World Shorinji Kempo Organization


World Shorinji Kempo Organization
World Shorinji Kempo Organization
Founded in Japan in 1947 by So Doshin, Shorinji Kempo is a way of developing individuals. It is a unique
combination of the philosophy, mastery of techniques, and the education system. Through learning the philosophy,
students are taught how to nurture their own body and mind, help each other, and live happily together. “Mastery of
techniques” enables students to enjoy advancement and growth of themselves and their partners. “Education system”
combines this philosophy and mastery of techniques into an effective, mutually reinforcing spiral.
A man is, by birth, capable of growing in any direction. Shorinji Kempo aims to nurture individuals striving to
upgrade themselves with a strong belief in their potential who can take action in cooperation with others to build a
peaceful society that would be both materially and spiritually rich.
Foundation of
Shorinji Kempo is founded in
Japan; Tadotsu, Kagawa.
Large 3 dojo (gym) over 800
square meters each and other
facilities needed for practice
and studying are available in
the 16000 square meters
area of the headquarters.
Many Shorinji Kempo kenshi come back to Hombu
(headquarters) through the year for practicing both mental and
physical aspects.
Motivation and Goals of Founding SHORINJI KEMPO
So Doshin, 1911-1980
Founder of Shorinji Kempo
Amidst the postwar turmoil, So Doshin, Kaiso or founder of Shorinji Kempo,
discovered that events were greatly affected by the character and way of
thinking of leaders. Accordingly, Kaiso defined that leadership should be
based on confidence, courage, and vigor. Determined to develop as many
individuals as possible who could properly exercise leadership in creating a
peaceful and rich society, So Doshin started giving the youths, who were at a
loss as to their hopes and life goals in such turmoil, lectures on how to live
richly as well as techniques that would effectively nurture their bodies and
self-confidence. So Doshin founded Shorinji Kempo in order to develop
socially useful individuals with self-confidence, courage, and vigor by
drawing out their pride and conviction and the awareness of a man’s inherent
potential through lectures and training.
The Six distinguished characteristics
How to train both body and spirit: ken zen ichinyo ( unity of ken and zen )
The first distinguishing characteristic of Shorinji Kempo is “ken zen ichinyo.” Ken refers to the fleshly body,
zen to mind and spirit. Often we are tempted to think of body and spirit as separate entities, but actually this is
not so. When something surprises us, the heart races. If we get sick, not only the body but also our spirits fall,
and we no longer find ourselves desiring to do much of anything. So it is that our bodies and spirits are closely
intertwined. When we train in Shorinji Kempo, it is important to keep a balance between the physical training
and the spiritual training.
Shorinji Kempo is not just a theory of mind, nor is it a way of achieving spiritual contentment simply through
physical hardship. Training in Shorinji Kempo is a method for nourishing both body and spirit alike through
examining oneself and unearthing the possibilities within oneself. This is “ken zen ichinyo.”
The principle and basis for action in Shorinji Kempo:
riki ai funi (strength and love in harmony)
The second distinguishing characteristic of Shorinji Kempo is
“riki ai funi.” The idea here is that no-one can live in happiness
with only love and compassion; intellect and strength are
necessary as well. If you see others being tortured, your love
and compassion may make you want to help them, but if you
lack courage, power, or a way to take action, then you cannot
help. Conversely, strength without love or compassion is
nothing more than violence. To overcome injustice or
corruption, first one needs the ability to evaluate the good and
bad, then the knowledge of how to judge the situation and how
to use one’s abilities, and then the courage to stand up to face
There is a saying: “Justice without strength is powerless.
Strength without justice is violence.” As kenshi, you should
harmonize your strength and love, unite your intellect and
compassion, and then – using these as the foundation for your
actions – you should make your own life a stable and happy one
and contribute actively to the peace and well-being of society.
The proper way of training to improve techniques and character:
shushu koju (defense is primary, offense subordinate)
The third distinguishing characteristic of Shorinji Kempo is “shushu koju.” The technical methods of Shorinji
Kempo are constructed so they begin with defending against the attack, and after completely protecting oneself,
counterattacking. This is because Shorinji Kempo, to ensure that its teachings are righteous in nature, is based
on the idea of a martial art that is used only to defend oneself against violence. For this spiritual reason, one
should not thoughtlessly strike the first blow. There is a technical reason, too, in that making your position
impregnable allows you to seize the advantage that comes when your opponent makes the first move.
The Six distinguished characteristics
fusatsu katsujin (not to kill, but to awaken)
The fourth distinguishing characteristic of Shorinji Kempo is “fusatsu katsujin.” The physical techniques of
Shorinji Kempo are not for killing or injuring people. They are for protecting yourself, helping other people, and
improving people’s lives. The techniques of Shorinji Kempo are effective in causing intense pain that makes
people lose the will to fight. This is done by attacking pressure points identified by the meridians of Oriental
medicine, based on thousands of years of tradition. Moreover, rational use of tactics, techniques and strength
based on the principles of the discipline allows one to gain large effects from small amounts of force. Thus the art
aims always to work for the good of people without killing or injuring anyone. Fusatsu katsujin is also important
from the point of view of Shorinji Kempo’s status as a gyo for developing individuals.
To meet various attacks: go ju ittai (hard and soft make one whole)
fifth distinguishing characteristic of Shorinji Kempo is “go ju ittai.” The goho (hard methods) include strikes, kicks,
To meet The
attacks: go ju ittai (hard and soft make one whole)
The juho (soft of
and joint
as goho andinclude
juho each
The fifth distinguishing
is “go
ju ittai.”
goho (hard
their own
they supplement
and reinforce
each (soft
other to
become even
more defenses,
effective. This
is what and
we call
the go
and evasions.
The juho
ju ittai of techniques.
Although Beyond
goho and
this juho
there are
of juho
in the
and elements
goho in the juho,
and which
we call
the other
become side
the go ju ittai of techniques. Beyond this there are elements
how hard
and soft This
make is
ju ittai.
of juho within the goho and elements of goho within the juho, which we call the go ju ittai of application.
A training system for strengthening one another and maturing together:
kumite shutai (paired practice is primary)
The sixth characteristic of Shorinji Kempo is “kumite shutai.” In Shorinji Kempo, training in pairs is the norm.
This is for the purpose of gaining skills that a person cannot learn alone, such as ma’ai and kyojitsu in offense
and defense, and other conditions that arise because the opponent is moving. Also, it is not simply a matter of
making oneself stronger, but of nurturing a cooperative spirit of partnering with each other and getting stronger
together with friends and peers. By applying the techniques to each other and sharing the pain you discover
nuanced approaches to speed and force for your particular level. This is how two people training together leads
to improvements in technique as well as improvements in character.
Effect of Circle
Let’s Take Action with an Open Mind!
In Shorinji Kempo, “taking action” is a virtue and we praise one’s
ability to take action. No matter how long and how deeply you
have deliberated, it is no good unless you take action. Even if the
outcome of your action turns out to be quite unsatisfactory, there is
a great value in your act of “taking action.”
When we learn Shorinji Kempo, there is one key phrase that you
should always keep in your mind, i.e., “to study yourself with
open mind.” While it may sound easy enough to do, actually it is
quite difficult to be open-minded about yourself. This is because
all of us have the “self” or “ego.” As we grow up, we gradually
experience the awakening of the self, a very natural process that
happens to everyone. But it should be kept in mind that strong
“self” could sometimes obstruct human development of a person.
Through the training process of Shorinji Kempo, it is hoped that
everyone can come closer, if only a step, to a person who can
suppress one’s ego and remain open-minded about him/herself and
a person who can look into his/her mind and critically review
actions he/she has taken. Those who can look back their actions
can move on to next actions with the fresh mindset.
Once you have learned to study yourself with open mind, you will make another important realization and that
is we are all being let live. Of course, we live our day-to-day lives with our own will, but you will realize from
the bottom of your heart that, beyond human knowledge, you live because you are being let live in accordance
with the principle of the universe.
And when we start living and thinking in accordance with the principle of the universe, we can accurately
grasp the meaning of our lives, enabling us to take action to express gratitude or to contribute to the society.
Once you start acting in accordance with the truth, your action attracts support and cooperation of people
around you, resulting in making contribution to the community. This generates happiness and a little bit of
self-confidence about yourself who has taken
the action. Once you have self-confidence, you will have the courage to take a better action next.
By repeating this cycle, you can gradually improve yourself. Further, by constantly seeking for advice from
people around yourself, you can raise yourself to a person who can make contributions to the society.
At Shorinji Kempo, we call this process “Effect of Circle.”
- One unity worldwide
Shorinji Kempo is an organization for social education founded in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in 1947 by
Doshin So. Its education is offered as a “Gyo (discipline)” of developing human potential through its own
unique martial-arts based concepts. Through techniques, teachings, and an educational structure that
combines them into a system of practice, it has aimed to educate human beings who can act with conviction
and so achieve a peaceful society that is rich both materially and spiritually.
Yuuki So
Opening Ceremony: 2005 Shorinji Kempo International Taikai in Fukui, Japan
President of World Shorinji Kempo Organization
Shorinji Kempo Shike
Chairperson of Shorinji Kempo Group
Representative director of SHORINJI KEMPO UNITY
This approach touched a chord among many, and beginning in Japan, Shorinji Kempo spread around the
world. Moreover, it has expanded broadly in the world without splitting into separate schools. That is to say,
the techniques, teachings, and educational structure of Shorinji Kempo are the same everywhere in all parts
of the world, and thus there is only one Shorinji Kempo in the whole world.
Our Vision
We aim to become a group carrying out the world’s solid first class
happiness movement under the philosophy of Shorinji Kempo
World Shorinji Kempo Organization
Maxwell Jude Anthony,
Shorinji Kempo India-Madras,
+9190251 40051, +51-44-43529970
[email protected],
3-1 Hondori, Tadotsu, Nakatado,
Kagawa, 764-8511 JAPAN
[email protected]