lights out in game, making the
whole area totally dark. Nice effect for creepy gameplay!
Imagine this in CS! I really wonder if HL2 will have THAT much interactivity as DNF.... I think AND
hope not
German's are usually smart
Oh really??? Hmmm... what is "smart" anyway
No really, it's all the same, isn't it? You have your bright people and I've got mine...
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Repair-packs would be needed to repair vehicles instead of them respawning in multiplayer
Absolutely! It was OK in unreal 2004 (haven't played 2003)
But it would look silly in a more reality based game like duke.
Hmm... what else?
neck braking from sneaking up behind,
steal a lolly from children,
duke meeting jason vorhees as a gag in a secret part of the game,
walking in the womens restroom to freak them out and do other crap,
watch DVD's with any dvd-player (not a full movie of course)
change radio channels in cars,
Shave! If duke doesn't shave at all, his face texture could be exchanged by a 3-day beard, getting
typical reactions from npc's.
use RC-cars, put timed-TNT on it and let it go to hell!
make a fire everywhere! example....
get a lighter and burn up plants, clothing, posters, bookshelves... use a hair-spray can for boost
when "life-points" of objects are used up, it slowly changes into ashes...
hm, hungry... gota go make breakfast... coffee anyone??
-------------------If looks could kill they probably will,
in games without frontiers,
war without tears... -- Peter Gabriel
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Alexander]
08/26/04 07:11 AM
neck braking from sneaking up behind,
Good idea, why I didn't come up with that?
steal a lolly from children,
Duke doesn't steal lollys from childeren, he steals their mothers!
duke meeting jason vorhees as a gag in a secret
part of the game,
Bring it on!
walking in the womens restroom to freak them
out and do other crap,
Like peeking? Or putting his Enourmous Tool through a glory hole?
watch DVD's with any dvd-player (not a full movie of course)
Full pr0n movies of course!
change radio channels in cars,
and there should be radio stations like in GTAs
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Yes, I wait the moment when I can have cigars with Duke
Shave! If duke doesn't shave at all, his face texture could be exchanged by a 3-day beard, getting
typical reactions from npc's.
How about stripper shaving? From down-under?
use RC-cars, put timed-TNT on it and let it go to hell! make a fire everywhere! example....
Nah, there should RC-strippers for that job!
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Zaarin]
08/27/04 03:21 AM
NO RC STRIPPERS!!! Do you really want to blow up an innocent girl just because you want to kill your
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Alexander]
08/27/04 10:36 AM
duke meeting jason vorhees as a gag in a secret part of the game,
Haha, I've sometimes briefly thought about the idea of seeing a movie poster, and every once in a
while commercials on various TV-sets in the game, advertising the movie "Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash
vs. Michael Myers vs. Pinhead vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Godzilla".
-------------------"As a wise dude, just quotes himself, man." -Dr.Dude
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
08/27/04 03:32 PM
NO RC STRIPPERS!!! Do you really want to blow up an innocent girl just because you want to kill your
I meant stripper robots, not the real living breathing ones.
What were you thinging?
You tought
that I'm out of my mind.
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Zaarin]
08/27/04 03:35 PM
pig cops taking a swim in your pool?
no problem! kick the stereo into the pool the stupid porkers put out at poolside.
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
08/28/04 03:05 AM
Hmmm... I was thinking about something else to do for pure amusement in game...
Ho about classic jokes? I'm not sure if it would be cool in multiplayer but here some ideas:
Take a cake and throw it in aliens/npc's faces.
Eat a banana drop the skin making others fall.
Use oil and spill it on the floor, same as above.
manipulate the heaters and let them work at max power
making the npc's (like in an oficce) complain all the time.
Play bowling! But the NPC's or Aliens are the Pins (seen in Redneck Rampage)
Kick dead bodys around the place, shoot them in bits and peaces.
If a door will open through fingerprint scan only, cut a hand off from some dead guy using it as a key
to open doors.
(okok, better for gameplay I guess)
Use a porn CD-ROM, insert it on a computer letting all male npc's freak out and focus in the monitor.
go in shops and wreck havoc by braking all shelves, throwing articels around, turning up the instore
radio on full blast, letting all npc's freak totaly out.
walk in theatres and see some movies
Lock the doors to all toilets and pour purgative in coffee cups. I wooooonder what will happen....
OK, enough, for now...
Take care people!
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-------------------If looks could kill they probably will,
in games without frontiers,
war without tears... -- Peter Gabriel
Edited by Alexander (08/28/04 03:07 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Alexander]
08/28/04 07:38 PM
Use a porn CD-ROM, insert it on a computer letting all male npc's freak out and focus in the monitor.
Ow! That's stereotypical! I find that the ladies like watching porn just as much (if not more!
) than I
Take care people!
Well isn't that a quaint little saying.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Major Lag
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Reaper]
08/30/04 08:15 AM
Isnt this tread just getting a little old GB makes 1 post and thats its this is the way to keep ppl
interested in dnf forever
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Major Lag]
08/31/04 11:01 AM
Isn't this tread just getting a little old GB makes 1 post and thats its this is the way to keep ppl
interested in dnf forever
I think since the hype of DN3d George doesn't have to do sh*t to keep people interested in Duke,
because DNF has been around in the media for years... Some believe DNF comes to life, many don't...
personally this game is the ONLY game I really care about... Other games make fun, too. But JESUS,
they're just not the real deal! I want DNF and if it still needs time to get finished properly, so be it! I
can wait...
Besides... There is a slight possibility that GB takes our suggestions serious...
-------------------If looks could kill they probably will,
in games without frontiers,
war without tears... -- Peter Gabriel
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Alexander]
08/31/04 08:44 PM
can you touch the girls?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: baff]
08/31/04 08:56 PM
George in 7 years:
"Well, we're closer than last decade, and certainly moreso than any previous decade. We actually
make progress now "
-------------------Wiping the mess on his dirty sleeve he said, “That wasn’t half bad, schoolboy. Is that what the academy teaches you?”
Arken replied with a grin. “I didn’t need the academy to throw that move.”
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
09/01/04 07:46 PM
A few things I'd really like to see...
#1. Even if vehicles are not driveable, at least let us toss pipe bombs in the front seat and activate
cruise control, so the vehicle can go careening away, run aliens over, break down light barricades,
etc., and finally set off the gas tank with the pipe bomb remote to damage enemies.
#2. I want to be able to destroy small structures. I don't mean anything like taking down a
skyscraper, I mean guardhouses by entrance gates and such.
#3. Rolling stuff. I want to be able to, for example, push over piles of barrels and send an enemy
fleeing before it. Run little piggy, run!
#4. Kick an open oil barrel into a pool and set the pool on fire with flamethrower or bullets.
#5. Ways to just humiliate enemies. Examples:
A)Step one: shrink alien foe. Step two: press Use key to pick it up. Step three, use Mighty Foot to kick
shrunken enemy off a cliff, into a group of enemies, etc.
B)Throw body parts at a live enemy of a type similar to what enemy it came from and watch them get
Extra kudos if we can jam a toilet with body parts or shrunken enemies, or drop shrunken enemies in
a trash can, put the lid on it, and roll it into something
C) find some enemies in a break room louging around and find a way to bolt the doors. Then change
the music from a remote location to something really obnoxious (which you can hear a little bit of
through the walls) so that they all go crazy and either kill themselves or kill each other... and have a
few of them whimpering and soiling themselves at the end of it. Watch through a Security Camera!
Alternatively, leave the doors unlocked for some target practice as they run out so hastily that they
forget their weapons, or at the least are distracted by their mental pain!
-------------------Yes, I created a username just for this post
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: etherbomb]
09/01/04 09:38 PM
yes, flush those shrunken fools.
reminds me of that great newspaper headline about Dublin Zoo.
"vandals feed penguins to the lions"
shrink 'em and let the cat play with them for a while.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: baff]
09/02/04 06:25 AM
I didn't read all of the pages of this thread,
so some stuff people might have already said...
- A block button, if someone throws or shoots you,
you should be able hold your gun out in front of you to
protect yourself.
-Combind a couple weapons
to make a super weapon,
like the devestator and freezethrower on the
Duke Nukem Action Figure.
-Since there is going to be no ingame music,
there should be a CD player,
that lets you choose between the DNF soundtrack,
or a custom CD that lets you play your MP3's.
-You should be able to shoot any doors
until they fall over, there should be no locked doors unless they're really tough and thick metal ones.
-Taking chunks off walls. If you drain all your ammo on one area, it should make a 3d chunk fly off
the wall.
-Realistic jumping. If you want to get to high places,
you should be able to either climb/pull yourself up,
or use your jetpack.
You shouldn't be able to jump more than 3 feet.
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-No humor at all. Duke3d would have been cooler
if they didn't have all the unrealistic things that were supposed to be funny.
I want DNF to be a very dark, realistic, world.
A nice scary theme that makes you drop a load in your pants would be cool too, like in Doom3.
-Some good editors!
I want to be able to easily make maps,
like in Duke3d.
Include them on the DNF disc.
Also, Duke3d, Duke2, and Duke1 should be included on the DNF disc, just like on the Duke3d disc.
If there's not enough room, there should be a bonus disc with even more stuff.
-Things be destroyed in parts!
Don't make a huge object blow up after you stab it 5 times like the nazi flag in RTCW.
Instead, I want to be able to take things apart,
piece by piece.
Well, that's my DNF wishlist.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Xgthug]
09/02/04 08:54 PM
- A block button, if someone throws or shoots you,
you should be able hold your gun out in front of you to
protect yourself.
Sounds cool, but lacks forethought.. Your gun would be shot to bits if you tried to block with it. If you
noticed the E3 DNF video, you would have seen a riot shield that realistically degraded in strength
after each attack against it. That seems sufficient to me.
-Combind a couple weapons
to make a super weapon,
like the devestator and freezethrower on the
Duke Nukem Action Figure.
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Although this seems very interesting, one of the decisions I have heard from the 3DR team is that
they will not include akimbo weapons (this is fairly old info, so I wouldn't mind to be proved wrong).
Also, it isn't realistic and it seems like a fairly generic form of gameplay derived from Resident Evil
games. I would also be "put off" if a weapon that you "created" suddenly had compatible ammo lying
around everywhere.
-Since there is going to be no ingame music,
there should be a CD player,
that lets you choose between the DNF soundtrack,
or a custom CD that lets you play your MP3's.
I have not heard that 3DR decided against having in-game music, and I have followed the
development quite closely. I actually heard somewhere that they would have a context sensitive
soundtrack (ie louder during combat and certain songs in certain areas, etc.). Prove me wrong. Either
way, I'd prefer a soundtrack, as long as it wasn't intrusive, during singleplayer. The jukebox idea is
good for multiplayer games at the least.
-You should be able to shoot any doors
until they fall over, there should be no locked doors unless they're really tough and thick metal ones.
-Taking chunks off walls. If you drain all your ammo on one area, it should make a 3d chunk fly off the
I would not mind which way they go with this, as game and hardware technology seems unable to
cope with this type of freedom at the moment.
-Realistic jumping. If you want to get to high places,
you should be able to either climb/pull yourself up,
or use your jetpack.
You shouldn't be able to jump more than 3 feet.
This has been said before. Many, many times before. I don't want to be mean, but I find it annoying
when people just recycle ideas they have heard and then claim them as their own.
-No humor at all. Duke3d would have been cooler
if they didn't have all the unrealistic things that were supposed to be funny.
I want DNF to be a very dark, realistic, world.
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A nice scary theme that makes you drop a load in your pants would be cool too, like in Doom3.
Many people would disagree with you on that one. Duke Nukem exudes personality, and a part of that
personality is his humor. It really depends on the situation. It can be both scary and humorous. Look
at Shakespeare's literature. He would include those moments for "comedic relief" (and to appease the
lower class) of the more suspenseful moments. Although I wouldn't mind if Duke Nukem evolved as a
character, comedy is something I enjoy, and it would be sorrowing to see it leave one of the only
games in the industry that features it (granted, some games still have humor, but it is rarely
humorous). Also, Doom 3 seems like a piss-poor comparison. Many people found it to be a lot less
horrifying than expected. System Shock 2 and Silent Hill seem like better examples
of horror to me.
-Some good editors!
I want to be able to easily make maps,
like in Duke3d.
Include them on the DNF disc.
Also, Duke3d, Duke2, and Duke1 should be included on the DNF disc, just like on the Duke3d disc.
If there's not enough room, there should be a bonus disc with even more stuff.
On this topic, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I think 3DR believes in the WYSIWYG (What You See
Is What You Get) method of level editing, and wants to achieve close to the same ease-of-use Build
had. I also find that developers are including previous games in the same packaging or disk more
often, and I would like to see Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, as well as the original sidescroller
Duke's included with DNF, even if sold in a compilation pack. The reason I want it, is my cds of those
games are degrading in quality (ie they suck
-Things be destroyed in parts!
Don't make a huge object blow up after you stab it 5 times like the nazi flag in RTCW.
Instead, I want to be able to take things apart,
piece by piece.
Good idea!
Well, that's my DNF wishlist.
Eh, it's fated to increase in girth.
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Reaper]
09/03/04 11:18 AM
What I do NOT want is these things I have seen in two other, new FPS games:
- Far Cry: I could not take out a simple, damn lamp (which demonstrated very nice real-time lighting)
with my gun. Bulletproof light bulbs? Well, maybe..
- Unreal 2: On some snow planet, there were some huge icicles. Shooting at them with the rocket
lauchner didn't really impress them at all. Pretty hard ice, really...
Stuff like that pisses me off. I mean, it's supposed to be super-realistic physics, and I can't blow away
some wooden box or desk lamp with a grenade launcher? Or, even more so, the desk itself? In what
game is it possible to smash any furniture that's standing around? I understand that for reasons of
gameplay the level geometry may not be entirely be blown away, but all that small stuff should be.
If that has been said before, I'm sorry, I'm only in this forum every two years (or so).
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
09/03/04 11:57 AM
Black knight: "hey where are you going?? come back, I'll bite you!!"
After having an arm shot off: "It's just a flesh wound!"
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: BabyFace]
09/03/04 10:05 PM
OK George,you have 10 pages of idea's now,could you please start making the game and then let us
know what you put in
-------------------Doom 3 has the greatest lighting system ever designed for a video game. ID just forgot to pay the electric bill.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Airtraffic]
09/05/04 11:37 AM
I want LAVA and ACID
And it should be able to melt trough... eehh? Stuff...
And the shrink ray should have the Expander as alternate fire. (I've never seen the expander in action
maybe someone could post a picture of that??
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
Attachment (25 downloads) 09/05/04 12:35 PM
Hehe, I'll post a pic of the Expander. But you can also find it somewhere on the net. It basicly expands
), then when he grows in size, he goes BOOM! ^_^
the enemy (obvious.
Oh and a new wish.
'End Distance':
What I'm talking about is, if DNF is to have the end level like thing as Duke 3d/Atomic has. They
should put at how close you need to be to punch the Nuke Button. At long range if you press 'USE', or
PUNCH. It won't work. But if your close enough for the fist to hit the button, press only PUNCH/USE
and the level may end.
This, is the almighty Expander.
-------------------Somebody make an Unlimited Ammo/Item trainer for Shadow Warrior or/and Duke Nukem 3d!...... Pretty please? ;_;
I seriously mean it, could someone please do this request? I'll reward them in any way!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Reaper]
09/05/04 09:23 PM
-Since there is going to be no ingame music,
there should be a CD player,
that lets you choose between the DNF soundtrack,
or a custom CD that lets you play your MP3's.
I have not heard that 3DR decided against having in-game music, and I have followed the
development quite closely. I actually heard somewhere that they would have a context sensitive
soundtrack (ie louder during combat and certain songs in certain areas, etc.). Prove me wrong.
Either way, I'd prefer a soundtrack, as long as it wasn't intrusive, during singleplayer. The
jukebox idea is good for multiplayer games at the least.
I read in the DNF FAQ on planetduke.com
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
that there would be no ingame music,
only lots and lots of ambient sounds
to set the mood.
-Realistic jumping. If you want to get to high places,
you should be able to either climb/pull yourself up,
or use your jetpack.
You shouldn't be able to jump more than 3 feet.
This has been said before. Many, many times before. I don't want to be mean, but I find it
annoying when people just recycle ideas they have heard and then claim them as their own.
I never heard this idea,
and why are you so defensive?
I didn't ask you to comment every single
thing on my DNF wishlist, did I?
No? Then go f... EDIT: Leave me alone.
No offense, really.
Edited by Xgthug (09/05/04 09:36 PM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Xgthug]
09/05/04 10:23 PM
Xgthug said:
I have not heard that 3DR decided against having in-game music, and I have followed the
development quite closely. I actually heard somewhere that they would have a context
sensitive soundtrack (ie louder during combat and certain songs in certain areas, etc.).
Prove me wrong. Either way, I'd prefer a soundtrack, as long as it wasn't intrusive, during
singleplayer. The jukebox idea is good for multiplayer games at the least.
I read in the DNF FAQ on planetduke.com
that there would be no ingame music,
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only lots and lots of ambient sounds
to set the mood.
This has been said before. Many, many times before. I don't want to be mean, but I find it
annoying when people just recycle ideas they have heard and then claim them as their own.
I never heard this idea,
and why are you so defensive?
I didn't ask you to comment every single
thing on my DNF wishlist, did I?
No? Then go f... EDIT: Leave me alone.
No offense, really.
don't worry about it.
some people around here seem to be in a cranky mood
back on topic:
has anyone mentioned ice? maybe duke fights baddies on a ice covered lake and he shoots the ice
around them to make them fall in?
-------------------"Keep the faith... trust me, the game rocks."-Wieder3DR on DNF
Re: Interactivity. [Re: KaiserSoze]
09/06/04 04:15 AM
Having serious Duke fans in these forums characters in the game and have us open doors and things
for Duke in the course of his mission to save the world
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Michelangelo]
09/07/04 07:01 PM
How's that interactivity?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Reaper]
09/08/04 04:38 AM
It would be cool if you could rip/take tyres off cars and roll them down the road
"grab it and turn it left or righ" I don't like the sound of the a use button that did one logical function
would be better than gab and move.
-------------------I thought my last sig was better
Edited by IwantMORE (09/08/04 04:41 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: IwantMORE]
09/08/04 09:24 AM
One thing I'd like tho, is to be able to pick stuff upp.
Even "worthless" stuff. Like a potted plant. And throw it at an enemy :/.. I was playing through sof
2nd time, about four weeks ago and there's this slaughterhouse with lots of chainsaws. And I'm
running around with a knife :/...
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
09/08/04 07:25 PM
I want a fully functional WATER PARK!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: SgtFly]
09/09/04 03:45 PM
And I want a goddamn mirrorhouse!
would be awesome in MP.
And pig cops should shoot Duke's mirror image and that level
-------------------"Remember kids, if it's fun there's a good chance it's illegal!"
"The date wen't wrong, I was flat broke and left outside alone.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Zaarin]
09/11/04 04:17 AM
You should be able to DESTROY bodys, even if it's ragdolls. and there should be decals on the bodys
And you should also be able to rip them apart one by one, Into Many tiny pieces (<--By shooting or if
using a chainsaw)
Now THAT's something that just has to be in the game... (And a parenteral lock
could enable/disable those features, for those who find these things disturbing
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
09/11/04 11:12 PM
destory EVERYTHING!!! how bout destroable environments. The Casino needs to have those waterfall
things like the the bellaggio and there can be a switch to turn the falls off and on.also u know how
Cirque du Soleil that french circus has that show "O" in las vegas have like a parody of that and let
duke shoot and break the glass then kill everyone!!! MAybe he can like swing on the trapeezee and
there can be like fake posters near the stage that say Cirque du Take two
or Cirque du 3D Realms
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fetus]
09/12/04 12:29 AM
I want to be able to kill programmers.
-------------------Forums are the opiate of the masses
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fetus]
09/12/04 06:05 AM
Fetus said:
destory EVERYTHING!!! how bout destroable environments. The Casino needs to have those waterfall
things like the the bellaggio and there can be a switch to turn the falls off and on.also u know how
Cirque du Soleil that french circus has that show "O" in las vegas have like a parody of that and let
duke shoot and break the glass then kill everyone!!! MAybe he can like swing on the trapeezee and
there can be like fake posters near the stage that say Cirque du Take two
or Cirque du 3D Realms
I'm sorry for that... But destructable enviroments is not an option in DNF... (GB has confirmed that..!)
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I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
09/14/04 03:15 PM
The enviorment wont be destroyable, but I hope lots of stuff within certain limits will be.
Tell me, how many times have you been running around in a game and you find one of those pointless
doors? (you know, the closed doors wich are not really doors?).
I hope none of those are in dnf... If I cant blow a wooden door away with my rpg - how can I harm a
monster with it? ;P
Major Lag
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Agulf]
09/15/04 03:30 AM
so true
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Agulf]
09/15/04 06:30 AM
Agulf said:
Tell me, how many times have you been running around in a game and you find one of those pointless
doors? (you know, the closed doors wich are not really doors?).
I hope none of those are in dnf... If I cant blow a wooden door away with my rpg - how can I harm a
monster with it? ;P
That happens to me too many times
I hate it, and I hope that it wouldn't be in DNF...
You're right, wooden doors HAVE to be destructable..!
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
09/15/04 09:12 AM
You're right, wooden doors HAVE to be destructable..!
it would be silly to shoot 15 RPG shells at a wooden door and it would survive. Way to break
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
09/15/04 11:29 AM
I know that Oak trees are hard to chop... But not THAT hard ..!
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
09/15/04 03:49 PM
try a cherry tree... and a certain ex-president of america
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
09/15/04 09:10 PM
Well then still includer the circus and the waterfall
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Mark Lewis
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
09/19/04 04:34 PM
I want to be able to show up at the 3D Realms office, and when I get there I find out that no one is
there at all, and all the computers and desks are gone.But there is a note that says "Duke Nukem
Forver Coming Soon" and then I want to wait around for 20 years, and finally I see one of the 3d
Realms staff and I would be like "Hey wheres the game?"
and he would say "What Game? You mean DNF? Dont you get it sunny, it aint going to come out
forever, we were just messing with you:Now go away"
And then I would tottaly cry WOOT ROLF LOL
Also Hi this is my first post, and I promise never to make another one like this, I just wanted to make
fun of some of the other posts I have read on the thread.
-------------------- and then I threw up
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Mark Lewis]
09/19/04 04:36 PM
Hey, enjoy your stay here.
You want to much things IMHO, silly boy.
-------------------Rock Revolt Main Page (Only Pure Rock and Metal Stuff)
The Rock Revolt Forum
"Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice.......... once fooled, I can't be fooled again!" - George W. Bush
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: SgtFly]
09/20/04 03:05 AM
SgtFly said:
I want a fully functional WATER PARK!
with hoses so you can squirt chicks on shirt
-------------------"Oh, and Marty, I may be a gnat, but I'm hung like a horesfly." - London_Midge
Piece of Cake
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Marty]
09/20/04 06:41 AM
Marty said:
SgtFly said:
I want a fully functional WATER PARK!
with hoses so you can squirt chicks on shirt
this is definitly a must
-------------------plotting the takeover of earth since 1983
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Piece of Cake]
09/20/04 04:44 PM
Yeah, I was just imaging [cringe] Pig Cops in speedos and bikinis and a few octobrains in bathing caps
running around, also a shooting arcade filled with all the bad guys.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: SgtFly]
09/22/04 04:22 AM
How about (as interactivity feature) to make the enemies actually effect the enviroment. Like when
you shoot a pigcop through the head he (or she) will fall back into whatever's behind him/her and
trash that.
example: You shoot a pigcop who is standing in front of a table with beerbottles on it and then he falls
back trashing the table (breaking it realistically in half) and smashing the glass around.
that'd be cool!
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
09/22/04 10:47 AM
Heres some suggestions
Tons of secret areas, dont make the game too linear
Include a duke burger
Have a bonus mission, thats a remake of hollywood holocaust(say if you beat the game on hard or
Kick in some doors
Microwave, to cook food and blow up shit
Tons of humor, like duke3d had
Thats all I can think of for now
Re: Interactivity. [Re: nossr50]
09/22/04 12:36 PM
drinkable beer
beer hat
tequila slammers
aiming the champagne cork
also taking the handbrake off of parked cars.
Edited by baff (09/22/04 12:38 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: baff]
09/22/04 02:55 PM
I want to use drugs that affects Dukes mind. He (the gamer) would see things that don't exsist,
waisting away ammo on nothing. Pretty cool, eh? Okay, that was stupid. But the WINO effect when
drinking wine in DeuseEx was pretty fun. Thing is, when you get a little bored of the regular stuff, you
could "expand" it with some dregs and make more out of the maps with some warped effects once in
a while. After all, it's just a game.
I don't even want to try LSD in the real world, but in a game, why not? They could show off all kinds
of crazy effects that way. And the game will probably be rated adult in any case, so just go for it. Like:
When I eat this pink pill, I would warp the entire gameworld, and see loysa idiotic mess....There's
something like that in "Undying", where you can see things from other dimensions when you use the
"scrye" thang. Pretty cool.
Beside of that, I want to smash things I normally would be arrested for in real life (that's what games
are for) like public toilets, private toilets and then some other toilets. So that the room becomes
flooded and messed up, full of shit. After all, Duke is about toilets, right?
But thinking a bit more clearly: Death-animations!
When I shoot aliens with a plasmagun, I want them to react to the weapon. They should melt, burn,
frag, bleed, whatever the weapon does. The corpse should turn to ashes, to a slimy pool, to a
whatever way you killed it. Not just go boink and a little gore. Look at movies like "mars attack!" to
get an idea. Also, I would loved shooting parts of the monsters. Whole chunks falling out, in a funny
way. Like in "fallout". An old game, but the deathanimations were memorable.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Nasta]
09/23/04 09:14 AM
Uhm, this have maybe been brought up before...
Anyway; Does anyone have a clue how many NPC will see in DNF? I mean, come on, it won't be
realistic if there were 100 pigcops and a bunch of aliens, and you couldn't spot a single civilian
anywere.. that sux imho...
I want crowded streets, and crowded nightclubs
Of course with non-repetive characters
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
big fat lazy
Re: Interactivity. [Re: froysland]
09/23/04 08:26 PM
froysland said:
Uhm, this have maybe been brought up before...
Anyway; Does anyone have a clue how many NPC will see in DNF?
Hopefully lots and lots of strippers.
-------------------[Battle For Europe]
Major Lag
Re: Interactivity. [Re: big fat lazy]
09/24/04 02:15 PM
froysland said:
Uhm, this have maybe been brought up before...
Anyway; Does anyone have a clue how many NPC will see in DNF?
I roughly have no idea like every 1 else
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Major Lag]
10/01/04 02:09 PM
I want liquid stuff to be contained in some kind of container....
I want certain walls to be able to blow up...
I want wild animals, and pets in the world...
I want Dynamic fire...
I want to find an empty bag, and sneak behind an enemy and to catch him trapped in the bag untill he
slice's a hole or simply get it off...
I want the Freeze ray! (and it should work similar like the old one...)
I want to see NPC's make idle stuff like Picking up their cellphones and hear them talk about private
I want to use CD players...
I want to drive a Doubledecker Bus...
I want
And I also want
I want Thermal google/sunglasses (Infared)
I want cinemas with whole movies with a BIG screen...
I want enemies to be surprised when they don't expect me...
I think that's all for a while
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
10/01/04 03:14 PM
there should be an arcade game with ep 1 lvl 1 of duke 3d on it abit like doom 3 but with a fully
playable level!
but it may take just too much memory for liking but it would be like riping the enemys off and shitting
down there neck.
will a 3dr staff working on dnf PLEASE CONSIDER MY IDEA if the idea has not already come up?
-------------------Hammond whined,"but what are you going to do to my animal?" "Thats not really the question , Mr.Hammond" Muldoon
said "The question is what are they going to do to us?"
Edited by Ryan (10/01/04 03:17 PM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Ryan]
10/01/04 03:23 PM
HEY!!! you are new right??? if so Welcome to the forums
BTW: it's very rare that there comes somebody from 3DR here to confirm something
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Interactivity. [Re: Ryan]
10/01/04 04:11 PM
I'd love to be a dnf beta tester,
go to here to see my film website full of my past work
My films
I already have money put aside for DUKE NUKEM FOREVER
-------------------Hammond whined,"but what are you going to do to my animal?" "Thats not really the question , Mr.Hammond" Muldoon
said "The question is what are they going to do to us?"
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
10/01/04 04:48 PM
I think that if a first level of duke3d gets into the game
as an arcade game the controls should change to the old duke3d controls when you walk up to the
arcade machine
-------------------Hammond whined,"but what are you going to do to my animal?" "Thats not really the question , Mr.Hammond" Muldoon
said "The question is what are they going to do to us?"
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Ryan]
10/01/04 05:20 PM
well i got noticed but accidentally started a second features forum and it was locked up hpefully they
-------------------Hammond whined,"but what are you going to do to my animal?" "Thats not really the question , Mr.Hammond" Muldoon
said "The question is what are they going to do to us?"
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Ryan]
10/01/04 05:23 PM
The very idea about putting a game inside of a game? Well, that's fantastic... duh...
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Nasta]
10/01/04 05:33 PM
I would like anyone who LIKES my idea to posts something hopefully a 3dr staff will notice my posts
and like the idea then think about putting it into the game!
-------------------Hammond whined,"but what are you going to do to my animal?" "Thats not really the question , Mr.Hammond" Muldoon
said "The question is what are they going to do to us?"
Edited by Ryan (10/01/04 05:36 PM)
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Ryan]
10/01/04 05:39 PM
I'd like to note that i have registered my copies of all my 3d realms games
-------------------Hammond whined,"but what are you going to do to my animal?" "Thats not really the question , Mr.Hammond" Muldoon
said "The question is what are they going to do to us?"
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Ryan]
10/01/04 08:59 PM
I like the idea, but it was done in Donkey Kong for the N64. You could play the orrigonal donkey kong
game, the one that also started the mario brothers series. Still that dosn't mean they wouldn't put it
-------------------the folowing gratuitous self promotion paid for by: The depletion of my humility.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Elmurfud]
10/01/04 09:03 PM
I mean at an arcade or in a bar or something not as a bonus thing you earn
-------------------Hammond whined,"but what are you going to do to my animal?" "Thats not really the question , Mr.Hammond" Muldoon
said "The question is what are they going to do to us?"
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
10/03/04 04:15 PM
I like to see cool emitter effects for sentry- and miniguns , like in the new 3d mark 2005.
Especially the spark from the guy with the machine gun are looking damn cool. The brightness and the
glow ... it looks perfect.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Hellhound]
10/03/04 09:42 PM
it would be cool if you could break the door knob of so an alien cant follow u into the next room
-------------------Hammond whined,"but what are you going to do to my animal?" "Thats not really the question , Mr.Hammond" Muldoon
said "The question is what are they going to do to us?"
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Ryan]
10/03/04 10:03 PM
Keep this thread going with ideas. We do check from time to time.
3DR Staff
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3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
10/03/04 10:13 PM
George Broussard said:
Keep this thread going with ideas. We do check from time to time.
That's nice to hear.
I can't wait to see what fan submitted ideas (perhaps the fan gun) actually
make it in some form or another in the game.
-------------------1Emulation: The People's Emulation Site
Re: Interactivity. [Re: GryphonKlaw]
10/03/04 11:04 PM
you know I like ryan's idea
expect maybe they could also put in that really cool 3D side scroller they were developing in DNF
also put in duke 1 & 2
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Fetus]
10/03/04 11:09 PM
Also, what about like a TV that can change channels to display short clips
or like an in-game radio with lots of humor u know like grand theft auto 3 and vice city
I know your planning not planning to include music but if you do it'd be cool
MAYBE if duke Could leave the property and find car he could kick people outta the cars (like gta) or
maybe find a parking lot full of cars and maybe drive around the city
and their could be a car radio
maybe you could implent a sorta grand theft auto feature
wouldn' that be cool ?
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Micki!]
10/04/04 01:30 AM
Micki! said:
I want liquid stuff to be contained in some kind of container....
Actually, that's one of the things I've always looked for. I can't remember if anyone suggested it
before, but I'd love to see water behave much more realistic then it does in games nowadays. For
example, I've never seen a game where you could shoot a tank full of water and it would spill out
realistically. I don't imagine that will happen since it's probably extremely difficult to create, but it
would be great.
Next to that the world has to be, this has probably also been said before, alive. Not just a few people
on the street or in a building, but alot. They can do whatever they're meant to do, but they shouldn't
just stand there. Almost every person should be doing at least something. The world around you
should feel as real as it can get. Also, all the people around you should be heard. Since that would
require too many (original) voice/converstation recordings, it should probably just be noise or other
sounds. And if Duke does something, the sounds should obviously change along with it. If he throws a
grenade everyone should scream, run away, fall down, or whatever. Plus it would be neat if the people
around you could cough or something when there's smoke around.
A few other points/ideas:
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- Enemies should react to sound. You should be able to sneak in a building and if you're not seen or
heard no enemy should attack you anyway.
- If there are security camera's, enemies or guards should be able to see you through them and react.
- Also been said before I think, sorry, just find it important to mention: I want to see Duke's hands! I
find it looks ridiculous when Gordon is driving that vehicle in the HL2 videos and the wheel is just
moving by itself. I know we've already seen Duke's hands om the motorcycle in the 2001 video so it's
likely it'll be in now anyway.
Btw this was my first post. I've been reading around for a few months, so I hope what I chose to be
my first post wasn't a repeat of all the stuff that's been said before.
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Guere]
10/04/04 01:58 AM
I think DNF should have the one thing in interactivity that wel all wanted, but never got... somehow!
-- Walk into a random room, and being able to operate ALL electronical devices, in one way or another
(i.e. turn on radio, use computer, switch on TV, break remote, remove batteries put them in a bowl of
water with some iron scrapnel from the PC's and stick your hand in it.
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
10/04/04 03:03 AM
It would be awesome if you could Turn on switches, buttons and stuff to control underground
trainstations... It would be cool if there were aliens after you in some train, and then you see them in
a security cam, and destroys/play
with the control panel... And the train could crash or something
There should be working fire alarms in buildings...
There should be Really cool car crashes in the gameplay...
Funny ways to regain health...
maybe I could come up with some more ideas!!!
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
10/04/04 05:11 PM
Well even as TOUGH as Duke is I think he needs to able to kick back at the bar or in a booth at the
strip joint and suck down a couple cold ones. And throw a few bills at the ladies as before. A few beers
always makes me feel tougher and stronger!
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: SgtFly]
10/05/04 07:30 AM
Actually, that's one of the things I've always looked for. I can't remember if anyone suggested it
before, but I'd love to see water behave much more realistic then it does in games nowadays. For
example, I've never seen a game where you could shoot a tank full of water and it would spill out
realistically. I don't imagine that will happen since it's probably extremely difficult to create, but it
would be great.
You obviously haven't played the original Splinter Cell then. You could shoot a fishtank, and water
would flow out of the bullet hole realistically and the water level would drop accordingly.
The higher the water level and hence more pressure on the water coming out of the hole itself, made
the water stream out further.
Looked damn cool. Therefore, that was done a few years ago. I can't wait whats in store for water FX
in SC3.
-------------------"Schizophrenia is a bitch. I was once it's bitch, but now, its my bitch."
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Skeptic]
10/05/04 08:21 AM
There should come ambulances when people get hurt in gunfights...
I just HATE Games where you lose the mission because you killed or hurted a civilian or teamate
... So it would be cool when it doesn't affect your mission when you hurt/Kill someone
A zoo... a funny day in a zoo where aliens suddenly could drop by... Then you could release Lions from
thier cages or something, or kick them down to some hungry crocodiles... (This should not be linear,
because you could get so many funny ideas in a zoo, so it should be up to yourself how you want to
kill Aliens in a zoo...)
Not too many scripted events, that would ruin the gameplay if you wish to try something new next
time you play... (That would mean that you almost know everything that would happen in the game
...Cows that produce Milk...
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NO stealth missions... ( or at least no Realistic stealth missions)
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
Edited by Micki! (10/05/04 08:22 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Skeptic]
10/05/04 10:24 AM
Skeptic said:
You obviously haven't played the original Splinter Cell then. You could shoot a fishtank, and water
would flow out of the bullet hole realistically and the water level would drop accordingly.
The higher the water level and hence more pressure on the water coming out of the hole itself, made
the water stream out further.
Looked damn cool. Therefore, that was done a few years ago. I can't wait whats in store for water FX in
Hmm, no sorry, didn't play that one. Did it really look that good? I wonder why I haven't seen much
of it in other games then (at least not in a way I think is 'good')...maybe I just expect too much
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
10/05/04 02:01 PM
George Broussard said:
Keep this thread going with ideas.
Man! that guy demands a lot, even from his fans!
Well, let me see...
Here's a couple suggestions/wishes and thoughts!:
1. Urinating.
Gameplay: Using it with toilets, gives duke a minor health boost.
Fun: Duke can also use it to distract/alert or piss off, pig cops and other enemy foes.
I'm picturing this gameplay scenario in my head
, where I look down at the street from a big open
window. There I see a pigcop, walking right underneath me. After letting "mini duke" do it's thing, on
the head of the pigcop, he(she?
)goes totally nuts, and starts shooting like mad after duke and
shouts insults(with a mad, but funny sounding pig voice) and quickly starts searching for duke.
I can't help smiling a little, when I think of this scenario
Why: Since many seems to remember particulary the toilets in dn3d, I thought this could be a fun
idea. And since I also consider Duke to be a: "I don't give a f*ck and I do whatever damn pleases me"
kind of guy, this feature should fitt his personality
2. LOT'S of weapons(as if you didn't knew we wanted this). If you have only 15 weapons or lower
now, start making some more
And it would be cool if a good amount of them where upgradeable/modifyable(like adding laser sight,
modifyable to use heavier ammo/new type of ammo ect...). These weapons should be acompanied by
lots and lots(and then some) of particle effects
generated from explosions or bullets/trickered ammo from duke's many weapons.
Weapons which sports ammo, that goes off in a chain reaktive explosion, would be cool.
Being able to setup small traps, would also add as a big cool factor.
Quick example: Duke finds some barrels filled with gun powder. One of these barrels could then be
used to make a small track of gunpowder. This could then be used as a timer to tricker a bomb,
planted at the end of the gun powder track.
3. Meele combat would be a fun break, from all the shooting
but just better and more advanced :-)
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. Something like what F.E.A.R does,
3D Realms Forums: Interactivity.
4. Sudden/unexpected change of location(makes the game more unpredictable and interesting).
Duke nukem is suddently beamed up in a space ship. This would allow for som serious alien action.
Or goes through a timeportal of some such and suddently finds out he's traveled back in time to the
age of the old west and etc...
PS: I have noticed most of the discussions about duke, is graphics related. Since a computer game is
experienced via our eyes AND our ears, I would also suggest you pay great attention to the sound
aspect, of your coming game.
I know you have said it will feature 5.1 sound, but that really isn't telling us a lot about what you guys
are aiming for, sound wise.
Graphics show you where you are and what you have to react to.
Sound makes you feel like you are participating in what you are seeing.
So they both are pretty equallly important.
I hope you aim for a sound standard, that is at least as advanced as Creatives EAX4.
In this regard, I would like to mention that weapons and explosion sounds, is VERY important that
they sound cool. A weapon shouldn't be boring listening to, when fired a couple of times. Avoid using
repeating sound patterns, as much as possible please
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Mr.DJ]
10/05/04 06:58 PM
Or goes through a timeportal of some such and suddently finds out he's traveled back in time to the
age of the old west and etc...
Time to Kill was it?
-------------------Duke is not a plant. -- CyTex
I feel gay -- Fat John
Me Tarzan. You train -- Waiter
-------------------The Game project
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Night Hacker
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Rider]
10/06/04 12:54 AM
Duke should get into a battle with an enemy like Dr. Proton or whomever and get his hand cut off and
learn that Duke is actually Dr. Proton's son... the later get a mechanical hand of course.
Hmmm... how about a working dartboard... could use the darts as weapons too.
Could be in a game room with the pooltable etc...
Duke could have to find different parts that make up a weapon or vehical or whatever... you bring the
parts to a central location, perhaps with a pickup or whatever to cart them around for the big parts,
he then locates some tools and assembles something... a weapon, some sort of super vehical... tank,
mech, glider... I remember a game back the in the Doom era... I can't think of the name of it off
hand, where you had to locate the parts to a superweapon, when you found them all you got the
weapon of course.
Duke should light things like dynomite with a cigar.
Would look nice with the right smoke effects.
If Duke gets too "fresh" with a stripper, she should kick him in the nuts and his voice should be higher
pitched for a while.
(and maybe walk a little slower)
Duke could enter the Playboy mansion, shoot Hef and take over. (or bow down before him and say
"I'm not worthy!"
Oh, and I still want Duke to be on a motorcyle or something similar and have it break down on him
and hear a comment like "Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have switched engines!"
This just HAS to be in the game somewhere!!!
A space station level, like in 2001: A Space Odessy, a large wheel... the level would curve like in the
movie, perhaps low gravity... something happens (alien attack) where the station stops spinning and
loses micro-gravity, things start "doing stuff" like floating up into the air, duke has to find a jetpack to
maneuver around and get to a spacesuit, into a shuttle and infiltrate the alien craft... <brainstorming
here, trying to think "out of the box"
In Duke3D the aliens are after the women... what if they captured Laura Croft? Hmmm... what kind of
alien offspring would she have? hehe... (okay, I've gone overboard here)... or how about if they
captured Martha Stewart! LMAO
-------------------"No one has ever gone into heaven" - John 3:13
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Edited by Night Hacker (10/06/04 01:21 AM)
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Night Hacker]
10/06/04 02:35 AM
O.K. here are a few more ideas. Some of them may have already been mentioned, but I'm sorta in a
I want to be able to interact with as many things as possible, in as many ways as possible. When I see
a fire extinguisher, I want to be able to:
A: Shoot it and make it explode.
B: Pick it up and Spray an enemy with it.
C: Pick it up and hit an enemy with it.
D: Pick it up and throw it at an enemy.
E: Pick it up and throw it at an enemy and shoot it in front of his face.
When I meet up with an Octabrain, I want him to come after me and grab my gun. If I don't let go of
the gun by switching weapons, he picks me up with him. Now I can still shoot him or whatever, but I
take the fall if I'm too high up. I want the option to shoot him, grab his tentacles and swing him
around and slam him into a wall. I'd like to put my fist in his eye.
I want to literally be able to cram a pipebomb into his mouth and blow him up. (Naturally, you'd want
to see the light from the explosion through his semi-transparent brainsack, course, it might be
blowing up at that time.
I want to use both hands independently of the other unless it's something I need 2 hands for. If I
have a riot shield in one hand and a nightstick in the other, I want to feel like I can crontrol them
independently. I even want to taunt alien bastards by hitting my nightstick on the riotshield egging
them on.
I want to be able to piss my name in the snow/sand/wall whatever.
I want to tie an Octabrains tentacles together.
I want to be able to destroy crates and even stack them to get to other areas.
If a door is locked, I want to be able to kick it in, unless it's made of metal, then I want to be able to
put a tripmine on it and hurl a carcass into the beam and have it cut through the door like a hot knife
through butter.
I want to be able to grab humans that are being wussies by the collar and even push them against
walls. Since both hands work independantly, I should be able to bitch slap him with the other hand, or
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pistol whip him. or pull out my gun and shoot an alien coming down the hall without letting go of the
guy with the other hand.
I want to stomp on stuff. If there is a coke can somewhere, I wanna stomp it. I want to stomp alien
heads and watch their eyes roll out.
I want to shoot a wall and be able to rip the damn thing apart with rapid fire. I want to see the
framing, pipes, wires ect. inside the wall. I think that's doable with per pixel collision. Also, if I hit a
wire I want to see sparks, if I hit a pipe, I want to see water or steam.
I want to hide behind crates ect. while enemies fire at me, but I want it to be temporary cover, not a
safe haven. If they shoot at the box with ordinary weaponry, I want to see the wood chipping off the
crate and eventally wearing it down to nothing so I have to find new cover. If they're shooting alien
weaponry at me, I want to see the crate charred and catch fire. If they shoot it with a rocket launcher
or something. I want to see the crate shatter blow me backward and possibly have a large splinter
stuck in my forearm from it.
Every car should have a radio/cd player in it so we can listen to our own mp3's ect. It would also be
nice to have radio stations i.e. GTA3 with all sorts of programs on. When I'm in a car, I want to be
able to open the glovebox, console, trunk,ect. if applicable.
I want to see aliens have dripping slobber coming out of their mouths. If my gun is hot and that
slobber hits it, I want to hear and see it sizzle as it rolls down the side of the barrel.
I want to turn on/off any light, appliance, or chick I see, unless it's tied into a larger system like Area
I want to fly a ufo. I want to have a good buddy grey alien that helps me out while I'm there. He's all
American now with a T-shirt that says "I ate the worm!" wearing high tops and a ballcap. When we
help each other get through area 51 I want to fly a ufo out of there and go to the space station/
mothership/dark side of the moon whatever. Do NOT deny us the opportunity to fly a ufo, and give us
some crazy ufo flying physics. In fact, it would be cool if it wasn't immediately apparent how you
should fly the damn thing, cuz it would be funny as hell to hear duke asking the grey how to fly the
damn thing.
Duke's shades need to have all sorts of killer appz.
Duke needs to be able to get drunk. There also need to be about 32 levels or drunkness or so. It
would be nice if he could just catch a buzz or pass out drunk and wake up next to an ugly sasquatch
lookin' babe.
If I shoot a light, I want broken glass. If I go down a fire escape, I want to hear it creak as I walk
along, and the ladder should go down when I step on it.
If I hit anything, I expect it to react. If I bump into a table in a nightclub, it would be really slick if the
drinks swished around and the candle on the table flickered. If I get into a fight in the bar, I want
everthing to be a weapon. I want to beat the hell out of somebody and throw them on a table and
watch it topple over. I want to hit them in the back with a chair and have the chair break, if it's made
of wood that is. I want to pick up a pool que and knock somebody in the head with it. If I hit the beer
light over to pool table, break out the glass, break a bulb or two and leave one burning as the light
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sways from side to side from the impact casting moving shadows of the balls on the tables. Let the
guy pick up a ball and throw it at me.
If I walk up to a pool table, video game, pinball machine, vending machine I want to be able to
interact with it in a seamless way. If I play a game, I'd like the option to play it full screen if I want to,
but the default should be from Duke's point of view. So we should see our hands on the joystick/
buttons ect.
I want my clothes to get dirty, if I don't change them, by the end of the game, I'm lookin' nasty.
When I come to a keyboard in the game, I want to be able to type on my keyboard and see Duke's
fingers move.
-------------------Hire me already!
Re: Interactivity. [Re: Gideon]
10/06/04 02:46 AM
This might have already been asked about (suggested):
Now with Meqon you have the ability to build massive walls made out of invidual bricks and it can be
toppled over. It would also be cool if each brick could be indivdually destroyed so it could form a
psuedo-destructible environment situation.
-------------------1Emulation: The People's Emulation Site
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: GryphonKlaw]
10/07/04 08:47 AM
Most of these are for the gameplay...
Destructable watches - When you shoot a watch, it would only get trashed where you shoot...
Thin walls/doors - you could shoot through (If there would be thermal googles/sunglasses in DNF,
then this feature would be very usefull in Multiplayer)
Jetpacks should be able to be refueled on gas stations...
heat systems in buildings - then you could make roast beef indoors
trash containers with trash in thier bags... (<-- Meqon cloth physics for the bags
smack them into your enemies!!! (disgusting, but interactive
beach ball Babes
)... so you could
- Suddenly you have something else than shooting aliens
Joe Siegler as a policeman who always is trying to catch you while saying "I'll lock you in
Freezed enemies should melt slowly, durring high heat... "Muahahaha" (<--this was not a serious idea
Too much coffee should make you hyperactive
Sand physics - Shoot one rocket on some sand (a beach for example) and there would rain with dirt in
a moment... And a big hole where you shot (<-- there could be a limit on how much you could "dig"
through the sand, or there could be concrete under the sand)
-------------------I'm a boy... For those who didn't knew that (Since my REAL name "Micki" also is a girls name)
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Re: Interactivity. [Re: George Broussard]
10/11/04 10:34 AM
I'm locking this thread due to size. I like to keep threads undera certain size. It won't be killed, in fact,
I'm starting an Interactivity Part II thread in a minute.
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