Shining World Compassion Award


Shining World Compassion Award
For More Information on
Supreme Master Ching Hai
Questions about the contents of this Nomination Package
may be forwarded to [email protected]
or phone +1.250.652.7020
For more information about Supreme Master Ching Hai and her organization:
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Supreme Master Television
[email protected]
telephone: +1.626.444.4385
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Book Publishing Co., Ltd. – Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan)
[email protected]
telephone: +886.2.8787.3935
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
Supreme Master Television
Global Climate Change Conferences
Disaster Relief Work
World Lecture Tours
Loving Hut Restaurants and Hotel
Meditation Instruction and Philosophy
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Awards She Gives to Acknowledge Others
Books, DVDs, CDs
Financial Contributions
How She Supports Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Awards and Honours She Has Received
Supplementary Information
♦ Biography of The Supreme Master Ching Hai
♦ Testimonials from Dignitaries and the Media
World Citizen
Best-selling Author
Television Pioneer
Fashion Designer
Ambassador for Loving
Kindness to Humans
& Animals
 Spiritual Teacher
Supreme Master Ching Hai is a quiet and humble world citizen. Her achievements are
remarkable and we attribute these great accomplishments to her deep love and compassion for
humans, animals, and our planet Earth.
She is an exemplary role model of “love in action”. Everything she does has one goal – to bring
peace to the planet. To achieve this goal, she encourages individuals to find inner peace and
use their own ‘supreme’ wisdom and compassionate hearts to be of ultimate service to the
She is an exemplary role model of “love in action”.
Everything she does has one goal – to bring peace to the planet.
In this document, we present her tireless efforts which all go towards fulfilling a dream of a
peaceful and loving planet and saving it from the devastating effects of climate change, war,
famine, and social disunity. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s dream:
"I dream that the whole world will become peaceful.
I dream that all the killing will stop.
I dream that all the children will walk in peace and harmony.
I dream that all the nations will shake hands with each other, protect each other, and
help each other.
I dream that our beautiful planet will not be destroyed.
It takes billions, billions, and trillions of years to produce this planet and it's so beautiful,
so wonderful.
I dream that it will continue, but in peace, beauty and love."
Intro - 1
Supreme Master Ching Hai is being nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize because of her
immense selfless works to bring peace to this planet.
Every action taken by Supreme Master Ching Hai promotes and brings peace, love, unity,
harmony and comfort to our planet and all of its inhabitants.
This document is comprised of two sections:
1. Summary Tabs comprised of the Introduction and Executive Summary.
The Introduction presents the overarching roles in which she engages to fulfill her
dream as well as the reasons why she has taken on these roles. The Executive Summary
is a précis of her call to all the Earth to create a New Golden Era of World Peace.
2. Supplementary Tabs are included in this Nomination Package in the event you wish to
become more acquainted with the details of her work.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Roles and Strategies
for Bringing Peace to the Planet
She is a Peacekeeper. Supreme Master Ching Hai works tirelessly to alleviate the pain and
suffering of humans and animals alike. Each point in the Executive Summary clearly shows
how her every deed demonstrates “love in action” with the intent to bring greater inner
peace to individuals and to create a more peaceful, sustainable Earth. This collective energy
brings greater unity and harmony to the planet as a whole.
She is an Environmentalist - for twenty years she has warned the world about global
warming, greenhouse gases being over the safe limit, oceans warming, deforestation,
increases in natural disasters, along with food and water shortages. Supreme Master Ching
Hai has taken unparalleled actions to create a peaceful and sustainable future for the
human race and all living beings on the planet by heightening public awareness about the
dangers of global warming and emphasizing the fastest, most effective way to halt it - which
is the vegan diet.
As reported by France-based journalist Guenady, “ . . . it is Ching Hai and her followers, who,
almost single-handedly, have forced the worldwide media—finally!— to report the story,
untouched and untouchable for years, of what the most eminent scientists say about global
warming . . . .”
“Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet” is now a well-known motto
that originated from Supreme Master Ching Hai.
To raise public awareness she has:
♦ Delivered over 1,000 lectures around the world;
♦ Written and published 20+ books including three international best-selling books all of
which are translated into multiple languages, the end result being hundreds of books
available to the public;
♦ Created 1,000+ DVDs and CDs in multiple languages;
♦ Published News magazines in multiple languages;
♦ Been the guest of honour at 24 international climate change conferences since 2008;
Intro - 2
♦ Designed and distributed (through her global network of association members) millions
of multi-language global brochures to inform people about how they easily can take
personal responsibility to prevent run-away global heating and related disasters;
♦ Written letters to political and spiritual leaders worldwide appealing to them to use
their influence to help save the planet by endorsing a no-killing lifestyle which in turn
will bring greater peace because the hearts of humans will be more serene knowing that
no being had to suffer for their benefit.
As a World Citizen, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been an exemplary role model for
creating a more peaceful planet. She has:
♦ Designed and distributed millions of multi-language global brochures to inform people
how to eat a healthy plant-based diet;
♦ Designed and distributed millions of multi-language global brochures to inform people
about the harms of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, and a dairy and meat-based diet;
♦ Established Supreme Master Television which broadcasts in 42 subtitles and 60
languages—an unprecedented accomplishment in broadcasting history. Free to all world
citizens, this station is a bridge for peaceful understanding and sharing the world’s
cultures through its features on the beauty of all nations with the intention of helping to
end conflict between countries;
♦ Pioneered the largest and fastest-growing global vegan chain of restaurants called
Loving Hut which helps people transition from a meat-based diet to a healthy, more
environmentally sustainable plant-based diet;
♦ Given hundreds of awards (and continues) around the world to recognize the
achievements of others in many areas including leadership, compassion, and innovation,
which generate a positive atmosphere and inspire others to do good works.
As a Humanitarian, over US$20,000,000, only what we know plus more, has thus far been
contributed to alleviate the suffering and to bring peace to those stricken by disease,
hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, floods, mudslides, and so on. Financial assistance is given to
animal shelters and hospitals as well as animal support groups to help them maintain their
services to our voiceless animal friends. It is through her creative works such as jewelry,
lamps, fine art paintings, and fashion that the money, which she contributes to disaster
relief work and the needy around the world, is raised.
As a Spiritual Teacher, Supreme Master Ching Hai is a role model of living a virtuous life and
meditating in order to “use our limitless power of love and creativity in order to make the
world a better place wherever we happen to be”. She has shared her spiritual teachings with
the public since 1984, bringing much peace, love, unity, and harmony to people in all walks
of life in all corners of the world. Meditation has long been proven to reduce crime thus
bringing greater peace to our global communities. The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association of 200+ meditation centers around the world calls individuals to
positive action, at both a personal and collective level.
Thank you for your kind consideration of Supreme Master Ching Hai for the Nobel Peace Prize
of 2011. If the inhabitants of planet Earth implement such noble and selfless ideals as suggested
by Supreme Master Ching Hai, everyone would feel a deep sense of inner peace, and we would
stop the destruction of our environment with the end result being a peace-filled and healthy
planet with sufficient food, water, and quality of life for all.
Intro - 3
In this section of the Introduction, we present the reasons why she has taken on such a vast
variety of responsible roles to bring peace to the planet.
Supreme Master Ching Hai Is Very Aware
of the Current Dangerous World Situation
It is evident that the world is not in peace and harmony – among humans and between humans
and animals. In addition the planet itself is in distress. Disharmony in the body and at the
world level breeds dis-ease and suffering in many forms including global warming, illness, war
and natural disasters. Some specific elements of the current world crisis are:
♦ Climate change is killing our fellow human beings at the rate of 300,000 people per year;
♦ Our oceans are dying mostly due to livestock and industrial agriculture chemical runoff;
♦ 50 billion metric tons of methane hydrates in the Arctic Ocean could explode at any
♦ Rapid thawing of the permafrost in the Arctic is causing the release of dangerous methane
gas into the atmosphere;
♦ Greenhouse gases are vastly over their safe limits:
The safe limit for CO2 is 280 ppm. We are at 385 ppm. The safe limit for methane is 700
ppb. We are at 1,750 ppb. The safe limit for nitrous oxide is 280 ppb. We are at 320 ppb.
♦ World food and water supplies are in peril;
♦ Without water, our food security is threatened;
♦ 1 billion people go hungry every year;
♦ 16,000 children die daily from hunger;
♦ Life on Earth has already entered the 6th mass extinction event. We are losing up to 270
species every single day. This current rate of extinction exceeds the extinction rate of the
♦ Deforestation in the tropics accounts for nearly 20% of carbon emissions resulting from
human activities;
♦ Animal agriculture for food is connected to 80% of the annual removal of trees. In addition,
livestock uses up to 70% of our clean water and most of our cereal crops;
♦ The Arctic and Antarctic polar ice caps are melting and accelerating global warming;
♦ Glaciers are melting causing floods and eventually the rivers and lakes fed by the glaciers
will dry up, leaving an estimated 1-2 billion people without water;
♦ Millions having already lost their homes because of rising sea levels;
♦ Natural disasters have greatly increased due to global warming (2010 being the hottest year
on record) such as worldwide droughts; starving populations (in Niger 2010, 50% of the
population is starving); Earthquakes in China, Haiti, Indonesia, Chile; and floods in Vietnam,
China, USA, and Pakistan;
♦ Crime, drug abuse, prostitution, gun running, and wars are still prominent issues of concern;
♦ Diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and obesity are at record levels in many countries.
In other words, the world is not peaceful. Supreme Master Ching Hai works tirelessly to
alleviate the pain and suffering of humans and animals alike; to save this planet for our
children and all future generations; and to provide a more peaceful life for all beings.
Then, with the cooperative works of others, the world will be in peace.
Intro - 4
Experts Concur Global Warming Is Real
Experts concur that global warming is real.
The world is currently on track for a global average temperature increase of 4° C. Even if we
add up the proposals to mitigate temperature increases that nations have put forward to the
UN, the warming is still 3 to 4 degrees C (carbon tracker). A global average temperature
increase of above 3° C will put world agriculture into irreversible decline with declining crop
yields affecting all regions (IPCC).
"I believe we are on the verge of a catastrophe. This is an emergency and for emergency
situations we need emergency action … I am speaking to all world citizens, and particularly
world leaders, that we must take urgent action to fight against climate change. Unless we take
action now, we will regret deeply for the future of our humanity, for the future of the planet
- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
“We consider release of up to 60 Gt of predicted amount of hydrate storage as highly possible
for abrupt release at any time. That may cause 12-times increase of modern atmospheric
methane burden with consequent catastrophic greenhouse warming.” This means that 50
billion metric tonnes of methane could explode in the Siberian Arctic at any moment and this
alone could destroy the planet.
- Natalia Shakhova, Russian Scientist (March2010)
In an open letter to His Excellency, President Barack Obama dated 22 January 2009, regarding
the current state of global warming:
“We cannot now afford to put off change any longer. We have to get on a new path within this
new administration. We have only four years left to set an example to the rest of the world.
America must take the lead.”
- Dr. James Hansen, Chief Climatologist, NASA
The US Environmental Agency concluded: “The endangerment finding is based on years of
science from the U.S. and around the world.” Another recent report by the U.S. National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration looked at data from 10 climate indicators measured
by 300 scientists from 160 research groups in 48 countries and it concluded that human-caused
climate change is undeniable and is increasing.
“We have 18 months left to halt global warming.” (May, 2008)
- His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prince of Wales
“We are so close to the red line; we may wake up tomorrow and discover there is nothing left to
- Maneka Gandhi, Former Indian Environment Minister
“We are in a planetary emergency.”
- Al Gore, former US Vice President
Intro - 5
The Fastest Solution to Save Our Planet
Is the Noble Vegan Diet
Supreme Master Ching Hai is a Peacemaker because she gives solutions to the emergency
situations listed above. Her strategies are global.
Her wish is that Earth citizens gather together and do what is right to heal our ailing planet and
create a Golden Era where the oceans are once again healthy and teeming with life; the
atmospheric GHGs are well below their limits; every man, woman and child has food and water;
all wars have ceased; and all killing has stopped including killing animals for food.
In The Golden Era, the planet is a healthy, happy and peaceful place.
Because at least 51% of global warming comes from livestock and its byproducts (World Watch
Institute 2009), every person can now act effectively to stop it. The solution is simple. If each
of us stops eating meat, we can save the planet.
In the words of Supreme Master Ching Hai, “If we love ourselves, if we love our planet, if we
love our children, any sacrifice will do. Become a Vegan!”
With a massive shift to a plant-based vegan diet, we will see a huge reduction in the amount of
green house gases being pumped into the atmosphere as well as a reduction of pollutants and
chemicals running into our ecosystem. We have to cut all greenhouse gas emissions from all
sources to save our planet, and the most rapidly effective cut is to methane. Then we can put
into action other popular and noble solutions which will take much longer to implement, such
as greater use of solar panels, wind turbines, hybrid electric cars, and so on.
We cannot rely on these non-vegan solutions alone, because they will take far too long to clean
up the planet. But choosing what we put on our fork can immediately turn the situation
The world turning vegan, very quickly starts reducing the global emissions of all three main
greenhouse gases – methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide. There is no other change we
can make that cuts all three greenhouse gas emissions, and cuts them rapidly.
Experts Agree that the Vegan Diet Is
the No. 1 Solution to Global Warming
“… our analysis shows that livestock and their byproducts actually account for at least 32,564
million tons of CO2 per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions.”
- Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang, (Nov/Dec 2009)
“If we eat further down on the food chain rather than animals, which have produced many
greenhouse gases and used much energy in the process of growing that meat, you can actually
make a bigger contribution in that way than just about anything. So that, in terms of individual
action, is perhaps the best thing you can do. But you also have to do things that influence the
decisions of policy makers.”
- Dr. James Hansen, Chief Climatologist, NASA
Intro - 6
“Don’t eat meat, ride a bike and be a frugal shopper – that’s how you can help brake … global
warming.” - Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chief of the Nobel Prize winning UN’s IPCC, (Jan 2008)
On November 3, 2009 Mr. Al Gore agreed that reducing meat in one’s diet is “the responsible
thing to do” when it comes to the fight on climate change. Talking to ABC, Gore agreed with
the UK’s Nicholas Stern that meat eaters have contributed greatly to increased global carbon
emissions. “It’s absolutely correct that the growing meat intensity of diets around the world is
one of the issues connected to this global crisis – not only because of the CO2 involved, but also
because of the water consumed in the process … You could add in the health consequences ...”
Intro - 7
Executive Summary
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Strategies for Bringing Peace to the Planet
Daily Personal Meditation
Supreme Master Television
Constructive, unifying, elevating
Group Meditation Retreats
around the World
Disaster Relief Work
Ahimsa Lifestyle:
Non-Killing, Non-Violent,
Vegan Diet
Global Climate Change
Vegan “Loving Hut” Restaurants
Lead a Virtuous Life:
Awards to Recognize the
Achievements of Others
Be truthful at all times;
Refrain from taking what
is not ours;
Brochures (multiple languages)
on Global Warming, Veganism,
Harms of Alcohol, Meat, Drugs and
Look after the mind and
body with a healthy
Global Letter Writing Campaign
to Spiritual and Political Leaders
Be loving and loyal to our
Stay informed and up-to-date:
Books, DVDs, CDs, News
Financial Contributions
Vegan Cooking Shows
“The peace and love that we most
often talk about and seek we have
within ourselves.”
Artistic works such as jewelry,
lamps, fashion
World Lecture Tours
Exec Summary - 1
Executive Summary
On the first page of this Executive Summary, we see a pictorial display of Supreme Master Ching
Hai’s actions to help move the planet and its inhabitants to a deeper and higher understanding
of love for one another and the planet and to bring it from a state of Crisis to Peace.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai is a nominee for The Nobel Peace Prize for many reasons
including “6 global campaigns”, each occurring as an event, or series of events, each aiming to
influence changes in social behaviours and awareness.
This Executive Summary is a précis of her many roles as a Peacekeeper, Environmentalist,
Humanitarian, World Citizen, and Spiritual Teacher. It is a synopsis of her call to all the Earth to
create a New Golden Era of World Peace.
1. Inspiration and Action for Over Twenty Years to Bring Inner Peace and World Peace:
For over twenty years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has warned the world about global
warming, greenhouse gases being over the limit, oceans warming, deforestation, the brutal
and senseless killing of animals for food, the increase in natural disasters, world shortages of
fresh water and food as well as the harms of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and a meat based diet.
Supreme Master Ching Hai is considered by many around the world as ‘The Saint of Peace for
The Golden Era’, as well as being referred to as ‘Mother of the Earth’.
She provides real solutions to bring peace back into people’s hearts and to our planet.
Supreme Master Ching Hai has become known for her relentless work to bring peace to the
planet by creating vehicles to inform the average world citizen about the dangerous and
fragile situation of our planet due to global warming, to overcome the vast numbers of
children and adults dying from hunger and lack of water, and to bring to a close the cruelty
inflicted upon animals.
Supreme Master Ching Hai inspires action by taking action herself. She has initiated many
compassionate global campaigns to help save the planet by informing the media and the
world’s citizens about the critical situation. As time is of the essence, individuals must act to
both support and motivate the governments and environmental organizations to surge forth
in the right direction.
2. 2006: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s first global campaign
was the design of an Alternative Living Brochure to inspire all
cultures to take action and live healthier, happier and more
compassionate lives on a plant-based diet. Members of The
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association distributed
millions of these brochures in countries around the world in a
variety of different languages.
Alternative Living
Change Your Life
Change Your Heart
Change Your Diet
No More Killing
As early as 2006, Supreme Master Ching Hai believed that 80+% of
Thanks for
global warming is the result of the livestock industry and its
byproducts, World Watch calculations in 2009 showed 51+%.
Not eating meat, dairy, poultry, eggs, and fish as well as not using any
animal products is a BIG ‘Peace Action’ as it will help save our planet and bring to
an end the horrendous suffering of countless animals in many types of environments.
Exec Summary - 2
Executive Summary
When people stop the killing of the animals, their renewed compassionate hearts will stop
the killing of humans. Therefore, this great inner peace will bring world peace.
See Tab E for details. To view the entire brochure please visit:
3. 2006: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s second global campaign was the
launch of Supreme Master Television which, with the help of 14
satellites and the global Internet platform, reaches millions of households
in every continent and inspires viewers to take action and become better
Earth stewards. Currently broadcasting in English with over 40 subtitles and
60 languages, this is an unprecedented accomplishment in broadcasting history.
The extensive program line-up provides viewers with actionable ideas on a diverse range of
topics including how to find greater inner peace through virtuous living, kindness to the
poor and suffering; how to reduce conflict between nations; a non-violent diet; solutions to
global warming; and inner contemplation. Supreme Master Television is a gathering place
of experts from around the world who share their knowledge thus creating a group of
individuals who work harmoniously to bring about a healthier and more peaceful,
sustainable world.
The station is free for all world citizens to watch at:
See Tab F for more details on this campaign.
4. 2007: Supreme Master Ching Hai launched her third global campaign
in the shape of an SOS flyer.
Millions of these flyers, distributed globally in multiple languages,
informed the world’s citizens of the real facts, such as the Polar Ice Cap
is melting very quickly. Supreme Master Ching Hai designed the flyer
to motivate the reader to take action with the top five solutions to
climate change: a vegan diet, hybrid cars, plant more trees, change to
sustainable energy, and prayer.
This flyer is a call to action for ordinary citizens to save our planet and
ensure that it is habitable for our children and all future generations.
Supreme Master Ching Hai clearly has a deep commitment to making our world peaceful.
Individuals reading the flyer feel relieved that they too can make a cost-free, immediate
difference by adopting the vegan lifestyle.
See Tab E for more details.
To view the entire flyer visit:
5. 2008: International Conferences became Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
fourth global campaign. In recognition of the wisdom and unique insights
of Supreme Master Ching Hai, she accepted invitations to be the Guest
of Honour at (to date) twenty-four (24) climate change conferences
in countries throughout the world such as Korea, Japan, Mongolia, USA,
UK, Mexico, Togo, Formosa (Taiwan), Hong Kong, Thailand, and Indonesia.
Exec Summary - 3
Executive Summary
The aim of these conferences is to bring the scientific facts to the eyes of the public,
highlighting the prime causes of global warming. They inspired people to take action to shift
to a vegan lifestyle which is the best, quickest, cheapest and most effective solution that
each and every one of us can implement immediately to create an instant reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions.
All conferences were telecast on Supreme Master Television with thousands of additional
viewers watching the archived versions. Thus, these thousands of people have passed the
message along to others that this guilt-free diet can significantly and quickly reduce GHG
emissions to halt the devastating effects of climate change and also provide inner peace
because no animal has to die so that humans can live.
See Tab G for more details. Conference data is viewed freely at
6. 2008: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s fifth global campaign came in the form of a Harms and
Benefits brochure which outlines the emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical harms of
tobacco, alcohol, meat and drugs along with the benefits of healthier living. Each of these
poisons has been a costly bad habit that has burdened society and our environment in so
many ways.
Supreme Master Ching Hai wrote and directed a stage play entitled “The King & Co” that was
performed on Supreme Master TV, depicting the suffering and cost these addicting drugs
have on the user, their families, and society as well.
Elimination of these forms of addictions will bring an end to much suffering and bring our
society into a new era of peace.
“Yes. And a vegan diet will stop 80% of global warming, stop all the cruelty, beginning on our
plate; generate loving, kind energy around the world; stop water shortage and water
pollution; stop food shortages, stop world hunger and war; prevent deadly diseases; save
enormous tax and medical bills to build a better world, and support new useful inventions
and good people’s organizations.”
- Supreme Master Ching Hai with James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio July 29, 2008
See Tab E for more information. For full details on the Tragic Tolls of Tobacco, Alcohol,
Drugs, Meat and Dairy visit:
7. 2009: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s sixth global campaign was a Letter Writing Campaign. In
November 2009 and in October 2010, thousands of letters, translated into local languages,
were sent to all world spiritual and government leaders, asking them to use their influence
to help save the planet, by endorsing a no-killing lifestyle, and to ensure a clean society
and protection for all co-inhabitants from four main destructive substances – meat,
alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
See Tab E for more details and sample letters.
8. Humanitarian Aid. To date, she has given more than US$20,000,000, only what we know
plus more, to disaster relief and charities. Without acceptance of donations or financial
contributions, Supreme Master Ching Hai supports her humanitarian and spiritual work
through her own artistic creations. Everything Supreme Master Ching Hai does is for the
world. She is a loving example of simplicity, kindness, generosity, nobility, and compassion.
Exec Summary - 4
Executive Summary
More importantly, she is a role model of what a human being can do to achieve the greater
wisdom and inner peace and then use that wisdom and peaceful nature to inspire actions
that will create world peace.
See Tab P for more details.
9. Association Members attend to Disaster Relief. The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association has 200+ centers in 80 countries. Trained in disaster relief,
Association members follow The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s noble, humanitarian example
and are often the first group to arrive to offer food, water, and aid to victims of disasters
around the world such as September 11 New York, Hurricane Katrina, Haiti, Chilean
earthquakes, Pakistan floods, and Chinese mudslides. Recipients are always very grateful
for the loving concern and assistance that has brought them a sense of hope and peace
knowing that someone cares about them.
See Tab H for more details.
10. Recognition by World Leaders.
In recognition of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s winning of The World Spiritual Leadership
Award in 1994, former US President Clinton said, "Supreme Master Ching Hai is a living
example of world peace and love for all, especially her help for the refugees and the many
suffering people in the U.S.A."
Former Mayor Frank Fasi of Honolulu stated, “She brings love around the world where there
is hate. She brings hope where there is despair. And she brings understanding where there is
misunderstanding. She is the light of a great person, an angel of mercy for all of us.”
11. Support of Research from Previous Nobel Prize winner – Otto Warburg. In 1931 Otto
Warburg won The Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer thrives in an acidic body. Supreme
Master Ching Hai supports Mr. Warburg by informing the world at large that one of the
major benefits of a vegan diet is that it makes the body alkaline thus preventing disease.
Record increases in obesity, cancer, and heart disease contribute to the lack of peace in the
world as people are now living in fear of contracting these diseases.
The healthy vegan diet greatly removes the fear of getting these diseases. It instills a deep
sense of appreciation for life and our beautiful precious planet that offers us an abundance
of food, clean air, and pure water in addition to a comfortable home filled with peace, love,
unity, and harmony for all. It is easy to see how this level of individual peace translates
into the entire world being much more at peace.
12. World Lecture Tours. Supreme Master Ching Hai is always concerned about the overall
spiritual development and physical health of each sentient being on the planet. Fluent in
five languages (English, French, German, Chinese and Vietnamese) her lectures provide ideas
on how people can improve themselves spiritually through meditation and improve their
lives by becoming positive thinkers. In addition, she shares ideas on how we as individuals,
groups, and whole countries can live a noble life to bring more inner peace and world
peace. Since the mid 80’s, Supreme Master Ching Hai has delivered 1,000+ lectures
See Tab I for more details.
Exec Summary - 5
Executive Summary
13. Learning Resources such as Books, CDs, DVDs. Supreme Master Ching Hai has authored and
published in excess of 20 books all of which have been translated into multiple languages.
Three of these have become #1 international best-sellers, namely The Birds in My Life, The
Dogs in My Life, and The Noble Wilds. Readers of these books experience a deeper
connection with animals and nature. They embrace the need to stop killing animals and
start treating them as our friends. This peaceful action contributes greatly to world peace.
Her lectures inspiring people to live a noble life have been captured in 1,000+ CDs and DVDs.
See Tab O for more details.
14. Awards to Recognize Others. Wishing to acknowledge others for their actions and influence
toward developments of goodness in the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai founded the
Shining World Leadership Award in March 2006. Since then, she has also established other
prestigious awards, such as the Shining World Hero Award, Shining World Compassion
Award, Shining World Honesty Award, and Shining World Inventor Award.
The honoured recipients are individuals, nations, and organizations whose exemplary works
have significantly contributed to the harmony, beauty, and sustainability of our planet
See Tab N for more details.
15. Encouragement for others to meditate. Since the mid 1980’s, Supreme
Master Ching Hai has taught of men, women, and children how to meditate
through the Quan Yin Method of meditation. Research has proven that
meditation can bring peace to the planet by reducing crime, improving our
health, and increasing inner peace, love, compassion, and understanding
for oneself and others.
The Quan Yin Method requires a commitment of 2.5 hours of meditation a day. Becoming a
more noble and loving human being is one of the many benefits of this practice. With a very
deep commitment to cultivating inner peace, these meditators generate healthy and serene
frequencies onto the planet.
Supreme Master Ching Hai welcomes all cultures, religions, and faiths to learn this
meditation method free of charge. She tells them not to leave their religion but to use this
meditation to make them a better Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, and so on.
Once again this thoughtful action and the wise teachings of Supreme Master Ching Hai
motivate practitioners to lay their perceived differences aside and come together as one to
meditate and pray for world unity, peace, and harmony.
See Tab K for more details.
16. Originator of Loving Hut Restaurants. Supreme Master Ching Hai inspired the development
of a chain of vegan restaurants called “Loving Hut”. These popular dining establishments
encourage a healthy, Earth-sustaining diet by providing a vast array of delicious, affordable,
and nutritious vegan cuisine and in so doing, offer a means of transition and promote the
solution to protect the world, its citizens, all its co-inhabitants and future generations from
the devastating effects of climate change. There are currently 185+ Loving Hut restaurants
Exec Summary - 6
Executive Summary
around the globe – the fastest growing vegan restaurant chain in the world endorsing a
non-violent diet and lifestyle for a more peaceful world.
See Tab J for more details.
17. Media acknowledgement. The media has reported on Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
endeavours. In the online news magazine, The American Chronicle, France-based journalist
Guénady paid tribute to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s efforts in alerting the world to the
critical situation of a warming planet and for offering much-needed guidance as well as
hope. The following are excerpts from the article entitled “Ching Hai Soars above the Fray”:
“In fact, it is Ching Hai and her followers who, almost single-handedly, have forced the
worldwide media to – finally – report the story, untouched and untouchable for years, of
what the most eminent scientists say about global warming... For we have not been told that
the melting of the poles simultaneously creates toxic methane gas ‘chimneys’ in the polar
seas. By the time the poles are gone, scientists estimate there will be so much toxic gas in the
atmosphere that our Earth will no longer sustain life as we know it now ... But Ching Hai’s
position is that there IS still hope. The meltdown CAN be stopped, even at this late hour. Our
planet CAN be saved. How? By reducing global warming –fast— and one easy step which
each individual can take, without asking any permission, investing in any material, or
consulting anyone, is to stop supporting the industrial production of animals for human
See Tab S for more details.
18. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s followers are invited to respect five key guidelines:
a) Refrain from taking the life of sentient beings. This guideline requires strict adherence to
a vegan diet. No meat, dairy, fish, poultry, or eggs. Supreme Master Ching Hai
encourages everyone to eat a diet where no animal, fish, or bird has to die or suffer for
us to live. She believes that we are all very inter-connected. When we stop causing
suffering to animals, our level of consciousness and compassion for all sentient beings
will rise. Then we will also not want to kill our fellow human beings and wars will stop.
The vegan diet has the least amount of killing in it. Supreme Master Ching Hai believes
that everything deserves to live and that animals have feelings;
b) Always tell the truth;
c) Refrain from taking what is not ours;
d) Look after the mind and body with a healthy lifestyle;
e) Love and be loyal to our family.
She believes that if everyone follows these guidelines of compassion and kindness, we
collectively create peace on Earth.
See Tab K for more details.
19. Awards: Although Supreme Master Ching Hai does not seek acknowledgment, in
recognition of her selfless efforts, government representatives and private organizations
worldwide have presented her with prestigious awards on numerous occasions. The Gusi
Peace Prize and the World Peace Award are just two of the awards she has received
recognizing her for her contribution to inner peace and world peace.
See Tab R for more details.
Exec Summary - 7
Executive Summary
20. Greatly talented in the arts. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s works are truly awe-inspiring.
Using a wide range of media, she calls upon her God-given talents to create a unique line of
celestial art. Her painted fans, oil paintings, Celestial clothes, Celestial jewelry, Longevity
Lamps, songs, culinary art, poetry, architecture and landscape designs are all masterpieces
rich in spiritual essence.
Each piece of artwork is intended to awaken the supreme master within each of us and
help us realize our peaceful and compassionate nature.
See Tab Q for more details.
Exec Summary - 8
This section contains additional details of the
actions that Supreme Master Ching Hai takes to
help create a New Golden Era of World Peace.
Biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai
Supreme Master Ching Hai was born in central Au Lac (Vietnam). In her name is an invitation
for all to connect with their own ‘supreme’ wisdom and therefore be of ultimate service to the
Supreme Master Ching Hai is renown for her many international roles all of which demonstrate
“Love in Action” to fulfill her one goal of bringing greater peace to the planet. This biography is
a summary of the roles since the mid 1980’s of this multi-talented world citizen.
World Lecturer
Television Pioneer
Fashion Designer
Supreme Master Ching Hai
has many international roles.
She is “Love in Action” to
fulfill her one goal of bringing
peace to the planet.
Ambassador for
Loving Kindness
to Humans and
Spiritual Teacher
Biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai
Meticulous Care of the Less Fortunate
Supreme Master Ching Hai lives a message that walks the way of love. Her name literally
means the ‘Ocean of Love’.
Supreme Master Ching Hai has generously contributed millions of dollars in humanitarian aid
and invited her Association members go to help countless victims of natural disasters
throughout the world. In addition, the planet’s precious animals and the environment have
been recipients of her tender care. Her loving kindness has touched the hearts of millions and
has inspired others to follow her altruistic example.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s compassionate heart has been reflected in her meticulous care for
the less fortunate in various circumstances. A renowned humanitarian, environmentalist, and
spiritual visionary, her love and assistance has extended beyond all cultural and racial
boundaries to millions of people around the world, including:
the needy and homeless;
institutions of medical research on AIDS and cancer;
war veterans;
the disadvantaged;
the elderly;
the physically and mentally challenged;
the incarcerated;
victims of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, typhoons and fires and
animals from different species are also the recipients of her boundless benevolence.
The Work of
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
For over two decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai has travelled
internationally to give lectures and share her meditation method.
She has established over 200 centers around the globe and these
centers’ members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International
Association follow her noble example by living her teachings.
These members meditate every day and work diligently to bring
much needed relief to victims of global warming induced and
other natural disasters. As early as 2006, Supreme Master Ching Hai believed that 80+% of
global warming is the result of the livestock industry and its byproducts [World Watch
calculations in 2009 showed 51+%]. Association members, therefore, conduct free seminars on
the effects of climate change and support Master Ching Hai’s suggestion to promote the vegan
lifestyle as the cost-free, most effective solution that everyone can implement immediately and
easily in order to quickly reduce the devastating impacts of greenhouse gas emissions to save
the planet for our children and all future generations.
Biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai
Supreme Master Ching Hai's help reaches almost all corners of the world. Since Association
members reside in nearly every country, they can respond to disasters very quickly and can
communicate in the native language. This provides a source of great comfort for the victims.
In 2010 alone, major disasters have occurred as a result of climate change: devastating
earthquakes in Haiti and Chile; Pakistan floods affected 21,000,000 people and this tragedy is
considered by the UN to be the greatest human disaster ever; Chinese mudslides have left
many hurt and homeless; and in Niger, the UN’s World Food Programme tells us that 8 million
people or ½ the population are starving.
The moment Supreme Master Ching Hai hears of a disaster, members
of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
expediently provide whatever assistance is required for those in
need. Association members are trained in disaster relief and are
easily identified by their bright yellow vests.
For example, in Haiti, members of the Association cooked thousands
of vegan meals every day and provided tents for the homeless. In addition, medical and dental
Association members offered health care to thousands. They moved rubble and did whatever
they were called upon to do to bring comfort and aid to the Haitian people.
Global Campaigns to “Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet”
Supreme Master Ching Hai is among notable pioneers in our society today who wisely and
courageously express concern about climate change. In fact, for more than 20 years, she has
talked about preserving the environment and has initiated several global compassionate
campaigns to heighten the public’s awareness of this pressing crisis situation.
“Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet” is now a well-known motto that originated from Supreme
Master Ching Hai.
2006: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s first global compassionate campaign was the design of an
Alternative Living brochure to inspire all cultures to take action and live healthier, happier,
more compassionate Earth-sustaining lives on a plant-based diet.
2006: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s second global campaign was the start-up of Supreme
Master Television, the details of which are under a separate heading in this biography.
2007: An SOS flyer highlighted Supreme Master Ching Hai’s third global campaign. It informed
the world’s citizens of the real facts of global warming such as the Polar Ice Cap is melting very
quickly. Supreme Master Ching Hai designed this pamphlet to motivate the reader to take
action with the top five solutions to climate change: a vegan diet, drive hybrid cars, plant more
trees, change to sustainable energy, and prayer.
Biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai
2008: International Conferences became Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
fourth global campaign. In recognition of her wisdom and unique insights,
she accepted invitations to be the Guest of Honour at twenty-four plus
(24 +) climate change conferences in countries such as Korea, Japan,
Mongolia, USA, Mexico, Togo, Formosa, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Indonesia.
The aim of these International Climate Change Conferences was to bring the scientific facts to
the eyes of the public, highlighting the prime causes and solutions of global warming now … as
well as to inform people why a shift to a vegan lifestyle is the best, quickest, cheapest, and most
effective solution that each and every one of us can implement immediately to create an instant
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
All conferences were telecast on Supreme Master Television with thousands of additional
viewers watching the archived versions.
2008: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s fifth global campaign came in the form of a Harms and
Benefits brochure which outlined the emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical harms of
tobacco, alcohol, meat, and drugs as well as the benefits of healthier living. This chart below is
a fraction of the vital information contained in this brochure.
Cost of alcohol-related illnesses:
Organ Failure
• US$186.4 billion in the United States • Heart
• Up to US$210 - 665 billion globally
• Liver
• Kidneys
• Cancer
Birth Defects
• Liver disease
• Mental retardation
• Cardiovascular disease
• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:
- Stunted growth
Brain Damage
- Facial deformity
• Amnesia and dementia
• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
• Brain shrinkage
• Miscarriage
Alcohol-related Violence
• Child abuse: 50% of cases
• Violence toward loved ones:
30% of cases
• Violent acts: 40–80% of
• Suicides: 20-50% of cases
Each of these poisons has been a costly bad habit that has burdened society and our
environment in so many ways.
Supreme Master Ching Hai wrote and directed a stage play entitled “The King & Co” and it was
performed on Supreme Master TV, depicting the suffering and cost the harmful substances of
tobacco, alcohol, meat, and drugs have on the user, their families, and society as well.
Elimination of these addictions will bring an end to much suffering and bring our society into
a new era of peace.
2009: Supreme Master Ching Hai initiated her sixth global campaign – a Letter Campaign. In
November 2009, she wrote to World Spiritual Leaders and in October 2010, she sent letters to
World Political Leaders appealing to them to inform their congregations/fellow citizens of how
to halt global warming and to eliminate the four main destructive substances of our time meat, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
Biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai
Supreme Master Television
With the purpose of heightening public awareness of the critical state of our planet, Supreme
Master Ching Hai launched Supreme Master Television in September of 2006. The channel
currently broadcasts in English with over 40 subtitles and 60 languages —an unprecedented
accomplishment in broadcasting history.
SUPREME MASTER TV is an international constructive channel that focuses
on news and programs, inspiring peace and outstanding examples of
excellence in humanity and noble ways of living. It is devoted exclusively
to promoting good works and peaceful actions.
The extensive program line-up provides viewers with actionable ideas on a diverse range of
topics including how to find greater inner peace through virtuous living, kindness to the poor
and suffering; how to reduce conflict between nations; a non-violent diet; solutions to global
warming; and inner contemplation.
Supreme Master Television is a free-to-air satellite channel, broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week. It is available with the help of 14 satellites and the global internet platform at
Since its launch, Supreme Master Television has been acknowledged by many as being the
vanguard in the campaign to reduce global warming as well as to protect, enhance, and
preserve our planet for the many generations to come.
From on-location broadcasts of peace-building events, to interviews with presidents,
celebrities, and ordinary people who have done extraordinary works, Supreme Master
Television is a bridge for understanding and sharing the world’s cultures through the channel’s
features on the beauty of all nations.
Innovator of the Loving Hut Chain of Vegan Restaurants
Being well aware of the immense impact our food choices have
on the climate and to facilitate humanity’s transition into a more
benevolent, Earth-sustaining way of living, Supreme Master
Ching Hai also inspired the development of a chain of vegan
restaurants called “Loving Hut”. With many locations throughout
the world, these popular dining establishments advocate a healthy
diet by providing a vast array of delicious, affordable, and nutritious
Biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai
cuisine, and in so doing, promote the solution to protect the world, its citizens, all its coinhabitants, and our future generations from the devastating effects of climate change.
Lecturer on the International Stage
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s extended retreat in the Himalayas
ended in the mid 1980’s. Soon after her return from the Himalayas,
at the earnest request of those around her, she began to share the
Quan Yin Method of meditation with others, encouraging them to look
within to find their own greatness. People from all walks of life found
that through the Quan Yin Method, they attained greater fulfillment,
happiness, and peace in their daily lives.
Before long, invitations arrived from the United States, Europe, Asia,
Australia, Africa, and South America as well as from important
organizations such as the United Nations for Master Ching Hai to give
lectures. She is fluent in 5 languages (English, French, German, Chinese
and Au Lac/ (Vietnamese), and since the mid 1980’s, she has given 1,000+ lectures in a
multitude of countries across the globe.
Each of her discourses has focused on achieving inner peace as well as using our inner wisdom
to create a better world for ourselves and others, to reduce the greenhouse gases on the planet,
and to restore the life-sustaining balance of the air, land, and sea back to a healthier state.
Money from Her Artistic Creations
Is Used to Assist the Poor & Needy
In addition to being a noble example of humanitarian aid, Supreme
Master Ching Hai also encourages people to beautify the world in
which we live. As a result of her meditation practice, she has realized
many spontaneous talents that she expresses through artistic paintings
and creations, music and poetry, as well as aesthetic jewelry and
clothing designs, expressing the inner and outer beauty of the cultures
and peoples she has met. The income generated from her artistic
endeavours supports Supreme Master Ching Hai in her noble mission
of assisting God’s children in their times of need.
Painting: Stone Cave
Best-Selling Author
Supreme Master Ching Hai has authored and published 20+ books, all of which
have been translated into multiple languages. Three of these have become #1
international best-sellers, namely The Birds in My Life, The Dogs in My Life,
and The Noble Wilds. These volumes reveal many insights into the deep
emotions and thoughts of our treasured animal co-inhabitants, highlighting
Biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai
their gracious spirit and unconditional love. Through these books, Supreme
Master Ching Hai’s objectives are to enable others to see animals as highly
intelligent sentient beings as well as to encourage us to treat animals as
friends and not eat them.
Her wish is that as humans stop the killing of animals for food, they will
next turn their compassionate hearts to truly caring about the environment
and work harmoniously to bring the planet back to peace and health.
Initiator of the Shining World Award Series
Wishing to acknowledge others for their actions and influence toward developments of
goodness in the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai founded the Shining World Leadership
Award in March 2006. Since then, she has also established other prestigious awards, such as
the Shining World Hero Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Honesty
Award, and Shining World Invention Award. The honoured recipients are individuals, nations,
and organizations whose exemplary works have significantly contributed to the harmony,
beauty, and sustainability of our Earth.
Our precious animal friends have also been presented with the Shining
World Hero Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and so on, for their
selfless and noble deeds in rescuing lives at the risk of their own, or
exhibiting remarkable bravery, intelligence, and care through their loving
acts of altruism.
These awards are often accompanied by a financial contribution
to help the individual in continuing their noble work.
Biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai
Awards She Has Received
Supreme Master Ching Hai gives much to our world, both spiritually and materially. Although
she does not seek acknowledgment, over the years she has received prestigious awards in
recognition of her selfless contributions, from government representatives and private
organizations worldwide on numerous occasions. Among these are:
♦ The President’s Volunteer Service Award from His Excellency
US President Barack Obama (2010);
♦ The Gusi Peace Prize (2006) – see photo to the right;
♦ First-place Silver for the 27th Annual Telly Awards (2006);
♦ Los Angeles Music Week Certificate of Commendation (2002);
♦ World Peace Award (1994);
♦ World Spiritual Leadership Award (1994);
♦ World Citizen Humanitarian Award (1994);
♦ In addition, in 1993, October 25 was proclaimed to be
"The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day" by Mayor Frank Fasi of Honolulu, Hawaii and in
1994, February 22 was also proclaimed to be "The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day" by the
governors of the American States of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, and
International Flag
Supreme Master Ching Hai has designed a beautiful and meaningful flag for her Association’s
use which promotes peace among all.
Meaning of each colored heart:
Yellow: Yellow skin race of people
Red: Red skin race of people
Black: Black skin race of people
White: White skin race of people
Green: Nature, animals, birds, etc...
Blue: Water and aquatic beings
Shape: Earth
Background: Sky
Supreme Master Ching Hai shares the meaning behind her flag creation:
The Supreme Master logo on the flag is there to awaken our dormant God nature, and remind
us to develop our radiant quality within. On either side, hearts of different colors are placed
interconnecting with one another, symbolizing God’s expectations for sentient beings on Earth:
Forsake all discrimination, all sentient beings should love and care for each other, and live in
peace and joy under that blue sky.
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
For over twenty years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has warned the world about global
warming, greenhouse gases being over the limit, oceans warming, deforestation, the
brutal and senseless killing of animals for food, increases in natural disasters, the world is
running out of fresh water as well as the harms of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and a dairy and
meat-based diet. She provides solutions to bring peace back to our planet.
"The permafrost layer is melting each day. And the methane gas,
or other gases even, are releasing into the atmosphere. I really hope
and pray that someone is listening. Methane and nitrous oxide is
made by stock raising, stock keeping, animals keeping. So they are
far more poisonous, far more dangerous than CO2.
Because the atmosphere is getting warmer and so the methane is bubbling out. If we stop the
worst cause of global warming, meaning stock raising, animal breeding, then we will be able to
save the planet. We have to stop the killing of man or animals. We have to stop producing
animal products. And we have to stop using it."
- Supreme Master Ching Hai - 6 July 2008– London Conference
“Yes. And a vegan diet will stop 80% of global warming, stop all the cruelty, beginning on our
plate; generate loving, kind energy around the world; stop water shortage and water
pollution; stop food shortages, stop world hunger, and war; prevent deadly diseases; save
enormous tax and medical bills to build a better world; and support new useful inventions
and good people’s organizations."
- An Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by James Bean
of Spiritual Awakening Radio, July 29, 2008 - USA
"Everything has something. Like trees, they are there to give oxygen to the planet. Without
trees, we die. Really, we will. We’ll die without trees. The water will be less because there are
no trees to attract water and to keep water when it is there.
So everything on this planet, including us, is inter-related and helping each other to make our
lives here comfortable and livable, comfortably. But if we don’t know that, we are killing
ourselves. Every time we kill a tree, or kill an animal, we are killing a little part of ourselves.”
- Supreme Master Ching Hai - 6 Jun 2001– Florida, USA
"Everything else takes too long and we don’t have time. So we have to choose the vegan diet;
no more animal breeding. Choose organic farming, helping each other, sharing the food that
we have. Because if we are vegan, all of us, we will have so much food to share with
everybody; no one will ever go to sleep hungry at night anymore. And then we will have
saved a lot of time, energy, money to help them also combat disease and rebuild their lives.
Everything’s possible, because there will be no more war, even with animals. Peace begins at
- Supreme Master Ching Hai “Critical Moments to Save the Planet” - June 29, 2008
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
This section summarizes Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Global Compassionate Awareness
Campaigns to help restore the planet as well as restore peace and compassion to all beings.
Following this list is a section entitled “Experts Agree with Supreme Master Ching Hai” on the
urgency of saving our planet, the state of human health and the need for respecting all animals
as valuable co-inhabitants. With such conclusive information, Supreme Master Ching Hai
initiated many global campaigns to inform the media and the world’s citizens about the
critical situation of:
Planet Earth is undergoing extreme global warming and the need to halt run-away global
heating which would be devastating to all life on Earth;
We are facing health epidemics worldwide such as heart disease, cancer and obesity plus
the need for a healthier diet and lifestyle;
Many have lost their compassion as 1 billion people go hungry every year, we lose 16,000
children per day to starvation, we needlessly slaughter 50+ billion animals a year for food
when a plant based diet has been proven to be the healthiest diet, and we lose up to 270
plant, animal and bird species per day.
1. 2006: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s first global
compassionate campaign was the design of an
Alternative Living brochure which informed
everyone of how they could live healthier, happier and
more compassionate lives on a plant-based diet. Delightful
animal characters dancing across the brochure gave the
reader valuable information on how to replace their meat
with healthier plant-based protein sources. Members of
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
distributed millions of these brochures in countries around
the world in a variety of different languages.
Alternative Living
Change Your Life
Change Your Heart
Change Your Diet
No More Killing
Be Healthy and Loving
Thanks for
To view the entire brochure go to:
2. 2006: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s second global campaign was the
start-up of Supreme Master Television which, with the help of 14
satellites and the global Internet platform, could reach
millions of households in every continent and encourage them to become
better stewards of Mother Earth.
The station is free to watch at
Please see Tab F for complete details on this campaign.
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
3. 2007: Supreme Master Ching Hai launched her third global campaign
in the shape of an SOS flyer which informed the world’s citizens of the
real facts such as the Polar Ice cap is melting very quickly. Supreme
Master Ching Hai also designed the informative pamphlet to provide
the reader with the top five solutions to climate change: a vegan diet,
drive hybrid cars, plant more trees, change to sustainable energy,
and prayer.
Members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association distributed millions of
these in countries around the world in a variety of different languages. Being offered
solutions to the pressing crisis eases the tense atmosphere and people become more
relaxed, open and more prepared to take action to deal with the problem when they have
some ideas on what they can do at the personal level to make a significant difference. They
feel proud that they at least have contributed their part to making the world a better place
for themselves and their future generations.
To view the entire flyer visit:
4. 2008: International Conferences became Supreme Master Ching
Hai’s fourth global campaign. In recognition of the wisdom and unique
insights of Supreme Master Ching Hai, she has been invited to participate
in many climate change conferences and symposiums all over the world.
Despite her busy schedule, she has selflessly accepted invitations to be
the Guest of Honor at these conferences in countries such as Korea, Japan,
Mongolia, USA, Mexico, Togo, Formosa (Taiwan), Hong Kong, Thailand, and Indonesia.
In summary of the range of content and data from these conferences, the book “Crisis to
Peace” was published and can be viewed freely at
Please see Tab G for complete details on this campaign.
5. 2008: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s fifth global campaign came in the form of a Harms and
Benefits brochure which outlined the emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical harms of
tobacco, alcohol, meat and drugs as well as the benefits of healthier living. Each of these
poisons has been a costly bad habit that has burdened society in so many ways.
Supreme Master Ching Hai wrote and directed a stage play that was performed on Supreme
Master TV depicting the suffering and cost these addicting drugs have on the user, their
families and society as well. Elimination of these forms of addiction will bring an end to
much suffering and lead our society into a new era of peace.
Research into the tragic tolls of tobacco, alcohol, drugs in addition to meat and dairy
consumption was the inspiration for this global campaign. The headlines on the next page
are some of the highlights of this four page in-depth brochure.
For full details on the Tragic Tolls of Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, Dairy and Meat visit:
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
1.8 million alcohol-related deaths per year worldwide
Cost of alcohol-related illnesses:
Organ Failure
US$186.4 billion in the United States
Up to US$210 - 665 billion globally
Birth Defects
Liver disease
Mental retardation
Cardiovascular disease
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:
- Stunted growth
Brain Damage
- Facial deformity
Amnesia and dementia
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Brain shrinkage
Alcohol-related Violence
Child abuse: 50% of cases
Violence toward loved ones:
30% of cases
Violent acts: 40–80% of
Suicides: 20-50% of cases
- Over 200,000 deaths each year worldwide.
- Costs US$181 billion each year in the United States, US$33 billion in the UK.
- Lifetime cost of current drug addiction amounts to US$575 billion in the UK.
- 5.4 million smoking related deaths per year worldwide.
- Cost of smoking related illnesses: US$96 billion in the United States alone.
Animal protein is the #1 cause of heart disease.
Over 17 million lives lost globally each year.
Cost of cardiovascular disease is at least US$1 trillion a year.
The death risk for an American from heart attack is around 50%. It reduces to 15% if
he eats no meat and drops to 4% if he eats no meat, no dairy and no eggs which is a
Vegan Diet.
Over 1 million new colon cancer patients diagnosed each year.
More than 600,000 colon cancer-related mortalities annually.
In the United States alone, colon cancer treatment costs about US$6.5 billion.
Millions of people are newly diagnosed with other meat-related cancers every year.
The risk of cancer increases 3-4 times for meat eaters.
246 million people are affected worldwide.
The cost is $174 billion US.
The risk rate of Type II diabetes is 4 times higher for meat eaters.
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
Other diseases related to meat:
bird flu
shellfish poisoning
blue tongue disease
e. coli
pig’s disease
Dangers of milk consumption:
breast, prostrate, testicular cancer from hormones
listeria and crohn’s disease
hormones and saturated fat in milk lead to osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes and heart
milk is linked to higher incidences of multiple sclerosis
most people in the world are lactose intolerant
milk is classified as a major allergen.
Scientists Prove a Vegan Diet Is the Healthiest
Scientists have proven that the vegan diet is the healthiest diet. Three sources are:
1. Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg: Since cancer thrives in an acidic body a vegan diet
which is primarily an alkaline diet is the healthiest diet. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize
in 1931 when he discovered that cancer thrives in an acidic body. This then means that in
order to keep our bodies healthy, we should strive for an alkaline ph. The most alkaline
foods are vegetables, grains and fruits. Meat and dairy are acid forming.
2. The China Study by T. Colin Campbell:
This book clearly reports of a 20-year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University,
and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, a survey of diseases and lifestyle factors
in rural China and Taiwan. More commonly known as the China Study, “this project
eventually produced more than 8000 statistically significant associations between various
dietary factors and disease.”
The New York Times has recognized the study (China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health
Project) as the “Grand Prix of epidemiology” and the “most comprehensive large study ever
undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease.”
The scientific findings are clear, “People who ate the most animal-based foods got the
most chronic disease … People who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest
and tended to avoid chronic disease. These results could not be ignored,” said Dr.
3. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a group of
thousands of medical doctors, nutritionists and dieticians whose studies prove a vegan diet
is the healthiest diet.
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
Summary Benefits of a Vegan Diet
Research clearly shows that the Vegan Diet is the healthiest diet, it is the most peaceful and
compassionate diet, and it can indeed save the planet. Benefits include:
Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Stronger immune system
Reduces Type 2 diabetes
Prevents stroke conditions
Reverses atherosclerosis
Reduces heart disease risk by 50%
Reduces heart surgery risk by 80%
Prevents many forms of cancer
Increases life expectancy by up to 15 years
Conserves up to 70% clean water
Saves over 70% of the Amazonian rainforest
A solution for world hunger:
- frees up 3,433 million hectares of land annually
- frees up 760 million tons of grain/yr (half the world’s grain supply)
Consumes 2/3 less fossil fuels than those used for meat consumption
Reduces violence, increases our focus
Reduces pollution from untreated animal waste
Maintains cleaner air
Saves 4.5 tons of emissions per US household per year
Stops 50 - 80% of global warming
People will feel happy inside knowing that no animal had to suffer or sacrifice their life for
them to live. Their hearts will be at peace.
6. 2009: Supreme Master Ching Hai initiated her sixth global campaign - a Letter Writing
Campaign. In November 2009 and in October 2010, thousands of letters, translated into
local languages, were sent to appeal to all world spiritual and government leaders to use
their influence to help save the planet by endorsing a no-killing lifestyle and to ensure a
clean society and protection for all co-inhabitants from four main destructive substances –
meat, alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
View copies of the two letters at the bottom of this tab.
7. 2009: Nutritious Cooking Shows were the focus of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s seventh
Global Campaign.
The dedication and compassionate efforts of Supreme Master Ching Hai for our planet don’t
end there. In her spare time, Supreme Master Ching Hai launched a series of weekly
cooking shows on Supreme Master Television entitled “A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious
Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai” in which she personally prepares tasty dishes to
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
assist viewers in their transition to an eco-friendly, low carbon diet which is free of any
animal products. The recipes are so easy to prepare that even young children can follow
The shows have been translated into multiple languages in order to reach the greatest
number of the world’s citizens.
Experts Agree with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s compassion extends to humans, animals and Mother Earth herself.
We must be the solution to this world problem. Supreme Master Ching Hai is advocating a
global alternative lifestyle shift to the organic vegan diet. The current critical condition of our
world due to the effects of planetary warming calls for immediate and wise action on the part
of every one. While there are many factors contributing to climate change, a new analysis from
World Watch Institute 2009 (see details below) shows that the impact of raising livestock and
poultry is much greater than previously thought and actually amounts to approximately 51% of
human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, more than all of global transportation combined.
There is a significant connection between global warming and our food choices. Therefore to
reverse and halt the global impacts of climate change that we are current experiencing, we
must start including the diet-climate equation in our efforts to drastically and urgently reduce
human-caused emissions and temperature levels. There are many methods of resolving this
pressing problem but the plant based diet is the simplest, quickest, cheapest and single most
effective action. Not only can it halt as much as 80% of global warming but also can free up our
planet’s much needed natural resources, eradicate world hunger, as well as reduce diseases
and disasters.
Supreme Master Ching Hai has taken on the great responsibility to inform citizens about the
danger of global warming turning into runaway global heating.
This thinking is substantiated by many world leaders and organizations
World experts agree on the urgency of saving our planet (planetary health), the state of human
health and the need for respecting all animals as valuable co-inhabitants.
1. “Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances of survival of life on Earth as
much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” - Albert Einstein
2. Reputable scientists such as Dr. James Hansen, Chief Climatologist at NASA, have indicated
that we have just until the end of 2012 to stop global warming. In an open letter to His
Excellency President Barack Obama of the United States Dr. Hansen writes, “We cannot now
afford to put off change any longer. We have to get on a new path within this new
administration. We have only four years left … to set an example to the rest of the world.”
- Dr. James Hansen, NASA (22 January 2009)
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
3. “Don’t eat meat, ride a bike and be a frugal shopper – that’s how you can help brake …
global warming.”
- Rajendra Pachauri, Chief of the Nobel Prizing winning UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (January 2008)
4. 50 billion metric tons of methane could erupt at any moment from the warming Arctic
Ocean. - Natalia Shakhova, International Arctic Research, Center of the University of Alaska
Fairbanks, USA (March 2010)
5. Greenhouse Gas Emissions are way over their safe limits.
Safe CO2 = 280 ppm. Current = 385 = 35% increase.
Safe Methane = 700 ppb. Current = 1,750 ppb = 150% increase now spiking faster due to
added carbon feedback emissions.
Safe N2O= 280 ppb. Current = 320 ppb = 17% increase – but N2O has 290 times the heating
effect as CO2 and it is emitted by livestock and chemical food production.
6. A 2009 report issued by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
recommends levying fees for livestock as a way to reduce this sector’s emissions of
greenhouse gases, currently estimated at 7,000 billion tons of CO2 equivalent annually.
Moreover, livestock raising is known not only to impact human health but also to cause
enormous damage to ecosystems, biodiversity, land, forests and water quality.
7. A new study published in the November/December 2009 issue of World Watch
Magazine has concluded that livestock production and its by-products are responsible
for at least 51 percent of global warming. Authors Dr. Robert Goodland, former lead
environmental advisor to the World Bank, and World Bank research officer Mr. Jeffery
Anhang built upon a widely cited 2006 report “Livestock’s Long Shadow” by the United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). After reviewing both direct and
indirect sources of GHG emissions from livestock, they calculated and included areas
not previously considered, and updated others.
8. Right now, there is more than enough crop production in the world to feed the entire
human population. However, according to the latest report from the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) on September 18, 2008, rising prices have
plunged an additional 75 million people below the hunger threshold, bringing the
estimated number of undernourished people worldwide to 923 million. One reason this
is happening is given by Mr. Jason Baker, director of Asia-Pacific for PETA. He has stated,
“Animals raised for food consume nearly one billion metric tons of food eaten by
humans every year ― that’s enough to feed about half the world’s population. It takes
up to 16 kilograms of grain to produce just one kilogram of meat.”
9. Dr. Kirk Smith, Professor of Global Environmental Health at the University of
California, Berkley. As the world’s governments strive to implement solutions to
combat climate change, its effects continue to increase and intensify with more
frequent and severe storms, floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes and more.
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
The most prominent recent information shows that methane is up to 25 times more
potent, per ton, than CO2 in causing global warming. These calculations are based on
averaging the heating impact of methane over 100 years. However, after only a decade,
methane is barely traceable and almost disappears after 20 years, thus averaging it over
a century dramatically reduces its impact. And as we don’t have 100 years left to reduce
our greenhouse gases, more recent calculations averaged over a period of 20 years rate
methane as 72 times more potent.
Methane emissions are produced from natural sources such as oceans, permafrost,
some wetlands, and also from human-made sources. Human-produced methane is one
of the largest emitters especially from biomass burning (the burning of vegetation for
land clearing and land-use change) and the livestock industry. Methane from the energy
sector such as coal mines, oil refineries and leaking gas pipelines can be minimized
through technological changes and advancements. But it is the methane from the
livestock industry that is the worst human-derived emitter, as recently stated by Dr.
Kirk Smith, Professor of Global Environmental Health at the University of California,
Berkley. He said, “And that is something that we all contribute to, all of us who eat
meat and I must say, drink milk as well.” Fortunately then, reducing methane levels is
something that all of us can have a hand in right now by consuming less meat and dairy
products. Professor Smith verifies this by boldly stating: “The immediate fix is to eat
less meat.”
Currently, governments worldwide are focusing on strategies to reduce CO2 emissions;
however, this latest information about methane points to the fact that we should be
concentrating on methane reduction much more. Dr. Smith added, “Methane is the
second most well-known greenhouse gas but is much more powerful.” He described it as
an insidious gas; one that is not only an intense greenhouse gas but one that also helps
create ground-level ozone, which is damaging to human health. If high levels of
methane reduce oxygen concentration in the atmosphere to below 19.5% then asphyxia
can occur. Increased levels can also be highly flammable forming explosive mixtures
with air.
Dr. Kirk Smith believes that climate scientists need to stress
the dire consequences of methane more. “Sure we have to
deal with CO2, but if you want to make an impact on climate
in the next 20 years, the place to do it is with the shorterlived greenhouse gases, most important of which is
methane.” Nations worldwide need to take heed of this
advice and make the reduction of methane top priority by
placing the animal-free diet at the forefront of all
greenhouse gas reduction strategies; because, as Dr. Smith
explained, “The biggest single source of human-caused
methane emissions is livestock.” Reducing global methane
levels right away will also buy us more time to transition into using sustainable energies.
Put simply, the science is now telling us that methane is several times more powerful in
warming the planet than CO2 and that we need to drastically reduce our methane
emissions immediately for the sake of the Earth and all her inhabitants. The quickest
Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
and most effective way to make this happen is something that all individuals can do and
that is to adopt an animal-free or vegan diet.
10. UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet
(Wednesday 2 June 2010)
“A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and
the worst impacts of climate change.” a UN report said today.
As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western
tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from
United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) international panel of sustainable
resource management.
It says: "Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population
growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look
for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be
possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products."
Professor Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said: "Animal products cause more
damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals.
Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels."
The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the
planet from Lord Nicholas Stern, former adviser to the Labour government on the
economics of climate change. Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has also urged people to observe one meat-free day a
week to curb carbon emissions.
The panel of experts ranked products, resources, economic activities and transport
according to their environmental impacts. Agriculture was on a par with fossil fuel
consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economic growth, they said.
Ernst von Weizsaecker, an environmental scientist who co-chaired the panel, said:
"Rising affluence is triggering a shift in diets towards meat and dairy products - livestock
now consumes much of the world's crops and by inference a great deal of freshwater,
fertilisers and pesticides."
Both energy and agriculture need to be "decoupled" from economic growth because
environmental impacts rise roughly 80% with a doubling of income, the report found.
Achim Steiner, the UN under-secretary general and executive director of the UNEP, said:
"Decoupling growth from environmental degradation is the number one challenge facing
governments in a world of rising numbers of people, rising incomes, rising consumption
demands and the persistent challenge of poverty alleviation."
The panel, which drew on numerous studies including the Millennium ecosystem
assessment, cites the following pressures on the environment as priorities for governments
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Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
around the world: climate change, habitat change, wasteful use of nitrogen and phosphorus
in fertilisers, over-exploitation of fisheries, forests and other resources, invasive species,
unsafe drinking water and sanitation, lead exposure, urban air pollution and occupational
exposure to particulate matter.
Agriculture, particularly meat and dairy products, accounts for 70% of global freshwater
consumption, 38% of the total land use and 19% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions,
says the report, which has been launched to coincide with UN World Environment day on
Last year the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation said that food production would have
to increase globally by 70% by 2050 to feed the world's surging population. The panel says
that efficiency gains in agriculture will be overwhelmed by the expected population growth.
Prof Hertwich, who is also the director of the industrial ecology programme at the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, said that developing countries – where
much of this population growth will take place – must not follow the western world's
pattern of increasing consumption: "Developing countries should not follow our model. But
it's up to us to develop the technologies in, say, renewable energy or irrigation methods."
11. Other sources supporting the need for a compassionate meat-free diet:
A Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency report showed that a global shift to
vegan diet could cut climate change mitigation costs by 80%*.
According to the UN report “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” livestock production is the
greatest contributor to global warming.*
Animal waste and feed cropland dump more pollutants into our waterways than all
other human activities combined.
Meat-based diets require 10-20 times as much land as plant-based diets – nearly half of
the world's grains and soybeans are fed to animals.
Producing 1kg beef:
Leads to the emission of greenhouse gases with a warming potential equivalent to 36.4
kg of CO2.
Releases fertilizing compounds equivalent to 340 g. of sulphur dioxide and 59 g. of
Consumes 169 megajoules of energy.
1 kg of beef is responsible for the equivalent of the amount of CO2 emitted by the
average European car every 250 km, and burns enough energy to light a 100-watt bulb
for 20 days.
Over two-thirds of the energy goes towards producing and transporting the animals'
* Source: Animal Science Journal, 2007
12. The rapid release of methane into the Earth's atmosphere 635 million years ago caused
rapid warming and mass extinction of species, disrupting the climate for more than
100,000 years and that may happen again in the near future, as reported in Nature.
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Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
The concern is that it could take a relatively small rise in temperature to start
unleashing the gas, which would then trigger an unstoppable warming cycle.
The first evidence that millions of tons of methane 72 times more potent than carbon
dioxide over 20 years are being released into the atmosphere from beneath the Arctic
seabed has been discovered by scientists in September 2008 according to The
Independent in the UK.
The livestock industry is the number one producer of methane which is the most potent
greenhouse gas. The UN reports that meat production emits 37 percent of the world's
methane gas.
13. Deforestation is playing a major role in climate change. More than 300 experts stated that if
we lose the forests, we lose the fight against climate change. But Amazon deforestation
increased 69 percent due to demand for meat during Aug 2007 and Aug 2008. The livestock
sector is by far the single largest anthropogenic user of land.
Livestock production accounts for 70% of all agricultural land and 30% of the world’s
surface land area;
70% of previous forested land in the Amazon is occupied by cattle pastures, and crops for
animal feed cover a large part of the remainder;
20% of pasture land is degraded because of overgrazing, compaction and erosion.
Source: FAO, 2006; Goodland R. et al, 1999
14. Rising food prices have plunged an additional 75 million people below the hunger
threshold, bringing the estimated number of undernourished people worldwide to 923
million in 2007. 1/3 of the world’s cereal harvest and over 90% of soya is used for animal
feed, despite inherent inefficiencies. Grain currently fed to livestock is enough to feed 2
billion people.
It takes 10 kg of animal feed to produce 1 kg of beef;
4 to 5.5 kg of grain to produce 1 kg of pork;
2.1 to 3 kg of grain to produce 1 kg of poultry meat.
Source: FAO, 2006; CAST 1999; B. Parmentier, 2007
15. 70% of all water goes to producing food and livestock is among the largest sectoral source
of water pollution and responsible for 64% of ammonia emissions, which contribute to acid
rain. One factory farm creates more water pollution than the city of Houston, Texas. It
takes 4664 liters of water to produce 1 serving of beef but an entire vegan meal need only
371 liters water. Scientists have calculated that we would actually save more water by
forgoing one pound of beef, or four hamburgers, than by not showering for at least six
16. Islands are sinking. One of the major consequences of global warming is the rising of the
sea level and sea levels are rising even faster than scientists predicted. 20 islands have
submerged beneath the sea and 2,000 more are at risk … sea levels are rising at alarming
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Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
This is truly a global problem because a major part of our civilization actually resides
within a few meters above sea level. So any or small amount of sea level rise over time
will have great impact on the world economics and human livelihoods.
Based on the latest analysis conducted by a joint British-Finnish team, sea levels over
the past 2,000 years have been stable. Measurements indicate a rise of only 2 cm in
the 18th century and 6 cm in the 19th century, but then a sudden and alarming 19 cm,
or over half a foot within this past century. This is most likely due to the melting glacial
ice sheets. The average global sea level is forecast to rise between 0.8 meters and 1.5
meters by the end of the century.
A rise of close to 1m would threaten huge areas of low lying coastal land, as well as
major cities such as London, New York and Tokyo.
Dr. Ron G. Prinn, Professor of MIT stated that if the northern tundra’s permafrost were
to melt away more than 80 times the current annual methane output would be
released into the atmosphere, and that a four-degree Celsius rise in world-wide
temperatures would mean a five-meter rise in ocean levels.
Summary Cost of Meat Consumption
Livestock sector directly or indirectly
Uses 1/3 of the world’s land area
Uses up to 43% of the world’s cereal
Uses up to 85% of the world’s soy
Causes world hunger and wars
50 - 80% cause of global warming
About 73 million tons of the world’s grain harvests are used to produce animal protein
when 1 billion people go hungry every year. For example, 80% of all grain produced in
America is used to feed animals but could feed 2 billion people.
Livestock is the single largest source of human-generated methane
More than 50% of the world’s two most powerful and dangerous greenhouse gases,
methane and nitrous oxide, are mainly emitted by our livestock-based chemical-intensive
food production industry
Over 50% of the world’s soil erosion is caused by livestock
Livestock is the leading cause of animal and plant extinction
Livestock is the biggest source of water pollution
Since 1970 livestock production has been responsible for 90% of the Amazon deforestation
to clear land for pasture and animal feed crops. We are losing the lungs of our planet
which are necessary to absorb the excessive green house gases such as methane and CO 2
Uses up to 70% of our clean water. While 1 billion people lack access to safe drinking
water, we waste billions of liters of precious clean water each year for livestock
production. For example, 100,000 liters are required to produce 1 kg of beef
Animal products require 8 times as much fossil fuel energy to be produced, compared to
Livestock production is the cause of 50 - 80% of global warming.
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Global Compassionate Awareness Campaigns
The Damage We Have Done
Disease is running rampant
People are going hungry while others are wasteful
16,000 children are dying of hunger every day
Up to 1 billion people are starving per year
Up to 270 species/day of animals, birds, plants are disappearing
20 islands have submerged beneath the sea and 2,000 more are at risk … sea levels rising
at alarming rates
We have ravaged the lungs of our Earth – the forests – and we need them to absorb the
Greenhouse gases are way over the limit
We are eating food with very few nutrients
We kill animals and humans on a daily basis
We put our children on drugs
50% of the world’s original rainforests have been felled
Dead zones in the ocean are numerous and some are massive. One dead zone is almost
the size of the United Kingdom. No life exists. This is primarily from agricultural chemical
We Have Lost Our Compassion for Animals
Dr. Marc Bekoff and Dr. Jane Goodall have done extensive research to prove that animals have
56 billion animals lose their lives (are sacrificed) every year;
Many think nothing of hurting animals. For example, we will cut the fins off of sharks (to
be made into soup) and let the shark die a painful and bloody death;
Animals cry when they get hurt and when they are about to be killed;
Animals try to run away when they are about to be killed;
Animals are mothers too. They have families;
Animals are here to help us – they help us heal. They bring us comfort when we are sad;
Our society teaches us to disconnect from animal feelings;
We have forgotten that each being on this planet has its role for biodiversity purposes. For
example, we need the plankton, fish and coral reefs to alkalize our acidic dying oceans.
“We need to start saying ‘Yes’ to kindness, compassion, sustainability, freedom, peace, and
justice to all living beings.”
- Dr. Will Tuttle, author of “The World Peace Diet”
“Violence anywhere hurts everyone everywhere. We are all connected.”
- Martin Luther King
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The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, email: [email protected]
Tel: 1-408-218-2635; Fax: 1-928-222-3333
November 9, 2009
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican City State, 00120, Italy
Revered Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI,
I would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude for the noble work Your Holiness has been doing to
unite all people, and for bringing light and love to so many lives. As a great spiritual leader, we know that You are
also well aware of the urgent issues facing our world today. The current critical condition of our planet due to the
impact of global warming is at the forefront of our concerns and calls for immediate and wise action on the part of
At this crucial time of accelerating climate change, devastating disasters, quickly spreading diseases, world
hunger, water shortages, etc., our world needs Your gracious leadership, to accept with courage what must be done,
to use the mighty power in Your hands, entrusted by Heaven, to help save our planet, as well as to ensure a clean
society and protection for all co-inhabitants from four main destructive substances - meat, alcohol, addictives and
The global livestock industry is contributing more to the climate change crisis than all the world’s
transportation combined, at least 80% of it. Meat production is depleting our water, damaging our health, creating
wars, and breeding new deadly diseases each day. It is killing our people. They need Your shining, heroic, vegan
example since they really look to You as their leader. All our lives would be greatly enhanced by Your open support
of compassionate organic vegan farming, to assist everyone in making the much needed vegan lifestyle change to
save our world.
In addition to abolishing meat, we also have to eliminate other root problems such as alcohol, illegal drugs
and tobacco. Please consider endorsing the banning of these deadly substances that cause the most harm to
humanity and our planet; and which, when eradicated, can offer immeasurable benefits. We trust Your Holiness’
wisdom to lead the great change! Promote forgiveness and a peaceful lifestyle by beginning with what we consume;
then all other troubles like poverty, conflict, even financial crises and pandemics, will also subside. Enclosed is
information about the harms of meat, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, and the benefits of ‘quitting’ them. More data can
be accessed on our website at
We thank Your Holiness for all Your noble endeavours regarding this matter. What has been done and
planned globally thus far has not been enough, nor fast enough. I pray that all can work as one to achieve this
common goal for the benefit of all, and faster. Your loving members will appreciate everything that You do, respect
Your guidance, and they will love and remember You for saving the world for generations to come. Your great deeds
and name leading the way to save the Earth will be engraved in history forever, for all to revere and emulate. Heaven
will reward Your Holiness greatly.
In the Name of God,
For The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association [email protected]
P.O. Box 730247, San Jose, CA 95173-0247, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-408-218-2635; Fax: 1-928-222-3333
H.E. Mr. Example Leader
President of Nation
Palace of the President
City, Area Code
9 October 2010
Ref: With Utmost Respect and Urgency
Esteemed President,
First, my heartfelt gratitude for all your dedicated efforts to better lives and help our
world progress. Your work is hugely appreciated by society as by Heaven.
As all citizens aspire to have a peaceful and harmonious life, they look to your leadership in
achieving this ideal. Indeed, amidst multiple concurrent crises – climate change, conflicts,
food and water shortages, financial struggles, etc. – more than ever do we need your mighty
power as entrusted by the people, to save our world.
Scientists have made it very clear that we have only a few years left for decisive actions in
addressing climate change as well as the destruction to the environment and other species if
we are to avoid irreversible damage to our civilization. In fact, all actions that are violent –
towards nature, humans, and animals – eventually bring harmful consequences to our planet.
Therefore, to change the energy of this planet from negative to positive, from destructive to
constructive, we must reclaim our human dignity and return to our original benevolent self;
we must uphold the principle of non-violence and peace.
Herewith is a proposal of efficient, practical and dynamic actions presented to you and all
governments in the hope that you will act with noble leadership to save fellow citizens and
future generations.
1. Support human life: End all killing of people. All killing and torturing of humans,
which breed violence and negative destructive energy, must stop in order to prevent
further suffering and death from wars, disasters, epidemics, and other calamities.
2. Support co-inhabitant life: End all killing of animals. A staggering 55 billion land
animals, eight times the entire global human population, are killed for human consumption
every year. This translates to an estimated 150 million beings massacred every day, or
1,744 beings slain each second! Billions more fish perish at our hands. Thus, we must do
away with fisheries, animal products and animal factory farms. Laboratory testing
involving cruelty to animals must also stop. A blood debt is owed for each individual life
3. End wars. Wars and weapons claim lives at an unconscionable cost. Apart from the
emotional, psychological, physical, mental and spiritual tolls, the financial costs can be seen
in the following brief sample of equivalent terms:
Six weeks of global military spending can feed all the world’s hungry for one full year;
Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet
Page 1 of 3
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association [email protected]
P.O. Box 730247, San Jose, CA 95173-0247, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-408-218-2635; Fax: 1-928-222-3333
The actual and projected costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could feed all the
world's hungry for 67 years;
Two weeks of global military spending can secure water for 2.4 billion people;
One month of global weapons purchased at a cost of US$108.3 billion can feed 96
million hungry children three wholesome and nutritious meals a day for 10 years;
The cost of a single B-2 stealth bomber can serve over 2.5 billion meals for the
hungry, restore the sight of 31 million blind patients, remove 1 million explosive
landmines, or build 713,000 new family homes;
Not included are the huge war-related costs;
Not included are the unredeemable costs of Human’s life and related suffering.
Therefore, wars must be ended. The weapons production business must decrease to
zero. If any armies are even retained, they should serve people in their times of need,
such as providing disaster relief and rebuilding homes wherever necessary. Soldiers
and even inmates can go help people plant vegetables or do other productive works.
4. Start a vegan diet. Help co-citizens to be vegan as well by banning all animal products.
This is not dictating personal lifestyles; this is the only viable emergency course to
ensure the survival of humans and the planet. We must stop the killing - and stop the
primary cause of climate change.
Animal agriculture is no longer to be ignored as the most serious cause of global
warming that results from human activities, exceeding even fossil fuel emissions. A
study published by World Watch Magazine, authored by former and current
environmental research advisors for the World Bank Group, found: “[O]ur analysis
shows that livestock and their byproducts actually account for at least 32,564 million
tons of CO2-equivalent per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions.”
Livestock production is also the #1 human-caused source of global methane emissions,
with methane being at least 72 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas, while
dissipating from the atmosphere many times faster. [World Watch Magazine 2009]
In fact, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization stated that animal agriculture
is “one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems, at
every scale from local to global,” including biodiversity loss, deforestation, land degradation
and desertification, air pollution, and water pollution. Livestock grazing uses 26% of all the
global land surface and feed crop production occupies one-third of all arable land, creating
extreme inefficiencies and exorbitant wastes of grains, water, and fossil fuel resources. [UN
FAO 2006]
Animal factory farms are also a known origin of human disease, including deadly flu
pandemics. [US CDC 2009] A single factory farm can produce more waste than a large
city; and its bacteria, hormones, and antibiotics infiltrate families' soil and water
supplies, untreated.
In addition, fishing practices have put life-sustaining oceans on a path to collapse; over
70% of the world’s fish species are fully depleted, and the rest will also be gone within
40 years. [UN FAO, UNEP 2010] Restoring the balance of the oceans, which provide
half the world's oxygen and regulate the climate, is vital to overall planetary health.
Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet
Page 2 of 3
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association [email protected]
P.O. Box 730247, San Jose, CA 95173-0247, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-408-218-2635; Fax: 1-928-222-3333
Furthermore, the global change to an animal-free diet would save world governments a
full 80% of greenhouse gas mitigation costs, reducing by US$32 trillion the global
US$40 trillion costs Dutch scientists have estimated are necessary to meet CO2 reduction
goals by 2050. [Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 2009] In addition,
annual healthcare expenses due to meat-related illnesses would be reduced by at least
US$1 trillion, and more than 20 million meat-related premature deaths worldwide per
year would be prevented, as would families’ immeasurable suffering.
A 2010 United Nations Environment Program report jointly released with the European
Commission likewise concluded in clear terms: “A substantial reduction of
[environmental] impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet
change, away from animal products.” [UNEP June 2010]
5. Start subsidies for organic vegan farming. Help farmers transition and succeed in this
sector, thus ensuring national and world food security while mitigating global warming.
Organic vegan farming benefits include:
40% of atmospheric CO2 absorbed if the world's tillable soil is organically farmed;
Contamination of soil and water from antibiotics, dangerous bacteria, and excessive
nitrates in animal farm manure eliminated;
Pollution from chemical fertilizer and pesticide runoff eliminated;
Biodiversity and ecosystems restored;
Food supplies safe and nutritious for all humans [Rodale Institute 2008];
Save 80% of global climate change mitigation costs;
Stop global warming for good!
Esteemed leaders, words fall short of real meaning in this urgent situation of our planet and all life
thereon. I pray that you will try your best to implement these necessary next steps to help fellow
citizens, the animals, and the environment – and implement them now. For thus saving their lives
and bringing peace and harmony to our world, the people's gratitude to you will know no bounds,
now and in future history, as shall be Heaven's immense reward for you in the hereafter.
Please, let us be unprecedentedly courageous for our children's sake.
Thank you for your attention and noble spirit.
With Great Honor, Love and Blessings,
Supreme Master Ching Hai
Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet
Page 3 of 3
Supreme Master Television
Purpose of Supreme Master Television
With the purpose of heightening public awareness of the critical state of our planet, Supreme
Master Ching Hai launched Supreme Master Television in September of 2006.
SUPREME MASTER TV is an international constructive channel. It is a free-to-air satellite
channel broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is available on 14 satellites (see details
below) and is also conveniently available worldwide with live streaming online at
Supreme Master Television’s colorful array of uplifting programs is comprised of a range of
genres, from entertainment and film, to news and documentaries, lifestyle and culture, that
inspire peace, outstanding examples of excellence in humanity, and noble ways of living. It is
devoted exclusively to promoting good works and peaceful actions.
Most notable is the channel's landmark coverage on practical and efficient solutions to the
current major world issue of global warming. Featured broadcasts include live climate
conferences, interviews with Nobel Prize-winning and NASA scientists, government leaders and
environmental experts. Programs on how to protect our planet and solutions to mitigate
climate change are broadcast on a daily basis to help spread this important message, the
ultimate idea being that together we can save our planet through each one of us making the
individual choice to effect a simple lifestyle diet change.
Since its launch, Supreme Master Television has not only been acknowledged by many as being
the vanguard in the campaign to protect, enhance, and preserve our planet for the many
generations to come but also a bridge for peaceful understanding and sharing the world’s
cultures through its features on the beauty of all nations.
Broadcasting in Multiple Languages
The channel currently broadcasts in English with over 40 subtitles and 60 languages —an
unprecedented accomplishment in broadcasting history. Subtitle languages include: Arabic,
Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, French, German,
Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay,
Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sinhalese, Slovenian,
Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Zulu and more to come.
Supreme Master Television
How Supreme Master Television Reaches the World
In September of 2010, Supreme Master Ching Hai received The US Presidential Award at
Supreme Master Television’s 4th Anniversary. Present at the celebrations was Mr. Robert
Jimenez, representative of California State Senator Ronald Calderon, who is currently Chair of
the Senate Select committee on California Film and Television Industries, a member of the
California Film Commission and Co-chair of the Legislatures Art Council.
In his speech to Supreme Master Ching Hai Mr. Jimenez said, “The Senator has sent me here to
remind all of you that television is power. It’s the most pervasive, persuasive medium that we
have ever invented, reaches more people in one minute than the largest newspaper you can
think of reaches in one month. And the Senator and I both believe that that carries with it an
awesome amount of responsibility to use this medium with dignity and intelligence and
compassion, a sense of moral and social responsibility. So as Supreme Master Television brings
us a little bit closer, brings the family of mankind a little bit closer, I am pleased to come here
and present on behalf of Senator Ron Calderon, who is Chair of the prestigious Senate Select
Committee on Film and Television Industries in this state, this Gold Senate Certificate which
reads, “Supreme Master Television, in recognition of your 4th anniversary, State Senate of
California commends and salutes your constructive programming, as you and the artistic
community commemorate the occasion of your milestone achievement. Thank you very much.”
Supreme Master Television, through 14 satellite platforms, reaches hundreds of millions of
households around the world.
Eurobird 1(28.5º E), Hotbird 8 (13º E), Astra 1 (19.2º E)
UK & Ireland
Sky TV(Channel 835)
North America
Galaxy 19 (97º W) (formerly called Galaxy 25)
South America
Hispasat 1C(30 ºW), Intelsat 805 (27.5º W)
ABS (75º E) , AsiaSat 5 (100.5º E), AsiaSat 3S (105.5º E)
Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) C-Band
Supreme Master Television
Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) KU-Band, Intelsat 10 (68.5º E) C-Band
Australia ,
New Zealand
Optus D2 (152º E)
Eurobird 2 (25.5º E)
Middle East ,
Northern Africa Hotbird 8 (13º E)
In addition, Supreme Master Television is available on 71 cable and IPTV networks, as well as 18
online video channels of live-streaming and on-demand programs.
Current Show Lineup on Supreme Master Television
Members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association work harmoniously to
produce these programs which bring peace to the hearts of viewers around the globe.
Association members conduct interviews, film the programs, transcribe the audio, edit the
footage, translate the shows into multiple languages, and conduct the finishing touches to
producing these professional programs listed below.
Noteworthy News presents heartwarming news from around the globe, exalting good
deeds and bringing awareness to important social issues.
Words of Wisdom features lectures by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a world-renowned
humanitarian, respected spiritual teacher and accomplished artist, which inspires &
ennobles viewers to be the best that they can be.
A Journey through Aesthetic Realms is an award-winning series that presents
entertainment programs with lively performances from around the world. This longrunning television program has been regularly broadcast in the United States to 90
million viewers.
Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living seeks to inform the public why and how to
lead a fulfilling vegan life, through cooking shows, and interviews with medical and
nutritional experts, as well as celebrities.
Music & Poetry features exquisite poetic verses and melodious
songs, performed by Supreme Master Ching Hai and other
celebrated artists.
Supreme Master Television
Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants demonstrates effective
and loving ways to care for our animal friends. This show
also features true stories which reveal the intelligence
and the loyal love of animals that will touch your hearts.
For example, one touching story is of the marmot which
was saved from extinction by caring humans.
Planet Earth: Our Loving Home - As a tribute to our beautiful planet, this show features
various ways to care for her precious resources. The time is here and now to preserve
the environment and the wonderland we call home.
Between Master and Disciples offers a glimpse into candid
conversations between Supreme Master Ching Hai and
spiritual practitioners on subjects ranging from daily life to
the secrets of the universe and much more.
Healthy Living provides information on preventive
and holistic approaches to wellness, fitness and
Cinema Scene takes a look at some of the latest movies as well as the favorite classics
and inspirational films.
Vegetarian Elite Past and present vegetarians/vegans are featured
on this show and their compassionate lifestyle.
The World Around Us journeys across the globe to discover and introduce the famous
spiritual locations that are definitely worth visiting.
Supreme Master Television
Models of Success highlights people who have taken their success
to help others and the world.
Enlightening Entertainment features unique interviews, inspiring movies and
documentaries that elevate the soul and nourish the spirit.
Science & Spirituality The correlation and similarities between science and spirituality
are fascinating and this series explores this interesting relation between the two.
Good People, Good Works celebrates modern day heroes who help others and strives
for the altruistic ideals to better society.
Our Noble Lineage examines our cultural, religious and
spiritual roots in veganism.
Golden Age Technology introduces innovative technologies with the noble ideal of
benefiting humanity.
A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai
The dedication and compassionate efforts of
Supreme Master Ching Hai for our planet create a
better way of life and world for all Earth inhabitants.
In her spare time, Supreme Master Ching Hai launched
a series of weekly cooking shows on Supreme Master
Television entitled:
“A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with
Supreme Master Ching Hai”
in which she personally prepares tasty dishes to
assist viewers in their transition to a peace-loving,
no killing eco-friendly, low carbon footprint diet that is
free of any animal products.
The recipes are so easy to prepare that even young
children can follow along and make the dishes. A
continuation of that series are international cooking
shows by Association members, vegan chefs, famous
vegan celebrities, and so on.
Supreme Master Television
How Supreme Master Television Brings Inner Peace and World Peace
to Viewers from around the World
“I have been a committed Christian for about 30 years. Since being able to view your Supreme
Master TV channel in this country, I have discovered a new sense of deep spirituality within.
When I am stressed out, I tune to your TV channel and soon a sense of peace comes over me.”
- Marge from Kimberley, South Africa
“I'm an environmental scientist and ecologist. We must do something right now, and stop
eating meat from animals that are being killed in factory farms that cause climate change.
Please go vegan now! It’s the solution to the problem. I have watched Supreme Master TV
with Supreme Master Ching Hai. She is the best supreme leader in the world."
- Jerry from New York, USA
“Hi, I'm So-yean. I'm 11 years old. I live in Korea. I watch Supreme Master Television
every morning. My favorite is Master's joke. Whenever I look at Master's joke, I am laughing
and I feel happy. I have a Master's Joke DVD. That is very fun too. I want to be a Supreme
Master Television announcer. And I hope everybody goes veg. Thank you!"
- So-yean from Seoul, South Korea
“Dear friends: Recently I heard about your TV and I'm really amazed about its content. Its
ideas are very consistent with my principles. I really appreciate your TV.
With kind regards.”
- Bogdan from Siberia
“Thank you for all your inspiration, Master Ching Hai. Since watching Supreme Master
Television, I have stopped eating meat completely and changed my diet to a vegan one. It has
made me much healthier, and I feel much better as well. Also, I now give most of my money
towards animal and humanitarian aid. I have gone through many trials in life, but this
wondrous person, Master Ching Hai, has made me believe that there is more to life than just
sitting around and waiting for someone else to do something. What she has done is amazing,
and it is up to us to save our gracious planet. May God bless you and Heaven smile upon you
- Joseph-Sean from Darwen, United Kingdom
“Thank you for some good information on climate change. I am concerned about the melting
- Jeremy from Auckland, New Zealand
Announcements of Supreme Master Television are found in the world’s major publications
such as TIME magazine, USA Today, The Guardian, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Le Monde, and
many more.
Global Climate Change Conferences
"Humanity's Leap to the Golden Era”
Climate Change Conference in Washington, DC
November 8, 2009
In recognition of the wisdom and unique insights of Supreme Master Ching Hai, she has been
invited to participate in many conferences, symposiums and radio programs all over the world.
Most recently, with the dangers of global warming so gravely imminent, fellow citizens anxious
about the future of the planet as well as in response to many individuals’, scientists’,
government leaders’, and environmentalists’ pleas to the world to take immediate action to
address the urgent climate change crisis that we are now experiencing the dramatic impacts of,
the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association members hosted many climate change
Attended by hundreds, some thousands, each of these 24 international events, (some
implemented in conjunction with other local environmentally conscious organizations and
governmental departments), brought together world experts such as top scientists,
environmentalists, government and green leaders to discuss and share information on how to
solve the climate crisis. In addition, these conferences have also been a prime vehicle to
heighten the public’s awareness of the scientifically proven factors that have created this
problem and how each one of us can make an immediate and significant difference to restore
peace to our planet by simply changing our diet to a more Earth-sustaining one. These
International Conferences became Supreme Master Ching Hai’s fourth global campaign.
The aim of these Global Climate Change Conferences is to bring awareness to the public
of the prime causes and solutions of global warming now … as well as to inform people
why a shift to a vegan lifestyle is the best, quickest, cheapest and most effective solution
that each and everyone of us can implement immediately to create an instant reduction
in greenhouse gas emissions.
On the following two pages are comments from world leaders on the impacts of these global
climate change conferences. More comments appear at the end of this tab.
Global Climate Change Conferences
How These Global Climate Change Conferences Have Brought
Inner Peace and World Peace
March 6, 2009 Xalapa, Mexico: Senator Heherson Alvarez who is also the advisor to the
President of the Philippines on Global Warming and Climate Change.
“Supreme Master Ching Hai, I would like to congratulate you and thank you for your many
humanitarian efforts in helping disaster victims. And this time around, I must really
congratulate you for bringing together many parts of humanity – Mexicans, Filipinos,
Taiwanese – from great distant parts of the world so that we can confront this disaster of
global warming and climate change. You are a great humanist, Master Ching Hai.
Together, like brothers and sisters, let us protect the future generations of man. Let us work
together now and save the planet, and it helps if you are a vegetarian. And I’m sure that not
only the vegetarians will join us on this but anyone who cares for mankind, anyone who
loves the future generation of humanity.”
* * * * *
Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament
“I am delighted that I am here and able to deliver a message of greeting from the European
Parliament to Supreme Master Ching Hai, whose work is well understood around the world
and, in particular, at a time of concern about climate change. This message is being
propagated and encouraged by Supreme Master TV, which is an important mechanism of
communication around the world. And as a vice president, we have been discussing how, for
example, the European Parliament itself reduces its own footprint. And one of the proposals
I have made is in line with your own, which is that we should eat far less meat because that
is one of the major sources of greenhouse gases. I am also delighted that Supreme Master
Ching Hai is conducting an interactive question and answer session. And this is a very
important medium now. People need to be able to get a response from both politicians and
public figures, spiritual leaders. And so, I am delighted that this is now being made possible
through the medium of Supreme Master TV. So, good luck with the project and may many
others imitate it. So, in all these areas, the European Union is in the capacity to give a
political lead and I believe is doing so.”
* * * * *
March 7, 2009 Culver City, California Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD
“… what we’re hearing from research experts, like Dr. James Hansen, is we have a year or
two before we hit a turning point. And then we have to understand that we’re just
organisms on the planet, and if we don’t play it right, not only the planet will not do so well,
but we organisms on the planet will definitely not do very well. It’s a critical time for us.
And we really thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for leading the world in waking up. I
mean Your Supreme Master TV where you have 14 Satellites, 60 different translations in
over 70 nations, is getting this message out to everyone. We want people to be able to go to
a plant source only diet. And that’s our game plan, and that’s what the world needs. It’s
really the only practical solution and it’s one we have control over. We don’t have to wait
for some kind of new invention, electrical cars or whatever; we can do that now.”
Global Climate Change Conferences
How These Global Climate Change Conferences Have Brought
Inner Peace and World Peace
Taichung, Formosa 2009
Mr. Gilberto Natalina, the City Councilman of Sao Paulo City, Brazil. “I believe that
sustainability measures are needed and are fundamental in the world today. And we work
very hard so that they are passed in our city, and country. I also believe that organic
agriculture is a very important way, very healthy for the protection of human health as well
as the protection of the ecosystem. And finally, the issue of eating a diet high in vegetables,
the vegetarian lifestyle, this can also be an extremely important measure. But then we face
the cultural issues of humanity, people from many countries of the world who have been
consuming animal flesh for millennia. There must be a process of education, a process of
discussion needs to take place so that people can change.”
* * * * *
Seoul, Korea, April 2009
Mr. Kang Chang-Il. Mr. Kang was selected as the best congressman of the National
Assembly in 2006 for his active efforts as a lawmaker.
“According to the report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in April
2007, if global warming persists, temperatures will increase 1.5 - 2.5° Celsius by 2050. Then,
20-30% of flora and fauna will become extinct, 3 billion people will suffer from water
shortage, and all the glaciers in the North Pole will melt, which means that 70% of the
biggest cities in the world will be submerged underwater. We should gather our wisdom to
figure out what we should do. I think that it is really appropriate to have such a conference
at this time. We are very lucky to have a chance to discuss the solutions for climate change
with Jung Soon-Gap, the former administrator of the Korea Meteorological Administration,
Dr. Bascombe from Australia, and Supreme Master Ching Hai, a renowned humanitarian
and spiritual leader who is actively working on a global scale to stop global warming. The
land we are living on is not ours; we are just borrowing it.
I am a professor of historical science. We don’t dig up an archaeological grave
thoughtlessly, although a grave is made by us humans. We are just stewards. However,
humans have been destroying and wreaking havoc as we please. We have to stop. This
reckless environmental damage will not only result in our generation’s misfortune, but it will
also go on to the next generation; therefore, we have to raise people’s awareness about the
environment. To live in harmony with nature is what we hope for and the goal that we need
to achieve together. If you suggest any great policy idea during today’s discussion – as you
see, we have Congressman Lee Seok-Hyun here too - we politicians will do our best to carry
out our job.”
* * * * *
January 27, 2009 Mongolia
Narantugs Tserendulam, Director of Khasu Manal Hospital - speaking to Supreme Master
Ching Hai. It is an honor for me to have this opportunity of being able to participate in this
conference and ask my question. I am a doctor trained in traditional medicine. I have been
working for 17 years as a doctor. I have a strong faith in your vision, your charitable
activities inspire me, and I support you with all my heart. I pray to you all the time.
Global Climate Change Conferences
List of Global Climate Change Conferences
May/June 2008 SOS International Seminar on Global Warming - Los Angeles, USA
June 17-18-19, 2008 SOS! International Global Warming Seminar Lectures
July 2008 Critical Moments to Save the Earth: What Can I Do?
July 27, 2008 SOS: Stop Global Warming - Tokyo, Japan
August 17, 2008 Climate Change International Conference - Hollywood California
October 11, 2008 Stop Global Warming: Act Now - Thailand
October 11, 2008 Premiere of "The Birds in My Life": Animals and the environment Thailand
October 18, 2008 “The Birds in My Life”: Animals and the environment - Germany
December 12, 2008 "Celestial Art" Book Premiere English Edition: Honouring nature California, USA
December 13, 2008 "Celestial Art" Book Premiere Chinese Edition: Honouring nature Formosa
January 27, 2009 SOS International Conference - Mongolia
February 21, 2009 Act Now! - For a More Peaceful and Safer World - Formosa
March 6, 2009 SOS - Save the Planet - Xalapa, Mexico
March 7, 2009 Juice Fast for Peace: How our Diet can save the Earth - Culver City, CA, USA
April 26, 2009 Save Our Earth Conference 2009 - Seoul, South Korea
May 9, 2009 Be Organic Vegan to Save the Planet - Lome, Togo
June 4, 2009 Let's Make the Change - Protect the Environment - Veracruz, Mexico
June 21, 2009 Vegan Earth Day for a Vegan World - California, USA
August 15, 2009 Global Warming: Yes, There is a Solution! - Lima, Peru
October 3, 2009 Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives - Hong Kong
October 11, 2009 Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E. - Taichung, Formosa
October 18, 2009 Premiere of "The Birds in My Life" - German Edition - Germany
October 18, 2009 "The Noble Wilds”, German & French Edition, & “The Dogs in My Life”,
Polish Edition: The Role of Animals and Birds in Balancing Nature - Germany
October 22, 2009 Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the Planet from Climate
Change - Indonesia
November 8, 2009 Humanity's Leap to the Golden Era - Washington, D.C., USA
Selected Notes of the Speakers at these
Global Climate Change Conferences
Conference #10: Xalapa, Mexico
On March 6, over 1,000 concerned Xalapenos, government officials, and dignitaries attended
the climate change conference organized by members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association to join in the discussion on the latest issues and key solutions to
mitigate the planet’s climate crisis.
Prominent guest speakers were the Honourable Fidel Herrera Beltrán, Governor of Veracruz
State, and His Honour David Velasco Chedraui, Mayor of Xalapa. Also present were Mariana
Munguía de Velasco, President of Xalapa’s Municipal Family Integral Development (DIF); Mr.
Global Climate Change Conferences
Ranulfo Marquez Hernández, Civil Protection Secretary of the State; Mr. Víctor Alvarado
Martínez, Coordinator of the Program “Tú Decides” (You Decide) with the state’s DIF; Mr.
Elfego Riveros Hernández, Communication and Journalism Director of Radio Teocelo; Mr. Oscar
Pedro Reyes Castelán, journalist and president of “El Centinela” newspaper; and Nominjin, one
of the most famous singer-songwriters in Mongolia.
European Parliament Vice President Mr. McMillan-Scott, Senator Heherson Alvarez from the
Philippines, and Legislator Tien Chiu Chin from Formosa (Taiwan) also lent their support by
sending their greeting messages to Supreme Master Ching Hai and the conference’s
Special Notes from Speakers at this Conference:
Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament
I come from the United Kingdom. I am very interested in the proposition that we should eat no
meat one day a week, and, as a matter of fact, I have been doing that myself since Christmas. I
think this is a serious message and that is: the planet is in trouble. We have a problem with
greenhouse gases. One of the most significant sources of greenhouse gases is animal
production, and meat production, and the dairy industry, and the fact that so much soy is now
being grown for animal fodder. And for all these reasons, the United Nations, in particular, but
also other organizations, have encouraged people to give up meat at least one day a week and,
therefore, I am delighted that the movement is endorsing and supporting this proposition.
Conference #23: Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesia is very vulnerable to climate change and has been greatly affected by climate change
and so the conference is being held as part of the lead up to the 31 st Session of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) meeting on October 26, 2009 in Bali,
Indonesia with the hope the message from this conference will be delivered to the Bali IPCC
conference delegates.
Special Notes from Speakers at this Conference:
Ministry of Environment Madam Sri Hudyastuti - climate change is a global problem and all
governments are addressing this problem. However, individuals must take responsibility also
and it is very important to teach our youth how to care for the environment and how to live an
eco-friendly lifestyle beginning at an early age. We can plant trees, use more energy efficient
means of transport, minimize our energy consumption, maximize the use of solar energy,
organic vegan farming, etc.. All these will decrease our carbon footprint and greenhouse gas
emissions. Invite everyone to become more aware of global warming and the environmental
destruction it is causing.
Other Speakers included Professor Aris Ananta, Senior Researcher, Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies, Singapore and a Vegan; Dr. Anton Budiono, a medical doctor spoke about
“Vegan Raw Food as the Best Alternative Diet for Human Health”; Ms. Hira Jamtani, Policy
analyst, Special Assistant to the Indonesian Minister of Environment, Vegetarian spoke on the
benefits of the Organic Vegan Diet to improve the welfare of the farmers and society as a whole
(pesticides); Dr. Amanda Katili Niode, Communication, Information and Education
Coordinator, DNPI (National Board of Climate Change) Special staff, State Ministry of
Global Climate Change Conferences
Conference #19: Taichung, Formosa
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association collaborated with 29 other coorganizers to host the climate change conference entitled “Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E.” on
October 11, 2009.
The letters L.O.V.E. signify “L” for LOHAS, which stands for “lifestyles of health and
sustainability”; “O” for Organic; “V” for Vegan; and “E” for Eco dimensions to Save the Planet.
Thousands of participants attended the event to stay informed about the latest facts on global
warming, ways to live sustainably, and the single most effective solution – the plant-based,
animal-free diet. The conference was co-hosted by Thelmo Luis “Buddy” Cunanan, the famous
Philippine TV host of NBN Television.
Discussions on the themes of L.O.V.E. were conducted by distinguished panelists, including
environmental scientists Dr. Liu Shaw-Chen and Professor Liu Chung-Ming; famous Formosan
(Taiwanese) film and television personality Ms. Tan Ai-Chen; president of the Formosa’s first
veg-promoting website, Mr. Lin Hong-Jui; chief editor of Persimmon Cultural Enterprise Co.,
Ltd., Mr. Linshu Wen-Er; and former pig farmer turned vegan, Mr. Luo Hon-Xian. Other
dignitaries included guest speaker, the Honourable Mayor Amelita Navarro of Santiago, the
Philippines and Mr. Chen Tien-Wen, Deputy Speaker of Taichung City Council.
Special Notes from Speakers at this Conference:
Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri the Chairman of IPCC, and the joint Laureate of the Nobel Peace
Prize 2007
“I would like to submit that moving towards much lower consumption of meat would be in the
interest of human beings and it certainly would be in the interest of the planet.”
Dr. James Hansen, Director of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies
“You don’t notice that there’s a crisis but, in fact, we are at a crisis point now because we are
very close to passing tipping points in the climate system that would have very undesirable
T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study
“There are a couple of individuals, very significant people, who have been making this report
and looking very carefully at the numbers, and their conclusion now is that the contribution of
livestock production to global warming is more than 60%. It's not 18% which was first suggested
three or four years ago, it's not even the 50-some percent suggested a short while ago. For the
past years, the livestock industry continues to expand. Where are the expanding lands and huge
amount of grain coming from? Amazon deforestation increased 69% due to the demand for
meat during August 2007 and August 2008. The livestock sector is by far the single largest
anthropogenic user of land. Deforestation is playing a major role in climate change. More than
300 experts stated, ‘If we lose the forests, we lose the fight against climate change.’
A more urgent crisis is happening in the permafrost. Gases like methane are being released from
the permafrost and the sea floor. As the gases will be released in huge quantities, the situation
will be out of control.”
Global Climate Change Conferences
Maneka Gandhi, former Environment Minister for India. Member of Parliament. “Unless we
change our food choices, nothing else matters, because it is meat that is destroying most of our
forests, it is meat that pollutes the waters, it is meat that is creating disease which leads to all
our money being diverted to hospitals. So it is the first choice for anybody who wants to save the
Earth. And if you eat less meat, you will be healthier and so would the planet. There’s where the
climate problem is: our meat consumption.”
Conference #17: Lima, Peru
The event was broadcast live on RBC Television's Channel 11 and on Radio Latina at 990 AM,
reaching more than 50,000 listeners. Guests speakers included Argentine film and television
star Nicolas Paúls; Director of the Disasters Prevention and Study Center Gilberto Romero
Zevallos; and sociologist and author Cecelia Mendiola.
Distinguished guests: Alberto Tejada Noriega, Mayor of San Borja; Fabian Salazar Olivares,
Chief of the Congress Protocol of the Republic; Maria Elena Parra Terrazos, Advisor of the
Foreign Investments; Joel Guevaara, Doctor of Homeopathic medicine; Luis Bueno Quino,
Mayor of Chosica; Felix Moreno Caballero, Mayor of Callao; Mahesh Bachani, Secretary of the
Indian Community in Lima SOS Event; and Angel Raul Abugatas Mayor of Luis Bueno Quino.
Notable Speakers such as the founder and president of People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals (PETA), Ingrid Newkirk, and the US director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture for
the Humane Society International, Dr. Michael Greger, sent their messages of support via video.
Some of the questions focused on Peru’s climate change challenge which is and will be water
shortage as Lima is located on a desert and their water comes from the receding glaciers.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s response to the situation:
“Moreover, the problems we already face now - such as the warming atmosphere, water
shortage, food scarcity, desertification – we can quickly eliminate by stopping meat production.
Stop it now, no further. Tell Ms. Narváez and everyone else, before the situation gets any more
out of hand – let’s choose the vegan diet. The future effects will be greatly eased. Only then we
will have a manageable situation.”
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s concluding remarks:
“The latest report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change spoke of Latin
America’s vulnerability to severe climate impacts. Peru is among the first to feel these impacts,
as seen in the following. Farmers in the Cusco highlands are suffering already from irregular,
scarcer rain and extreme heat. Due to excessive heat and droughts over the last 12 years,
140,000 hectares of potatoes and corn have been ruined – equal to food that could have fed
11 million people in the country. It’s been ruined.
In the central Piura area, springs that used to provide drinking water until recently are drying
up. Mosquitoes causing dengue fever are also being seen for the first time in Piura, as they
spread to new areas due to climate change. Peru is home to 70% of the entire range of Andean
glaciers, with peaks that supply the country’s people with both water and hydroelectric power;
however, these are all expected to disappear by 2015, just a few more years. The glaciers in the
Andes mountain range so far have lost more than 20% of their volume. This is threatening the
water supply for 30 million people.
Global Climate Change Conferences
In Peru, the loss to glaciers is equivalent to 10 whole years of water supply for Lima city. The
Cordillera Blanca, a snow-topped northern mountain range of your country, sometimes called
“Peruvian Switzerland,” you know about it, has been steadily disappearing due to climate
change. A warming climate has resulted in the 2008 disappearance of the Quilca Mountain
snow cap, and in 2007 the Broggi Glacier also vanished, disappeared, completely. In early 2009,
the Quilca Glacier disappeared completely. Now it’s gone. It’s gone now.
With 8 of the country’s water basins already noted as being insufficient to meet people’s needs,
Peru’s President Andy Garcia announced in 2008 the construction of two desalination plants to
try to address the water scarcity. It’s that urgent already in Peru. Dwindling water supplies
have caused escalating tensions and even conflicts to erupt as many people, including
disadvantaged farmers, don’t have enough water, or are struggling for their share. By 2020, it is
predicted that up to 77 million people in Latin America will face water shortages. In the past 6
years, Peru had at least 3 extreme temperature events and floods affecting more than 500,000
people. Within just 30 years, floods increased by more than 60%, and mudflows increased by
400%. President Andy Garcia declared a state of emergency in 2009 due to climate changerelated severe cold and freezing conditions in the southern Andes that caused the death of
nearly 250 children, and sickened many others.
I have contributed my humble share to purchase children’s warm clothes for this matter. But this
is not the permanent solution. The permanent solution is we have to stop this to happen again.
We have to stop climate change. We have to stop this kind of disaster that kills the children in
Peru and sickens many other children as well as adults and the vulnerable like the elders, the
weak and already sick. In Chimbote, Peru, heavy pollution from 40 fishmeal manufacturing
causes documented human illness and increasing oceanic dead zones, with the ground up fish
being fed to caged salmon, creating yet another environmental imbalance and sickness to
humans. Thank you very much for your attention. I hope this report gives the people of Peru,
Latin Americans, and the world a little more wake-up call.”
Conference #16: Nonthaburi, Thailand
Concerned about global warming and the urgent need to act now to protect human lives and
the lives of all beings, members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in
Thailand and Âu Lạc (Vietnam) organized another climate change conference entitled
“Solutions for a Beautiful Planet”. During the conference, distinguished guests and dignitaries
from different parts of the world expressed their support for the meat-free diet as the single
most effective solution to stop methane emissions and curb global warming.
Held on August 15 at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University in Nonthaburi, Thailand over
2,500 guests attended the conference.
Among the scores of distinguished guests and ambassadors who attended were Dr. Art-ong
Jumsai Na Ayudhya, Member of the Thai Parliament, former NASA scientist; Mr. Ennoo
Suesuwan, Senior Executive Vice President of the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural
Cooperatives; Professor Dawan Wiwattanadate, Ph. D., Deputy Director, Energy Research
Institute, Chulalongkorn University; Sir Velelo Gardener Kwepile, Counsellor of the Embassy of
the Republic of South Africa; Sir Howell Howard, Regional Environment of the Economic Section
of the Embassy of the United States of America; Sir Nikolay N. Pomoshchninov, Minister
Global Climate Change Conferences
Counselor of Embassy of Russia; and Sir Stepan N. Golovin, representative of the Embassy of
Russia; Dr. Nguyễn Thọ Nhân, Ph.D., specializing in energy studies at Paris University in France;
Dr. Nguyễn Thị Minh Kiều, Ph.D., M.D., Chairwoman of Food and Nutrition Association; and Dr.
Ngô Đức Vượng, Ph.D., environmentalist. Invited as Guest of Honour, Supreme Master Ching
Hai graciously attended via live videoconference to answer questions from the audience.
In recent years, Bangkok is among 13 of the 20 largest cities in the world at risk from rising sea
levels. Some areas in Bangkok are under sea level and the highest point is only 3.5 to 5 feet or 1
to 1.5 meters above sea level.
Bangkok is gradually going under at a rate of 4 inches or 10 centimeters a year. Natural
disasters which came simultaneously and continuously have caused enormous economic and
social damage to this country and seriously affected people’s lives and activities. ... Thirty-five
percent of the population will be in great danger if the sea levels rise by 5 meters. Typhoons
with accompanying flooding have continuously taken place during these recent years, which is a
direct result of worsening global warming.
Conference #12: Seoul, Korea
This timely and informative event was organized by Mr. Chung Sung-Hyun, the president of
Chungnyunsa Publishing Company. Chungnyunsa Publishing Company recently published the
Korean edition of the #1 international bestselling book, The Birds in My Life written by Supreme
Master Ching Hai. The Korean edition also became an instant bestseller in Korea’s largest
bookstore chain, Kyobo Bookstore.
Over 1,700 people attended the conference to find out more information about how to save
our planet in this critical time of climate change. Attendees included concerned citizens,
government officials, scientists, journalists, spiritual practitioners, artists, writers and
dignitaries such as Congressmen Lee Seok-Hyun and Kang Chang-Il; Mr. Jung Soon-Gap,
executive director of World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which is a UN non-profit
organization; Dr. Michael Bascombe, an animal telepathic communicator from Australia; Mr.
Kim Young-Gyu, commissioner of Gangwon Province Military Manpower Administration and
former Brigadier General of the Korean Army; Mr. Yoon Gi-Hyun, a renowned children’s author
and lecturer; Professor Choi Haeng-Sik, vice chairman of Korean Law Association and chairman
of Global Warming Emergency Measures Committee; Mr. Na Young-Cheol, president of Ecology
TV and director of Korea Mass Media Club; Dada Cittarainjanananda, author and meditation
teacher; Song Man-Gyu, a famous painter renowned for his work of the Seomjin River; and Mr.
Hwang Ho-Joon composer.
Mr. Jung Soon-Gap served as the Administrator in the Korea Meteorological administration
until January of this year. He has received many awards for his endeavours such as the
Exemplary Climate Change Leader Award. His speech is entitled “The Seriousness of Global
Warming and the Solution.”
“The Stern Report by Sir Nicholas Stern in England in 2006 is an important scientific study that
stated that the temperatures would rise due to greenhouse gases, GHGs, and that it would lead
to many problems.
Global Climate Change Conferences
When you take part in and adopt a vegetarian diet, it is not only mitigating climate change,
global warming, but it is also an adaptation process because being a vegetarian
is returning to nature. In other words, when you adopt a vegetarian diet, not only are you
taking part in reducing CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide, but you are also a key example
to demonstrate how to return to nature, how to protect nature, our Earth, how to adapt.
You should be proud of yourself.”
G - 10
Global Climate Change Conferences
More Testimonials on
How These Global Climate Change Conferences
Have Brought Inner Peace and World Peace
Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith speaking to Supreme Master Ching Hai – “And we bring
tremendous greetings and love from here at Agape for the tremendous work that you have
been doing in terms of spreading this gospel of truth regarding the power of the fork.
Individuals can begin to change the world just through the power of their fork. So, as we’re
cleansing the body temple, then, of course, the mental body becomes clean again and then
we have greater access to our spiritual dimension, which allows for unexpected surprises to
take place when all seems not. So, when we’re looking at the scientists giving us these dire
reports - which are very accurate and very true from a scientific level - when individuals
come together around the planet and break free from the addictions and clean their bodies,
become accessible to the supreme presence of God which moves us and brings things into
possibility that before weren’t possible - because we weren’t vibrating high enough, we
didn’t have access to that domain - so it all works together for good, our diet, our clean
mind, and our access to the realm of the divine. And then, us working together amplifies
that field logarithmically and exponentially. And so, even though there’s a small group of
people here, it has a big effect on this city. And, of course, the small groups around the
world, they have a big effect on the planet.”
* * * * *
May 9, 2009 Lome Togo
Dr. Kwasi Ofei Agyemang; Naturopath & vegan, Ghana - “I would also want to thank the
Supreme Master Ching Hai for opting to share with us, in our part of the world, the vision for
the sustenance of our world. If you take vegetarianism in the full context of human history,
we started eating animal products only when we discovered fire, until we started finding the
means through which we created fire, we were eating raw meat like the wild animals were,
and we had serious problems, serious difficulties. So, 300 thousand years ago, when we
discovered fire, we started eating animal products, and since then we have had serious
* * * * *
Damdinsuren Chairman of the Animal Rights Fund Vegetarian – “Recently, in Mongolia,
many workshops and conferences have been organized. Among them, this is the most
beneficial conference because it’s related the most with the hot topic. Also participants are
very notable. From different levels of important people and various organizations,
representatives were gathered. I realized today people are now really concerned about
global warming and focusing on the animal-free diet and refusing to eat meat and meat
products. I am chairman of the non-profit Animal Rights Fund. The goal of our organization
is to seek to a halt to the following activities: meat production for food, the use of animal
fur, items made from animal parts. Supreme Master Ching Hai is especially doing very noble,
good activities. Now she is very popular and famous, even children know her.”
G - 11
Disaster Relief Work
Supreme Master Ching Hai, as she has affectionately become known to those whose lives she
has touched, lives a message that walks the way of love. A renowned humanitarian, artist and
spiritual visionary, her love and assistance extend beyond all cultural and racial boundaries to
millions of people around the world.
In the graph above, the blue line shows the unnatural increase in natural disasters the world
has been experiencing. The red line shows how the global temperature has been rapidly
increasing since 1960. In other words, the dramatic increase in natural disasters is directly
related to the increase in global warming.
In 2010 alone major earthquake disasters have occurred in Haiti, Chile and China; Pakistan
floods have affected 21,000,000 people and the tragedy is considered by the UN to be the
greatest human disaster ever; China’s mudslides have left many hurt and homeless; and in
Niger the UN’s World Food Programme tells us that 8 million people or ½ the country’s
population are starving.
The moment Supreme Master Ching Hai hears of a disaster, members of The Supreme Master
Ching Hai International Association expediently provide whatever assistance is needed for the
seriously affected. Association members are trained in disaster relief and are easily identified
by their bright yellow vests.
For example, in Haiti, members of the Association cooked thousands of vegan meals a day,
provided tents for the homeless, and the medical and dental Association members offered
Disaster Relief Work
health care to thousands. They did whatever they were called upon to do to bring comfort and
aid to the Haitian people.
As one can see from these samples of past years'
humanitarian actions, Supreme Master Ching Hai and
Association members are immediately present to serve
wherever there is a need. They especially assist those who
live in areas that are underserved.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association is
often the first to arrive at a disaster scene. Team members
work quickly and efficiently.
For example, after the 9-11 tragedy in New York, Association
members were not only one of the few groups granted access
to Ground Zero, they were also allowed to stay for several
weeks, serving food and coffee every day to the relief workers
and others.
This endeavour, as well as other contributions made directly
to injured or surviving family members, totaled about
US$360,000. The Supreme Master Ching Hai International
Association was also first on the scene after Hurricanes
Katrina, Rita and Wilma; in Indonesia in 2005 for relief efforts
after the tsunami, and to assist after the 9-21 earthquake in
Formosa (Taiwan) in 1999.
Supreme Master Ching Hai's help reaches all corners of the world.
Since Association members reside in nearly every country of the
world, they can respond to disasters immediately, and can
communicate in the native language. This is a source of great
comfort for the victims of disaster.
In addition to direct assistance in response to disaster, Supreme
Master Ching Hai also makes significant contributions to other
helping organizations such as the United Nations and the
International Red Cross, Action Aid, NSPCC, WWF, Salvation Army,
Medecins Sans Frontieres, American Veteran's Association, animal
protection organizations, orphanages, and many other charitable
foundations or groups who help war victims, AIDS patients, lepers,
the disabled, needy children, the elderly, destitute students, etc.
Disaster Relief Work
Other types of humanitarian activities by Supreme Master
Ching Hai include those made to people to help them rebuild
their lives in a positive way. For example, many wells were dug
in Cambodia and in Kenya for potable water; and thousands of
tons of rice were contributed to alleviate famine in North
Korea and Cambodia. Refugee camps in Hong Kong, the
Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia also received
financial and material aid.
The report, "Humanitarian Relief Activities by the Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her
International Association," is by no means complete, as activities and contributions are
ongoing. Furthermore, official records were not kept before 1989 and, this report does not
include her private contributions worldwide. Supreme Master Ching Hai has also offered a great
deal to society as a whole through her spiritual teachings which she began sharing in 1984 in
Formosa (Taiwan).
Disaster Relief Work
How the Disaster Relief Work by Supreme Master Ching Hai
and Her Association Bring Peace to the World
Date: August 24, 2009
Mudslide Victims Receive Loving Assistance (Ivory Coast)
The Mayor of Attecoube, Mr. Paulin Claude Danho
“I would also like to congratulate the amazing amount of work that was accomplished in
such a short amount of time in Ivory Coast, to give back a smile to the victims.”
* * * * *
Date: 2009 Flood Relief work in Nicaragua, Honduras and Costa Rica
A thank you letter to Supreme Master Ching Hai from Father Fabio Herrera-Flores in
Talamanca, Costa Rica:
“I want to thank you especially for the friendship and support you have extended to Costa
Rica, particularly toward the local inhabitants of Talamanca on the Caribbean Coast. On
behalf of them, I personally want to thank you for your donations, which you have sent in
2005 and again in December 2008, showing your most valuable and timely help and care.”
* * * * *
Date: November 5, 2008
The eastern Iowa, USA city of Cedar Rapids experienced its worst flooding in history in June
2008. With her love and warmth, Supreme Master Ching Hai eased the pain and lightened
the burden of the people by making a contribution of US$10,000 to help them resume their
normal lives.
Mayor Kay Halloran of Cedar Rapids sent a touching thank you letter:
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
“On behalf of the residents of the City of Cedar Rapids, thank you for visiting our city on June
20, 2008. The city is most grateful for your generous gift of $10,000 to aid in our flood
recovery. This humanitarian deed was exemplary and most appreciated.”
* * * * *
Date: May 29, 2008
Event: Earthquake and Flood Relief work in Quetame, Colombia
Mayor Carlos Arce sends his deepest gratitude and the following message to Master,
“Please give her a big, big hug in God’s love. I was praying and praying to God, because I
didn’t have any more money to help my people, some who had no food and others not
enough food for many days. I believe God heard my prayers and sent Master with her love
and enough food to help them.”
World Lecture Tours
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s extended retreat in the Himalayas ended
in the mid 1980’s. Soon after her return from the Himalayas, at the
earnest request of those around her, Master Ching Hai shared the Quan
Yin Method of meditation with others, encouraging them to look within
to find peace and their own greatness. The Quan Yin Method of
meditation requires a minimum of 2.5 hours of meditation daily and
strict adherence to a Vegan Diet. More on this meditation practice in
the Tab entitled “Meditation Instruction and Philosophy”.
People from all walks of life found that through the Quan Yin Method of meditation, they attained
greater fulfillment, happiness, and peace in their daily lives. Before long, invitations arrived from the
United States, Europe, Asia, and South America, as well as from the United Nations and other
organizations, for Supreme Master Ching Hai to give lectures. She is fluent in 5 languages (English,
French, German, Chinese and Au Lac/Vietnamese, and since the mid 1980’s, she has given 1,000+
lectures in a multitude of countries across the globe.
Scanning through these titles of the lectures, we note that every presentation signals a message of
inner peace and world peace. Titles such as:
Experience Heaven on Earth
Together We Can Choose a Bright Destiny
Fill Life with Love and Wonder
Knowing God Is the Highest Virtue
A Prayer for World Peace
The Way to End War
Face Life with Courage
Purify Ourselves First
Open Your Hearts to God’s Grace
A Saintly Way of Living
Enlightenment Is the Tool for Everything.
On the following pages is a comprehensive sample of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lectures which
she has delivered around the world. While there are more to add to the list, we present to you a
bibliography of more than 350 discourses that she has given worldwide to the public and to
Association members.
The lectures are presented in 5 different categories:
1999 to the present – Variety of Lectures
1999 - 40 Day 18 Country European Lecture Tour
1986 – 1997 – World Lecture Tours
1993 World Lecture Tour
1990 – 1998 - Variety of Public Lectures.
Many of these lectures have been translated into multiple languages and published in books.
World Lecture Tours
1999 to the present – Variety of Lectures
In this series of discourses, we note that Supreme Master Ching Hai encourages the public at large
to become more and more conscious of the delicate state of our planet. She encourages everyone
to meditate daily to connect with our inner peace and wisdom, to think more positively, as well as
to take action for world peace and to save our planet.
665A Pacifying the Mind
Be a Torchbearer for God
The Invisible Passage Way
Our Perfect Nature
To Be Enlightened
Transcend Emotions
Walking in Love and Laughter
Parliament of the World's Religions
The Smile of an Angel
Beyond the Emptiness of Existence
The Heart of a Child
Concentration on Work: A Way of Spiritual Practice
Love Is the True Essence of Life
Enlightenment and Ignorance
True Happiness Is Recognizing Our True Nature
Illusion Is a Reflection of Reality
Listening Inwardly to Our Self-Nature
Wisdom and Concentration
Life Continues Forever
A Spiritual & Intellectual Interchange (Part I, II)
Freedom Beyond Body and Mind
The Fish Strawberry
A Master Incognito
The Living Saints
To Impart the Great Teaching
True Progress Is World Peace
The Inner Telepathy with a Master
Waking Up from the Dream
A Story about Love
The Hotel Called Life
World Lecture Tours
The Divine Intelligence of Animals
Love Is the Master
Dogs Are Wonderful Beings
Practice in Silence & Humility
A Natural Way to Love God
The Virtues of a Good Neighbor
Love Is Always Good
Overcoming Bad Habits
Monkhood Begins with Asceticism
The Wisdom Eye
Sincerity and Purity of Heart
A Humble Way of Life
A Selfless Motive
The Blessing of a Loving Thought
Greatness Is Following Your Ideals
Communicating with Love
The Strength of Many Hearts
The Power of Positive Thinking
To Live with a Noble Purpose
The Touch of a Master
The Courage to Change
The Illusionary Game of Life
To Practice with Ease
Simple Living
Master's Transformation Body
Learning to Live in Harmony
The Millennium Eve Performance
Elevating the World with Spiritual Practice
Buddha's Sadness
Since I've Loved You
Contributing to this World
Our Loved Ones Go to Heaven
Children of the Dragon and Fairy
The Beginning of Humility
Non-Regressing Bodhisattvas
A Meeting of Love
World Lecture Tours
Love for All Beings
The Ladder of Spiritual Enlightenment
The Laughing Saints
The Value of Being Honest
The Truth of Masters' Realm
The Power to Transmit Enlightenment
Au Lac in Ancient Times
The Real Heroes
The Song of Love
Dealing with Karma
Self-Discipline in Spiritual Practice
Dream in the Night
Beyond the Realm of Time
Attending Retreats with a Pure Motive
The Role of a Master
Life Is More Simple when You Listen to God
The Jeweled Verses
The Golden Lotus
A Youth's Passion
Laughing through Life
Unconditional Devotion
Positive Thoughts Lead to a Peaceful World
One Person Can Make a Big Difference
Love Will Move Mountains Blessings Will Level the Oceans
Gratitude Brings Glory to the World
Spiritual Progress Is Reflected in Daily Life
Springtime Folk Songs
The Dogs and the Birds in My Life
Always Keep a Pure and Contented Heart
The Merits of Turning Back to Goodness
All Through the Night God is Calling Us
Live and Let Live
Remember God in Our Heart, and Our Fate Will Improve
Media Interviews with Supreme Master Ching Hai:
Journalist Ben Murnane, Published in the Irish Sunday Independent
James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio
Journalist Charles Norton for The House Magazine
World Lecture Tours
Enlightened Government Creating a Bright Future
Back to Heaven with Peace
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment:
- Be Veg, Go Green, Do Good
- The Only Refuge Is in the Virtuous Way of Living
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Have a Positive Vision and Attitude
A Simple and Noble Life
High Noble-Quality Countries
Laughter Is Good for You
The Guardian Angels God Bestows Upon Humans
God's Will Is Done through the Master
The Best Way to Communicate with Animals
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment:
Bringing Greater Comfort and Sustainability to Our Planet
The Noble Wilds
An Ancient Love
Love for the Homeland
The Infinite Blessings of Meditation
God Created Animals to Help Humans
Searching for the Divine Truth
Keeping Faith in Difficult Times
Food for the Soul
The Heart of Renunciation
Heaven's Loving Support
World of Elevating Spirits
An Enlightened Master's All-Encompassing Dedication
Restoring the Planet through Constructive Work
All Peaceful Religions Lead to a United Way of Life
The True Possession of Spiritual Practitioners
Create a Beautiful and Virtuous World Together
Laughing with Enlightenment
Kabir and the True Spirit of Sainthood
Rise Above Death
Laugh Your Way to Heaven
Holiday to Glorify All the Saints
Live in Joy
International Best-Selling Author, Supreme Master Ching Hai for the Book Premiere
World Lecture Tours
of "The Noble Wilds"
SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming: Protecting Lives and Saving the
Go All Out to Resolve the Ecocrisis
Changing the World with Love
Celestial Art (Part I) – Hsihu Center
Celestial Art (Part II) – Heavenly Beauty
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Part 1- Eden on Earth through
Vegetarianism Part 2- Spreading the Vegetarian Solution
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Vegetarianism is the Soluti on to
Save the World
2008 Critical Moments to Save the Earth: What Can I Do?
Heart-Touch Tour of the Supreme Master Ching Hai: Eden on Earth Arts Gallery
A Noble Goal & Change of Heart Can Save the Planet
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Humans Are Inherently
Compassionate & Loving
Climate Change International Conference –
Supreme Master Ching Hai with Hollywood Celebrities
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment:
Leading a Virtuous Lifestyle in Accord with the Law of Love
SOS: Stop Global Warming Seminar
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai: Premiere of "The Birds in My Life"
Supreme Master TV’s 2nd Anniversary: A Cultural Celebration Honoring All Life
"Stop Global Warming: Act Now" Conference
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Be Veg: Change Our Destiny,
Save the Planet
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Live Our Lives with Conscience
& Love
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Compassion Begets Compassion
Purity of Heart Can Create Many Miracles
Videoconference: “Celestial Art” Book Premiere (Chinese Edition)
Video Conference: Premiere of the English Edition of "Celestial Art"
Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by East Coast FM Radio.
Media Interviews with Supreme Master Ching Hai:
- James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio
- Bob Lebensold of Environmentally Sound Radio
- Ms. Andrea Bonnie of Irish Independent Newspaper
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Going in the Noble Direction
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment:
World Lecture Tours
Benevolent Messages from Mars-Be Virtuous and Save the Earth
Awakening a Peaceful Planet - Toward a Heavenly Earth
A Taoist Tale of Longevity
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai: Global Warming SOS International Conference on Urgent Problems of Climate Change
Save Our World” Concert from Mongolia
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai & Former Philippine President
Fidel Ramos – “Act Now! For a More Peaceful & Safer World”
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai: SOS - Save the Planet
Trust in God
Juice Fast for Peace
The Ego Is the Greatest Enemy
The Wise Saints--Nasrudin and Rumi's Poems
Save Our Earth Conference 2009
The Blessed Power of High Level
Practice with Selflessness: Sila and Dhyana Paramita
Let's Make the Change - Protect the Environment
Vegan Earth Day for a Vegan World
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Killing Is Never Right
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: We Have to Save the Planet
at All Costs
Create Heaven on Earth
Solutions for a Beautiful Planet
The Gratitude of a Fox
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: The Secrets of Venus
Fall into the Safety of God
"Children's Health & Sustainable Planet" Jeju International Conference
When We Pray Alone
Renounce Ego to Triumph Ourselves
Embracing a Noble Ideal
Supreme Master Television's 3rd Year Anniversary:
Rejoicing in Our Green Planet and Peaceful Life
World Lecture Tours
1999 – A 40 Day 18 Country European Lecture Tour
During that great journey, which included 18 stops in 40 days, Supreme Master Ching Hai with a
powerful message for the world illuminated many hearts seeking answers at the turbulent end of
the last century. Many also experienced great renewal while appreciating these enlightened talks
through every possible medium.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai reminds us again and again in her lectures that the solution is within
each one of us, and we are all responsible for whatever happens to us. She assures us that we all
have the power to change reality.
Supreme Master Ching Hai's message carried a greater urgency as humanity entered a new
millennium. In these troubled times, the world seems to be suffering from increasing disasters:
wars, famine, floods, earthquakes, pollution, and outbreaks of incurable diseases, to name just a
few. Back in 1999, many people believed that the world would end. Supreme Master Ching Hai
reflected that her contribution is to help raise the consciousness of people, to help us remember
our higher Self, our nobler being, so that the atmosphere will change, and the energy will become
more loving, nobler, and more like the higher dimensions. (5/26/99)
The great suffering of the people in all the war-torn countries touched Supreme Master Ching Hai.
She compassionately went on a world tour to help elevate the consciousness of the Earth’s
inhabitants, to lessen sorrows and fears, and to bring peace and happiness to all.
The 40-Day European Lecture Tour not only brought the word of God to Europe, but also led this
region toward a peaceful and brilliant future, as a peace treaty was signed on the last day of the
Bibliography of this 1999 European Lecture Tour
This bibliography also contains a few notable comments by Supreme Master Ching Hai in her
lectures to encourage inner as well as world peace.
1. Madrid, Spain 5th May 1999 Theme: In Silence We Know God
2. Portugal 7th May 1999 Theme: Connecting Yourself with God
3. Netherlands 9th May 1999 Theme: Experience Heaven on Earth
4. Poland 11th May 1999 Theme: Together We Can Choose a Bright Destiny
5. Russia 13th May 1999 Theme: We Are Here to Bless the World
6. Armenia 15th May 1999 Theme: From One Soul to Another
7. Sofia, Bulgaria 18 May 1999 Theme: Fill Life with Love and Wonder
World Lecture Tours
A message from a guest to Supreme Master Ching Hai: “You are the sun of hope in Sofia amidst
the Kosovo crisis and fear of war.”
8. Athens, Greece 20 May 1999 Theme: Knowing God Is the Highest Virtue
9. Rome, Italy 22 May 1999 Theme: To Know God We Must Be God
10. Budapest, Hungary 24 May 1999 Theme: The True Essence of Our Being. More than 2,000 people
attended this lecture with one hundred being initiated into the Quan Yin Method of meditation
and 500 learning a shorter Convenient Method.
Supreme Master Ching Hai shared this with the audience:
“The positive energy will overcome the negative energy, and the result will be known to you
inside. Since we came here, the bombing has stopped somewhat, no? I have been running around
in Europe because of the war since the first of May. And I have been going through many different
nations trying to raise the collective high energy of the planet. It will help tremendously if you join
also, of course. And thank you for asking such a compassionate question. You know that positive
thoughts always have a positive influence, even invisibly. It’s just like when we love someone, that
person will feel very happy, even though love is not something we can touch or we can prove.”
11. Ljubljana, Slovenia 26th May 1999 Theme: A Prayer for World Peace
12. Prague, The Czech Republic The Heart of Europe 28th May 1999 Theme: The Only Criminal Is
In this audience of 1500, Supreme Master Ching Hai initiated hundreds into The Quan Yin Method
of meditation and hundreds more learned the Convenient Method of meditation.
Her message to the audience …
“We can help shorten the war and ease the conflict into a better state or even stop it if we all put
our positive energy and thinking together, and we meditate daily for the betterment of this
planet. … So I am here to try to remind you that you have the power within yourself to bless the
world, to stop the war, to ease the suffering. It is up to you to make use of it. The more awakened
the people, the less trouble in this world.”
13. Heksinki, Finland 30th May 1999 Theme: The True Christ Power
In this audience of 1,000, Supreme Master Ching Hai initiated hundreds into The Quan Yin Method
of meditation and hundreds more learned the Convenient Method of meditation.
Her message to this audience …
“ … because we are all linked together with an invisible tie that we don’t even see, just like all the
atoms are linked together in every material object in order to hold them in one piece. We are also
like the atoms of the universe. We make the universe’s construction exist in a solid manner, but
invisible to the naked eye. So if the Light or the power within us is rekindled, then the whole
universe will benefit.“
14. Stockholm, Sweden 31st May 1999 Theme: Return to the Innocence of Childhood
World Lecture Tours
15. Oslo, Norway 2nd June 1999 Theme: A Life in Unity with God
16. Edinburgh, Scotland 5th June 1999 Theme: The Way to End War
17. Dublin, Ireland 7th June 1999 Theme: Spirituality Shines in Adversity
18. London, England 9th June 1999 Theme: Face Life with Courage
Her message to this audience …
“So they signed the peace treaty already last night? The power of thoughts can improve the
world. Together we can make a difference.”
1986 – 1997 World Lecture Tours
Below is a list of lectures by location from 1986 – 1997. To view the transcript from each lecture,
you may to go to
*1* The Other Higher Half of Our True Self Washington, D.C., USA December 23, 1997
*2* The Creative Source of Our Real Being Los Angeles, California, USA September 13, 1997
*3* Don't Miss the Fun of Growing! London, U.K. August 26, 1997
*4* The Universal Law Of Sharing L.A., CA., USA July 20, 1997
*5* The Importance of Keeping the Precepts LA, USA July 13, 1997
*6* Recognize the Role of Maya LA, CA., USA July 8, 1997
*7* Purify Ourselves First! L.A., USA July 5, 1997
*8* Everyone Has the Responsibility to Maintain the Pure Atmosphere of the Meditation Center
Singapore April 26, 1997
*9* Change Our Mood and Treat Ourselves Nicely Paris, France January 26, 1997
*10* You Are Buddha Raising Center, Cambodia July 19, 1996
*11* A Wish of the Master Cambodia May 15, 1996
*12* Will Positive Thinking Change Our Karma? LA, USA March 15, 1996
*13* Open Your Hearts to God's Grace Los Angeles, USA March 13, 1996
*14* We Should Not Copy a Master's Outer Performance Hsihu Center, Formosa February 22, 1996
*15* The Best Offering Hsihu Center, Formosa February 17, 1996
*16* The "Saint's Symptoms" Hsihu Center, Formosa February 4, 1996
*17* Be a Faithful Partner Hsihu Center, Formosa October 31, 1995
*18* A Secret Way to Achieve Immortality Hsihu Center, Formosa October 27, 1995
*19* Managing a Country and Pacifying the World Are also Forms of Spiritual Practice
Hsihu Center, Formosa September 10, 1995.
*20* God Takes Care of Everything Munich, Germany August 18, 1995
*21* Whatever You Want, Don't Hurt Other People! Hsihu Center, Formosa July 4, 1995
*22* Importance of Purity Hsihu Center, Formosa June 30, 1995
*23* Obesity a New Virus Hsihu Center, Formosa June 10, 1995
*24* Master Is the Most Lonely Person Hsihu Center, Formosa June 4, 1995
*25* Power and Finance Striving to Earn Money Is a Duty, Not a Sin
Hsihu Center, Formosa June 3, 1995
I - 10
World Lecture Tours
*26* Recover Our Humility Hsihu Center, Formosa February 19, 1995
*27* A Thief Becomes aSpiritual Practitioner Hsihu Center, Formosa February 19, 1995
*28* Enlightenment Awakens the Positive Power Singapore January 10, 1995
*29* A Stingy Old Woman Hsihu Center, Formosa January 5, 1995
*30* To Greet the Future of the Earth Hsihu Center, Formosa January 2, 1995
*31* A Benevolent Government Begets a Bright Future USA October 29, 1994
*32* The World Is a Stage for Our Play Hsihu Center, Formosa October 25, 1994
*33* The World Is a Stage For Our Play Hsihu Center, Formosa October 25, 1994
*34* Empty and Full Hsihu Center, Formosa October 24, 1994
*35* The Young Buddhas at Home Hsihu Center, Formosa October 9, 1994
*36* Group Meditation Benefits All Mankind Singapore September 26, 1994
*37* Over-Population Is Not the Main Cause of Starvation! Bangkok, Thailand September 18, 1994
*38* The Way to Save the World from Doomsday Japan September 8, 1994
*39* Tests Are of Your Own Choosing Hawaii, USA September 6, 1994
*40* The Best Ways to Go through the Upheavals of Our World Hawaii, USA September 3, 1994
*41* To Be a Messenger of God's Gospel Hawaii, USA September 3, 1994
*42* Become a Vegetarian in All Aspects Austin, Texas, USA August 14, 1994
*43* A Saintly Way of Living New York, USA June 20, 1994
*44* Tolerance and Sacrifice Bangkok, Thailand June 7, 1994
*45* The Trap of Success Satin, Hong Kong April 20, 1994
*46* Selected Questions and Answers 1 Seattle, USA April 7, 1994
*47* Meditation and Science: Different Paths to the Same Goal Thailand January 1, 1994
*48* Fighting the Spiritual War Los Angeles, CA, USA November 6, 1993
*49* The Heavenly Melodious Teaching Bangkok, Thailand June 12, 1993
*50* Let God Serve through Us Geneva, Switzerland April 20, 1993
*51* Enlightenment Is the Tool for Everything Washington D.C., USA April 14, 1993
*52* Appreciate Life, Start with Enlightenment [Part 1/2] Colorado, USA April 10, 1993
*53* Appreciate Life, Start with Enlightenment [Part 2/2] Colorado, USA April 10, 1993
*54* The Mystery of the World Beyond New York, USA June 26, 1992
*55* How People Regress! USA June 25, 1992
*56* The Story of Outer Planets Hsihu Center, Formosa May 8, 1992
*57* Morality Is the Foundation of Politics Hsihu Center, Formosa April 29, 1992
*58* The Au Lac Refugees a Blessing for the World Maoli, Formosa April 3, 1992
*59* The Best Way of Praying to God Costa Rica February 6, 1991
*60* Time with a Master Is Precious San Jose, Costa Rica February 4, 1991
*61* Bible Story Noah's Ark Hsihu Center, Formosa May 30, 1990
*62* The Garden of Eden Biblical Story Hsihu Center, Formosa May 27, 1990
*63* The Secret to Rectify Bad Habits Taipei, Formosa March 2, 1990
*64* Enlightened Scientists Who Elevate the Civilization of the World Kaohsiung, Formosa
January 10, 1990
*65* The Tathagata State Hsihu Center, Formosa January 1, 1990
*66* The Supreme Master Ching Hai's Commentary on Excerpts from Kahil Gibran
Tainan, Formosa January 1, 1990
*67* We Are Stepping into the Golden Age Portland, Oregon, USA January 1, 1990
*68* Journey through the Universal Network Seattle, Washington, USA January 1, 1990
*69* How to Go to the Buddha Lands New York, USA November 4, 1989
I - 11
World Lecture Tours
*70* The Eternal Life and the Law of the Universe Boston, USA October 27, 1989
*71* Unexpected Grace Will Come Anytime! USA October 13, 1989
*72* The Key to Being Energetic and Happy Formosa July 29, 1989
*73* The Immortal Silver Cord Taipei, Formosa May 21, 1989
*74* A Spiritual Method of Magnanimous Love Formosa July 5, 1987
*75* The Secret to Spiritual Progress Hsintien, Formosa August 22, 1986
1993 World Lecture Tour
Above worldly power, the teachings of Supreme Master Ching Hai spread first throughout the
Orient. She traveled and lectured throughout Formosa, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Thailand,
Korea and Japan ... and then to other countries around the world. In 1993 she visited 12 different
countries delivering 24 lectures. To view the titles and more details of these lectures, please visit:
*Feb.28,1993* Taipei, Formosa
*Mar.8-9,1993* Singapore
*Mar.17,1993* Sydney, Australia
*Mar.20,1993* Brisbane, Australia
*Mar.21,1993* Brisbane, Australia
*Mar.27,1993* Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
*Mar.28,1993* Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
*Apr.03,1993* LA, U.S.A.
*Apr.07,1993* Seattle, U.S.A.
*Apr.10,1993* CO., U.S.A.
*Apr.14,1993* Washington D.C.,USA
*Apr.20,1993* U.N., Geneva
*Apr.21,1993* Geneva, Switzerland
*Apr.24,1993* Paris, France
*Apr.29,1993* Belgium
*May 08,1993* Seoul, Korea
*May 15,1993* Pusan, Korea
*May 22,1993* Tokyo, Japan
*May 28,1993* Hong Kong
*Jun.04,1993* Malaysia
*Jun.12,1993* Bangkok, Thailand
*Nov.25,1993* CA., U.S.A.
*Nov.27,1993* San Francisco, U.S.A.
*Dec.04,1993* Oregon, U.S.A.
I - 12
World Lecture Tours
1990 to 1998 – Variety of Public Lectures
In this time period Supreme Master Ching Hai visited 9 different countries delivering 17 lectures.
*Mar 2,1990* Taipei, Formosa
*Feb 26,1991* Toronto, Canada
*Apr 19,1991* Taipei, Formosa
*Feb 27,1992* Malaysia
*Mar 6,1992* Thailand
*Mar 7,1992* Thailand
*Mar 11,1992* Japan
*Jun 26,1992*United Nations in N.Y., U.S.A.
* Sep 26,1994* Singapore
* Sep 27,1994* Singapore
* Nov 26,1994* Hat Yai, Thailand
*Dec 01,1994* Khon Khean, Thailand
*Dec 4,1994* Chiang Mai, Thailand
*Dec 6,1994* Bangkok, Thailand
*Jan 10,1995* Singapore
*May23,1998* Mexico City, Mexico
*May24,1998* Mexico City, Mexico
For more details on Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lectures at different Retreats, please visit:
Source of English Lectures:
I - 13
Loving Hut Restaurants
As stated in Tab E: Compassionate Campaigns, the research on the state of world health clearly
shows that the Vegan Diet is the healthiest diet:
Benefits of a Vegan Diet Summary:
Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Stronger immune system
Reduces Type 2 diabetes
Prevents stroke conditions
Reverses atherosclerosis
Reduces heart disease risk by 50%
Reduces heart surgery risk by 80%
Prevents many forms of cancer
Increases life expectancy by up to 15 years.
As also stated in Tab E: Compassionate Campaigns, the research is conclusive that over 50% of
global warming is caused by livestock and its byproducts. Livestock is causing world hunger,
deforestation, water shortages as well as animal and plant extinction.
The Vegan Diet, therefore, is the most peaceful and compassionate lifestyle.
Supreme Master Ching Hai wishes to bring peace to our world by ending the merciless annual
slaughter of 56 billion of our beloved animal co-inhabitants.
Being well aware of the immense impact our food choices have on the climate and to facilitate
humanity’s transition into a more benevolent, Earth-sustaining way of living, Supreme Master
Ching Hai inspired the development of a compassionate chain of vegan restaurants called
“Loving Hut”. These popular dining establishments advocate a healthy diet by providing a vast
array of delicious, affordable and nutritious vegan cuisine and in so doing, promote the peaceloving, compassionate solution to protect the world, its citizens, all its co-inhabitants, and our
future generations from the devastating effects of global warming.
Loving Hut restaurants serve delicious vegan fare that delights everyone. The chain is a beacon
of light for the alternative way of living because it’s healthy, it’s kind, it’s peaceful, and it’s the
only way to quickly reach a sustainable planet.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s humanitarian action to start a compassionate chain of restaurants
is unquestionably a big step in the direction of Peace and Love not just for the health of the
people and the planet but also to instill a deep and permanent sense of caringness for all living
beings through this plant based diet.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s humanitarian action to start a compassionate chain of
restaurants is unquestionably a big step in the direction of Peace and Love not just for the
health of the people and the planet but also to instill a deep and permanent sense of
caringness for all living beings through this plant based diet.
Loving Hut Restaurants
In response to the public’s demand for pure organic and non GMO vegan cuisine, to date, 185
Loving Hut restaurants have been established, making it the fastest growing vegan fast food
chain in the world.
Loving Hut Locations
Loving Hut restaurants can be found in many countries. For an up-to-date list go to
Hong Kong
New Zealand
United Kingdom
Czech Rep
Loving Hut Malaysia-Puchong
100% Vegan Cuisine Only
Be it Western or Eastern Cuisine - It’s just Food-Served-Fast
Loving Hut Restaurants
How Loving Hut Restaurants Bring Peace to the World
From Austria:
Aktiver Tierschutz Steiermark. Kleine Zeitung, the biggest newspaper in the region,
introduced the Loving Hut Resort with a full-page article entitled, “Here Animal Products are
Swept under the Table,” in which it’s written, “Contrary to pork roast with dumplings, the
vegan fast food idea is a complete philosophy. And that, according to the press text, means
“Loving Hut was created with the vision that all living beings can live together in peace,
love and harmony and in harmony with the environment.”
Kärntner Krone Zeitung, the second largest newspaper in that area, also highlighted Loving
Hut’s success, stating that within only two years, 163 chain restaurants have been
established worldwide.
* * * * * *
Daniel, one of the happy guests at the Loving Hut Inn in Austria, wrote an online review at, describing his memorable eating experience at the Lake Klopein Loving Hut
“The absolute highlight! (It really deserves 7 suns). We really very seldom eat so well and at
the same time so healthily. On the extensive menu, you can find everything . . . All very tasty
and . . . vegan! It is all beautifully served (the eye eats as well) in a new “feel good” garden.
Directly beside the tables is a small children’s playground with a climbing tower, slide,
sandpit and mini Hollywood swing, ideal for us with a small child. Everything . . . was
perfectly clean. We like it so much that we cancelled our planned late summer holiday in
Sardinia! We prefer to come again for a week to have a feast on Lake Klopein.”
* * * * * *
In the guest book on the opening day of the Loving Hut Hotel in Austria, Animal Protection
Society magazine editor Michael Schaller wrote,
“It makes my heart sing with joy that there is a place like this! I wish you many guests who
appreciate the loving and peaceful atmosphere. Much success and my ♥ felt thanks for your
commitment to humans, animals and the environment.”
Meditation Instruction & Philosophy
"Whatever we can share, we begin with sharing. Then we'll feel a subtle change within
ourselves - more love will be pouring into our consciousness,
and then we will be aware of something. That is the beginning.
We are here to learn, to learn to grow as well as to learn to use our power,
our limitless power of love and creativity
in order to make the world a better place wherever we happen to be."
~ Supreme Master Ching Hai
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s meditation instruction and philosophy is about learning how to use
our power “our limitless power of love and creativity in order to make the world a better
place wherever we happen to be”.
Her desire is for each of us to obtain Inner Peace and Happiness and Walk the Way of Love.
Supreme Master Ching Hai supports the world intellectually, spiritually and physically: She is
deeply concerned about the overall health of each sentient being on the planet. Fluent in five
languages (English, French, German, Chinese and Vietnamese) her lectures provide ideas and
inspiration on how individuals can improve their intellect by becoming positive thinkers.
Spiritually she teaches a meditation method which assists the practitioner in becoming a more
noble and loving human being. Physically, she readily gifts individuals with financial
contributions as well as suggestions on how to live a health filled life.
The Quan Yin Method of Meditation
The Supreme Master Ching Hai initiates sincere spiritual aspirants into the Quan Yin Method of
meditation. This event has been described as the "Opening of the Wisdom Eye", and "Sudden
or Immediate Enlightenment" by the great Masters of the past. You do not have to change
your current religion or system of beliefs, nor are you asked to join any organization or
participate in any way that does not suit your current lifestyle.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai is a symbol of spiritual wisdom and guidance, a living
embodiment of unconditional love and compassion. She has become internationally
recognized for her unrelenting humanitarian and disaster relief work. Greater still is the gift of
spiritual teachings and guidance that she shares with people all over the world, relieving the
temporary suffering of humanity, and showing the way to eternal peace and joy.
Master Ching Hai is not only an enlightened teacher, but she is also a gifted artist, poetess,
composer and fashion designer. Proceeds from her artistic creations are used to support her
international humanitarian aid. She is a living example of her belief that we should work to
provide for others as well as for ourselves.
For almost three decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai has shared her vast knowledge on how to
live a balanced life while pursuing a spiritual path.
Meditation Instruction & Philosophy
Practitioners are required to meditate daily to
connect with their inner God qualities; to bring
the wisdom of Heaven to Earth to make their
lives better, more peaceful, compassionate
and loving; and to grow spiritually, purify
themselves and our environment.
The Quan Yin Method is a unique and most
ancient meditation technique helping you to
rediscover the Almighty Power within you,
which manifests in the Inner Light and Sound.
This Sound or Divine Vibration is the essence of
all life and sustains the whole universe.
Through this technique, you can gain a happy
and more relaxed life.
Daily practice of the Quan Yin Method of
meditation, and the keeping of the Five
Guidelines are the only requirements after
initiation. These guidelines help you not
to harm yourself or any other living being.
These practices will deepen and strengthen
your initial enlightenment experience, and
eventually lead to the highest level of
In Tab L: The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association, we presented
research which proves that meditation can
reduce crime, improve our health, as well as
bring inner tranquility and peace to the planet.
The Quan Yin Method requires a commitment of
2.5 hours of meditation a day. With this
deep devotion to peace, these meditators
will have generated much healthier and peaceful
frequencies onto the planet.
Supreme Master Ching Hai has taught the Quan
Yin Method of meditation free of charge
to countless millions of individuals in dozens
of countries.
Selected Aphorisms
of Supreme Master Ching Hai
“To be a noble being is the only choice; to walk
forward, it doesn't matter how difficult; to fly
upward, it doesn't matter how far, or how
high. We just have to try again and again.”
“The cause of all suffering arises not through
an external condition but truly from our own
“Even to read the books from me is second
class, even books from holy Masters; even
when I answer you it’s second class; even my
lecture - everything is second class. Go inside
yourself and find out the great treasure wisdom, you have, the great intelligence you
“Meditate sincerely. Always pray before, so
that you can cut through the thin veil, the
thin curtain that separates us -- the illusion of
world, from the knowledge of the Truth. It's
only very thin. So thin like smoke. If you
pierce that curtain, you know many things;
you know everything. If you do not, you
remain forever ignorant. That's the only
difference between a sage and a common
ignorant person. Only a very thin curtain.”
“Every time we meditate, we thank God first,
we pray for the less fortunate, and then we
remember God with all sweetness and
“Our path is not a religion. I do not convert
anyone to Catholicism, or Buddhism, or any
other 'ism' ”.
“I simply offer you a way 
to know yourself,
to find out where you come from,
to remember your mission here on Earth,
to discover the secrets of the universe,
to understand why there is so much
 and to see what awaits us after death.”
Meditation Instruction & Philosophy
The Philosophy of Living a Virtuous Life
Supreme Master Ching Hai teaches ‘Ahimsa’ which means no killing and or hurting other living
beings. Meditators are required to:
Live a Virtuous Life by following these Five Guidelines:
Refrain from taking the life of sentient beings. This guideline requires strict adherence to a
vegan diet. No meat, dairy, fish, poultry, or eggs. Supreme Master Ching Hai encourages
everyone to eat a diet where no animal, fish, or bird has to die or suffer for us to live.
She believes that we are all very inter-connected. When we stop causing suffering to
animals, our level of consciousness and compassion for all sentient beings will rise. Then
we will also not want to kill our fellow human beings and wars will stop. The vegan diet
has the least amount of killing in it. Supreme Master Ching Hai believes that everything
deserves to live and that animals have feelings.
Refrain from speaking what is not true;
Refrain from taking what is not belonging to oneself;
Refrain from sexual misconduct;
Refrain from using intoxicants. This guideline includes avoidance of all poisons of any kind,
such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gambling, pornography and excessively violent films, videos
or literature.
She encourages everyone to lead a noble lifestyle of kindness and compassion, and believes
that if everyone followed these guidelines, we would have a greater respect for ourselves and
others and live in harmony with all living beings bringing an everlasting peace to the planet.
“The peace and love that we most often talk about and seek we have within
~ Supreme Master Ching Hai
What is Enlightenment?
“Enlightenment means knowing the light within ourselves, EN-LIGHTENED. The light within us
will guide every footstep in our life to the correct destination. The word of God, the sound, the
vibration, the music of heaven will whisper to us all the wisdom in the universe, and what we
can do in our daily lives until we fulfill our duty as the blessing givers of this Earth.
This inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires and quench all worldly thirst. It is allpowerful and all-love. It is because we are made of this Sound that the contact with it brings
peace and contentment to our heart. After listening to the sound, our whole being changes, our
entire outlook on life is greatly altered for the best.”
~ Supreme Master Ching Hai
The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association
- The Humanitarian Work and Meditation Retreats
of Ashrams and Centers around the World The Supreme Master Ching Hai Association currently has members in 200 centers in 80
countries. They gather at least weekly to meditate together to help raise the consciousness of
the planet. (See next page for research studies on benefits of meditation and meditation
retreats held around the world.)
In addition, Association members provide many humanitarian services including:
conduct disaster relief worldwide;
hand out millions of ‘SOS Climate Change’ and ‘Alternative Living’ flyers worldwide;
conduct free seminars on global warming, benefits of vegan diet/vegan cooking classes;
conduct free seminars on meditation;
participate in trade shows and conferences;
participate in parades to inform the public about climate change and it solutions;
write letters to politicians and the media to share more research on global warming and
its solutions.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association has received many certificates of
appreciation for its devotion to various charitable and public-interest activities, including
disaster relief, cleaning the beaches and environment, cleaning highways, giving to the
destitute and orphaned, helping the elderly and children, seminars for the imprisoned, offering
free medical services, caring for the homeless, book contributions, holding spiritual seminars,
art exhibitions, and so on.
Due to limited space, here is only a small portion of the hundreds of their many awards and
certificates of appreciation from authorities around the world.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association
- The Humanitarian Work and Meditation Retreats
of Ashrams and Centers around the World -
Specific Studies Proving Meditation Brings World Peace
Study #1:
Ordinarily, no single nation suffers from constant terrorist attack. The only way to determine if
terrorism can be reduced, therefore, is to mount a worldwide study.
On a global scale, terrorist attacks are common and it is possible to detect reductions
associated with peace-creating assemblies. The Rand Corporation, an independent think tank,
provided the data on terrorist attacks around the world (due to the wide fluctuations
characteristic of terrorism data, time series analysis was performed on the data in the natural
log scale).
A study of the three largest peace-creating assemblies ever held in the West, comparing the
weeks of those assemblies as against all the other weeks in a two-year study, revealed a
worldwide reduction in fatalities and injuries due to terrorism of 72%. During those three
assemblies, when the number of peace-creating experts approached or exceeded 7,000, there
was also a significant decrease in international conflict of all types. The study used time series
analysis to rule out the possibility that the reduction in terrorism was due to pre-existing cycles,
trends, or drifts in the data, or to seasonal changes.
~ Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Vol. 36, 2002-2003
Study #2:
In a second study called A National Demonstration Project conducted in Washington, D.C. from
June 7 to July 30, 1993, tested the efficacy of a peace-creating group for reducing crime as
measured by FBI Uniform Crime Statistics.
In this carefully controlled experiment, an assembly of Transcendental Meditation experts
increased from 800 to 4000 over a two-month period. Although violent crime had been steadily
increasing during the first five months of the year, and although violent crime usually peaks in
the hot weather months, soon after the start of the study, and during a near-record summer
heat wave, violent crime began decreasing and continued to drop until the end of the
experiment (maximum decrease 23.6%), after which it began to rise again.
"The research study done in Washington in 1993 found a dramatic decrease in the various types
of violence. There was almost a 25% decrease in violent events throughout the period in which
the group meditation was going on. This was a staggering conclusion. In fact the police chief
remarked that it would take a 3 foot snowfall in July to produce that kind of decrease in murder
and other violent crimes. Sure enough, it didn't take a 3 foot snowfall; it took a group of people
meditating in a consistent, specified way."
~ David Edwards, PhD Professor of Government, University of Texas (Austin)
The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association
- The Humanitarian Work and Meditation Retreats
of Ashrams and Centers around the World -
Retreats for World Peace
Association members frequently gather in small groups and large groups to meditate for world
peace and to save the planet. The largest gathering was in Thailand in 2006 where 30,000
members prayed and meditated for 5 days. This list contains a sample of the formal meditation
retreats held around the world by The Supreme Master Ching Hai and her International
Association. The content of Master’s Ching Hai’s lectures during those times has been captured
onto DVDs.
International 4-Day Retreat Oct.22-25, 1993 Hawaii, U.S.A
International 3-Day Retreat Feb.19-22, 1994 Chicago, U.S.A.
Hong Kong Shatin Center 3-Day Retreat Apr.01-04, 1994 Hong Kong
International 7-Day Retreat May 21-27, 1994 Taipei, Formosa
Ching Hai Day 3-Day Retreat Oct.23-25, 1994 Hsihu, Formosa
New Year International 3-Day Retreat Dec.31, 1994 - Jan.02, 1995 Hsihu, Formosa
1995 Dragon Boat Festival International 3-Day Retreat Jun.02-04, 1995 Hsihu, Formosa
Europe International 3-Day Retreat Aug.25-27, 1995 Hamburg, Germany
Moon Festival 3-Day Retreat Sep.08-10, 1995 Hsihu, Formosa
Ching Hai Day International 7-Day Retreat Oct.25-31, 1995 Hsihu, Formosa
1996 Ching Hai Day International 4-Day Retreat Feb.19-22, 1996 Hsihu, Formosa
Retreat Mar.12, 1996 LA, CA, U.S.A.
Cambodia 3-Day Retreat Mar.26-28 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Retreat Apr.02, 1996 Bangkok, Thailand
International 7-Day Retreat May 11, 1996 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Retreat Dec.05, 2006 Chiang Mai, Thailand
Retreat Feb.01, 1997 London, England
International 4-day Retreat May 09-12, 1997 Sydney, Australia
Europe 4-Day Retreat Aug.24-27, 1997 London, U.K.
International 4-Day Retreat Dec.24-27, 1999 Washington D.C., U.S.A
International 5-Day Retreat May 6 - 10, 1998 Sangju, Korea Young Dong Center
Retreat Feb 13 -16, 1999 Lunar New Year Celebration, Florida, USA
Retreat Dec 16 -18, 1998 Los Angeles, USA
Retreat June 11-13, 1999 Norfolk, England
Retreat Nov 28-30, 1999 Cape Town, South Africa
Retreat May 12, 2000, Yong Dong, Korea
Retreats in Florida – several from 2000 onwards
Retreat November/December 2006 Thailand
News Magazine
Founded in April 1990, the News magazine provides up-to-date, detailed reports of Supreme
Master Ching Hai’s work and life during these years. It also keeps the world current on the
Association’s international humanitarian activities.
Covered in great length are the latest world issues such as climate change, scientific reports
about what is good for health, humorous stories and so on. A constant in the magazine are
thoughts on how to bring inner peace and world peace to the forefront of everyone’s thoughts
as well as the most recent recipients of The Shining World Series of Awards.
Master’s Words Only Love Begets Love / Vegetarian Critical Mass
5 Panorama of Events Indonesia / Korea /Japan / China / Formosa / Aulac
/ Mongolia / Ireland / Chile / USA / Canada / Australia
26 Save Our Planet Europe’s Positive Trend towards a Vegetarian Society
/ “2 Minutes to Change”–Celebrating the 15th Supreme Master Ching Hai
30/62/76 Letter of Appreciation Letter of Appreciation from Governor
Jim Doyle of Wisconsin, USA / Making Colleges a Better and Healthier
Place / California Protecting People’s Health and the Environment /
Faster, Stronger, Sooner
31 Vegetarian Era A Conscientious Vegan Journalist
32/36/64/78 Special Reports “Act Now! Creating a Safer and More
Peaceful World” / The Road of True Love Leads to Heaven / Climate
Change Videoconference in the Land of Blue Skies and Boundless Space /
Celestial Art on Earth / Celestial Art Glorifying Earth with Heavenly Beauty
35 Story Warehouse Faith in Master Brings Miracles
38 Between Master and Disciples Secret Two-Way Communication
39 Shining World Leadership Award Mr. Larry Falkin / Queensland’s
Premier – Honorable Anna Bligh / Sweden’s Minister for Agriculture – His
Excellency Eskil Erlandsson / Mayor of Tehran – Dr. Mohammad Bagher
43 Shining World Inventor Award Daniel Burd / William Yuan
46 Shining World Heroine Award Ms. Karin Ridgers
48 Shining World Hero Award Dr. Malcolm Coulthard / Dustan RoachMatthews / Yuhta Ohishi / Mr. Bob Linden / Six Major Hollywood Film
Studios / Hero Dog -Shilo
55 Shining World Love Award Interspecies Motherly Love
56 Shining World Compassion Award Mr. Brian Jones / Abigail Heiselt /
Mr. Thomas Weller / The Iranian Red Crescent Society / Madam Chen
68 Master Says Vegan Lifestyle –The Solution to Climate Change
73 Organic Farming Organic Farming – For a Compassionate and
Sustainable Future
75/77 Master Tells Jokes Speeding Uphill / Sharing the Sympathy
80 Master’s Wonders Master’s Transcendental Body Appears to Satisfy
the Yearning of Fellow Initiates
84 Media Reports Văn Hóa Magazine Features Celestial Artist - Supreme
Master Ching Hai / Irish Independent Newspaper Interviews Supreme
Master Ching Hai
88 Love in Action USA / Fiji / Papua New Guinea / Australia / Morocco /
France / Greece / Yemen / Thailand / Malaysia / Philippines / Au Lac /
China / Cuba / Bolivia / Brazil / Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica / Formosa
115 Our Liaison Practitioners around the World
118 / 124 Elevation of the Soul MP3 & MP4 / CDs / DVDs / Filling Your
Life with Love and Art / Sample Booklet in the Kinyarwanda Language
124 Heavenly Vegewine Heavenly Red -- A Beverage for all Seasons
News Magazine
News Magazine
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
The Shining World Award Series
Wishing to acknowledge others for their actions and influence toward developments of
goodness in the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai founded the Shining World Leadership
Award in March 2006. Since then, she has also established other prestigious awards, such as
the Shining World Hero Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Honesty
Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, as pictured above.
The honoured recipients are individuals, nations and organizations whose exemplary works
have significantly contributed to the harmony, beauty and sustainability of our Earth.
Some of these recipients include the 2nd President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Janez
Drnovšek; the 45th U.S. Vice President Al Gore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate with the UN’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); Chief of UNIPCC and Director-General of
The Energy and Resources Institute India (TERI), Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, 2010 recipient of UNHABITAT Cities Lecture Award; Head of the NASA Institute for Space Studies, Dr. James E.
Hansen, 2009 recipient of the Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal; and renowned British
primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall, to name a few.
To inspire others in their efforts to develop green technology, Supreme Master Ching Hai
recognizes individuals for their eco-friendly creativity through the Shining World Inventor
Award. For example, this Award and a monetary prize were given to Mr. Ma Yanjun in China
for his Aquarian Solar Water Heater, young Đinh Trần Vũ An of Âu Lạc was honoured with the
Shining World Inventor Award for his affordable wastewater treatment device, and Daniel Burg
of Canada was honoured with the same award and monetary prize for his method of
decomposing plastic through the use of micro-organisms.
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Our precious animal friends have also been presented with the Shining World Hero Award,
Shining World Intelligence Award, etc., for their selfless and noble deeds in rescuing lives at the
risk of their own, and exhibiting remarkable bravery, intelligence and care through their loving
acts of altruism.
All these good deeds are aired world wide on Supreme Master Television to bring constructive,
positive news across the globe to uplift people’s spirits, make them smile and give them a sense
of renewed hope in their sometimes, challenging, not-so-easy daily lives.
The Shining World Award Categories include:
The Shining World Leadership Award
The Shining World Hero Award
The Shining World Heroism Award
The Shining World Compassion Award
The Shining World Protection Award
The Shining World Intelligence Award
The Shining World Honesty Award
The Shining World Citizen Award
The Shining World Photography Award
The Shining World Peace Award
The Shining World Inventor Award
The Shining World Love Award
Recipients receive a crystal award similar to the
one on the left.
On the following pages are pictures of some of the recipients of these awards as well as how
these awards have helped them in numerous ways.
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
President Janez Drnovšek
received The Shining World
Leadership Award from
Supreme Master Ching Hai in
Slovenia (2007)
Mr. Heherson Alvarez,
Presidential Adviser on Global
Warming & Climate Change
and former Senator of the
Philippines, received The
Shining World Leadership
Award from Supreme Master
Ching Hai in Formosa (Taiwan)
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
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DM wins Shining World Leadership Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai
Dubai Municipality was recently awarded the Shining World Leadership Award from the
Supreme Master Ching Hai, a world-renowned humanitarian, artist and spiritual leader. Eng.
Hussein Nasser Lootah, Director General of Dubai Municipality was presented the award by
representatives of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. The award was
given in recognition of the outstanding efforts of Dubai Municipality in promoting the wellbeing of the public, with its recent declaration of smoking ban in hotels, shopping malls,
restaurants and cafes. Lootah, who accepted the crystal plaque award and the book gifts,
shared his visions for creating a Green Dubai, and showed the visitors the Green Roofs on top
of the Municipality building. He also talked to them about the Dubai International Award for
Best Practice to Improve the Living Environment, instituted by the Municipality.
The award presentation will be featured on Supreme Master Television, a 24/7 satellite TV,
broadcasting worldwide via 14 satellite platforms with 60 languages and 30 subtitles. Lootah
thanked the Supreme Master Ching Hai for the Shining World Leadership Award and expressed
his appreciation for the noble efforts in recognizing, encouraging and promoting outstanding
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
ATAAC Receives World Compassion Award
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
ATAAC has been awarded the 'World Compassion Award' which they received for their work
to 'promote the vegetarian diet and raise awareness for the compassionate treatment of animals
Supreme Master TV is a free-to-air satellite channel broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
with a variety of programs in English with over 30 subtitles and 60 languages. Broadcasting on
14 satellite platforms across the globe.
We recently did a small interview with them that telecast on their News segment, which
received such a great response it was requested we do a full interview. We were so excited as
it will be telecast to over 60 countries!
ATAAC was then honoured to receive the 'World Compassion Award' as well as US$1500.00, a
beautiful crystal award and a personalised letter from Master Ching Hai.
On behalf of ATAAC, we would like to thank Master Ching Hai for this wonderful award and
giving us the opportunity to promote our cause of educating youth in Australia and
now worldwide, on leading a cruelty free lifestyle without harming animals.
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
IRCS received ‘Shining World
Compassion Award’
Tehran Times Political Desk
TEHRAN -- Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) has been granted Shining World Compassion
Award for its humanitarian aid to victims of the earthquake in China’s Sichuan province.
Head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society Masud Khatami received the plaque of honour from
the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association (SMCHIA) during a ceremony held at
IRCS on Tuesday morning.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s award committee representative, Jim Su from Taiwan,
granted the award to Khatami. He also expressed the SMCHIA’s gratitude to the Iranian
Chairman of the committee N C Eng from Malaysia also attended the ceremony.
The earthquake and aftershocks in Sichuan and other parts of southwest China caused
extensive damage, injury and loss of lives.
In response to an appeal for foreign aid for the Sichuan earthquake victims, Iran sent 63,000
tents and medical equipments to the people in quake-hit areas.
According to the UN figures, the devastating May 12 earthquake centered in China’s Sichuan
province claimed some 70,000 lives and left millions of others homeless in Sichuan and other
affected regions in the country.
The Sichuan earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale was the deadliest since
the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed at least 240,000 people.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, established for over two decades, is
a non-profit organization with worldwide members from all cultural backgrounds.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai Association has devoted considerable efforts toward providing
humanitarian relief to disaster victims and the less fortunate, as well as promoting sustainable
lifestyle choices such as vegetarianism, meaning an animal-free diet, which benefits our
planet and all her inhabitants.
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Piggy and Jesse - The Cat that Sniffed a Cancerous Tumor
Piggy and Jesse are two Tonkinese cats that came into the lives of Lynda Larsen and her
husband, Steve, after their previous feline companion passed away. They were picked
up by Lynda nine years ago at their neighbourhood pet shop.
The normal morning routine of these two cats is to climb into bed with Lynda and Steve
playfully prodding them to wake up and get breakfast. However, on one particular
Sunday morning, Piggy was a little more aggressive with his prodding and seemed to be
focused on Lynda's left breast, kneading it with his forehead and gently clawing at it.
Lynda decided to take a closer look, and felt a lump in her breast. She immediately went
to the doctor and in a few days was on the operating table having surgery after being
diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent months of chemotherapy and
rehabilitation, and is now a survivor of breast cancer.
On May 10, Golden Year 5 (2008), when our Association members presented Lynda the
Shining World Hero Award for Piggy and Jesse, she was thrilled and surprised by all the
gifts including a huge bag of vegetarian cat food, blankets, beds and several of Master
Ching Hai’s books and DVDs. Lynda commented that Piggy would certainly enjoy the
vegetarian food because he loves to eat and that was how he earned his name. She took
a picture showing Piggy sharing his bed with their dog and sent it to Master Ching Hai as
a thank-you note. Lynda credits her cats for saving her life. Her advice is that when
people are sick, animals are perfect companions as they give so much love and comfort.
They can sense when you are not feeling well, will snuggle close to you, and when you
go away they are always very happy to see you return.
Thank you, Piggy and Jesse, for safeguarding the health of your human companion!
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Norwegian Member of Parliament, Ms. Inga Marte Thorkildsen
Leading the Way in the Norwegian Parliament
Over the past decade, Norwegian Member of Parliament Ms. Inga Marte Thorkildsen has
demonstrated compassion and wisdom in urging the public to take actions to halt climate change. For
her outstanding efforts in leading the people to a brighter future, she received the Shining World
Leadership Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai, presented by Association members on December
15, Golden Year 5 (2008).
As a member of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, Ms. Thorkildsen has
handled matters related to oil, energy, water, and the protection of the environment since 2001. It is
from here that she has become an invaluable voice, exposing the adverse effects of meat
consumption on climate change, encouraging people to take immediate action themselves and lead
the way to a better future. Ms. Thorkildsen openly supports the need for the adoption of a plantbased diet stating:
“It is important to make people aware that their meat consumption is a significant contributor not
only to climate change, but also to the food crisis in the world. So we have to confront consumers,
dare to make some tough decisions as politicians, and challenge the international organizations. I
think we have to decide from the top that our animal industry must produce less meat.”
Ms. Thorkildsen is helping to implement policies in Norway to make it one of the leaders in positive
action in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. She works tirelessly to better the lives of her
constituents and strives to bring equality in the world, in developing countries, for those without
food and for women in politics. In her position on the Standing Committee on Justice from 2001 to
2005, she brought the protection of women and children’s issues to the top of the political agenda.
We thank Ms. Thorkildsen for helping to create a better world with a plant-based diet. We pray that
more people awaken to the need to make this vital change in their lives for the wellbeing of our
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Shining World Series Awards Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Upon receiving the Shining World Leadership Award, Ms. Thorkildsen said in
“I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai; it’s such an incredible gift and recognition
to receive. I feel that I haven’t really done much. But I think this is so wonderful and great,
and it will also support the efforts being made, so we can get a more equal and sustainable
development in the world. I will do my part to provide information and knowledge to people,
so together we all can contribute to achieving a better result. This really inspires me to
continue working, thank you.”
* * * * *
Shining World Leadership Award, May 14, Golden Year 6 (2009),
Mr. Bill Nolan, the Irish Ambassador to Zambia, at a ceremony in Lusaka, Zambia.
Why award was given
The Award was given in recognition of the Irish government’s pledge of US$35 million to
Zambia. The financial assistance—a true example of loving support from the Irish
government to the Zambian people—is to go toward the country’s development programs,
particularly in the education, health, tourism and agriculture sectors as well as governance
and HIV/AIDS related programs.
Mr. Nolan thanked Supreme Master Ching Hai saying, “There is value in making awards
available, presenting an award of this kind. It does have value. We do like to have somebody,
especially from the other side of the world, recognize that even a small country like Ireland
can help to make a difference. So, we thank you very much for that.”
* * * * *
Shining World Leadership Award, May 19, 2009,
Zambian’s Minister of Local Government and Housing, Ms. Sylvia Masebo
Why award was given: Zambian government banned smoking in public places
Ms. Masebo: “Thank you very much for this very noble Award. I am very humbled on behalf
of the Zambian government and people of Zambia. Also I feel humbled to realize that some
of the policies of the Zambian government have actually had a positive impact not only on
the people of Zambia but the world over. I will pass it on to the government and indeed the
people of Zambia. Once you stop people from smoking in public places, there will be much
healthier people. Those who don’t smoke will be protected.”
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Shining World Series Awards Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Shining World Compassion Award, May 11, Golden Year 6 (2009)
The BARKA Foundation, based in Massachusetts, USA
Why award was given
The BARKA Foundation -- to help the people of Burkina Faso, a small country with a population
of 15 million in West Africa. They established The BARKA Foundation and set out to assist the
country in achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The first step
the Foundation took was to provide the local people with a steady source of clean water.
Ina and Esu Anahata, Danny Garcia “Walk for Water” The BARKA Foundation
When describing the moment he heard the news (of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Award),
Danny said emotionally, “I just collapsed, and I put my arms on the door, and I started to cry,
because I felt that God had heard my prayer.” “I believe that God created everyone,”
Ina commented, “This is beyond our wildest dreams. This whole evening, the gifts of everyone
who has been involved, and Supreme Master Ching Hai really affirmed to us that what we’re
doing is truly living life on purpose and watching out for our brothers and sisters around the
planet who do not have clean water to drink. This means all the world to us and it’s just the
In appreciation, Esu said, “Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai. We are deeply, deeply
touched by your generosity, by your willingness to do something very extraordinary, to make a
very generous donation to a group of people that you didn’t even know before, and just must
have sensed or had some kind of faith that what we were doing was good. We were touched by
your extraordinary act of generosity and we are full of gratitude. Our hearts are overflowing.”
* * * * *
Shining World Compassion Award, October 26, Golden Year 5 (2008)
Dr. Benjamin La Brot along with his team of six men and women, set up a non-profit
organization, the “Floating Doctors,” to bring advanced health care to some of the most
remote places on Earth.
“I just want to extend my deepest personal thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai. It really
means a lot to us and to me personally, that there are people who are also committed to the
same ideals that we are: to service, to love, to peace, and to improving people’s health
worldwide. Thank you so much.”
N - 10
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Shining World Series Awards Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Shining World Compassion Award, June 25, Golden Year 6 (2009)
New York-based non-profit organization Jewish Heart for Africa
Ms. Rachel Isholfksy, Association Executive Director of Jewish Heart for Africa
Why award was given:
Brings sustainable Israeli technologies to rural African villages to help conserve water, curb
climate change, and support economic development.
“ . . . bringing light, clean water, improved education, and proper medical care to 70,000
more people. This growth has been in large part thanks to the Supreme Master’s gift. We are
greatly indebted to the Supreme Master for the kindness she has shown us, and would
welcome any opportunity to speak with her in the future and thank her for all that she has
made possible.”
* * * * *
Shining World Compassion Award, November 3, Golden Year 6 (2009)
Mr. Francois Hugo of Seal Alert South Africa
Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai,
“It came as somewhat of an unexpected shock to receive a call and confirmation from your
Association members, informing me of your amazing donation of two hundred thousand
United States dollars. More than this is the urgency with which you wanted to help the Cape
Fur Seal species at the tip of Africa, and save them, because quite honestly it is the largest
donation I have received in ten years, after having rescued over five thousand dying seals
and campaigned heavily to end the seal slaughter in Namibia.
If money, it is said, is the root of all evil, then with money, we can turn evil into good.
Francois Hugo of Seal Alert-SA will deploy these funds to create a better world for Cape Fur
Seals here in South Africa and Namibia, and ensure that this species is positively protected
throughout the world. You have my word and 100% commitment that I will make you proud.
You have my life-time respect and my assurance that each cent of this donation will go
directly to saving the Cape Fur Seal species. The greatest achievement of my life was the
saving of the first dying seal’s life I saved. The second greatest achievement of my life will be
the saving of the Cape Fur Seal species, and the third, will be with the honour of your
personal support. If there is anything I can do in return, yours in life.”
For the Seals,
Francois Hugo Seal Alert-SA
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Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Shining World Series Awards Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Shining World Hero Award, June 11, Golden Year 6 (2009)
Why award was given:
Nobel Laureate, Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC)The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
To commend Dr. Pachauri for his extraordinary courage and wise leadership in disclosing to
the world an effective way to halt global warming and to create a sustainable future.
“I would like to salute Supreme Master Ching Hai for the remarkable efforts that she has
mobilized across the planet, to create a sustainable future for the human race and all living
beings who live on this planet. And I want also to convey my thanks for this Award which I’ve
been given … and I hope all of us can work towards a sustainable, green and nature friendly
future, because we really don’t have a choice.”
Dr. Pachauri also congratulated Supreme Master Television for its 3rd year anniversary,
passing on his noble best wishes, saying, “… I hope on your anniversary, you will see that
your coverage has expanded, that more and more people watch your channel, and are
influenced by it. And I hope you can carry many more good messages for the human race by
which we all work towards a much brighter and sustainable future.”
* * * * *
Shining World Hero Award, December 12/13, Golden Year 5 (2008)
Bob Linden Producer of radio program “Go Vegan with Bob Linden”
Why award was given:
For the past eight years, Mr. Linden has been tirelessly self producing a program entitled
“Go Vegan with Bob Linden,” the first of its kind on commercial radio in the US, broadcasting
in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California, and now in Phoenix, Arizona.
“This is a great honor for me. I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for this
recognition of love for animals that’s apparently so important to you, Supreme Master, as it
is to me. And I would like to share this Award in spirit with everyone who has gone vegan to
save the animals and the planet, and especially with everyone who promotes it, who
wholeheartedly gets involved to try to convince people.”
“It was enlightening to read Supreme Master Ching Hai’s observations on art and the artist from the childlike creative process she recognizes in herself and that the purpose of her
artistic talents is to serve other sentient beings ... It’s fascinating - as is her art in the book,
whether it be painting, jewelry or fashion design. Her art is full of life - joyful and cheerful,
vibrantly colorful.”
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Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Shining World Series Awards Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Shining World Compassion Award, May 19, Golden Year 6 (2009)
Ms. Frédérique funder of a non-profit charity organization ASBL Fabienne
has provided a safe haven for animals that have been abandoned, mistreated or saved from
factory farms.
“I am very grateful to you for your generous contribution. It has been a great reviving
support for ASBL Fabienne, and has brought a lot of comfort to the animals that have
experienced so much suffering having been rescued from the torture of the slaughterhouse. I
share their life.
“Your presence is henceforth at my sides, truly sustaining me as I serve the cause which is so
dear to us. Your CDs have brought relaxation to my life, and I catch myself humming ‘Dream
in the Night’ … your books have revealed to me aspects of your special relationship with
birds; such beautiful photos as well … Your publications are read to friends who visit me ...
These, dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, are my thoughts in which I send my tenderest
sentiments towards your radiant personality.”
* * * * *
Shining World Protection Award, Dec. 29, Golden Year 6 (2009)
Pastor Kao Cheng-sheng (Formosa)
“I am grateful to the Supreme Master for her efforts over the years. God has seen your efforts. I
also am sending you my best wishes. I want to tell the whole world that they must love the
nature created by God and stop harming it. Harming nature is harming ourselves. So, Supreme
Master, here I accept your Award and I will try harder to advocate the message to convince more
people to become vegetarian, because vegetarian is the best diet. To live a healthy and happy
life, we have to be vegetarian. All the audience worldwide, we have to become vegetarians and
protect the environment. Only then can we save the planet that we are living on.”
* * * * *
Shining World Hero Award, April 4, Golden Year 6 (2009)
Why award was given
Mr. Patrick Reynolds is one of the nation’s most influential advocates of the anti-smoking
movement. Los Angeles, California, USA
“Supreme Master Ching Hai, thank you so much for recognizing our struggle against
smoking. I hope to support the wonderful work that you are doing around the world to raise
consciousness about global warming, about tobacco use, and the other good works that you
are doing. I honor you and I recognize who you are in this world.”
N - 13
Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Shining World Series Awards Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Shining World Heroine Award, May 29, Golden Year 5 (2008).
“La Negra,” a former member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC),
known as “La Negra,” recently received the Shining World Heroine Award from Supreme
Master Ching Hai. In December 2007, La Negra carried a kidnapped boy named Brian,
traveled 24-hours nonstop through the jungle and returned him to his family after caring for
him for six months.
Our Association member presented the Award. In the letter of appreciation, Supreme
Master Ching Hai wrote: “With a merciful heart and touched by the grace of God, you
renounced military duty in order to return a frightened child back to the loving arms of his
parents ... Your heartfelt decision, stemming from divine wisdom, has encouraged countless
people to deeply understand the futility of war and the power of love.”
An office of the Program of Humanitarian Service for the Demobilized in the Colombian
capital of Bogotá.
“Thank you very much for the very beautiful articles that you sent to me. Someday I hope to
be able to share with you and be able to know you. It seems to me that everything that you
do with the purpose of helping others is very valuable. I appreciate this very beautiful Award.
Thank you for everything. I hope that God will fill you with blessings and continue
illuminating you, so you can continue the very lovely work to help those in need. From my
part many kisses and hugs. May God bless you.”
* * * * *
Shining World Invention Award, May 2008
Professor Larry Cheung (Zhang Lingyu), United Kingdom
Established on the basis of information changes between living active materials.
“Through the interviews I have had with Supreme Master TV, I am genuinely moved to know
that there are still so many people in this world caring about our planet and Supreme Master
is leading so many fellow practitioners to care about our world. This is an immense
encouragement to my work. I sincerely hope that I’ll have the honour to meet Master herself
one day, because I believe with her guidance, I will be able to contribute more.”
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Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Shining World Series Awards Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Shining World Animal Awards
Date Award Given: February, 2009
Ms. Pam Ahern, founder of the vegan sanctuary Edgar’s Mission in Willowmavin, Australia
“Through your most generous assistance, we will be able to help many more animals, and
are indeed encouraged to continue our work in these difficult times. I thank you for
recognizing not only my efforts but those of the many other people who also work to make
the world a better place for all. Thank you for what you do and make possible.”
* * * * *
Shawn Bishop and Michael Dixon, A Haven for All Animals Sanctuary in New Zealand
Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, and the International Association, July 2009
“I am writing to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful, delightful,
unexpected support!! When the package you sent to us arrived, the first thing I saw was the
books and DVDs. I thought, ‘What a lovely surprise.’ Then I read the letters from Supreme
Master Ching Hai and from the International Association, and for a moment the world stood
still. I experienced such a rush of emotions that I would find it difficult to put into words: joy,
relief, disbelief, and gratitude all vied for dominance. I think Joy won . . . and then I sat down
and had a good long cry!
I just don’t know how to tell you how much your support means to us, to the work we do, and
to me personally. I honestly feel as though someone has lifted a weight from my shoulders.
For the next year at least, I can concentrate on caring for and loving the animals under our
protection, without the constant worry of how to manage financially. That makes a HUGE
difference to me on so many levels: practically, emotionally, and spiritually. How can I thank
you for such a blessing?
As much as I appreciate the financial assistance, of equal importance to me was the
knowledge that someone else truly understood and appreciated what we do with and for the
injured and orphaned birds and abused animals. It is such a privilege to be able to help them,
and to share our lives with them. To have our efforts acknowledged and honoured in such a
way touched me incredibly deeply. I now carry the feeling of loving support that you have
provided, in place of where the weight and worry used to be. Thank you so much for making
that difference.
I promise you that every cent of your generous donation will be used to the best possible
advantage for the beautiful beings we care for.
You have given us the greatest of gifts—love, acknowledgement, and support. These gifts
have lifted our hearts and our spirits, and on behalf of my husband, myself and all the
animals at our Sanctuary, I thank you.”
Most Sincerely, Shawn Bishop, The Animal Sanctuary
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Awards Supreme Master Ching Hai
Gives to Acknowledge Others
Shining World Series Awards Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Shining World Compassion Award, Nov. 23, Golden Year 6 (2009)
Dr. Rima Morrell, an animal communicator and founder of The Living Ark Animal Sanctuary
on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.
“Thank you so much for the Award. That’s really wonderful. I shall treasure that.”
* * * * *
Shining World Compassion Award, January 1, 2010
California State Senate Majority Leader Mr. Dean Florez introduced legislation SB 135, to
ban the painful and unnecessary practice of tail docking.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s message:
“This is indeed a new beginning for the proper and kind treatment of animals in California
and offers hope that other states will soon follow your noble example. Regretfully, there are
even more painful processes that countless voiceless co-inhabitants, our animal friends, must
endure; and pray you can help to alleviate their suffering.”
Mr. Florez sent Master a letter expressing his gratitude for her support and an official,
framed, hand-signed copy of the SB 135 Law.
* * * * *
Shining World Compassion Award, Sept. 5, Golden Year 6 (2009)
Location: UK.
£100,000 contribution from Supreme Master Ching Hai. The money will help to purchase
1,000 acres of ancient Celtic rainforest in Cwm Mynach Valley, which the Trust plans to
restore and conserve for future generations.
Article entitled “Spiritual Leader Gives £100,000 to Save Valley” thatwas published on
October 24 in WalesOnline by Reporter Mr. Timothy Lewis.
The article introduced Supreme Master Ching Hai as “the leader of a worldwide group, which
says it is committed to positive thinking, humanitarian work, and solutions to climate change
and saving the planet.”
* * * * *
Shining World Humanitarian Award, March, Golden Year 6 (2009)
Location: India
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Gift Brings Health Care Technology to Indian Children in Need
Mr. Zeal (Christian charity)
“The Supreme Master has lifted me right up. I am immensely grateful.”
N - 16
Books, DVDs, CDs
Best-Selling Author
Supreme Master Ching Hai has authored and published in excess of 20 books all of which have
been translated into multiple languages. Three of these have become #1 international bestsellers, namely The Birds in My Life, The Dogs in My Life, and The Noble Wilds. These volumes
reveal many insights into the deep emotions and thoughts of our treasured animal coinhabitants, highlighting their gracious spirit and unconditional love.
Through these books Supreme Master Ching Hai’s objective is to enable others to see animals
as highly intelligent sentient beings and to encourage us to treat animals as friends and not as
food. Thus, the intent is that through non-violence towards animals, there will be more of a
peaceful atmosphere in the world, more respect and more love toward one another. Then with
these new compassionate hearts wars on this planet will cease, creating a deep and lasting
inner peace and world peace.
Thus, the intent is that through non-violence towards animals, there will be more of a
peaceful atmosphere in the world, more respect and more love toward one another. Then
with these new compassionate hearts wars on this planet will cease, creating a deep and
lasting inner peace and world peace.
The Noble Wilds
To usher in the promising 2008, Supreme Master Ching
Hai gave The Noble Wilds to the world as a New Year gift. This
illustrated journal of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lakeside exploration,
containing pages she personally composed and photographed, is a
wondrous combination of poetic expression and breathtaking pictures
of majestic nature and wildlife, making the book a superb piece of art!
The Birds in My Life
Throughout this beautifully illustrated book The Birds in My Life,
Supreme Master Ching Hai invites us to enter the inner world of
animals. That is, when we love them unconditionally, they will in return
open their hearts to us without reservation. Supreme Master Ching Hai
helps us to understand that animals have very noble and beautiful
souls. Animals are humans’ good friends.
The Dogs in My Life (1-2)
“I hope to let the readers enjoy some glimpse of the beautiful ways
that dogs walk the Earth with us, and through them, understand
more about other beings.” ~ Supreme Master Ching Hai
Books, DVDs, CDs
Lectures Captured into Books, CDs, DVDs
In addition, Association members have captured most of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
lectures and put them into hundreds of available books, CDs and DVDs.
The books are obtainable in various languages as seen below:
The Key of Immediate Enlightenment
Aulacese (1-15), Chinese (1-10), English (1-5), French (1-2), Finnish(1), German (1-2), Hungarian
(1), Indonesian (1-5), Japanese (1-4), Korean (1-11), Mongolian (1,6), Portuguese (1-2), Polish
(1-2), Spanish (1-3), Swedish(1), Thai (1-6) and Tibetan (1).
The Key of Immediate Enlightenment – Questions and Answers
Aulacese (1-4), Chinese (1-3), Bulgarian, Czech, English (1-2), French, German, Hungarian,
Indonesian (1-3), Japanese, Korean (1-4), Portuguese, Polish and Russian (1).
The Key of Immediate Enlightenment Special Edition/Seven-Day Retreat in 1992
English and Aulacese.
The Key of Immediate Enlightenment Special Edition/1993 World Lecture Tour
English (1-6) and Chinese (1-6).
Letters Between Master and Spiritual Practitioners
English (1), Chinese (1-3), Aulacese (1-2) and Spanish (1).
My Wondrous Experiences with Master
Aulacese (1-2) and Chinese (1-2).
Master Tells Stories
English, Chinese, Spanish, Aulacese, Korean, Japanese and Thai.
Of God and Humans – Insights from Bible Stories
English and Chinese.
God Takes Care of Everything – Illustrated Tales of Wisdom from The Supreme Master Ching
Aulacese, Chinese, English, French, Japanese and Korean.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Enlightening Humor – Your Halo Is Too Tight!
Chinese and English.
Coloring Our Lives
Chinese, English and Aulacese.
Secrets to Effortless Spiritual Practice
Chinese, English and Aulacese.
Books, DVDs, CDs
God’s Direct Contact – The Way to Reach Peace
English and Chinese.
I Have Come to Take You Home
Arabic, Aulacese, Bulgarian, Czech, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian,
Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Mongolian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish, Romanian and Russian.
Living in the Golden Age Series
The Realization of Health-Returning to the Natural and Righteous Way of Living
Chinese and English.
Combined volume of Aulacese/ English/ Chinese, Spanish/ Portuguese, French/ German,
English/ Korean, English/Japanese, English and Chinese.
The Supreme Kitchen (1) - International Vegetarian Cuisine
Combined volume of English/ Chinese, Aulacese and Japanese.
The Supreme Kitchen (2) - Home Taste Selections
Combined volume of English/ Chinese.
One World... of Peace through Music
Combined volume of English/ Aulacese/ Chinese.
S.M. Celestial Clothes
Combined volume of English/ Chinese.
A Collection of Art Creation by Supreme Master Ching Hai – Painting Series
English and Chinese.
Celestial Art
English and Chinese.
From Crisis to Peace
English (currently being translated into other languages)
Languages Available in DVDs, CDs MP3s
MP3s, CDs and DVDs of The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lectures, music and concerts are
available in Arabic, Armenian, Aulacese, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Cantonese, Chinese, Croatian,
Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian,
Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mandarin, Mongolian, Nepali, Norwegian,
Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sinhalese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai,
Turkish and Zulu.
Books, DVDs, CDs
The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Poetry Collections
Supreme Master Ching Hai is a prolific poet having written over 200 poems.
Association members have published numerous books, CDs and DVDs of her poetic works,
pictures of which can be seen on the following page. Supreme Master Ching Hai uses poetry to
touch the hearts of world citizens and encourage them to be mindful of the fragility of our
planet, how they can reach inside their souls and communicate with God, as well as how they
can beautify themselves and their environment. Here is an example of one of many poems
Supreme Master Ching Hai has written – each with the aim of bringing more compassion and
peace into the heart of the reader.
Here is an example of one of many poems Supreme Master Ching Hai has written –
each with the aim of bringing more compassion and peace into the heart of the reader.
Please Wake Up!
Excerpts from Her poem
O world, wake up and behold
Rivers and mountains are in tumult
Burnt forests, eroded hills, desiccated streams
Whither do the poor souls go in the end? …
O deep forests, preserve your true selves
Protect the human race in their moments of erring
Please accept my heartfelt thousand teardrops
To nurture your majestic trees, leaves and roots.
O heart, relent your sobbing
For my soul to rest in long nights
Tears dried up and I’m wordless
Weeping in sympathy for the tormented!
O night, please kindle your source of light
Shine the way for those human souls in darkness
Be serene for my mind to still
And enter emptiness with the miraculous celestial melody.
O day, stir not sudden unrests
For peace to repose in our very hearts
For humankind’s struggles to subside
For the true Self to gloriously shine.
O heart of mine, lament no longer
Like an insect writhing in the chilling winter.
Calmly wait for a perfect tomorrow
And the day the world turns into Paradise.
Books, DVDs, CDs
Books, DVDs, CDs
The Key of Immediate Enlightenment – Free Sample Booklet
The Key of Immediate Enlightenment Sample Booklet
presents an introduction to the teachings of Supreme
Master Ching Hai. The availability of the Booklet in
electronic form allows readers around the world to
download it completely free of charge, or read it online
wherever the Internet is accessible.
From Afrikaans to Zulu, from Bengali to Urdu, in
Macedonian, Malay and many others, this booklet
has been translated into over 74 languages. In the
Booklet, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasizes the
importance of meditation in daily life. The text also
includes her discourses on the higher spiritual
dimensions and the benefits of the vegan diet, as
well as information on initiation into the Quan Yin
Method of meditation.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s uplifting insights in
The Key of Immediate Enlightenment offer a bright
ray of hope to those in quest of the Truth.
As Supreme Master Ching Hai states, “By attaining inner peace we will attain everything else. All
the satisfaction, all the fulfillment of worldly and Heavenly desires comes from the Kingdom of
God, the inner realization of our eternal harmony, our eternal wisdom, and our almighty power.
If we do not get these, we never find satisfaction, no matter how much money or power, or how
high a position we have.”
Books, DVDs, CDs
Books, DVDs and CDs Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Mongolia January 2009 Comments about “The Birds in My Life”
Ms. Selenge Batdelger – “Honourable Supreme Master Ching Hai, I read your book The Birds
in My Life, I found your book to be quite beautiful and inspiring. Till now, humans believe that
animals are less developed, however animals can see the true nature of things and the inner
essence of the human beings. In your book you state that animals can convey stories from a
thousand years ago, thus my question is, why don’t humans share this same ability?”
Mr. Guerin Bertrano – “I did really enjoy your book, The Birds in My Life. And the color and
the words that had been used inside give us a real breath of love, and I have special
preference to Lumino, with so much color and I believe a nice voice and I advise everybody to
have this book in the home and read it with your child or your grandparents as well.”
Mr. Munkhuu – “Supreme Master Ching Hai. Hallo, dear Mongolians. Good evening to you
all! My name is Munkhuu. I am standing here just to share with you my opinion very briefly
after reading the book titled, The Birds in My Life. The true essence that I received from
reading the book was that I forgot I was reading a book about birds but rather one about the
relationship among Humans. And all those temperaments, behaviors, characteristics that we
humans feature, these birds and other animals also have these characteristics and express
their messages about their inner world to Master to have her convey them to us through this
book, that is my understanding. Our Mongolians have a saying, ’A book is a window to the
universe.’ The book titled, The Birds in My Life is, for these birds in our ecosystem, with
Master as a window to express their inner feelings to humans, which is what I really want to
emphasize. If we can comprehend and hence love animals, be it birds, be it other animals,
they all will interact with us and will give their tremendous love to us. The feedback in return
of love is only love. Thank you, Master Ching Hai.”
Frankfurt, Germany October 2009 Comments about “The Noble Wilds”
Vivian in Germany shares her response: “We humans proclaim to be the crown of the
creation, the most civilized being. But look at these noble souls in animal forms. We should
learn from them, love them, respect them, with our honor. Thank God that they are here.”
“This book for me is like God's gift”, writes Su Love, a reader from Formosa (Taiwan).
C. R. Tumminaro expressed: “The book is truly heart-melting. The photos are romantic, which
conveys the deep love that the wilds have. The actions are something that we do not get to
witness often, and when paired with beautiful poetry, it definitely shows true tenderness. A
healing and redemptive book that's full of love!”
From South Africa, another reader writes: “After reading The Noble Wilds, I can truly see how
incredible God is in his purpose of sending us such wonderful animals to inspire us to treat
one another with love and dignity.”
Books, DVDs, CDs
Books, DVDs and CDs Bringing Inner Peace and World Peace
Frankfurt, Germany October 2009 Comments about “The Noble Wilds”
Lemmanuel in Paris, France: “I could feel such a very surprising and delicate and unknown
joy... Like a deep truth being shared with others - absolute heartwarming; not just about
animals but about ourselves, humans, too.”
A university professor in the US: “The Noble Wilds, written and photographed by Supreme
Master Ching Hai, exemplifies an alternative, compassionate way of living during an age of
the ever increasingly growing environmental crises. One cannot help asking: Why humans
have not been able to live in peace, love, and harmony with these wonderful beings?”
“It is so interesting to record the life of the swan family. Especially we learn that the swans
have their own names just like we do. So animals are just like us”, writes Shuton, a reader
from Formosa (Taiwan).
MC: “The book shares with readers insights into the natural world, such as the dedicated
parenthood of wild ducks and swans, the friendship of a neighbour horse, and the deep love
of creatures large and small who place their trust in ’the Lady.’ Now, through The Noble
Wilds, their love is transformed into a single purpose: to expand humans’ understanding and
care for all life and Mother Nature.”
Supreme Master Ching Hai: A fairy tale that unveiled itself, to let us know that life is the
same to humans and animals, insects and trees and minerals alike. Because life embraces all
with love and nurturing, and that we all can communicate and understand each other, thus
we understand ourselves at a deeper level of consciousness.
Financial Contributions 1989 - Present
Everything Supreme Master Ching Hai does is for the world.
Since 1989, Supreme Master Ching Hai has generously given her worldly earnings to many
humanitarian endeavours. The total as of February 2010 surpasses US $20,000,000.
She is a loving example of simplicity, kindness, generosity, nobility, and compassion.
Over 1,100 file entries list financial contributions to various efforts including:
 refugees
 victims of floods, earthquakes, fires, tornados,
volcanoes, typhoons and hurricanes
 contribution to medical research for cancer and Aids
 hospitals for veterans, children and animals
 homeless
 the building of churches and temples
 AIDS victims
 orphanages
 the elderly
 the sick and the blind
 other relief organizations such as the Red Cross
 reforestation and soil preservation
artists and authors
war victims
the clean up of highways
music centers
women’s shelters
boat people
famine victims
the digging of wells
In her efforts to preserve our planet, Supreme Master Ching Hai has given funds to ongoing
reforestation projects around the globe, over US$100,000 to the tree planting efforts in
countries such as Mongolia, Bulgaria and Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
On the attached two pages are samples of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s humanitarian aid
To view the entire list of 50 pages of financial contributions, please visit:
Financial Contributions 1989 - Present
Receiving Aids
Helping the destitute households,
temples, county governments and
community organizations
Contribution to the elderly homes and
Contribution to the less fortunate
Contribution to temples
US $366,282.00
Equivalent in US
News # for
US $10,984.62
US $2,884.62
US $17,040.00
Contribution to Aulacese refugee
camps in Hong Kong
Contribution to Aulacese temples in
Contribution to the less fortunate
Contribution to disaster victims
US $288,195.00
US $320,000.00
US $500.00
US $18,552.00
Costa Rica
Contribution to temples
Contribution to the less fortunate
Contribution to the less fortunate
Contribution to assist local agricultural
US $8,072.00
US $9,045.00
US $13,224.00
US $5,000.00
Contributing six computer sets
US $4,092.00
US $10,000.00
US $109,389.00
Thai Land
US $36,597.00
US $54,515.00
US $43,271.00
Contribution to La Belle Garments for
establishing a factory to provide jobs
to handicapped people
Contribution to the refugees in the
Contribution to social organizations
Contribution to the less fortunate
Contribution to Aulacese refugee
camps in Thailand
Building children's playground for
Palawan Refugee Camp
Contribution to the Philippines Relief
volcanic disaster of Pinatubo
Mudslide relief
Storm relief
Contribution to Breast Cancer Care
Winter relief work
Hong Kong
Ivory Coast
United Kingdom
US $734,447.00
CFA $4,505,592
NGN $2,250,000
US $10,000
PEN $44,388
Financial Contributions 1989 - Present
Contribution to Hope House Childrens
Contribution to Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation
Contribution to Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation
Tornado and flood relief
Contribution to Homeless & Orphan
Pets Exist
Award to Datou, the dog, the Shining
World Hero Award
Contribution to Woodland Trust to
preserve the rainforest
Contribution to VoVi Meditation
Contribution to Elephant Nature Park
Contribution to Bay Cliff Health
Contribution to Los Angeles County
Firefighters Memorial Widows and
Orphans Fund
Flood relief
Flood relief
Fire and flood relief
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Sri Lanka
United Kingdom
Au Lac
Flood relief
Charitable and public-interest
Monthly contribution to the
underprivileged and orphaned in
GBP 11,668.10
US $10,000
LKR $3,405,789
US $10,000
US $5,000
US $10,000
US $10,000
US $10,000
XOF $3,319,850
XOF $5,949,325
Euro 10,985
NT $1,147,038
205, 206
NT $198,000
Tornado and flood relief
US $4,521
Typhoon and flood relief
Tropical cyclone relief
Peso $4,220,658
BDT $689,000
GBP 5,000
US $500
GBP $100,000
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Supreme Master Ching Hai has offered humanitarian aid all her life, but it has been
documented and publically acknowledged since 1989.
Through meditating with the Quan Yin Method, Master Ching Hai has realized many
spontaneous talents that she expresses through artistic paintings and creations, music and
poetry, as well as aesthetic jewelry and clothing designs, conveying the inner and outer beauty
of the cultures and peoples she has met. The Celestial Clothes have been displayed in the
world-renowned fashion capitals of London, Paris, Milan, and New York. Her Celestial Jewelry
has been well received at the world-class BASEL Jewelry Exhibition in Switzerland and the Paris
International Jewelry Exhibition.
The sales of all her artistic endeavours have enabled Master Ching Hai to create an
independent source of funding for her noble humanitarian mission of assisting God’s
children in their times of need, highlighting her pragmatic view that we should always try
and create our own means from which to give others. Her artistic creations are a means to
bring more comfort to the poor and needy.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s compassionate heart has also been reflected in her meticulous
care for the less fortunate in various circumstances. Her benevolent work has transcended all
limitations to reach the disadvantaged, the elderly, the incarcerated, those with physical or
mental challenges, the homeless, and veterans. In these urgent times, due to the effects of
global warming, Supreme Master Ching Hai has generously contributed millions of dollars in
humanitarian aid and requested that our Association members go to help countless victims of
natural disasters throughout the world. In addition, the planet’s precious animals and the
environment have been recipients of her tender care. Her loving kindness has touched the
hearts of millions the world over and has inspired others to follow her altruistic example.
As well as being a noble example of humanitarian aid, Master Ching Hai also encourages people
to beautify the world in which we live.
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Supreme Master Ching Hai Is Greatly Talented in the Arts
Her works are truly awe-inpiring. Using a wide range of media, she calls upon her Godgiven talents to create a unique line of celestial art. She humbly says, “Everything I do is
inspired from Heaven. I don’t think that I, as a mortal, am capable of creating such
beautiful things. They are just inspired from Heaven, so we call them “The Celestial
Collection of Beauty”. Her painted fans, oil paintings, Celestial Clothes, Celestial jewelry,
Longevity Lamps, songs, culinary art, poetry, architecture and landscape designs are all
masterpieces rich in spiritual essence. Each piece of artwork is designed to awaken the
supreme master within each of us and help us realize our peaceful and compassionate
The following are just a few samples of the exquisite art pieces designed by Supreme Master
Ching Hai and sold to generate income with which to help the poor and the needy.
Category: Jewelry
Jewelry: Paramhansa (I) – Bracelet
"Paramhansa" is a Sanskrit word.
It's a spiritual title, and means literally, "Supreme Swan."
It denotes a certain state of spiritual advancement.
… You are the beautiful fairy on the tranquil emerald water
Your noble love and faithful thoughts
Will build a glorious bridge of love in the brilliant galaxy
You are the eternal beauty
You are the transformation of peace in the universe.
Jewelry: The House of the Master - Ring
Soaring through the universe on the Sound stream,
Master Ching Hai takes us on a journey to the fifth
realm, the home of all Masters.
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Jewelry: Liberation II (rectangle) - Tie Clip
Searching between Heaven and Earth
only for the lasting mystery,
Back and forth in the red dust
trying so hard to break the chain,
Passing through all the tries and temptation,
the soul finally wakes up from his long sleep,
embracing God's love, bathing in brilliant light,
and gets liberation.
Jewelry: S.M. Gold Pendant
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s logo design
Jewelry: Ever Young – Necklace
Heaven and Earth,
existing in harmony,
glorifying each other,
creating an everlasting legend,
embracing soul and spirit,
Heaven and Earth,
listening to the sun, moon,
and stars reciting
the secrets of eternity…
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Category: Fans
Hand Fan: Too Enlightened (The Fourth Eye)
Some claim they have the fourth eye, which is beyond the
Buddha's level of third eye.
Hand Fan: The Dragon Gets the Pearl
The pearl is larger than the dragon, as an auspicious sign
symbolizing overflowing contentment.
Category: Paintings
Painting: Stone Cave
Originally, Supreme Master Ching Hai wanted to name this
painting "The Tunnel"; not any tunnel of this world, but the
"tunnel of light" observed internally by spiritual
practitioners. Later, she felt that this title was too serious,
so she changed it to "Stone Cave". The cave is like our
wisdom-eye seeing the supra-worldly light. Supreme Master
Ching Hai said that it is impossible to reproduce the
beautiful inner light perfectly with the coarse materials of
this world, but she has done her best.
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Painting: Filled With Grace
The sky is filled with emerging and hidden clouds,
interwoven and moving together, while the dark purple of
the brownish ground depicts sturdiness. Climbing flowers
spirally embrace the trunks of the dying branches. Webbed
yet graceful, they move up and down like peaceful waves.
The flowers bloom like extremely bright stars. The bulging
thickness of oil paint and the deeply imprinted images made
by tender brush strokes dance with the inspiration of the
Creative Source. Art admirers can clearly see that the
painting "Filled With Grace" reflects the schools of abstract
expressionism, realism and impressionism.
Painting: Heavenly Flowers
This beautiful scene could not possibly be found in this
world. The Supreme Master Ching Hai is giving us a rare
glimpse of some of the inner realms perceived by
spiritual practitioners. Therefore, the lotus flowers in the
painting are supra-worldly, not belonging to this secular
world. She made repeated trials to perfect the color of
the water. The scenery is so tranquil and peaceful, and
the water is especially clear and pure as if it is capable of
cleansing the most defiled material.
The artist said, "I have never learned to paint. I
sometimes admire other people painting water, and I
thought that they were great, how could they portray the
motion of the water? I never thought that I could do the
same now. Also, the feeling of the water is different in
both paintings. It is so dynamic in 'Song of the Sea', while
it has such a tranquil atmosphere in 'Heavenly Flowers'.”
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Category: Lamps
Lamp: Five Levels
Supreme Master Ching Hai designed twelve new
Longevity Lamps of supreme elegance, each
constructed of flawless bamboo. Since each piece of
bamboo in nature is different in size, shape and texture,
each lamp is handcrafted to best display the
characteristics of the material. She gave special
instructions that the original look of the bamboo should
be preserved in the production process. Each lamp is a
unique artistic masterpiece.
Lamp: Love
Bountiful love emanates from this lamp, like what
Supreme Master Ching Hai has said, "The more you
Love God, the more relaxed and non-attached you
become. But still you can love people in this world
because your heart is large. A heart that is large
can include anyone, even enemies; otherwise, it is
difficult to love your enemy."
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Category: Books
God's Direct Contact - The Way To Reach Peace – English
In 1999, Kosovo was stricken by war and the Balkan Peninsula
was like an ammunition dump set to explode, as fear and
unease shrouded the Earth. During this perilous time,
Supreme Master Ching Hai, oblivious to the difficulties
involved in the journey, lovingly accepted invitations to bring
the message of divine love and Truth to eighteen capital cities
of Europe. This selfless action showed her compassion for all
sentient beings and brought a new ray of hope to countless
people. In this book, Supreme Master Ching Hai expounds on
the root cause of war and suffering in this world, and points
out that the only way to bring peace to humankind is to gain
direct contact with God. By following the right path, we can
surely change the future of the world.
Supreme Kitchen - English
Supreme Kitchen is a delightful collection of international recipes
using life-saving plant-based ingredients.
Delicious plant-based meals make us feel happy inside.
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
The Realization of Health – English
The Realization of Health returns us to the natural and
righteous way of living. To be healthy and full of energy is our
birthright. We should never be burdened with fear of illnesses
or worries about medical care. "All illnesses stem from our
minds. Originally the so-called 'I' didn't exist so the concept of
'I'm ill' didn't exist either," says Supreme Master Ching Hai. She
adds that going back to the natural and righteous way of life is
the genuine medicine.
Category: Dog Food, Dog Clothes
Doggie's Smart Vest
Introducing Smart Vests for your loving pets to spread
the message of global love, peace and care for all
beings. Specially designed by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, these bright-colored vests give clear and important
messages to the world to help protect our animal
Happy Doggie - The Shepherd (Polka Dot)
The Happy Doggie series, attractive in appearance and
practical in its protective warmth, allows humans’ most
loyal friends to enjoy Master’s loving care. Looking smart
and elegant in their Celestial Clothes, these blessed
canine friends are no doubt the most impressive dogs in
the Golden Age!
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Vegan Dog Food: Lively Doggie
Category: Food
Heavenly Red and White Vegewine
These wines are totally
alcohol-free and suitable for
adults and children alike.
Supreme Master Ching Hai
encourages everyone to drink
delicious non-alcohol drinks
in order to keep our minds
clear and promote health.
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
Category: Clothing
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s clothing designs are cruelty free. No animal has to give its life for
these clothing designs.
Q - 10
How Supreme Master Ching Hai Supports
Her Humanitarian Endeavours
How Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Artistic Endeavours Bring Peace to the World
The Lamp entitled “Love”:
Bountiful love emanates from this lamp, like what Supreme Master Ching Hai has said, "The
more you Love God, the more relaxed and non-attached you become. But still you can love
people in this world because your heart is large. A heart that is large can include anyone,
even enemies; otherwise, it is difficult to love your enemy."
Dog Food:
Concerned that pets are now acquiring the same diseases as humans such as heart disease
and cancer, Supreme Master Ching Hai created ‘Lively Doggie Food’ to ensure that our
devoted animal co-inhabitants have a balanced, nutritious diet.
Doggie Clothing:
Out of loving care for the welfare of our animal and bird companions, Supreme Master Ching
Hai fashioned warm clothing for them.
Worried about the addicting substances available today, Supreme Master Ching Hai
commissioned the production of delicious non-alcoholic wines.
Veggie Fur:
Supreme Master Ching Hai, greatly worried about the animals who are slaughtered for their
fur, has created refreshing designs to encourage men and women to wear veggie fur for
which no animal has had to suffer and die.
"Paramhansa": Supreme Master Ching Hai writes in poetic fashion …
Your noble love and faithful thoughts
Will build a glorious bridge of love in the brilliant galaxy
You are the eternal beauty
You are the transformation of peace in the universe.
Q - 11
Awards and Honours
Although she does not seek acknowledgement of any kind, in recognition of her selfless
assistance, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been given awards worldwide by government
officials and private organizations on numerous occasions.
2010 The President’s Volunteer Service Award (See photo and details next pages)
His Excellency United States President Barack Obama and 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner
recognized Supreme Master Ching Hai for her prodigious endeavours to assist humanity as a
world renowned humanitarian.
2009 Los Angeles County Certificate of Commendation
Los Angeles County honours Supreme Master Ching Hai for her numerous contributions for the
benefit of all citizens.
2008 The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award
From the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, to Supreme Master Ching Hai in
recognition of her commitment to maintaining a regular physically active lifestyle.
2008 Mahaveer Award
Presented to Supreme Master Ching Hai by the Young Indian Vegetarians (YIV) to honour her
for her message of compassion and non-violence for the animals.
2006 Gusi Peace Prize (See photo and details next pages)
2006 Telly Award (See photo and details next pages)
2003 Golden Emperor Shun Trophy and Medal of Emperor Shun Award
Awarded by US International Emperor Shun Culture University, which also inaugurated
Supreme Master Ching Hai as the Honourary Dean and unveiled her bronze statue.
2002 Los Angeles Music Week Honoree
Los Angeles Music Week and the City of Los Angeles, California USA honoured Supreme Master
Ching Hai for her artistic contributions to the music world with a crystal plaque and a Certificate
of Commendation from Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn.
1999 Armenian Government Commendations
The Mayor of Yerevan, Suren Abrahamyan, along with Congresswoman Nadezdha Sarkisian,
prseented a certificate and silver medal for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s charitable activities in
1995 Award of National Construction in Cambodia
Cambodia’s First and Second Prime Ministers honoured Supreme Master Ching Hai with the
National Construction in Cambodia Award.
Awards and Honours
1994 Humanitarian Paragon Medal
Presented by Dr. Rene G. Santos, Chairman of Asian Pacific Youth Freedom League (Philippine
1994 World Citizen Humanitarian Award
Presented to Supreme Master Ching Hai by Dr. Richard Schneider, founder of Radio for Peace
International and the University of Global Education, an NGO consultant to the United Nations
Economic and Social Council.
1994 International Humanitarian Award
Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Foundation and the Filipino Institute of Social and
Livelihood Development honoured Supreme Master Ching Hai.
1994 Star of Noble Life Award (See photo and details next pages)
1994 World Spiritual Leadership Award. February 22 Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.
(See photo and details next pages)
1994 Certificates of Commendation and Congratulatory Letters
Six Midwestern US states present Supreme Master Ching Hai certificates of commendation in
appreciation of her relief aid for the flood victims. Past and present US Presidents also sent
Supreme Master Ching Hai their congratulations for her World Spiritual Leadership Award.
1994 World Humanitarian Leadership Award (See photo and details next pages)
1993 Excalibur Award
Esteemed recognition from the American Cancer Society.
1993 October 25 Supreme Master Ching Hai Day (See photo and details next pages)
1993 Honorary Citizenship
Governor Fife Symington of Arizona, USA presented Supreme Master Ching Hai with an
Honorary Citizenship.
1993 Award of Merit (See photo and details next pages)
From Mayor Frank Jordan of San Francisco, California, USA for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
humanitarian contribution to the world.
1992 Key to the City
Mayor Emil F. Danciu of Boca Raton, Florida, USA, presented Supreme Master Ching Hai with
the Key to the City.
Awards and Honours
1991 Pennant of Gratitude
Philippine and Formosan House Representatives Orlando B. Fua and Linling Wang present a
pennant to Supreme Master Ching Hai in gratitude for her relief assistance for victims of Mt.
Pinatuba volcano eruptions.
1991 Key to the City
Mayor Mel C. Lopez, Jr. of Manila, Philippines, presented the Key to the City to Supreme Master
Ching Hai.
1991 Plaque of Appreciation
The Community Center for Human Rights and Social Services in Manila, Philippines honoured
Supreme Master Ching Hai with an award for the promotion of Human Rights and in the
“Achievement of Universal Unity”.
1991 Plaque of Recognition
Presented by Dr. Rene G. Santos, Chairman of Asian Pacific Youth Freedom League (Philippine
Chapter), to Supreme Master Ching Hai for outstanding leadership as a person of peace,
goodwill, and understanding for the welfare of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees.
1991 Plaque of Recognition
The Filipino Reporter honoured Supreme Master Ching Hai with the Exemplary Humanitarian
Award for relief efforts rendered to the victims of Mt. Pinatubo volcano eruptions.
2010 The President’s
Volunteer Service Award
For her prodigious endeavors to
assist humanity as a world
renowned humanitarian, Supreme
Master Ching Hai was recognized
with a Presidential Award from
United States President and 2009
Nobel Peace Prize Winner His
Excellency Barack Obama,
presented by The Honorable Mike
Davis, California State Assembly
Awards and Honours
Gusi Peace Prize
Philippine President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo presented
Supreme Master Ching Hai with the
prestigious Gusi Peace Prize, the
equivalent of the Nobel Prize in the
East, for exemplary achievements in
Philanthropy and Humanitarianism.
First Place Silver for the
27th Annual Telly Awards,
First-place Silver Telly for
‘The Peace Seeker’, a US nationally
televised symphonic portrait
featuring Supreme Master Ching
Hai’s poetry.
The World Peace Award
Mayor Frank Fasi expressed that the Supreme
Master Ching Hai is a real saint. Should people of
the world be all like her, there would definitely
be peace on Earth, and no more wars and
calamities. In her acceptance speech, Supreme
Master Ching Hai asked everyone to strive
together for the well-being of the whole
humankind, and to pray for blessings for world
Awards and Honours
1994 Star of Noble Life Award
Presented to Supreme Master Ching Hai
from the Thai government and media for
her outstanding contribution to humankind.
1994 World Spiritual Leadership Award
& Supreme Master Ching Hai Day
Mr. Hung Kwang Chen, Chief Secretary of the World Cultural Communication Association,
introduced the Supreme Master Ching Hai …
Her extensive knowledge and transcending power in spirituality more than qualify her as
a spiritual Master for the people of the world. Her charitable deeds are done purely out
of compassion. Her willingness to accept these awards is only for taking the opportunity
to spread the Quan Yin Method, so that even more people can be enlightened, and the
world be more benefited. Mr. Chen emphasized that it was the first time in a decade that
the "World Spiritual Leadership Award" had been presented, and that only a person who
had made great contributions to the world such as the Supreme Master Ching Hai was
qualified to receive it.
Awards and Honours
1994 World Humanitarian
Leadership Award
In 1994, Mrs. Barbara J. Finch, Director of the International Federation of Human Rights USA,
and Mr. Chen Hung Kwang, General Secretary of the World Cultural Communication
Association, presented Supreme Master Ching Hai the World Humanitarian Leadership Award
for her dedication to the human rights of world refugees. They also invited her to be the
Honorable Advisor in Chief of the International Federation for Human Rights.
1993 October 25
Supreme Master Ching Hai Day
In 1993, Mayor Frank Fasi of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, proclaimed October 25 as Supreme
Master Ching Hai Day. In addition, Supreme Master Ching Hai was awarded with an
Honorary Citizenship and a bronze statue in her image that is publicly and permanently
displayed in the city of Honolulu.
Testimonials from Dignitaries & Media
Over the years countless testimonials have poured in to the Association and to Supreme Master
Television to acknowledge Supreme Master Ching Hai’s dedication to inner peace and world
peace. Here is just a small sample from dignitaries and the media.
“She is the light of a great person, an angel of mercy for all of us.”
Mayor Frank Fasi of Honolulu praised the Supreme Master Ching Hai and her absolutely selfless
objective in saving and benefiting all sentient beings. Spreading seeds for the world peace
everywhere, she would inevitably become a mainstay of international society. Mayor Fasi
expressed that the Supreme Master Ching Hai is a real saint. Should people of the world be all
like her, there would definitely be peace on earth, and no more wars and calamities.
~ Frank F. Fasi, Mayor of Honolulu, Hawaii (1993)
* * * * * *
Former Mayor Frank Fasi of Honolulu stated, “She brings love around the world where there is
hate. She brings hope where there is despair. And she brings understanding where there is
misunderstanding. She is the light of a great person, an angel of mercy for all of us.”
* * * * * *
In recognition of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s winning of The World Spiritual Leadership Award
in 1994, former US President Clinton said, "Supreme Master Ching Hai is a living example of
world peace and love for all, especially her help for the refugees and the many suffering people
in the U.S.A."
* * * * * *
Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, Nobel Prizing Winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
“I would like to salute Supreme Master Ching Hai for the remarkable efforts that she has
mobilized across the planet, to create a sustainable future for the human race and all living
beings who live on this planet … and I hope all of us can work towards a sustainable, green and
nature friendly future, because we really don’t have a choice.”
* * * * * *
Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine
Founder of Tree of Life Foundation Physician, psychiatrist, author, vegan
"Supreme Master Ching Hai, she’s really one of the leading humanitarians in the world today,
perhaps even in this 21st century. In her own work she doesn’t take donations and she only asks
people to do their work, and that’s the real donation. She is, and probably will become, best
known as a person who, perhaps, will be saving the planet from global warming by helping
people go vegan."
Testimonials from Dignitaries & Media
Mr. Jose Solorio – California State Assemblyman, USA, Vegetarian:
"Supreme Master Ching Hai makes beautiful art, she stirs our souls, she stirs the world in the
positive way. When you see her art, you think of love, of peace, tranquility, our humanity,
affinity, and spiritual enlightenment. She inspires us to care for one another; she inspires us to
love all living beings on this Earth."
* * * * * *
Fred Karlin, Oscar & Emmy award-winning composer (1936-2004):
"I’d like to thank her for everything involved with the concert and her worldwide work which is
ongoing and which does so much for so many people. I think that she’s unique and remarkable
and has so much to give, which she is giving. Some people have a lot to give but they don’t.
And others try, but they don’t have a lot to give, and that’s very admirable, but she has both,
and that’s very unique, and the fact that she is able to do that is a great gift to me and to
everybody. I’m grateful."
* * * * * *
The Honorable Charlie Dannelly - Senator of North Carolina, USA
“As a state senator from North Carolina, I’m very honored today to be able to wish the Supreme
Master Ching Hai and all viewers of Supreme Master Television a very happy Supreme Master
Ching Hai Day. The best thing is for our citizens to look at really eating healthier, and the
healthiest way to eat is the vegetables that come from Mother Earth. And we need to keep
Mother Earth clean, this is the only Earth we will have, and if we don’t do things to clean it up
and keep it clean, then our children will be living a terrible life. Vegetarianism is real healthy,
and I encourage all to start become a vegetarian.”
* * * * * *
The Honorable Mayor Scott Padgett – Concord, North Carolina, USA
“As mayor of Concord, the city which stands for harmony, I truly admire Supreme Master Ching
Hai, the astonishing love and heartfelt dedication to save the Earth and its inhabitants. Let’s
strive to follow her splendid example and take immediate measures to make this planet a more
loving and peaceful place, and encourage the green way of life. Thank you very much. Be Veg,
Go Green. Save the planet!”
* * * * * *
Testimonials from Dignitaries & Media
Habibullah Qaderi - Head of the Consulate General in Canada for Afghanistan
“I would like to congratulate Supreme Master Ching Hai for her humanitarian jobs. I think we all
need to learn from Supreme Master Ching Hai, because serving humanity is a great job.
Hopefully, all the people follow her in serving humanity, working for humanity. She’s giving
everything for a human cause. It’s a kind of sacrifice you give from your life and then give it for
another life. I congratulate her once again and hope God gives her more and more.”
* * * * * *
Erdenechuluun - Deputy Governor of Songino Khairkhan District, Mongolia
“I highly appreciate the Supreme Master Ching Hai because she always leads us with great
spiritual contribution to save the planet. Our district’s residents are filled with gratefulness to
Supreme Master Ching Hai for rendering assistance to the disaster victims in Songino Khairkhan
district. Thank you for helping us at this difficult time.
All the best wishes to Supreme Master Ching Hai. May your great future be full of goodness.”
* * * * * *
Sandy Fernee - Executive Officer of Wildlife Victoria, Australia, received US$2,000 donation
from Supreme Master Ching Hai
“I am Sandy Fernee from Wildlife Victoria, sending my greetings from Australia to Supreme
Master Ching Hai and thanking her once again for her kind support and her donation during our
bushfire. Earlier this year in Victoria we had some devastating bushfires that took a heavy toll
on our wildlife. We lost so many animals during that fire but our volunteers did an amazing job
going out and searching for months for animals that have been injured and orphaned during
that time. The great news is that a lot of those animals are doing really well and some have
even been returned to their homes back to where they belong. So that’s wonderful news. So
once again, greetings from Australia to Supreme Master Ching Hai, and thank you.”
* * * * * *
Kathy Freston - Bestselling author, “Quantum Wellness”
“Hi, I’m Kathy Freston. Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day! And thank you so much for all
your great work, and the area of vegetarian eating. It is so important for the Earth, for our
spirit, for humanity to move forward. And I thank you for everything.”
* * * * * *
Testimonials from Dignitaries & Media
Dr. Richard Schwartz, PhD - President of Jewish Vegetarians of North America
“I have to really salute Master Ching Hai for the incredible work she is doing in trying to save the
planet, to increase the health of people and all. She has taken on the biggest challenge to
humanity, that of global climate change and other environmental threats, because if we do not
solve this global climate change crisis then everything else now becomes not important
unfortunately, as she recognizes very well. We have to change light bulbs, we need more fuel
efficient cars, more public transportation, more walking, more biking, all wonderful things, but
unless we shift to plant-based diets, then we’re not going to completely solve the problem and
Master Ching Hai realizes that and is putting her great efforts into that.”
* * * * * *
Dr. Stephen Schneider – Lead Author of Nobel Prize winning UN Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, Climatologist, Stanford University, USA
“I would like to personally thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai for bringing awareness to
people about ways that we can have a lighter footprint on the Earth, whether it’s about the
energy we use, the way we grow and eat food, or our lifestyle. Because all of these factors,
combined with technology and cooperation, are what we need to fashion a solution with many
parts to a very complicated problem, that must be addressed immediately because it really
should have been addressed 30 years ago. But since we did not spend that time, now we are in a
crisis where it has to be dealt with rapidly. Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day everybody
who’s out there celebrating life and trying to make certain it’s sustainable in a good way as long
as possible.”
* * * * * *
Senator Scott Ludlam from Australia
“I am happy to see that we share the same concerns regarding the environment. Be assured
that the Greens are committed to promoting environment-friendly policies as sustainability,
which is one of our main pillars. Only sustainable policies will ensure the survival of the planet
and offset the ongoing damages that are being done to our habitat. I support real changes in
Australian society and I will continue to do so in the future.”
* * * * * *
Mr. George Gilkinet, Député Fédéral ECOLO (BELGIUM)
“The fight against global warming must surely be everyone’s campaign and I thank you for your
contribution. Today, it is the only way to leave a habitable Earth to our future generations. For
this reason, the lessening of meat consumption is part of the proposals that we support within
the confines of where we sit. In the same way, we encourage the development of organic
farming whereas it allows the production of quality products in the heart of sustainable farming.
These are two steps among others for promoting more sustainable lifestyles and eating habits.”
* * * * * *
Testimonials from Dignitaries & Media
Costa Rican Governor and Minister of Finance, Ms. Jenny Phillips Aguilar
“I write to you with deep gratitude for your interest in improving the world we live
in for the sake of every living being, and for honoring me with your kind note dated
September 7, 2009. At the same time, I thank you reciprocally for your blessings.”
* * * * * *
The Department of Public Affairs replied on behalf of the Presidential Office of the Republic
of China, (R.O.C.)
“Mr. President sincerely admires your precious opinions regarding your concern about global
warming and the natural, ecological lifestyle that protects the environment. Mr. President
especially asked us to send his regards. Your great suggestions will be kept for our future
* * * * * *
Mr. Erik Solheim, Minister of the Royal Ministry of the Environment of Norway
“Thank you for your letter in support of our common efforts towards a more sustainable future.
Global warming poses great challenges for all people. I share your concerns for the towering
consequences of climate change. Every effort therefore should be made to cut global
greenhouse gas emissions, and support increased resilience in vulnerable societies and
ecosystems. I find strength and inspiration in your support, and wish you the best of luck in your
own effort towards a better world.”
* * * * * *
Mr. Adrian M. Fenty, Mayor of Washington DC, USA
He expressed his thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai for sharing her thoughts about climate
change and abolishing meat. “My administration, is fully dedicated to protecting the
environment and I always welcome input from the community regarding such important topics.”
* * * * * *
Mr. Roger Manno, Maryland State Delegate, USA
Mr. Manno was pleased to inform Master Ching Hai that he has passed into law the “Maryland
Organic Transition Incentive Pilot Program,” to assist in the change to more organic agricultural
in Maryland, where “a $100 per acre subsidy would run for up to 3 years.” He added, “Rest
assured that I will strongly consider your comments and thoughts on other legislation in this
* * * * * *
Testimonials from Dignitaries & Media
Marysol Varela, Florida Examiner
“Humanity’s Leap to The Golden Era was the theme for the Washington D.C. climate change
conference this past Sunday, November 8th, 2009. The event, which was hosted by The Supreme
Master Ching Hai International Association, was a delightful ... The most anticipated speaker of
the evening was The Supreme Master Ching Hai. Her words of wisdom reached across the
audience spreading hope and solutions to this impending global disaster. Supreme Master
suggested that by simply adopting a vegan diet, we can dramatically reduce our carbon
footprint. Because meat eating is a major contributor of global warming, vegetarianism will
reduce the demand for livestock. She also speaks up for those animals which suffer and die
every day in the hands of farmers by promoting a peaceful coexistence between all beings in the
animal kingdom.
Supreme Master has been doing this for the sake of a cleaner and more peaceful future for
humanity and everything else living on Earth. However, this is not the first time that she speaks
up for a good cause. As a humanitarian, Supreme Master and her international organization,
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, has provided thousands of dollars in
aid and assistance to victims of natural disasters such as those suffered by the victims of Katrina
among many others. Her organization travels worldwide to help build homes for the needy and
helps those in need of food and water.” To read the rest of this article, please click on the link below:
* * * * * *
Spiritual Awakening Radio, Mr. James Bean
“Supreme Master Ching Hai's teachings and activities have been of great interest to me for a
very long time. So many souls have come to know the Inner Light and Sound meditation
experience as a result of her worldwide mission, which includes making use of Twenty-First
Century technology and communications, reaching out to countless beautiful souls in many
lands. Adjusting the dietary requirements for initiation to the vegan diet is an absolutely correct
move in keeping with the evolutionary Spirit of the times, which I fully support. I believe that if
Kabir and Guru Nanak were here with us now in the modern world, and aware of the dairy
industry, they too would say that to be a true compassionate vegetarian following a diet of
ahimsa, one must be vegan. In the Spirit of Guan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Transcendental Hearing
as well as Compassion, many souls are being introduced to a balanced approach that
encompasses both inner exploration as well as love for all sentient beings on the Earth.”
- In Compassion and Peace, James Bean
* * * * * *
Philippine’s National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) Mr. Buddy Cunanan, the host
of a cultural program called “Neighbours”on National Broadcasting Network (NBN) Channel 4 In
a sincere message to Supreme Master Ching Hai, he said, “On behalf of NBN Channel 4 and all
my friends and my crew, we’re very impressed with what you’re doing. Please continue your
wonderful work to save the planet.”
Testimonials from Dignitaries & Media
American Chronicle – March 8, 2009
In the online news magazine, The American Chronicle, France-based journalist Guénady paid
tribute to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s efforts in alerting the world to the critical situation of a
warming planet and for offering much-needed guidance as well as hope. The following are
excerpts from the article she wrote in English, titled “Ching Hai Soars Above the Fray”:
“In fact, it is Ching Hai and her followers who, almost single-handedly, have forced the
worldwide media to – finally – report the story, untouched and untouchable for years, of
what the most eminent scientists say about global warming ... For we have not been told that
the melting of the poles simultaneously creates toxic methane gas ‘chimneys’ in the polar
seas. By the time the poles are gone, scientists estimate there will be so much toxic gas in the
atmosphere that our earth will no longer sustain life as we know it now... But Ching Hai’s
position is that there IS still hope. The meltdown CAN be stopped, even at this late hour. Our
planet CAN be saved. How? By reducing global warming –fast— and one easy step which
each individual can take, without asking any permission, investing in any material or
consulting anyone, is to stop supporting the industrial production of animals for human
consumption, which, it is estimated, contributes to more than 18% of the total greenhouse
gases responsible for global warming.”
In providing a brief background as to why humankind was led on to the path of the senseless
destruction of innocent animals’ lives, Guénady exposed some truths about the industrialization
of animal production for food after the Second World War and how meat consumption was
promoted to the public as a healthy way of living, though in actual fact causes many illnesses
and diseases. Following this discussion, she said of Supreme Master Ching Hai:
“But people like Ching Hai, by their very natures, disperse the confusion that clouds the issues.
Ching Hai attracts mainly ordinary people with her teachings, although there are also
intellectuals and members of society's elite who have heard and responded, out of social
consciousness ...”
And as Guénady informs us in her article, other media are finally taking heed of our planetary
crisis and reporting what the scientists have been telling us about the melting ice and methane
“It is interesting to notice that, only a few weeks ago, BBC world service radio took up the
subject of the methane gas chimneys for the first time. Friends in the States tell me the media
there is now, at long last, also reporting on the problem.”
Guénady concluded on an encouraging note, that there is still time to avert this impending
global catastrophy:
“Let us hope that Ching Hai is right and that there is still hope that Humanity will, once again,
survive a crisis that is, ultimately, of its own making.”
Indeed, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s extraordinary endeavors and leadership have inspired
many to make the life-saving change needed to save the planet. She inspires others to believe
that not only will we triumph over this planetary ordeal, but with Heaven’s grace, will create an
even better world for all co-inhabitants.
Testimonials from Dignitaries & Media
Supreme Master Ching Hai in the Media
Partial Listing:
• American Chinese News (Chicago, USA, 1994)
• Americus Times Recorder (Georgia, USA, 2007)
• Armenian Business Weekly (Armenia, 1999)
• Barev National Armenian TV (Armenia, 1999)
• Bijorcha TV (Paris, France, 1997)
• Chicago Times (Chicago, USA, 1994)
• Chinese American Voice (New York, USA, 1995)
• Chinese Radio Network (New York, USA, 1995)
• CNN (USA, 1996)
• DZRM Broadcasting Station (Philippines, 19 Mar 1992)
• The Earth Times Online Newspaper (Ireland, 2007)
• East Coast Radio (Ireland, 2008)
• Environmentally Sound Radio (New York, USA, 2008)
• FOX 2 KTVI TV Channel (St. Louis, Missouri, USA 2007)
• Radio Ici & Maintenant (Here & Now) (France, 1994)
• Republic of Armenia Newspaper (Armenia, 1999)
• Ser Newspaper (Armenia, 1999)
• Slovenske Novice Newspaper (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008)
• Spiritual Awakening Radio (USA, 2008)
• “Sun, Moon And Stars” Radio Program (Hong Kong, 1994)
• Tehran Times newspaper (Iran, 12 Nov 2008)
• The Temecula Valley News (California, USA, 2008)
• “Thirst for Life” (Philippines, 1991)
• Urartu Newspaper (Armenia, 1999)
• Vegetarian Association in Oregon (Oregon, USA, 1993)
• WJXT Channel 4 ( Jacksonville, Florida, USA 2008)
• Woman Today SAFM Radio (Cape Town, South Africa, 1999)
• World Journal (Chicago, USA, 1994)
• Go Vegan Radio (California, USA, 2008)
• Hayastan Newspaper (Armenia, 1999)
• Hayastani Hanrapetutyun Newspaper (Armenia, 1999)
• Heart and Soul TV series (South Africa, 1999)
• The Hindu national newspaper (India, 2007)
• Hippy Gourmet TV (California, USA, 2008)
• How2USA Magazine, cover article (USA, April 2008)
• Inch Vortegh Erb Newspaper (Armenia, 1999)
• The Independent Weekly Newspaper Sensation (Armenia, 1999)
• Interdimensional TV Show Channel 16 (New York, USA, 1995)
• International Chinese Radio (France, 1993)
• Iran TV2 (Iran, 2008)
• Iranian TV Network (Cape Town, South Africa, 1999)
• Irish Independent newspaper (Ireland, 2008)
• Jame Jam newspaper (Iran, 12 Nov 2008)
• KBOO Radio (Oregon, USA, 1993)
• KTVU San Francisco TV Channel 3 (San Francisco, California, USA, 1993)
• National Broadcasting Network (NBN) Television (Philippines, 2006)
• “The Novas Report”, KQSB 990 AM Radio (Santa Barbara, California, USA, 1995)
• RTV Slovenia TV (Radiotelevizija Slovenija) (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008)
• South African Broadcasting Company (SABC) TV (Cape Town, South Africa, 1999)
• KLDE Oldies Radio 104.9 FM (Texas, USA, 1993)
• KTRK TV Channel 13 (Houston, Texas, USA, 1993
• Le Figaro Newspaper (Paris, France, 1997)
• The Los Angeles Times (California, USA, 1998)
• Manila Standard Today newspaper (Philippines, 2006)
• Mehr News (Iran, 12 Nov 2008)
• New Time Newspaper (Armenia, 1999)
• New York Sino Radio Broadcasts (New York, USA, 1995)
• The New York Times newspaper (New York, USA, 2008)
• “Ona” and “Aura” magazines (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008)
• The Orange County Register (California, USA, 1998)
• People’s Power Press (Mongolia, 1998)
• Radio Enghien (Paris, France, 1997)
• Radio France Internationale (RFI) (France 1994)
• Radio Five On “Sunday Focus” (Thailand, 1994)
• Radio for Peace International (Oregon, USA, 1993)

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