Untitled - KOCA Kings College


Untitled - KOCA Kings College
elcome to the 2009 edition of ‘The Kingsman’. This magazine is an account of all the events Kingsmen
have participated in throughout the 09’ year. It has been a pleasure piecing this publication together.
Reading the articles from the perspective of some Kingsmen is not only hilarious, but helps relive some cherished
moments which have passed us by.
To me, this magazine is far more than a series of articles. It is a time capsule of sorts, one that I hope several
Kingsmen will refer to years down the track, as a memoir of their time spent here.
I would like to thank all those who gave up their time to contribute in whatever way they could., many thanks to
Michael ‘McLovin’ Wendland for helping me along the way. A special thank-you to Trevor and Calvin for the
excellent photos of us Kingsmen in action, several of which have been used throughout the magazine.
I do hope you enjoy it...
Marc‘ Liger’ Woodward
The Master’s Report
The Dean’s Report
A Note From Trevor
My Year As President
Executive Committee
Residential Assistants
2009: A Social Year
The Women’s College Mascot Fiasco
An Ode To The Party Room
Kings Ball
Social Album
Cultural Events
Daring To Be Different & Debating
15 –16
Bandfest & One Act Play
Cultural Album
Sporting Events
2009: A Victorious Year
Hockey & Fresher Rugby
Open Rugby
Volleyball & Touch Football
Cross Country & Tennis
Sporting Album
King’s By Flat
King’s Valedictorians
The Master’s Report
begin by thanking you all for your support of and commitment to the College in 2009.
To E/Professor Trevor Heath - thank you for so much for all you do for Kingsmen and
King‘s – we are truly fortunate to have you here. To all the staff who do so much in support
of Kingsmen each day and to Thérèse and Georgia whose support is outstanding – thank
you. And thank you to the youngest Kingsmen – James, Nic, Luke, Joseph and Patrick.
To the Senior Tutor Michael Wiseman, thank you for your work in the role and sincere best
wishes– to the RAs – thank you for your leadership this year and to those of you returning - thank
you for choosing to do so.
Recently the Dean told me a story where he was interviewing a prospective student who had
friends at another College. The obvious question to the student from the Dean was
Well then why aren‘t you applying to that College? The response was, ―They told me King‘s is
Earlier this week, I interviewed a prospective student whose father attended another College.
Again the question, ―Why aren‘t you applying to your father‘s old College?‖ The answer, ―People
tell me I‘ll get more from King‘s.‖
In the history of King‘s I‘m sure there have been many years when the College may have been described as classy, but not always in recent times.
And so at the end of my first five year term as Master, I like to think I can take some of the credit
for that transformation to being classy once again - I hasten to add though in partnership – along
with the staff of the College and the Council of the College and with many of the students of the
College in recent years.
However, much of the credit rests with you – this particular year and especially under the leadership of this year‘s KCSC and with Jeremy Russell as President. We challenged this year‘s KCSC
and RAs very early on to embrace change and there were some tense moments – I remember well
an early meeting hosted in the Deacons Board Room where Jeremy and I exchanged some well
chosen words!!
Change began with Orientation Week – in our view the
best in years. And you know how we judged that – we
received no complaints from anywhere or anyone.
This year the KCSC and the RAs had a plan – they
wanted to see four things happen:
Regain the ICC Sporting Trophy
Win the ICC Cultural Competition
Improve the College‘s GPA
Improve the Reputation of the College
Number 1 was achieved and congratulations to you all.
Number 2 - we were competitive and finished fifth overall – importantly we were not embarrassed.
Number 3 is a work in progress and so we look forward to what will be achieved at the end of the
Number 4 was the most important – again a work in progress. However you have achieved an
enormous amount in regards to this goal in 2009. We have the highest % in years of students
seeking to return to King‘s in 2010. Our applications for 2010 are higher than at the same time
last year. Again, the College will fill next year on its own first preferences. We no longer rely on
other Colleges to fill vacant places at the start of a year. Young men want to come to King‘s, their
parents are supportive of them, people at other Colleges like Kingsmen for all sorts of reasons,
you no longer talk of being arrogant – instead you show humility.
I was once told that a common saying at one of our main feeder schools about King‘s was, and
apologies for the language:
―You go into King‘s a good bloke and come out the opposite.‖
That is not the case but it reminds us all that reputation is everything. Jeremy, my particular congratulations to you and to your executive for taking the Students‘ Club to the next level – a level
which brought more change, embraced the importance of the College‘s reputation, not just for the
College itself but also for all of you and for ensuring a successful year for King‘s in so many ways.
To Sam Neller – the challenge for you is to maintain the momentum in 2010.
Gregory C Eddy
Master and Chief Executive
The Dean’s Report
ing's College provides its residents the opportunity of partaking in a University experience which is more enriching, more substantial and more productive than a
University experience which is had outside of a college environment.
The culture and the opportunities within College are such that if a student is inter-
ested in debating, music, drama and a number of other cultural pursuits, they have the opportunity to compete against other colleges in competitive forum.
If a Collegian is interested in learning more about a substantial and influential piece of English
literature, they may partake in the King's Certificate, which is an intimate study forum, whereby
the teacher guides three or four students only, through complex and difficult texts. If a student
would like to learn a language, at the conversational level, they have the opportunity to do this via
the College's tutorial program.
However help to enrich the diversity of the learning experience of Collegians is not limited to
these opportunities, as was made apparent at this year's Valedictory Dinner. Prior to Valedicts
being acknowledged for partaking in, and contributing to, the unique King's College experience, a
substantial amount of money was given to students by the College's Foundation in the form of
This money is essential for some students to continue to live at College and hence to continue to
benefit from the unique learning environment that it offers. Following the awarding of these bursaries, the College publicly acknowledges the contribution Collegians, who have lived in King's for
3 or more years, for their contribution to the 'life' of the College.
Collegians and the wider King's community thank them for their efforts in sport, cultural pursuits, organizing and leadership, for all those things which go to making up College life.
Matthew Sheahan
Dean of Students and Deputy Master
A Note From Trevor
2009: The Year
believe that King‘s is in better shape in 2009 than in any year since I came in 1999 and I
am delighted to pass on best congratulations to everybody involved.
To me the most impressive thing has been the level of mutual respect, tolerance and support
that now seems to exist across the College, as well as the greater level of concern for the feelings
and property of others, and for the fabric and reputation of King‘s.
This has not occurred by chance. It is the result of firm and thoughtful leadership from the Master
and his staff including the RA‘s, working in concert with the Student Club and with the practical
and focussed support of the Council. From the time of his arrival five years ago, Greg has focussed
on creating this climate of greater consideration and concern for others, and for King‘s.
These efforts came to fruition in O-week and have been evident throughout the year. They were
reflected in superb efforts in sport, in (most) cultural activities, and through interactions within
and without the College.
I hope that each Kingsman feels that it has been a great year and that the future brings all that
you hope for. Please let me know if ever you feel that I may be able to help in any way over the
years ahead.
With every good wish to you all,
Trevor Heath
My Year As President
P-week began with little thought as to where the year would
take us. Our discussions were thrown headlong into a debate
that had been a bubbling issue for some years - evolve our
strategies or get left behind.
This meant one thing, change, and a group of young blonde
haired gentleman raised and grounded in the traditions of the
past were not going to follow a new direction without some butting of heads and careful forethought.
I can recall a few heated discussions between the master and myself where we would exchange
many carefully chosen words; I can also recall that in many instances his words seemed to have
been more carefully chosen than mine.
These discussions were reflective of the passion that Greg, Matt, my team of leaders and I shared
for the college and without them I could not see the student club taking the successful direction it
did in 2009.
O week it is fair to say was an overwhelming success. We tend to look at O week and its activities
as a good measure on which to judge the men that will be continuing on the Kings tradition.
After a week of early mornings, running, day trips and of course parties they were baptised by fire
and taught what is expected of a Kingsman. They passed with flying colours and set the scene for
what was to be a very successful year here at the College.
King‘s is more than just a place to live and study, and some of my fondest memories have come
from the times I have shared a beer or two with some of my mates here. Ball and ―At Home‖ were
both very successful this year and I had a blast at each.
The many exchanges were also a great distraction and I‘m going to miss the electric atmosphere
that lights this place up before a big night.
One of the goals we set down at the start of the year was to win back the ICC Cup and as much as I
can dance around it, that was my main focus in 2009. It came down to the last game of the ICC,
what a fitting way it was to win, pummelling Leo‘s in the rugby grand final. Of all my time here at
King‘s that is the memory I cherish the most and will hold on to for life.
Running onto the field after the final siren had sounded, with my face painted blue, being lifted
onto the shoulders of the other boys and leading a war cry that reinforced how proud I was of everyone‘s efforts throughout the year.
As clichéd as it may come off, King‘s has given me the opportunity to grow as a man. I have made
friends here that I will have for life and developed skills that will take me into the future feeling
confident and proud to have been a part of such a spirited community.
Good luck to next year‘s Executive, I have no doubt that the College can only prosper under the
leadership of such a great group of blokes.
Thanks to Greg and Matt for all their help this year they have always been there to give me some
needed advice and steer me in the right direction, and lastly thanks to all the guys who have made
this place what it is, both still here and departed.
King‘s is made on the men who live here, and without your contribution it just would not be the
same. I leave King‘s with the fondest of memories and as a better man for being here.
Jeremy ‘Dangles’ Russell
2009: A Social Year
The Women’s College Mascot Fiasco
After the College‘s reputation took a few hard but deserved knocks at the end of 2008 the King‘s
administration and incoming exec group sought to better our image amongst the other Colleges,
particularly the female ones.
The 2009 O‘ week turned out to be remarkably successful with many young ladies from surrounding Colleges openly praising the new fresher group. The lessons they were given in charm, the importance of respectful behaviour and dangers of blatant misogyny were welcomed and well rewarded. However as O‘ week concluded and the first vital impression was made, it became time to
choose one College with whom to sabotage our relationship.
Happily The Women‘s College was the new target and immediately our keen young foot soldiers
began to devise plans to cripple Womens‘ spirit. For years the slovenly ‗Mary Woozer‘ mascot doll
had been used to tease scores of Kingsmen at sporting and cultural fixtures. Oddly, on a clear
March day the Mary Woozer Doll was stolen from Women‘s College. Soon a ‗Talibanesque‘ video
surfaced on the internet, showing her final hours.
Little care was taken to disguise the kidnappers‘ faces and location as quite obviously the molested doll was sitting atop the King‘s entrance sign. After a period of torture, being dragged by a
car and hung, the doll was finally laid to rest…on a burning boat, cast onto the river.
Broadcast on the College network, the video was enjoyed by thousands but obviously the humorless Women‘s girls were not pleased. The enraged Exec team swore swift and extreme revenge…
they promised to have the last laugh.
The Kings - Women’s Relationship 2009 cont…
The Women’s Revenge
As the Kingsmen still sniggered the girls‘
plans took form. In the middle of the
night, when the quad sat silent and everyone was asleep an unknown number of
Women‘s girls defaced our College. The
next day they began to brag, gloating
about a giant ‗W‘ that had been burnt
into our quad with weed killer.
We couldn‘t see it though and laughed it
off with a ‗nice try girls.‘ However, as the days and weeks rolled by the grass started to really
change until soon a huge dark circled ‗W‘ lay in the quad becoming ever more prominent. The revenge, cleverly, did not just last, but worsened with every attempt to re-turf. Before a college exchange the Women‘s girls flooded through our gates and danced around the ‗W‘. Pathetically we
stood watching, joking to ourselves about how great it is having a giant Wyvern ‗W‘ in our quad.
The attempted turn around failed miserably and we were left little choice but to accept the effectiveness of the revenge. The question remains though; ‗did the girls have the last laugh?‘ For the
sake of my College I will say no…the good thing about revenge is that there is always next year.
An Ode To The Party Room
The construction of the new building was both celebrated and hated for the last few weeks of second semester. Whilst a great opportunity for King‘s College to develop and further improve the
living conditions for prospective students the affect the new building has had on current and leaving students is not as positive.
There was firstly a problem of noise. For the two weeks before SWOTVAC you could go to the dining hall at 7am, ready for a hearty meal only to have your plate vibrate away from you as the
power drills shook the foundations of the admin building.
The poor men living in K flat were woken at 6am and were avoided throughout the day as all others feared they would snap in a warranted tired fury. The early morning noise though was not the
greatest problem with the new construction. What truly upset all Kingsmen, especially those who
had been around for a few years, was the knocking down of our longstanding and loyal party
room. Originally a licensed bar the King‘s party room was in recent years a haven of post exam
and inter - College victory celebrations. Deemed by many as a place of sin and alcoholism the
party room instead symbolized our own link to past Kingsmen.
Even though most of us will never come in direct contact with the College‘s 70s and 80s cohorts
we have been happy in the reassurance that decades of young men were all brought together in
the same little place, seemingly celebrating together various coming of age tales and College mischief. So as I write this and I think back to the many times I have enjoyed karaoke, jungle juice,
sports and cultural drinks, pizza and general baboonery in that brick bunker I cannot help but
feel more than a little upset. I understand that a new and more impressive building will take its
place but it is always sad to lose a College tradition. Thanks to the party room for great nights…
may you rest in peace.
Michael Wendland
The King’s Ball
The annual King‘s College Ball was held on the 5th of September at the Brisbane Convention and
Exhibition Centre at South Bank. The premise of this event, like previous years, was to provide
Kingsmen with a black tie event for which they could be proud of.
Throughout the night, premium beers and a three course meal, rivaling any five star restaurant
were served. While being served meals, a band could
be heard playing sensual jazz music, which got everybody in the mood for the night ahead of them.
The entertainment provided by the band was of a very
high calibre and the 90‘s rock that was played later in
the night gave everyone the need to visit the dance
floor at least once. The night finished at 12 midnight
without incident, with the optional kickon at the Fox hotel tempting some.
The following morning, many awoke at
6am in order to get the party started for
the recovery event. After a very entertaining couple of hours in the quad, the party
was moved to the West‘s Rugby Club for a
very messy day, where fun was had by all.
With the event costing a small fortune,
the entire weekend turned out to be very
successful and good times were had by
Michael Lloyd
Cultural Events
Daring To Be Different
King‘s has always taken an unusual approach to the ICC cultural competition. While other Colleges have developed an almost anal retentive dedication to technical proficiency to secure the
best possible scores, they often tend to produce entries that are tame and ultimately boring.
Kingsmen have, however, never allowed a desire for the best looking score card to compromise
our artistic integrity.
We have never been afraid to tell it like it is on the podium (regardless of how many minority
groups may disagree), let it all hang out on the dance floor (quite literally) or to risk setting off the
smoke alarms of the Schonell Theatre. Even more impressive has been our ability to continually
break the mold without falling into a Leonian irreverence for culture.
Sadly it is the curse of genius to be misunderstood in its own time and this seems to be the case as
far as recent cultural endeavours go.
Apparently the ICC isn‘t a massive fan of free speech and in the recent oratory competition Mud
Monster was disqualified after a rousing speech that seemed to challenge society‘s beliefs in a way
that is on par with Martin Luther King‘s famous ―I have a dream‖ oration.
Luckily our fearless leaders have not yet developed a disliking to our right to assemble, which allowed me to attend the One Act Play Competition where Trumpet, Ragpie and Mud Monster represented the College admirably.
It seems, however, that their heroic combination of bottle breaking, fire starting and use of the C
word failed to impress the judges and they were awarded 9th place.
―A Canadian, a Chinaman and an Australian walk into a room‖ may sound like the beginning of a
particularly racially insensitive joke. However, it‘s also how each round of the King‘s debating
season began. This year‘s team saw a masterful display of argument that left a splay of opposition
teams in our wake.
Each Monday night a new College would step up to have their foolish opinions and illogical arguments ridiculed into submission at the hands of their intellectual betters. Despite a formal complaint from the Cromwell College, the King‘s team made it into the final with only one loss under
our belt. Sadly the team fell victim to a cruel final topic, of whether or not voting should be contingent on an IQ test. Now, arguing that the democratic process needs to exclude more people
seems like a sure win, however, the adjudicators gave the event to Emmanuel, leaving King‘s with
a still respectable 2nd place.
Tim ‘Webby’ Noone
Chess, this year, was a David vs. Goliath situation in its truest form. Having only organised the teams the night before,
we were convinced we did not stand a chance. However, that
was not to be, for what we lacked in skill, we made for up in
heart. With Ice Cube‘s ingenuity, Sleven‘s ‗Never say die‘ attitude, Bender‘s unique antics and my own ultra competitiveness, we left all we had on the battlefield and as the dust
settled around us, we emerged victorious. King‘s College
managed to finish equal first with Emmanuel College, a feat
on par with King‘s 2007 Dancefest and 2008 One Act Play,
and one that is surely never to be seen again. I thank everyone, who was involved in this momentous occasion.
James ‘Koonip’ Leung
After our fall from Grace in 2008, the scene was set in 2009 for redemption. No, I‘m not talking
about ICC sports, but rather the pinnacle of the UQ College calendar, the single event that evokes
both fear and excitement from all College Masters...those two unnerving words – King‘s
Our performance on that fateful night can simply be summed up in two most befitting words –
Most Entertaining. After a somewhat mediocre performance from The Women‘s College, King‘s
College was rallied and ready to step into battle against a crowd who had already dismissed us as
a threat.
It was a scene reminiscent of 300 and like those Spartans that bravely stood at the Hot Gates unnerved at the sight of Xerxes‘ horde, we took to the stage and prepared for a performance that was
going to revolutionize the term ‗Dance‘ forever.
This year‘s Dancefest was a series of five interconnected and elaborate dances, each one frightfully better than its predecessor. The night began with a heartfelt interpretive dance illustrating
the love for our beloved Wyvern and its ability to make us jizz in our pants. It was then followed
by an electrifying act that made everybody want to dance now.
By this point, the crowd was loving our performance, but unbeknownst to them, the best was yet
to come. King‘s College truly marked its return to the top with an incredibly sexual performance
that made all the married and single ladies alike swoon from visual exhilaration. 2009‘s
Dancefest reached its pinnacle with King‘s Tech Dance that left the crowd literally speechless and
our finale was the cherry that topped the luscious and delectable ice-cream sundae that was Wyvern Nation.
All in all, it was a night that few will ever forget and although overall King‘s College came 5 th we
did receive best male dancer and most entertaining College. To finish, I pose a question to all
those who believe that they are true connoisseurs of the finer arts: what is Dance, if not a form of
entertainment? So in following pure logic, would it be wrong for me to say that the Most Entertaining College should also be hailed the Winners of Dancefest? We all know the answer to that.
James ‘Koonip’ Leung
This year King‘s entered a number of avant garde pieces that
were designed to challenge the viewer‘s preconceptions of not
only art but society as a whole. Our show piece for the event
was an incredible sculpture by our very own Cormac, which was
majestically named ―angel tied down‖.
Not wanting to be restricted to the canvas or even inanimate
objects, Kingsmen also entered a piece of what is quickly becoming out signature style, fresher art. Titain and Spam agreed
to be plastered with paint and entered as living replicas of
Michelangelo‘s David and the bronze statue of Wally Lewis.
The most controversial piece came from Trumpet‘s self titled work named ―what if Adam wore
one?‖ The controversy came mainly from the fact that the piece was constructed entirely out of
Tim ‘Webby’ Noone
Bandfest 09 saw King‘s put in one of it's most wellprepared groups yet to date. Named "Searching for
Mary Woozer", the boys put on an amazing show
that had the whole crowd pumping long after they
had left the stage.
After a performance filled with mind-blowing guitar solos, crazy drum beats and Pin‘s chest hair we
found ourselves in 6th place ahead of Emmanuel,
Cromwell, Grace and Union. The most valued performances go to Shake and Weevil who were truly
astounding on the guitars, Jimmy ‗Violate‘, who
composed our opening number and of course
Pins, whose charisma and vocal skills shone
through like no other.
Thanks to everyone who attended this year. It was
one of the biggest turn-outs so far and I‘ m looking
forward to seeing the same again next year.
Michael Jenson
One Act Play
I would be lying if I said that I didn‘t receive the fact that King‘s wanted to perform a prison play
with some degree of reservation. Instantly my mind raced to scenes from Shawshank Redemption
and American History X. This reservation was far from alleviated when I learnt that the title of
the play was The Chocolate Frog. Fortunately though it turned out that the play chosen was one
of the most famous and celebrated Australian plays. With endearing performances from Jeremy
‗Ragpie‘ Elich, Bart ‗Trumpet‘ Hamilton and Nico ‗Mud Monster‘ Battersby, the audience was
treated to an onstage exploration of masculinity in contemporary society, the power of friendship
and need for hope.
Judging by the power of the King‘s performance we were hoping for a solid place. However, sadly,
after the King‘s One Act Place victory in 2008 the judges were set to not allow a male College to
beat girls a second year running. Our boys took 6th place and all Kingsmen who went to watch the
show should be proud regardless. Let‘s just hope that next year the judging is a little less biased.
Tim ‘Webby’ Noone
2009 Choralfest was an event, not for the history books. While our souls were fully immersed in
the songs that we sang, one African spiritual and a crowd favourite— Ain’t No Mountain High
Enough. Our lack of vocal ability was to be our Achilles‘ heel on that fateful night. While we did
come 2nd last, we were in fact the best all male College choir.
James ‘Koonip’ Leung
Sporting Events
2009: A Victorious Year
The year 2009 saw the return of the ICC cup to King‘s. The ICC cup is awarded to the College who
has accumulated the most points throughout the year, by competing in numerous sports and
placing the highest.
The first sport of the year was swimming. Having not won the swimming carnival for the past two
years, meant that we were really eager to win and get off to the year with a good start. The swimming carnival was one of our best wins of the whole year. Going into the three relays at the end of
the carnival, we had to win all of them to secure an overall victory. We were able to scrape
through with the three wins, pushing one point in front of St Leo‘s to come away with the outright
victory. This early victory set the platform for some extremely great performances by all of the
King‘s sporting teams.
The volleyball team produced some great skills and team work to claim the title, whilst the rowing
teams also showed their dominance by winning every regatta. The First VIII maintained its reputation as the best squad with another unbeaten season.
This year‘s cross-country saw our biggest turn out in many years, with half the participants in the
race being from King‘s College. The enthusiasm and effort put in by all was terrific, it helped us
achieve second in the individual standings, whilst the cross-country relay team was able to bring
home a win, which boosted us into a tie for the overall cross-country lead.
The basketball team showed its brilliance with an undefeated season. The rugby was the last sport
on the ICC calendar. The King‘s vs St Leo‘s was the last match of the ICC competition. The King‘s
vs St Leo‘s match was played on the main oval in front of a large crowd, the atmosphere was
pretty amazing for a College rugby match. The winner out of this match would be awarded the
ICC cup, as King‘s went into the match only half a point in front of St Leo‘s on the ICC competition ladder. Both teams were undefeated and both had been playing really good. The final score of
the match was 18-10 in favor of King‘s, giving us the extra two points to secure an outright victory
and reclaim the ICC cup.
The performances by the touch football, soccer, tennis, squash, athletics, cricket and hockey
teams were also very commendable. Without their contribution we would not have been able to
Jake Landon
Half Blues
(Competed in at least 3 ICC sports)
Sam Neller
Jeremy Russell
Jake Landon
Will Lindores
Jake Paterson
Jack Laidley
Kerrod Blissner
Nathan Cook
Sam Allen
Pranay Magan
Kane Boucaut
David Burns
Aaron Rubesamme
Full Blues
Wesley Thompson
Finalist in his age at the Australian Swimming Championships
Sam Becker
4 ICC sports, 2 ICC teams
Sportsman of the Year - Sam Becker
2009 ICC Final Placing
1st Kings:
2nd St Leo’s:
3rd Emmanuel:
4th St John’s:
5th Cromwell:
6th Union:
7th IH:
2009 Premiership Winning Teams
The ICC athletics carnival this year was a series of
tumultuous ups and downs for the Wyvern as the
few spectators who showed up can attest. The day
started out on a bit of a downer with a few last
minute withdrawals from the team requiring a recruitment drive consisting of Spittle banging on
doors asking the occupants if they knew how to
throw a javelin.
A huge thank-you to Tugger and Slevin who
stepped up and performed admirably in the early
morning field events. The tide then appeared to be
turning with an impressive victory in the hurdles
by Gravy as well as Wokkle taking out the 100m in
bare feet.
Our dominance of the track events continued
with Dragon shredding the competition in the
200m, however our success was limited to the
short distance as the freakish twins from
Cromwell seemed to dominate the longer
runs. We continued to hold our own throughout the days remaining field events however
as per usual the most exciting events were the
The King‘s team dominated in the 100m relay.
However, the unforeseen presence of the freak
twins ensured that King‘s and Leos were racing for second place in this year‘s 4 by 400m
relay and unfortunately Leo‘s came in above
us in that one. Overall the carnival was a great
day and a big thank you to all the supporters
who came down to support the boys throughout the events.
Neil Partridge
The story behind the 2009 season was very much
similar to the bra that New Zealand Rugby players
wear during any World Cup. All the support - but
no Cup. Especially as in 1995 & 2007 where South
Africa Won. That is that they won the Rugby
World Cup. Twice.
On paper the King‘s Hockey Team was truly a worthy adversary but on the field we were unsuccessful to operate as a team when it came to scoring
goals. Having said that, the strength to our team
this year was our defence but as we all know this
very seldom wins you games.
King‘s placed 6th overall in a highly competitive season and with most of the goal differences between teams being minimal. A factor that has become accustom to College sports was having
most if not all of our games after a popular social event. One most unforgettable being King‘s at
Home. The Hockey Team would like to thank Greg and Mathew for not cancelling this one, as we
as a team are convinced that we play better when somewhat socially lubricated. This was illustrated best by Ryan Guest who has never run so fast to hug porcelain halfway through a match.
Thanks must go to Trevor for photos and I‘d like thank the guys for a memorable season and wish
you all the very best with the future. Wyvern!
Mike Henderson
Fresher Rugby
Once again our fresher rugby team dominated the field. As one of the strongest sporting fresher
groups we‘ve had in years no one was too concerned about whether or not our lads would take the
victory. Coached by Mitch ‗Mandrills‘ Wade the team ran hard trainings but still remember to
have a good time on the field.
Winning all games and taking the championship the fresher boys made the College proud. Captained by Sam ‗Gravy‘ Allen, the star players were Todd Cranny, Nathan Cook, Titan and Hussey.
Thanks to everyone in the team and Mitch Wade for coaching.
Big thanks also to all who supported us, it is great to see such a big following on the sideline.
Cheers also to Trevor for the great action shots.
Sam ‘Gravy’ Allen
Impressive turnouts at tryouts led to a solid team being formed.
The squad of fifteen included David Blackman, Peter Firth, Nelson Singh, Tim Martin, Ben Twidale, Ben Turner, Nathan Cook,
Kane Boucatt, Stuart Buckley, Michael Corcoran, Jim Hollindale, Dean Bestmann, Pranay Magan, Will Miller and Ryan
In the first game, King‘s faced Emmanuel College and got off to a
great start by electing to bat first and positing a formidable total
in excess of 150 for the loss of only 2 wickets. Ben Turner was
the star with the bat scoring an unbeaten 53, along with a well
played 47 by Michael Corcoran and some late hitting by
Nathan Cook. In response,
Emmanuel provided a fighting
effort of 130 due to some good batting but was never in the
hunt to chase the massive total of King‘s. Best bowlers were Ben
Twidale, Kane Boucatt and Dean Bestmann each taking wickets.
In round two, King‘s took on arch rivals St. John‘s in what always proves to be a quality match. John‘s decided to bat first
but was under the hammer early with early wickets to Kane
Boucatt and Ryan Wicks. Tim Martin then came on to dismiss
their best batsmen, and John‘s were never able to recover scoring a meagre total of 99. Ben Twidale again impressed with the
ball taking several wickets including being on a hatrick in his
second over. In responses, another solid top order performance
saw King‘s easily reaching the small total, with Nelson Singh smashing a quick 35 and Ben Turner
(42) and Michael Corcoran (30) mopping up the remaining runs for a eight wicket victory with
five over‘s to spare.
This saw King‘s into the final against St. Leo‘s and a lost toss saw King‘s batting first. Unlike previous games, early wickets for St. Leo‘s had King‘s on the back foot early. Nathan Cook and Dave
Blackman stepped up, both scoring 40 runs in a great partnership to keep King‘s in the game.
Some late hitting by Ben Twidale saw a competitive 110 run total being posted by the boys. Unfortunately however it was never enough, with the Leo‘s team surpassing the total with 3 balls to
spare leaving King‘s Runner‘s Up in Cricket for 2009. Although victory was not achieved, the
team performed well and set up a platform for a solid team for King‘s in the future. MVP for the
year was Ben Turner who‘s batting and fielding were superb throughout, and ICC Representative
spots went to Ben Turner, Nathan Cook and David Blackman.
Ryan Wicks
The first game was somewhat of a warm-up match
against our rivals from the orient, International House.
It was a slow game and a good chance to practice some
of our offence. Maunder and Pelt both played well and
King‘s came away with a huge win 75-10.
Our next game was against John‘s who came out fast
and when I dislocated my shoulder things did not look
so good. John‘s put a lead on and we spent much of the
half chasing them down. Late in the third some hot three
point shooting from Clap put us out in front by about 12.
The fourth quarter got a little tense towards the end with
some easy turnover baskets but we managed to hang on
and get another ‗W‘ on our way to a clean sweep.
Cromwell was a good chance to give all the players a run
and the guys coming off the bench really stepped up. Pils
hit a nice three ball from deep and shadow got a couple
easy points under the hoop. We won that game convincingly following contributions from the whole team.
The Emmanuel team had some good big men inside who we were worried about prior to the game
but Maunder stepped up and kept the two inside players from getting any offensive rebounds. He
also gave a few nice dishes inside to pelt who finished off the plays with good layups.
Leo‘s, our biggest rivals, had the largest crowd to support and everyone was pumped to play. The
game started off at a furious pace and immediately we took the lead. Treebeard fed some good inside looks and a couple of alley oops got the crowd on their feet. King‘s never looked troubled by
the Leonian‘s and marched away comfortable victors.
Union was our final game and a good way to finish off the season. The whole team had a run and
everyone put up some points. The
game was fast to begin but slowed a
lot in the second half after the lead
was stretched to 20. King‘s finished
off the game with a solid win and
cleaned up the tournament remaining undefeated throughout.
Honourable mentions go out to
Treebeard, Clap and Maunder. The
MVP for basketball was Pelt.
Jeremy ‘Dangles’ Russell
Open Rugby
The King‘s Open Rugby season got off to a promising start with many of the members of the winning Fresher team stepping up to play in the open division. Training started a few weeks before
the first game against Union and even from then it looked as if the final King‘s vs Leo‘s match
would be the decider. Playing both Union and Cromwell/IH in the first two games gave us a good
opportunity to get some game time and iron out kinks in our team.
Despite both opposition teams putting up a good fight they were out-classed by a King‘s backline
whose attacking potency gave them the ability to score from anywhere on the field. The team went
into the John‘s game expecting some competition from a College that traditionally fields a strong
rugby team, this was however not the case in 2009.
Despite the formidable skill of one or two players in the John‘s team the backs were able to score
almost at will and the forwards were completely dominant in the breakdowns, King‘s won the
game by more than sixty points. Our next game against Emmanuel College proved our toughest
challenge yet with King‘s only escaping with a two try victory.
As expected King‘s went into the final game undefeated, as did Leo‘s. On the day the game was
very hard fought with the lead changing hands several times. The St. Leo‘s team should be congratulated for the spirit in which the game was played however King‘s ended up victors coming
away with an 18-10 win cementing our spot as Rugby premiers and ICC Sport Champions.
Congratulations to all the boys who played throughout the season. Thanks must go to Scott
Young and Dave Muir who coached us and Rollie for managing. Thank you also to Trev for the
fantastic photos.
William Lindores
The ICC swimming carnival started off horribly for King‘s, with Wesley ‗Clap‘ Thomson, along
with the swimmers from Leo‘s and John‘s, unable to hear the start of the first race. Not an ideal
start to the ICC competition by any means.
However, despite the fact that he was almost half a lap behind the rest of the field when he
jumped in, Clap put in a valiant effort and managed to get 5th place, consequently salvaging a few
valuable points which would prove crucial later in the night. Birate then put in a stellar effort in
the 50m backstroke, managing an incredibly close 4th place. Following a few top 3 finishes in the
remaining individual events by Max Power, Imax, Mandrills and Clap, King‘s still needed to win
each of the three relays in order to achieve overall victory.
Birate, Brunt, Clap and Imax swam hard and managed to sneak a narrow victory past John‘s to tie
with Leo‘s in the medley relay, which left King‘s a slim mathematical chance to win provided we
beat Leo‘s in the remaining two races.
The ‗B‘ freestyle relay team of Brunt, Max Power, Skiddy and Suds dealt with a fast-finishing
Leo‘s outfit to place outright first, leaving the whole night down to the final event. The ‗A‘ freestyle relay was hotly contested with each Leo‘s, John‘s and King‘s in with a chance to claim overall victory. Nevertheless, in the end the team which consisted of Mandrills, Consent, Rocket and
Clap claimed a convincing victory, sealing the overall win for King‘s by just a single point.
A big thank-you must go out to all the boys who
tried out for the team. They gave the team depth,
which in the end is what got us over the line. Also,
thanks to Trevor for all the photos from the competition.
Finally, the support from all the Kingsmen who
came to support the team on the night was fantastic. They definitely contributed to the remarkable atmosphere of the event and lifted the swimming team‘s spirits after the disappointing start
to the night. Hopefully next year will be just as
entertaining, and we will once again show who
rules the pool.
Jack ’Rocket’ Laidley
Ah, my beloved volleyball, very close to my heart indeed. The
volleyball legacy at King‘s dates back many, many years having a winning streak of 5 years straight. I am proud to inform
you that this year was no different. With expert coaching from
fresher Charlie Devine we knew at our first training that victory would be ours. We quickly organized ourselves, learning
to play a strategic, tactical game and as a result were not surprised when we beat all opposition.
Thanks to all the guys in the team especially Sam Becker,
David Burns and myself. Thanks also to all who supported us.
Cheers boys.
Michael ‘Filler’ Ott
Touch Football
The touch rugby boys definitely put on the best
post season party with all players and supporters
invited to enjoy a night of debauchery in the King‘s
party room. The season was certainly something to
celebrate. With Sam Neller and Kerrod Blissner as
convenors they lead the team to 6 solid wins over
the weekend tournament. In the final however King‘s just lost out to Leo‘s in a close 65 game. It was great to see a team that consisted of freshers, second year, third year
and even fourth year boys. Thanks to the
whole team, especially standouts Titan and
Hussey. Good on everyone who came to support to and thanks Trevor for the photos.
Kerrod ‘Tokolosh’ Blissner
2009 saw the King‘s College squash
team boast some quality talent with
the addition of some experienced
freshers; Sam Reinke (Ashby) and
Peter Thornton (Jazz) with the other
members of the team being Toby
Atherton (Doomagee) and Jared
Fielding (Minge).
In week one King‘s played against
Union and as expected the team performed well easily securing a victory
3 – 1. Week 2 saw the boys‘ line up
against the competitive St John‘s,
this game would later prove to be very crucial in the overall placings. Unfortunately the team‘s
performance was not on par on the night and the boys struggled to a tight 0 – 4 loss.
In week 3 the team played against the surprising quality outfit of Cromwell. As it played out
King‘s led 2 – 1 coming down to the last rubber and only needing 6 points to secure the win. The
team fell short again this time by 1 point with a demoralising 45 – 46 loss on points count back
with each player taking some of the blame. King‘s fourth game was against Emmanuel and the
team managed to record another victory 3 – 1 in style.
The 5th game was the critical encounter with ICC rivals St Leo‘s and this game was going to be
very crucial towards both Colleges run at the overall ICC cup. In good fashion Kings did not disappoint and showed up in fine form to put away the Leo‘s side 3 – 1.
In the last week of fixtures King‘s played IH and finished the season off with impressive finesse
only conceding a handful of points whilst running out eventual winners 4 -0. Overall King‘s finished a tie for second along with Cromwell on 12 points, behind the undefeated winners St John‘s
with 18 points.
In conclusion, two team members of the team— Sam Reinke and Peter Thornton were both nominated and selected into the ICC representative team. The most valuable player for the team in
2009 was Peter Thornton boasting the teams highest for and against aggregate, due to his consistent efforts. Congratulations to Peter, Sam and the rest of the team for their individual and group
Toby Atherton
Cross Country
Coming in first place cross country was a
massive success in 2009. The individual
race was held on the first day of the
event. A huge turn out resulted in multiple placings in the top forty and Seppo
Kent taking it home with the victory.
On the second day of racing the relay
took place with the team consisting of
Seppo Kent, Vibro, Felt, Gino, Costa and
Suds. King‘s was lead out by Vibro who
set up a solid start to the race. He was
followed by Costa, Gino, Suds and Felt
who held their own, holding on to second place allowing Leo‘s to victory in sight.
The baton was then passed to the newly
imported Seppo Kent who showed blistering speed and ran down the opposition to
take a convincing victory.
Fraser ‘Costa’ Bloxham
The King‘s tennis team once again performed strongly this year
with a solid second position finish. The team was again lead by
Chris Bourne (Coat hanger) and consisted of Ben Hicks (Gitmo),
Tim Dempsey Jones (Ice Cube) and Syriat.
King‘s posted strong wins against all Colleges except Emmanuel
who had a few impressive international imports and Leo‘s who
eventually took first place. Tennis has traditionally been a poorly
performed sport at King‘s College however resurgence over the
last two years has helped return the ICC trophy to its rightful
place. The team would like to thank all those who made it down to
support and throw some chat. You all greatly helped boost the
team morale and we definitely surprised the competition. Let‘s
hope for a first place finish next year.
Ben ‘Gitmo’ Hicks
After last year‘s disastrous soccer season, Carlos and I
were determined to regain the title of ICC soccer champions in 2009. The start was not great with the majority of
last year's team either leaving College or studying overseas.
This year King‘s had over 50% of the College try out for
the soccer team resulting in Carlos and I having to hold
about 8 trials, over both semesters. There was a great
deal of talent within the College which made the selecting
of the team very difficult indeed.
Eventually a team was picked with the majority of our
numbers being made up of freshers who had yet to experience College soccer. Our ranks were also boosted in
Semester 2 with the arrival of Seppo Kent and Pete and
Pommy Matt joining the squad. Given a brief introduction to the intensity of College soccer it was impressive to
see the freshers adjust so well to the physical focus, pace
of the game and heat conditions.
Our first day resulted in victories against John‘s and IH, with thanks to some stunning goals by
Matt and some aggressive control by Ben in our midfield. The team gradually adapted to the required style of play which lead to securing victories against Cromwell and Emmanuel, with a draw
against Union. It was great to see the support we received from all the boys from King‘s with our
game against Leo‘s.
It was unfortunate that some of our key players were not able to play as they had other commitments with their home clubs. After a gruelling 90 minutes of physical soccer we ended up short by
one goal against Leo‘s. I‘d like to thank the boys in the squad for the commitment they‘ve put in
and the effort they‘ve made to make training sessions throughout the season. Carlos and I would
also like to thank Jason Denny (Starfish) for coaching us this season, his aid in selecting and
coaching advice for the side was invaluable. Good luck to all the boys next season and we hope you can continue the
winning ways of this year.
Francis ‘Coggo’ Coggan
King‘s entered the rowing season looking to build on our
dominance of the sport in the
last decade. With a large number of boys signing up to rowing
this year Sam Robotham and I
had the difficult task of selectors. Spending five days of our
mid-semester break in a training
camp we aimed to hit racing
season ready to go.
The first regatta saw some
promising starts from many
crews, of special note must be
the 4th IV who dominated much
larger albeit obviously less
skilled opponents. Using the lead up regattas as preparation King‘s went into the ICC regatta confident in our ability to retain the ICC title. After some initial setbacks in the Open and 1 st IV‘s our
position as dominant rowing College looked threatened however the depth of ability in the King‘s
rowing program paid off and we went the rest of the day without losing a race.
The King‘s 1st VIII continued its undefeated streak winning convincingly and retaining all the
championship Oars for another year. Thank you to Roger Geldard and Andrew Hardie who
coached the first eight and to Trev for his photos. Despite our successful season King‘s rowing can
still improve and I look forward to the challenge trying to pull off a clean sweep next year.
William Lindores
King’s By Flat
A Flat
B Flat
C Flat
D Flat
Jonathon Stewart
Hendrik Visagie
Jeremy Elliot
Peter Buchanan
Louis A Pregno
Jeremy Elich
Benjamin Steggles
Rory Torv
Sachi Eapen
Nicholas Battersby
Samuel Myers
Matthew DeStefano
Samuel Reinke
Jacob Carter
John Maunder
Louis Stephen
Cameron Edwards
Bart Hamilton
Jack Stephens
Hugh Tait
Adam Staffsmith
James Brown
Damien Knuth
Cale Donadelli
Stephen Jarvis
Kerod Power
Campbell Underwood
Ben Crowley
Adam Pantlin
Jake Patterson
Kelvin Vanderkolk
Michael Ott
Matthew Thompson
Fraser Bloxham
Brenton Blenkins
Kerrod Blissner
Dustin Joseph
Luke Steptoe
Thomas Thornton
William Lindores
Scott Macreadie
Marc Woodward
Tomas Leahy
Jack Laidley
Laurens LeBacq
Andreas Dillon
Patrick Kelly
Aaron Rubesaame
Nelson Singh
Simon Kalinowski
Macarthur Alison
Hayden Grimston
David Blackman
Charles Stephen
Andrew Martin
Timothy McIntyre
Brett Schiff
Jakob Dillon
Ranald McMaster
Murray Johnson
Robert McCarthy
Daniel Devine
Toby Wicks
Wei Jie Mark Chua
Angus Taylor
Scott Vickers
James Pearson
Jonathon Larkman
James Leung
Michael Wendland
E Flat
F Flat
G Flat
H Flat
Peter Firth
Mitchell Wade
Hew Williams
Christopher Pennycuick
Alastair Blenkin
David Hetherington
Niki Kruse
Ryan Geddes
Matthew Deering
Cameron Duce
Nikolai Ilich
Alexander Winten
Thomas O’Connor
Patrick Cavanagh
Ryan Woods
Christopher Huang
Wesley Thomson
Benjamin Taylor
Balwant Billy Singh
Carl Gianarakis
Matthew Beamer
Ryan Wicks
Scott Bourne
Luke Guest
Lachlan Grover
David McKay
Thomas Lane-Porter
Ryan Guest
Jim Hollindale
Sion Pretorious
Thomas Cox
Matthew Shearing
Corey Farrell
Benjamin Evans
James Ferguson
Tannoy Lai
Sebastiaan Lambooy
Peter Elliot
Toby Wallis
Lloyd Yan Lok Sui
William Miller
Jackson Nioa
Alexander Home
Reese Parsons
Stephen Carlyle
Andrew Cox
Andrew Grogan
Daniel Selwood
Alexander Franklin
Edward Johnson
Alexander Quah-Smith
Charles Devine
Dean Bestmann
Alexander Johnson
Kyle Schultz
Samuel Becker
Dominick Czakilew
James Kim
Anthony Hanratty
James Bell
Nathan Cook
Robert Meiklejohn
Benjamin Buckley
Ritsuki Ueno
E Flat
F Flat
G Flat
H Flat
Lee Waters
Aaron O’Sullivan
Michael Corcoran
Shoya Ino
Benjamin Turner
Benjamin Twidale
Michael Smith
Ji Wung Bang
Timothy Martin
Oliver Peel
Mitchell Kavney
Vaughn Smart
Paul Daly
Ben Stacey
Christian Nicolai
Maxin Peacey
Thomas Dreghorn
Pranay Magan
Thomas Walter
Taylor Veltmeyer
Daniel Rehder
Nicholas Dunsdon
Jordan Bassingthwaite
Matthew Miller
Andrew Jones
Maheshwara Subhadu
Shangxuan Tan
Geon Wung Bang
William Walmsley
J Flat
K Flat
Country Estate
Sam Allen
Jaka Sunarso
Daniel George
Aleksander Petrasevic
Mitchell Shepherd
Matthew Klan
Tristan Heaney
Timothy Schluter
Ganlin Mo
Jared Callaghan
Todd Winkley
Gary Ng
Edward Fitzgerald
Anthony Deguara
Robert Geoghegan
Alexander Hettige
Hawken House:
Haris Zia
Samuel Robotham
James Thomas
Timothy Noose
Samuel Forner
Ciaran Fitzgerald
Kane Boucaut
Andrew Ohmsen
Zachary Webber
Jack Cordingley
David Burns
Jack Lee
John Rotticci
Cameron Brands
Austin Belabun-Smith
Peter Field
Wesley Chi
Angus Douglass
Oliver Houston
Joshua Burkin
Stephen Carlyle
Alex Janovsky
Dominick Poli
Scott Smithers
Timothy Joseph
Thomas Bell
Peter Thornton
Samuel Brick
Stuart Buckley
Lachlan McLean
Daniel Goonan
Timothy Dempsey Jones
Mason Dunne
Lin Yuan
Jeremy Chiu
Ryan Anderson
Benjamin Burgess
Alexander Goldston
Sidney Loginow
Christian Keyes
Ewen Mills
Jyi Lawton
Adam Baillie
John Jarvis
Mitchell Archer
Daniel Jones
Benjamin Sedgwick
Todd Cranney
Andrew Cooper
Samuel Rugby
Bert Griffiths
James R Smith
Ben Hicks
Benjamin Thomas
Mitchell D’arcy
Jonathan McBurney
Barney Johnson
Michael Jensen
Michael Henderson
Upland House
Williams Lower
Middle Williams
Upper Williams
Matthew Pavli
Michael Lloyd
Thomas Wendland
Daniel Sims
Fraser Hess
Kyle Leong
Thomas DeJager
Mikeal Hooley
Trent Sullivan
Adrian Dunnett
Alexander Graham
Brett Burchill
Damian Krivokapic
Rodney Mbizvo
Reese Hockings
Francis Coggan
David Hinrichsen
Toby Atherton
Samuel Neller
Calvin Hii
Timothy Singh
Neil Partridge
Jeremy Russell
Omar Zubair
Steven Nichols
Daniel Dreier
Michael Wiseman
Bhavneet Singh
Fraser Barton
Pavneet Singh
Andrew Adam
Bilal Zahoor
Jake Landon
Cormac Chambers
Jared Fielding
Carl Modolo
King’s Valedictorians
Course / *Graduating
Fraser Bloxham
2007-2009 / 3
B. Engineering (Mechanical)
Brett Burchill
2007-2009 / 3
B. Engineering (Electrical)
Jared Callaghan
2007-2009 / 3
B. Science (HMS)
Andreas Dillon
2007-2009 / 3
B. Pharmacy
Adrian Dunnet
2007-2009 / 3
B. Design - Architecture
Daniel George
2007-2009 / 3
B. Economics
Fraser Hess
2007-2009 / 3
B. Arts
David Hinrichsen
2007-2009 / 3
* B. International Hotel & Tourism
Mikeal Hooley
2007-2009 / 3
B. Engineering (Software)
Murray Johnson
2007-2009 / 3
B. IT Creative Games
Tannoy Lai
2007-2009 / 3
B. Science
Scott Macreadie
2007-2009 / 3
B. Engineering (Mining)
Adam Pantlin
2007-2009 / 3
B. Engineering (Civil)
Brett Schiff
2007-2009 / 3
B. Design Interior
Nelson Singh
2007-2009 / 3
B. Engineering (Civil)
Trent Sullivan
2007-2009 / 3
B. Science
Matthew Thompson
2007-2009 / 3
B. Science (Marine Biology)
Fraser Barton
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Science
David Blackman
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Business (Honours)
Benjamin Burgess
2006-2009 / 4
*B. Engineering (Mining)
Francis Coggan
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Business Accounting
Peter Firth
2006-2009 / 4
*B. Arts
Carl Gianarakis
2006-2009 / 4
*B. Eng (Civil)/ B. Business
Michael Henderson
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Engineering (Mechanical)
Christian Keyes
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Environment Management
Tomas Leahy
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Eng (Aero) / B. Sci. (Math & Physics)
Neil Partridge
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Psychological Science
Jeremy Russell
2006-2009 / 4
B. Law / B. Business
Daniel Sims
2006-2009 / 4
B. Veterinary Science
Ryan Wicks
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Business
Michael Wiseman
2006-2009 / 4
* B. Engineering
Calvin Hii
2005-2009 / 5
* B. Commerce
Timothy Noose
2005-2009 / 5
Andrew Martin
2004-2009 / 6
* B. Engineering (Civil)