Summer 2011 - Bellarmine Preparatory School


Summer 2011 - Bellarmine Preparatory School
Spring 2011
Class of ‘75 – a First, p. 14
Class of 2011 Commencement, p. 2
Alumni Basketball Tournament, p. 15
intellectual spiritual emotional physical
President’s Message
“All you who are thirsty,
come to the water!
You who have no money,
come, receive grain and eat.”
Isaiah 55:1
As the students crossed the stage for graduation this year, I was struck again by the rich
stories they carry with them: some of great achievements, some of adversity, and many of
both. As I met their eyes, I was overwhelmed recalling the paths that brought them to
Bellarmine, the journey to reach graduation and the adventures that lie ahead. One in
particular smiled with an enthusiasm that I had seen from the day she arrived on campus.
It reminded me of a story that she may not even know.
I was in a brown bag luncheon two years ago, in which our CFO, Stephanie Cisakowski,
was explaining the school’s finances to our faculty, as part of our Open Book
Management program. We were discussing the various ways our revenues had been hit
President Jack Peterson
by the economic downturn. Stephanie pointed out that our parents were feeling the
same pressures and that we would have to increase our financial aid if their children
were to be able to stay at Bellarmine. She explained that some benefactors, who realized
Bellarmine’s 2010-11 Board
this would be the case, had pledged more than $150,000 to provide financial aid to keep
Chair: Michael F. Tucci B’82
Vice Chair: Timothy Pavolka B’76 students at Bellarmine during the downturn. Hearing this story, one of our teachers
Secretary: Jay Stricherz
said that a girl in his Community Period had announced that she wouldn’t be back at
Kerry Bordeaux
Bellarmine next year. But she wouldn’t say why. When he said her name, I couldn’t
Joseph Carver, SJ
believe it. It was the same girl who had seemed to enjoy every moment at Bellarmine.
Peter Comfort, B’75
Why would she leave? If she needed money, why wouldn’t she ask for it. After the
Anita Emery
meeting, we decided we’d better find out what was going on. Stephanie approached
Aaron Engebretson, SJ
the parent and sure enough, they had had a major set-back, but since they were already
John Fuchs, SJ B’60
receiving some financial aid, they felt they could not ask for more. Stephanie had
Jim Harbaugh, SJ
the parent update their financial information and determined that they would qualify
Gail Harrison
for the special aid money available from the benefactors. The girl was able to stay at
Brianne Kampbell B’96
Bellarmine, had a glorious junior and senior year and qualified for a substantial merit
Colleen Klein
Sylvia Parker
scholarship to college. She was one of 161 seniors crossing that stage who had won
Jack Peterson
grants and scholarships to college, which totalled over $7 million.
Peter Petrich B’66
Stephen Rapkoch
Tim Thompson
Bruce Titus B’75
Michael Transue
Gregory Unruh
Mission Statement
Bellarmine is a Catholic school in
the Jesuit tradition. Its Mission is to
teach students of all faiths as Jesus did,
by proclaiming His message within a
community for the purpose of translating those values into action. To this
end, Bellarmine provides rigorous
programs of excellence that develop
and harmonize the intellectual, the
spiritual, the emotional and the physical. The ultimate aim is to produce
graduates who will be leaders in
action, modeled on Christ, fearless in
pursuing a Christian transformation of
our world.
So many things had to happen for this story to end happily. Benefactors had to step
forward with extra help. We had to open our books to the faculty and share challenging
information about our financial position. The faculty member had to feel moved to
share what was said by his student. Our CFO had to care enough to contact the parent.
The parent had to accept additional help when they would rather not. And the student
had to desire the education at Bellarmine so much that the adults around her would
stretch to keep it available. She is precisely who the prophet Isaiah is calling out to,
“All you who are thirsty, come to the water. You who have no money, come receive
grain and eat.”
Because of your love and support we are able to call out to the young people whose paths
lead to Bellarmine, inviting them to come and enjoy the rich fair that God has prepared
for them. On their behalf, and my own, thank you.
Jack Peterson
Spring 2011
Around Campus
Commencement 2011.......................................................... 2
Michael F. Tucci B’82
CHAIR, Board of Directors
Jack Peterson
Christopher Gavin
Susan Flagg wins the 2011 Elizabeth Kelley
‘Teacher of the Year’ award.................................................. 4
St. Robert Bellarmine Award Presented to
Cecilia Healy Herbert A’67.............................................. 5
Bellarmine Says Goodbye to Faculty Members................... 6
Bellarmine Remembers its Own
Pam Leazer
Jim Knudson . ................................................................... 7
Vice President of Development
Ed Fallon........................................................................... 7
Dean Hanks
2011 Academic Awards Assembly....................................... 8
Director of Major Giving
Rebuilding New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina.............. 9
Lynn Miller
Bellarmine community fights hunger................................... 9
Director of PRIDE &
Special Events
Craig Coovert
Alumni Relations Director
Jessica Rehberger Achziger B’02
2011 PRIDE Auction finds its way back home.................... 9
Spring Sports a Success...................................................... 10
Alumni Giving................................................................... 11
Bellarmine’s Legacy Giving................................................ 11
Community Caring 2011 .................................................. 12
Annual Giving Director
Bellarmine by the Numbers................................................ 13
Fr. Fred Mayovsky, SJ
The Examen at Bellarmine................................................ 14
Donor Relations Associate
Annie Condon Patterson B’02
Data Administrator
Kristy Johnson B’03
Data and Moves Manager
Amy de Guia
Development Coordinator
Margaret Treleven Murphy B’84
Treleven Design
Layout & Production
Bellarmine Today is published by the Development
Office for Alumni, Parents and Friends of Aquinas
Academy, Bellarmine Preparatory School and
St. Leo’s High School. We welcome comments
about and contributions to the magazine. Please
direct correspondence to:
Bellarmine Preparatory School
2300 S. Washington
Tacoma, WA 98405
Phone: 253-756-3857
Email: [email protected]
Booster Crab Feed – Great Food, Great Fun..................... 15
Alumni Profile
Success With A Smile, Marianne Short A’68................ 16
2011 Alumni Basketball Tournament and Social.............. 18
Save The Dates................................................................... 19
Alumni Notes..................................................................... 20
In Memoriam...................................................................... 21
Look for Bellarmine’s new alumni pages online at Share photos,
connect with old friends, and stay in touch!
Also, Bellarmine is on Facebook and Twitter
if you want to keep up with news and events.
Tacoma-WA/Bellarmine-PreparatorySchool or follow @BellarminePrep.
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011
2011 Commencement
2011 Valedictorians (Left to Right): Alyssa Ylescupidez, Alokya Perera,
Tim Murray, Kayleen McMonigal, Kate Harrison
221 graduates
2011 Salutatorians (Left to Right): Hallie Roberts, Alexander Thomas,
Bryan Hicks, Logan Adams, Kathryn Vecchiato, Kari Walen
received diplomas during the 2011 commencement exercises on Sunday,
June 5, at the Tacoma Dome Exhibition Hall. Elected by the Class of 2011,
the commencement speakers eloquently addressed fellow students, parents,
faculty and friends with wit, observations and gratitude. Samantha Johnson,
Senior Class Speaker; Tim Murray, Academic Class Speaker; and Bill Baerg
B’86, Faculty Member, Address to Graduates.
Class of 2011 Earns Over $7.3 Million in College Scholarships
Over $7.3 million in scholarships and grants was awarded to Bellarmine’s
class of 2011 – which includes 226 awards given to 161 Bellarmine seniors
Photos: Craig Coovert
(74% of the graduating class).
99% of the senior class will be going on to higher education in the fall of 2011.
206 of the 221 graduates will be attending four-year programs. Members of the
class of 2011 have been accepted at the following colleges and universities:
Gonzaga University (25)
Central Washington University (2)
Washington State University (37)
University of Washington (24)
Western Washington College (7)
Seattle University (7)
Tacoma Community College (5)
Pacific Lutheran University (4)
Northwest University (1)
University of Puget Sound (1)
Evergreen State College (1)
Highline Community College (1)
Saint Martin’s University (3)
Whitman (1)
Quest University Canada (1)
Internship with Anthem
Ministries (1)
St. John’s University (1)
Marquette University (2)
University of Michigan (2)
School of the Art Institute
of Chicago (2)
University of Portland (12)
University of Oregon (1)
Oregon State (2)
Willamette University (3)
Santa Clara University (4)
University of San Francisco (1)
Stanford University (1)
Loyola Marymount University (4)
Point Loma Nazarene University (2)
Azusa Pacific University (1)
University of Southern California (2)
University of the Pacific (1)
Diablo Valley College (1)
Santa Monica College (1)
Pomona College (1)
University of Hawaii, Manoa (1)
University of Redlands (2)
The University of Arizona (2)
University of California Santa Barbara (1)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (2)
Houston Community College (1)
Colorado State University (1)
University of Colorado Boulder (3)
Colorado School of Mines (2)
U.S. Air Force Academy (2)
Sheridan College (1)
University of Montana (3)
Montana Tech (1)
Carrol College (2)
University of Idaho (1)
Northwestern University (1)
Illinois State University (1)
Saint Louis University (1)
Columbia College (1)
Cornell University (1)
Rochester Institute of
Technology (1)
Syracuse University (1)
Boston University (1)
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (1)
Carnegie mellon (2)
U.S. Military Academy (1)
Johns Hopkins University (3)
U.S. Naval Academy (1)
Georgia Institute of Technology (1)
Xavier University (1)
Loyola University New Orleans (1)
Tulane University (1)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
University (1)
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011 3
Around Campus
Susan Flagg Wins the 2011 Elizabeth Kelley
‘Teacher of the Year’ Award
By Kate Harrison B’11, from The Lion
The packed audience of the St. Ignatius Loyola Center
erupted in a standing ovation after the unveiling of this year’s
exemplary teacher Susan Flagg. As the cheering subsided at the
Wednesday, May 18th assembly, Flagg gathered her roses on the
stage, stunned.
Flagg said, “I had no idea I was even nominated, I stood up there
completely speechless, disbelieving and grateful.”
Flagg is the Math Department chair, and has been a beloved
math teacher for 12 years at Bellarmine. She has also taught in
Germany, Florida and Hawaii. She has taught Pre-Calculus for
most of her career, and this year began teaching AP Calculus.
When asked about her greatest accomplishment as an
educator, she said, “Learning alongside my students this year
in AP Calculus. I feel like the entire class pulled together as a
community—I loved that.”
In order to get all of her students through the rigorous upper-level math curriculum she
teaches, she says she employs special techniques in the classroom. “I try to bring excitement
and energy into the room, I want the students to simply have fun with it.”
And fun they do have, nominees wrote that she is always willing to “rock her swag” in the
classroom, even allowing “special yoga breaks where she impresses us with her mad yoga skills.”
Flagg also commented on both the hardest and most rewarding aspects of being an educator.
“The hardest part is not having enough hours to give students individual attention. It is
hard for me to see students with a low confidence in math—I know they can do it, if they
would just believe in themselves. But the most rewarding moment in teaching is when a
struggling student turns the corner. The ‘aha’ moment is priceless.”
Colleagues and students recognize the immense amount of time Flagg spends tutoring
struggling students before and after school. A colleague wrote, “Her priority is student
understanding and success, and she spends hours and hours of extra time tutoring and
working individually with students.”
Students and faculty love and appreciate Flagg’s work, commenting on her empathy, sacrifice
and faith which inspires them to try their hardest in math. One nominee wrote that, “she
[teaches math] with grace and style.” And another wrote that, “She creates a classroom where
there is seamless blending of faith, dedication, and passion through mathematics.”
Flagg said she could have never done all of this alone. She said, “I would like to thank my
colleagues in the math department, you have supported me through everything. You all have
not only helped me become a better teacher, but you have created a fantastic support structure.”
Flagg said, “I feel so blessed to have received this honor. Thank you, everyone—
it means so much.”
Nomination Excerpts:
“She comes to school an
hour earlier and stays an
hour later than what is
required of her, and she
knows her main subject like
the back of her hand.”
“She shares our joys and
sadness, and is never afraid
to unleash her silly side.”
“She has given her whole
heart to the students here.
I have never met someone
with such a deep interest
in what she is teaching...”
“She has taught me the
importance of keeping God
at the center of everything
I do.”
“She does not teach at us,
she teaches with us and
for us.”
“She’s so well versed in
her subject, it is a talent
of hers to rattle off an
exact story problem from
a previous homework
assignment or test.”
“Not every teacher
would dance along to the
Encounter song with the
returning Junior girls...or be
willing to ‘rock her swag’ in
the classroom.”
“Not only has she brought
us so much laughter, but
she has been our pillar of
strength. She brought us
together and cried with us
when Mr. Knudson died.
She turned off the lights,
passed around the tissues
and said a prayer with us.”
St. Robert Bellarmine Award Presented to Cecilia Healy Herbert A’67
Speech by President Jack Peterson given at Graduation
The St. Robert Bellarmine Award is the highest honor
bestowed by Bellarmine on a member of our community.
The recipient exemplifies the very characteristics that
you will bring with you as you cross this stage today. As
graduates at graduation, Bellarmine has prepared you to
be open to growth, intellectually competent, religious,
loving and committed to justice. The recipient of this
year’s St. Robert Bellarmine Award, Cecilia Healy
Herbert, like her mother before her, graduated from
Aquinas Academy. She is also a Bellarmine alum because
Aquinas would eventually merge with another all-female
school, St. Leos, and the all-male Bellarmine to form the
co-educational Bellarmine we know today.
Cecilia Healy Herbert accepts the 2011 St Robert Bellarmine Award
At Aquinas, Mrs. Herbert received an outstanding, faithcentered education. Though she didn’t have access to the
technology, the electives and the many extra-curriculars
that you have enjoyed, the Dominican sisters who taught
at Aquinas, as well as her own family, nurtured in her
intellectual curiosity, self-discipline and a generous heart.
From the all-female environment of Aquinas she entered
a world that had been dominated by men. She graduated
from Stanford University, and Harvard Business School,
and began a career in finance, working for JP Morgan. In
1978, she appeared on the cover of Fortune Magazine as
one of the nation’s pioneering women MBA’s. After 19
years, she retired as managing director of Morgan’s San
Francisco office, to devote herself to raising her and her
husband Jim’s three beautiful children.
As important to her as the role of mother was, she did
not leave the arena of public service. In 1991, the
Archbishop of San Francisco asked her to serve on the
Archdiocesan Finance Council. In 1998, she was asked
to serve on the Board of Catholic Charities CYO one of
the largest non-profit human-service providers in the Bay
area originally founded in 1906 to care for the orphans
of the great San Francisco earthquake. She was named
president of that Board in 2007. If that weren’t enough,
she has served on a major hospital board, four different
boards for secondary and higher education, has been a
trustee and director of Women’s Forum West, is a Dame
of the Order of Malta, and has recently been appointed
to the Board of WNET, New York’s huge public media
non-profit. Despite all this, when I called her to tell her
that she had been selected for the St. Robert Bellarmine
Award, her only response was, “Surely you have someone
more deserving than me!”
Cecilia attended graduation along with her husband Jim,
her sister Hellen and brother-in-law Neil. Bellarmine
congratulates Cecilia Healy Herbert A’67 as the 2011
recipient of the St. Robert Bellarmine Award.
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011
Around Campus
Bellarmine Says Goodbye to
Faculty Members
Bellarmine Remembers its Own
Art Teacher Laurie Dahl-Isacson, Religion Teacher Rita
Kowats and Assistant Librarian Mary Floyd are retiring
from Bellarmine at the end of this year. These dedicated
Bellarmine employees have put in many years of service
to the school. All three are looking forward to retired
lives, and what the future will bring.
Also moving on this year is Drama and English Teacher
Nancy Wilkinson who is moving to Arizona with her
husband, retired Bellarminer teacher Mike Wilkinson, for
new and exciting opportunities in both theater and yoga,
two of her passions.
Jenny Henderson has decided to leave Bellarmine to be at
home with her newborn son Finn, along with her 4-yearold daughter Fiona.
All of these dedicated and wonderful Bellarmine
employees will be missed. We wish them all the best in
the next chapter of their lives.
This year Bellarmine lost two institutional icons – both
losing tough battles with cancer. Jim Knudson B’71, who
continued working at Bellarmine up until November of
last year, and Ed Fallon, long time teacher, coach, and
adminstrator at Bellarmine who retired in 1994, passed
away, both having left lasting legacies at Bellarmine.
Counselor Jim Knudson Loses Battle with Cancer
This past Febraury our beloved
friend and colleague, Jim Knudson,
passed away as a result of pancreatic
cancer. Jim’s wife, Donna, daughter
Kate B’01, son Joel B’98 and his
family were present when he passed.
Jim attended Bellarmine himself,
graduating in 1971. Jim was a long-time faculty member,
beginning in 1978 in the language department where he
taught both French and Spanish. In 1989, he followed a
dream and moved into counseling, where he served until
this year.
For many years, Jim also worked in the drama
department, managing the McAstocker Theater and
overseeing technical production for our plays.He has also
served on the Faculty Senate, and as Senate President,
and he also served a term on Bellarmine’s Board of
Directors from 1992-1995.
Laurie Dahl-Isacson
Rita Kowats
Mary Floyd
Jim’s presence as a colleague, friend, and a mentor for
Bellarmine students will be greatly missed.
Ed Fallon: A Bellarmine Icon Passes
Nancy Wilkinson
Jenny Henderson
Longtime Bellarmine teacher,
coach and administrator, Ed
Fallon, 78, passed away on
May 16, 2011. Fallon, as he
was known by many, began his
career at Bellarmine in the fall
of 1966 as a history teacher and
head football coach, and became
the Vice President for Student
Activities and Athletic Director in 1973. In his 28
years at Bellarmine, Fallon was not only instrumental
in the growth of Bellarmine athletics, but also in the
successful transition when Bellarmine became a co-ed
institution in the fall of 1974.
In many ways, Fallon’s years at Bellarmine speak for
themselves. He coached several different sports, but is
most widely known for his work as Bellarmine’s head
football coach. He took over a football team that had
won two total games in the 1964 and 1965 seasons and
built them into a power that dominated city league
football from 1971-1973. Fallon’s 1971-72 teams won
back-to-back city league championships and his 1970 and
1973 teams played for the city title in their last regularly
scheduled game. In that four year span, the Lions played
in three Thanksgiving Day games and won two Grid-GoRound championships.
Fallon instilled in his players the belief that they could be
successful in anything that they did. They over-achieved
and won many games simply because they believed they
could do so, not necessarily because they had more talent.
This belief carried over to other sports at Bellarmine.
Although the Lions had been successful on and off in
many sports through the years, the competitive drive
that Fallon promoted in his football players specifically
and the school as a whole changed the face of Tacoma
athletics forever.
and was instrumental in the construction of the Names
Gymnasium. During this time, Fallon also became a
leader in both the Tacoma City League and the Narrows
League which he helped form in 1980 with the help of
Dan Inveen, the Athletic Director of Tacoma Public
Schools, and Randy Ryan, the Athletic Director at South
Kitsap. The expansion of the city league into the Narrows
League gave Bellarmine athletes better competition and
more opportunities to participate in post-season play.
The Narrows League also became a member of the West
Central District, the largest and most powerful district
in the state. The benefit of Fallon’s foresight that led
to the growth of the Narrows League and Bellarmine’s
membership in the West Central District are felt by Lion
athletes every season they compete.
He will truly be missed. May he rest in peace.
As the school’s Athletic Director from 1973-1987, Fallon
instilled in his coaching staff the same competitive spirit
that he instilled in his players as a head coach. Bellarmine’s
success since 1971, when the school won its first city
league football championship in 25 years, can be directly
attributed to the work Fallon did in the school’s program.
Fallon left coaching in 1974 because Bellarmine was
about to merge with St. Leo’s and Aquinas. As the Vice
President of Student Activities and Athletic Director,
he firmly believed that the merger of these schools was
going to demand too much of his time as a coach. During
the four years that Fallon was away from coaching, he
began to build a girls’ athletic program that has been
second to none in Tacoma since its inception in 1974. He
coached the girls’ softball team for the first two years of its
existence, and returned to football coaching in 1978 to
immediately win his third city championship that year.
Fallon spent his remaining years at Bellarmine as the Vice
President for Student Activities, Athletic Director, and
Administrator in charge of Maintenance and Facilities.
He oversaw the growth of the campus through the 80’s
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011 7
Around Campus
2011 Academic Awards Assembly
On Wednesday, May 18th, the Bellarmine community
assembled for the 2011 Academic Awards ceremony
Congratulations to all the students and staff who received
awards. For a complete list of award winners, visit the
“About Bellarmine” link at
(Above, L to R) Juniors Meghan Hilger (Grad at Grad
Scholarship), Kelly Beck (Grad at Grad Scholarship), Ellie Sharrard
(Wellesley Book Award), and Dyllan Freeburg (Abel Award) accept
their awards
(Top) Principal Chris Gavin honors those seniors receiving merit
awards for academics.
(Middle) Senior Music Department award winners: Lauryn
Mendoza, Jonathan Wu, Devyn Patmore, Bryan Hicks, Carolyn
Hammen, Alex Thomas, Jordan Appling-Marx.
(Bottom) Bellarmine seniors (L to R) Tim Murray, Alokya Perera,
Alyssa Ylescupidaz, Hallie Roberts, Bryan Hicks, and Kathryn
Vecchiato accept their Washington Principal’s Scholars Award.
(Left) Teacher
Matt Holland
awards Jennifer
Hickey B’11 with
the Dave Ritter
Service Award.
Rebuilding New Orleans
After Hurricane Katrina
During Spring Break, Mr. Gavin and Ms. Dahl Isacson
along with parents, Marci George, Margaret Brown and
Craig Lester, took 27 Bellarmine students to St. Bernard’s
Parish in New Orleans to help with the continued
rebuilding of homes following the aftermath of Hurricane
Katrina five years ago.
The whole area of St. Bernard’s Parish was flooded with
8-12 feet of contaminated water for two weeks when
the dikes gave way. An estimated 26,000 homes were
affected. The students spent a week working on one of 10
homes that were being rebuilt.
Bellarmine students deliver canned goods donated during “Can the
Man” to the Food Connection truck. (L to R) Kylie Kilmer B’14,
Akinyele Gilbert B’14, Jessica Birmingham B’13, Nishanti Perera
B’13, Tyler Bridges B’13
Bellarmine Community Fights Hunger
Typical jobs were painting, installing sheet rock, taping
and mudding. The work was labor intensive, but the
rewards were ever so gratifying when the students were
able to see the joy on the owners’ faces as their home was
taking shape.
“Can the Man”, Bellarmine’s annual food drive,
brought in 10,819 pounds of food, and once again filled
up Principal Chris Gavin’s (The Man) office. Class
totals in pounds were: Seniors, 2,770; Juniors, 3,782;
Sophomores, 2,105; Freshman, 2,162.
2011 PRIDE Auction finds its way back home!
Bellarmine’s 2011 PRIDE Auction, “There’s No Place Like Home”, followed
the yellow brick road back to the Bellarmine campus this year after a six
year stint at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. More than 500 guests
attended the event and helped to raise over $310,000 to fund scholarships,
financial aid and other critical programs at Bellarmine. Many alumni
returned “home” and were delighted to celebrate in the new Ignatious
Loyola Center.
The evening was filled with excitement as bidders competed against each
other for that “unique and exclusive item.” Some of the more popular “Live
items” included – a Cruise Around The Sound & Dinner At Delano Bay For 10 hosted by our very own Chris Gavin, his
lovely wife Doreen, and past parents David & Peggy Kennel; ten Premier 2011 Graduation Seats; and a luxury suite for
12 at a Seattle Sounders game. New to the auction this year was a wine pull where guests paid $35 to choose one of 60
cleverly wrapped bottles that disguised which wine they were choosing. Values of the wines ranged from $15 to $125.
Please join us and our chairs Mary Byrne B’79 & Karen Witker B’89, March 30, 2012 on the Bellarmine campus for
next years’ Bellarmine PRIDE auction.
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011 9
Around Campus
Spring Sports a Success!
Bellarmine had a very successful spring sports season.
The success of Bellarmine’s athletes included 3 state
championships! Way to go Lions!
Boys Soccer
Girls Golf
The Bellarmine boys golf team captured its 8th state championship in
school history. Steve George and Aaron Engerbretson, coaches.
Boys Tennis
Boys Tennis – 4th place
Girls Track – 5th place
Boys Track – 8th place
Girls Golf
Boys Golf
Girls 4x400 Relay Team
Hannah Derby B’14 – 400 Meter race
(Above) The girls golf team pose with coach, Mark Bender after
taking home the Narrows League championship.
(Left) Bellarmine’s
state champion golfers
with coaches Scott
Schulz and Mark
The boys and girls track
and field teams were 2nd
in the Narrows League and
5th in the West Central/
Southwest District meet. At
state, the girls placed 5th
with 34 points. The girls won
two state championships:
freshman Hannah Derby’s
win in the 400m in a school
record time of 56.41 and
the girls 4x400m relay team
(Right; L to R) Hannah
Derby, freshman Larisa
Robic, sophomore Daryl
Phill, and senior Sammi
Dowling. The relay also set a
school record with a time of
The boys placed 8th with
26 points. They were led by
Michael Rector’s 3rd in the
100m and 2nd in the 200m
(Bottom right).
Alumni Giving
Thank you, to all of the Bellarmine, St. Leo’s and
Aquinas alumni who have supported Bellarmine
this year through our annual giving program, The
Bellarmine Fund. Your gift to The Bellarmine
Fund – combined with the gifts of your fellow alums
– directly and immediately benefits our students,
faculty, programs and facilities, and guarantees that
Bellarmine continues to educate its students to
develop as “men and women for others.” We are
excited to share with you that our alumni giving has
increased by 2% this fiscal year!
If you’ve already given this year – please consider
a second smaller gift. If you haven’t given, please
consider giving a gift before the end of Bellarmine’s
fiscal year, June 30, 2011 – now is
your chance to make a real difference
and give back to Bellarmine. Make
your online gift today at www.
For more information please visit
the annual giving section on the
website at
Contact Jessica Rehberger Achziger B’02, Annual
Giving Director, at 253-756-3878 or achzigerj@
Bellarmine launches initiative to
promote gifts through your will and
gifts that anyone can afford!
Newly appointed Bellarmine Director of
Major Gifts and Legacy Giving, Dean M.
Hanks, announced that the Bellarmine
Development office is interested in
hearing from all Alumni, parents and
grandparents that have an interest
in securing their legacy of support to
Bellarmine. In particular, learning
about the ways to do that by gifts made
in your will, naming Bellarmine as a partial beneficiary
of insurance plans or by making outright gifts to start or
add to Endowment funds to recognize you or your family.
Hanks said, “We are ushering in a new era of
making gifts thru your will or other means that
are uncomplicated and allow Alumni, parents and
grandparents to ensure that the devotion and caring
they have shown to Bellarmine during their lifetime
will live on and serve future students for generations
to come.”
An example of how to make an affordable gift today
comes from Hanks’ himself, who upon joining
Bellarmine assigned the $25,000 Life Insurance policy
provided to all Bellarmine employees back to the
School’s General Endowment Fund. He said “For
me assigning the Bellarmine Life Insurance policy to
support the General Endowment was a first easy step
to showing my commitment to growing Legacy Giving
in the years to come and to know that students would
benefit in the future from an action I could take today.”
If you are interested in learning more about how to
make your Legacy Gift, call or email Dean today at
[email protected] or 253-756-3875. He
is looking forward to visiting with Alumni, parents
and grandparents of all ages to discuss how to make a
significant Legacy Gift today that is affordable to you and
impactful to the Bellarmine mission in the years ahead.
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011 11
Around Campus
(L to R) Teachers Ben Meeker, Jeanne Hanigan B’84, Bill Rosendin, and Tom Larson join the students to raise funds for financial aid.
Community Caring 2011
Remember the days of Fitness Fare, Fitness Fun, and
Community Caring?
Over the years Bellarmine students have participated in
a variety of student fundraisers in support of the school’s
broader effort to raise funds for financial aid. While
the names of the fundraisers, as well as the activities
involved may have changed over time, one thing has
remained true throughout all of the student fundraisers –
Bellarmine continues to educate its students to become
“men and women with and for others.”
how to get involved within the Bellarmine community
and our community at large. They enjoyed refreshments
and received fun giveaways along the route, all the
while showing their willingness to walk in the shoes of
their brothers and sisters, appreciating the fact that 1 in 3
Bellarmine students receives some level of financial aid.
After the walk, all students, faculty, and staff gravitated
to the quad ending the day with a school-wide barbeque
Community Caring, as it is has been known for the last
few years, remained Bellarmine’s spring student fundraiser
this year but the campaign itself had a new twist.
With “Help me walk in the shoes of my brothers and sisters”
as its theme, students participated in a letter writing
campaign asking their friends and family to make a
donation specifically for financial aid. The fundraiser
culminated on May 10th with an inspiring and fun
school-wide walk around campus.
Along the walk students stopped at various sponsored
booths where they received information and learned
Jack Peterson, Jessica Rehberger Achziger B’02 and Fr. Fred
Mayovsky, SJ participate in Community Caring.
(courtesy of the Boosters), music (courtesy of ASB), and
dunk tank entertainment (courtesy of PRIDE).
A special thanks...
A special thank you to all the students, faculty, staff, sponsors
and donors for helping our efforts in this fundraiser – you are
men and women for others! Because of your commitment,
this year’s Community Caring fundraiser surpassed its goal by
raising over $150,000 in just 3 months!
Bellarmine’s Alumni Association, Bellarmine Boosters,
Bellarmine’s Finance Department, Bellarmine’s Jesuit
Community, Bellarmine’s Lion’s Den, Bruce Titus
Automotive Group, Budget Signs, Catholic Community
Services, Habitat for Humanity, PRIDE, Starbucks, and
United Way.
Bellarmine by the numbers
The Bellarmine Community continues to show its commitment to community service. The students participated in a
wide variety of community service projects, allowing them to truly receive a unique and meaningful perspective on what
it means to be “men and women for others.” The students of Bellarmine truly are living out the 5th arm of the Grad at
Grad “Committed to Justice.” In this issue of By the Numbers, we simply showcase some of our Bellarmine students, and
highlight some of the great service projects they have done this year.
1. Can the Man brought in over 11,000 pounds of
canned goods this spring (see page 9).
2. Over 30 students and chaperones, including Principal
Chris Gavin, traveled to New Orleans to help build
houses destroyed by Hurricane Katrina (see page 9).
3. Bellarmine housed 10 families, totaling 12 adults and
22 children over a 3 week period in Fr. Weber Hall
on campus through the Phoenix Housing program.
4. Bellarmine placed 225 students in Community
Service projects through the Tacoma area which
included elementary schools, seniors centers and
retirement homes and day cares.
5. 130 Bellarmine sophomores participated in three
Habitat for Humanity Site Builds throughout the
school year. The other 130 volunteered for L’Arche
Tahoma Hope.
6. Three mornings a week Bellarmine students, faculty,
staff and parents participated in Operation Keep ‘Em
Warm and Fed, a program which serves breakfast to
the poor and homeless in downtown Tacoma.
7. Bellarmine’s student fundraiser “Community Caring”
raised $153,000 for financial aid at Bellarmine, and
concluded with a campus wide walk, which included
10 Bellarmine and Community Booths positioned
throughout the walk.
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011 13
Around Campus
The Examen at Bellarmine
By Rick Keller-Scholz
What would happen to us if we could each take a few
minutes each day, say, right after lunch and reflect on
our day, noting what has made grateful, what has been
weighing on us and what is one way we want to be kinder
to others? And further, what if we were doing this in
response to our loving God, who is with us in all of these
experiences, and wants to show us how to keep growing
in all of our relationships, especially with him? This, in
fact, is what Bellarmine has been doing, school-wide
each full school day via the PA before the last period
of the day, since January, with a Jesuit-inspired prayer
experience called the “Examination of Consciousness” or
‘the Examen” for short.
Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, noted that if
one would simply examine the events in the course of
one’s day and, if in doing so, would trust that God was
there with them and wanted to help them see their life
with a sense of gratitude and a desire to grow, they would
be spiritually transformed. It became such a passion
of Ignatius that he required his fellow Jesuits to do an
Examen at least once, if not twice, a day.
So how did Bellarmine come to make the Examen a part
of its school day? Thanks to Chris Gavin, who had a
vision for the effect such an accessible aspect of Igantian
spirituality could have on Bellarmine, a committee of
faculty was called together to see how the Examen would
fit into the Bellarmine school day. After exploring what
several of Belarmine’s sister Jesuit school’s were doing
with the Examen, it was decided to begin the last period
of the school day with a student-led Examen format via
the PA so as to provide a common, school-wide prayer
experience. The format is quite simple. After the bell for
the last period of the day rings, a student turns on the
PA and strikes a chime to announce the beginning of
the Examen. She or he then begins reading the prayer,
inviting the students to a moment of stillness and then
reflection on their day’s events in light of the Holy Spirit.
He or she then closes the Examen with a short prayer. It
takes about 3-4 minutes and then classes begin.
In this initial phase of the Examen different committee
members have been writing the Examens and have
been exploring several different styles of preparing the
daily prayer. In doing so they have begun to create
a Bellarmine style of the Examen that seems to be
working as they continue to solicit feedback from
students and staff alike over how to be best bring the
Examen into the life of the school.
As the Examen continues to blend itself into the
Bellarmine experience it will both further strengthen our
Ignatian spiritual identity as well as provide ongoing faith
formation for all of us here on The Hill.
Booster Crab Feed – Great Food, Great Fun
By Denise Ploof
Bellarmine’s annual Booster Crab Feed saw another
packed house in the Names Gym on Saturday, April 30.
Both the crab (thanks to alum Gary Snarski B’75) and
company were outstanding.
Thanks to the Boosters, Table Captains, sponsors
and other volunteers and supporters for another great
athletic fundraiser. A special thanks to Event Chair
Lauri McLeod who spent countless hours in preparation
for the Crab Feed.
Booster Jeff Buhr Award for Outstanding Volunteerism
Honors Chuck Johnston
Chuck Johnston is the consummate Bellarmine Prep
volunteer, which is why he is receiving the Jeff Buhr
Award this year from the Bellarmine Boosters for his
outstanding dedication and volunteer efforts.
This year marks the second
year the Boosters have
honored an outstanding
volunteer. The Jeff Buhr
Award, begun in 2010
and named in honor
of longtime
Booster Volunteer
Jeff Buhr (Jipper),
is presented
annually at the
Crab Feed.
Chuck is a threetime Booster
President with his
first term in 1992.
He has served on
the Booster Board for
Crab feed attendees enjoy themselves at the event
many years, is founder and past chairman of the Booster
Sports Breakfast, was Crab Feed Chairman for several
years, was a member of the Bellarmine Board of Directors
from 1999-2005 and was the Board Rep. to the School
Life Committee. Chuck volunteers as the announcer for
girls basketball and has announced both girls soccer and
boys basketball. He has also been an assistant freshman
football coach for over ten years.
Chuck was born and raised in Tacoma. He graduated
from the University of Washington and received his Law
Degree from Seattle University in 1978. He has his own
law practice and has been practicing law, specializing
in criminal defense in both state and federal courts
since 1979. Chuck has extensive involvement in both
Bellarmine and the greater Tacoma community, having
served on various committees and boards of directors as
well as coaching youth and high school sports.
Chuck has been married for over 35 years to Sue and the
couple has three grown sons and a daughter – who all
graduated from Bellarmine – Joshua B’93, Jeremy B’95,
Jacob B’02 and Sarah B’04.
Chuck Johnston accepts the Jeff Buhr
Award for Outstanding Volunteerism
from Bellarmine Athletic Director
Ed Ploof B’75.
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011
alumni profile
Success with a Smile
By Craig Coovert
As the school year ends and Bellarmine sends off another
graduating class of men and women who are “Grads at
Grad” – open to growth, intellectually competent, loving,
religious, and committed to justice – we can’t help but think
of our past alums who truly have incorporated these
characteristics into their everyday lives.
One alum that stands out is Marianne Sopel Short A’68,
Vice President of Human Resources for the Seattle
Mariners. Marianne Sopel Short is part of a blended
family through the union of her mother, Ann-Louise+
Greiwe Petrich A’38 and the Honorable Jack+ Petrich
B’37. Between the two they had ten children all either
attending Aquinas or Bellarmine.
Marianne allowed Bellarmine the unique opportunity
to spend some time with her at Safeco Field. Marianne’s
path to the Mariners began all the way back at Aquinas
Academy. She credits
Aquinas for helping to
shape and transform her
into who she is today.
She is truly grateful
for the education and
friendships she made
during her time at
Aquinas. Friendship
has always been very
important to Marianne.
“My friends from Aquinas are still my
best friends today,” Marianne said. She
continues to regularly get together with
her Aquinas classmates.
Attending an all-girls school gave her
an appreciation for women, which she
finds somewhat ironic since she now
works in a business dominated by men.
Marianne was one of the first female
Vice Presidents in baseball when she was
promoted in 2000 to Vice President of
Human Resources. Since then there are a few more women
who have joined her in this prestigious role, but she is still
in the minority.
While attending an all-girls school didn’t necessarily
prepare her for working in an industry dominated by men,
it did empower Marianne, and show her that women can
do whatever they want in life, and she hopes that message
can be passed on to the current girls attending Bellarmine.
One thing that stands out from Marianne’s experience
at Aquinas was that “there was no drama or competing
at Aquinas,” Marianne said. “Everyone was friends.”
This has translated into how she treats the over 1600
employees that she comes into contact with on a daily
basis. In Marianne’s mind, it does not matter if you are
Marianne is surrounded by a number of members of the Bellarmine
community at Safeco:
• Jeremy Weir B’95 works along-side Marianne in human resources,
and has been doing so for the past 11 years. Jeremy graduated from
the University of Idaho on a Friday, started working for the Mariner
organization on Monday, and has been there ever since.
• Bellarmine Past Parent, Bob Christofferson, Head Groundskeeper
for the Mariners, has the unique opportunity to work alongside his
children Tyler B’02 and Lauren B’04.
• Leo Liebert B’80 and Jackson Guzzo B’06 also join the Christoffersons
on grounds.
(L to R) Bob Christofferson, Leo Liebert B’80, Jeremy Weir B’95,
Marianne Short A’68, Jackson Guzzo B’06, Lauren Christofferson
B’04, and Tyler Christofferson B’02
“It’s easy to hire Bellarmine grads because we
know they’re going to work hard.”
–Bob Christofferson
(L to R) Bellarmine Special Events Coordinator Lynn Miller, Jeremy Weir B’95, Marianne Short A’68, and Bellarmine Alumni Director
Craig Coovert
the highest paid Major League Baseball player, or the
recently hired ticket taker– everyone is an integral part
to the Mariner family. In Marianne’s words, “It is not just
being part of the Mariner organization; it is being part of
the Mariner family.”
Marianne says a key to her job is being able to listen. Her
“aha” moment came 11 years ago when talking to Mariner
Superstar Ken Griffey Jr. What Griffey was talking about
was irrelevant at the time; however, what she came to
realize was that “everyone needs someone to talk to,”
regardless if it’s Ken Griffey Jr. or someone who sells game
day tickets. Being there to listen is what’s important.
well respected she is. Team President, Chuck Armstrong,
praised Marianne, saying “She is the best.” Every
employee that we encountered while walking around
the stadium with Marianne had positive things to say
about her, but one of the quotes stood out from the rest:
“Everyone loves Marianne.”
It’s great to see someone like Marianne Short representing
Aquinas, St. Leo’s, and Bellarmine in such a great light,
and continuing to live out the principals of the “Grad at
Grad”. She affects so many people in a positive way on a
daily basis, and you can’t help but see the Aquinas “Angel”
in her when interacting with her co-workers.
After spending just a few hours with Short, it was obvious
how much everyone loves working with her and how very
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011
2011 Alumni Basketball
Tournament and Social
The Bellarmine Alumni Basketball Tournament
was held over the weekend of June 3-4, with twelve
teams having signed up to play competing for the title.
This year, the teams had the bonus of getting to play in
the brand new Booster Gym. All the teams expressed
how great the new gym was. The Class of 2010, making
their Alumni Basketball Tournament debut, won the
tournament, narrowly edging the Class of 2001 in double
overtime in the final game.
An alumni social was also held on Friday night during
the tournament in the lobby of the new gym. Over 75
alumni and friends of Bellarmine enjoyed themselves
well into the night. Everyone agreed that holding the
social event in the lobby of the new gym was a great
idea, and expressed that they thought this was a tradition
Bellarmine should continue.
The date for next year’s tournament will be announced
soon. Please mark your calendar and plan on playing and/
or attending the social.
2010 Championship Team (L to R) Joseph Barsh B’10, Garrett
Ratfield B’10, Gavin Babbitt B’10, Tommy Joyce B’10,
Brent Felnagle B’10, Drake Waters B’10
SPONSORS: Katie Downs, Bruce Titus Automotive,
Bellarmine Boosters, Bellarmine Alumni Association
2001 Runner Up Team (L to R) Greg Hester B’01,
David Kampbell B’01, John Durkin B’01, Brian
Johnson B’01, Chris Bernards
Class year’s participating in this years tournament were 1971-74,
1975, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2010, and a
faculty/staff team.
save the dates
Alumni Night Out @ Masa on 6th Ave.
Thursday, July 14, 6pm
No host social after work with fellow Alumni
Bellarmine Booster Golf Tournament
Thursday, September 15, 1pm
Fircrest Golf Club
Campus Wide Clean-Up Day
Saturday, September 24th, 8am-4pm
Come help other volunteers keep our campus beautiful
Bellarmine Homecoming
Friday, October 21
Cheer the Lions on at the football game. Come to the
pregame Booster BBQ and Alumni All-ages social. The
post game party is a 21-and-over event in Student Center
following the game.
San Francisco
Thursday, July 21, 6pm
Special Events Coordinator
Lynn Miller and Stu Miller
B’79 will be hosting an alumni
event for all Bay Area alums of
Aquinas, Bellarmine, and St.
Leo’s. A postcard is being sent
with specific event details.
New York
Tuesday, August 23, 6pm
President Jack Peterson will
be hosting an alumni event
for all New York area alums of
Aquinas, Bellarmine, and St.
Leo’s. A postcard is being sent
with specific event details.
We hope to make the tournament even bigger
and better next year. To do that we need more teams,
and we also need teams to pre-register. Look for
information to come out soon about next year, and
you can get your team signed up. For more information
contact Craig Coovert at [email protected]
or 253-756-3857.
Washington D.C.
Thursday, August 25, 6pm
President Jack Peterson will be
hosting an alumni event for all
Washington D.C. area alums
of Aquinas, Bellarmine, and
St. Leo’s. A postcard is being
sent with specific event details.
For more information on these events, please contact
Craig Coovert at [email protected] or
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011
alumni notes… Keeping in Touch
Jim Burcar B’55 and Maria
Teresa Carill Burcar celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary
with a Mass at St. Nicholas
Catholic Church in Gig Harbor,
WA. Over 200 family and friends
attended the Mass and reception
that followed.
Dave Ballman B’71 and his
wife, Eileen, are currently living
in Winston Salem, NC. Eileen is
a High School English teacher,
and Dave is working for the
Department of Veterans Affairs
“until Eileen retires.”
Sharon Reis Almer SL’56 and
Roger Almer of Longview, WA
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversay along with 300 guests
with dinner and dancing hosted
by their four daughters and
families. Three of the original
eight of the wedding party
were able to attend. They were
married at St. James Catholic
Church in Vancouver, WA on July
2, 1960. Tables were displayed
with stages of their lives from
the bridal gown and accessories
to their going away suits. Other
displays included photos of the
Almer’s daughters from birth to
weddings and 10 grandchildren,
a table with many memorabilia,
as well as one from their 25th
wedding anniversay party.
Roger is retired from the logging
business after 35 years. Sharon
retired from the Longview School
District after 21 years as a Paraeducator.
Robert Johnson B’78 is
currently living in Hingham, MA,
where he owns his own finance
On Friday, July 16 at Tacoma Elks
Club, the all-Bellarmine band,
Six House Radius, will be playing
blues and rock. Band members
include Chris Denzler B’79,
Craig Hartinger B’79, Tony
Pellisier B’79, Frank Castro
B’79, and Danny Millie B’80.
Doors open at 7:30pm; $7 cover.
No need to be an Elk, just bring
your dancing shoes and join us
for a great time!
Jane Pearson Mullens B’88
and husband Rob Mullens are
now living in Eugene, OR, where
Jane is a NCAA compliance
consultant and Rob is the Athletic
Director for the University of
Oregon. They also have two
children, Cooper, age 6, and
Tanner, age 4.
Stacy Seaworth Halyburton
B’93 and her husband Joe
recently moved to North Carolina,
where Stacey works as a Medical
Assistant. Stacey and Joel have
two children, Tabby age 13, and
Jesse age 12.
Kymberly Evans Evanson B’95
and Aaron Evanson welcomed
their second son, Jack Loren, on
September 8, 2010. Big brother
Lucas was born in Washington
DC in 2006. Aaron recently
became the Senior Project
Manager for Method Homes, a
modern prefab home building
company in Seattle. Kymberly is
an associate at the newly-formed Pacifica Law Group, where she
practices appellate, constitutional
and governmental law.
Michael Perez B’98 was
awarded the Airlift Tanker
Association Young Leader
Award in October 2010, which
is an Air Force level award.
The award was presented to
him by the Chief of Staff of
the Air Force, the Air Mobility
Command Commander, and
the Transportation Command
Commander. Michael was 1 of 10
award winners in the entire Air
Force. Michael is currently based
in Arlington, VA at Dover Air
Force Base.
Alisha Fewins B’04 graduated
from The University of
Washington School of Pharmacy
in April 2011, with a Doctor of
Pharmacy Degree (PharmD).
Dr. Alisha Fewins is currently
practicing at Seattle Cancer Care
Sue McGrew B’04 is carving
with a group of sand sculptors for
the Travel Channel’s new show
“Sand Masters”. The program
debuted on June 1 and airs
Wednesdays at 7pm.
Bryan Hornbeck B’06 married
Elysia Steyer on April 30th,
2011 in Sumner, WA. Bryan is
working at the Boeing Company
as an Assembly Installer, and
Elysia is working as an Optical
Associate. They currently reside
in Puyallup, WA.
Keavy Gilbert B’07 won a
fellowship to pursue her master’s
this fall at Queens University in
Lena Park B’07 graduated
magna cum laude from Boston
College University.
Kelsey Gasseling B’07 was
recognized as Boston College’s
school newspapers’ Person of
Every effort is made to
ensure accuracy. We
regret any printed errors.
Please report errors by
phoning Alumni Relations
at 253-756-3857 or email
[email protected].
in memoriam
We ask for your prayers for the families and friends of the following deceased alumni. Every effort is made to ensure
accuracy. Please report errors to the Development Office at 253-752-6302.
Adelyn Chapman A’31 (11/10)
Bob Anderle B’50
Dorothy Healy A’33, Mother of Jim Healy B’69, Cecilia Herbert A’67
and Helen Modie A’65, Sister of Sr. Margaret Kiely OP A’43
Peter Ehli SL’50
Philip Bartenetti B’34 (3/11), Husband of Betty A’37, Father of Phillip W.
B’60, Mary Ann Whipple A’64
Mary Snyder A’36 (4/11)
John Honan B’37 (10/10), Husband of Anne SL’42, Brother of
Isabelle+Mixon St. Leo’s ‘42, Alice+Honan St. Leo’s ‘41, Russell+ B’36,
Robert+ B’40, Mother of Patricia A’72, Barbara Olsen A’71, Mary Wood
B’78, John B’76, James B’82
Dr. Joseph Gallucci, Jr B’53, Son of Joseph + SL’26, Brother of Ronald
B’56 and John B’52 Gallucci, Louise Gallucci A’61
Thomas Brierley B’55 (1/11)
Patricia Nino SL’56 (3/11), Wife of Ronald Nino B’57, Sister of William +
Wynne B’56
Irvin Sysum B’56(11/10)
Sharon Trautman SL ‘57, Sister of William B’52 Charolette SL’55
Katherine (Jurich) Puratich A’42 (12/10), Mother of Joseph B’73, John
+ B’71, Patricia Haveman B’85, Sister of Domina Huntsman A’40, Lucille
Bullatt A’53, George B’51
Roy Mory B’60 (10/10)
Sr. Margaret Kiely, OP A’43 (2/11), Sister of Dorothy+Healy A’33
David Hebert B’46 (12/10), Brother of Paul + B’45, Doris + Stevens SL’48,
Joan Hammerich SL’50, Loretta Macha SL’56
Mary Ellen Kirk Pavolka A’48 (1/11), Mother of Tim B’76 and children:
Matt B’05, John B’13, and David B’08
Nancy Joan (Rossick)Miller A’62 (7/10)
Marie Vachon SL’63, Sister of William B’50 and Larry + LaVergne B’54
Hugh Larkin B’67, Husband of Beth A’67. Brother of Maureen Schmidt
A’58, Charlotte Hirsh A’69, Sharon Findholm A’56, Thomas B’66, Patrick
B’63, Michael B’60, Kelly B’76, James B’72
Jim Knudson B’71 (2/11), Father of Katia B’01 and Joel Knudson B’98,
Brother of Gary Knudson B’64
Mary Babich SL’73 (11/10), Sister of Toby B’71
Ron D’Olivo B’74 (3/11), Son of Rinaldo + B’48 and Elizabeth A’48,
Brother of Kathleen Swisher A’70 and Douglas D’Olivo B’72
Charlie McDonald III B’79, Husband of Kimberly M. McDonald B’80,
Father of Abby R. McDonald B’13, Brother of Peter D. McDonald B’78 and
Andrew D. McDonald B’84
Thomas Rowland B’94 (2/11)
+ denotes deceased
Our obituary information is taken from The News Tribune. If you have an
obituary from an out of town paper on an alum; please forward to us at
Bellarmine for publishing in Bellarmine Today.
Bellarmine TODAY | Spring 2011
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For the latest info, hit the Reunions link at
2001: Aug. 13-14 – The Bellarmine Class of 2001 will be
holding it’s 10-year reunion on August 13-14, 2011. Contact
Alison Scanlin at [email protected] for more information.
1991: June 24 – Alumni-only gathering at The Swiss from
7-11:30pm. Contact Jannae Jolibois at [email protected]
for more information.
1981: Aug. 5, 7-11pm – Alumni Gathering at The Engine
House #9, upstairs, no-host bar. Aug. 6, 6pm - Social at
Bellarmine Prep, Gym Lobby & Courtyard. Appetizers and
desserts, BYOB. $25/pp. Please RSVP no later than July 1st to
Colleen Cleary Schacht [email protected]
1976: Aug. 27 – Golf at Allenmore 12:30 tee-off. Evening
gathering at The Harmon Tap Room, 6:30. Aug. 28 - Mass at
Bellarmine, 9:00 am with tours of the New Gym to follow.
1971: Aug. 13, 6-10pm – gathering in lobby of Bellarmine’s
New gym & Courtyard, $33 per person, Please RSVP by June 23.
Contact: Christy Ward, at (757) 362-2790 | christy07.ward@
1961: Aug. 12, 6:30pm – gathering in Bellarmine Student Center,
Alumni Only, $30. Aug. 13 - 5pm Mass in Chapel, 6pm Social
Hour and Campus Tours, 7pm Dinner in the Bellarmine Student
Center. Please RSVP to John Richmond (206) 390-0599 |
[email protected]
1951: Aug. 6 – 11:30am Mass in Chapel, 1pm Lunch in the
Bellarmine Student Center, Please RSVP by July 6th to Kenny
Roberts, (253) 565-4962 |[email protected]
Reunite with friends at your reunion!