St. Therese


St. Therese
213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875
August 16, 2015 / 16 de Augusto de 2015
Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral
Rev. William Hoffman - Pastor / Párroco
Rev. Mr. Tony Abts - Deacon / Diácono
Rev. Mr. Ernesto Gonzalez - Deacon / Diácono
Sr. Mary Jane Knitter, SSJ-TOSF - Musician/Directora de Música
Carlos Herrera, Mphil. - Pastoral Associate / Ministerio Hispano
Margaret Jensen - RE Coordinator / Coordinadora Catecismo
Tina Poppe - Parish Nurse / Enfermera
Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina
Luis Giraldo - Business Manager / Administrador
Chris Armstrong - Receptionist / Recepcionista
Roberto Martinez - Maintenance / Mantenimiento
Trustee-Treasurer / Fiducirio-Tesorero
Thomas Kohlmann
Trustee-Secretary / Fiducirio-Secretario
Norys Piña Lozano
Telephone / Teléfono
Office / Oficina ................................................. 733-8568
Carlos Herrera ................................................... 739-0794
Fax ........................................................................ 954-5727
Website / Página internet……
Office Hours / Horas de Oficina
Mon - Thur / lunes a jueves ........ 8:00am-4:30 pm
Fri / viernes .................................. 8:00 am-12:30 pm
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Sat - sáb /Confessions / Confesiones 3:00-3:45 pm
Saturday Mass 4:00 pm / Sábado Misa 5:30 pm
Sunday Mass 9:00 am / Domingo Misa 11:00 am y 7:00 pm
Weekday Mass Tue - Fri / martes a viernes8:00 am
1st Thu * Adoration ...................... 8:30 am -7:00 pm
1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa ................ 6 & 7pm
Last Saturday Adoration Mass 7:30 am; Holy Hour 8-9 am
Ministries / Ministerios
Please call the office for info / Por favor avísenos con una llamada a la oficina
Thursday, August 20th,
6:00 pm, in the Family Room
beginning with a pot-luck meal.
Election of Trustee-Treasurer will
take place at the meeting.
jueves, 20 de agosto, a las 6:00
pm, en el Salón de la familia…
comenzando con una comida de
“traje”. Elección de FiduciarioTesorero dentro de la reunión.
CARE Ministry .......................Tina Poppe, Coordinator
Vision In Action .......................................Nancy Bourassa
Prayer Chain .................................................. Judy Hietpas
Worship Committee ..............................Sr. Anne Arthur
Ladies of St. Therese ................................. Dorothy Mach
St. Vincent de Paul .......................... Greg & Jean Pethan
Coro / Hispanic Choirs ...................... Ernesto Gonzalez
Comité de Pastoral Hispana…….Carlos Herrera, Mphil.
Litugia y enfermos .................................... Martha Franco
Ministerio de “La Virgen Peregrina” ...........................
.................. Omar Chacón, Carmen Irenn y Rosa García
Divina Misericordia .................................. Lupita Muñoz
Sacraments / Sacramentos
Baptism / Bautismo
By appointment with Father / Hay que hacer cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Reconciliation / Confesiones
Saturday / Sábado 3:00 – 3:45 pm or anytime by appointment with Father/
o haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Marriage / Matrimonio
By appointment with Father /Haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Communion Calls / Comunión para los Enfermos
Please call the office to advise us / Por favor avísenos con una llamada a la oficina
“Padre Bill”
Una vez más le recordamos e invitamos a nuestra
reunión anual de la parroquia, y elección de Fiduciario – Tesorero. Comenzaremos con una comida “de
traje” a las 6:00 pm en la Sala de la Familia.
Copias del reporte anual de la parroquia están disponibles en el templo este fin de semana, y en la
reunión este jueves. Quiero dar las gracias al equipo
parroquial por informarnos de sus ministerios. Cada
miembro del equipo hará una presentación de sus
reportes en la reunión.
El Regalo del Tiempo
En la segunda lectura de hoy San Pablo nos invita a apreciar
el regalo del tiempo, y conseja la moderación del placer.
“Hermanos y hermanas, tengan cuidado de portarse no
como insensatos, sino como prudentes, aprovechando el
momento presente … traten de entender cuál es la voluntad de Dios. No se embriaguen, porque el vino lleva al libertinaje. Llénense, más bien, del Espíritu Santo.” El tiempo es
un regalo precioso pero tiene sus límites. Lo que hacemos
con el tiempo es nuestro regalo a Dios.
Another reminder and invitation to our annual
parish meeting and election of Trustee -Treasurer.
We will begin with a “pot-luck” supper at 6:00 pm
in the Family Room, and proceed with our meeting at 6:30 pm.
Copies of our Parish Annual Report will be available in church this weekend, and at the meeting
on Thursday. I want to thank the members of our parish
staff for the reports on their areas of parish ministry.
Each member of our parish staff will be invited to present their reports at the meeting on Thursday.
The Gift of Time
In today’s second reading, St. Paul invites us to appreciate the gift of time, and advises moderation in pleasure.
“Brothers and sisters, watch carefully how you live, not
as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of the
opportunity … try to understand what is the will of the
Lord. And do not get drunk on wine, in which lies
debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.” Time is a
precious but not unlimited gift. What we do with time is
our return gift to God.
El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, permanece en
mí y yo en él. Como el Padre, que me ha enviado, posee
la vida y yo vivo por él, así también el que me come vivirá
por mí”. - Jn 6, 56-57
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in
me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I
have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on
me will have life because of me.” - Jn 6:56-57
Leccionario II © 1987 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral
Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970
Rosaries are available at all exits of church (no cost). This is a good time to teach others to pray the rosary especially children.
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
Actividades los Sábados: 1. Grupo de Oración
a las 6:30 pm. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia.
Se reúne los viernes a las 7 pm en el Salón de la
Reunión Anual de la Parroquia. 20 de Agosto a
las 6 pm en el Centro de Actividades. Venga a
saber más de los resultados y retos que tuvimos
en el año 2014-2015, y cómo prepararnos mejor
en este año de bendiciones.
^Ya estamos en las inscripciones para Catecismo. Tome una forma
y llénela lo antes posible. Junta de papás 9 de Septiembre y las
clases inician el 16 de Septiembre.
Fondo Regresando a Casa: Inscríbase en este programa que funciona
como una ayuda adicional por si algún miembro de su familia
falleciera. Cooperación inicial de $20 y llenar la aplicación.
Pastoral de Cuidado. Si usted sabe de algún miembro de la iglesia
que desee visitas o recibir el Sacramento de la Eucaristía en su
hogar o casa de asistencia. Llame a la Señora Martha Franco al
Sacramentos, Like
eventos y fotos, vaya a:
Congratulations /Bautizados:
Israel Leon Martinez
Jennifer Carrera
Evelyn Carrera
Joseph Luna Mendoza
Melanie Luna Mendoza Richard Hernandez
Felicidades en celebrar su Primera Comunion!
Ariana Castro
Angel Castro
Giovani Leon
En memoria amorosa
Guillermo Enriquez Martes
Paso a la vida eterna el lunes 11 de Augusto del
2015. Pedimos a la comunidad que lo
recuerde en sus oraciones. Nuestra parroquia
ofrece su más sincero pésame a sus familiars.
Bible Study
The Thursday Morning sessions at
8:30 am till 9:30 am will resume October 15th.
The Book of Obadiah will be studied.
A Vacation is No Vacation without Mass –
Partners in Faith
Does your summer vacation include taking a vacation
from Mass? Finding a Mass when you are away from
home may mean making special efforts. Here are four
reasons to fit Mass into your summer, home or away:
*Where ever mass is said anywhere in the world, millions
of people you don’t know are praying for you and with
you. Where else can you get that kind of help?
*Attending Mass connects you to the Communion of
Saints-the saints in heaven, the souls in purgatory and
believers on earth. That’s powerful company.
*After Jesus ascended to Heaven, His followers formed
the early church to keep His message alive. Every time
you attend Mass you help to keep Jesus’ message alive.
*God commanded us to keep holy the Sabbath, and Mass
is the way a Catholic fulfills that requirement.
NOTE: to find a church or Mass time anywhere in the
country visit
“Teach My People to Pray”
St. Pius X Parish
Your entire family is invited
Friday, August 28th 6:00pm - 8:45pm & Saturday,
August 29th 8:00am-3:30pm
Registration Deadline is August 21st
Return to parish office or mail to:
St. Pius X Att.: Mary Wirth
500 W. Marquette St.
Appleton, WI 54911
Please make payment payable to
St. Pius X Parish
$12.00 per person OR
$30.00 per family
Includes lunch
Stewardship / Colecta
“How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?”
08/09/15 Collection / Colecta ................................. $8,518.26
YTD / Año ...................................................................... $39,716.51
Budgeted / Presupuestado ......................................$41,538.46
St. Vincent de Paul of Appleton (SVdP) is holding a Rummage Sale on Thursday, August 20, from 9:00 AM - 8:00
PM and Friday, August 21, from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. The
sale will feature toys, furniture, clothing, collectibles and
more. All store merchandise will be 30% off and all furniture will be 50% off! Proceeds from the sale will support
SVdP's mission of helping people in need. SVdP provides
over $400,000 each year to assist individuals and families
with rent, utilities, medical bills, clothing, furniture, housewares and more. For more information, please visit
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
(CR = Conference Room; UCR=Upper Conference Room;
FR = Family Room; CC = Catechitecal Center)
Monday / Lunes, 8/17
7:00 pm....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC
Tuesday / Martes, 8/18
8:00 am Mass ...................................................... Joan Radtke
6:30 am .................Parish Nurse Advisory Committee / CR
Wednesday / Miércoles, 8/19
8:00 am Mass .................................................Wally Stichart
3:00 pm............................................................... Mass @ “A.R.C.”
Thursday / Jueves, 8/20
8:00 am Mass .................................................Wally Stichart
8:30 am .............................................................. Bible Study / CR
6:00 pm .................................. St. Therese Annual Meeting
...................................................... w/ Pot-luck Supper / FR
7:00 pm....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC
Friday / Viernes, 8/21
8:00 am Mass ............................................... Char Rossmeisl
7:00 pm.............................................. Divina Misericordia / FR
Saturday / Sábado, 8/22
4:00 pm Mass ...............Dorothy & Howard Anderson
5:00 pm..... Rosario por la Paz y Justicia a los inmigrantes
5:30 pm Misa ............................... Jerome & Helen Cayen
6:30 pm ........................................... Grupo de Oración / Iglesia
Sunday / Domingo, 8/23
9:00 am Mass .................................................. Sanchiro Lewi
11:00 am Misa ..................................................Jerome Gomm
7:00 pm Misa ........... La Comunidad de Santa Teresita
The World Apostolate of Fatima will be hosting
“Fatima Days” at the Shrine of Our Lady of
Good Help on the 13th of each month, May
thru October. On Thursday, August 13, 2015,
a Fatima Day will begin at 10 am and continue
until 3 pm. The day will include Mass, Confessions, Adoration, Rosary, and two talks on the
Fatima message. If you have any questions,
please call the Shrine office: 920-866-2571 x2. Thank you!
Where are you being called?
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
8 / 22 &23, 2015
4:00 pm
Sr. Anne Arthur / Jeff S.
Kathy R. / Karen R. / Ed K. / Rose A.
Emson E. / Gracelo T. / Vade E.
Robert H. / John W. / Larry H. / Michael B.
9:00 am
Larrie B. / Tom V.
Anne L. / Bob V. / Joni V. / Tony A.
Molly B. / James J.
David V. / James R. / Catherine N. / James C.
5:30 pm
L Maricela L. / Maria A. / Eva R.
C Elisa / Ernesto / Gonzalo / Guadalupe / Eulalia
11:00 am
L Martha F. / Maria V. / Mauela M.
C Gloria / Jovita / Teresa / Ramona / Rosa
Do you like visiting with others?
Do you have a free hour every week or two?
We will be offering training to become a
CARE Minister at our parish in
the coming months.
Won’t you prayerfully consider becoming a
visitor to those in our Parish family who are lonely or need a
listening ear? Have questions or concerns?
Please call Tina RN at the parish office,
733-8568 for more details.