trw€ffiffw - Rasta Hunden
trw€ffiffw - Rasta Hunden
'fi# L{]iiffH trw€ffiffw#$ h**/i(e,r,,iurSetwire't * Pet Sitt' $tr's il{em&er $ervrecs Jk?anagfer åy CårdsSrxfp,fldr:l, ,#WW, This sentimentwas reiteratedby our internationalmembers. Like you, many of them came from the coroorateworld and intopetsitting.Karin Howland, transitioned internaPets Stay Home- Pet SittingPlus ownerof I recentlyasked severalof our Canada, read Patti Moran's tionalmembersto sharetheirexperiences in Winnipeg, grateful pet many years ago. professional to Pef for Profit book Sitting sitters. l'm as professionbut passion for intrigued by the She was each of them for sharingtheir job. her position that Soon after, had a stable the industryand for demonstrating pot Pets Stay Home was contractedout and PSI is truly the international melting years ago and pet was formed.Thatwas seven for professional sitters. business Karinhas ooerateda successful Currently,we have membersin 15 differ- with her husband,Mick,eversince. ent countriesincludingthe UnitedStates. Anna Goodlad,ownerof ExeterPetSitters membersrepresent4 Our international percentof our totalmembership numbers, in Exeter,Great Britain,said, "l wantedto and be withCanadaleadingthe'sexcit- workwithanimals,be self-employed ing to have such a diversemembership ableto supportanimalcharities." and I am pleasedto bring some muchdeservedattentionto our international Moving from England to New Zealand members.I hope you'll use this article meant finances were tight for Wendy to mentallyconnectwith otherpet sitters Mackay. "l couldn't afford to survive on the low wages I was earningand neededa thousandsof milesaway. secondincome.I had alwayslovedanimals Why Pet Sitting? So why did our inter- and spenttwo years at an equestriancolPet nationalmemberschooseto becomepet legestudyingto becomean instructor." sitters?Thinkbackto your own reasons. SittersNZ was bornand the rest is history. Was it becauseyou liked beingexposed to the weather-good or bad? Did you like Leigh De Wet, ownerof HomeSittersSouth beingon callat allhoursof thedayor night? Africa, was in the real estate business Didyou enjoyworkingon the holidays?Of when he decidedto pursuea pet-sitting my curiosity course not, but all of these factorsmean career."As a businessman, nothingwhen you see the sweetexpres- was tweaked when I heard of a friend's sionsof your belovedpet clients.Feeling friendmakinga largesumof moneythrough love is well worth the housesittingand pet care over the Christtheir unconditional mas holidays,"said Leigh. "Real estate sacrificesthat are madeon a dailvbasis. ave you ever wonderedhow the pet-sittingprofessiondiffers from countryto country? ',,,,,.."r;; 32;lri -,-'- -;;;., ? i )l l .]l å sales were gettingtougher,and my experiencewas pointing me towardsa service-relatedbusiness that would be both relevantand sustainablewhile providingsome sort of continuousincome." Y I i t Amanda Anderson, owner of HomelyPetzin Dubai,UnitedArab Emirates, sawan unmetneedin her area that led her to open her own business."l becamea petsifterafter seeinga lack of qualitypet care in Dubai and the limitedservicesfor holiday pet care. Before Homely Petz started,there were only three reputablekennels/cafteries and they were pre-bookedat the busy times of year. This left many pet owners with limitedoptions,such as to not go on holidayor relyingon neighbors and friends.I felt that home pet care was long overdueand the ideaof a petstayingin its homewas an obviousanswertoa big problem in Dubai.." As you can see, there are several commonfactorsthat prompt someone to start a pet-sittingservice no matter the country.The core principles of the industryare virtually unchangedand love of animals is foremostin the minds of every petcare provider. The Initial Reaction. l'm sure you all rememberthatmomentwhenyou told your familyand fr:iendsof your aspirationsto become a pet sitter or dog walker. ("You'regoing to be whaQ") Usuallythisisjustthe initial reactionand it doesn'ttake long for your familyand friendsto see how muchyou lovethe profession.Many times,the familydecidesto join you. Just ask Leigh. did we knowhow big thiscompany wouldget and my husbandis now full time in the businessas well." Wendy'sfamilywas quiteshocked when she quit her roleas a conference organizer,but they fullysupportedhercareerswitch."ljust live with my husband in New Zealand and he helps me out occasionally with difficultsituations," she said. Anna said her family members "initially...weren't too sure, but now they are all involvedand my parentsare my top host family for dog boarding!" Public Perception. We all face obstaclesin.our livesand sometimes theseobstaclesare enough to deterus from our goals.The petsitting industryhas faced similar obstaclesand we're proudof each of you for facing these obstacles headon and raisingthe profession to new heights.ln manycountries, pet sitting is still a relativelynew professionand internationalsitters are facing the daily chore of changingthe public'sperception of a pet sitter. "Thegreotest obstocle was perhops theperception thotthiswosnoto 'reol' business ondfriends ond fomilymembers didnT take meseriously at thetime, Todoy myfriendspayme fortheirnewoppreciation ofmyservices." Accordingto Alice, "The biggest Moving to Dublin, lreland, presented Alice Ghau-Ginguene with a similarchallenge."Livingin a foreigncountry we soon realized thatwe couldn'task friendsor family to come feed our cats when we travel.I beganlookinginto hiringa cat sitterand realizedthereweren't -Leigh 0eWet,South Afriea many pet sittersout there and they were alwaysfully booked. lf I am a foreignerand runintoproblemslike "At first my family rolled their eyes this, so do otherforeignershere." at one another,as if to say 'Here Soon after,Maow Care was born. we go again,Dad has anothernew business.'Now the familysupports Susanne Holmene, owner of me wholeheartedly and appreciates RastaHunden,in Stockholm,Swe- the extraincome." den,said,"Therdwere not enough dog daycare centers in Sweden Amandaexperienceda similarscein 2007 and not all dogs like that nario."lnitiallymy familysaw this environment.So why not let the as a hobby,a pet sit hereand there. dog ownershave a choice?lf the They were very supportiveand my dog liked being in a large group husbandjoined me on weekends. and playingthey couldgo to a dog He could see the enjoymentI got daycare center. lf not, we could from looking after pets and how take the dog for a walk and it could much less stressed I was than in rest and play at home." previouspositionsthat I held. Little obstacle I face is the fact that pet sitting is a really new business in lreland. Much of the public doesn't understandwhat 'pet sitting'means.I get phonecallsregularlyfromcustomerswho thinkI am a cattery.Vetsdon't particularlylike the idea either,thinkingthat pet sitters are generally students or unemployedpeople.A lotof people are shockedwhen I tellthemthis is my fulltime job, my own business that I am proud of." "The professionof dog walkers/pet sitterswas almosttotallyunknownin SwedenwhenI beganmy business," Susannesaid. "At that time only a few companiesexisted.I advertised lc*nlinu*tl) S epte"l r:;t'r ,' Or:obc r 1 33 201 M EM O S(c*ntinu*ci) fua*M*,lnn Swia and Wendy has a similarclient base. localnewspapers and contacted "My average client earns mid- to profession." write aboutthe to bloggers Leighsummedit up best."Thegreatwasperhapsthepercepestobstacle tionthatthiswasnota 'real'business didn't andfriendsandfamilymembers time. Today takeme seriouslyat the my friendspay me for theirnew appreciation of myservices."' high-rangeincomeand is in his or her midtwentiesto middle-aged." OurinterPersianGreyhounds)? nationalmemberscarefor these providing typesof petsfrequently, themwithdailydosesof love. "Our averageclientis a westernex- The Tie That Binds.I hopeyou patwith eithera cat or a dog or both," enjoyedthisvisitwithsomeof our As you members. saidAmanda. "Somehave brought international areminimal. theirpetswiththemfromtheirhome cansee,differences countries,whileothersadoptor buy Pet sittingis trulythe common in Dubai. lt takesa lotof truston the bondthatbringsus all together. clients'partinitially,as they are in a strangeland,butwithourtrainedpet fhis is part one of a twosittersto reassurethem, they book part series:Learn more about your international colleagues. with confidence." Who Pays Your Salary? By now you'veseenthe firstresultsfromour 2011Stateof the revealedthat the averageclientis a marriedcouplebetweenthe agesof 36-50.The majorityof thesecouples While cat and dog clientsmight be Thisvariesslight- the normfor all PSI members,there arewithoutchildren. are severalotherpet clientsthat U.S. members. ly for our international Check out the NovemberlDecemberissue of the WORLD to learn how pets are viewed in other countries,the growth membersmight not be as familiar of theindustry,the competition "Themajority of my with. When was the last time you factor and somevery interest' Aliceexplained, are couplesin the age saw a gecko other than on an ad ing storiesthat you don't want customers groupof 25-35.They are married for Geico?How about guineafowl, fo miss.X andtravelleisurely." alpacasand salukis(alsoknownas withoutchildren I Webinar! . PetSittingfor Smarties September for PSI'S FREE Besureto register NumberOnecompanionanimal, i they'reAmerica's Cats!Number-wise, PSI's 2011 State . with86.4millionfelinesin nearly40millionhouseholds.In oftheindustrysurVey,96percentofpetsitterslistcatcareasoneofthe primarybusiness theyoffer.AndPSImembersaloneaccountfor , services of 15,565cats! ownership l - LeeNovakfor a fact-filled r Join PSImember- and cat-carespecialist webinaron how to providethe bestserviceto yourfelineclients.Lee's : and on catsfor nearlytwo decades pet-sitting hasbeenfocusing business to hersuccess duringthiswebinarshe'llbe sharingsomeof the secrets in the careof finickyfelines. , ; "Purfect Felines" withFinicky forDealing 5olutions i : is required. Pre-registration Learnmoreat 34ThewöRL[) Presented by LeeNovak,At HomeCatCare,Inc. 21,2011 September Wednesday, 4:00P'm'- 5:00P'm'ET
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