November 8, 2015 - St. Bernard`s Church • Levittown NY


November 8, 2015 - St. Bernard`s Church • Levittown NY
November 8, 2015
Stay awake and be waiting for the Lord!
516-731-4220 Phone/516-731-4355 Fax
Email: [email protected]
Father Ralph Sommer, Pastor
[email protected]
ext. 130
Father Joe Nohs, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
ext. 128
Deacon John Blakeney
[email protected]
Deacon James Flannery
[email protected]
Deacon Timm Taylor
[email protected]
Father Joy Varkey, Resident Priest
[email protected]
ext. 124
Father Andres Fernadez, Resident Priest
ext 131
Mrs. Susan Martin, Director of Religious Education
[email protected]
516-731-8511 Phone/516-731-7860 Fax
The Religious Education Center is closed on Fridays.
Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P.,
Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry
[email protected]
Ms. Sarah Kropac, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Mrs. Mary Jane Witte, Director of Liturgical Music
[email protected]
ext. 142
Ms. Diane Vella, Pastoral Associate
[email protected]
ext. 143
Mrs. Rose Marie Rotondo, Sacristan
[email protected]
Mr. Len Lanzi, Facilities Manager
ext. 120
Mr. Dimas Carbajal, Head of Maintenance
[email protected]
ext. 126
With faith, hope, and love the people of
St. Bernard's parish family are on a mission
to bring the gospel of Jesus
to the Levittown Community and beyond.
Spiritual Life
Schedule of Masses:
Saturday: 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am (Family Mass), 10:30 am,
12 Noon, 5:30 pm (Youth Mass)
Weekdays: 8:00 am
Holy Days: see website:
Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Weekdays: After the 8:00 am Mass
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena and
Monday: Check schedule on page 5.
Morning Prayer:
Monday through Saturday 8:30 am, Prayer Room. Books are
Baptism of Children: We welcome infants and children to our
Christian community! Baptisms are held on select Sundays at
1:30 pm. Please contact the parish at least 3 months before
an anticipated baptism – even before a new child is born –
to ensure enough time to complete the baptism
preparation process. Our three-step preparation process
includes: 1) at-home reading and preparation by the parents;
2) an intake conversation with a member of our parish staff;
and 3) participation with other parents in a Sunday morning
gathering, which begins with attendance at our 9:00 am
“Family-friendly” Mass.
Please call 731-4220 or e-mail
[email protected] to request a Baptism information
and preparation packet.
Marriages: Church arrangements should be made at least
6 months before the marriage and before making any
contracts with restaurants or caterers. Please call the
Would you like to join our vibrant community of Faith, Hope Rectory to set up an appointment with a priest, 731-4220.
and Love at St. Bernard’s? Sign-up and get to know us at Ministry to the Sick and Aging: If you are, or know of
one of our monthly New Parishioner Registration and Wel- someone who is homebound and would like to receive Holy
come evenings! For information, call the parish office at
Communion, please call the rectory at 731-4220.
516-731-4220, or download a form from our website
St. Vincent De Paul Society: 735-3218 Click on “Join St. Bernard’s
Usher Coordinator: John Lyons (516) 390-5150 or
Parish” on the left side of the home page form. If you
move away, please notify us as well.
[email protected]
Bulletin Deadline: Friday, 5:00 pm, nine days prior to publication. You may email us at [email protected] or leave a printed
copy in the inbox on the bulletin desk in the Parish Office. Thank you for your cooperation!
No Guilty Giving
E– mail Father Ralph: [email protected]
Faith Direct
Jesus notices a poor widow who puts a couple of coins in the temple treasury
I haven’t written a church
contribution check in a
decade. That’s because I find
it easier to give electronically.
Actually I find myself doing
almost all my payments for
any kind of personal bills or
contributions online. It is so
much quicker and easier and
I’m saving at least 49 cents
each time -- not to mention
receiving cash back rewards
when I use my credit card. If
you’re like me and would
rather make your church
offerings electronically,
consider using Faith Direct,
an online service where you
can choose exactly how much
to give in your weekly and
special offerings. Just go to and
within a few minutes, you’ll
be all set. And when the
basket comes around on
Sunday, just smile as you pass
it, knowing that you’ve
already given and made our
lives much easier since we
don’t have to process checks
or count cash or print
envelopes for you. Our Faith
Direct parish code is:
and points out to his disciples that she was giving unlike the others. “They
have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has
contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” (Mark 12:38-44)
I am so tempted right now to ask you -- yes you -- to increase your financial
contribution to St. Bernard’s so we can continue the good work of Jesus in our
community. But that request would be one based on guilt: That poor widow
gave EVERYTHING she had to the temple, and you can’t give a little more
each week?
Yet, if you read the gospel carefully, Jesus never says that what she did was
good. He just says she did it. In fact, in the passage just before this one, he
says, “Beware of the scribes....they devour the houses of widows and, as a
pretext, recite lengthy prayers. They will receive a very severe
condemnation.” I wonder if he is appalled that she gave everything away.
How will she live now? Who is going to take care of her? Is she a generous,
free-spirited, couldn’t-care-less woman who trusts that all will be OK if she
gives away her last pennies, or is she giving because some scribe has told her
that she had better do this or God won’t love her? The gospel doesn’t shed
any light on this. Rather it calls into question the reasons we give to the
Why do you give as much as you do?
Out of obligation? Out of love? Out of
guilt? Out of a generous spirit? Because we need the money? Because it’s
what you or your family has always done? Do you get a ton of charity
requests in the mail and somehow feel obligated to respond? Or feel guilty
throwing the appeals away? Today might be a good day for us to take some
time and reflect a little on our motives for giving and our choices for giving.
Giving ought indeed be a free choice that expresses our values, our hopes, and
our love.
I’m not going to yield to the temptation to use this gospel to guilt people into
giving more. While I’d like people to give more because our needs continue to
grow and develop, that has to be their free choice, not something that this
modern day “scribe” pushes through promises of greater blessings or through
Parish News
Gifts of treasure
Sunday collections
Ministry of Consolation Memorial Mass
Today, Sunday, November 8, 2015, there will be a
special Mass at 3:00 p.m. in loving memory of all the
deceased parishioners who had a funeral mass or a
memorial service at St. Bernard’s from October 2014 to
September 30, 2015. There will be light refreshments in
the parish center following the Mass. All are welcomed
to attend.
November 1, 2015
November 2, 2014
$ 14,683.00
$ 15,616.05
626 envelopes
657 envelopes
Faith Direct
$ 1,903.77
$ 1,901.63
Total Collection
$ 16,586.77
$ 17,517.68
Second Collection - All Saints
$ 3,540.95
$ 2,370.55
357 envelopes
214 envelopes
Capital Campaign
Goal: $1,000,000.00
Pledged: $1,199,925.00
Collected to date: $1,059,166
Catholic Daughters, Court St. Pius X, #1690
 Memorial Mass in the church
Thursday, November 12, 2015, 7:00 PM
Please continue to fulfill your pledge commitment
so that all of the planned projects can be accomplished.
Thank you for your continued generosity.
 Meeting in the Parish Center
Thursday, December 10, 2015, 7:30 PM
Mid-Week Mid-Morning Book Discussion
Here’s a change of pace… a whodunit! complete with
courtroom maneuvering and surprising turns of evidence
and at the same time a mystery, something altogether
richer and deeper! Join your fellow parishioners on
Wednesday, November 18 at 10 AM in the Parish
Center for an informal discussion of Snow Falling on
Cedars by David Guterson. Start reading early…it’s
460 pages, but well worth the time. You won’t be sorry!
For more information contact Wally Rodier at
[email protected] or 516-731-6690.
Faith Direct
Have you enrolled yet? Code = NY272
Parish calendar
(Subject to change)
Monday, November 9
After 8am Mass Miraculous Medal Novena, Church
Tuesday, November 10
10:00 am Our Lady of Consolation, Parish Center
2:00 pm Zumba Gold, Parish Center
6:00 pm Religious Award Boy Scout Troop 316,
6:15 pm Children’s Choir Practice, Parish Center
7:00 pm Boy Scout 316 Meeting, Cafeteria
7:00 pm Boy Scout Monthly Committee Meeting,
Parish Center
7:00 pm Spanish Rosary, Prayer Room
7:00 pm Vivitrol Support Group, School Room 209
7:30 pm AA Meeting, School Room 207
7:30 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal, Church
7:30 pm CYO Referee Meeting, Parish Center
Wednesday, November 11, Veteran’s Day
7:00 pm CFFR, Parish Center
7:30 pm Folk Group, Off-site
8:00 pm Bread of Life Prayer Group, Parish Center
Thursday, November 12
9:00 am Zumba Gold, Parish Center
the salt of the earth?
Table salt enhances the flavor of food.
Our SALT is a new ministry that seeks
to enhance the lives of the
Sick Aging Lonely Tired
through little acts of kindness
( ex. a telephone call, a card, a visit, a pat on the back).
Would you like to join us and be a “Salt Shaker”?
Do you know of someone that we can serve?
Please call Bob Foley at 735-3278.
mass intentions
This listing may not reflect recent changes or additions.
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12 Noon
5:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:45 pm
10:00 am
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
9:00 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
3:00 pm
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Second Time
Audrey A. Catapano, St. Bernard Parish, Levittown
Jason M. Orsini
November 9
Eileen Satriano - Living
November 10
John A Harms Sr.
November 11
Alessio Camilleri
November 12
Walter Shepski
November 13
Sunjin Yoo
November 14
Donald Shank,
Robert Ziesig,
George McIntosh
Tschinkel/Waters Family
November 15
George McIntosh
Catherine Mahoney
Estelle Vinberg,
Dominick Serio,
Agnes Simpson,
For all parishioners
Richard Lawlor
Betty & Jim Mc Ardalle
Parish calendar
10:00 am
2:15 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Chongae James
Peter Howard Borosky, St. Bernard Parish, Levittown
We welcome into the parish the following new members:
Anthony Mariano Castora
Grace Marie Polanco
Derek Paul Tran
Congratulations to the happy parents.
for the sick of our parish
Rocky Abbondola
Samantha Barrett
Michelle Breslin Grace & Gloria Burrell Rachael Edwards
Baby Brianna Fleming
Mary Hirt
Irene Lambert
Elizabeth Morse
Jack Nikop
Della Dorn Rice
Grace Slaby
Fr. Ralph Sommer
All names will remain on the list for 4 weeks after you call in.
After that time we ask, if necessary, to call again.
Thank you for cooperating and God bless all.
Please pray for all those on our Long-term Sick List
Baby Mason Francis Combs
Susan Arena
Arlene Barsch
Irene Boyce
Jean Caprera
Rosemary Clark
Roberta Curran
Richard DeLaRosa
Monica DeLaRosa
Juanita Dones
Harold Encizo
Jim Finlan
Kathleen Flaherty
Teresita Gallego
Colleen Grasing
John Guiffre
Mike Hach
Patricia Hafner
Carolyn Hakim
Suzanne Hanna
Annette Hannon
Donna Hare
John Hartofil
Judy Hupfer
Gervas Ignacio
Vicki Jacona
Jerome W. Kalkhof
Amanda Kuck
Tia Mabanta
Andrew Mahoney
William McDonagh
Teresa McDonald
Mary McLean
Gerard McManus
Mary Messina
Irmgard Montanino
Kerri Orlando
Johnny Perdue
Rosina Perri
Raymond Pfiefer
Catherine Pipinou
Joan Rampolla
Fred Rappa
Laureen Quinn-Sturge Deanne Reilly
Federico Rueda
Terri Saccente
Eve Saint
Thomas Saint
Keith Sessa
Terry Sherwood
Joseph Smithwick, Sr.
Norma Steiger
Marina Suazo
Liberty Tabag
David Testa
Rosalie Travers
Donna Vollaro
Theresa Votta
Ann “Dolores” Walsh
Pat Welisher
Charles Yevoli
(Subject to change)
Shawl Ministry, Parish Center
St. Vincent Meeting, Clairvaux House
Most Holy Trinity Novena, Prayer Room
Catholic Daughters Memorial Mass,
Bible Study, Parish Center
Training for Bereavement Facilitator,
Parish Center
November 13
Bible Study, Parish Center
Supper & Song DRVC People with
Special Needs, Gym
Book Pilgrimage, Parish Center
November 14,
Religious Ed First Penance Retreat,
Special Education, Parish Center
Women’s AA Meeting, Cafeteria
November 15, Veteran’s Blessing
at all Masses
“Ten Things” - Parish Center
Youth Ministry Meeting, YM Room
AA Meeting, Cafeteria
Pray for our beloved deceased
and those who mourn for them
John Columbo Marge Cosenza
Marguerite Cosgrove
Shirley A. Wetzel
Diane Vella, Pastoral Associate
How does someone
become Catholic and
what does that have
to do with you?
- The Vision
RCIA: What’s a Catechumen??
Want to
learn more
about RCIA?
Becoming a Christian, or deepening one’s relationship
with Christ, is something like falling in love. First you
casually start getting to know someone (The “Inquiry
stage” of becoming Christian), but at some point you
either move away from the relationship or move on to the
next step - what might be compared to “seeing someone”
or “going steady.” At this point, you are attracted enough
to the other person that you want to spend serious time
getting to know him or her better because you think he or
she may be “right” for you.
Father Ralph, Diane Vella, and Mary Jane Witte
will be presenting an afternoon program for all
interested adults and especially those who will be
working with adults who are to be baptized, received
In the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA),
into the Catholic Church, and/or confirmed as
when a person moves forward into this stage, we have a
Catholics. Come find out how you can help welpublic ceremony at Church, which might be compared to come new Christians and Catholics just by sitting in
the old tradition of the guy giving the girl a pin or his ring
the pew on Sundays!
to signify that they’re “an item.” With this ceremony, an
“Inquirer” now becomes a “Catechumen.” A catechumen
(from a Greek word meaning “to echo”) is listening for a
resounding “echo” of Christ calling him or her to deeper
relationship through Baptism or Catholic Confirmation.
A few weeks ago at the 9:00 Mass, we welcomed several
children as catechumens. Children? Say WHAT?? Find
out why next week!!
1:00-4:30 P.M. in Church
Please register:
Diane Vella at 516-731-4220 or [email protected]
begins November 29
Advent Evening Prayer, Wednesdays 7:30 p.m.
Candlelight, incense, music and reflective guided meditation in preparation for Christmas.
Advent Retreat Day, Friday, December 4, 1o:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m.
Mrs. Claire Stiglic from St. Kilian parish will lead our retreat day.
Masses for the Immaculate Conception, Dec. 8
Mass (in Spanish) for Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dec. 11, 7:30 p.m.
Advent is Mary’s time—Come pray with our model of faith and courage
Diane Vella, Pastoral Associate
The Francis Effect
Over the course of the next year we will feature some thoughts from one of
Pope Francis’ talks or homilies during his recent visit to the United States. We
invite you to think, talk and pray about what it might be saying to you and to
our parish about our MISSION as followers of Jesus Christ as we seek with
faith, hope and love to bring the Gospel to the Levittown community and
“...The family is...the joyous confirmation of God’s blessing upon the
masterpiece of creation. Every day, all over the world, the Church can rejoice
in the Lord’s gift of so many families who, even amid difficult trials, remain
faithful to their promises and keep the faith.”
From the speech at the Festival of Families in Philadelphia, Sept. 2015
Reflect on how your family, even at the “messy” times, is a “masterpiece” of God’s creation.
How can family members better support one another in the tough times and remain faithful
to God and one another?
Get ready for:
Join us in this joint effort between St. Bernard’s and Our Lady of Mercy
for a brand new ministry created for grandparents
as we face changing trends and accept new roles in the 21st century!!
WELCOME MEETING on November 17, 2015
Six-Session Program + Introduction + Tuesday Evenings from 7:30-9 p.m.
Convent Basement Meeting Room
Call Christine from St. Bernard’s at 516-644-5253
or Lisa from Our Lady of Mercy at 516-455-1819 to sign up
Liturgy Corner
November 8, 2015
Readings for
November 8, 2015 – November 15, 2015
esus knows the full worth of the poor widow who
contributes to the Temple treasury “all she had, her
whole livelihood.” For, more than her money, she
sacrificed to God the last shreds of her self-sufficiency.
Like the widow of Zarephath, she believed in a bounty
beyond her meager means. “The jar of flour shall not go
empty,” for it has become the Bread of Life, Jesus, who
provides for those who make their lives a total gift of self
to him.”
Sunday, November 8. Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 1 Kings 17:10-16; Hebrews 9:24-28;
Psalm 146:7-10; Mark 12:38-44.
Monday, November 9. Feast of the Dedication of the
Lateran Basilica in Rome. Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12;
Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17;
John 2:13-22.
Tuesday, November 10. Memorial of Saint Leo the
Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church. Wisdom
2:23—3:9; Psalm 34:2-3, 16-19; Luke 17:7-10.
Wednesday, November 11. Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop. Wisdom 6:1-11; Psalm 82:3-4,
6-7; Luke 17:11-19.
Thursday, November 12.Memorial of Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr. Wisdom 7:22—8:1; Psalm
119:89-91, 130, 135, 175; Luke 17:20-25.
Friday, November 13. Memorial of Saint Frances
Xavier Cabrini, Virgin. Wisdom 13:1-9; Psalm 19:25; Luke 17:26-37.
Saturday, November 14. Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9;
Psalm 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43; Luke 18:1-8.
Sunday, November 15. Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Daniel 12:1-3; Hebrews 10:11-14, 18;
Psalm 16:5, 8-11; Mark 13:24-32.
First Reading: God speaks through the prophet and
brings his words to fulfillment, bestowing blessing. The
prophet is the spokesman, but it is God who acts. We
see the dawning of a universalism in which God
extends a hand of compassion and mercy to draw in all
people, demonstrating the love of the one who is
Creator of all.
Second Reading: This passage in Hebrews tells us that
Jesus, our perfect and blameless High Priest, has now
taken his own blood and entered the heavenly sanctuary
to bring about our forgiveness and reconciliation. The
author of Hebrews makes the point that this one perfect
sacrifice of Jesus need never be repeated, for it has
surpassed and completed what the Old Law never
envisioned could be accomplished. When Christ
appears again, this time it will be to bestow salvation at
the end of time.
For The Ride Home
Gospel: Throughout the Scriptures, the biblical authors
portray God as caring for the poor. The widow, the
orphan, the foreigner, and all who are in need are the
concern of God and his people. The Gospel shows
Jesus in this same light, having a heart open to the
needs of the poor, bringing them healing of body and
consolation of spirit. The religious leaders fail to show
or appreciate the kind of compassion expected of God’s
ambassadors to the poor. Rather, their religious practice
is for show and self-aggrandizement. They understand
neither their calling nor their deepest responsibility.
This feature is for families to share their thoughts as
they travel to and from Church.
Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 8, 2015
Gospel: Mark 12:38-44
Adults: Have I ever given freely and generously when I
have been in need?
Children: What am I willing to share with someone
Saints of the Week
Community bulletin Board
Monday, November 9. Feast of the Dedication of the
Lateran Basilica. St. John Lateran is one of the four
major basilicas in Rome, with St. Peter, St. Mary Major,
and St. Paul Outside the Walls. It is unique among the
four since it (not St. Peter’s) is the cathedral church of
the Bishop of Rome, the pope. “Lateran” was the name
of the Roman family whose lands were seized for the
Church by the Emperor Constantine, and which then
became the site of a great basilica dedicated in honor of
John the Baptist. “This is the mother and head of all
churches in the whole world.” It is a reminder of why
the dedication of this one church is celebrated by the
universal Church: we are one family, one flock, and we
are led by one shepherd, the successor of St. Peter.
Spirituality For Singles 2015 Fall/Christmas Holiday Singles Dance
Saturday, November 21, 2015; 8:30pm to 12 midnight.
Dancing all evening - Music by DJ Ron. Hot Buffet,
free wine & beverages, dessert. All Singles ages 30+ are
welcome, $25.00pp. St. Aidan Parish - Msgr. Kirwin
Hall. 525 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596
Info: (516) 561-6994 or [email protected]
Wednesday, November 11. St. Martin of Tours (316397) was forced by his father, a pagan officer in the
Roman army, to join the military. While serving in the
military, he has a life-changing event in which he cut his
cloak in half to clothe a freezing beggar. Following this
encounter he had a vision of Christ wrapped in the
cloak. As a result of this experience, St. Martin chose to
be baptized and declared himself a soldier of peace for
Christ. He took up the life of a hermit, thereby
introducing monasticism into Gaul. The people of Gaul
converted to Christianity due to his example.
Widows and Widowers, Divorced and Single
Catholics of Long Island
New Member Orientation, Tuesday, November 24,
2015 at 8pm, at St. Frances de Chantal, 1309 Wantagh
Ave, Wantagh, NY. Non denominational. All are
welcome. Refreshments are served after the meeting.
Please bring proof of single status to join. For more
information call Carol at 516-794-4933 or Barbara at
Friday, November 13. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini.
Virgin. Frances Xavier Cabrini was the first American
citizen to be canonized. Born in
Italy, she studied to be a teacher
and wanted to join a religious
community but was rejected
because of ill health. Then the
orphanage she managed closed in
1880, Frances and six others took
religious vows and founded the
institute of the Missionary Sisters
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Her
work brought her to the attention of Leo XIII, who sent
her to New York in 1889 to minister to Italian
immigrants. St. Frances founded institutions all over the
United States of America, as well as in South America
and Europe. She died in Chicago in 1917. Visit her
shrine in Chicago:
 Catholic Charities in Hicksville is adding to our
Volunteer Program. We need volunteers to assist
our Human Resources Team, greeting people at our
front desk, phone assistance as well as varied
clerical responsibilities. Hours can be 3-4 on 1, 2 or
3 days a week and flexible as needed. If you are
interested and available for this opportunity please
contact Mary Ellen Kwiecinski, Volunteer
Coordinator @ 516-733-7044. Your time and talent
will be greatly appreciated!
Fall Open House
Molloy College will be hosting an open house on
Sunday, November 15, 2015 at 1:00pm. Molloy is
located on 1000 Hempstead Avenue, Rockville Centre,
NY. For more information call (516) 323-4000.
Looking for a Volunteer Opportunity?
Sourcebook 2015
Volunteer Drivers for Veterans
Nassau County will provide vehicles. Transport
residents to and from the Northport VA, East
Meadow, Valley Stream and Hicksville Clinics.
Monday-Friday from 8 am — 4 pm. Donate any
time you have to give! Valid NYS driver’s license
Veterans’ Service Agency
2201 Hempstead Turnpike, Building Q.
East Meadow, NY
Parish social ministry
St. Vincent de Paul:
Since we are in the process of collecting food for
Thanksgiving, we will keep our list short for the month
of November, so this week…our pantry needs include:
Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P., 731-6074
If you intend to provide an entire basket, would you
please let us know this week so that we can factor it into
our overall Thanksgiving planning!
For whatever you can do, we are grateful!
 Toilet tissue
Health Insurance Coverage:
Open enrollment for 2016 coverage begins on November 1, 2015 and ends on January 31, 2016. The NassauSuffolk Hospital Council has sites available to sign up
for health insurance. The closest is: St. Joseph Hospital, 4295 Hempstead Tpke., Bethpage, 4:00-7:30 p.m.
Mondays: November 9 and 23. To make an appointment to meet with a health insurance navigator on Long
Island, call:
Community Service Society of NY:
1-888-614-5400 or
Public Health Solutions:
Please remember the poor boxes and to
“buy one, get one free!”
Special thanks to Our Lady of Consolation Prayer
Group for their monetary donation. Thanks, too, to the
family of Kevin J. Regan, Sr. who requested that donations in his memory be directed to Parish Social Ministry. We are most grateful!
The Charitable KIDZ:
Our KIDZ will be conducting a children’s coat drive
TODAY, Sunday, November 8th. If you would like to
share a new or gently used child’s
coat, we would be happy to accept it before after the masses
on Sunday, November 8th in
the parish center. Share your warmth
with someone who really needs it!
Save the Date!
The St. Bernard Conference
of the St. Vincent de Paul Society
Thanksgiving is just around the corner!
In the past, individuals, families and community groups
have assembled baskets which we have distributed to
our families for Thanksgiving. Here is how you might
help us:
invites you to celebrate
the 60th Anniversary
of its founding (November 28, 1955)
on Saturday evening,
1. If you would like to prepare an entire basket for a
family of four, call our office and we will provide
you with a list of suggested items (OR)
2. If you would like to donate specific items to be
included in a basket, you can purchase corn, string
beans, turkey gravy, Stove Top stuffing, boxed
mashed potatoes, (jellied) cranberry sauce, canned
white potatoes, coffee, tea. We will assemble baskets with these items.
Donate a supermarket gift card.
Donate a turkey or a gift certificate for a turkey.
November 21st, 2015
at the 5:00 p.m. Mass
followed by light refreshments
in the Parish Center.
All are welcome!
Some of our families prefer a ham, so we will purchase
hams for these families.
God bless our veterans on this veterans day 2015
This community, Levittown, was begun by veterans. We wish to honor them, and
all the men and women who have served to protect our freedom.
God bless each of them and keep them in your prayers.
James P. Athenas
Bob Bauman
Henry W. Berg
William A. Bilello
Ted Blach
James Boyle
John J. Brady
George E. Carroll
James Carswell
Joseph A. Cascio (Army/A.F.)
Carey Eden Corwine
James P. Costello (Air Corp)
Timothy J. Courtney
Ignatius Currao
Walter Dawson
Richard DeLaRosa, SP4
Alaine DeRosa
Caesar Diaz
Robert Dienst
John Donovan
James Duffy
John J. Duggan, Sr.
Steve Eden
Robert Eisele
Arthur Essig
Bob Foley
James Fruend
Joseph Gannon
Joseph Gould
Ken Hall
Robert Halpin
Katie Kilbride
Tom Hiebert
Jerry Ignacio
Michael A. Kentner
John P. Kilbride
Sean C. Kilbride
Thomas J. Kilbride
Thomas J. Laban
Loren B. LaBonte
Frank Lawlor
Frank Lazzaro
Raymond Litwin
John E. Lyons
John Mahoney
Paul Mahoney
Herbert W. Makofske, Sr.
Brian Malloy
William R. Mansfield
John (Jack) Mateer
Rosemary McNerney
Kevin Messmer
Robert Mittel
Dick Naughton
Hank Orlando
Joseph F. Reilly
Sherry Romang
Darrell Romero
John Rotondo, Sr.
Brian P. Smith
Bruce E. Smith
Frank Squillace
Lou Steinberg
Charles E. Wilson
Neil Winberry
William McKelvey
Richard E. McKinney
Eugene Messmer
Robert J. Mohlenbrok
Joseph N. Mondello
Martine Mozé
Anthony F. Nuzzi
Armando Palomo
John S. Partyka
James Poccia
Lawrence M. Pugh
Crimilda Rivera
Jerry Rosalia
John Rottkamp
Louis Ruchser
John Schaetzle
Robert Shand, Sr.
Joseph Simpson
Richard Snizek
Edward Spano
Bob Steinhouse
Edward Talbot
Norman J. Thomas
Richard Travers
Joe Tumbarello
Eric M. Varela
Bill Votta
Patrick Walsh
William A. Walters, Jr.
James P. Ward
Joe Williams
Raymond F. Wilson
Richard H. Young
Frank V. Zizzo
John F. Aresca
Paul F. Bopp
Erminio De Carolis
Lori Degenhardt
John Delahanty
Michael Duca
Peter Eisele
Edward Flecker
John Fowler
Raymond F. Gillian
Thomas Gilmartin
Frank M. Gorman
Thomas E. Gray
John Guzzardi
John Heffernan
Salvatore Infantino
Richard Jones
George H. Jungen
Ed Klein
Bill Kranis
Eugene McDonagh
Alfred McElrath
James McGuire
James Messmer
Sean Messmer
William J. Murphy
Pete Noto
Richard F. Novak
Ernest J. Orlandino
Theodore Petters
Robert Schmitt
Edward Reagan
Anthony J. Shoot
Richard T. Simmons
John Armitage
James M. Barrens
Mike Bartholomew
William A. Boyce
James A. Brzezinski
Joseph S. Carrigan
Mauro Cassano
Mario R. Dell'Aera
Patricia Dennington
Ed Devlin
James L. Duggan
William J. Engel
Thomas A. Flaherty
Joseph R. Gallagher
Dennis MacAulay
Warren H. Smith
John Taylor
Edward D. Taggart
James Taggart, Jr
Scott Thomas
Joseph F. West
Frank J. Wiselinski, Jr.
Warren Witte
Harry Wolfe
Nicholas Babino
Peter Brock
John P. Delargy
John F. Donovan
Dennis Dunne
Joseph Emru
Marty Flannigan
Frank Giampetruzzi
Chuck Kilbride
Dennis MacAulay
Keith Macias
Joseph T. McBride, Jr.
Jack McManus
Raymond Onorato
James Reilly
Richard Rinck
Stephen Ryback
Eric Sandberg
Robert Shand III
Dennis Sheldrick
Richard DeLucia
Tracy Waterbury
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2515 N. Jerusalem Road
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