134 People - Harding University Digital Archives


134 People - Harding University Digital Archives
Angela Ad am s-Searcy, Ark.
Bryan Ad am S-leesburg, Fla.
J immy Al len- Hunrsville, Ark.
An gela Alliso n-Memphis, Tenn.
Nico le Alliso n-Kin il ili, Kenya
Amanda Al to n-Searcy, Ark.
Je remy Anderso n-Bartlett, Tenn .
Alejandra An tunez-Honduras
N ayane Aranres-Round Lake Park, Ill.
Amy Arled ge-Morrison, Ten·n.
Michael Arnold-N.Richld. Hills. Texas
R ussell Ash by-Bonham, Texas
J ason Ashl ock-Jonesboro, Ark.
Amber Aubrey- Housron, Texas
Katrina Austin-Merrimac, Mass.
J ustin Baeder- Houston, Texas
B.). Bailey- Harrison. Ark.
Rachel Baker-Murfreesboro, Tenn .
Bethany Banister-Ladonia. Texas
C hristOpher Ban ks-Paris, Texas
Melissa Barrett-L.R.A.F .S., Ark.
R achel Barrett-Lirrleton. Colo.
Rachel Barren -Ludlow, Ill.
Ryan Bartels- Huntsville, Ala.
Bethany Barden-Mobile, Ala.
Sheila Batem an -St. Clair Shrs., Mich.
Kevin Baxter-Beaumon t, Texas
C yndi Bell-Ballwin, Mo.
Stephen Bell-N. Litde Rock, Ark.
Scon BenedettO-Ham monton, N.J .
Brad Bigelow-Marshall, Mich.
Lenard Blocker-Russellville, Ark.
Stephe n Bock-Morton, Ill .
Jam es L. Bocks, III -Ft. Worth, Texas
Angela Bo h o n-Mesa, Ariz.
The 1999-2000 sophomore class chose
Marcus Moore, men's representative; JeremyGibson, vice pres ident; Ryan Kirksey,
president; Andrea Kloske, secretary/treasurer; and Meg Wiewora, women's representative. With a couple of familiar faces
from the group elected last year, the group
worked as a team from the beginning.
W ith accomplishments such as various
fund-ra ising and service projects, the group
' ~' i\'ll"
:J ."
,1 J~
always worked tOgether. During the fall
semester, the officers worked along with
the Student Association (S.A.) and the
Office of Alumni Relations to organize a
successful and m emorable Homecoming.
The appearance of a live bison was something that the S. A. had really wanted to do
for the student body, according to Moore.
The mascot performed at the game and at
{he pep rally the night before - which
turned ou{ (0 be the largest pep rally
Harding has ever had . In addition to the
Homecoming fest ivities, the class officers
also helped decorate the campus with
Christmas lights during the holiday season. "We really want (0 get everyo ne involved in our fun activities, bu t at the same
time keep our events spirimally focused,»
Moore said. "Whether it is a fund-raiser or
a service project we want the ministry to be
the main po int.»
Beth Bonbrisco-Grse. Pte Wds., Mich.
Laura Bontrager-Cordova, Tenn.
J efferson Bowman-Tahlequah, Okla.
Stephen Boyd-Searcy, Ark.
C. Kashawn BradleY-Augusra, Ark.
J osh Bradley-w.P.A.F.B., Oh;o
Ian Bradshaw-Searcy, Ark.
Pen ny Brandimore-Derroit, Mich.
1ustin Brewer-Oxford, Miss.
Klynt Brice-Kennett, Mo .
Evy Brooks-N. Richland Hills, Texas
Leslie Brooks-Dahon, Ga.
Brian Brophy-Livonia, Mich.
Benjamin Brown-Ft. Thomas, Ky.
Crystal Brown-Cypress, Texas
Al ison Bryan-Sugar Land, Texas
Amanda Bulissa-Quechee, Yr.
Regena Bullard-Pleasant View, Tenn.
Seth Bull ington-Edinboro, Pa.
Wendi Burch-San Angelo, Texas
James Burke-Memphis, Tenn.
Jason Burnett-AJbuquerque, N.M.
Kristy Burton-Winslow, Ariz.
Rex Butts-Searcy, Ark.
Michael Byron-Westminister, Colo.
Jennifer Cameron-Searcy. Ark.
Alissa Camp-Tempe, Ariz.
Kimberly Campbell-Lexington, Ky.
Natalie Carbonara-Maumelle. Ark.
Brandi Carpenter-Nesbit, Miss.
Clint Carr-Judsonia, Ark.
Ben Carrigan-Hendersonville, Tenn.
Kelly Caner-Tahlequah, Okla.
Courtney Casiday-Monroe, La.
Biannca Castroneira-El Salvador
Jennifer Chapman-Rockwall, Texas
Christy Cheatham-Montgomery, AJa.
Linus Chepkwony-Searcy, Ark.
Daniela Ciliberti-Ferrara, Italy
D aniel C issel-Mobile, AJa.
fJauJtDli,n prooides 8.·30 p.m ClJIY'JIYtiniDf) service
An overhead projector provides light for Michael Cooper,
senior, as he leads a song at the Downtown Church of Christ's
8:30 p.m. communion service. More than 800 students attended the weekly service which focused on {he Lord 's Supper.
JuSt after 8:00 on Sunday night,
people begin trickling into the silent
gymnasium. The lights are dimmed;
the only illumination comes from an
overhead of a painting of Jesus Christ
being projected on the front wall. A sea
of fo ldi ng chairs has been arranged in a
semicircle to face the tables at the front.
By 8:30, all the chairs have been
occupied and crowds oflatecomers begin to gather on the outside edges of the
The Sunday night service at Downtown Church of C h rist differs dramatically fro m the traditional evening services to wh ich many students are accustomed.
Unlike many evening services, which
use a series of songs to lead up to a
different lesson each week, the Downtown service focused exclusively on the
Lord's Supper.
"The purpose of the service is to have
a time that is strictly dedicated to communion," said Dr. Pat Garner, the worship leader for the service. "That's what
it original ly started as, and thar's what
we intend to continue to do."
"It's more cemered on your personal
relationship with God," Katie Tool,
junior, said.
After the period of singing, worshiperswere invited to panake of the Lord 's
Supper. InStead of being passed down
the rows on trays, the bread and fruit of
the vine sat on tables at the front of the
room, allowing those who wished to
participate to do so at their own pace.
Because of these unique elements,
the service grew considerably after its
inception several years ago and became
especially popu lar among Harding students.
"We Started out with 50 or 60 people
and now we're getting near 1000," Garner said. "That number is probably 95
percent students."
"It's such an uplifting service," Hill
said. "Everyone there seems to truly
love God, and that really shows to their
friends and the people around them. "
-Sara Hardesty
An ita C lark-Ronks. Pa.
D an iel C lark-Cushing. Texas
Alison C lem ents-Rushville. Ill.
Angela C obb-Bowling Green, Ky.
Joel Coeh oorn-Elkhorn, Wis.
Shawn C ofer-Rancho Cordova. Calif.
Kandi Colem an-Magnolia, Texas
Ryan Colon-Tracy. Calif.
Megan C onni ff-New Albany, Ohio
Em ily Cook-N oLittle Rock. Ark.
.' Ryan Cook-Des Moines. Iowa
N ikki C oo nes-Harrison, Ark.
Brimey C opeland-N. Liul,. Rock.kk
Allie Co rnett-Wildwood, Mo.
Adam Cotting ham -Springdale. Ark.
Jam ie Cox-Yucaipa. Calif.
Benjam in C rampton-Otisville. Mich.
Meagan C rews-Houston, Texas
J o nathan C rim-Ki ngsport. Tenn.
Megan C rowel l-Plymouth, N.H.
Renee J . C ulbertson-Logan, Ohio
Jessica C ulp-Moore. S.c.
Autumn C urtis-Semmes, Ala.
Al ison C uster-Reading, Pa.
H eat her Dague-Cabot. Ark.
Allison D aigle-Amherst, N.H.
Brian D arker-Placentja, Calif.
D on D avis-Buena Park. Calif.
Gena Davis-Abbeville, Miss.
Kell ie D avis-Conway, Ark.
T aylor Davis-Hendersonville, Tenn.
H olly D awso n-Powell. Ten n.
Robby Day-Orlando. Fla.
H olli e D ayhoff-Hanover, Pa.
Amanda D ean-Clarksville, Ark.
Brandon D eLoach-Dallas. Texas
Matthew D evine-Slidell. La .
RaD o ra D innan-Morri lton, Ark.
E ric D isho ngh-Desrrehan, La.
Ta ra D o uglas-Ocala, Fla.
Randi Dressel-Lambertville, Mich.
Joe Drieling-Ludlow Falls, O hio
Daniel Dubois-Owensboro. Ky.
Jacob Duke-Searcy, Ark.
Louisa Duke-Searcy, Ark.
Amanda Duncan-Rockwall , Texas
Shaun Dutile-Plymouth, N.H.
Justin Dyniewski-Carrollron, Texas
Josh Eacret-Pomiac. III.
Chad Eason-Middleburg, Fla.
Maria Easter-Nashville. Tenn.
J.D. Eddins-Franklin. Tenn.
Mary Edmundson-Nashville, Tenn .
Katie Elliott-Lebanon, Conn.
Danny Eng-Dyersburg. Tenn.
Paul Erwin-N. Little Rock, Atk.
Angela Essner- Lakeland. Fla.
Aaron E theridge-C rear Lakes. III.
Tiffany Evans-Mount Vernon, III.
Stacey Fantauzw-Wellsville, NY
Nathan Faught-Madison, Ala.
Mathew Faulkner-Brandon , Fla.
Karen Fletcher-Friendswood, Texas
Z ully FloreS-la Ceiba. Honduras
Natasha Fowler-West Mem phis. Ark.
Heather Fox-Goodlensvil le, Ten n.
Amy Frank-Searcy, Ark.
Kristy Frazier-Jacksonville, Ark.
Liza Freeman-Metairie, La.
Jonathan Fuller-Ashdown, Ark.
Phalassa Fuller-Boyd, Texas
Micah Gage-Tulsa, Okla.
David Gallo-Evening Shade, Ark.
Jenny Gantt-Duluth , Ga.
Jamie Garner-Searcy, Ark.
Brad Garrett-Souderton, Pa.
Meredith Garrity-Geneseo, III.
Philip Garton-Knoxville, Tenn .
Dennis Gaskins-Paragould, Ark.
Jusron Gates-N. Little Rock, Ark.
Ryan Gencry-Memphis, Texas
Ginger Gerber-Danville, Ind.
Danene Gibbs-Nashville, Tenn.
Eydie Giles-Greenville, Texas
Brooke Ginn ings-Lawwn, Okla.
Laura G lover- East Peoria, Ill.
Rachel Goad-Little Rock, Ark.
J erusha Godoy-Nimajuyu, Guatemala
Adam Goerrzen-Aurora, Neb.
Amy Goff-Heber Springs, Ark.
"Jennifer Goff-Gastonia, N.C.
H eather GolightlY-Amarillo. Texas
Francisco Gomez-Tabasco. Mexico
Greg Goodale-Springfield, Mo.
J aso n G race-An tioch, Calif.
Joseph Grady-Germamown , Tenn.
Erikson Granberg-Portland, Ore.
Tanya Grasham-Tallmadge. Ohio
As hley Gregory-RoMNd, Ill.
Lindsay G riffis-Judson ia, Ark.
Bill Moore, senior Sub T-16 member,
talks ro Tim Johnston, sophomore
Kappa Sigma Kappa member, at the
social club open house on the from
lawn. As a Homecoming tradition,
members ofsocial cl ubs on campus had
an opportu nity to welcome back alumni
and meet former members of their club.
This gave current members a chance to
gain insight to their club's heritage and
gave the alu mni an opportunity to see
how their club had progressed over the
years. Many clubs set up booths decorated with club memorabilia such as
scrapbooks, photo albums and club symbols. In addition to the Social Club
reun io ns. Homecoming weekend also
included class reunions. W ith other
events during Homecoming such as the
musical, Sevm Brides for Sevm Brothers,
{he pep rally and the football game,
many alumni came back to catch up
with college friends. club brothers and
sisters and old roommates . Not only
alum ni attended the weekend's fes tivities, however. Many family members of
current students and prospective members of the Hardi ng stude nt body also
came ro check ou( the campus. It was a
fu n weekend that was set aside ro remind all of us what a special place
Harding is. and that it is a place that
God has given us.
Bicycle blues brings gDDd news (Dr Sharp
Becky Sharp, freshman, rides her bike near the foumain in from
of the BensonAuditorium. After her old bike was stolen last fall,
girls in Sears dorm collected money to buy her a new one.
Becky's bike was her on ly mode of transportation.
Kristen G rile-Anderson, Ind.
Naomi Gill-Troy, Ill.
Mal)' Grimshaw-Conway, Ark.
Curtis Grubb-Terre Haute, Ind.
Rachel Gunn-Wesr Helena, Ark.
Michelle Guy-Searcy, Ark.
Paige Hagan-Greenbrier, Tenn.
Adam Halford-Rogers, Ark.
Sheri Hall-Mobile, Ala.
Vanessa Hammersmith-Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Eric Hanes-Poplar Bluff, Mo.
Eric Hardin-Lexington, Ky.
Melan ie Harkabus-Richmond. Va.
Meghan Harper-Sterlington, La.
Adam Harrell-El Dorado, Ark.
Elizabeth Harrell-Moutain View, Ark.
Myca Haynes-Coolville, Ohio
Belew Helton-Pittsford, N.Y.
Renee Henderson-Wenatchee, Wash.
Brad H endrickson-Manchwer, Mo.
On several occasions here at Harding,
students have been asked to give
donations in order to suppon a certain
cause. The sruaencs at Harding are
known to be generous, and the goals are
usually met.
This fall, a sicuarion arose in Sears
dorm that had students once again
helping those in need.
Becky Sharp, a freshman from
Jonesboro, Ark. who has cerebral palsy,
always rode her bike around campus until it was stolen.
"1 woke up on a Saturday morning at
8:30 a.m. I weO[ oucsicie where I usually
keep my bike and it was gone," Sharp
said. "1 called security, and they said
they would keep an eye out for it. I also
asked my friends co look Out for ic."
Three to four days passed and Becky
did not hear anything about her bike.
What Becky did not know was that the
girls from her hall were collecting
donations so they could buy her another
Linda Cox, Sears dorm mother, put
up signs asking girls to give money for
the bike. "At curfew one evening, all the
girls from the dorm donated money to
help out," Je nnife r Kendall-Ball,
freshman, said.
Several of Becky' s friends took her to
Wal-Mart the next day and let her pick
out a new bike.
"The girls raised $218.13 overall.
Not only was I able to pick OUt a new
bike, but there was enough money for
m e to get some accessories for it also,"
SParp said. "I was really surprised and
exc ited. My bike is the only
transportation that I have. I didn't know
how I was going to get around without
Because Sharp has cerebral palsy,
havinga bike helps make the trek around
campus easier. The girls on Sharp's hall
realized how important itwas for her to
have a bicycle. They knew that with the
help of the other girls in the dorm, they
could make adifference in Becky Sharp's
-Ginger Wilson
James H en ley-Broke n Arrow. Okla.
Michelle H enry-Cherokee ViII .• Ark.
Lau ren H ensley-Franklin. Tenn.
Andrea Hickmon-Searcy, Ark.
Chad Hicks-Smcy, hk.
David High-s pring, Texas
Erin Hill-Adrian, Mich.
G inny H ill -Jacksonville, Ark.
Ashley Hilso n-Benton. Ark.
Justin Hite-Augusta, Ark.
Roseann Hittlet-Sterl ing, Ill.
S uzanne H oag-Waco, Texas
Bethany H o bbs-west Plains, Mo.
Camero n H ol ifield-Searcy, Ark.
Sarah Holmes-Russellville, Ark.
C hristy Holstein-Baton Rouge, La.
Dianna H o nea-Broken Arrow, Okla.
Amy HOoten-Flower Mound, Texas
Cara Hopper-Searcy, Ark.
Kenn eth H o uet-Searcy, Ark.
Bonnie Howard-Dexter. Mo.
Hope Huckeba-Searcy, Ark.
C had Hug hes-Denver. Colo.
Kristen Hutchison-Garland, Texas
M egan Jackson-Huntertown, Ind.
Annika JacobS-Houston, Texas
J essica J am es-Searcy, Ark.
Paula j ames-Bentonville, Ark.
Renee James-DeQueen, Ark.
J essica J arrett-Waynesville, Mo.
Natasha Jaworski-Onawa, Kan.
M eredirh J effcoat-Fc. Wahon Beach, Fla.
Patri ck J.eter-Springfield, Mo.
Katie J oellenbeck-Belleville, III .
Eric J oh ns-Paragould. Ark.
Ash lee J o hnson-Lenexa, Kan.
C hris Johnson-H endersonville, Tenn.
J oshua Johnso n-Somerville, Ala.
Patrick Johnson-Marked Tree, Ark.
Katie Johnston-Searcy, Ark.
Tim Johnswn-Searcy, Ark.
Heather Jones-Searcy, Ark.
Jamey J o n es-Forney, Texas
Jana Jones-Florence, Ala.
Jenn ife r Jordan-Mesquite, Texas
Jeffrey Joyce-Grand Prairie, Texas
Elizabeth JuhI-Center Point, Iowa
Elaine Kelle r- H untsville, Ala.
Max K elley-Germantown, Tenn.
Martha Kellum-Tupelo, Miss.
Jeremy Kemp-Searcy,
D aniel K e mper-Batesville, Ark.
Tamara Ken nedy-west Fork, Ark.
Mandy Killian -Garland, T exas
Al isha
Kin g-Woodbridge, Va.
Ryan Kirksey-Houston, Texas
Adam Ki tzmille r-Sellersburg, Ind.
Andrea Klosk e-Maryland Heights, Mo.
Mandi Klorz-Yokasuka, Japan
Jerem y Knox-Franklin, Tenn.
Mark KnutSOn-Ontario. Canada
Timo Koson e n -Tampere, Finland
Sonya Kraurschneider- Australia
Leslie Kukra-San Diego, Calif.
Sh eila Kukta-Harrison, Ark.
Jamie Kulild-APo, AE
Christina La Fayecte-Nampa, Idaho
Ervi n Laminack-Fort Worth, Texas
Kyle Larson -Behon, Texas
Matt Lawren ce-Memphis, Tenn.
Shelley Lawso n -Searcy, Ark.
Aaron LeCave-Wildwood, Mo.
Melissa Lee-Valdosca, Ga.
Sh awn a Leeser-Jenison, Mich .
Candice Lemons-Amarillo, Texas
Carly LewiS-Phoen ix, Ariz.
Karen !...ewis-Knoxville, Tenn.
M icah LewiS-Irving, Texas
Alva Liimacta-Pomiac, Mich.
Kara Lips m eyer-Lirde Rock, Ark.
Twin brothers David and Andrew Scharff,
sop homores, sit in an Allen dorm room
and play N intendo, a favorite pastime for
many students at Harding. While the
brothers from South Carolina have much
in commo n, they do not room cogether
because they understand that it is much
easier to get along without living rogether.
Still, the Scharff's are both active mem~
bers of T NT social club and find them~
selves hanging out with the same group of
people which causes them to also be great
friends. In add ition, they are teammates
on the cross-country and track teams along
with their older sister, Cheri, senior. Many
students agree that when you are away
from home it is easier (0 adapt ro change
when someo ne close to you is with you.
Having a brother o r sister at the same
school is, at times, straining. Howeve r,
for the mOSt part it is a taste of home away
from home, according to Crystal Brazle,
freshman. Brazle's older brother, Andy,
also "attends Harding. "It is always great to
see him [Andy] during the day. Because
we go co the same schoo l, I get co spend a
lot of time with him," Brazle said. "The
fac t that he has had such good experiences
here really influenced my decision cocome
to Harding. I did think about not coming
(0 Harding so I could get away from my
family fo r a while, bur the fact that he was
here was more of an encouragement. "
Amanda Linl efield-B elleville, IlL
Oscar Lockl in-Pace, Fla.
Barry Logan -Huntsville. Ala.
Apri l Long-Searcy, Ark.
Dusrin Lowry-Carrollton, Texas
Erik Luchauer-Holc, Mich.
Josh ua Lundin-Naples, Fla.
Lauren Lynn-Alpharetta, Ga.
Andy MacKenzie-Ontario, Canada
Ryan Mackey-Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Helen MacRae-Woodlands, Texas
Maria Madriz-Guatemala, Guatemala
Amanda Maki-Charlescon, w. v.
N icholas Mariorri-Pass Christian, Miss.
Caroline Martin-Searcy, Ark.
J acobo Martin eZ-Mexico
Srephen Marx-Clarksville, Texas
Esperanza Massana-El Salvador
Nathan Maners-Raceland. La.
Sara Matheny-Garland, Texas
Cris May-Buckner, Ark.
Kristy McCall-Searcy, Ark.
John McCam mon-Farmersburg, Ind.
D awn McCann-Iowa City, Iowa
Justi n McCaulia-Davis, Okla.
Sonya McClane-Troy, Mich.
Jared McCorm ick-Bayard, Neb.
Jill McCormick-Lindale, Texas
Kelley McCreary-Fresno, Calif.
Michael McCubbin-Charlotte, N.C.
Jill McDonald-Knoxville, Tenn.
Martha Mclnteer-Nashville, Tenn.
Adam Mcl n tyre-Lexington, Ky.
Nathan Mclntyre-Florence, Ala.
Jonathan McNai r-FortWorrh, Texas
Ashley McQuay-Bono, A,k.
Jami McRae-D ierks, Ark.
Leigh Ann Meadows-Opp, Ah .
Rachael Meneer-Ontario, Canada
Alice Merritt-Pulaski, Tenn.
Spelunkers find excitement below the earth
A group of Harding srudems prepare for an advemure of
exploring a nearby cave. While many studems enjoyed mo re
traditional hobbies such as collecting or crafts, others enjoyed
outdoor activities including spelunking and rock climbing.
There is an underground movement
th at is swee pin g across Harding
Un iversity. The reason that nobody is
aware of it is because it's stric tl y
underground - it's called spelunking.
Spelu n king, or cav ing. is done
beneath the earth in crevices and caves
throughout Ark. and the rest of the
Caves which can be explored are as
close as 45 min utes in Batesville, Ark.
T hat's a little under an hour's drive to
discover a "hole" new worl d. according
to Jeremy Sciba, junior.
"It's a di ffere nt world down there,"
he said. "Time seems to move so slow in
the caves and yo u never know what's
going to happen next."
Sciba said very little equipment is
required to begin th e spelunk ing
endeavor - just a little bravado and a lot
o f crawling. Head-lamps, markers,
repell ing gear and old clo thes are the
basic essentials that an experienced
spelunker will never be caught without.
Getting lost is one of a spelunker's most
prevalent concerns. Visual markers that
reflect light are placed at random points
throughout each campaign.
The most common ofthe fo rmations
found within these caves are commonly
referred to as stalactites and stalagmites.
These formatio ns ca n reach lengths of
enormo us magnitude an d come in
coumless shapes and sizes, according to
Rich O'Connel, senior.
They are formed when residue is
excreted from soft rock and limestone
which later dries, formin g these rare
"You see things down there that you
never imagined even existed," he said.
Also found within the caves are
streams and poo ls of freezing water.
T he pools are often accompanied by
mud and sl ipp ery ro ck. Jonathon
W heeler, senior, said that because of
these conditions, old clo thes are essential
to your underground repertoire.
"We're always overly cautious," he
said. "Safety is the most important issue."
-Alan Seim
Troy Metheny Jr.-Kilgore. Texas
Melissa Mezzapelle-Gardner, Mass.
Lynnette Milam-Roseville, Mich.
Lori Miller-DeRidder, La.
Chrisropher Minich-Lenexa. Kan.
Rebekah Mitchen-Bawn Rouge. La.
Karla Molina-Managoo, Nicaragua
Cliff Monte-Richmond, Va.
Rebecca Moon-Zelienople. Pa.
Dan Moore-El Dorado, Ark.
losh Moore-Scottsdale, Ariz.
'Marcus Moore-Searcy, Ark.
Lana Moreno-Richardson. Texas
Melissa Morris-Austin, Ark.
Dawn Moses-Helotes, Texas
M ichael Moss-Baxter Springs, Kan.
Kyle MOtt-Franklin. Tenn.
J en ny Mountjoy-Springfield, Mo.
Joshua Muller- Manitoba, Canada
Sara Mu ll iken-Okla. City. Okla.
Tyler Murphy-Jefferson City, Mo.
Jeremy Myers-Sarasota, Fla.
Joey MyerS-las Vegas, Nev.
J ennifer Neal-Cleveland , Miss.
Casey Neese-Penn Run , Pa.
Emila Nelson-Gallatin, Tenn.
Sarah Newman- Franklin, Ind.
Julie Newsom-Searcy, Ark.
Elizabeth N ichols-Decatur, Ill.
Cynthia Nickels-searcy. Ark.
Sarah N icks-Franklin, Tenn.
Atch Nishiyama-Tokyo. Japan
Tommy Nix-Bono, Ark.
Elizaberh Nu ll-Tulso, Okb.
Jordan O'Dell-Fairview Heights, Ill.
Shannon O ' Dell-Joplin, Mo.
Rebecca Ockay-Lexington, S.c.
Mark Ohrenberger-Milford, Conn.
Cherry Owen-West Monroe, La.
Khim OwenS-Flower Mound, Texas
Jaren Page-Springfield, Mo.
Karise Palm er-The Colony, Texas
M ichael Parks-Muskogee, Okla.
Marc ie Parrott-Battle Creek, Mich.
Hillary Patrick-San Antonio, Texas
J oshua Patterson-Kennedale, Texas
Michael Patton-Searcy, Ark.
Nathan Peck-Wimer Springs, Fla.
J ay Penningto n-Overland Park, Kan.
Shara Periman-Greentown, Ind.
Diane Perkins-Searcy, Ark.
C hris Per ry-Rockwall, Texas
Brad Perry-Camon, Texas
Leslie Peyco n-Garland. Texas
Jeanine Philips-Tall madge, Ohio
Justin Phillips-Lirtle Rock. Ark.
Matt Phillips-Morton. Ill.
Lissa PolanCO-Miami, Fla.
Les Polk-Sherman , Texas
Diane Polzin -Searcy. Ark.
T y Pope-Idaho Falls. Idaho
J eff Powell-New Braunfels, Texas
Melissa Powell-Rifle. Colo.
Molly Pratt- Hamilton. Ala.
Olivia Preston-DeSoto, Texas
Sara Price-Cullman, Ala.
W hitn ey Price-Murray. Ky.
Jeff Proctor-Norwich. Kan.
Randy Quesada-San Jose, Cosra Rica
Jason Railey-Katy. Texas
Lisa Raloff-Fairview. Ore.
Kimberly Rampey-Broken Arrow, Okla.
Vera Ranchinskaya-Sroken Arrow, Okla.
Shane R andolph-Katy, Texas
Kenneth , Ray-Searcy, Ark.
Megan Rees- Kowloon, Hong Kong
Nathan Reynolds-Marietta, Ga.
Laura Rhoad es-Decamr, Ill.
C lint Rhodes-Lubbock, Texas
Juli e Rhodes-West Monroe. La.
Kyle RhodeS-Arli ngton. Texas
Lee Rice-Columbia, Tenn .
Nicole Ri chmond-St. Peters, Mo.
J osh ua Riesland-San Diego. Calif.
Kate Rivera-Manchester, N.H.
Dustin Roberts-Gifford, III .
Bre Robertso n- Humble, Texas
Romaura Rodrig u ez-Venezuela
Dal ila R ojas-Quereraio. Mexico
Rachel Rosenbaum-Valdosta, Ga.
N ico letta RouSSOS-Athens. Greece
.Katie Rucker-Tulsa, Okla.
Tara Salsman-Harrison. Ark.
Kendall Samuel-Kuy, Texas
C h risty Samuels-Barden, Tenn.
Sam Sanders-Dalton,Ga.
Shelley Sanders-Memphis. Tenn.
Amy Sau ls-Ooltewah, Tenn.
Andrew Scharff-Spartanburg. $c.
Kelly Scheppegrell-F","o, C,i;f.
Brad Fortso n, senior, devours a muffin
after chapel while talking to Gretchen
Simmons ,j unior. Muffinsand soft drinks
were provided for (he entire student body
as chapel let our early. The special "muffin
days," which rook place once a semester,
were usually held in front of the Benson
Auditorium by the fo untain. However, on
[his particular day, d ark clouds and the
threat of rain forced everyone to squeeze
inro the H ammon Studenr Center to enjoy the breakfast and fellows h ip. "Muffin
Day" was always a favo rite chapel among
Harding students because it was a break
from the busyness of cl asses. Because
muffins were usually only provided after
chapel twice a year. students always looked
fOlWard to it. "It is something different
and it gives me a chance to relax and have
a little fun before classes start." Stacey
Portell. junior, said. Other favo rite chapels included performances by entertainers
such as the "G rumpy O ld Men," Good
News Si ngers. Belles and Beaux and the
presentation of the Residen t of the Man th
award. Many students said they si mply
appreciated the time thac was set aside
each morn ing fo r the entire student body,
faculty and staff to worship God togeth er.
"It [chapel] is an abso lutely unique experi ence and one that we will always remember after we leave Harding," Portell said.
Nursing dinicafs gire students haOO8-Dfl experience
Rachel Willis, junior nursing srudenr, draws an LV.
clinical in a Little Rock hospital. N ursing c1inicals provided
students the opportunity to use the medical knowledge they
learned in the classroom in a hospital setting.
Klaus Schmidt-Guadalajara, Mexico
Ryan Schnitzer-Sherwood, Ark.
Jennifer Schultz-Arli ngton, Texas
Stephen Seidel-waco, T exas
Sarah Shahan-Sugarland, Texas
Stephanie Shannon-Qui nlan. Texas
Jennifer Shappley-Grmnrwn., Tenn.
Jennifer Shaver-Valparaiso, Ind.
Warren Shepherd-Chandler, Ariz.
Phillip Shockley-Barden, Tenn.
Jonah ShUmate-Fayetteville, Ark.
Kenny Simpson-Palm Bay, Fla.
Ashley Singleto n- Blue Bell, Pa.
Amanda Slayton-Williford, Ark.
Dana Sloan-The Woodlands. Texas
Hope Smilor-Srrongsville. Ohio
Brent Sm ich-Wichita, Kan.
Brian Smith-Mesa, Ariz.
Jared Smich-Little Rock, Ark.
Jennifer A. Smich-Searcy, Ark.
At 4 a.m. the screaming alarm signals the early scare of another day.
While most students on campus are
rolling over ' for the remaining few
hours of much needed slumber, che
nursing students head our (Q a class
somewhat our of the ordinary.
Every Tuesday and Thursday, the
seniors pareicipared in clinicals arvarious hospitals in Little Rock. In the
clinicals che studems received supervised hands-on experiences in real life
settings; chus providing a platform so
the students could apply what they
learned in the classroom.
"For the mOSt pare, we do everything a nurse does," Ryan Parsons,
senior, said. "Practical application is
what chis class is all about. "
M ichael Scifres, senior nursing major, said he appreciated the experience
the clinicals gave che studems.
"You 're nor really sure of what you
know until you have (Q apply it in a
real life situation," he said.
From chesimpleandcommon tasks
to the sight of a life hanging in the
balance, the students got an in- depth
look imo what it means (Q be a servam
in the world of medicine.
"We give shots and general care
every day (Q patients." Parsons said,
"bur it's watching a man 's life end in
front of your eyes chat really puts
things into perspective."
The students assisted and witnessed
several unforgettable evems while at
the hospitals, according (Q Scifres.
.' "We've witnessed the miracle of
childbirth," he said. "It's experiences
like these that make me appreciate che
nursing profession. "
The students agreed that the experiences were beneficial and allowed
chern to apply what they learned in the
traditional classroom .
"I think this gives us a good step in
the right direction ," Scifres said. "This
prepares us for jobs after graduation
by providing us with confidence to do
the job and do it right. "
-Bryan Jobe
J ordan Sm ith-Tulsa, Okla.
, Tam era Smith-DeRidder, La.
Lindsay Snow-Seminole, Okla.
Nivia Snowden-Henrietta, N.Y.
Tara Snowden-Corinth, Texas
Elizabeth Solano-Pine Bluff, Ark.
Carrie Solomon-Lancaster, S.c.
Andrea Soule-Hockessin, Del.
Kenny Sprenger-Spri ngfield, Mo.
Jeff Spruill-Norman, Okla.
Jon Stacy-Barrlesville, Okla.
D eborah Starkey-Sun City, Calif.
Kimberly Starr-Metairie, La.
Laura Stegall-Paducah, Ky.
Andrea Stevens-Little Rock, Ark.
Vi nce Stevens-Searcy, Ark.
Eddie Stillwell-Loveland, Colo.
Danny SWkes-Beech Grove, Ark.
T racy Swkes-Paragould, Ark.
Jeremy Swneburner-Ravenna, Ohio
Susan Smmne-O'Fallon, Ill.
C h ris SuggS-Gainesvi lle, Fla.
Adam Sullivan-Bono, Ark.
Tiffany Summers-joelton, Tenn.
Gracie Sutherland-so Sr. Paul, Minn.
Jon Sued es-Franklin, Tenn.
Eric Swayn-Carrollton, Texas
Lauren Tao-West Chesrer, Pa.
Tricky T arole-Livonia, Mich.
Lynn Teague-Searcy, Ark.
Rebecca Terrill-Searcy, Ark.
Ma((hew Thomas-Palo Pinro, Texas
Trey Thompson-La Pone, Texas
C hrissy Thormon-Nashville, Tenn.
J effrey Thormon-Lk. Providence, La.
Abigail Thwea((-Brencwood, Tenn.
Ri(a Toledo-Guatemala
Melissa Tounge((e-Franklin, Tenn.
Lisa Toye-Warren, Mich.
Sara Trea(-North Li ttle Rock, Ark.
Rita Trickey-Sherwood, Ark.
S usan T ripp-Griffithville, Ark.
Melinda T ucker-Humsville. AJa.
Shelly T urpi n-Twy, Mo.
Janene Underhil1-Dexter. Ky.
Matt U nderwood -Searcy, Ark.
Lynn Van Epps-San Diego. Calif.
Kara Virden-Linle Rock, Ark.
Kelly Wad d ill-Norphlet, Ark.
C h ristie Wad e-Glen Al len. Va.
Jeanne Wadsworth-Mchsny. Prk. , II.I.
Amy Walker-Bemon, Ky.
Micah Walker-Lubbock, Texas
Amy Wall-Memphis, Tenn.
Susan Waller-No Richlnd. Hills, Texas
E lla Wallis-Baresville, Ark.
T ressa W allis-Lewisville, Texas
R achel WaiterS-Muskogee, Okla.
Candace Ward-Thousand Oaks, Calif.
SCOtt Ware-S pringdale, Ark.
Kimilee Wash burn-Maumelle, Ark.
Kristi na Watkins-West Monroe, La.
Kyle Watso n-Dexter, Mo.
Seth WatSOn-Texarkana, Ark.
Laura Weaver-Saginaw, Texas
Leah Beth Weaver-Maryville, Tenn.
J o hn Webb-Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Kristen Webster-Amioch, Tenn.
Eric Welch-Dover. Ohio
Josh Wel ls-Baresvi lle. Ark.
Am ber W h ite-Chananooga. Tenn.
April White-Highland Village, Texas
Brooke Wh ite-Memphis, Tenn.
Becky Whittington- Harlingen. Texas
Leah Wicker-Hollandale. Miss.
R eagan W iechert-Springfield, Mo.
Megan W iewo ra-Jupiter, Fla.
H ilary W ilkins-Marietta. Ga.
Jul ie W illiam S-Muskogee. Okla.
Nate Wi lli ams-Raymond. Ohio
Michael Woodall, sophomore, Jason
Pin, senior, and Jason Dolliver, junior,
practice with the Harding University
Chorus. T he Chorus traveled around
the stare to sing and perform at numer~
ous locations including churches and
schools. In the fall, the Chorus held
concerrs at a nursing home, Harding
Academy and congregations around the
stare. Srudenrs interested in singing in
the Chorus auditioned at the beginning
of the year. A music credit was offered
for parricipanrs, bur many sang in the
group si mply for the love of music,
according ro Amy Goff, hisrorian for
the group. "Some joi n ro learn the mu·
sic or ro be inrroduced (0 new kinds of
music, " Goff said. "Last year I recieved
" a credit, but I am doing it this year juSt
because I enjoy it." Under the direction
of Dr. Cl iff Gan us, professor of music,
the chorus main ly sangspirirual arrange~
Eric Williamson-Oswt:go, N .Y.
Margaret Willis-Midland, Mich.
Stephanie W ill is-Housron, Texas
Jeanette Wilson-Columbia, Tenn.
Rene Wilson-Mt:squitt:, Tt:xas
Jeffrey Wisdom-Bt:t:bt:, Ark.
Brandon Wood-Plt:asant Hill, Mo.
Darren Wood-Plt:asant Hill, Mo.
Doug Wood-Gilbert, Ariz.
Talia Wood-Killt:en, Tt:xas
Adam Woodruff-Jont:Sboro, Ark.
Daniel Woodruff-St:arcy, Ark.
J amie Woods-Cht:rokt:t: Village, Ark.
Jenni Woodward-Berwyn, Pa.
Kristi Woodward-Bt:rwyn, Pa.
Hearner WOQ[en-Nolt:nsville, Tenn.
Cheryl Wright-Stockton, Calf.
Jenni Wright-Lirde Rock, Ark.
Jon Wrye-Searcy, Ark.
Amanda Yares-St:arcy. Ark.
Brandon York-Bridge City, Texas
Lindsay Young-Washingron, Ill.
Tina Young-Rt:ynoldsville, Pa.
Lisa Zepeda-Housron, Texas
Bethany Z immerly-Mobile. Ala.
Jedidiah Abell-Shenvood, N k.
Ashley Adams-Houswn, Texas
Brian Adams-jonesboro, Ga.
Kathryn Adams-Searcy, Ark.
Kenny Adams-Sarasota, Fla.
Kristin Addsion-Paragould, Ark.
Sandra Adell-Gales Ferry, Conn.
Dulce Agu irre-Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Jeff Akins-Shenvood, Nk.
Gary Albr itton -Garland, Texas
All ison Alexander-Plano, Texas
Hannah Alexander-Searcy, Ark.
Melissa Allinder-Conway, Ark.
Kristin AItma n - Plano, Texas
Ledys Antunez-La Cd ba, Hon .
Darryn Atkinson-Leander, T exas
Hailee Augsburger-Eureka, Ill.
Amy A u stin -Searcy, Ark.
Bradley Austin-Homio, Ark.
Endri Baduni-Vlora, AJbania
David Baggett- Bel ton, Texas
Sarah Bailey-ElDorado, Ark.
Liz Baiocchi-Non hville, Mich.
Dan Baircl- EauCiaire, W is.
Paige Balla rd-Eupora, Miss.
The 1999 Freshman class elected (backrow)
Mace Thomas. vice president; Kekey M oore.
president; Josh Kellar, men 's representative;
(frontrow) Em ily C ombs, secretary/ trea.
surer; and Liz Baiocchi, women 's represen·
(arive to represent th em. The elected officers
and representatives said their goals for the
yea r were to help the freshmen class adjust to
their new lives as college scudents. With
wonderful senses of humor and a lot of
bright ideas. the fall semester began well for
the newest class officers at Harding. After
being elected in September, the new comers
starred the school year with many h igh ex·
pecrarions for their classmates. "We are JUSt
here to represent ou r class," Combs said .
"We want eve ryone to feel like they can be
direcdy invloved in the Scudent Association
decison making. "
Laura Banks-Eugene, Ore.
Carolina Banuelos-Durango, Mexico
Jason Barnharr-Cabot, Ark.
Kristen Barron-Fe Walton Beach, Fla.
Timothy Barron-Kansas, City, Mo.
Jeremy Bass-Kennesaw, Ga.
M ike Bam-Woodbury, Minn.
J eremy Beauchamp-Yucaipa, Calif.
Scott Beaupre-Mogey-Col. Springs, Colo.
Jamie Beecher-Colleyville, Texas
Leslie Beglau-Lodi, Calif.
," Laurel Belk-Sun nyvale, Cal if.
Sh aun Bell-Searer, Ark.
Jim Belt-Morris, III.
Margaret Bennett-Memphis, Ten n.
Cathy Benton-Tulsa, Okla.
Scott Berry-Jeffersontown. Ky.
Susan Berry-Tuscumbia, Ala.
Ray Becrot-Eustis, Fla.
Adia Bess-Ocea nside, Calif.
Timothy Bewley-Hickory Crk. , Texas
Stacey Black-Cordova, Tenn.
Nathan Bland-Germantown, Tenn.
Abril Bleidy-Miramar. Fla.
Loni Bliss-Tabernacle, N.J.
Aaron Bollinger-West Lafayette, Ind.
Chad Bonner-Whitney, Texas
James Boswell-Algonquin, Ill.
Angela Boyd-Wichira Falls, Texas
Alba Brace-Morrilton, Ark.
Cherrie Bradberry-Iowa Park, Texas
Christopher Brainard-Seaford, Va.
Amanda Bratcher-Coronado, Cali f.
Sarah Bray-Meramora, Ill.
Darin Brazile-Tacoma, Wash.
Crystal Brazle-Ozark, Mo.
Nam an Brenneman-RioRancho, N.M.
Joseph Bresnahan-Little Rock, Ark.
Ryan Bridges-Columbia, Tenn.
Cory Briggs-H;ghl,nd, III.
Jonathan Briggs-Kirkwood, Mo.
Patrick Briscoe-Hutchinson, Kas.
Emily Britt-Dexter, Mo.
Jolie Brockman-Memphis. Tenn.
Shawna Brockman-Strafford , Mo.
Shane Brockwell-Martin. Tenn.
James Brogdon-Cher. Village. Ark.
Adam Brown-Newport News, Va.
Alaina Brown-Tinley Park, Ill.
Cameron Brown-Longview, Texas
Christy Brown-Midland, Texas
LaTonya Brown-Little Rock. Ark.
Lauren Brubaker-Little Rock. Ark.
Karis Bruner-Searcy. Ark.
Melody Bryan-Novi, Mich.
Brady Bunch-Muskogee. Okla.
Crystal Bunch-DeSoto. Texas
Jennifer Burnley-Calhoun, Ga.
Donrica Burrows-Nassau, Bahamas
Jay C allico ((-Ricahrdson, Texas
Bekki Canales-Killen, Ala.
Sarah Carpenter-New Hanford. N.Y.
Kelly Carter-Belleville, Ill.
Nick Career-Madera, Calif.
Kim Case-Decatur, Ala .
Emorie Casey-Tyrone. Ga.
Elena Castiglio ne-Memphis, Tenn.
E lsa C hacon-SanJose, Costa Rica
Earl Chadwick-Manhei m, Pa.
Melody Chaffin-Norcross. Ga.
Glendy Champet-Guatemala, Guar.
Katie Chandler-Decatur. Ala.
Rebekah Chandler-L. Rock, fuk.
Slate Chisholm-Mtn. View, Ark.
Lauren Christian-Fayettevil le. Ga .
Christi na Clark-Branson, Mo.
Drew C lothier-W. Memphis. Ark.
Amanda Coffee-Rogers. Ark.
Brook Coffman-Pocahontas, Ark.
Donna Coker-Toowoomba,Australia
Jenn ifer COle-Indianapolis, Ind.
Keri J o Coleman-Oxford, Miss.
Jordan Coll ier-Cedarville, Ohio
C lifford Collins-Kennett, Mo.
Monica Co llinS-Arlingmn, Texas
Sus ie Co ll ins-Piqua, Ohio
Emi ly Combs-Bartlesville, Okla.
C hris Co nder-Grove, Okla.
C urtis Con n-Arcola, Ill.
Ryan Co nnell-Pelham, Ala.
Andrea Conn er-Bedford, Ind .
•' Jason Co nner- Thornmn, Colo.
Marshal l Conner- Elizabeth, Colo.
Laurie Cook-North Linle Rock, Ark.
Sarah Cook-Virginia Beach. Va.
Katie Cooke-Cary, N.C.
Austin Coope r-Clarksville. Texas
Aaron Copeland-Searcy, Ark.
Daniela Corrales-Tegucigalpa, Hond.
C hri stina Co rum -Ava, Mo.
Renee COth ron-Haskell, Texas
C hristopher Courson-Omario,Can.
Jared Cox-Benmnville, Ark.
Jarrod Cox-Arlington, Texas
J ustin Cox-Paragould. Ark.
Rachel Myhan, senior, places a ball in
the hand of bl indfolded Laura Falgiani,
senior. The two Elementary Education
majors were play ing a game on the front
lawn during their Science in the Elementaryclass, under the instruct ion ofO e. Jim
Johnston, professor of education. The object of the activity was to allow future
teachers to see and experience first hand
the barriers and obstacles that arise in a
classroom where handicap students are
involved. Many academ ic departments,
including the School of Science and the
School of Educatio n, used hands on learning activities to help students learn faster
and grab hold of concepts more firmly.
"Doing activities like these help us to put
ou rselves in the shoes of the students we
will be working with," Myhan said. "The
game we played was really challenging
because you never think about the struggles
others have until you experience them fo r
you rself. This really opened my eyes to the
specia l needs some students in my classroom will have."
Le f.J)is, {jJolker find success in e ntrepreneurship
Mike Lewis, sen io r, paints a picture of Jesus for a service at the
D owntown Chu rch of C hrist. Lewis, an art major, also designs tshi rts for Function Junction aside fro m his regular school wo rk.
Derek C ra bb-Valrico, Fla.
Courtney C raddoc k-Tyler, Texas
A d a m C ra n e-Norcross, Ga.
Ama nda C rew s-Keystone Hgts, Fla.
Mel issa C rockett-Oologah, Okla.
Justin C ro teau -Salem, N.H.
Bra ndo n C rouch-Searcy, Ark.
M arci Crowell-Plymouth, N. H.
Eliza C rowley-Cabot, Ark.
E lsa C ruz-Dardanelle, Ark.
M ike C ulpepper-Haslet, Texas
Brad C unn ingham-Brlen. Arrow, Okla.
Jllsri n C urry-Sherwood, Ark.
An n e D arby-Colorado Springs, Colo.
Srefani e D ave npOrt-Monroe, La.
Josh D avidson-Tyler, Texas
Sarah Davidso n-Fort SCOtt, Kan.
Brian D avis-Sunnyvale, Texas
Carrie Davis-Russellville, Ark.
Kristin D avis-Conway, Ark.
Ben D avison-Jonesboro, Ark.
Lindsey D aviso n-Little Rock, Ark.
Kim D eato n-Staunton, Va.
Jennifer Denn is-Irvi ng, Texas
J ulie D enn is-Vill,Texas
Most coll ege students have, at one
time or another, used the all to fami liar
ph rase, "Mom, D ad, I need money."
W ith this in .mind, perhaps we can
learn a lesso n from Mike Lewis, senior,
and M icah Walker, sophomore. Both
Lewis and Walker have seized the reigns
of respo nsibility and leaped head fi rst
into the world of entrepreneurship.
Lewis began his "odd" college job by
des igning T-shi rts for his friends and
social clubs o n campus. W hat began as
a ho bby tu rned into a lucrative endeavor. Thus, the business which Lewis
calls Function Junction was for med.
Walker said he sat in a busi ness
classes one day po ndering ideas in his
As a res ul t, W al ker fou nded
Malibu Mikes Shaved Ice, wh ich offe rs a variety of over 30 delicious
"1 wam ed to give the students a
place to hang out," Walker said.
W hen asked what he would advise so meone who is co nsidering
starring a similar endeavo r W alker
repl ied, "I wo uld encourage them to......
do it, but be prepared to make a
serio us time commitment. "
Before calling Mom and Dad fo r
e~[ra mon ey, give them a break.
Take a loo k at the accomplishments
of Lewis and W al ker - real student
entrepreneu rs.
- Alan Seim
Manuel Diaz-San Jose, Costa Rica
Angela Dickerson-Sugar Land, Texas
Richard Dillon-Florence, Ala.
Angela D ockel)'-Linle Rock, Ark.
Brian Doli nger-Yucaipa, Calif.
Mike Dom inski -Searcy, Ark.
Robin D o ran-Woodbridge, Va.
Patrick D or riery-Kary, Texas
J immie Douglass. III-Searcy, Ark.
C hari ry Dow-La rsen-Corona, Cal if.
Marita Dowdy-Kensett, Ark.
Wesley Dozier-Madison, Ten n.
Benjamin Drake-Paragould, Ark.
Phi lip Draper-Tupelo. Miss.
Kyle Dudak-Grinnell, Iowa
Layne Duke-Searcy, Ark.
Leah Dulaney-Fayetteville, Ark.
Al isha Dunca n-Rockwall, Texas
Lauren Duncan-Sweeny, Texas
Karen Dunham -Seattle. Wash.
Brad Dun lap- Pon Neches, Texas
T ab itha Dunlap-N. Little. Rock, Ark.
Jennifer DuPey·Coeur d'Alene. Idaho
Man Durham-Columbiana, Ohio
Cody Dyas-Toluca, Mexico
J ohn D ykes-Flower Mound. Texas
Amanda E lled ge-Modesto, Calif.
Amy E ll iott-Searcy, Ark.
H an nah Elliott-Springfield, Mo.
David E lliS-Buford, Ga .
Brett Emerson- Livon ia, Mich.
J o hn Epps-Orange, Texas
Heather Ervin·Mesquire. Texas
Michale Estes-Oklahoma Ciry, Okla.
Armand Et am e-Tulsa. Okla.
H o lly EvanS-Hutchinson, Kan .
JerI)' EvanS-Corni ng, Ark.
N icho las EvanS-Salisbury, Md.
Sarah Ezel l-Russellville, Ark.
Co urtney Fam-Searcy, Ark.
Sue Fecteau-North Conway, N.H.
H eather Ferguson-Pimburg, Calif.
Aubri Fin ley-Magnolia, Ark.
J enn ifer Fisher-Donna, Texas
Kerry Fitzgerald-Sanangelo, Texas
Brianne Firzpatrick-Hndrsnvl., N.C.
Natalie Fonville-Killeen, Texas
Em ily Foster-Sand Springs, Okla.
Brian Fowler-Maryville, Tenn.
• Nina Lee Francesch i-Morr., Ark.
Sarah FranciS-Metamora, III
Leslie Freeman-Searcy, Ark
Cara Fry-Bedford, Ind.
Travis Fry-Round Rock, Texas
J erem.r Fultz-N. Linle Rock, Ark.
Maria Galan-Guatemala, Guat.
Jill Galloway-High Point, N.C.
Justin Gam bill -Memphis, Tenn.
Ad am Gang-Noblesville, Ind.
Steve n Gardner-Pasadena, Texas
J eremy Garman-Osceoa, Mo .
Rust}' Garner-McCrol)', Ark.
Sam Garner-B randon, Miss.
Melissa Garrett- Bradford, Ark.
And rea Garza-San Antonio, Texas
Jon Gerst-Tablenade, N.J.
Jeremy Geurin-Benton , Ark.
Brian G iffo rd-Lena, Ill.
Jessica G iffo rd-Ypesilanti, Mich.
Lauren Gilbert-Germantown, Tenn.
Lara Leigh G ist-Canyon, Texas
M o n ica Glenn-Fan Won h, Texas
T racy G len n-Fisher, Ark.
Natasha GodkneCht-Shmwng, N.J.
T odd Goen-Green Forest, Ark.
T ongtong G o ng-Rep .ofChina
Mark Goodman-Florence, Ala.
A.J. Gordon-Nunnelly, Tenn.
Elizabeth G rampp-Arvada, Colo.
Heather Gray-Plano, Texas
Deanna Platt, freshman, pays close anention as her opponent, Stephen Peters,
ju nior, tries to trap her into checkmate
while playing chess in the Hammon Student center. Students often gathered in
the student center to rake a break from rhe
day or to make a pit StOP between classes.
With a full food court, including Chickfil-A, Burger King, TCBY, Starbuckscoffee, a United States POStal Service and the
Harding University Bookstore in operation daily, it was often the busiest building on campus. Many students also spent
time in the University's bowling al ley, the
Bison Lanes, located in the back of the
Student Center. Included in the bowling
area were video games, ai r hockey tables
and a juke box. "My fri ends and I go
bowling whenever we want to do something without having to leave campus, n
Rachel Willis, junior, said. "It is nice
because it does not COSt much money, but
is still a lot of fun. "
E lizabeth Green-Nashville. Tenn.
Jacob Gregson-Ash Flat. Ark.
Will Griggs-C,bo<, A<k.
Megan Grimes-Mt. Pleasant, Texas
Matthew Gulley-Muskogee, Okla.
Tommy Gunn-Batesville. Ark
Kevin Hackett-Lamesa, Texas
Jamie Hale-Minden, La.
Jason Hammett-Vincent, Ohio
Mindy Haney-Litdeton, Colo.
Jeff Hanna- Daphne, Ala.
Katharine Harmon-Searcy, Ark.
Patricia Harmon-K. c., Mo.
Steven Harrington-Centerville, Va.
Gretchen H arriS-Boise, Idaho
Phillip Harris-Prescou, Ark.
Bryan Harriso n-Smiths, Ala.
Tyreek Harry-Sr. Ann, Mo.
Tiffany Haugh-Mann ington, w.v.
John HawkinS-Texarkana, Texas
Amanda Hayes-Monroe, La.
Jared Hemingway-Hindsbora, Ill.
Aaron H enderson-Ft. Smith, Ark.
Dan Henderson- Dexter, Mo
Melissa Henderson-Ge:orgetown,Texas
Matt H endrich-Vilonia, Ark.
Elizabeth H endrix-Antoine. Ark.
Karen Hendrix-Meyzieu. France
Jonathan H essling-Dexter, Mo.
Marry Hill-Weatherford. Texas
Kyle Hinckley-Tulas, Okla.
Cherie Hinton-Shanksville, Pa.
Mary Hios-Middleron, N. H.
Jordan Hix-MabelvaJe, Ark.
Malinda Hobbs-Joff. C;cy, Mo.
Tianna Hobby-Searcy, Ark.
Allison Hodges-Okh. Gcy, Okla.
Ryan Hogan-Kingwood, Texas
Joel H oggard-Searcy, Ark.
Zachary Holcomb-Leedey, Okla.
Brad Holden-Grandville, Mich.
Jonathan Holland-Ralo;gh, N.C.
Matt H olland-Lufkin, Texas
Missy Holland-N. Little Rock, Ark.
Zeb Holland-Lake-Alvin. Texas
Mel issa Holley-GoodlettSville, Tenn.
Larry H olliman-Little Rock, Ark.
N icole Hollis-Arvada, Colo
W illiam Holloway-Portland, Ore.
C hris Holman-Bentonville, Ark.
Chris Edmerson brings positive thinking to campus
Chris Edmerson, senior, chooses clorhing ou[ of his Allen
Dorm room closet to wear for the evening. Edmerson, who has
been blind for eight years. is a Social Science major and
transferred to Harding this fall.
As we go about our busy day, we
sometimes forget to take time out and
appreciate all that we have. Howwould
we get to our classes if we were blind?
Chris Edmerson, senior, deals with this
problem every day of his life.
Edmerson , who transferred from
Southwestern C h ristian College this
year, said the only thing that makes him
different from other students is that he
has been blind for eight years.
Co ll ege alo ne can be a struggle.
Meeting new people. finding all of yo ur
classes and homework can make college
a frightening experience altoghether.
Imagine not being able to see the college
you attend and the people surro unding
you on a daily basis.
"H arding has been a big help. The
students and the teachers have been
wonderful , [QO. They have been receptiveand helpful to my needs," Edmerson
said. "I don't have one specific person
who walks me around campus. 1 rely on
the help of passing students who are
going my way."
One of Ed m erson's hobbies is singing. H e and several other students decided to participate in the student talent
show on camp us, Sept. 17. After the
show, the group decided to continue
singing together and called themselves
Th ird H eaven. The group performed
several times througho ut the year.
"It is a definite challenge to attend
college and be blind. But I'm proof that
it can be done," said Edmerson.
-Ginger W ilson
Nathan Holmes-N. Little Rock, Ark.
Krisry Holsombake-Pan. City, Fla.
Erin Homesley-Mansfield. Tenn.
Justin Hoppe-Paragould, Ark.
~icia Hopper-Kensett. Ark.
Amanda House-Delight, Ark.
E linton Howard-Sheridan, Ark.
Beau Howe-Salem, III.
Nick Howell-Murfreesboro, Tenn.
aeffrey Hubbard-Memphis, Tenn.
Nathanael Huddleso n-APO. AE
Hudson-Grand Prairie, Texas
Shannon Humphrey-Higley, Ariz..
Ryan Hunt-Ackerman , Miss.
IT'ara Ingraham-Nassau, Bahamas
Nathan Irwin-Indiana, Pa.
Craig Isham-Fairplay. Colo.
Adam Jacoby- Fleming, Ohio
Jamison-Nashville. Ark.
lAmanda Jenkins-Batesville. Ark.
David jerkins-Knoxville, Tenn.
Jonachan JerkinS-Memphis. Tenn.
Alison Johnson-H olts Summit. Mo.
Bryam Johnson-Houston, Texas
Dan Johnson-New Brunswick, Can.
Ouscin Johnson-Sherwood. Ark.
Joel Johnson -Indiana, Pa.
William JohnsOn-Deer Park, N.Y.
IZachary Johnson-S",'Y. kk.
Gilly J ones-Marietta. Ga.
JiU JOnes-Mineral Springs, Ark.
Kayla JOnes-Homewood, Ala.
Samuel Jones-San Antonio, Texas
Summer Jones-Mobile, Ala.
eff J uscice-Garland , Texas
Prince Z. KaT-Pawtucket. RL
Miriam Karnes-N. Muskegon, Mich.
Eric Kee-Tuba City. Ariz.
David Keliy-Mmh,lI. III.
Rebecca Keliy-Twy. IU.
Kera Keiso- N .Ric~land Hills. Tt:xas
Erin Kemp-Mountain Vit:w. Ark.
Shelby Kempf-w.M,mph;s, A,k.
Jennifer Kendall-Ball-Searcy, Ark.
Kimberly Kersey-Mammoth Springs. AIk
J essica Kiefer-Webster-Salido, Colo.
Sam Killay-Cranston, R.I.
Kimberly Marti-Belli ngham, Wash.
Morgan Kimbrough-Gerrnamown, Tenn.
Chesapeake, Va.
Alexia Kinsley-Kodiak, Alaska
Adam Kirkland-Fort Worth, Texas
Isaiah Krause-Karns City•. Pa.
Addam Krucek-Tinley Park, Ill.
Shelley Kung-Lakewood, Colo.
Jam ie Kurpiel-Searcy, Ark.
Miranda La Breque-Lathrop, Calif.
H eather Lacey-Channelview, Texas
Stephen Lamb-Nashville, Tenn.
Loretta Lambert-Hampton, Ark.
Zac Lambrecht-Brandon, Fla.
E ralda Lam eborshi-Rolla, Mo .
G reg Larson-Searcy. Ark.
Kirsten Larson-Plymouth, Mich.
Andy Lawrence-Batesville, Ark.
Katie LaWS-Lincoln, Neb.
Daniel Lawson-Mt:mphis, Tt:nn .
Alicia Lee-Paducah. Ky.
Jon Leijen-Mena Creek, AUStralia
Kevin LeMar-M anassas, Va.
Julia Leppert-San Diego, Calif.
Cl int Lercher-Beebe, Ark.
J eanuth LewiS-Mobile, Ala.
J oshua Lewis-Benton, Ark.
J ason Lightle-Muskogee, OkJa.
Li- Mei Lin-Arl ington, Tt:xas
Amanda Litde-Shirley, Ark.
Todd LittOn-Livonia. Mich.
Julianne Lively-Boulder, Colo.
Krist)' Lockhart-Brookhaven, Miss.
Shannon Lockwood-San Antonio. Texas
Kimberly LoftiS-Madison, Tenn.
Lindy Logan-Bardett. Tenn.
Evan Long-Searcy, Ark.
Jessica Long-Texarkana, Texas
Ranisha Longstreet-Davenport, Iowa
Jessica Lovins-Ozark, Mo.
Kristi Lowery- Houston, Texas
Cody Lowry-Carrollton , Texas
Elizabeth Loyd-Little Rock, Ark.
Mi chael Luc ich-Cotuit, Mass.
·Oipmala Lukhi-Searcy, Ark.
C hristine Luttrell-Ann Arbor, Mich.
Scott Lybrand-Midlothian. Texas
Joshua Lyn ch -Owasso, Okla.
Alicia Macomber-Searcy, Ark.
Anna Maddox-Elba. Ala.
Justin MaddOX-Elba, Ala.
Rebecca Madewell-Memphis, Tenn.
Ben Malone-Marion , Ark.
Joseph Man iero-Amesbury, Mass.
Mike Manley-Seffner. Fla.
Amy Mansour-Duluth, Iowa
Tiffany Markoff-Westminisrer, Colo.
Alliso n Marrow-Richland Hills, Texas
Beating the bongos, Tommy Busby,graduate studenr, enrenains Chi Omega Pi social dub with his musical talents during an
induction mixer. Busby, along with playing the bongos, is also accomplished at the
guitar and saxaphone. "Down W ith Phil"
is the name of the band Busby has been
playing with for almost a year. The group
plays for various paying gigs and often
putS on their own concens in surrounding
areas. In addition to playing at the Ch i
Omega Pi mixer, "D own W ith Phil "
played at the Pi Kappa Epsilon mixer. "H e
(Busby] played at one of our (Pi Kappa
Epsilon's] functions tWO years ago," Jeremy H ogg, junior, said. "Everyone really
enj oyed them sowe decided to bring them
back this fall for our first mixer. " While
many dubs featured entenainment at their
mixers by either utelizing talenred members or hiring a band CO perform, other
dubs hosted annual mixers including TNT
and Zeta Rho's Brady Bunch mixer and
Delta Gamma Rho's Cookie Dough mixer.
Osborne family provides feast mr motball fans
Meat fa lls off the bone as Josh Keene, senior, takes a bite from a rack
of ribs. The ribs were o nly a small ponion of the meal provided by
(he Jenning's Osborne family at the tailgate party, Sept. 11.
Caroline Marrin-Searcy, Ark.
Janene Marcin-Toowoomba, Australia
Laura Martin-Anahuac, Texas
Michael Martin-Searcy, Ark.
Samantha Marx-Clarksville. Texas
Jennifer Mashburn-Girard , Ohio
Bri[(ney Massengill-Clinton, Ark.
Philip Matheny-Garland, Texas
Lora Matthey-N. Little Rock, Ark.
Rachel Maul-Worthington, Pa.
Laini Mayberry-Brentwood, Tenn.
Nick Mayle-Colorado Springs, Colo.
Krista McCrory-Kalona, Iowa
Phillip McCullough-Ch,do"" N.C.
Shelly McDonald-s'l, m, Mo.
April McFarland-Newnan,Ga.
Jan McFarland-Nauvoo, Ill.
Julie McGlawn-Imperial, Mo.
Amy McKeever-Amarillo, Texas
Sean McMaster-Sterling, Va.
Carrie McMillen-Garland, Texas
Chad McNeely-Jefferson, Texas
Kim Merritt-Mr. Berhel, Pa.
Lisa Metzer-Sidney, Ohio
Kyle Meyers-Clinton, Mo.
Picture the spread. An entire roasted
chicken. A rack of ribs. A turkey leg.
Beef tenderloin. Pork chops. Smoked
sausage. A "hubcap-s ized" barbecue
sandwich. PotatO salad. Coleslaw. PotatO chips. To tOp it off, a giant candy
It may so und like enough food to
feed a small tOwn for a week, but it was
all crammed on a si ngle tray at the
tailgate party hosted by the Osborne
family, Sept. II.
Litcle Rock philanthropist Jennings
Osborne, along with his wife, Mitzi
and daughter, Breezy, hosted the event
on the lawn in front of the Ganus
Athletic Center as a precursor to that
night's home football game,
Though the event was scheduled to
begin at 3:30 p.m., people began gathering early to secure a good position in
"My roommate and I shared a tray,"
Liz Nul l, sophomore, said. "We ended
up with twO huge foam containers
stuffed completely full. It took us a
week to fin ish it all."
Though the meal had been massprepared to feed over 3,000 people,
the high quality of the feast impressed
ma,IlY students.
Along with satisfying their appetites, the barbecue fostered a greater
sense of camaraderie and school spirit
among those who attended.
--Sara Hardesty
Niki M ilano-Coronado. Calif.
Adam Miller-Mt:mphis. Tt:nn.
J eff Miller-Prit:dt:ns, Pa.
Ryan Miller-T unnd Hill. Ga.
Chad Mims-Hokomb, Miss.
Melissa Mitsunaga-Searcy, Ark.
Dav id Mohundro-Boham. Tt:xas
Bob Moloney-Fairvit:w Park, Ohio
Melinda Montgomety-N. LiuJ, Rock. Nk.
Jesse Mook-Bdmn, Mo.
KeKey Moore-N . Linlt: Rock. Ark.
Daniel Moore-Smyrna. Tt:nn.
Seth Morgan-Lakdand. Tt:nn.
Kelsey Morris-Houston, Tt:xas
Kile Morrow-Austin, Tt:xas
Roger Morton-Wichita Falls, Tt:xas
Yahna MOSS-Austin, Tt:xas
Em ily Mount-Nashvillt:, Tt:nn.
Rachel MOunt-Lynchburg. Ohio
Rebecca M urray-Kingston. Tt:nn.
Susanna Murrie-Calabasas. Calif.
Rebecca Myers-Star. Miss.
Aerren Myers-Van Buren, Ark.
Phillip Nabers-Mt:mphis. Tt:nn.
Alan Nt:wberry-Hendt:rsonvillt:, N.C.
Heather Newman-Arlington. Texas
Terrill Newton-Holts Summit, Mo.
Sarah Nowlin-Waverly, Tenn.
J erod Nunally-EI Do"do, kk.
Angela O'Curran-Vinct:nt, Ohio
Emily O 'S teen-Ciaremore, Okla.
Kasey Oakley-Henderson, Nt:v.
David Ockay-uxingron. S.c.
Blake Odom-Des Arc, Ark.
Jeremy Ogburn-Raloigh, N.C.
Benjami n Ortega-Hobbs, N.M .
Liza Ortega-Crownpoint, N.M.
Stephen Osborne-Naples, Fla.
Jessica Osgatharp-Morgamon. Ga.
E li eth Oviedo-Limon, Costa Rica
Matt Owen-Macon, Ga.
Jacqueline Palmer-Little Rock, Ark.
Wendy Paradowski-Va. Beach, Va.
Alexander Parker-El Dorado, Ark.
Payton Panerson-New Concord, Ky.
Reagan Patterso n-Clinton, Miss.
Lisa Peebles-Lubbock, Texas
N icole Percell-Keokuk, Iowa
Scott Perkins-Granby, Mo.
Matt Perry-Canton, Texas
Michael Peters-Nashville, Ten n.
Kristin Philemonof-Anchorage, Alaska
Courtney Phillips-Cordova, Tenn.
Russell PhillipS-Choctaw, Ark.
Stacey Phillips-Van Buren, Ark.
Sallie Pickens-Garland, Texas
Casey Picke r-Houston, Texas
Nick Pilcher-Tulsa, Okla.
Lisbeth Pinto-Guatemala, Guat.
Cheryl Pioche-Window Rock, Ariz.
Wilber Pizarro-Chiriqui, Panama
Deanna Platt-Spring, Texas
Kristen Pottenberg-Austin, Texas
Beth Pownell-Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Brad Poyet-Me. Dora, Fla.
Rebecca Prewitt-Me. Vernon, Mo.
Reagan Price-Monroe, La.
Beth ProSt-Caruthersville, Mo.
Joanna Province-SL Louis, Mo.
Jennifer Pruen-Kaufman, Texas
Wes Pugh-Ft. Smith. Ark.
Jessica Pucman-Morcon. Ill.
Gustavo Quimonez-Guatemala
Sara Rabon-West Columbia, Texas
Ani! Raj-Kingwood. Texas
Claudia Ramirez-El Salvador
Rolando Ramos-Pan. City, Panama
Elizabe[h Rampey-Jonesboro, Ark.
Melissa Rankin-St. Cloud. Minn.
Extra-students squeezedintD neM apartments
Dealingwith parking hassles on campus might not be a bad trade for living
in the Taj Mahal of dormicory settings.
As thesrudent body increases in number each year, fin<iing adequate campus
housing has become a pressing issue.
This year, 54 women students were
assigned to live in Harding Place, the
University's retirement village, because
the dorms were filled to capacity.
However, [he limited parking space
on campus sometimes caused difficulty,
especially for students who did not come
campus before chapel.
All of the residents agreed, however,
that getting to live in H arding Place is
worth the small parking inconveni ence.
Women were not the only students
Relaxing after classes, Jeremy Scib.a, JyusefLarry, juniors, and
Eric Barnes, senior, enjoy the comfortS of the fully furnished
V illage apartments. A washer and dryer were JUSt twO of the
luxuries enjoyed by the men approved to live in me apartments.
assigned to unexpected living quarters
this year.
Quite a few men were placed in the
Harding Vil lage Apartments, which was
originally intended for married students.
"Because the apartments are located
away from campus it feels like you have
your own place," Brian Bush, senior,
said. "I try to eat dinner each night with
the guys in my apartmem. Sometimes it
doesn't work out, but we try."
Patrick J eter, junior, said he enjoyed
having a kitchen because he and his
fri91ds could do their own cooking.
"O n Sundays, we tried to have cookoutS and watch footbal l together," he
- Rachel Wilson
Jason Redd-Memphis, Tenn.
Kevin Redd-Memphis, Tenn.
Leslie Reeves-APO, AE
Tab Reinhold-N. Little Rock, Ark.
Tabitha Reinhold-N. Little Rock, Ark.
Chris Reinmiller-Staplehurst, Neb.
Joshua Reinstein-Hot Springs, Ark.
Andrea Rendon-VictOria, Texas
Lisa Rich-Brenham, Texas
Emily Richardson-Mobile, Ala.
Shelley Richardson-Aurora, Colo.
Steven Rickett-Alexander, Ark.
Amanda Rickman-Ward, Ark.
Sterling Riggs-Mary Esther, Fla.
Laura Riley-Chattanooga, Tenn.
Rachael Rinehart-Little Rock, Ark.
Dannie Rio-Chesapeake, Va.
Geoff Risner-Broken Arrow, Okla.
Amber RobertS-Searcy, Ark.
Becky RobertS-Fair Grove,Mo.
Kevin RobertS-Bowling Green, Ky.
Mark Roden-Searcy, Ark.
Bryan RodgerS-Lititz, Pa.
Krista Rodgers-Boerne,Texas
Meagan Rogers-Paragould, Ark.
O lympia Rogers-N.1.itde Rock, Ark.
Maria del Pilar Roldan-Arequipa, Peru
Tiffany Ro mpel-Bend, Ore.
Jason Roper-Kansas Ci£}" Mo.
Jerem y Rosebeny-Arling(On, Texas
Macy Rowe-Mobile, Ala.
Rachel Rutherford-Wilton Manors, Fla.
D aniel Ryan-Memphis, Tenn.
Harambee Ryan -Memphis, Tenn.
Amy Sanders-Bremwood, Tenn .
Sara Sanders-B rentwood, Tenn.
Adam Sandlin-Maumelle, Ark.
Josh Sandlin-Paragould, Ark.
Mac Sandlin-Beebe, Ark.
C herise Sanford-M issouri City, Texas
Matt Savage-Alabaster, Ala.
H annah Sawyer-Louisville, Ky.
Jeremy Schulz-Freeport, Ill.
M ichelle Scobba-Louisville, Ky.
Jenny Scott-Belton, Mo.
Nathan Scott-Island, Ky.
Tara Scruggs-Concord , N.C.
Matt Se manek-Pearland, Texas
Kelly Semore-Ooltewah, Tenn.
Jill Severns-Payerre. Idaho
Club ring ceremDnies celebrate engagements
Caryn Parker, senior, looks on as Myca H aynes. sophomore. gives
a hug to nevvlyengaged Becky Burk, senio r. For many girls. a ring
ceremony meant me chance to share an engagement with fri ends.
The gende glow of candlelight. The
spatkle of a d iamo nd. The hushed singing of social club sisters. The nagging
question - Who is it this time?
Ring ceremonies have long been a
tradition at H arding University, and
like all traditions. the sigh t of a ring
ceremony on campus became an almost
everyday event this year.
Kerri Kaegi, junior, said her ring
ceremony was anything but typicaL
Rather than keeping her engagement
a secret from everyone else. the surp rise
actually turned our to be for Kaegi. H er
boyfriend, Alex Behel, junior, proposed
las t September at a Zeta Rho ring ceremony that had secretly been planned
for her.
"Everyone who came out knew that
the ring ceremony was for me," Kaegi
said. "I had no idea. It was a huge
surprise. A ring ceremony is a special
event that every gi rl looks forward to."
"It is a really unique way to share
your engagement experience,"Aurumn
Spell, se niot, said. "That kind of OppOttunity JUSt doesn ' t exist after college."
W hile ring ceremon ies usually invo lve only women 's clubs, Zach Neal,
junior, had the opportun ity to be involved in the ceremony of fiancee Sara
Jo Edens, junior.
Because he was a beau for Edens'
club, Ju Go Ju , Neal was invited.
It is cool to help tell the Story," Neal
said. "After all, getting engaged is one of
the biggest events in a person 's li fe."
Elizabeth Smith
Mike Sewell-Springfield, IlL
Mark Sexson-Vancleave. Miss.
N ina Shafer-Troutdale, Or.
Justin Sh anach ilubwa- Zambia
Daniel Sh ank-Memphis. Tenn.
Rebecca Sharp-Jonesboro, Ark.
Kelby Shaver-Grovespring, Mo .
Jeffrey Sh eets-Altus, Okla.
Kevin Shelby-Spring, Texas
Cara Sheumaker-Lakeland, Fla.
Michelle Shimpock-Texarkana, Texas
Lance Shipley-St. Peters, Mo.
Zach Sh irley-Marion, Ark.
Kelly Shoemaker-Hutchinson, Kan.
Michelle Shoultz-Marshfield, Mo.
Jason Shuttlesworth-McAllen, Texas
Brandon Siegel-Little Rock, Ark.
J ennie Sifford-Mesquite, Texas
Meredith Si mon-Jackson, Tenn.
M ichael Simpson-Canton, Texas
Jenny Sims-lakewood, Colo.
Sara Siner-Muskogee, Okla.
Andrew Sisco-Cordova, Tenn.
Lauren Skelton-West Fork, Ark.
I1 ir Skend aj-Morriiton, Ark.
Josiah Smelser-Florence, Ala.
Natalie Smeltzer-Conway, Ark.
Melody Smilor-Strongsville, Ohio
Abby Sm ith-New YNk, N.Y.
Amber Smith-Butler, Pa.
Brett Smith-Bartlesville, Okla.
Carissa Smith-Sod, w.V.
Cl int Smi th-Calhoun, Ga.
Crystal Smith-Iromon, Mo.
Jake Sm ith-Clinton, Ark.
Justi n Smith-C1inwn, Ark.
Larissa Smi th-Spring, Texas
Paige Sm ith-Memphis, Tenn.
Stephen Smith-New Braunfels, Texas
Stephen Smith-Dacula, Ga.
Tara Smith-Mabelvale, Ark.
Lindsey S nider-Tuscola, III .
Aaron Snow-Tulsa, Okla.
Sarah Spain-Memphis, Tenn.
Matt Spee r-Searcy, Ark.
Jaso n Spivey-Decatur, AJa.
H eidi Spri ngston-Parker, Colo.
Jeff Sprott- Belton , Texas
T eaven Stamatis-Searcy, Ark.
Mary Beth S tanford-Bryan t, Ark.
J osh Steed-Carbondale, III.
Leanne Stegall- EI Dorado, Ark.
Ben Stephens-WeSt Monroe. La. ·
El izabeth Stephens-Mobile, AJa.
Mariah Stephenson-Ki rbyville, Texas
Cameron Stewart-Lancaster, Texas
Laura Stewart-Kenai , Ark.
Ann StinSo n-Arlington, Texas
Claudia Stockstill-Swoy, A,k.
Kathryn Sco ne-Benicia, Calif.
Jonatho n Storm ent-Benton, Ark.
Justin Story-Bee Branch, Ark.
Katie Serine-Marietta, s.c.
J eremiah Sullins-Memphis, Tenn.
Mark Sullivan-Bon Aqua, Tenn.
Marilee Sutherlin-W. Chester, Ohio
Kel li Sutton-Kennewick, Wash.
Kelly SwatZell-Bentonville, Ark.
Daniel Tabo r-Longview, Texas
Eden Taylor-Gainesville. Va.
Lloyd T aylor-Pensacola, Fla.
SCOtt Taylo r-Woodstock, Ga.
Jeannie T edford-Trinidad, West Indies
Brenna Teel-Mesquite, Texas
Paige Tenery-Quinlan, Texas
T ravi s Terrell-Mayfield. Ky.
Brandon Thomas- Behon , Texas
D eanna Tho m as-Russcllvillc, Ark.
Mace Thomas-N. Litde Rock, Ark.
M att Thomas-Dewey, Okla.
Brandon Thomason-Tuttle, Okla.
Erica Thompson-Victorville, Calif.
John Thompson-Cordova, Tenn.
Nathan Thompson-Castle Rock, Colo.
Carrie Thorman-Tampico, III.
Brooke T h urman-HendersonviUe, Tenn.
Timothy Thurman-Justin, Texas
Randi Thurmon-Breckenridge, Texas
Amanda Tidmore-Newport, Ark.
Mica Timms-Searcy, Ark.
,c;;.ranr Tonick-Rockwall, Texas
Jovan Tosic-Memphis, Tenn.
D erek Townley-M ilton, Fla.
Stacey T foutman , Louisville Ky.
Lisa Tucker-Austin , Texas
Jaco b Turner-Vilonia, Ark.
Jerem y T umer-Montgomery, Texas
Joshua Turner-Montgomery, T exas
Rachel T um er-Amherst, Ohio
Robyn T yler-Diamond, Mo.
Michelle Valdivieso-Queletaro, Mexico
J ose Valencia-Tabasco, Mexico
Re n e Van E rp-Asten, Netherlands
J arod Varner-Greenville, Texas
Lexie Varner-Pinehurst, Texas
Jason Grace, sophomore, receives medical help from Marcy Cox, school nu rse.
H arding's nurses gave temporary health
care to students du ring the year. From a
mild cold to the fiu, the nurses provided
medical treatment to students no matter
the illness. The only disadvantage was
that the nurse's station was nOt open
during nights and on weekends so many
students had to go to one of the local
hospitals, White County Medical Center
or Central Hospital, to be treated for
illnesses when the nurses were nOt in.
Along with treating the sick, Pat Rice,
director of student health services, organ ized a support group for students, faculty and staff with diabetes. Rice said she
wanted those who are diabetic to know
there are others on campus who can answer any questions one might have about
the illness. The nurse's offi ce was not the
only group concerned with health issue·s.
The School of N ursing held a wellness
screening, Sept. 28-29, for faculty and
staff at a reduced price.
Graduate assistants lJJDrk for free educatiDn
. ~"'"
While coaching the defensive backs during an afternoon pracrice, Rob Stroud, graduate assistam fo r the football team , looks
over some plays. Each of the team's graduate assistam specialized ina specific area.
Sara Vaughn-Germantown, Tenn.
Michael Veigel-Vincent, Ohio
Beni Venkatesan-Endicorr, N .Y.
Kaelin Vernon-Bowling Green, Ky.
Matt Vick-Rome, Ga.
Robin Vick-Sterling, Scodand
Elona Vlad i-Morrilton, Ark.
Craig Wade-Searcy, Ark.
H eidi Walden-Owasso, Okla.
Shelly Walker-New Bloom field, Mo.
Jeremy Wallace-Woodstock, Ga.
Whitney Waller-Arli nglOn, Texas
Jen nifer Walter-Jonesboro, Ark.
Matt Walter-Brandon, Fla.
Anna Walters-Concord, N.C.
Eryn Walters-Muskogee,Okla.
Kati Wampler-Corpus Christi, Texas
Francis Wanjai-Nakuru, Kenya
James Watson-Wesson, Miss.
N icole Webb-Orange Park, Fla.
How can students continue their
Harding edu cation without paying tuition? Become a graduate assistant and
your questio n wi lt be answered.
There are many students who have
taken advantage of Harding's masters
These programs are a great way to
stay at H arding wh ile bettering your
The graduate office requires graduate assistants to work o n campus for a
specific department, 20 hours a week.
Last year, a graduate assistant had to
complete only 12 hours each week.
The assistant's duties are up to the
professo rs in charge. D anny H ardman ,
graduate assistant for the communication department, said she is studyi ng for
her masters in Business Admin istration
and plans to stay at Harding longenough
to complete the program.
"Basically, you do whatever they need
yo u to do. One day I' m making copies,
the next I might be monitoring a test,"
Hardman said. "You never can tell."
Tommy Busby is a graduate assistant
for the men 's basketball team.
"I do a lo t of diffetent th ings. 1 help
the coaches with whatever they need
done," Busby said.
"I have monitored practices, set up
videos, kept statistics and helped with
next year's recruits, " he said. "Also,
when the basketball season starts, I will
travel with the team to all the games."
Having the opportuni[J to be a
graduate assistant is a valuable and rewarding expe rience .
~Ot only do you get to stay at
Harding, but you can also further yo ur
It can be a big help to a professo r who
is pressed fo r time to have a graduate
ass istant around to pick up the loose
A graduate assistant's job is not easy.
It can be difficult to take harder courses,
while also having to juggle homework
around th e 20 hours of work.
For all that extra work and responsibili[J, at least th e pay, free schooling, is
- Ginger Wilson
Kristen Weaks-Tolt:do, O hio
Brian Webring-Richland, Wash.
Sarah Weed en-Lodi , Calif.
Courmey Welch-Dovt:r, Ohio
J esse Welch-St:arcy, Ark.
Lauren West-Goodlt:ttsvillt:. Tt:nn.
Anna Wheeler-Largo. Fla.
T raci Wheeler-Charlo[(t:, N.C.
Amanda White-I ndianapolis. Ind.
Ashley White-Cordova. Tt:nn.
" Sean W icks-St:arcy, Ark.
Tyler Wiggi ns-Wray, Colo.
Ryan W igginton-Olivt: Branch. Miss.
Justin Wi ll iam s-Marrinsvillt:. Ind.
Jolene Will iams-Rogt:rs. Ark.
Meredith \XliU iams-Olivt: Branch, Miss.
Ryan Williams-McAlt:stt:r, Okla.
Mark William so n-Nt:w Orlt:ans, La.
Seth Willis-AbiJt:nt:, Texas
D esiree Willmuth-Bradford, Ark.
Krisry Wi lls-Porr Rt:public, N .J.
Beth W ilson-Murfrt:t:sboro, Tenn.
Brandie Wilson-Eudora, Kan.
Bryan Wilson-Cherokt:t: Village, Ark.
Christina Wi lso n-Hickory Ridge, Ark.
Matt Wilso n-Mesqui tt:, Texas
Michael Wilso n-Brokt:n Arrow, Okla.
Ryan Wilson-Batt:svillt:, Miss.
Brian Winkler-Hampton, Va.
Nakia Winningham-Hot Springs, Ark.
Olivia Wolfe-Fairvit:w, Mo.
Ryan Woods-Dyt:rsburg, Tt:nn.
Jennifer Woodward-Bloomington, Ind.
Amanda Wooley-Chattanooga, Ten n.
Al isa Wooten-Tt:xarkana, Ark.
Tim Wylie-St:arcy, Ark.
Timothy Yaeger-St:arcy, Ark.
Mandy Young-Reynoldsville, Pa.
J eremy Youn ger- Shreveporr, La.
Michael Zel nik-ChuJa Vista, Calif.
Deborah Barineau-Dallas, Texas.
Brenda Belford- Judsonia, Ark. ELED
Julie Clapp-Memphis, Tenn. HUGSR
Rod Cullingworrh-Memphis. Tenn.
Belinda Curtis-Memphis, Tenn. HUGSR
Leoncio Dominguez- Memphis, Tenn.
Jimmie Douglass-Searcy, Ark. Educcation
Carla Hamilton- Van Buren, Ark.
RusseJ Hian-Clarksvi1le, Ark. Education!
Carolaina Hill-Searcy, Ark. Education
Joseph Jensen-Memphis, Tenn. HUGSR
Kevin Jensen-Memphis, Tenn. HUGSR
Jacob Jo-HUGSR
Eric Marvin-Hanford, Calif Education
Paul Mcfadden-Bono, Ark. HUGSR
Mack McFarland-Ponageville, Mo.
Charles McFieid-Memphis,Tenn.
Jocelyn McFieid-Memphis,Tenn.
Gian Monzon-Memphis, Tenn. HUGSR
Eddie Teal-Searcy, Ark. Eclucuion
Jeff Page-Memphis, Ten n. HUGSR
Nathan Randolph-Memphis, Tenn.
Vernon Ray-HUGSR
Laura Rhinehart-Searcy, Ark. Education
Peggy Ridgeway-Roanoke, Va. Education
Ron Sisson-Moore, Olda Posr Graduate
Allen Smith-Searcy, Ark. Education
Jeremy Smith-ROOIands, Calif. MIT
Curt Sparks-Memphis, Tenn. HUGSR
Michea.l Stone-Marianna, Ark. Education
Gary Stotler-Jacksonville. Ark. HUGSR
Nathan Swanson-Toccopola. Miss. HUGSR
Renee Vann-Grapevine, Texas. Education
Leslie Williams-Hernando, Miss. HUGSR
Students who attended Harding in
the spring semester of 2000 were
lucky to witness an extremely rare
sight in Arkansas - the first re·
corded snow in three years. T hese
students rook full advantage of the
January 27 snow StOrm by engagi ng
in one of the many snowball fights
that occurred on camp us. Although
most classes were nOt cancelled,
many studentS on campus used their
extra time throughout the day to create snow sculptures, including a turtle
and a bison. Others ventured the icy
roads to go off campus. "My friends
and I took our trucks out to fields and
pulled people on sleds," Adam Hall,
junior, said.
Second Semester Students
ScOtt Colvin-Jefferson City, Mo.
Charity Copeland-Lawton, Okla.
Anna Cronberg-Searcy, Ark.
Daniel H adwin-Newberg, Ore.
Michelle Hearn- Us Vegas, Nev.
Amanda Holland-Sp'ingfidd, Mo.
Christina H olloway-Jonesboro, Ga.
Audrey Howell-Searcy, Ark.
J amie Hugh eS-Nashville, Ark.
J osh Hydrick-woodstock, Ga.
Marie J ones-Hopkinsville, Ky.
Terah Kerlin-Hm Sp,ings VUJ.ge,
Candace Martin-Cabot, Ark.
Matthew McAlexander-Keokuk,
Michael McCain-Forrest City, Ark
Carrie McNeill-Augusta, Ark.
Angela M illS-Marshall, Mo.
Brett Ockerman-Gaines, Mich.
LaVonne Pearson-Warwick,
Darbie Renfroe-Seymour, Ind.
Ashton Reynold S-Stockton, Calif.
Summer Rich ey-Wynne, Ark.
Idalia Rivera-Housron, Texas
James Seawel-Pocahomas, Ark.
Sylvia Veneura-Houston, Texas
Grads/ Second Semester
fall InternatiDnal Students
Katherine Allen-Lawrence, Kan. HUG
David Beny--<:Orimh, M;". HUE
Sara Beveridge-New Wtlmington, Penn.
. Nathan Bills-Normandy, Tenn. HUG
Kevin Birdwell-5<minol" Okla. HUG
Kristen Burnet-South lake, Texas HUG
Justin BW"ton--Gookville, Tenn. HUF
Catherine Buder-Marrero, La. HUG
David Caldwell-wngvi<w, T=s HUG
Rachd Campbell-Sc=y, A,-k HUG
Tricia Case-Oecarur,A1a. HUf.
Hobby C hapin-fuyfidd, Cdo. HUG
David Chapman-F<. Woru.,T"", HUG
Catherine Chaistopher-Uhnheuh,
Engi",d HUG
Steve C1oer-Sc=y,A.-k. HUG
Rebekah Cody-N,oogdochcs, T=s. HUE
Lori Cox-B,,<SViIk, A.-k. HUF
Laura Darnell-Lawrence, Kan. HUE
Janet Day-Memphis, Tenn. HUF
Kelly Dowdy-B"=iII~ A.-k. HUE
Luke Duncan-Knoxville, Tenn. HUE
Melynda Dunkle-Troy, W. HUG
Todd Goode-Mmon, A.-k. HUF
Sharon Grove-Smithsburg, Md. HUF
Marion Hairston-Conway, Ark. HUE
Srasia HaU-North Little Rock, Ark. HUF
Rachad Harles.-Hun""i1i<, Ab. HUE
Jason Hayes--Cordova, Tenn. HUF
Tracie Hendershot-Heath, Ohio HUF
Christina H enson-unk Rock, A<k. HUG
Alan Henmn-Oxford, Miss. HUE
Damon Herren-Valparaiso, Ind. HUG
Amber Hill-Rog,~, A<k. HUE
Verneaa Hilliker-S,,,ling. Mich. HUF
Jared Holton-Yorl<, Nob. HUG
John Homer-Overland Pask, Kan HUE.
Bethany Howard-Rog,~, A>-k. HUF
Brimi Howard-cedar Hill, Texas HUE
Jennifer Hurchinson-j,ciGom'i1k, Fl,.
Carissa Johnson- lmmobl", Fl,. HUE
Josh Kasinger-Mesquite, Texas HUG
Charles Kiser-f<. worn" T"", HUG
Whimey Leach-Biarungl",n, Ab. HUG.
Robin Lee--G=Ib<rry, FI,. HUF
Ryan Lee--G=1b<rry, Fl,. HUF
Joy Madlaing-Sm F""o=, Gilif. HUF
Robin MarshaJl.-S'""Y Hubo" FI, HUE
Alicia McGuinness-Vincent, Ohio HUG
Marissa Moran-N. Linl, Rock. A>-k. HUE
Monica Mwphy-Memphis, Tenn. HUF
Aaron Ogl~Logan, Ohio HUE
Roy Osbome-Bremwood, Tenn. HUF
Nathan Pickard-MedO,d, Onuno, Can,d,
Rebecca Reed-D,u"" T "'" HUG
Erin Rembleski- R=u" Qilif. HUF
Hannah Rhoderv,~e;, Ky. HUG
Marc Sherrin-Wylie, Texas HUG
Lia Shoemaker-Brenrwood., Tenn. HUF
Jonathan Singleton-D,u"" T"", HUE
Matthew Smeltzer-Conw..y, A>-k. HUF
Kristy Stork-Spring. T
KeUy Swain-Edgewood, Minn. HUG
Ethan Tanksley-G~e; Fwy, Conn. HUF
Mitchell T erlisner-St. Cloud, Minn. HUE
Jennifer Thompson- Knoxville, Tenn.
Laura T ollett-Bemon, Ark HUG
Kasie VanGieson-Norwich, Kan. HUF
Rachel Vaughan-Anunllo, T
Marcus Wagner-Satellite Beach, Fla. HUF
Gretchen Warmath-St. Louis, Mo. HUF
Melanie Warthan-Arlington, T"", HUE
Chad Westerholm-Neshanic Station, N.J.
Carl Williamson-Dsw'1;O, N Y
Megan Wrighr-Springfidd, Mo. HUE
Jon Wrye--S='Y,A>-k HUG
Fall International Students
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