
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
„Rīgas Tūrisma un radošās industrijas tehnikums”
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Metodiskais materiāls angļu valodā
Tēma: „Globālā sasilšana”
 Patstāvīgais darbs
Lasīšanas un klausīšanas uzdevums
Watch and/or listen to the video below: Earth. Climate and Weather - National Geographic 24hToday
 and choose the right word from the
Climate and weather together they are among the most 1 _____ forces on Earth. One can
influence where and how we choose to live, the other often 2 _____ what we do, where we go
and what we wear each day. Climate refers to the average weather conditions of a place over a
long period of time. The Earth has six main climate 3 _____. Some are mild and inviting like the
Mediterranean climate of southern Europe, others are harsh like the 4 _____ deserts of northern
Africa and the frozen tundra of Greenland. Through history climate has often played a part in
where people have chosen to settle. In the ancient world some of the first 5 _____ human
communities occurred in places with 6_____ climates but humans have long had an amazing
capacity to cope with more 7 _____ and challenging climates.
Today with widespread use of refrigeration for foods and of air-conditioning and heating for
homes humans can survive in all climates including the frozen deserts of Antarctica or the 8
_____ heat of death valley California where temperatures can 9 _____ above 130C. Weather, on
the other hand, refers to the day to day conditions of the Earth’s atmosphere at a particular place
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
and time. Weather can be glorious or annoying. It can also be 10 _____. Severe weather can
destroy homes and property, cripple transportation, ruin crops and create 11 _____ for people
caught in its path. In the United States weather causes on average more than 11.4 billion dollars
in damages each year. About 15 percent of that damage occurs in Florida alone, a state that sees
more than a chain of hurricanes, floods and tornadoes. An 12 _____ weather forecast can make it
possible for people to prepare for severe conditions before they strike. In cases of hurricanes,
tornadoes and floods a warning can save lives by giving people time to get out of harm’s way.
With so much at 13 _____ atmospheric scientists called meteorologists are working with new
technologies to find better ways to forecast the weather.
Powerful computers process atmospheric information to create weather maps and models.
Radars 14 _____ storms on the move and can detect rain up to 250 miles away. Weather
satellites look down on the Earth from space monitoring everything from cloud cover and 15
_____ to lightening strikes and fluctuations in the temperature of the oceans. There are even
research planes that fly into hurricanes to help scientists learn about the inner workings of some
of the planet’s deadliest storms. In some cases the study of meteorology can be a nail biting
adventure as scientists risk their lives to study tornadoes and other dangerous weather
phenomena. As scientists continue to study weather patterns and behavior we can expect to find
more ways to predict its course and the next time severe weather strikes perhaps we will be
A) intellectual B) influential C) infallible D) infectious
A) deforms B) detrain C) determines D) detests
A) zones B) zoom C) zonk D) zoaria
A) aril B) armed C) arid D) air
A) permeable B) permanent C) perishable D) permitted
A) hostile B) hospitable C) hospitalize D) hostler
A) serious B) serial C) serenity D) severe
A) blazing B) blathering C) blessing D) breathing
A) soar B) sound C) soul D) sand
10 A) distressing B) distracting C) disastrous D) devastating
11 A) hawk B) have C) haul D) havoc
12 A) acute B) accurate C) actual D) action
13 A) stake B) steak C) steal D) stale
14 A) trail B) tramp C) track D) trap
15 A) preparation B) participation C) penetration D) precipitation
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
B- Mark the statements as True (T), False (F) or No Information (NI).
1- The climate of a place stands for its general weather patterns.
2- Climates all over the world are almost the same.
3- Dangerous hurricanes occur in all parts of the United States every year.
4- An area might be uninhabited because of climatic conditions.
5- Natural disasters are a result of global warming.
6- Computers can not predict weather accurately.
7- Weather research can sometimes be dangerous.
8- Tornadoes kill thousands of people each year.
C- Match the words with their definitions.
…. mild
A) extremely bad or dangerous
…. ruin
B) the direction or route along which something travels
…. severe
C) pleasant and temperate
…. detect
D) hit
…. fluctuation E) to cause something to be destroyed
…. strike
F) to notice or discover the existence of something
…. course
G) constant unpredictable change in the level, degree, or intensity of something
D- What do the following words refer to?
1- “The other” in line 2 refers to
2- “some” in line 3 refers to
3- “its” in line 13 refers to
4- “they” in line 16 refers to
5- “their” in line 23 refers to
D- What do the following words refer to?
1- “The other” in line 2 refers to weather
2- “some” in line 3 refers to climate zones
3- “its” in line 13 refers to severe weather
4- “they” in line 16 refers to hurricanes, floods, tornadoes
5- “their” in line 23 refers to scientists
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
A1 B) influential
2 C) determines
3 A) zones
4 C) arid
5 B) permanent
6 A) hostile
7 D) severe
8 A) blazing
B1- T
2- F
3- F
4- T
5- NI
6- F
7- T
8- NI
Cmild C)
ruin E)
severe A)
detect F)
fluctuation G)
strike D)
course B)
D1- “The other” in line 2 refers to
2- “some” in line 3 refers to climate
3- “its” in line 13 refers to severe
4- “they” in line 16 refers to
hurricanes, floods, tornadoes
5- “their” in line 23 refers to scientists
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
 Power Point Prezentācija “Global Warming!”
Get involved in Power Point Presentation about Global Warming!
Fill in the gaps!
 Source: Solutions. Upper-Intermediate. Student’s Book (p.71)
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
 ”PLANET HOME” – the documentary film (2009)
by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
 Source:
Dokumentālās filmas ”Home” demonstrēšana ar angļu subtitriem
Dokumentālās filmas „Home” demonstrēšana
Pirms filmas demonstrēšanas skolēni saņem mājas darbu: pārtulkot vārdus no filmas (grupu
darbs, kur vārdu sarakstu audzēkņi sadala savā starpā)
Mācību stundu mērķi un uzdevumi:
attīsīt klausīšanās un lasīšanas iemaņas;
paplašināt vārdu krājumu;
attīstīt intelektuālās spējas;
paplašināt redzesloku;
uzlabot pasaules uzskatu un tikumiskās vērtības;
pamudināt aizdomāties par ekoloģiju un saudzīgu izturēšanos pret zemes resursiem;
padziļināt zināšanas ekoloģijas jomā;
palīdzēt aizdomāties par katra cilvēka personisko atbildību.
Pēc filmas noskatīšnās audzēkņi tiek aicināti uzrakstīt savas pārdomas un komentārus par filmu.
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
 Patstāvīgais darbs ”Pārtulko citātus no filmas!”
”Home” tapescript from:
Everything is linked.
Nothing is self-sufficient.
What happened to the carbon that poisoned the atmosphere?
It's still here, imprisoned in the Earth's crust.
Life, a miracle in the universe, appeared around 4 billion years ago.
What happened to the carbon that poisoned the atmosphere?
It's still here, imprisoned in the Earth's crust.
Water and air are inseparable, united in life and for our life on Earth.
Our Earth relies on a balance, in which every being has a role to play and exists only through the existence
of another being.
A subtle, fragile harmony that is easily shattered.
The Earth is a miracle.
Life remains a mystery.
In the great adventure of life on Earth, every species has a role to play, every species has its place.
None is futile or harmful.
They all balance out.
But life expectancy is short and hard labor takes its toll.
But how can you conquer the world on an empty stomach?
Agriculture is still the world's most widespread occupation.
Faster and faster.
In the last 60 years, the Earth's population has almost tripled.
Shenzhen, in China, with hundreds of skyscrapers and millions of inhabitants, was just a small fishing
village barely 40 years ago.
In the fields, machines replaced men.
Pesticides, another gift of the petrochemical revolution, exterminated them.
Bad harvests and famine became a distant memory.
The biggest headache now was what to do with the surpluses engendered by modern agriculture.
But toxic pesticides seeped into the air, soil, plants, animals, rivers and oceans.
Pesticides, another gift of the petrochemical revolution, exterminated them.
Then came fertilizers, another petrochemical discovery.
A city of uniformly sized vegetables waits every day for hundreds of trucks to take them to the continent's
The more a country develops, the more meat its inhabitants consume.
We know that the end of cheap oil is imminent, but we refuse to believe it.
The days seem no more than a pale reflection of nights that turn the city into a starry sky.
Before the end of this century, excessive mining will have exhausted nearly all the planet's reserves.
Dubai is a sort of culmination of the Western model, a country where the impossible becomes possible.
Building artificial islands in the sea, for example.
Dubai has endless sun, but no solar panels.
We haven't understood that we're depleting what nature provides.
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
 Viktorīna/Quiz
Piedalies on-line viktorīnā!
ON-LINE QUIZ: Know Much About Global Warming? (12 questions)
 Source:
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
 Cards:Matching exercise (pair work)
 Source:
snowballs which roll down the mountainside and shatter like a glass
(mostly occur after a heavy snowfall)
a condition of unusually dry climate within a certain geographic region
due to lack of annual rainfall
an event that occurs when the rivers and dams overflow and thereby
submerging the all land that lies near them
a severe winter storm. Strong winds, heavy snowfall and low
temperatures characterize it
the tectonic plates that form the upper crust of the earth collide or slide
against each other
Wildfire /Forest
a natural disaster caused due to volcanic eruption, arson or human
it sometimes called freezing rain
Heat Wave
A submarine earthquake or a volcanic explosion in an ocean creates a set
of tidal waves which rises as high as 50 feet or more
When the temperatures soar above the normal temperature and if this
condition continues for a prolonged period
Hurricane /tropical
/tropical storm
strong winds that develop as a result of low-pressure area in the ocean
that later leads to heavy rainfall and thunderstorm
Tornado/ twister
a natural disaster that uproots the boulders, huge trees and houses. It
occurs due to heavy and continuous rainfall
Volcanic Eruption
it sprays out hot gases and molten rocks
a strong and violent wind that swirls in an anti-clockwise direction north
of the equator and in the clockwise direction south of the equator.
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
 Aptaujas lapa/Questionnaire (for School Project)
Task: Come up with 5 – 10 survey questions regarding Global Warming and create the
1. Do you believe in global warming?
2. Do you care about global warming?
3. What are you doing to prevent global warming from getting worse?
4. Is global warming a big issue to those around you?
5. Do you think people could do more to prevent global
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
 Do the following tasks!
1. Unscramble the letters and guess the word!
2. How do you understand the word ”environment”? Brainstorming
Write the definition of greenhouse effect on a piece of paper. Compare the similarities and
differences in their definitions with your partners. Choose the best!
the environment - the air, water, and land on Earth, which can be harmed by man's activities
The environment includes everything around us: the air we breathe, the land we stand on, the
water we swim in. Everyone wants to live in a healthy environment, but have you ever
considered your environment contributing to your health? Our environment includes where we
live, and how that area is used.
3. In your opinion, has human activity caused the world's climate to change over the
past 100 years? Look at the Climate Hot Map
 Source :
4. What is
greenhouse effect???
the gradual warming of the air surrounding the Earth as a result of heat being
trapped by POLLUTION
5. Who are “environmentalists”?
6. What was the most severe natural disaster? Search the weather broadcast and make
a report about one of them.
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
Are you interested in environmental problems around the world? Why(not)?
Is your lifestyle eco-friendly? Why (not)?
How do people affect the environment in their everyday life?
Do you watch documentary programmes about nature?
What environmental problems do we have in Latvia?
Would you join Greenpeace or a similar organisation that cares about the environment?
Which natural disasters influence our life most?
How can you protect the environment?
What is the influence of scientific and technological progress on the environment?
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
Longman Dictionary
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
 The Final Lexical Test on “Global Warming”
(“Solutions. Upper-Intermediate”, Test Bank MultiROM)
1. Complete the sentences with the correct words
1 Sea _________ are already rising around the world.
2 Don’s dad has installed solar _________ on the roof of his house.
3 Countries such as China and India are called _________ countries.
4 There’s a good documentary on endangered _________ on Channel 4 tonight.
5 Greenhouse _________ contribute greatly to global warming.
6 You won’t get ill if you eat a balanced _________ .
7 The Chancellor is warning of a slowdown in economic _________ this coming year.
8 We have to find alternatives to using fossil _________ for our energy needs.
9 Heavy-goods _________ cause a lot of damage to the roads and the environment.
10 Each of us has to think carefully about our carbon _________ .
11 Today, wind power is a popular source of renewable _________ .
12 Many wild animals are losing their natural _________ because of all the building work.
13 A main concern about the environment is that the ice _________ are melting.
14 The carbon _________ emissions from cars is far too high.
15 According to experts, the main reason for all the flooding last year is climate _________ .
15 Mark: ___/
2. Listening
[4.07] Listen to five people talking about environmental problems. Which speaker (A–
E) says …
1 climate change is exaggerated? Speaker ___
2 individuals can’t help? Speaker ___
3 what’s happening is natural? Speaker ___
4 it’s all our fault? Speaker ___
5 people don’t know enough? Speaker ___
Speaker A
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
It’s up to all of us, every single individual on the planet, to do what we can to reduce the effects of
global warming. After all, it’s because of us that it’s happening, isn’t it? If mankind hadn’t come along
and decided to use up everything on the planet to make his life easier then we wouldn’t be in this
situation, would we? We’ve got to put ourselves out a bit, and if it means fewer holidays abroad and
spending a bit more time sorting the rubbish – then so be it.
Speaker B
As far as I can see, it’s all a bit pointless. It’s like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, if
you know what I mean! What we do now can’t change anything – it’s gone too far. And as for
expecting us all to do our bit for the environment, that’s simply unrealistic. Me putting my waste into
four different types of bags isn’t going to help much. Now, getting the superpowers or emerging
superpowers to make changes – that might have an effect.
Speaker C
There’s so much in the media about how humanity is to blame for the state of the environment today.
We’re bombarded with scientific reports that seem to prove that all our problems are man-made.
Forgive me, but don’t you think it’s just a little arrogant to think that we have the power to influence the
planet in this way. Our planet is billions of years old and has been through many, many changes. In my
opinion it’s more logical to see what’s happening as part of a natural cycle. OK, we’ve done a lot of
damage, but not as much as we’re led to believe.
Speaker D
I’m convinced that reports about climate change and global warming are alarmist. It’s probably
political. For some reason the politicians want us to be scared. I mean I remember summers hotter than
the ones we have now and colder winters too! I’m more worried about what pollution’s doing to our
health. We breathe it in and we eat fish from polluted waters. That’s a real problem. But as for the
world – it’s strong, it will survive!
Speaker E
The only way forward is through education. You’d be amazed how many people think that concern over
the environment is exaggerated and doesn’t really affect them. But it does. So it’s really down to letting
people know the truth about what’s happening and informing them about what we can all do about it.
And the first place to start is in the schools with the youngest children. Educate the children and they
will educate the parents. It’s surprising but true that parents will often react better to pressure from their
children than from the government!
10 Mark: ___/
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
3. Reading
Read the text.
Don’t reach for the bottle!
We are constantly being warned about climate change and how much we contribute to the
environmental problems our planet is facing but one thing each and every one of us can do to
help is literally at our fingertips. [1 _______]
According to recent reports our obsession with buying and drinking bottled water significantly
increases our carbon footprint. Apparently in America, the largest market in the world for
bottled water, over eight billion gallons is consumed annually and in the UK the market is
worth more than two billion pounds. [2 _____] What is interesting is that according to most
experts, bottled water is no better for us than ordinary tap water. So, we have an alternative in
our own kitchens.
[3 _____] They insist that their water tastes better, has added minerals and comes in handy
plastic bottles that encourage us all to drink more water wherever we are – something that
many medical experts consider to be good for our health. But does this all really compensate
for the 600 fold increase in greenhouse gas that is put into the atmosphere by producing and
delivering the product? [4 _____] And what about the damage caused by the 75% of plastic
bottles that are not recycled but disposed of in landfill sites? It has been calculated that
drinking one bottle of water has the same environmental impact as driving for one kilometre in
a car!
Many people also question the morality of buying a product that is becoming so scarce in some
parts of the world that many people (like a third of those in Fiji) do not have easy access to it.
The moral issue aside, is it really worth buying something that costs 2,000 times more than an
alternative we can already find in our homes? [5 _____]
Complete the text with sentences A–F. There is one sentence you do not need.
A The bottled water industry of course refutes these findings.
B The popular Fiji water travels 10,000 miles from its source on the island of Fiji to the upmarket
UK stores that sell it.
C And at what cost to the environment?
D However, not all bottled water has this effect on health.
E These figures may not be surprising if we compare them with other bottled drinks.
F Turn on the tap when we’re thirsty!
10 Mark: ___/
Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
4. Writing
Write a for and against essay with the title: The growth of the air industry must be
restricted to control global warming. Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Describe the current situation.
Paragraph 2: Give points in favour of the statement.
Paragraph 3: Give points against.
Paragraph 4: Summarise and give your opinion.
Total: ___/45
(“Solutions. Upper-Intermediate”, Test Bank MultiROM)
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Jeļena Atroščenkova
Pielikumi ”Global Warming” . Izdales materiāls
Jeļena Atroščenkova