past / past perfect


past / past perfect
anne tucker
past / past perfect
Bitte erzählen Sie die folgenden Situationen neu, und zwar so, dass mindestens eine
Verbform im Plusquamperfekt steht. Je nachdem wie es der Sinn erfordert, können Sie
Wörter oder Einzelheiten auslassen oder hinzufügen.
(Nützliche Konjunktionen: before, after, when, because, Relativpronomen)
1. Elsa drank too much and danced on the table last Saturday. On Sunday morning
she woke up with a hangover and was ashamed.
Eine von mehreren möglichen Lösungen zu 1:
On Sunday morning Elsa woke up with a hangover and was ashamed because she had drunk too
much the night before.
Versuchen Sie es selbst mit: After Elsa had....
Last Tuesday evening Jeff prepared a meal for his wife. She came home for lunch
on Wednesday and warmed it up.
Yesterday Claire's young dog was alone in the house. It had a pee on the new
carpet. Claire came back in the evening and noticed the wet stain.
Liz and Luke got married in secret in May last year.
At Christmas they explained why.
Yesterday afternoon a group of children played football in the back yard. One of
them broke a window downstairs.
I returned at eight last night and saw the window.
In spring Walter became ill. He coughed and sneezed for weeks.
After more than a month he went to see a doctor in June.
Betty and Clive agreed they wanted a child when they got married.
They were disappointed when Betty did not become pregnant.
Twelve years passed, then last week Betty gave birth to a baby girl.
I ate a piece of strange smelling fish last weekend. On Monday morning I felt sick.
A priest came to see Sharon. Shortly afterwards she died.
Socrates was executed in Athens one day in 399 B.C.
A few days afterwards his fellow-citizens regretted that.
Bob lived in our street when we were children. He then moved away. Life didn't
treat him well. Two days ago he turned up and talked about his life.
He hit the cat and killed it. He got out of the car and saw the animal.
Bert worked for his boss for five years. Then he fell in love with her.
I left the flat and forgot to lock the door. Paul came two hours later and locked it.
Amanda hated Greg till he died. Then she felt bad about the fact.
I cleaned the windows. Five minutes later the rain set in.