082212 C44-46 Community PR.qxd


082212 C44-46 Community PR.qxd
4 ELUL 5772
AUGUST 22, 2012
Arachim Weekend Inspires
Hundreds Of Orthodox Participants
An impressive turnout of several hundred members of the Orthodox community enjoyed new levels of inspiration
over the Shabbos Nachamu weekend
when Arachim, the renowned worldwide
kiruv organization, presented an array of
stimulating lectures at the Stamford
Plaza Hotel in Connecticut. The program — based on Arachim’s standard
outreach presentations but adapted for a
frum audience — featured distinguished
Torah scholars who expounded on fundamental Jewish beliefs and values
through eye-opening proofs and discussion.
Rabbi Yinon Kalazan, who has been
lecturing for Arachim for over 25 years,
enriched his hearers with his unique
capacity to delve into the depths of
Torah concepts. His lectures included
“Body and Soul: Understanding
Ourselves” and “The End of Days: The
Future According to Tanach.”
Rabbi Dr. Shalom Srebrenik captivated the audience with his brilliant analysis in “The Spiritual Meaning of
Education.” He also presented “The
Story of Michael Berko: A Moving Drama
About the Meaning of Life.”
The Arachim weekend was filled with
lectures catering to a variety of interests.
These included several presentations by
Rabbi Avraham Jacobovitz, who spoke
passionately about Hashem’s love for
Klal Yisrael. He presented “The Final
Solution to Anti-Semitism” and “The
Fourteen Wonders of the Torah and the
Jewish People.”
Women were treated to a powerful
lecture by Mrs. Ivy Kalazan, who provided a distinctively logical approach to the
concept and practice of tznius that visibly awed the educators in the audience.
Through the weekend many guests
commented about the enthusiastic
ruach that filled the atmosphere. In
addition to the scintillating discussions,
guests enjoyed gourmet meals catered by
the famous Weiss Brothers of Nesher
Caterers, beautiful accommodations,
and a gala melaveh malkah featuring live
music by Cantor Chaim David Berson.
Rabbi Yaakov Ephraim Parisi shared his
fascinating life story, a journey that took
him from a Catholic childhood in
Brooklyn to a promising future as a
Catholic priest, then to El Paso, Texas,
and on to Judaism and Jerusalem. An
exclusive feature of Arachim’s international activities designed to help
estranged Jews return to their heritage
was highlighted in a special video presentation.
“This program was exceptional in
every way,” said one of the participants.
“Each of the speakers conveyed a particular facet of Arachim’s unique message
about the centrality of Torah in our lives.
Arachim is an outstanding force for kiruv
in Eretz Yisrael and around the world.”
Gathering for Women With
Bikur Cholim Chesed Organization,
in partnership with Sharsheret and
CancerCare, hosts monthly friendship
gatherings for frum women who are in
treatment for or have been in treatment for cancer. Our next confidential
meeting will take place on
Tuesday, September 4, 11-12:30, in the
Bikur Cholim Chesed Organization
building at 5216 11th Avenue. It is free
of charge. Come hear interesting guest
speakers and have opportunities to
meet others who understand, while
enjoying a light, healthy snack. For
more information, please leave a message for Shlomis at (718) 438-2020, ext.
7432, and tell her the most private way
to reach you. (This project is sponsored
by the Caring Commission of the UJA
Federation of Greater NY.)
DROR Assists Our Brethren
Thousands streamed towards the
famous Shomrei Shabbos shul on 53rd
Street corner of 13th Avenue to attend
the “Hillel Mechayev” campaign hosted
by DROR, an ever-growing organization
that assists our brethren in prison.
Despite the heat, hundreds showed
their empathy for the pain of acheinu
Bnei Yisrael, some of them fathers unable
to attend their own children’s weddings.
DROR, like an angel in the dark, heard
the cries of those shattered fathers and
with the help of the “Hillel Mechayev”
participants was able to assist three families with the excruciating financial burden of marrying off their children while
the head of the household is imprisoned.
The emergency campaign was eloquently addressed by the esteemed president of DROR and Rav of Faltishan,
Harav Ephraim Stein, shlita, who movingly portrayed the loneliness and pain of
fathers behind bars and the desperate
plight of their families back home, trying
to stay afloat. His words summoned each
individual listening to include himself in
the great mitzvah of pidyon shvuyim.
Rabbi Yidel Lichtenstein, “Father of
the Imprisoned” as he is rightfully called,
explained how to live as a law-abiding citizen and be protected from the criminal
justice system.
The renowned Rabbi Shua Brook of
the Aleph Institute, who works hand-inhand with DROR, talked about the crisis
that ensues when the head of the household is incarcerated; how the entire family suffers as a result. It is more than just
a crisis: a tragedy unfolds.
The campaign provided chizuk and
inspiration, while also being an eyeopener to the thousands who attended.
They learned what DROR is and what it
The plight of our dear brothers is, with
DROR’s help, clearly on the map! May we
merit the release of all those who are
awaiting redemption.
Delicious meals
new dining room
in our