September First Word - First Lutheran Church


September First Word - First Lutheran Church
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S e p t e m b e r
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Fall Worship
Schedule begins
September 2nd
See pg. 3
It is that me of year again. Fall is one of the
most important mes to invite friends, relaves
and new acquaintances to join you at church.
Why, you may ask? In our culture, fall is the me
to get back into the roune that we will maintain
unl next spring. The chaos of summer is coming
to an end, school is beginning and we look
forward to se6ling into a rhythm. Some people
consider the beginning of a new year as the
perfect me to start something new, to make a
New Year’s Resoluon. Unfortunately, many of
these New Year Resoluons end soon a<er they
begin. For us who live up North, the dead of
winter is no me to start something new. It is a
me to survive as we endure another winter,
waing for signs of spring. Fall is actually a
be6er me to start something new, because we
are se=ng a pa6ern that will carry us through
the winter into the spring. WHY NOT MAKE
BOTH CAN DO TOGETHER! There is no be6er
me than now, to pick up a new habit.
God’ Blessings, Pastor Corey
Rally Day is a Day for All!
Get ready for Rally Days 2015
It is going to be a fun day where we can discover all the different ministries, which we
do together! Discover the opportunies, find a calling, join others in serving the Lord. Rally Day will
be Wednesday, September 16 from 5-6 p.m., and Sunday, September 20 from 9:40-10:35 a.m..
Sunday and Wednesday School Registraon will be available.
The Library at First Lutheran is undergoing transformaon and will be hosng an open house on
Rally Days. As an incenve to join the fesvies you will be able to register for one of three Lutheran
Study Bibles that will be given away.
Come and join the excitement!
President’s Report
Yes... The weather and leaves are starng to change, the kids are ge=ng
ready to go back to school or have already started school and "Rally Day(s)" is
just around the corner. What an excing me to see everyone again and begin
the fall with new ideas and energy.
This year Rally Day will be Wednesday, September 16th, and Sunday,
September 20th. It will be a great me to invite friends and family to join us
and see what wonderful acvies and opportunies are available at FLC. Each team (board) will have
a table set up with informaon and will be available to answer any quesons. Also the council will
have a table set up and will be handing out prizes to whoever can answer one of the quesons we
will have at the table. (eg. How many mes does the bell ring before church?)
Hope to see you there! What a perfect me to re-center and re-commit as God's people in
worship and service for our Lord.
God Bless,
Beth DeKrey, Congregaonal President
Treasurer’s Report
Special Gi
s to First Lutheran is the tle of a new special gi< designaon pamphlet now available
at the church office. The purpose of the brochure is “to provide assistance to individuals who make
a contribuon to First Lutheran Church as a memorial to a family member or friend, or as a gi< to
enhance the work of First Lutheran Church as a part of God’s family.” The pamphlet provides church
members with informaon about memorial gi<s, special gi<s, the endowment fund, and estate/
legacy gi<s.
Memorial gi<s may come at the me of a funeral either sent to the church or given to the family.
Special gi<s may be given in honor of a loved one, a special occasion or a gi< of stewardship to help
others. The Estate/Legacy gi<s are contribuons from members who have selected First Lutheran
Church as a beneficiary to their estate including property, stock, insurance policies or a monetary
The Endowment Fund exists to enhance the mission, outreach and ministry of the congregaon.
Currently, the endowment fund is at $62,176 and the Finance Team and the Council are looking at
opons to increase the return on the fund and a strategy to grow the Endowment Fund to $100,000.
Once the goal is achieved only the interest earnings will be used to support the mission of the
The handout provides a list of the church ministries, special projects, and general operaons to
help individuals and families choose a designaon for
their gi<. Stop by the office to pick up your copy of
FLC Stewardship Report as of August 25, 2015
Special Gi
s to First Lutheran to learn more about the gi<
General Fund
opons available.
YTD Receipts
YTD Expenditures
Blessings to you in Christ,
Lisa Bruns, Treasurer
- $2,770.84
Invitation to Joy
We are busy planning our 2nd Evangelism Training event this fall. Get it on your calendars. This
year our topic is on Hospitality and we are so excited about our presenters.
Pastor Laura Natwick, Assistant to the Bishop in our Northwest Minnesota Synod will be
speaking to us on “How to Keep People From Coming to Your Church”. Rev. Natwick is going to
use a li6le humor to teach us what not to do and share with us some great opportunies for us to
be warm and inving congregaons. Then in the a<ernoon, we will hear from Rev. Deb Stehlin,
Director for Evangelical and Mission for the Minneapolis Area Synod. Pr. Stehlin will help us with
some ideas on how to bring our hospitality to our neighbors.
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2015
Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm
Where: First Lutheran Church, Bemidji, MN
Cost: $10
We invite all of you to this event so that we connue to learn how to be be6er neighbors and
warm hosts to our visitors. More informaon to come later.
Linda Eickman, Coordinator Invitaon to Joy
Fall Worship Schedule starts Sept. 2
Sunday and Wednesday School
Sunday 8:30 a.m. Tradional Worship
10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship
Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Wed. Supper
6:00 p.m. Contemporary Worship
Sunday 9:40-10:35 a.m.
Wednesday 6:45-7:45 p.m.
First Lutheran Church Laby inth
will be open for walking and
prayer on Thursday, September 10th
(om 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. and
Friday, September 11th (om Noon – 2:00 p.m.
A host will be on site, the candles will be lit, and
some gentle backg ound music will be playing.
Come as you are, and enjoy
the peace of a quiet, holy space, a holy encounter.
The Jour2ey Prayer
“God, bless the pathway on which I go.
God, bless the ear6h that is beneath my sole;
Bless, O God, and give to me Thy love...”
“A Conversation about the Laby inth”
If you are curious about the Laby inth, don’t
really understand this resource,
or would simply like to know a liAle bit more,
you are invited to come to an infor=al
conversation led by Jan Moen
on Thursday, September 10th at 4:30 p.m.
in the Amber Room (downstairs classroom).
((om the Car=ina Gadelica, quoted in
Laby inth, Landscape of the Soul by Di Williams).
Council Connection
The Church Council met on Tuesday, August 11,
2015, and following are highlights from that
• The treasurer’s report shows us with a
negative balance of $27,796.45 which does
not include our benevolences. We have an
outstanding Line of Credit at the bank.
• Pastor Linnea attended a CEU conference in
Chicago on ‘Habits of Healthy Congregations’.
• The Properties Team has been asked by the
City to add our address to the sign out front;
We have streamlined our special gift funds to
coincide with the working teams as well as
created a Special Gifts brochure to help
families and friends making donations;
The Northwest Synod is asking churches to
provide a list of members able to be mission
interpreters (tell how God’s work is being done
here). This will help congregations identify with
the synod in their role.
Rally Days will be on 9/16/15 (Wednesday)
and 9/20/15 (Sunday). More exciting stuff
coming out soon.
Caregiver Support Groups - sponsored by Northwoods Caregivers
Do you provide care for an elderly or disabled person? It is difficult to care for ourselves while caring
for a loved one. Would you like to connect with others in similar situaons? Please join us in one of
these Caregiver Support Groups!
A<ernoon group: 1st Thursday from 2-3:30 p.m. in the large conference room at the Prime West
Building (3124 Hannah Ave.).
Evening Group: 3rd Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m. in the conference room at Lueken’s South (509
Washington Ave. S.).
2nd Tuesday from 5-6:30 p.m. in the library at Faith Lutheran Church (32 Bagley Ave. NW).
New Exhibit Around First Lutheran
Artists from Studio 10 will be exhibiting works in the Fellowship Hall beginning September 13
Food Shelf Fundraiser
Library News
Renowned Watercolorist
Jane Freeman’s Paintings/Prints
The Library Commi6ee is working on updang the
shelves and card catalog. If you have borrowed books
from the library, please return them soon so we can
log them back in and connue to update our catalog.
On sale at greatly reduced prices—
One time only opportunity!
We have developed a survey which you may have
already completed. We hope your responses will help
us serve your library needs. We are pu=ng together a
format for acceptance and recognion of print and non
-print materials donated to the library. Forms will be
available soon. Watch the Sunday bullens for
updates. If you haven’t taken our survey, there are
some available on the table outside the office.
Join us for treats and a tour during the
Library Open House on Rally Days, September
16th & 20th.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
3:00-7:00 P.M.
At First Lutheran Church
Thank you!
The Library Commi6ee
Net proceeds from this event to go the
Bemidji Community Food Shelf
FLC Youth & Families
VBS: Learning through serving!
Members of all ages gave of their 7me to grow their faith
and the faith of the youth here at FLC. THANK YOU!
Leader Orienta7on
We will be sharing a meal and preparing
for the new year! We can’t wait to have
everyone together!
Rise up! We are
excited for an
opportunity to share with
you! We will post
pictures, memories and
share stories through
out the church during
the months of
September and
October. We were
blessed and can’t wait
to share why!
Welcome back!
Rise Up! Proclaim COMMUNITY!
We welcome everyone back with a great
Rally day celebraon!
—Rally Wednesday September 16th 5:00pm—
—Rally Sunday September 20th 9:40am—
FUN, giveaways, informaon, registraon and a
20 minute parent session to a6end for all parcipang
families with games for the youth.
Don’t forget we have:
Meals at 5PM
Worship at 6PM
Music for all ages
Educaon for all ages
Youth groups
Our youth are planning a great event to
connect FLC with our community outside the
church walls. We will have a SpagheE Feed
September 20th from 12-2.
The youth are using the
lessons they learned in Detroit
to be the church!
Join us for SpagheE!!
Confirma7on orienta7on
September 23rd 6:45
Confirmaon is a great me of learning and
growth in your faith formaon. We want you to
feel prepared and excited about this me!
Director of Youth and Family Ministries: Caroline Larson, or (218) 444-5302
Christian Education
Rally days are coming up!
We will be collecng monetary donaons
this month for Opera7on Christmas Child to
help cover the $7 per box shipping charge.
Please drop your donaon off in the office or
the offering plate clearly marked.
Thank You!!
Get ready & registered for Sunday school and
Wednesday evening acvies. Rally days will be
held on Wed. Sept. 16th from 5:00-6:00 p.m.
upstairs in the mul-purpose room and
Sun. Sept. 20th from 9:40-10:35 a.m. in the
Fellowship Hall. There will be a session to
a6end for all parents of parcipang students.
Please join us for one of these mes!
Look for more informaon next month.
VBS 2015 was a fun me!! Thank you
to all that parcipated, volunteered
your me & talents, and donated
money for supplies. Everyone’s
efforts were greatly appreciated!
Thanks for making it a success!!
10:30a Pastor's Text
11:30a HS Lunches
5p Sleeping Mat Creation
6p Teacher/Leader Orientation
10a LSS Meeting
10:30a Pastor's Text
11:30a HS Lunches
5:30p Team Meetings
10:30a Pastor's Text
11:30a HS Lunches
8:30a Traditional
2p FLC Book
10:45a Contemporary
8:30a Trad Worship 4p FIRST WORD
9:40a Library Open DEADLINE
9:40a Rally Day
10:45a Contemporary
12p Spaghetti Feed
8:30a Traditional
9:40a Christian Ed
9:40 Adult Ed
10:45a Contemporary
10:30a Pastor's Text
1p T'ai Chi
5p Sleeping Mat Creation
10:30a Pastor's Text
1p T'ai Chi
1:30p Circle Bible Study
6p Council
7 Labor Day
8:30a Traditional
Office Closed
10:45a Contemporary
16 Circles meet in homes
10a Men's Meeting
1:30p BeFrienders
5p Rally Day
5:5p Wednesday Supper
5:30p Mindfulness Meditation
6p Wednesday Worship
6:30p Library Open House
6:45p Family Session
8:30a Quilters
10a Men's Meeting
1p LSS Meeting
4:30p Wed Night Activities
5p Wednesday Supper
5:30p Mindfulness Meditation
6p Wednesday Worship
6:45p Confirmation Orientation
8:30a Quilters
10a Men's Meeting
4:30p Wed Night Activities
5p Wednesday Supper
5:30p Mindfulness Meditation
6p Wednesday Worship
9 8:30a Quilters
9:30a Regional Directors meeting LSS
10a Men's Meeting
5:5p Wednesday Supper
5:30p Mindfulness Meditation
6p Wednesday Worship
10a Men's Meeting
5p Wednesday Supper
5:30p Mindfulness Meditation
6p Wednesday Worship
~ September 2015 ~
8:30a LSS Monthly
3p Wedding Rehearsal
4p Hamilton/Giauque
*Wednesday Acvies All start Sept. 23rd except Adult Choir
4:30 Junior Choir 5:00 First Chimers
5:00 Dinner
6:00 Ring Praise
6:00 Contemporary Worship
6:45 Choir Starts Sept. 16th
6:45 Wed. School
6:45 Confirmaon
7:45 FYSH
7:45 FLYS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
10a Staff Meeting
5:30p FLC
12:15p FLCW Singers
Musicians Gathering
1:30p Tamarack Worship
2:30p BirchHaven
3:30p Northview Manor
10a Staff Meeting
10a Staff Meeting
12p Open Labyrinth
12p Food Shelf Art Fund- 1p Exhibit Set Up
4:30p Labyrinth Guild
5:30p Open Labyrinth
10a Staff Meeting
Have you read…
Mary’s relatives and friends are skeptical, but
supportive about this task. When she tells her
our Library; you will find it on the shelf in section 17.
daughters – in – law and friends that every stitch
17 Will be the sticker on the spine of the book.
must be sewn with a prayer of thanks they really
wonder what they have gotten into.
Mary, an elderly grandmother, becomes
Will the quilt be completed?
convinced there is one more task that she must
Who will do the work?
complete. There is one more very special quilt to be
Will the prayers be said while the work goes on?
made. One of her sons is concerned that this task
will be too much for Mary.
Read this lovely, little book and learn more about
Mary, her family and her friends. I’m sure you
“The woman can barely read a big-letter
remember someone like Mary, or perhaps you see a
Bible, she gotta have the television almost
bit of yourself in this book. or perhaps you see a bit
in her lap to see it. Fingers all bent over,
of yourself in Mary. It doesn’t take long to read this
shoot, I wonder how she’ll even be able to
little book. You may decide to read it again, I did!
The Quilt by T. Davis Bunn. This book is available in
pick up a needle. And she thinks she’s
gonna sew herself another quilt.” Page 28
Karen Peterson
Angel Food Dessert
1 angel food cake 1 pint whipping cream
1/2 cup sugar
8 Tablespoons lemon juice
1 can Borden Sweetened Condensed Milk
Whip cream; add sugar, sweetened milk, and
lemon juice. Bu6er a 9 X 13” pan. Tear angel
food cake into 1” pieces. Layer cake and cream
mixture. Cover and freeze.
To serve: Take out of freezer a short me before
serving. Serve with fruit of choice, (raspberries,
blueberries or strawberries). Delicious!
Merrily Burmeister
Events in the Community
Sept. 2, 7-9 PM – Quilt in a Day Trunk Show with Patricia Knoechel, Bethel Lutheran, $5
Sept. 3, 4:30-6:30 PM—BSU Community Appreciation Day, Campus Lakeside Lawn, Free
Sept. 3-5, 7:30 PM—Greg Gasman returns with “A Flower for Death in the Wild, Wild West”
Sept. 4-6—Paul Bunyan Training UKC Dog Show, Belt. County Fairgrounds, Free events
Sept. 4-6—Labor Day Contest Pow Wow, Veterans Memorial Grounds, Cass Lake
Sept. 5-7—The 48th Annual Vandersluis Memorial Golf Tournament, Bemidji Town & Country Club
Sept. 5, 9:00 AM—Jackpine Classic 5K, 10K, 25K
Sept. 6, 8-10 AM—Annual All Camp Pancake Breakfast, Lake Bemidji State Park Historic Dining Hall ($5
adults & $3 kids 7-12)
Sept. 8—First Day of School
Sept. 12, 8 AM—Run/Walk/Skate for Suicide Prevention, Sanford Center
Sept. 12. 11 AM—3 PM—Worldwide Day of Play, City Park, $5 (or $3 if you bring your bike or skateboard)
Sept. 13 11 AM-2 PM-Roast Beef Dinner at St. John’s Catholic Church, Nebish. $10 Adults, $5 ages 6-12
Sept. 15-17—North Country Arts & Crafts Workshop, Concordia Lang. Spanish Village, pre-registration
Sept. 16, 11 AM—1 PM—United Way Chili Cook-Off at Sanford Center, $6 advanced sale/$8 at door
Sept. 16, 6:45-7:45 PM— First Lutheran Church Rally Day for Wednesday classes
Sept. 18-19, 9 AM—North Star Expo (MN Timber Producers Assoc.) at Sanford Center, Free admission
Sept. 19-20—Buena Vista Fall Festival, $6 (13 & over), $3 (5-12), Under 5 is Free
Sept. 20, 9:40— 10:30 AM—First Lutheran Church Rally Day for Sunday classes
Sept. 26-27—Paul Bunyan Stampede at Bemidji Speedway (alternate rain date is Oct. 3 & 4)
Sept. 28-Oct. 3—BSU Homecoming
Hurricane Katrina and Grace Lutheran - 10 years later
First Lutheran helped out Grace Lutheran Church in New Orleans and they remember us. The
wonderful le6er we received from them is on the bullen board in the gathering area.
Grace Lutheran contained 8 feet of standing water, the enre ground floor was destroyed when the
flood wall of a canal less than 1 mile from the church gave away. Even with insurance they were sll
le< a million dollars short of what was needed.
Needed items and gi<s of money poured in, as the water had. The million dollar debt was erased
and First Lutheran’s gi< helped erase that debt.
Grace Lutheran was so blessed by all that was done for them that they challenged themselves to
establish a fund from which they could help other congregaons experiencing great hardship. They
have helped many people and congregaons in many places, even cross cultural communies such as a
burned-out mosque in Houston.
On August 30th, Grace Lutheran will mark the 10th anniversary of Katrina with a Commemorave
Service. “We will be praising God for all the blessings sent our way from every direcon by legions of
angels who brought God’s love and support to us. Your congregaon is a bonna fide member of that
legion and we bless you and love you for it.”
We are being asked to celebrate with Grace Lutheran on August 30th. Please li< them up in prayers
of thanksgiving for all God’s many blessings. They will be li<ing us up “ thanksgiving on that day for
without your love and generosity we might not exist today.”
Quotes are from the le6er of John Lewis, Council President—Grace Lutheran Church
The enre le*er is posted in the Gathering Area
Remember: name First Lutheran Church, Bemidji, as your home congregation if
you land in the hospital… Your pastors can then locate you and stop in for a visit!
Spaghetti Feed
BeFriender Ministry
Our First Lutheran BeFriender Ministers
are guided by four Foundation Principles
when they visit people and extend a
caring presence and listening ear:
1) God is present
2) Caring, not curing
3) Nonjudgmental presence 4) Active Listening
Our faithful BeFrienders are extending the spiritual
care of our congregation through this ministry. They
are available to meet with people in the hospital, at a
Care Facility or Residence or in your own home or
another mutual meeting place.
They offer a caring presence in the midst of life’s
transitions, unexpected challenges,
times of grief or uncertainty.
If you, or someone you love, could benefit from a
BeFriender, please contact
Pastor Linnea through the church office.
BeFrienders honor confidentiality.
RISE UP Together
Our young people that
attended the ELCA Youth
Gathering in Detroit are asking you to join them
as they Build Bridges to our community
expanding on what they learned in Detroit.
They. will serve a Community Spaghetti Feed
Sunday, September 20th, from 12-2 (following the
2nd service) in the Fellowship Hall.
We invite you, our First Lutheran Family and
our Bemidji Community to join us for this meal.
NEWS from the Preschool
Greengs from the preschool corner! We have had a busy and
sensaonal summer full of parks, nature hikes, playing, and a
parade. With fall right around the corner, we are gearing up for
a brand new school year that is quickly approaching on the 8th
of September. We are very close to a full roster and couldn’t be
more excited about the adventure that awaits us. We have lots
planned and are always grateful for any extra hands that want
to come and volunteer!!
Preschool Teacher Needed
FLC Preschool is looking for an addional teacher. This posion requires some training. Please call Emily
(444-5303 or 209-6977) to get more informaon! Thank you! FLC Preschool Advisory Commi6ee
Food Shelf Update
It has been great to have had an AmeriCorp team working at the Food Shelf and our garden the
last few months! If you have produce leKover from your garden, please bring it by the Food Shelf.
We are always happy to receive produce and other items.
We need workers for the second Wed. of each month. You can choose either morning or a<ernoon
hours. The workers help the customers shop, weigh the carts of food, check them out and help bag.
Thank you for all you do to support and help the Food Shelf.
AIen7on kids Are you between the ages of seven
and 8th grade.
Do you like music? Then we have a
spot for you in the First Chimers!
You don't need any experience at
all. Come try it out Wednesday,
September 23rd, at 5 PM in the Sanctuary.
Now, for the adults or anyone going into high school and beyond. You
have seen us play during service, and I bet you
wanted to know how we play bells. You don't need
experience either! Come try out Ring Praise at 6 PM
on Wednesday, September 23rd, in the Sanctuary.
Both groups will meet (most) Wednesdays up to the
new year. Music is for EVERYONE!
“Drive-In” Worship
Thank you to all who sponsored,
set up and helped with our summer
“Drive-In” worship services. We would
not be able to connue this ministry without you.
What a great summer!
We have opportunies for you to sign up.
Please sign up today!
8:30 Traditional Worship
September 6
September 13
Mark & Linda LaFond
Reid, Apolline & Barb Benson
Yvonne Splady, Vickie Gutknecht
-----------Kathy Faver
-----------September 20
----------Yvonne Splady
September 27
At the time of printing no one had signed up to assist with the 10:45 service. Please sign up
to user, greet or read in the Gathering Area. Thank you!
Adult Educa7on Opportunity
Surprised By Hope – What does Holy Scripture actually say about life a<er death? Come and
be a part of this six week study. The study runs Sundays, Sept. 27-Nov. 1 during the
educaon hour (9:40-10:35 a.m.). Class will be in the “Amber Room” downstairs and will be
facilitated by Pastor Phil Olson.
First Lutheran Church
Women’s Fall Gathering
More T’ai Chi
“There’s Music in the Air!”
Thursday, Oct. 1st
1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Sarah will share memories of Notre Dame
and our Preschool children will sing.
T’ai Chi classes at First Lutheran will be
held in October on Tuesdays from 1-2
pm in the Fellowship Room. We will
connue praccing the Internaonal
10 forms and Seated taiji qigong and
start Standing taiji qigong and the
Internaonal 24 forms (an
intermediate set), depending on group
(The current round of classes will end
the 2nd Tuesday in
Chuck and Danielle Stone
Plan to Attend! See You Soon!
First Word
900 Bemidji Avenue North
Bemidji, MN 56601
a monthly publication
Live Radio Broadcast 8:30 Sunday mornings on 92.1 FM,
Fusion Channel 1064 in audio format only.
Festival of Tables
Phone: 218-444-5302
Fax: 218-444-5306
[email protected]
We’re on the Web!
PBTV channel 964 and PBTV
Fun! Fun! Fun!
WOW! Great
Silent Auction!
Dessert recipe
page 8
This is just a sampling of the wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful, smart,
cute (and all those other marvelous words) tables this year!
d - ation
t F nvers
G r a t Co
FLC Book Club
The Book Club will be meeng in September to discuss “Go Set a Watchman” by
Harper Lee. You probably remember Harper Lee as the author of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” “Go
Set a Watchman” became available July 14, although it was wri6en in the mid-1950’s. Many of
the same characters from “To Kill a Mockingbird” are in this book, but 20 years later…. Scout
returns home to visit her father, A=cus, and encounters issues involving society in a small town
in Alabama in the mid-‘50’s America. We hope you will find this book a good summer read, and
join us for an interesng discussion on Monday, September 14, 2:00 p.m., in the Amber Room
here at First Lutheran.