Medieval times


Medieval times
Medieval times
By:Aasera and Lyndyn
The monks clothing were a type of dress
and sometimes they wear shirts made out
of hair from horses or donkeys to make
the shirts.
What noble woman would wear
They would wear a dress or a robe and knitted shoes.They
would wear big dresses if they were rich and small dresses if
they weren't rich.
The clothing that was worn by different classes was...Upper classes
had fancy clothing such as gold,big dresses and pretty decorated
shoes and clothing.Middle classes dressed with stuff poor but also a
little fancy such as knitted shoes made of flowered cloth and dresses
that weren’t big or puffy.The lower classes had dirty shirts,pants
dresses and shoes.They didn’t have a lot of clothes.
Upper classes
Building materials
Materials that they used to
make houses and structures
built from. Most of the
buildings used several
materials for their
construction but the finalized
structure was defined by the
material mostly used. ... As
with straw houses wattle.
What peasants would wear
The peasants would wear ragged clothes ,their dress would have holes in the
dress and the men pants would be ripped.
The most well-known battle
The most well known battle was the Agincourt battle because
Henry Vled england’s army was smaller than the other french army
and still won.It was the most famous battle.The weapons they used
to win was battle axes, sheilds, caltrop, crossbows, dagger,
gunpowder, knives, longbows and arrows and swords.
The life of a serf connected to each season because they always
worked every day,week,month,season and year.They worked a lot
in the fields.They even worked in winter
Medieval swords
The swords were important because it was their primary weapon.
The sword also held great symbolic importance and featured
strongly in the formal Ceremony of Knighthood.
Armour worn by knights
The armour worn by knights was iron, steel, leather, textile and
plates.They wore that because it was hard.The leather and textile
was used for the armpits and legs.
Medieval Games of the Middle
Ages were popular. Games
Were played by the Upper
classes and the Lower classes.
By adults and children.Different
types of Games and
entertainment fell into a number
of different . Board games were
played and enjoyed as
entertainment during the Middle
This Latin term means between the
reign (of one Pope and another). It
is a period governed by papal law,
which admits of no changes to
Church governance.For 900 years,
electing a pope has been the
prerogative of the College of
Cardinals meeting in conclave.
There are three phases to the
election process.
They need a horse and armor to wear and
ride on to go fight sometimes they bring a lot
of weapons but most of the times he brings 1
or 2 weapons.
The practises back they practised
fighting with a sword and another
person that have a sword then
they practice fighting and now we
punch punching bags and use
waits to practice fighting.
Medieval Weaponry Warfare, Arms, Armour,
Defenses, open battles and
castle . The arming sword
(also sometimes called a
knight's or knightly sword) is
the pictures depicting
effective arming sword
combat without the benefit
of a shield.
Magna Carta
The magna carta is such an influential document because in
history it established the principle that everyone is subject to the
law,even the king guarantees the rights of individuals,the right to
justice and the right to the fair trial.
Noble Women
The duties of the young Medieval noble women would be to look after clothes and
the assist ladies with their dressing and coiffure. Some housewifely duties such
as preserving fruits and household management would be taught, to prepare
them for their duties as a married woman. High ranking young women would take
on the role of ladies-in-waiting and were taught French. Young noble women
would also be taught the principles of the Medieval Code of Chivalry and Courtly
Love and would join the spectators at jousting tournaments.
Armor horses woar
The armor horses would wear was Bard, Crinet, Crupper,
Flanchard, Shaffron,Peytral.Bard is the name for a complete horse
armor.Crinet is the defense for the horse’s neck.Crupper is the
defense armor covering the horse’s rump.Flanchard is a piece of
plate armor attached to the saddle that protected the flank of a
horse.Shaffron is this plate armor that covered a horse’s head and
face.Peytral is the armor designed to protect the horse’s chest.
Effective Weapons
The siege engines when attacking a castle in the Middle Ages were
the Trebuchet, Ballista, Catapult,Mangonel, Battering Ram and
Siege Towers.
Noble Children
Manners and Etiquette: Teaching Essential Ingredients for Success. . "That created a small
problem because we have seven children, and the other six wanted to . The importance of
self-respect and respect for others is taught.A reinforcement of good social behavior at all
age levels would be most beneficial.
The knights responsibilities
Beginning in the Middle Ages, a square was the shieldor armour-bearer of a knight. At times if he proved his
loyalty and skill in battle, he would have a “dubbing”, an
... it was no longer assumed that a square would
automatically become a knight. and any particular
knight also ended, as did any shield-carrying duties.
The importance of a blacksmith job is to make metal and
equipment for the king and and queen also for other people.It was
a really important job because they needed forks, spoons, plates,
horse shoes, knives and sords.
Embroidery is the handicraft of decorating fabric or other
materials with needle and thread or ... Depending on time,
location and materials available, embroidery could be the
Embroidery was airportant art in the Medieval islamic world .
The Christian religion influence
daily life in medieval times
because accurate facts about
Medieval Religion, Monks and
Nuns.Times the only recognised
religion was Christianity, in the
form of the Catholic religion.
During the Middle Ages religion
as everything.Daily Life of a
Medieval Monk is hard because
they had a lot of work to do every
The End