CPRI News_100_New_pdf.pmd - Central Power Research Institute


CPRI News_100_New_pdf.pmd - Central Power Research Institute
Shri Anil Razdan, takes over as Secretary,
Ministry of Power
Additional Secretary / Advisor (T&R) Ministry
of Power
Research, Development & Technical Services
for the Power Sector –CPRI’s Role
Development of Pollution Cleaning Device (off-line) 4
Inauguration of transformer oil test
laboratory at CPRI, STDS, Bhopal
Seminars / Workshops / Training Programmes
International conference and tutorials on
power system protection
Workshop On Polymer Composites
Interactions With IMEC, Belgium on Powermems
Training TNBR (QA) Engineers, Malaysia
Seminar on “New directions in Ceramics”
Institute Day Celebrations 2007
CPRI participates in EL-ASIA 2007
Sponsored Seismic Studies
Lecture on values in Work Culture &
Work Ethics in Kannada
Felicitation of CPRI, STDS, Bhopal
North East Journalists Visit
Colony Day Celebrations
CPRI develops PVC based FRLS Cable
Sheathing and Insulation Material
RSOP Meeting
Award of PG DBM Certificate
National Certification Examination for
Energy Auditor
Calendar of Technical Events
News in Hindi
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Shri A. K. Tripathy
Shri S. Sridhar
JAN - MAR 2007
Overall growth of Indian power sector can be ensured
only if there is equitable growth of its four segments:
Ø Generation sector
Ø Transmission sector
Ø Distribution sector
Ø End use sector
A need is felt that the growth in each sector should
be well integrated with support of advanced
technology. The power sector faces several
challenging problems in the years to come where
CPRI can play a vital role. CPRI has set up a new
centre to address research and consultancy activities.
The Centre for Collaborative Research (CCAR) at
CPRI Campus, Bangalore, encourages state-of-theart power research with the involvement of academic
community. CPRI is bringing out periodically a Journal
with the latest findings of research in the power
sector. Research funding is also available through
Research Schemes. CPRI is also addressing a
variety of problem solving through analytical studies,
field testing and consultancy which are discussed
Power sector has to collectively address a number
of research and development areas in :
Generation sector
The challenges are:
i. Demand & supply gap: There is a shortfall of
almost 14 % in peak demand and 8 % in energy.
The operating margins available with the
generators are very low as compared to 15 % in
USA and 20 % in some European generating
environments. Build-up of spinning reserve
capacity of generating sets through improved
availability, PLF, etc., needs to be given thought.
ii. High ash in Indian coals: The primary fuel for
power generation in the thermal sector is low
grade coals with CV in the range of 2900-3800
kcal/kg and ash as high as 35-45 %. Use of high
ash coal leads to problems of capacity reduction
on account of handling larger quantities of fuel
and flue gas for the same amount of heat input,
wear and erosion of components and problems
of handling of ash. CPRI has already contributed
through research projects, field studies and
specialized Workshops in this important area of
use of high ash coals and continues to offer a
variety of services ranging from coal evaluation
to energy audits.
iii. Technology of thermal sets: Until recently, the
sub-critical steam cycle (15.0 MPa, 540 ºC) with
single re-heat was extensively used in most 210
& 500 MW sets. Higher energy efficiencies by
2-3 % can be achieved by use of ultra
supercritical (USC) steam cycles in double reheat (34 MPa, 566 ºC) This calls for new designs
of boilers, turbines, feed water heaters, etc. A
number of problems associated with USC plants
calls for R & D as well as extensive technical
services of field evaluation of performance of
materials and components. CPRI is well
equipped to undertake problems solving in this
Size of thermal sets: The earlier trend in
capacity addition was to go in for 210 MW & 500
MW sets. Now the time has come for installation
of sets of larger rating of 660 MW, 800 MW &
1000 MW. CPRI offers services in the areas of
technology & size up gradation of sets in the
areas of energy, materials evaluation and
characterization, equipment testing, etc.
Distributed generation from wind: Wind is now
a viable technological option for capacity addition
in individual machine sizes of 5 MW. Wind
balances the offset created by low hydel-thermal
mix (heavy dependence on fossil fuels). There
are a number of problems of integration of wind
farms with the conventional grid at various
voltage levels such as 11 kV, 33 kV, 66 kV.
Capacity wise when small quantum of wind
power is injected into the grid (< 50 MW) no major
modification is required. When larger quantum
of power is proposed to inject at multiple points
in the grid, system studies are required for which
CPRI has the expertise to provide optimal
solutions. Also, the issue of injection of wind
power at 11 kV level which is receiving attention,
calls for appropriate controls to contain
fluctuations created by over voltages and reactive
power drawal.
Decentralized power from solar photovoltaic
(SPV): SPV is being used extensively for solar
lanterns, home lighting systems, remote lighting
systems, battery power form remote locations,
etc.. It is also being used in the form of Building
integrated photovoltaic (BIPV). The major
problem in SPV is the high cost (Rs. 3.0 lakhs/
kW). Development of SPV cells with cost two
orders of magnitude lower has been engaging
the attention of scientists for the past few
decades and this area needs to be pursued more
vigorously in the present context.
Transition towards intermediate fuels: The
transition towards hydrocarbons fuels with higher
quantum of hydrogen and lower carbon content
Shri A.K. Tripathy, Director General congratulates all the staff of CPRI for achieving
a revenue target of Rs. 42 Crores in the year 2006-2007 which is higher than previous
year and also appeales the staff of CPRI to look forward to meet the challenges and
demands of Power Sector in the years to come.
such as CNG, LNG and LPG as an intermediate
fuel in the transition towards the ultimate
hydrogen economy (hydrogen combustion
produces only water as the byproduct) is also
an important area. CPRI has the facilities to
undertake research & development in the area
of combustion, heat transfer and energy
conversion associated with gaseous fossil based
fuels which seem to be the immediate
replacement for fuel oil and coal.
Transmission sector
The challenges in the transmission sector:
i. Towards a national grid: The stability and
economic viability of regional grids are being
improved by interconnecting them with back to
back HVDC systems to the tune of 5-10 % of the
grid size. Now Northern grid, North-Eastern grid
and Eastern Grid have merged into one
synchronous grid. There are a number of
challenges in terms of stability, load flow, etc.,
which calls for specialized in-depth studies which
CPRI has the expertise.
ii. Introduction of FACTS (flexible AC
transmission systems) devices: for capacity
control across given paths. CPRI RTDS has
capabilities for catering to specialized studies
related to load flow, transient stability, etc. in this
area and also for evaluation of various
configurations of FACTS devices and their
interaction with other grid components especially
ensuring effective damping of SSR (sub
synchronous resonance).
iii. Condition assessment of transmission
system components: This is a basically on-line
and off-line evaluation of the condition of solid
and liquid dielectrics, earthing, efficiency
evaluation, earthquake resistance, etc.
Distribution sector
High Distribution losses are the most singular
problem of the distribution sector. The Distribution
losses is in the range of 10 % in best systems to as
high as 62 % . On an average the distribution losses
are in the range of 28-35 % which is mainly due to
technical losses (energy losses in components) and
commercial losses (metering, extraction without
payments, etc.) CPRI has played a proactive role in
the distribution sector through:
Ø APDRP (Accelerated power development
program): for which CPRI is a nodal agency for
Karnataka, AP & Kerala. The focus has been on
measurement of energy losses, segregation of
technical and commercial losses, etc.
Ø DRUM (Distribution reforms up gradation
management) program: involving training of
DISCOM officials in loss reduction, disaster
management and Demand side management.
This is an ongoing program and already ~600
DISCOM officials are trained at CPRI.
Ø System Optimization: CPRI undertakes studies
on system optimization including High voltage
JAN - MAR 2007
distribution systems (HVDS) for reduction of
technical losses.
Ø Emerging technologies: CPRI provides
services in the areas related to testing, evaluation
and field studies of emerging technologies such
as amorphous core transformers, dry type
transformers, Completely self protected (CSP)
transformers, intelligent switchgear, GIS
mapping, Distribution automation, etc.
End-use sector
The challenges are:
i. Lighting: Energy for lighting has been gradually
growing. Even though energy efficient lighting
systems such as CFLs , T5 TFLs, HPSVLs, etc.
are in use, there is scope for design of task
oriented lighting and lighting system design for
optimization of energy efficiency from 40-80 W/
m2 down to 20 W/m2.
ii. Heating, ventilation & Air conditioning: The
energy consumption of this sector has gradually
been increasing due to Malls and shopping
complexes. Diagnostic energy audits can lead
to drastic energy savings in this sector. CPRI
provides energy efficiency studies in this sector.
Labeling of energy products is also being
iii. Building energy: Buildings are now considered
as dynamic energy entities with their energy
consumption strongly dependent on the
construction, energy use and environmental
conditions. CPRI has already evaluated several
buildings of National importance as a part of a
consortium of energy service providers. With a
green building code in place the energy
Figure 1: Demonstration of Distribution Automation
consumption of commercial buildings can be
reduced from 100-350 W/m2 down to < 100 W/
m2 through building energy audits.
iv. Agricultural
management): Energy efficiency improvement
of agricultural pump sets have the maximum
potential for energy saving because they are
located at the farthest end of the power
distribution line and in order to provide power to
these pump sets numerous losses are incurred.
CPRI has good experience in the distribution
sector and in energy auditing of pumping
systems for field evaluation of agricultural pumpsets and estimation of savings from change over
of non-labeled pump sets to energy efficient ISI
pump sets.
v. Industrial energy: CPRI has conducted over
75 energy audits in process industries for evolution
of energy saving plans in various areas such as
industrial fans, pumps, milling systems, furnaces,
heaters, electrical distribution networks, etc.. Power
quality diagnostics is also a CPRI specialty.
Concluding Remarks
CPRI is ever re-inventing itself to meet the
challenges of the power sector in terms of R & D,
equipment testing, field studies, energy audits, man
power training, etc. and invites interested industries
and organizations in all segments of the power sectorgeneration, transmission, distribution and end-use to
avail of its services for improving and upgrading these
product and be a part of the vibrant Indian power
Figure 2: View of a sub-station where CPRI provided
diagnostic condition assessment services.
Figure 3: Energy metering solutions
Prototype device for cleaning a vertically
mounted polluted single disc insulator
(off-line) on both top and bottom sides is
developed. The device is mounted on a
rigid iron stand for testing purpose. The
system consists of two swing arms, which
close during operation and open after
cleaning operation. Two sets of flat brushes
are mounted on the either side of the
insulator. The swing arms are at 180
degree to the line conductor in operation.
The system is provided with geared motors
for the rotation of the brushes.
Swing arms in closed position
The device operates automatically and is
controlled by logic timers, relays and limit
switches. The power required for the
device is approximately 100 watts, 230
Volts AC, 50 Hz single-phase two wiresystem. When the ‘start’ push button is
pressed, the swing arms, which are at 180
degree to the line conductor, will close and
the brushes start rotating. After a preset
time, the brushes stop rotating and the
swing arms will start opening and stop at
their home position i.e. 180 degree and
then the system is ready for the repeat
Swing arms in open position
Performance test results of the prototype
device are encouraging and rigorous test
are under progress. Further development
of the device for on-line purposes is
underway. For further information, please
Dr. D. Devendranath FIE,
Engineering Officer Gr.5
Central Power Research Institute,
UHV RL, Hyderabad.
Email: [email protected]
Full view of the device
Director General, Central Power Research
Institute inaugurated Transformer Oil Test
Laboratory on 23 rd February 2007 at
STDS, Bhopal a unit of CPRI. Shri Suraj
Shivapori, Chairman and Managing
Director, Madhya Pradesh Madhya
Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited
presided over the inaugural function and
Shri R.K. Talwar, General Manager, Bharat
Heavy Electricals Limited, Bhopal was the
Guest of Honour.
JAN - MAR 2007
distinguished guests from various
Electricity companies, Power Stations,
Railways, BHEL and Manufacturers of
Electrical Power Equipments were present
along with the staff members of the
institute. The welcome address was
delivered by Shri P.K. Kognolkar, Director,
CPRI. Director General in his inaugural
address mentioned about the need for oil
testing laboratory at the Central Region of
the country. Shri Gautam Sengupta,
Additional Director, STDS narrated the new
test facilities available in the transformer
oil test lab, EMI/EMC test facilities of
Energy Meter Test Lab of CPRI, Bhopal.
In his presidential address, Shri Suraj
Shivapori, CMD, MPMKVV Co. Ltd.,
Bhopal emphasized the importance of
the role of oil testing for undertaking
timely repairs and reconditioning. Shri
R. K. Talwar, General Manager, BHEL,
Bhopal in his address narrated the
importance of CPRI in Power Sector.
Vote of thanks was proposed by Shri
M. L. Unhale, Additional Director., STDS,
The fourteenth National Power Systems
Conference (NPSC 06) was conducted at
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
during 26-29, December 2006. The
conference was preceeded by four tutorials
on 26th December 2006 by invited experts
in the power sector covering power system
protection, HVDC & FACTS, Distribution
systems and Real time digital simulation.
The Instrumentation Division organized a
5 - day Training Programme on Energy and
Protective Relays for Senior officials of
Punjab State Electricity Board from February
20th to 26th, 2007 at the CCAR Seminar
Hall. 13 persons participated in the Training
Programme. Technical presentations on
Energy meters protective relays were made
during the Programme by officers of CPRI
Shri M.M Babu Narayanan, Additional
Director, CPRI conducted a 2-day Tutorial
on “Modern Trends in Earthing Practices”
for engineers of Kerala State Electricity
Board in Thiruvananthapuram during 8-9
February 2007. The Tutorial was organized
by the Research wing of KSEB and
inaugurated by Shri T.M.Manoharan,
Chairman, KSEB.
There were more than 45 participants
drawn from different wings of KSEB. The
main topics covered at the Tutorial included
(i) Computer-aided design of HV / EHV
earthing systems (ii) measurement of soil
resistivity & earth resistance and (iii) system
earthing aspects. There was also a
demonstration of the GMAT software
developed by CPRI for design of grounding
including supplementary test facilities.
Industrial visits to M/s. Larsen Toubro,
Mysore, M/s. Easun Reyrolle, Hosur and
M/s. Conzerv, Bangalore were arranged as
a part of the programme.
Shri M.M. Babu Narayanan, Additional
Director, CPRI conducted the tutorial on
‘Real Time Digital Simulation’ at IIT,
Roorkee jointly with Prof. A. Gole of
University of Manitoba, Canada on 26th
December 2006. The tutorial was attended
by more than 75 delegates from academic
institution, industries and consulting
International Conference and Tutorials on Power System Protection
Power System Division of CPRI conducted
International Conference and Tutorials on
Power System Protection during 20 - 23
February 2007. The Conference, slated for
the first two days, was attended by around
55 participants including academicians,
Personnel from Utilities and manufacturers.
The Conference and Workshop was
inaugurated by Shri. Veeraraghvan, General
Manager, Electronics Division, BHEL,
Bangalore and Prof P.K. Dash, Director,
Bubaneshwar College of Engineering
delivered the Key note address.
Experts Shri B.S Palki of ABB and
Dr. Pradeep Kumar of PEARL delivered the
Invited lectures on “Reliable Fault Clearance
and Back up Protection” and “Protection
Issues with Distributed Generation”. 26
Technical papers were presented and
discussed during the conference, the subject
matter included new developments in the
area of Distance Relaying algorithms and
fault detection techniques, Simulation
methods presently being used for analysis,
few case studies on Relay co-ordination,
application of 61850 for Power System
JAN - MAR 2007
protection and Automation. In addition,
some of the specific issues like CT
Dimensioning for line differential
Protection, the requirement of System
Protection a step forward from individual
equipment protection. Some of the Testing
tools like the Real Time Digital Simulator
available for Relays were presented and
The Conference met its objective of bringing
together the experts in the area of Power
System Protection in exchanging the
information between the researcher,
operational experts and the manufacturers
through paper presentations and fruitful
Along with the Conference, a 2-day Tutorial
on the upcoming area of “Computer
Relaying and Wide Area Measurements”
was organized during 22-23 February,
2007. Eminent expert in this area Prof.
Arun. G. Phadke from Virginia Tech
University delivered the Lectures. Some of
the Lectures were shared by Prof. Soman
Balasubramanyam of CPRI. The Tutorial was
attended by 55 participants which
included personnel from academecia,
Utilities and manufacturers. The Tutorial
was well appreciated by the participants.
Dr. Kunigal N.Shivakumar, Research
Professor, Director, Centre for Composite
Materials Research, North Corolina A&T
state university, NC, USA along with Dr.
Yapa Rajapakse, Solid mechanics
programme manager, ONR, US Navy
visited CPRI on 27th Feb. 2007 and had
interactions followed by discussions in the
field of composite materials, composite
structures & structural dynamics. As a part
of collaborative activity, a workshop was
organized jointly by CCAR wherein
Dr. N.Shivakumar made a presentation on
“Advanced Polymer Composite Materials
Technology including the development of
cenosphere based polymer composites for
the power sector”. Shri A.K.Tripathy,
Director General, CPRI made the
presidential remarks highlighting the
importance of polymer composite
materials in the Power sector with special
emphasis on insulators and other
components used in the Power Industries
and T & D. Prof. Kishore, Dept. of Materials
Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
delivered a special lecture on “Introduction
to scope of polymer composite materials”
in the Indian context followed by a talk
on “Polymer Insulators in India” by Dr. N
Vasudev, Joint Director, High Voltage
Division. Dr. Yapa Rajapakse spoke about
“Application of Polymer Composite
Materials” especially from the point of
their applicability in Defence and Ship
building applications.
This programme was organized as a
collaborative research work under CCAR.
This workshop has helped the formulation
of R&D collaborative programmes, on
advanced polymer composite system
covering Insulating materials, Conductor
core materials, Cenesphere based materials
& Carbon-Carbon Composites for
Tribological applications.
About 85 delegates representing BHEL
(EPD), IISc (CED), MICO, Fiberglass
Industries, ADA, Graphite India Ltd.,
Farcom Cables, Meher capacitors Pvt. Ltd.,
Lakshmanan Isola Pvt. Ltd., KPCL and
Academic Institutes participated actively
in the discussions during the workshop.
Dr. Philip Pieters and Dr. Eric Beyne, IMEC,
Belgium visited CPRI on 9 January 2007.
This programme was arranged jointly by
CCAR. The experts made presentation on
the application of MEMS in the power
sector covering RF MEMS, Thermal and
Strain sensors and also covered Power
MEMS – power scavenging in industrial
applications, Automotive, Fuel cell, RF
module – Integration and packaging
applications. Dr. V. Nagasayanu of MEMS
and Sensors Division, BEL, Alumni of IMEC,
Belgium briefed about the on going
activities on MEMS at BEL.
Under the aegis of Centre for Collaborative
and Advance Research (CCAR)-Central Power
Research Institute (CPRI) and Indian Ceramic
Society- Bangalore Chapter (ICS-BC), a seminar
titled “New Directions In Ceramics” was
organized on 17th March 2007.
Shri. A. K. Tripathy, Director General CPRI
inaugurated the seminar and emphasized the
need for constructive interaction with material
science specialists with regard to
indegenisation of the critical components for
the power sector covering the areas of energy,
high temperature components and
transmission & distribution.
Five technical paper were presented by invited
speakers from various R&D organizations and
A total of 70 delegates representing CGCRI,
BHEL-EPD, NAL, CUMI, CPRI, ceramic experts
and consultants took part in the seminar. The
delegates evinced keen interest in the seminar
and participated in the discussions.
JAN - MAR 2007
The discussion was helpful in the
exploratory projects taken up on MEMS in
the power sector such as micro resonator
RF MEMS, Pressure and Thermal sensors.
IMEC experts made presentations which
were linked to the above mentioned areas.
They also covered thermo electric energy
saving, Intelligent power management,
Ultra low power electronic devices, RF
MEMS switch-variable capacitors, filters,
resonators etc., used in creep, fatigue,
stiction, degradation behaviours,
advanced power scavenging concepts –
PowerMEMS, fuel cells applications etc.
The deliberations would pave way to take
up R&D collaborative work in the area of
MEMS for the power sector applications.
Training program on Type
Testing of Power Equipment,
was organized for the Eight
TNBR (QA) Engineers in CPRI
from 12th March 2007 to 23rd
March 2007. The program
was inaugurated on 12
March 2007 by Shri. A.K.
Tripathy, Director General,
CPRI. Technical Lectures
Laboratory demonstrations
and training on type testing
of equipments were organized during the period.
A special Technical visit to Transformer unit of M/s. Kirlosker Electric company, Mysore
was also organized during the period as a part of training.
The Institutes Foundation Day was celebrated at the Institute on 16th January 2007 at Bangalore and its Units STDS
Bhopal, Regional Testing Laboratory, Muradnagar, Thermal Research Centre, Nagpur, UHV Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
and Energy Research Centre, Thiruvananthapuram. The detailed report on the celebrations is given below:
The eighteenth Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial
lecture on “Measuring and Assessing
Science” was delivered by Prof. P. Balaram,
Director, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore. Shri Santosh Kumar, Member
(Grid Operation & Distribution) Central
Electricity Authority, New Delhi, presided
over the function and delivered the
presidential address. Shri A.K. Tripathy,
Director General, welcomed the gathering.
Large number of distinguished invitees,
officers, staff and retired officials of CPRI
attended the program.
The staff and their family members turned
out in large number to view the variety
entertainment programe performed by the
employees and their children and the CPRI
Colony Ladies Club members.
appetite. It was heartening sight to see
that majority of people were students from
various schools and colleges.
The Institute kept open all its laboratories
for general public/research and
educational Institutions. The continuous
stream of visitors went round the
laboratories wetting their intellectual
Central Power Research Institute, STDS,
Govindpura, Bhopal celebrated its Institute
Day here on Tuesday the 16th January 2007.
The celebrations was organised at its
premises in Govindpura in which Chief
Guest Shri A. K. Dave, General Manager
(TCB – Prodn.), BHEL, Bhopal delivered
lecture on “Transformers- Present
Scenario”. In his address Shri A. K Dave
narrated the power sector scenario with
particular reference to power transformer
information which was interesting and
helpful to the electrical industry. The Guest
of Honour Dr. Vijay Pagare, renowned
cardiologist & Diabetologist delivered
JAN - MAR 2007
lecture on “Preventive Medicines”. The
advice given by Dr. Pagare regarding
diabetics – cardio disease etc. and the
methodologies suggested for the
prevention rather than curing was very
much helpful to one and all. The program
was attended by the eminent personalities
of BHEL, RRL, MPEB and representatives
from media and staff members of the
institute. Shri Gautam Sen gupta,
Additional Director in his welcome address
achievements of CPRI and Shri M. L Unhale,
Additional Director. Proposed vote of
UHV Research laboratory celebrated the
Institute Day on 16th January 2007.
Dr. M. Ramamoorty, Former Director
General of CPRI was the chief guest. In his
address, he recalled the background and
the hurdles faced for setting up the UHV
research lab at Hyderabad. He expressed
his happiness at the growth of the lab and
its contribution to the power sector,
especially in EHV/UHV transmission. A
cultural programme was organised in the
evening where the staff and their family
members participated.
Regional Testing Laboratory, Muradnagar
also celebrated the Institute Day on 16th
January 2007.
Thermal Research Centre, Nagpur,
celebrated the Institute Day with tree
plantation. Distinguished Advocate and
the Chief Guest of the program Shri
Jagadish J. Agrawal spoke on the occasion,
he emphasized on different alternate
methods to lead a drug free life. The staff
and their families actively participated and
entertained the gathering during the
cultural programme.
The Institute participated in the
Gridtech 2007 at Pragati Maidan,
New Delhi, during 5th & 6th February
2007. The theme of the exhibition
was New Technologies in
Transmission, Load Despatch &
Communication. The CPRI exhibits
consisted of charts covering the
Centre for Advanced and
Collaborative Research, Knowledge
Management portal of CPRI, 800 kV
tower testing for M/s PowerGrid,
Real Time Digital Simulation Facility,
Facilities for implementation of
Energy labelling scheme in India,
CPRI’s contribution to mission driven
projects of Govt. of India, UHV
Research Facilities, Products
developed by High Voltage
Laboratory etc.
The CPRI stall received about 200
visitors which included several
overseas deligates.
Japanese Deligates at CPRI Stall
The institute honoured the following
employees on Institute Day 16 th
January 2007 for their “Best
Performance” during the year 20062007:1.
Shri. L.L.N. Vishnu, Assistant,
Grade 2
Shri. M. Solomon, Tech. Grade 4
Shri. K Subramani, Technical
Attendant Grade 4
Shri. V.T. Veeregowda, Attendant
Grade 5
The Institute participated in ELASIA 2007 Exhibition from 23rd - 26th February 2007 held
at Palace Grounds in Bangalore. Shri. Ramachandra Gowda, Hon'ble Minister for Science
& Technology, Govt of Karnataka, inaugurated the exhibition. All leading electrical
equipment manufacturers, multinationals and PSU's participated in the event. The
exhibition attracted over 10,000 visitors over the four days.
CPRI stall attracted large number of visitors who evinced keen interest in the field of
Research, Testing & Consultancy, field measurements and third party inspection services
of CPRI. CPRI officials delivered short presentation on short circuit and energy meter test
facilities to a large group of Engineers who visited the exhibition.
Shri. H. Jayakumar, Engg. Officer
Grade 4 was also honoured with
“Best Executive” for the year 20062007. The award consisted of a cash
prize of Rs. 5000/- each and
certificate. The above prizes were
gave away by Shri. P. Balaram,
Director, Indian Institute of Science.
JAN - MAR 2007
The Earthquake Engineering &
Vibration Research Centre (EVRC)
has been serving the nation for last
3 years.
Sl. Title of the Project
I MOU: Seismic Tests on Piping with i
nternal pressure
The division has carried out seismic
qualification tests on Various power
plant equipment and other structures
catering to various equipment
manufacturers and power utilities.
The important ones include
Seismic qualification of Bamboo
based structure – TRADA UK
Cost of
the Project
(Rs. in Lakhs)
3.a) II MoU Project A: Experimental evaluation
of seismic capacity of frame structure
Model is ready - Sine Sweep Tests with
brick walls completed Results are
being analyzed
b) Project B: Evaluation of response of
pressurized pipe elbows & tees subjected
to earthquake motion.
Received the model
c) Project C: Evaluation of the capacities of
cabinetsand limits of component functional
capabilities through Shake Table
Received the model
Building model is ready
MOU signed
420kV, SF6 Gas Circuit Breaker
36 kV Outdoor Vacuum Circuit
III MoUSeismic Proving tests on APSARA
reactor building model Dampers
Static Excitation Equipment
1800 KVA, 6.6/0.433 kV Dry Type
Cast Resin Transformer
IV MOU: Stability of glove box under
earthquake loading
Draft MOU submitted to BARC
Approval awaited
145 kV Current Transformer
I MOU: Extension - Seismic Tests on Piping 8.00
with internal pressure (Ratcheingwith/without
BRNS Project - Collaborative project
with NITK- Earthquake Response
Characteristics of Masonry Infill Panels
Project proposal
submitted for
BRNS Project - Collaborative project
with NITK- Dynamic Soil -Structure
Interaction Effects in Multistorey Structures
Project proposal submitted for
BRNS Project - Collaborative project
with MTD- Development of friction dampers
Project proposal under submission
In addition to testing activity, EVRC has
taken up several sponsored R & D and
consultancy Projects which are under
progress. Apart from this, Four project
proposals has been submitted for
approval with BRNS.
Details of projects are as follows :
JAN - MAR 2007
CPRI welcomes interested Utilities, Academic Institutions to come forward and
make use of this facility by way of collaborative research/sponsored projects.
Lecture on Values in Work Culture & Work Ethics in Kannada
For motivating the employees to learn the
values and ethics in working place, the
lecture on “Values in Work Culture & Work
Ethics” was delivered by the Shri M Sundar
Simha, Director of Academy of Human
Excellence and Development, Bangalore.
On the occasion of Central Excise Day
on 24 th February 2007 CPRI, STDS,
Bhopal has been felicitated for
contributing highest service tax to the
Government exchequer during the year
The Director, CPRI, has received the
Shield and Appreciation Certificate
presented by the Department during
the “Excise Day” Function organized at
BHEL Cultural hall, Bhopal on 24 th
February 2007.
A team of Journalists from Agarthala visited CPRI along with officers from PIB,
Bangalore on 23rd March 2007.Shri. S. Sridhar, Additional Director received them
at CPRI. Shri. P.K. Kolnolkar, Director briefed about the facilities available at CPRI.
The Team also visited some of the Laboratories of CPRI.
CPRI Colony welfare committee and colony
women’s welfare committee jointly
organized colony day on 18th February
2007. On the occasion sports events for
the colony residents and their children
were arranged and winner of this events
received prizes on the colony Day. Children
from colony participated in cultural
programs and the programs were well
appreciated by the audience. Shri. A.K.
Tripathy, Director General, CPRI and Shri.
P.K. Kognolkar, Director gave away the
JAN - MAR 2007
prizes to the winner of sports events. Smt.
Mamatha Tripathy, Chairman, colony
women welfare committee spoke on the
CPRI develops PVC based FRLS Cable Sheathing and Insulation Material
By Dr.P.V.Reddy
will burn and can cause a fire to spread
rapidly. Although polyvinyl chloride is
inherently flame - retardant, its
compositions represent one of the largest
markets for flame retardant applications.
Polymeric Electric Cables are designed to
carry power for long distances and can act
as pathway along which fire can travel and
spread. The causes for fire could be due
to electrical malfunction, faults, arcing,
lightning, switching surges, overloading,
heating of conductor joints, inadequate
ventilation, etc. Fires involving these cables
may cause the loss of life, as well as
damage to the facilities and equipment.
In order to avoid such disasters, the
demand has arisen for improved flameretardant cables and to reduce not only
flame propagation but also smoke and
toxic emission. The flammability
characteristics of polymeric materials used
in cable insulation and jacketing have been
of great importance to the electrical
industry over the years. Electric cables
under fire may assist the spread of flames
and produce smoke and toxic fumes. More
recently research has been going on in
cables which evolve reduced levels of
smoke and toxic fumes.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) is being used
abundantly for insulation and sheathing
of electric cables. In a fire situation normal
PVC cables will burn only with difficulty,
but in certain conditions, for example
when cables are installed vertically, PVC
RSOP Meeting
The RSOP Expert Committee meeting was
held on 22nd January 2007 to consider new
research project proposals from various
organizations for funding under RSOP. The
committee also reviewed the progress of
the ongoing RSOP projects, which are in
various stages of implementation at
different organizations.
JAN - MAR 2007
In unplasticized form, PVC is flameretardant due to its high chlorine content
(approximately 57 %). When PVC is
compounded with Aromatic ester
plasticizers and other modifiers, the
resultant compositions will usually be
combustible. One kg of soft PVC when
subjected to fire will emit 360 gm of HCl
gas, which when dissolved in water, results
in one litre of concentrated smoking
hydrochloric acid. The flammability of
plasticized PVC can be controlled by the
use of suitable additives. In order to impart
flame retardance with low smoke
characteristics, and to minimise toxic gas
formation during burning of PVC
compound, additives involving elements
like chlorine, phosphorous, antimony,
alloys, inorganic compounds, coordination
as well as several organometallic
compounds are used. Low melting
sulphate glass has been identified as an
effective fire and smoke-retarding additive
for PVC.
Award of PG DBM Certificate
Management Development Institute,
Gurgaon conducted PGDBM : Energy
Management Programme which is fully
sponsored by CPRI, Ministry of Power,
Govt. of India and USAID. Shri P. Chandhra
Sekhar, E.O. IV and Shri S. Sudhakar Reddy,
E.O. IV attended the aboue programme,
successfully completed and received
certificates from N.K. Singh, Chairman of
Board of Governors, MDI and former
Finance Secretary, Govt. of India at the
Covocation held on 6th March, 2007 at
MDI campus, Gurgaon. Shri Nandan
Nilekani, MD of Infosys was the Chief
Hearty Congratulations to Shri P. Chandhra
Sekhar and Shri S. Sudhakar Reddy.
Polymer Laboratory of CPRI has carried out
extensive investigations in the field of
flame retardant low smoke material for
cable insulation and sheathing
applications. Compositions have been
developed based on, patented technology
based on transition metal based low
melting sulphate glass along with other
additives. Scale up studies have been
carried out with the assistance of DSIR
under PATSER scheme and Technology has
been developed based on PVC for Flame
Retardant Low smoke cable applications.
This development is unique in nature by
obtaining special properties like less
smoke, high oxygen index without toxic
chemicals in the formulation. This
technology is cheaper than the
commercially available material in the
market & has many advantages in terms
of environmental requirements and
suitable recommendations are being made
to BIS for inclusion of these FRLS
requirements in the relevant standards
CPRI has also got facility to evaluate FRLS
Cables for Toxicity, smoke properties,
oxygen index, Flame retardant etc.
Engineering Officer Gr.3,
Energy Conservation &
Development Division,
CPRI, Bangalore, has
passed the National
Certification Examination
and viva voce for Energy
Auditors held in 2006 by Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, New
Delhi. He is qualified as Certified Energy
Manager as well as Certified Energy
Auditor. He shall be entitled to practice as
Energy Auditor under the Energy
Conservation Act 2001.
Sl. Proposed Title
No. of the Program
National Workshop
on knowledge
Monitoring and
through renovation
and modernization
of power plant and
Process Industries
Month / Year
19-20 April 07
9-10 July 07
Name of the Coordinator
Shri R. Gavirangappa, SO-5,
IT&ID, CPRI, P.O. Box No. 8066
New Bel Road, Bangalore - 80
Email : [email protected]
Ph.: (080) 2360 0045
By invitation
Shri P. Muniyappa, AD-TRC,
Chindwara Road, Near MSEB
Pole factory, Koradi-441 111
Email : vsld [email protected]
Ph.: (07109) 262 255
Rs. 1500/-
Programme on
Test Facilities
23-27 July 07
National Seminar
on Distribution
22-24 Aug. 07
Shri N. Murugesan, EO-4, IT&ID,
CPRI, P.O.Box No. 8066,
New BEL Road, Bangalore - 80
Email : [email protected]
Ph : (080) 2360 2919
Training Course
on “Transformer
Oil Testing”
24-28 Sept. 07
Shri D. Ravindra, SO-IV, DMD,
CPRI, P.O. Box No. 8066,
New BEL Road, Bangalore - 80
Email : [email protected]
Ph.: (080) 23602526
Conference on
materials in power
(ICPMPE 2007)
4-6 Oct. 07
workshop on
“Latest trends in
Design & testing
of transmission
line accessories”
15-16 Dec.07
Conference on
Power Systems
12-14 Dec. 07
Dr. P.V. Balasubramanyam, JD,
CCAR, CPRI, P.O.Box No. 8066,
New BEL Road, Bangalore - 80
Email : [email protected]
Ph : (080) 2360 1399
Conference on
20-22 Feb. 08
Shri N. Murugesan, EO-4,
IT&ID, CPRI, P.O. Box No. 8066,
New BEL Road, Bangalore - 80
Email : [email protected]
Ph: (08) 2360 2919
JAN - MAR 2007
Course Fee
Shri S. Sridhar, Ad, MPPD, CPRI,
P.O. Box No. 8066,
New BEL Road, Bangalore - 80
Email :
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ph.: (080) 2360 4447
Dr. K.T. Varughese SO-IV,
CPRI, P.O. Box No. 8066,
New BEL Road, Bangalore - 80
Email : [email protected]
Ph : (080) 23602525
Shri M. Selvaraj, EO-3 MED,
CPRI, P.O.Box No. 8066,
New BEL Road, Bangalore - 80
Email : [email protected]
Ph : (080) 2360 4664
Rs. 6000/-@
Rs. 8000/-+
Rs. 10,000/-(I)
Rs. 8000/-(U)
Rs. 6000/-(A)
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 6000/-
Rs. 7000/-(I)
Rs. 6000/-(A)
Rs. 3000/-(S)
Rs. 2000/-I
Rs. 10,000/-(I)
Rs. 8000/- (U)
Rs. 6000/-(A)
gr.nr.Ama.AmB©. ^monmb _| Q´>mÝg\$m°_©a Vob narjU à`moJembm H$m
CX²KmQ>Z gm_mamoh gånÝZ hþAm
Ho$ÝÐr` {dÚwV AZwg§YmZ g§ñWmZ, ^monmb _| lr gyaO
{ednwar, AÜ`j Ed§ à~§Y {ZXoeH$, _Ü` àXoe _Ü`
joÌ {dÚwV {dVaU H$ånZr {b{_Q>oS>, ^monmb H$s
AÜ`jVm _| _hm {ZXoeH$, Ho$ÝÐr` {dÚwV AZwg§YmZ
g§ñWmZ Ho$ H$a H$_bm| Ûmam Q´>mÝg\$m°_©a Vob narjU
à`moJembm H$m CX²KmQ>Z {H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ& Bg Adga na
lr Ama. Ho$. Vbdma, _hm à~§YH$, ~r.EM.B©.Eb. ^monmb
{deof A{V{W Ho$ ê$n _| CnpñWV hþEŸ&
Bg g_mamoh _| Xoe Ho$ {d{^ÝZ {dÚwV H$ån{Z`m|, nmda
ñQ>oeZ, ~r.EM.B©.Eb. aoëdo Am¡a {dÚwV CnH$aU ~ZmZo
dmbr H$ån{Z`m| Ho$ gå_mZZr` A{V{W`m| Ho$ gmW g§ñWmZ
Ho$ g^r A{YH$m[a`m| Ed§ H$_©Mm[a`m| Zo ^mJ {b`mŸ& lr
nr.Ho$. H$mo¾moobH$a, {ZXoeH$ Zo ñdmJV ^mfU {X`mŸ& _hm
{ZXoeH$ Zo AnZo CX²KmQ>Z ^mfU _| Q´>mÝg\$m°_©a Vob
narjU à`moJembm H$s Xoe Ho$ _Ü` joÌ _| Amdí`H$Vm
Ho$ ~mao _| ~Vm`mŸ& lr Jm¡V_ goZJwßVm, Ana {ZXoeH$,
Eg Q>r S>r Eg Zo Vob narjU à`moJembm _| CnbãY ZB©
narjU gw{dYmAm| Ed§ BZOu_rQ>a narjU n«`moJembm
_| CnbãY B©.E_.AmB©./B©.Eg.gr. narjU gw{dYmAm|
Ho$ ~mao _| AdJV H$am`mŸ&
lr gyaO {ednwar, AÜ`j Ed§ à~§Y {ZXoeH$, _Ü`
àXoe _Ü` joÌ {dÚwV {dVaU H$ånZr {b{_Q>oS>, ^monmb
Zo AnZo AÜ`jr` ^mfU _| Q´>mÝg\$m°_©a H$s AdñW H$s
{ZXmZH$mar Om°M H$aZm Ed§ g_` na Q´>mÝg\$m°_©a Ho$
_aå_V Ho$ {bE H$m`©dmhr H$aZo Ho$ _hËd na Omoa {X`mŸ&
lr Ama. Ho$. Vbdma, _hm à~§YH$, ~r.EM.B©.Eb,
^monmb Zo CZHo$ ^mfU _| nmda goŠQ>a _| gr.nr.Ama.AmB©.
Ho$ _hËd Ho$ g§~§Y _| ~Vm`mŸ& lr E_.Eb. CÝhmbo,
Ana {ZXoeH$ Zo YÝ`dmX àñVmd {X`mŸ&
gr.nr.Ama.AmB©. Zo g§ñWmZ {Xdg _Zm`m
Ho$ÝÐr` {dÚwV AZwgY§ mZ g§ñWmZ, pñdM{J`a narjU
VWm {dH$mg Ho$ÝÐ, Jmo{dÝXnwam, ^monmb _| àË`oH$
df© H$s ^m°§{V Bg df© ^r AnZm g§ñWmZ {Xdg 16
OZdar 2007 (_§Jbdma)H$mo H$m`m©b` n[aga _|
_Zm`mŸ& Bg g§ñWmZ H$s ñWmnZm 1960 _| hþB© Wr
Ed§ Bg g§ñWm H$mo ñdm`ËV g§ñWm Ho$ ê$n _| {XZm§H$
16 OZdar 1978 H$mo nwZJ©{R>V {H$`m J`mŸ&
g§ñWmZ _| {d{^ÝZ AZwg§YmZ à`moJembm`| VWm
narjU g§`ÝÌ ñWm{nV h¡ {Og_| AZoH$m| àH$ma Ho$
{dÚwV CnH$aUm| H$m narjU Am¡a AZwg§YmZ H$m`© _|
Cn`moJ {H$`m OmVm h¡Ÿ&
JAN - MAR 2007
^monmb BH$mB© _| _w»`V… à`moJembm`| 1500 E_ dr E
bKw n[anW narjU à`moJembm, Mmby bmBZ narjU
Ho$ÝÐ, Vmnd¥{Õ narjU à`moJembm, VWm CÀM dmoëQ>Vm
à`moJembm Ed§ BZOu _rQ>a narjU à`moJembm ñWm{nV
g§ñWmZ {Xdg g_mamoh Ho$ Cnbú` _| Am`mo{OV H$m`©H$« _
_| _w»` A{V{W lr E. Ho$. Xdo, _hmà~§YH$ (Q>r.gr.~r.
CËnmXZ) ~r.EM.B©. Eb ^monmb Ûmam “Q´>mÝg\$m°_©adV©_mZ n[aX¥í`” {df` na ì`m»`mZ {X`mŸ& CÝhm|Zo
AnZo ^mfU _| amîQ´> Ho$ {dÚwV joÌ _| dV©_mZ n[aX¥í`
Ed§ nmda Q´>mÝg\$m°_a© Ho$ dV©_mZ pñW{V Ho$ ~mao _| OmZH$mar
{X`m Omo {H$ {dÚwV joÌ Ho$ CÚmoJm| Ho$ {bE ~hþV bm^
Xm`H$ h¡Ÿ& gå_mZZr` A{V{W S>m°. {dO`m nJmao,
à{gÕ h¥X` amoJ Ed§ _Yw_oh {deofk Ûmam “{ZdmaH$
Am¡f{Y`m§°” na ì`m»`mZ {X`m J`mŸ& CÝhm|Zo _Yw_oh
Ed§ h¥X` amoJm| go ~MZo hoVw Cnm`m| H$m gwPmd {X`mŸ&
Bg Adga na ~r.EM.B© . Eb, Ama.Ama.Eb,
E_.nr.B©.~r.Ed§ AÝ` g§ñWmZm| Ho$ JU_mÝ` A{V{W`m|
Ho$ gmW-gmW {d{^ÝZ g_mMma nÌm| Ho$ à{V{Z{Y`m|
Ed§ H$m`m©b` Ho$ g_ñV ñQ>m\$ gXñ` CnpñWV WoŸ&
lr Jm¡V_ goZJwßVm, Ana {ZXoeH$ Zo AnZo ñdmJV
^mfU _| gr.nr.Ama.AmB© H$s J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ ~mao _|
OmZH$mar XrŸ& YÝ`dmX àñVmd lr E_.Eb.CÝhmbo,
g§`wŠV {ZXoeH$ Ûmam {X`m J`mŸ&
AmB© Eg Amo 9001 go gr nr Ama AmB© H$m {ZînmXZ gwYam
EZ Eg _mohZamd, gr nro O`am_
àñVmdZm :
EH$ XeH$ go ^r nhbo AmB© B© gr / AmB© Eg Amo 17025
Ho$ _wVm{~H$ àË`m`Z H$s {d{eîQ>Vm àmßV H$aZo dmbr
àW_ àYmZ d¡ÚwV à`moJembmAm| _| gr nr Ama AmB© ^r
EH$ h¡Ÿ& gr nr Ama AmB© H$s ~|Jbya, ^monmb VWm h¡Xam~mX
pñWV g^r à`moJembmE± Bg JwUVm _mZH$ Ho$ AZwgma
g_w{MV àboIZ aIVm h¡ VWm _mnZ A§Vam©îQ´>r` _mZH$m|
Ho$ _wVm{~H$ h¡Ÿ& gmW hr ~|Jbya VWm ^monmb pñWV gr nr
Ama AmB© H$s à`moJembmE± g§K amÁ` Ho$ AñQ>m {~Am~
Ûmam àË`m{`V h¢ VWm gr nr Ama AmB© _| narjU H$amZo
go AmñQ>m à_mUnÌ / [anmoQ>}§ Omar H$s Om gH$Vr h¡Ÿ&
A_o[aH$m H$m `y Eb VWm H$ZmS>m H$m gr Eg E Zo gr nr
Ama AmB© H$s Hw$N> gw{dYmAm| H$m AZw_moXZ {H$`m h¡ŸŸ&
{ZåZ dmoëQ>Vm pñdM{J`a VWm {Z`§ÌU {J`a Ho$ {bE
AmB© B© gr B© B© gr ~r `moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V gr nr Ama AmB©
gr ~r narjU à`moJembm ^r h¡Ÿ&
BZ JwUVm _mZH$m| Ho$ AZwdV©Z Zo gr nr Ama AmB© H$s
à{VîR>m H$mo Ho$db ^maV _| hr Zht {H$ÝVw E{e`m VWm
Am{àH$m Ho$ AÝ` Xoem| _| ^r ~T>m`m h¡ Ed§ dfm] Ho$ Xm¡amZ
gr nr Ama AmB© H$s A§Vam©îQ´>r` narjU _m±J CëboIZr`
ê$n go ~T>Vr Om ahr h¡Ÿ&
narjU VWm à_mUrH$aU Ho$ Abmdm, gr nr Ama AmB©
{ZåZ joÌm| _| nam_e© H$m`© ^r ñdrH$maVm h¡, O¡go d¡ÚwV
e{ŠV CnñH$a H$m pñW{V _mZrQ>aZ, Vmn e{º$ Ho$ÝÐm|
H$m eof Am`w _yë`m§H$Z, D$Om© narjm, {Zñ`§XH$m| H$m
A{^H$ën VWm hm_m}{ZH$s _mnZ, e{º$ {dVaU ZoQ>dH©$
Ho$ àdY©Z VWm AmYw{ZH$sH$aU Ho$ {bE nyU© B§Or{Z`ar
g_mYmZ CnbãY H$amZm Am{XŸ& e{º$ B§Or{Z`ar Ho$
joÌ _| AZwg§YmZ gånÞ H$aZo Ho$ {bE gr nr Ama AmB©
Xoe _| EH$ Ho$ÝÐH$ A{^H$aU h¡Ÿ& gr nr Ama AmB© Ho$db
{dÚwV joÌ go g§~Õ emoY n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo hr Zht
ñdrH$maVm, {H$ÝVw Xoe _| AÝ`m| Ûmam gånÞ AZwg§YmZ
n[a`mo O ZmAm| Ho $ g_Ýd`Z go ^r Ow S > m h¢ Ÿ & BZ
{H«$`mH$bmnm| Ho$ {bE, _m.g§ {d VWm H«$` {H«$`mH$bmnm|
JAN - MAR 2007
H$mo ^r {_bmH$a AmB© Eg Amo à_mUZ H$s Anojm gr nr
Ama AmB© aIVm WmŸ& VXZwgma BZ g^r {H«$`mH$bmnm| Ho$
{bE EZ dr Q>r - H$s_m go AmB© Eg Amo 9001:2000
à_mUZ H$mo àmßV H$aZo H$m à`mg gr nr Ama AmB© Zo
{H$`mŸ& gr nr Ama AmB© Zo 6 _mhm| H$s bKw Ad{Y _|
à_mU nÌ àmßV H$aZo _| g\$b ahm VWm `h à_mU nÌ
OZdar 2006 _| àXmZ {H$`m J`mŸ&
g^r nam_e©, emoY VWm g§~Õ {H«$`mH$bmn A~ AmB©
Eg Amo 9001:2000 A§Vam©îQ´>r` _mZH$ Ûmam {d{Z{X©îQ>
>JwUVm _mZH$m| Ho$ AZwgma g»Vr go gånÞ {H$`m Om
ahm h¡Ÿ&
AmB© Eg Amo 9001:2000 Ho$ {H«$`mÝd`Z Ho$ H¡$go
{ZînmXZ H$mo gwYam h¡
AmB© Eg Amo 9001:2000 Ho$ {H«$`mÝd`Z H$s n«ma§{^H$
AdñWmAm| _| Amdí`H$ àboIZ VWm {ZåZ g^r JwUVm
g§~§Yr H$m`m] H$mo ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ ^m¡{VH$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE
ñQ>m\$ H$s ~hþV H$mo{eem| H$s Amdí`H$Vm WrŸ& VWm{n,
dfm] Ho$ Xm¡amZ, `h {H«$`mH$bmn {Z`{_V ~Zm VWm Bg
{H«$`mH$bmn Ho$ H$m`m©Ýd`Z Ho$ H$m`© àdmh _| EH$sH¥$V
~Zm h¡Ÿ&
XoIm J`m h¡ {H$, à_mUZ Ho$ ~mX àñVw{V H$s JwUVm _|
CëboIZr` A§Va Am`m h¡Ÿ& AmB© Eg Amo 9001:2000
H$m H$m`m©Ýd`Z gr nr Ama AmB© Ho$ 9 {d{^Þ EH$H$m|/
à^mJm| _| {H$`m Om ahm h¡Ÿ& hmb H$s EH$ ~¡R>H$ _| g^r
H$m`m©Ýd`Z VH©$ EH$H$m|/à^mJm| go H$hm J`m {H$ do Bg
H$m`m©Ýd`Z Ho$ ~mX XoIo JE gwYmam| Ho$ ~mao _| AnZo
{dMma noe H$a|Ÿ& g^r g§~§{YVm| H$m `h gd©_V Wm {H$
Bg {H«$`mÝd`Z Zo H$m`© H$mo A{YH$ j_Vm Ed§
ì`mdgm{`H$ ar{V go gånÝÝm H$aZo _| _XX H$s h¡Ÿ&
g§ñWmZ Ho$ Hw$N> EH$H$m|/à^mJm| Ho$ {dMmam| Ho$ gma, {OÝhm|Zo
AmB© Eg Amo à_mUZ àmßV {H$`m h¡Ÿ&
S>r gr gr S>r
J«mhH$ nwZ{Z©doe Zo J«mhH$m| H$s godm _| n`m©ßV
gwYma Xem©`m h¡Ÿ& _yë`m§H$Z Zo nam_e© à{H«$`m H$mo
gwì`dpñWV ~Zm`m h¡Ÿ&
J«mhH$m| go 96.25% g§Vw{îQ> gyMH$m§H$
nam_e© {H«$`mH$bmn Ho$ {bE AmB© Eg Amo à_mUZ
Zo à{V{îR>V H$m`© AmXoem| H$mo àmßV H$aZo _| _XX
H$s h¡Ÿ&
B© dr Ama gr
àUmbr à{H«$`m H$s ì`m{ßV _| A§em§H$Z, AZwajU
VWm à{ejU bmE JE h¢Ÿ&
_m{gH$ g_rjm go nam_e© à{H«$`m H$m _mZrQ>aZ,
{Z`§ÌU VWm g§emoYZ {H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ&
à{H«$`m H$s$ {d{Y_mÝ`Vm {díbofU Ho$ à`moJ go
{H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ&
nr Eg S>r
S>mQ>m H$s gmPoXmar Ho$ \$bñdê$n H$m`© g_` KQ>
_m[gH$ g_rjm Ho$ H$maU JË`mdamoYm| H$mo nhMmZm
J`m h¡, OZ e{º$ H$s BîQ>V_ V¡ZmVr
hmS©d`o a / gm\²$Q>d`o a g§gmYZm| H$s H$mb gmPoXmar
AmB© Q>r Ed§ AmB© S>r
{eH$m`V XO© H$aZm H§$ånyQ>arH¥$VŸ&
g^r à^mJm| / EH$H$m| H$mo Am_ Vm¡a na [anmoQ>© {H$E JE
gwYmam| _| em{_b Wo, _mZH$ ànÌm| àbo{IV à{H«$`mAm|
H$m Cn`moJ… nwZ{Z©doe VWm {Z`§ÌU, Ho$ H$maU _m{gH$
g_rjm Zo {H«$`mH$bmnm| H$mo gwYam h¡Ÿ& g^r _mnZm| H$mo
A§em§{H$V CnñH$a go hr {H$`m J`mŸ& H$m`© H$s g_J«
Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ J«mhH$ H$mo Ho$ÝÐ q~Xw ~Zm`m J`mŸ& grIo
JE gwYmam| H$mo ^{dî` H$s n[a`moOZmAm| Ho$ {hV Ho$ {bE
àbo{IV {H$`m J`mŸ& Am§V[aH$ narjm Zo à^mJm| / EH$H$m|
_| àUmbr H$mo AmJo Am¡a ì`wËnÞ H$aZo Am¡a gwYmaZo _|
_XX H$sŸ&
^maV _| nhbr ~ma 500 kVAR, 8.4kV {ZYm©aU Ho$ nyU© Am_mn e§Q> g§Ym[aÌ na
àñVmdZm :
gr nr Ama AmB©, ~|Jbya H$s e{º$ g§Ym[aÌ à`moJembm
Zo Xoe Ho$ A§Xa Am¡a ~mha Ho$ g§Ym[aÌ {Z_m©VmAm| H$s
Amdí`H$VmAm| H$s ny{V© Ho$ {bE gdm©©Yw{ZH$ gw{dYmAm|
H$mo ñWm{nV {H$`m h¡ Vm{H$ e§Q> g§Ym[aÌ, loUr g§Ym[aÌ,
àmoËH$f© g§ajm g§Ym[aÌ, _moQ>a g§Ym[aÌ, n§Im g§Ym[aÌ,
à{VXr{ßVerb Zbr g§Ym[aÌ, Am{X Ho$ Vm¡a na
AZwà`moJdmbo e{º$ g§Ym[aÌm| Ho$ emoY, narjU VWm
_yë`m§H$Z hmo gHo$Ÿ& narjUm| H$m g§MmbZ amîQ´>r` VWm
A§Vam©îQ´>r` _mZH$m| Ho$ _wVm{~H$ Am¡a J«mhH$m| H$s
Amdí`H$Vm Ho$ AZwgma ^r {H$`m OmVm h¡Ÿ&
à`moJembm H$s Hw$N> _hËdnyU© narjU gw{dYmAm| H$s
gyMr ZrMo àñVwV h¡ :
(H$) g_mZ§mVa AZwZmX n[aUm{_Ì {OgH$m {ZYm©aU h¡
: 50/40/30/20 kV {XîQ> Ymam 6.8 mkVA
(I) g_mZm§Va AZwZmX n[aUm{_Ì {OgH$m {ZY©aU h¡
: 70 kV {X.Km. 1750 kVA
(J) EM dr S>r gr òmoV 150kV 500mA
(K) loUr g§Ym[aÌm| Ho$ {bE {dgO©Z Ymam narjU
(L>) {ÌH$br` n[aUm{_Ì : 975kVA, 2.5kV {X
(M) CÀM `WmW©Vm Ym[aVm / Q>mZ S>oëQ>m goVwE± :
`WmW©Vm: 2x10xE-6
(N>) _mZH$ g§Ym[aÌ 1000 pF, 25kV
d¡ÚwV ghZ narjU
(Q>) {ZåZ {ZYm©aU H$m AmdoJ O{ZÌ: C.dmo. g§Ym{aÌm|
Ho$ {bE 500kV 15kJ
(S>) 500 MHz g§J«hH$ XmobZXeu, ñH$monH$mS>©a VWm ñH$mon - _rQ>a
(R>) 35 kV {ZYm©aU H$m AmdoJ O{ZÌ, {Z dmo
g§Ym[aÌm| Ho$ {bE 100 Owëg
(T>) hm_m©o{ZH$ O{ZÌ 6kVA, 570V VH$,
{ÌH$br`, hm_m©{o ZH$ OZZ 24dt loUr VH$
g§Ym[aÌm| H$m àH$ma VWm loUr Ed§ narjU Ho$ {bE g§X^© _mZH$ Ho$ gmW ZrMo gyMr~Õ h¢ :
A{YH$V_ {ZYm©aU
C.dmo. e§Q> g§Ym[aÌ
(Zo_r VWm àê$n narjUm| Ho$
C.dmo. loUr> g§§Ym[aÌ
(ghZ narjU Ho$ {bE)
3500 kVAR. 16 kV, 50mF
IS 13925 pt 1- 1998
IEC 871 pt 1 - 2005
IEEE Std. 18 - 2002
1000 kVAR. 20 kV, 8mF
1000 kVAR. 9 kV, 50mF
IS 13925 Pt 2 - 2002
IEC 60871 Pt 2 - 1999
IEC 60143 - 1 : 2004
C.dmo. e§Q> g§Ym[aÌ
(Zo_r VWm àê$n narjUm| Ho$
C.dmoŸ loUr g§Ym[aÌ
(erV H$_© narjU Ho$ {bE)
C.dmo. àmoËH$f© g§ajm Ho$ {bE
3500 kVAR. 20 kV, 50mF
IEC 60143-3 : 1998
100 kVAR. 16 kV, 12mF
IEC 60143 - 1 : 2004
IEC 60143 - 3 : 1998
0.125 MFD, 40kV
IS 11548 - 1986
(_mM© 2006 _| nwZ : nwîQ>)
d¡ÚwV ghZ narjU
{Z dmo _moQ>a g§Ym[aÌ
100x10MFD, 440 V ac
IS 2993 pt - 1998
IEC 60252 - 1 - 2001
{Z dmo n§Im _moQ>a g§Ym[aÌ
100x10MFD, 440 V ac
IS 1709 pt - 1984
(_mM© 2006 _| nwZ: nwîQ>)
(Amendment No. 2)
àXrnZ Ho$ {bE {Z. dmo. g§Ym[aÌ
100x10MFD, 440 V ac
(O) 5000 A VH$ n[aewÕ Ymam Vwb{ZÌ
IS 1569 pt - 1976
(2001 _| nwZ: nwîQ>)
IEC 61048:1991
IEC 61049:1991
(P) VßV dm`w ^Q²>Q>r 1.8m x 1.8m x 2.0m
(Mm¡ x J x D±$) 150oC H$m, n[adoer `Wm`©Vm
: 1oC
{Z dmo e{º$ g§Ym[aÌ ñd
CnMmar àH$ma
150 kVAR, 600 V ac
IS 13340:1993, IS 13341: 1992
IEC 60831 (Pt.1):2004
IEC 60831 (Pt.2):1995
(Äm) Obdm`w H$j : Am_mn - 2.00m x 2.20m x
2.50m (Mm¡ x J x D±$) Vmn_mZ 70oC to
{Z dmo e{º$ g§Ym[aÌ J¡a
CnMmar àH$ma
150 kVAR, 440 V ac
IS 13585 -1:1994
IEC 60931 (Pt.1) : 1996
IEC 60931 (Pt.2) :1995
IEC 60931 (Pt.3) : 1996
100oC ± 1oC 10% to 95% ± 2% RH
JAN - MAR 2007
ghZ narjU :
n[anW {d`moOH$ àMmbZm| Ho$ Xm¡amZ g§Ym[aÌ ~¢H$
A{Zdm`©V`m pñdMZ j{UH$VmAm| H$mo _hgyg H$aVo
h¢Ÿ& {dœgZr` àMmbZ Ho$ {bE, g§Ym[aÌ ~¢H$m| H$m
A{^H$ën Eogm hmo {H$ do Eogr j{UH$VmAm| H$mo ~Xm©íV
H$a gHo$Ÿ& Amdí`H$ h¡ {H$ e{º$ g§Ym[aÌ pñdMZ
àMmbZm| Ho$ H$maU CËnÞ Hw$N> A{YdmoëQ>VmAm| H$mo
AmB© B© B© B© 18 VWm AmB© B© gr 60871 -1 Ho$
_wVm{~H$ ~Xm©íV H$a| Ÿ& g§Ym[aÌ H$m _hËdnyU© õmg
bmE ~J¡a ~Xm©íV H$s Om gH$Zo dmbr A{Y dmoëQ>VmAm|
H$m Am`m_ CZH$s Ad{Y VWm AZwà`moJm| H$s g§»`m
na {Z^©a H$aVm h¡Ÿ& j{UH$ A{YdmoëQ>Vm MH«$m| Ho$
AYrZ g§Ym[aÌm| H$m {ZînmXZ VWm XrKm©d{Y
{ZînmXZ H$mo Om±MZo Ho$ {bE AmB© B© gr 8712:1999 Ho$ _wVm{~H$ ghZ narjU EH$ _hËdnyU©
narjU {gÕ hþAm h¡Ÿ&
gw{dYmAm| Ho$ CÞ`Z go nyd©, gr nr Ama AmB© H$s
narjU gw{dYmE± AmB© B© gr 871-^mJ 2 Ho$ _wVm{~H$
A{YH$V_ 200 kVAR 7.3 kV Ho$ {ZYm©aU
VH$ gånÌ H$aZo Ho$ gj_ Wr& g§Ym[aÌ {Z_m©VmAm|
go gr nr Ama AmB© 200 kVAR Ho$ D$na VWm
700 kVAR VH$ d CgH$mo ^r gpå_{bV H$aVo
hþE `y{ZQ> {ZYm©aU Ho$ g§Ym[aÌm| Ho$ ghZ narjU Ho$
AZwamoY àmßV H$a ahm WmŸ& `Ú{n dmoëQ>Vm òmoV
gr_mAm| Ho$ H$maU ~Xm©íV narjU Ho$ {bE {ZXe©
EH$H$m| (30 kVAR Ý`yZV_ H$m narjU AmB© B©
gr 60871-2 Ho$ A§VJ©V hmoJm, gr nr Ama AmB©
H$m AZw^d Xem©Vm h¡ {H$ A{YH$m§e _m_bm| _| 400
kVAR VWm D$na Ho$ {ZYm©aU Ho$ nyU© Am_mn Ho$
EH$H$m| H$s VwbZm _| {ZXe© EH$H$m| Ho$ {ZînmXZ H$m
~m{hd|fZ H${R>Z h¡Ÿ&
Cnamoº$ Ho$ g§X^© _o§, 1000 kVAR H$mo {_bmH$a
d VH$ Ho$ {ZYm©aU Ho$ nyU© Am_mn g§Ym[aÌm| na
ghZ narjU H$s Amdí`H$Vm H$mo Ü`mZ _| aIVo
hþE narjU gw{dYmAm| H$m g_w{MV CÞ`Z {H$`m
J`m h¡Ÿ& ghZ narjU H$s àYmZ gw{dYmAm| _|
em{_b h¡ àmoËH$f© àmoJ«m_a VWm Obdm`w H$j `wº$
JAN - MAR 2007
6800 kVA, 50-40-30-20 kV g_mZm§Va
AZwZmXr n[aUm{_Ì C.dmo. nrjU ñWb H$s Pm±H$s
{MÌ 1 _| Xem©`m J`m h¡Ÿ&
_ogg© E ~r ~r, ~|Jbya Ho$ AZwamoY na, AmB© B© gr
60871 ^mJ 2 : 1999 Ho$ AZwgaU _| 500
kVAR, 8.4 kV {ZYm©aU Ho$ nyU© Am_mn g§Ym[aÌ
`y{ZQ> na ghZ narjU g§nÞ {H$`m J`mŸ&
narjU H$m H«$_ {ZåZmZwgma :
1. A{Y dmoëQ>Vm AmdV©Z narjU
H$) 4.3 Un {XîQ>Ymam na 10 g|H$S>m| Ho$ {bE
A§VH$m| Ho$ ~rM Zo_r dmoëQ>Vm narjU
I) 16 K§Q>m| Ho$ {bE Ý`yVZ_ 1.1 Un {XîQ> Ymam
VWm n[adoer Vmn_mZ na AZwHy$bZ
J) 75oC na àma§{^H$ Ym[aVm VWm Q>mZS>oëQ>m
K) A{Y dmoëQ>Vm MH«$s` narjU (Amo dr gr) :
g§Ym[aÌ H$mo 5oC na 12 K§Q>m| (Ý`yZV_) Ho$
{bE AZwHy$b ~Zm`m J`m VWm {ZåZmZwgma
A{YdmoëQ>Vm MH«$sU Ho$ AYrZ aIm J`m :
L>) g§Ym[aÌm H$mo Zã~o g|H$S>m| H$s Ad{Y Ho$ {bE
1.1 Un {XîQ> Ymam H$s dmoëQ>Vm na D$Om©{`V
{H$`m J`mŸ& 1.5 {_ZQ>m| Ho$ A§V _|. 15 ± 2
MH«$m| H$s Ad{Y Ho$ {bE 2.25 Un àË`mdVt
Ymam H$s dmoëQ>Vm H$m AZwà`moJ {H$`m J`m Ÿ&
15 ± 2 MH«$m| Ho$ Vwa§V ~mX 1.1 H$s dmoëQ>Vm
H$mo ~ZmE aIm J`mŸ& `h EH$ A{YdmoëQ>Vm
Ad{Y H$mo {Zê${nV H$aVm h¡Ÿ& à{V {XZ Eogo
170 A{Y dmoëQ>Vm Ad{Y`m| Ho$ A{YZ
g§Ym[aÌ H$mo aIm J`mŸ& 5 {XZm| Ho$ {bE Amo
dr gr narjU gånÞ {H$E JE, Vm{H$ g§Ym[aÌ
850 A{Y dmoëQ>Vm Ad{Y`m| go JwOa gHo$Ÿ&
AmB© B© gr 60871 ^mJ 2 : 1999 _| `Wm
{d{Z{X©îQ> A{YdmoëQ>Vm Va§J ê$n {MÌ 2 _|
Xem©`m J`m h¡Ÿ&
M) 75oC na Ym[aVm VWm Q>mZS>oëQ>m H$m A§{V_
{Q>ßnUr : T1 Ho$ A{V[aº$ AÝ` H$mb H$mo
narjU Amd¥{Îm Ho$ MH«$m| H$s g§»`mAm| _| ì`º$
{H$`m OmVm h¡Ÿ& T1 Xmo H«${_H$ A{Y dmoëQ>Vm
Ad{Y`m| Ho$ ~rM 1.5 {_ZQ>m| H$s Ad{Y h¡ŸŸ&
{MÌ 3 _| A{YdmoëQ>Vm narjU H$s ì`dñWm
H$m X¥í` h¡Ÿ& Amo dr gr narjU Ho$ {bE gr nr
Ama AmB© _| àmßV {H$`m J`m Va§Jê$n {MÌ 3
_| Xem©`m J`m h¡Ÿ& AMa dmoëQ>Vm VWm
A{YdmoëQ>Vm H$s H$mb Ed§ Am`m_ gr_mE± {MÌ
4 _| Xem©E JE AmB© B© gr Va§Jê$n Ho$ AZwgaU
_| h¡Ÿ&
2. 1000 K§Q>m| Ho$ {bE 1.4 Un {XîQ> Ymam VWm
60oC na H$mb à^mdZ narjU
H$) 4.3 Un à. Ymam na 10 g|H$§S>m| Ho$ {bE
A§VH$m| Ho$ ~rM Zo_r dmoëQ>Vm narjU
I) 75oC na àma§{^H$ Ym[aVm VWm Q>mZ S>oëQ>m
J) 1000 K§Q>m| Ho$ {bE 1.4 Un à.Ymam VWm
60oC na H$mb à^mdZ narjU
K) 75 na Ym[aVm VWm Q>mZ S>ëo Q>m H$m A§{V_ _mnZ
H$mb à^mdZ narjU ì`dñWm H$m X¥í` {MÌ
5 na h¢
gmam§e :
gr nr Ama AmB© Zo g\$bVm nyd©H$ EH$m§H$ {ZYm©aU
go 1000 kVAR VH$ VWm Cgo ^r em{_b H$aVo
hþE nyU© Am_mn g§Ym[aÌm| na EH$m§H$ {ZYm©aU go
1000 kVAR (50 µF) VH$ VWm Cgo ^r em{_b
H$aVo hþE ghZ narjU gånÞ H$aZo Ho$ {bE
gw{dYmAm| H$mo ñWm{nV {H$`m h¡Ÿ& g§Ym[aÌ ~¢H$mo§ H$s
godm {dœgZrV`m H$mo ~T>mZo hoVw gw{dYmAm| H$m
Cn`moJ H$aZo Ho$ {bE g§Ym[aÌ {Z_m©Vm VWm
Cn`mo{JVmE± Am_§{ÌV h¢Ÿ&
A§Vam©ï´>r` H$mamo~ma _| D$Om© godmE§° : ^maV O¡go {dH$mgerb Xoe Ho$ {bE {Z{hVmW©
gwerb Zm`Sw>
>n«ñVmdZm: dm{UpÁ`H$ D$Om© gpå_lU
h_ g~ OmZVo h¢ {H$ D$Om© àmß` hmo, gwbä` hmo VWm
IarXZo Ho$ gm_W© Ho$ A§Xa hmoŸ& qH$Vw h_ AnZo Amn
H$mo gMoV H$a| {H$ `h {^Þ Xoem| Am¡a joÌm| Ho$ {bE
AbJ h¡ Am¡a n`m©daUr` Agam| H$s ~T>Vr OmJ¥{V
Ho$ ~mdOyX, 20 dt gXr H$s g_m{á {ZåZmZwgma
{dûd Ho$ dm{UpÁ`H$ D$Om© {_lU Ho$ gmW hþB© h¡Ÿ&
l Ordmí_ BªYZ - 85 à{VeV
l Ob - 9 à{VeV
l Zm{^H$s` - 4 à{VeV
l ZE ZdrH$aUr` - 2 à{VeV
H$ar~ Xmo Aa~ bmoJm| H$mo ({dœ H$s Am~mXr H$s
EH$ {VhmB©) {dÚwVe{º$ Ed§ Vob O¡go AYw{ZH$
dm{UpÁ`H$ D$Om© ê$n CnbãY Zht h¢Ÿ&
1.0 D$Om© - n`m©daU A§Vamn¥ð>
COm© n`m©daU A§Vamn¥ð> H$mo h[aV J¥h J¡g Ho$ Aga
{ZpíMV H$aVo h¢ & {dÚ_mZ CO2 CËgO©Zmo§ Ho$
60% VH$ Z KQ>Zo na 2050 VH$ EH$ àYmZ
Obdm`w{dH$$ n[adV©Z XoIm Om gH$Vm h¡Ÿ& {dœ
ì`mnr Ñí`dmbr _| :
l 200,000 dfm|ª _| CO2 Ho$ dV©_mZ ñVa
CƒV_ aho h¢;
l S>ãbw E_ Amo Ho$ AZwgma B{Vhmg _| df© 1998
Ja_V_ ahm h¡Ÿ;
l 2100 gXr VH$ Vmn_mZ _| d¥Õr 3.50 C ;
hmo gH$Vr h¡;
l g_wÐr ñVam| Ho$ 1.5 \$sQ> go MT>Vo H$s g§^mdZm
h¡, {Oggo 100 Aa~ bmoJ àdmhm| Ed§ Vw\$mZm|
Ho$ {eH$ma hm| gH$Vo h¡;
l Xdrnr` amï´> n`m©á ^y_r Imo gH$Vo h¢
EH$ AZw_mZ Ho$ AZwgma, AJa {dœ Ho$ BªYZ H$m
Cn^moJ ^r 2.79 à{VeV Ho$ dm{f©H$ Xa na ~T>Vm
ahoJm, Vmo 2050 VH$ hr g_wX« ñVa 1.33 \$s` go
MT> gH$Vm h¡Ÿ&
2.0 {dH$mgerb amï´>m| Ho$ gå_wI D$Om© _wXXo :
{dH$mgerb Xoem| Ho$ g_j {ñWV _wXXo Hw$N> AbJ
h¢& CZHo$ {bE _hËdnyU© D$Om© g§~§{YV _wXXo {ZåZ
h¢ ;
JAN - MAR 2007
D$Om© H$s gw b ä`Vm, _m¡ { bH$ _mZdr`
Amdí`H$VmAm| H$s ny{V© Ho$ {bE ^r AË`§V
XwîH$a h¡Ÿ&
l D$Om© XjVm V^r g§JV ~ZVr h¡ O~ D$Om©
àmß` hm|Ÿ&
l nwZZ©drH$aUr` ~Zm_ J¡a-nwZZ©drH$aUr` H$m
l n`m©daU ñZohr ~Zm_ n`m©daU àXyfH$ Ed§
g§nmofUr` ~Zm_ Ag§nmofUr` D$Om© ê$nm| Ho$
~rM H$m {dH$ën V^r gm_Zo AmVm h¡ O~ `o
{dH$ën Am_ AmX_r H$mo CnbãY hm|Ÿ&
dmñV{dH$ pñW{V `h h¡ {H$ {dH$mgerb Xoem| Ho$
bmoJ g§gmYZm| H$m Cn`moJ CZHo$ Ý`wZV_ D$Om© JhZ
ê$nm| _| H$aVo h¡§ -CXmhaUmW© : H$mð>, M¡br, YmZ
Ad{eï> Am¡a Jmo~a Am¡a Á`mXmVa CZ ê$nm| _| Omo
_mZd ñdmñW Am¡a n`m©daU XmoZm| Ho$ {bE hm{ZH$maH$
^maV _| 133 {_{b`Z Q>Z bH$S>r 73 {_{b`Z
Q>Z Jmo~a VWm 41 {_{b`Z Q>Z H¥${f An{eï> Am¡a
AÝ` Ordmí_ dm{f©H$ Vm¡a na ObmE OmVo h¡§, {Oggo
J«m_rU ñÌr`m| Am¡a ~ƒm| Ho$ ñdmñW Ho$ {bE
hm{ZH$maH$ YwAm§ VWm {J«Q> (H$m~©Z H$U) CËg{O©V
hmoVo h¢&
3.0 ^maV H$s D$Om© Ñí`mdbr
l EH$ Aa~ Am~mXr Ho$ 36 n«{VeV bmoJ Jar~r
aoIm Ho$ ZrMo OrVo h¢ VWm dm{UpÁ`H$ D$Om©
H$m {H$gr ^r ê$n _| Cn^moJ Zht H$a gH$VoŸ&
l J«m_rU ^maV _|, Ohm± 70 à{VeV Am~mXr
ngar h¡, D$Om© Amny{V©`m± {ZåZ H$mo{Q> H$s h¢
VWm Jmo~a Ibr H$m BñVo_mb hmoVm h¢&
l 90 n«{VeV J«m_rU Kam| _| agmoB© Ho$ {bE
àmW{_H$ D$Om© ImoV Ho$ Vm¡a na bS>H$s, M¡br
VWm Jmo~a Ibr H$m BñVo_mb hmoVm h¡Ÿ&
l ^maV _|, Ohm°§ {dœ H$s 16 à{VeV go A{YH$
Am~mXr ~gVr h¡, {dœ Ho$ H$mo`bm AmajU
H$m _mÌ 6 à{VeV VWm Vob Ed§ J¡g AmajUm|
H$m Ho$db 0.6 à{VeV CnbãY h¡Ÿ&
^maVr` {dÚw V e{º$ Ñí`mdbr ^r AË`§ V
{OkmgH$mar h¡Ÿ& CXmhaUmW© :
l A{Yð>m{nV XjVm 110,000 _o dm go A{YH$
hþB© h¡, {Oggo 550 Aa~ `y{ZQ>/ df© H$m
CËnmXZ hwAm h¡Ÿ&
{eIaoVa g_` Ho$ Xm¡amZ KQ>Vo hþE Ob {hñgo
Ho$ H$maU Vmn g§`§Ì R>ßn nS> OmVo h¡Ÿ& Vmn
g§`§Ìm| H$m A{Ib ^maVr` Am¡gmV nr Eb
E\$, Omo g§àVr 73 à{VeV h¡, g_w{MV
Ob:Vmn g{_lU go 77 go 78 à{VeV hmo
gH$Vm WmŸ& dV©_mZ A{Yð>m{nV XjVm ^§OZ
h¡: Vmn 70 à{VeV; Ob, 26 à{VeV;
Zm{^H$s` VWm AÝ` ZdrH$aUr`, 2 à{VeV
Ob:Vmn {_lU Ho$ CbQ>md go ^maV H$s Any{V©
H$s Am¡gVZ bmJV dV©_mZ _yë` ê$ 3.5
kWH Ho$ ~Xbo ê$ 2 kWH hmo gH$Vm WmŸ&
g§MaU Am¡a {dVaU (Q>r Ed§ S>r) bmBZ| 5
{_{b`Z n[anW {H$bmo _rQ>am| VH$ àg[aV h¡,
Omo ^y_r Am¡a Mm§X Ho$ ~rM H$s Xyar Ho$ EH$
XO©Z JwZm go A{YH$ h¢Ÿ&
EH$ Aa~ bmoJmo§ _| go 400 {_{b`Z (77
{_{b`Z Ka) bmoJm| H$mo {dÚwV e{º$ Cnbä`
Zht h¡Ÿ&
à{V ì`{º$ Cn^moJ à{V{XZ 1 `y{ZQ> go H$_
{dÚwV e{º$ H$s Cn^moJ H$s EH$ {VhmB© J«m_rU
joÌ _| h¡ (40,000 MW H¥$fr nån goQ>m| go
g§`mo{OV h¡)Ÿ&
^maV Ho$ H¥$fr àYmZ Xoe hmoZo Ho$ H$maU 100
^maVr`m| _| go EH$ H¥${f nån goQ> aIVm h¡Ÿ&
nMmgr à{VeV Jm±d {dÚwVrH¥$V h¡, {H$ÝVw
Ho$db 31 n«{VeV J«m_rU Kam| _| {dÚwV e{º$
dV©_mZ D$Om© H$_r 7.1 à{VeV h¡ Am¡a {eIa
H$_r 11.2 à{VeV h¡Ÿ&
4.0 AmO ^maV Ho$ g_j noe ~¥hV² àíZ
{H$emoamdñWm _| ^r `wdm ^maVr` bS>{H$`m| H$mo
AnZr X¡{ZH$ agmoB© Ho$ {bE bH$S>r ~Q>moaZo _rbm|
Xya MbZm nS>Vm h¡Ÿ& BZ D$Om© ^yIo bmoJm| H$mo h_
H$m¡Z go _m±J nj n«~§YZ noe H$a gH$Vo h¡?
Anmaån[aH$ n`m©daUr` ñZohr D$Om© joÌm| Ho$ nmg
gmd©{ÌH$ n`m©daU gw{dYm O¡gr A§Vam©ï´>r` {ZYr`Z
{H«$`m{d{Y`m| Ho$ hmoVo hþE ^r g^r Eogo g§ÌñV bmoJm|
H$mo ha gwYra H$mï> A§JrR>r Ho$ {bE $ 1 H$s Am{W©H$
ghm`Vm XoZo Ho$ {bE n`m©á {Z{Y H$s ì`dñWm Zht
Š`m A§Vam©ï´>r` g_wXm` g§`wº$ amï´> Ho$ n{dÌ
VËdmdYmZ _| BZ g§ÌñV bmoJm| H$mo Ü`mZ _| aIVo
hþE D$Om© Ho$ Xg àmnU Ho$ {bE `w{º$`m± ~Zm gHo$Jm?
Š`m h_ D$Om© - n`m© d aU A§ V amn¥ ï > _| CZH$s
à{VñnYm©Ë_H$ pñW{V H$mo geº$ ~Zm nmE±Jo?Š`m
h_ BZ bmoJm| Ho$ g_W©Z _| COm© H$amo~ma AWdm
godmAm| _| à{V~§ÕVm H$mo hXb gH$Vo h¢ AWdm
_hmË_mJm§Yr Zo ^maVr`m| H$mo H$gr ^r godm Ho$ {bE,
Mmho dh D$Om© godm hr hmo, {ZåZmZwgma ZwñIm {X`m
""O~ H$^r Vw_ g§Xoh _| hmo..............''
Cg X[aÐ Am¡a Aeº$ AmX_r Ho$ Mohao H$mo `mX H$amo
{Ogo Vw_Zo XoIm hmo, Am¡a AnZo Amn go nyN>mo {H$
Vw_ {Og AJbo H$X_ Ho$ ~mao _| gmoM aho hmo Š`m
dh CgHo$ {H$gr Cn`moJ H$m h¡? Š`m dh Cggo
bm^mpÝdV hmoJm? Š`m dh Bgo AnZr qOXJr Am¡a
^m½` H$m ñdm_r ~Z nmEJm?
5.0 nwZZ©ZrH$aUr` D$Om©E± Ed§ n`m©daU
{díd ^a H$s nwZZ©drH$aUr` dñVwE± `m Vmo ""n`m©daU - ào[aV'' h¢ AWdm ""D$Om©-gwajmào[aV''& ^maVr`m| Ho$ {bE nwZZ©drH$aUr` dñVwE±
""A§V: H$aU ào[aV'' ^r h¢Ÿ& _hmË_mJm§Yr, h_mao
amï´>{nVm Zo A§V:H$aU na AmYm[aV OrdZ Xe©Z
{X`mŸ& AZoH$ {ddoH$ gånÞ C{º$`m| Ho$ ~rM, CÝhm|Zo
H$hm :
l ""g^r H$s Amdí`H$Vm H$s ny{V© Ho$ {bE àH¥${V
_| n`m©á h¡, {H$ÝVw g^r H$s bmbM Ho$ {bE
l ""^maV H$s Omo Amdí`H$Vm h¡, dh ~¥hV²
CËnmXZ Zht {H$ÝVw ~¥hV² OZVm Ûmam CËnmXZ
l ""^maV Jmdm| _| ~gVm h¡Ÿ&''
JAN - MAR 2007
AYw{ZH$ eãXmdbr _| Omo _hmË_m Jm±Yr H$hZm MmhVo
Wo, dh h¡ :
l ""AnZr bmbM na H$m~y aImo Am¡a àH¥${V
H$m A{ddoH$, bmnadmhr Am¡a {Zðw>aVm go eofo U
_V H$amo, AÝ`Wm dh h[aV J¥h J¡g, Aåb
~mare Am{X Ho$ ê$n _| à{V AmH«$_U H$aoJr>&''
l ""OZ gm_mÝ` {dH|${ÐV ar{V go CËnmXZ _|
bJo aho ( {dV[aV CËnmXZ), Vm{H$ do
CËnmXZH$mar VarHo$ go H$m`©aV hm| VWm à_mUr`
n[apñW{V - àUmbr H$s dhZ j_Vm ~¥hV²
Am_mn Ho$ {dH$mg hñVjon go ^¾ Zht
l ""bmIm| J« m _rU
bmo J m| H$s D$Om©
Amdí`H$VmAm| H$mo ZOa A§XmO Z H$a|Ÿ&''
VWmW© ê$n nwZZ©drH$aUr` `ht ~¡R>Vo h¢Ÿ!
l nwZZ©drH$aUr` dñVwAm| Ho$ g§X^© _| ^maVr`
Ad~moYZ ^maVr` ^y{_ Ho$ VÏ` na AmYm[aV
h¡, {Ogo AZoH$ XeH$m| nyd©, [a`mo {eIa
gå_obZ AWdm gmd©{ÌH$ n`m©daU gw{dYm
Ho$ g¥OZ go nhbo {OgZo gXm Ho$ {bE VWm
g^r Ho$ {bE D$Om© H$mo gw{ZpíMV H$aVo hþE
{dH$mg Ho$ g§nmofUr` {ZXe© H$s ^maVr`
g§H$ënZm H$mo à~md{bV {H$`m h¡, CËnÞ {H$`m
J`m WmŸ&
BgHo$ Abdm Cn^moJ Ho$ dV©_mZ Xa na :
l ^maV VWm {dœ Ho$ AÝ` g^r, 50 dfm] _|
AnZo g^r Vob, J¡g Am¡a AmgmZr go IZZ
`mo½` H$mo`bo H$mo IË_ H$a b|JoŸ&
l Zm{^H$s` g§gmYZ AJbo 100 dfm] VH$ ah
gH$Vo h¢ Am¡a H$mo`bm (H${R>>Z IZZ Ho$ Ûmam)
AJbo 200 dfm] VH$Ÿ& h_mao nmg dmñV{dH$
Vm¡a na nwZZ©drH$aUr` dñVwAm| Ho$ Cn`moJ H$s
Amoa ~XbZo _| (nma§n[aH$ Ob d gmW hr
dm`w , gm¡ a VWm O¡ d D$Om© O¡ g o ZE
nwZZ©drH$aUr` dñVwE±) Ho$db 50 df© ~Mo
6.0 gm¡a {dÚwVrH$aU - _m_bm AÜ``Z
nmdya, X{jU ^maV H$m EH$ N>moQ>m gm Jm±d h¡,
H$Zm©Q>H$ amÁ` Ho$ gr_m joÌ _| pñWV, Ohm± Ho$ab
amÁ` Ho$ H$~rbo dmg H$aVo h¡; `Ú{n Am¡nMm[aH$
Vm¡a na Bgo {dÚwVrH¥$V joÌ Kmo{fV {H$`m J`m h¡,
VWm{n Cgo {dœgZr` {~Obr Zht {_bVr h¡Ÿ& Bg
Jm±d _| ^m½` Á`mo{V `moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V Kaobw
{dÚwVrH$aU {d\$b hþAm h¡, Š`m|H$s J«m_rU n«Xm`H$m|
_| ~¥hV² {dÚwV H$Q>m¡{V H$s OmVr h¡ VWm dmoëQ>Vm
nmV A{V Cƒ h¡ Ÿ & (230v Ho $ _w H $m~bo _|
120 v) AnojH¥$V A_ra n[admmam| Ûmam Kamo| _|
dmoëQ>mVm ~yñQ>a Ho$ Cn`moJ go `h g_ñ`m Am¡a O{Q>b
hþB© h¡Ÿ& `o H$~rbo AnZo {Zdm©h Ho$ {bE H¥$fr Ho$
Abmdm Q>moH$ar ~wZVo h¢ VWm ~rS>r ~ZmVo h¢& CZH$s
Jar~r H$m àYmZ H$maU {ZåZ CËnmXH$Vm Am¡a {ejm
H$m A^md h¡Ÿ&
Ü`mZ _| `h VÏ` Am`m {H$ g_ñ`m H$m _yb H$maU
An`m©á amoeZr h¡Ÿ& ZOXrH$ Ho$ O§Jb go O§Jbr
bVmAm| H$mo BH$Q²>R>m H$aZo Ho$ ~mX Ka AmVo AmVo
A§Yoam N>m OmVm Wm Am¡a CZHo$ Kam| _| N>moQ>o {H$amgZ
Ho$ Xynmo§ H$m àH$me Ho$db ~rS>r bnoQ>Zo Ho$ {bE H$m\$s
Wm, {H$ÝVw ~S>r Q>moH$ar`m| H$mo ~wZZo Ho$ {bE `h
An`m©á Wm Am¡a Q>moH$ar ~wZZo Ho$ {bE CÝh| Á`mXm
g_` Zht boZo Ho$ H$maU CZHo$ H$~rbo Ed§ AZHo$
~ƒm| H$s ñdmñÏ` g§~§Yr g_ñ`mE± CËnÞ hþB© h¡;
{H$amgZ H$s amoeZr H$s JwUVm Zo ~ƒm| Ho$ ~rM nT>Zo
H$m CËgmh KQ>m {X`m; Am¡a A{YH$m§e d¥ÕmE± Vrd«
Am§Im| H$s g_ñ`mAm| go nr{S>V Wr, Š`m|{H$ do AZoH$
XeH$m| go An`m©á aoeZr _| H$m_ H$aVr ahtŸ&
6.1 nmda _| nr dr hñVjon
`o H$~rbo {OZH$m dm{f©H$ Kaobw Am` ê$. 2000 go
ê$. 20000 VH$ h¡, àñVm{dV Xmo-Xrn nr dr
àUmbr`mo§ H$mo ZH$X Xm¡H$a IarXZo Ho$ eŠ` Zht h¡Ÿ&
VWm{n, g_w{MV CYma {d{Y`mo§ go do {ZåZ {d{ZXoem|
H$s nhw§M go ~mha H$s nr dr n«Umbr`m| H$mo IarX
gH$Vo h¡:
nr dr _mS²>`yb Am_mn : 18 Wp
g§hV à{VXrpßVerb Xrn : (2 g§Š`H$) àË`oH$ 9 W Ho$
~¡Q>ar Am_mn
: 12 V / 40 AH
: 2.7 {XZ
Xmo-Xrnm| H$s nr dr
àUmbr H$s bmJV
: ê$. 11.500
{dZam°H$ B§Q>aZoeZb Ûmam EH$ n[a^«m_r {Z{Y Q>moH$ar gm¡a {Z{Y (~r Eg E\$) H$m g¥OZ {H$`m
J`m h¡; BgH$m Cn`moJ “g§nmofUr’’ dm{UpÁ`H$
CYma AmYma na {H$` Om gH$Vm h¡Ÿ&
6.2 H$m`m©Ýd`Z VWm nwZ: àm{ßV {H«$`m{d{Y
ñWmZr` S>m°Z ~m°ñH$mo gmogmBQ>r H$~rbm| H$mo ehar
BbmH$m| _| C{MV Xa na AnZr Q>moH$[a`m| H$mo ~oMZo
_| _XX H$aVr h¡& nr dr àXrnZ àUm{b`m| H$s
Cn`mo{JVm H$mo nhMmZVo hþE H$~rbm| Zo CÝh| àXrnZ
àUm{b`m| H$s Amny{V© H$aZo VWm {~{H«$ dgybr go
_m{gH$ {H$ñVm| H$mo H$mQ>Zo H$m àm{YH$ma gmogmBQ>r
H$mo gm¢nm h¡Ÿ& dgyb H$s JB© aH$_ _ybYZ h¡ Am¡a
EH$ A§{H$V ã`mO Xa (7.5 à{VeV) bJm`m J`m
h¡ Vm{H$ _wX«mñ\$s{V H$m à{Vg§VwbZ hmo gHo$ Am¡a
n[a^«m_r {Z{Y g§nmo{fV ah gHo$&
nr dr àUm{b`m| H$s Amny{V© Ho$ {bE Jm±d _| Hw$b
120 Kam| H$mo {ZYm©[aV {H$`m J`mŸ& ñWm{nV `moOZm
H$m, 120 àXrnZ àUm{b`m| Ho$ {ZYr`Z Ho$ {bE,
àma§{^H$ ~rO nyO
§ r h¡Ÿ& nr dr àUm{b`m| Ho$ à`moº$mAm|
go {Z{Y g§J«hU Ho$ CX²Xoí` go, Omo àUm{b`mo§ H$s
bmJV H$mo A{V[aº$ ã`mO go MwH$mE±Jo, n[a^«m_r
Q>moH$ar {Z{Y H$m g¥OZ {H$`m J`m h¡, Amoa Bg {Z{Y
H$m nwZén`moJ A[V[aº$ àUm{b`mo§ Ho$ {bE {Z{Y
CnbãY H$amZo _| hmoVm h¡Ÿ& bm^mWu/ à`moº$m Q>moH$ar
~wZmB© H$s ~T>r hþB© CËnmXH$Vm Ho$ H$maU AnZr Am`
_| ê$. 600 H$s {Zdb d¥Õr _| go àUmbr H$s Amoa
à{V _mh ê$. 150 H$m ^wJVmZ H$aoJmŸ&
7.0 {dÚwV e{ŠV$ Ho$ joÌ _| ^maV H$s nhb
l gaH$ma H$s 2012 VH$ g^r Ho$ {bE {~Obr
H$s Amoa dMZ~ÕVm {Og_| 2007 VH$ J«m_rU
{dÚwVrH$aU VWm 2012 VH$ J«må` joÌm| Ho$
Kaobw {dÚwVrH$aU em_rb h¡;
l EH$ bmI Jm±d VWm EH$ H$amoS> J«m_rU Kam|
Ho$ {bE Ëd[aV J«m_rU {dÚwVrH$aU H$m`©H«$_;
l {dH|${ÐV {dV{aV CËnmXZ Ho$ {bE J«m_rU
{~Obr Any{V© àm¡Úmo{JH$s$ (AmB© B© Eg Q>r)
H$m`© ;
l amÁ` {dÚwV _ÊS>{b`m| H$s nwZ:g§aMZm VWm
l amÁ`m| VWm Ho$ÝÐ _| {dÚwV e{º$ {d{Z`m_H$
l Yrao Yrao H¥${f joÌ _| Am{W©H$ ghm`VmAm| H$mo
l Ob ZrVr - 1998, Ob Ho$ Ëd[aV {dH$mg
H$mo gwH$a ~ZmZo;
l 50,000 _o dm Ob gyÌ nmV;
l 100 à{VeV _rQ>aZ
l D$Om© g§ajU A{Y{Z`_ 2001;
JAN - MAR 2007
{dÚwVe{º$ A{Y{Z`_ 2003, {Z`§{ÌV
n`m©daU _| namX{e©V, à{VñnYm© gj_Vm
VWm {H$\$m`V H$mo noe H$aVm hþAm Ho$ÝÐr`
l nwZZ©drH$aUr` D$Om© Zr{V
l {dÚwV joÌ Ho$ {bE AZw. d {dH$mg g§~§Yr
ñWm`r g{_{V - 15 dfm] Ho$ {bE _mJ©Zjm
l ñdV§Ì {dÚwV CËnmXH$m| H$mo àmoËgmhZ (AmB©
nr nr)
l {damQ> {dÚwV Zr{V
l dedVu {dÚwV Zr{V
l {dÚwV joÌ gwYma : E nr S>r Ama nr Am{X
8.0 ^maV H$s {d{dYVm - D$Om© `moOZm
{ZYm©aH$m| Ho$ {bE EH$ MwZm¡Vr
^maV, _hmÛrnr` {d_mAm| H$m Xoe, 1 Aa~ H$s
Am~mXr H$mo AmYma ñWb àXmZ H$aVo hþ E
CîUH${Q>~§Yr joÌ _| pñW{V h¡ VWm g§gmYZm| H$s
{d{dYVm go gånÞ h¡Ÿ&
~agmV go {Z`§{ÌV Xoe Ho$ Vm¡a na, CgH$s Ob
A§V:e{º$ ~¥hV h¡, {dœ _| nm§Md| ñWmZ na h¡,
{OgH$m 75 à{VeV ^y^mJ {h_mb`r joÌ _| {gWV
h¡, {deoofË` CËVanyd© joÌ _|Ÿ&
CgH$m ~¥hV² H$mo`bm g§M` (82.39 Aa~ Q>Z) h¡,
Omo àYmZV`m Ho$pÝÐ` _ÊS>b _| {~hma VWm _Ü`n«Xe
amÁ`m| _| pñWV h¡ Am¡a Xoe Ho$ X{jUr ^mJ _| Am§Y«
n«Xoe _| h¡Ÿ& dm`w g§gmYZ X{jU ^maV Ho$ VQ>r`
joÌm| _| {deofV`m ~agmV Ho$ _m¡g_ _| n`m©á h¡Ÿ&
gm¡a Am`VZ amOmñWmZ amÁ` _| CƒV_ h¡ VWm
AÝ` amÁ`m| _| ^r H$m\$s h¡ &
Bg {demb Xoe _|, Ohm± 75 à{VeV Am~mXr Jm±dm|
_| ~gVr h¡, J«m_rU {dÚwVrH$aU EH$ {deof MwZm¡Vr
noe H$aVm h¡Ÿ& O~{H$ 86 à[VeV Jm±dm| H$m
{dÚwVrH$aU hmo MwH$m h¡, 80,000 go ^r A{YH$
Jm±dmo H$m J«rS> Ûmam g§`moOZ eof h¡, Š`m|{H$$ do
Xw^©oY ñWmZm| _| {ñWV h¢ Ÿ& 18,000 go A{YH$ Jm±d
Ed§ H$ñ~o Eogo h¡ {OÝh| {J«S Ho$ {dñVaU Ûmam H$^r
^r nhw§Mm Zht Om gH$Vm, Am¡a CÝh| bKw Ob, gm¡a,
dm`w VWm Ordmí_ O¡go nwZZ©drH$aUr` óm|Vm| go
D$Om©{`V H$aZm nS>oJmŸ& BZ_| go Hw$N> ñWmZr`/ bKw
{J«S>m| Ho$ ñWmnZ Ho$ {bE Cn`wº$ h¢Ÿ& Anma§n[aH$
D$Om© ómoVm| H$m Cn`moJ J«m_rU joÌm| _| {dÚwV e{º$
Amny{V©, Omo A§{V_ N>moa H$s dmoëQ>VmAm| VWm Amny{V©
H$s {dœgZr` _| AË`§V Aeº$ hmoVo h¢ Ho$ nyaH$ Ho$
ê$n _| ^r hmo gH$Vm h¡Ÿ&
^maV _| g_mO Ho$ {d{^Þ ñVam| Ho$ AmYma na ^wJVmZ
H$s XjVm ~XbVr h¡Ÿ& N>Îmrg à{VeV Am~mXr Jar~r
aoIm Ho$ ZrMo pñWV h¡ VWm D$Om© Ho$ {H$gr ^r
dm{UpÁ`H$ ê$n H$mo IarX Zht nmEJrŸ& AÝh| _hrZ
-CYma {H«$`m {d{Y`m| H$s _XX H$s Amdí`H$Vm
h¡Ÿ& AVEd, D$Om© Ho$ {d{^Þ ê$nm| Ho$ Cn`moJ,
AdV©H$ hmo `m AÝ`Wm, Ho$ CZH$s ^wJVmZ j_Vm go
à{Vg§VwbZ H$s Amdí`H$Vm h¡Ÿ&
AVEd BVZo AZoH$Vm `wº$ Xoe _| h_| g§gmYZ gånÞ joÌm| go {~Obr-dm§{N>V joÌm| H$mo EM dr S>r
gr O¡gr {damQ> ~¥hV² g§MaU bmBZm| Ho$ Ûmam {dÚwV
Ho$ ~¥hV² g§àofU Ho$ {bE EH$ amï´>r` {J«S> Ho$ ~mao _|
gmoMZm nS>oJm& gmW hr, h_| {dHo$pÝÐV {dÚwV OZZ
Ed§ n¥WH$sH¥$V bKw {J«S>m| na ^r {dMma H$aZm nS>Jo mŸ&
AmZo dmbo XeH$m| _| nma§n[aH$ Ob VWm ZE
nwZZ©drH$aUr`m| na {ZpíMV ~b XoZo Ho$ gmW gmW
h_| Ordmí_ VWm J¡a-Ordmí_ BªYZ OZZ Ho$ ~rM
Bï>V_ g§VwbZ ~ZmE aIZo H$m n«`mg H$aZm Mm{hE
>9.0 D$Om© OmJ¥{V
{dH$mgemb Xoe H$m~©Z CËgO©Z, h¡S´>oâbyamo H$m~©Z
AmXr O¡gm| Ho$ Ûmam n`m©daU Ho$ Adõmg Ho$ ~mao _|
^r gMo V h¢ VWm CËgO© Z m| Ho $ {Z`§ Ì U H$s
Amdí`H$Vm H$mo ^r g_PVo h¢& {d{^Þ OrdZ ñVam|
`wº$ ^maV O¡go {d{eï> Xoe Ho$ {bE {dH$mg VWm
n`m©daUr` g§ajU _| g§VwbZ ñWm{nV H$aZm H${R>Z
h¢Ÿ& EH$ Amoa, ^maV Jar~m| H$mo nmofUr` OrdZ
pñW{V`m| VH$ CR>mZo H$s H$mo{ee H$a ahm h¡ VWm
Xygar Amoa, OZgm_mÝ`m| H$mo D$Om© XjVm Ed§ D$Om©
g§ajU Ho$ ~mao _| g§doXZerb ~ZmZo H$s gMoV
H$mo{eem| H$a ahm h¡Ÿ&
“h__| go ha H$moB© {~Obr g§ajU Ho$ Ûmam {~Obr
H$m CËnmXZ H$a gH$Vm h¡”, “nwZZ©drH$aUr` dñVwE±
g§nmofUr` d¥{Õ à{H«$`m H$mo V¡`ma H$a gH$Vr h¡”
Am¡a “h_mao nmg Ho$db 50 df© h¡, {OgHo$ ~mX h_|
nwZZ©drH$aUr` dñVwAm| H$mo AnZmZm nS>oJm”,
“n`m©daU nhbo-gwajm nhbo” do g§H$ënZmE± h¢
{OZ na amï´>r` {dÚwV à{ejU g§ñWmZ (EZ nr Q>r
AmB©) OZ gm_mÝ`m| Ho$ {bE D$Om© gMoVZ H$m`©H«$_m|
H$mo g§Mm{bV H$a ahm h¡Ÿ&
EZ nr Q>r AmB© Zo {ZåZmZwgma {d{^Þ nhbwAm| na
93,866 bmoJm| H$mo gwJ«mhr ~Zm`m h¡:
2000 - 01
2001 - 02
2002 - 03
2003 - 04
D$Om© g§ajU
{dÚwV gwYma
{dÚwV g§ajm
D$Om©, n`m©daU gånH©$
10.0 {dH$mgerb Xoe _| D$Om© godmAm| Ho$ {bE
l _mZdr` eVm} na _yb D$Om© godm;
l àma§^ go H$moB© boZm-XoZm Zhr ; nhbo godm
VËníMmV²> H$mamo~ma;
l A§Ym àm¡Úmo{JH$s A§VaU Zhr: ñWmZr` à{V^m
Ho$ Cn`moJ go ñWmZr` pñW{V`m| Ho$ _wVm{~H$
nwZ: V¡`mar;
l {dH${gV Xoe n[a{MV àm¡Úmo{J{H$`m| Am¡a
godmAm| go àma§^ Z H$a b|, {H$ÝVw nhbo D$Om©
g§gmYZ, D$Om© _m±J, g_rMrZ àm¡Úmo{JH$s,
n[apñW{V - AZwHy$b {dH$ën, ^wJVmZ
`mo½`Vm, ~T>Vr Am~mXr VWm CgH$s AnojmE±
Am{X Ho$ Vm¡a na {dH$mgerb Xoem| H$s
Amdí`H$VmAm| H$m AÜ``Z H$a|, VËníMmV²>
àm¡Úmo{J{H$`m| Am¡a godmAm| H$m {Z`m©V H$a|;
l ñWmZr` XjVm {Z_m©U H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$a| Am¡a
nmañn[aH$ {hVm| Ho$ {bE ñWmZr` H$ån{Z`m|
Ho$ gmW gmPoXmar
11.0 _y ë `d{Y© V H$mamo ~ ma Ho $ {bE
“{dH$mgerb Xoem| _| l_ gñVm h¡”; Bg YmaU H$s
nwZì`m©»`m Amdí`H$ h¡Ÿ& Š`m `h nwéf `m ór H$mo
ghO _OXya, ^mS>o na br JB© Am{W©H$ à{H«$`m _|
g§b¾ g§gYmZ AWdm _mb Zht ~Zm XoJm ? Bg
Ame` Ho$ A§VJ©V, dh, CËnmXZ à{H«$`m H$m EH$
dñVw {df`H$ Am¡a _mZH$sH¥$V KQ>H$ ~ZH$a ah
OmEJm, {Ogo H$^r ^r Zm¡H$ar go {ZH$mbm Om gHo$JmŸ&
`h V~ K{Q>V hmoVm h¡, O~ h_ `h ^yb OmE±Jo {H$:
l _mZd H$s A§Vkm©V ghO ~w{Õ H$amoS>mo S>mbam|
H$mo H$_m gHo$JrŸ&
l _mZd H$m _yë`dY©Z A~m{YV hmo gH$Vm h¡,
dmH$B© Agr{_VŸ&
l _mZd, EH$ {Z{X©ï> g§H$ënZm, bú` AWdm
_yë` Ho$ {bE, ghr ñVa VH$ ào[aV {H$E OmZo
na, An[a{_V Am`m_ VH$ AZwZmX CËnÞ H$a
JAN - MAR 2007
gH$Vm h¡ Am¡a AmíM`©OZH$ ñVa na {ZînmXZ
noe H$a gH$Vm h¡Ÿ&
l _mZd “A{V-MoVZ” e{ŠV`m± aIVm h¡,
{OZ_| go 10 à{VeV go ^r A{YH$ H$m gMoVZ
Cn`moJ Zht hmoVm h¡Ÿ&
AVEd, AJa Amn gmPoXmar H$m gmoMo ñWmZr` l_
Ho$ {bE hr Zht {H$ÝVw CgH$s Am§V[aH$ à{V^m H$o$
{bE ^r - AmnH$m AË`{YH$ bm^H$mar H$mamo~ma
hmo gH$Vm h¡, gmW hr A{YH$ _yë` d{Y©V ^rŸ&
CXmhaUmW©, A_o[aH$m Zo ^maVr` à{V^m H$m
bm^H$mar T>§J go Cn`moJ {H$`m h¡Ÿ& AmO:
l A_[aH$m Ho$ 38% S>mŠQ>a ^maVr` h¡
l A_o[aH$m Ho$ 12% {dkmZr ^maVr` h¡
l Zmgm Ho$ 36% {dkmZr ^maVr` h¡
l 34% _¡H«$mogmâQ> H$_©Mmar ^maVr` h¡
l 28% AmB© ~r E_ H$_©Mmar ^maVr` h¢
l 17% B§Q>o b d¡km{ZH$ H$_©Mmar ^maVr` h¢
12.0 {dH${gV Am¡a {dH$mgerb eãXm| Ho$
~rM H$s `w{ŠV`m| _| g§VwbZ
{dH${gV Am¡a {dH$mgerb Xoem| H$s _Zmo àd¥{Îm Ho$
g§Vw{bV `w{ŠVnyU© A{^_wIr H$aU go ~ohVa {dœ
Ho$ g¥OZ _| bå~r g\$a V` H$s Om gH$Vr h¡Ÿ&
{ZåZmZwgma EH$ MVwW© - q~Xw `w{º$ na {dMma {H$`m
Om gH$Vm h¡:
l H$m~©Z O_m Ho$ _mÌ J{UV VWm nañna Xm{`Ëd
KmofUm go Xya aho; n`m©daUr` CX²>Xoí`m| H$mo
H$ma©dmB©`m| _| ê$nm§V[aV H$aZo na H|${ÐV aho;
l {dH$mgerb amï´> Ëd[aV Am{W©H$ d¥{Õ H$s
AnZr Vbme _| n`m©daU H$mo ZOa A§XmO Z
l n`m©daUr` Cnm`m| Ho$ {bE {X²>dnjr`/~hþ
njr` {ZYr`Z na {dH$mgerb Xoem| H$s
{Z^©aVm, {dH$mg à{H«$`m _| n`m©daUr` _hËdm|
Ho$ Aä`§VarH$aU _| ~mYm Z nhþ±MmE, Omo ÑT>
{dœmg H$m _m_bm hmoŸ&
l n`m©daUr` qMVmAm| H$mo ~T>m MT>mH$a noe Z
H$a|, {Oggo Aeº$ g_mOm| H$s qOXJr H$mo
gw{ZpíMV H$aZo H$s {Xem _| ê${nV _m¡{bH$
{dH$mg n[a`moOZmAm| na AË`{YH$ ^ma Z
VWm{n, CÎmaOr{dVm nhbo AmVr h¡, VËníMmV²> gwYma
{dœ em§{V, AmZ§X Am¡a EH$mË_H$Vm H$mo bmZo H$s
{Xem _| h_ _mZd OrdZ H$mo D$Om©{`V H$a|Ÿ&
13.0 {Z{X©ï> {g\$m[ae|
{deofV`m {dH$mgerb Xoem| _|, 2 Aa~ go ^r
A{YH$ bmoJm| H$mo D$Om© Ho$ AmYw{ZH$ dm{UpÁ`H$
ê$nm| H$s nhþ±M Zht h¡Ÿ& My±{H$ CZH$s ^wJVmZ j_Vm
AË`§V gr{_V h¡, CÝh| D$Om© godmAm| H$mo “godm
nhbo, H$mamo~ma VXZ§Va” {gÕm§V Ho$ AZwgaU _|
_mZdr` VËdm| na CnbãY H$am`m OmZm h¡Ÿ& BgHo$
{bE ã`mO Ho$ _Ü`_ Xam| `wŠV bKw-CYma {d{Y`m|
H$mo ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ Am_ {Z{Y H$s
Amdí`H$Vm h¡, Vm{H$ _wÐmñ\$s{V H$mo g§Vw{bV {H$`m
Om gHo$, {Oggo CŠV {Z{Y, d§{MV g_mOm| H$mo
CnbãY H$amB© JB© godmAm| H$mo gXm Ho$ {bE ~T>mVo
hþE “AmdV©Z {Z{Y” ~ZoJrŸ&
{dH${gV Am¡a {dH$mgerb amï´>m| Ho$ ~rM H$s D$Om©
godmAm| Ho$ {bE àm¡Úmo{JH$s H$m A§VaU nydmoŠV H$mo
n[a{MV àm¡Úmo{J{H$`m| Am¡a godmAm| H$s Q>moH$ar Ho$
gmW àma§^ Z hmoŸ&
{dH$mgerb Xoem| H$s Amde`H$VmAm| H$m AÜ``Z
{ZåZm| Ho$ g§X^© _| nhbo gånÞ {H$`m OmZm h¡:
D$Om© g§gmYZ;
D$Om© _m±J;
Cn`wº$ àm¡Úmo{JH$s;
nm[apñW{VH$m - ñZohr {dH$ën;
^wJVmZ `mo½`Vm;
~T>Vr Am~mXr Am¡a CgH$s AnojmE±Ÿ&
CgHo$ ~mX hr ñWmZr` {ñW{V`m| Ho$ AZwHy$b gå`H$
ê$n go nwZ: V¡`ma àm¡Úmo{J{H$`m| Am¡a godmAm| H$s
àñVw{V H$s OmZr h¡Ÿ&
COm© godmAm| H$mo àXmZ H$aVo g_`, gmPoXmar Ho$
{bE XoIo, Ho$db ñWmZr` l_ Ho$ {bE Zht {H$ÝVw
CgH$s Am§V[aH$ à{V^m Ho$ {bE ^r, Vm{H$ _yë`
dY©Z Ho$ gmW Am¡a A{YH$ gmW©H$ Am¡a bm^H$mar
H$mamo~ma ñWm{nV H$a gHo$Ÿ&
Eogr gmPoXmar Ho$db g§nmofUr` Am¡a bm^H$mar hr
Zht hmoJr, {H$ÝVw {d{^Þ g_mOm| Ho$ ~rM gm_§Oñ`
ñWm{nV H$aVo hþE {dœ Ho$ g^r amï´>m| H$mo EH$ Am_
g§nmofUr` ^{dî` H$s Am¡a H$m_ H$aZo Ho$ {bE OwQ>
~ZmEJr, {Og_| D$Om© VWm n`m©daU H$m g_w{MV
A§Vamn¥ð> hmoJmŸ&