Pink Warfstache earrings tutorial Things you will need:


Pink Warfstache earrings tutorial Things you will need:
Pink Warfstache earrings tutorial
Things you will need:
-Polymer clay, like sculpey (not modeling clay!)
-Earring posts
-Glue, one that can bond plastic and metal well
-Oven and pan
-Sculpey Gloss Glaze
-Sculpting tools
First, mix white
clay with pink or
red to get the
shade of pink
you want.
Next, shape the clay how you want it. It’s kind of hard getting them
in the same exact shape. xD You can use clay sculpting tools to help
you, or just your hands.
Once you’re done molding the shape, it’s time to bake! Check your
polymer clay for instructions! Sculpey require you to bake on a pan
at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 min for every ¼ inch of
thickness. I did bake mine for 15 min.
After it comes out of the oven, it will be hot! So be careful! You can
either try to take them off of the pan, or leave them to cool on the
pan. It will take longer to cool if you leave it on the pan.
You can glaze it with Sculpey gloss
glaze. This isn’t required, but it does
make it look nice and shiny! Leave it for
30 min. to dry between coats.
On the the next page-
Once the glaze dries or you skipped the
glaze step, it’s time to glue them on to the
posts! This is very simple, just put a little
bit of glue on the posts and put on the
‘stache. Hold them together for about 30 sec.
or however long your glue recommends.
And now they’re done! The glaze
recommends a full 24 hours before it
completely dries so make sure not to
wear them until then! These are
super cute!
_Do not redistribute without my permission.
-Do not sell this tutorial, as I have made it free for everyone.
-You can sell the product you make with this tutorial, I don’t care.
-Make sure to show me your finished products!