policy committee


policy committee
Thursday November 21, 2013
100 King Street West, 6th Floor, Room E
6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda
T. White
3. Parent Engagement Policy – initial draft, seeking approval for consultation
4. Community Engagement Policy – initial draft, seeking approval for consultation
5. Transportation Policy – Scoping document (major review)
6. Boundary Review Policy and Directive – initial draft – seeking approval for consultation
Additional Matters Requiring Attention
7. Naming/Renaming a School Policy – feedback and discussion
8. Future Agenda Items
• Trustee Expense Policy
• Harassment Policy
• Safe School Pillar Policy
9. Next Policy Meeting: TBD
10. Adjournment
Title: Parent Engagement
Pillar Policy: Engagement
Recommended Action:
Issue Identification
That the Draft Parent Engagement Policy be approved for
Scoping Report
Draft Policy
Draft Policy Revisions
and Approval
Policy Directive and
Policy Evaluation and
Ministry Mandated
Revoking a Policy
The Engagement Pillar Policy was developed to support
the following policies:
Student engagement
Parent engagement
Community engagement
Staff engagement
In May, 2013 the Parent Engagement Scoping document
was approved by Trustees. This document, and input
collected from HWDSB Parent Involvement Committee,
was utilized to develop the attached DRAFT Parent
Engagement Policy. This document has also been
informed by the Ministry of Education, Parents in
Partnership: A Parent Engagement Policy for Ontario
Schools document and the 2013 Ministry of Education
School Effectiveness Framework document.
Connected to the Draft Parent Engagement Policy is Policy
7.11 School Council which staff will recommend to revoke
once the Parent Engagement Policy is approved.
Policy No. TBA
Parent Engagement
Date Approved:
Projected Review Date:
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) believes in ensuring high levels of parent
participation, involvement and engagement contributing to student achievement and well-being.
Parents are welcomed, encouraged, respected, recognized and valued as partners in their
children’s learning and development.
Parents are engaged through different ways that reflect our diverse community, in their
child’s school and education.
Parents are supported in their role at each stage of their child’s life including contributing
to their children’s learning at home and school.
Parents are assets whose contributions are recognized and celebrated.
Parents are encouraged to share their perspective and voice at the classroom, school and
system level.
Interactions with parents are guided by the Hamilton Parent Charter including the right to:
be heard;
be involved;
safety and security and
Parents are encouraged to have their perspective and voice heard through formal
structures such as Parent Involvement Committee, Special Education Advisory
Committee, School Councils and Home and School.
HWDSB and all its schools will:
Ensure varied opportunities for parents to give input about their children, the school and
the system, within safe, accepting, inclusive and healthy learning environments.
Policy No.: TBA
Page 1
Endeavour to identify and remove barriers to engagement by ensuring equity of
opportunity and access by providing parents with access to information about their
children’s education when they need it and in a format that meets their needs.
Provide learning opportunities, resources and supports to help parents and families
support student learning.
Support parents to acquire the skills and tools they need to fully engage in their children’s
education and the life of their school.
Review and expand communication and outreach strategies to share information and
strategies related to supporting learning at home and parent engagement in schools.
The Parent Involvement Committee, Special Education Advisory Committee, School
Councils and Home and Schools have a meaningful role in supporting learning, well-being
and achievement for students.
Director of Education
Members of Executive Council
Parent: The use of the term “parent” is intended to be inclusive and representative of parents,
guardians and caregivers.
Parent Engagement: The way parents are involved through processes that promote effective
parenting. This includes helping students with their learning; supporting parents in advocating for
their child; encouraging parents to be on school councils, home and school associations,
committees (school and board); providing feedback through consultations; promoting
communication and meetings with teachers; and encouraging parents to volunteer in the
classroom or on school trips.
Utilizing the Ministry of Education parent engagement framework of four strategies, Board and
school staff will work with current and future parents of HWDSB students to ensure they are
engaged and understand their role in their child’s education.
The four strategies include:
school climate
eliminating barriers
supports for parents
parent outreach.
Policy No.: TBA
Page 2
Intended Outcome
Ensure varied opportunities for parents to give
input about their children, the school and the
system, within safe, accepting, inclusive and
healthy learning environments.
Parent Voice Survey
Positive School Climate Survey
HWDSB Consultation Data
Endeavour to identify and remove barriers to
engagement by ensuring equity of opportunity
and access, provide parents with access to
information about their children’s education
when they need it and in a format that meets
their needs.
Parent Voice Survey
Provide learning opportunities, resources and
supports to help parents and families support
student learning.
Parent Voice Survey
Support parents to acquire the skills and tools
they need to fully engage in their children’s
education and the life of their school.
Parent Voice Survey
Review and expand communication and
outreach strategies to share information and
strategies related to supporting learning at
home and parent engagement in schools
The Parent Involvement Committee, Special
Education Advisory Committee, School
Councils and Home and Schools have a
meaningful role in supporting learning, wellbeing and achievement for students.
Parent Voice Survey
Focus Groups
School Council Annual Report to the
Government Documents
Ministry of Education Parent Engagement Policy
Regulation 330/10: School Councils and Parent Involvement Committees
Regulation 612/00: School Councils
Regulation 613/00: Operation of Schools
Education Act
HWDSB Strategic Directions
Achievement Matters
Engagement Matters
Equity Matters
HWDSB Policies
Engagement Pillar
Naming/Renaming a School in Whole or in Part
Policy No.: TBA
Page 3
Public Consultation
Pupil Accommodation Review
Volunteer Participation in Board Activities
Educational Excursions
Other Documents
City of Hamilton/Best Start Network Parent Charter (Endorsed by Trustees in 2012)
Policy No.: TBA
Page 4
Policy Committee Communications Plan
Prepared By: Mark Taylor
Superintendent: Sharon Stephanian
Department: Leadership & Learning
Date Prepared: November 21, 2013
Policy Statement
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) believes in ensuring high levels of parent
participation, involvement and engagement contributing to student achievement and well-being.
Communications Strategy
To inform various stakeholders that the 30 day consultation period has begun and now is their
opportunity to provide comments and feedback on the Parent Engagement Policy.
Target Audience
Group Classification
Executive Council
Parent Involvement Committee
Special Education Advisory Committee
School Councils
Home & School Association
French Immersion Advisory Committee
Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee
Parenting and Family Literacy Centres
Association for Bright Children of Ontario Hamilton
Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community
Association of Resident Homeowners Inc.
Allison Park Community Association
Ancaster Community Council
Beasley Neighbourhood Association
Berrisfield Community Council
Bonnington, Buchanan, Mohawk, Southam
Neighbourhood Association
Canadian Parents for French
Central Neighbourhood Association
Corktown Neighbourhood Association
Crown Point Community Planning Team
Delta West Community Association
Dundas Community Council
Contact Information
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Durand Neighbourhood Association
Eastmount Community Council
Eleanor Community Council
Flamborough Community Council
Fruitland Road Community Association for
Safe and Healthy Neighbourhoods
Gilkson Park Community Association
Gourley Park Community Association
Hamilton Beach Community Council
Hamilton Best Start
Hamilton East Mountain Community
Hamilton Family Network
Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association
Landsdale Area Neighbourhood
McQuesten Community Planning Team
North Central Community Council
North End Neighbours
Parenting and Family Literacy Centres
Pleasant View Rate Payers Association
Quigley Road Area Planning Team
Red Hill Valley Neighbourhoods
Riverdale Planning Team
Robert Land Community Association
Rosedale Community Council
Scenic Woods Neighbourhood Association
School Advocacy Hamilton
South Centre Community Council
South Sherman Community Planning
South Stipeley Neighbourhood Association
Spring Valley Community Association
Stinson Community Association
Strathcona Community Council
Templemead Community Council
Umbrella Family & Child Care Centres
Waterdown Parents for French Immersion
Waterdown South Residents' Association
[email protected]
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Memo/Letter – where
Media Release
Social Media – Twitter,
Focus Groups
Media Release
Social Media – Twitter,
Website – Board and
School Newsletter
Title: Community Engagement Policy
Pillar Policy: Engagement
Recommended Action:
Issue Identification
That the Draft Community Engagement Policy be approved
for consultation.
Scoping Report
Draft Policy
Draft Policy Revisions
and Approval
Policy Directive and
Policy Evaluation and
Ministry Mandated
Revoking a Policy
The Engagement Pillar Policy was developed to support
the following policies:
Student engagement
Parent engagement
Community engagement
Staff engagement
In May, 2013 the Community Engagement Scoping
document was approved by Trustees. This document, and
anecdotal feedback was utilized to develop the attached
Draft Community Engagement Policy.
As per discussion in the spring, Alcoholic Beverages on
Board Premises Directive will fall under this policy.
Policy No. TBA
Community Engagement
Date Approved:
Projected Review Date:
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) believes in ensuring high levels of
community participation, involvement and engagement contributing to student achievement and
HWDSB’s community members are welcomed, encouraged, respected, recognized and
valued as partners in student learning.
HWDSB is committed to open and inclusive processes and values stakeholder input and
HWDSB is committed to collaborating with community agencies, organizations and public
bodies to improve service and support for student achievement and well-being.
HWDSB is committed to strengthening the community through engagement.
HWDSB and all its schools will:
Foster relationships (and partnerships) with community members in support student
achievement and well-being.
Provide the community with varied opportunities to give input.
Remove barriers to engagement by ensuring equity of opportunity and access (including
use of schools, outside of school hours, for students and the school community).
Engage community in ways which reflect the diversity of our community.
Director of Education
Members of Executive Council
Policy No.: TBA
Page 1
Community Engagement: “Community engagement is a process in which schools and
communities come together to collaborate. It is about communicating and partnering with parents,
neighbours, businesses, service organizations, cultural associations and government. Its purpose
is to bring schools resources, expertise and supports that will help students achieve high
standards and strengthen families and communities. In addition, community engagement offers
partners a chance to provide programs and services right at the heart of their communities and
allows communities greater access to and maximization of school space” (British Columbia,
Neighbourhood Learning Centres, 2013). Community Engagement includes the interactive
process between the Board and its internal and external stakeholders, so that they have a role in
planning and decision making within the education system. It encompasses a wide variety of
activities along a continuum, from information sharing to consultations.
Stakeholders: a person or group who is involved in, or affected by a course of action
To provide responsive support to schools and departments, staff will identify needs in support of
student achievement and well-being; follow best practices to identify community leads in support
of student achievement and well-being; and identify current community engagement taking place
in schools and departments.
Intended Outcome
Foster relationships (and partnerships) with
community members in support student
achievement and well-being.
Annual review of where and who we engage.
Provide the community with varied
opportunities to give input.
Review of the tools/formats used for
communication and consultation.
Remove barriers to engagement by ensuring
equity of opportunity and access (including use
of schools, outside of school hours, for students
and the school community).
Community Engagement Report Card
Community Use of Schools Report Card
Priority Schools Data
Engage community in ways which reflect the
diversity of our community
Community Engagement Report Card
Government Documents
Regulation 330/10: School Councils and Parent Involvement Committees
Regulation 464/97: Special Education Advisory Committees
Regulation 613/00: Operation of Schools
Education Act
Policy No.: TBA
Page 2
HWDSB Strategic Directions
Achievement Matters
Engagement Matters
Equity Matters
HWDSB Policies
Engagement Pillar
Community Use of Board Facilities
Facilities Partnership
Naming/Renaming a School in Whole or in Part
Public Consultation
Visual Identity
Educational Excursions
Policy No.: TBA
Page 3
Policy Committee Communications Plan
Prepared By: Mark Taylor
Superintendent: Sharon Stephanian
Department: Leadership & Learning
Date Prepared: November 21, 2013
Policy Statement
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) believes in ensuring high levels of
community participation, involvement and engagement contributing to student achievement and
Communications Strategy
To inform various stakeholders that the 30 day consultation period has begun and now is their
opportunity to provide comments and feedback on the Community Engagement Policy.
Target Audience
Group Classification
Executive Council
Principals’ Council
Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)
Special Education Advisory Committee
School Councils
Home & School Association
French Immersion Advisory Committee
Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee
Parenting and Family Literacy Centres
Aboriginal Frontline Workers Group
Aboriginal Healthy Babies and Healthy
Afghan Association of Hamilton
Arab Cultural and Heritage Centre
Bangladesh Association of Hamilton
Banyan Community Services
Barbadian Canadian and Friends
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of
Centre français Hamilton Inc.
Contact Information
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
City of Hamilton
Environment Hamilton
Friends of Rural Communities and the
Environment (FORCE)
Friends of the Eramosa Karst
Hamilton Best Start
Hamilton's Centre for Civic Inclusion
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hamilton Chinese Community Services
[email protected]
Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts
Hamilton Executive Director's Aboriginal
Iraqi - Canadian Association of Hamilton
[email protected]
[email protected]
McMaster University
Metis Nation of Ontario
Metis Womens Circle
Native Women's Centre
Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Area
Management Board
Niwasa Aboriginal Education Programs
Sacajawea Non-Project Housing Inc.
Scouts Canada
Social Planning Research Council
Somali Women of Hamilton
Sudanese League of Hamilton
The Canadian Metis Council
The SOOT Group
Trinidad and Tobago Association of
Urban Native Homes Incorporated
Waterdown District Children’s Centre
White Rabbit Treatment Homes
YWCA Hamilton
[email protected]
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In addition to these groups, please see the attached appendix of community groups.
Memo/Letter – where applicable
Media Release
Social Media – Twitter, Facebook
Media Release
Social Media – Twitter, Facebook
Website – Board and Schools
School Newsletter
Focus Groups
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
AbleLiving Services Inc.
Ace Ministries
Adas Israel Congregation of Hamilton
Adult Basic Education Association of Hamilton
Affiliated Services for Children and Youth
Afro-Canadian Caribbean Association of Hamilton and District Inc
AIDS Network
Alberton Presbyterian Church
Alcoholics for Christ
Alzheimer Society of Hamilton and Halton
Ancaster Agricultural Society
Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church
Ancaster Christian Reformed Church
Ancaster Community Food Drive
Ancaster Community Services
Ancaster Community Skating Program
Ancaster Girls Hockey Association
Ancaster Heritage Days
Ancaster Horticultural Society
Ancaster Little League
Ancaster Masters Swim Club
Ancaster Mens Fitness
Ancaster Mens Slo-Pitch League Inc.
Ancaster Ministerial Association
Ancaster Minor Hockey League
Ancaster Mixed Slo Pitch League
Ancaster Municipal Lawn Bowling Club
Ancaster Over 60 Club
Ancaster Saddle Club
Ancaster Small Fry Co-operative Pre-School
Ancaster Soccer Club
Ancaster Tennis Club
Ancaster Township Historical Society
Anglican Business and Professional Womens Association
Animal Welfare Association of Hamilton
Armenian Community Centre of Hamilton
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Association canadienne-française de l'Ontario
Association of Community Information Centres In Ontario
Association of Dundas Churches
Page 1 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario
Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario
Autism Ontario
Autism/PDD Family Alliance
Battlefield New Horizons Seniors
Best Buddies Canada
Beth Tikvah Foundation of Hamilton
Bethesda United Church
Beverly Heritage Society
Beyond the Valley Studio Tour
Bibles for Missions Thrift Store
Binbrook 4-H Club
Binbrook Baptist Church
Binbrook Seniors Club
Binbrook Womens Institute
Body and Soul Club
Bosnian Islamic Centre of Hamilton
Bowman United Church
Boys and Girls Clubs of Hamilton
Brain Injury Services
Bridge From Prison to Community Hamilton (The)
Brighter Futures Association (The)
Business Improvement Areas
Business Improvement Areas
Cactus Capital Retirees Golf Club
Calvary Christian Reformed Church
Calvin Christian Reformed Church
Canada Family Action Coalition
Canadian Ballet Youth Ensemble
Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Cadet Organizations
Canadian Calorie Counters
Canadian Cancer Society
Canadian Celiac Association
Canadian Diabetes Association
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association
Canadian Hearing Society
Canadian Intensive Care Foundation
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian National Autism Foundation
Page 2 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Canadian Red Cross Society
Cancer Assistance Program
Canterbury Hills Conference Centre
Carnegie Gallery (The)
Case United Church
Catholic Children's Aid Society of Hamilton
Catholic Family Services of Hamilton
Catholic Youth Organization
Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton / Niagara
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Chestnut Tree Pre-school Inc (The)
Cheyne Presbyterian Church
Children's Aid Society of Hamilton
Christ Church Anglican
Christian Horizons - West District
Christian Life Assembly
Christian Science Society
Church of Christ
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (The)
Church of Our Saviour The Redeemer Anglican Church
Circle of Friends for Newcomers (Hamilton)
City Housing Hamilton Corp.
City of Hamilton
Civitan International
Community Child Abuse Council of Canada
Community Information Hamilton (CIH)
Community Living Hamilton
Conway Opportunity Homes Inc.
Courage to Cope
Creek Community Church (The)
Croatian Cultural Draganici Club
Crohns and Colitis Foundation of Canada
Crown Jewels of Canada Society
Cystic Fibrosis Canada
Dante Alighieri Society
Dawn Patrol Child and Youth Services
De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre
Dodsworth and Brown
Dofasco Retirees Recreation Club
Page 3 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Down Syndrome Association of Hamilton
Dr D Hitch
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice Foundation Inc
Drummond House
Dufferin Masonic Lodge
Dundas Baptist Church
Dundas Blues Junior C Hockey Club
Dundas Cactus Festival
Dundas Calvin Christian School
Dundas Community Services
Dundas Concert Band
Dundas Co-op Housing Association
Dundas Dynamo Basketball Club
Dundas Girls Softball League
Dundas Heritage Association
Dundas International Buskerfest
Dundas Junior Civitan Club
Dundas Lawn Bowling Association
Dundas Learning Centre and Civitan Place (The)
Dundas Little League
Dundas Minor Baseball Association
Dundas Modular Railway Club
Dundas Museum & Archives
Dundas Panther Football
Dundas Pipe Band
Dundas Senior Citizen's Club
Dundas Studio Tour
Dundas Tennis Club Inc
Dundas Town Oldtimers Hockey League
Dundas Valley Historical Society
Dundas Valley School of Art
Dundas Womens Softball Association
Dundas Youth Soccer Club
Dutch-Canadian Legion
Eaton Place Flamborough
Ebenezer Reformed Church
Elizabeth Fry Society
Equestrian Association for the Disabled (The)
Erland Lee Museum
Family Counselling Centre of Brant
Federated Womens Institutes of Ontario
Flamborough Cadet Club
Flamborough Chamber of Commerce
Page 4 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Flamborough Christian Fellowship
Flamborough Falcons
Flamborough Information and Community Services
FLK Taoist Tai, Dundas Location
Freelton Euchre Club
Friends of Battlefield House Museum
Garden Club of Dundas
Garstin Center for the Arts
Glanbrook Heritage Society
Glanbrook Home Support Programme
Glanbrook Minor Hockey
Glanbrook Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Glanbrook Old Pumpers
Glanbrook Rangers Junior C Hockey Club
Glanbrook Youth Soccer Club Inc
Glendale Golf and Country Club Limited
Good Shepherd Centre
Good Shepherd Non Profit Homes Inc.
Goodwill, The Amity Group
Gospel for Asia
Grace Covenant Church
Great Big Theatre Company
Gregorian Institute of Canada
Grief Support Groups
Gurdwara Sikh Sangat Hamilton
Gursikh Sangat Hamilton
Habitat for Humanity Canada
Hamilton Academy of Performing Arts
Hamilton Air Force Association and Club
Hamilton All Star Jazz Band Inc
Hamilton and District Scrabble Game Club
Hamilton Angling and Hunting Association
Hamilton Arts Council
Hamilton Association for the Advancement of Literature, Science and Art
Hamilton Burlington Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Hamilton Challenger Baseball Association
Hamilton Community Foundation
Hamilton Concert Band
Hamilton Conservation Authority
Hamilton Conservation Foundation
Hamilton Cycling Club
Page 5 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Hamilton District Society for Disabled Children
Hamilton District Society of Chefs and Cooks
Hamilton Dream Center (The)
Hamilton Food Share
Hamilton Gymnastic Academy
Hamilton Health Sciences
Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation
Hamilton Jewish Communal Projects
Hamilton Literacy Council
Hamilton Malayalee Samajam
Hamilton Men's Volleyball League
Hamilton Parrot Club
Hamilton Public Library
Hamilton Regional Indian Centre
Hamilton Senior Games
Hamilton Urban Core Community Health Centre
Hamilton Wentworth 4-H Association
Hamilton Wentworth Chapter of Native Women Inc.
Hamilton Wentworth Minor Football Association
Hamilton Wentworth Minor Hockey Association
Hamilton Wentworth Stroke Recovery Association
Hamilton. Community and Emergency Services
Hamilton's NFL Flag Football 5 on 5
Hatts Off Specialized Services
Health Initiatives for Youth Hamilton
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
Helen Zurbrigg Non-Profit Homes Inc
Hemophilia Ontario
Heritage Fellowship Baptist Church
Heritage Green
Heritage Green Baptist Church
Heritage Green Child Care Inc
Hindu Samaj Temple of Hamilton and Region
Homefront Cancer Services
Homestead Christian Care
Housing Help Centre for Hamilton
Page 6 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church
Immigrant Culture and Art Association (ICAA)
Immigrant Women's Centre
Independent Order of Oddfellows
Industry Education Council of Hamilton
Interval House of Hamilton
Jacks and Jills Co-operative Preschool of Ancaster Inc
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jewish Federation of Hamilton
Jewish Community Centre of Hamilton and Area
Jewish Social Services of Hamilton
John Howard Society of Hamilton Burlington & Area
Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario
Junior League of Hamilton Burlington Inc.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Kaleidoscope Singers
Kids for Kaga
Kingsview Community Church
Kiwanis Homes
Kiwanis International
Knights of Columbus
Knox Presbyterian Church
Krazy Kicks Summer Camp
Lakeview Retirement Living
L'Arche Hamilton
LGBTQ Community Wellness Centre of Hamilton
Lions Club International
Living Rock Ministries
Lung Association
Lynwood Charlton Centre
Malhar Group Music Circle (The)
Maranatha Free Reformed Church
Markland Group (The)
Marshall Memorial United Church
Masonic Lodge
Meadowlands Fellowship Christian Reformed Church
Medical Ministry Canada Inc
Men's Volleyball
Page 7 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Mission Services of Hamilton
Mohawk College
Mount Hope United Church
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Navy League of Canada
Neighbour to Neighbour Centre - Hamilton
Neighbourhood and Community Associations
New Hope Christian Centre
Niagara Escarpment Foundation
Nigel Charlong Community Centre
North Hamilton Community Health Centre
One Mission Society International - Canada
Ontario Alliance of Christian Schools
Ontario Archaeological Society (The)
Ontario Early Years Centre
Ontario Lung Association
Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups
Ontario Nurses Association
Optimist Club
Order of the Eastern Star
Our Lady of Assumption Roman Catholic Church
Overeaters Anonymous
Paramount Drive Alliance Church
Paramount Family Centre
Parents and Tots
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Pilgrim Baptist Fellowship
Polish Full Gospel Church
Potters' Guild of Hamilton and Region
Presbytery of Hamilton of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Probus Club of Ancaster
Probus Club of Dundas
Ramgarhia Association Hamilton
Reach Forth Sports Ministry
Riverdale Seniors Punjabi Group
Rock Chapel United Church
Rockton United Church
Rotary International
Routes Your Centre
Roxborough Senior Centre
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
Royal Botanical Gardens
Page 8 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Royal Canadian Legion
Royal City Soccer Club
Running Rebels Girls Softball Club
Ryerson Park Seniors Apartments
Ryerson United Church
Rymal Road Community Church
Saltfleet Figure Skating Club
Saltfleet Go Ahead Soccer Club
Salvation Army
Salvation Army Community and Family Services
Segue Clinic
Seniors Activation Maintenance Program (SAM)
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Sheffield Community Centre
Sheffield Museum of Rural Life (The)
Sheffield United Church
Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate
Skills Canada - Ontario
Soroptimist International
Southwestern Ontario Organization of Parachutists
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
St Andrews Presbyterian Church
St Anns Roman Catholic Church
St Augustines Roman Catholic Church
St Augustines Roman Catholic Church - Dundas
St Elizabeth Home Society
St Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church
St Georges Benevolent Society of Hamilton
St James Anglican Church
St James Co-operative Nursery School of Dundas Inc
St Joachim Children's Centre of Ancaster Inc
St Johns Anglican Church
St Joseph's Estates
St Joseph's Villa
St Mark's Co-operative Preschool
St Marks United Church
St Matthew's House
St Matthew's House
St Matthew's House
St Pauls Presbyterian Church
St Pauls United Church
Page 9 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
St Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Church
Steel City Sound Youth Percussion and Prizm Winter Guard
Step Ahead
Stoney Creek Baptist Church
Stoney Creek Canada Flag Day Festival
Stoney Creek Chamber of Commerce
Stoney Creek Co-operative Pre-School
Stoney Creek Disabled Sports Association
Stoney Creek Garden Club and Horticultural Society
Stoney Creek Girls Hockey Association
Stoney Creek Historical Society
Stoney Creek Minor Hockey Association
Stoney Creek New Testament Church of God
Stoney Creek Quilters Guild
Stoney Creek Seniors Outreach Services
Stoney Creek Soccer Club
Stoney Creek Tennis Club
Stoney Creek United Church
Tapleytown United Church
TD Festival of Friends
The Church of the Ascension (Anglican)
The Good Shepherd Centre
The Kidney Foundation of Canada
The Salvation Army Mountain Citadel
Theatre Ancaster
Threshold School of Building
Toastmasters International
Todays Family - Early Learning and Child Care
Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada
Trillium Childhood Cancer Support Centre
Turning Point Church
Turning Points
Umbrella Family and Child Centres of Hamilton
United Way of Burlington & Greater Hamilton
Unity of Greater Hamilton
Valley Community Church
Wat Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist
Waterdown Rod and Gun Club
Welcome Inn Community Centre
Wellwood Juravinski House
Page 10 of 11
Appendix A
Audience for Consultation
Wellwood Resource Centre of Hamilton
Wesley Urban Ministries
West Flamboro Presbyterian Church
Westover Artist Club
Widows Support Group
Wild Waterworks
Wind Dancer Pony Rescue Foundation
Winona Gospel Church
Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services
YMCA of Hamilton / Burlington / Brantford
Young At Heart
Young Starters Development
Zion United Reformed Church of Sheffield
Page 11 of 11
Title: Transportation Policy
Recommended Action:
Issue Identification
Scoping Report
Draft Policy
Draft Policy Revisions
and Approval
Policy Directive and
Policy Evaluation and
Ministry Mandated
Revoking a Policy
November 20, 2013
That the Transportation Policy scoping document be
HWDSB is responsible for the provision of transportation
to eligible students in a safe, effective and efficient
In May 2008, HWDSB and the Hamilton-Wentworth
Catholic District School Board partnered together and
formed the Hamilton-Wentworth Student Transportation
Services (HWSTS) Consortium. The Member Boards
operate 170 schools throughout the district with an
approximate combined student enrollment of more than
70,000. HWSTS provides transportation services to
approximately 28,000 students daily across the district via
a number of transportation modes that include both
yellow-and-black school buses and HSR Transit.
The policy is the responsibility of HWDSB and this policy
will ensure that transportation aligns with the strategic
direction of the Board. It will include the transportation
for Tier 3 programming in secondary schools. It will also
ensure that the Board is able to provide safe and effective
transportation services within the existing funding
Policy No. 3.9
Date Approved: March 2011
Projected Review Date: Sept. 2013
It is the policy of Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) that for eligible HamiltonWentworth District School Board registered students, home to school transportation will be safe,
secure and on time, bringing students to school ready to learn, cost effectively, efficiently and
within budget.
Director of Education
Members of Executive Council
Eligibility for Home to Designated School Transportation Service
Students residing within all developed urban areas as defined by the “Official Plan” and
prepared by the local municipality, will be eligible for transportation services when the
walking distance exceeds the following:
Elementary School
Walking Distance
1.0 kms
Elementary School
1.6 kms
Secondary School
3.2 kms
Students residing outside of developed urban areas will be eligible for transportation
services when the walking distance exceeds .8 kms.
Students residing within the defined walking distance will be eligible for transportation
services when the Board agreed upon path of travel would be along a major arterial
roadway that is situated between the student’s normal place of residence and their
designated school; and this major arterial roadway has no municipally defined pedestrian
walkway for sections greater than .8 kms that must be traveled while en route to the
Board designated school.
Policy No. 3.9 Transportation
Page 1
Elementary students residing within the defined walking distance will be eligible for
transportation services when the Board agreed upon path of travel would be along a
major arterial roadway that is situated between the students normal place of residence
and their designated school; and it is necessary to cross the major arterial roadway to
attend the Board designated school but there are no traffic calming devices such as:
traffic control lights, stop signs or crossing guard to assist with the crossing
Walking Distance
Walking distance is the distance from the student’s residence to the Board-designated
Measurements of distance for eligibility purposes will be determined from the municipal
road in front of the student’s residence to the nearest first maintained entrance of the
school. The Board’s administration will be the primary determining source for distance
calculations and eligibility within policy. The shortest and most direct route along
roadways and municipally maintained walkways will normally be relied upon. Distance
calculations will be applied consistently from the municipal road in front of all complexes
and/or multiple housing units, i.e., townhouses, apartments. Board contracted vehicles
will only be routed to travel on public roadways in order to provide for consistent and safe
Pick Up/Drop Off Points
The distance between the municipal road in front of a student’s residence and the pickup point or drop off point will not normally exceed .8 kms. The distance may exceed .8
kms when circumstance prohibits or limits the designated vehicle from safely travelling to
a pick up point via public roadways. Under certain circumstances, Special Education
students may be provided with door-to-door service.
Safety Hazards
It is recognized that extraordinary circumstances related to safety hazards may warrant
an exception to the walking distances for the determination of transportation service
Parents have the primary responsibility for the safe arrival of their children to and from
school. The safety of children is also the joint responsibility of communities,
municipalities, and policing authorities. Consequently, Board administration will
catalogue identified issues and forward the related concerns to:
The City of Hamilton
Hamilton Street Railway
The appropriate policing authorities
School principals in order to bring students’ and parents’ attention to the issue
Other related agencies that may be of assistance.
A request for an exception to the walking distance for the determination of transportation
service eligibility may be submitted in accordance with the procedure regarding the
identification of extraordinary circumstances related to safety hazards.
Administration is prepared to work with school principals and school councils to develop
programs that may assist students’ safety when coming to school or going home.
Policy No. 3.9 Transportation
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School/Program of Choice
Eligibility for transportation services will not be extended to students who choose an
alternate school program or course outside of their designated school catchment.
Courtesy Transportation
Courtesy transportation may be provided for students of the Board subject to the
Courtesy Transportation Procedure and at no cost to the Board.
Special Education
The Board-designated school for Special Education students will be the school at which
the student is placed in a self-contained classroom as determined by the Identification
Placement and Review Committee. Eligibility for transportation services will be
dependent on an assessment of the individual student’s physical or mental capabilities.
Transportation services will be provided for secondary school students who meet all of
the following criteria:
Student has been identified as exceptional by an Identification Placement Review
Out of catchment application is submitted by or on behalf of the student for
special education program purposes.
Out of catchment application is approved by all of the following:
o Principal of sending secondary school
o Principal of receiving secondary school
o Superintendent of Education for the receiving school
Student meets the distance eligibility requirement
Transportation Service Parameters
Arrival/Departure: Transported students registered in elementary grades JK to Grade 8
will arrive at school approximately 15 minutes prior to the first bell. Upon the dismissal
bell, students will be picked up for departure home not later than approximately 15
minutes following. Transported secondary students will normally arrive at school and be
picked up within 20 minutes of the first and last bell respectively. A longer period of time,
not to exceed 40 minutes, may be applied in order to accommodate double or triple runs.
This extended period of time does not apply to special education students placed in selfcontained programs within secondary schools.
Time On Vehicle: Length of time on a vehicle will not normally exceed 60 minutes one
JK Student Escort
Parents/guardians of JK students are to be advised to accompany and remain with the
student until picked up by the transportation vehicle. No JK student will be left
unattended at a pick up point. Parents/guardians are also to be advised to be on time
and present at the drop off point to receive their JK student.
Policy No. 3.9 Transportation
Page 3
Potential Expansion of Transportation Services
Notwithstanding statements elsewhere in this policy and conditional upon availability of
transportation funding, some transportation services may be provided for the following
program priorities:
Assistance for student success – any additional provision to be limited to match
the amount provided by the Ministry for transportation under the student success
component of the Learning Opportunities grant.
French Immersion
It is explicitly noted that the nature and extent of any potential expansion of transportation
services to address these program priorities is entirely subject to availability of funding.
Additional secondary transportation services may be offered at the discretion of
administration subject to funding availability and subject to the following considerations:
Strategic directions
Government Documents
HWDSB Strategic Directions
Achievement Matters
Engagement Matters
Equity Matters
HWDSB Policies
Policy No. 3.9 Transportation
Page 4
Title: Boundary Review Policy
Pillar Policy: Finance and Administration
Recommended Action:
Issue Identification
That Trustees on the Policy Committee approve the
Boundary Review policy and directive for consultation.
Scoping Report
Draft Policy
Draft Policy Revisions
and Approval
Policy Directive and
Policy Evaluation and
Ministry Mandated
Revoking a Policy
Staff has been working with a boundary review protocol
for several years. The intent of the development of a
Boundary Review policy is to formalize the process.
The policy will provide an open, transparent and
consistent approach with clear expectations on how
boundary reviews will be conducted throughout HWDSB.
The directive came to Trustees in September, but after
further thought, staff felt it best to create a high level
policy for the directive.
Staff came back to Trustees in October with a scoping
report to begin the process of writing the policy. The
scoping report was approved at Board on Monday,
November 11.
The policy and directive take into account comments
made by Trustees at previous policy meetings, as well as
the Standing Committee meeting of November 4.
Policy No. TBA
Boundary Review
Date Approved:
Projected Review Date:
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) believes in providing, operating and
maintaining schools and facilities for students in an effective and efficient manner to support
student achievement.
To achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of students and families.
Be mindful of the best and most prudent use of all resources available to HWDSB.
Adhere to the guiding principles as defined in the Long-Term Facilities Master Plan
To continuously monitor and plan for pupil accommodations through such factors as declining,
increasing and shifting populations; current funding and operational realities; changing
educational and program objectives; and physical limitations.
Director of Education
Members of Executive Council
Long-Term Facilities Master Plan: A comprehensive planning document illustrating the condition
and utilization of current facilities, and possible accommodation solutions designed to enhance
student achievement.
A boundary review SHALL begin under the following circumstance:
Initiated through the Long Term Facilities Master Plan, upon Board approval
Recommendation from a Superintendent of Student Achievement, upon Board approval;
Once a boundary review has been initiated, staff will take the following steps:
 Create the Boundary Review Advisory Panel
 Conduct a community consultation
Policy No.: TBA
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Review data from the community consultation
Seek Board approval
Intended Outcome
To continuously monitor and plan for pupil
accommodations through such factors as
declining, increasing and shifting populations;
current funding and operational realities;
changing educational and program objectives;
and physical limitations.
This will be measured through Long-Term
Facilities Master Plan and annually reported to
Government Documents
HWDSB Strategic Directions
Achievement Matters
Engagement Matters
Equity Matters
HWDSB Policies
Finance and Administration Pillar
Pupil Accommodation Review
Facilities Partnerships
Public Consultation
Community Use of Board Facilities/Properties
HWDSB Documents
Long-Term Facilities Master Plan
Policy No.: TBA
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Boundary Review Directive
Directive for Policy X.X Boundary Review
Projected Review Date:
School boards in Ontario are responsible for providing schools and facilities for their students and
for operating and maintaining their schools as effectively and efficiently as possible to support
student achievement.
It may be necessary from time to time to make adjustments to school boundaries to balance
enrolments between schools to optimize the use of existing “brick and mortar” facilities and
decrease the dependence on temporary accommodations.
The boundary review directive provides the method through which boundary review consultations
will be conducted by Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board staff.
Long-Term Facilities Master Plan: A comprehensive planning document illustrating the condition
and utilization of current facilities, and possible accommodation solutions designed to enhance
student achievement.
Boundary Review Report: Initial report to the Board of Trustees outlining the rationale and scope
of a potential boundary review.
Board Approval and Initiation of a Boundary Change Review (Boundary Review
The need for boundary reviews will be identified in the Long Term Facilities Master Plan,
however, there may be, from time to time, the need to bring forth a boundary review
recommendation outside of the Long Term Facilities Master Plan planning cycle.
Upon receiving a suggestion for a boundary review from a School Council, the Principal
of the school will approach the Superintendent of Student Achievement with the inquiry.
The Planning & Accommodation Division of the Facilities Management Department and
the Superintendent of Student Achievement (SOSA) for the schools identified brings forth
a Boundary Review Report with a recommendation to the Board for approval for a
boundary review consultation.
Title of Directive
Page 1
Boundary Review Advisory Panel
Boundary Review Advisory Panel may include the following membership:
I. Co-Chair: Cluster Superintendent of Student Achievement
II. Co-Chair: Planning and Accommodation staff member
III. Trustee(s) of schools affected
IV. Principals of schools affected
V. Up to Two School Council Reps from each school affected.
The Boundary Review Advisory Panel will meet a minimum of once and will review the
I. Rationale for change
II. Preferred option(s)
III. Enrolment & facility utilization impacts
IV. Financial impacts
V. Transportation impacts
VI. Community consultation.
VII. Implementation considerations including phasing in of a boundary change,
timelines, temporary and permanent status of the boundary change.
The mandate of the Boundary Review Advisory Panel shall be to review the proposed
rationale, options and impacts identified above and to provide local expertise or input.
The Panel may suggest new options for considerations.
The Planning and Accommodation and the Superintendent of Student Achievement shall
present at least one recommendation for community consultation.
Community Consultation
The Superintendent of Student Achievement and the Planning and Accommodation will
hold a public meeting to allow the community an opportunity to provide input regarding
the recommendation(s).
The Ward Trustee will be made aware of the meeting date(s) and invited to attend.
Community Consultation Review
Planning & Accommodation and the Superintendent of Student Achievement will review
community feedback and make a final recommendation(s) to go to Standing Committee.
Board Approval
Planning & Accommodation and SOSA will present their recommendation, through the
Director of Education, as well as the results of community consultation to the Board for
their approval.
Title of Directive
Page 2
Boundary Review
Policy Committee Communications Plan
Prepared By: Mark Taylor
Superintendent Responsible: Daniel Del Bianco
Department: Facilities
Date Prepared: November 14, 2013
Policy Statement
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) believes in providing, operating and
maintaining schools and facilities for students in an effective and efficient manner to support
student achievement.
Communications Strategy
To inform various stakeholders that the 30 day consultation period has begun and now is their
opportunity to provide comments and feedback on the Boundary Review Policy.
Target Audience
Group Classification
Executive Council
Hamilton-Wentworth Principals Council
School Councils
Home & School Association
Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)
Special Education Advisory Committee
French Immersion Advisory Committee
Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community
Association of Resident Homeowners Inc.
Allison Park Community Association
Ancaster Community Council
Beasley Neighbourhood Association
Berrisfield Community Council
Bonnington, Buchanan, Mohawk, Southam
Neighbourhood Association
Canadian Parents for French
Central Neighbourhood Association
Corktown Neighbourhood Association
Crown Point Community Planning Team
Delta West Community Association
Dundas Community Council
Durand Neighbourhood Association
Eastmount Community Council
Eleanor Community Council
Flamborough Community Council
Fruitland Road Community Association for
Safe and Healthy Neighbourhoods
Gilkson Park Community Association
Gourley Park Community Association
Hamilton Beach Community Council
Hamilton East Mountain Community
Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association
Landsdale Area Neighbourhood Association
McQuesten Community Planning Team
North Central Community Council
North End Neighbours
Pleasant View Rate Payers Association
Quigley Road Area Planning Team
Red Hill Valley Neighbourhoods Association
Riverdale Planning Team
Robert Land Community Association
Rosedale Community Council
Scenic Woods Neighbourhood Association
School Advocacy Hamilton
South Centre Community Council
South Sherman Community Planning Team
South Stipeley Neighbourhood Association
Spring Valley Community Association
Stinson Community Association
Strathcona Community Council
Templemead Community Council
Waterdown Parents for French Immersion
Waterdown South Residents' Association
Memo/Letter – where
Media Release
Social Media – Twitter,
Media Release
Social Media – Twitter,
Website – Board and
School Newsletter