Btrieve Migrationshandbuch f r Entwickler und


Btrieve Migrationshandbuch f r Entwickler und
Btrieve Migrationshandbuch f��r
Entwickler und Entscheider
Dieses Buch ist für Entwickler, technische Manager, Freelancer und Personen geschrieben, die sich
mit der Thematik der Anwendungsmigration auseinandersetzen müssen. Dieses Buch konzentriert
sich dabei auf die Aspekte der Migration – weg von Btrieve als Datenbank und hin zur Verwendung
einer relationalen Datenbank. In diesem Buch werden mögliche Strategien erörtert, eventuelle
Schwierigkeiten dargestellt und jeweils passende Lösungswege aufgezeigt.
Das Buch ist in zwei Teile untergliedert. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit der Management Ebene
solcher Projekte. Die Planung selbst, Kosten- und Ressourcen-Anforderungen werden erörtert und
Vorgehensweisen dargelegt.
Im zweiten Teil des Buches werden ich in die Tiefe der Entwicklung steigen. Es werden die
Unterschiede der Datentypen beleuchtet und mögliche Konvertierungen vorgestellt. Zusätzlich wird
im zweiten Teil aufgezeigt wie man ein sogenanntes „wrapper Framework“ erstellen und verwenden
kann. Während meiner Zeit bei haben wir mehr als tausend Anwendungen migriert
bzw. deren Daten in relationale Datenbanken umgewandelt. Ich habe selbst einige Jahre bei
Pervasive Software Inc. gearbeitet. Erst in Austin Texas, später dann als Senior Software Engineer
zuständig für die OEM Kunden in Europa, Russland und Süd Afrika. In dieser Funktion habe ich
vielen Entwicklern beim Umgang mit Btrieve geholfen, Tools und Methoden rund um das
Datenbanksystem geschrieben und später bei dbcoretech das Tool SQL Trapper entwickelt (ein Tool
zur Migration ohne die Software zu verändern).
Entscheidung über externe
Kommunikation [ISO 14001] (Vorlage in
Die Dokumentvorlage in Deutsch können nach der Bezahlung sofort heruntergeladen werden
Existenzgründung als Internetberater
Existengründung als Internetberater
Ebook: Die lebensfreude-heute
Botschaften (Entspannung &
This Seminar will help you to create your own product and sell it via the internet. You will find both
basic and advanced strategies.
Anti-Aging und Entsäuern-Entschlacken
This Seminar will help you to create your own product and sell it via the internet. You will find both
basic and advanced strategies.
Btrieve Migrationshandbuch für
Entwickler und Entscheider
Dieses Buch ist für Entwickler, technische Manager, Freelancer und Personen geschrieben, die sich
mit der Thematik der Anwendungsmigration auseinandersetzen müssen. Dieses Buch konzentriert
sich dabei auf die Aspekte der Migration – weg von Btrieve als Datenbank und hin zur Verwendung
einer relationalen Datenbank. In diesem Buch werden mögliche Strategien erörtert, eventuelle
Schwierigkeiten dargestellt und jeweils passende Lösungswege aufgezeigt.
Das Buch ist in zwei Teile untergliedert. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit der Management Ebene
solcher Projekte. Die Planung selbst, Kosten- und Ressourcen-Anforderungen werden erörtert und
Vorgehensweisen dargelegt.
Im zweiten Teil des Buches werden ich in die Tiefe der Entwicklung steigen. Es werden die
Unterschiede der Datentypen beleuchtet und mögliche Konvertierungen vorgestellt. Zusätzlich wird
im zweiten Teil aufgezeigt wie man ein sogenanntes „wrapper Framework“ erstellen und verwenden
kann. Während meiner Zeit bei haben wir mehr als tausend Anwendungen migriert
bzw. deren Daten in relationale Datenbanken umgewandelt. Ich habe selbst einige Jahre bei
Pervasive Software Inc. gearbeitet. Erst in Austin Texas, später dann als Senior Software Engineer
zuständig für die OEM Kunden in Europa, Russland und Süd Afrika. In dieser Funktion habe ich
vielen Entwicklern beim Umgang mit Btrieve geholfen, Tools und Methoden rund um das
Datenbanksystem geschrieben und später bei dbcoretech das Tool SQL Trapper entwickelt (ein Tool
zur Migration ohne die Software zu verändern).
MacX New Year Gift Pack Affiliate
Christmas-Gift Pack
MacX New Year Gift Pack is packed with MacX DVD Ripper Pro, MacX Video Converter Pro and
* Rip and convert encrypted DVD to any video format for iPhone iPad Android.
* Convert among HD & SD videos, download YouTube video, record & edit video.
* Transfer HD-Camcorder videos AVCHD MOD TOD MTS to handsets or tablets.
* Play DVD, video, music and stream video audio for multi-screen playback.
Summary: Android, YouTube
Concepts: DVD, IPhone, YouTube, Google, Sony, Video, High-definition video, NTSC
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing/software/shareware and freeware
/technology and computing/software
Tags: MacX DVD Ripper, MacX Video Converter, iPhone iPad Android, MacX New, download
YouTube video, MOD TOD MTS, stream video audio, Transfer HD-Camcorder videos, High-definition
video, multi-screen playback.Summary, video format, edit video, Gift Pack, SD videos, Play DVD,
amp, handsets, Pro, tablets, Sony, nbsp, 5KPlayer, Google, record, music, AVCHD,
YouTubeConcepts, NTSCCategories, /technology, computing/mp3, midi/technology
MacX New Year Gift Pack 2016 Affiliate
Christmas-Gift Pack
MacX New Year Gift Pack is packed with MacX DVD Ripper Pro, MacX Video Converter Pro and
* Rip and convert encrypted DVD to any video format for iPhone iPad Android.
* Convert among HD & SD videos, download YouTube video, record & edit video.
* Transfer HD-Camcorder videos AVCHD MOD TOD MTS to handsets or tablets.
* Play DVD, video, music and stream video audio for multi-screen playback.
Summary: Android, YouTube
Concepts: DVD, IPhone, YouTube, Google, Sony, Video, High-definition video, NTSC
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing/software/shareware and freeware
/technology and computing/software
Tags: MacX DVD Ripper, MacX Video Converter, iPhone iPad Android, MacX New, download
YouTube video, MOD TOD MTS, stream video audio, Transfer HD-Camcorder videos, High-definition
video, multi-screen playback.Summary, video format, edit video, Gift Pack, SD videos, Play DVD,
amp, handsets, Pro, tablets, Sony, nbsp, 5KPlayer, Google, record, music, AVCHD,
YouTubeConcepts, NTSCCategories, /technology, computing/mp3, midi/technology
MacX New Year Gift Pack 2017 Holiday
MacX New Year Gift Pack is packed with MacX DVD Ripper Pro, MacX Video Converter Pro and
* Rip and convert encrypted DVD to any video format for iPhone iPad Android.
* Convert among HD & SD videos, download YouTube video, record & edit video.
* Transfer HD-Camcorder videos AVCHD MOD TOD MTS to handsets or tablets.
* Play DVD, video, music and stream video audio for multi-screen playback.
Summary: Android, YouTube
Concepts: DVD, IPhone, YouTube, Google, Sony, Video, High-definition video, NTSC
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing/software/shareware and freeware
/technology and computing/software
Tags: MacX DVD Ripper, MacX Video Converter, iPhone iPad Android, MacX New, download
YouTube video, MOD TOD MTS, stream video audio, Transfer HD-Camcorder videos, High-definition
video, multi-screen playback.Summary, video format, edit video, Gift Pack, SD videos, Play DVD,
amp, handsets, Pro, tablets, Sony, nbsp, 5KPlayer, Google, record, music, AVCHD,
YouTubeConcepts, NTSCCategories, /technology, computing/mp3, midi/technology
MacX Holiday Video Converter Pack 2017
Holiday Coupon
MacX Holiday Video Converter Pack is packed with MacX DVD Ripper Pro, MacX Video Converter
Pro and 5KPlayer.
*Rip and convert encrypted DVD to any video format for iPhone iPad Android.
*Convert among HD & SD videos, download YouTube video, record & edit video.
*Transfer HD-Camcorder videos AVCHD MOD TOD MTS to handsets or tablets.
*Play DVD, video, music and stream video audio for multi-screen playback.
Summary: Android, YouTube
Concepts: DVD, IPhone, YouTube, Google, Sony, Video, High-definition video, NTSC
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing/software/shareware and freeware
/technology and computing/software
Tags: MacX Video Converter, MacX Holiday Video, MacX DVD Ripper, iPhone iPad Android,
download YouTube video, MOD TOD MTS, stream video audio, Converter Pack, High-definition
video, video format, multi-screen playback.Summary, edit video, SD videos, HD-Camcorder videos,
amp, handsets, Pro, nbsp, tablets, Sony, 5KPlayer, Google, *Rip, record, music, AVCHD,
YouTubeConcepts, NTSCCategories, /technology, computing/mp3, midi/technology
Custom Plan - 25 Accounts DR. NAJEEB
Custom Plan 25 accounts
/business and industrial/business operations/business plans
/finance/personal finance/debt management
/finance/personal finance/financial planning/retirement and pension
Tags: operations/business plans/finance/personal finance/debt, management/finance/personal
finance/financial planning/retirement, Custom Plan, pension, accountsCategories, industrial/business
muvee Reveal 12 Holidays discount
Simply drop in your photos and videos, pick a style, and muvee creates a movie ready for you to
share. muvee’s revolutionary technology automatically zooms, crops, and edits everything together,
even adding music.
Easy user interface with professional effects, transitions, and hand-selected music already
integrated into amazing Styles.
New feature: Segment your muvee to highlight different Chapters in your story.
Includes Style customization, photo enhancements, Cinematic Trailers, Text animation, Intertitles,
and even music trimming.
Highlight video clips with magicMoments. Zoom in on photos with magicSpot. Collaborative saving
and editing for multiple creators.
Summary: Intertitles, user interface, magicMoments
Concepts: ZOOM, Film, Music video, Editing, YouTube, Media clip, Photograph
/art and entertainment/movies and tv/movies/trailers
/technology and computing/consumer electronics/camera and photo equipment/binoculars
/art and entertainment/books and literature/fan fiction
Tags: Highlight video clips, Easy user interface, revolutionary technology, Cinematic Trailers,
amazing Styles, professional effects, hand-selected music, photo enhancements, Style customization,
New feature, different Chapters, Text animation, Collaborative saving, multiple creators, Media clip,
computing/consumer electronics/camera, Music video, literature/fan fiction, photo
equipment/binoculars/art, Intertitles, zoom, muvee, photos, edits, transitions, YouTube, crops,
videos, movie, muvee&rsquo, story, magicSpot, magicMoments, Summary, magicMomentsConcepts,
Film, PhotographCategories
Custom Plan - 50 Accounts DR. NAJEEB
Custom Plan 50 accounts
/business and industrial/business operations/business plans
/finance/personal finance/debt management
/finance/personal finance/financial planning/retirement and pension
Tags: operations/business plans/finance/personal finance/debt, management/finance/personal
finance/financial planning/retirement, Custom Plan, pension, accountsCategories, industrial/business
Daten sichern leicht gemacht (STD)
Eine Datensicherung ist nicht gleich eine Datensicherung
Um auf den Notfall vorbereitet zu sein, müssen Sie Ihren Computer richtig sichern! Unerfahrene
Benutzer machen gerade im Notfall entscheidende Fehler und verlieren, durch falsches Sichern,
Daten die sich in versteckten Ordnern des Benutzerprofiles befinden.
Ein Benutzer der sein Betriebssystem nicht in- und auswendig kennt, weiß unter Umständen nicht,
dass er im Falle einer unüberlegten Rücksicherung sein komplette Benutzerprofil mit allen
Dokumenten überschreibt. Auch bei einer Neuinstallation wird schnell die komplette Platte
Diese Anleitung bewahrt Sie vor Schaden und zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie ein perfektes Image Backup von
Ihrem Computer anlegen.
Daten sichern leicht gemacht
Eine Datensicherung ist nicht gleich eine Datensicherung
Um auf den Notfall vorbereitet zu sein, müssen Sie Ihren Computer richtig sichern! Unerfahrene
Benutzer machen gerade im Notfall entscheidende Fehler und verlieren, durch falsches Sichern,
Daten die sich in versteckten Ordnern des Benutzerprofiles befinden.
Ein Benutzer der sein Betriebssystem nicht in- und auswendig kennt, weiß unter Umständen nicht,
dass er im Falle einer unüberlegten Rücksicherung sein komplette Benutzerprofil mit allen
Dokumenten überschreibt. Auch bei einer Neuinstallation wird schnell die komplette Platte
Diese Anleitung bewahrt Sie vor Schaden und zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie ein perfektes Image Backup von
Ihrem Computer anlegen.
License (Lion FX Trader) FOR 5 MT4 ACCOUNTS
/technology and computing/software
/technology and computing/hardware/computer
/sports/running and jogging
Tags: Lion FX Trader, MT4 ACCOUNTSCategories, jogging, License, /technology,
computing/software/technology, computing/hardware/computer/sports/running
License (Lion FX Trader) FOR 3 MT4 ACCOUNTS
/technology and computing/software
/technology and computing/hardware/computer
/sports/running and jogging
Tags: Lion FX Trader, MT4 ACCOUNTSCategories, jogging, License, /technology,
computing/software/technology, computing/hardware/computer/sports/running
MacX Cyber Monday Gift Pack
MacX Cyber Monday Gift Pack is packed with MacX DVD Ripper Pro, MacX Video Converter Pro and
Rip and convert encrypted DVD to any video format for iPhone iPad Android.
Convert among HD & SD videos, download YouTube video, record & edit video.
Transfer HD-Camcorder videos AVCHD MOD TOD MTS to handsets or tablets.
Play DVD, video, music and stream video audio for multi-screen playback.
Summary: Cyber Monday, Android, YouTube
Concepts: DVD, IPhone, YouTube, Google, Sony, Video, High-definition video, NTSC
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing/software/shareware and freeware
/technology and computing/software
Tags: MacX Video Converter, MacX DVD Ripper, iPhone iPad Android, MacX Cyber, Monday Gift
Pack, download YouTube video, MOD TOD MTS, stream video audio, Transfer HD-Camcorder videos,
High-definition video, video format, multi-screen playback.Summary, edit video, SD videos, Play DVD
AVS4YOU Unlimited Subscription Affiliate
Black Friday 2016
Register once and work with AVS4YOU Package which includes 11 audio & video software. Convert
between all key audio and video formats, rip DVDs, edit home video and audio, burn DVD/CD/Blu
Ray and many more! Subscribe to AVS4YOU Package for $59/lifetime. Future upgrades of AVS4YOU
products and new titles are included.
Summary: Ray, $59
Concepts: Video, DVD, Digital video, Sony, NTSC, PAL, Ogg, Film and video technology
/technology and computing/software
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing
Tags: edit home video, AVS4YOU Package, rip DVDs, DVD/CD/Blu Ray, Future upgrades, video
software, new titles, key audio, video formats, AVS4YOU products, Digital video, video
technologyCategories, NTSC, amp, Ogg, PAL, Subscribe, Sony, Register, included.Summary,
59Concepts, Film, /technology, computing/software/technology, computing/mp3
AVS4YOU One Year Subscription Affiliate
Black Friday 2016
Register once and work with AVS4YOU Package which includes 11 audio & video software. Convert
between all key audio and video formats, rip DVDs, edit home video and audio, burn DVD/CD/Blu
Ray and many more! Subscribe to AVS4YOU Package for $39/year.
Summary: Ray, $39
Concepts: Video, DVD, Digital video, Sony, NTSC, PAL, Ogg, Film and video technology
/technology and computing/software
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing
Tags: edit home video, AVS4YOU Package, rip DVDs, DVD/CD/Blu Ray, video software, key audio,
video formats, Digital video, video technologyCategories, NTSC, amp, Ogg, Subscribe, PAL, Sony,
Register, 39Concepts, Film, /technology, computing/software/technology, computing/mp3
Smart DVD Creator for Mac Full Version Personal License, Lifetime, 1 Mac
Convert Virtually Any Video Format to DVD
Smart DVD Creator for Mac is the most powerful Mac DVD Burner which has a wide support for
video formats. Vacation videos, graduation videos, travel videos, wedding videos, baby born videos
and any other family or homemade videos, as well as downloaded online videos in all popular SD or
HD video formats like AVI, MP4, WMV, MOV, MPEG, M2TS, AVCHD, MPG, VOB, 3GP, FLV and more
can be easily burned to DVD on your Mac.
You can use the Mac DVD Burner to Burn DVDs and Create DVD Files Effortlessly. The intuitive
Mac-style interface lets you easily import a few video clips, and burn them to DVD disc easily. Smart
DVD Creator for Mac helps users to burn DVDs with ultra-fast speed but without loss DVD quality.
Summary: Mac DVD Burner, Mac, AVI
Concepts: DVD, Blu-ray Disc, Sony, MPEG-4, Video, DVD-Video, YouTube, NTSC
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing/consumer electronics/tv and video equipment/video players and
recorders/dvd players and recorders
/technology and computing/operating systems/mac os
Tags: Mac DVD Burner, Smart DVD Creator, powerful Mac DVD, DVD Files Effortlessly, HD video
formats, intuitive Mac-style interface, loss DVD quality.Summary, video equipment/video players,
Burn DVDs, Virtually Any Video, graduation videos, DVD disc, homemade videos, Vacation videos,
travel videos, wedding videos, Blu-ray Disc, online videos, ultra-fast speed, popular SD, wide
support, video clips, computing/consumer electronics/tv, systems/mac os, recorders/dvd players,
FLV, DVD-Video, VOB, 3GP, WMV, MOV, MPG, MP4, MPEG-4, AVI, MPEG, YouTube, Convert, Sony,
baby, family, M2TS, AVCHD, Create, users, AVIConcepts
Smart DVD Creator for Mac Full Version Family License, Lifetime, 2-5 Macs
Convert Virtually Any Video Format to DVD
Smart DVD Creator for Mac is the most powerful Mac DVD Burner which has a wide support for
video formats. Vacation videos, graduation videos, travel videos, wedding videos, baby born videos
and any other family or homemade videos, as well as downloaded online videos in all popular SD or
HD video formats like AVI, MP4, WMV, MOV, MPEG, M2TS, AVCHD, MPG, VOB, 3GP, FLV and more
can be easily burned to DVD on your Mac.
You can use the Mac DVD Burner to Burn DVDs and Create DVD Files Effortlessly. The intuitive
Mac-style interface lets you easily import a few video clips, and burn them to DVD disc easily. Smart
DVD Creator for Mac helps users to burn DVDs with ultra-fast speed but without loss DVD quality.
Summary: Mac DVD Burner, Mac, AVI
Concepts: DVD, Blu-ray Disc, Sony, MPEG-4, Video, DVD-Video, YouTube, NTSC
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing/consumer electronics/tv and video equipment/video players and
recorders/dvd players and recorders
/technology and computing/operating systems/mac os
Tags: Mac DVD Burner, Smart DVD Creator, powerful Mac DVD, DVD Files Effortlessly, HD video
formats, intuitive Mac-style interface, loss DVD quality.Summary, video equipment/video players,
Burn DVDs, Virtually Any Video, graduation videos, DVD disc, homemade videos, Vacation videos,
travel videos, wedding videos, Blu-ray Disc, online videos, ultra-fast speed, popular SD, wide
support, video clips, computing/consumer electronics/tv, systems/mac os, recorders/dvd players,
FLV, DVD-Video, VOB, 3GP, WMV, MOV, MPG, MP4, MPEG-4, AVI, MPEG, YouTube, Convert, Sony,
baby, family, M2TS, AVCHD, Create, users, AVIConcepts
MacX Black Friday Gift Pack 2016 Black
Friday-Gift Pack
MacX Black Friday Gift Pack is packed with MacX DVD Ripper Pro, MacX Video Converter Pro and
Rip and convert encrypted DVD to any video format for iPhone iPad Android.
Convert among HD & SD videos, download YouTube video, record & edit video.
Transfer HD-Camcorder videos AVCHD MOD TOD MTS to handsets or tablets.
Play DVD, video, music and stream video audio for multi-screen playback.
Summary: Black Friday, Android, YouTube
Concepts: DVD, IPhone, YouTube, Google, Sony, Video, High-definition video, NTSC
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing/software/shareware and freeware
/technology and computing/software
Tags: MacX Black Friday, MacX Video Converter, MacX DVD Ripper, iPhone iPad Android,
download YouTube video, MOD TOD MTS, stream video audio, Transfer HD-Camcorder videos,
High-definition video, video format, edit video, multi-screen playback.Summary, Gift Pack, SD
videos, Play DVD
AVS4YOU Unlimited Subscription Autumn
Sale 20%
Register once and work with AVS4YOU Package which includes 11 audio & video software. Convert
between all key audio and video formats, rip DVDs, edit home video and audio, burn DVD/CD/Blu
Ray and many more! Subscribe to AVS4YOU Package for $59/lifetime. Future upgrades of AVS4YOU
products and new titles are included.
Summary: Ray, $59
Concepts: Video, DVD, Digital video, Sony, NTSC, PAL, Ogg, Film and video technology
/technology and computing/software
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing
Tags: edit home video, AVS4YOU Package, rip DVDs, DVD/CD/Blu Ray, Future upgrades, video
software, new titles, key audio, video formats, AVS4YOU products, Digital video, video
technologyCategories, NTSC, amp, Ogg, PAL, Subscribe, Sony, Register, included.Summary,
59Concepts, Film, /technology, computing/software/technology, computing/mp3
AVS4YOU One Year Subscription Autumn
Sale 20%
Register once and work with AVS4YOU Package which includes 11 audio & video software. Convert
between all key audio and video formats, rip DVDs, edit home video and audio, burn DVD/CD/Blu
Ray and many more! Subscribe to AVS4YOU Package for $39/year.
Summary: Ray, $39
Concepts: Video, DVD, Digital video, Sony, NTSC, PAL, Ogg, Film and video technology
/technology and computing/software
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/technology and computing
Tags: edit home video, AVS4YOU Package, rip DVDs, DVD/CD/Blu Ray, video software, key audio,
video formats, Digital video, video technologyCategories, NTSC, amp, Ogg, Subscribe, PAL, Sony,
Register, 39Concepts, Film, /technology, computing/software/technology, computing/mp3
PowerDirector 15 Ultra
PowerDirector15 offers a unique combination of high-end performance and advanced editing
features. It's remarkably easy to use, making video editing accessible to creators of all skill levels,
and a huge selection of customizable design tools, including unique alpha transitions, animated
titles, particles and PiP objects, provide the freedom to explore creativity and reflect it in unique
video creations.
PowerDirector 15 Highlights
Now with 360° Video – PowerDirector now supports complete end-to-end 360-degree video editing,
opening up a whole new world of possibilities. Import equirectangular footage, create a 360°
project, edit with a full range of design tools, then export in 360° format. Add titles and effects for
viewers to discover as they explore your creation. Experiment with transitions, animated objects and
more! The unique View Designer enables you to use 360° video footage in standard video projects:
it's like you've filmed a scene with multiple cameras from multiple angles.
Pro-style Movies in Minutes with Express Projects – Express Projects is the fast, easy way to
quickly create professional-quality videos in three simple steps: open Express Projects from the
PowerDirector launcher and import you videos; drag’n’drop the clips you want into the beginning,
middle and end segments of the project; then produce your video and share it instantly with friends
and family on social media. Easy as Pie!
Vertical Video like a Pro! – With so much video now being shot vertically on mobiles,
PowerDirector has added a new design mode that lets you upload mobile video for YouTube,
Facebook and Vimeo by getting rid of those empty black bars! And now, Orientation Smart Video
Rendering Technology (SVRT) makes video production faster by analyzing your project and
rendering only segments of footage that have been modified regardless of the clips' orientation.
Action Camera Center, now even Better! – PowerDirector's new Action Camera Center is a toolkit
for every extreme video maker. Create stop-motion videos, add zoom and pan effects, stabilize video,
correct distortions like fisheye, correct color problems and apply slow motion, freeze frame, zoom,
or even “rock’n’roll” your videos! The results will be breathtaking, full of action and adrenaline.
Video Blending– Merge clips on different timeline tracks to create a huge array of eye-catching
effects that will bring unique impact to your videos. Working like a pro has never been easier, more
Industry-leading Rendering Speed and Format Support – The new TrueVelocity 6 rendering
engine is a 64-bit powerhouse offering smoother previewing and significantly faster production than
other consumer video editing software. And PowerDirector allows you to enjoy the latest and
greatest formats and codecs like 4K UltraHD, AVCHD 3D/Progressive, XAVC-S and H.265.
High Frame-Rate Video Editor-Import 120/240fps slow motion footage from your iPhone, GoPro
or other action sports cameras, or download videos directly from YouTube or Vimeo with Social
Media Download. Add titles or effects, and use the new Action Camera Center to edit your video.
Playback it inside PowerDirector, so that you can preview it stutter-free before you produce, then
export your high frame rate video fast with hardware accelerated rendering!
Summary: video editing, Action Camera Center, PowerDirector, YouTube, social media, Express
Projects, View Designer, iPhone, frame rate, Vimeo, Facebook, 360-degree, 64-bit, 4K
Concepts: Film and video technology, Video, Frame rate, Camera, NTSC, Editing, Slow motion,
/food and drink/desserts and baking
/technology and computing/software/shareware and freeware
/technology and computing/consumer electronics/camera and photo equipment/cameras and
Tags: Action Camera Center, video editing, new Action Camera, unique video creations, 360-degree
video editing, slow motion, social media, Video Rendering Technology, Express Projects, standard
video projects, upload mobile video, consumer video editing, frame rate video, extreme video maker,
unique alpha transitions, Frame-Rate Video Editor-Import, design tools, customizable design tools,
Import equirectangular footage, unique View Designer, open Express Projects, Industry-leading
Rendering Speed, new design mode, correct color problems, action sports cameras, different
timeline tracks, video footage, Social Media Download, video production, Vertical Video, Video
Blending&ndash, PowerDirector, video technology, editing features, PowerDirector launcher, unique
combination, professional-quality videos, animated titles, PiP objects, new world, huge selection,
high-end performance, stop-motion videos, Pro-style Movies, skill levels, Express Projects&nbsp,
animated objects, easy way, eye-catching effects, freeze frame
VSDC Video Editor Pro
Video effects
Quick color correct styles, pro filters, transparency and transformation effects, 70+ dynamic
UHD&HD viewing experience support
Adjustable output resolution, framerate, bitrate, video&audio codecs
Multiple color chroma-key
Background removal in an image or a video per one or several colors
3D pro charts
20+ customizable chart types including 3D dynamic models
Zoomable audio intensity curve for comfortable professional editing
Multimedia combiner
Conversion into multiple formats and extra apps for your creative work – dvd burner, screen and
video recorder
Double speed
Fast editing with more stable and hardware-accelerated version
Enhanced resolution
Image and video transformation with subpixel resolution to get more precise results
Advanced settings for pro editing
Curved motion paths for your video objects or animation taking advantage of adjustable parameter
Concepts: Chart, Video, NTSC, Computer graphics, Curve, Color, Optics, DVD
/technology and computing/software/shareware and freeware
/business and industrial/company/merger and acquisition
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
Tags: Adjustable output resolution, color correct styles, adjustable parameter settings, audio
intensity curve, comfortable professional editing&nbsp, customizable chart types, 3D dynamic
models, Video effects, Multimedia combiner, dynamic transitions, audio codecs, transformation
effects, subpixel resolution, video recorder, experience support, Advanced settings, Multiple
color&nbsp, video objects, dvd burner, extra apps, video transformation&nbsp, Background removal,
Double speed, Enhanced resolution, hardware-accelerated version, multiple formats, creative work,
precise results, framerate, bitrate, image, Waveform, transparency, NTSC, HD, Quick, paths, charts,
UHD&amp, video&amp, chroma-key, colors, advantage, filters, Conversion, screen, motion,
animation, Concepts, graphics
muvee Reveal 12 15% OFF Back to School
Simply drop in your photos and videos, pick a style, and muvee creates a movie ready for you to
share. muvee’s revolutionary technology automatically zooms, crops, and edits everything together,
even adding music.
Easy user interface with professional effects, transitions, and hand-selected music already
integrated into amazing Styles.
New feature: Segment your muvee to highlight different Chapters in your story.
Includes Style customization, photo enhancements, Cinematic Trailers, Text animation, Intertitles,
and even music trimming.
Highlight video clips with magicMoments. Zoom in on photos with magicSpot. Collaborative saving
and editing for multiple creators.
Summary: Intertitles, user interface, magicMoments
Concepts: ZOOM, Film, Music video, Editing, YouTube, Media clip, Photograph
/art and entertainment/movies and tv/movies/trailers
/technology and computing/consumer electronics/camera and photo equipment/binoculars
/art and entertainment/books and literature/fan fiction
Tags: Highlight video clips, Easy user interface, revolutionary technology, Cinematic Trailers,
amazing Styles, professional effects, hand-selected music, photo enhancements, Style customization,
New feature, different Chapters, Text animation, Collaborative saving, multiple creators, Media clip,
computing/consumer electronics/camera, Music video, literature/fan fiction, photo
equipment/binoculars/art, Intertitles, zoom, muvee, photos, edits, transitions, YouTube, crops,
videos, movie, muvee&rsquo, story, magicSpot, magicMoments, Summary, magicMomentsConcepts,
Film, PhotographCategories
Blu-ray Converter Ultimate back to school
Convert your Blu-ray files to any format. Select the audio and subtitles and the video format: AVI,
MKV, DVD, Xbox Ipod/Iphone/Ipad, Xbox or Playstation. Conversions are completed quickly, giving
you the best quality possible. Burning included!
Summary: Xbox Ipod/Iphone/Ipad
Concepts: DVD, Sony, Container format, Video, NTSC, PAL, Videocassette recorder, File format
/technology and computing/consumer electronics/game systems and consoles/xbox
/technology and computing/mp3 and midi
/art and entertainment/movies and tv/television
Tags: computing/consumer electronics/game systems, Blu-ray files, Videocassette recorder,
Container format, best quality, Xbox Ipod/Iphone/Ipad, Xbox Ipod/Iphone/IpadConcepts, video
format, MKV, subtitles, NTSC, AVI, PAL, DVD, Sony, Conversions, audio, Playstation.&nbsp,
Burning&nbsp, Summary, /technology, consoles/xbox/technology, computing/mp3, midi/art