MARCit™ - Auto-Graphics, Inc.


MARCit™ - Auto-Graphics, Inc.
Cost-effective cataloging resource
MARCit™ is a user-contributed MARC resource that enables public libraries to share over 30 million quality bibliographic records.
Customers can access MARCit through a web-based portal or via a Z39.50 connection within a library’s current integrated library system
(ILS). MARCit provides catalogers with a single point of access to the Library of Congress databases and all other user-contributed
cataloging resources in a federated search environment to significantly streamline workflow. MARCit provides a MARC editor and delivers
two kinds of MARC records - bibliographic and authority.
With a simple and straightforward pricing model, MARCit is available through an annual subscription fee with unlimited access at a
fraction of the leading cooperative’s price. Auto-Graphics has been providing quality MARC records for over 30 years and currently
serves thousands of libraries. Auto-Graphics offers its full service bibliographic utility through an open data usage policy and doesn’t
make any claim to the ownership of any bibliographic metadata and imposes no restrictions on subsequent use.
Contact a representative today for a free 30-day trial.
1. Access over 30 million quality bibliographic records through
the MARCit Advanced search screen.
2. Select the record and view metadata in MARC format.format.
3. A
uthorize records via online interactive Authority control,
instantly matching and updating bibliographic headings to
Authoritative forms.
4. Use the AGCat editor MARC tool for saving, editing,
copying, and deleting records.
Auto-Graphics, Inc. • 430 North Vineyard Avenue, Suite 100 • Ontario, CA 91764
800.776.6939 toll-free • • [email protected]
Access over 30 million quality MARC records. Perform
federated searching of Library of Congress databases and all
other user contributed bibliographic resources.
Gets the highest hit rate possible when performing copy
cataloging with a potentially unlimited pool of resources.
MARCit can instantly search as many resources as specified.
Searches can be performed in a number of ways, refined by
date of publication, and saved for later retrieval. Search
types include:
• Standard numeric keys - LCCN, ISBN
• Textual keys - author, title, subject, series, notes
• Boolean advanced search functionality
• Browse and keyword for searching against the fulltext of MARC records.
Ensure better results with flexible search options.
Utilize hotlinks to find related records by author, subject, title,
or other fields.
Execute a search instantly with the click of the mouse via
hotlinks to save valuable time.
MARCit provides intelligent results management, grouping
initial results by source, and can be sorted and de-duplicated
in one easy step by title, author, or date.
Manage and review results starting from a clear and succinct
AGCat Editor MARC tool for creating, editing, copying, and
deleting records.
Create metadata with our full-featured MARC editor
supporting a variety of record editing techniques.
Standard workforms are provided for the following item types:
• Books
• Maps
• Music
• Computer Files
• Continuing Resources
• Mixed Materials
• Visual Materials
• MARC Authority Files
Streamline the process of original cataloging with workform
Online Interactive Authority Control instantly matches and
updates bibliographic headings to authoritative forms from the
Library of Congress authority records. Following the authority
control process, the bibliographic record and all relevant
authority records may be downloaded.
Keep bibliographic records current.
Spine and pocket labels.
Create and use on-the-fly to accommodate your daily workflow.
User Permissions:
• MARCit supports multiple staff logins per library for
easy usage tracking.
• Library administrators can set different levels of user
authorization for each staff member.
• Based on authorization level, users can customize the
system according to their preferences.
Establish and enforce your local policies.
Track and record cataloger and database statistics.
Generate real-time statistics online for printing reports as
Auto-Graphics, Inc. • 430 North Vineyard Avenue, Suite 100 • Ontario, CA 91764
800.776.6939 toll-free • • [email protected]