- Apostolic Christian Church of America


- Apostolic Christian Church of America
Vol. 69, #7
July 2014
“…he leadeth me beside the
still waters.”
Psalm 23:2
The Present Privileges of a
Believer page 3
Monthly Sermon page 4
Acts of God page 6
Studying to Minister to
the Lost page 7
Small Church: Athens, AL
page 8
Estate Planning Pt. 2 page 8
Remembering Our
Spiritual Heritage page 70
We Are One Bread page 71
To Our Readers
For July Issue
(news from June 16-July 15)
Due: July 20, 2014
Digital versions of the Silver Lining
Have you ever wanted to look back at an article you read in a
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Past issues are now archived in PDF format on the
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The Silver Lining
1523 County Road 400N
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Published Monthly by the Apostolic
Christian Church of America
Tom Stock, Rick Plattner
Official Apostolic Christian Church
Send correspondence to:
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The Silver Lining
In Christian love,
Rick Plattner and Tom Stock, counseling elders
1523 County Road 400N
Congerville, IL 61729
Ph: 309-657-4455
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Writings based on God’s Word
Light from the Word
The Present Privileges
of a Believer
We understand and experience privileges which
are associated with certain aspects of life, e.g.
occupations, offices, citizenship, etc. According to
Webster, a privilege is a right granted as a peculiar
benefit, advantage, or favor. A privilege is distinct
from a possession, which is something we have and
hold as property. In spiritual matters, our salvation is
a possession we have as a result of believing in Jesus
(John 5:24, Rom. 10:9-10).
Having gained the standing of a believer,
saved by grace through faith, we are granted many
privileges that accompany our newfound status as
a child of God. What follows is a reminder and
discussion of some of these blessings given to us by
our Heavenly Father.
The blessing of having Christ as our Head:
Having found the blessing of knowing Jesus as Savior
we gladly yield to Him as Lord of our life. Paul writes
that we are to “grow up into him in all things, which
is the head, even Christ:” (Eph. 4:15). In submission
to Him we find the safety of a loving Shepherd who
protects, guides, and corrects. He is the undisputed
Head of all things, granted all authority by God
(Matt. 28:18).
The blessing of the Word as our foundation: the
Apostle John, who walked with the Lord and was
beloved by Him, writes that Jesus was the Word
made flesh and that those who saw Him “beheld his
glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,”
(John 1:14). The very Word of God has been
preserved for us in written form and the example of
the life of Christ is given that we might pattern our
lives after His, putting on His mind and obeying His
commands. (Phil. 2:5-8, Matt. 28:19-20, John 13:3435). We will find, as David the shepherd boy who
became king, that, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105).
The love and support of our brotherhood:
having redeemed us, God grants us the privilege of
becoming His child. “But ye have received the Spirit
of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father” (Rom.
8:15). He places us into His family, the church – also
referred to as His Body and the Bride of Christ,
terms of endearment and examples of closeness,
intimacy, and covenantal relationship. Peter exhorts
us to “Love the brotherhood.” (1 Pet 2:17). Paul gives
action to that love in describing how the members
relate to each other, “And whether one member
suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member
be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.” (1 Cor.
12:26). Thinking of our relationship with each other
in the body we grasp our need for each other, as the
eye, ear, hand, and foot rely upon each other in our
physical bodies. And we learn to abhor the thought
that we might say to another, “I have no need of
thee:” (1 Cor. 12:15-21). Rather we delight in the
opportunity to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so
fulfil the law of Christ.” (Gal. 2:2).
It is a myth, and unbiblical, to think that we
can experience the full benefits of the brotherhood
without the sacrificial love, commitment and mutual
submission essential to its functioning. It makes no
more sense to say the body has no need of us than
it does to say that of another member. We should
prayerfully guard against the influences of the world
around us, including an insidious and detrimental
focus on one’s own needs and the loss of the privilege
of denying self for Christ’s sake and that of our
The blessing of an emphasis on a sanctified life:
having been forgiven of our sin debt by Jesus who
became sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21), we go on to a life
dedicated and consecrated to His service. We stand
firmly on a foundation of belief that, “by grace are ye
— Please turn to pg. 68
Monthly Sermon
Sermon by Bro. Dale Stoller,
Fairbury, IL
Deuteronomy 6 & Philippians 3
Greetings beloved Brothers, Sisters, and Precious
Friends. It is a special time of the day, isn’t it, on a
Wednesday evening when we can come together and
gather in God’s house. We are so thankful for the
opportunity that God has afforded unto us.
In this first reading we read here in
Deuteronomy, we could place ourselves as the one
that the Lord was writing to. Even though this was
written to the Israelite people after they came out of
the land of bondage, we are no different. We came
out of that bondage just like they did. We came out
of a different bondage. They were overtaken. They
went down to Egypt to get grain, to get food. It was
a drought. Then it turned, and the Egyptians ruled
them, would not let them go, and made them work
harder until finally the Lord opened the way.
He sent Moses down to lead them out of the
land of bondage unto the land of Canaan, the land
of freedom, but it took them forty years to get there,
didn’t it? What did it take for you and me to come
out of the bondage of sin? A moment’s notice when
we were able to fall down upon our knees and thank
God for the plan of salvation, to have a broken and
contrite spirit, to be able to repent. With that broken
and contrite spirit, God saw a heart that was pliable,
workable. He could plant the seed within our heart
and allow it to grow. First He gave unto us the milk
of the Word. He fed us as a little child, and He gave
us some meat of the Word as we could understand
it, as we could absorb it. But, we too came out of the
land of bondage. For those who have not come out
of this bondage of sin, it doesn’t take forty years, as
it did the Israelite people. It takes one moment of a
confession, of a need to repent.
So as we see these commandments that the Lord
gave out to the Israelite people, it says, “Now these are
the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments,
which the Lord your God commanded to teach you, that
ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess
it:” (v.1) He gave them the commandments of what
they were to do, carry on, and live out in the land
that they were going to possess. The Lord gave you
and me a commandment to seek our soul salvation.
He gives us the Commandments. He gives us the
Word of God. He gives us instructions on how to
live our life and how to live it out in the land that
we possess here. Wherever our homes are, wherever
we live, wherever we work we are to live out the
commandments that God gives unto us.
So as we are so thankful that God is speaking
to the Israelite people, He is also speaking to us
tonight of what we must do - “That thou mightest
fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes and
his commandments...” (v.2) It is no different for us,
is it? We are to fear the Lord our God, fear Him
in reverence, knowing that He has the power on
judgment day to determine where we are to go for
“That thou mightiest fear the Lord thy God, to keep
all his statutes and his commandments…” He gave us
commandments to live by. He gave us instructions.
Are we supposed to live with two or three and
forget the others? No, He says follow all of my
commandments and do them each day of our life.
“…which I command thee, thou, and thy son,
and thy son’s son, all the days of thy life; and that thy
days may be prolonged.” (v.2) So it is not just to our
forefathers that He gave those commandments. Those
commandments follow through to you and me today.
How many generations later, how many generations
before us were part of this precious faith who
followed the Word of the Lord and who sought their
soul salvation? They pass it on to you and me through
the generations that came down. Are we standing fast
loved ones? Are we holding on? Are we following the
statutes and the commandments the Lord has given
you and me? For the future generations, should the
Lord tarries, are we going to pass on our precious
faith unto them, or are they going to look at this
church and say that was Grandpa’s church. I don’t go
there. They believed and did funny things. But they
are not funny to us, are they. They are true. They are
simple commandments that God has given unto us to
follow and to be obedient unto God’s Word.
We must hold on to this precious faith, the faith
that we have come to know and to love, to pass on
to our children and grandchildren. Are we doing our
part, Loved Ones? Are we doing our part to hold on,
or are we letting things slip? Are we letting things go
by? Are we allowing things to come into our church,
into our lives that could be a hindrance unto us that
we would not to hold on and stay true unto the Word
of God? How does God look down upon us when
He sees slippage and when He sees those that are
not walking the strait and narrow path, those taking
liberties in their lives? How does God look down
upon us? He can be pleased. We want to please God
every day of our lives. We want to please Him and
walk faithfully, to be true and faithful unto life’s very
end. Until we take our last breath, we want to be true
and faithful.
“That thy days may be prolonged.” Does it give us a
number of years more because we are following God?
No, but it makes it all worth it, doesn’t it, the number
of years that He gives each one of us, whether it be
many or few, if we are living true and faithful, we are
living that true life, the quality of life of serving God
as a faithful child of God. It doesn’t matter how many
years we spend here upon this earth, because there is
something better to go to. There is something better
waiting for us. Why do we want to hang on to this
life? Let’s look forward to the life to come.
“Hear, therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it;
that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase
mightily…” (v.3) Observe to do it, to keep His
commandments, to keep His statutes, that it may be
well with thee. We can’t go wrong, can we? When we
observe the statutes, the commandments that God
gives unto us, if we are obedient unto God’s Word, it
is going to be well with us. We are going to have that
close communion with God. We are going to have
that relationship. We are going to have the love to
share with one another. It is going to be well with us.
“…that ye may increase mightily, as the Lord God of
thy fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth
with milk and honey.” (v.3) They were looking for that
land of Canaan. They were looking for that land of
milk and honey. It is different for us today, but we are
looking for that beautiful home in heaven, aren’t we.
We are looking towards eternity. God is going to give
us grace each day. He is going to help us each day to
get through this life, to overcome, and to remain true
upon God’s pathway that He has given unto us, and
we have eternity to look forward to.
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:”
(v.4) We know that, don’t we. One Lord, one Father
in heaven: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
(v.5) It really encompasses the whole thing, doesn’t
it. We give it our all. We give it our all each day of
our life, each moment, not to be overcome by any
weaknesses that Satan tries to entice us with. But, we
keep in mind that we love the Lord with all of our
heart, all of our mind, and all of our soul.
“And these words, which I command thee this day,
shall be in thine heart:” (v.6) So if we observe it, we
practice it, we have it as our life, it is in our heart, it is
in our minds, we don’t have to second guess. We don’t
— Please turn to pg. 66
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto
them who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:10
Disaster Rebuilding Projects
Acts of God
We live in a land of awesome natural splendor, varied
climatic zones and great diversity in the landscape.
The beauty of the land can quickly change into a
scene of massive destruction and devastation. When a
natural disaster occurs there is little that can be done
to contain the forces of nature. The fury unleashed
by a hurricane or tornado cannot be halted by the
mere efforts of man. God is in control!
Throughout the past year, the USA Committee
has organized and directed several disaster rebuilding
projects throughout the country. While we can do
little to prevent the suffering and loss that results
from natural disasters, we can reach out in love
and compassion to
those affected and help
them recover from the
material losses they have
Moved by the love
of Christ and a deep
concern for the less
fortunate, our church
family has faithfully
reacted to these events
not only by praying for
the victims, but also by
sharing time, finances and talents to rebuild homes
for those in need. And more than that; work teams
have shared the love of Christ in a very tangible
way with those they have served. Lives have been
changed. In the words of one victim, “You not only
built me a house, but you restored hope in my life.”
Others have said: “I can’t believe you take time off
from work, travel across the country and work to
build a house for somebody you don’t even know!...
and then you say ‘Thank you’ for the opportunity to
serve.” To God be the Glory!
Yarnell Fire
In June 2013 a wildfire swept through the
community of Yarnell, Arizona destroying
approximately one hundred and thirty structures.
Some of these were homes of the elderly on Social
Security who were not insured. A local group
was organized to assist these unfortunate people.
Generous individuals and corporate sponsors donated
building materials for eleven homes. However, there
was still a need for volunteers to build these homes.
Brothers in the Prescott and Phoenix
congregations presented this opportunity to the
USA Committee for consideration as a World
Relief project. It was approved and work began on
September 30th and
continued through
December 13, 2013.
During this ten week
period 125 volunteers
from 23 congregations
came to work on six new
The World Relief
Disaster Fund provided
$75,000 for this project.
Additionally, two tool
trailers and four World
Relief vehicles were sent to Arizona to facilitate the
work. The funds were spent to house and feed the
volunteers, for fuel and maintenance of the World
Relief vehicles and to purchase a minimal amount of
building supplies.
The work project brought an influx of visitors and
increased fellowship opportunities for the small Prescott
congregation who warmly welcomed each one.
Oklahoma City Tornadoes
Numerous tornadoes over a period of several weeks
— Please turn to pg. 69
...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the
harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. – Matthew 9:37-38
Studying to Minister to the Lost
Every believer understands the importance of reading
and studying God’s Word. However, sometimes the
importance of reading and studying God’s Word in
ministering to the lost can be overlooked.
The Gospel Introduced
The book of Mark begins with The beginning of the
gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark 1:1) and
the author continues to explain how Jesus came into
Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God
(Mark 1:14) and saying, the time is fulfilled and the
kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the
gospel (Mark 1:15). The Apostle Paul proclaimed
that he was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ
for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone
that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek
(Romans 1:16). And to Timothy he wrote that Jesus
Christ had abolished death, and brought life and
immortality to light through the gospel (2 Timothy
The scripture teaches that Christ died for our sins
according to the scriptures; and that he was buried
and that he rose again the third day according to the
scriptures and that he was seen of Cephas, then of the
twelve; … then of all the apostles (1 Corinthians 15:37). And as Paul wrote to Titus, it is the kindness and
love of God our Saviour toward man, not by works
of righteousness which we have done, but according to
his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration,
and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us
abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; that being
justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according
to the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:4-7).
Given the centrality of the gospel message
throughout scripture, there is little wonder that
Christ’s parting words to his disciples were to go into
all the world and preach the gospel to every creature
(Mark 16:15). Every gospel writer repeats this
commission (Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15; Luke
24:44-49; John 20:19-23) as does the author of the
Acts (Acts 1:4-8).
The Gospel Presented
The scriptures describe four aspects of how the
message of the gospel penetrates the heart of the
1. Evangelism – Christ called his twelve disciples
together and sent them to preach the kingdom of
God (Luke 9:1-6). And writing to the Romans,
the Apostle Paul asked how any can call on him
whom they have not believed; and how shall they
believe if they have not heard; and how shall they
hear without a preacher? … How beautiful are
the feet of them that preach the gospel … (Romans
2. Community – The wisdom of God accomplished
through the gospel is described as a mystery
made known unto principalities and powers
through the church (Ephesians 3:8-12). This
mystery is that all men know that believers are
Christ’s disciples by their love (John 13:34-35)
and are convinced that God sent Christ into
the world by the oneness of the church (John
17:21). Thus the church is encouraged to let our
conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ
(Philippians 1:27).
3. Discussion – Often we find in the Acts account
of the Apostle Paul that he reasoned, or disputed,
or discussed the scriptures (Acts 17:2; Acts 18:4;
Acts 18:19; Acts 24:25). Believers are instructed
to be ready always to give an answer to every man
that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you
with meekness and fear (1 Peter 3:15). Every
believer should be ready to help the seeker to
study and share the glorious gospel of Christ.
4. Meditation – The Psalmist delighted in God’s
law and meditated on it day and night (Psalm
— Please turn to pg. 69
...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the
harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. – Matthew 9:37-38
Small Church Profile
Athens, Alabama
An area of the country known as the Bible Belt in
the South is home to many church congregations
including the Athens, Alabama Apostolic Christian
Church. Visitors will enjoy Southern hospitality
while getting to know those in the congregation who
love the Lord, have a heart for outreach and exhibit
a simple faith. A favorite hymn --“What a Day
that will Be” (Gospel Hymns #831) – expresses the
heavenly focus of the 5-7 families plus singles that
worship there on a regular basis.
the congregation. On one Sunday per month, the
congregation enjoys fellowship over a potluck lunch.
Bible studies and singings/prayer time are each held
twice during the month on Wednesday evenings.
Outreach focus starts church
Many of the customs of the Athens church started
back with the establishment of worship services in
the 40’s. Other Apostolic churches had been started
in the surrounding area in Hillsboro, AL (approx. 30
miles from Athens) and Landersville, AL (50 miles
southwest of Athens) as a result of outreach efforts
by Ministering Bro. Amos Hartzler of Rittman,
OH. According to Marching to Zion, the meetings
started in Athens in rented spaces including a Legion
Hall and an empty store where nail kegs and planks
were used for seats and a box for a pulpit. In 1976,
construction began on the current brick church on
the east side of Athens, and dedication services were
held in June 1977.
Continuing outreach in the community
Worshipping the Lord
Each Sunday worship services begin with Adult
Sunday School. As a brother leads the lesson,
members are encouraged to share and learn from
each other. During this time, Sunday School for the
children is also held in other rooms. Following a
short recess, the congregation reassembles. Everyone
(including children) is encouraged to sing a “special
number” which typically takes the form of small
group singing. During this time, prayer requests
or testimonies are also shared. A regular church
service is then preached by either Ministering Bro.
Mark Klaus or by visiting ministers who come as
part of the rotation program twice a month. Elder
Bro. Tom Waldbeser (Atlanta, GA) has oversight for
The church congregation today continues to focus
on outreach and seeking to do the Lord’s will. Three
teachers and a cook currently staff the Apostolic
Christian Preschool, which is held in the basement
of the church. Since the school started in 1981, many
children who have attended also had parents that
came to the school, which speaks to the witness of
the teachers over the years and the faithfulness of
Over the past several years and as recent as April
29, several tornados have rolled through the Athens
area. World Relief organized teams of approximately
50 people per week for 3 months in 2011 and 2012
to assist with rebuilding in Athens and Cullman, AL,
which is south of Athens. Out of this tragedy have
come many opportunities to witness to others in the
Every Memorial Day Weekend, over a hundred
people travel to the Tennessee Fellowship Area,
which is located approximately 30 miles north of
Athens and owned by the Athens Church. The
current caretakers, Bro. Roger and Sis. Becky Roberts
and their family, along with the Athens church host
the two-day event complete with ministers speaking
on various topics and lots of singing and fellowship.
The event has been ongoing for 22 years. Camping
and fishing are also enjoyed on the property.
Consider a visit or
move to Athens
Everyone is invited to come and worship with the
Athens congregation and even consider a move.
Worship times are listed in the Church Minister
book. Just as many small churches, Athens is also
challenged by the small number in the congregation;
while they work well together, they wear multiple
hats. In addition to prayer, current needs include
song leaders and Sunday School teachers.
If you are visiting, there are many things to do in
the area, ranging from museums such as the Space
and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL to hiking
in parks such as Monte Sano State Park. There is
also an apartment attached to the Fellowship Hall
across from the church, which is open to volunteers
and visitors. For those considering a move, jobs are
plentiful in many professions, especially engineering.
That Your Joy May be Full
The Christian is joyful,
not because he is blind
to injustice and suffering,
but because he is convinced that these,
in the light of the divine sovereignty,
are never ultimate.
The joy of the Christian
is not a way of denying the tears,
but rather a way of affirming something
which is deeper than tears.
And these things write we unto you, that your
JOY may be full. 1 JOHN 1:4
Now the God of hope fill you with all JOY and
peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope,
through the power of the Holy Ghost.
ROMANS 15:13
These things have I spoken unto you, that my JOY
might remain in you, and that your JOY might be
full. JOHN 15:11
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask,
and ye shall receive, that your JOY may be full.
JOHN 16:24
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be
ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I
wait on thee. Psalm 25:20-21
July 2014
Estate Planning
Part 2 of 3
In part one of this series, we briefly mentioned
the importance of estate planning and that our
involvement in this area revolves around the resulting
relationship difficulties we see from improperly
prepared estates, the lack of estate planning, or a
general lack of communication. We want to stress the
importance of preparing for the end of life so your
surviving families are spared these difficulties. In
this article, we will focus on the health care aspect of
estate planning.
Health Care
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest
prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
3 John 1:2
We begin with the subject of health care because
it is of increasingly greater importance as we age and
is a common need among the elderly. Although we
encourage their use, it is not within our scope to
discuss health insurance plans, but rather to explain
the necessity for having selecting and authoring a
health care power of attorney. This individual can
be a family member but need not be. The reason
for authorizing this person is so he or she can make
decisions for your health care in the case of your
incapacitation. This could be as a result of illness,
accident, or just normal aging. Usually a second
person is also selected to serve as a backup to the
primary individual.
Every adult should have a health care power of
attorney in place regardless of age. Often spouses
believe they have the power to make health care
decisions for each other, but without a signed
document, they really have no such authority.
Perhaps in life or death situations, the medical
profession will accept a spouse’s decision, but it is
often a very painful, lengthy process. For instance, if
a husband or wife is in an accident or has an illness
that causes him or her to be placed on life support,
without the power of attorney, it may be difficult to
make any treatment decisions. With the power of
attorney for health care in place, much anguish can
be averted because the desires of the individual are
known and can be carried out.
The health care power of attorney document may
also contain an end-of-life directive. This gives the
signer of the document an opportunity to express
his or her feelings of whether or not he or she wishes
to receive life sustaining medical treatment when it
is evident that a recovery is unlikely. This directive
allows for a doctor to write a “do not resuscitate”
or DNR order. Therefore, if an elderly loved one
is a resident or patient in a health care facility, it is
necessary for his or her doctor to be aware of end
of life desires. This will ensure that the patient or
resident’s prior stated wishes are honored if the need
for resuscitation occurs when the person with the
health care power of attorney isn’t present.
Another issue which can become apparent as
individuals age is the issue of long term care and
financial planning. This is an extremely difficult area
to plan for long term. We are not told the “number of
our days” or what the future condition of our health
will be. Since the government program of Medicaid
is available only to those of low income and/or no
resources, the opportunity exists for those growing
older to give away all of their assets so when the time
comes for them to go into a nursing home or similar
long-term care facility, they will be “indigent” (poor,
without any funds) and the state will provide for
them. Obviously, the intention in this scenario is to
protect assets from being spent on nursing home and
other medical costs by transferring them to family
and others or through a structured “spend-down”
in which assets are liquidated and the money spent.
This practice can be contrasted with those situations
where an individual, through long life in long term
care, has entered into this state of being “indigent”
“The just man walketh in his integrity: his children
are blessed after him.” Proverbs 20:7
Several ethical problems exist with the “spenddown” practice. The first problem is that nursing
homes are reimbursed by Medicaid at only a
percentage of their cost for providing services. This
means that the services provided for someone on
Medicaid are not fully funded by Medicaid which
creates a shortfall to the nursing home or health
care facility. However, care is provided at the same
level as those who are paying the full rate. While
it is understood that some individuals will run out
of funds because of an extended stay, the industry
cannot sustain itself when those who could have paid
divest themselves of their assets to avoid paying for
long-term care.
The second problem is the issue of equity and
fairness. While equally competent care is given
to all residents, it presents an inequity that some
individuals that could have paid the full rate are
being supported through a social program because
of deliberate actions to make themselves eligible for
the program. This brings in an issue of honesty and
integrity as well. Our charge in Romans 12:17 is to
“…Provide things honest in the sight of all men” and
Proverbs 20:7 tells us our children are blessed by our
integrity, not our wealth.
As you might imagine, there are regulations in
place that discourage people from making themselves
“poor” for the purpose of sheltering assets. One of
the most difficult to circumvent is the rule that an
individual must transfer assets at least five years prior
to applying for Medicaid. If the time is less than five
years, any assets transferred in the time less than five
years are subject to recall and will be brought back
into the individual’s ownership. Those assets will
then have to be liquidated and used first before the
individual is eligible for Medicaid.
We will refrain from going into this any deeper
as there are many angles and legal requirements
surrounding the definition of “indigent” which
varies from state to state. Our goal is only to raise
the awareness of a practice that can be considered
unethical and an insult to those who have indeed
“spent all their living” on medical needs, like the
woman in Luke 8:43. These individuals are rightfully
eligible for aid such as the Medicaid program, and,
in some cases, they provide an opportunity for the
brotherhood to show charity.
There are other prudent methods to help shelter
some assets and defer some of these costs through
the purchase of long-term care insurance which can
provide coverage for nursing home, assisted living,
and home health care services depending upon the
policy. If long-term care insurance fits into your
estate planning, be aware that purchasing a policy at
a younger age, usually prior to turning 50, will lower
the premium considerably. We would also mention
the importance of purchasing a life insurance policy
to help defray funeral costs and perhaps to cover
outstanding debt for the benefit of a surviving family.
This might also be considered a way in which to
shelter assets in an appropriate way.
“Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things
honest in the sight of all men.” Romans 12:17
In the next and final article in this series, we will
discuss asset distribution and child guardianship.
Congregation Updates
Apostolic Christian Home
for the Handicapped
Rob Mooney
The Lord has continued
to bless Timber Ridge, group
homes, and CILA’s with the
resources to participate in many
exciting activities. This summer,
we have continued participating
with Illinois State University’s
Music Therapy program. One of
their professors sends students to
both Linden Estate and Timber
Ridge. Residents are invited to
sing songs or play instruments.
Songs are designed to encourage
communication and social skills,
body movement, or engage various
senses. We are blessed to have
found such a great, free activity for
our residents.
Camp Big Sky is another
wonderful community resource.
Residents are granted the
opportunity to enjoy God’s
creation at a handicappedaccessible campground. Their
friendly staff and volunteer group
give residents the opportunity to
enjoy a hay-rack ride, boat ride,
fishing, and a variety of naturefocused crafts. Learning how
plants grow and thrive is another
important way to appreciate that
which the Lord has given. This
is why gardens and potted plants
can be seen around Linden,
Timber Ridge, and other settings.
Other residents participate in a
program called Enabling Gardens
at Fondulac Park in East Peoria.
Residents have also been able to
go to Easter Seals for open swim
in their warm therapy pool. The
residents are able to relax in the
warm water and have a great time
in the whirlpool section of their
Residents will continue to
access the community throughout
the summer at Timber Ridge,
group homes, and CILA’s.
Summer always brings a variety
of exciting opportunities such as
music concerts at local parks, art
festivals, community theaters, and
farmer’s markets. We are blessed
to have many opportunities to
take residents out and encounter
new people and activities. The
Lord also continues to bless us
with the resources and staff to
serve our residents according to
His Purpose.
Gateway Woods Apostolic
Christian Children’s Home
25 Years of Foster Care
Britni Eisenmann, Foster Care
Program Manager
Twenty-five years ago,
the Foster Care department
at Gateway Woods became a
Licensed Child Placing Agency,
meaning we could place children
from the state into our Christian
foster homes. In the past 25 years,
over 450 children have walked
through the front doors of our
licensed foster homes. Sixteen
children have been adopted into
our foster homes since 1989. This
summer we have 13 children who
are either in the process of getting
adopted, or will soon be available
for adoption.
As you can see, God has
chosen to use our department as
an avenue, not only for children
to have safe and loving temporary
homes, but also for children to
permanently become part of
the foster family they are placed
into. The past handful of couples
that have become licensed foster
parents through Gateway Woods
have expressed a desire to fosterto-adopt, and God is leading
children to us, to be placed in
these homes. It is clear that God
is moving in the churches in our
area right now, pricking hearts
toward adoption. I feel a bit like
Noah, as God is doing all of the
directing and leading, and we are
simply ‘building and waiting’ and
watching His will be fulfilled.
What a privilege, a humbling
privilege, to be used in this
unexpected way.
If you happen to be in the
Leo, IN area, please stop by the
Gateway Woods office and visit
Foster Care! We would love to
chat about how God is directing
and leading us, and of course
we take any opportunity to
show off pictures of the children
who are adopted into our foster
families. For more information
about our department, please visit
Mark your calendars! The
Annual Gateway Woods Auction
is coming this year on Saturday,
August 2. Come join nearly two
thousand others for a wonderful
day of fellowship with loved ones,
good food, giving and so much
more! Also, if you are interested
in donating an item for this year’s
auction, please contact your local
representative or call Ross Feller at
Looking to make an impact
with your time this summer?
Consider volunteering at Gateway
Woods! It is a great opportunity
to impact residents, build
relationships with fellow brothers
and sisters, and grow some of
your skills. If you would like
more information, please visit
gatewaywoods.org/volunteer or
contact our Volunteer Coordinator
Phil Fischer at philfish120@gmail.
There are four different
career positions available
currently at Gateway Woods,
including several of great need:
several openings for Alternate
Houseparents, one opening for
a Home-Based & Adoption
Case Worker, two openings for
Teachers, and one opening for a
Foster Care Case Manager. For
more information, please see the
notices in this month’s edition
of The Silver Lining or visit the
Career Opportunities page on our
website at www.gatewaywoods.
org/careers. We trust that God
will continue to provide qualified,
mature brothers and sisters who
will serve Him in a ministry that
is ‘Turning Lives Around’. Perhaps
this includes you!
You are an important advocate
to help us spread the word about
God’s work at Gateway Woods.
Please continue to lift us up in
prayer, check our website www.
gatewaywoods.org and our
Facebook page at facebook.com/
gatewaywoods often for updates,
and make sure that you are on
our mailing list. If you would
like be added to our mailing list,
please contact us at 888.443.4283
or send an email to info@
gatewaywoods.org. Finally, if you
would like to receive a monthly
email detailing how the work
at Gateway Woods is bringing
help and healing to those in
need, please consider joining our
Restoring Hope email list. You can
do so at our website or by emailing
[email protected].
Apostolic Christian
Preschool Athens, AL
Susan Koch
Summer 2014 has begun!
We began June with fairly warm
weather and then it rained for two
weeks, every single day. Now we
are getting into our hot weather
months. In the summer each
class gets to spend one morning
swimming to beat the heat. We
also have a bring-your-own picnic
lunch. One of my favorite parts of
this event is watching the students
ooh and ah over the food they
bring from home. Many of them
offer to share their food too.
We take a break from our
alphabet during the summer and
each class is kind of doing their
own thing. Ms. Kalla’s class is
studying God’s creatures with the
Wild Kratts on pbskids.org. This
is a fun way to learn interesting
facts about various animals. Since
some of the graduates leave for
the summer, Ms. Kalla’s class is
small enough to take to the library
for story time. Ms. Louise’s class
has been learning about pets this
month. They made quite a few of
them into paper bag puppets.
Our summer volunteer, Sis.
Leah Knobloch (Bradford, IL),
was able to sub for Ms. Louise
while she went on vacation. This is
one of the many ways we use our
summer volunteers.
Ms. Susan’s class has been
learning about good character
qualities that we should have by
studying different fairy tales and
relating them to corresponding
Bible stories. For example, we
related Little Red Riding Hood
to Satan tempting Eve. The
students learned that we should
be obedient to people in authority
like moms, dads, teachers, and
most importantly God. By talking
to a stranger and disobeying the
authority figure, Red and Eve had
to suffer the consequences. This
hit home with me, because so
often, I think I know what’s best
for me, when I should really be
consulting the One who knows
Remember if you want to
volunteer at the preschool, please
let me know. You can contact me
at 309.202.4897 or susankoch2@
yahoo.com. More information
about the preschool can be found
at www.acpreschool.org. There is
a section under the About Us tab
regarding volunteering. However,
once you contact me, I will send
you a more in-depth informational
Alabama, Athens
Roger and Becky Roberts
We were thankful ministering
Bro. Duane (Sis. Kay) Reutter
(Rockville, CT) could be with us
for the preschool graduation. How
sweet it is to see the excitement of
the children as the share what they
have learned this past year.
The following weekend we
were once again blessed by the
many that gathered for our annual
Memorial Day Singing. Sharing
the Word that weekend were
Bro. Matthew (Sis. Dana) Knapp
(Atlanta, GA), Bro. Roger (Sis.
Judy) Sauder (Sarasota, FL), Bro.
Clark (Sis. Cindy) Stoller (Gridley,
IL), Bro. Fred (Sis. Diane) Funk
(Morton, IL), Bro. Fred (Sis.
Nancy) Witzig (Washington,
IL), Elder Bro. Tom (Sis. Sue)
Waldbeser (Atlanta, GA), retired
Elder Bro. Andy (Sis. Roberta)
Stoller (Smithville, OH).
Other visiting ministers this
month included Bro. Randy
(Sis. Sue) Gasser (Detroit, MI),
Bro. Jason (Sis. Lynne) Dotterer
(Forrest, IL), and their families.
Our prayers are with Bro.
Milton and Sis. Joyce Ray as they
both regain strength.
A guest apartment is available
in the Fellowship Hall across from
the church. Reservations can be
made by contacting Sis. Susan
Koch (309) 202-4897 or Sis. Kalla
Knobloch (309) 231-1755.
We have several campsites
with water & electric available at
the TN Fellowship area if you are
traveling through the region. We
would be delighted to have you
with us.
Arizona, Phoenix
Heather Hinrichsen
Bro. Justin Moser (Altadena)
and Bro. Mark Schmidgall
(Oakville-Mediapolis) brought us
the gospel message this month.
We thank them and their families
for their visit and service.
Several in our congregation
have had medical issues/surgery
and have requested prayers: Sis.
Robin Steffen (Bro. Jeff), Bro.
Chuck and Sis. Marie Kieser, Bro.
Ed Frautschi and Evelyn Howley.
“And Jesus, walking by the sea
of Galilee, saw two brethren,
Simon called Peter, and Andrew
his brother, casting a net into the
sea: for they were fishers. And he
saith unto them, Follow me, and I
will make you fishers of men. And
they straightway left their nets, and
followed him.” Matthew 4:18-20
Fishers of Men was our theme
for VBS this year. We thank Bro.
Mark Schmidgall for speaking
about the Cost of Discipleship &
The Great Commission and In the
World, but not of the World. Bro.
Jeff Waibel (Leo) spoke about
Seeking the Lost & Sharing the
Gospel and Here am I; Send Me.
We thank him for his service.
Arizona, Prescott
Richard Manz
Greetings from Prescott! This past month we were
blessed to have Elder Bro. Herbert
(Sis. Laurie) Knochel assist Bro.
Jon with Communion. What a
privilege it is to assemble together
with brothers and sisters as we
remember what Christ has done
for us and examine our Christian
walks of life. We were also asked
to vote on a new minister to help
our brothers on the pulpit. Prayers
are needed as we search out God’s
will in this matter.
Other visiting ministers this
month included Bro. Nathan (Sis.
Susan) Steffen from Alto MI, Bro.
Keith (Sis. Tammy) Hinrichsen
from Phoenix, Bro. Michael (Sis.
Carol) Rieker from Peoria IL, and
Bro. Jeff (Sis. Margo) Waibel from
Leo, IN.
Arizona, Tucson
Dean and Jackie Knobloch
Thanks be to God for His
unspeakable gifts. Our little
church here has been rather quiet
this past month. School is out
and some are planning summer
travelling. We pray for safety for
We are still hosting our two
sheltered homes every Sunday
morning and some of those
residents have had some difficult
health issues to deal with. We
are praying for those souls and
committing their care to Our
Heavenly Father and helping out
where we can. We can never take
for granted our heritage and the
church families most of us have
had the privilege to be blessed
with throughout the years. Psalm
9:10 tells us “And they that know
thy name will put their trust in thee
for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken
them that seek thee.”
We were pleasantly surprised
to see the World Relief efforts
mentioned in our Arizona
Highways magazine. Usually
there are some great pictures and
recommended places to visit here
in Arizona, but the July issue had
a large article about the Yarnell
fires and restoration. The quote
we read said this: “Yeah, right,
Debi thought, somebody’s going
to build me a house? Why? Then,
one day, trucks pulled up hauling
trailers that read: Apostolic
Christian World Relief. They were
there to build houses.” To be sure
those people will not forget the
untiring efforts made by all who
California, San Diego
Janelle Brewer
We appreciated the labors of
visiting Elder Bro. Rick Plattner
(Sis. Mary Ann, Fairbury, IL) as
he shared the Bread of Life. May
God bless him for his efforts.
At this time of year we
celebrate the milestone of
graduation for many young
people. This year Abigail Bozzay
(Bro. Tibor and Sis. Maggie)
graduated from high school. Also,
Eleanor Bozzay (Mik and Yael) is
moving on from middle school to
high school. Congratulations to
these two young ladies! We pray
that God will direct them as they
look toward the future and begin a
new chapter in their lives.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine
heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall
direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Bro. Doug Wettstein
(Sis. Sarah) recently lost his
grandfather, Bro. David Kaeb
from Fairbury, IL. We pray
that God will be a comfort and
strength to their family.
“Blessed are they that mourn: for
they shall be comforted.” Matt. 5:4
We had an enjoyable afternoon
of fellowship as we recently held
our Sunday School Picnic. The
students always look forward to it
with great anticipation! Thank you
to the teachers for organizing it.
Canada, Kitchener,
Johanna Fortenbacher
The minister who came this
month was from Bluffton, Bro.
Vince & Sis. Brandy Pfister.
Sharing Communion was Bro.
Mark & Sis. Bev Bahr from
Detroit, along with Bro. Warren
& Sis. Bonnie Zahner from
Rockville.We’re also thankful for
other ministers: Bro. Fred & Sis.
Dianne Funk from Morton and
Bro. Steve & Sis. Jane Stieglitz
from Leo. We enjoy visiting
with the our company and were
thankful to God for making it
possible for them to come here. “The things which are impossible
with men are possible with God.”
Luke 18:27
So, without God’s help it
would not be possible for them to
Colorado, Denver
Tess Leman
Naomi Wiegand
Greetings of love from Colorado!
Many of us were able to
witness the marriage ceremony of
Kaylynne Hohulin (Bro. Doug
and Sis. Sharolyn) and Trent
Pruett. We wish them God’s
blessings as they begin a life of
service together.
We are thankful for the
visiting ministers who came and
shared the Word. Bro. Ryan
Hoerr (Princeville, IL) was here
with his family. Bro. Tom Stock
July 2014
(Cissna Park, IL) and his wife
shared Communion with us.
Partaking in Communion was a
good reminder that what Christ
did for us has changed everything.
The following article has been
submitted by a brother and sister
from the Denver Church.
Step of Faith
Our journey began on a
Saturday when we felt led by
the Holy Spirit to help deliver
loaves of bread to some homeless
people in the Denver area. We
volunteered at a local bakery
with the LOAF (Love Others
As Friends) project. The owner,
a brother from church, told us
to drive around and pass out the
loaves and some blessing bags. We
did not know exactly where to go
and wondered how we were going
to find enough people to help. So
we started out, and as we all know
how God works, he showed us
people all along the way to help,
and soon we were able to hand
out most of our loaves. We kept
driving and came to an area where
we saw a woman looking through
a dumpster. We drove to where she
was and also found other people
nearby. A small group of people
asked for prayer and we prayed
with them. We were able to help
a lot of people that day and they
were so thankful for something
to eat. It was a very humbling
experience and we felt led to go
out again. Soon we were delivering
twice a month and added more to
our blessing loaf bags with socks,
water, and extra food. After we
had been delivering the blessing
bags for a while (almost a year)
to the people on the streets, we
prayed and asked God to open the
way for us to be able to reach out
and help more people.
As part of a local World Relief
project last fall, a group of people
from church were able to deliver
90 breakfast burritos and blessing
bags to some homeless people and
also to some people living in the
rundown motels on Colfax Avenue
in Denver. Whenever we thought
about the motels on Colfax, we
thought the people living there
were doing okay. We were wrong.
When we delivered our food that
day, we saw the terrible conditions
the people were living in. These
people are one step away from
being on the streets. Our hearts
were touched.
We knew that if we were going
to help more people, we would
need the help from people at
church. So, for Thanksgiving we
felt led to ask for help to serve 100
traditional Thanksgiving meals to
some people living in the rundown
motels. We had a great outpouring
of help and were able to deliver the
meals to the people in need. The
people that helped were so touched
that they asked if we could do this
for Christmas too. Well, that was
amazing. So, for Christmas we
were able to serve 100 Christmas
meals to people in need. We again
had a great outpouring of help.
What makes it so special are the
children that come with us and
want to help. We could have
volunteered to help at the Denver
Rescue Mission or somewhere
else, but God was calling us to do
more. He wanted us to go to the
people and serve them. So, now
we wanted to be able to help on a
monthly basis.
A brother in church asked if
we had heard about the “Tender
Mercies” product from the
Midwest Food Bank. We were not
familiar with the Food Bank, so
we found out more information on
the website, and sent a request for
a box of the packaged meals. We
received such a gracious response
from the Vice President. He told
us he was excited to hear of our
great work and was thankful
we contacted the Midwest Food
Bank to help, and they were glad
to do their part. So out of their
generosity, two boxes of Tender
Mercies packaged meals were sent
to us to “try out”. Everyone we
have worked with at the Midwest
Food Bank has been extremely
kind and generous. We are so
thankful for this tremendous
God also opened another door
for us through a couple of local
restaurants. The managers agreed
to donate their unsold food to
us. The first time we picked up
the donated food from the two
restaurants, we were overwhelmed
by the amount of food given to us.
God took what we thought was
going to be only a small amount of
food and multiplied it abundantly!
In March, God provided so much
food for us to deliver and our
blessing bags were filled with the
prepared Tender Mercies meals,
bagels and bread. We also added
peanut butter, socks, water, a few
other items and “God’s Perfect
Plan of Salvation” tract.
We truly believe that if we are
called by the Holy Spirit to do
something, we should do it and not
to hesitate. We are all here as God’s
servants to spread the seeds of His
love to others. We believe we are
where we are today because of the
stepping stones God lays out for us.
He brings us out of our comfort
zones. He shows us His world,
where we can help others and learn
how to see them through the eyes
of Christ. The people living on the
streets and in the rundown motels
are people that get passed over,
forgotten and ignored. At first it
may seem overwhelming to think
about helping so many people, but
God only asks for us to be willing
to help and to be used. Once we
start, He continues to bless and
mark the path. God also revealed
to us that He can use a little
church, or even a willing individual
to make a difference (start small
and let Him take control). He will
provide whatever is needed for His
name to be glorified. So if the Holy
Spirit is speaking to you, we hope
this encourages you to take a step
of faith and see where God will
lead you. (Matthew 25:34-40)
Connecticut, Rockville
Lauren Gottier
Sheila Gerber
On May 18 we witnessed
the marriage vows of Bro. Tom
Gerber (Bro. Jeff and Sis. Carole)
and Sis. Julianne Gottier (Guy
and Sis. Beth); and heard the
announcement of the engagement
of Bro. Ben Wagenbach (Bro.
Dale and Sis Mary) to Sis. Ashley
Luginbuhl (Bro. Bruce and Sis.
Karen). An August 3 wedding
date has been set for Bro. Ben and
Sis. Ashley. We wish both of these
couples God’s blessings.
“To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under
the heaven: a time to be born, and a
time to die,” Ecclesiastes 3 vs 1-2
We extend our sympathies
to the family of Judy Webb, who
passed away unexpectedly on May
20. Left to mourn her passing
are her children: Todd & Linda,
Janette & Rick, Trish & Ken,
Brent, and Scott & Angie; and
Bro. Gerry Webb.
Our congregation also mourns
the passing, but rejoices in the
victory that was won by our
beloved Bro. Edward Luginbuhl
on June 6. Bro. Ed’s steadfast
example to so many was reflected
in the numbers that came out to
pay their condolences to his family
including his wife, Sis. Alma, and
his children: Dale & Kathy, John
& Susan, Phil & Nancy, Bro. Scott
& Sis. JoAnn, Sandra & Brian,
Bro. Mark & Robin, Leslie & Lisa,
and Sis. Sherry & Bro. Everett, as
well as numerous grandchildren
and great-grandchildren.
We are thankful to have
Bro. Harry Hunt (Sis. Joyce)
worshipping among us again after
many months of hospitalization
and convalescence.
We wish to welcome a new
baby boy into the family of Bro.
Jon & Sis. Elisa Goric. Jesse
David was born on June 4 and
is welcomed by his siblings:
Julia, Evan, & Christian. His
grandparents are Bro. Dan and Sis.
Mary Lou Goric and Bro. Warren
and Sis. Bonnie Zahner.
We are thankful for the labors
of Bro. Adam Luginbuhl (Sis.
Jami, Philadelphia, PA), who was
with us on the pulpit June 15.
We wish God’s nearness and
direction to the following high
school graduates as they begin the
next phase in their lives: Leandra
Grasso (Bro. Keven & Sis. Sara),
Grace Luginbuhl (Bro. Brian &
Sis. Cyndi), Sis. Laura Schneider
and Sis. Lanae Schneider (Bro.
Doug & Sis. Jane), Emily Gerber
(Bro. Ron & Sis. Sheila), Brian
Gerber (Bro. Jeff & Sis. Carole),
Ben Bahler (Bro. Ron & Sis.
Bonnie), Chris Schneider (Bro.
Tim & Sis. Dana), Matthew Moser
(Bro. Steve & Sis. Janis), Dan
Wheeler (Burt & Cherrine), Aaron
Graef (Dave & Sis. Tanya), Seth
Virkler (Bro. Rudy & Sis. Susan),
Blaine Moser (Eric), and Caleb
Bahler (Bro. Phil & Sis. Michelle).
District of Columbia,
Henrietta Meyer
We did not have caretakers
for May, so each family took a
turn cleaning the building and the
trustees mowing the lawn. We still
currently taking reservations for
caretakers for 2014, several months
are still available. If you feel led to
support one of our small churches,
this would be a wonderful way to
do so. If you are interested and are
July 2014
free to spend 3-4 weeks in the DC
area, please contact Sis. Doreen
Steffen at [email protected]
or 302-540-6574.
Our minsters this month were
Bro. Mark Ramsier (Sis. Alice,
Sardis, OH), Bro. Jerry Meeks
(Sis. Christy, Sabetha, KS), Bro.
Duane Metzger (Sis. Ruth, West
Bend, IA), Bro. Jacob Kuntz
(Sis. Brooke, Croghan, NY), and
Bro. Brent Walder, (Sis. Naomi,
Rockville, CT). Our other visitors
this month were from Sardis and
Akron, OH and Rockville, CT.
We welcome Drew
Metzger from Lester, IA to our
congregation. He is in the area for
a six week internship. In a small
congregation, one person can
make a big difference, especially
for things like nursing home sings.
If you are planning to visit
Washington, D.C. area for
vacation or business, please
contact Bro. Joe and Sis. Holly
Bohart at [email protected] or
Sis. Henrietta Meyer at 703 9048301 for assistance and to let us
know how many to expect for
Sunday services.
Florida, Ft. Lauderdale
Renee Mangold
We were grateful to have
three visiting ministers this past
month. Visiting were Bro. Virgil
Kaeb (Sis. Suellen, Sarasota,
FL); Bro. Troy Leyse (Sis. Kelly,
Bluffton,IN); Bro. Stephen Baner
(Sis. Donnalou, Gridley, IL). Our
prayer is that the Lord will bless
them for their good works.
“Whatsoever He saith unto you,
do it.” St. John 2:5
Our prayers for a full and
speedy recovery are with Bro.
Floyd Bliss after a recent accident.
Florida, South Ft. Myers
Victor Beer
The newly-printed purple
Apostolic Christian Minister
directory has very good and
concise directions to our church,
which it seems everyone is able
to find. Core Construction is
working daily to finish up on odds
and ends, but it has not affected
our use of our church.
We were recently blessed
by our visiting Elder Bro. Jeff
Streitmatter and wife, Sis. Lynne,
as he served us in worship. Of
course, their fine family made
for additional blessing. An added
blessing this year is the students
in our nearby Florida Gulf Coast
University, children of other
Apostolic Christian Church
The New Beginnings
On our way home from
church one Sunday in our big
white van, Issac, who is six years
old and has lived at The New
Beginnings for over a year with
his mother and brother, was
talking about a discussion that he
had with Malik, our grandson.
Malik had been telling Isaac about
the adventures he had hunting,
fishing, shooting a bow, etc. with
his grandpa. Issac began asking
Mr. Bill about all these things
and how old he would have to be
before he could do them. He sat
and thought about it for a while
and said, “Mr. Bill, I sure wish
you were my grandpa!”
That provoked some serious
thought about the many children
who need someone in their lives to
be a special grounding for them.
They need someone to provide
stability, to let them know that
God has a purpose for them, and
to let them know that they are
loved with an everlasting love.
Could you be that special
someone in a child’s life? Could
you take time to be that person
to a child who has no positive
role model in his/her life? Is God
calling you to a greater purpose? Is
God touching your heart to reach
out? If God calls you to it, He will
walk you through it!
The mother that came to us
from Illinois has gone back home.
She was lonely for her family
and friends. We only spent two
weeks with her, and had started to
take her into our hearts. We will
continue to pray for her.
Amey, who has been with us
for a year and a half, recently lost
her mother. We sympathize with
her and pray that God will be her
Comforter and Healer.
Bro. Fred and Sis. Libby Wahl
from West Lafayette, IN came
to visit their daughter, Janessa,
who mentors here at The New
Beginnings. We greatly enjoyed
being with them and spending
time in sweet fellowship. Janessa
planned a potluck where she
invited guests from Sarasota
and Ft. Lauderdale. We had a
wonderful time of food, fellowship
and singing.
Our biggest and best news is
that Bro. Dustin and Sis. Mandy
Hodel have moved here from
Leo, IN. They have begun their
employ at The New Beginnings.
This family has breathed new life
into our small church fellowship.
We recently had a well-attended
welcome potluck for them at
church. We heartily welcome them
with their four beautiful children:
Libby, Caden, Josie and Paisley.
What a joy to have this family with
We desire to have another
couple or single sister assist us with
the many duties and relationships
here. If you are feeling the tug
from the Holy Spirit to reach out
to single moms and their children,
please contact Bro. Bill Masters at
obedience to our God.
We were grateful to have
Elder Bro. John Wiegand (Sis.
Jane, Silverton, OR) as our
visiting minister this month and
also share in the reading of the
Memorandum. May God add His
blessings to Bro. John’s labor of
Our thoughts and prayers
are with Clara Bodager as she is
recovering from an injury due to a
recent fall. It is our hope that God
continues to bless her with renewed
Atlanta, Georgia
We rejoice with the two sets of
grandparents in our church family
who have recently welcomed new
grandchildren into the world!
On April 30, Brent and Staci
Rocke (Florida) had a baby boy
Florida, Sarasota
named Hans Braydon. He was
Kim Ott
welcomed home by his sweet
“Then I answered them, and said siblings, Malachi and Sophia.
unto them, The God of heaven,
Hans’s thankful grandparents are
he will prosper us; therefore we his
Bro. Linn and Sis. Brenda Stoller
servants will arise and build….”
and Bro. Dennis and Sis. Eva
Nehemiah 2:20
Rocke (Roanoke, IL). On May 16,
Our annual VBS centered on
Caleb and Rose Lindberg (South
the book of Nehemiah. What a
Georgia) gave birth to a little
blessing for old and young alike
girl named Anastasia Zeal. She
to spend time learning from one
was welcomed home by her older
of the great, inspiring leaders of
brother, Asher. Little Anastasia
the Bible. Nehemiah’s vision,
is gratefully received by her
leadership skills, and time spent
grandparents, Bro. Rich and Sis.
in prayer have provided us a
Julie Lindberg!
wonderful model that we can
With grateful hearts, we are
apply to our own lives. We are so
rejoicing in God’s faithfulness!
thankful that we can read about
The Holy Spirit has lead our
men and women in the Bible who congregation to put Bro. Matt
continue to encourage us with their Knapp into the pulpit ministry of
life application of faith, trust, and our congregation! Our thoughts
and prayers are with the Knapp
family as they give of themselves
and pass through this season of
change. God has lavished His
grace upon us and provided for our
needs far above anything we could
ask or think!
Thank you, Bro. Tom and
Sis. Jody Klotzle (Altadena, CA)
for traveling across the country
to encourage us in the Lord! Bro.
Tom Klotzle joined Bro. Tom
Waldbeser in serving Communion
to our church family this spring.
In addition, we want to
thank Bro. Tim Drayer (Bluffton
North, IN) and Bro. Chad Huber
(Francesville, IN) and their
families for journeying south to
share God’s Word! We appreciate
your love and willingness to serve.
You have blessed us!
Are you planning to travel
through Atlanta sometime soon?
We would love that! However,
we do ask that you let us know if
you are planning to join us! As a
smaller congregation, we appreciate
and enjoy visitors very much. Yet
it blesses us to know ahead of
time if we will have extra visitors
so that we can plan accordingly!
Contact Bro. Tom Waldbeser at
770.463.4788 or 678.416.6586,
or by email if you prefer at
[email protected].
Illinois, Belvidere
Doreen Moser
Shayla Steffen
Bro. Dean and Sis. Wanda
Messner (Winthrop, MN) recently
joined us for the Lord’s Day. We
are thankful to Bro. Dean and all
July 2014
others who speak the true Word
Sunday after Sunday, for if but
one hearer heeds the call, we can
rejoice and say “Amen.”
The Belvidere church extends
a warm welcome to Bro. Phil
Gerber (Bluffton, IN) as he plans
to attend church with us for some
time during an internship in the
WI area. As our church is small,
we are so very thankful for each
soul that worships with us.
“I gave up sin to get salvation,
I gave up self to get the Lord,
Satan to get Christ,
Death to get life,
Hell to get heaven,
Distress to get peace,
Fear to get joy,
Habits to get abundant life,
Guilt to get pardon,
Bondage to get freedom, and
Judgment to get forgiveness.”
It’s strange, but given up so
Much, I don’t miss a thing,
Author Unknown
It seems that so many dwell on
the things that they have to give
up to become a believer. We are
so thankful that Charity Steffen
(Bro. Dean and Sis. Carol) has
decided to give up the world and
self to get the Lord. As we know,
prayer helps in giving these things
up and we pray for Charity as she
makes this beginning.
Illinois, BloomingtonNormal
Sarah Maurer
Terri Huber
Bro. Keith and Sis. Kay
Knapp are happy to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Jennifer, to Kyle Raymond (Ken
& Tascha). The wedding will be in
Champaign, IL.
Over 350 children and
adults were blessed by five nights
of Vacation Bible School. The
topic was “Daniel: Revealing the
Character of God”. We would
like to especially thank the
workers, teachers and volunteers.
Appreciation is also extended to
our visiting song groups and the
visiting minister speakers: Bros.
Jeremiah Psinas (Morton, IL),
Ryan Hoerr (Princeville, IL), Matt
Feucht (Roanoke, IL) and James
Fehr (Tremont, IL).
Two new babies are welcomed
into the hearts of their families
and the heart of our church.
Adele Inoue Rinkenberger was
born to Bro. Jarod and Sis. Heidi.
Big brothers Will and Oliver are
excited, as are the grandparents
(Bro. Ken, Sis. Devon of Morton,
and Bro. Hisato, Sis. Rika, and
the late Sis. Kathie Inoue.) Bro.
Andrew, Sis. Natalie, Violet,
Simeon and Clara Gerber have
been blessed with the arrival
of Eden Joy. Her grandparents
are Neil and Leesa Gerber of
Washington, IL and Bro. Nate and
Sis. Yvonne Lehman of Denver.
Several deaths have affected
our congregation. Bro. Dave
Kaeb of Fairbury went to be with
Jesus on May 29 after a long life.
His wife, Sis. Mary, passed away
on June 18. They left a legacy of
faithful generations, including
several of their children that
attend Bloomington: Sis. Paula
(Bro. Charlie) Knapp, Bro. Dave
(Sis. Brenda), Sis. Bev (Bro. Steve)
Virgil and Bro. Bill (Sis. Patsy).
Our thoughts and prayers are with
the family.
With a mixture of joy and
sadness, farewell is bid to our Sis.
Kay Nazarczuk (Mike) as she
slipped away from this life on June
12 at home in Bloomington after
a battle with cancer. Kay is the
mother of Sis. Taylor and a sister
to Sis. Karen (Bro. Paul) Kieser of
our congregation. She also leaves
behind married children, precious
grandchildren, her parents (Bro.
Gene and Sis. Evie Hangartner,
Roanoke, IL) and siblings. Though
scattered in different towns and
states, Kay’s family is cherishing
memories of their life together
and looking forward to joining
her at that great Homecoming in
Visiting ministers this month
were Bros. Tim Wiegand (Leo,
IN), Matt Knapp (Atlanta, GA),
Nate Lehman (Denver, CO) and
Art Mueller (Belvidere, IL). We
truly appreciate their willingness
to preach the Word.
Illinois, Bradford
Roseann Stahl
Sandi Joos
We thank Bro. Jerry
Wagenbach, Jr (Sis. Bonnie,
Mediapolis, IA) and Bro. Ryan
Hoerr (Sis. Joy, Princeville) for
sharing God’s Word this month.
Many from our congregation
traveled to Mediapolis, IA, for
the wedding of Bro. Tim Ringger
(Bro. Bill and Sis. Karen) to Sis.
Wendy Wettstein (Bro. Roger and
Sis. June Schulz, Burlington, IA)
on June 1. We rejoice with this new
couple and extend a warm welcome
to Sis. Wendy.
Our sympathy is extended to
Sis. Martha Stoller (Bro. Nate) in
the passing of her sister, Sis. Emily
Stoller (Bro. Joe, Princeville).
“Haste and seek your soul
salvation, heed the word of God
today.” Zion’s Harp #52
We rejoice with Candace Stahl
(Bro. Weston and Sis. Jill) as she
has answered God’s call and is
beginning her walk with Him.
In recognition of the 50th
anniversary of our church in
Bradford, we are planning a
reunion of former members and
friends on Sunday, September
14, 2014. If you do not receive
an invitation, but would like to
attend, please contact someone
who currently attends church in
Illinois, Champaign
Sarah Eisenmann
Greetings from ChampaignUrbana!
Thank you to visiting minister
Bro. Alan Schambach (Sis. Sarah;
Remington, IN) for visiting us
and sharing the Word of God. We
appreciate all that you do.
We are thankful that Cortney
Eisenmann returned safely from
studying abroad in Sierra Leone
(West Africa) for 5 months. Her
family and loved ones are very
happy to have her home.
Summer is upon us, which
brings a different routine for many
who reside in our community.
With many students home for
the summer and some families
on vacation, our congregation
amends its schedule to adapt to
the smaller numbers. Wednesday
nights in the summer consist of
some typical services, but we also
have Bible studies, picnics, or
singings some Wednesday nights.
If you plan to visit Champaign on
a Wednesday during the summer,
it is recommended that you contact
someone from our congregation to
see what sort of event is planned
for the evening.
happy occasion.
Bro. Nelson Eisenmann
graduated from high school and
plans to attend the University of
Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. We
wish him God’s blessings in this
Congratulations to Bro.
Matthew and Sis. Renae Lindberg
and their family on the birth of
their daughter, Sophie Anne, born
on June 17. We look forward to
welcoming her into our church
We extend our prayers and
condolences to Bro. Daniel and Sis.
Illinois, Chicago
Kasey Messner and their family
Diana Eisenmann
for the death of her grandparents,
We want to thank the
Bro. David and Sis. Mary Kaeb
following ministers and their
(Fairbury, IL). They had been
families for visiting us and sharing married for 71 years and passed
the Word: Bro. Daren Metz (Sis.
away within three weeks of one
Rita, Gridley, IL) who presented
another. We rejoice with their
a topical Bible Study on “Jesus’s
family for their happy reunion in
Healing Ministry,” Bro. Jason
Dotterer (Sis. Lynn, Forrest, IL),
Sis. Christine Eckel’s daughter
Bro. Kevin Fehr (Sis. Lonnie, West Janet is undergoing another six
Bend, IA), and Bro. Brian Waibel months of chemotherapy. Please
(Sis. Wendy, Champaign, IL).
continue to remember them in
June was a busy month in
your prayers.
Chicago! We held our annual
Note of thanks:
Sunday School picnic early in the
Many thanks for all the prayers
month and also welcomed Bro.
and expressions of love we felt
Philip Gerber (Bluffton, IN) to
while Darin was in the hospital
our church while he completes a
for surgery. The recovery has been
summer/fall co-op in Wisconsin.
a journey, but your prayers, many
We held a singing shower and cards, and encouraging words were
reception in honor of Bro. Lenard appreciated. May God bless each
and Sis. Charlotte Meyer’s 50th
one of you.
wedding anniversary. Chicago
In Christ’s love, Bro. Virgil, Sis.
church has been richly blessed for Mary, and Bro. Darin Metzger
many years by their faithful service
and godly example. We extend our
love and congratulations on this
July 2014
Illinois, Cissna Park
Janie Waldbeser
Sandy Rudin
We have just completed one
week of Vacation Bible School.
The younger children attended
classes in the morning and the
high schoolers and young adults
attended three evening classes.
Our church is so blessed that
many students attend from the
community. Bro. Tony Manz from
Junction, OH spoke on Monday
night on the Spirit vs. the Flesh,
Bro. Harvey Kaeb from Gridley,
IL spoke on Tuesday night on the
Romans road to Salvation. Bro.
Troy Leyse from Bluffton North
spoke on Thursday night on
Discipleship after Conversion.
We were thankful to have
Bros. Bill Schick from Magdalena,
MX and Dale Frank from
Oakville-Mediapolis as visiting
ministers this month.
We were saddened to hear of
the passing of Sis. Vera Laukhuf
from Latty, OH. She was the
mother of Sis. LaNae (Bro. Arlyn)
Rudin. May the family feel God’s
peace and comfort at this time
as we continue to lift them up in
Our church hosted a picnic
for Fairview Haven residents from
Fairbury recently. It warms our
hearts to see loved ones from our
congregation come back to visit
Our thoughts and prayers are
with those who are continuing to
struggle with medical issues.
Trissa Joy was born to Bro.
Josh and Sis. Tina Walder on June
6. Excited siblings are Hannah,
Isaac, Janae and Kenna. Her
grandparents are Bro. Roger and
Sis. Janet Knoblock of Lester, IA
and Bro. Dennis and Sis. Sharon
Lord, may my life be so
pleasing to Thee that Thou art
pleased to have Thy face shine
upon me. And as Thou graciously
smile upon my life, may I find
someone today with whom I can
share Thy love through a smile.
Your smile could be a message
of cheer from God to a needy soul.
Illinois, Congerville
Erica Steffen
“To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under
the heaven.”
The season of graduations
has come and gone. We wish
God’s richest blessings to our
graduating High School Seniors:
Landon Dietrich, Evan Wieland,
Joseph Ifft, Sarah Hartman, Ruth
Knobloch, Nathan Steffen, and
Jill Stoller. Eighth Grade graduates
include: Jenna Dietrich, Stephen
Ifft, Jacob Roth, Austin Schrock,
Aaron Steiner, Aubrey Walder.
May they all feel God’s nearness
as they move onward into a new
season of life!
“…A time to get, and a time to
lose; a time to keep, and a time to
cast away.”
This month Elder Bro. Rick
Plattner (Sis. Mary) was assisted
by Elder Bro. Jim Plattner (Sis.
Marlene, Princeville) in reading
the Memorandum from this
year’s conferences. What a good
reminder it was of those good,
heavenly things we should keep
and hold in our hearts, and those
things that we should cast away
from our lives, as believers in
Christ. It was also a time to be
reminded once more that to get
Christ is gain and to lose self is
a blessed state to walk with our
“…a time to plant.”
Our children once again
enjoyed a week of Vacation Bible
School. As the children were
reminded on the last day that we
wouldn’t be hearing new stories,
but that it is good to hear the old,
old story again and again-hiding
God’s Word in our hearts. May
the seeds planted in the lives and
hearts of these dear children bring
forth fruit in due time, to God’s
“…for there is a time for every
purpose and for every work.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6, 2, 17
We are thankful for those
brothers who have given of
themselves, their time and
efforts to bring forth the Word
to our church this month. These
include: Bros. Paul Zimmerman
(Sis. Loretta, Forrest), Mark
Zimmerman (Sis. Cheryl,
Eureka), John Bradle (Sis. Jill,
Roanoke), Matt Feucht (Sis.
Jennifer, Roanoke), Bruck Frank
(Sis. Bonita, Cissna Park), Elder
Bro. Ken Indermuhle (Sis.
Linda, Sardis, OH), Ron Isch
(Sis. Jane, Lamont-Gridley, KS),
John Hartman (Sis. Rosemary,
Fairbury), Brent Walder (Sis.
Naomi, Rockville), Nate Wiegand
(Sis. Laura, Goodfield), and Dale
We are thankful for our
Stoller (Sis. Sandra, Fairbury). May visiting ministers this month. They
they be truly blessed and always
were Bro. Tony Manz (Sis. Denise,
feel the Spirit’s nearness.
Junction), Bro. Ronald Palitto (Sis.
Lynell, Akron), Bro. Ryan Schock
Illinois, Elgin
(Sis. Melanie, Bloomfield), and
Amy Gasser
Bro. Kevin Banwart (Sis. Sandy,
Our Bible Class students and
West Bend). Thanks to all who are
some adults went to Jamaica on
willing to travel and share God’s
a work team from May 31-June
word with us.
7. May God bless them for their
Sis. Kristen Edelman is
engaged to Bro. Kurt Cottrell.
Sis. Joan (Bro. Al) Scheitlin
Parents are Bro. Keith and Sis.
was a hospital patient recently. May Nadine Edelman and Bro. Brent
God grant strength and healing, if and Sis. Darla Cottrell. May God
it is His will.
richly bless them as they prepare to
Bro. Arvid Miller passed
take this step together in faith.
away on June 8, following some
Our hearts were saddened
lingering health problems. His
at the passing of our dear Bro.
funeral was on June 14. Bro. Dale Maury Crawford. We pray God
Frank (Oakville-Mediapolis, IA)
will comfort Sis. Joyce and
had the prayer at the gravesite. May their surviving children: Steve
God comfort Bro. Arvid’s wife,
(Lynn) Crawford and Ron (Terri)
Cindy, his children, and other
family members.
Little Nolan Knecht, son of
First-time parents, Scott and
Bro. David and Sis. Ashley, has
Darline Krueger, welcomed a
undergone heart surgery. Also
son, Collin Bear, on May 27.
having recent surgery was Sis.
Mary Krueger (the late Jim) is
Judy Knecht. May God’s healing
his paternal grandmother. Emma
mercies be with them as they
Kate was born to Ryan and Becky recover.
Weiss in Manila, Philippines on
May 29. Her excited siblings are
Illinois, Fairbury
Kaitlyn, Kenton, and Ethan. Her
Angela Herr
grandparents are Bob and Sally
Janelle Stoller
Rinkenberger (Congerville, IL) and “The grass withereth, the flower
Bro. Roger and Sis. Karen Weiss.
fadeth: but the word of our God shall
stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:8
Illinois, Eureka
Along with watching the
Debra Blunier
springtime flowers fade away, our
congregation has several loved ones
Linda Rocke
“Give faithful servants ever who
who have taken their final breath.
have but one endeavor, Thy Gospel to Bro. Dave Kaeb passed away on
proclaim;…” Zion”s Harp #207
May 29. Just 20 days later his
wife, Sis. Mary ended her earthly
race. We extend our sympathy
to their children: Bro. Nicholas
Kaeb, Fairbury; Sis. Gloria (Bro.
David) Wettstein, Gridley, IL;
Bro. David (Sis. Brenda) Kaeb,
Daniel (Donna) Kaeb, Sis. Paula
(Bro. Charlie) Knapp, and Sis.
Beverly (Bro. Steve) Virgil, all of
Bloomington, IL; John (Theresa)
Kaeb, Independence, OR; Sis. Jane
(Bro. Dale) Kaufmann, Tremont,
IL; and Bro. Bill (Sis. Patsy) Kaeb,
Roanoke, IL.
Wayne Bittner passed away
on June 4. He is survived by his
wife, LaVerne, and children: Gary
(Linda) Bittner, Silver Spring, MD;
Jane (Al) Freehill, Chenoa, IL;
Keith (Vickie) Bittner, Fairbury;
four sisters: Emma (Peter) Schaffer,
Jean Bittner and Sis. Darlene
Bittner, all of Fairbury; Cynthia
(Clyde) Donelson, Marion, IL;
and one brother, Merle Bittner,
Sis. Louise Hartman passed
away on June 17. We extend our
deepest sympathy to her children:
Sis. Linda (Bro. Neil) Schmidgall,
Morris, MN; Ronald (Caroline),
Forrest, IL; Sis. Ann Kachelmuss,
Bloomington, IL; and Nora (Mike)
Langan, Lakewood, IL; and
her sister, Sis. Tillie Nussbaum,
Bloomington, IL. Sis. Louise
also has a sister-in-law in our
congregation, Sis. Pat Hartman.
In addition, we extend sympathy
to four granddaughters in our
Fairbury congregation: Sis. Abby
and Brianna, Cassie and Carrie
We also extend our sympathy
July 2014
to Sis. Pat Hartman in the loss
of her sister-in-law, Charlotte
Hartman (Racine, WI) on June 8.
Our prayers have been with
our hospital patients this month
including Bro. Daniel Steidinger,
Nita (Keith) Moser, William
(Helen) Fehr, and Bro. Ben Rudin.
Ellie Leman (Bro. Chad and Sis.
Kim) and Carla Kilgus (Bro. Paul
and Sis. Carmen) were surgical
patients. We wish each one a quick
and successful recovery.
We rejoice with Bro. Reid
Zehr (Bro. Quinn and Sis. Joan)
and Sis. Tiffany Steffen (Corey
and Sis. Beth) as they were united
in marriage on June 1. We wish
them God’s richest blessings as
they walk life’s pathway together.
We’ve been blessed with many
visiting ministers this month.
We pray God will bless each one
who labored on our behalf. Our
visitors include Bros. Dennis
Rassi (Austin, TX), Tom Troxel
(LaCrosse, IN), Todd Graf
(Akron, OH), DeWayne Dill
(Minneapolis, MN), Brian Waibel
(Champaign, IL), Al Schambach
(Remington, IN), Kevin Banwart
(West Bend, IA), Mark Wettstein
(LaCrosse, IN), Matt Knapp
(Atlanta, GA) and Don Manz
(Junction, OH).
We also appreciate the
brothers who came and spoke to
our high school students during
Vacation Bible School. May God
bless Bro. Todd Sinn (Latty, OH),
Bro. Jason Dotterer (Forrest,
IL), and Bro. Al Schambach
(Remington, IN) for the time they
spent on behalf of our youth.
Illinois, Forrest Karla Zimmerman
Molly Zimmerman
We were blessed to have many
visiting ministers this past month
to share the Word of our Lord.
With us were Elder Bro. David
Graf (Akron, OH), Bros. Mike
Grimm (Goodfield, IL), Nathan
Walder (Cissna Park, IL), Virgil
Metzger (Chicago, IL), and Mark
Steiner (Smithville, OH). It was
truly a blessing to have them
and their families with us. We
also thank Bros. Matthew Rassi
(Chicago, IL), Chris Wuethrich
(Chicago, IL), Matthew Feucht
(Roanoke, IL) and Dan Moser
(Elgin, IL) who came and spoke
to our Bible Class students during
Vacation Bible School.
“In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.”
Prov. 3:6
Graduating this year are
Elijah Kaeb (Bro. Morris Kaeb
and Brenda Mueller), Talia
Kupferschmid (Bro. Todd and
Kim), Kati Rudin (Bro. Craig
and Sis. Trudy), Jeremy Schaffer
(Bro. Kevin and Sis. Martha), Bro.
Stuart Kilgus (Bro. Kevin and
Sis. Denise), Sis. Allison Mueller
(Bro. Stan and Sis. Kristen), Bro.
Thane Schaffer (Bro. Erik and Sis.
Michelle), Bro. Clayton Teubel
(Bro. John and Sis. Lavonne),
and Bro. Pete Zimmerman (Bro.
Kent and Sis. Paulette). We pray
that they will look to our Lord for
direction as they begin new paths
in their lives.
We thank our Sis. Carol
Edelman for her years of service
as a Sunday School teacher. May
she be richly blessed. Taking her
place is Sis. Devra Stork. May she
feel our prayers as she teaches our
Welcoming home Finn Avery
are Bro. Jeremy and Sis. Shara
Leman. Big brother River and
big sister Madeira are so excited
to have a baby brother. Thankful
grandparents are Bro. Dan and
Sis. Kathy Banwart and Bro. Ernie
and Sis. Carol Leman.
We are so thankful to hear
that our converts Jenna Kaeb (late
Bro. Eldon and late Sis. Stephanie)
and Kayla Kuntz (Bro. Rollyn
and late Sis. Brenda) have found
peace with God and look forward
to baptism. We also rejoice with
our new convert, Preston Mueller
(Bro. Jeff and Sis. Sarah), who is
repenting and seeking to serve the
We pray for God’s blessings
upon Elijah Stork (Bro. Paul and
Dawn) and Ashley Fraher who
were recently married.
Loving sympathy is extended
to Sis. Doris Kachelmuss at the
passing of her son-in-law, Earl
Robbins, and to Bro. Stacy and
Tonda Mueller at the passing of
her sister Casey Whitehouse.
Illinois, Goodfield
Kayla Wiegand
Melissa Rokey
Lord willing we plan on
having testimonies and baptisms
June 21 and 22 for Max
Hinrichsen (Bro. Mike and Sis.
Gerri) and Taylor Wiegand (Bro.
Kevin and Sis. Lindsay). Elder
Bro. Tom Hoffman (Roanoke, IL)
plans to assist Elder Bro. Jeff. We
lift them up to our Father that
He will continue to work in their
hearts as they continue to grow in
Vacation Bible School was
held June 2-6. The overall topic
was “God’s plan for you”. Bro.
Dennis Kaufman (Sis. Bonnie,
Bloomington-Normal, IL) spoke
on “He speaks to you”. Bro. Justin
Koch (Sis. Marcia, Washington,
IL) spoke on “His Purpose for
You”. Bro. Dana Nieman (Sis.
Lea, Remington, IN) spoke on
“His Gifts for You”. We were also
blessed in song by: “Harmony
for Him”, “Testify”, and “Glorify
Hymn”. It was a blessed week.
We thank all those who shared
in bringing forth God’s Word,
uplifting us in song, the kitchen
committee, and also those who
leant their time in teaching the
The senior breakfast was
held for the graduating class of
2014. Those graduating this year
were: Amanda Bowen (Mike and
Sis. Leigh), Kinsey Herrmann
(Bro. Ross and Sis. Kitty), Kent
Hinrichsen (Bro. Rod and Sis.
Lynda), Conor Steffen (Bro. Dirk
and Sis. Deb), Tate Taufer (Bro.
Ted and Sis. Kenda), and Sis. Jamie
Wiegand (Bro. Wayne and Sis.
Rosemary). We wish the Lord’s
blessings on our graduating seniors
as one chapter in their life comes to
close and another one begins.
“And he said unto them, Go ye
into all the world, and preach the
gospel to every creature.” Mk. 16:15
Bro. Kurt and Sis. Joan
Plattner, over the last several
months, have felt God gently
leading them toward the work in
Haiti. They rest in the assurance
that God has called them to this
mission. Bro. Kurt will be serving
as Director of Operations for
Hospital Lumiere. They plan to
move sometime in the October to
December time frame and have
given AC World relief a 3.5 year
commitment. We lift them and
their children up in prayer to our
heavenly Father as they prepare to
get ready to move.
Jonathon Roth and Kandace
Blake were united in marriage on
May 17. Jonathon’s parents are
Bro. Alan and Sis. Joanne Roth.
Kandace’s parents are Crystal
Gerard of Washington, IL and
Larry Blake of Congerville, IL.
May the Lord bless them as they
became one.
Andrew Kieser and Jeimmy
Suarez were united in marriage in
Chicago on June 7. Andrew is the
son of Bro. Alfred and Sis. Marie
Kieser. Jeimmy is the daughter
of Louis and Doris Suarez from
Columbia. We wish them the
Lord’s blessings.
Crue Richard Knepp arrived
to bless the home of Bro. Alex and
Sis. Cassie on March 22. Crue was
welcomed home by his two big
brothers, Dierks and Hudson.
Thankful grandparents are Bro.
Roger and Sis. Trish Gerber and
Sis. Janet Knepp and the late Bro.
Richard (Roanoke, IL) .
We rejoice with Tadd and
Jill Gerst in the adoption of
Hutch. Hutch was born on May
23 and was welcomed home by
big sister, Selah, and big brother,
Finn. Thankful grandparents are
Sis. Bonnie and the late Bro. Steve
Gerst and Bro. Terry and Sis.
Shirley Leman, Eureka, IL.
We lift Sis. Whitney Wiegand
(Bro. Brad and Sis. Karen) up in
prayer. It’s been 4 years now that
she has been having seizures. They
have not been able to control them
with medicine. On Tuesday, June
17, the doctors will do the first
part of her brain surgery. Then
on Monday, June 23, they plan to
do the second part of her surgery. She will be at the University of
Chicago Hospital. We trust that
God will be with the surgeon’s
hands as they perform these
surgeries and that her recovery will
go well.
We want to thank all the
visiting ministers that we have
had this past month that have
gave their time to bring us God’s
precious Word: Bros. Rick Kaisner
(Sis. Michelle, Chicago, IL), Troy
Leyse (Sis. Kelly, Bluffton, IN),
and Nicholas Waibel (Sis. Sandra,
Francesville, IN).
Illinois, Gridley
Perry Klopfenstein
In our converted life, we are
not to walk as we once did in sin.
Paul reminds us in Ephesians 4
that our understanding had been
darkened, and we were “alienated”
from the life of God. How tragic
and perilous. But, in Christ Jesus
we became a new creature, and
put off the old man, and put on
July 2014
the new man. This is a wonderful
process performed by the Lord,
as we became converted (by the
grace of God). Truly we wish it
for the multitudes who are still in
We were glad to have several
visiting ministers here in June. The
speakers at the annual Vacation
Bible School were: Bro. Arlen
Leman, Forrest; Bro. Matt Steffen,
Princeville; Bro. Jeff Neihouser,
Morton; Bro. Dave Obergfel,
Peoria; and Bro. Rick Kaisner,
Chicago. The theme centered
around “Fishing.” The speakers
addressed fishing for Faith,
Obedience, Blessings, Belief, and
for Souls.
And also we had Elder Bro.
Bruce Endress, Bradford, IL and
Bro. Ron Bollier, Indianapolis, IN
as visiting ministers.
As of June 20, the corn and
soybean crops are all planted and
lush and green; and well-growing
crops dot the landscape from
horizon to horizon. Plenty of
rain and sunshine have wrought
enormous growth, and corn is
already waist high or more in
some instances. God surely gives
the increase according to His will.
Day-to-day activity results in
injury and illnesses. Sis. Cindy
Stoller (Bro. Clark) fell and broke
her leg. Sis. Candice Dohman fell
and broke her wrist. Sis. Marge
Meiss fell and broke her hip (she
resides in the Meadows Home).
Sis. Linda Krug is recovering from
foot surgery, and a blood clot
in her lung. Bro. Larry Kiefer is
taking treatment for a back injury.
Sis. Monica Edelman is recovering
from surgery. Sis. Marilyn Schieler
was hospitalized for a short time
in Mid-June. May the Great
Physician attend to the needs of
those burdened with injury and
We surely offer our sympathies
to Bro. David and Sis. Gloria
Wettstein over the death of
her parents. Bro. Dave Kaeb,
Fairbury, died and 20 days
later his wife, Sis. Mary, passed
away. Both were of a high age.
They raised a big family and left
many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Their faithfulness
in duty to God and the brethren
has been a good example over the
Illinois, Morton
Annette Tanner
Julie Bahr
This past week, our Morton
Church experienced a full week of
Adult VBS gleaning knowledge
into the life of Joseph. The
theme of our week was “God’s
Provisions in the Life of Joseph.”
We want to sincerely thank the
ministers who spoke to us on the
scriptures in the Life of Joseph.
Bro. Dennis Kaufmann’s (Sis
Bonnie, Bloomington) topic
Monday evening was “God
Gives Hope”. Bro. Erik Givens’
(Sis. Debbie, Princeville) topic
Tuesday was «God Gives Us
Special Abilities». Bro. Randy
Mogler’s (Sis. Evie, Washington)
topic Wednesday was “God Gives
Us Wisdom”. Bro. Ted Witzig,
Jr’s (Sis. Donna, Morton) topic
Thursday was “God Gives Us
Forgiveness”.Bro. Daren Metz’s
(Sis. Rita, Gridley) topic Friday
evening was “God Gives Us
Family”. There were many, many
precious life experiences related
to us throughout the entire week.
One in particular that stood out
to me was that one young lady was
imprisoned for her faith. She kept
asking God to give her scriptures
to recall, to help her through
her terrible ordeals, but the only
scripture that kept coming to
her was “love your enemies”,
“love your enemies”, “love your
enemies.” She prayerfully begged
God to reveal some comforting
scriptures to her mind, but did
not receive any others. As time
went on, when her captors would
approach her, she chose to kindly
meet them and speak kindly to
them, which in turn seemed to
soften their hearts toward her. At
this point, God answered her plea
and filled her mind with many
comforting scriptures that she
had memorized over the years,
filling her with His great peace
and His great strength that would
help her endure whatever came
her way. We learned that when
we first obey God in His initial
commands, that His faithfulness
will be revealed to us. What an
example this was to us in relating
the possibility of what may have
happened to Joseph while he was
in prison!
For our Wednesday Evening
Family Worship Nights, we have
begun a series of lessons “From
the Life of Abraham” “... and if ye
be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s
seed, and heirs according to the
promise.” Gal. 3:29. Bro. Bob
Pflederer (Sis Ellie) gave our first
lesson entitled “Get Out” Called
to Follow. (Genesis 12:1-8) The
first Wednesday evening of every
month will be held at Morton
Fellowship Hall at 7:00 pm.
We share our loving sympathy
with Sis. Cindy and Bill Wiedman
in the double loss of Bill’s dear
mother, Sis. Wilma Wiedman,
and then in the loss of Sis. Cindy’s
dear mother, Waunita Hirstein.
Sis. Wilma is survived by 3 sons
and one daughter: Steve (Kay), Bill
(Sis. Cindy), Jay (Karen) and Jean
Hughes (the late Mike Hughes).
Waunita Hirstein is survived by her
husband, Sam Hirstein; her sons:
Douglas and David; her daughter,
Sis. Cindy Wiedman (Bill); and her
sister, Sis. Bernice Rapp.
We share in the grief of our
Bro. Gene Strunk (Sis. Joyce)
in the loss of his brother Duane
Strunk, Champaign.
Margo, Leo), and Bro. Jon Zeller
(Sis. Christine, Morton).
The Bible class Sunday school
students and a number of parents
went to Sunset Gap Community
Center, TN, June 7-14. Sunday,
June 15, they told the church
about the projects they worked on
and how blessed they were by the
people they went to serve.
Our church family continues
to have many who desire prayers
to deal with various health issues:
Bro. Harry Eisenmann (Sis.
Loretta), Mary Funk, Rosalie
Johnson (Bruce), Bro. Joe Martin,
Sis. Dee Metzger, Mary See,
Andrea Staley (Aaron), Sis. Emily
Tanner, Bro. Jeff Waibel (Sis.
Melissa), Bro. Peter Weber, Sis.
JoAnn Rieker (Bro. Tom), and
Allison Stickling, daughter of
Chris and Sis. Marcia.
Please keep praying for those
serving far from home: Bro. Jason
Grassi, Bro. Zach and Sis. Daniela
Knobloch, and Bro. Jonathan and
Sis. Bere Aupperle, all at CVE in
Magdalena. Two dear ones from
Illinois, Peoria
CVE also need our prayers-Keyla
Pam Fritzenmeier
and Fede, both for serious health
We rejoice with Bro. Tim and problems.
Sis. Joan Reinhard and Bro. Kris
Here at home, we request
and Sis. Annie Frauhiger, Bluffton, continued prayers for Bro. Dan
as their children, Sis. Bethany
and Sis. Susan Meister as they deal
Reinhard and Bro. Bill Frauhiger, with all the issues stemming from
were united in marriage Sunday,
the devastating fire at the Old
June 1. We had many visiting
School Center on May 15.
ministers and thank each one for
We also ask for prayers for Sis.
coming to share in this special day. Joan (Bro. Tim) Reinhard, as she
They include Bro. Steve Frauhiger deals with the various agencies
(Sis. Irene, Bluffton North), Elder in Haiti gathering the necessary
Bro. Lynn Feichter (Sis. Ronda,
documents to complete the
Bluffton), Bro. Jeff Waibel (Sis.
adoption and bring home their two
Illinois, Princeville
Gloria White
Renee Herrmann
As we feel the heat and
humidity of summer days, the
cold winter just passed seems a
distant memory. The summer
often brings increased travel and
we are appreciative of the visiting
ministers who have come to share
God’s Word. They are Bro. Tim
Hohulin (Roanoke, IL), Bro. Craig
Stickling (Peoria, IL) and Elder
Bro. Lynn Stieglitz (Leo, IN).
Our Bible Class was also blessed
by instruction from Bro. Jeremiah
Psinas (Morton, IL) and Bro.
Matt Oesch (Alto, MI) during our
annual vacation Bible school.
We rejoice with Bro. Ryan and
Sis. Joy Hoerr as their daughter,
Tecca, has shared her desire to
begin her walk with the Lord. We
encourage others to “remember
their Creator in the days of their
youth”. Ecclesiastes 12:1
Sis. Barb Ehnle (Bro. Phil) was
hospitalized earlier this month, but
we are glad that she is again able to
gather with us. We are thankful for
God’s healing touch.
Our congratulations are
extended to Ron and Mary
Satzler as they celebrated 50
years of marriage this month. We
appreciate their example to all of
We extend our sympathies to
the family of Sis. Emily Stoller
(retired Elder Bro. Joe) as she has
passed from the infirmities of this
life into a glorious eternity. Our
July 2014
prayers go to Bro. Joe and their
children: Bro. Gale (Sis. Sonia)
and Bro. Bruce (Sis. Mary) of
Princeville, IL; Bro. Brent (Sis.
Kay) of Congerville, IL; and
Sis. Sandra (Bro. Don) Endress
of Washington as they grieve
their loss. May we all think on
the absolute joy of being in the
presence of God and our Savior
Jesus in a world where the curse of
sin has no power.
Illinois, Roanoke
Barb Schwind
Judy Sauder
Visiting ministers were Bro.
Jeff Leman (Bluffton North)
on May 25, Bro. James Fehr
(Tremont) on June 1, and Bro.
Ed Stoller (Denver) on June 15.
On May 29, Bro. Daren Metz
(Gridley) presented a topical Bible
Study on “The Healing of Jesus”.
We thank these brothers for
sharing God’s Word.
We rejoice with Bro. Rob and
Sis. Gina Luginbuhl in the birth
of their grandson, Bennett Ryan,
born on May 8 to Bro. Ryan and
Sis. Laura Luginbuhl (Morton).
Bro. John and Sis. Mary Wiegand
welcomed grandson Lincoln John
on May 31 born to Bro. Jeff and
Sis. Bethany Knobloch (Taylor).
May God bless these families as
they raise these precious babies.
Our prayers are with families,
whose loved ones have passed
away. Bro. Maury (Sis. Joyce)
Crawford (Eureka) passed away on
May 27. He was a brother-in-law
to Sis. Jane Schumacher.
Sis. Kay (Michael) Nazarczuk
(Bloomington) went to be with
the Lord on June 12. She was the
daughter of Bro. Gene and Sis.
Evy Hangartner. It was a blessing
to see Sis. Kay and many from the
Hangartner family in church here
on Mother’s Day. What a special
memory for Sis. Evy and Bro.
John 4:14 “But whosoever
drinketh of the water that I shall
give him shall never thirst; but the
water that I shall give him shall be
in him a well of water springing up
into everlasting life.”
This was the theme verse
of VBS June 2-6. On Monday,
Bro. Scott and Sis. Mandy Yordy
made a presentation about their
family’s life in Haiti at our church
fellowship hall. They shared how
God had provided for their family
in their missionary journey, and
taught them lessons of love (people
daily at their door asking for
help), patience (hours wait for gas,
banking, etc.), and thankfulness
for the support of their church
family. Bro. Scott’s heart has been
touched how God provides just
the people to get the job done,
people with different talents to
glorify Him and lift others up. On
Tuesday, Bro. Mark Zimmerman
(Eureka) encouraged us to take
God’s Protective Spirit with us
on the journey of life, the best
GPS ever! In making decisions, he
urged us to consider if our choice
will draw us closer to God and
help us to love our neighbor as
ourselves. On Wednesday, Bro.
Jedd Rocke (Goodfield) spoke of
David and Goliath and reminded
us that the battle is the Lord’s.
He told us not to let the fear of
the giant defeat us, but plunge in
with courage giving everything
to our God, who raised the dead
back to life. On Thursday, Bro.
Matt Kaufman (Bloomington)
encouraged us to plunge into
faith by making sure the Spirit of
God is at the center of our hearts
and church. The Spirit can’t be
replaced by political correctness,
feelings, or pleasing people. On
Friday, Bro. Kent Heimer (Taylor)
gave us many practical examples
of following Jesus by plunging
into service. Bro. Kent learned
as a boy to give God your best as
his father donated their best hogs
to the heifer and gilt project for
Haiti. We thank these visiting
ministers, the VBS planners, the
Bible School teachers, and all who
helped make VBS a blessing to
young and old.
Our prayers are with little
Zander, foster child of Bro. Daniel
and Sis. Larissa Stoller, as he
transitions to his new home.
Jake Braker (Bro. Kevin
and Sis. Janice) was married
to Amanda Pila of Washburn,
daughter of John and Marian Pila
of Plainfield on May 31. We wish
them God’s blessings.
We thank our Sunday School
teachers for the godly instruction
and counsel they provide for our
children. Recently-elected teachers
are Bro. Jay Braker, Bro. Matt
Kaufman, and Bro. Jason Knepp
for the intermediate grades, and
Bro. Jon Fehr and Bro. Andy
Luginbuhl for Bible Class.
The Father/Son campout was
held June 13 at Comlara Park. It
was a wonderful time of fellowship
for fathers and sons of all ages. The
beautiful weather, the scrumptious
food (thanks Bro. Jim and Bro.
Jay!), the exuberant children, the
fishing, the singing and sharing
around the campfire made a
wonderful memory for fathers and
sons. We thank Bro. Robey Shuck
and all who worked on this special
On June 18 Bro. Ken
Rinkenberger (Morton) presented
information on the World Relief
Child Sponsorship program at our
fellowship hall. Our 3 year old
through 2nd grade Sunday School
students sang for us. Truly Jesus
loves the little children throughout
the world.
We pray for Sally Achtenberg,
and Bro. Russ and Sis. Marge
Plattner, who are dealing with
health issues.
I want to close with one more
thought a Bible Class teacher
shared during VBS: Don’t worry
if your mule is blind, just load the
wagon. Have faith and trust in
God that He will take you each
step of the way.
heaven and earth. We were blessed to have several
visiting ministers with us this
month. Elder Bro. Earl Ringger
(Sis. Dixie, Gridley) helped our
Elder Bro. Steve with testimonies
and baptisms. Bro. Ted Witzig,
Jr. (Sis. Donna, Morton) came on
a Wednesday night for a topical
lesson. Bro. John Steiner (Sis.
Carol, Mediapolis) was here for a
wedding. We thank these brothers
for their willingness to bring God’s
teachings to us.
We welcome Bro. Jacob Kaiser
(Bro. Tim and Sis. Ruth), Bro.
Andy Sauder (Bro. Gregg and Sis.
Cindy) and Sis. Anna Moser (Bro.
Mark and Sis. Colleen) into our
precious brotherhood. They gave
their testimonies and were baptized
as a symbol of the burying of
the old self and rising up a new
creature in Christ. We pray that
they will continue to uphold the
doctrine, customs and traditions of
our blessed denomination.
It is always exciting and
encouraging to see how God
works in the lives of two people
who trust Him to find their
helpmate. Bro. Michael Koch
(Bro. Dan, Jr. and Sis. Julie) and
Sis. Holly Wagenbach (Bro. Ron
Illinois, Tremont
and Sis. Liz) were united in Holy
Teresa Rowell
matrimony. On the same day, Bro.
William Beutel (Bro. Fred and
Janice Sauder
It is already the middle of the Sis. Jeannette) and Sis. Brittney
year. Time seems to go faster and Koch (Bro. Earl and Sis. Marsha)
faster, and we get busier and busier. became engaged. We wish these
Satan can really get us off the right two couples God’s richest blessings
path if we don’t make a conscious as they embark on this new path
effort to read the Word and get on together.
our knees and pray to the God of
Also walking a new path are
our graduates as they move from
high school to college or into the
“real” world. They are Amelia
Glueck (Bro. Dale and Sis. Susan),
Guito Wagenbach (Bro. Mark
and Sis. Fern), Connor Ehnle
(Bro. Russ and Sis. Terrie), Rachel
Koch (Bro. Phil and Sis. Diane),
Whitney Wagenbach (Bro. John
and Sis. Rebekah), Brooke Bolliger
(Bro. Dean and Sis. Trudy),
Morgan Kaiser (Bro. Mark and Sis.
Renee), Angie Koch (Bro. Chuck
and Sis. Cathy), Mary Wagenbach
(Bro. Ron and Sis. Liz), Laurence
Simms and Alainna Simms (Inga
Lelm), Sis. Tori Kaiser (Bro. Tim
and Sis. Ruth), Bro. Gabriel Koch
(Bro. Nate and Sis. Sandy), Sis.
Echo Sauder (Bro. John and Sis.
Misty), and Jesse Prather (Todd
and Stacey). We pray that these
young adults will seek God’s will
for their lives as they journey
We always love to hear of
new babies. Enjoying a new
granddaughter are Bro. Darel and
Sis. Mary Alyce Hofsess. Lillian
Marie was born to Michael and
Alisa Wartick. We welcome Bro. Karl
Klopfenstein (Latty, OH), Bro.
Ryan Schlipf (Milford, IN), and
Evan Dotterer (Forrest, IL) to our
Tremont church as they have been
assembling with us while doing internships in our area. We pray
that they will find the same love
and faith as in their own church.
And, as always and because
we live in a fallen world, there is
disease and death. Our prayers are
with Steve Garman (Sis. Sarah),
July 2014
Royce Aberle (Kirstin), Bro. Derek
Sauder (Sis. Leann), and Bro.
Dan Koch, Sr (Sis. Carol) as they
recover from various surgeries and
illnesses. Also, we pray for comfort
to Sis. Jane Kaufmann (Bro. Dale)
as she says an earthly goodbye to
her father and mother, Bro. Dave
& Sis. Mary Kaeb (Fairbury). Illinois, Washington
Marlene Prather
Jodi Fehr
Our Washington
congregation was filled with many
visitors on May 18 for the wedding
service of Sis. Tamara Hofstetter
to Bro. John Lehman of Wolcott.
We are thankful for the visiting
ministers that were with us for
the day including: Elder Bro. Dan
Kilgus (Sis. Jenna) of Remington,
Elder Bro. Ted Steffen (Sis. Sandy)
of Alto, Bros. Greg Lehman (Sis.
Mary Beth), Michael Wagenbach
(Sis. Erica), and Jeff Bahler (Sis.
Heidi) of Wolcott, and Bro.
Mark Wettstein (Sis. Karen) of
LaCrosse. Although we will miss
Sis. Tamara and her four boys in
Washington, we wish these dear
families God’s richest blessings as
they begin a new life together.
Also beginning a new chapter
in life are our seniors that recently
graduated: Kalie Rumbold, Joel
Luthi, Allison Rocke, and Bro.
Ethan Hartter. We pray God
will be with them as they make
decisions for the future.
It’s always a joy to welcome
new babes into the world. We
rejoice with Bro. Mark and
Sis. Tammy Herrmann on the
birth of their first grandchild,
Salem Viola, born to Adam and
Katherine Herrmann. Bro. Ed and
Sis. Kathy Wyss also welcomed
another granddaughter. Emmy
was born to Bro. Bob and Sis.
Jenny Koch of Tremont. Bentley
Stoller was born on May 19 and
lovingly adopted by Bro. Will and
Sis. Holly Kellenberger. Thankful
grandparents are Bro. Randy
and Sis. Ruth Kellenberger and
Bro. Lynn and Sis. Elaine Stoller.
Kaitlyn Corrine was born to Bro.
Ben and Sis. Lexie Ginzel on May
22 and welcomed by big brother,
Daniel, and grandparents, Bro.
Daryl and Sis. Lucy Blunier of
Goodfield and Bro. Dave & Sis.
Mary Ginzel of Peoria.
We extend our love and
appreciation to other ministering
brothers that were with us this
month including Bro. Marshall
Heinold (Sis. Jan) of Ixtlan, Bro.
John Lehman (Sis. Tamara)
of Wolcott, and Bro. Doug
Wagenbach (Sis. Lillian) of San
Diego. Our children recently
enjoyed a week of VBS. What
a joy it is to see them come so
willingly into the house of the
Lord to learn more of Him! We
are thankful for each of the
teachers, volunteers, and parents
who made this week possible.
Bro. Micah Pfaffmann’s
engagement to Sis. Olivia
Baumgartner of Bern was recently
announced. Their parents are Bro.
Rob and Sis. Lily Pfaffmann of
Washington and Bro. Jeff and Sis.
Kim Baumgartner of Bern.
Bro. Rob Pfaffmann was
recently hospitalized, but we
are thankful he has had a good
recovery and is doing well.
Indiana, Bluffton
Suzie Fiechter
Kim Meyer
“But now, O Lord, thou art our
father; we are the clay, and thou our
potter; and we all are the work of
thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8
We are finishing up our
second week of Bible School here
in Bluffton and it’s been another
huge blessing. So many different
families are represented. While the
kids are blending together, they
are learning the truths of God and
His Word. The theme this year is
Isaiah 64:8. Weeks like these plant
the seeds that allow the children
to be molded and shaped by the
Father’s loving hand in the years
to come.
Speaking of being shaped by
the Father’s hand, we had three
young souls who climbed upon
the spinning wheel in repentance
and said, “Have your way with
me, Lord.” Michael Yoder (Scott
& Jane), Sierra Steffen (Bro. Ed &
Sis. Denise) and Austin Foreman
(Chad & Carey). We rejoice with
these three young souls and pray
they will be patient and willing as
God molds and shapes them into
vessels fit for the Kingdom.
Our Bro. Bob Gerber (Sis.
Evie) has entered heaven. He has
been “…a vessel unto honour,
sanctified, and meet for the master’s
use, and prepared unto every good
work.” (2 Tim. 2:21) We will
dearly miss his servant heart
and Godly example. Last month
we prayed for his health and
healing and now God has forever
healed him. May his family be
comforted knowing his pain is
gone and rejoice in his heavenly
homecoming: Bro. Bob & Sis.
LuAnn (Wolcott), Bro. Gene &
Sis. Becky, and Sis. Lisa & Bro.
Kim Troxel.
We celebrate with two young
couples who were united in holy
matrimony this month. Bro.
Matthew Gerber (Bro. Gene
& Sis. Becky) and Sis. Katie
Widmer (Bro. Neil & Sis. Kris)
were married in West Lafayette.
Bro. Bill Frauhiger (Bro. Kris
& Sis. Anne) and Sis. Bethany
Reinhard (Bro. Tim & Sis. Joan)
were married in Peoria. As their
individual vessels take on a new
shape and purpose, we pray these
young couples will continue to
seek the Lord together and learn
from the several solid marriages
that make up different parts of the
Body of Christ.
Bro. John & Sis. Trudy
Eisenmann are pleased to
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Sis. Alyssa, to Bro. Ned
Troxel (Bro. Tom & Sis. LuAnn of
LaCrosse) of Detroit.
Sis. Sheri Cress rejoices in
the birth of another healthy
grandchild. Beckett was born to
Tye and Carla Cook.
Sometimes the molding and
shaping of God hurts and stretches
or has us in circumstances that
develop patience. We continue
to pray for those in hospital care,
rehab or maybe adjusting to a new
“normal” without the presence of a
loved one. Whatever our case, may
we always remember that God is
in control. “God is good!” (Ps. 73:1)
I read on a sign “God will give us
what’s right, not what’s left.” God
is preparing each of us for good
works. Are we going to be willing
to allow Him to spin us, shape us,
and even fire us to become those
vessels of honor fit for the Father’s
use? What will it take for you to
surrender yourself to the Spirit
instead of the flesh?
found to be faithful. “They didn’t
bend, they didn’t bow, and they
didn’t burn,” related Bro. Ryan.
As these young men and women
face the world, let us remember to
lift their names up in prayer that
their foundation would remain in
our Savior Jesus Christ, and they
would not allow their convictions
to be shaped by our culture.
A young man in our
graduating class this year, Jacob
Weil, along with Austin Markley,
son of Bro. Matt and Sis. Lisa,
surrendered their hearts to Christ
Indiana, Bluffton North
this month. We praise God for
Corinne Stettner
the work of His Spirit and the
transforming power He has in our
Amy Moser
We are the hands and feet of
Jesus so the world can know the
The Lord called a faithful
heart of Jesus.
servant home this month. Bro.
Congratulations to our
Carroll Gerber passed away on
graduating class of 2014. This
May 29, with his dear wife, Sis.
year we rejoice with six special
Louise, at his side. Bro. Carroll
graduates. Sawyer Beeks, son of
preached the truth of Christ for
Bro. John and Sis. Laura; Lacy
many years in our congregation.
Curry, daughter of Bro. Brian and We will miss his steadfast example,
Sis. Kristi; Will Gerber, son of
love, and kind word. Our hearts
Bro. Vince and Sis. Susan; Drew
go out to his wife, Sis. Louise, and
Shively, son of Bro. Andy and Sis. their children: Bro. Brent (Sis.
Cindy; Victoria Steffen, daughter
Ann), Bro. Blake (Sis. Fawn), Sis.
of Bro. Toby and Jayla; and Jacob Lori (Bro. Mark Steffen), and Gala.
Weil, son of Bro. Doyle and Sis.
Another exciting and ChristLisa. A graduate breakfast was held filled two weeks of Vacation
in their honor on Sunday morning, Bible School has begun. We
and Bro. Ryan Bertsch preached
look forward to the night of the
the morning service. In the Spirit, program to hear testimony of the
Bro. Ryan read from Isaiah 43 and Spirit’s work in the hearts of His
Daniel 3. The message was clear
and convicting as he delivered
As a church body, we are
the story of the uncompromising
reminded to be in constant
faith of Shadrach, Meshach,
prayer for one another. Sis. Susan
Abednego, and Daniel. These men Maynard was hospitalized briefly
were young, were tested, and were for an illness; our Bro. Dan Jr.
July 2014
Lantz (Sis. Charlene) for doubleknee replacement surgery; and
our Sis. Dorothy Kipfer (Bro. Jay)
for surgery. Our prayers continue
for them all as recovery and
rehabilitation progress.
Indiana, Francesville
Jacki Huber
Mildred Clauss
“There are two freedoms, the
false where one is free to do what
he likes, and the true where he
is free to do what he ought”. (C.
It’s that time of the year when
the freedoms we still enjoy in
this country come into focus;
and truly we are blessed!! Great
sacrifices have been made in years
past to ensure the freedom that
is ours today. In like manner
the “true freedom” that we have
in Christ is ours because of the
supreme sacrifice of our Lord and
Savior. (John 8:36) Let’s be truly
Bro. Jonathon Pelsy (Bro.
Roger & Sis. Lily) is spending
the summer months in Zambia
working with “Lifesong for
Orphans” in that area. We pray
the Lord will protect him and
bless his labors in that project.
Our dear Ron Osborne passed
away after he had undergone open
heart surgery. He will be missed in
our congregation.
Indiana, Indianapolis
Gail Bradford
Sandy Lichtle
On a Friday evening, 78
children presented energetic songs
and scripture recitations as they
demonstrated what they learned
during vacation Bible school.
Around the theme “Gangway to
Galilee”, the young people clearly
showed in word, song and actions
that they understand what Jesus
first taught His disciples and now
teaches us. A key verse was “Lead
me in your truth and teach me, for
you are the God of my salvation;
for you I wait all the day long.”
Psalm 25:5.
Three young people are
graduating from high school
this year: Austin Wuethrich,
Justin Lichtle and Bro. Zachary
Baumgartner. As we enjoyed
the happy celebrations, we want
them to know how much they are
cherished by their own families,
and also by their extended church
family. Our fervent prayers will
follow them as they embark on a
new phase of their lives.
We appreciated the
visiting ministers who came to
Indianapolis: Bro. Jeff Neihouser
(Sis. Sue, Morton, IL), Elder Bro.
Steve Ringger (Sis. Myra, Bluffton
North, IN) and Bro. Tom
Schambach (Sis. Connie, Elgin,
We welcomed many guests
on a recent Sunday as an
Apostolic Christian Adoptive
Family Gathering took place in
Indianapolis. Our city’s nickname
is “Crossroads of America” and
while that may be an exaggeration,
we always feel blessed when those
passing through take the time to
worship with us.
We remember Sis. Nancy
Pfeifer (Bro. Glen) in the passing
of her mother, Martha Roth. It
is a reminder of how we should
acknowledge the benefit of
knowing those faithful “senior”
brothers and sisters among us.
In fact, we should tell them how
much we appreciate them!
We are progressing through a
challenging and useful Bible study
series “Grasping Truth through a
Biblical Worldview,” led by Bro.
Eric Strassheim (Sis. Jodi). It has
generated lively discussion and
encouraged us to dig deeper into
the Word.
Our church said farewell to
Bro. Mitch, Sis. Anna, Liam and
Wyatt Schlatter who moved to
Leo, IN. We are grateful for the
blessed tie that binds Christians
together, no matter whether they
are - close by or far away.
Indiana, Lacrosse
Betsy Virkler
Meagan Frank
“Grace be with you, mercy, and
peace, from God the Father, and
from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son
of the Father, in truth and love.”
2 John 1:3
What a beautiful picture of
love is our heavenly Father! As we
remember the special men in our
lives this Father’s Day, we can be
thankful, not only for their love
and example, but for the ultimate
sacrifice of a Father who allowed
His child to suffer and die so that
no one need be fatherless.
“A Heavenly Vision” was the
theme for our Vacation Bible
School week. On Monday night,
Bro. Scott Schafer (Sis. Gigi,
South Bend, IN) presented the
topic “Who am I? How does God
see me?”. Wednesday night the
topic “Your Worldview and what
shapes it” was given by Bro. Craig
Stickling (Sis. Jackie, Peoria, IL).
Bro. Jeremiah Psinas (Morton, IL)
presented “Living with a Heavenly
Vision” on Friday night. We
were enlightened, convicted, and
encouraged each night and heartily
thank these brothers for giving of
themselves. We also thank our
Sunday School Teachers for their
efforts in lessons and crafts for the
children, and the sisters who served
delicious lunches every evening.
On two different occasions we
were blessed to have visitors for
Wednesday evening services. We
send our love and appreciation to
ministering Bros. Kevin Fehr (Sis.
Lonnie, West Bend, IA) and Joe
Gerst (Sis. Connie, Iowa City, IA)
for their labors.
We congratulate our one
graduate, Sis. Mindy Wettstein
(Bro. Mark & Sis. Karen), and pray
for her as she looks to the future.
Bro. Tom & Sis. LuAnn Troxel
rejoice in the engagement of their
son, Bro. Ned Troxel (Detroit,
MI), to Sis. Alyssa Eisenmann
(Bro. John & Sis. Trudy, Bluffton).
We pray for this dear couple and
look forward to them visiting their
LaCrosse family!
While we rejoice with those
who rejoice, we also weep with
those who weep. Our ministering
Bro. Mark Wettstein recently lost
his grandparents, Bro. David &
Sis. Mary Kaeb of Fairbury, IL,
one after the other. We pray for
Bro. Mark, his wife, Sis. Karen,
and their family during this
time. Our prayers are also with
the family of Bro. Eric & Sis.
Bobbi Ann Heinold as Sis. Bobbi’s
grandpa, Bro. Bob Gerber (Sis.
Evie, Bluffton) recently passed
Bro. Ed Frank was hospitalized
after a fall and is now in a nearby
nursing home for rehabilitation.
We pray God will give him
strength and healing.
Our church family was blessed
to come together this month for
our annual church cleaning. The
trustees thank all those who
participated for their efforts.
While it is a lot of hard work,
we are thankful to care for the
house of God, and to enjoy good
fellowship while doing so!
it such a blessing when we as a
denomination can rally behind our
converts in the spirit of unity and
This also seems to be the
season for various graduations.
According to my current tally,
recent graduates include the
following: Miranda Maibach,
Jenna Reimschisel, Hunter
Schrock, Gavin Fritz, Kendall
Rager, Courtney Kilgus, Raquel
Sauder, Jacob Scheitlin, Caleb
Stieglitz, and Jonathan Stoller.
In addition, this seems to be a
good opportunity to catch up on a
back-log of visiting ministers from
the past few months, including
the following: Elder Bro. Mark
Bahr (Detroit); Bro. Clint Beyer
(Sabetha); Bro. Walt Rager
(Toledo); Bro. Dale Zeltwanger
(Morris North); Bro. Gary
Maibach (Smithville); Bro. Mark
Indiana, Leo
Ramsier (Sardis); Bro. Brian Huber
Kirby Reutter
(Francesville); Bro. Bill Waibel
Every month it’s the same basic (Bay City); Elder Bro. John Jackson
sequence: First, I feel like a dry
(Bay City); Elder Bro. Tom Klotzle
well. I have nothing to write. Then (Altadena); and Bro. Jeff Leman
I plead for something worthwhile (Bluffton North). There’s a high
that will cause minimal offense.
probability that I may have missed
Then I open my inbox. Then I
some names. If that’s the case,
don’t know where to start. And
please come back, preach again,
then I don’t know where to stop.
and check in with the local Silver
The highlight in Leo this
Lining reporter!
month included five testimonies
I also heard a report that
followed by five baptisms for the
Bro. Duane Reutter (my father;
following five converts: Braden
Rockville) was recently in Leo on
Beyer, Jenna Reimschisel, Hudson a Wednesday night, but instead
Schrock, Hunter Schrock,
of taking the pulpit, he spent the
and Morgan Stoller. At least
entire service trying to contain
16 greetings were offered on
three unruly grand boys from the
Sunday morning, ranging from
back bench. According to one
Bloomington to Eureka. Isn’t
source, Bro. Duane would have
July 2014
received less of a workout if he had
simply gone to the pulpit.
According to one church
announcement, the following
loved ones were called to serve
in Sunday School: Sis. Danielle
Sauder, Sis. Nicole Drayer, Sis.
Kristy Kaeb, Bro. Chad Kaeb, and
Bro. Mark Maibach. According to another church
announcement, Bro. Ben and
Sis. Alissa Gerber are moving to
Lafayette. Our Bro. Ben issued
the following farewell address: “As
only God can do, He has been
moving in our hearts and opened
the doors to lead us to where we
are going. At this point we are
ready to go, but we’re not ready to
leave. Leo has been our home for
the past 1.5 years and my home for
the past 7 years. Today will be our
last Sunday in Leo church. Words
cannot describe how thankful
I am for you being my support
system for those past years and
accepting Alissa and I as part of
the church family. Thank you for
your friendships and love, we will
carry them throughout our lives.
We pray that you continue to bless
others as the body of Christ.”
Another church
announcement encouraged us to
“please welcome Bro. Mitch and
Sis. Anna Schlatter to Leo. They
have recently moved here from
Indianapolis. Their children are
Liam (4) and Wyatt (2).” I have read that the angels in
heaven rejoice over one sinner that
repents. I can assure you that the
Gateway staff members (although
we are far from angels) also rejoice
over one couple that accepts the
call to serve in this ministry. Our
Bro. Clint Plattner recently made
the following proclamation: “I
am excited to announce that Bro.
Todd and Sis. Kara Strahm from
Sabetha have accepted the position
of Alternate House Parents. They
plan to relocate to Leo some time
in July. Todd was born and raised
in Kansas. Kara is originally from
Oregon. They have a 2-year old
Within seconds of this
announcement, Gateway staff
members from all over campus
broke into cries of jubilation:
“Thanks for praying for new staff!
Please praise God! Thanks for
your diligent work to make this
happen! Continue to be prayerful
for Bro. Todd and Sis. Kara and
their family as they make their
transition! Very excited! Looking
forward to having them a part of
our team! Amen! God is good!”
Indiana, Milford
Jodi Beer
Minnie Beer
On April 23, Doral Haab
passed from this life. He left
behind two daughters: Charlene
and Francis, one son, Dan, six
grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.
Hospital patients this month
Sis. Dorothy Steffen (Bro. Walt)
and Bro. Matthew Pamer (Sis.
Karen). Thanks to God they are
both improving.
Colin Beer (Sam) had a sports
injury requiring surgery. With
time we are hopeful he too will
have a full recovery.
“How then shall they call on him
in whom they have not believed?
and how shall they believe in him of
whom they have not heard? and how
shall they hear without a preacher.”
Romans 10:14
Several months ago, the
church was instructed to be
prayerful concerning help on
our pulpit. God was good on a
Wednesday evening our Elder Bro.
Bill Schlatter (Sis. Emily, Junction,
OH) revealed to us that
Bro. Regg Beer (Sis. Bev) was
chosen. We will keep Bro. Regg
and Sis. Bev in our prayers. God is
faithful to help in every situation.
Mother’s Day was celebrated
this month. May we never forget
to thank our God for our mothers.
Our church rejoiced to have
a baptism weekend May 31 and
June 1. We are thankful for our
new sister and brother in Christ:
Sis. Anne Beer (Bro. Randy and
Sis. Deb) and Bro. Ryan Schlipf
(Bro. Rich & Sis. Kathy). We pray
that God will richly bless them.
We are also thankful the weekend
brought visiting ministers: Our
Elder Bro. Bill Schlatter (Sis.
Emily, Junction), Bro. Daren Metz
(Sis. Rita, Gridley), and Bro. Chris
Laukhuf (Sis. Rachel, Latty).
We had a blessed week of
VBS. Our theme was “Pursuing
Godliness in Our Daily Lives.”
• Bro. Dan Pfister (Bluffton
North, IN) -“The Potter and
the Clay”
• Bro. Brad Metz (Bloomington,
IL) – “Making Decisions
Using the Bible”
• Bro. Chad Huber (Francesville,
IN) – “Who Am I When No
One Is Looking?”
• Bro. Ed Sauder (Roanoke, IL)
– “Why the A.C. Church in
We thank these visiting
ministers and their wives for
coming and speaking God’s Word.
Bro. Lee Beer (Sis. Sandy), Sis.
Linda Wuthrich (Bro. Stan) and
Sis. Dorothy Steffen (Bro. Walt)
have spent time in the hospital and
our prayers have been with them.
In addition to the ministers, we’d
like to thank all the teachers and
students for all the effort and
enthusiasm each one brought to
our VBS week. We trust God to
water each seed that was planted
in each young heart and look
forward to the fruit that we can be
confident will be brought forth in
due time!
Sis. Jessalyn Strahm from Bern,
KS will be spending a few months
here in Remington completing
an internship this summer. We
are glad to welcome Sis. Jessalyn
Indiana, Remington
and will enjoy her fellowship as
Jenni Honegger
she pursues her education. She is
staying with Bro. Bruce and Sis.
Marcella Tyler
We had the blessed
Jody Waibel. We also welcome Bro.
opportunity to welcome many
Micah Zehr from Fairbury, IL.
visiting ministers this month!
His stay in Remington will be a bit
Some were with us for a Sunday
more permanent than Sis. Jessalyn’s
and some were with us for our
as he has recently accepted
Vacation Bible School week. We
employment in and relocated to
are thankful for each one: Bro.
Remington. We are thankful for
Ed Fritz from Washington, IL;
Bro. Micah’s fellowship as well and
Bro. Ned Stoller (Sis. Heidi) from look forward to his contribution to
Alto, MI; Bro. Tim Wiegand (Sis. our congregation.
Christa) from Leo, IN; Bro. Daron
We praise God that He spared
Price (Sis. Monica) from Milford, Sierra Reyes (Megan Reyes of
IN; Bro. David Eisenmann (Sis.
Lafayette and Rick Reyes of
Jackie) from Champaign, IL; and Wisconsin) and her friend from
Bro. Les Kaeb (Sis. Christine) from a very serious car accident on the
Francesville, IN.
day of her high school graduation.
Our VBS theme this year was May the Lord continue to watch
“Culture or Christ?”. We were
over Sierra and may she realize and
encouraged to closely examine
respond to His plan and His love
all the influences in our lives and
for her.
whether or not their message
We ask for your continued
conforms to the Truth of the
prayers for Sis. Marge Pitman as
Word. We so appreciated the
she has recently spent another few
message to remain firm in our
days in the hospital before coming
commitment to believe Christ
back home again.
over the deception of the world.
We would ask for your prayers
for Bro. Harold Waibel (Sis. Arleta)
and Bro. Gene Waibel (Sis. Diane)
in the death of their sister-in-law,
Audrey Waibel (James). May the
Lord comfort each one in their
Indiana, South Bend
Joshua Martinez
“He will swallow up death in
victory; and the Lord GOD will
wipe away tears from off all faces;
and the rebuke of his people shall he
take away from off all the earth: for
the LORD hath spoken it.”
Isaiah 25:8
We want to express our love
and sympathy to Arlene Kaehr,
whose beloved husband, Bob, is
safe in the arms of Jesus. We will
miss Bob and celebrate his loving
spirit, faith and joy.
Our children enjoyed a time
of blessing and instruction at
Milford’s VBS. We thank all those
who served our little ones.
May the Lord bless Bro. Brian
Huber (Sis. Jacki, Francesville, IN)
for his service from the pulpit.
“The grace of the Lord Jesus
Christ, and the love of God, and the
communion of the Holy Ghost, be
with you all. Amen.” 2 Cor. 13:14
Indiana, Valparaiso
Marguerite Hoerr
Sherry Meiss
A heartfelt thank you to our
Elder Bro. Dan Kilgus (Sis. Jenna,
Remington) and Elder Bro. Ted
Steffen (Sis. Sandy, Alto, MI)
and family helping serve Holy
Communion. It is through Christ’s
body and blood that brings us
July 2014
together as one body in Christ,
united by the blood. We must
always remember what Christ did
for us. This gives us hope.
Our Sis. Latoya Thomas
(daughter of ministering Bro.
Mike and Sis. Claudia) has
graduated from college this year.
That went by so fast, well for us it
did maybe, not so much for her.
May God bless all of our young
people that have graduated from
either high school or college this
year. We ask that He be ever
present in their lives guiding them
on the path that He has chosen for
them. May they keep their hearts
open to Gods direction. Jesus said,
I am the way the Truth and the
Life. Follow me, I will lead you
along paths of newness: ways you
have never imagined.
Psalm 68:5 “A Father to the
Fatherless and a judge of the widows
is God in his holy habitation.”
God created Man in His own
image. Oh thanks be to God for
that creation of man and to those
who reflect His image. Praise God
for being the Father to us all.
It is so good to have our snow
birds back with us again. The
pews are fuller and the singing
filled with joy. How sweetly
their love fills our hearts and
to see their smiles fill our souls.
Fellowship with each other is such
an important part of a Christian’s
life. We feed each other spiritually,
which encourages us to continue
on His righteous path. Thanks be
to God for all of His blessings.
Please keep those in need and
each other in your prayers at all
times. He doesn’t expect us to be
perfect, but He does expect us to
be persistent. To follow Him, just
turn right and go straight.
All are welcome to come visit
or stay! We are just south of U.S
Hwy 30 on IN State Road 49.
Indiana, West Lafayette
Andrea Furrer
Greetings from West
Lafayette! Now that summer is
upon us, God has been working
in wonderful ways in our
congregation. We would like
to recognize our graduates for
the school year. Sydney Leman,
daughter of Bro. and Sis. Randy
and Mara Leman and Kendall
Walder, son of Bro. and Sis.
Rustin and Darlene Walder were
our two graduates this year. We
pray the very best for them as they
begin this new chapter.
We also rejoiced in the
wedding of Sis. Katie Widmer,
daughter of Bro. and Sis. Neal and
Kris Widmer and Bro. Matthew
Gerber, son of Bro. and Sis. Gene
and Becky Gerber from Bluffton.
It was a very blessed Sunday,
watching two souls become united
as one.
We are welcoming a new
couple to our congregation
this month, Bro. and Sis. Ben
and Alyssa Gerber from Leo
have moved here and will be
worshipping with us. We are so
thankful to have them here!
We praise God for all He has
done for our church.
Indiana, Wolcott
Michelle Earney
Beckie Lehman
The school year has come to
a close and summer has begun
in earnest. We congratulate all of
our graduates. Our High School
graduates this year are Angie
Furrer (Bro. Troy and Sis. Lisa),
Tyler and Michaela Blanding
(Michael and Sis. Melissa), Amber
Bahler (Bro. Mike and Sis. Jody),
Ane Hoestmalingen (exchange
student of Bro. Mike and Sis.
Jody Bahler), and Bro. Kaleb
Wagenbach (Bro. Michael and
Sis. Erica). We also celebrate with
Hannah Bahler (Bro. Jeff and
Sis. Heidi) who graduated from
college. Our prayers go with these
graduates as they begin a new
chapter in their lives.
We are thankful for brothers
who come and share the Word.
This past month we were blessed
to have Bro. Ron Isch (Sis. Jane,
Lamont-Gridley, KS) visit, as well
as Bro. Brian Waibel (Sis. Wendy,
Champaign, IL) who shared a
Bible topic.
We rejoice with Bro. Bruce
and Sis. Pam Furrer who
welcomed their first grandchild
into their family. Kelsey Ann was
born to Bro. Trent and Sis. Katie
Bahler (Remington).
Congratulations to Joseph and
Katie Watkins (Bro. Tim and Sis.
Rachel Schwab) who were married
this month. We rejoice with Bro.
John and Sis. Tamara Lehman
(Hofstetter) who were married.
Our prayers and thoughts go to
both of these couples as they begin
their lives together.
Our children enjoyed a full
week of Vacation Bible School
activities this past month. It is a
busy time for the church and such
a blessing to the students who
gather to hear Bible stories and
sing praise to God. Our thanks go
to the ministers who traveled to
share the Word with the Bible class
and congregation each night. This
year we enjoyed listening to Bros.
Ned Stoller (Alto, MI), Les Kaeb
(Francesville, IN), Tim Wiegand
(Leo, IN), Daron Price (Milford,
IN) and David Eisenmann
(Champaign, IL).
Two of our dear sisters were
hospitalized this past month. Sis.
Marge Hofstetter and Sis. Nancy
Christopher are both recuperating
after hospital stays. Our prayers
are with them that they can be
encouraged and strengthened every
Our sympathy goes out to
Bro. Bob Gerber (Sis. LuAnn) and
his family as they laid his father,
Bro. Bob Gerber Sr., to rest. Sis.
Erica Blume (Bro. Brent) also
said farewell to her grandmother,
Sis. Vera Laukhof (Latty, OH).
May God bless each of them with
comfort that only He can give.
things. Bro. Mike Grimm (Sis.
Amber, Goodfield) and Bro. Virgil
Metzger (Sis. Mary, Chicago)
shared our pulpit together. The
services ended with these questions
laid to our hearts. What are we
portraying to others? Are we lined
up with the Word of God? Are we
in the will of God?
The next weekend, Bro. Kevin
Fehr (Sis. Lonnie, West Bend)
labored on our behalf. We again
were richly feed through the power
of the Holy Spirit. May God richly
bless them for coming.
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as
your Father which is in heaven is
perfect.” Matthew 5:48.
When we moved here on July 4
(28 years ago) from Elgin, IL, our
Elder Bro. Nathan Steffen told us
to just love everyone. What good
advice for all of us to remember.
We extend our sympathy to
Sis. Marilyn Anderson for the loss
of her brother, Lewis Frank. May
God comfort her and all his family.
Bro. Gary and Sis. Melody
Schulz (and the late Sis. Karen)
welcomed a very tiny new
grandson, Garret John Dotterer,
into their family circle. They
have made several trips to visit
him in Iowa City hospital where
he is residing at present, but we
are thankful for his continued
improvement. Garret’s parents are
Tim and Laurie (Schulz) Dotterer
of Bloomfield, IA.
Iowa, Elgin
Maria Rocke
Marin Noelle Benson was born
April 21 to Nick & Meg Benson
(Clermont, IA). Her maternal
grandparents are Bro. Tim and Sis.
Kathy Butikofer. Marin joins her
Iowa, Burlington
siblings, Noah and Maribelle.
Ivy Steiner
Bro. Doug & Sis. Trisha Rocke
we blessed with a baby girl May
Monica Eisenmann
We are thankful for our
29. Lena Marie joins her siblings
visiting ministers this past
Eli, Emma and Nelson. She is the
month: Elder Bro. Ted Witzig,
granddaughter of Sis. Kathy Rocke
Sr. (Morton, IL) and Bros. Joe
(Tremont, IL) and Bro. Keith &
Gerst (Iowa City, IA) and Jerry
Sis. Ida Kellenberger (Bradford,
Wagenbach (Oakville-Mediapolis, IL).
IA). We appreciated it very much.
Another little girl, Lillian Rose
On June 8, we had our annual Johnson, was born May 30 to
Iowa, Bloomfield
Sunday School picnic at Perkins
Jesse & Molly (Marion, IA). She
Teresa Schock
Park. The weather was wonderful
joins her big sister, Ayla. Lillian’s
We extend our sympathy to Sis. and it was a blessed evening. That maternal grandparents are Albert
Mary Jane Knapp (Bro. Harold).
same afternoon was our Sunday
& Trudy Hanson.
Her brother-in-law, Bro. Maury
School election. Bro. Seth Hartter
Titus Kenton Getz was born
Crawford (Sis. Joyce, Eureka) has and Sis. Monica Eisenmann were
June 16 to Bro. Kent & Sis.
gone to that blest eternity.
chosen to teach our children. Our Betty. Happy to welcome home
June 1, we heard that love and thanks to the outgoing teachers for baby Titus were siblings: Tierra,
peace are greater than temporal
all their efforts.
Oren, Bahlor, Levi, Silas, Joel and
July 2014
Emily. Bro. Al & Sis. LaVerne
Butikofer and Bro. Allan & Sis.
Nathalia Getz (Eureka, IL) are his
We’re thankful Bro. Dale
Moore is now home recovering
from surgery. Bro. Bert Butikofer
is currently in the hospital. May
God grant strength and healing as
He wills.
Iowa, Garden Grove
Laura Funk
Greetings from south central
Iowa. We are experiencing a wet
spring. Some farmers don’t have
their beans planted yet. We trust
God’s perfect plan.
Welcoming a precious
bundle is Bro. Vern and Sis. Boni
Hostetler. Elli J was born May 5.
Ethan and Lili are giving her lots
of hugs and kisses.
Serving us Holy Communion
were Elder Bro. Randy
Kellenberger (Kansas City, MO)
and Elder Bro. Doug Schock
(Bloomfield, IA). “To break Thy
bread we now have gathered, In
covenant to drink Thy wine; As
brethren we unite together, That
unto death we might be Thine.
This promise we, with heart and
will; Give grace our promise to
fulfill” Hymns of Zion #25 vs 2.
Also visiting our congregation
was Bro. Matt Steffen (Princeville,
IL). We truly appreciate our
As we celebrated Father’s Day,
I had to stop and think, What if
our father’s had not preserved the
brotherhood for us. Are we doing
the same for the next generation?
Iowa, Iowa City
Diana Butikofer
Bro. Tim Lehman (Sis.
Amber, Taylor, MO), and Bro.
Bob Beebe (Sis. Sue, South Bend,
IN) were our visiting ministers
this month. We appreciate their
service for us and pray the Lord
will bless them.
Bro. Kris, Sis. Dixie, Hadley,
and Bailey Messner welcomed
Kolter Kristopher into their
family on May 29. Because
of complications, Kolter has
remained hospitalized since birth,
but the family is hoping he can
be home by the end of June.
We continue to pray for all of
them, trusting God will continue
Kolter’s growth and development.
As the time for the
Brotherhood Conference nears,
we especially pray God will give
our elder brothers wisdom and
His love and that we can be
fellowhelpers to the truth (3 John
Iowa, Lester
Audrey Metzger
Joyce Moser
“There shall be showers of
blessings, this is the promise
of love; there shall be seasons
refreshing, sent from the Savior
Gospel Hymns #315
Our area has received
abundant rain showers over the
past weeks. We certainly feel the
blessings of our Heavenly Father.
In the church, we have been richly
blessed with a new Brother and
Sister, Kendra Ver Beek (Tim and
Sis. Becky) and Chad Knoblock
(Bro. Troy and Sis. Donna). Their
provings and baptisms were the
weekend of May 31 and June
1. We certainly appreciated the
labors of our Elder Bro. Doug
Schock (Bloomfield, IA) as he
travelled here to assist our Elder
Bro. Rod. There is no higher
standing than to be a child of
Our sympathy is extended
to Tim and Sis. Becky Ver Beek
in the passing of Tim’s mother,
Margaret Ver Beek. May the Lord
comfort them in this time of
Our hospital patients were
Bro. Tom (Sis. Deb) Metzger,
Sis. Esty Metzger, and Sis. Barb
(Bro. Alfred) Reutter. We are
thankful they are all recovering
well at this point. Our Bro. Vern
(Sis. Chalea) Knobloch is going to
Rochester, MN for several weeks
of treatment. Also, Brad (Sis.
Linda) Klostergaard is in Phoenix,
AZ for several weeks of out-patient
treatment. Our prayers ascend
to our Father to watch over and
provide for these families while
their loved ones undergo treatment
and that they can be healed,
according to the Lord’s will.
We want to wish Bro. Nate
and Sis. Ashley Knobloch God’s
richest blessings as they leave our
congregation and move to the
Morris, MN area. We will miss
them here, but know the Morris,
MN brethren will be thankful for
their presence.
Iowa, Oakville-Mediapolis Iowa, West Bend
Sharla Wiegand
We rejoice with Sis. Wendy
Wettstein (Bro. Roger and Sis. June
Schulz, Burlington, IA) and Bro.
Tim Ringger (Bro. Bill and Sis.
Karen, Bradford, IL) as they were
united June 1 in holy matrimony.
May God bestow upon them His
richest blessings.
Our congregation was blessed
with many visiting ministers: Bro.
Aaron Frank (Elgin, IA), Elder
Bro. Bruce Endress and Bro. Gary
Endress (Bradford), Bro. Bill
Wettstein and Bro. John Cottrell
(Eureka, IL), Bro. Ron Isch
(Lamont-Gridley, KS), and Bro.
Phil Schulz (Burlington, IA).
Our thanks to Bro. Ron
Lanz, Bro. Aaron Schmidgall, Sis.
Carly Wagenbach and Sis. Monti
Wagenbach who spent many hours
teaching our children in Sunday
School. May God bless them for
the term they have fulfilled. May
He also grant much grace to Bro.
Dave Lanz, Bro. Randy Steiner,
Sis. Kaylee Lanz and Sis. Sharla
Wiegand as they begin their duties
this fall in teaching our precious
young ones.
Bro. Kyle and Sis. Deanna
Wagenbach were blessed with
a baby girl, Kya Kay, on June
12. Welcoming Kya home are
Callie, Koyton and Brayton.
Grandparents are Bro. Jerry and
Sis. Bonnie Wagenbach, Jr. and
Bro. Ken and Sis. Janet Lanz.
We extend our sympathy and
love to Sis. Edith Schrock in the
recent passing of her daughter
Debra Fountain on June 6.
Yvonne Bruellman
Becky Virkler
Palm Sunday weekend was
very encouraging and uplifting for
the West Bend church. Elder Bro.
David Graf (Sis. Barbara, Akron,
OH) assisted in the testimony and
baptism of Kurt Banwart (Bro.
Kent and Sis. Beth). We welcome
Bro. Kurt into our brotherhood.
“Depart from evil, and do good;
seek peace, and pursue it.”
Psalm 34:14
“Sing unto the Lord, O ye
saints of his, and give thanks at
the remembrance of his holiness.”
Psalm 30:4 On Sunday of the same
weekend, our high school students
presented our annual program of
Easter hymn singing. May God
bless the students for the beautiful
praises expressed in song.
Palm Sunday evening, the
brothers and sisters gathered
together to share Holy
Communion. Again, Elder Bro.
Dave Graf assisted Elder Bro.
Wayne Grimm. It is good to pause
and be reminded of the suffering,
shedding of blood, and death our
Savior endured for the saving of
each soul. How blest we are to be
part of this plan of salvation.
Our prayers of healing are with
Sis. Carole (Bro. Larry) Fehr, Sis.
Madeline Banwart, Sis. Rosene
Grimm, and Sis. Darlene Metzger.
May we be willing to accept God’s
“To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under
the heaven.” Eccl. 3:1
Our sympathy and prayers are
extended to Sis. Joyce Banwart and
Sis. Lucille (Bro. Dwaine) Schmidt
in the loss of their sister, Lydia Jean
Payne from Bloomfield, IA. We
also send our sympathy and prayers
to Jerry and Joy Metzger in the loss
of Joy’s mother, Lois Zimmerman.
May God’s nearness be felt.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.”
Psalm 119:105
As we rejoice with our high
school graduates, we also have a
fervent prayer that they will use
God’s Word for a light upon their
path. Our prayers and wish for
God’s blessings are extended to
graduates: Ryan Banwart (Bro.
Kevin and Sis. Sandy), Bro. Evan
Fehr (Bro. Byron and Sis. Anita),
Nathan Grimm (Bro. Jordon
and Sis. Ann), Andrea Knobloch
(Bro. Jim and Sis. Sandy), Braden
Knobloch (Bro. Cameron and Sis.
Tamara), Calla Knobloch (Bro.
Denton and Sis. Rose), Ashley
Schmidt (Bro. Frank and Sis.
Dawn ) and Portlind Schmidt
(Bro. Neal and Sis. Angela).
We were blessed to have Bro.
Tom Lanz (Sis. Mary, OakvilleMediapolis, IA) and Bro. Jim
Butikofer (Sis. Diana, Iowa City,
IA) share God’s Word. May God
bless their labors for the Lord.
Our prayers of healing are with
Bro. Ken (Sis. Ellen) Dahlhauser
who had a short hospital stay.
Our sympathy and prayers
are extended to Dave and Cheryl
Morrow in the loss of Dave’s
mother, Beulah Morrow. May they
feel God’s nearness.
We are always thankful for
July 2014
our visitors and among them were
Bro. Leland Plattner (Sis. Mary,
Zapata, TX) to share God’s Word.
On the weekend of June 7 and
8, our Bible Classes attended the
annual youth fellowship weekend
in Morris. We thank God for His
guiding and protecting hand and
to the Morris congregation for
hosting this event for our youth.
Japan, Tokyo
Marie Inoue
Even though the rainy season
is here, we enjoy intermittent days
of lovely sunshine. The rain is so
necessary for the rice crop and also
orchards and vegetable gardens.
We were very thankful for
many visitors this month. Our
first visitor was Sara Grace (Grace
is last name) who is doing a 10week internship here in Tokyo.
She was born in Sendai, Japan
and attends Butler Univ. in Indy.
We enjoy her and are thankful for
those who invited her to church.
She mentioned her mother was
praying that she could find a
Bro. Jim and Sis. Rachel
Sauder and four adopted children
(Tremont, IL) were a great joy to
us. Bro. Jim was helpful in our
afternoon services. He is a brother
to Sis. Carrie Ito. Bro. Akihiro
was our visiting minister that day
also. It is always special when their
family comes to be with us.
Next was a visiting minister,
Bro. Bob Dotterer, Sardis, OH.
He was in Korea on business
and stopped over in Japan just to
visit us. He taught us of David, a
man after God’s own heart. One
of the main reasons he has this
title is probably because he was
so patient. In the afternoon Bro.
Bob spoke of serving the Lord by
helping others. Someone asked
him about his own church at
Sardis. He told us of some of the
World Relief projects and local
work the whole church participates
in to be helpful to others. He
brought the greetings of dear Bro.
Matt Brake and his wife. Bro.
Matt lived in Japan for 6 months
some time ago. We thank the Lord
for Bro. Bob’s visit.
During the week we enjoyed
two brethren from Francesville,
IN: Bro. Doug Leman and Bro.
Harvey Bob Gutwein. They
came as part of a group of 44
farm-related men from Indiana
who visited Tochigi-Ken, a sister
prefecture of Indiana. As we
were introduced to the rest of the
group, this group of men and their
guide commented that Bros. Doug
and Harvey Bob were good men.
Wherever we are, our lives are
observed by others, and it doesn’t
take long for them to find out the
source of our joy and contentment.
Every month we have a ladies’
meeting for those in the area
who enjoy hearing a Bible lesson
and doing World Relief, greeting
cards, English, or some activity
together. This month we had the
special privilege of connecting
with Bro. Elmer and Sis. Marjorie
Witzig, Gridley, IL, via skype, and
listening to them as they shared
Bible verses that have been helpful
to them. They commented how
the Lord has been their guide
and stay through the many years.
They are both in their 90’s, and
grandparents of Sis. Anna Inoue.
Bro. Elmer had a prayer as we
finished. We thank our own Sis.
Haruyo Onoda for interpreting
during this session, and also others
of our own church who interpret
pulpit and Bible class messages so
all can understand.
We heartily thank all efforts
made by the visitors to attend our
church or meet with us. We have
a special fellowship that spans the
ocean, blessed by our dear Lord.
Kansas, Bern
Jill Meyer
Rita Menold
Greetings of love! We trust
that each of you are enjoying the
summer months! We invite anyone
traveling through the area for
vacation to stop and worship with
We appreciate Bro. Roger
Aberle (Sis. LaVonne, Sabetha,
KS) and Bro. Jeff Bahler
(Sis. Heidi, Wolcott, IN) for
ministering the Word.
We are rejoicing with Kristin
Rokey (Bro. Todd and Sis. Sheila)
as her heart has been pricked
and she has answered the call of
Prayers for healing are with
Sis. Claudia Strahm (Bro. Wayne)
as she underwent back surgery
this past month. Bro. Leroy Meyer
(Sis. Helen) also spent some time
in the hospital doing tests.
Keithen Meyer (Bro. Duane
and Sis. Holly) and Valerie Hecht
(Bob and Connie; Bern, KS) were
united in marriage on May 31
and are making their new home
in Manhattan, KS. Bro. Jeffrey
Edelman (Bro. Wayne and Sis.
Linda) and Sis. Maria Eisenbise
(Bro. Dave and Sis. Sheri; Sabetha,
KS) were joined as one on June
8. We welcome Sis. Maria to our
church family! We wish both of
these couples God’s guidance and
blessings as they begin their life
We are thrilled with two other
engagements this past month,
also! Bro. Hans Strahm (Bro. Kyle
and Sis. Peggy) was engaged to
Sis. Rachel Edelman (Darin and
Sis. Karen; Sabetha, KS), and Sis.
Olivia Baumgartner (Bro. Jeff and
Sis. Kim) was engaged to Bro.
Micah Pfaffmann (Bro. Robert
and Sis. Lily; Washington, IL).
Our prayer is that God will be
with them as they make plans, not
only for their wedding, but more
importantly for a life together
serving Him!
The week of June 9-13 was
Vacation Bible School. The theme
this year was “Ships of Faith”.
It is such a joy to see the young
children with an eagerness to learn
more of Jesus!
Bro. Leroy and Sis. Helen
Meyer are in our prayers, as well
as their surrounding neighbors, as
they work to clean up and re-build
their farm from tornado damage.
We praise God that no lives were
lost and their home was saved.
There is such power in storms, but
we must continue to trust God in
all things!
Kansas, Fort Scott
him as he journeys on his pathway.
Karen Kellenberger
We would like to thank the
“Train up a child in the way he
visiting ministers this month for
should go and when he is old, he will sharing God’s precious Word and
not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6
teachings. Bro. Larry Bahr (Ft.
The week of June 9 through 13, Scott) and his wife, Sis. Julie, and
Vacation Bible School was offered Bro. Wes Moser (Lester, IA) and
to our youth from preschool
his wife, Sis. Esther, graciously gave
through high school age. A warm of their hearts and time to share
welcome was extended to the
with us.
many visitors that the attendance
We were saddened with the
included. On Sunday afternoon,
passing of Sis. Kathleen Miner
everyone was invited to a picnic
after a long battle with cancer, but
at Gunn Park, which began with
are comforted that she is in the
a worshipful song program by the arms of her Savior, Jesus Christ,
Vacation Bible School children and without pain or suffering.
As I think of our country’s
Kansas, Lamont-Gridley
Independence Day approaching,
Dorene Metzger
the words of James Madison
Even though Memorial
seem worthy of remembrance:
Weekend is behind us, it has
“We have staked the future of
occupied my thoughts and
American civilization not upon
contemplation for some days.
the power of government – far
Memorial Weekend, for some, is a
from it -…(but) upon the capacity long weekend--for others, family
to govern ourselves according
reunions--but for all of us a time
to the Ten Commandments.”
of memorial remembering those
May we fervently lift up our
who gave their lives on the many
leaders and lawmakers in prayer
battlefields of war. It is also a time
as we see our freedoms eroding
to remember our own loved ones
under lax attention to God’s
who have died. Flowers decorate
the graves and thoughts about
the one who is buried in that spot
Kansas, Kiowa
come to all of us. The empty tomb,
Jenny Stewart
though not decorated with flowers,
is a keen reminder to all mankind
Janice Bahr
“Trust in the Lord with all thine
of the love and care that God and
heart; and lean not unto thine own His precious Son have toward you
understanding. In all thy ways
and me. The empty tomb gives us
acknowledge him, and he shall direct wondrous hope in an eternity to
thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5, 6
be spent with God and His Son,
Carter Stewart (Bro. Kelly and Jesus. If that hope is alive in you
Sis. Jenny) is our graduating senior and me, there can be no despair in
this year. May God direct and bless our heart. The tomb is EMPTY-July 2014
our Savior is at the Father’s right
hand where He pleads our cause
and our FAITH will become
SIGHT. And some day, those
graves of our loved ones will also
be empty, when God calls us in
the resurrection. What a sight and
experience that will be!
Memorial Weekend found
Bro. Cory (Sis. Jodi) Metzger and
family with us as they had come
for a Strahm family reunion. He
mentioned that a favorite song of
his is Take My Life, and Let It Be.
Take my life..
Take my hands..
Take my feet..
Take my voice..
Take my silver & my gold..
Take my moments..
Take my will..
Take my heart..
All the above items that are
“ours” should truly be God’s and
for His glory and use.
On June 1, Bro. David (Sis.
Beth) Hartter from Sabetha filled
our pulpit as both of our ministers
and many of the congregation
were gone. How thankful we
are that we can have the Word
preached to us by His willing
June 13 was our annual oneday Bible School. The topic was
“Salt of the Earth”. The children
were introduced to different kinds
and shapes of salt and also tasted
foods that were low in salt as
well as very salty foods. Salt was
determined to be good (to make
food tastier) or bad (too much salt
on the ground doesn’t allow grass
to grow as well as the reminder of
Lot’s wife). But the children were
taught that when we are salt of the
earth (just the right amount), we
will be productive for God as our
light and deeds portray God to
those around us. Tasty homemade
ice cream was made with all the
children having the opportunity
to help hand crank the ice cream
maker (hard work).
They ended the day being
salt of the earth as they filled 100
health kits for World Relief. In
closing, they all sang from the
Children’s Harp as selections came
thick and fast. The rafters rang
with the children and teachers
singing praises to God and smiles
of joy on their faces.
Kansas, Sabetha
Crystal Hartter
Dawn Strahm
“I was glad when they said unto
me, Let us go into the house of the
Lord.” Psalm 122:1
We have had many reasons
to come into the house of God
this month; above all to worship
and praise our Lord. Visiting
ministers were Bros. Jeff Bahr
(Sis. Janice, Kiowa, KS), Edwin
Strahm (Sis. Ramona, Bern,
KS), Brent Kellenberger (Sis.
Beth, Kansas City, MO), John
Baumgartner (Sis. Lori, Bern,
KS), Ron Isch (Sis. Jane, LamontGridley, KS), Merlin Meyer (Sis.
Marilyn, Lester, IA), and Virgil
Metzger (Sis. Mary, Chicago,
IL), as well as Elder Bros. John
Lehman (Sis. Connie, Bern, KS),
Brad Eisenmann (Sis. Cindy,
Chicago, IL), Curt Frank (Sis.
Lyla, LaCrosse, IN), and Doug
Schock (Sis. Clara, Bloomfield,
IA). Thank you for your labors in
God’s vineyard.
On June 8, we witnessed the
wedding of Sis. Maria Eisenbise
(Bro. Dave and Sis. Shari) and
Bro. Jeff Edelman (Bro. Wayne
and Sis. Linda, Bern). On June 15,
Bro. Jed Hartter (Bro. Dave and
Sis. Beth) was united in marriage
to Sis. Whitney Grimm (Bro. Rod
and Sis. Arlene). We wish both of
these couples the blessings of God.
Sis. Rachel Edelman (Darin
and Sis. Karen) is engaged to Bro.
Hans Strahm (Bro. Kyle and Sis.
Peggy, Bern) and Ted Grimm
(Doug and Jeryl Grimm) is
engaged to Miranda Baumgartner
(Bro. Jeff and Sis. Kim, Bern). We
look forward to these weddings in
the near future.
It is a blessing when converts
are ready to bring a testimony
before the church. Elsie Grimm
(Bro. Wayne and Sis. Carrie) has
found peace with God and man.
Bro. Kurt and Sis. Hannah
Grimm welcomed Eli Wilbert
into their family circle. Siblings:
Addison, Marissa, Tyler, Tucker,
and Silas are happy to have a new
brother. Grandparents are Doug
and Jeryl Grimm and Bro. Guy
and Sis. Lynette Koehl (Morris,
A special thank-you to our
Sunday school teachers as another
term comes to an end. Their labors
are also appreciated as they teach
our youth. We enjoyed our annual
Sunday School picnic on May 31.
Note of Thanks:
We wish to express our thanks
for the compassion shown to us
during our recent loss. We greatly
anticipated the birth of Cale, and
when he was stillborn we were
lifted by love and prayers. Not only
did we feel lifted up in prayer, but
the biological family as well. To
God be the glory! Todd, Kara and
Ty Strahm.
Michigan, Alto
Renee Steffen
Shelli Oesch
the love and support lifting them
up in prayer. We want to thank our
visitors for their giving to the Lord
in this duty they’ve been called,
Bro. Matt Steffen (Sis. Deanna,
Princeville), Bro. Fred Witzig, (Sis.
Nancy, Washington), Bro. Myron
Knobloch (Sis. Beth, Lester), Elder
Bro. Lynn Stieglitz (Sis. Leonda,
We so enjoyed and appreciated
the talk Bro. Fred Witzig shared
with us about the history of the
Anabaptist movement.
Precious Lily Mae is welcomed
with open arms and hearts into
Nick, Emily and Emmitt Blough’s
family, as her adoption became
final this past month. Thankful
grandparents, Bro. Jim and Sis.
Julie Blough, share in the joyful
Many from our church family
have been hospitalized this past
month. We seek our Lord’s healing
touch upon each one: Sis. Loretta
Steffen (Bro. Aaron), Elaine
Wingeier (Stan), Bro. Ott Schlatter
(Sis. Pat), Grant Jackson, Mason
Capman, Bro. Curt Kaeb (Sis.
Luanne), Sis. Melva Oesch (Bro.
Joe), and Sis. Shelli Oesch (Bro.
It is so good to see our dear
Bro. Lyman and Sis. Vivian
Feldman home from Florida. Also,
we are so grateful to have Bro.
Curt Kaeb home from his extended
stay in Oklahoma this past winter.
Welcome home!
“As I listened Wednesday night
I heard a voice sing out,
‘God is my refuge and my strength’
He sang without a doubt.
You see this little boy I heard,
He sits beside his dad.
He’s learned to praise our God
With voice that’s full and glad.
My heart was touched as I recalled
This daddy he did too,
Sit beside his ‘ leader’ dad
Singing words of hymns so true.”
May our earthly fathers realize
the impact their actions have on
their children. As children of our
heavenly Father, may we honor and
glorify Him through following the
examples of love and compassion
shown by His only Son.
Continually our cups overflow
with words of Truth brought
to us by the prompting of the
Holy Spirit. Along with our dear
brothers who so humbly stand
before us each week, we were
Note of thanks
blessed to have visiting ministers
To our wonderful church
also bring forth sound doctrine.
May each ministering brother feel
We wish to express our love
and gratitude to each of you
for your prayers, meals, love,
gifts, flowers, cards and support
during this time of surgery and
recovery. We are thankful for
daily improvement and the Lord’s
healing touch. Thank you so much,
Love in Jesus, Loretta and Aaron.
Michigan, Bay City
Sarah Knochel
Many prayers have ascended
to our Heavenly Father in the
past month as many from our
congregation are facing challenging
health issues. We continue to pray
that God will provide for each one
and provide restoration where it is
His will.
We rejoice with Rick and
Sis. Joan Long as their daughter,
Caitlin, was married on June
14 to Csaba Rákász (Budapest,
Hungary). We wish them God’s
richest blessings as they begin their
life together.
Vacation Bible School was
June 16-20. This year’s theme
was Overcoming the Giants
in Our Life. Despite having a
small number in Sunday School,
our VBS was filled with almost
100 students, many from the
community. We are thankful for
this opportunity and the outreach
we can provide to our friends and
neighbors. On Wednesday evening,
Bro. Tim Drayer (Bluffton North,
IN) spoke on Conquering Our
Personal Giants (Fear, Lust &
Pride). Friday evening, Bro.
Fred Funk (Morton, IL) shared
Conquering Our Interpersonal
Giants (Bitterness, a Critical Spirit
July 2014
and Unforgiveness).
“He that overcometh shall inherit
all things; and I will be his God,
and he shall be my son.” Rev. 21:7
We were blessed to have Bro.
Fred and his wife, Sis. Diane, stay
the weekend in Bay City after
Vacation Bible School.
Michigan, Detroit
recovering from surgery related to
her cancer. Helen is the daughter
of our Bro. Abraham and Sis.
Sarah Nolan and is sister to Sis.
Sarah (Bro. Ben) Harmon. It is
a difficult fight that she is going
through but, we’re so thankful
for support that we get from each
other and strength that only the
Lord can give to us.
Manuela Denes
Prayer Request:
“And he said unto them, Go ye
into all the world, and preach the
gospel to every creature.” Mk. 16:15
What an awesome experience
for the Sunday School Bible class
as they traveled to Haiti where
they spent nine days assisting
with the work being done at the
Hospital Lumiere campus. Many
special memories were surely
We are grateful to those
brothers who were able to travel
to Detroit in June and share
the Word. Bro. Fred Witzig of
Washington, IL gave a talk titled
“Church as Community”. Elder
Bro. Steve (Sis. Linda) Gutwein
from Francesville, IN assisted our
Elder Bro. Mark Bahr in sharing
the annual conference letter. We
also thank Bro. Jim Meiss, Austin,
TX for being with us.
Our sympathy goes out to Sis.
Taryn (Bro. Drew) Schumacher
upon the death of her grandfather,
Bro. Carroll Gerber (Sis. Louise)
from Bluffton North, IN.
Although a time of sadness for the
family, we know it is also a time of
rejoicing that he was called home!
We continue to be prayerful
for Helen (Rob) Peirce who is
Dear friends and our family in
the Lord,
As most of you know, about 3
months ago, our daughter, Helen
Nolan Peirce was diagnosed with
a rare type of cervical cancer. She
has finished 3 sets of 3-day chemo
as of May 22, 2014. Next, she
is will undergo a hysterectomy,
which is scheduled for June 25. At
that time, the doctors will perform
a procedure to preserve the eggs.
Dr. Fowler is confident that they
will be successful in collecting
her eggs. Then, as soon as she has
recovered from the surgery, she
will once again be given 3 chemo
treatments in sets of 3. She will
receive 3 days of chemo; recover
for 2 or 3 weeks and then another
set until the third set is done.
We are asking your continuous
prayer support for Helen that she
may be cancer-free and that Rob
and Helen may be able to have
biological children in the future.
Helen is repenting and wants to
get baptized in the near future.
We don’t know the exact date, but
pray for her baptism so that she
may be whole, both spiritually and
physically. We are very thankful
for your prayer support. May the
Lord God bless your life even
more abundantly!
Truly we are debtors of your
love. Abraham and Sarah Nolan
I am reminded of several
verses from James 5:13a; 14-16:
“Is any among you afflicted? Let
him pray. ….Is any sick among
you? Let him call for the elders of
the church; and let them pray over
him, anointing him with oil in the
name of the Lord: And the prayer
of faith shall save the sick, and the
Lord shall raise him up; and if he
have committed sins, they shall be
forgiven him. Confess your faults
one to another, and pray one for
another, that ye may be healed. The
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man availeth much.”
Minnesota, Minneapolis
Brenda Messner
Betty Rassi Lindwall
Braden Stork (Bro. Mark and
Sis. Sandy), Kallianne Mogler
(Bro. Kent and Sis. Mary), and
Bryce Schmidt (Cory and Nickki)
are our High School graduates
this year. As they move forward
into a new phase of their life, their
parents, family, and friends wish
them success and God’s blessings.
Congratulations Class of 2014.
Braden Mogler (Bro. Kent and
Sis. Mary) has graduated from the
UCLA/Drew Medical Education
Program. He will be doing his
residency at UCSF in the San
Francisco General Primary Care
Program. Congratulations Braden!
We are so thankful for visiting
ministers Bro. Darin Massner (Sis.
Twila) from West Bend, IA and
Bro. Jim Koehl (Sis. Hildegard)
from Morris, MN.
(Elder Bro. Dan & Sis. Jenna) from
Remington, IN and Alan Schock
(Elder Bro. Doug & Sis. Clara)
from Bloomfield, IA among us as
Minnesota, Morris
they’re in our area working for the
Amy Ekren
summer months. We also rejoice
with Alan as his peace has been
Heidi Pfaffmann
We had several single groups
announced and he looks forward
from across the land here on
to baptism.
Memorial Day weekend, along
Sis. Marion Moser (Bro. Chris)
with Elder Bro. Jon Schmidgall
was hospitalized this month.
(Sis. Julie, Oakville-Mediapolis,
We’re so thankful she’s out and
IA). We also hosted the annual
doing well. While visiting from
Sunday School Weekend this
Magdalena, Mexico, Fede Figueroa
year for the churches in our area.
Martinez had a very serious
Elder Bros. Rod Bajema (Sis. Sue, farm accident which has left him
Lester, IA), Paul Messner (Sis. Jan, hospitalized in our area. Please
Winthrop, MN), Duane Rocke
pray for him as he goes through
(Minneapolis, MN) and Wayne
therapy and rehabilitation.
Grimm (Sis. Rose, West Bend,
“Trust in the Lord with all thine
IA), and ministering Bro. Clark
heart; and lean not unto thine own
Stoller (Gridley, IL) were with us
understanding. In all thy ways
for that. What a blessing to see the acknowledge him, and he shall direct
youth gathered together; our future thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
As we remember Father’s
“Seeds of goodness we are sowing
Day, we’re so thankful for those
In the hearts of man today. Bless
who have held onto our precious
it Lord, that it may prosper, And
denomination and raised us to
bear fruit for harvest day. Hasten know truth. We just heard what
gladly to the labor. Consecrate to
a big responsibility we have to
God your heart. Say this day unto raise up our children to fear God
your Savior, ‘Lord, I’ ll gladly do
and pass on the truth to the next
my part.’” The Golden Harvest,
Hymns of Zion, #46 vs. 1
Our high school graduates are Minnesota, Morris North
Ross Ascheman (Bro. Tony & Sis. Lois Schmidgall
Peggy), Jordan Sauder (Bro. Verle Wanda Gramm
& Sis. Christa), Kelsy Knobloch
A gospel message for
(Mark & Sis. Brenda) and Sis.
Angela Fehr (Bro. Gary & Sis.
Sandy). We wish them God’s
It was a great blessing to have
nearness as they step into the next the following visiting ministers this
chapter of life.
past month. They included Bro.
We welcome Bro. Stuart Kilgus Doyle Frauhiger (Sis. Jane Bluffton
North, IN), Bro. Jim Koehl (Sis.
Hilde, Morris, MN), and Bro.
Brad Strahm (Sis. Michelle, Bern,
KS). Thank you for your dedicated
service in the LORD.
Mark and Becky Reuter have
expressed they have peace in their
hearts and desire to be baptized.
We pray they feel encouragement
as they walk with the LORD.
“Follow the Son” was the
theme of our VBS this year.
Thank you to everyone who helped
and attended. A blessing was felt
by all.
Bro. Doug and Sis. Dawn
Moser hosted a potluck on Father’s
Day in their renovated family barn.
Such a great fellowship event it
The Annual Senior
Appreciation Breakfast was held
for our high school seniors who
have been a great asset to our
church family. We wish and pray
for God’s abundant blessings
and direction in each of their
lives. They include Sis. Risa Fehr,
Kelsey Knobloch, Paige Schieler,
Sis. Emily Moser, and Shanda
Congratulations to Alan &
Danielle Schmidgall on the birth
of their son, Greysen J., who joins
a proud brother Brayden. We wish
you abundant blessings to your
family at this special time.
Hospital patient this month
was Bro. Mike Howell. Our prayer
for him is for healing and renewed
It has been determined that
we are to seek God’s direction for
additional ministers to serve our
July 2014
congregation. We pray the Holy
Spirit will guide and direct us on
this special spiritual process.
“Search me, O GOD, and know
my heart: try me, and know my
thoughts. And see if there be any
wicked way in me, and lead me in
the way everlasting.”
Ps. 139:23-24.
Our prayer for all.
Minnesota, Winthrop
Lindsay Schmidt
Julie Schmidt
“O brother, life’s journey
With courage and firmness arise;
Look well to the course thou art
Be earnest, be watchful, and wise;
Remember, two paths are before
and both thy attention invite;
But one leadeth onto destruction,
the other to joy and delight.
God help you to follow His
And serve Him wherever you go,
And when you are tempted, my
God give you the grace to say
Gospel Hymns #312 vs.1
Congratulations to our high
school graduates: Sis. Stephanie
Stoll (Bro. Ed & Sis. Ginny),
McKenzie Elder (Bro. John & Sis.
Joleen) and Noah Steiner (Bro.
Glen & Sis. Rachel) and to our
college graduate, Sis. Victoria Stoll
(Bro. Ed & Sis. Ginny). May God
direct and protect these souls as
they enter a new chapter in their
“The harvest truly is great, but the
labourers are few; pray ye therefore
the Lord of the harvest, that he
would send forth labourers into his
harvest.” St. Luke 10:2
Our Sunday School Bible
Class traveled to Morris, MN
for Youth Fellowship weekend
June 7&8. We thank the Morris
and Morris North congregations
for their generous and kind
What a treat it is for us to
come to church on a Sunday
morning and to greet visitors
passing through the area. We
thank Bro. Scott Schafer (Sis.
Gigi) from South Bend, IN for
ministering God’s Word on
Father’s Day.
“Honour thy father and thy
mother…” Exodus 20:12
The Lord has so commanded
it and our country has set aside a
day to recognize and appreciate
our mothers and fathers. We’re
thankful for their labors of love
and, most importantly, their
heritage of faith.
“The Lord is my strength and my
shield; my heart trusted in him,
and I am helped: therefore my heart
greatly rejoiceth; and with my song
will I praise him.” Psalm 28:7
Prayers for our hospital and
surgery patients: Bro. Mike
Messner (Sis. Joyce), Ruth Messner
(Bro. David & Sis. Bethany), Tom
Miller (Maggie), and Sis. Mary
Lou Schmidt (Bro. Dick).
Missouri, Lamar
Venetta Banwart
Our visiting ministers this
month were: Elder Bros. Gary
Hertzel (Sis. Ellen, Sabetha,
KS) and Kent Heimer (Sis. Jan,
Taylor, MO); Bro. Clint Schmidt
(Magdalena, Winthrop, MN),
Bro. Tim Hohulin (Sis. Cathy,
Roanoke, IL), Retired Bro. John
Rowell (Sis. Nelda, Tremont,
IL). May God grant them a rich
blessing for being willing to come
and feed us from His’ Holy Word
so that we may strive to reach our
heavenly home.
“O Beautiful, for spacious
skies, for amber waves of grain”... These memorable words to the
song America the Beautiful are often reflected upon each
summer as we watch the fields of
wheat turn golden and harvest is
Early each spring, the wheat
fields green up with the approach
of spring and warm weather. Here
in Lamar, and most generally
south of Interstate 80, we grow
what is called winter wheat.
Winter wheat is sown in the fall
and is able to overwinter before
completing its lifecycle in the
spring and yielding its grain in
the summer. North of Interstate
80, wheat and other grains are
generally sown in the spring.
Wheat grain can be red or
white, hard or soft, each variety
has its own distinct use. Hard
wheat is made into bread, whereas
soft wheats are used for pastries.
As you read this, our wheat
harvest will mostly be completed
for this year.
May we not choke out our
fruitful lives, that we wish to
devote to our Lord, with all the
tares and cares that so easily beset
the unwatchful.
Missouri, St. Louis
Kary Mangers
Our prayers go out to
those suffering through the
wildfires. The Lord does so
much through the disasters in
life, whether through natural
disasters or sickness or loss. He
gives us opportunities to help
others. He helps us to count our
many blessings and not to take
anything for granted. He shows us
who really is in control. He shows
us where our treasures are laid up.
The list goes on. As we pray and
help those suffering in this life,
may we surrender all to Jesus that
unbelievers can see the hope and
treasure only found in Him and
believers can be edified through
the body of Christ.
Our thanks go out to Bro.
Scott and Sis. Dawn Wegman
(Taylor) and Bro. Dan and Sis.
Deb Beer (Milford) for sharing the
hope found in God’s Word during
their visits.
We would like to welcome
Bro. Phil Dreste of Washington,
who is doing an internship, and
Bro. Jeff McAfee of Bluffton, who
is doing a project in the area, as
they worship with us for several
Missouri, Taylor
for surgery are Sis. Ruthie (Bro.
Marcia Sutter
Louis) Hoerr and Bro. Brent (Sis.
There were six high school
Charlotte) Hoerr. Sis. Ruthie has
graduates that were honored on
recovered well and has been back
Wednesday evening on May 21:
to church for several weeks. Bro.
Brittany Grimm, daughter of
Brent is still in the hospital, but is
Bro. Don and Sis. Tricia Grimm;
recovering as expected. They both
Bro. Parker Haerr, son of Bro.
covet our continued prayers for
Shon and Sis. Peggy Haerr; Sis.
full recovery.
Courtney Massner, daughter of
The Taylor church will
Bro. Chad and Sis. Lisa Massner;
miss Bro. Kyle and Sis. Katrina
Clayton Steidinger, son of Bro.
Reinhard as they will be moving
Rick and Sis. Kim Steidinger;
to Bloomington Illinois where
Bro. Wade Sutter, son of Bro. Kim Kyle was transferred with his
and Sis. Vonette Sutter; and Bro.
work. They will be making
Brett Wegman, son of Bro. Scott
Gridley their home church. Their
and Sis. Dawn Wegman. We wish last Sunday with us was June
them God’s richest blessings.
1. We made many wonderful
The Taylor Church is blessed
memories while they lived here.
with two new babies this month.
Our monthly Wednesday
Noah Stephen Heimer was born
evening Bible study was held on
May 21. His parents are Darin
June 6 and was given by Bro. Fred
and Danielle Heimer and he
(Sis. Diane) Funk from Morton.
is also welcomed by two older
We are so thankful that ministers
brothers, Trigg and Bradey.
are willing to come and teach us
Grandparents are Elder Bro. Kent God’s Word.
and Sis. Jan Heimer and Dennis
On June 13, 35 high school
and Dona Graupman. Lincoln
students, some of their parents and
John Knobloch was born May
bus drivers left on the bus to go
31 to Bro. Jeff and Sis. Bethany
to Magdalena, Mexico on a work
Knobloch. His big brother Liam
team. They got there safely and
and sister Reagan are so happy
stated that they have already been
about having a new brother.
blessed with great memories. We
Grandparents are Bro. John and
pray for their safe return.
Sis. Mary Wiegand and Bro. Bill
On June 13-14, the annual
and Sis. Ellie Knobloch.
Father-Son Campout was held.
On May 24, Stephanie Grimm Several of the fathers and sons
married Phillip Yates. Parents are
were gone, but those that attended
Bro. Don and Sis. Tricia Grimm
were blessed. We have been truly
and Scott and Mary Yates and
blessed at Taylor with God-fearing
David and Terri Thornton. We
dad’s, grandfathers and men that
wish them the Lord’s richest
have reached out to children other
than their own to teach them
Those that were hospitalized
about God’s enduring love and
July 2014
salvation. We wish them a Happy
Father’s Day.
New York, CroghanNaumburg
Hope Graves
We appreciate the brethren
from Rockville, CT who prepared
our lunch on June 15. It was a
blessed weekend and a beautiful
day to show appreciation to our
earthly fathers and most of all to
our Heavenly One.
We are thankful for Elder
Bro. Rod and Sis. Sue Bajema,
Lester, IA, who traveled to
share Holy Communion with
our congregation on June 22. A
special thanks extends to them
and to Bro. John and Sis. Joyce
Schamback, Akron, OH who
prepared our Communion dinner
The Lord provided a beautiful
evening for our annual hotdog
roast on Monday evening, June
23. We had a great turnout and
the fellowship was enjoyed by all.
Our prayers extend to Sis.
Anna Mellnitz who had surgery
recently and is now back in the
Extended Care.
Ohio, Akron
Carla Miller
We are thankful for the
visiting ministers this month:
Bro. Dean Messner (Sis. Wanda,
Winthrop, MN) and Bro. Ned
Bahler (Sis. Anna, Fairbury, IL).
We extend our sympathy and
prayers to Bro. Doug Demiter (Sis.
Maria) and family on the death of
his father, John Demiter, brother
to Sis. Sarah Henico (Bro. Greg).
After a hospitalization and
recovery time, we are thankful
that Eli Tapolcsanyi is able to
assemble with us again.
Ohio, Columbus
Tim McMillan
We began this period reading
Luke 24. Verse 1 reads “…
they came unto the sepulcher
bringing the spices which they had
prepared….” He is risen and now
our prayers are the sweet-smelling
savor to God almighty. They are
prayers for the living and to open
the eyes of the dead.
We are truly grateful to those
who help with the ministering
at our small church. Bros. Mark
Masters, Dan Kilgus, Wayne
Hartzler, Jesse Bedolla, Jeff
Leman, and Fred Domka all freely
gave of their time to visit us. We
are grateful to their wives and
families for the sacrifice they make
in helping the brothers as well!
A farewell was bid to Carl
Klopfenstein as his time with us
in Columbus has ended. May
the Lord bless his endeavors as he
moves to the next stage of his life.
We took time to clean our
worship center this month. As we
reflect on such work, may we be
reminded to clean our spiritual
house daily as well. Partaking in
Holy supper on May 3, in memory
of our risen Savior Jesus Christ,
also is a time we spent reflecting
on the condition of our spiritual
“O Lord thou now has conquered
that strong and crafty foe; this
giveth faith and comfort, for God
is with us now.”
Zion’s Harp #121 vs. 2
We began this period reading
Proverb 24. Verse 9 begins “The
thought of foolishness is sin:…”
When we let our mind wander
about unto silly actions we allow
ourselves to be distracted from
the work of God opening up an
avenue for Satan to enter. Let us
stay focused on our true work here
on earth!
Our visiting ministers were:
Joe Gerst, John Lehman, and Tim
Wiegand. We are thankful for the
Lord providing us with brothers
and their families willing to give
so freely.
A breakfast allowing time to
be spent with this year’s senior
graduates was held on May 18.
We pray for these young people
that they may be blessed with
the comfort of the Lord in their
future. Gatherings like this one
allow time for those who are older
to help assure the younger of the
path to live by. May the younger
always be attentive enough to
Nicole Steiner, an Ohio State
student, has been announced
for peace. We know all will be
praying to hear angels rejoice
at her baptism into the body of
Our prayers of comfort are
for Sis. Nada McMillan and her
family. There is sadness in the
passing of her sibling Danny
Kusicki. All is in the hands of
God with Danny. He will truly be
“Two ways o man there are for
thee: there are two destinations.
Upon the path to heaven we bear
the cross and tribulations. The
other path with joy abounds and
yet no inward peace is found: it
leads thee to destruction.”
Zion’s Harp #106 vs. 1
Ohio, Junction
Vicki Boroff
We were thankful to have
visiting ministers this past
month. Bros. Tim Ramsier (Sis.
Joni, Rittman), Matt Manz (Sis.
Deanna, Toledo) and Todd Sinn
(Sis. Janet, Latty) ministered to us.
Bro. Jim Manz (Bro. Ken and
Sis. Gwen) was engaged to be
married to Sis. Elizabeth Schrenk
(Bro. Steve and Sis. Linda). We
wish them many blessings as they
plan their wedding.
Bro. Derek Schlatter (Bro.
Dennis and Sis. Laurie) married
Sis. Hannah Steiner (Bro. Jim and
Sis. Sarah, Rittman) on June 15.
We wish them many blessings.
Alex David was born to Bro.
Klint and Sis. Kallie Manz on
June 12. Grandparents are Bro.
Dave and Sis. Kathy Manz,
and Bro. Keith and Sis. JoAnne
Klopfenstein (Latty).
We are thankful that Evan
and Miranda Schlatter have
decided to repent. Many prayers
will be lifted for them as they
move forward on a new pathway.
Prayers were lifted for hospital
patients this past month, and
those needing medical care.
Ohio, Latty
Carmen Stoller
Mindy Stoller
Greetings of love to each of
you! We are thankful for our two
new brothers in Christ who were
able to give their testimony to
the church and be baptized. We
rejoice with Bro. Zach Sinn (Bro.
Tim and Sis. Marlene) and Bro.
Abram Klopfenstein (Bro. Jerry
and Sis. Cherry) and pray God’s
continued grace and mercy upon
them. We were thankful to have
Elder Bro. Duane Rocke (Sis.
Bonnie, Minneapolis, MN) serve
us during this weekend.
Our congregation was also
privileged to have several other
visiting ministers this month
including Bro. John Grimm (Sis.
Julie, Columbus, OH), Bro. Dan
Stoller (Sis. Deb, Remington, IN),
Bro. Dale Wulf (Sis. Becky, Lester,
IA), Bro. Tony Manz (Sis. Denise,
Junction, OH), Bro. Warren
Schlatter (Sis. Cindy, Junction,
OH), and Bro. Nelson Beer (Sis.
Minnie, Milford, IN).
We rejoice with Arika Nuest
(Bro. Lee and Sis. Paula) as she has
turned to the Lord in repentance.
May God’s blessings be upon her
and may she feel His nearness and
We wish to congratulate our
high school graduates this year.
They are Dylan Keysor (Bro.
Chad and Sis. Jennifer), Matthew
Klopfenstein (Bro. Roy and Deb),
Haley Linder (Jim and Sis. Jane),
Bro. John Rosswurm (Bro. Bruce
and Sis. Amy), and Arlen Stoller
(Bro. Craig and Sis. Ruth). We
pray they would seek the Lord for
direction in their lives and that
God’s blessings will be upon them.
Finally, our prayers and
sympathies go out to the family
of Sis. Vera Laukhuf as she has
passed on to her eternal reward.
May the Holy Spirit provide great
comfort during this time.
Ohio, Mansfield
Elizabeth Walter
We express our joy for
Wesley Beer (Bro. Chuck and
Sis. Tammy) as he was recently
announced for peace with God
and man. May he continue to feel
the closeness of the Spirit along
the pilgrim way!
Congratulations to our
graduating seniors: Morgann
Sauder (Ed and Paula), and
Zachary Boliantz (Bro. Doug and
Sis. Connie). May each one feel
God’s leading as you begin a new
phase of life! We all enjoyed our
annual Sunday morning Senior
Recognition Breakfast to honor
the graduates.
Our prayers are with Sis.
Jolene Ramsier as she continues
to undergo chemo treatments. We
also remember Bro. John Ramsey
(Sis. Dawn), Sis. Theresa Keiper
(Bro. Phil), and Jean Myers as they
have suffered from illness. May
God grant comfort and healing to
each one as He wills.
The beginning of the summer
season is always a blessing as
we share a week of Bible School
together. Thank you to all who
gave of their time and talents to
make the week special. We also
July 2014
extend a heartfelt thank you to
the visiting ministers who were
willing to come and share from
God’s Word: Bro. Todd Sinn (Sis.
Janet, Latty, OH), Bro. Dana
Indermuhle (Sis. Joy, Sardis, OH),
Bro. Don Steidl (Sis. Nan, Akron,
OH), Bro. Earl Beery (Sis. Suzi,
Rittman, OH), and Bro. Dana
Nieman (Sis. Lea, Remington,
IN). May we be encouraged to
grow in wisdom and knowledge of
the truth!
We also thank Bro. Wayne
Hartzler (Sis. Camille, Rittman,
OH) for visiting and serving us
over the pulpit.
Ohio, Rittman
Anna Bauman
Julie Steiner
“Rejoice evermore. Pray without
ceasing. In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus concerning you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
These verses seem to
summarize how we should face
life’s blessings and challenges:
with thanksgiving and prayer.
We are very thankful for
several babies born in our
congregation. James and Sis.
Joyce Thompson welcomed new
grandson, Jorn Thompson on
April 24. His parents are Brian
and Jen Persinger. Ali Ann was
born on May 22 to Bro. Evan
and Sis. Amanda Gasser. Ali’s
grandparents are Bro. Fred and
Sis. Mary Gasser and Bro. Ken
and Sis. Carol Rupp. Her older
sister is Kinsley. Frank and Ginny
Hilty welcomed granddaughter,
Anna Kay on May 23. Her
parents are Daniel and Ashley
Hilty, and older sisters are Leah
and Becca. Bro. Stan and Sis.
Karen Beery are thankful for the
arrival of grandson, Ian Matthew
on June 5. Ian’s parents are Adrian
and Alyssa Beery. Bro. Ken and
Sis. Brenda Gasser are thankful
for Brock William who was born
June 6. His older sisters are Jenna
and Allison. Grandparents are
Bro. Jerry and Sis. Ellen Gasser
and Bro. Joe and Sis. Mim Stoller.
Bro. Troy and Sis. Tenille Stoller
are thankful for firstborn, Ella Lin
on June 5. Grandparents are Bro.
Rob and Sis. Joanne Stoller and
Bro. Bob and Sis. Linda Kuenzi
(Silverton, OR).
Bro. Darrell and Sis. Alice’s
Widmer’s daughter, Sarah, was
married to Brandin Boszik on
June 7, 2014. May the Lord be
with this couple as they begin
their lives together.
Bro. Derek Schlatter
(Junction, OH) and Sis. Hannah
Steiner were united in Holy
Matrimony on June 15. Parents
are Bro. Dennis and Sis. Lori
Schlatter (Junction, OH) and Bro.
Jim and Sis. Sarah. May the Lord
bless this couple, especially Sis.
Hannah as she moves to Junction.
Our prayers are with the
family of Bro. Art Maibach (Sis.
Janet) who passed away this
month. Children are Valerie
(Tom) Thompson, Sis. Joyce (Jim)
Thompson, Bro. Rudy (Sis. Barb)
Maibach, and Brian Maibach.
Also, Sis. Marjorie (Bro. Bob)
Boltz has finished her earthly
course. Children are Rex (Krista)
Boltz, Regina (Keith) Winkler,
Rose Boltz, and Renee Stahl.
We are also saddened to report
the passing of Sis. Lucy Gasser.
Her children are Alan (Becca)
Gasser, Chris (Angela) Gasser,
Mary Lou Gasser, and Carol
(Paul) Zollinger.
Our sympathies are also
extended to Bro. Art and Sis.
Bonnie Ingold in the passing of
his brother-in-law, A.J. Webster.
In the hospital this month
were Bro. Fred Gasser (Sis. Mary),
Levi Hartzler (Bro. Sam and Sis.
Gail), Hadleigh Widmer (Bro.
Steve and Sis. Lisa), Ali Gasser
(Bro. Evan and Sis. Amanda),
Bro. Dale Pelfrey (Sis. Beth), Sis.
Jodi Widmer (Bro. Brad), Brock
Gasser (Bro. Ken and Sis. Brenda),
and Bro. Galen Indermuhle (Sis.
Cheryl). May the Lord bless each
of them with His healing powers.
We appreciate the ministers
who visited us this past month.
They were Elder Bro. Bill Schlatter
(Junction, OH), and Bros. Warren
Schlatter (Junction, OH), Mark
Rufener (Mansfield, OH), Ron
Palitto (Akron, OH), Don Manz
(Junction, OH), Scott Wegman
(Taylor, MI), and Matt Feucht
(Roanoke, IN). May God bless
them for their willingness to bring
forth the Word.
We also wish God’s rich
blessings on Bro. Steve & Sis. Lisa
Widmer and their children as they
plan to live in Phoenix, Arizona
for a period of time while Bro.
Steve completes his training as an
orthopedic surgeon.
Ohio, Sardis
Faith Beard
Bro. Chris and Sis. Rachel
Laukhuf and their family (Latty,
OH) joined us for our annual
Sunday School program. Bro.
Chris spoke to the children
about how there are billions of
people on the earth and how
each is created uniquely and has a
special purpose in their Creator’s
service. He encouraged them to
consider the joy of serving Him.
As much as we want our children
to understand the seriousness of
obeying God, we also want them
to understand and witness the joy
in a Christian that comes from
serving Him!
Bro. Chris also served us the
next day for our Sunday worship
service. We are so grateful to him
for his willingness to give us of his
time and talent that weekend for
the glory of the Lord.
“Oh, precious Saviour, fill anew
Thy servants who are staunch and
With light and Holy Spirit,
With joy and with Thy wondrous
That in Thy service they delight,
Producing fruits of merit!
Shield Thou, bless Thou all who
Love their neighbor, and are
With the talent Thou didst
Zion’s Harp, #210
We were thankful to see a
quick recovery for Sis. Kristy Joos
(Bro. Jeb) after she underwent
a minor procedure and short
hospitalization. It is heartwarming
to see the church family
immediately pitch in to do all
they can to help someone who has
a need.
Ohio, Smithville
Sara Crist
Kara Stoller
We recognize the miracle of
life along with Sis. Sue Saurer
(late Bro. Roger) as she joyfully
welcomes another precious
grandchild, Noelle Mekenzie,
born on June 12. First-time
parents, Bro. Matt and Sis. Marti
Saurer of Minneapolis, MN, are
thankful for this sweet baby girl.
“The Lord hath done great things
for us; whereof we are glad.”
Psalm 126:3
Bro. Bill and Pam Hartzler
and Kevin and Jeanette
Kelly of Marshallville, OH
celebrated the union of their
children in marriage on May 24 –
Jasalyn Hartzler and Bobby Hash.
God’s blessings to you as your
begin your marriage!
We extend our prayers and
sympathy to Sis. Vera Indermuhle
(late Bro. Lloyd) and Bro. Rudy
Zollinger (Sis. Polly) on the death
of their sibling, Marjorie Boltz,
on June 12. We also want to
remember Bro. Rudy Maibach
(Sis. Barb) on the death of his
father, Bro. Art Maibach (Sis.
Janet), on May 30. May God
grant you His peace and healing
as you say goodbye to these dear
loved ones.
May God richly bless the
brothers who have ministered
to our church this past month:
Bro. Steve Frauhiger (Sis. Irene,
Bluffton North, IN), Bro. Dana
Nieman (Sis. Lea, Remington,
IN), Bro. Tim Ramsier (Sis. Jonie,
Rittman, OH), Elder Bro. Art
Ingold (Sis. Bonnie, Rittman,
OH), Elder Bro. Dave Graf (Sis.
Barb, Akron, OH). Thank you for
sharing His Word and allowing
yourself to be used for His
Ohio, Toledo
Deanna Manz
Jenny Manz
This month we thank The
Lord for His healing powers, as
we had some members from our
congregation who had surgery and
are now on the road to recovery.
Bro. Walt Rager (Sis. Sharon), Sis.
Janet Stoller (Bro. Gale) and Bro.
Brice Gasser (Bro. Randy and Sis.
Sue) all spent time in the hospital
this month. We are thankful and
blessed they are back assembling
with us, and hope they continue
to heal as The Lord wills. Oregon, Portland
Louisa Gallup
We have enjoyed numerous
visitors this past month including
the song leader help. It is always
a blessing to have brethren and
their families worship with us and
add to the singing, since we are
so few in number. We especially
appreciate Elder Bro. John
Wiegand (Sis. Jane, Silverton,
OR) and his family for joining us
recently. We thank Bro. John for
sharing the Word and wish him
July 2014
the Lord’s blessings for being a
willing servant on our behalf.
Oregon, Silverton
Kelsey Walder
Ann Kuenzi
Congratulations go to our
2014 graduates: Taylor Dettwyler
(Gary and Sis. Tami), Joseph
Kuenzi (Bro. Jack and Sis. Janet),
Kyle Kuenzi (Bro. Jason and Sis.
Jo), Logan Kuenzi (Bro. Harvey
and Sis. Jennifer), Mathis Kuenzi
(Bro. Troy and Sis. Sherri),
Kendra Wiegand (Bro. John
and Sis. Jane) and Sis. Brianna
Zollinger (Bro. Jim and Sis.
Tresa). On May 18, we enjoyed a
graduation potluck and singing.
Visiting ministers this month
have been Bro. Dale Wulf (Sis.
Becky, Lester, IA), Bro. Curt
Kaufman (Sis. Caroline, Tucson,
AZ), Bro. Curt Walter (Sis.
Elizabeth, Mansfield, OH), Bro.
Kevin Wulf (Sis. Annie, Morris,
MN), and Bro. Ron Jones (Sis.
Liz, Portland, OR). The Portland
church will be assembling with
us in the future on all Wednesday
evenings. We look forward to
them joining with us.
Bro. Todd Haun (Sis.
Richelle) is recovering from
surgery on his shoulder.
On Memorial Day, we
enjoyed breakfast prepared and
served by the single brothers. We
understand that the single sisters
helped some as well. This was
a donation breakfast for World
Relief. It was a nice way to start
our day.
Bro. Kenton and Sis. Alicen
Sinn welcomed little Olivia Rory
into their arms, June 6. Among
the rejoicing, are grandparents
Bro. Tom and Sis. Edith Sinn
and Bro. Colin and Sis. Barb
Wagenbach (Oakville, IA).
Also rejoicing in being
grandparents again are Bro. Bob
and Sis. Linda Kuenzi. Their
daughter Sis. Tennille and Bro.
Troy Stoller (Latty, OH) have a
new little daughter named Ella.
Our sympathy goes out to Sis.
Jennifer Kuenzi (Bro. Harvey) in
the loss of her grandfather, Wayne
Bittner from Fairbury, IL.
Needing prayers also, is
Shane Moser (Bro. Sam and Sis.
Tyrene), as he is in the hospital.
The doctor’s still aren’t sure of the
cause of his high fever and swollen
glands. Thankfully he seems to be
starting to improve, and hopefully
will be going home soon.
Laura Isch
“We worship Thee with tears of
Lord Jesus Christ, for Thy great
To reconcile us with the Father.
To die, Thou camest from above.
How great has been Thy sacrifice!
To Thee our thanks and praise
shall rise.”
Zion’s Harp 25 v. 1
We were blessed to have Elder
Bro. Mike Leman and his wife,
Sis. Deb (Denver, Colorado),
with us for Holy Communion.
Communion is such a special time
of remembrance of our Lord’s
death and suffering. We thank
Bro. Mike and Sis. Deb for their
We would like to extend
congratulations to Danielle Lanz
(Bro. John and Sis. Kay) upon
graduating high school. Sis.
Emily Lanz (Bro. John & Sis.
Kay) also graduated from nursing
school this year. May God bless
both of them as they move into
the next phase of their lives.
Tennessee, Nashville
Mike and Monica Fritz
We have been greatly
blessed from God’s Word by our
recent visiting ministers: Bros.
Nate Lehman (Sis. Yvonne,
Denver), Nate Wiegand (Sis.
Laura, Goodfield), Calvin
Schneider (Sis. Jeannie,
LaCrosse), and Tom Bahler (Sis
Lanae, Rockville). We have also
appreciated the fellowship of
visitorsd from BloomingtonNormal, Bradford, Gridley, and
Tremont, IL; and Athens, GA.
If you are traveling to or
through the Nashville area, please
plan to worship with us. If you
plan to be with us, please call
ahead to confirm our schedule.
Contact Bro. Don & Sis. Faye
Sauder, 615.373.8928; Bro.
Mike & Sis. Monica Fritz,
615.866.5543, fritzmb.family@
gmail.com; or Bro. Buck & Sis.
Taunia Henry, 615.920.9584.
Texas, Austin
Candy Meiss
Sending our Love and
Greetings from Austin! It’s summertime in Austin and
we have enjoyed many pleasant
spring days. We are thankful for
our many visitors and encourage
anyone passing through to stop
and worship with us! We were
blessed to have our Elder Bro.
Wayne Banwart (Champaign, IL).
Other visiting ministers were: Bro.
Gary Brown (Sis. Jane, Forrest, IL)
and Bro. Frank Sauder (Roanoke,
IL). Ministers scheduled: 6/22 Bro.
Trent Meiss and family (Eureka,
IL), 7/06 Bro. Dale and Sis. Tina
Frank (Oakville, IA), and 7/13
Bro. John and Sis. Pam Reinhard
(Bluffton, IN).
We are enjoying a Bible Study,
“Integrity”, once a month before
church. This month we are
studying about endurance. It is
such a blessing to share and study
God’s teachings together! During
one of our Bible Studies we were
asked, “If you sit for a moment
and ask yourself, what are your
goals for this life?” Is it to be in
heaven someday? What comes to
your mind? What are your goals
for this life?
We enjoy singing at nursing
homes in Bastrop and Smithville
each month. When we sing to
these precious souls, it makes
us ponder further about that
question. What are your goals
for this life? May we live so that
when we die we live in eternity
together, singing praises to our
Heavenly Father.
This verse was such a comfort
today. “ Rejoicing in hope; patient
in tribulation; continuing instant
in prayer”. (Romans 12:12) So
thankful for the opportunity we
have to pray for each other. Please refer to the minister’s
directory for directions and
contacts. Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth
Services are generally being
held the second Sunday of each
month at the Holiday Inn Express,
4450 W John Carpenter Freeway,
Irving TX. Please call ahead to
verify. Leland and Mary Plattner
956-265-0351 or Dennis & Diane
Rassi 512-321-2345.
Texas, McAllen
Joyce Nohl
Services are scheduled for July
27, Cissna Park, IL. We encourage
any who plan to visit during the
summer months to contact us if
they plan to worship with us on
Sundays. Dates can change.
Andy and Kristi Plattner have
a 2-bedroom apartment available
one block from the Gulf at South
Padre Island for visitors who wish
to spend time there. You may call
them at 956-433-9844 for more
Vermont, Clarendon
Nathan and Miriam Reutter
In the last few months, we
had six ministering brothers and
their wives. In some cases, their
families came to be with us. We
appreciated their willingness to be
the mouthpiece of the Lord. They
were as follows in the order in
which they came: Bro. Jeff Gerber,
Bro. Dan and Sis. MaryLou
Goric, Bro. Jerry and Sis. Linda
Isch, Bro. Brent and Sis. Naomi
Walder, Elder Bro. Kevin and Sis.
Cheryl Ryan, and Bro. Warren
Zahner. Brother Jerry and Sis.
Linda came from Philadelphia,
PA. The rest of the brothers came
from Rockville, CT. Elder Bro.
Kevin and Bro. Warren served us
Communion. Despite the various
reasons for which they came, they
preached a consistent Biblical
message, for this we give God
Communion was a refreshing
experience, as it usually is. It was
good to be reminded of Jesus’ love
for us, and our need to love one
another. Jesus, despite the failures
and mistakes of his disciples,
wished at the close of His life to
be around them. As we age, the
brotherhood also becomes more
important to us. We feel a deeper
need and dependence upon it.
On May 4, we enjoyed hosting
the seventh grade Sunday school
class from Rockville, CT. Since
our church and Sunday school
is small, we appreciate the added
fellowship our children experience
when these opportunities present
themselves. God bless the teachers
who made this trip possible.
You are welcome to worship
and fellowship with us anytime.
Contact Bro. Nathan and Sis.
Miriam Reutter at 802-447-2426
or [email protected] to let
us know when you are planning
to be in our area so we can
accommodate you.
Service times are as follows:
• Mid-week services
July 2014
(Contact local brethren)
• Sunday Morning Service:
10:10 AM
• Sunday Afternoon Service:
12:15 PM
• Sunday school held during
the morning service.
Judge me, O LORD; for I have walked in
mine integrity: I have trusted also in the LORD;
therefore I shall not slide. Psalm 26:1
Your Decision…
Is it God’s Will?
Is it consistent with Biblical principles?
1. One that is found by following God’s direction.
a) Divine guidance (Psalm 37:5; Proverbs 3:6)
b) Based on a Scriptural foundation.
c) Counsel of the brethren (Proverbs 12:15;
Proverbs 11:14)
d) The call of the church. (Matthew
4:21; Acts 13:2; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 1
Corinthians 1:26-28; 1 Corinthians
7:20; Ephesians 4:1; Philippians 3:14; 2
Timothy 1:9; 2 Peter 1:10)
2. One that considers God-given gifts, personal
aptitudes and interests. (Rom 12:3-8; Eph 4:1113)
3. One that is consistent with our faith.
a) Does it avoid the unequal yoke? (2
Corinthians 6:14)
b) Does is promote love for the brotherhood?
(1 John 3:14; 1 John 4:21)
c) Does it violate the principle of nonresistance?
(Matthew 5:40-42; Hebrews 10:34)
d) Does it provide for separation from the
world? (2 Cor 6:17; Romans 12:1-2; James
e) Does it bring holiness in our lives? (Rom
13:14; Rom 6:19 2; Cor 7:1; 1 Th 4:7;
Heb 12:14)
f ) Does it respect and is it in submission to
authority in the church?
g) Will it support the Apostolic Christian
Church doctrine?
h) Will it strengthen and unify the brotherhood?
i) Will it avoid doctrinal confusion and/or
4. One that strengthens our marriage and family
a) Does it strengthen the family and prepare
them for the Lord’s return?
b) Does it harm our home life or church life
— businesses open on Sunday, excessive
travelling, and so forth? (Ephesians 5 & 6;
Malachi 4:6)
c) Does it subject us to temptations of the flesh
or make provision to sin? (Matthew 26:41;
Romans 8:1; Romans 8:13; Galatians 5:17;
Galatians 6:8)
d) Does it encourage married women to leave
the home and umbrella of man’s authority
and protection? (Titus 2:4; Proverbs 31;
Ephesians 5:22-24; Colossians 3:18)
5. One that does not interfere with our Christian
service. (Mathew 6:33; Luke 14:18, 19)
6. Does it honor God? (1 Samuel 2:30; 1
Thessalonians 4:1)
7. Does it follow the principle of honesty?
(Romans 12:17; Romans 13:8; 2 Corinthians
8:21; Deuteronomy 15:15; Proverbs 11:1)
8. Does it avoid a “get rich quick” policy?
(Proverbs 28:20, 22; 1 Timothy 6:9; Proverbs
20:21; 13:11)
9. Does it avoid taking advantage of the ignorance
of others? (Proverbs 20:14)
10.Does it avoid unwholesome social involvements
at conventions, seminars, meetings, etc.? (Psalm
1:1; Proverbs 13:20; 1 Corinthians 15:33)
11.Does it avoid an unwholesome desire to excel
and feed the competitive covetous spirit? (Luke
12:15; Ephesians 5:3; Hebrews 13:5; Psalms
119:36; Proverbs 28:16)
12.Does it avoid large financial outlay (debt)?
(Romans 13:8)
13.Does it follow the Golden Rule? (Matthew
14.Is it validated by consistent peace in the heart?
15.Can it be done with truthfulness, compassion,
discretion and sensitivity to others?
16.Do other mature, trustworthy brethren confirm
17.Has it been motivated by humility?
18.Does it produce humility in the heart?
Peace is the deliberate adjustment of my life to the will
of God.
1. How do we honor God?
2. In what ways are unequally-yoked involvements
spiritually hazardous?
3. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.”
He wanted his followers to understand the
true nature of earth and heaven and the two
kingdoms with their two kings, two citizenries
and two treasuries. Why is this important to us
4. Describe how materialism, the lust for affluence,
and the love of money is in opposition to
the will of God? What is the final end of
5. What does the way we handle money and
possessions indicate about our spiritual life?
6. What are the consequences of a life without
7. What does the Bible say about obedience to
God? To His Word? To the church?
8. What is a practical definition of humility and
how does this apply to learning God’s will?
9. What is the root of a competitive spirit? What
are the consequences?
How did Jesus illustrate the principle of
nonresistance? Why is this important today?
How does the Christian’s purpose in work differ
from the non-Christian’s?
What are the benefits if we put Christ before
all, deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow
Jesus said “The harvest truly is great, but the
laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the
harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his
harvest.” What did he mean by this?
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast,
unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in
the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all
pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and
increasing in the knowledge of God. (Colossians 1:10)
And God is able to make all grace abound toward
you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things,
may abound to every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with
me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
(Revelation 22:12)
But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity:
redeem me, and be merciful unto me. Psalm 26:11
July 2014
News & Notices
Open House for Apostolic Christian Publications Bookstore
and Bible Distribution Center
Please join us for an Open House at our new facility in Goodfield, Illinois.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
9:00 a.m. to noon
Location: 651 East Peoria Street, Goodfield, IL 61742
website: acpublications.org
Bible Distribution: Sharing His Word in Love
Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. Psalm 96:3
Together we can provide Bibles for seeking people. This may be someone you attend school
with, someone you work with, or someone God has shown you at a gas station. Bibles and
approved Bible story Books are available. Carrying a New Testament to distribute can help
you remember what our real task is. To order, contact: Apostolic Christian Church Bible Distribution
651 E. Peoria Street
Goodfield, IL 61742
Phone: 309-965-2141 [email protected]
Recordings from Athens/Tennessee Memorial Day Weekend
Now Available
A sincere thank you to everyone who attended the recent Athens/Tennessee Memorial Day Weekend.
A blessed weekend of fellowship, singing, praise and worship was enjoyed by all.
For those who were unable to attend, the recordings of Ministering Bros. Fred Witzig (Washington,
IL), Clark Stoller (Gridley, IL) and Matt Knapp (Atlanta, GA), as well as the weekend singing, are
now available on the Morton Apostolic Christian Church Internet site --www.mortonacchurch.org/
previoussermons.asp -- as well as the sermon app.
Bros. Fred and Clark had topics centered around witnessing to others within our families, in our
communities, at work and abroad. Bro. Matt preached the Sunday afternoon service.
If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Phil Witzig at 309.263.0152 or [email protected]
Alternate Houseparent Needed - Gateway Woods
Houseparenting at Gateway Woods offers an opportunity for a couple, directed of the Lord, to come
to work in a full-time on going ministry at Gateway Woods. Due to a change in staff, we have a need for
an Alternate Houseparent couple. This position offers competitive wages and generous benefits and a close
relationship with brothers and sisters whose hearts and lives are dedicated to a common mission with an
eternal reward. If you feel the call to explore this possibility, please call one of the brothers listed below.
Clint PlattnerLynn Stieglitz
Residential Program Manager
Counseling Elder
PO Box 12515417 Doty Rd.
Leo, IN 46765
New Haven, IN 46774
888.443.4283Cell: 260.466.6712
[email protected]@gmail.com
Foster Care Case Worker Needed – Gateway Woods
Gateway Woods has a need for a full-time Foster Care Case Manager. This position provides the
opportunity to to work with foster families and foster children. Bachelors Degree in Social Work
preferred, but will consider a Bachelors Degree or experience in a related field such as Guidance,
Sociology, or Psychology.
Please prayerfully consider this opening and contact one of the brothers below for more information
concerning this position. This is an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of children.
Britni EisenmannLynn Stieglitz
Foster Care Program Manager
Counseling Elder
PO Box 12515417 Doty Rd.
Leo, IN 46765
New Haven, IN 46774
[email protected]@gmail.com
Interested in receiving a printed
Used Bible, Bible Story Book,
and Song Book Distribution
To order, contact:
Printed Sermons
P.O. Box 154, Forrest, IL 61741
(815) 848-5113 • [email protected]
Used Bibles, Bible Story Books, Hymns of Zion,
Zion’s Harp, Gospel Hymns, and Tabernacle
Hymns are needed. AC Publications is now the
collection center for your donated books.
651 E. Peoria St, Goodfield, IL 61742
July 2014
Home-Based & Adoption Case Worker Needed – Gateway Woods
Gateway Woods has a need for a full-time Home-Based & Adoption Case Worker. This position
provides the opportunity to work partially with adoptive families and partially with hurting children
and families in our Home-Based Program. Requires a Bachelors Degree in Social Work or a related field,
experience working with children and families preferred.
Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of children and
families. Contact one of the brothers below for more information concerning this position.
Jeff WaibelLynn Stieglitz
Director of Clinical Services
Counseling Elder
PO Box 12515417 Doty Rd.
Leo, IN 46765
New Haven, IN 46774
[email protected]@gmail.com
ACCFS Mentoring
For several years, ACCFS has offered Mentor Training programs to assist churches and individuals
to learn the principles of mentoring. Mentoring is a key component of healthy church relationships and
can provide accountability, instruction, and encouragement as we learn from each other as members
of the Body of Christ through “speaking the truth in love” Eph. 4:15. Several resources to assist in the
mentoring process are available on our website at www.accounseling.org/mentoring.
Teaching Position Available – Gateway Woods
Gateway Woods is excited to announce an opening for a Teacher at Gateway Woods School.
Gateway Woods School is a fully accredited educational facility serving 6th-12th grade students who
have difficulty in public school. Qualifications include a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and/or an active
teacher’s license. Special Education Certification and previous teaching experience is especially useful,
but not required. If you hold these qualifications and have a heart for children, please ask the Lord if this
is the position He has in mind for you. For more information please contact one of the brothers listed
Adam McAfeeLynn Stieglitz
Director of Education
Counseling Elder
PO Box 125,
15417 Doty Rd.
Leo, IN 46765
New Haven, IN 46774
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mentor Couple or Single Mother Needed
– The New Beginnings of Southwest FL
A mentor couple or single mother is needed at The New Beginnings of Southwest Florida. Requires a
heart to help single mothers and their children. Age: 35-60.
Please prayerfully consider this need. Contact information is listed below. This is an opportunity to
make a real difference in the lives of single mothers and children.
William & Mary Masters
Ph: 239.541.4312
Email: [email protected]
Website: TheNewBeginnings.org
Light from the Word
Now available by downloadable PDF from the Apostolic Christian Publication website:
After entering the website, click on the item located at the left hand frame entitled, “Light from the Word
Reprints”. The entire set of editorials are available in a complete download (June 1987 to current).
July 2014
Summer Worship Services in Colorado
In addition to our regular worship schedule in Aurora, Lord willing,
we plan to hold services at the following location:
July 20 and July 27, 2014
Breckenridge River Mountain Lodge in Summit County
100 South Park Avenue, Breckenridge, CO 80424
Office: (970) 453-4711
Breckenridge is located in Summit County. If you take the Frisco exit on Interstate 70, Breckenridge
is about 9 miles past Frisco on Highway 9. It is less than 2 hours from Granby, Glenwood Springs,
Denver, and Buena Vista.
There is free parking available in lots north and south of the entrance that are only about a 5 minute
walk away.
Morning song service will begin at 10:15 A.M.; worship service at 10:30; followed by lunch and
afternoon service. Ministers from Denver church will be supporting the service, however we welcome
and encourage visiting ministers to support this effort also, if your travel plans bring you out west this
summer. The intent of these services is to alleviate some of the crowding that we tend to experience
during the busy summer travel season. (We don’t want all our visitors to avoid Aurora!) We welcome all
our visitors and deeply appreciate the fellowship that we share in Christ, whether in Aurora, or at the
optional locations.
For more information, and to help us plan more effectively, please notify Bro. Tom Leman if you will
be attending services on any of these dates. (303) 696-1301 E-mail: [email protected]
Christian Guesthouse and Worship Services in Rochester, MN
Accommodations for Mayo Clinic outpatients and families:
Three bedrooms with private baths, laundry, kitchen and family room area.
Sunday Service: (held monthly at guesthouse residence) 10:00 AM and 12:30 PM
For schedule, see: www.acmission.org/minister-rotation
For information and reservations, contact caretakers:
Bro. Mark and Sis. Sandy Stork
4733 Birdie Lane NW
Rochester, MN 55901
(507) 288-0072
Mid-week Service: (held on 3rd Wednesday in Rochester area)
For information, contact:
Bro. Jim and Sis. Deb Tilbury
(507) 281-2875
English Teacher Needed in Ixtlan, Mexico
olegio de las Américas is a
church-funded elementary
school in Ixtlán, MX. They have an
opening for an English teacher to
teach grades 1-6 for the 2014-2015
school year, beginning in August.
While options exist to hire a
Mexican English teacher, they
really desire Christian teachers that
can be examples to our students.
If you meet the qualifications
below, please prayerfully consider
becoming an English teacher in
• Member in good standing of the
Apostolic Christian Church.
• A degree in Education and/
or TESOL is preferred but not
El Colegio de las Américas is
a private Christian school that is
focused on teaching Biblical values
to students while providing a solid
education which is often difficult to
find in Mexico.
Counselling Elder for Ixtlan:
Mike Leman
• Ability to communicate in the
Spanish language.
• Enjoys being with and working
with children. Ability to manage
a classroom.
• Willing to be sent by the AC
Mission Committee and to work
together as a missionary team in
Please contact Bro. Matt Gerber
for more information about this
opportunity to serve.
[email protected]
Facilities Director at Hospital Lumiere
ospital Lumière, Bonne Fin,
Haiti is seeking a qualified
person to be assigned as Facilities
Director of the hospital. Our present
Facilities Director is planning to
relocate January 1, 2015.
and equipment maintenance and
repair, be a member of the Apostolic
Christian Church, be willing to
learn Creole and willing to relocate
to Haiti for a minimum of two (2)
years and up to five (5) years.
Position description
For more information contact:
Robert Beebe
Executive Director
Governance Board
[email protected]
The Facilities Director is
directly involved in managing
the maintenance and repair of all
hospital vehicles and non-medical
equipment, and managing the
renovation and construction of
hospital buildings and facilities.
This management includes
developing programs of preventive
maintenance and supervision of
all personnel involved in the
stated maintenance. The Facilities
Director is a member of the Hospital
Lumiere Leadership Team.
The applicant should have
experience in construction, vehicle
July 2014
Volunteer Caretaker Opportunity – Washington, D.C.
The Washington, DC church caretaker program is entering its eighth year. It has been such a blessing
for our visiting caretakers, as well as our local members and friends. We have several openings for 2014,
and are taking reservations for 2015 as well. Our church home is located in Silver Spring, MD, and meets
both church and residential needs.
The fellowship that caretakers provide is vital to our small congregation and visiting ministers.
Caretakers can be couples, singles or families who would enjoy spending time near the Nation’s Capitol
and other points of interest on the East Coast. Caretakers would perform routine household and yard
maintenance chores, and should plan to stay at least three Sundays.
Families with children are urged to give this opportunity prayerful consideration. We have three
children (pre-teen and teen), who would welcome other children in their Sunday School class.
For more information, please contact Barry and Doreen Steffen at 302-540-6574 or dkgsteffen@
Communications Coordinator Job Opening
Position Description
The Communications Coordinator will be an integral part of the
World Relief / Mission Committee
Communications Team and provide
hands-on coordination of a wide
variety of projects. This person is
the primary production-oriented
person who ensures projects stay on
track and deadlines are met. He/she
works regularly with the Communications Director, Regional Communications Managers, other volunteer
contributors, graphic designers and
miscellaneous vendors.
Qualifications (partial list)
1. Desire to see God glorified and
the church edified by using your
talents to support those who
serve others.
2. Demonstrated ability to meet
deadlines in a well-managed way.
3. Experience with Adobe Creative
Suite, especially InDesign and
the experience and skills of the
chosen candidate. Benefits are provided. Some occasional evening and
weekend work is required.
To Learn More
For a complete job description and/
or more information, email
Dan Weerts (address below.)
4. Excellent communications skills,
particularly writing.
5. Highly organized.
6. Tech savvy. Able to quickly learn
new software.
7. Experience engaging people on
social media.
8. Willingness to relocate to the
West Lafayette / Remington /
Wolcott area.
9. Experience working in a marketing department or advertising
agency is a definite plus.
This is a full-time, paid position.
Salary will be commensurate with
How to Apply
Send resume, salary expectations,
and writing samples to:
[email protected]
-- or to -Dan Weerts
Apostolic Christian World Relief
16448 S. US Hwy 231
Remington, IN 47977
If you have graphic design samples,
send those as well.
Give a Child Hope
Child Sponsorships
To sponsor a child
hose in the child sponsorship program have several things in common. They are very poor, desire to learn
and they have an undying soul.
To sponsor a student fill out this form
and send to the office. A student will
be assigned to you and you will be sent
further information.
The goal of this
program is to
provide an education to help
these children
learn life skills to improve their standard of living, and also to provide
spiritual training to address the true
need...the need for a knowledge of
and a personal relationship with God
through Jesus Christ.
Name _________________________
And all thy children shall be taught of
the Lord; and great shall be the peace
of thy children. IsaIah 54:13
Spouse ________________________
Address _______________________
City ____________St ___ Zip _____
Home Ph ______________________
Cell Ph ________________________
Email _________________________
Please check preference:
Wherever needed
If possible I would prefer:
Boy – Age
Girl – Age
No Preference
Cost: $30.00/month
For details: www.acworldrelief.org
Send to:
ACWR Child Sponsorship
PO Box 36
Morton, IL 61550
Phone: 309-266-6080
Fax: 309-266-5281
E-mail: [email protected]
World Relief Informational Meetings
presentations scheduled by the
church holding the conference.
For more information, go to
the World Relief web site (www.
acworldrelief.org) and check under
Informational Meetings.
Opportunities to
Serve One Another
he mission of World Relief is to
provide humanitarian aid and
volunteer labor to alleviate human
misery and suffering throughout the
world, first to the household of faith,
and then to others as much as we
are able, in a way that is a Christian
witness and brings glory to God.
We thank God for the various
opportunities to help the needy
of the world made available to
our congregations through World
Relief, not only with funds, but with
volunteer labor by our brethren.
One way to hear about these
opportunities is to attend one of
three presentations held throughout the year.
Next meetings
The Western Meeting is held the
second Saturday of March and
is rotated between the Apostolic
Christian Churches west of the line
between Indiana and Illinois.
The Eastern Meeting is held on the
second Saturday of November and
is rotated between the churches in
Indiana and all churches eastward.
Also, Thursday before the
conference in August, there are
Eastern Meeting:
Rittman, OH
November 8, 2014
8:00 am - 4:00 pm EST
Meeting Before Conference:
Lester, IA church basement
August 7, 2014
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm CST
July 2014
Haiti Medical Work Teams
Haiti Medical Work Teams
Year 2014 Coordinator
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Aug 9-16
Lydia Bertschi
Year 2015 Coordinator
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Jul 11-18
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Hospital Lumiere
Inventory Team
[email protected]
Medical Team
[email protected]
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Aug 8-15
Sept 13-20 Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Hospital Lumiere
Cancer Screening
[email protected]
Inventory Team
[email protected]
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Sept 12-19 Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Hospital Lumiere
Dental Team
[email protected]
Cancer Screening
[email protected]
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Oct 11-18
Nov 8-15
Lydia Bertschi
Lydia Bertschi
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Oct 10-17
Hospital Lumiere
Nursing Proficiencies
[email protected]
Dental Team
[email protected]
Dec 13-20
Lydia Bertschi
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Nov 7-14
Hospital Lumiere
General Medical
[email protected]
Nursing Proficiencies
[email protected]
Year 2015 Coordinator
Jan 10-17
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Inventory Team
[email protected]
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Feb 7-14
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Eye Speciality
[email protected]
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Mar 7-14
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Cancer Screening
[email protected]
Dec 12-19
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Lydia Bertschi
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere
General Medical
[email protected]
Lydia Bertschi
Haiti Construction Work Teams
Year 2014
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Aug 23-30
Daryl Luginbuhl
[email protected]
Hospital Lumiere
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Apr 11-18
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Inventory Team
[email protected]
Hospital Lumiere
Sept 27-Oct 4
Daryl Luginbuhl
[email protected]
Bonne Finn, Haiti
May 9-16
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Dental Team
[email protected]
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Jun 13-20
Lydia Bertschi
Hospital Lumiere
Cancer Screening
[email protected]
Bonne Finn, Haiti
Hospital Lumiere
Oct 18-25
Daryl Luginbuhl
[email protected]
Mexico Work Teams
Year 2014
Jun 7-14
Jun 14-21
Stan Schick
Princeville Bible Class
[email protected]
Shon Haerr
Taylor Bible Class
[email protected]
Jul 19-26
Rick Kaisner
[email protected]
Sep 10-16
Cheryl Herrmann
[email protected]
Year 2015
Jan 10-17
Jan 17-24
Feb 11-21
Steve Kaeb
[email protected]
Troy Lanz
[email protected]
Jon Baner
[email protected]
Mar 7-14
Caleb Hoerr
[email protected]
Mar 21-28
Linc Rinkenberger
Bluffton/BN Senior Class
[email protected]
Contact Mike Fiechter
[email protected]
Some Ways to Learn and
Practice Self-Discipline in
Your Life
1. Start small.
Start with your room. Clean it, then keep
it clean. When something is out of place, train
yourself to put it where it belongs. Then extend
that discipline of neatness to the rest of your home.
2. Be on time.
That may not seem very spiritual, but it’s
important. If you’re supposed to be somewhere at a
specific time, be there on time! Develop the ability
to discipline your desires, activities, and demands
so that you can arrive on time.
3. Do the hardest job first.
Doing that will prevent the hardest jobs from
being left undone.
4. Organize your life.
Plan the use of your time; don’t just react to
circumstances. Use a calendar and make a daily
list of things you need to accomplish. If you don’t
control your time, everything else will!
5. Accept correction.
Correction helps make you more disciplined
because it shows you what you need to avoid.
Don’t avoid criticism; accept it gladly.
6. Practice self-denial.
Learn to say no to your feelings. Occasionally
deny yourself things that are all right just for
the purpose of mastering doing it. Cultivating
discipline in the physical realm will help us become
disciplined in our spiritual lives.
7. Welcome responsibility.
When you have an opportunity to do
something that needs to be done, volunteer for
it if you have a talent in that area. Welcoming
responsibility forces you to organize yourself.
Sow a thought and you reap an act;
Sow an act and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit and you reap a character;
Sow a character and you reap a destiny.
July 2014
Monthly Sermon, continued
— Continued from pg. 5
have to think about it. It should
come natural to us, shouldn’t it? It
should come natural to us to love
the Lord our God with all of our
heart, all of our soul, all of our
“And thou shalt teach them
diligently unto thy children, and
shalt talk of them when thou sittest
in thine house, and when thou
walkest by the way, and when
thou liest down, and when thou
risest up.” (v.7) Do we teach our
children that diligently? Probably
not in word every day of our life,
not every time that we are sitting
in our house or walking by the
way, or lying down or rising up.
We don’t verbally say that, do we,
but what does our life portray?
Is our life portraying what God
has given us commandments for?
Is our life full of the Holy Spirit,
that just as an example to us, to
the children, to the grandchildren,
to those that come after us, is our
life, our whole conversation, holy
and acceptable unto the Lord?
We can just walk that good strait
path, and sometimes we just don’t
have to say a word, do we.
“And thou shalt bind them for a
sign upon thine hand, and they shall
be as frontlets between thine eyes.
And thou shalt write them upon the
posts of thy house, and on thy gates.”
(v.8,9) This holy life should be a
portrayal every day of our walk of
“And it shall be, when the Lord
thy God shall have brought thee
into the land which he sware unto
thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac,
and to Jacob, to give thee great and
goodly cities, which thou buildedst
not, And houses full of all good
things, which thou filledst not, and
wells digged, which thou diggedst
not, vineyards and olive trees, which
thou plantedst not; when thou shall
have eaten and be full;” (v.10,11) He
was sending them into this land of
Canaan where there were going to
be houses already built. There were
going to be wells already dug, and
there were going to be vineyards
and olive trees. How is it in our
life? When we became converted
or when we were even born into
this world, we didn’t have to go
out and create everything to make
our life habitable. Things were
there, built by those who went
before us, but when we fill those
things, when we take advantage of
those things that were there, God
wants us to do it in an orderly
manner and fashion.
“Then beware lest thou forget
the Lord, which brought thee forth
out of the land of Egypt, from the
house of bondage. Thou shalt fear
the Lord thy God, and serve him,
and shalt swear by his name.”
(v.12,13) What is He reminding
us here? Lest we forget to give
God the glory and to thank Him
every day that He has provided
this wonderful plan for us. It
says, lest thou forget the Lord. He
says don’t become careless. Don’t
become careless and take on the
liberties of this world around us.
Don’t become careless and walk
away from God, the Rock that
gave us salvation. Stay true! Stay
close to God. Always give thanks
for God is the Creator of all good
things. God controls our lives
because we want Him to control
our lives.
“Ye shall not go after other gods,
of the gods of the people which are
round about you; (For the Lord thy
God is a jealous God among you)
lest the anger of the Lord thy God
be kindled against thee, and destroy
thee from off the face of the earth.”
(v.14,15) He is warning the people
of that. Don’t follow strange gods.
Don’t worship other gods. There is
one God, one Lord and that is our
Father in heaven. What is part of
our life? The question was asked
Sunday, what do we desire in our
life? Sure we are not worshipping
other gods, but is there anything
in our life that can be an idol to
us, that can be a distraction from
our holy walk of life? Is there
anything in our life?
“Ye shall not tempt the Lord
your God, as ye tempted him in
Massah.” (v.16) We have to be
careful, loved ones: be careful, be
diligent in our walk of life, that we
Monthly Sermon, continued
don’t tempt God. God will never
tempt us. Satan is the one that
tempts us. Let’s not tempt God.
Let’s follow Him.
“Ye shall diligently keep the
commandments of the Lord your
God, and his testimonies, and his
statutes, which he hath commanded
thee. And thou shalt do that which
is right and good in the sight of the
Lord: that it may be well with thee,
and that thou mayest go in and
possess the good land which the Lord
sware unto thy fathers, To cast out
all thine enemies from before thee,
as the Lord hath spoken.” (v.17-19)
So we go in and possess this life
that God has provided for us, that
we cast out the enemies, those
things that are a hindrance to us,
those things that were once a part
of our life. We put them behind
us. We look to God. We look to
Him and Him only.
It says here, Instructions of
the Children. “And when thy son
asketh thee in time to come, saying,
What mean the testimonies, and the
statutes, and the judgments, which
the Lord our God hath commanded
you?” (v.20) Do you think that will
happen? Do you think that will
happen that those coming behind
us will question or ask? What are
we going to tell them? What are
we going to tell them? The Lord
Jesus Christ came. He died upon
the cross and He shed His blood
that we could repent, that we
could have the plan of salvation,
that we follow the Word of Life
that God has given to us, that we
follow His commandments and
His instructions and by His grace
we have the overcoming Spirit.
That is our testimony. Are we
living what God has given to us?
“Then thou shalt say unto thy
son, We were Pharaoh’s bondmen
in Egypt; and the Lord brought us
out of Egypt with a mighty hand:”
(v.21) The mighty hand of God.
The mighty hand of God brought
us out of the world of sin and
“And the Lord shewed signs
and wonders, great and sore, upon
Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon
all his household, before our eyes:
And he brought us out from thence,
that he might bring us in, to give us
the land which he sware unto our
fathers. And the Lord commanded
us to do all these statutes, to fear the
Lord our God, for our good always,
that he might preserve us alive, as it
is at this day.” (v.22-24) The Lord
is going to preserve us. He is going
to help us through no matter what
the trials, no matter what the
temptations are. No matter what
the situation in this world is, the
Lord is going to preserve us. He is
going to carry us through. He is
going to preserve us alive as it is at
this day.
“And it shall be our
righteousness, if we observe to
do all these commandments
before the Lord our God, as he
hath commanded us.” (v.25) By
His grace and His mercy, we
have obtained righteousness in
our lives, in our hearts, in our
minds. So what do we do? We
continue to fear the Lord and
follow His commandments as He
commanded us.
Thus saith the LORD, Stand
ye in the ways,
and see, and ask for the old
where is the good way, and
walk therein,
and ye shall find rest for your
souls... Jeremiah 6:16
Continued Articles
— Continued from pg. 3
saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not
of works, lest any man should boast.”
(Eph. 2:8-9). We are “ justified
freely by his grace through the
redemption that is in Christ Jesus:”
(Rom. 3:24) and understand that
“by the deeds of the law there shall
no flesh be justified in his sight:”
(Rom. 3:20).
Finding ourselves purchased
with a price as precious as Jesus’
blood, we gladly yield to the
sanctifying process by which we
are made “ his workmanship, created
in Christ Jesus unto good works,
which God hath before ordained
that we should walk in them.” (Eph.
2:10). Indeed, in light of what Jesus
has done for us, we should submit
joyfully each day to the “washing
of water by the word” (Eph. 5:26)
by which we are sanctified and
A correct and complete
understanding of God’s redeeming
grace and the terrible price paid
by our Savior will never lead to a
spirit of license or the justification
of sinful behavior. Rather His
suffering gives strength to our
resolve to “Abhor that which is
evil; (and to) cleave to that which
is good.” (Rom. 12:9). Like Paul,
we reply “God forbid!” when the
suggestion is made that we might
somehow “continue in sin, that
grace may abound” (Rom. 6:1).
When tempted, we remember
that there is always a way of escape
(1 Cor. 10:13) and that we may
need to say, “Get thee behind me
Satan,” (Matt. 16:23), reminding
ourselves “How shall we which
are dead to sin continue any longer
therein?” (Rom. 6:2). And having
fled from “the lust of the flesh, and
the lust of the eyes, and the pride of
life,” (1 John 2:16) we “ follow after
righteousness, godliness, faith, love,
patience, meekness.” (1 Tim. 6:11).
We can be very grateful
that we benefit from consistent
teaching that emphasizes the
critical importance of good works
in a believer’s life, understanding
that “ faith without works is dead”
(James 2:26) and that Jesus
commanded that we should “Let
your light so shine before men, that
they may see your good works, and
glorify your Father which is in
heaven.” (Matt. 5:16).
In living an overcoming life, by
the power of the blood of the lamb
(Rev. 12:11), we bring glory to God
– what a privilege!
The blessing of simplicity of
worship: as believers we experience
the need and the benefit of
bringing glory and praise to God
in worship. The Book of Psalms
is filled with expressions of such
praise, acknowledging God as
Creator of all things, the giver
of life, all-loving, all-knowing,
all-powerful…on and on. We
experience a blessing of worship
that has a focus on God and a deemphasis of self.
Jesus taught the woman at
the well that, “God is a Spirit:
and they that worship him must
worship him in spirit and in
truth.” (John 4:24). Paul was
concerned that the Corinthians
would stray from the “simplicity
that is in Christ.” (2 Cor. 11:3)
and stated his own determination
“not to know any thing among
you, save Jesus Christ, and him
crucified.” (1 Cor. 2:2). Rather
he hoped that his preaching,
which was done in weakness,
with much fear and trembling,
not relying on man’s wisdom,
would be a “ demonstration of the
Spirit and of power:” (1 Cor. 2:4).
How privileged we have been to
experience such power through
the blessing of worship. This calls
all of us to be grounded in and
committed to 2 Timothy 2:15.
May we ponder these privileges
and let our hearts and minds roam
beyond them as we consider the
multitude of benefits of being a
child of the King!
Acts of God
— Continued from pg. 6
in May 2013 ripped paths of
devastation through both rural
and urban Oklahoma City
areas. Thousands of homes were
destroyed and 24 lives lost.
Our disaster rebuilding project
began there on January 6th and
continued through March 28,
2014. Approximately 530 volunteers
representing 50 congregations
responded to this opportunity to
serve. Each week a new group of
around 50 volunteers arrived in
Oklahoma City. Projects ranged
from small interior repair and
remodeling jobs to complete
rebuilds of three bedroom houses.
In several cases, the damaged
home was no longer inhabitable
— Continued from pg. 7
1:2; Psalm 119: 15-16). And in
Psalm 19 he provides a poetic
illustration of how God’s word
brings hope and healing to the
The law of the Lord is perfect,
converting the soul: the
testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple.
The statutes of the Lord are
right, rejoicing the heart: the
and had to be torn down before
building could begin. Volunteers
worked on approximately 35
different projects.
The World Relief Disaster
Fund provided $400,000 for
building materials, fuel and
vehicle maintenance costs,
volunteer housing and meals
and all costs associated with the
disaster rebuilding project. Unlike
most of the recent rebuilding
projects where local organizations
contributed around half of the
material costs, nearly all of the
building materials for this project
were paid for from our own
funds, with little help from local
These projects continue to
be a great blessing to all who
commandment of the Lord is
pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is
clean, enduring for ever: the
judgments of the Lord are true
and righteous altogether.
participate. Both the recipients
and those who come to serve
experience the Lord’s goodness
and blessings. God’s hand of
blessing has been both seen and
felt by those who have seized the
Future disaster rebuilding
projects are being considered
and there will, no doubt, be
more opportunities to serve.
The need for assistance in
Washington, Illinois is currently
being evaluated. It is the goal of
the USA Committee to have a
project of this type each year –
typically January through March.
These opportunities will be
communicated through email and
at www.acworldrelief.org.
encouraged meditation, we all
have a part in fulfilling the great
commission. Let us be willing
participants that all things might
work rather unto the furtherance of
the gospel (Philippians 1:12).
The sinner who meditates
upon God’s word ultimately finds
that this implanted Word is able
to save their soul (James 1:21).
Whether through evangelism,
community, discussion or
Learning from our history
Remembering Our Spiritual Heritage
This month we are again focusing on the “Froehlich
Movement” as it spread eastward. The nation of
Hungary was ripe for the preaching of repentance
in the 1830s. A book entitled, “The Nazarenes”
chronicles in detail how the church began in
that nation. In Switzerland, the Froehlich church
became known as Evangelical Baptists (as translated
into English), while in Eastern Europe the newlyestablished church was called The Nazarenes.
Prior to presenting excerpts from the book on
the Hungarian history by author Karoly Eotvos,
we are going to first give background information
concerning Hungary as noted in the first portion of
the book.
Preliminary Data
In the 1830’s the zeal of faith, as renewed by the
Lord’s leading of Samuel H. Froehlich, reached
Hungary. Two journeymen craftsmen, John Denkel
and John Dropacsek, traveled from their native
Hungary, through Vienna, to Switzerland in order to
ply their trade in that nation. During their stay they
fell under the influence of the Froehlich movement
and were converted.
They returned to Hungary and introduced
the new Faith to a young apprentice named Louis
Hencsey. Although an unlettered man, young Louis
Hencsey eventually became the “Froehlich” of his
native Hungary, and God used him to preach and
teach from the Bible. His efforts and those of others
including Joseph Bella (who later came to America)
resulted in the establishment of a church in Hungary
known as the Nazarenes.
The preaching and teaching work of the early
brethren in Hungary yielded amazing results. After
many decades of zealous work, the church grew
and grew. According to Brother Andy Hunyadi, the
greater Hungarian state had 236 congregations and
86,000 members prior to World I. After the war,
Hungary was broken up and new borders established.
The church began to subside dramatically. Also, in
time, communism came to Hungary and this caused
great difficulties for the church.
It is sad how social and political conditions
affected the church over the years. Andy Hunyadi
estimated that by 1994 there were approximately 30
churches with slightly over 2,100 members. There
were 10 active elders, 13 deacons, and 91 ministers,
and nearly 1,000 children with a song in their heart:
“Jesus loves me, this I know” (as Bro. Andy described
This book tells the story of how a church was
established in Hungary -- due to the conversion of
John Denkel and John Kropacsek and their winning
the heart of Louis Hencsey -- and how the latter
zealously took the lead in promoting the glorious
cause of Christ that still lives in Hungary today.
Due to the grace of God, the Spirit moved from
Switzerland specifically in two directions -- westward
to America, and eastward into Eastern Europe. The
story of the church in Hungary is an inspiring one,
which we hope to cover in the next few issues.
-By Perry Klopfenstein
Next Issue: Specific aspects of how the church was
formed in Hungary.
The Light of Hope
We Are One Bread
In 1 Cor. 10:17 we read these words, “For we being
many are one bread, and one body: for we are all
partakers of that one bread.” In Japanese it can be
directly translated as follows, “Because there is one
bread, we, though many, are one bread. Because
we all partake of one bread.” I believe that Holy
Communion or the Lord’s Supper is what is being
spoken of.
What caught my attention is that we, Christ’s
followers, are referred to as bread. Yet we know
that Christ’s body is also referred to as bread. In
instituting the Lord’s Supper, Jesus took bread and
said, “This is my body which is given for you.” Luke
22:19. The question that arises is, “In what sense are
we, Christ’s followers, bread?”
1 Cor. 12:27 was written to believers and it reads,
“Now ye are the body of Christ.” If we are the body
of Christ, and bread is His body, then we are bread.
Thus we are referred to as one bread.
In what sense are we bread? It seems to me that
we can be compared to the kernels of wheat that go
into the flour of which bread is made. In order for
those kernels of wheat to become bread, they must
be crushed and ground into flour. In the same way,
we must become crushed and dead unto self in order
to become the body of Christ. Jesus said, “Whosoever
shall fall upon this stone shall be broken.” Matthew
21:44. He was evidently speaking of the need for
people to be humble enough to surrender to God, in
faith believing in Jesus Christ as their redeemer.
We therefore learn that we are referred to in the
Bible as kernels of wheat which have been processed
or converted to Christ, after which, as we blend in
with other kernels of wheat, we are referred to as
bread, or the body of Christ. In the making of a loaf
of bread, the kernels of wheat lose their identity. In
much the same way, we should lose our identity for
the good of the church as a whole. Many faithful
members, where no one seeks his own, makes for a
wonderful, spiritual church.
When Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper, I
assume that He used a loaf of bread. This was fine
because He only served His twelve disciples. Several
places in the Bible it is written that Christ brake
bread. “Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it.”
Matthew 26:26. Also, in Luke 25:30 is written, “And
it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took
bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.” I
understand this to mean that He took a small piece
off of a larger piece, perhaps a loaf.
What’s the good of thinking about details like
this? For myself, I gain a better perspective of how
God wants me to be, if I think of myself as a kernel
of wheat, which has been made into flour and then
into bread which is the body of Christ. There is a
spiritual application which informs us how minute
and nothing we are by ourselves, but by working
with others, we become something really worthwhile,
the body of Christ. We are thereby motivated to love
each other more, and to do unto others as we would
that they do unto us.
We are one bread. It should not be forgotten that
the Bible says we are ONE bread. This indicates that
we should be, and want to be, working together. May
God grant us grace and may we be willing to use
that grace, to be a faithful part of the bread which is
Christ’s body, the church.
We should remember that it is the Baker who is
in charge of making the bread.
1523 County Road 400N
Congerville, IL 61729
And God saw everything that he had
made, and, behold, it was very good.
Genesis 1:31