The Glenville Mercury - Glenville State College


The Glenville Mercury - Glenville State College
The Glenville Mercury
Six Seniors,_Three Juniors Receive ~Who's Who' Honors;
Students Excello C91lege Work, Are Active On Campus
By Richa rd Dean Smith
Nine students were recently ohosto represent Glenville State Col·
in the 1956- 57 edition of "Who's
Among Students in America.n
Universities and Colleges."
'these students, six seniors and
t.hree juwors, were elected by the
student body and were approved by
the Who's Who committee and tAle
national Who's Who organization.
were chosen on the basis of
Wleir leadership a nd participation
in school activities.
K eith,
Seven students are te,.aching in
ot 'Secondary education and six in elemen~~uy education this term ac-
was recent\v elected
president of the State cordmg to P rofs. Nelson W ells and
Farmers or America . Keith George H oward.
m£m t:er of the Sand Fork Chapter or the FFA will represent O lSrlct Three. He recently met with
In his address President H eflin
stale officers al the second
1rfll portra:y Linda, the
will discuss the coll~e !budget fo:- Execut!ve Committee Meeting ot
a; Shuman '\\"111 pJay tbe part
nex!. year as It was .presented
~he West Virgin ia Association or
1I'Jib', h~ husband. Happy and the Sta te Board oC Education a nd the PFA-FHA Ca mp near Ripley.
Bllf, Ule couple's sons '\\111 be por- the B oard oC Public Works. The K eith received the S tate ~er
lil'llld by Trent Busch and Jim
m akes provision for an ap1111lte.
Which will be used for
ln secondary education
Wilson is instructing classes in botlh
elementary and secondary classe.s
n physical e<lucation in Normantown SChools .
Denzil H u tf is teaching business
education in Normantown Hig!l.
SChoo~ Domenick Noclda is also
doing hts directed teacb1ng In social
studies a nd business educa tlon at
v ice-
and president of Kappa.
. Kappa. ·Miss Chancey Is!>
member of flhe Ohnimgohows and:
(COntinued on page 4)
new da.nce will be
Cox and
D en ver Wes:tra ll are t.eaching with
During the first part oC this P rof. J ewell Ma tthews as
r.onlh Kei ~h wi1l 1b e In the southern viso_.. .
at the .state visiting FFA high
ch~~~';;udents who reo:olved Prof. Coleman's
uus rani Will Be Presented
State P•nne1 Degree
Pa.ul Winters, A urora; Jameg.
Spenc~r: Sherman Dodd-
.. Courtship and Early Death,··
lle : and J ames W<al- / a . one-act p lay written by
I W11li&IT. 5 E . Coleman, wi11 be preR.<lvenswood .
fented a.• Lcui~iana S tate Univeralso rece;ved a C!lsh award 1 .~:~ty on Dec. 20. The drama depal't~
year are Norman Stone,
Herman &lok.jan.s, vice
;~~r~ ~a~.o~,u~~~:~~
••••• ;·cnruu•;e. the National FFA Fo.1r.:lJ- ~~:~:~~er;y h~:le~~~~~eed of
W:l! for f!Cty dolhls for t!-o ce or the play.
T his year's pleCse com-ntttee con ~
was ace6'Pted as a modern the camlius recently to d.s::ms With \••cc•omJpllsh!11•ents !n tl"'e Cield or!
ja n'a~· ha!
been produced .sisted o f Nonnan Stone, Herma."l.
much so that tt appears s tl,dent teac'hers the present
and W&ter ~i.l:'l a<:~ment
·w:~~ b~fore. at S":atel.dcokjans, Clara Wa;son, Josep~
textbook on ihe pro:>Iems facing the school
J ames Wa1to1 s
a~ter.l!~d Cl.! L~l'f
sed at Sl ppery R ock Layne. Thcmas Hov.·ard. and Dale
p:-c am.
lC ... ~~.;,
.. ~ ,a _ :,
T.J ....L s C :;l.:. 0
P ecns\·lva.nia.
Stand Together For
Frats Begin
Rush Period
Churches the world over reacted with
nation to the Soviet Union's merciless
In a dramatic broadca t to both sides of the
Glemille's male students who Pope Pius ~II condemned the "illegal a nd
have been wearing signs. carry1ng a nd declared that Christians have "a moral
paddles and scratch pads. and going all permissible m eAns in order that the dignity and
~~~~a=zy~ suits and ues have not ~the Hun.gat·ian people be restored.u
These men are taking par~ in
In one of the stronge t statements of his 11'\lllnt;·fie.ot.
initiation procedures which were voice b·embling with emotion, he urged free
engin~ered by the .school's t\vo fra - their ranks as fast as possible and link in a
i~~:~~~Y K;:ti:r s~;t. Kai:cit a~~ all those governments and people which ":an~
these organ,zations begin plans to pt:oceed on the path of the hono;_,and the dtgnlty of
induct new mem'bers immediately dt en of God.
after bhe firs~ term ended on Nov.
The Pope continued: "Too much blood has been
shed! Too much mourning and slaughter
At a recent meeting which was renewed ! The slender thread of confidence
called to order by President Rich- to reunite peoples and gal'e some comfort to
- -· •
ard Stewart, Kappa Sigma Kappa's be broken . .. Can the world diSlnterest itself~ 0in-·-. -··~·-•'n
A L"i r A..'"T REGISTRAR Erma Edwards is shown abo,•e as she present members were e~tertalned ers, abandoning them to a fate of degrading
looks o•e.: '".ome or t he n.rious re.cords which s he must compile each by the neoph~s. who Wlll b~ for- other problems !be set aside ... Perhaps if nations
we:;;._ Wrt nf her m:mr d~Ut>s are the recordi~g or grades each t~rm and ~a~!Y'h~~~:~~:1. f~~n~:a~ c~t:ely lov~ freedom and peace are united, this will be
t he er.tltL.ltion or studen~ s w~~~·. sun. she hnds Hme Ior helpmg stu· iniu!u:n will be held some tim e flCtent to mduce those wh? break the f undamental l&WI
de~t~ ·~J _ror the mBt) ach\llu~.s of Kappa Ch.1 Kappa sorority, or tlhe pl~ing period ends.
human understanding to milder counsels."
"'· lurb ...:Je 's sponsor. (L"tlERCURl' photo by Deel)
T?.·enty- two pledges will be given
Churchmen of all faiths seemed ready to agree. Said
memberShip proVIding they p ass aJt World Council of Churches in Geneva: uchristians
phases or the iniUatton period. Each stand ~ogether with all who, in t.he struggle for rGh~;~~~lfl
' <>I these men has been ass~gned to fer pam and travatl." The Nattonal Council of 1
"big brother."
the United States cabled the Russian Orthodox
Rippe, Pledge Captain
ing it to work for "the avoidance of further
Bt Berman .E Litton Jr.
tune. These must be coll'l'pleted and P a ul Rippe, who reigned as Ll'l pression.''. .
. .
Will ttu grades' be out today? e;ent to county supermtendents Abner at the recent Sadie Hawkins
Yes, 1t IS our Q.uty as~ Chnstian natiOn to stand
Mal· r ~ my penmanent r~rd "here the teaahers are employed.
D:~oy festivities. was nalmed q>ledge th~ aggressor s everywhere.•Through. our .pray~rs, ,
card? wut \-OU make an evaluation
Completes Certificates
c'3.p tain . Other pledges are William fmth, may there lb e no more Hungaman SituatiOns.
Miss Edwards Marks Reports
·d • G •
G d •
Counts Cre liS, lVeS ra es
or m,· c.:.ed t..-.? How many semester The completing r1f forms for all ttrane, Charles watt, J r .. David
how.s d!l [ need to graduate? T hes e tpeJsons J'ene\\;ng any certificate Is Wethem, Robert ·K emp, Kennebh
are JUSt a rew of tlhe many ques another task ror which Miss Ed- Wttlght, Ranny Allen, Jimmy Barb4
W-1- 'll
• Er:1..1 \
Qre almed daily ·~ wards
responsible. Records mus~ ham, Fred Alkire, Denver Mullenix.
assistant. 1Je carefully checked ror renewal
Charles Beeg'hley, Willia m
,.~tl ~!:~n~~!:nsr:!~ ~l!~eg:i :~i~~d"~~~~. ~~~~~~tb:~~r:~~= ~!~ ~~:~~:n~~~i1:eda~~t~~~~
iut}· at (k:;C in September, 1942. pleted. during -o certain period o!
A'nen .s.1 <! .:cepted a postuon as time.
secr~:u-y ttJ >Pres1dent D . L . Haught. Each week, She prepares and
In Decem Jd ' of that same year. 'Photostats from 20 to 40 transcripts
she tool.: •.>ve-r the duties or Finan- or records w:hiCh she mails to colcaal Secte wy w.hen Lloyd Jones leges and u niversities, to companies,
eu.tered !::t~ United States Na.vy.
to superintendents, and to prin'At~ "'nvmg to make ration clpals. T wo transcripts must. be
potu~ st.r
. t~ !meet lihe needs made Cor ea'dh teacher in West. Viror Ute d?{'nutones and college glnia who is teach ing In a Nol'th
moto1· vea t...:les. "mys Miss Edwnrds, central h igh SChool. one is kept
.. I wa-s g:· .J to retum Mr. Jones' •by the princtpat or the school where
jab to "
Uhe teacher is employed, and one
I u J auu3..Lf, 1.g-ta. she was elevat.ed is riled witl1 the state supervl.sor
to her p.r ent 1>0S1Uon, and h as or high schools.
trem.1me-d m that capac1ty ever
she also photostats separation
tSmee. T"o .tut!es of this Qftice are !otl.r.s ror veterans. These forms
mans IUld ""-:wolve as much respo~- nre kept on tile 1.o give th~ ex••b•h
u.., aarety
Sands. Larry Myers, Mark Freeman.
Fred B atten, s teve T aylor, and
Lany J oe Foret
The Holy Roller Court held its
informal pledging ceremonies on
Nov. 26. After a shori business
mee.ting, the pledg~ ~·ere welcomed ~~~0 the orgamzatton in 'Ule
lrndltlonal ~ourt manner.
~is years HlRC pledges are
Robert Snider, Larry Ervine, Gene
Mann, Lowell Payne. James w orkman, Anthony Gum, Dured Smibh,
Robert Orbh, Bantz S, Jr.,
James Hannaman, .Ronald Gates,
J a.mes Dyer, and George Gillespie.
GI.r)s Begt"D
• T00 f
acade~•c se"'Jcemen physical education cred-
lecOrds a.i tile buslness OffiCe m- ) t Cor basic mllftary training. I n
\·otves _!or tHe sarety or money and addition . • she ma~e~ photostatic
copies or birch certthcat;es for rae Credit Checker
ulty members. and kindergarten
Much of
tlme ail dw·ing and nursery ocnool dhildren
the yea.r u sp~nt making evatuaUOJ\.ll ra..· s
eut.s, both on and otf
t'ite c..l .m,,:J., Oredlt..s mus~ tbe Che<lked for toLJJ how·s credlt a llowed,
fo1 qu.ll1t1 pomt.s.. for group requue.;_lleJ.•t.l. far ~PCiflc courses. for
uppe1 dwhL>U co•.u-ses. and for exteruion _, f t'eo;Jdence require.r.ents.
Oradu:1tnn I.J.s,s must be carefully C:.t
N! for 9!1 or the above
named ttt•lh..:" as well as the corr.ect ~;»ellio1 or names. the avera&1ng or all C"• 1des to detennme honor srudent.. the collectmg of fees
and me:t. wre:11ent.s for caps nnd
govms. &.JJ t.'le preparing or dlplorn.J.J w ttlt correct names and
1.\'lis.s .E>:hrt~d.s .nates thilt pre~partn; a."lJ t:nrtna appticat.ioos to:
ft.eacbL.,g is almost a rull
time J~ aunrr4!1: lfue summer. but
t hn so.m.~ r trus is done all dur
hlg the r.e
since tihe College 'has
t~tudeute ro~letlng work
nme ...
App~ons for emer-
~~· ce.t1•fil!:ltes
every mall brings requests for cop
ies or records or students who at.tended Glenville during the 19203
and 19305. There were no permanent record cards made for ~the rnaJorit}' or these people. This hunt
takes endless hours of searchJng to
locate each course completed. to
eva luate it. and to IT.lake a record or
Six Urnes a year , grades are sent
to the Re.rlstrar's office and it l3
Ml.S6 Edward's task to se~ lthnt they
are properly recorded and dtstrlbuted ''T he ofTJCe is really in a turmoll. ~'hen grade time roll5 a round,"
states M Lss Edwards. Eadh grade
must be r ecorded on report slips
Jor distribution to the De:lns, advtsers. a nd parents.
These are only a fev.• or the a.c(Continued on page 3)
The Glenville Mercurv Weekly Newspaper of Glenville
State College
Olenvllle, West Virginia
In JJ:.rrnalism at Olenville State College
, • 2.00 pn year
63 01
. . . . Yvonne Hart
.. . . . . . .. .. . .
Connie Sru:r..!l
. . . . . . . ...... Benna.n Wtton, Jr
.... . • Ray Carson, Jlm Whltoo
••••• •••• , • • • • • • . . • • • • •
• ••••.••.
In~ activl~les for ~th organizations.
Entertamment \\as led iby Joyce
Jackson and Barbara Clark, andret reshments were served through the
efforts or a special committee m ade
up or memtbers or both sororities.
"Mother Goose" was the theme
o r a n informal party t.ha.t the Kappa. Chi Ka'P'Pa held las t Thursday
in honor of gqrls who are interested
in t~~lr sorority.
A Hawaiian !Party was heki b y
Xl Beta Tau In Louis !Bennett
Lounge Friday evening for bhe girls
interested in its organization.
Forma l T eas Held
Both aororltles held 1 or m a 1
'teas sunda Y a!t.e.rnoon and
were- attended by a s imt ...rinal selection . of girls for both sororities.
The X 1 Beta Tau Tea was held at
the 'home of Dr . and Mn. Byro:l
rrurner, and Kappa
dueted Its
ter/C"d a ' ~and class matter Novembet 23, 1929. at the post
offJC.e ,t Glenville w. Va . under the act of March 3, 1879. Publlshed
eaeh W edn e.Miay during the academic year except on holldays by t.he
One Big Sear ch ·
Approximately 40 girls attended
A large amount or her time is the joint Bermuda party held by
sper~t searching for and
going K<app~ Chi K a ppa and X i Beta Tau
through okl records. Wit'h the be- Sororities 1n Louis ~~t Lounge
•:;innmg or .!Ch ool each fall, almost last week. The party truttated rush-
Jobn Ja.n1e
. •• •....•.. Borm1e Gorrell. Barbara John.soll
Chi Kappa contea In Loula B ennett
Dlscover A Study - Soon
I n an . article entitled "Do I k~ow how to study."
appeared _m the No_vember, 1956, 1~sue of the. NEA
helpful hmts are given by a n anonymous scr1be to
d~n~, whether ~e be high school or college, who is
difficulty studymg.
According to the afore-mentioned article, the first
a student should do is to learn to budget h is time. He
t his by making a 24-hour chart, listing t he times fqr
he has to do each day. Then he should count how mahy
he has left and adjust his time for after-school stud jnm
Y -..
re 1 eTa ~.n.
d I
. .
a m g goo c ass notes lS a dlffiCult sklll to
once a ~tuden t has worked oUt a system for
ably Wlll not be tempted to take s loppy notes aga1n.
some pointers from which one can devise one's own
F ir s t , really take notes. Do not rely on memory
Second, listen; then write. T hird, try to coordinate. Do
satisfied with unrelated sentence fragments in your
Fourth, ~o listen carefully, a nd w r ite down t he main
neatly as yOU can.
Learning and sticking to a study method will
3 s.tudent when he is boning
. ~p f Ot. a n exam or
datly class notes. The art1cle 111 the N EA J ourna l states
learning a study method is as easy as P-Q-R-S-T.
P - l\fake a four or fi ve minute P review 6f your
ment. Thumb carefully through the assigned pages.
tails the firs t time, but try to grasp the general idea
Q-When you have formed a gen eral idea of the
tt .
Q t.
rna. et_, m~ e up a ew ues tons at you can expect to
answet ed m the text.
. .
R- Now Rea d the lesson f1:om begmmng to end.
note the. answers to the ques tions you a sked
you come to them. A s you read, notice in
author has Qrgan ized his material.
S-As soon as you fi n is h the ~hole lesson, ,6 , ..., • • .,..,.
to the first paragraph or s ubtopic; then look away a nd
what was in tt.
T Tth
t' the
e nex . a,y,. >' your m emory y repea m g
mg process. Th1s lS Jmportant. If you have forgotten
read to refresh.
Three imfortant "J?on'ts" which every student
follow are Don t study WJth your TV set on ; Don)t
work papers from your friends; and Don't wait
mi nute to finish tomorrow's lesson or to study for
exaa1.-Berman E. Litton; Jr.
- - - - - - · - -- -..:....C- ,--- -- - - -- - - ......'1
A ttends tlve September.
State M eettng
n:.U pro;rrams Jn agrlcuiWre,
1957 .
The Board also acted on a.
1957 58
Assisting in last week's rushing
activities were P rof. Mary Lee Rudfor next year.
d ie, XI Be~ Tau sponsor, and Dr. Harry B Heflin is attendilUI
an increase In
Enna Edwards, Kappa Chl Kappa the West Vtrgtnla. Board of Edu- budget. This year's
otlon meeting in Charleston t.oday et wu $3G2 .610, and
Mrs. Floyd M.lller and Ml'"!! Byron Wld tomorrow. Tomorrow College g
t&Pprove<l budget
Turner ce patronesses and honor- presiden:.s v.'111 have a joint meettncrcase.-'J ln
ry memlltrs of Xi Beta Tau, and lng to expenditures !or the
sa lary and ror
~~~r~~~ ~a'::m~~n~~ :~e;~~~~n~o~cerns
Carlos Ratcliff.
lin dlhCiosed. Glenville
Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941-a date
which will live in Infamy-the United States or Aane.rica. v.·a.a wddenly
and deliberately by naval
and air forces of &:he. Qnpire or J apan.
Pranklln D. Roo6enlt
War Meessp to Congress,
concerned w1t.h a new wo:nen's
Ac!.JOIU of the October
meeUng or Ut.1s organization
m inated a. four-year ag>'>CU..,uro J.!roJrn
program at West Virginia
Colleee and allocated to W .
State and to Clenvt.Jle State
e.Keh.~ai"n function at
pn•-li- ortan'
llleo. I. lH1
- e o i -1 an4
esleyan Five Whips G-Men,
Lo-cal Warmup Tourney
BTi>eating the Glenville Pi- 1or Glenville I;W sinklng a foul shot
90-61 theW Va. Wes- WIJ.h Ia seconds to _pjly.
Booc~ts -eopped first toG;C:::~e. ~~':::, ':.~~': u~rspoints.
m the pr~se~son Shamblen scored 21 to Je~ the lostournament w h 1 c h ers. Tv.-o other GJenvUI( !>layers hlt
last weekend at the for double figures. ~ netted
18, and Bob Turner, !o. .er Glenfirst contest of the weU- ville High School ace~ ~pped 14
tourney, Wesleyan solicUy pomts.
the Salem Tigers 95-56
Fairmont Tames Tigers
!be Bobcats took a 26- 19 lead The consolation gaU).e .. v.,?tich was
. . ten minutes of play, and com- played on Saturday D"ignJ1 at 7:30,
tlliiUI1 outclassed the height-la'Ok- went to Fairmont b.t ~score or
W Salem QMintet in the last ten 80-68 of the fust half by outEach team p icked up 30 points
~ ~=er~!med
Tigers did one
~;e!i~:~~u:~:~~~ ~~~u~~~
ha.nder. Although t.he
a little belter 1n the second halt,
II& wue not al>le to gain any
~ on the towering Wesleyan
Weale:ra.n freShman sensation
Mnetb Remley from Massillin,
Jed a.tter ten minutes of play 19- 14,
1lhey were unable t.o s o_p the Falcons from closing tb~ap.
The contest v.-as close up unUl
the last ei;ht. mi{lute:d of play when
N ABOVE IS THE 1956-57 Glenville basketb a ll squad which opened the season last night at Tech.
(1-r): Tom McPherson, Larry "Doe'' Stanley, David Mace, Charles ·w att, Jr., Buddy l\Iinner. Low•
and AI ~ich. Second row: John Porterliel d. Dorsey Scott, Rudy Poole, Bob Reynolds, John Hot•
in light !ield goals ana cwo The score wa.s tied 11 tl.a'Les and
Keith Winters, Lany Joe Ford, and Lawrence Barker. Bob Turner was absent when the picture was t aken.
. . throws for 18 point.s. Running exchanged hands 18 umes before
tl\IERCURY Photo B y Deel)
•*- &eeond to Remley was Wes- winners went abead to stay.
to11t .sool'rng honors 1n the Don Layman pitched in e field goal
ilflt. gam~. The six:- nme hoopster to put the Falcons ahead 59-6'1.
-::! :..:, nin• points
capt:U.n Bill Leonard,
man !or Salem. Dave
Jbn G ene\\,ck scored
Ill the second contest ~hich
Jll&1ed on Friday night a.L 8
q.m t..eland Byrd•s
. .ted F airmont 70-67 in a n1p
lick aftair.
At the end of the first halt.
HRC w·11
H0 ld
Wi ll Play n·Lz
l toppers,
1n p re-no
l ay
alnes A
t• Meet
-=~~g ':;~ ~ ~o~~,;,.JI'~y ~
Dave Corsini
the game·s high
guard R ay P arczewsld Who got 11.
Fairmont.•s high scorer was l:larry
,:~o .:::~eeinlih~~~ r::e~
Bobcats Trounce Byrdmen
In tlle cha.mpionshl~ contest , the
Eobcats found ft rough gotng untll
Gee Men trailed the F alcons 37-27 1!bere were t.tu'ee rrunutes rm1ammg
ilaarp by Gary Shamblen, ·m the first 1\aJf. At that pomt, the
trpm Janield. and Jim VilJ.lnger score \ knot.ted at 30-30.
••e Fairmorrt Jts haJ!Ume ma.rgtn. The Pioneers drew nrst blood on
During the second hall, the White a long one hander ey Al Reich. B e- caught fire. Rudy Poole had fore the Bobcats took over late in
Glenvwe·s second contest of t'he
campaign will be played thls
at 8 :00p.m . at. W est Libet;Coach Oliver Olson's
Hilltoppers will take
a 11 point out2lurst during the
flret. halt, the cont.est was a
one. With rten minutes gone,
game a ll tied at 15-15. In
tlbe tlnit 11 minute& or the gam e,
the lead exchanged h ands seven
times, a.nd t.he contest was tied
seven times.
the lead excba.nged han<U • Sparked by Bill Leonard,
times, Lowell .. Deacon" Wesleyan aggregation ca.ught
freshman Jrom Pax, put an d explOded for 16 points
e'hea.d to stay W'tth a tihe )~st. t.~hree mtnutes o( 'the
go•l. and clinched the victory
Durtng that ttme;- Pioneers
1\ were unable 00 soore. Wesleyan led
• mtnutes t.o aid U1e
81Dior guard Al Reidh from
. . . N. Y ., did h1s bit t.o
...011-needed victory. ReiCh
quJck goals late In the
tit the game at 64-64.
r----------MEET YOUR
Make .t h . S
at~~:h~! ~~d
John !PorterFRIENDS
tfleld from P J'Iineeton w.w: the only
at the
that kept the P ioneers in
tlle con test durtn:g the eecond half.
Port.erf1eld was the lea<ting Glenville scorer. H e sank s ix field goals
, . . - - - - - - - - - - - ;\:md nine out of 12 free thro"V.-s for
21 po1nt6, and was e tiger on deGENE.'S
For good flat-tops
see Gene
Glenville state couege P •o- tlhe floor without the services or
opened their 1956-5'1 cage 6ea- graduatin g Tom A'c 'kerman and
last night at Montgomery P aul Reger.
the power-laden w. Va.
O th er aggregations that the P 10Golden Bears. coached bl' neers wUl encounter before school
Neal Bia.s1.
ends for the Christmas Holidays on
Coach B l8sl used sudl court .s"tar5
19, are the Morris Harvey GolEagles, coached t!his year by
Bob Foster, Ken Hammoned,
basketball great ,George
a nd the F a irmont State Fal-
ILfld Shamblen
18 and 15 points for the win-
JC l
The intra-fraternity swimming
meet, which is an annual affair
sponsored lbY the Holy R-oller Court•
will be held tonight. at 8:00 in the
GSC swimming pool.
This meet will feature teams fr<*n
tlhe HIRC and Ka ppa Sigma Kappa.
fraternities, Anyone w.ho wants to
organize an independent team to
comp ete in the coming event may
Golden Eagles will
vade do so.
on Dec. 12, and the FalHoping to repeat their clean
<'Ons wm \be here Dec. 16. The .weep of last year's mato'h will be
annual contest with the GSC Alum- tb e Holy Roller court. aggregation.
-will take place on Dec. 29.
various swinuning events and a
Team R oster
diving contest will be featured in
F our o'f the !lrst five men on last the aquat.ic presentation. Judges
team have returned to !ort.Tl for the meet will be Profs. Oa.rlos
of thls year 's White R atliff, Clarissa Williams, a nd t.,e..
entry in tire W .V.I.A.C .. T hese land Bp<l-.
men are Rudy Poole, B ob
. . Ad m1ssion price will be 15 cents
Al Reich. and B ob.J:teynoiCs. P oole
Clerk. Paul H ughes.
was named adl-conference as a
l!OPhomore. Botil he and
named all- tournament
Buy your
game and toul"ill8lll\'en!.
for the family
liCOrer wa.s Bill Leonard of wesleyon who dumped in 29 points. I.n
The bime to make !riends ;. be·
"""--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-'l ~e~~~e~o~~:~~~~~~ayed, l~===========~.lir==-:=::::::::-:-:-~---llfro:.:'.: -e~yo..:..:.u..:ne~ed~t.h-.•~m~.;;-;;;----~
Watch Repairs at
Reasonable Prices
'J N. Court Street
Pbeoe 4891
P a trick Reale
Do not say things..-What you are
you t:he while, and
so that-l cannot hear
what you say to the contrary.
-Ralph W '8.ldo Emerson
Gibson's Bea utiful
Greeting Cards
Dial Glenville 2891
Special rates
for students
Lewis Street
Phone 4961
" Business Built
oD Quality"
Late Snacks
Compliments ot
Home F u.rolshlnC"S
Phone 2601
"Flowers for Every
; ...................... .
1 ! , - - - - - - - - - - - ,:l Students! Make this your II;--.:._-- N
- E--S-T_O
_ P _ _ _"i
weekend stop for
Compliments of
Member Federal
Depo it Ins urance
Glenville Midland
Weber's Dairy
Store, Sen·ice Station
and Restaurant
Weston, W. Va.
Pasteurized and
Homogenized MiU·
Coffee Cream, Whipping
Cream, Cottage Cheese
Chocolate Milk
Use milk sealed with the
• Metal Cap for your
Phone 4.781
10 N. Court Street
Phone 6027
Reit Cap
" tares
MAA llet
Homemakers Club
Plans Initiation,
Party For Dec. 6
Btll Reit•J entry ha.s copped
text, In addition to t.he
Biblical verses, wa.s adopted by the
Charles Jennens.
first part prophesies and antiCl·
Formal initiation and a Christ.- pates
il'egu.l:\1' ~:m championship, and mac- party are planne~ for the Home
Chancey· Captains Ton
Ln WAA A erta
• [ Dart r'T'
Shirley Chancey --recently
cap- 1
death; and tlhe third tells of tained her aerial darts eight to fue
In !ourt.h place
tile t.en te.,,ns U1 the IMlAA "·oBey- Ekonomics Club lmeetmg on Dec. 6· His 'resurrection. I n orde.r to make first place slot in WAA competitton -and fiv~ l06SeS, Mary
0011 lea~~ \ entered a double from 7 to 9 p.m. announces Janice the work more acceptable for use
elmtlnauou tournament
Arnold, acting president of the
the Christmas season, a.
carlos R.l.Utii, GSC at.hlet1c
Tht> new members to be initiated
~e Reit J.6,gregation ended
sen;:;bu \\il;i.l , perfect record of
wiru agamst no defeats. Two
·wound up lu '\ two- \\·ay tie
ond •pla~ l~~:>nors. 'Ilhese
were led lJy Carl cox and
include: Gail Ratchff, Pat
Kelly, Kay Watkins.
J anet Scott, Wanda1ene
Millard. Carolyn MeJean Hogue. Evelyn
Given, F lora Oyer, Ruth Crea~.
Squadj coo hed a n d led by Don tlhis...yf':lr
Butcher, 1Ll•TY Payne, D ave Mia.ce, worn to
and RoJn.n., Gates were de!ldlocked
1n a thu~ pUce he W tth a recotd
of thtee W'utu and tth ref' defeats
In the ftrst roWld o f
play, Hall de!eated B utcher, and
JOhn Estep downed Payne. Tea~ru:>
captained I!JI Cox, Wethern,
Jack Sto.telOt\3". Mace, G 31tes, anJ
iRett drew IJ)'es and d id not via}
wltll the :ia:Und round.
Jl.l.ll Defeats
second 1'0u!ld p1ay opened
a. battle beliween Cox and
from wlucll tJ.te laotter
victor. ln o~ll~r second
tests. Wetbet"'~t knocked off
k mg, Estep 'IJ.'ha.lloped Mace,
Reit wou 0\'er Gates.
In thmf .rou.:td net batltles,
ern defeated Hall, and Reit
easily over J!}..tep.
Next weetc. & ISSUe of t:he
OURY Will c..trry add itional
hr.a.t.ion concerning th is
Any ~am thJ.t loses two
.Js'y eliminated
l ul'ther eotnllletttfon.
!Final stJodtngs o! Lhe
season are J. follows:
Fioal S t.andinrs
B ill Reit
carl Cox ..... . .•.. ..... .....
Roger Hllil . . . ... • . • • . . • .. . . . 4
D on Butc..~, .. . . .. .. . . .. .. 3
Larry -.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Dave M~
.. . ........ · 3
!Ronnie OatA..~ . . • . . • . . . • . • • . 3
J ohn Est.ap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
D ave W.ell:~.&u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
J ack S tou ;.i•lg .. . . . . .. . . • .. • 0
!People tl3k" you tor crtticlsm
they only w1tut praise.
wear dresses be
rned for the Ch ris't.mas party whiCh
(Continued from page 1)
a part of the initiation progra•m 1s currently servi-ng on tale Verona.
Marilyn B nrnes, president, who is Mapel Ha ll governing board and
off campus at. present. will be pres- the Lyceum Committee.
ent. to p~side o ver the initiation.
H ughes who is now vteeof ~e Student Council,
with fields in~"hysical
and business. He is a
(Contmued rrom page 1)
or Alpha. Delta Epsilon and
and orchest-ral
G-Club and is clerk of
nrranged in three pnrt:s. There
an overture and an instrumental
1nterlude in the first part, the lat.known as the 'IP a-storal SJim'lmmbng<lhows,
MuSic Group
Anna!bell McHenry, Virginia
er, Jolene Harding, and MarJ
Winding up in firth place
two wins and SlX losses,
Skeen's team
Singleton. Bonnie Gorrell,
Sams, Sue Click, Emilie
and Dorcas White.
cap::e~ a b/r=~~~e~ umun~=n~ b~~~;o the
~·m be served nod g~mes are plan'!~.
members of the runner-up
include Enunaline Goulet
T 1
M rtord
Carolyn ~d:~~. Pat ~utli:. and
Mary Clitton The Mowery group
piled up a season total or six wtns
and two losses.
Dorth ea. Isch captained the thll'd
place team, co:r.:plllng a record of
four wins and four IOjSeS. Members
the Isch eight were Beverly
J uanitrci Radcllff, Pat
Helmick. Eleanor P innell. ChnsF errell, Shirley Brown, and
J acltson.
season with a !bJt;ided
.eight losses and no wins.
·gh t ugh ·
o~g ~~ ~~n ~ 1~r~~e
out of the nb ooht~n.
tied the score at the
with Mary J ane
only to be defeated
by tv.•o points.
In the cellar with
Martha Dougla , COnnie
Maxine Shiflett. Mida Baile,,
Virginia Davis.
Connie Sams 5el'Ved as
leader for tlhe aerial darts
W ,.dnesday, D ec, 5, 8 p.m .S wim !\feet s ponsored by H oly
Rollet Court.
l ' h ursday, De e. 7, 7 p , m. Home Economics Club C hristmas party in the Home Economics Depar tme nt.
Thu rsday, Dec. 6, 7 :30 p .m .Kappa Chi Kappa
cere monies in Louis [Benne tt
l .ounge.
S unday, Dec. 9, 6: 15 p .m .- Ves-
Mo nday, Dec. 10, 8 p .m.-Christ·
mas Party ro r w a itresses in
nday. hall.
D ec. tO, 7 p .m.- Xi
d ining
Beta Tau pledring ce.remo nit:S in Louis B ennelt :Lounge
Tuesd ay, D ec. 11, 8 p .m.-Ka ppa.
C hi K;-appa Chrlllmas Party
iu Louis Benne U Lounge.
T uesday. Dec. 11, 8 p .m .-1\teetiu( of R elig ious F.mphasls
Week Committee at !Presbyterian Church .
l. illirliiliiliilill.l It's Christmas,
Maughaml! . . . . - - - - - - - - - -----'
For Your Holiday .Giving
Time to Save ••
W~d .
& Thurs.,
Dec. 5 & 6
Make •o 1r selection fmm our complete line of Toiletries
Tussy, Max Factor, Shulton, Prince Matchabelli Len. theric, Richa rd Hudnu t for t he Women-Old Spice,
Me•onen's, Seaforth, Max Factor for the Men
· ger·s team includes Etta
•Made up of . e~enenced birdte
part of sections bWo and. three bouncers, the wummg team wound
up the season '9o'Jth an unblemished
is usually no applau~dur·
or 'eight wins and no losses.
performance, with the -audi·
for Cha_ncey are Wyene
responding to the lofty .senti• Jackie Coe, ·Lauree Skeen.
and the impressive power
Lee Foster, Christine !B\Lsh,
entire work.
SolOists for "TllF Messiah"
second place m the
~nstead of formals usuaUy by
Maureen O' HARA
by Chester Field
Fri. & Sat,
Dec. 7 & 8
Joel McCREA in
Why oh why does Santa go,
''Ho-Ho, Ho-Ho, Ho-Ho, Ho!"
Ia it just becaU3e he's joUy?
I betieve he's off his troUey.
• , . Gifts for everyone on earth
Breed hyoteria-not mirth
U yo11 had his job to do
Bet you'd shake like jeUy too!
Sun., l\1on.t & T ues,
Dec. 9, 10, & 11
MORAL o (;:nd your gift problems before they start. Give
Chent:cr6cld in the carton that glows for real- to aU
t he bllQPV folk who smoke Cor real! Buy lots-to
do lots foe your
111 1~
~~.....;;:,_~,~~ PROUD LAND'
~~-~· ~TfRfl~ 1
fot' list.
real , • •
0 ......u &
....,.... ,..,_0111,
0~ Trips Home For The "tl' 11 " ';1VJ
Spencer ... '·
Clendenin ... .
Charleston ..
Rich mond
Atlanta .
St. Pe te·r sburg
One Way
W eston
B uckhannon
E lkins
Clarksburg .... .
Fain:non& .
PIUs burch ...
~'ew Vo'rk
Plus U.S. Tax. Big EXTRA Savings EACH WAY On Round.:_.Trips

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