Peak-Ryzex Implements New Mobility Solution to


Peak-Ryzex Implements New Mobility Solution to
Mobile Solutions | Enterprise Platform
Peak-Ryzex Implements New Mobility Solution to
Improve Field Service Productivity & Customer Service
and pressure seal equipment (Moore Wallace, RR
Donnelley). In an average month, the Peak-Ryzex
call center receives over 12,000 calls from custoPeak-Ryzex, Inc. (Columbia, MD), is a leading provider of end-to-end enterprise mobility, managed
services, printing and mobile data capture solutions
for performance-driven organizations focused on
the optimization of supply chain and field-based
business processes. Peak-Ryzex serves as a trusted
business partner for some of the world’s largest
companies, while also supporting local and regional customers with an extensive coverage footprint
throughout North America and Europe.
mers and the field service engineers. The inbound
calls received from customers include initiating new
service requests, obtaining status of work orders
in process, and other service-related inquiries. The
Peak-Ryzex service engineers interact with the call
center to close work orders, order parts, and also
communicate with the printer technical support
team for remote support. Peak-Ryzex has been
using the SAP customer service (SAP CS) module for
over six years to run its daily onsite service operation.
Peak-Ryzex Recognized the Following Benefits:
Ability to add new service contract revenue
without increasing the corresponding support
As an industry leader in the mobility and enterprise
printing market for over 30 years, Peak-Ryzex sup-
70% reduction in calls into the call center
Cost containment as new service contract
revenue is added
pair time
ports an extensive customer base in North America
with a full portfolio of lifecycle support services. In
total, Peak-Ryzex fields a service organization of
over 200 service professionals and engineers across
Expedited problem resolution and onsite re-
Reduction in dispatching workload
Dramatic improvement in customer service
and real-time information
North America that service a contract base of over
120,000 printers and print-related equipment. The
Real-time inventory stock visibility
Peak-Ryzex service base is very diverse and inclu-
Accelerated billing cycles due to signature-cap-
des a wide range of technologies including thermal, RFID, laser, inkjet, and line matrix printers (i.e.
Zebra, Printronix, HP, Lexmark, Xerox) in addition
to various forms handling (Duplo, Kern, Formax)
ture capabilities at the point of service transaction
Business Challenge
While the email process helped the service team
Although Peak-Ryzex had invested in building their
the additional functionality the service team was
SAP CS module to manage their daily field service
processes, there was an inherent challenge in extending these processes out to the service engineers in
the field. While mobilizing field service teams is all
gain some improved efficiencies, the process lacked
looking for to reduce the amount of manual processes between the service engineers and the call
The Peak-Ryzex field service team wanted a solution
“Within days of beginning to work with our Movi-
that made it easy to issue work orders to the service
litas consultants on the project, we were able to
engineers, capture work time, travel time, com-
see some of our core SAP CS business processes
ments, parts inventory and other job information
being available via Movilizer on a mobile device.
in real-time. To accomplish this, the team decided
Within 60 days, the Movilitas team had built an ap-
to build a web-based application with internal
plication with a rich feature set that exceeded our
IT resources. After rollout, the new web-based
requirements for phase 1 of the project.”
solution proved to be problematic and had perfor-
John Gale, COO, Peak-Ryzex, Inc.
about improving employee productivity, Peak-Ryzex initially used a basic email notification process,
mance, connectivity and deployment issues. After
several months in use, the Peak-Ryzex service team
returned to the previous email notification process
from SAP.
along with SAP CS, to dispatch and coordinate feedback from their service engineers. The email notification is issued from SAP and sent to the service
engineer’s mobile device. The email application has
“We evaluated several different options and appro-
limited functionality and only allows the service engineer to reply to the call center with an estimated
ETA via email. However this process lacked functionality to allow the service engineer to close the work
order from a mobile device. As part of this process,
information on work orders would be called into the
call center by service engineers throughout the day
and manually entered into SAP CS.
aches for extending our SAP CS business processes
out to our service engineers via a mobile device
but could not find a robust solution that was fast to
deploy, build and run, leveraged our investment in
SAP and allowed for device and operating system
independence,” said John Gale, COO, Peak-Ryzex
North America.
During the solution
As a result, the call center was often extremely busy
evaluation process,
throughout the day handling an influx of calls from
Movilitas Consulting
service engineers to close work orders and order
introduced the team to
parts. Meanwhile, the call center was also burdened
the Movilizer Appli-
with tracking down information to answer customer
cation Development
inquiries about estimated time of arrival (ETA) and
Platform, a mobility so-
job status. The amount of personnel hours spent
lution with a standard
opening and closing work orders manually was
mobile application for
more than desired and was an inhibiting factor to
field and maintenance
scaling for growth in the service contract base.
service organizations
running SAP.
The list of functionality that was launched through
the Movilizer solution for phase 1 of the project
»» Issue new service orders
»» View service order status and details (order
number, order type description, problem code,
response code, SLA, equipment model number,
»» Review and accept service orders; add an ETA to
The Movilizer solution uses a different approach –
employing a SAP-certified, cloud-based, “software-as
a-service” (SaaS), multi-device, multi-OS solution
that incles a framework and templates that accelerate project deployments and optimize the end user
experience for field service teams.
The Movilizer application framework provides a
standardized SAP connector, APIs and uses SAP
name-space ABAP to ensure seamless SAP upgrade
paths. Because each device and the SAP backend
communicate at separate times using asynchronous
processing in the cloud, applications can work online and offline – providing redundancy to prevent
data loss and speeding up performance to provide
near real-time data flow to the Peak-Ryzex service
service order
»» View the location of the service order via Google
Maps and get directions
»» Update work in progress order status (begin travel, on hold, en route, onsite, etc..)
»» Post parts consumed by the service order via a
list of available parts by equipment type
»» Complete service order with comments (either by
keyboard or voice)
»» Customer signature capture with automatic email
»» Record time traveling back to “home base” to be
recorded against the service order
»» Parts Requisition
With the Movilizer for Field Service solution now
»» Parts requisition request for each service order
selected, the Movilitas Consulting implementation
team worked in collaboration with the Peak-Ryzex
service organization to understand all of the critical
business processes that were needed as part of the
phase 1 requirements of the project.
“Within days of beginning to work with our Movilitas consultants on the project, we were able to see
from available inventory
»» Enter quantity, unit of measure, desired delivery
date and ship-to address
»» Initiate new parts requisition purchase order
request if part is not available in inventory Serial
Number History
some of our core SAP CS business processes being
»» View detailed repair history of serial number
available via Movilizer on a mobile device,” said
»» Use repair history feature to expedite problem
Gale. “Within 60 days, the Movilitas team had built
an application with a rich feature set that exceeded
our requirements for phase 1 of the project,” added
identification and resolution
»» Inventory
»» View inventory by primary storage location (part
number, material group or partial description)
»» View inventory by other secondary storage locations
»» User Configurable Settings
»» Ability to organize service orders by highest priority (SLA, status, date/time)
»» Work order repair history options
»» Inventory lookup flexibility across a variety of
stocking locations (trunk inventory, onsite at
customer or parts warehouse)
plication works extremely well, and is very user
friendly. The other remarkable aspect of Movilizer
is that it is very intuitive and we required virtually
no training for our service engineers to deploy the
application. We simply procured our new mobile
devices, staged and configured them in one central
location, shipped them to each service engineer,
sent some basic instructions on downloading the
Movilizer application from Google Play Store or the
Apple App Store and we were basically up and running,” said Gale.
A productive mobility experience means the field
service team is performing updates promptly. Call
volume into the call center for service updates or
parts requests has been reduced by 70 percent
compared to the volume before the Movilizer app
was deployed.
“The Movilizer application has empowered us with
deeper insight into our service delivery experience
and we can already see this paying off in improved
levels of responsiveness and customer service”
Greg Bosman, Regional Vice President, Peak-Ryzex, Inc.
Peak-Ryzex is also excited that Movilizer is making
a difference in their customers’ service experience.
“Customer satisfaction and maintaining high levels
of quality service delivery are crucial for us,” said
Greg Bosman, Regional Vice President, Service,
Peak-Ryzex and the Business Process Owner for
the project. “With service order closure information
provided in real-time, our call center now has up-to-
“The Movilizer solution has allowed us to create
date information in SAP and specific information on
some additional capacity in our call center due to
the location and arrival time of the service engineer.
the dramatic reduction in calls so that we can now
The Movilizer application has empowered us with
add new service contract customers to our base
deeper insight into our service delivery experience
without increasing our infrastructure support costs,”
and we can already see this paying off in improved
added Gale.
levels of responsiveness and customer service,”
“Our service engineers are telling us that the ap-
added Bosman.
Movilizer integration partner:
Movilitas SAP consultants are focused on providing the most
robust and functional systems available to our clients. To learn
more about how Movilitas can empower you to drive better
efficiency and productivity in your supply chain, ensure compliance with global regulations, and optimize field-based business
processes, contact Movilitas‘ account executive, or visit us their
Movilizer GmbH
Julius - Hatry - Straße 1
D-68163 Mannheim
T +49 (0) 621 150 207 36
F +49 (0) 621 950 015 1
E [email protected]