Poverty and Social Exclusion in Germany Contemporary Issues in Social Welfare ● vgl. Zick, Andreas, Lobitz, Rebecca, Gross, Eva Maria (2010): Krisenbedingte Kündigung der Gleichwertigkeit, in: Heitmeyer, Wilhelm (Hrsg.), Deutsche Zustände Folge 8, S. 78, Berlin (hier Grafik aus SZ vom 4.12.2009) Germany has a well developed social security system Social security in Germany is expensive Social budget in 2010 rd. 761 billion Euros = 30.4 % of the GDP (Sozialleistungsquote) Abbildung: eigene Darstellung (Quelle: Sozialbudget 2010, Germany protects gainful employment: The security system is concentrated (1) on regular employment, (2) on providing cash benefits (pensions, unemployment benefits) and (3) preserves the income situation of the labour market (principle of equivalence) Conclusion: For structural reason the system doesn‘t prevent poverty. Translation: Zeitarbeit = time work geringfügig = mini jobs = less than 400 Euro per month befristet = temporary work ♂ ♀ in Teilzeit = part time work “High overall unemployment, the low employment levels of some groups, labour market segmentation, facilitating reconciliation of work and family life and flexible working, as well as insufficient active inclusion measures emerge as the main challenges that Member States identify as needing to be addressed to create inclusive labour markets. A wide range of policy actions and measures are proposed to address these issues. A particular concern is the low employment levels of some groups - older workers, low-qualified, migrants, disabled and young people.” (p. 5) “It is striking that many of the measures (…) generally focus more on encouraging people to take up work through activation measures (often coupled with an increased emphasis on sanctions and conditionality) rather than on increasing the availability of decent quality jobs. (…), there is very little attention given to tackling the issues of labour market segmentation, low pay and high earnings inequality.” (p. 6) 83 per cent of children living in an „academic“ household start to study. 23 per cent of the children living in an „nonacademic“ household start to study. Quelle: Statistisches Bundesamt, Sonderauswertungen Mikrozensus 2001 und 2005; HIS Studienanfängerbefragung 2005 aus: BMAS (Hg.) 2008: 3. Armuts- und Reichtumsbericht der Bundesregierung S. 58 - 70 7 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Boeckh, FB Sozialwesen 8 1. The economic restriction 2. The political restriction 3. The legal und institutional restriction 4. The instrumental restriction 5. The social restriction 6. The supranational restriction „In any European welfare state these six restrictions will influence the question if the complete ÜBERWINDUNG of poverty and social exclusion will be an illusion or not. Or BESCHEIDENER: Up to which extent poverty and social exclusion could be reduced.“ (Hauser, Richard 2010: 37) Tabelle Overall Employment Rate - Erwerbstätigenquote*) Insgesamt Jahr 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 % Deutschland 65,5 67,2 69,0 70,1 70,3 71,1 Früheres Bundesgebiet (ohne Berlin) 66,6 68,1 69,7 70,7 70,6 71,2 Neue Bundesländer (inkl. Berlin) 61,3 63,5 66,1 67,9 69,2 70,7 Nachrichtlich Quelle:; own compilation *) Anteil der Erwerbstätigen im Alter von 15 bis unter 65 Jahren an der Bevölkerung derselben Altersgruppe. Die Quote bezieht sich auf Personen Tabelle Employment rate by gender ratio*) Insgesamt Jahr 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 70,1 70,3 71,1 % Deutschland 65,5 67,2 69,0 Männer Gesamtdeutschland 71,3 72,8 74,7 75,8 75,4 76,0 West Ost 73,3 63,5 74,6 66,0 76,2 68,9 77,2 70,7 76,4 71,4 76,8 73,0 Frauen 59,6 61,5 63,2 64,3 65,2 Gesamtdeutschland Quelle:; West 59,7 61,6 63,2 64,2 64,7 Ost 58,9 61,0 63,2 65,0 66,9 66,1 own compilation 65,6 68,3 Average: 37,28 % 3 % treshold economic growth in 2010: 3.7 per cent economic growth 2000 – 2010 (average: 1.16 per cent) The average net income decreased by 2.4 per cent since 2000 Especially in the low income section the employed lost more than a fith of their real net income (inflation rate included) In the high income section there is a small increase of 0.8 per cent. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Boeckh, FB Sozialwesen 14 Employment Subsidies by relatives Pension system Unemployment benefits Any other sources Prof. Dr. Jürgen Boeckh, FB Sozialwesen 16